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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>What is /fēh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Ēmblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Ēmblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>493332221
Shamir is my wife
We could probably do all Gullveig OPs for /feh/ from now on and be successful
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>Gay porn in the pastebin
>Incorrect trailer link
>Wrong previous thread
Methinks this thread was not made with good intentions in mind.
Why is he like this?
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Previous thread by the way.
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>We could probably do all Gullveig OPs for /feh/ from now on and be successful
Sounds like a good idea.
He’s kinda right tho ngl
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Shitposters are going to shitpost. You shouldn't be bothered by what they do as retaliation.
The subject field is fucked too. If that wasn't apparent this was a shitpost thread then I don't know what will convince anyone.
You are using a thread that was blatantly made for the purpose of shitposting.
If you cared at all about the quality you would have made a proper thread instead of using this one.
>You are using a thread that was blatantly made for the purpose of shitposting.
Been there done that. It only leads to pissing off the moderation team who has to clean up the multitude of other threads that will be created to get the correct thread removed.
>Translation: I made this thread
Yeah bro I already knew that don't be so obvious next time.
Weird accusation.
Why would you say such a thing?
Because I'm smarter than you and figured it out easily.
>Because I'm smarter than you
Doubtful but you keep being you.
Is fishinigger having a melty
You are going to bump your thread for hours while I laugh at you.
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No. I going to go watch a movie with my loving family while you continue to seething while shitting up /feh/ and /feg/.
sure you are.
its always funny to me when the nowipedo pretends to care about quality
Post Snare teams
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It's that time of the week again where I need to burn 20k feathers for no purpose...
Fuck off, Veyle. Futas aren’t welcome here.
Where’s the tms hero’s?
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kys feather hoarder!
resplended catria
Even if she's useless, looks nice, never was fan of her base art
>Even if she's useless
lets be honest. goes for most resplended units
base ilyana , festival neph and mia + azura / leanne
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My hot scatwife. Gullveig is the sexiest woman to ever exist
I love Cordelia!!!
Built for rape and impregnation.
nana in next HoF
Next banner when?
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>Next banner when?
as you can see. we are still waiting for the new calendar. likely around the 16th as well though
They look more like a couple than just sibling hanging out.
fitting for FE
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Duma should of rape corrected his sister.
Why did Fjorm’s banner flop? Does this mean she won’t be a contender for CYL9?
>Fjorm's banner
You just answered your own question.
can't hate the banner when i got more flora art from it
I can't stop jerking off to Lucia's feet...
I'm conflicted about using this obvious troll thread but there's no other feh...
>obvious troll thread
No point caring about this kind of stuff. Just try to have a good time talking with the few remaining genuine /feh/ posters.
It means the schizos will ignore it and we can actually have a comfortable /feh/
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Dwagon Wuv!
trolls are in every FE thread.
just post if you want
I want to see Noire's huge tits added in a base form but her default outfit is really ugly.
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I want a seasonal Morgan alt.
Based and same
anything good from your arena ticket?
Brave Eliwood. Another week, another dud.
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finally got a colorless again on the ticket
>brave veronica

not my most wanted but nice. almost have her +10
Swordhardt, so not really.
I got Veronica too. Zzzz... guess I have enough to +5 her.
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event schedule
>Emblem 8%
Wonder what bullshit will make the game further unplayable
weddit meme
Neimi. She feels too new to make it in 4 star special imo, but whatever.
>range as large as Celica but she just attacks from where she is instead of needing to teleport
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>Fire Emblem Heroes support is asking me to send home blue star units because I refunded forma and bond pack
Yeah, not happening lol.
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My save ball defense using armors and the sides unequipped
Anyone want to test it?
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Good job, fuck the devs
I tried refunding a bunch of shit one time but got denied by Apple and then got locked out of the App Store and had to call to get my access back. Fuck Apple too
based criminals
Proofs? Post the screenshot
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>cover her window cleavage with another layer of clothes like her summer alt
Im dreading it
>send home blue star units because I refunded forma and bond pack
lol, lmao even.
Please tell me you have a screen cap.
why would anyone do that?
He doesn't because it's not real
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Why would you say that?
Noire’s tits are really some of the most under appreciated in the entire series. We need more outfits where they’re prominently displayed.
I'm hoping they save Roy for later because I really want him to be good, but knowing IS they'll probably make him the worst emblem because they fucking hate him.
Based off how is emblem works in game it'll probably be some melee only aoe gimmick + B!Alphonse permanent statement boost thing. Watch his emblem effect be something like +3 to all stats
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Roy will get a Miracle effect
I hope they bring back older characters like sword sword, cow and freyja. They've been out of the spotlight for a while.
Cow is next up after Reginn for an updated version
It would nice in a non tt story arc fashion too. Feels like only Fjorm and Veronica ever get to stay present.
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99% of OCs never show up again outside of their book. The most you get is is Henriette showing up occasionally to tell Alfonse about something and Veronica getting forced cameos to show she still exists.
For FB, it would be nice if they showed up a bit more, but IS in general should be running more FB each month. Then again, IS can barely write at all so perhaps it's best not to push them further.
>t. schizophrenic poster
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Roy was trash in his own game, why shouldn’t he be trash in every other game?
>we're setting back Aether Raids aether cap to 250 until we actually test it enough to implement a working 400 cap
>we're giving all users 10 orbs in appreciation for our patience
Holy shit, actual compensation orbs! That's certainly a surprise.
>10 compensation orbs for AR blunder

EOS can't come any sooner. First arena fiasco and now this lol.
they've had multiple game breaking bugs in the span of a month, they had to give out compensation orbs eventually
gotta be some layoffs. gamebreaking bugs usually happen when teams shrink. feh profits are on the decline. Dev team literally is banking on whales summoning for units designed around a meta they created while breaking up that meta units's optimal skills as fodder pieces in seasonal units following by the rnew rearmed/attuned hero as their "infinite" skill bank.
you guys enjoying FEH?
It's enjoyable until you run into latest slop.
Please vote for 1 or 3 I really want to spend these forma souls and the other two options are garbage.
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I'd take 1, a free +10 dancer sounds nice.
>compensation orbs
wow. is someone at IS sick?
Why does Etie make the >:3 face in her heroes art?
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Do you think anyone +10’d her?
Where were you when her hof was available, bro...
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anyone you want to see in upcoming HoF?
Any version of Sophia would be nice for FE 6.
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any Myrrh in the next FE8 HoF
Legendary Ninian for the next FE7 HoF
Kinda want Legendary Xander
Racist and weird
OK, I'm gonna ask: what does this mean? Something happen in Amerimutt politics I don't know about?
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>Spend a little money to break my rate
>Still don't
>Can't justify spending more
Always feels good. I wish I would just quit gachas.
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99% of gamblers quit before they strike it big.
don't give up yet, anon!
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Stupid owl.
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do you guys want IS to keep releasing new limited hero types that add in power mechanics for older characters?
The rearmed stuff was nice because non PRFs sucked but they're all so good that it killed build variety. Attuned is also helpful, but what else do they have for new hero ideas? Some sort of special refine? Emblem heroes basically already do that.
Those skills are more than a year old that's basically unusable by todays standards you know how it works.
I recently spent $10 for a spark. At least I got what I wanted.
Strictly speaking I just want the game to end. But new unit types that have elite inheritance and can boost your favs are welcome in my book. Only the last couple Attuned heroes have been pushing powercreep, usually these types are useful to pass skills and buffs around rather than being broken themselves.
> I just want the game to end
You can always just stop playing.
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How's this build in case I don't find Atk/Spd Flare? Also Spd/Res Crux or Flier Guidance?
Vengance is there because I already have Ruptured Sky.
I did.
I already spent to spark it earlier and then kept going and spent another little bit on that small dragonflower pack to break my 10% after my spark and couldn't
keep forgetting how frustrating hall of forms can be.

just want laguz friend and a decent c skill for Nah but nothing decent shows up
It's fine.
only way they can sell things now
roll for shez or no
do you like them?
Do you care about Arena?
No, we are about to get the next broken unit.
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Save for Reginn and whatever bullshit she brings.
welp no free roll Lucina for me
>they'll probably make him (Roy) the worst emblem
Why would you say that when Leif is right there!
LMAO no. We're gonna get an emblem unit soon. In order of brokenness worst to best
>no banner 3*
>banner demote
>seasonal demote
>5* exclusive
>seasonal 5* exclusive
This isn't always the case but it's almost certain a legendary will be worse than an emblem that were both released near eachother
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That's not very nice.
> hips

but he's a man.
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I hope you like lyn granting extra range which DC can't counter for some reason
How do you feel about the fates tribes banners or overall aesthetic now that they are all out?
Ice>fire>wind for aesthetic to me. I somewhat hope they bring bCk ice tribe next year as the outfits are cute.
Yeah Ice tribe gets the win for basically Fjorm's outfit alone.
You're better off waiting to pick 4. Won't be able to get the new CYL skills for them yet.
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I wanted to get better skills on Catria and Rinea, but Sneed Houses are inevitable.
>Sneed Houses are inevitable.
poll was decided from the start
just kinda indifferent about them to be honest
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Cute Olivia
Glad she still gets lots of art>>494415524
where is everyone?
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Maybe some bait could work
Don't ruin the nice comfy thread
How is that ruining it?
"everyone" would include everyone
You don't want everyone
3H lost the previous revival poll. This one is winning because it has mostly lords.
3HRT flops without Edelcrutch.
I love Cordelia!!!
i mean. yeah. they really lean on the lords
All the people who actually want to talk about FEH went to /vmg/, all the people who want to shitpost all day every day migrated back to /feg/ and this leaves /feh/ without much of a purpose.
Remember when people love raping Olivia?
A little, but this place has been obsessed with raping a lot of characters.
gentlemen, i love ursula
Stop bumping this shit, retard
No. I love Gullstacy.
shut up
Why should I?
No, I dislike Gulloser.
i do what i want
what a weird duo
>Up since Monday
Whoa the community really is dying. Anyways I checked out the other thread and it's full of shitposters? I don't understand why there's some saying this is a troll thread when the other one is full of shitposts and thread celebrity circlejerking
both threads are dead. one just gets used for spamming , thread personalities and overall shitposting
both generals were mostly propped up by shitposting. Shit posters have created both generals currently, but the other one has more shitposters so it's more active.
no one is safe. no one is sane. get out.
Someone wants to spam artwork of their favorite character and wanted the FEH thread to move into the FE general so everyone would be forced to look at it. People with a brain stayed here and as you can see it's upset the autistic individual so much that he's vandalizing the OP and shitposting here.
I forgot to mention that a large portion of the posters were fed up with it and moved to /v/ and have been making regular threads there, which as you can imagine are a target for the schizo image spammer.
Not the weirdest FE duo I have come across.
I have a brain. I like /feg/ better. We have actual discussions more often and shitposting can be ignored.
Raulykins rambling to himself as if he's the most important person in the room doesn't count as discussion.
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Lysithea von Cordelia
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Do (You) wuv dwagons?
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I luv parts of dwagons.
very nice
This thread is going to last the whole month and probably more
Psyched for the next teatime banner. Can’t wait to see Byleth in a maid outfit.
It's not coming back, anon.
It will.
If you went to most generals and weeded out the coomer posting, ritual posting, trips/avatar posters, and art spam they would all probably last a week to a month.

No really, go to the non-feh general and scroll through it, most of it is garbage. Thankfully they've been drawn to that thread for the most part so the few people that have questions can ask here.
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>i love ursula
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alt never
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Nigga SHE IS the alt
ur an alt
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Base never
No, you
free pulled lucia.
how quickly she fell off
She's sipping Kiran's (my) piss and cum in that drink and she loves it.
She was good for 6 months to a year, wasn't she? That's way better than most.
>lasting 6 months is better than most
Sad state of FEH
that's..sadly true
I hope you're ready for 2 years of Emblem Ike meta
they'll turn him useless one day
Every skill they add that could maybe help just makes Ike even more obnoxious
But LMShez' C skill does neuter him
>people complain units have no staying power ND have to roll each month for latest powercreep.
>unit is able to be meta relevant loger than a month and people still complain
Such is life.
Ideally we want lots of units to be meta relevant for a long time instead we have EIke making 99% of the rest of the cast (over 1100 characters) feel completely worthless in comparison. That's not a good game state and we're just gonna get hit with the next unit that annihilates EIke without an ounce of skill which restarts the cycle.
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My beloved
Noire alt soon.
What is this game about? What do I do once I'm done with the story?
>what is the game about
Fire Emblem
>what do I do once I'm done with the story
Wait for more story, collect fire emblem characters, play monotonous game modes to collect resources for building or collecting more fire emblem characters, cope that you're wasting your life playing a glorified slot machine that never pays out, etc
Is there no sandbox mode or PVP I can grind to infinity?
There's pvp stuff, but getting to high tiers is a lot more cancerous with how crazy the game has gotten in the last year or so. If you play casually you can still have fun and you can generally avoid a lot of the cancer, but at the same time you're not really going all out which can bring down the experience. Ideally you play FEH because you like FE games or you play FEH and then try out FE games.
Get a job.
But yes there is pvp-like modes that have limited stamina every week. And an actual pvp mode you can play whenever you want if you're a degenerate masochist.
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Delicious tan lines
I love my scatwife.
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Ah yes!
I knew this fella's style looked familiar.
Thanks a lot, anon.
Glad to help!
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how many more years until the FE 6 or 7 remake?
This seer's snare is actually fucking impossible I can't believe I'm getting my shit pushed in by micah and eirika. Even shamir in the one map where everyone is split up can be a hard stop I don't think I've gotten the bonus for it. I'm realizing I only have like 8 units total from the bonus series too. Wow first time I couldn't go through it period and couldn't get to the end with all the skills stacked. This is insane
Just use your favourites.
But yeah the map where all your units are separated was an absolute squeaker.
Damn adult veronica is hot.
I hope they combine FE4 and FE5 into one game and FE6 and 7 into one game so we don't have to wait an eternity.
Just use your favourites.
I did. Where's that one quote from one of the tutorials.
>If a unit is lost in battle they will return afterwards, but they still feel the pain.
Who are you guys building up in Hall of Forms?
None, I got Halloween Grima last time this group was run but I never use her so not gonna bother updating her this time.
Nah and anna. not too sure how to build them.
Feh Channel today right? They have to explain Reginn
>they have to explain reginn
Did they have a feh channel for all of the previous unit types? the only ones I remember is Lif.
Also the free girls tend to come out in october so there's a good chance it would be next month.
I think they did have a channel for Attuned Peony and Triandra last year. We should be getting something tonight or it's definitely a last minute FEH Channel.
>or its definitely a last minute FEH channel
do you mean for next month if Reginn isn't tonight?
Shame Shez can’t one round him though.
If there's something tonight it's either trailer or FEH Channel. If there's nothing tonight then it's 100% a FEH Channel tomorrow night.
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I had fun with her in arena this week. Can’t wait to +10.
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Did you complete your limited hero battles, bros?
>who would win? 7+43 vs a 40 hp enemy or 29 vs a 40 hp enemy?
>even triggers Luna but only does 17 damage
>triggers Sandstorm and does 129 damage
I (lol'd
Yup, even uploaded two of them to youtube.
I wanted to spark the CYL banner to feed an entire alphonse to my favorite cav unit but eh, maybe I'll just save. Even with those skills the unit is so old it would still suck without a good weapon.
Well I guess aids are interesting if I can just pour them all into one character I want to boost. Also echo time pulse will be nice for B!Dimitri, and L!Dimitri when they eventually remove the restrictions on inheritance for them.
Timerra is basically the 0x2 = death meme in Engage. Honestly she should be doing way less than 29
Was hoping Fogado had Radiant Bow but it seems they mixed him up with Claude with that DR
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which 4* unit would want Nergal's CC Bonus Doubler skill?
So.... if I use my aided hero for skill inheritance do I lose my aided buff?
It's an item like Florets, each summon of the character gives you 1 (unlike Ascendant heroes beyond the first copy) and using one on a character gives them a permanent Resplendent outfit stat buff. I assume you can only use one on a character. But it does say it's permanent.
Halloween Timerra is literally a senseless waste
my beautiful black queen WON
reginn and Solm banner
I wonder if it’ll be like florets where they also gave away a free one.
this jpg looks like shit, dude
How, stupid?
Probably not. The Essence' appeal is access to a new type of accessory
Kek just remembered the Hridtranny who failed to +10 his summer alt is having a meltdown again.
Ded general
I just wanted to see how people reacted to "aided heroes"
They didn't even fucking try with that one it's so shit. Like what a premium item that does the same shit as 600 dragonflowers? Retarded
Barely even makes me want to roll for Timerra (my wife)
At what point does IS win? people seem so wishy washy on every subject.
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Your waifu is black???
I mean I guess that's fair
I just think aided heroes seem pretty bad. Like, I definitely liked Rearmed and attuned because I thought that was interesting at least. But I'm also just thinking I'm terms of shit that make me want to play the game. Powercreep is so bad I've mostly just given up. If I don't get Timerra now I'll have to wait half a year for another chance which isn't fun either
>I am incredibly upset they didn't add another must roll feature even though it absolutely is another must roll set of stats that /feh/ as always heavily underestimates the value of
>fucking 0 IQ /vmg/ is crying that they're one per unit as if whales that can just buy 100 copies of Reginn wouldn't abuse the fuck out of infinite stats or several 600 dragonflowers worth of stats onto the most broken obnoxious shit in the game
IS could've been infinitely more evil with this. An extra set of dragonflower stats for any unit isn't anything to scoff at. Thank god the accessory doesn't seem to do anything but I'm sure they'll add accessories that do obnoxious bullshit later because IS do be assholes like that.
>Barely even makes me want to roll for Timerra (my wife)
You don't like Timerra.
We merged
That's the FE general, this is the FEH general.
And fire emblem heroes is fire emblem and many are talking about heroes which is a fire emblem game in the fire emblem general right now.
That's great but this is the FEH specific general.
>Which there are only a few maintaining it and talking about heroes compared to the main general and barely has any reason to exist considering the shitposters come here too.
Anon you seem to be lost, would you like a link to the thread you are looking for?
Yeah we're discussion heroes over there we should go there >>494703485
Sorry anon that is the Fire Emblem general, as in the series as a whole, head on over there and continue your discussion! This thread remains the FEH specific general, if you'd like to discuss that then start posting on topic instead of begging.
Have fun bumping your thread for another week loser
Anna wants Gust, LF, BoL, her own refined spear
Nah something similar but Dragon's Roar as special
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>No really, go to the non-feh general and scroll through it, most of it is garbage. Thankfully they've been drawn to that thread for the most part so the few people that have questions can ask here.
fucking grim
I cannot understand what has happened to society to spawn some of the shit you see on /vg/.
Bros help
Reginn won't stop giving all my heroes AIDeS
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>Laguz Friend 4! (fuck you Shinon, this is your new bis skill now)
>"Companion" hero
>HIV/AIDS hero
I have like 7 copies of Attuned Caeda. She has breath of life 4, godlike reflexes, vital Astra, and buffer 4. Obviously she also has the base skills
How should I be spreading these skills while I merge her up? Any good F2P options using these skills well?
Most of it is heroes discussion in the actual latest thread after the banner.
Very cute…
Well 99% of those skills are Infantry exclusive so you're gonna want to sort your barracks by infantry and pick units that you already have +10 and want to buff up. Otherwise Panette is probably the most sensible option since she's freemium and yet has the newest maximum melee infantry star total.
The chibi playhouse models would make cute figures.
her hair don't nap
Why is FEH considered dead when it generates 5 million in revenue last month?
5 million is chump change, retardbro.
Shitposters trying to force a narrative.
You are actually so fucking retarded LMAO
>5 million
This is Dr. Mario revenue numbers you absolute fucking mong.
Last month was CYL which was another massive helping of completely absurd powercreep. Only making 5 million is pretty weak.
And I don't consider the game dead, I wish it was dead but accurately speaking it's just gacha slop that's purely beyond redemption or value but continues to abuse and make a meager profit off some extremely wealthy idiots. FEH is just a black hole; stay far away if you can.
You're a dummy.
>this niche franchise game is only making as much money as a game from one of the biggest franchises in the world.
Oh the horror.
Dr. Mario World hit EoS with this level of revenue. Running FEH servers costs money.
Yes, I jumped into the black hole but at least I have the integrity to warn others instead of pretending FEH is at all okay. FEH is extremely player unfriendly, greedy beyond reason and run by complete fucking idiots; you can do way better even if you're sticking to gacha slop.
Dead thread. Can we talk about ecelebs and obnoxious self shippers again?
Based. I know Hridtranny struggles to get taken seriously especially as the most nobody, most obnoxious self-shipper anyone has had the displeasure of interacting with, but what are the others up to?
I love my beautiful wife Cordelia!!!
I just rolled a Rearmed Plumeria. Have you been watching the latest Mangs videos?
Not as of late. Advance Wars isn't exactly my thing but I'm happy for him getting married, working on his projects and succeeding more then Snekkah or postwall Goose regretting her OnlyFans kek. What videos would you recommend?
He's been livestreaming andaron saga randomized lately, seems interesting
I'll go check it out. Andaron Saga must be really good, if not the best FE romhack ever, if the randomized streams are doing well.
You mean the poser who posts its summoner duels wins as if autobattling with the recent units while dilating is some sort grand achievement? It needs to neck itself already.
Kek yes. Now that Hrid has a summer alt it moved on to bitching about Griss being "mistreated". The undiagnosed schizophrenia of that one.
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It should have been her.
If only it would take its fucking meds (lead tablets to the skull)
With the death of traditional internet forums all the previously quarantined lunatics gravitate to 4chan since its the only place that won't permaban them within 5 posts of their schizo nonsense
Add the fact zoomers are just mentally fucked to begin with and we have thousands of new 3rd worlders posting from countries that don't believe in mental health and you have modern 4chan
I am not permabanned anywhere. I simply don't wish to be snitched on even though everyone feels the same way about trannies. This is your quarter-hourly reminder to dilate.
you're such a silly guy.
EoS announcement in January 2025. FEH officially shutting down by the end of March 2025. Screenshot this.
I'm probably a very oldfag by the standards of today (which isn't today I've been here the longest but most seem to be a newfag now) but to put it in short terms I just can't stand the state of the modern internet and have an identity attached to everything combined with the modern state of the internet. That said, I can't make myself stay here for too long often and I'll often be taking breaks and limiting myself to very specific threads on very specific boards because this place always sucks for different reasons too. Sad state of the internet.
Nah they're doing minimum one more Book so EoS in 2026 probably.
nuh uh.
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Insta demote Pandreo
Did you start using 4chan in 2020? jfc newfag
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hey feet pic anon are u here
the old internet is dead, bro. it's either social media or shitholes like this. as i get older i want less and less to do with anything online but still keep coming back for more
now how about some fire emblem heroes up in this bitch?
What about Fire Emblem Heroes?
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Did anyone else fall for the break pity meme? 4.75% for two Wobins.
I wanted Alfonse…
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>pity break meme
>I wanted Alfonse
I'm sorry....Why didn't you just freepick him? Did you want him for fodder?
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>pity break meme
The “Oh god the banner’s about to end and I have a high pity rate, I must break it now!” sort of feeling
>just freepick him
I summoned for all sparks and picked him last. I’m holding onto the free pick for a bit.
if you wait 2-3 months he will probably show up on an 8% that you can spark, assuming you have FEH pass, or just wait until the anniversary for the 6% brave banner to be released and you will be able to snag a ton of copies.
That’s the plan, save up now for b8%.
>please build laguz friend 4 breath of life 4 units, so that we have an excuse to release new powercreep with built-in L!Nanna/Lucia effects
>Week old thread
they're making more of Reginn's video. It's nice to know and it better have more Reginn in it.
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>Flier Eff
>Grants +3 Def
>Adaptive Damage (why wasn't this Hurricane Axe again?)
>Def/Res +6 & Dull All to her and allies within 2 spaces if HP above 25%
>decreases foes Atk/Def/Res by 5 + 15% of unit's Def stat
>flat damage reduction by 15% of units Def
>Restores 7 HP after combat if foe initiates or foe's HP is 75% or above

Wonderful. This will be a very fun build. I've saved 600 armor flowers, Winter Byleth and Edelgard just for this moment. Can't wait bros!
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Guess I'm using an egg on Lara, what's the best infantry dancer skillset these days?
>T37 in AR
>still get Top 3000
Either nobody is playing anymore or this week was nightmare zone for most players. Given the number of maps I saw with new Brave unit stacking I wouldn't be shocked if AR became truly unplayable for the average player.
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People lost aether on day 1, retard...
I auto battle 3 times and that's it, been that way for years fuck that mode.
OKAY, thronelet.
You really think the players vying for top 3000 were the ones that skipped the first day?
>two videos begging you to roll for Reginn by making the drone look useful
>okay so what does the drone do in game?
>absolutely nothing
Did they remove the gameplay component from Aided accessories because they thought it was gonna make us mad or are IS really this wasteful?
It's not about the accessories doing something, it's about the accessories. These are going to be paywalled accessories anon, you're about to see visual powercreep.
We already have actual paywalled visual creep in the form of orb pack home screen backgrounds and unit backgrounds. Rolling a unit for a pointless accessory isn't going to move the dial.
You say that but wait until they release Bridal Fjorm that comes with a wedding ring Aideccessory that you can attach to your favorite unit and watch it sparkle on their hand.
That could move the dial but you'd need seasonal aided heroes
Why is the new Timerra so ugly? Her previous version was perfect.
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Looks fine to me but I just noticed Merrin's art has some particularly Reinhardt issues.
Did you roll on Solm New Heroes?
A bit, I'll be going back here once I get the free tickets off FBs to guarantee a Reginn.
>Timerra's forging bonds implies she's meeting all these heroes for the first time
>IS completely forgot about her halloween alt
Yep. 4 reginns and a timerr on the way to spark, but I was feeling g lucky and rolled a few more timed when I shouldn't have.
Probably going to save for next. Banner.
Yup, still love my gorgeous wife Cordelia
>I got 4 Reginns and a Timerra before spark
I got an August and a Fallen Veyle...
Based necrophile.
Quality over quantity.
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i love timerra
I am
You love Tamara
I love Amelia, but in a non sexual way.
sure anon
I hate that all the units I have that want Timerra’s echo skill have basically all got her full kit already.
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Brain death is pretty close to actual death, right?
>bird after reading twitter posts
Swear to God if we get male (fail) Byleth as the emblem instead of Femleth I will literally SHIT!
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drop your pants and rev up that anus.
If it makes you feel better, he can be paired up with Emblem Edelgard, and dimitri and claude.
There's no such thing as Emblem FByleth (lol
The good news is there's no such thing as Emblem MCorrin either.
That version of her is meeting them all for the first time dumbass.
I have 5 +10 Duo Fjorms on my friend list.
Fjorm is popular.
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She's cute.
MADE for brutal anal pile drivers.
Kind of want to fuck Pandero in the ass bros.
that's kind of gay, bro.
I can see how you'd think that but I'm straight so it wouldn't be
checks out.
Kind of, one of these people didn't even bother to learn and equip her with skills.
Mogs Gullshit bad
Should I fold Laguz Friend + Times Pulse echo OR Laguz Friend + Sandstorm into my attuned Caeda with 7 extra copies waiting in the wings?
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that's a prf skill ,anon
I didn’t realize my bad. I thought it was like gust
at first i thought it had a small chance because of gust , but no
guess he cared more for character than gameplay
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Build for Inigo? Budget and whale builds appreciated
He wouldn't cheat on chiki...
Should I bother sparking this banner?
better to wait till the emblem banner
Flop status?
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Fjorm is owed an apology. Her banner didn’t flop (by comparison).
Shut the fuck up newfag
Imagine becoming engaged by the idea of a shy, cute, virginal princess who’s madly in love with (You).
Actually I kind of just made myself sad.
Okay, maybe some of the Fjorm hate is merited.
Let this thread 404 already
when are they increasing the inherit skill limit to 6, or removing it all together
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Sort of bored of Summoner Duels. I already have the 7300 glory accessories for sdr and sds. When will the devs increase tiers?
Cute wife.
Maybe someday
I love the divine dragon!
You can't continue passing along Time's Pulse echo from Caeda either, it will be stuck on her since it's from Timerra. Obviously you can continue to pass along Laguz Friend though
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who wants or needs the time's pulse echo? A lot of characters either come with times pulse, have 1CD anyways, or have the tools built in to support whatever special gimmick they have.
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It's a massive meme for "tanks" since Null-C mogs it in every way. Your strongest prfless nuke I guess
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fae likes you too
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It's over. Rip hags. They can't put a dent in this shit. Rip 2 orbs.
Can someone tldr the new accessory shit? Is it just +1 all stats and visual or do they have a functional purpose?
+1 to all stats and that hero can use a special hat.
That's it so far, but maybe they will introduce ones that give special effects. no way of knowing.
Oh boy. A hat. Can I be cowboy Ike?
If we get a cowboy aided hero, sure. Maybe Ash will visit Texas in her TT and become an aided hero.
>cowboy hat
>wedding ring
Seems to me a unit type that gives you an exclusive accessory is better suited to Seasonal banners than new heroes.
they will certainly powercreep it
I'm building her. Anyone else?
not i
Any hetero replies for this?: >>495087832
That's a homosexual. I understand that your kind are stupid and can't tell
No, you're a homosexual, and you're stupid and can't tell.
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cute canon other half.
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Who is detto? YOU IS DETTO!!!!
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You got those 2000 feathers right bros?
I used summer nerthus and she basically solo'd all the maps.
+atk and +def or +def and +res for floret'd EIke?
I’d say go Def/Res, makes him harder to kill.
Save the floret, his time has come.
Why does Engage get to have consistently decent GHB units while everyone else gets 90% dreck with no Prf and 10% units who might be decent like Lloyd
because you eat ass.
It's new and benefitting off IS purposely trying to shill it + a potential change to their policy on how powerful free units should be after years of complaining.
EoS, they will never get a refine.
Fem Kiran is canonically Alphonse’s waifu.
I know Naana is good for rape but is she decent to build as well? I kind of want her off the hof
kinda have to guess her refine
She's a strong unit if that's what you're asking. Due for a refine soonish as well.
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Has FEH reached unplayable status yet?
cute rebecca
I need more Fir's bros
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Where's your ascended Fir, bro?
The one in the middle? Don't have enough team spaces
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Oh, I didn't notice that. Very based, anon.
It's playable if you use the broken trash they add each month.
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Convince me not to buttplug this stupid dragon
will you ever end up using her or are you just rolling to satisfy your penis?
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depends on how good her refine is...
when is her refine? if it's too far out then by the time her refine comes then the forma skills could already be outdated.
According to penismaster's video it should be out in feb 2025
We usually get a free buttplug around anniversary as well as a powercreep boost around Jan.
If you like her or think no one else you might want will show up in the next 4-5 HoF then go for it, but if you're low on buttplugs, and are holding out for characters you actually like, then you might not want to do it.
IMO It's a big gamble on if her refine will be good, or bad and if that is what determines if you will get any value out of the buttplug then it's unwise to do it, especially if you wont be using her UNTIL she gets a refine down the road.
Follow your dreams or your penis. You can always just put a few hard earned shekels in the game and buy a buttplug if someone you really want comes out.
it works still
Almyran breeding material
why are her floaties so big?
HAG status?
It's playable if you roll for the latest powercreep.
What's the best skill for an infantry dancers B slot these days?

Posting in here because it makes that one anon mad.
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really depends on if you want her to attack / survive or just be full support
I was thinking more for support, something not as obvious as just tossing on laguz 4 or whatever.
Well the Dancer B skills that give the dancer canto after dancing are pretty useful support options.
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>want to go back to the better days
>reinstall FEH and play for 10 minutes
>feel absolutely miserable
>visit /feh/
>feel even more miserable
Yo guys how did you hold Nah for HoF
I didn't know we came back. And /feg/ does not have any who plays the gacha. So having our own general is more justified now
>how did you hold Nah
What do you mean by "hold"?
Meant to say build
There's like an hour left of HoF
Or is Nowifag the only Nahfag in existence? Maybe that's why no one is posting their HoF Nahs
Pheonixmaster1 does recommended builds if you want to look those up. Otherwise I would just guess something like Dragonspecial/Finish skill/Laguzfriend/Bol4
if you are interested here is the video.
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when is she getting plappe-I mean released?
I would totally plap. Though I prefer Niddhogr
not even a sexy brown. reminds me of ugly ganguro
She looks like she only bathes twice a week, so yes, I would give her a good sniff.
What’s so weird about impregnating a hot ghost? They built a whole game series around that very premise (FEAR)
This thread will last more than two weeks
October alongside Nidhoggr
Just ran into an Ascended Amelia in forging bonds... What the FUCK, bros
What is wrong?
get used to it
That happened in the second game.
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Let's post em'!
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Play nice!
or you will get a spanking later.
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>Play nice!
Did you guys summon on the solm/reginn banner?
I’d be fine with Amelia becoming the new Fjorm
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Thoughts on Tina from Thracia 776?
She looks like she’s shouting something rude at me.
easily bullied
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She deserved better.
Fuck you mean her prf is great
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cute and funny and has a hot sister, 10/10
I’m talking about sales
people whine about needing to roll for new characters all the time, but It's strange how much mileage you can get on some older characters. I haven't used her consistently in a while, but my Nanna still managed to kill things fairly well unless they're some ubertank like E!Ike and a few others.
I'm talking specifically about Engage sales.
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>It's strange how much mileage you can get on some older characters.
Nanna is simply built differently.
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>You lost, Raul. She's THE KHAN'S cum dump now
Logged in randomly to spend my rolls, any of the current banners worth rolling on?
The newest banner with Timerra has Timerra on it who is supposed to be decent and has a ton of premium fodder that a lot of characters want. you could also just wait a few days for the 8% to see who is on it.
Which CYL free 5* would help me get back into the game? Everyone's skills look like yugioh cards now
haha fuck no because now you need to roll for those shitty emblems on b8% if you wanna do arena
I don't think I'm gonna do arena anytime soon
For last year's CYL. Brave gullveig is decent, so is MRobin with his buff. Soren has a very unique ability to turn his allies into save units which can be very good and is used in stuff like SD and a few other pvp modes , but I'm not sure how useful it is outside of that. Nukes also tend to rein supreme so it might be outdated. Femui is outdated as hell, but can help you mindlessly grind pve stuff if you have no one else.
That being said every unit has fallen off a bit, and there are several variants of gullveig out that can do what she does but potentially better. her summer version is even more nuts. Robin might be the best as I think his buff is still unique to him.

For this year's CYL, Felix is the braindead infantry godsword that can fly across the map and galeforce a team to death. A lot of people pick him because of how cancer he is and how good he is at killing things. Alfonse/Bernie are supposed to be solid in various ways as they both provide unique buffs, and people have hardly talked about FRobin for me to have an opinion on her. She might be busted she might not be.
Felix is probably the best.

Take this with some salt as I am a tierlet and get most my knowledge secondhand from other conversations here with other tierlets.
>FRobin last
More like brainlet
nuh uh
Post your Laras boys, what skills are we going for?
not really building her
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I already +10 her... Go for +11?
Does reinhardt even need any of the skills in HoF? He comes complete out the gate, right?
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Lara Step Lively(2022)
Hello building favorites chads
What should I do with base Leif? Imagine I have unrestricted access to any relevant skills
Being able to spawn your own obstacles is a really big fuggin deal my dude.



She's 3* available so the merges part is unimportant. What is important is the opportunity to refresh her build with the hottest skills. If you're swimming in forma souls, do it.
>Is a really big deal
Am I missing something or is it only impactful in one of those videos?
in two of them it prevents the enemy felix from legging it across the map and stabbing someone.
You can build 2. Think of the value!
She's not bad but there are better staff users.
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she stopped hating herself
The last post was only 8 minutes ago. You didn't have to bump the thread
The first two, the attacker gets through the obstacle, but look at what was needed, Bernie had to be a bonus unit to bypass the trigger and Gull needed to be Celica engaged to slip through. It's not the end all be holy grail of effects, but that thing was a fortress that needed serious investment to break through.
what was the top dagger Lara wanted from HoF?
Byleth's wife.
Summer Ratatoskr if IS weren’t cowards
How should I build Nanna? I got her ATK/SPD Excel and No Quarter (even though I think that might be redundant for her) but I dunno what to get her for a C skill or a B skill till her PRF gets refined.
That outfit is not cute enough.
never ever
But Byleth is my wife.
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do you guys know when the fodlan halloween refines are coming
also does anyone have that one dbz punch gif that gets posted here sometimes
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>Edelgard stands amidst the bubbling vats of Irish Spring soap, her hands deftly mixing the fragrant concoction. As she works, her thoughts swirl like the lather around her.
“Soap... a humble yet essential creation. Each bar represents purity, a stark contrast to the chaos of this world. It’s ironic, really. Here I am, striving for a revolution, yet my hands are coated in something as trivial as soap. But isn’t this the foundation? Cleanliness, clarity... a fresh start."
>She glances at the colorful blocks of soap, their vibrant hues reminding her of the banners of her house.
"Each color, a symbol, much like the ideals we hold dear. The green of the Irish Spring... fresh, hopeful. Can a world so tainted be cleansed? Just as this soap removes impurities, can I not eradicate the rot within the nobility?"
>Edelgard begins to mold a bar, the scent of spring filling the air.
"This scent, it lingers like memories of my childhood. Simple moments overshadowed by the weight of destiny. They see me as a tyrant; they see power in my pursuit. But power must be wielded wisely, like the gentle hand needed to shape this soap. Too much force, and it crumbles."
>She pauses, her brow furrowing.
"Will my efforts be as fleeting as these bubbles? Or will they leave a lasting impression, cleansing generations of suffering? I will not be merely a footnote in history; I will carve my name in the very essence of this world.
>With renewed determination, she plunges her hands into the fragrant mix once more.
"Each bar I create is a step closer to my vision. A brighter future, free from the chains of the past. Perhaps one day, they will understand... that even in soap, there is strength. Now, let’s see if I can master the art of this craft as I strive to master my own fate.”
>As she finishes a batch, she wipes her brow and sighs, a mixture of exhaustion and resolve swirling within her.
You mean you don't wanna fuck her toes in between those Greek sandals? Are you gay, perhaps?
do you have the other one where it's trunks punching android 18 in the special
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What the fuck happened to this general?
mega autismo wants everyone to post in the FE general so they have to look at his waifu artwork and literal shitpost image spam
If I change from one Android phone to another, I keep my orbs etc. right?
Yeah, you account is linked to nintendo, right?
Everybody moved onto feg. There's just one turboautist that tries to keep /feh/ alive by bumping it when it hits page 10. See post above. They don't talk, they either ask a question no one answers, or spout nonsense
both generals are a different type of dead.
>mega autismo wants everyone to post in the FE general so they have to look at his waifu artwork and literal shitpost image spam
Sounds about right.
literally just filter the turd's tripcode, it improves the /feg/ immesurably
So Lyn’s gonna be the next emblem, right?
Her or Femui.
/feh/ was mostly shitposters and they decided to move to /feg/ after everyone left.
Orbs stay on the same OS. Android to Android, iOS to iOS, but never Android to iOS or vice-versa. As long as you sign into the same linked My Nintendo account on your new phone.
Tripfags, avatarfags, attention whores, and so much scat/gore spam to the point jannies just stopped caring.
Everyone left, the attention-starved faggots moved to /feg/, and now that one is dying too. As >>495523495 said, this one is dead by inactivity, the other is dying by schizos.
Orbs obtained In-game? Yes
Orbs bought? No
Moderation is failing this website, /vg/ in general has been a lost cause for a long while now while /v/ is covered in non video game threads that are up 24/7 while real game threads get deleted because of fanboy moderators.
Really hope it’s Corrin but after the performance of the last few banners it probably needs to be Lyn.
How good is marni? Seems like any nuke with NFU could just kill her
>it probably needs to be.
IS does not give a shit about sales, you shouldn't worry either. They also like the corrins so it doesn't seem to far out of the realm of possability.
pretty good f2p
The best in quite awhile. Plus she’s cute.
>try pawns of loki for the first time since I quit last
>every nigger has two copies of some invincible ike
>every second nigger has a snake creature that attacks three times
so the power creep only got worse huh
There is some way you can manipulate the attack order to make sure you go first.
Just borrow your own snake and Ike or variants.
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this is what 3h fans look like
But what do they smell like?
Anti Engaygesisters, your response?
>Nice to meat you
Damn... Timerra really is peak Fire Emblem
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funny dog

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