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our savior Edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>/wowg/ Guilds

NA /wowg/ guild (and community of same name if you're horde)
>GLOBO FOMO - Moonguard
EU /wowg/ guild (and community)
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn
Once you're accepted you need to accept again to join any of the guilds.

Previous Thread: >>493845302
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did /ourGOD/ THD get banned?
we NEED him to win the RWF
reminder to report and hide faggot avatars
Remember to kneel, thank and apologize China and Chinese players.

Because World of Warcraft is now Chinese property.
I think world first racers are faggots.
what race is this
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>no maye posts in 2 days


Doomers and classicfags are seething. Why?
What should I exploit and then complain about getting banned next?
oh no no no no
avatar tranny uppity
The ERPers in goldshire
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>EVERY class is getting massive changes coming
>rogue has mostly icon changes and talent renames
Ah yes, as one would expect.
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imprison avatars.
>11 million classic players
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Why is jaina seething?
To the spank cell with this worgen
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Can we all agree Lightforged draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves, Mag'har orcs, Zandalari, High Mountain tauren and Mechagnomes should have just been new customization options for their respective races who are in their faction anyway?
best flying mounts for a vulpera?
To the petting cell with this worgen
>tfw no thrall dick
Her eggs are dried up and she's really fucking mad about it
But that doesn't sell race changes! Think of the poor stakeholders!
I'd shove my fist in that cookie jar.
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>druid and ret get to keep their +range talents
>sv and rogue get theirs taken away
Is maye okay? I'm actually seriously fucking worried right now?
Blizzard is hoping everyone quits playing rogue so they can remove it from the game.
classicfags are ragekids
the doomers all ran away to /v/
is this the dude who beat his girlfriend up with wrestling moves after she asked him to spend more time with her instead of on wow?
lol no this guy never had a gf in his life
american and that's the face the eurosissies all fear
but i like my sky las0r...
Druid spells get to keep their range, guardian/feral attacks don't
nah its more uncommon for jews to get physically abusive
god i wish i were my dracthyr
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I hope we get this as a mount so I can use it with my Veteran of the Fourth War title to RP a begger in Stormwind.
very based of blizzard. I'm actually really optimisitic between this and a bran nerf fuck minmaxing autists.
no he plays warlock
he has never felt the touch of a woman (c-section)
Why are buying new warband bank slots so fucking expensive? It's not unattainable for veteran players or people who farm gold, but for your average casual or new player, that totally stops you from interfacing with the system at all. That makes no sense.
so you buy tokens.
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If 3 cheap slots aren't enough for you, 5 slots wouldn't have been enough either
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Welcome back, China!
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you wish you were me
How many slots do you get at the start? Like 100? Motherfucker what are you even DOING?
>3 cheap
nigger what? cheap?
Anon its to make newer players buy tokens
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>enter dungeon
>two people leave after first boss
>another person leaves
>say fuck it and leave because theres no point waiting for another tank, healer, and dps
>go to requeue
>"You recently queued for a Random Dungeon. You may queue for another in: 10 Min 30 Sec"
i cant carry anymore rage
my rage is too full
Feasts should auto-apply their buff to any party/raid member within 20 yards.
Sick of faggots not clicking.
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i want to play my shaman but i HATE premarital wave and dont have enough binds for the gazillion totems
do i just wing it and play a bad specc and click half my buttons?
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I like how they disconnected parts of the continent in the cataclysm
any one seen my gf maye?
So now that China loves us again what Gacha game are we having a crossover with? My money's on Genshin or Arknights
>Tab 1 1,000
>Tab 2 25,000
>Tab 3 100,000
>no maye posts
>no elysian guild posts
>>Tab 2 25,000
>>Tab 3 100,000
That is not cheap.
>people still making groups for sparks weekly
do they not realize you can just loot wax piles and have it done in 5min?
No I don't. What a waste.
That is Not cheap
Yeah i just bought one tab, ill buy the rest when inflation makes the cost of the rest pennies
>Jaina and Thrall get shipped for years.
>He gets a wife and kids.
>Jaina watches every love interest either die or leave her for being crazy.
Is Jaina the biggest cuck in wow?
If you can farm something in a few hours, even if you are extremely bad, that's cheap. Just pick a few flowers slave
Warband Bank is a tool to move hundreds of items between realms; this is not for you, anon; this is for AH tycoons that were asking for this for decades and they can pay that price.
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It's 98 slots per tab. 1k gold for the first one, 25k for the second, 100k for the third

I don't know what in the everloving fuck you are doing that you need 300 shared slots yet can't afford 100k gold. Like literally, what are you even putting in there? That's like 3 hours of farming, tops.
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I really like the concentration system
Lets you make some nice gold even if you arent the most experienced goblin
As someone who likes playing alts, I put all my reagents in the warband bank, and since everything is in 3 fucking qualities now, that takes up one and a half entire tabs, and that's literally just TWW mats. Now I don't keep around old content stuff other than like legendaries and such, so I have no space issues, but hoarders definitely struggle.
holy poorfag 25k is literal pocket change
She's a whore who left Arthas at his weakest point.
who the fuck is maye
Maye all of /wowg/ misses you.
Just queue for specific dungeons and select all of them lol, you lose out on what, 40 gold or some shit?
just respec to dev for solo content?
you are silly
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Anon I make 20k in thirty minutes of mining and that's when I'm not even paying attention. The only reason I don't have more gold is because I'm retarded and tried to pull a scheme where I bought null shards on the brazilian servers then sold them as full orbs on NA for what I thought would be around 1k in profit.
I love China.
You can still put old content stuff in your regular bank.
PVPchads, question. I'm a warlock. When a rogue pops shadow cloak in a 1v1, is there anything I can do at all? Just standing there staring at him feels wrong, but I can't think of anything to do.
I don't get how so many people can't seem to make gold in this game. On xpac launch you can just throw every single profession material you find on the AH and make tons, without even having to invest into a profession yourself.
Someone who doesn't even own the latest expansion can get that by just leveling after their free trial
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Midnight waiting room.
Yeah but I'm lazy
That's probably the only acceptable time because he was about to commit a mass killing that, while technically justified since IIRC they all WERE infected, she had no way to know.
She's still a cuck tho.
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>EVERY class is getting massive changes coming
I guess i'm gonna see what these changes are before buying the game
I'm still on the fence about it
Yeah but like you said, that's putting ALL crafting reagents of several different professions in the same place.
Let's say this is 4 characters total. 8 professions. How the fuck can't you afford 100k with 4 characters? You would have to intentionally evade profit or some shit
All Elven men belong to me.
utility spells should be base line, not as talents
Fuck meant for >>493871746
Who will be the S3 delve companion?
just do it.gif
I'm so fucking happy
WoW is back
Chris Metzen is back
I think it'd be ffunny if it was Khadgar and we're using this as his physical therapy.
She was meant to be the cool headed intermediary between Arthas and Uther who could help explain the situation to Uther while urging Arthas to approach things more calmly, but instead she just walked away.
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Faerin of the devs were straight men
Why do DK mains get all the hot girlfriends?
ZAMN World First Raiders look like THAT?
I honestly don't think its worth buying ans i only have TWW because I have so many tokens lying around
I'm not the anon complaining about them being expensive, I bought every tab except the last one, I just tried explaining how someone hoarding more than just current mats could struggle with space.
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>I am Saurfang. Brother of Broxigar.
>You know me to be the Supreme Commander of the Might of Kalimdor.
>An orc - a true orc warrior - wishes for one thing: To die in the glory of battle against a hated enemy.
>Some of you have not fought in battles. Peace has been with us for many years. Many years we sat idle but many years we battled.
>In those years - where strife the land and Legion and Scourge sacked our homes, killed our families - these insects dwelled beneath us. Beneath our homes - waiting.
>Waiting to crush the life from our little ones. To slay all in their path. This they do for their god.
>And for our gods?
>We defend. We stand. We show that as one. United. We destroy. Their god will fall.
>To die today, on this field of battle, is to die an orcish death. To die today is to die for our little ones. Our old ones. Our… loved ones.
>Would any of you deny yourselves such a death? Such an honor?
Those names on her face? All me.
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I love Chris Metzen's energy so goddamn much
He's infectious
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I haven't bothered playing in almost two weeks - did I miss anything?
Use your gateway or teleport. Waste as much of their time as possible by making them run to you again.
They utterly destroyed Saurfang and any legacy he once had.
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why do the omega whales that can multicraft and have an entire enclosed supply chain push the price of final products below crafting cost
whats the angle
enlighten me
I am he that watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgment?
Method hasn't even had a world first this decade
I don't want to spend the rest of my adventuring career looking after Khadgar, can't we just set him on fire and say it was an accident?
What are good 1-handed weapon models for Warrior? Preferably axe and mace
Alright, mythic dungeon spam tomorrow, gl on your trinket drops
>is there anything I can do at all?
You can Soulburn-Gate TP or use your own TP but that may not be necessary if he is not using cooldowns. You need to create a chain of GTFO abilities, absorbs, heals, CC to make some room for casting. You should be the one forcing him to press CoS.
>just resubbed
do they still have the gay shit where you can't farm transmog from the previous expansion?
The fact that I'll never have a goblin gf that rides my dick like an animal and makes bomb/explosion puns when I cum inside her is the most potent suicide fuel imaginable.
>Anduin-sama PLEASE forgive me for being an orc
Saurfang got sandbagged and turned into a farewell letter to J.Allen Brack.
there is no specific effort, region wide AH just means 10000 goblins all trying to out jew each other
You've always been able to farm transmogs from the previous expansion what do you mean
Yeah they just made shadowlands stuff actually drop loot like last week
>where you can't farm transmog from the previous expansion?
this has never been a thing.
Thanks for the update
>why does the price go down when the supply goes up while demand stays the same??
I don't want to play evoker outside of it if I wanted to play dev, I'd play dev
you need to factor in proccs in the final price
if you can just procc the item twice or craft it for half the mats the price needs to drop too
Yeah everything about that was just awful.
varok was one of the good thing in bfa
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Got the expansion recently
Are there time-gated crafts I should be doing on alts every day?
These fucking niggers keep resetting the cloth market
>That's like 3 hours of farming, tops.
farming what? uranium?
I don't know exactly, but since everyone got the memo of the tailoring meme daily craft with conc it might be dead. And that's the only time gated craft i know besides transmuting which is dead too.
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basically what >>493872841 said
in random bgs what I like to do is run ahead and place my gateway behind me, and a teleport at the gate I just created
so if someone tries to rape me to death I can just gateway away, if they're a warrior and try to charge me after I gate I just teleport away lol
it's not the best strategy, but I find it gives me time for the healers to top me off in an 'oh shit' moment
i play zandalari paladin to make chuds seethe
why are people buying TWW greens for 400g?
reminder to hide vupari on sight
Because every enchant costs like 75 storm dust which is what you get for dusting greens
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Why yes I use the Draenei Destroyer title on all my horde characters. Kill all drannies.
Transmuting was dead from the start. One look at it on the beta was enough to tell me it was never gonna make money. The only hope is next tier adding back something like dracothyst.
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Other than this, can I squeeze some more AA out of encahnting before dropping it?
I got all the glamours, but I am sure with 38 knowledge I can get some
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>load into dungeon
>Tank is already running down the hall pulling groups
>Healer hasn't loaded in yet
I get heroics go fast, but what is this new trend of not even waiting for everyone to load into the dungeon first?
cant craft any greens so theres 0 greens
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On whomst'ves authority?
how the fuck do you get so much knowledge? also glamours are a meme
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God I miss Trevor Moore
Why do all of the good ones go so early?
I add them to a list and pray they go straight to hell
I am literally squeezing them for AA before moving to another profession
they need to change the game so people cant move untill everyone is loaded in. this shit is really bad.
It's just how every retard is hardwired to play the game now
>go fast or u r bad
Even if they die from lack of healing, they'll still think it was the right move
bro there's like 24 glamors that give 5 acuity per first craft it's not a meme lmao you're so fucking stupid
That's Jim Carrey you RETARD
How the fuck are you suppose to do npc work orders? they all fucking want lvl 3 mats.
if the tank isnt always ahead of dps, theyre just gonna pull anyways and make things harder for everyone. also the tank shouldnt need the healer for the first pull since he has all his cds
maybe you retards should stop using 5200 RPM hard drives from 2001
Can I do my weekly work orders quest by sending orders to myself from other characters?
It's always been that way, thoughever
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Tell that to the ones that wipe and then leave the group. lol
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i didnt know this but you can actually disenchant profession gear
maybe the healer should stop being a shitter then
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What the fuck is going on?!
What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Hallowfall?
its a net positive on knowledge actually
I think so, that’s something you could do in DF
brown iq, many such cases
>one more day until I can start gatekeeping retards again
lfg should just be removed
if you dont have a good io just stick to your shitty little delves and story mode raids lmao
>making Slice and Dive passive
>keeping Vanish as a combat CD and keeping the stupid fucking RNG buff dice
thanks for teh tips
Cool story bro
Saying "I'll pray for you" is the cuntiest thing ever. It's basically saying "I'll do nothing for you :)"
Hell doesn't exist

Checkmate atheists
profession gear costs multiple dust to make
What's the name of the item from Dragonflight that showed you where treasurers were by outlining them in purple?
wait did they confirm slice and dice is finally going passive?
only 1 more day until i can play the game i actually paid for!!!!
Just get weeklyknowledge to keep the pace of kp
No. Bismuth and arathor spear. Tinderboxes too if you can sell before price goes to shit.
You seem to be bad at rng anon. Sorry.
Depends. Hammers don't.
not him but envenom/dispatch/eviscerate will create a snd when used instead of only refreshing a existing snd.
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When I was 5 years old I prayed to god to be turned into a bunny rabbit
Did god answer? No....
I guess I was always a furry
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>Upset at someone else's faith
I'm so surprised
I think they where just treasure maps you bought from each zones rep vendor. treasures in TWW show up automatically. I don't think you can make the wax piles show up on map.
So it's still a button but you won't even have to bother binding it anymore?
>missing the obvious humor
blackrock or warsong warrior?
mainly cause warsong = HD gorehowl
but blackrock = black hand hammer
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Lately my tanks aren't doing big pulls... maybe because they realize I am new at healing, so I do their job and pull extra packs instead.
Anyone important get banned? Hopefully they keep the bans.
>uses his one final blessing to stop the lich king
>gets AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK'd by some random demon when he tries to call upon the light again
why is the light such a bitch?
Putting him in the ICC Paladin set was so stupid, he should always be in T6.
his own fault for saying
>light grant me one FINAL blessing
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scared the shit outta me
Are we really going to ignore the fact that China saved our asses?
We should apologize to them immediately.
So the light is like a genie?
How is it that visions were so good and delves are so dogshit
I wasted all my knowledge on transmuting at the beginning and I'm too committed to change to anything else. Fuck blizzard for not allowing respecs.
Can you chink shills please fuck off? Shouldn't you be spamming Genshit threads on /v/?
>tank doesn't pull everything
>magenigger blinks ahead to pull the whole dungeon, die, then call the tank bad
It's a lose lose no matter what.
how can you say that n'zoth visions were good
Visions were dogshit lmao
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Kill elves. Behead elves. Roundhouse kick a elf into the concrete. Slam dunk a elf baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a elves food. Launch elves into the sun. Stir fry elves in a wok. Toss elves into active volcanoes. Urinate into a elves gas tank. Judo throw elves into a wood chipper. Twist elves heads off. Report elves to the IRS. Karate chop elves in half. Curb stomp pregnant purple elves. Trap elves in quicksand. Crush elves in the trash compactor. Liquefy elves in a vat of acid. Eat elves. Dissect elves. Exterminate elves in the gas chamber. Stomp elf skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate elves in the oven. Lobotomize elves. Mandatory abortions for elves. Grind elf fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown elves in fried chicken grease. Vaporize elves with a ray gun. Kick old elves down the stairs. Feed elves to alligators. Slice elves with a katana.
No solo content has ever been good. Who knows why they keep putting this stupid shit in the game.
because they were
im still mad over the SL cinematic, bolvar getting rekt by sylvanas
like fucking, really ?
>Insight: 99
Race for an alliance warlock?
i'm actually enjoying levelling as prot warrior, gonna do cata loremaster (vashjir, hyjal, deepholm, uldum) as I get to 70
Did they retcon Elisande dying?
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>second time ever doing visions
>in a full group
>fempanda prot warrior pulls the whole vision
>we wipe
>weekly progress stolen
I've never babyraged so hard in my entire goddamn life
>talented ranger general
>and a banshee
>nearly assassinated Arthas before
>also juiced by the jailer
>got sunburnt badly
>Spires of Icecrown
>Pan down to Sylvanas
White male human
>Considering learning mining on a second character just to spec into refining ore.
How retarded of an idea is this?
>doing visions in a group
lol retard
I'm brown irl if that matters
If you are talking about seeing the object you interact with itself and putting a purple outline on it, that's an entry in the settings now.

I wish I didn't drop in BFA, the auction house in mount would have been nice this expac... Is there any other way to have a mobile AH?
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are crafting cartels real or not /wowg/?
Ass rogue or surv hunter? Mostly playing M+, but with some PvP in war mode and delving. Either will be a human man.
saurfang carried BFA
Don't worry anon, you can pretend to be normal in a video game
That sounds like a great way to lose all of your money very quickly
Don't forget to tip your augvoker
ne, human, dark iron, drak, void elves for pvp, mechanognomes, dwarfs, draenei, human for pve. Alternatively pick a model you like
>Play in classic
>While leveling in Un'goro I made gold by snitching on people killing Devilsaurs to the local Devilsaur Leather cartel
This is the kind of emergent social content i want in my mmos.
It wasn't easy to get the mount in BFA. You had to be a real Jew that spent all day making gold.
I'm not going to watch the full thing but I will say that he's incorrect at around 24 minutes in when he asserts that the two paths are completely identical with no means to distinguish them. The change in path changes the way you move your mouse when adjusting the camera, and changes which keys you use to move your character. It's a subtle difference but fundamentally has a subconscious effect on your preference based on your keyboard/mouse setup; I prefer moving my mouse right and then left, for example, so I would prefer taking the right path. I prefer this mouse movement because it involves my arm moving outwards into space and then back to a neutral position. Were I to go left and then right, my arm would move inside my natural shoulder line, which is accutely less comfortable than the alternative. These tiny ergonomic issues mean that the seemingly identical choices are, in fact, different. They are not perfectly symmetrical.
And also thank your healer for their service my fellow redditors
survival since it brings lust.
Yeah, get gold cap and camp the BMAH for when it shows up.
>Can't access it
I'm a camel rider not a loo shitter
>Void elf
I already have too many dwarves so I might go with either as I still don't have an elf
>mobile AH
sometimes you can find it on BMAH but it goes for 10m all the time
what the fuck happened?
I always do small pulls unless I'm grouping with people I know as a safety blanket against retards.
>Prot tank.
just wait for the next 5 rounds of buffs like in df
>removed ret aura
The shadowlands cinematic was in every sense of the word epic. Same goes for bfa cinematic. Then we get two garbage cinematics for dragonflight and tww. What's up with that?
Fucking gay, I'd hoped there was an engineering thing. If only the warband portal wasn't on such a long CD. Or can gobbos access the warband bank with their racial?
ret got to be busted for the 2nd half of dragonflight. Now they pay for it by being trash for 2 years.
>Evoker still BIS
>Evokers getting new races
>Evokers getting new racials like Squadrons
Dragonflight patch 10.4
>Now they pay for it by being trash for 2 years.
tww is only planned to last 14-16 months though
>mortal races thinking they can compete with dracbulls
Yearly expansions are what Blizzard needs, please understand. Also inflation so price goes up ten dollars again, sorry.
Aug is not actually going to be any good. Mark my words.
How the FUCK is this even allowed???
Blizzard give zero fucks and the community eats it.
aug is still really, really good but only for top tier end content or organized shit, they suck for normal keys/pugs
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>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you..
RWF guilds are taking up to 4 augs because they're so busted.
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Furychads, now is our time
> Blade Flurry range increased to what it was with old Acrobatic Strikes.
outlaw gods!
Why didn't we use zereth mortis to print everybody a robot gf
wargen instantly hidden
At least Zovaal wasn't a smug barefoot slut
That's not canon anymore
panda instantly hidden + reported
Enhance AND Ele above B tier?
No way... they're gonna gut us in the next week right...
pooderin filtered
Have you unlocked the man’ari skin for draenei yet?

If not them then I suggest dark iron dwarf.
Just like everything else before and after this.
The fractals...
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It'll go away for a few months when some big jewtuber makes a video essay called "The CRIMINAL GANGS that Blizzard doesn't want you to know about" Or something with a 20 arrows pointed at a blood elf.
I may be leveling a mage.
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>Oh, poor spoiled narcissistic douche Arthas!
The Arthas that pumped and dumped her, almost starting a war, and all because the little bitch couldn't man up for once in his wretched life? Nah, fuck him.
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You're cute anon.
I can solo the dungeon, you're just here so I don't have to walk to it first. Be thankful you get free loot
Reminder that gay centaurs are canon.
staring into this worg's abyss
>enjoy dracthyr
>enjoy aug gameplay
>badass deathwing raid set
>cool nefarian transmog soon
feels good
Comfy race? Fempanda
Meta race? Dwarf
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>Few month back
>Make a Man'ari like Picrel demonology
>Recieve a fuckton of lewd /w
Yeah, I don't know, I'd go male but I don't really like their animations
Dark Iron is a really good suggestion though.
>Faggadin dies
>Shaman rise
I kneel
Reminder that gay anons are canon (example - you)
Do you enjoy playing a race that can't transmog.
Arthas was a faggot, son. Illidan was always superior.
>>badass deathwing raid set
>>cool nefarian transmog soon
i spend enough time in visage to enjoy it, plus only like 3 aug spells take you out of it
>flipped around and showing off so long a dying tard like arthas beats him
Illidan is a tard
uh ret sisters how do we cope
>user deleted
they got him, rip
are we ever going to be able to use the warband bank for crafting orders, shit is clunky as fuck
>can gobbos access the warband bank with their racial?
Anything that gives access to regular banks will also grant access to Warband Banks, such as Jeeves for Engineers and the Goblin racial, Pack Hobgoblin.
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the evoker anniversary T2 is based on Nefarian's visage armor
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heard you unpassable faggot trannies are still subed to a game thats like a job
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Red skin draenai warlocks are an option now? That sounds cool. Can I just swap a regular draenai to red skin after I unlock it?
I did that with lariat on tich for the entire expansion, he's full of shit lmao
>fem panda
Added to my filter
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Well shit I wish I went engineering instead of BS then. Might just be faster to shove it all in a warband bank, grab it on a bank alt to sell, then jump back on my main.
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>survivor of the greatest social experiment in video game history
yea that's fine I guess
Show hand?
I find fempandas hot but I just can't play them in-game. The armor just feels more painted on than normal
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These don't really work without the sound

My dragon on the right
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Gnome. The only race where their Incubus can use them as a cocksleeve.
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That already happened and blizzard doesn't care.
Yes you can fully change everything at a barbershop now
I want to sleeve gnomes not be ones, much less be sleeved
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the absolute state of hunters
but BM aoe being half of every other dps in the game is okay because our single target is C tier
here comes the tranny spam
panda melty!
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You have to admit this is the one good thing trannies have done for the game.
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If you aren't at LEAST 585 item level then you're not getting invited to MY Normal Nerub.

If you aren't at LEAST 595 item level AND Normal Achieve then you're just not getting invited to MY Heroic Nerub.
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>assassination B tier
>UH C tier
oh we're doing that thing where we sandbag our specs so they don't get nerfed before mythic raid again? Uh yea prot warrior really shit right now needs some buffs
>blibli ruining the world first race
Per tradition, hey had to ruin something in TWW because the launch and the content were too perfect
Holy fuck fat boy
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alright i guess im the only non-white here
I think it was morso caused by appearance change sales being low and Blizz seeing this as a way to advertise a patch.
I'm glad my guild has no ilvl requirement to do normal since it should be fairly easy. Pubs are for subhuman brownoids.
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tfw draenor had a hopeful ending and future but then women (yrel) ruined it
why are they like this?
why didint the redit trannies cancel method? josh the rapist (one of us btw) got to play because he was so good and those HR whores didint care about the acousations
I know you are purposely trying to sound like an ass but this is honestly pretty reasonable. The people who put the most effort into gaining ilvl during the preseason are more likely going to be better players.
Yrel becoming a light hitler is one of the more interesting things to happen out of WoD anon
poodiran melt down lmao
>less than 24 hours until I get to mass decline every hybrid DPS from my groups while they mald and link their useless ksh to me
this ending is so undercooked though. the orcs were totally fine with enslaving/murdering draenei until they got fel'd by gul'dan.
i really don't like how there's no real resolution there or organic path for peace between the two peoples. it's just sort of: we have a mutual enemy let's be friends now but done offscreen?
I really like how they used alpha version of Gorgrond during mag'har scenario. Clever move.
>balance and ret in D tier
absolutely fucking deserved. fuck every cunt who plays these specs.
my guild's minimum to run normal Nerub is 580, but i'm 583. should i push it or is it joever for me?
Race change might join that someday since everything is account bound and leveling a new character just isn't that hard.
go complain on the forums
Have there been any hints as to what the next zone will be? Or guesses?
WoD ending sucked but i prefer it over bfa's cutscene + 5 second cinematic and dragonflight's "power of friendship!" ending. SL is just unspeakable trash
What's the performance differential between each tier?
WoD will remain the eternal wart in WoW lore and should be considered as a non canon event a la MoP remix
Nah they make a fuckload of cash every time they add a new race/class combo, a new allied race, or rebalance racials.
kys nigger
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you mean shadowlands?
someone post the earthen jailers
I think there was a cut zone involving those cavemen elves. So it's likely that.
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is there a single pairing more underrated than worgen on pandaren
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>sees you
>charges you
>you gate away like a bitch
>charges you again
>you teleport back like a bitch
>heroic leaps you
>hamstrings you
>rapes you
what now fox bitch?
>Literally the only thing around is that pairing
there's a zone 'under' azj kahet so its probably that
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Yes me with elves
>underground cave zone below the underground cave zone
can't wait
I have a really strong feeling that TWW will be a really long anniversary patch followed by a zone and that is it.
What priest spec / hero talent should I learn pvp
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surely these things cant be that expensive to make
he said underrated, not overrated
Ret Paladinns are still the ELITE. You mere warriors think a silly tier list means anything? You could never possibly understand our elite power.
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Me with Draenei then
you scare me
avatar troon instantly hidden
>mfw I dont even have to use this shit because rogues got a class only weapon buff
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>*fakecasts fear*
>*jukes you*
>*fears you*
>**chaos bolts you*
>*baits berserker rage*
>*shadowfurys you*
>*chaos bolts you*
>*death coils you*
>*chaos bolts you*
the candle wax? I can get that too I'm wondering how it stacks up vs whetstones, not that I'll be using this shit until the price drops a ton
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You can't stop me.
>ret is garbage
finally. based change by blizzard. i might actually play now
>vulpera warlock
>draenai warlock
I could imagine either. I hate being short and having no boots equally.
wargin and pooderin hidden
I heard they were less than 1% within each other
>berserker rage
of course the vulpera avatroon is a 1600 retard
Is there anything else special to do in Hallowfall while it's dark besides kill the big rare for the mount?
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>level up cooking for the feast
>need 120 Fresh Fillet for a single feast
>go to AH to check prices
i guess im fishing
thats kind of dope honestly if true
its been so long since pickpocketing has been relevent
I even found a locked chest this expac which just let me bypass the puzzle because it recognised I was a rogue and could pick the fucking lock
They are going to have to tune a lot of the food down before anyone will use that shit rn it's ridiculous
avatarposts highlighted and paid more attention to
feasts are selling for like 500g there's no way you'll make money on those things
After BFA, they keep going with the new zone + new raid formula. For now, it was relatively successful even if expansion sucked (except for korthia but we know it should have been something else just like everything with SL). They want new patches with better content because that keeps players in the game, and old players are coming back to check new content.
>Destro lock has been needing a proper look at and full on rework from the ground up for years now.
>Warlock dev's solution to spec issues for years is slapping 5% damage boost banaids on it and occasionally swapping talents around.
>D tier at the start of the expansion, while the other 2 specs are B tier.
God I hope they fire this dev.
I will bubble hearth
uh oh
avatar tranny melty haha
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That doesnt seem normal
you now remember how much seethe blizz caused to the alliance when they revealed that nightborne were horde only
well known that assassination is king shit of m+ in its current state, its single target that it lacks because blizz keep punching kingsbane in the dick
Kul tiran druid forms are a lot better than anything horde got.
Dwarves in the Horde isn't something I'd have expected, basically ever.
Assa is not good for st
Lake between Jinyu Village and Pandaren village, Kun-Lai Summit, near the cave you enter from Valley
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Inkgill mere in pandaria
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you now remember krexus
Whoever wrote this isn't paying attention to DK lmao. the gap between Frost and Unholy is absolutely marginal, and Unholy plays with raid mechanics a lot better. Better disconect dam, cooldowns are fire and forget, etc. Unholy is looking like the spec to play.
why are there dwarves on horde again
Dwarves somehow look more out of place on the horde than blood elves
Rock robots on a journey of self-discovery or something stupid like that. At least they look cooler than dracthyr.
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>Sir, should we give Argus it's own expansion? It's been a long time since we've done another planet as an expansion.
>Nah, just slap it on the tail end of an expansion where you spend 3/4ths of it dealing with the plight of Elves. No need to explore the home of the Draenei, when we can expand on Night Elf Lore.

Cause BFA basically made it so they never wanna do 1 Alliance race 1 Horde race again, do to the backlash of Alliance races. Now Horde's stuck with the same races, instead of getting their own unique and fitting ones.
I’ve seen this fox’s pussy
>ever wanna do 1 Alliance race 1 Horde race again,
You cannot put into words the rage of furries who learned they could never take vulpera to goldshire inn.
Yeah along with Zandalari getting pally
Backlash on alliance races? The only BfA race that was controversial was Vulpera. Dark Iron and Kultiran were both well received.
wouldnt anything resembling a dwarf get killed on sight if they were to enter orgrimmar like theres dwarves in the barrens that we kill
pretty sure mag'har had some controversy? cause people were seething that WoD/AU draenor was relevant/brought to our timeline again or something
>horde has dwarves and elves and dragon humans
i swear i saw this draenei on moonguard earlier
We have come very far from the noblebright alliance and the bestial and savage horde.
That would be because my best friend and I play on Moon Guard
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bros, we're being raided by the same ESL pollack that shat up /wowcg/ for 2 years straight, rendering the entire general unusable

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most based tank?
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Blue side certainly had a shit show of controversy over the breaking point that was Diaper-Gnomes.
Generally the complaint became during BFA.
>Horde gets Nightborne, Zandalari and Vulpera, while we're stuck with Void Elves who aren't even the High Elves we wanted, Fat Humans and Diaper Gnomes? Fuck you blizz and your favouritism.
Kultiran was not well received at all lmao and hello remember mechagnome??
alliance should only have
>high elves

horde should only have
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i see it
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>It's real
>most based tank?
druid who never exits bear form
don't forget that lightforged were shown in a bad light
Isn't it a good thing that his mental illness is getting worse?
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ban all avatars to korthia dailies.
wargin filtered kek
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our only perspective of yrel being bad is an orc that comes to azeroth in bfa and immediately says "sylvanas is a good leader". orcs are savage niggers who deserve to be exterminated. yrel did absolutely nothing wrong
Not when it affects us. Unless he an heros this month
you now remember how they ruined arthas' legacy in shadowlands
Furfriends.. How will we ever recover...
jokes on you its faster than your throw
banishing this worg to the spanking pillory
tell them i said theyre very cute
arthas is overrated anyway
he's getting closer to suicide, thank god
Mag'har's controversy very much stemmed from the absolute shit show the questing experience was.
>Only allied race recruitment quest to this day still without VA.
>Exists solely cause a writer could've wanked off his favourite character before getting fired.
>Put Horde in an awkward spot with time travelling orcs in it now, instead of brown Orcs that were already established.
>Yrel's funny Lightforged Crusade became a thing that is still actively ignored to this day.
>Thrall's sister/genderbent self being thrust into the narrative with the writers having no clue what to do with her still.
>The Horde were allowed to time travel back to AU Draenor to recruit allies for the forth war thanks to the Bronze dragons, later retconned to the Nightborne because the former didn't make sense
It's honestly funny anyone above the lead narrative writer at the time signed off on it.
the whole Light Nazi plot is always popular tho. Yrel going full Daus Vult, and AU Garosh being Lightforged was a popular plot thread from what I remember.
Sure, people didn't give a shit about mechagnomes, but that comes with the benefit of people not giving a shit about mechagnomes. To say they were a contraversy, and not just a fart in the wind, is revisionist history.
Nightborn and Void elves were Legion, not BfA.
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Does EU Horde not ERP at the usual place?
I'm told even NA's barely exist.
>Only allied race recruitment quest to this day still without VA.
im like 100% certain it was supposed to have VA but due to mag'har orcs being pushed out earlier they just didn't have time for it
disgusting degenerate im glad we ran off your kind off my server
stay gone pest stop raping children
Now you remember China, 11 million WoW players and Wotlk classic.
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why paladins are the best class
>no headplate
>AU Garrosh
this does not exist i don't understand why people say this. Yes Grom had a son in AU but it's not garrosh since grom's mate died. maybe grom named his new son garrosh, but it's not the same garrosh in any way, shape or form
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I sometimes check this place for fun AD horde is kinda dead though it's rare to find anyone here especially this late
Quit being pedantic, you knew exactly what i meant.
pcu got rid of you sex pest freaks stay gone and never return
I've had a lot of ERP there, you just gotta stay there during prime time! Enjoy :)
Is there a "meta" set of skills to put on Brann or is he just always useless?
its extremely funny to laugh at those fucking degenerate who humiliated during our 2 years of shame. Wuk lamat hahaahahahaha, who ever hired the tranny if chad wow player. The war within is official kino.
argus was originally planned on being an expansion. legion was originally going to end with the portal opening to argus. during the 14 months of siege of orgrimmar+wod, players started complaining about "orc fatigue" because every enemy was an orc. blizz thought players might get "demon fatigue" going from hfc to legion to an argus expansion, so the argus expansion was reduced to a patch

it makes me mad but at the same time im almost glad. the bfa devs would have been the ones working on argus. at least they didnt get to ruin draenei/eredar lore.
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>literal bottom dps
>worst tank
>a-at least w-we can run away q-quickly..
don't forget
>one of the quests before you get to Draenor has a bronze dragon tell you that Garrosh is the greatest warchief the Horde ever had in most timelines and we just happen to live in the bad one where he turned into Hitler
So did I, it's just rare really
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you wouldn't talk shit about holy paladins, now would you?
Post female trolls please
what are those? the things that fill my health bar?
i thought those were just bots or something
I've lost all drive to farm old mounts since remix became a thing. We'll eventually get a remix of all old xpacs that hand these mounts out for free.
troll faggot hidden
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furbros...we lost...
here i thought dps were bots considering how many times they stand in the swirly
doom xisters... its not looking good for us... everyone is HYPED for season 1 to start...
it's 3:30am in europe
i know you see us as complete degens but there is a limit
what a hideous fucking mog, jesus christ dude
I would kill all furfags
my hp goes down and then back up if i stand in the swirlys thoughbeit
You realize Anon that I'm EU and that this pic was taken 10min back on AD EU?
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season 1 hype
Do you get an experience boost when subscribing from a Free Trial?
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Fourteen and then 10 hours to go! Because maintenance hehe sweety :)
What PS2 game is this from?
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>still havent done weeklies on my 12 alts
>havent done weekly mog runs yet either
>bedtime in 3 hours
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>NA has maintenance
>EU has comfy hours
>taxidermy in 2024
does nu-blizzard just not care about animals?
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Two steps ahead. I am ALWAYS two steps ahead.
just play 1 toon like me
Massaging, kissing, huffing and then cumming on this worg's paws while she sleeps.
the spanking room.
If you play more than 1 character you are treating the game like a chore and not a game.
My guildies actually think I'm insane because I only play one character.
A cosmos divided....
Will not survive what is to come...
wargen faggot instantly hidden
... I can see myself fucking this dog. Longstrokes, digging through her silk to the hilt until I piss resin-thick, steaming pearl deep inside.
whos more insane, the 1 toon chad or the 1 managing 12 alts?
esl retard
lmao wargin uppity
This worg awakens my primal LUST.. MATING PRESS NOW!!
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>eu post
I'm gunna shit my pants
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Where can I find rule 34 of a night elf buck breaking an orc?
*farts out ur cum*
Made for big vulpera cock
guys I'm levelling in Dragonflight and I literally cannot die
like my health drops down to 1 and then I am full healed by something, but there's nothing in the combat log
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I need to pee
open your butt
Open your mouth first
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>vulpera cock
>"/xivg/ is way worse"
found this video which demonstrates it, what the fuck is this???
Built to drown in gold as my Dracthyr's consort
vapiru instantly hidden
Holy ESL lolcow
fack yu bastard bitsh!
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Built to service human women
the only mod ive seen that looks good
Horde having dwarves, nelves, and helves is a sick joke
literally alliance 2 at this point
reset the lore
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What is Xal'atath questioning?
All me
why isnt khadgar dead?
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vulpera are for ______
Built for sloppy tongue kissing

Pretty much your only choice if you don't want to play as a balloon
elf humen female and vupira post hidden shutup avatarfaggs
Built for pulling her hair or sucking her pink tits
What mod is that by the way?
i dont get how the balloon freaks find it appealing, it's fucking disgusting.

>NA hours
So I guess I'm going survival for this first tier. Gonna spear and bomb motherfuckers SO hard.
Where is IridiGOD?
petting into submission
Premium Orcbait
why do survival hunters have such a shit class fantasy bros
vupoori hidden
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filter THIS
Is this after you digested me
Just saw the leaked raid cinematic.
Anduin and Alleria stand above the near dead Queen Ansurek, who's lamenting that Xal'atath abandoned her. Alleria goes full edge girl, demanding Ansurek to tell her the Harbringers plans. But before Ansurek could spill the beans, out of no where comes Iridikron with the stone chair. Dropping from the heavens and shattering her abdomen, instantly killing her on impact. Our heroes are shocked, as Iridikron makes a stone surf-board and surfs out of the expansion again.
Thanks it was getting gross in there
is this a leaked image from a midnight cutscene?
vupore instantly hidden
If I could fit
the numbers, mason...
>level outlaw
>between the eyes almost always breaks
I thought people complaining about it were memeing but it really is that broken
at least they're fixing it in an entire month+ from now
>where is the BHC I was promised?

what are we rerolling to, sisters?
femele elf porn? hidden
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WTF?? the last tier list posted here said furry warrios were A-tier?
Let me guess, he turns up after the second raid's final boss to summon a random planet in the sky
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honest thoughts on my hunter mog?
Because "let's make survival a melee spec" was about as much thought they put into it during Legion.
>Yuro shitters
>NA hours
It's Aussie hours retards
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>Forgot to get this.
>I already did all the patron orders.
Time to kill myself. Unless I can just put in orders from an alter for something cheap.
wergan instantly hidden
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At least we aren't playing arms.
WoWhead has always been laughable incorrect with these pre-season tier lists.
>Unless I can just put in orders from an alter for something cheap.
Yes, you can.
>frost DK still above unholy
third round of nerfs inc
That was for raids
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Thanks bro.
>Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying,eh lad?
Any crafters know what kind of crafts Im supposed to use the concentration on?? Is it everything or just the equipment not the mats etc??
Frost being ahead of Unholy in raid is dead wrong.
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W-what's that supposed to mean!?
It's not like there's a WoWhead chart that perma-stuck 2k players will worship like holy gospel and ONLY invite S+ ranked specs...

Stop coping already faggot
Frost is better since day one of the tww alpha
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so this was pretty much a scrapped barrens warfront mount they released as store mount right?
Literally every person I've met that has named all of their characters in that manner using one word like their name or whatever they fance then the class or some random shit added after has been utterly subhuman.

Every single fucking last one of them. To the point I just now consider it a hard red flag and take them off btag once I realize it.
Every store mount is a scrapped ingame mount.
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I don't care what the tier lists says. I'm still going to play Prot Warrior & Brewmaster.
You realize that world first racers have to make dozens of characters right? Their names gotta be similar so guildies know who the hell it is.
They should've done Barrens over Darkshore desu.
We already went through and Blitzkrieg'd Darkshore during the pre-launch event.
Having to storm the gates to Mul'gore would've been 10 more times more interesting of a setting.
>do to the backlash of Alliance races
Who the FUCK wanted more gnomes, and not even the cool ones mecha ones from Wrath?
beast mastery sisters... *COUGH*
I just can't into the other specs...
I'll see y'all in the anniversary patch...
all my stockpiled enchants i've been making are tanking in price due to the shard shatter coming out soon

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Think she ever regrets this line?
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Does it have to be a separate account or am I doing something wrong?
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>Renown exploiters are being banned AND rolled back - many in Method, Echo, and Liquid have already received their suspensions and Zorbrix posted in a discord server specifically notifying the RWF people of the punishments being implemented.

It was me Echo, I was the one who had our weakest links exploit renown to encourage you to send your best to exploit it as well. It was me, who leaked the allegations against your best healer. It was me, who led Liquid to victory and claimed the first WFR title of the expansion.
>finished meals are all warbound
>flask cauldrons are all warbound
how the fuck are cooks and alchs supposed to make any cash?
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Eurobeat always has such a good rhythm, gyatt damn
I always find my hips moving on their own whenever it plays
instantly hidden vipoore haha
This meme ban is irrelevant to the race anyway.

>he invested time into a profession without doing any research beforehand

BRUH u srs
Does getting renown 25 even give some form of player power? Isn't it just mounts and shit?
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I just want shortstacks with good proportions. Dwarves and maybe vulpera are the closest I can get.
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She wanted to be a paladin, so i'm teaching her the ways, she's rough around the edges but learning quickly...
this is prolly a dumb q, but can I just make 5 stacks of 1-star healing pots for the spillover buff, or does the quality of the crafts improve the stat gained from spillover?
You're only proving my point. People who want to be "world first" in a 20 year old game are subhuman.
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>mfw i found dawnbreaker to be simultaneously a fucking great and fucking garbage dungeon on my first run
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I just woke up. It's 5:30 AM.
pooder instantly hidden
I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but I do think it's weird that it's this big event.
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So fun fact these elementals can drop bismuth when you mine them.
who asked?
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>It's a "Summon Random Favorite mount button" only mounts ground mounts for no fucking reason episode
ahhahah wooo good one, love the classics
There is nothing great about shitbreaker
avatroon instantly hidden
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hey wanna pvp again?
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To all my retail chads: will you play MoP Classic if Blizzard releases it?
so did I
it's 4:44
Don't you have enough orbiters to run keys without pugging?
id play brew but it feels so shit without any haste. at least prot war gets talents to help with this
>0 money for mounts and shit
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Despite common belief I don't have orbiters or an army at my beck and call
Just a couple friends and sometimes our schedules don't line up
Your seethe is noted however
Just high ilvl gear compared to what you can currently get in game from dungeons
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only if it's fresh, which it won't be
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What is he thinking right now?
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I WILL be the #1 WW monk with all 100 parses just like on Mistblade
but what about the Americans?
He hasn't figured it out yet, that's a mystery for another time
I filter all furfags
What was the exploit?
>Will you play MoP Classic if Blizzard releases it?
Maybe solely for the Wrathion questline.
It's honestly a shame they didn't bring it back for Remix, cause it was one of the best legendary quests they ever put in this game.
They gotta copy the top streamers bro! You wouldn't get it.
Multibox=a shitload of rep
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Fuck sake Blizz, why do you make open-backed bandanna type headgear and still have it overwrite all hair designs instead of, like, half of it at worse.
You fuckers made the Christmas NPC's wear santa hats and still keep their hair, you've already fixed this issue, just apply it to players!
Are you on a different server? If so put -servername after your other character's name.
Arthas must have been the most homosexual man in existence to kill Sylvanas
He should have taken a note out of Turalyon's book on dealing with elves and just fucked her
The fact that max gets to be the millionaire streamer is proof that god doesn't exist.
nah, MoP remix was good enough. classic is so fucking boring and shitty when youve cleared the content and have to wait 4 months for the next tier.
Thanks bro, I'm a retard and forgot my alliance toons are on MG.
>a bunch of shitty weekly quests
>and a gay little rep grind to top it off
Is there anything of value to be had from the theatre troupe if I've gotten the weekly chest? I just want the axe blueprint.
Better than farm the same raid for weeks on end, to get currency, just to be told to farm the same raid on weeks on end, to get even more of the same currency, then find a profession master to make your legendary for you.
nah, I'm a miner/engineer but I always look into shit for my alts
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Blizzard has strange standards when it comes to clipping. Or none when it comes to worgen.
faggot troll avatar hidden haha
>Better than farm the same raid for weeks on end, to get currency, just to be told to farm the same raid on weeks on end, to get even more of the same currency
this is exactly what the wrathion quest was you stupid nigger
Go get mogu runes of power
Go get 6000 valor (1k per week cap btw)
Go get your titan relics
you get 2/30 in a week, come back next week
holy based
He was still holding on to hopes of turning Jaina into his zombie queen
We call that feeling "ambivalence"
post night elves buck breaking orcs
Dawnbreaker is a fun dungeon until you get stuck on the airship.
Druids falling to their death was also fun.
night elf faggot poster instantly hidden
Another alt leveled
Another WoW token Get.
I liked the rogue legendary quest
litemount for all your autistic mount needs
time to commission art of fandral staghelm buckbreaking basedfang
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Day two, the elves still refuse to hand over the rare dress to my army of alts.
Eww holes
You can still get the green, blue and purple bags from audience score.
Contains gold and some item upgrade mats.
Nice time waster for RDF que to pop off.
fag elf avatroon instantly hidden
How do those two correlate.
Easiest and quickest way to make gold so I no longer have to pay for the WoW token?
I have no experience with any of the strategies.
These tiered releases suck ass. I hated them when they were originally live but at least in that case it was because they were still making the next set of content. They should release all of the raids at once and require one raid member to have cleared the previous raid to enter the next one
Thanks bro.
anything else than boosting is similar to working for $5 to $10 an hour
Easiest is gathering profs.
Quickest is AH flipping and crafting proffs.
There is no magic get rich scheme unless you sell your feet pics.
i find a new way to die each time. today i died from following the final boss
Doubt it. I once got a 24h chat ban for not giving away my item.
done all the prep i care to do. logging out for tomorrow. kinda hyped, this is the first time I'm taking a seasonal push seriously in a long, long time. Joined a guild for mythic raids and everything. Really stoked to actually play content that doesn't fall over in 2 seconds, cause I'm an Unholy player and nothing lives long enough for me to justify not playing Frost. Looking forward to being back on my main spec.
Sleep well /wowg/, and good luck with your grind.
Leveling alts by Herb/Mining/Wax/Treasures, gets ~200k per alt
Token is at 200k.
Level another 80, get another month of WoW.
Currently Have:
at level 80
Just starting dk now.
Ive made 2.5 million gold selling mats since launch, 8 tokens got, money in my pocket for 5 more now
Pick the orbs or just fly straight to the boss landing area, just pass around the lamplighters in the town area
Are you mining in just TWW or are you mining all the way from level one?
Damn so I'm always better off just wageslaving...
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Guys I haven't even finished the story... but I did get all of the treasures, skyriding, glyphs and finished all of the side quests in every zone except the last which I'm working on!
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>GM says he said something wrong in chat so that means its true!!!
They said that after giving me a 2 week ban without telling me what I said so I opened a ticket and asked why I was banned and they refused to tell me and closed the ticket.

The bots probably reported him for language and the GM was just reading off what the automated report said for his ban
Outlaw is dealing insane damage what are they on about?
you know it would take a lot less effort to just get a job. you can even buy other stuff beside WoW things!
erm... where are the ogres blizzard?
are WW monks any good in mini games?
bfa added them
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Fury Warriors... we cant stop WINNING
Can't believe Blizz GMs are on the cartel payroll.
just TWW these are all exisitng 70s Im leveling
I finished Dflight with 117 70s

desu im gonna keep doing this till mats prices fall off. Takes me a casual days worth of play to level like this and I can do it literally a hundred more times If I want. At the rate Im going I'll pay for my sub the duration of the expansion and have enough store credit for the next.
Like, 12 alts leveled is my sub covered for a year. ~7 alts level is next expansion paid for. ~2 alts leveled is whatever shop item I want bought.
Prof mats are always profitable around launch but they havent been nice and stable like this usually and never before has just gathering been a decently fast way to level. It really only takes a couple hours longer than questing and makes ten times the money.
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If you want to play an Ogre, the Alliance is there waiting for you.
>Augmentation in S as usual
By the Aspects, will we /ever/ stop winning? Probably not, actually.
Being held hostage by the one High Elf fag on the team.
I'm going to join keys as assa but change to outlaw before we start
Someone needs to pull the trigger and have the high elves get hit by something so they're taken off the board completely. Vereesa's been the only one that has ever mattered
you do value your time, right?
with minimum wage you can get a sub in 2 hours. farming in wow will take you much more than that.
>just buy gold.
scum tier mindset

but thanks for paying my sub faggot.
I am getting something done in game and getting paid to do it, but go slave away for mr shekelberg if you want. I'd rather make low profit doing something I enjoy. I'd rather gather herbs for six hours than sit is some fucking store for 2.
But whatever youve gotta say to justify your cagie mr wagie.
So with refining bismuth I shouldn't be refining t1 into t2 until I have refining t2 into t3 unlocked, right?
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it may suck that prot pal is at the lowest rank, but im still going to play it because it is fun
Midnight brother, trust the plan. All High Elves will reject the Alliance and take up the name Blood Elves, becoming one with the Horde.
Most of them went to become velfs during bfa
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least delusional hordekek
You shouldnt worry, those tier lists are only relevant when you're doing 20+ and despite what people say this shit doesnt matter in low/normal keys when you apply with good io/ilvl you're going to get insta invited.
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booty bay handrubbing convention
get a job stinky
>OSRS announced Project Zanaris where you can rent a server and edit everything to your own liking
when will Blizzard copy this idea
A rather silly way to level up I must say
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>Vereesa's been the only one that has ever mattered
There is literally giant statue of Alleria in the Silver Covenant area of Dalaran.
Blizzard are just dumb cunts and decided to invent an entire new race for her to lead and turn her into their latest lorerape race.
what is the fury warrior rotation? ive been playing arms this whole time so kinda lost
Alex is so fucking hot
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I miss her already
How long does it take you? Might give that a try myself.
just in time for raid.
oh anon...you keep up whirlwind and ooga the fucking booga out my brother
Delete dracthyr from the game (World of Warcraft)
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unironically think that TWW is bringing the boys back
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I like Void Elves but we really should've just gotten High Elves on Alliance and VE customization shared between BEs and HEs. I'm not even a 'lore purist', they just feel clunkily integrated.
There's a dracthyr in Goldshire. It just occurred to me that I have never seen one here before.
>fury warrior rotation?
"Fury is straightforward damage dealer, focused on building Rage with auto-attacks and special abilities, in order to spend it on Rampage Icon Rampage to trigger Enrage Icon Enrage. This creates a constant and fast-paced gameplay loop, enhanced by the specialization's built-in haste buffs. "

Anon-kun why not buy this on an alt with gold on it
It will add to your account wide collection
For wowhead, Shaman is the best DPS (both spec) and the best healer for season1.
I figured just grabbing gold off my warband bank was easier than transferring the gold to each and every alt I have parked there.
Though in hindsight I'm retarded and I'm putting gold on them next time I log in.
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I put on my robe and wizard hat
I cast Arcane Missiles at the darkness
Are there any hot milfs in the loot table?
avatar troon instantly hidden
uh-oh, it's over for us shaman sisters.....
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>leveling in Draenor
>attempt to kill Stonetooth to clear out the garrison mine
>instantly auto'd to less than half my health
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>The War Within
>The Goldshire Inn
anon... that's the wrong expansion...
femele elf whore post hidden immediatly
>log into all my old accounts to see if i have anything
>find all of the dark cultist transmog which are selling for 200k+ each
>transfer them to my main
>repair them so i can put them on the ah
>they disappear
>not in the vendor buyback
Cool. Great game blizzard.
Anonymouse... I'm a boy...
kek get rekt
Where do i buy big draenei gf
kek elf avatarfaggot melty rekt
Try support, they can sometimes get deleted shit back so maybe those too.
be troll or orc or undead
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frogposter IMMEDIATLY hidden
>cartels reach expands to r/WoW
oh SHID, any cartel members posting ITT?
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>get a job and be miserable like the rest of us!
no thanks, I'd rather eat tendies and be comfy playing worlo all day than get send to the wage cage
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whats it to yo?
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stop asking questions
you're all waiting for a new thread aren't you
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Instead of holding your post, post it in the new thread!
Don't be ridiculous
just in fear of the cartels
Make this the OP for the new thread
I put a ticket in but no response yet.
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