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Upcoming tournaments(PLEASE JOIN):

NA tournament
September 8th (Sunday) 2:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET

EU tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
NA tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET

Big meaty notes

Versusia Character Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2OoiGWYFUk [Embed]


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34 [Embed]

New Belial Battle Pass Costume:
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Anre, Seox, Neechang
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>493625818
oops forgot to remove the Sep 8th's tourney
VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2246278256
nice pic but this meme gotta be the dumbest shit 4chan came up with
i wonder if I look like I fuck harvins
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This looks like a Harvin that fucks humans
you look like you fuck the citizens of vane nation
Master is a more informed kind of random, like jump in DPs or round start c.H
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Objective fact: most supers look better when the cinematic doesn't trigger, and straight-up removing the cinematics would improve the game.
I genuinely think that Blazblue had it right with supers being simple and Astral Finishes that can only happen once per game and even then the requirements made it so they were seen less being more cinematic.
SSBAs should keep the animation but there's no reason for so many SBAs to take so long.
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Does anyone think that anyone that complains about Narmaya needs to be immersed in boiling hot oil and then tossed into a tank of lemon juice and dried off with a salt bath afterwards?
>I lost
>but you were using a top tier character
>this MU is so bad for my character
>my character is honest, yours a fraud
>you didn't earn it
>I technically won anyway
Which character's players are more likely to say these?
if your game has runs its probably bad.
>go asleep
>GM stolen
This game does pits quite well.
it's always on the most insufferable characters too. Having to watch that shit fighting seox or lancelot is part of the mental damage of the matchup
Man I'm really horny today.
neechang wouldn't approve of that
eating Bea's donut
>>this MU is so bad for my character
*picks Katalina and gets to 100% meter*
why the FUCK are you on EU if you have 200 ping, fuck off you dumb retarded american zoi. worse than S rank players here
i hate kat so much it's unreal
But she's so plappable.
>somebody finds this attractive
>pedos always feeling the need to spout shit
If you lose to Katalina, you just got outplayed plain and simple. She has strikes and mids
and then she gets raped by anyone who is not Gran because.
dont post garbage if you are so sensitive then lol
Scamayas get defensive when someone speaks the truth
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... Lebin...
Stop being mean to Americans, OR ELSE!
ok I'll stop. I only typed that because he ragequit when I 2-0'd him
>plateau and no progress for 200 hours of grinding
>take a "break" from the game
>a week into the break and still have absolutely no desire to even launch the game again
I knew that I would never play again if I took a break
Yeah me
I love this thread, and watching tournaments together is really comfy, but the game itself is just not that fun.
I went back to playing dead discord fighters.
if you play a couple of games you want to try again
You are afraid of failure!
Just get in there and try and get up if ya lose!
which ones? im curious
Literally Cagliostro
Xrd, +R, BBCF
none of those are discord fighters
>3 different cags back to back and they all were laggy
I hate this character and their players so much.
I know. I was kind of just memeing. They're a lot smaller than Rising, but you can easily get matches without discord.
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I've seen Cag players literally say the last one. Ragequit mid-match so a set didn't get tied, then say none of the last few games were legit so they ACKSHUALLY won it
Imagine having a mentally ill troon rent free in your head
imagine having such a big ego you don't have enough space to let a few mentally ill troons chill rent free in your head.
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No idea how good Verusia actually is but she is the most braindead auto-neutral character in the game.
Legit just gets away with spamming jumpscare specials from fullscreen and they always carry you to the corner.
You LOVE Cagliostro.
>Bubz complaining about jumpscares
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Quick Granblue Thoughts
Granblue was made to be accessible, I don't know if their intent was to target gacha players (if so, that's pretty dumb) or if they were just following the general trend of making FGs easier. Though Granblue is somewhat of a pioneer in this, as it came before Strive and SF6 (yes I know about ez inputs in earlier titles like Persona).
This game is great for starting out, it's easy enough that it's almost pick up & play but it's still fun enough that you don't feel like the game thinks you're retarded (see: 2XKO auto-combo fuse, Melty ez inputs mode) and they've also hit a nice balance between deep enough to be fun and interesting if you sink your time in it but also very, very accessible.
However, it seems the people who actually sticked (stickied? stood? stuck?) with the game are actually more of a ''hardcore'' fanbase, they strive for improving at the game. Most of these players could be high level players in SF or Strive or whatever, but they prefer Granblue (if they don't play more than one game, which is common);
I wonder, would this game benefit from shedding a bit of the limitations in it made for it to be easy for new players and focusing more on the high end?
I respect the balance they struck between hard and easy and getting rid of a lot of knowledge checks and other annoying stuff that other devs just let run rampart, but I feel like we could get a bit more depth and it could be a great change in direction.
block the one special move in question
Zetabros, why does Zeta just auto the L followup to 214X now???
>Melty ez inputs mode
what? the melty "autocombo" just does a launcher into 3 normals and doesn't do any damage. You get more mileage out of smart steer in uni which will do a full standing normal chain into a special into a super(if you have the meter)
>I wonder, would this game benefit from shedding a bit of the limitations in it made for it to be easy for new players and focusing more on the high end?
Extremely risky path to go down on. The kind of hardcore players who stuck with Granblue instead of playing something more popular most likely like it precisely because Granblue isn't like those other fighters, so making it more like those other fighters risks alienating both your core hardcore audience and casuals who will dislike the more high-end focus.
someone eu or ec come play my baby katalina
Which one?
The one that's plus or all the other ones that are plus?
She doesn't.
in terms of 2d fighters granblue is pretty high in the popularity list. there's SF MK and strive above it, CotW will probably beat it out if SNK doesn't make a flop of the whole thing, double knockout will be popular at least for a time. I don't think that like, adding command normals would make people suddenly jump ship to play undernight.
lewd whore
i had this artist's commission page open just yesterday
ah, no, never mind my previous comment. first you should boot up training mode.
melty auto combo usage is required
I don't think smart steer is
Not that guy but I can't lab her.
How many of her moves ARE actually plus? I've seen people here say it's only like 2 or so.
>he didn't buy his own mom
Shut the fuck up
hmmmmmm.... nyo
it's on dustloop
>How many of her moves ARE actually plus?
stockless, none except the H ball ( L and M balls can be slightly plus if spaced out)

if she does a stock follow up, every special is slightly or very plus except lunge forward which is just safe

out of the ultimates, only laser tornade is plus or spaced out ball
Oh right, mb

Thanks m8
you can turn off rapid beat but you can't turn off smart steer.
Certain characters want to do rapid beat just for the forward moving first hit but in undernight everyone can make use of smart steer since it counts as a different set of normals for reverse beat. You can do strings like 2A 5B 5A 5A and get a second 5B only because of smart steer and that applies to every character. Smart steer is far more important to playing undernight than rapid beat is to playing lumina.
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Anon, I got above 100 crystals :)
you can turn off rapid beat. But you shouldn't. it's required. it lets you hit confirm off of pretty much anything regardless of range.
Who is he saying that to? Siegfried?
It is
you can do that anyway and some characters have no reason to use rapid beat since it scales combo damage. If you don't need the forward movement or vaccum or height adjustment, it's completely worthless.
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that's why your tournaments had no players
ESL tranny...
>hanging out in a thread for a game you don't like only to make a nuisance of yourself
Nigger behavior.

He IS being a faggot but there's nothing wrong with that sentence.
>he doesn't know what ESL means in that context

In any case he's been here for a while, he's THAT envious.
both of you are retards as far as im concerned
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>both of you are retards as far as im concerned
yeah, you are
>me not in this picture or anywhere near the vicinity
Sieg is so fucking cool holy shit I like being a Siggy wiggy yum yum
Sieg players should get bullied out of the game honestly
At this point it's canon to me Sieg has down syndrome, maybe some grubber can confirm this but in my opinion he has it, he sounds like one
The fact they realized this was a problem but didn't manage to fix it reminds me of how they realized 66L was a problem but their answer to it was toning down 66L's damage (second beta-launch)
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Oh no, she's been raptured
And we've been left behind!
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>The fact they realized this was a problem
When have they said this
there's literally nothing wrong with that webm
I don't know if you're referring to 66L or Sieg's SBA, but the answer is the same
They nerfed both (just not in a way that matters)
??? When did they say that they realized it's a problem?
>New player, trying out Ladiva
>Super is seemingly basically a 'don't press anything or I fucking GET you midscreen
I wish I wasn't such a stubborn faggot and didn't like using the special shortcut buttons it must be comically easy to snipe people with this shit in neutral if you can just one tap for it
it doesn't have that much strike invul, you can use it to call out fireballs
what the fuck happened in the previous thread
Fox oppression
Most SBAs are like that
Unless you're referring to his SSBA, it's really infamous and forces 50/50s
Not sure if you can roll it
Nah the regular SBA, the one you can do a strike or grab for. I was playing my buddy and it just seemed to catch a lot of whiffs but maybe he wasn't doing shit that was super active if >>493858082 is right
Some SBAs make you fucking immortal, like Djeeta's
Some are easy to stop with fireballs like Charlotta's
I imagine Ladiva's is one of the characters who doesn't have so much invuln with it
I went to work and came home to the thread being nuked. Now I'll never know who won the autistic argument about meter resets on new rounds.
it has a lot of projectile invul, just not as much strike invul, it's 1f strike invul, so it can be a reversal.
but for midscreen you are better off calling out a fireball with it, and more likely to walking into an active f.M
oh interesting
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Queue for Grand Bruise......
thanks if you did, it started
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unironically one of best characters in the cast
damn they really upped the rate of bahamut blasts in grandbruise if you are near? last place
Yup, it's now like Mario Kart.
i wonder if this is still true on the third race for comical trolling reasons
team tournament that we all ignored
Yup it's the same I believe.
Is the game fucking up for anyone else?
my connecting to server took much longer than usual but idk about anything else.
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I can taste it.
I'm sure there's people in queue but can't find any besides a guy who blocked me, so no servers are fucked up
Lunge follow-up isn't actually universally safe, there are some characters with options to punish it.
NoCarryOverCHADS won, as always
They nerfed the super in the last patch, which to me at least indicates they realized there was a problem. The issue is that they nerfed the recovery on block/whiff, which is completely irrelevant in vast majority of cases because the move was already so heavily minus that you could always get your optimal starter punish against it, so slapping extra 10 frames of recovery doesn't change anything.
In general, they have an amazing track record of recognizing issues but then failing to properly fix them: bc damage, 66L, Soriz SSBA being unusable in combos etc.
>107 degerees outside
hate arizona
The shield...
I mean, it could be worse, I've seen game devs completely oblivious of what the game looks like or is played like, at least Fukuhara looked competent enough for example, he clearly plays and enjoys the game.
whats that in real units
How much is that in non-retarded units?
Some days ago it was 42c Celsius here
41 c
how humid though
thats pretty messed up
at least the humidity should be fine, right
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like 10% bwo
bwo.. the south americans are laughing at you.. shit the south north americans are too.
south american here
i am laughing at you
this character (pictured) is pretty
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what, specifically, is pretty about her?
>this character (pictured) is pretty ugly*
I used to raid in wow with some nigga from Phoenix. One time he was talking about the weather and I was astonished, but I don't remember exactly the degrees now. Though now thinking about it maybe back then he was talking in fahrenheit and I mistakenly thought it was celsius? idk
How do you niggas even live in there, how does it feel?
Where I am is pretty fucking hot but it's also humid, so you get to sweat a lot. How does the dry climate feel?
Jesus, my skin starts to melt when it goes over 25 Celsius. I cannot imagine working or doing anything productive in those conditions.
I lived in arizona/nevada for 2~ years and I would take dry heat any day of the week over humid heat.
89 and 100% humidity is worse than 105.
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I see
I'm at 32c 66% humidity rn
30c high humidity feels a lot worse than 40c low humidity
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36c 84%
send help
Today in /gbvsg/, the thread discovers that humidity always feels worse than no humidity and higher temps.
Most SBAs don't get the cinematic from as far away as Ladiva, his is really above the curve
Sad last thread got annihilated, why does this happen when I post videos that I want to talk about?
Guess I'll have to lab some stupid Vane shit or something today.
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don't do that...
anyone games
Hot topic button of the day: +0 command grab supers are cancer and should not exist.
Shit should be +1, you can keep the total startup the same.
I'm retarded can you elucidate
>get matched against a Belial player with 2500 Master crystals
>he's not Grand Master
How can FKHR see this and think this is okay
holy hell
where are you from
Just means the character is popular, nothing to see here
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Super startups are usually split into 2 parts.
There's frames before and after the super flash.
Generally when a super is referred to as +0, it means that if you see the super flash and are already doing something/not jumping, you're screwed.
So making it +1 would mean if I'm JUST down backing and see your super flash, I cold hold north to dodge the grab.
>command grabs shouldn't have mixup potential
what's the point then
nice cock
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It's the groovy Uno
Its actually 31c now, I was going off an hour ago or so. Its even more humid now though.
The same as every other super in the game since you can still combo into them in this game.
If these were only usable raw, I would get it (and still hate it), but that's not the case.
yuel being punished for her sins (LIVE)
Ladiva's super is fine
Beezlebub's is the only one I'd get rid of, no character should have a teleport AND a command grab super
Can grapplers have plus on block divekicks?
then there's no point in having it be a command grab other than to make it dogshit since it can no longer be used against bad jump-ins or hop moves(like bea 214 or w/e)
Even the strive devs figured this out which is why they turned jack-o's reversal grab into a strike since having it be a grab just made it worse.
It can still catch moves incredibly fast with a 9f startup that's entirely invuln.
Strive's a totally different argument due to a variety of reasons so I don't really feel like dealing with that strawman.
Command grabs going from x+0 to (x-1)+1 would be fine, just like how every other super can function with it.
If grabs couldn't be combo'd, I'd get it, but they can.
Avatar Belial is also on this train, they should all get the change imo.
if it's only going to be used as a reversal then there's no point in having it be a grab aside from to make it lose to anything that can't be thrown which makes it worse as a reversal. That's a nerf.
If you don't want something to be both a reversal super and a mixup tool, the proper thing to do is remove the invuln. If ladiva wants to super out she can use the non-grab super, and if she wants to mix into a ton of damage she can use the grab super.
Jumpable reversal with a giant "HOLD UP NOW" flashing QTE is stupid.
>2b might be one of the best characters to stop grim from flying around
>refuse to use that option
jumping/dashing actually allows you to dodge 22H activation
you need to be hit at your jump apex for it for it to hit
even 66L dodges the activation
>if it's only going to be used as a reversal then there's no point in having it be a grab aside from to make it lose to anything that can't be thrown which makes it worse as a reversal. That's a nerf.
It is a nerf, yes. I would be fine with it being +0 if it could not be a combo tool and was just mix/punish material.
I'm not calling for it to no longer combo and lose that advantage, simply that it shouldn't have both. I think it being able to combo is better.
The strength of ult skills in this game is mitigated by the screen shouting danger at you. The strength of supers is mitigated by there being a super flash you can react to. Imagine if you were walking up on Gran to do meaty pressure and they woke up and did SBA and it instanty hit you before you could evade.
again, there's no point in it being a grab if it doesn't beat blocking.
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Why is no one making a character vs character tournament where you have players of all ranks partecipating
Cause nobody cares about the game that much.
grapplers are supposed to make you guess on defense. That's why they have unreactable command grabs. That's the point of the character. The big comeback potential is part of the slow movement and bad frame data.
Gran's super has a ton of range because it isn't a grab. There's a ton of places gran could reversal through pressure that festiva can't because of the range and hitbox. It is already worse defensively if you aren't on the ground directly in front of her. If you do fM fireball against gran he can SSBA you. Ladiva can't, she has to use SBA instead.
9F startup loses to safejab which is why ult DPs are 8F.
styop... shes already dead.
damn charchar getting away with murder
wasnt there a zeta vs siegfraud JP tournament
>why don't you just make this huge tournament that would require like 100 players in this community with like 500 active players worldwide
why would it require that
you don't need a team for every character, you can have like 8 teams of 3 people each. SURELY there are 24 people playing this game? or even like 2 teams of 6 people each and give them multiple lives like when they do regional team tournaments. you're dumb as shit.
>vira player forced to sit for being too powerful
its the eu narm all over again.
Is fraudalot now a bottom tier?
>no high low mix
>block button beats crossups
>bad neutral and no meterless DP means he gets bullied easily
>no autoshimmy special
>15k hp
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Don't ever call him Sigfraud again shitpants. That's MY knight. That's my yume mitai
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>blushing ankles
Just do it like they do in JP where it's x character vs y character
not surprising coming from lunalu
Absolutely the fuck not. Nothing you posted had any change from pre-patch to post-patch except for the hp change.
where are the Lancelot results
vane is fucking broken there wasnothingicoulddomanitcaughtmyfuckingfullscreenbluejumpscarelariatigotfuckingrobbed
If lance was strong then every na tier whore fraud would have picked him up already
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brick washed
why pick a harder top tier when belial is right there
please ferry kill this cag for me
One sided domination
>mom winning
>vane winning
>ferry winning
when will the downplay stop
Show me some soriz action fags
they're just gawdlike like that, all 3 winning with bottom 1
Are Luci and Zeta winning?
this is america
I like how devs don't wanna implement tag/team mods in any fighter when clearly everyone loves that idea and concept.
>Not even the region with the best players can win with Zeta or Luci
instead they implement that kuso tag mode in soive
nothing good comes from yggy chibis
Everytime I see 2B in a tournament I have this mental image of tha meth head looking motherfucker commentator from TNS that'd downplay the fuck out of her at any chance he could.
It's disgusting, it makes me want to take a shower.
Ferry bros are so GAWDLIKE
S++5 > Evo top 6
he plays beatrix please understando
that's me
>they had to bring in the fucking siegfiend himself to kill an s++ 5 ferry
I fucking kneel ferryforce
Fuck you.
I hate her so fucking much. Fucking special snowflake bitch just had to get her own faggot ass mechanics because muh yoko taro robot girl coom material hurrr durr. She's not even coom material from granblue that people asked for, she's a fucking outsider that just jumpscared everyone and simply showed up out of nowhere for no reason at all. She has no right being in the game and being busted on top of that too. Every cocksucking player that mains 2B are always downplaying the fuck out of her at every possible opportunity and also bitching about other characters. HURRR WHY CAN'T -MY- ROBOT WAIFU THAT I JERK OFF TO BE THE TOP TIER INSTEAD? SHE NEEDS BUFF SHE'S A LOW TIER NOW HURRR DURR stupid fucking cunts, stupid fucking tired piece of shit character that gets whored around everywhere. I'm so goddamn tired of nier automata and all of its faggot fans.
Reminder Ferry is bottom 1 and this should serve as a reminder how incredibly well balanced this game actually is.
>Send in another Ferry
Uno be like

I unironically have someone on my friends list that thinks like this for 2B, Bea and Versusia
Holy mother of fuckin combo drops
>player that mains 2B are always [HEADCANON]

insane how you just make up some shit in your head and then get angry at said made up shit
gotta agree
yggy chibis are always up to no good
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You see, I like knights, so I play Sieg.
I'm sorry.
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Play the REAL knight
remember how many people downplayed sieg before nerfs?
literally no one did
Honestly at least Nier players got humbled and realized they were carried as shit
Sieg will never be nerfed
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No one did
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I'm a straight, white man.

She doesn't wear a helmet. Where is her helmet? She need a helmet, a helmet offer good protection to the head.
>white man
Yeah, that's what I said, a tranny.
She should be top tier though, she deserved it
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Ah so it was just mindless trash talk, I understand now.
show me your hole and/or pole and I'll consider it
>Troonsaw Man
You turned my insult into a factual statement in one pic
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Play Path of Exile
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Fuck you I wouldn't let you near me even with a gigantic, sport stadium sized stick, go groom balding fat fucks on discord.
that's not a very nice thing to say about me.
games i've been playing lately and recommend over this kusoge:
overwatch (lol)
helldivers 2
slay the spire
lethal company
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I hope the next inevitable Strive "scandal" will put TNS back in the pit where it belong. Now go fellate your pedostache four eyed butt buddy while he's screaming "ONLY UMISHO CAN DO THAT" at the top of his lungs.
What scandal?
Zionists snorting lines of cokes off pubescent boys dicks.
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I would unironically rather have this game be dead than be alive but have a Strive-like community
Thankfully what Arcsys did to Testament and Bridget pretty much cemented Strive's position as the weirdo hangout, so even if we suddenly got a shitton of players I don't think it'd get as bad as Strive.
Hell, even during release Chin Satonaka got hard filtered and scurried his ass back to Strive. I feel bad for GG player but, at the same time, I'm glad that the serie now act as a containment room.
kek one of my friends suddenly talked to me and told me that he played GBVSR, I asked him why he stopped and he said he did when they nerfed 2B in April. He's a huge YokoTaro games fan
a containment troon if you will
Tarofags are basically the modern equivalent of kojimbofanboys, absolutely nobody except a dozen neckbeards gave a shit about Nier before automata.
I wouldn't be bothered about it if they'd stop lying through their fucking teeth and say it's because the game is so "deep" and what not and just admitted they furiously jack it to 2B.
you should talk to your psychiatrist about your anger management problems, anon.
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he deals with his anger issues by furiously sucking penises
tbf 2B became extremely boring after the nerf
yuel gwandmaster washed
yeah yeah hatstroon
now jump off a window
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Insane jobbing on stream
Is it contagious?
You're at risk if you play Narmaya
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>2B is invulnerable when using her hook
The nerfs weren't enough.
>anti projectile move beats projectiles
why is this an issue
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Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!
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Mom is such a pathetic excuse of a "zoner".
quite literally too...
zamn siggy 66h
Holy cope. I can only assume that the both of you are discordtroons.
>character has a projectile or ranged attacks
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That's right.
>ABel plays out of their mind
>Sieg: ORGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN to deal the same damage of an Abel 50 seconds combo
make your move bros??
>make your mo- ACK!!!
You read what I post. The only way you can even interact with the weirdos in Strive's community is if you're a discordtroon. If you're a normal guy who just turns the game on, hop into matchmaking or lobbies for a bit and leaves, you wouldn't concern yourself with the freaks who also play the game.
Artorias loves to shimmy by backdashing, people should try 2U against him more
>that killed
i saw it... he pushed guard while jumping.
>Literally launched the game a couple days ago
>First match
>"LGBHTQKTJLHD++++" in wanted poster
>Play the set, get another opponent
>Same shit
And I fought 2 faggy Sigs yesterday who had something about HRT in their profile description. Didn't ruin the game for me. Seems to me like you have the brain of a woman.
>Artorias didn't do the full combo because he thought EX fireball was getting out of cooldown on time, but it didn't
>Luci wakes up, buffs up and beats him
150% his fault. How did he not make proper adjustments for that shit on the FINAL combo.
Luci bottom 1 btw, you didn't see him have more damage than Sieg right now btw. Shut the fuck up about Luci being good in any way, shut up. Don't even. Ignore it.
It's your right to tolerate mental illness, it's mine not to. Seems you have the brain of a jew.
I'm sure you did
Post their profiles now
I have pretty much the same experience.
I open Strive every few months and every time I get someone with tranny shit on their profile.
Also, it's not just discord. Everywhere you go you'll find weird shit. Discord, reddit, twitter, even fucking youtube comments
If you want to cover your ears and pretend it isn't like that, you're free to do so. But it won't change reality.
you really have to cover your eyes and ears to pretend you don't see that shit when just playing strive
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>Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Why does that Narmaya have this in their profile
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Lucifags are so lame. Ulterior motives to become game launch Nier levels and then blame others to learn the match up.
youve been posting this shit for a while now and i still dont know what you mean by it
he ran into that sieg in casual and now the sieg lives rent free in his head because of the profile message probably
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I think Anila is pretty...
You play Rising, no?
>Slow ass connecting to server
No, I am getting ready for bed, life of a wageslave.
Again, if fighting some tranny with a tranny name is enough to ruin your enjoyment, then you guys have the brain of the woman.
>not posting it
KEKYPOW. Nice headcanon!
Of course you're the lower common denominator of humanity, thanks for being a slave for me you little IQlet.
Who gives a SHIT you faggots?
You are not even interacting with these people face to face, literally why the fuck do you care?
Explain to me exactly how is the gameplay part of your gameplay session affected by this?
Stop samefagging TRANNY and post the profiles.
>e-everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!
I am just catching up with the thread and saw you throwing a bitch fit over a non issue so I dropped in to call you a retard, I don't have any profiles to post.
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it is rather impressive that they took the literal SEXO design and made her one of, if not THE, most hated characters in the game
Nobody gets banned for anything in this game, just put something transphobic in your tag to counter it
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>SEXO design
>it's just a chick wearing a leotard
Yeah, I'm not digging through 3hrs of games with the slow fucking menu. No idea why you're acting as if trannies don't play RIsing. We literally have a resident troon that revives the thread whenever he starts yapping because you fags love talking to him.
I think this fox is pretty
for me it has always been a2, kaine, and zero
Our retarded little frogposter quite literally called FKHR a nigger, a faggot, etc to his face uncensored and is still on the loose.
I do wonder if anybody has been banned at this point.
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It's amazing too because the Grubble version specifically is particularly hot.
I would hate her a lot less if this was simply a selectable costume.

Thing leotards are literally the sexiest article of clothing ever conceived.
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t. lucilius
these are much cuter girls.
trash taste, she looks better with the skirt on
impressive, isn't it? it's literally that simple and yet westcuck devs just can't seem to get the memo
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>90 seconds
>N-N-No id- *gets cancer*
If you make a claim then prove it, I don't care how meaningless it is. In short, you had no argument against that anon and made shit up. You lost and this is why you and your shit ass garbage family will forever serve the actual superior inhabitants of Earth like me and will never amount to anything in life.

I hope this clears your doubts! Be sure to post again if you any other questions.
i know jack about nier but i want to slurp kainé's cock
I used to not give a shit, but then I also started to grow tired of their constant demands, of how they want everythings adjusted to them, how they wants everyone to cater to their every whims, how they try to end your professional and social life if you don't kiss their dick, how they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing.
The funny thing is that I don't even have any ill will toward trannies, I just want them to be recognized for what they are: mentally ill people that need help, and by help I mean treating their condition rather than actively encourage it, but alas, that's not good American patriotic behavior and I'm literally hitler for not standing for them.
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niia isn't a /dbs/ poster.. she is polite and likeable..
porn addicted and desensitized
god damn mom just blocked zeta for like 40 seconds then raped her off one touch
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I love her MASSIVE horns
Her soft looking, fluffy hair...
She is impossibly perfect.
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I used to post on /dbs/ in 2019. It stuck with me.
>m-muh porn addict!
Fuck off zoomer.
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>There has been a single Eustace so far and he jobbed
God damn it
ft10? i'm older than you btw
>m-muh porn addict!
Didn't laugh.
Stay with us, elder one.
can i watch
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Get on your knees.
Made what up, that i played against a Sig with HRT in his profile? You are absolutely delusional you retard, there was a tranny in the team battle that just happened.
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Post the two Siegs you fought's profiles or fuck off. Last reply until I see them.
Beating me at this game won't make your Christian LARP about "le porn addiction" any less retarded m8
nice dodge. you have shit taste.
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Surely this thread will survive a satyr post or two.
nier on the telly
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niia... dead from 68% hp.
looks nothing like nier
why is charlotta ball plus on whiff? stupid midget
>did it again award
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Satyr can't touch me.
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Whatever faggot.
fox bwos...
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why doesn't the game put those idiots getting command thrown against me when I'm ranking
NA charlottas have it easy
beating the dead fox is not an achievement
imma teweport
Lmao get fucked Merp.
>bot 22u two times in a row
carried tranny alert
why are these matches entertaining but tournaments are boring as fuck
top 5 gran bros?? your response?
maybe more character diversity?
it's all so tiring.
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Merp truly is disgusting.
another cagtroon mindbroken by the scamaya giganigga, love to see it
every character will get stupid bullshit that carries the player and then lose it. Cag lost his and Narm and Charlotta got some bs, now they'll lose and they'll be the Yuels of the next major patch
Gayest fucking match as of yet
what did Charlotta gain
>Cag lost his
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save me neechang
save me from his cock being on the victory screen again
niia loves gargling cock tho
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Is using Japanese swordsmanship while wielding a European sword cool or dumb?
her knees should be blushing
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EVERY time
Like clockwork
extremely cool
Should okayish so long it's a saber or the like.
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god this versusia chip strat is broken as fuck, djeetagawd was spamming it too
i love my mom
I got raped by that in the tournament
wait mom's vyrn weapon is actually cool
now im annoyed because i wont slurp the pass
her big floppy vyrn... stole
character variety
man I really like Zeta
her combos are cool
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She was the first character I picked in Granblue, I feel somewhat nostalgic when I see her
you too? I swapped her because she's way too hard for a retard like me lol
what the fuck low damage 2b just did 1/3rd of siegfrieds 17000 health pool from mid screen.
>2B wins by baiting throws
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>loses to 2B
mmm, nyo, your GM stays with me and Samu Fumbler
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Love this goober and this stupid move
Yeah, I actually first downloaded the game off fitgirl and mashed with a friend in parsec. While trying out the characters I feel in love with her, she was retardedly easy to just pick up and play, her movement was pretty sick, all of her moves felt good and impactful, she was cute and I really liked her sounds
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riding dick
immoral assault
delta cock
why mom doin so much work
I just noticed yool's tail fur gets raised when she gets hit
kinda cute ngl
Why did the last thread get nuked?
the game's animations and characters are very well done
Racism against foxes
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After 28 years i finally got my first gf grubbers
grats zoi!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on making it to Grand Finals Anon, did you win?
Thanks, now i'll have to start looking for a job though
I'm not sure if I'm winning but I'll do my best
You're going to make it, lil zoi bro
Do you like watching her(his) dick bounce up and down when she(he)straddle you cowgirl?
lowain's buffs made him an actual character
Don't be like this anon, don't let the trannies live rent free
that narm is pretty good
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i'm learning a new unreactable high and low setup. if i master this i'll probably go to S+
yup, pretty insane reactions

the thing he did to Merp earlier were amazing, spot dodges the throne and immediately 2Hs cag
stroke the negro
I'm losing braincells watching this
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amazing, I love charlotta mirrors
damn, charlottas live like this?
Strongest Belial player vs random charlotta player playing on a logitech controller
i pogged out irl seeing artorias not fall for the cag H teleport shimmy and instead smack her with 2H anti air 2/2 times
weren't you going to kill yourself?
>and Samu
Did he finally get to GM? Last few times I fought him he was stuck at 500~ crystals.
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We did it reddit! The amount of fucking times I got lowain and vas was absurd, I hate those two.
bwos im trying not to fap to pornography and just stick to doujins/hentai but i got a real urge to fap to filipino hookers
good job, bro. Now comes the hard part with getting GM. Gonna need some serious luck.
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what happened to the last thread?
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im so focused on not dying that i forgot i should find one too...
if a zoiGOD can get one, i can too.
big 40 crystals to gm u got this king
When Cagliostro has to block for a long time his facial expression gradually becomes more annoyed
styop nyasking questions
Not Rising, but in Relink they added push up animations for the playable characters.
Ferry will do them but fail at the very end, while Cagliostro will straight up sit and refuse to do them
Granblue is pretty kino and soulful when they're not forcing belial cock down our throats
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Does everyone in Relink have a pushup animation? Or is this deep Ferry lore
IIRC everyone does except for Cag who refuses to do pushups
Doesn't Ferry have huge shoulder muscles? I feel like she would be able to do pushups
she's just like me
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Ty anons, I'll do it tomorrow Im all tuckered out.
What is Charlotta's version of that?
Insane how you 2Nig downplayers think that you are not carried by your refugee character and that she should even be stronger. Go back jerking off to nier troonomata already.
I am once again asking Cygames to simply nerf Belial's 66L range. He can keep being top tier with everything else but please just nerf that.
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I admit I am coombrained but Charlotta doing squats reminds me of that thing characters do in doujins
She looks so serious and focused...
Thanks for sharing this.
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how the fuck are you meant to bind shit in this no matter what layout I try its fucking ass.
fighters were never meant to utilize more than six buttons but now that they do this babb inputs shit they are bloated to hell.
Imagine the sex
>finally hit S++2
>immediately job and start hemorrhaging gems

Hoping a short break helped. LET ME OUT OF THE S++ CRAB BUCKET
>Queuing at that this time of day
>hit masters with lunalu
>i can’t even get out of s++ with my main
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that's some failing upwards shit
Post your matches
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Clearly the cute, autistic Harvin in the background boosted your prowess.
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She is a sky explorer that does adventuring and combat and all these things.
Even if the excuse is to be cute, she has no right to be this weak.
>she has no right to be this weak
The Relink timeline is after she got nerfed in the Rising patch
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I love her so much.
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Charlotta takes magic steroids and isn't actually strong
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i use
>L M H Dash
>U Abil Throw
and Block i assigned to a seperate button, right next to jump
nyow do it with nyude mods..
Who will be pass 2?
+Guest character
Four more slots.
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ilsa will be right after sandalphon, caption this
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They've gone full shillmode with Galleon so she is probably in.
+Ilsa or Guest
+ Ilsa or Guest
+ Siete
+ Zodiac or Dragon
+ Lucifer*

*We know a Sandal simp will make it, I think is more possible to add Lucifer in this setting and chalk it up to time dive shenanigans until it stabilizes that would be a wrap for Rising with Sandalphon saying goodbye and mirroring with Danchou's feelings of longing and promising to meet again someday. He's also the single character with rapport with Belial, Bubs and Faa. So makes more sense than HalMal, Raziel, Lucio, or someone else.
Rapeable thighs and pits
Why? The whole world is still unstable. It makes perfectly sense something got fucked, he's around briefly, and gets another goodbye. A mirror to Rein as the epilogue of Rising.
He's the single character that makes sense as last one with all focus it has on Bubs, Belial and Faa, and you know it. Like Avatar Belial was technically the last update for Versus and it came with last story wrap.
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GOD I hope you're right...

What the anon says is correct.The last character will probably come with the update to completely separate the timelines again and everything will return to normal.
Also technically speaking, Lucifer's still alive in Gran's world since early on the timeline and after last story update the angels got returned. So... I imagine last scene is Sandalphon saying goodbye while he and Jita fuck off to their own time and dimension.
Bro, please stop. Nobody wants another Luci except seanigs.
>Lucifer's still alive in Gran's world since early on the timeline
Oh yeah, it's before the Empire even falls. Kek. I forgot.
He's probably ranking high in Japan favorite list like Grimnir, that's why Grinmir got added.
And is certainly way more popular than any of the Sandalphon orbiters. One is getting added, last updated spoiled it.
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I just wanted Alexiel...
They are only using the nip rankings bro. All the favorites got added. You got choices that are obviously high there too. Lucifer's still a fan favorite in Japan in polls (see Valentines/White Day). I'm sorry to break this to you. It's the only appropriate way to wrap the story.
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just add Raziel and give her Skyfish
What's her deal?
I know she has a big sword.
adding Lucifer is instant EoS
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so why are there 3 niggas named luci
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Too new and irrelevant. See the discussion above. Lucifer is still alive now angels returned since Bubs hijacked shit early in the timeline.
Lucifer is above Grimniru in this year top 30 Valentine characters. He's probably beating him in the Rising poll. Do your math.
The game is ending anyway. It's already EoS.
Original one: Lucio / Helel ben Sahar.
His copy made in Astral world: Lucilius/Rushifaa.
The primal Beast Lucilius made based on Sahar to complement himself unconsciously: Lucifer.
Bad news. A wasted slot on what will probably the last season of the game. Only FKHRT and Cygays are capable of such a stupid decision
>wasted slot
Go back to Smash, jesus.
They aren't going to put Lucifer in
It's only speculation, but the first+last character are kind of tied to the plot. Not always but being the last season which starts with Sandalphon. I wonder if they won't have the angels chase him to lock him up in Pandemonium confused the fuck he has Lucifer's wings. We'll see when he drops. Last one being Lucifer would make sense then.
Djeeta and Sandalphon need to return to their world.
>but the first+last character are kind of tied to the plot.
Vikala is going to one shot Bubs
Explain why not. He's the only Sandalphon's orbiter that's popular enough to qualify as a slot. We know "someone related to Sandalphon" will be added in season 2.
What can HalMal, Raziel, the 4 tetra-angels even bring to the table? They aren't popular. They offers nothing to close the epilogue of the game too. Since Rein separation was already played we can't repeat that emotional epilogue, needs a new one for a *wmtsb* SPINOFF.
>Not always
Versusia covered that spot.
The hell does a wasted slot have to do with Smash? Are you okay?
This is terminology that originated in smash and was never used in the fgc until smashers started to infest as much as possible.
How is it a wasted slot? He's not playable in mobage. It seems they want to prioritize that for the fighting game that's why Belial has two fucking versions and a fucking summer skin.
Because it would be mind boggling retarded.
Screen cap this, Lucifer isn't getting in. If they announce Lucifer, the Zeta anon will suck dick for a year straight.
The concept isn't Smash-exclusive. Even if "slot" is too rigid, the developers of a game have finite time and will only support a game for so long, and spending a lot of dev time on a bad DLC character means some better character doesn't make the cut
that's some headcanon
What makes the DLC character objectively bad?
What makes someone else objectively better?
The closest thing to a wasted slot in vanilla gbvs was Lowain. Devs put in who they want to work on/what they think is best.
Belial has two versions because it allowed them to recycle already existing assets to make a new character with limited time and budget. He wasn't a part of a season pass, they released him separately afterwards. If Lucifer is to be added, he is going to be similar 'extra' character released outside the pass, because scamming people who have already paid you for new characters with a slightly modified old character isn't a good long-term business strategy.
Is it now? Only Smash I played was Melee at my cousin's house in 2005. Still, a useful term to express disappointment at a developer's retarded decision.
Because there is barely any crossover between the gacha and fighting game player base. The majority of players will just go "huh, another reskin like Abel?", so what's the point. A Relink crossover would make more sense than a character who needs gacha knowledge to make sense. Hell, we still don't have a fucking female Eternal.
>Because it would be mind boggling retarded.
You haven't explained why. What are you chimping out for? Avatar was still alive. Bubs could grab him because Lucifer and angels disappeared.

Now they back.
What's so difficult for you to understand? "somehow the angels returned" was the cliffhanger.

You really think now Lucifer's alive in this point of timeline, one of the most popular npcs, they won't make him playable in a fighting spinoff devirated from the /angel saga/? After announcing someone "related to Sandalphon" will be in season 2 too? Anon? Do you think they are hyping HalMal?
>Belial has two fucking versions
The villains don't become playable unless they face-turn which Bubs, Faa, or him didn't. ABel was suposed to be just a boss character but Arc Systems delivered a fully playable one, that's why he shres estuff with normale Belial.
>summer skin
They think it's funny, I think it saved me $8
Well let that be similar to Avatar Belial, then. Either way, he's the last character added because the plot will come to close for good. With Djeeta and Sandalphon fucking off (this is still pending, they are isekai'ed).
>They think it's funny, I think it saved me $8
Based, shame to miss out on Christmas Djeeta and Zeta, but that and the Relink OST aren't worth it.
Hoping BP6 is another female skin.
They are playable because two of them are popular. Bubs was the planned boss for this game originally.
>What makes the DLC character objectively bad?
>What makes someone else objectively better?
They're a character people actually like or want. Bonus points if they're not just another shoto.
>The closest thing to a wasted slot in vanilla gbvs was Lowain
No. Lowain provided a unique gameplan and is still unique to this day. Plus, he has some of the best intro/outro dialogue.
>uno is bad
>lowain is good
... I don't think I have anything to really say in response.
>They're a character people actually like or want.
So Lucifer.
Nigger no one gives a shit about the story mode
>being wanted is good
>Lucifer topping "most wanted playable character" for years as first or second place
Bro?? I think you're just mistaking him for your unpopular waifu.
Nehan or Cassius will be the last spot, and Lucifer a bonus like Avatar Belial. Too many women in season 1, season 2 restores the gender balance.
>Nehan or Cassius will be the last spot,
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Alright, but only because I really like you, anon.
Also I just noticed that I missed one emote but I can't be assed to record the whole thing again

>Least popular race/sex combo in the game
>One of the least popular Eternals
Yeah, Lowain is magnitudes better than Uno.
By whom, exactly? People who don't even play Versus/Rising?
People they want to trick into buying Rising.
The reasons you said Lowain was good is that they provided a unique gameplan and he has meme tier replies.
Are you going to say Uno's gameplay isn't unique? Because if you admit it is, you are entirely justifying lowain by "he is le funny meme man" which is a joke of a standard while you tear down Lucifer.
Sounds like someone's fearful their literalwho waifu isn't making it. Check the options and the rooster. They only gave a fuck about what Nipland choose. If Lucifer is high after the top 10 (And he likely is), is already settled. He'll be certainly higher than any of the other options surrounding Sandalphon, and it's confirmed one is in.
It's wild I don't see any reaction if I mentioned Lucio as a possibility. I wonder why Lucifer makes them afraid. He hasn't died yet so there's no resurrection or asspull, dude should be around.
why are we importing trash like 2B when we have this?
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>What's her deal?
Big sword and autism. Although most female primal beast characters are just a bit under Zooey-level autistic.
In the gacha, her playable versions are heavily oriented around damage mitigation and tanking for the team.
She can deploy these floating "mirror blade shards" to coordinate attacks with her. They're also a resource that functions differently depending on the version of her you use.
In her normal version, they accumulate when you use one of her skills or ougi (SBA) with her, granting her increased stats with relatively slow ramp up.
In her swimsuit version, they accumulate when you use one of her skills or ougi (the ougi itself doesn't generate stacks, but it causes her to use the skill that generates them at the end of the turn for 2 turns). When she has stacks in the swimsuit version, she can use them to activate a really broken ass shield (at least it was when I played), that lets her draw aggro from the team. It caps all damage received, so she could withstand multiple instances of damage that could normally one shot your whole team. However, it was notably very weak to multi-hitting moves and she could easily die if you used her shield to pull aggro on a lot of incoming multi hits.

Amazing you described her personality in one sentence and none of her backstory.
If sandalphon makes it in season 2 i will suck a dick!
Yes, im the Zeta top8 anon
Sandalphon was already announced as season 2 first character so open your mouth.
God I hope we won't get another guest character fuck that shit
I want Siete, Sarasa/Nio, Vampy or Albert/Olivia, probably a six dragons rep or a wild card.
Speaking of that, did they ever unprivate that video
No, Uno's gameplan is unique, the problem is that nobody likes the fucking dude. Treating characters as functions is how you end up like MVCI
So... people liking the character is what matters.
And you're pretending that the homo angels aren't liked at a high rate on average because...?
I have no horse in this race, Ilsa and Id are my S2 hopefuls, but I'm curious why you're so hellbent against him.
Different anon here, but I think that having multiple characters in a roster that are literally clones of each other is dumb as hell, regardless of how popular they are.
Guest characters are a marketing ploy to boost the player base.
We know it's Sandalphon and someone close to Sandalphon (it was in a website/stream announcement). So you have 2 slots there, first pass.
Then you figure out the rest.

I don't think dragons are in because the angels are still active in their roles. They can't manifest as we know them until they take a break. Unless you want those evil shitter versions. Or one is isekai'ed like Sandals and Jita. Logia is an exception.
Yes, but we already have a Luci face, don't need another, especially if he's a season pass character.
He doesn't have to be a season pass character. It could be like Avatar Belial. A bonus.
If he's tacked onto another character like Abel was then that's fight.
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Truthfully her backstory (and those of the other 3 in her group, which includes Grimnir) is about as boring as it gets, because they were just written in as discipes to the 4 elemental archangels that all kneel to Lucifer (not Lucilius) and now Sandalphon.
Originally they were just raid bosses and only received that minimal introduction upon the release of their characters. Basically the archangels drop them off at daycare on your ship and that's about it. The four of them recently received story updates, so it's possible they've had actual backgrounds fleshed out since then, but I haven't read them.
It seems like she had a more compelling story based on the card quote scraps I've seen from her original iteration in Rage of Bahamut.
Then I don't see the issue. What we know is that (at least) one character close to Sandalphon will join in during season 2. We don't know if it's a pass, or a bonus. I'll be honest, senpai, I doubt they'll bring that up if it's Raziel, HalMal, Uriel, or Lucio. Because former isn't even in the poll and others aren't popular. The anon was saying Lucifer could be added last as way to an epilogue story before Sandalphon and Djeeta fucked off, and it makes sense.
I assumed you meant he would be the last character in the season pass, which is why I was against the idea.
No, Djeeta has to stay to fulfill my Gran x Djeeta ship
I'm not that anon. I am the one who mentioned Lucifer should be alive if Versusia restored Gran's timeline, so I agree it would make sense he's an option. No need for schizo set up. The ones who are isekai visitors are Jitters and Sandy. I don't care but he should be the last if they story heads that way. I think it might because Djeeta will have to return with Sandalphon.
Lucifer will be the equivalent of Vira in the all edition after season 2. The other bonus will be picrel.
>Sandalphon breaks out Pandemonium
>No, Djeeta has to stay to fulfill my Gran x Djeeta ship
Makes no sense she'll ditching all her friends, sorry.

Season 2:

>All cast edition box (all passes) with:
With Evil Sandalphon as bonus

Do we like this?
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Did you never work out in the nude, anon?
When the fuck are we getting something like this for Rising? It's not fair
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I don't play the gacha and my introduction to every character in this game is Rising, and I think Uno is awesome. Love the stache and the juxtaposition between his height and the size of his weapon, I like how laid back he is and him canonically holding back a ton without cockily playing with his opponents like how other similar characters (e.g. Slayer) do, he just seems like a pretty nice guy
Also he rides his spear like a surfboard. Can't wait for him to get a battle pass outfit before you're waifu
>Did you never work out in the nude, anon?
Doing push-ups naked would cause my dick to hit the ground, which seems very unhygienic, but I can guess that wouldn't be a problem for a lot of you guys lmao.
Anon, I don't think that they're going to give the single least player character a skin.
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Seox got one and he's only 1% more used
>he just seems like a pretty nice guy
in one timeline of the gacha, he murders gran/djeeta as a child by stabbing them in the back because he's afraid of them becoming too powerful, for how kind they are
He is a good character in the gacha and he mostly works together with Siete for how their characters are, it's a shame that dlc characters or the season pass doesn't get a mini intro event in Rising that kinda sells you on the characters, they would benefit greatly from it
dont like how I need to have run macro and block macro and also throw macro for the one button SSBA.
things used to be simpler.
it's easier to do 236US
>He knocked down
>wakeup upback+L!
Will I ever learn?
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here's what happened
>Fumbler 10th GM at 750 crystals
>decide to surpass him
>get to 850 after a long grind, go to bed
>wake up day later
>Samu is the 10th GM now with 1200 crystals some fucking how
>what the fuck.jpg
>grind and get to 1100, I'm now 10th again because he lost some crystals in the meanwhile
I imagine he'll surpass me again today because I can't play much

there's a massive gap now between us and the other charlottas. the 9th GM is Socky with 1.6k.
if this keeps going it will widen and we'll no stop farm crystals until the end of time
if the other GMs wake up too we'll get to the end of the season with the 10th GM with fucking 10k crystals or something
this system is dumb
Bros it's finally happening, they are putting down fiber near my home and I will be able to ditch Starlink
Get*. How the fuck did I end up typing a completely different word
It is kinda dumb, especially because as masters beating a grand masters you don't really gain something more
floating midget males with baby faces can never be cool
uno was the biggest mistake of a character slot for this game until 2b
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before you could just have a positive win rate and be able to gain crystals over time

now GM is an actual block, as every GM left playing are actually competent players and if you can't beat them you will get stuck at your current crystals amount
the only issues is that the ones that played the first week have an insane advantage because they farmed bad GMs like those random Unos with 20 crystals who were GMs lol
so yeah badly implemented, don't want to think how they could fix it but as usual it's play more = get more crystals while you should get rewarded for actually being good at the game, I'm absolutely no worthy of the GM title and yet here I am competing for it
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now thats how we know you're a fucking faggot, because we have EVERY SINGLE HOMOKNIGHT
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OOC pic
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>smug even when gifting you chocolate
what a brat
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>as every GM left playing are actually competent players
is that Luka? lol well he's trying..
>is that Luka?
Honestly he has ok defense overall, but he was def getting carried by Nier
I know he also plays Metera and you know what? I'd rather not have another Metera in masters eu
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babe wake up, new high and low mixup just dropped
grimnirs I found in ranked have been doing this for a while to me
dammit should have joined the party ealier
You should 100% steal stuff from other players anon
yeah, and none of them are floating midget males.
uno is bottom 1 in cool factor in the roster which is also reflected in his popularity ranking
dont make it twisted, you are the deviant one here for choosing him over literally any other character in the game
im saying 2B is a better pick than every homoknight we got after percy and lance
>the immigrant better than any actual Granblue character
Also she's taking a female character's spot.
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Nier is no longer hated.

She won.
damn, you're even more wrong than i initially thought
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>muh gachaslop characters
theyre all bland garbage that won't pull in new players like 2B.
Holy shit PLEASE jump ship to the next game that adds 2B
This guy is one more reason why 2B was the biggest mistake of this game, even over the absolute travesty that is uno.
I like Uno even though he doesn't bring players. 2B doesn't bring players AND is shit.
you'd have a point if this wasn't a gachaslop ad game. can't really go lower than that.
We have a point because it's a game from an IP with hundreds of characters, we don't need immigrants to pad the roster.
when are they adding goku
which one
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all of them
he has a 10 frame command grab that, depending on which combination of buttons you hold, he uses a specific amount of meter to transform into different versions of which excel at different things like zoning/setplay/rushdown/playing for chip
hire me cygames, i'll speedrun this game down the path they clearly wanted
The strong one
best we can do is the gayest one so make your pick
siegfried for SF6 when
orgaaan :DDD
*drive rush sound*
シュヴァルツ ファング
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Imagine sieg drive rushing into 2M from full screen and 2M is a low
So 66M then.
If she's not weak she can't fuel the rape fantasies...
but 66M isn't special cancelable...
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Good god
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>beatrix looks like she does gravure
the slot machine has fallen
>beatrix just keeps doing gravure idol poses huh
>hey why didnt you watch my intro? i didnt press the button! unforgiveable!
its fun when you start to understand jp speak somewhat
>hey death comeback! how do i make you comeback? come here!
he often tries other characters, like with eustace
watching desugame constantly nierflop in the corner is very endearing
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These memes are surely the best thing we got out of the patch.
>debagame is an autistic lobby puncher
>game is literally just an ad
>adding a popular guest character is somehow a mistake
>even in japan a kot is trying to bully someone at the crystal goal
see >>493940497
who is the artist?
thats right we should add goku and iori for maximum mexicant proliferation
Considering that she did jack and shit to help the player base grow, yeah, of course it's not like half of the fights being against the same character would've been a better outcome.
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same as always?
i FUCKING forgot and none of the sites give me the twitter acc
sorry for yelling
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wtf he stole my (you)
you can't do that
Not only did I not steal "your" (You). I am the one who removed the watermarks, resized, rotate, recolored a number of those images in an autistic master plan to get that post in the first place.
You never had a chance.
The artists name is even no(you)grad.
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1 character isnt going to save the game but getting a popular guest character is one of the few good things theyve done marketing wise
Kinda weird how you come back playing better after a couple of days of not touching the game.
I hope so. After my subpar performance in the tournament, I want to take a bit of time off. Maybe a week? Finish some other games, hopefully.
Will still browse and post here, I like this place
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A lot of these are from before the patch anon...
I alternate one day of not playing and one day of playing
nier mcdonalds is older than versus
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>have opponent in corner
>look for a whiff punish or a jump attempt
>they instantly 66l
>have to guess now

nice game grubbers
>gonna whiff punish
>stand in their range

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Hopefully picrel because he's my favorite and though DBFZ has like 20 Gokus they don't have this one
Chibi Niers are a menace. They're always up to no good
>Bread beats my ass
>"You Are Great!"
66l is a half screen unreactable pressure tool
take it at face value bwo
i went even with him and he sent the same
>he is still on the December patch

hope you guys preordered your $700(plus tip) playstation pro to play granblue the way it was meant to be played.
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i just bought a ps5 slim to play astro butt
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alexiel is a rage of bahamut character, not a granblue. if any RoB character deserves a spot it should be lord of crits.
her buttfang is massive wtf
add this pawg in NOW
Does that come with games?
>tfw no retarded female daycare to manage
thank you
lmeow even
The legacy of ps3 wishes it was so desperate for content that it would list a nep game remake as an exclusive.
Don't care, she's a female with a huge sword.
Yes, we already have way too many sword-users. But none of the girls wields a big two-hander.
66L range wasnt changed
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fuckyou i want a girl with a big axe im tired of swords
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i have been asking for pic related every survey since the first games release
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yes it was you shitter
who wins?
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release the cake
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dunno, you should ask stinky who took this screenshot
I'm sure charlotta wins though
> But none of the girls wields a big two-hander.
Charlotta wields a sword that is as tall as she is
rest in pink square
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So she's wielding a toothpick?
only for a couple outliers
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She could,,,
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I would be cool with that too.
I'm not dead
Why is he such an asshole?
>make 66L -4
>drastically reduce everyone's meter gain to 2B's level
there, I fixed the game
belialchads we won
2Bbros we won
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Too many fucking humans with swords in my Humanblue Reality
Vira install is at least 100 times cooler than her base form and half of that is because she wields a cool spectral Halberd
Vane's halberd is lame in comparison
Yeah I agree they should keep adding guest characters to resolve this issue

Fucking kill yourself 2bfraud
youre right anon we should have more viras
vira install is a downgraded vira though
those are some big milkers
oh my goodness gracious
>human so can't get her pregnant either
Even NTR is ruined...
jesus christ youre retarded
>she cant get pregnant
whats even the point.. cuckgawds its over.
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Unpopular opinion, but I like her install version more.
This SSBA might be my favorite, and I'm not even into dominate woman. It just looks terrifying and powerful.
that SSBA finish is one of my favorites
Says the dude who prefers they add a guest character over adding characters from the ip the game is about keksus maximus
I don't think that's an unpopular opinion and that's one of the best SSBAs in the game which is fucking ridiculous
Hmm I wonder who made more money... Vane or 2B!
I think it is.
Regular Vira laughs like a psychopath and her animations generally shows that shes mentally ill, install Vira doesn't do anything like a kuudere which doesn't give off the mentally ill vibes that regular Vira does
Mentally ill women are attractive
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I like both of her SSBAs. The regular one is very stylish. I like the bright red and the plain white background.
I agree. They should add Gojo next. The amount of income from the dlc characters is all that matters after like you said.

You are so braindead lololol
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Resources carrying over between rounds
a retarded, archaic, outdated mechanic.
Granblue does it right by making every round self contained.
why are you trying to kill the thread again you fuck
you should go back to high school
your reading comprehension needs work
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I am trying to move from a retarded shitflinging about guest characters to a less retarded shitflinging about game mechanics
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I can see it adding a strategic layer to the game but honestly I like the "self contained" round thing more too.
Ruined it you mean. Thankfully the devs aren't retarded and won't fall for the footsies meme
You should learn how to move your goalposts in a less obvious manner >>493938963
Taking breaks is good, I think I play better after "resetting" for a day
t. currently purging nids
nobody ever said adding more than one guest character was a good idea
that was never in the conversation
fucking go back to school
I wonder why they used his boss theme in the game instead of this.
Then 66L has no point in existing
But I thought money is all that matters? Vane sold less than 2B after all? What happened to that?
That's Aliza's mom and her husband bro
>le 66L!!!!!!!
Add -2 or -3 on whiff to make spot dodging it a viable answer, still won't fix the game's issues or your lack of skill
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it adds a dumb and unfun strategy layer.
Why go all out and go for the comeback in 99% of the cases I'm better off saving my resources for round 2?
Depth or complexity aren't inherently good, usually they are but they can add unfun layers or sometimes you get "hard for the sake of being hard" which sucks
You convinced me.
Sex with Harvins.
>But I thought money is all that matters?
again, nobody said this

god, this is why I hate basement dweller neets
>Why go all out and go for the comeback in 99% of the cases I'm better off saving my resources for round 2?
That's... exactly the point of having resources carry over between rounds.
Should I risk it all on the comeback or no? Now there's an actual decision to be made. Decisions are good. They make the game more interesting.
>Depth or complexity aren't inherently good
The irony is that people like you are the EXACT reason why modern fighting games are all "hyper aggressive coinflip 50/50 mashfests", but you're too dumb to realize it.
Carry over the health, meter, bp and even the timer into round 2.
Why are my HEROES like this?
Exactly. Resources should only carry over if health bars are going to carry over too, otherwise it disincentivizes players from attempting comebacks until the last round and makes the game worse for spectators and players, because the choice isn't meaningful at all. It's an illusion of choice.
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That's not entirely it because you have stuff like Manon medals.
Still, if it's something like Burst, 99 times out of 100 you're better off holding it. That's not interesting decision making.
I already know this isn't going to be fruitful but whatever
Explain your reasoning, anon.
It's less exciting, also you take absurd risks only one time during the match rather than multiple.
Anon is right.
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Time for some morning grub!
>Un placer
Not again...
For the record, Bridgette is actually taller than Charlotta (92cm vs 90cm)
>theyre all bland garbage that won't pull in new players like 2B
>getting a popular guest character is one of the few good things theyve done marketing wise
>Hmm I wonder who made more money... Vane or 2B
That's a good thing, Rising is better than every single fighting game ever made for a reason.
I intentionally lose to Metera to get free kisses
ggs was me pendejo
good morning pendejo
*Free AIDS
I can't get aids for I am a robot.
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>That's a good thing, Rising is [CANON TRUTH HISTORICALLY ACCURATE]
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based sheep
I somehow manage to press a button in neutral at the exact wrong moment to get counterhit all the fucking time. I'm not even whiffing i just get hit in the startup animation. I'm doing something fundamentally wrong and I don't get it.
you just need to play more patient
you just need to play more patient
you just need to play more patient
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As expected, you niggers barge in, spout some dumb shit and refuse to elaborate.
It's boring how predictable your kind is.
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Based and this
lesbian evoking body
this is what i tell myself as avatar belial carries me corner to corner for daring to press
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>try poking with precision and patience
>get counterhit and die
>press f.H as randomly as possible
>win every time
I'll just glue my block button down then I guess.
Just press buttons lol
>just literally do nothing lol
Your characters buttons might just suck. Slower startup, hurtboxes. Maybe you simply don't want to be in these situations in the first place.
I mean according to everyone Vira has some of the best neutral buttons so it's not that.
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of course it's Belial
it's always Charlotta and Belial
they're all lying to you.
try poking randomly
Yeah, uhhh... dunno.
I mean, had this happen to me as well, it sucks and it's frustrating.
So maybe you actually need to play like a maniac or more patient.
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for me, after getting blown up so many times realised that the timing and spacing i thought was ideal for my pokes were terrible. try experimenting at different ranges and timing to see when and where your buttons work the best.
>the game is not at evo 2025
I don't know shit about the priorities of moves, I just pray my heavy button will crush whatever thing my opponent is about to do after I'm done blocking it's previous interaction, funnily enough it works like 2/3 of the time
>Time traveler
Who cares about EVO, who's top tier?
how could pokimane betray us
how could chipotle
Top 5 is Uno 2B Belial Katalina and Siegfried
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Wrong fucking answer.
Nier has been nerfed and can't use her brave counter without desu present
>3 spicy shotos a midget and guest character
wrong.. you are a phoney... i know from consulting with the spirits that using bravecounter actually puts death meter on cooldown for atleast 8 seconds
>Nier has been nerfed
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Anyone up for some games? EU here
I am
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what happened
I cant keep rolling the stone to S5 just to drop it to A1 anymore bros... I want to die...
that op sucks
make another
you hate 2B THAT much? jesus...
nythat nyop syucks
myake nyanother
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I got to S+ by poking people with fm and 2m while trowing dragons up their ass with some occasional combos to corner carry or dustloop on corner, just find the most scrublord tactic you can get away with and go with it

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