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MSGK watches you stack junk edition

Previous Thread: >>493699971

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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please be a good thread
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uhmmmm evilge where I can be a rapist?
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arisu wo tazuneru
post games
>multiple endings
I will now play your game.
we JUST got an evilge you noja RJ01252332
only if it has repeatable scenes then it feels like a real sandbox to me
This sounds like a pain in the ass, even for an ordinary game. What I prefer is 1 ending and multiple ways to reach it.
Do you realise America isn't the only native English speaking country on earth? What sounds natural in America might not sound natural elsewhere. This is also why throwing in American slang and idioms is a bad idea unless necessary being forced to because you're asking native English speakers to learn American language quirks to play a Japanese game.
hmmmm female protag? How can you be evil? Does she dispense the evil to others?
NTA but I did feel like I was having a stroke every 5 minutes when I tried to play Blight, especially when I was trying to beat my dick to the scenes which is why I dropped it a few hours in became a midquel shitposter. I encourage anons here to go back and just read it out loud for some time and see for yourselves how bad it is.
English language is going to be killed by its own lack of exclusivity. Half the reason for a language is not just talking to others, but for yet others not to know what you're talking about.
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Be a good Sensei
Anons... when was the period of the black bar BS2 postings? I want to go insane again... just in a different way...
>tags: Petrifaction Vore Corrupted Morals Body Modification
girls can be evil too
>became a midquel shitposter
Sounds like the pleb filter is working as intended.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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The problem is the dragons and other BIG monster girls like the sharks and chimeras don't fuck around. They're like minibosses. You'll probably get obliterated the same way by the ones in kludge too. I remember there was one required to be fought in Windstilla.
Fittingly, they're strong as fuck when you unlock them in Innocent Rules though, so I'm okay with it now.
British English is even more sophisticated, and preferable to me than American English. I don't know what other relevant countries are out there with English as their native language. You want things to be translated in Australian English? Jamaican English? Lmao.
fat bitch
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Has this dude really spend three threads now seething about japanese loanwords?
just go to the thread on /vrpg/
I'm currently replaying it and I think the sex scenes so far have been fine but your "read it out loud" bit is basically what I was talking about. One of the examples I saw being shitposted a bit is "It can't be helped" (often seen in trails) which is correct English but not commonly used if at all in English. More naturally it might read as "It is what it is" or "There's nothing you can do (about it)" or something like that. I like the Japanese phrasing personally because they are Japanese and it's completely understandable but I can understand how if you're not in the right headspace for it then it could be jarring at times.
No but I'm just saying that wanting to rephrase English to make it sound more American just adds another layer of removal from the source. I think most people who are truly invested in Japanese media prefer the original phrasing generally speaking although there is nuance in some situations if the direct translation struggles to convey the original intention at all rather than just a little unnatural.
I'm from Belize and I WILL be accommodated!
>what other relevant countries are out there with English as their native language
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Honestly I haven't seen this much discussion about noja since awake's translation first came out. Back then, it was a real noja fest.
it's literally just one anon sperging out
Me think Sequel would be better with ntr
Mom and son game?
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Kat***a has a lot of free time after getting replaced. Not sure why they come here of all places though to complain to people beating their meat
And your mother should choke you to death I think.
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Not any of these anons, but you might want to give the game a try again, sub-par had to deliberately go back and retranslate the game for the 1.3.0 translation of blight like two years after the original translation came out. If you're playing on any lesser version than that, it'll be a lot worse.
That was me btw. I'm here right now. Hi!
>I don't know what other relevant countries are out there with English as their native language
UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand are the ones that immediately come to mind but maybe im forgetting some. I'm reminded of that time a Monkey Island game had a puzzle that required to use a real monkey as a wrench because of the American term "monkey wrench" which stumped a lot of non-American English speakers. It was especially bad back then because the internet was less commonly used.
No, I'm not talking about this anymore. It's close to midnight and I'm tired. Those are other anons. Translation is very much a relevant topic at all times, so there's really no issue here. If you don't like it, you can talk about something else in parallel. Who's stopping you?
Wait, what the fuck, it's been FOUR YEARS? What the fuck? Where does the time go
>he likes the it can't be helped meme
That in itself is a localization, ESL-kun, one that's been so overused it's become a textbook sign of a lazy translator. The direct translation would be "there is no way".
>leave la hope try using sequel
i believe!
Was he justified?
I just want to say to potential TLers, DO NOT use "old English" to translate slightly archaic nip characters.
You do NOT know old English, and just adding verily/doth/tis does not turn a sentence into old English, it turns it into illegible meme soup. Same if you add very exotic synonyms for every word that were used like thrice throughout history that you found on thesaurus.
While playing Utawarerumono and Final Fantasy 14, I had to switch to listening to Japanese to understand what Maroro and Urianger were saying. Archaic Nip and meme old English are not the same thing.
Absolutely. Getting NTR'd is automatically carte blanche for the MC!
Thanks for the suggestion Anon, but I'm a Shakespearean scholar and I will continue to incorporate iambic pentameter into the speech of every lolibaba I encounter.
I never said I liked it I just thought it'd be an example of unnatural phrasing due to a closer translation that I'd heard of but I guess I was wrong. "There is no way" doesn't make sense in English so obviously it'd be changed to something else to convey the original intention. There's probably better example of direct or rigid translations being used to preserve the original tone or phrasing.
no. it was suffering of few for the sake of the whole world
The whole world needs to suffer now, for his sake! Perfectly justified!
Imos won. The history books will show he was right
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kill yourself
Isn't Shakespear notorious for inventing like half of his words/phrases/idioms? He basically didn't write in English.
Suffering allows man to understand himself.
Without suffering, man cannot grasp his place in the universe, everyone should suffer an amount in their lives, it allows for greater introspection and personal growth, that said, making ending 4 the canon end was the right choice.
What you're thinking of in general is just bad/lazy translations for common Japanese phrases. What you're thinking exists doesn't actually exist in general.

The kind of closest may be Japanese keigo where they have really formal versions of common verbs to use when speaking to someone in higher status, so instead of "meet" they would say "お目にかかる", and then it may be preserving Japanese phrasing to go "On this serendipitous day mine eyes do fall upon your splendor." which I would actually agree can be valuable to preserve in many contexts where Japanese culture is being emphasized. But this is not stiff phrasing in general. Any attraction to stiff/weird phrasing is just an allure for the exotic being misattributed to bad translations. It makes them feel more legitimate even when they completely aren't.
I heard his scripts were huge because for every page he wrote in his retarded artspeak, he had to write another in plain old english because his own actors couldn't understand the script.
>He had to localize his own scripts
Seifo!!! You can take a break until the next thread, anon! Well done!
>Archaic Nip and meme old English
They're pretty much the same thing. Proper archaic nip is incredibly rare.
why is she dressed like a clown
kill and rape translators
hug and love translators! eops would be lost without them!
What else is one to do after realizing and acknowledging the state of the world?
Thank you :)
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Here's an example btw.
Hmm I see. Well as an EOP I guess I'd need to learn Japanese to tell for sure but I do agree that sometimes literal translations just don't work. If you're the guy who did the "my stomach is empty" example I agree that you'd probably translate it as "I'm hungry" unless you felt the slightly verbose nature of the phrasing was important for emphasis or intentional or needed for some reason. I think Sequel is fine as is although I haven't played in years so maybe I'll notice something bad this time round but so far it seems to be good.
I really wanted to like this game, but I remember the porn basically being completely separate from the game itself.
>me strong so me rape your girls buhihihi
Ntr really can't get more boring than that
He gave the actors TL notes. They performed in his made up language gimmicks. If shakespeare handed his works to a modern translator they'd call him a retard and make up their own personal retelling of the entire play to put on stage.
A fun one to chew on is お元気ですか. It's one of the first phrases you learn when learning Japanese, and yet one of the most impossible to translate literally. 元気 is one of the most common words in Japanese but English doesn't even have a conceptual equivalent. Just a bunch of words which kinda mean parts of it.
Those few shouldn't have included the guy who can destroy the world then.
Well, the porn was all bad ends, but I wouldn't call it separate. But to be fair I still haven't finished it.
Style is as important if not more than semantics. An unnatural translation of text read naturally in the source language is a depreciation of the creator's intended experience. One arguably more grievous than a loss in meaning, since it's immediately noticeable.
Give me arisuge
Having all the H be in bad ends is one of the only dealbreakers I have, along with a few tags and the artstyle.
Which is what Shakespeare plays in other languages are.
This pretty much exists in every language, you just have to pay attention to how it's used. Sometimes you'll have an equivalent phrase, sometimes you'll have to leave it literally, some times you have to leave a TL note.
I only play GoR games. It is the best possible set up for a scene.
You can have defeat scenes without it being a game over tho
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Game overs and bad ends should only happen from boss fights and quest chains.
Otherwise, the femc should always be able to get back up, write down how she was fucked in her stat sheet, and then keep going.
Prove me wrong.
You have GoR without it being the only H in the game.
Shakespeare in other languages isn't shakespeare.
It isn't equivalent because even meme archaic nip tends to just be like a special way to say desu an maybe a special -masu form on the end while having the core word be the same. In the English equivalent you use completely different words for which you will often have to strain yourself to decipher.
ウイ ウイ、その通りDESU。
it's better when it's a game over. If the girl gets up afterwards and the game moves on it's a boner killer
that doesn't change the fact that it's the best kind of scene
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Remind me of this. The Japanese line btw was "いいえ、いいえ、美しい物は美しいです" (iie iie, utsukushimono wa utsukushi desu).
Translators will pretend the like 10 different ways to say "big brother" in japanese all mean the same thing.
How do you say crab in japanese tho?
I think it's a funny juxtaposition that the people who shit on translators are the people who know how to read Japanese and therefore have no need for translators.
person of a grand fraternal inclination...
Now post the last 800 lines that establish the reason why his speaking style is translated like that, ragebaitfag.
Serious question. Why are the trannylators here of all places for 3 threads straight?
The last 800 of his lines were not understandable in the translation, sorry. I guess the reason is that the trannylator sperged out and thought he was the next coming of Shakespear.
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Whoa there! Pink!
>An unnatural translation of text read naturally in the source language is a depreciation of the creator's intended experience.
Well I guess it depends on what you'd consider to be unnatural. It's also worth noting that sometimes "solutions" can make things sound less natural than had they left it alone. Now that I think about it I wonder how immersed the average translator is in both the languages they're translating from/to. Even if they're bilingual because they learned both languages from their parents they might not have a good grasp on what is natural in one language if they haven't lived there and spoken to other speakers.
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Im lookin for a game I lost. Im pretty sure its about three guys climbing a tower because they all got turned into girls. Its gameplay is similar to Aria's ero trap dungeon where you collect atk-def-hp buffs to headbutt enemies like a puzzle almost.
I'm a 99 Lewdness permavirgin
where are her pubes
At least for localizers, a lot of them don't know a word of the other languages. They just get a translated script and "adapt it".
My basis is how Atlus handles to old man demons in SMT/persona translations, sonny boy.
Look at that smug. Just look at this guy. He literally does not give a fuck! Completely unhinged!
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who do we gotta rape to bring u-room back to life?
I like the posing. Does it feature dynamic poses in the status screen? I bet it's slop regardless of how good it looks like. That's practically always the case with new games anyway...
I heard that was true in Funimation but don't most translators also localise it if needed? I feel like it'd be rare to have different people to translate and localise but I could be wrong about that.
I think Nintendo does it that way, from what I've read on twitter
U-room is the McDonalds of sufferingge. Cli Pick is the true kinomaster of suffering.
Well, it depends. You have three flavors, the ones that have separate localizers (that's usually where you get the random contemporary politics insertion, made by teams sensitivity teams), the ones where the translator localizes directly (that's usually where you get the broskys and people that hate Japanese loanwords), and fantranslators (that's where you get the nojas and -chans). The second one could also sometimes be a corporate mandate, where the manager would come and tell you the average American has 70IQ and would lose his shit if he sees a foreign word.
It's really just EOPs and Dunning-Kreuger'd N5's who've picked up a few phrases here and there and presume to know better than the localizations they're still dependent on for any wholistic understanding, or the rare schizo-racist nip that think they're being colonized the same way blacks think Post Malone being greasy is cultural appropriation. Experience with translation will make even the most extremist weeb realize that there's a reason why things are the way that they are. That's why I encourage any localization warrior unhappy with the quality of the content they shovel down their mouths dozens of hours a week to instead redirect that passion that they're hopefully not feigning for attention into something productive and shape the landscape in their own vision. What happens when the 0.1% actually do make the effort and reach a certain level of competence in the craft? Surprise surprise, no more complaining, and they come out appreciating both their culture and their carrion even more.
>13.7 billion years
>Still no good yanderege
>Dunning-Kreuger'd N5's who've picked up a few phrases here and there and presume to know better than the localizations they're still dependent on for any wholistic understanding
Literally me.
>What happens when the 0.1% actually do make the effort and reach a certain level of competence in the craft?
They just read the source and don't bother with any derivatives. the overwhelming majority of people who do learn the other language won't bother translating. The original reason they thought about translating is that they wanted to read something, but once you do read it, to translate it you'd have to now reread it 10 times.
Sometimes people do translate just to practice the other language, which is where the TLs for short slopges come from
>The second one could also sometimes be a corporate mandate, where the manager would come and tell you the average American has 70IQ and would lose his shit if he sees a foreign word.
To be fair considering how many people genuinely need yellow paint he'd unfortunately be right. I prefer the fan translations generally speaking because they assume the reader is somewhat invested/immersed in Japanese media but I can understand corpos know dumbing stuff down is more profitable.
>Free day tomorrow
>want to play games until late
>Feeling sleepy early already
this sucks
>nojas and chans
99% of fansubbers would push your shit in and kick you from the project if you wanted to leave noja in the script. It's not a fucking honorific, don't lump it in with one, tard.
play a low stress, happy and sex-positive slutge to unwind.
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>realize that there's a reason why things are the way that they are.
Because a lot of translators think they are better writers than the author of the product and are "improving" it with their "creativity"
The problem is that translating entertainment media will never be as profitable as translating legal documents or such so this means corporate translations will often be shit whereas fan translations are done out of passion and tend to be better for it. Most people mad at localisations are likely just going to read the source and not look back even if they do learn the language.
Agreed. I welcome and accept the new normal.
Hypnosis brainwash ge for this feel?
Knowing a language isn't an on/off switch. You do go from I don't know anything to I know everything instantly. Its a very large gradient, and there is actually a large amount of people who understand enough Japanese to pick up pieces and use the subtitles as crutches to connect the pieces. So when the subtitles don't align with what's being said they can immediately pick up on it, but they don't understand enough to be able to rely soley on that.
My German is also around this level, where I can talk with people on the street and can OKishly understand movies, but would need help from the subtitles from time to time. This mean I can also easily tell when what's being said doesn't match the subtitles and the translation is taking a very loose creative license.
I dunno about you and I'm sure that many will disagree, but... I kinda like the flavor they gave him. It gives him a lot more personality. But I haven't played the game itself and I don't know if he's well written or not in the first place, to warrant such extreme liberties...
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Does anyone know what happened to the guy making this
he died, I heard it was nerve gas.
it's fanfiction not translation
Weird coincidence how I'm seeing this all week to defend ugly art and terrible localization. Was there a firmware update?

It's not a translation at that point. People buy the product expecting the game Vanillaware made. Instead they're getting some tard's terrible fanfiction because characters need to be neptuniatier for "personality"
both are examples of things you can leave in. Just like verbal ticks.
Would you rather have -nya at the end of a sentence or cat pawns spurread throughout the sentence.
Hair looks like sharkdev
Reminds me of the girl from D&P
Myeah... you're right about that, but I look at it from another perspective... does it add to the game or detract? Was he well written in Japanese? I get that the original dialogue should be maintained normally, and honestly considering what little storage text takes up, they could've just added 2 versions. Literal translation and spruced up localization. For all I know the original JP text was really boring. I know it's no excuse, just offering a different view from my perspective as someone who isn't particularly invested in this either way... What he says in English still conveys about the same message after all...
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-nyaa hands down
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Thread is imploding upon itself so I guess I'll go play some games
Who de-localizes WEGs?
modders, but those get banned these days
The writing IS clearly better though, whether you're ideologically motivated to hate aggressive localization or not. Left would put me to sleep because it's targeted toward middle schoolers. The target audience for an English localization of a game like that is old JRPG nerds. Not only would anyone reasonable expect the publisher to hire people that will make them money, the consumers benefit from an experience tailored to them. But let's be real, you don't actually care about this, you exclusively play MTL'd h-games.
Anon, let's be fair and meet at the middle. Add 2 versions and let the person playing choose from pure translation and liberties taken. But don't force them to consume something you deem to be superior. Just give them the option to choose themselves...
probably the worst defense I've heard yet.
>It doesn't matter if it's wrong, you should be happy because they targeted (you).
The latter, because then I know for certain the person translating isn't an ESL or some lazy zoomer weeb.
No true scotsman fallacy
>The writing IS clearly better though
No it isn't.
>The target audience for an English localization of a game like that is old JRPG nerds
So an audience even less likely to like blatantly retarded localizations? That makes no sense.
>let's be real
Hilarious coming from the clown who can't be honest for a minute.
I wish literally anyone else made games similar to Kegani Laboratory. They're the only devs that consistently make games that are EXACTLY the specific niche I want, yet all of their games are super buggy/broken MTLs with bad art.

If those game concepts got realized by any other dev it'd be my favorite studio.
And what concept is that? Just looks like cookie cutter NTR to me, happy to be corrected though.
Welcome to the sexy bar could have been the absolute greatest ntr game if it had better art/was made by a dev that actually knows how to make a game
No, you're pretty much right on the money. I guess the way they go about realizing the NTR is what arouses him?
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Can you niggers stop using this non-H game and pick something on topic? Just use Kozue as the premiere example.
how do you raise Love in Shin-Sei-Den?
I remember one game doing this but most devs won't do this because it's extra effort.
I love Recettear but the retards who localized it very clearly ruined translations for years by making everyone think that having cute girls speak in a brash and egotistical way is totally ebin.
Can you add the literal Japanese subtitles under the text so that we can compare them in the first place?
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I'm a weird guy so a lot of the things I really love in an hgame you can't really search for by genre.

I'll give an example, RJ240331 is an optional NTR, board game/tabletop, corruption, dungeon crawler, rpg card game. With adjustable difficulty so I can make it super hard, an autistic number of classes/builds, and an impregnation system.

I love literally everything about that. Their other games have a similar combination of different niche shit that I literally won't find anywhere else. The issue is that they're just shitty devs, and a game that could be 10/10 they make just bearable.
That translator got upset enough over the backlash here during his kagura shillling shifts. Lets not beat a dead horse.
We'll never get to see her pure Verita form. Life is suffering. :(
NTA but even as an EOP looking at the left and right you can kinda just tell it's been heavily changed based on the punctuation and some of the English words being used.
>Gets raped
>turns brown and evil
First one is such basic Japanese too turned into something out of Neptunia loc.
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>kagura shillling shifts
What happened to the resident kagura employee? He hasn't posted in a while.
Being replaced with AI.
Every anon clutching their pearls over this needs to get outside of their 4chan bubbles and realize that localizations like Trails in the Sky, Final Fantasy Tactics (of which this localization style is heavily reminiscent), hell, all of the Final Fantasies, are massively beloved by JRPG gamers, and will continue to be preferred over terse and flavorless localizations.
You overestimate us... but okay, as you wish. I thought this might've been a good short time investment for future posting of this reference material. But it's fine if you don't want to. Can't really do much with it but we can just move topics.
Having to come here and read the posts every day was probably too much torture
If some anon knows... I'd appreciate it
the fumika posts killed him
It's so frustrating lol. If there was someone remaking their games except not dogshit, they'd be literally the only porngame dev I've ever given money to.
Kill enemies right as enemies grab the girl
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We need them now more then ever
thanks, that makes it even better, true bridge effect
I wonder if the sequel is gonna be any good? If I'm not mistaken this dev has a pretty good development track record and he's fast too, right?
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Everyone who liked the first Fumika will like it.
I'm an EOP too man. The ellipsis on the left seemingly indicate maybe being unsure about something or worried whereas the dialogue on the right is weirdly assertive and confidently(?) swearing. The dialogue on the right is also uses a few words and phrases which trigger my "fan fiction alarm" which means it could be real but it's worth double checking.
>9/10 on steam
The opinions of minorities should categorically be disregarded.
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>he has no faith
Isn't this just an EOP complacency problem? Every time inconsistencies between the translation get brought up you idiots shouting "no no no, stop saying that". My favorite is "then just go play the Japanese version and leave me alone!" People don't want better for themselves they want McDonalds.
RJ286695 is quite good, I especially liked the final fall of the 3 women, denying them until they ask for it is something I didn't know I liked, any other games that are similar? I've already played the rest of Laplace's games.
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Is this reference to a red feather pointing the way I've seen in different places so far referring to Ino's missing red feather or something?
Actually, the other way around, the opinions of the majority midwits should be disregarded.
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need fumikas to set the barrier up again
Ironically people who care for the source material are the real minority. People love their localisation slop. For a laugh also check the ratings of Kings Exit on steam.
Idk but I do that to AI bots
the majority doesn't push civilization forward, they indulge upon the achievements of the blessed few
Considering what we're dealing with in terms of releases, yes, that is true. I don't have any faith anymore. I'm tired of being disappointed.
Did you find his missing red feather yet? It's a little complicated so I'll give you a tip: The Bringer
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He's already released at least three games. He puts one out every three years!
Oh that enemy that one shot two of my party members on the way to Huma, I'll deal with it later.
It can kill you easily for a reason.
>Taima Miko Yuugi dev
Ah, I see... well, feel free to cuss at me. He's not someone I like. I get that the characters are well written and I do like the dynamic between them. Mayu is moe with yen eyes. But at the same time the art is "too busy" and I'm not a fan of tentacles or traditional Japanese monsters when it comes to hentai.
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You are motherfucker.
suddenly stopped posting a few months ago. likely dead by earthquake or typhoon
there's going to be a Twomika?
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Why is Hakika such a troll? From this to an empty chest and 1 soul pickups.
I'm Japanese-American and I prefer playing JRPGs in English because the localizations are usually just more entertaining, which is all that matters in the end. I'll switch over if the localization is straight ass though like something like Senran Kagura or if the game is just good to experience in Japanese like Yakuza.
Yeah, sorry about that. His new game does look like it has an updated art style to it from what you posted. I might like that. By too busy I meant literally too stuffed with things if you look at the hentai scenes, there's so much stuff everywhere... I don't like this type of art. But I did find the two characters rather endearing for what little I played.
Don't you nips get botched western localizations all the time? I tend to see the Japanese care a lot less about the source then westerners do.
It's okay Anon I don't like tentacleshit either but I enjoyed the games for their objective quality anyway.
As in you barely know japanese because you grew up in america?
Yeah, it got announced by the dev himself. Check his Ci-en once they're done with maintenance.
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I'd post the ci-en post but there's maintenance
I don't get why trannylators keep threatening to pozz up the AIs that replace them when someone will obviously just train up a not shit AI for people to use instead.
You need to have blood money to train a not shit LLM though.
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name 5 h-games
The CCP will save us
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Canela spotted.
Deploying Canela.
N6 here

>I'm in a better mood already. Well, see you later.
>You are nervous.
>More importantly, Hina. Where did you go without me?
>Just because you are afraid (of being at) school at night doesn't mean there are monsters, monsters....
Hina uses "desho" here. (Shouldn't it be でしょう?)
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Any good RPG will mess with its players to keep them on their toes. It's fun.
Thats a funny way of saying I'm a wegger born and raised in America
Sequel Blight
Sequel Awake
Sequel Colony
Sequel Kludge
Sequel Thirst
oh my god
I wish wegs had women with kissable lips like that.
>open eop general
>wtf why are there so many eops here?
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I'm still learning.
Localizing something with voice acting means the reader/listener won't be able to learn the language by following along.
Correct. He's falsely asserting people not knowing their translation was fucked up means they approve of it being fucked up
>monsters, monsters....
I love it.
oh and 4月 should be "April" not Month 4.
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pantsuhunter here. Where are my loli panchira-ge
Localizations aren't meant to be educational, anon.
nta, but how does one go about translating the repeating at the end? It's pretty common japanese phrasing to repeat the topic of the sentence at the end, but you can't exactly replicate that in English.
99% of H-games don't have voice acting, in fact I think voice acting detracts from the experience. The only H-games I liked with voice acting were the Aisha trilogy.
Also holy fuck, shut the fuck up all of you. You've been arguing for over 6 hours. Go to sleep or something.
sir this is the h game thread. You find naked lolis here, not loli pantsu
they should. It would help people eventually graduate to reading the source.
I just woke up, I have another 17 hours to go.
Aisha's game had voice acting?? I have been missing out.
It's only by first seeing the wrinkled pee stained pantsu softly enveloping the cunny that we can truly appreciate whats behind them
demo for RJ01236961 looking pretty good. I'm honestly surprised by how popular hinata escape clones seem to be but it's certainly a good thing.
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Troonlators are fucked. There's a reason publishers immediately announced they're kicking them to the curb for AI models, even though such a change would take a long time to actually implement. They hate them, and they know everyone else hates them too.
You chop it off and keep the exasperation it's conveying.
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>No Penetrative Sex
But why?
because that's not important. What matters is the girl gets molested by disembodied hands.
remove it or add another sentence that means something similar. shrimple as
Only the third one does. It added voice work and live2d, at the cost of halving the amount of scenes.
the lack of games where I can self insert as ojisan and rape lolis is concerning
This is also a good point. Even without making an effort to learn there are some keywords here and there that I sort of recognise.
>it flipped Onii-san around to the front for no reason
>omg mind blowing technology!!!!
Now get it to translate >>493862973 properly.
wtf, чeт џипитoвcки is one of /us/?
Indeed. Serial loli rapist genre is basically nonexistent in games for whatever reason.
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It better be worth it.
>inverted nipples
picked up
Anon I watched anime for 15 years and learned less Japanese from it than one month of deliberate study.
paste the text here first
Sauce on the image? Looks like Sylphy.
Jarvis, post anime_girl_pointing_and_laughing_gif_24.gif
(You) problem, should have been listening more. Ofc you need to study grammar on your own, but picking up the sense of the logic of a language, vocabulary and phrases is much easier by listening and experiencing then studying. How do you think all the ESLs learn English?
Next game from Sylphy's dev, go play the demo
Sounds like you may have the stupid. Even illiterate people can pick up a language they hear often. They won't be able to read it, but they'll understand it spoken
I'm not drawing that entire text, if you want too see how chat gpt would do it, give the characters in text format.
Honestly kind of hot. Once her virginity is gone she is worthless. So she wont lose it at all.
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It's up to you to prove it can't. I don't care either way, because japanese companies are going to be actively improving AI translation models going forward, and getting the AI to not fuck up your translation is a simple matter of asking in the query, now that a certain middle party's massive ego is no longer in play.
Attention: NTR is avoidable. Sharing is avoidable. Read the Developer Notes please.
The developer will ignore all comments about the optional NTR in this game.
If she cheats on you in one route she'll cheat on you in any other.
Eroges where the bull is the only non-consenting party?
What if it's the vanilla route.
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>just found out about the new SEQUEL game
>retarded fox is the main girl
Dev please, give me in-game choices so i can bully her to kingdom come
What? Like the cheating girl is throwing herself at a man that is clearly not interested?
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Guess they were there for testing purposes and dev forgot to remove
A girl rapes a guy on the orders of her SO.
but I want to make sharing in purpose, it being optional and minor is what makes the game hot anon, a vanilla buildup to a netorase scene? thats the real netorase, not games that are all about it
He's making fun of you, ESL EOP retard.
She's still the same person in the inside
>even sub-par admits noja was a mistake
for how long this jop humiliation ritual will continue noja? you lost, move on, stop being so mad about your hidden gems getting a much needed translation by bazed and actually getting discussed here noja
>you should remove any cute verbal tics a character has just because it might scare dekinais off
Is it in English?
Don't bully her, she's doing her best.
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Leaving noja in is the correct choice.
>japanese saying noja every sentence
And bring back Marionette so you can cheese the whole game by killing her over and over again.
Actually he's just ducking burden of proof by asking others to test his claim for him.
'tis... 'tis...
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We already knew that. One sperg just can't stop complaining about it to us.
I'm making fun of him ESL EOP retard
both should be left in, written in their respective native scripts
>(You) x 4
>+1000 pts
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what's your next move? muh HTML edits?
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In pretty much any piece of fiction ever written, it's considered a critical aspect of someone's character whether they refer to others using "mister", "sir", "monsieur", "señor", or something else. Meanwhile, translators have spent the last 20 years claiming that changing a character's さん into "mister" is correct.
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I accept your (You)s and also your concession.
by me
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I accept your confession!
Where do I find the VP mods everyone's been talking about?
China and Korea
nice shop
Tinkle Bell is the only time I find blatantly over-animated visuals appealing. I have no idea how they do it.
Three of my translations are in the bin. In all three of them, I didn't permit any trace of that noja troonery. Yes, it's that common, yes, you rarely see it because most translators aren't pussies beholden to the whims of the ignorant masses. EOPs are dumb monkeys that hoot and holler as soon as the one next to them does, and it's my job to be a responsible ningen and steer the ship away from the icebergs. And I will continue to do so, and you'll like it, because you don't know what you like.
tfw no yuri ge (game)
quintessential EOP falseflag
if you were so proud of your translations you would say which games they are
Sure tranon I believe you
>Three of my translations are in the bin
Post them
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Return to Noja


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Can do
>Three of my translations are in the bin.
Proofs? Big if true!
Thankfully, even kagura actually knows how integral noja is & when to leave noja in.
I may dislike some decisions they make, but damn im I glad they got to noja the nojas and you're faggot hands didnt touch those nojas.
noja peace!
noja hugs!
noja love around the world!
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What does a girl's nooja-nooja feel like?
The fuck is a noja
The reasoning he gives for it is so troon-flavored too.
>Oh yeah she's like supposed to be an anime girl, I made her other lines stereotypically bad for the memes
>Yeah it's an archaic thing but I decided that's not important to her character
>My target audience is whoever likes my translation
>Eh I overdid it but it'd take too much effort to fix
Like how are you retards actually okay with this?
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The real answer is that none of us give a shit. The intent from the dev is to have her as a noja spammer, and the translation gives us that.
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what the hell does "troon-flavored" mean noja
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Any games where plain-faced side characters get some action? NPC rape doesnt count.
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I'll take nojas over whatever the fuck pic related is
and that's why you'll never blob
eops don't deserve nojas. that should be a privilege only afforded to jops who can appreciate its true value.
Which one would be more dangerous to be left alone with, Kuruha, Rabi or Sheena?
nta, i don't speak nipponese and i don't have the latest chatgpt (the payed one), but here's what I got. My input was "the following text is from a game and is written in archaic Japanese, please translate it as an anime fan translation would:"

"I've found evidence of the looting. But the culprit, fearing exposure, abandoned the captured villagers and fled.

Even though the law dictates execution for such crimes, the cowardly and selfish act fills me with uncontainable rage.

Those left behind in the prison suffered in hunger and thirst, likely breathing their last in torment.

It was a young couple... how terribly tragic."
Futa cocks noja.
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From those 3, I think Kuruha. But Malice is more dangerous than all of them.
Is she from Asylum or Kludge
MC of Asylum
Ok, that's pretty impressive.
Ikuyo, Korin!
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The former
Asylum is that one spin-off with the female protag right? Is this futa or
There’s zero futa. It’s just a feMC game.
>Gives up and tries to leave town
>Gets detained for three days forced to listen to childhood friend sex
If anything, he didn't go far enough.
kill and rape gachaniggers noja
>side characters
the two together would be very rare. good luck, fellow plain and side-hoe anon
>NPC doesn't count
Has there been any notable futa x female game since Futaring?
He noticed he was getting popular and thus immediately sold out.
>player has poor affinity with mana
>can produce infinitely anyways
>can go to Domain of Infinite Mana unaffected
>can even make weapons
I don't get it
>>player has poor affinity with mana
>>can produce infinitely anyways
Mana is blood, women are vampires. Sure you could also drink blood too, but you're not going to get much out of it.
>>can go to Domain of Infinite Mana unaffected
Still incredibly suspect but no one really talks much about it considering it 1. saved the day 2. that exact mana he produces nearly enslaved the world and they're all hooked on it now
>>can even make weapons
I bet most of the best blacksmiths couldn't sword fight their way out of a paper bag.
乱妨取り as looting is an understatement, it explicitly describes theft through violence
the "even though" is not logically followed by the rest of the sentence. also the word used is very specifically "beheading" and not just any execution
doing two [verb]ing in [noun] clauses in a row without it being the point like that is bad style
random ellipses added for no reason like a middle schooler wrote it, which also turns a single clause sentence into two
also hate how flat, modern, and low reading level the tone became
and it messed the formatting up

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Because the few made him suffer, he has a moral and indignant right to go after the many? Sounds more like a tantrum than anything like justice or retribution, but yes, I suppose if you want him to be morally grey he could have pic related'd that pink haired bitch before even fighting the hero, dealing with traitors before the enemy is common wartime practice for a reason.
The point is that particular world wasn't worth saving and neither were the people in it. All the good he had witnessed in people was easily corrupted by the bad and the bad were able to roam free doing as they please making the world a much worse place over all. He was doing everyone a favor, this isn't a "compare it to our world" scenario so you can't judge him based on how we are or how we do things. You have to judge him and his actions based on how their in game universe works and there was nothing worth saving because if you weren't suffering then you were the one causing others to suffer, every single person in their world was one of the two and the best thing for it was to burn it all down and start anew
Translating looks hard, I learn something new from almost every new game and LN I pick up.
I can't imagine how comfortable you need to be to translate confidently in a timely manner.
You pick something short no one in a million years will touch but you like well enough and give it your best attempt. You then look at it and decide if it's something you'd be proud of releasing or not. If the answer is no, you throw it in the trash and pick something new until you're good enough and/or lowered your standard enough or quit because it takes so much time and effort.
I translated a game with approximately 6500 strings (not sure how many characters it was) and it took me about a month and a half. This is as an amateur who had to look at a dictionary a lot. I think once you learn certain commonly occurring words and phrases it gets a lot easier. I think already enjoying writing made it easier too, which is the side people tend to forget about. You don't just have to read the Japanese, you have to write a whole game in English too.
I hate writing, which is probably why the only thing I find enjoyable is shitting on errors other translators made.
Playtesting and fixing every single mistake you find during it and then playtesting it AGAIN is more suffering than doing the first draft
What the fuck is a vaginajob how is it different from sex
rubs it like other sorts of jobs but doesn't actually go inside.
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but anon, THP world is a direct parallel of ours, just replace dragon power with wealth
pink hair is unironically more evil than the """hero""" and I wish her nothing but the worst.
>ero exit 8
It was a matter of time I suppose.
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Reject bitchy pinks.
Accept head full of flowers pink overlords.
I wanna play that but can't find it on any piracy sites. Guess it's impossible to get. Oh well.
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What about "bitchy hero?"
Not missing anything, anon. Those stacker """""puzzle""""" games are awful.
I like playing an awful game every now and again
I've translated like 5 million-some words (which is to say like 10 million JP moji). Japanese is a language filled with patterns so you increasingly get more and more used to it. What initially will give you pause eventually becomes so trivial you just insert the same boilerplate TL you used the past ten times. I used to keep a notepad of novel translations of common patterns but I stopped because they ended up engrained in my brain anyway. In fact it starts getting really mentally painful and draining to read such fucking boring dogshit repetitive writing. Eventually you will be filled with such spite that you don't even care. It's just so painful and boring. That's why translators actually insert memes and jokes. They spent 8 hours a day basically staring at a concrete in a sensory deprivation chamber and the only fun is to phrase something in a meme way and get a little giggle.

Anyway here's some novel translations.

苦笑 -> forced a smile, unsteady smile, lopsided smile, strained smile
出番だ -> You're up
心に染みる -> words to live by
マイペース -> lives in their own little world
ハッと -> with a start
覚悟している -> I've made peace with that
聞いてくれたありがとう -> You're a good listener. Thank you.
it's only $1 and some change
frames dropped: the game
that's $1 and some change more than it's worth
>lives in their own little world
That's a bit contextually different from what I know. When used to describe someone's behavior, generously it would say that the person is: "True to themselves, and lives without being bound by the rules or opinions of others". But in a less flattering matter, it would mean: "A fucking selfish cunt."
>it explicitly describes theft through violence
...as opposed to looting?
It depends. These novel translations are only deployed when relevant. Sometimes マイペース is used for airheads. Look up the word alongside 天然
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Hearing this in awake, especially with your reunion with Rabi and Tirma fills me with joy and comfort
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I've been thinking of clearing out my porn game folder because I need more space and I can't remember for the life of me where I put my other hard drives that still have some free space in them, but when I think about how it's going to be a pain in the ass to get these again even though I haven't played even half of these, I hesitate a lot.
Thanks for the blog update, anon.
Hard drives are cheap as fuck. Buy one that your shit will fit on, dump your shit onto it, and go about your life.
anons are complaining about a 1$ game being too expensive 5 posts up, you really think anon is going to buy another hard drive?
A hard drive is actually worth something. That game isn't.
I'll look into it. Unfortunately $50 isn't "cheap as fuck" for me, even if it's a 1TB or 2TB hard drive.
>$50 for a 1TB
A 2TB should be like $30
very cool 2d hentai games discussion retards
The real hentai was the friends we made along the way
Mai pesu?
Did i get it right?
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where do you think you are?
Bitch-about-translations and Blogpost (Every other general's rejects and trash bin) General
Pillaging sounds more forceful than looting.
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Worth it, just to stop juggling stuff around between a half dozen different hard drives because "I know I have space for this, it's just not where I need it right now."
Was for me, at least.
Though clearing some out might be good too. It doesn't matter if it's a pain in the ass to get again, if it's one you're not gonna bother getting again anyway.
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Is there any reason to explore this region? The place is fucking massive, I've been wandering for around 15 minutes with no end in sight, and all the loot has been garbage so far.
i think they are the same, one is just french and the other hindi
Give me your porn games folder and I'll store it for you until you have a job so you can buy another hard drive for it.
Remember when Clymeme still made games?
Yeah, haha...
Why bother? They know they can not beat Octavia's game.
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>It is the third installment of the sequence series ( SEQUEL blight - SEQUEL awake - SEQUEL colony - SEQUEL kludge ), and the story is darker than the previous ones, and some horror elements are added. Also, unlike the previous works, although it is not directly related to the worldview work of the Age of Mythology produced by the circle, it shares some settings. Rice cakes are also scattered here and there, and in particular , there are many references to the third work, "Ellasaga " . Like other works in the circle, it shares the same worldview
>although it is not directly related to the worldview work
>Age and Mythology and Ellasaga
Do all of SEQUEL's games take place in the same universe? I don't understand. And is Colony some sort of alternate timeline, or ties directly prior to the events of Awake
My pace
My Noja
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Thats just 'she goes at her own pace" at most
Nothing deep Anon, seriously.
Will she even get scenes in this form?
What is even the point of this when we know she won't get fucked? Obviously just a flashback
I just use "free-spirited"
Its wasei eigo anon. That shit takes new colloquial meanings. That phrase in particular has become a meme of sorts in recent years. Its kind of become of the nip equivalent of "I'm not like other girls" whenever some young chick uses it to describe herself or puts it on her SNS profile.
Because Thornsin is a keg NoR clone, and that game had Mini-nela, so this one gets Mini-not-nela.
No one careeeeees about the story, I want to skip all the scenes, especially with the fucking merchant
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>play sex game
>get angry at sex scenes
>you have to go out of your way to get the merchant scenes
ur dum
I think every game scenarios revolving around adventurer's guild are SHIT
It's a game you have to replay over and over, I don't want to see them every time
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What the fuck
No, you only play it once because it's easy and there's nothing gained by doing a second run.
The only thing you can miss are the iron maiden scenes, because you need to grind out a fire potion to reach them, and it's rng if it's already occupied. Otherwise, you play it once and then fuck off until the game is done.
It's all Imos' fault.
>the man who didn't and couldn't do anything was to blame
The moral of the story is to treat everyone fairly and with kindness, because you never know who you're dealing with. Reminds me of one of those stories of tough guys fucking around and finding out how weak they actually are. Lotia, Variges and his fat fuck brother should have been better people

An alternate story with Imos having been chosen by a dragon instead of Variges would be interesting, I bet he'd have been 1k times better of a human than him
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Anyone know if this affects post-battle item drops from "strong" enemies?

So is King's Exit ever getting a real English release or not? I'm confused. Especially since Demons Roots appear to have been a success.
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As far as I remember, in every sequel game any items that boost drop rates only affects items that show up in the monster log, which is always limited to 3 items. Super bosses with a large drop table or the special brand drops in the "endless" dungeon in Asylum roll independently using RPGmaker post battle code rather than item spoils.
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Apparently kagura gave up and he's trying with dlsite now. The revenue cut for Dlsite translations are pretty awful though, so he might not agree to it.
>Apparently kagura gave up
What the fuck? Shitty cunts!
post her
He's apparently got someone working on it, he frequently mentions that it's "in progress."
But not a lot of detail besides that, so we don't know who or when.

Not sure, but I don't get the impression he's using the "DLsite translation" thing.
Though it probably will be sold through DLsite, since the publishers wouldn't go for it.
Which also won't be the best for sales, but at least it'll be available.
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makane's fat tiddies
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>Eldorkante announced for release on the 14th!

Yup, it's over! All the shitty releases have finally taken their toll on /hgg2d/!
Wow... I didn't realize I was this blind already. That's rather unsettling!
why should I be excited for this?
Gave RJ01057033 a try since I saw it was in the bin
This game is unoptimized and runs like absolute shit
There's huge loading times literally every single time a CG appears on screen.
Loading takes like 10 seconds or more everytime since it seems like every character is really just a dozen different body parts individually animated and overlaid on top of each other using the dev's character generator system.
And I have a pretty powerful PC along with running this game off an M.2 so I know it isn't me, it's the dev's complete disregard for optimization.

I'm not sure if they even play tested this game since the animated sex scenes don't work most of the time too.

Wouldn't be surprised to learn if this dev is doing the same dumbass thing as that other game I've forgotten the name of where the animation is achieved by having hundreds of individual image files coded to rapidly load and unload sequentially, like an incredibly inefficient version of a .gif except there's 15 of these things on your screen at one time.

It's a shame since I usually like these Boku no Natsuyasumi-like games.
Though I see that the dev is working on an optimization update to reduce loading times on their Ci-en, so hopefully it'll run better after that's done.
My thought's exactly! I likewise feel nothing about it at all!
There's this one 2d hentai game(?) in twitter with decent pixel animation similar to Witch of the Blue, it was called Kunoichi Sekiren or something like that. Anyone else knows about it
Holy shit, thanks
SEQUEL better end with the protag coming back to Rabi and co. and stay there
Fuck this image rangeban
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Yet another example of how hgg2d anons simply don't even try.
I have not played a good futa game in like 8+ months.
Tell me how that is possible. How do you take one of the most erotic and lust filled concepts and completely drop the ball on being able to make anything good?
The concept of the game could be as basic bitch as you like
>Girl eats mushroom
>Whoops, now she grew a dick! Never seen that one before!
>Oh no, now she's filled with lust!
>Guess she's going to have to just go around fucking all the other girls in the village!
>Girl gets infected with a parasite DICK
>Goes around fucking other girls
>Infects them too
>Aim of the game is to infect everyone

Dude, that's all that needs to happen. Literally doesn't need to be any deeper than that, so why aren't there any games being created?

Also, for the love of god don't give the futa a dick the size of her torso, that shit is a turn off. Give her a regular or even a large (but normal sized still) dick, not these comically large ones.

Finally we need a futa game in which you fuck shotas
Deepthroat all ideasguys.
Because unironically nobody cares about quality anymore. THEY WANT THEIR PRODUCT RIGHT NOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Yes, even if it's slop. They cannot wait. They need it right away, and once they're done with it and rate it 5*, they move on forgetting this all happened, resetting and repeating the cycle all over again. This is applicable to all games and products.
You mean game devs? They're the biggest idea guys out there. I don't think I'd want to go anywhere near them, assuming they're as ugly as I think they are.
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relax retards, wait for 7th door kino

many such cases, retards need to stop spoonfeeding
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>since I saw it was in the bin
Why doesn't the bin have DDLs anymore? The torrents fucking suck.
>camel face
You can find the direct links over at fag95, anime sharing, or egg. If not, buy the game yourself. As for the links... something something they getting reported or have to be constantly renewed and shit, I'm not sure. Why don't you do it? SIMPLY upload all of the games in the bin to 3 separate file hosts and maintain all of them, making sure they don't expire! SO EASY!
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>hi-def nojablob
this feels wrong
The bin was the file host. You can still ddl some games from there.
Any fun sandbox with a lot of interior locations? I have a subset of autism that makes me enjoy a large location with a lot of interiors I can explore.
At the expense of someone's bandwidth, time, or money. Torrents are the easier one click solution because it's a division of responsibility. Binanon doesn't have to be around 24/7 afaik, not sure about the whole tracker thing. As long as someone seeds, you can get the file. The main issue, I think, is that you gotta seed the entire thing and can't pick and choose which games you want to seed.
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ipfs ddls were still peer to peer, that's why seeding the bin was so important
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You retards only reply to retards, and then complained about it. While game that can't be search through saucenao, google, tineye, iqdb get ignored >>493917930
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>5 days
>lambda neros TL hopefully by the end of the year
Awesome, I'll be eating good
You know I actually didn't mind the artwork in LLMB. I thought most of the girls where attractive even the fat inn lady. But holy shit what happened to megrim, his new game is so disgusting looking
Bin and seeding is sad. I've deleted some of the games from there that I used to keep for seeding, but for how much time I keep them seeded, they get sweet fuck-all traffic. It is amusing seeing which tags get no traffic and which get the most. Also obvious how so many people download from there and then don't seed–I have wondered how many users of it do not go to this general but use the links each time they get updated to just leech.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
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What are those?
I see hag
I go flaccid
hag (somebody over the age of 10 years)
I don't remember the last time I downloaded something from the bin, or specifically that I downloaded to actually play and not just check something to confirm that I wasn't misremembering an aspect of an old and obscure title or whatever... I mean, for all intents and purposes what I do with it doesn't matter if I download it, I get that, but overall it's... whatever... I wouldn't feel at a loss if it got shut down due to all the other alternatives. Go right ahead and kill it at your leisure.
Is she also a slut like the Eldorante girl? I can't bring myself to care about games that feature some wannabe corruption system with a generally slutty girl. Poorly paced titles, basically. Not saying that she is, but asking if that's the case or not.
I didn't mean to sound like binanon, my mistake, but I have quite a lot of games on there that I seed often (less these days as they get nigh-zero traffic). I do agree on checking elsewhere before downloading, though, especially since the releases on the bin are sometimes outdated and even miss some bonuses like the dev omake or some little thing.
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Black Souls 3 fucking WHEN?
I'll answer your question if you answer mine: Are you retarded?
after Red's game and the 7 Princess' game
so roughly 2034
Same as the lines on a face: aging lines.
I asked the other anon if they were retarded, not everyone else. They're taut skin lines, when the body is forced to stretch skin in certain ways it's not accustomed to then creases will form. In this case bending over which causes the usual looser skin around the anus to be tightened which causes these fold lines to form

Age lines, what a fucking idiot
Might be a bit of hair, hyper-arrogant and hyper-aggressive alpha male psycho anon.
>captcha: margh
How you sound when you read each post.
Gaming lines
noja lines
Calm down retard
sorry mr autist for asking an innocent question in a half-joking way in a 2d jap porn game general on a dying imageboard
Jerk off to some h-games, it'll help you calm down.
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>sudden forced bukkake on angryanon
you guys are alright sometimes
Why is this supposedly genius lady do this?
You'll have to buy the game when it releases to find out!
That's another key point. The updates happen on a monthly basis, if even, and at times it doesn't even work, or the downloads are slow due to insufficient interest, or they're even outdated. The bin feels more like a backup than anything else...
So is this game any fun to play or is it tedious like all the other early Arisu Softu geymu?
this is genuinely mad post LMAO
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Holy noja
I think Korin is the better Noja.
>Meanwhile anon's childhood friend
I see it more as a newfag resource.
Get someone started down the path of pirating RPGMaker porn games, with a centralized list to pick from.
Once they're in deep enough to be following new releases and digging into the untranslated stuff, they probably know at least some of the other options anyway.
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>male protag
>sex content without losing
>no femdom
is "monster girl conquest records battle orc" best h game?
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Every game from blight onwards takes place in Ordowald. The “Era of Myth” games are the 7 old freeware games hakika made in years prior. The protag of Ruinswald, Ranie Rafata (you’d know her as Immortal Goddess Rafata) came to the other old game worlds and linked them to Ruinswald, creating Ordowald.
is this a weg?
Fucking love orcs they're definitely my go to race when im isekai'd
Although that's a good point, I have to wonder how many newfags actually find out about these games from here instead of other sites? Well regardless, backup or primary resource, it is what it is I guess, and until it remains it isn't necessarily a detriment to anyone.
And yet we still constantly get newfags asking for 'generic/common tag' game. Actually most demanding posts don't even give anything in return, seldom are they akin of,
>Hey I've tried x/y/z, I like x and y, z was poor because of a/b/c, but I liked this and that, anyone got anything similar at all?
Rare, it's just,
>ge for -common shit-
Or worse, a cropped picture. I'm aware that about half are shit-posts, but such will make newfags feel welcome as it's on display.
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What's the current fotm after mad island?
Considering fag95 nukes content at random I'd say it's a good resource to have. Also I remember princess honey trap on fag95 having the outdated version of the translation in the OP meaning I would have had to go find a Japanese download and patch it myself if not for the bin. I also like how the games in the bin are translated so you know it's going to be playable for EOPs.
The bin could be better though. It seems lots of games are either missing tags or might be incorrectly tagged so I can't blame Anons for asking here. It would be good if there was a VNDB for h-games so people can more easily search for their tastes.
Doesn't look that great
Tunnel escape
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>Ask anon a question
>Anon answers the question
>"Muh doesn't look great"

Why yes kindly go fuck yourself
Holy based. It's worth a try but the art and """animation""" is pretty bad. Some anons would recommend to not use the cheat tackle and play it like a normal pokemon game.
no shit sherlock
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Oh goddamnit, I just want to be in peace before thirst comes out. Why do there have to be so many games to play now?
Yep. It be that way.

You're not wrong. It's just Pokemon Extra-Lite with super easy progression, very little buildup in terms of MC growth and relations to the other girls aside from the main 2 dorks, and an abundance of what feel like pointless sex scenes. The masses love their slop.
Finally, a good game.
Ok retard, name 5 games without a single pointless sex scene.
Look at this filler garbage. More than half of these arrows point out that she has breasts, and that like any woman, they act like breasts and bounce if they're sufficiently large. Wow... such a shocking revelation. Yeah, I'm not really excited about this. Enemies seem like faceless nobodies. They can't even write a proper villain unless it's a MC and it's self insert faggotry.
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Why the fuck are you fags so mad today?
Why do you assume that just because there are bad games that there are also good ones? There are no good games and I have no recommendations. Everything is slop.
Right click > block element
Every time there's a new bin update.
Why is the malemc in her game a darkie.
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It's okay anon-kun, you don't have to like everything. Maybe this hobby just isn't for you. There are plenty of other things you might enjoy that aren't h-games.
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>If you write 食べる (ta-be-ru) then the 食 is pronounced "ta"
>But if you write 食パン (Shoku-pa-n) it's Shoku despite being the same word

I can't
Why the fuck are you posting here then?
It's your fault! You're to blame for this!
Absolutely it is for me. The more I dislike something the more at home I feel!

Because I enjoy it. I don't need to justify shit to (You). And now, just like how I started this curt exchange, I'm also ending it. Melding into the shadows like anonymous. Wow, so cringe. Anyway, guess which anon I'll be next. You can't!
Please be satire.
(You) will not leave without telling me what's your favourite japanese 2d h-game, please.
what does sex feel like?
rusted salty bags of coin milk
touhou game?
Warm milk and salty coins.
What game series should I play next?
are there many? there's souls, sequel, venus blood, rance, uhh....
I'll also consider non related games from the same dev as a "series"
Would you recommend those?
I fucking swore I heard some H-game music on that Rise of Kingdoms jewtube ad
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>when other Jap mediums have some ideas for hgames
This was a funny game
>H-game music
Devs use regular royalty free music when not using dungeon1.
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nap time
what the fuck is kagura doing with incubus quest
anon, please understand... they're a small indie multi-dollar company
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What the fuck is Otaku Plan doing with Konoha's game?
Stop being so obstinate and play the MTL. The official release is going to be garbo anyway. It's a niche loli game that not many are looking forward to. There's no way that they'll put much effort into it like they did with Yarimon.
this is peak female form
They probably made more money selling videogames on steam than corporations like ubisoft or sony
Use of silhouettes is just an excuse to be lazy and put in less effort.
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Which h-game heroine took the largest number of cocks while still keeping her innocence?
>If you write "laughter" then the laughter is pronounced "/ˈlaftər/"
>But if you write "slaughter" it's "/ˈlôdər/" despite being the same word

I can't
>be angloid
>left and lieu in lieutenant are pronounced the same
I'm not autistic enough to deal with the dungeon blobber gameplay of this.
Tell me more about the town bike screenshot of hers that regularly gets posted all around this site.
That's the joke.
She's literally retarded which drives people away from her, so she tends to go along with anything that people tell her because she believes that it'll make people like her more. Cue more and more people taking advantage of that to have sex with her and that's how she becomes the town bike.

I really could use more h-games like that where the girl is constantly taken advantage of but she goes along with it because she's dumb so it's technically not just boring old rape.
Girls really are cutest when they're almost retarded.
I wish they expanded on her first time. I need to know if it was a father figure like old man, maybe the husband of some hag, or if it was some shota that fell in love with her and got cucked, heartbroken, maybe hanged himself like she does in the bad end. Deep.
I don't expect explicit CGs, but I imagine all the bike riding is just mentioned in passing no? Not even just a little bit of elaboration?
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Anon it came out months ago…
No. She just nonchalantly mentioned in a casual conversation that she rode a bunch of men cause it made her feel needed and less lonely or some such.
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is it possible to make hentai diabloid? GOOD hentai diabloid?
It's a kanji not a word nigga, all of them have different readings for verbs and nouns. What you should be complaining about is 食べる and 食う using different readings to both mean eat, because men eat differently from women.
I need the evilest ge you got
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>multi-dollar company
No, that's too evil.
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Try Ruruka’s game RJ01181572. I think she’s as airheaded as Eureka.
play Netori stuff, like Summer Memories or NTR Legend
Some of the heroines in SEQUEL, specifically not human but monster cocks
Incels need to stop making games. Married men and gigolos only.
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Games for this feel? Also why am I just now hearing nhentai is shutting down?
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Probably the most innocent of Sequel’s nonvirgins are Emela and Lestea, right? Emela took monster dicks as part of her job and Lestea was a prostitute in Shikinowa.
>why am I just now hearing nhentai is shutting down
Frankly i'm surprised it lasted THIS long,
ever since the whole "nuke codes" and shit normalfaggotry
is mega not working for anyone else?
Seems slower than usual but it does work for me.
>Also why am I just now hearing nhentai is shutting down?
it's not? a lawsuit is lubing up but that process can take years. pirate sites can fall apart from internal drama in the time it takes for the court to settle a matter like this.
Protag is better off being with an unnamed girl, all of the heroines are nonvirgins anyway
It is but isn't, leaving it open for a while seems to work eventually. They're probably just dealing with some stuff on their end, seen other people post about it today as well
I feel like that male mc in most games are brown and if they aren't they magically become brown during sex scenes.
I still have no idea why he decided to introduce two whore characters as main girls in one game or even the concept of monster dicks being a thing in sequel. It was an odd direction but considering he made a whorege (Asylum) after I guess he's into that.
Wait what I thought this was a commercial game
It's called worldbuilding anon. Not everyone's a virgin neet afraid of women with options like you.
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I don’t think it’s too out there to have male monsters in the series. It makes sense in-universe since you wouldn’t really expect humans to be the only species with males, not with all the monster women running around. And you don’t see that many monster men since they’ve been driven to near extinction, just like human men.
By the way, don’t forget blight was the game that introduced monster men, with that monster village south of Haven. Along with you getting rumors of Kuruha in the postgame, where they tell you about how she was assaulting men for mana (which you later learn in awake it was only monster men, and she only ever sucked them off. she stayed a virgin). It was unsurprising to see Emela be a non-virgin via monster men too, given that human men aren’t really around Alzhett anymore.
why must cruelty exist in this cold world
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It was. Even back on the PS3 that dev had a game where one side character died because a big goat man monster fucked her and his cock was too big so it tore her apart.
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Untrue, I have a list of virginities in Sequel
The four main girls and Fake-Rabi are all virgins. Along with Lilia, Chemica, Anisa and Pretty. It's unknown if Lione is a virgin or not.
Kuruha, Pirila, Nazuna and Sheena are the only virgins. The four Colmanas, Yanie, Clar and Maria are non-virgins.
Auris is the only virgin in the party. Emela and Lestea are non-virgins, and you already canonically sexed Rabi, Fake-Rabi and Chemica in blight.
Kuu, Lusica, Yubeil, Yolnaya, Manity and Reda are confirmed virgins. Dita and Faria are likely non-virgins. Vyner is confirmed non-virgin.
>personality excretion
>get to control the little personality jellyshit to crawl through tight spaces
>have to crawl back into the anus to control the femc again
>You keep calling femc games shit, huh? Watch this...
We already knew there are males though and in fact one game (Awake? Colony?) even has a side quest where you fuck some NPC villagers who had been draining some old guy for his entire life. In blight you even meet an old man npc in windswept village.
>afraid of women with options
Women with options doesn't mean whore. I mean Auris's Mom has an ex husband and yet she doesn't seem to act as much of a whore despite her blood. One girl was a whore by nature sucking monster cock and the other was a whore by bad circumstances but it also seems to bleed into her nature a little. This isn't comparable to "a woman who has talked to straight guys before".
>monster men are rare
For some reason I was misremembered and thought they were more common. Either way if you compare how the girls in the first game don't even want to be seen in the stripper outfit by anyone else but you to having a main girl be a succubus who suck cocks for fun at church plus another girl be a prostitute it's just a little odd to me to add two at the same time.
high level
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>Vyner is confirmed non-virgin.
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Yeah. She says so in her final scene.
>The four Colmanas, Yanie, Clar and Maria
Does the sex with them that happened during blight (if you beat them in a fight) count as canon? If yes then that meant that the player's the one who deflowered the,
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When japan wants to get edgy they can get really fucking edgy.
Don't the sex scenes in blight mention that the four Colmanas killed the rest of your party? They're non-canon in that case.
But no explicit scenes right? It's released for a general audience by the looks of it.
Wait, what about the victory during the first fight? Will you still get killed after that? I actually haven't fought them yet and i was just guessing from the CG preview
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There’s no way the player deflowered the colmanas. Alma, Sheila and Lec all know what a dick is in their first scenes in blight (the second scenes are canon, but were just dreams).
The only dubious one is Nosh, but I think it’s easy to infer she’s a non-virgin just because of how confident she was of her sex skills in her awake scenes too.
Yanie is the most obvious non-virgin in the series. The girl probably fucked lots of monster men when she was still working at a mana ranch.
Clar says he’s a non-virgin in his very first scene. Along with practically saying it after he reveals he’s a guy around the 1/3 point of the game. His asshole is described as “experienced” too.
Maria is a non-virgin, but only because she had sex one time with a previous man she knew. And she didn’t enjoy it at all.
Yeah, my bad. It's been years since I've played the game and it looks like only the scenes where you lose mention your friends dying.
I guess then that only those are non-canon but the ones where you win might be canon.
I bust my shit out laughing at that, it turned from sex to comedy in an instant
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When you win for the first time, you get scenes with them, they’re not defloration scenes though.
The second scenes with them in blight are “bad end” scenes that end up just being dreams. But they’re not total bad ends honestly, it’s just that Rabi and co. are dead. I like all of those scenes except for Lec’s second one.
>it’s just that Rabi and co. are dead
For heaven's sake, i'd rather have just myself to be killed than them to be honest. Especially that one scene with Murder Maiden, left me a bit of bad taste. For what it's worth i didn't actually expect myself to be invested in these characters
I actually want a full game with this concept now.
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Some of the regular monster scenes are pretty messed up in blight and awake. I think colony is where hakika got a better grasp on how to do monster scenes well without resorting to snuff. The shark scenes from colony are the best monster enemy girl scenes in the series, hands down.
I always think left is some OL hag. too much cleavage
Wonder how much body count do they have. Emela's already obvious though.
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I wish the dev would make another game like her’s. We really need more games with dominant feMCs.
should i start with scars of summer after or play the original first?
Another banger by bazed just dropped
Forcing Hakika to make a bro-bonding route with Dire in the next SEQUEL game, after Thirst
>British English is even more sophisticated, and preferable to me than American English.
They put Us in the words and give things non literal names like zebra crossing how regal
> even though it's the same word
what the fuck does that mean, it's literally physically not the same word
Dazed is my favorite localizer.
You know fan translation is dead when that faggot's MTL overwrites get pushed to the Latest Updates page since he's a mod, but not actual fan translations that come out.
wait until you learn about 生
What game is this?
Why are there so few morally skin crawly rape doujins
>Colmanas have lived since the beginning of time
Lestea and those four are no different than the succ
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What game is this?
Bros, are you fucking serious right now? What the fuck is wrong with Scars of Summer?
The real NTR was me spending hours to get the happy ending and.... seriously, that was it? What a joke.
At least tell me there's a sequel coming out soon, I think I read something about it.
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Fuck Scars of Summer, I demand Tiina 2.
Wait, the sequel is actually out already. Why is no one talking about it?
Maybe im retarded but isn't this a weg?

Holy shit Reimubros could this be kino?
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>huge tits
>armpits are covered
That's not my Reimu
Nice try lazyfag.
It's more of added content than an actual sequel and people discussed it when it was released
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it's like an actual strategy slg. story is pretty neat too
I wasn't around then so I missed it. I was hoping it was an actual sequel, but it seems to be mostly some extra scenes with arguably worse gameplay.
Sophie was his masterpiece. Anything else he draws feels dull and lifelless compared to his waifu.
I get that it's a game, but is it any fun is what I asked. Is it similar to Daibanchou? That was a pure piece of shit that I enjoyed dropping.
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>Tirma didn't get any
The bigger question is "Is this 3D?"
Thats midcca.
Paper Mario is 3D so this probably also counts as 3D
and he is the right amount of flatness
is the new indiegala bundle worth getting?
i was gonna post a screenshot of it but there's quite a bit of areola
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I’m pissed that Uula didn’t get any either. Rabi and Nyx getting some was nice though, but I felt what Rabi had was a bit weaker than what her actual scenes in blight and colony had. Except for the kissing during cowgirl sex, that was hot.
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Kissing is underrated.
For the record, it's surprising how Hakika gave the protag a face considering he's just a self-insert, and how he tries to involve him in the story as much as he can, though he's still the silent and blank type that stays in the background 75% of the time and is mostly there for gameplay reasons
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More heroines for this feel?
>doesn't bathe
>canonically hid in an attic for like a week doing nothing but masturbate
More devs should take a page out of Hakika's book and have smelly girls in their games.
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I actually liked the MC’s portrayal in colony where he was the resident blacksmith and craftsman. He even made a bridge for the party to use during the story.
Kludge had some nice things too, like Lusica bonding with him over crafting, but it didn’t have much else for him to do aside from the Mana Key stuff.
Do not do this. I got sad at the state of that thread compared to just a year ago.
>draws scat
Should have known by the moment i saw those well-detailed assholes
>listening to
Is that the main theme? I can't read
>see malice
>want to play asylum again
>remember how boring the game
>don't play asylum
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The only time he ever did scat was for Malice too, bizarrely. He never did scat once before it and hasn’t done it again.
It’s the boss battle song from kludge. 自我
>well-detailed assholes
They aren't just well detailed, they are animal-like, blown out and swollen. Really grotesque and it's made even worse by the contract with his otherwise clean and simplistic art.
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The donuts are simply an acquired taste. You wouldn’t understand.
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Post a link to it
>resident blacksmith
Dunno about Kludge but this is also the case for Awake, the fact that the player managed to somewhat impress Maria is already an achievement in itself, it's just much more emphasized in Colony i think
buy! support!
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Out of the bundle I've only played Yuka's game a few years ago, it wasn't very good.
Noelle and Illvina kinda fit the bill
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I don’t recognize anything from this bundle, that’s not a good sign. I’d skip it.
Sequel mind broke me.
I do not like scat.
>buy one at 20% off, get 9 free
Ah, I see, this is a publisher sale where they do the fox thing of distribute one acclaimed game every couple years and otherwise pad releases with shovelware like Hentai Jigsaw.
do you have the image where some two stickmen saying fuck off to the other stickman calling them out eating shit?
i mean, that's a common thing for all game publishers to do, not just h-game makers
hell even movie studios do it, with their DVD 5-pack sets which usually only have 2 or 3 good movies
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>pink hair is unironically more evil than the """hero""" and I wish her nothing but the worst.
i agree.
she knew her friends were getting raped&mindbroken in the very next room and she did nothing. meanwhile the MC was at least trying to save them
Pink did nothing wrong. She sacrificed so much for Imos' happiness only to be betrayed and let all her efforts go to waste.
>play black souls
>no idea why I’m doing things
Did I miss dialog?
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Whose orders? No one’s told me anything, I don’t even know why I’m talking to these princesses
What kind of ritual is this?
I love NTR where the heroine is blindfolded and thinks its MC
fucking love that shit, what gaem?
He is making a reference, methinks.
there is no game, its all the ramblings of a schizophrenic
fairy ritual
you're supposed to say "get cucked!!" in the end
Torrents are better in almost every way compared to shitty file hosters that get taken down every other week.
/t/ is full of retards that insist on using fucking GoFile to share shit. Then the links go dead within a few hours because it's that easy to take down.
No one can take down a torrent and it requires barely any attention to be paid beyond just making sure you're seeding to keep files alive.

If torrents are too high-tech for you, go back to Fag95 then.
They're selling an AI translation for RJ01172438. Since when did they do that?

Last I'd checked AI translations on DLSite were being, understandably, given out for free.
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This clunky junk of a game doesn't deserve a 4.5+ star rating.
Probably the dev doing it himself.
The game's fine tho. Actually does a number of things I wish more games did like let me jerk off on a girl's face on the sidewalk--while she ISN'T hypnotized and it isn't time stop
I do wonder that, although he's silent on ci-en. If it was him, that could just be because it's obviously controversial to be okay with AI.
I played RJ01192692 today.
Finishing postgame quests in Awake
The dumb white fox is slowly growing on me
I played RJ01233580 and you should try too.
Games with a descent amount of focus on oral?
did anything good come out?
I'll even take wegs
post modlist.txt
i said "good"
human sacrifice
specifically of a clown
Why? To catch your STDs? No way, fag!
Did this shit finally get TL
it's had one for a while now
Hakika's h-scene art reminds me of those grotesque art cuts in Spongebob where things just get hyper-detailed and nasty.
OMG Is that Fran??!?!1?
Sharkdev new game when
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Wrong! That's Hinata-chan!
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It's the new not-Fran, yes. Pay dazed to translate it, onegaishimasu.

He said that he's contemplating releasing the trial sometime next month, maybe before year's end and hoping that it will be done next year. Our lord and savior dazed will have it ready in a jiffy, maybe even with GPT5 if that releases and isn't prohibitively expensive. Otherwise it's gonna take KG months... If it releases late 2025, expect a 2026 official release.
Monster preg ge?
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>Hard mode supposedly requires thought and taking advantage of the customization mechanics to win
>Dump everything but Attack and Agility
>Slot damage buffs
>Either get myself one shot on turn 1 or one shot the enemy on turn 2
Pssh, nothin personnel.
GG. No runback (except when I lose)
Ez clap.
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this is true (for white people)
imos won
we are free
>She sacrificed
it was all a lie she kept telling herself
she was happily getting fucked even before imos left, then after a few months she was a happy mother and a wife. without caring about the fact that her friends were getting turned into human toilets and gangraped on a daily basis.
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Somebody seed Dusk City please
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shut up dumb bitch
we only serve good blobs here
Yeah I genuinely believe most h-game devs are high school dropouts or just low IQ in general, which is why, ironically enough since they're 18+ games, they read at around the same reading level or less than writing for children. Whereas translators that learned the language as adults are typically college educated and much more linguistically aware, both of which correlate with high IQ. It reminds me of how some police departments will have IQ cutoffs because they claim smart people will get bored of being cops and quit, making it a waste to hire them. Except here you need to have a high IQ to do low IQ work, which is why most h-game translators don't last very long. And the industry is even worse since no intelligent person would subject themselves to the freelancer going from sweatshop to sweatshop for peanuts lifestyle, so most professional translators end up being people who happened to grow up learning both languages from their families, or if the company is really cheap they'll hire SEAfags, because for whatever reason a significant amount of them manage to reach Juan levels in both Japanese and English.
it's shit don't bother
How do i increase Misery and Inel's affection/passion
Don't you just repeat sex scenes?
tits way too big
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sequel girls are just blobs that evolved
Cunny gods, does anyone have the JAST version of RJ382027? Is it uncensored?
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I just need to be a nice guy and women will come to me
All JAST games are uncensored.
She did it for Imos, chud.
Wait, so gifts aren't required and you just keep fucking them? Won't it need some story progression?
I played the japanese version, never thought it would get a translation
You do have to progress the story to get access to all the scenes, yes. But gifts aren’t important like in the main series. There are some gifts required for unlocking the ending though, but you’ll know it when you see about them.
If that's the case, time to bang those two to kingdom come
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Speaking of which, I guess the dust has settled. I can ask now.
Do you guys like Miseri or Inel more?
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I want to play as a rapist like this in a game
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I assume the hidden age is an english only thing? Anyone know what it is in the japanese version?
It's TLed but only on JAST or a very shitty website.
Now that i look at it, they both look so squishy and smooth. Nazuna, Emela and most of the plump girls.
Can't say i hate it though.
Ge with a modest/plain looking FemMC?
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Thats right wagies, get back to work
I remember this one. It's an impressive feat to take SaGa combat of all things and make it incredibly boring.
>List of virginities
Are any of them deflowered without their consent?
That's how it is in the Japanese as well.
Boring? I remember there was a hidden ending that was almost impossible to unlock and you can recruit or even sell party members.
>only Fran to ever receive a blob is the dead Fran
latest loli kino since VP?
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Inel. Her anal scenes are the best scenes in the game. Especially the second one where she was trying to have a conversation with Miseri while keeping the anal sex hidden.
the only kino part of VP was the main girl design, everything else was pure garbage
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god i love iroha
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I have 4 different fran blobs in my folder
why asuna NTR feels so right?
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Me too. It's a shame her game isn't coming out anytime soon.
More games should feature Sex with Ohohoujousamas.
>visual novel sloppa with AI-tier art
lol, lmao
>pure love RPG
>dev wastes 20% of its CGs with rape on loss scenes
SEQUEL's gameplay is good but I prefer Fumika for a fap. Then again I also prefer Fumika for gameplay. I guess Fumika is just kamige.
iroha's fat puffy nipples
Will she blob?
I'm tired of top-down RPGs. Recommend me something that isn't a top-down RPG
Serena is arguably one of the best, if not the best, female main character designs of the decade
The most kino about VP was that Serena never was corrupted. And that the game was finished unlike weg heroine
Mid Princess
Kuso Princess
I dislike VP because I dislike forced sex a lot and it seems to me that it is the main tag for VP.
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Great Princess! Fantastic Princess!
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She will get a blob on day one.
Seems to me like you replied to one of those Juan SEAnigs cause I know for a fact no self respecting fan translator would start putting random memes and jokes in their work cause "they got bored" and that fact is that translation would be dogshit.
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also known as maumau
I only nah'd at the second part
NTA, but I basically agree with you here, to an extent... I wouldn't go as far as to say that they're dropouts or that they're stupid, but that their talents likely lie elsewhere, mainly in art. You've probably noticed how in a lot of cases games with deeper lore or more intricate gameplay, tend to suffer from subpar or "unique" art. It's the law of the instrument. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. There are extremely few geniuses out there, people who are talented at literally everything, like perhaps, and don't lynch me over this example, the Stardew Valley dev. He made good music, sprites, gameplay, the entire shebang. I'd include Undertale maybe, but I think he didn't do everything alone, even though the music is sublime. The art is a meme, of course.

Anyhow, they basically double down on art, and as we know, although beauty is very important, there's only so long you can stare at a pretty picture before you get bored of it. And it's unlikely you'd use their art to make something in real life, like to append it to a wall... that would be next level creepy, especially if it's porn, but I digress.

When you think about it, this may be one of the main reasons why so many people prefer art over writing and gameplay. They expect nothing at all from it, so they just want it to look good and feel exciting for their jerk off session, and nothing else! It's kind of a shame that it's come to this...

Essentially, the point is that people want pretty pictures to fap to. The most successful devs are those with the best looking art or cult following. So they double down on what they're good at to keep the show going. That's all there is to it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Are you sure about that? Do you have actual proof or is this just blind trust that they wouldn't fool you? But I can also see your point because if they do it for free, they're obviously fan translators as you said, so by virtue of being fans of the work, they respect it and wish for an accurate translation. At least that's what I think. Otherwise those that don't particularly care, the paid localizers, I think they're more susceptible to this because they don't have any investments.
Tunnel Escape (Roguelite Battlefuck)
Games by Ofuro Works (Linear Battlefuck w/ Tentacles)
Hachina (Side Scroller Platformer)
ErisDysnomia (Side Scroller Beat em Up)
Fallen Shinobi (Animated Trainer)
Laplace games (Animated Trainers)
Any games like Ariadne?
Not bad, not great. A decent game overall. Certainly better than the other farming lolige that came out recently. It's sad how bad that one is.
Thank you, I'll take a look at those
Meaning what exactly? Heroine corruption? Plenty of those. Use the filter function at F95 with the JP game, female protag, and corruption tags. Sort by rating and pick whichever you find the most appealing...
> Heroine corruption?
yeah + lots of different outfits that get you different things. And an actual RPG
Shimobashira Workshop has what you're looking for.
Basically do what I said and you'll find plenty of games, minus most of the loli stuff. You can access the bin and find the rest there. All you gotta do is search. Instead of giving direct recommendations my approach is to point anons in the right direction and let them choose themselves what they want to play. I think this works best in most circumstances. There's a lot of games like Ariadne, with RPG gameplay, molestation, maybe even the possibility of protecting the girl's virginity and such gimmicks... try out the tags and you'll find plenty of results.

If you're not convinced or unsure, ask about the specific titles you find interesting and we can help you choose the right one.
Maybe if he wants gameplay and sort of for plot, but for the ero? Eeehh... decent buildup but weak delivery.
You could play that dev's other game, Magica. Otherwise yeah what that other anon said.
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I'm at 99 aged coins out of what I'm assuming is 100 total. Is there a guide somewhere for where these coins are? Is the 100th coin reward even good?
if you had self-respect you wouldn't waste time translating games for free
This is my ISP blocking ipfs right? It didn't use to happen before.
You can get as many coins as you want in Aryaum Mirage Grotto. I can't remember the reward for 100, I think it was the rainbow ring.
I'm not jewish. I can do things out of love.
Passion can be an excellent motivator, its own reward even.
what's the last item?
also this game was kuso
aside from the sexo mc design
What makes it that bad? I wasn't sure why it had a 4.26 rating
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sounds like a kino
luckily the dev wants to make a normal ACT next time.
it's a jump king clone. I don't know why the dev would make a clone of that game but he did.
What are the essential mods for VP?
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I can identify noja.
This is a downgrade compared to the original noja.
All mods made by the dev himself. They're basically extra scenes for various events, like a DLC for other games.
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I like both. The original is endearing, but the newer one is higher fidelity. Now we just need a mexican edit of the new one too.
It's one of those streamerbait games where it's "made shit on purpose" to piss the player off so the viewers can have a laff
Also the "51 animations" or something was a scam that counted the variations, so the game ended up only having like 15 animations.
I need the image of Canela looking at a piece of paper with the WEG looking canela blob on it, and her head turning into WEG canela blob
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That's rude. I did my best.
I'll add that at least it had the net positive of being a fem mc rape game where it was difficult not to get raped, so you didn't need to walk on shit on purpose. I'll give it that.
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How big is this bin?
Her armor is stupid and makes her look like she has MADE IN CHINA on the bottom of her foot. H-game devs in general are just not very good at character design. Midroots is unironically head and shoulders above the competition in that respect, although the new Sequel game has a pretty good looking cast all around, for the first time in the series.
Does Sequel have the most blobs now?
esl retard
Yes. Whoever made this chart needs to update it.
tranny nigger
Would you recommend MGQ to someone who is very much not into monstergirls, reverse rape, and femdom (if it has furshit or extremely unhuman looking girls I will vomit if I don't skip the scene)
I hear good things about the story and gameplay but I can't tell from what I've read whether that is strong enough to be a main draw
Why would I recommend games to a gargantuan faggot?
I would distance myself from that person as much as possible.
as someone who isn't particularly a fan of reverse rape but doesn't mind the other two, I'd say no. There were a couple scenes and girls that I liked but overall it was disappointing. I did not care for the story, though admittedly I only get like 9/10 through the game and never finished it.
>I would insist upon myself
No. Absolutely not. Although the characters and the world are fairly interesting, the themes are very much what you described. Don't force yourself to play things that you don't like just because some others do.
I'm replaying blight and just remembered Nyx had a tentacle rape scene. I guess I forgot because of how weird and out of place it is. It's a game where you can marry (or promise ring rather) one of your main party members and see new events across the world for doing it and yet he thought it'd be fitting to allow a girl to be tentacle raped. I don't remember if he ever did shit like this again other than the MMF threesomes where girls casually fuck a clone of you that has a mind of it's own for some reason which was also odd.
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I just noticed THP is made by U-Room (for years it evaded me who made the funny cuck game)
Do you think Alcy would be friends with Imos?
Two Serenas
Tim love route
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That Nyx tentacle scene is the only one like that in the entire series, the rest of the scenes just have sex with the MC. It's just another one of those things that blight is weird for doing. I can only imagine hakika was testing the waters with it.
the femdomchad mindset is fundamentally incompatible with purityniggers
wtf there's a heretic blob?
I thought so and yeah it's weird.
Not wanting to see a girl you like and want to marry get raped isn't purityfagging but that being said if you'd prefer the newest mainline sequel games to include the girls fucking other dudes or monsters you're a tourist. Nobody expects all the girls to be pure but to actively want to waste h-scenes to see them fuck other people or get raped is retarded. There's a reason why he kept most of the whore/corruption shit in a side game.
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You don't have to play it for the hentai, so sure. I guess.
What was ending 4 again? The one where he spares the bitch?

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