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Previous thread: >>493856389

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Post your M6 billy. builds NOW or it's all stolen valor you disingenious faggots.
I know the 2 billygods we have here have it but I want to see your you all traced out, 11/11/11/11 Billys that everyone apparently has here.
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Why are we having this debate anyway Jane's best team is two A-ranks who deal no damage
ZZZ won
FGO won

Genshit lost
SR lost
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Why is W1 Zhu mogging W1 Jane on a phys weak floor?
>M1 Piper clears 5 seconds slower than Jane
>following logic, M6 Piper clears less than 5 seconds slower guaranteed, the true time is hard to judge but definetly within 1-3 seconds or so
>this is supposed to not be a sidegrade..?
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Cuddles and sex and cuddles.
>general slows down
>analwormers start vandalizing the op
Why are they always like this??
Good homogame zzzkeks
whoever followed slopcop was 100% guaranteed to get shitposted for literal weeks.
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Is that... a hecking MALE?! IN THE OP?!
He's been trying to do that again and again lol, he gets more pathetic every time. Just ignore him.
That's both W1 Zhu and W1 Qingyi bwo...
Just W1 Jane does it quicker with just A ranks
>he's still coping
>Still no Billy builds posted
make another thread no one stops you
Reminder that men are disgusting subhumans responsible for all crime in the world and humanity would only improve from a male genocide
Post clears or gtfo
Thanks for exposing yourself as the thread's commanding shitflinger, Janebro. We value your cooperation (unironically)
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Why do they cap the refills at only 8 times? Feels like they could squeeze whales more if they could buy more than just 2 days worth of stamina
but it's a phys weak floor?
considering jane double dips the weakness modifier for 1.44x total she should be more than a few seconds faster?
Its 36 seconds technically if you add the time you shave from the physical dmg weakness
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Desu it seems like Janebros just need to chill out
What does it matter if she's only a marginal improvement over the A-rank alternative?
There's nothing wrong with being a sidegrade
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Does anyone know the OST that plays only on the purple mech boss fight in HZ?
anon when it comes down to fucking 30 second runs you're not going to see a massive difference in clear speeds
jane can't just blink and make the enemy disappear in 10 seconds so she can be 20 seconds ahead of another 30 second clear
That's why she's handicapping herself with 2 A ranks while zhu has to cope with a M0W1 S rank alongside.
Uh oh, melty.
HSR is over there -> go pull for transexual Xiao from genshin.
>im not a pedo, im a hebe!
they're metafags who rolled because youtubers posted thumbnails with big numbers, don't be surprised
>erm 5 extra mindscapes wouldnt reduce clear time uh theyd actually increase clear time erm because uh erm uh uhhhh
doesn't count
enjoy your emergency buffed shitter crutch
If we're going to count the amount of limited S ranks then we can compare that Zhu run with C2R1 Jane which is 23s
>Jane pullers desperately trying to justify clearing 5 seconds quicker during her own shilling period

I like Jane, but Jesus Christ, this level of insecurity is so intense I thought I was in /hsr/.
you're playing a homo shipshit game, sis
I'm cool with Billy bros, I just want to see the general's Billy builds.
Critical node is really, really unfun.
>janetards constantly seething against a couple of A ranks
>meanwhile QingyiGODS are simply untouchable
Love to see it!
>5 seconds
As soon as Artificial wombs are here, women will lose their reason to exist.
Jane is so lucky...
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GOD I love short shorts and booty shorts so much bros
You can tell that the wannabe speedruns fags aren’t the ones actually doing the speedruns
It's literally the only mode in this game that gives a fun enough challenge.
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I will have consensual sex with Corin!
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>shiyu defense
Sorry not sorry no one cares about that casual game mode.
Notorious hunts or fuck off.
Refute this.
anby sidegrade
cope harder jane sweeps
How is Jane's banner doing? Is yuri winning again?
erm actually, post the clear or make your peace. Remember days ago when Piperfags like you claimed M0W0 Jane couldn't get sub 1 min without her weapon despite being told that it's not a 25-30s+ difference but still shit stirred because of no clear? Same rules for you now metafag, post it or keep crying
because of this cool thing called engagement
>whale spends $1000 on 3 f2p months worth of energy refreshes
>builds all his characters to max with godly discs in 1 day
>has absolutely no reason to touch the game again until next patch, where he'll build the new character to max in 1 day and again have no reason to touch the game
>eventually forgets the game exists and plays games that give him a reason to play regularly instead

the whole point of the stamina system in every single gacha is to force no-life retards to build their characters slowly over time instead of just poopsocking it all at once and moving on. just because they let retarded whales speed up their progress doesn't mean they're going to let them bypass the system completely
kekw, as the kids say
face the facts bwo
shiptroons flopped like always
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post your clear
Why is Jane bringing out so much insecurity seething? This may be even worse than the Qingyi comparisons. Do all gatcha boards have people crying this much over A rank characters?
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Why are you guys arguing with the animeschizo, he's a confirmed UNPLAYER who tought 300 anomaly prof was whale territory.
God I can't wait for the new HSR update to drop just so you bored motherfuckers can move on.
The worst performing banner of the game so far lol
>it's a sidegrade because it just IS
>thread was fine
>Jane releases
>Janemetafags spam the thread about how Piper is done and dead
>28s Billy clears are posted
>now Billy players get called "metafags"
??? Insane insecurity from these normalfaggots
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Shit boss that favors AoE shitters
Tatakae bwo!
d-doesn't count
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I understand.
t. whaled for every S rank
keep posting that shiptroon, your banner flopped like all shipshit banners
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this stage does a great job of exposing just how flawed the combat mechanics are in this game
Does this game have soft pity? This banner is busting my fucking balls right now.
you are brown
you are not wise
>made up numbers
>actual real life numbers
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NTA but what would you consider a sidegrade anon, out of curiosity?
I would think if one optimal run is less than 10 seconds away from another optimal run that's enough leeway to say that either option is equally viable, i.e. a sidegrade.
Both runs are probably still not even optimized all the way
A lot of butthurt Piperbros who are totally not metafags got their egos bruised after several days of shitflinging and shit posting Jane for lack of clears, now that people have had some time with her they can't accept the outcome
ok im discussing
Jane Doe is not by waterkuma so that's why she flopped
playstation 5 flopped just like jane shiptroonie.
I literally still don't know what the primogems are called in this game, and I've been playing since day 1.
>proceeds to flop
I'm sure when you reach level 60 on dps you will get S easy. Keep it up
>not for (you)
>lose to Billy
of course they're in shambles
Since she failed in JP and with TikTok hours the freshest cope now is ps rankings????
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Anything obviously wrong with my setup here? This game is the first of the genre for me and I'm getting filtered hard
Is WaterKuma even real
which limited is by waterkuma
average fat shiptroon LMAO
>dodge or parry first enemy
>second enemy decides to time its attack on the exact nanosecond your iframes end
>take unavoidable damage
>can't even open a link to read actual data
>genkek apologists
of fucking course shipsissie
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uhhhhhh about that
>>>not for (you)
Your Jane?
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>the PS5 hours
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1 hour until your trash game shuts down. Just letting you losers know
She also said this to foxboy...
Shiptroons are coping hard, your shipshit killed all hoyo games
Skipped, I'm not trans
God finally. Metafags need to hang themselves
>d-doesn't count
there's no way that's real
>r/blacked has massive overlap with r/playstation
>Jane only popular on PlayStation
I do not wish to notice, but...
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the thread quality always nosedives then that one pedophile wakes up.
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I'm genuinely asking anon.
Is there no such thing as a sidegrade ever and only upgrades and downgrades exist or what
you are doing something seriously wrong anon
would need to see gameplay
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Help me out man I know I'm a retard
kek, grim.
Crit rate higher and crit dmg higher, but more importantly, with these stats, you be hitting a faster time regardless. Checkout some zhu dps rotation if that helps.

Jello aka the god of ZZZ says jane btfo billy so its true
>Is there no such thing as a sidegrade ever and only upgrades and downgrades exist or what
this but unironically
You would have to be doing something supremely retarded just from gameplay, I don't know how to help unless you record yourself.
>you can't ever say the word sidegrade EVER becuase I have an illogical asspained negative stigma associated with it OKAY BUDDY?
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>After sales of the PlayStation 5 FAILED to meet expectations, Sony has said the console is entering “the latter stage of its life cycle
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I love him...
troonshipper lost
ben counters that easily lmeow
What the fuck is going on here? Why does this retard keep seething about Jane?
You're either better or worse. Everyone gets treated the same. They sure did with literally all other runs and comparisons, don't see why we need to make exceptions now
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Idk sounds a little bit autistic
This whole argument is probably just because these anons can't parse what they each define words as
Probably a homophobe
>back to fellating content creators
womp womp
>moves from meta to revenue
first half always has the BP bonus but their pretty even
when does v3 drop
thats when the real shitposting starts
This. If you hate Jane you're a homophobe, transphobe and antisemite, so it's no surprise that so many chuds are seething about her
>I cannot read and will repeat myself
I'll repeat myself for you as well. Just like how Piper metafags like yourself demanded proof that Janes W1 shouldn't be a 25-30s difference, you're getting treated the same now
You go on about M6 Piper, post it or stfu
lmao what
I was always okay with calling Piper a Jane sidegrade back when we couldn't prove that she didnt have a faster time
What are you imagining in that schizo head of yours?
U playing on mobile?
I'm tempted to roll until A pity on Jane's banner again... it'd be another chance at Seth and it'd go towards the next banner's S-rank pity anyways
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because she outsold Flopcop and all he can use to cope are made-up numbers
Controller on PC
See >>493885101
>their pretty even
eek oook eek lah pag!
>that one shizo defending sony over jane
Is there ever a reason to use A rank bangboos or are they basically just little collectables
playstation revenue will save the game
You might want to check last thread of schizos shit posting Jane for no reason whatsoever, out of nowhere
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post times
the stun one fucking sucks/spoiler]
> be me, a janecuck
> follow retard cc and whale m2r1 jane only to be btfo by billy
feels bad man
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Which 2 teams should I level, I'm not rolling again until whenever the hotter cat girl releases
sunk cost
anytime a S-rank releases and is mid you see it
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>This game is the first of the genre for me
try watching other gameplay for reference, with those characters and stats you should be able to clear them faster
here's mine with only Piper being lv60 and others at 50
Devilboo is outright better for damage than it's S Rank counterpart Resonaboo because it has a turret mode on its chain attack
Avocadoboo is also worth investing in since it's the closest thing the game has to a white mage
I still remember laughing my ass off the first time he tried this with gay porn spam
>janetard seethes at Qingyi
>nobody bites
>janetard STILL seething at Qingyi
>this time with cutting-edge samefagging technology
/hsrg/ and /gig/ are both in a better state than /zzz/ even though they're way faster.
No shame in being btfo by the Starlight Knight
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Piper trannies have been seething over J*nes existence for nearly two months, literally since before 1.1 even launched lmao.
God help them.
It's a /gig/tranny shitting up the thread by the way.

Just start insulting genshin's abysmal sales and he'll spergout.
This general is thrash since Jane's launch.
This is why everyone makes fun of your schizophrenia. No one even knows what cutting edge technology you're imagining, which makes sense because you're a brownskinned animal.
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man what's going on with this general, you guys need to take your meds
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Am I gonna have to go to fucking hard pity on the bangboo banner too wtf does this game have against me
>Be the one shitting up this general
>"T-those generals are so much better!"
It's 29s not 28s, and they're being called metafags because instead of the real Billybros we got here, that clear is used purely for shit posting whilst trying to omit the fact that he's got
>Zhu's R1 ball
>M1R2 Qingyi
Shit posters still grab and run with it to shitpost Jane.
This then got followed by a 23s clear with just M2R1 Jane, and now a 30s M0R1 clear. You're now caught up with the shit storm going on now
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That's it, I'm putting this discussion to an end.
NTA but is the janetard different from the bitch poster animefag or was that just a falseflag?
It’s nice that /zzz/ as the successor to /hig/ has the same problem with samefagging schizos. Really makes it feel like a true sequel.
I'm not arguing about clears and spamming shipshit-yurishit for weeks
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Man fuck this shit, I'm out. Fucking insane how the schizo whose been trying to start fan base wars in here actually fucking succeeded just because he baited daily for weeks.
officier cui....
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Cuckrat killed this shitty game and its general.
They need to release my wife Miyabi already, she's their last hope of reviving the game.
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I just really like all of the girls.
You are replying to the falseflag anon.
It's one retard (dunno if he's actually a /gig/tard) trying to start an imaginary Jane civil war while everyone ignores him.
Though some people are taking the opportunity to shitpost about clear times.
Now do it without cui carrying you, faggot
Let me touch your tail before you go.
I was one of those anons, and I never demanded proof to be clear, I just wanted to see it, and I was always happy to settle on the word sidegrade either way.
My argument was never that Jane was a Piper downgrade, idk how that got misconstrued.
Personally I would say that clear times being within a dozen seconds is reason to say that the characters are indeed sidegrades, but if you don't subscribe to that line of thought more power to you.
I like Ellen and Zhu and Qingyi and Jane
i wish i had ellen
Indiabros (there is only one) are not beating the schizoprenia allegations, lol
Ceasar KING will save us...
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what the fuck do i do? i'm a mega retard so i'm too scared to spend any resource.
do i level up someone specifically??
should i roll for jane or should i skip her? i don't have that many rolls anyway

i'm level 20 btw
Damn I really want Caesar's ball but I don't think I can hit another pity on the 1st half of the next patch
>He rolled for brickyi
holy fuck LMFAO
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Bros . . . it wasn't him . . .
>Literally has to reply to his own posts
>actually succeeded
You need to whale more than that to get to the same investment as that Billy clear.
Also, with just M2R1 Jane you can get 23s
>Qingyi released august 14th, on august 19th she was at 35th place
>Jane released september 4th, on september 9th she ended the day at 34th
the second half banner is supposed to do worse btw
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fuck I skipped ellen, lost zhu, lost jane, and didn't build soukaku, now what?
My god I love Koleda
This is the most failed forced line of shitposting I've witnessed across all 3 MHY generals
You are now witnessing the Janefag enter meltdown mode: >>493887909
Take it easy on indians, they have it rough. Imagine looking like that
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Is it wrong that I'm saving for a character that I don't even know if will be playable?
Btw who are you saving your polys for?
just keep playing the story, only roll for you who like
>post ends with "this post was made by Jane Gang"
What do you think lmao
So sidegrade is just a buzzword nobody knows the meaning of right
I am pretty sure it's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m12dLn5C8BU

Not exclusive to HZ, it's the Boring Machine boss fight theme from the Belobog chapter. All 3 machines have their own themes.
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Don't use my wife to shitpost and make the thread worse you fucking fake mibibi fan.
How long until the janetranny posts something something slopcop?
How did you lose 2 characters in a row
>almost 3 minutes with Qingyi + Ellen
>p-please don't roll for Qingyi you'll get a great stunner and C6 Billy (very bad because I say so)!!!!
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I need to build her after finishing Jane. She works well with Ellen and Soukaku from what gouba was saying in the Ellen guide
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>stating simple facts is shitposting because I don't like it
Bro your Lycaon?
Is the term "beast thiren" ever actually used in-game?
Literally who is signing off like that.
see you again when next livestream launches, this thread is fucking bullshit
>no response
I guess that does solve the issue we were having janefag, you were delulu.
lost zhu, skipped banner, got qingyi, lost jane, skipping banner for caesar, im f2p and have to keep going hard pity every time, no sense to keep rolling beyond 80 per banner
Piper is fucking excellent and has carried me to the end of the game. Jane replaced her for me thougheverbeit. Soukaku won't do anything with your setup but getting a cope engine for koleda and using her and piper would be good.
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wrong boo bro
I'm just sick of the shitposting and don't need you to make it worse you autistic retard.
But who are people going to compare Caesar to for their doomposting?
We need a femboy character
Have every character apart from him and Rina. He looks fun tho, maybe I'll use the standard banner selector on him when I get there
>the indian pedophile doesn't even know how to fake 4chan filenames
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"sidegrade" is a pretty common term in theorycraft circles. Typically, it refers to a 5-10% difference in performance where miscellaneous factors influence the result more than inherent strengths in what's being compared, and they should be considered roughly equal.
In some games this can be statistically validated, but in a fast based action game like this, 10% seems to be a fair cutoff given things like crit RNG and the like.
So yes, I would consider a 5 second difference in clear times to be a sidegrade I suppose.
Don't worry it's really not that serious.
The people arguing about characters and builds in these threads are ignoring the fact that you can S-Rank clear all the content in the game with free characters because they are bored.
This, and you'll get plenty of resources to start.

If you like Jane she'd be a nice anchor for your first team.
Piper, Corin, or Billy would also be a good place to start for damage.
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Yep the best stunner in the game with absurd personal damage and teamwide buffs is actually uhhh... le bad
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You have Piper, if you don't like Jane you have no reason to pull for Jane.
Look for the new characters, see if you like them more than Jane or not
Level up two teams, Piper Koleda Corin and Anby Billy Nicole are probably your best bets
Use standard rolls as you get them and work with whatever you get
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I guess someone has redeemed Saar’s card after all
Everyone will magically have a M6 ben bigger fully built out that they totally swear that they use all the time.
I'll start playing when Bernice's banner is up, That way I don't have to roll on characters that I don't want while potentially missing the one that I do.
Yes, it's used twice in IK posts
>valuing a weapon more than a mindscape
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I just want to nap on her unexpectedly plush little chest.
Wtf? wasn't she super popular on twitter? what happened?
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about that...
She's safe because she has no competition, straight males would never use Ben.
Because she's out less than a week?
bwos I'm losing my patience with the w-engine banner.. almost at 10 pulls to S rank and nothing
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The jiggle physics go crazy
Seth should have been a shota...
Hopefully Miyabi will be a physical attacker. I need someone that can use these kot balls.
>Grace is shit
Alright, pretty good review.
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He knows...
She's an ether anomaly actually.
>i'm too scared to spend any resource.
Dont worry about it too much. you cant really fuck up your account irrevocably and the resources required to go from 50->60 are massive compared to going all the way from 0->50. So you can basically level whomever you like to 40 and 50 and it wont be a big deal long term. So just improve the people you like using.
I have 10 rolls left, I'm going all in for jane, wish me luck
Bro your Corin? Just give the enemies backshots when they're stunned LMAO
everyone was posting about how much of a brick and a flop her banner was however.
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Alright fellas let me have it. 2nd part in a bit
good luck bwo
a true detective in the making
also known as you and your second SIM card LOL
It's this set of animations which first drew my attention to this game at all, instead of just ignoring it as more mihoyo content. I could still watch it for hours.
Me? Venus husband
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Turns out twitter troons are just a small but very vocal minority that doesn't actually spend money on games, who would've thought
anon 売上予測 is the estimated sales during the entire banner duration
I wish the game showed how much damage your bangboo did in a match, just for overall damage analytics sake
>I didn't demand proof
About 10-20 others sure did so we're sticking by the rules now
>clear times being within
I mean it when I say I couldn't give less of a shit about whether it's 5s or 1s because I dick rolled to begin with.
Don't pretend you're not a metafag when you've been going on about this same shit for days now.
my assaults are only hitting like 400k with c0 and kissy lips engine
Not goin to lie I'm probably the best player here atm
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Interesting anon, neat
Is 1.2 the easiest skip patch ever?
>I spent my entire Miyabi savings just to get M0W1 Jane
Bros....I couldn't resist the her slut energy...
Anon, that thing is calculated day by day. They add on each day's estimated revenue. Please do research on sites first.
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this is the best i can do with my f2p jane
my zhu does no dmg idk
brick lol
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Part 2
I undressed the cat.
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It's okay anon, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a little NTR, embrace it
I see too many things wrong here to list out desu. You just need more practice and knowledge of the game. Here's a run by someone with a similar team (Lucy instead of Ben) you can watch for a comparison. https://youtu.be/2xz9Rj9TexE
what's with the miyabi posters, her design fucking sucks and she's ugly lol
good morning saar
>Gets interviewed
>Starts bringing up thiren crime statistics
why is he like this?
Are you not doing S11's rhythm game? Way too many physical hits. Also you're just getting hit a lot, those should all be dodge counters or assists.
I figured it was bad. Thanks for the vid
>he rolled for the ball before M1
I'm using Jane with Seth and Lucy. Which bangboo do I use?
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Officer Cui
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See you next thread Marchfag
Jesus christ everyone who wants to use game idaa has to fucking read this page first.
She's the iaido character, a Void Hunter, and has the flashiest cutscene in the game by far.
Anon we barely have 10-20 anons in this thread.
Also is being curious a crime now? It's not my fault the game doesnt have damage charts, there's nothing to talk about beyond speedruns.
I unironically just wanted to see how characters stack up against each other what's wrong with that?
And I'm the furthest thing from a metafag, trust me. Even if jane cleared in 10 seconds at M0 I would probably still skip her.
thanks for letting me know its up evil march
I've tried getting the pace in practice mode. In SD I can't focus on it as much as I'd like. Just need to practice more I suppose
>5x Limited S ranks vs 4x Limited S ranks
yeah.. about that
Are there any more NTR characters I should know about?
looks like mostly a skill issue, which is good
for the love of god, apply ben's shield, so you get that crit rate
Oh boy, you just need to wait for the homo banners, The archer, the calidon guy and the pink NPC whore. This IS the good stuff.
I don't like the rat either
still ugly
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I got all the elemental Boos!
Wait, if I'm reading this right, their data is just guesswork based on past trends?
I'm not collecting any of the event rewards until the end of the event, that way it'll feel like a bigger reward
I feel like Miyabi's design would be better if she had a fox tail.
Grace NTRs you for Eous.
Thanks for watching. Feels like I'm doing no damage despite my mistakes. Hopefully getting Ben's shield up helps a bit
This was legitimately creepy. Imagine thinking that you're talking to an entity that knows your forgotten past when the reality is that you're in front of a giant bug that's about to eat your face.

HSR actually has a lot of that.
damn bro you weren't kidding when you said this is your first action game
so yeah watch some Zhu gameplay to see a proper stun burst rotation
and you should be using Ben's EX twice to get the shield + crit rate buff
you got this brother
I've gotten a lot of practice with S11 just using her to run HZ solo or duo with lucy.
Fortunately they gave Pulchra a tail.
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the jane hating playerbase looks like this, bwo. are you surprised?
Twitter turned on her after the trailers dropped, and started calling the game gooner bait.
Yanagi might be interesting if it means I get to stuff grace into a box and throw her into the ocean
Nothing wrong with being curious, I was as well considering Jane's still lacking a real solid 3rd slot and Rainforest being a cope engine on her. Now we know
>I would probably still skip
You should if you don't like her.
There's a difference between going about it this way and the continuous shitflinging from all sides over the past days
pro tip: when it's time for the chain attack once the enemy is stunned, ignore the final part of the chain attack with qingyi, it wastes stunned time
just cancel the chain and start blasting with zhu yuan and nicole
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Belle can feel it every night as well..
jane is popular in twitter and reddit so...
Should I use my 300 tix on Koleda to use with Caesar and Soldier 11?
Its insane how amateurish the ZZZ devs are, every new HSR patch makes the ui and menus more streamlined, sleeker and just better.

Claiming rewards in this game besides the claim all button is actually awful, text boxes are all kind of broken and you need to wait like a minute for the dialogue to move, and so on.
When is the next livestream bwos?
make sure you apply nicole's black hole before you blast the boss with zhu yuan, nicole massively amplifies zhu's damage
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Now that the dust has settled, can we admit she's a brick without Qingyi?
Unless you're rushing the 300 selector by using Chrome on standard sure, why not.
>shiplooneys vanished
at last.
She's fine with Anby thougheverbeit
bwo HSR is up why are you still shitposting here
idk I thought she was better than ellen the 3 weeks I had to cope with anby
Threw away a random single roll and got M1, so NOW I reallllllly wanna use my 50/50 and try for M2 for the big dick dps spike. She's already doing so well. She is carrying me hard and all I use with her is Seth. Bit more leveling on discs and if I get M2 she is basically a hyper carry. Should finish with enough time to save up for Burnice.
He doesnt know you should be using poly on battery recharge....what an amateur
Guys I think we need another promotional video to save Jane...
thankfully yes
Fuck you you made me check.
Good luck if you go for bwo, post results, if you don't get it that's a guaranteed Burnice at least
damn, don't tempt me bro, although I've only got 42 rolls, there's no way I'd get m2 especially since I've not had a pre-soft pity s-rank on this account
i legit dont understand how the 25 sec billy is generating so much fucking decibel energy
let's see you live around thirens then
So you admit the word sidegrade just triggers a schizo melty in your brain and you auto-write off any post with the word in it as shitposting even when it's points are completely valid?

Within 5 seconds = a sidegrade.
Even if I found a Piper clear 5 seconds faster than Jane, Piper would still be Jane's sidegrade, just as Jane is a Piper sidegrade now.
We can shake on this Janefag, good talk
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Thanks bros
Yuri WON btw
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Something something game needs replay system
Skills, perfect assists and dodge attacks generate a lot of decibels.
Why would yo do that
Variety in gameplay is more important than clearing defense 7 30 seconds faster
Dunno how other mihoyo games are since I have not played any of them but high cinema levels simply seem to take the fun out of the game for now
You just instastun instakill everything
we always won, shiptroons lost like always
dude his billy generates like fucking 800 decibels in 1 fucking ex special
I rolled a Double Jane and figured that was a sign I should get M2 as well. Cleaned me out, but I do not regret it at all. Big Assaults are big.
He's using a cheat apk.
When it comes out he's injecting his copy of the game he'll be rightfully exposed as the fucking fraud he is.
You either post a faster clear or you don't, it's that simple, all I'm seeing is Jane getting the fastest clears across the board
Some people find that fun bwo. I agree with you but some people just want to blitz the game with C6 neuvilette or E6 Firefly.
When do I unlock the gameplay
The visual novel stuff is so slow
Jane is fun
I dont need to Janefag.
I'm basing my analysis off of the known facts.
The current worlds greatest Jane player Chinese TAS scripter hit 43 seconds with M0W0 Jane
Random autistic Piperfag hit 48 seconds with M1W1 Piper
= 5 seconds
equals sidegrade, simple as.
If you want to define sidegrade as something else go ahead bwother, or you can concede you have no idea what sidegrade even means and it's just a schizo delusion you have where you get asspain when you see it
>HSR maintenence complete
>Shitposting dies down
holy schizo
Link to the video?
i like everyone so far but nicole feels weak and i don't like her gameplay
i have read that but i need to pull her a couple times more so she can be really good, right?
thank you, i'm not really interested of having the best of the best, but i see myself abandoning the game out of frustration of feeling stuck
i really like Jane... but i'm gonna be very angry if i waste all my rolls and don't get her. Thank you for the team recommendations
alright i'm gonna take your word, i want the best start tho
She is. I was gutted that Neko wasn't a bit better since dodge attackers seemed really fun, then Jane came along. Big numbers are satisfying to see too
He's cheating, there's no way he's soloing shit with a B-rank starter unit.
>hsr EOS'd
i can no longer tell is this is a falseflag or not
janeschizo i kneel
I'm torn, cause I have a couple teams that are fun, and I am building a fire team since I have Koleda/Ben up, so Burnice maybe? I also have a fledgling lightning comp but it's still low level. I see what you're saying but man, going from 400-600k assaults to 1.2 mil just sounds so good. I am a small whale too, so if push comes to shove I would just dump $100 into Burnice if I had too.
nice man, I kick myself for throwing a single and getting her, part of my brain is telling me if I had 10 rolled it I might have done what you did. Still, I might do it, cause god damn those assault nukes feel so good on her. Even at M1 I can break 700k with Seth.
you call people schizos but you clearly have mentall illness kek
janetards truly killed /zzz/
It's very obviously a falseflag retardkun.
Honkai: Star...Fail...
Cool, you go ahead and stick to your personal definitions. I'll stick to Piper lost since she's slower
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>feel a bit unlucky
>boot up signal tracker
>lost coinflip 4 times in a row
>rate up luck - bottom 3.13%
>the only time i was lucky is getting Zhu sig ball and then brimstone in the same luckshit ten pull
Do we have our own rate up is a lie image?
When are they adding sex to this game
NTA, but Shiyu limits the variety in my gameplay more than anything else. I'd love to be able to dick around with other characters and meme builds, but end up running cookie cutter builds just so I can get my clear.
I'm glad you've conceded you have no idea what sidegrade even means and it's just a schizo delusion you have where you get asspain when you see it, I already figured as such
Haha holy shit
They really need to release harder content if you can just do this
I think the problem with those people if that they actually roll for gameplay on this game that has been proven to be piss easy like every other mihoyo game
Just get who you like and clear content with them bro, you will be happier
I'm getting soldier 11 with the 300 rolls on regular banner and she will most likely get ultra super powercreep but I like the autistic noodle slurper and her flaming katana and that cannot be powercreep by anyone doesn't matter how much more DPS they do
bwo why is qingyi full voltage charged from 1:18 to 1:40...
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Already here.
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it's easy, just fail 14 coinflips in a row in hsr
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>He hasn't unlocked the final S11 trust/sex event
>tool assisted
holy schizo
>dude this A rank clears faster than the S rank that deals 50% extra damage!
ok? why not post your shiyu clears, then?
I said in the last thread, from the very start, that I don't give a shit whether it's a 5s difference or a 1s difference, purely going off the amount of shit posting you metafags have done these past days just to lose in the end is hilarious.
You better start digging for your own "Chinese TAS scripting" Piper clear that's faster, because you lost
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>Caring about Meta in a modern HOYO title
We're all aware the gameplay is purposely made so that it is accessible to braindead casuals in order for hoyo to capitalize on as wide a playerbase as possible, right? Skill expression and fun are important in ZZZ but at the end of the day there is little difference between this and Abyss. Metafags are wasting their time in Hoyogames.
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My physical DPS isn't even competitive against yours.
Yes but not with Wise
He's piggybacking off a semi whacked limited S rank with more dupes and clears slower
wasn’t Caesar supposed to get nerfed today?
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ok here it is
>let me post for 100th time that Billy clear with C1W2 lolibaba and then proclaim it is achievable for f2p
Lucy is a fcking anomaly, how does an A rank agent mogs every single S rank let alone limited agents. She doesn't even have that much of a complex design but she is so FCKING HOT and appealing. GOD I WANT TO BE INSIDE HER SO BAD
I kneel
He's got insane disks, fully leveled skills and ZY's engine. The content is appropriate for the average player who isn't anywhere near that. I thought I had pretty good disks, but his crit dmg is almost double mine.
I goon to this
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the real brick is the fact that I've had zhu since like 2 weeks into her banner and I've still not gotten the random trust event where she's outside random play at midnight and sleeps over
Stop posting about Lucy nobody is allowed to mention Lucy until I finally get her
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Jesus Christ that Ellen luck.
all of her kill screens are amazing too
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Now post your Jane side 2 clear sub 35 seconds.
Jane is a Piper sidegrade, concession accepted
As a show of good faith, I will concede that M1 Piper did indeed lose by 5 seconds.
Lucy is a whore that's why she's free in 1.2 retard
i should have rolled for qingyi
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day 2 start!
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thanks for reposting this, I cleared 11/11 so I changed my vote!
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bros, apple didn't feature our game in their event today unlike earlier this year. It's over isn't it..
>Phys Res
Turning the competition into a quadruple amputee is one way to win..
Well I personally hope they actually add harder stuff
I have only 2 SSR because I have been saving for Caesar since the game released and I have managed to clear defense with all S ranks no problem with just piper who doesn't even have her ball or is above c1
Not asking for content for whales but rather content that asks for such tryhard disc builds to actually clear
Ofcrouse I understand it's very early in the game to ask for that but maybe in the future who knows
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they don't feature goonchad games
What's 11/11?
Which is weird because Apple products are mainly targeted at trans people, and Jane appeals to that same demographic
Anon, it would be the same as suggesting mono ice team to go into ice resistant stage and then laughing at it's worse performance.
whats the point of rolling anymore now that i have 2 teams did i beat the game already
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This is the clear in question anons are shitflinging over
It is indeed only 5 seconds slower than the chinese Jane clear and it's also way faster than any f2p jane run posted in this thread
sorry buddy, reality doesn't match your crackpipe fantasy
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day 1 start, no limited agents besides qingyi, cleared everything in the game with full marks, apply urself bro
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I have no dog in this fight since I dont have Jane, and somehow dont have a single copy of piper (or lucy) either, but it seems to me that Janebros were just coomers spellbound by her huge ass and thigh physics, while piperbros, who have been known to dabble in metafaggotry since the beginning, got a little insecure and scared of being replaced and as such started picking fights with the janebros who just wanted to coom. I dont know who clears faster or really care, and I dont think janebros really care either since theyre ultimately just coomers, but now piperfags started this war and have janefags in full defense mode. And of course the usual shitflingers have been fanning flames and making it worse. I think piperfags and janefags should get a room and kiss and make up and then come back tomorrow as allies and friends so we can put all this behind us.
I only play for fun though. So I am an outlier.
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TMST but Piper mogs her in exchange sorry
I need a limited DPS character since I started at the beginning of Qingyi's banner, but I don't like Jane.
didn't read lol
but they did before, what changed
>he didn't roll for feixiao
the main shitflinger isn't even a piperfag or a billybro. he's a seamonkey who hates jane because he thinks she's cuck bait. he probably doesn't play the game and is just here to shitpost
>I will concede [facts]
Glad your brain is somewhat still functional. She lost, we know this. However, you're going in circles, use whatever wording you want. In my eyes she's slower therefore she entirely and utterly lost, at every investment level.
Unless you reply with a taster Piper run, this will be the last (You) you're getting
You should have C6 Billy just laying around, just use him once Shiyu starts shilling Physical
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11/11 isn't actually that hard though. I found this to be the hardest bullshit in the game and still haven't cleared it.
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>In my eyes [incoherent babble devoid of reasoning]
You still havent produced a single definition for sidegrade Janefag?
Why do you take so much offense to a word that you can't even define?
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>went away for a few days
>return to see anons shitting themselves over some fucking seconds in a sub 1 min clear
What's next, gonna wank on milliseconds?
>rolling for hunt characters in 2024
Holy retard
Mibibibros and Burnicebros pale in comparison to how immature, fragile and outright retarded this Janefag is
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Zhu and Qingyi should sit on my face at the same time
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this is what happens when you show off against someone who says you need S rank characters to win, it devolves into a speed contest where it isn't necessary.
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Am I allowed to like the cat yet?

another few weeks and maybe
we are approaching acceptance for kot
did you only get that feature now, like a year and a half after release? and you're gloating about that?
You need to breed her first (while she's in heat)
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>this Janefag
All cuckratfags are like this, characters like her always attract mental illness
Nobody that actually plays the game says you need anyone to clear anything. Genshit is 4 years old and you can still clear it with 4*. This is shitflinging that has started weeks before this new limited agent dropped
My issue is this particular janefag doesnt even have a concept in his little skull of what sidegrade even means and yet wants to shitfling over it for hours
I have no issue with janefags
i will put it another way
im lazy and will do it eventually but not at the point where i don't care yet.
Cute girl
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Alright, I'll get back to work at it.
That is by far the hardest content in the game. My team that was clearing SD7 in like a minute and a half had to be upgraded even further just to squeeze past S rank by 4 seconds. Such a wild difficulty spike for no discernible reason
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So for us f2p++ players, what weapons are worth pulling for long-term?
I have Ellen's and Zhu's weapons because they are my mainstay Attackers.
I skipped Qingyi's because while great, Qingyi really didn't need more support to work.
I'm thinking about Jane's because she's effectively an alternative Attacker flavor, but it seems that Dick Sucking Lips are actually good enough on her?
Meanwhile I'm hearing that Defenders literally have no good W-Engines available outside of their signatures, so maybe pulling her W-Engine is a better idea?
I also like Soldier 11 a lot, so one of my teams will probably be S11/Burnice/Lucy, so maybe pulling for Burnice's W-Engine is something to do?

I only have the final Monochrome bundle left, so I'd like to get as much returns for my money without resigning myself to skipping future agents.
>what weapons
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Give praise to the goddess of /zzz/
begone f2poor, the f2p++ players are talking
Seriously what the fuck is up with this mission I'm not a high level like you but wtf
Koleda is the best character to interact with. Grace om the otherhand is a goddamn chore. Next time grace tells koleda she can't have a cat shes getting left in a hollow
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It's just an anomaly shill quest
Soon enough it'll be the standard in shiyu shilling. The insane shields the guys cockblock the normal teams but if you have an even moderately invested Piper you can wipe the floor with it.
I beat it first try without even noodles
Jane's has been giving her the most mileage by far
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i havent played in 6 days
did i miss out on shit ??
what piper did you run specifically?
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The plot is so goddamn slow
i guess you could say "this game's slow ass plot killed it" or some retarded shit like that
I haven't played for a month, Not lying
> without even noodles
I forget those even exist. Probably could have made things much easier on myself
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I thiiink this screenshot was about how strong she was when I cleared it, not totally sure tho.
Dont run energy regen btw
Wait did this game always have a profile and friends list?
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I'm not reading anything posted that's more than 3 sentences. Please just keep it brief or shut the fuck up.
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Yet it fucking mogs the entirety of Genshin and HSR's "stories" on the sheer value of being actually compelling, no yapping, having fun characters, and actually having decent storytelling
I'll take "slow" over whatever bullshit genshit and hsr has
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Is this game good

I have plenty of games with cute girls in my life, so I wanna know before I think of going in
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Raising a family with granny trucker.
That AP looks pretty reasonable, but not sure if M4 makes a huge difference.
sure, if you don't treat it as a try hard u can have fun with it
Genshit and hsr stories are incredibly slow too retardbro, it's not a competition. If it is its the paralympics.
sex with Qingyi
I try to save it right before the stun. I guess if its full that early I may as well unload it
Its a free game bro. Just play the first mission and see for yourself
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nah the only piper cinema that matters is C1
Everything else is fluff.
sex sex sex sex sex
sex with jane doe
Corin rape
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Yeah it felt impossible for my Zhu team to S-Rank. To many stun cycles required. But once I got Jane it was straightforward. You need a strong sustained DPS. Preferably with AOE.
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reminder if you get lucy or piper pregnant you will be forced to join a gang that operates on the outer circle
it will be like that one post apocalyptic movie.
>no yapping
I haven't even left the prologue and I'm skipping the scenes already
I wish I had the piper ball
this green chompy boi isn't nearly as good
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In addition to >>493894841
My current teams are:
>Zhu Yuan/Qingyi/Nicole
These two feel complete, I don't expect any changes for them in the foreseeable future. Maybe getting Qingyi her weapon on the eventual rerun.
>Soldier 11/Piper/Lucy
I like this team a lot, but looking at the future releases, it'll probably be split into
>Soldier 11/Burnice/Lucy
if either of those two work.
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>rolling for anomaly
>rolling for the DoTbricks of ZZZ
I enjoy the endgame combat, characters and setting a lot. But it is stupidly easy for like the first 15-20 hours of the story. And you have to go through the story.
so small
my next pocket pussy
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The endgame's gameplay is great.
Early game is braindead easy.
The characters are great and the story is very nice, if you're into stuff like this.
>clara t1
wtf seele bros.... we've become the laughing stock in front of that ilya bitch
I slapped her with Nicole but don't even think you need that
enable quick setup.
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you know you could easily explain the whole leveling up process as Fairy helping to train your agents and their MASSIVE cost is how munch power you spend on fairy energy drain
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>HSR patch releases
>the schizoposting stops
I'm noticing...
unless people really follow this game i doubt anyone here knows any of these characters
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>DoTbricks of ZZZ
I dont know what anomaly unit you're looking at
>comparing zzz to a turbased game
anomaly is hyper bloom, retard
>low investment, no crit necessary, 1 minute clears
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How important are Nicoles E and F for improving dps? Is it noticeable to a Corinbro?
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Protect and sex both.
>pretending you don't know what I meant
/zzz/ is a hsrg colony.
I skipped FUA
I skipped DoT
I always believe in my hypercarries
Same case for ZZZ
Fuck that rat bitch
I'll keep playing the shark and cop bitch until the fox bitch releases
Anomaly is the most fun playstyle, rolling for all of them for sure
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This game is so ass
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>>rolling for the DoTbricks of ZZZ
hsr has crit, dot, and break for dps
zzz has crit and anomaly
its not even remotely the same.
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This game is so feet
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>female rats go into heat every 4-5 days, typically in the evening and lasting most of the night
>female rats are highly responsive to male pheromones, which can shorten their estrus cycle, putting them in heat more frequently
>female rats in heat arch their back, vibrate their ears, and run in short, fast bursts
>during their period of receptivity, which lasts about 6 hours, female rats often have sex every few minutes, sometimes up to 100 times in a single night
sorry I don't play hsr, I just save kafka art
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jane has stds

get away from me
Grace's menu wallpaper doesn't have bare feet.
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Don't open your shop without it
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They just want you to swipe anon
If you can still clear shiyu there's no rush, don't stress over it.
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this game is the pits
I stopped getting these at a certain point.
Yes. I like her so much that I'm ripping her apart vertex by vertex.
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Alright, that does look cool

That's okay, I never try hard at anything

>And you have to go through the story
I'm very much up for that

Guess it won't hurt to try
>6 A
>7 B
it's over
Yeah, because each one is one and done. They don't repeat after you've given them all the correct tape.
Level 6 is as high as the shop goes afaik.
yeah i like this
but put billy up to tier .5 or tier 0
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this game is so shark pussy
Just admit your Rat is shit and only works vs Physical weakness kek.
Is this a rapebait tier list?
I want to lick corin's clitoris
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judging by those milkers she took that one to heart.
Did you fail your 50/50 on Robin?
You're actually supposed to gently but firmly suck on the clitoris
holy shit
pretty jewish
i was wondering why i stopped seeing them
holy based
10 words or less
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I need to fuck Rina NOW
I want to fingerblast her until she pisses herself
I want to kick Corin's clitoris
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But even then it's what 40 chromes?
Stay strong piperbro the ball will come eventually, it always comes
I didn't stop pressing x10 because this rat is pure sex (M1+broke). Anyone else have fun playing her with Lucy and Seth? I think Grace feels a bit worse
>Sexo con la ratita
you can now look at a person's hollow zero history on the hoyo website, including their loadouts and data.
just thought you guys know in case you want to judge people even more.
I want to punch Corin in her stupid face
I want to kiss Corin on her cute face
I wanna suck on that fat tail
It's covered in piss.
>got the rat
>can't clear the final stage of critical and disputed shiyu because my other team gets wiped during the fight
I'm such a dogshit retard...
I want to kick Corin in her tranny dick
I want to passionately rape Corin
I want to destroy corin's anus
I want to eat Corin's anus
No M6 Seth?
too bad we can't swap gear between fights or u could steal rats disks for billy
i guess they learned to deny this since some games allow it now
I want to marry Corin
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lets go corinbro
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I forced myself to actually swap to lucy a couple times to tap her skill when trying to do crit 7 fast (only got 50 seconds), but outside of shiyu I actually like using nicole more since I just need to use her skill before assaults, rather than keeping it up at all times
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>90% of your pulls are B rank engines
>B rank engines have literally no use or value
>Actually you have to PAY dennies to recycle them
I truly do not understand what the fuck they are doing here
>game is so dead you can only talk about how much you like certain characters
UID corinbwo?? i-i want to be your frend...
My pity gauge is at 15 left for rat dupe, so I don't wanna risk it and get her before i get seth. He's at c5 rn. I think I'll save the pity to get burnice next and in the meantime hoard materials for her and also level up the lycaon that spooked me during my search for c6 seth.
>C6 Piper
>C6 Billy
>C6 Corin
I don't know which one to set my banner and profile picture to, I like all 3.
What bangboo do i use with Jane/Seth and Lucy and is this the strongest Jane team without Grace and Rina?
The name card shit is diabolical. I'm going for C3 burnice not even for meta reasons but because I want her name card.
No I will not go c6.
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damn your crit stats shit on mine
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What happened to this event I can't seem to access it I'm lvl 50 btw
I like Corin banner
billy because it's cool to champion the worst/weakest/least effective/underused/shitty/bricked if you build it characters in games
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Source me the original.
it seems jewish at first, but if you put everything into the perspective of how many dennies could you earn from the amount of energy it'd take to earn the exp, you get way more w-engine exp from recycling them than you would if you used that energy farming the exp thing
so like let's say that recycling 100 b-rank w-engines costs 25,000 dennies, 25,000 dennies is 20 energy, if you instead used that 20 energy farming the w-engine exp stage, you'd get significantly less than if you recycled the w-engines. you get even less value out of the bangboo convenience store. they're thieves and crooks
I'm not great at explaining it, hope that made some sense
sex with lyla
Officer cui and yes.
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Ive only ever seen it on the thread anon, no idea sorry
seth will be going on the standard banner after rat's banner ends, so hopefully you've got some standard rolls saved up and you don't immediately use them the second you get them
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too long of a post didnt read
I'm saving for the idol lolis but Sons of Calydon, this pig guy included, is really luring me in
the first cool male character in zzz...
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>those glasses
my FUARKING hero
>people clearing with solo billy
>I still haven't done all the stable stages and I'm level 52
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>those nails look fucking retarded
NTRchads won
C-cheesed to meet you?
it was reported several days ago that some opened quests may block the vision of the event so clear up some of your unfinished quests.
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His profile picture
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that's okay, it's a high iq post so you wouldn't understand it anyway
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which server are you though?
mine kinda fucked with the set sadly
>boomer who takes selfies way too close to the camera
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>dick tearing handjobs
>profile pic
So he's actually playable?
he said you get net positive engine exp but lose a small amount of denny, vs energy:engine exp stage
I can't believe big daddy got to pork THIS...
Thank you.
So is he the dad to the pigs Lucy is carrying around?
Who is the mother?
at the very least he'll text us
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Maybe I should drop 4 pc woodpecker and use hormone too
I'd find it hard to believe they'd give an NPC a unique model/build and profile pic with no plans of being playable at some point.
>Who is the mother?
No nigger, kys.
It's for his phone.
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>Who is the mother?
the profile pic looks very fake, it isn't cartoon style
Yeah sounds good
Pull on the units you wanna have sex with, buy the units you need M's for (what is the shop rotation btw)
NA bwo
I will be really mad if the cool pig guy turns out to be an A-rank Defense agent or some dumb shit. Please be Fire DPS
But phone profile pics are usually things related to the character not close up portraits.
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>Please be Fire DPS
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I almost have enough Residual Signals to buy an S-Rank W-Engine
Should I get The Brimstone for my Anton?
Fusion Compiler for Grace?
Steel Cushion for Nekomata?
That's Lighter bro
anon you cant seriously think he's never gonna be playable with how batshit his design is
should i build lucy if i already have rina
no fucking way he's playable.
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Have you seen the other unique npc's in this game?
I look like this irl
>Rolling for a trump supporter
I'm glad we're getting cool ass males in video games again instead of either the Korean/Chinese twink shit or the obnoxious negroes present in Westoid games
I'll kms if I have to play as an ugly bastsrd hog.
>he rolled for Jane and will miss this big lad
Nigga who
The HIA ladies?
The outpost bitches?
Eugene the dog?
All these characters are NPC as fuck
Only good answer, she has an actual unique facial structure. But she looks like an Ellen outfit change, I can see her becoming playable for sure
Fucking kek
Well he is a biker. Or he could be one of those OG bikers that hated the government in totality.
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Wait for Section 6 to come out and there'll probably be an OP limited electric-themed attack w-engine
chocolate milk
shiitoberuto wo shimetokeeeee
>npc face
rip choco dreams
Softball racist, I've seen it all
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soukaku XD
Can't wait to draw this NPC getting impregnated by Big Daddy, this patch can't come any sooner..
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please give me a brown dancer in genie pants
Mihoyo please I just jerked off
How do we know Waterkuma is the lead designer again?
>look at the lolis
no, is he credited anywhere?
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>There are """"people"""" who roll for characters that do not have a single mole
shyggi dyggi
wtf I thought you guys told me he was going to be an ugly fatfur bastard why is he kinda hot with a nice waist, i’m feeling things
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asia server here...
glad to see more corinbro at least
these just happen to be the best disc I have rn hence the weird combination
I'm his friend
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Yeah I mean just look at the difference in detail between these two, large father has actually drawn trim patches and 3x more polygons
Shits not even close
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I can't beat Withering Garden 11/11
Rata sexooooooooj
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>got tons of ATK% on random disk stats
>assaults deal 310k damage
>fuck it
>try go get AP+ random stats from disks even if the rest is shit like fucking defense or HP
>manage to squeeze about 50 more AP from random stats
>assaults now deal 420k damage
holy shit i didnt expect AP to scale that fucking hard, you REALLY only need AP to shit damage
shield on dodge resonia + shuttlecock is literally all you need
there goes the Billy theory
I'm too scared to try.
El Glande Padre...
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Look at the lolis, look at big father
I'm pretty sure he made a post about it on twitter and posted some art
I look like this and say this
I look exactly like this irl
How likely will Big Daddy have special interactions with Lucy like Koleda and Ben
We actually have a vew of the whole sign, the place is called Cheesetopia
aaand another that NPC mogs Yanagi
can't wait for 80% of all art featuring the calydon girls to be them getting pounded by big daddy's big boar cock
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I don't know what the fuck Withering Garden 11/11 is.
It's inevitable.
Nothing wrong with that
You're already done since AM is only "needed" on the last drive. But if you can get some on top of the AP you're golden
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This but 100% unironically also im literally big daddy irl
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my wife looks like this
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>goes on a noodle date with you 10 minutes after executing prisoners of war
>he doesn't self-insert as Big Daddy
Low test.
Post butthole
God that's hot as fuck- I mean oh no how cucked and disgusting???
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>piper and lucy will finally have real dialogue animations, trust events and more fleshed out personalities
its been months but I'm so fucking ready
wait a second, those initials, the spade motif...
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I can't get her out of my head.
>Sons of Calydon has SIX members
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Man I wish his name was a bit more unique so I could search the archive for people that said BD was scrapped so I can laugh at them
which bikers could make for good teams? for me i’m already thinking about running pig daddy lighter lucy or caesar lighter lucy regardless of kits
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>POV Corin sees your crit stats
thinking about cheese
>go back to hsrg to check out the new HSR patch
>See posts constantly flinging around terms like shiptroon and shipfaggotory around
... I see.
no one knows their gameplay/role/attributes bwo
Safe horny flat chestlet
Check em'
*gives you some random modern film about modern shit at Retro level 3*
So i assume that Jane is at all times on field when Seth and Lucy are for background buffs? How should I play them and what discs for Seth and Lucy?
post motorcycle
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I can't I am from brazil
>Doing HSR style presentation
>Even has an owlbert standin
I enjoy going on dates with Jane. She's really nice
love this chibi artstyle
Jane already forgotten...
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Piper Lucy - Caesar / Burnice / Lighter / Big daddy will probably all be pretty good
The combo already works with every other unit in the game
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wait til she gets more
>suddenly livestream date right after "leaks"
They really have become a marketing strategy
Update's gonna be fun.
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wife with her big ass wheels
Why the FUCK couldn't they make it BIG MOMMY
It's not FAIR
Is Lucy the first playable character that swears?
>Wild west kino
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holy kino
also lucy's new voice is great, she sounds like such a brat. idk what people were worried about.
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>no piper
she flopped....bigly....
Bro the Billy lore reveal is gonna be crazy. He's going to have been actually cool in the past before being mindbroken into repeatedly babbling about "Starlight Knight"
Dorocy forgive me...
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Free stable S rank selector in 1.2 or we riot
The truck retardpiperbwo.
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TF2 collab when?
So what is the proper way to play Jane? Just stack a numb of anomaly stats that's it? I notice she has big dog but only once anomaly triggers. Before that it's like hitting with a wet noodle. And who is her team. I tried grace and Seth but they are both electric. So it feels kinda off that you're building up anomaly then it overwrites with shock and vice versa. Thanks for advice and why does zzz have those infographic guides that hsr has.
You think they'll get some cosplayers for Caesar and Burnice or is it going to be the chibi characters and their voice actors?
I think they are just throwing all the good stuff first so they can cuck us later. Not spending anything until 2.0, Fuck you Dawei
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>SoC trust events soon
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>wild west and biker gangs
hell yeah
Jane + 2 buffers
Apply buffs
Attack until big anomaly number appears
When buffs are gone repeat.
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Look at my genuine retard.. I'm pulling for her I don't even care
Her new voice is almost the same as the old one, slightly higher pitched and a little brattier, I like it. Got it better than Soukaku did, her new voice isn't bad but she's almost a different character now.
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Do NOT impulse roll
Outer Ring is literally new mexico
>flame propelled naruto run
>Not a single chinese name on sight
It just hits different.
>New Vegas
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we did it lads (f2p)
I already said I wanted to suck on her tail, you don't need to convince me.

It's not that bad but it definitely wants you to have a decent handle on the enemy AI or have someone like Nicole to quickly group the trash mob waves since those are likely to waste the most time.
>he's this deranged and insecure
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New content?!
yeah, soukaku got merc'd. I'll forever miss the old oni-tard voice, even if it was a bit too much sometimes.
Lighter looks pretty cool
guess Big Daddy will be the new A-rank stun agent on his banner
>get a trial soldier 11 lvl 55 in the event
>she does a fuck ton of damage
I’m in love
Nothing, just new characters. That's the content for ZZZ
I'm more of a JP fag but that trailer worked better in EN.
is she trying to cooka lizard
she's tryina make iguana bits
So much napalm... wasted...
that's because it's a 'murrica patch
>Mihoyo launcher trying to get me to play HSR
what did they mean by this
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who wants to go eat at cheesetopia?
I'm lactose intolerant
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Yeah I kind of agree
I mean they're basically in arizona
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you know, I'll give a HEARTY mega KEK if big daddy is JUST the HOWL of the Outer rim area
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This is the good stuff.
If /zzz/ “””fails””” can we get comfy threads? I wouldn’t want to turn into a graveyard general like /wuwa/ but less schizos and salesfags would be nice.
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4 piece fanged metal, 2 piece freedom is probably the best
anomaly proficiency is the most important stat, then attack percent, then penetration and flat attack but let's be real you won't get perfect substats any time soon
4th disc is anomaly proficiency, 5th is physical damage, penetration, or attack (whatever has the better substats), 6th is anomaly mastery
seth is her obvious partner. to apply his shield all you have to do is defensive parry into him when an enemy does a yellow attack, then do a follow up attack, and then quick assist back to jane. she'll get the shield and the anomaly proficiency buff. to do his anomaly resistance debuff, you have to do more, don't worry about it for now desu. his discs are flexible, so really go with whatever you've got. his most important thing is his core skill to increase the anomaly proficiency he gives, and that doesn't care about his stats. I have him on random 2 piece stuff, with a focus on impact, until the new shield disc set comes out
grace is fine if you already have her built up, otherwise any other support. for nicole just use her skill before popping an assault and you'll do more damage. for lucy and rina you have to keep their buffs up while building up the anomaly
seth and rina building up shock fills up a different bar, you don't lose any of the physical progress jane made, so don't worry about it. it's a perfectly viable team choice if you like how they play and if grace is already built up
That it's working as intended?
nothing but cheese and burgers, sometimes cheeseburgers
Unexpected but great trailer. I like that they are getting creative with the new area. Its easy for a lot of the game to get samey with being in the only city in the world and all, so the desert area is a great change of pace. Be interested to see if we get other out there areas like beaches or mountain resorts.
Burgers without cheese are failed burgers
i havent bothered getting all the hia coins or doing all the officer mewmew quests
Is Caesar going to work with Jane?
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>hey what's with the camera? get the FUCK outta here!
holy shit lucy... princesses don't talk like this...
Sure. She works with any attack buffer.
It's dogshit. They had an opportunity to simply replicate the "60s ad voice" and they failed even at that.
An all agent voice "acting" is flat and awful, as usual.
>Shield, 1k attack buff (good for anomaly), increase enemy dmg taken by 25%, helps with daze
Um idk. Maybe?
The thread has been pretty good for awhile now ever since the HSR patch is released...
it depends how much field time she demands, but probably
>lucy literally saying "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE"
>"it's so flat"
you don't have to cope this hard anon
He's talking about the jp trailer....
>en dubfags
New thread?
that's the new one
>chibi artstyle
fuckin zoomers
I need Burnice to burnice my dick.
I'm nooooooticing............
i refuse to be believe thats the new one. Unless she somehow got better within a 2 weeks time.
>posts an amazing en dub
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really makes you think, doesn't it
It's slowly becoming Total Drama Island, I hope the PSG Imitator artist restudies the material...
Voice acting isn't respected in America, it's basically a job for complete fucking losers.
Meanwhile in Japan Seiyuus (voice actors) are basically celebrities.
trailer voices are recorded very recently and the old VA is long gone.
That's the new voice, she sounds plenty bratty and energetic in most of her voicelines, she just doesn't go HUUUUUUUUUH anymore in the agent select screen and people drew most of their judgements from that
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>monotone reading swear words off a paper is vocal and emotional depth
I'm not surprised you like EN dub, it's more your speed indeed.
>it's monotone because I say so
I can't wait to finally c6 lucy holy fuck THE GACHA CAN'T FUCKING DENY ME LUCY ANYMORE.
Yes, she's rising her voice and speaking the entire phrase in the same tone with zero variation in depth or emotions. i.e. monotone, objectively so.
EN wage thieves are physically incapable of actually acting when they are voicing lines.

Not to mention, the entire line is OOC for Lucy, but that's the localizers griefing as usual.
kill yourself
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>didn't even watch the JP version
Excellent self-report, EN griefer, lmao
It's only fair since you clearly didn't listen to the english one
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>N-NO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, but I did.
I wouldn't claim something if didn't know what I'm talking about.
Now the question is why does your sorry ass consider doing that an example of acceptable behavior? Hm?
Ah, right, you're a malicious griefer, I forgot, sorry about that.
>weeb anon didn't even watch his own japanese trailer, he just had a meltdown for no reason
Are you retarded?
how is it out of character if she also swore in japanese and chinese
no, but you sure as fuck are
now jump off a cliff
Some took a big Grace in the toilet and forgot to flush...
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>if she also swore
Literally no one was talking about the swearing, you dumb fuck.
The problem is her talking like a complete plebeian when all her lines in the rest of the game betray her high-class upbringing.
That's the OOC part.
Why are you retards so fixated on the fact she (oh my god) swore (did she, really? Tell me, did she?!)?
Are 'muricans really this easily entertained and manipulated?
Oh wow.
>no you
see yourself out, lmao
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>n-no y-you
>I-I b-beg y-you
>n-no y-youuuuuuu
Okay, lad, calm down, no need to cry this hard.
It's not all over.
I mean, it probably is indeed all over for you, but it's only up from here on, at least.
Well, hypothetically, at least. I think...
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Thanks for the explanation. It's so much easier to understand this than watching a bunch of yt video trying to explain it. Appreciate it

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