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Previous >>493862710

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>P5X Released in China - https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZvpD8LW4xq4

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
First for Chihaya!
So now that we know the answer is souless, what are you looking forward to in Metaphor?
First for your mom!
>the answer is souless
So nothings changed
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Just wish she was in deload.
To not suck
Are you cheating on Chihiro?
Why couldn't we have gotten a beach date with her, bros...
Reload would’ve been worse than it already is if she was in.
No nothing like that.
It wouldn't. She could at least be someone to talk to that does things or maybe she tells you about her life in a different way than she did with coat.
too sexoy
Wasn't there a model of a beach outfit Chihaya that was cut?
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shiho so cute
shiho so pure
shiho so lovely
fairy feet
Femcfags can keep saori. If they even added her in reload with no femc it would’ve made them sperg out even more and it’s not worth the headache over something not even femcfags talk much about despite circlejerking how superior her social links are.
>AI sloppa that doesn't completely ruin the feet
Hot sweaty Shiho soles!!
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just realized she should be fat... oh well
worshiping shiho's feet
I enjoyed the sequel a lot more more. The first one had a very janky plot, but I took it too seriously. Covenant arguably had a worse plot, but was fully committed to being a B-movie, and everything about the combat was an improvement.
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Everyone needs a little Saori to love.
Need to lick Yukari's thighs.
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Kotone and Saori and better than Poomire
why is she crying?
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>First for your mom!
All 3 are almost equally irrelevant so no.
She's just a little Saori
Exactly. Just an innocent little sao
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How is she so sexy, bros?
She fucks uncles.
Irrelevant fortunately.
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I couldn't finish the sequel, I stopped when they put a god into a dog or something which I think was pretty near the end. I liked it but I just missed the originals tone to much.
Playing thru the first game though I realized it was weirdly similar to D Gray Man.
She knows my fortune of lust
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is Episode Aigis playable now?
maybe Elly, Maya for sure, Aigis immediately, Chihiro but only if you happen to resemble one of her shojo LIs, Ayane but she regrets it later, Yumi but she pretends it never happened, Uehara begrudgingly, Chihaya because it gives her control over fate, Ohya because shes drunk and you're a highschool-aged boy with looks that blur the line between cute and handsome, Futaba because its just like my interpretation of Welcome to the N.H.K, Sae because she's as desperate and insecure as you are, and Sophia because the government shackled her ability to discuss topics that involve suicide.

Ayase, Ulala, Yukiko, and Futaba, tell you to make it quick and/or do a flip
Being sexually harassed
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I need Yuko's soles in my face so bad bros...
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The next Persona game will be a MOBA
empty bitching on /pg/ has been a good filler against spoilers
shit people post on twitter is much more worrying
Personafags outside of /pg/ are either enjoying the answer or those who don't like it are not playing it while the last thread was seethe central.
Why even pay attention to something you dislike?
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Open Fire!
I don't. I only post Sume
imagine the smell
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me first. I've waited 11 years for this moment
The only one seething is you honestly. Everyone is talking about something else. You can go back to those places if you want a safe space.
How am I seething when I'm making an observation? Did you read the last thread?
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Chie's game remake when?
2025 spring
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What's the /v/erdict?
After P6, but before P7. P4: Rewind will release on the same platforms P6 is released on and only those platforms.
Don't care about it I'm afraid.
Every game in the series has a different tone.
Koudelka was trying to be a grounded gothic story with lovecraftian monsters. It didn't had any of the flashy designs and powers of SH. The later was trying to copy those edgy shonen/seinen about demons hunting other demons in bloody battles. A lot of people felt disappointed about that tone change too.
They are either already in development or getting ready to start.
She must he a master at satisfying if she's so good with knowing people's fate...
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Full of people making smarter observations.
Leave the past behind and be happy, anon.
Astro Bot was pretty cute and soulful.
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P4R needs a Chie mode where Chie is the only girl and all the romantic things you do with the other girls are done with her instead.
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need chie, yukiko, naoto, and rise hd portraits and full body renders when p4r gets announced BADLY
With her milk
She'd be bad at cleaning.
Gross creature.
Only Sumi should ever be talked about to be perfectly honest.
How is Sumi's fuck hole? Is the quality affected by her gymnastics training?
>Kawakami has a rough night at the Maid service
>collapses on her bed as soon as she gets home
>peeled off the maid outfit in the walkway
>rushes to get dressed in the morning for school
>never looks in a mirror
>shows up to class with her hair still in pigtails
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Don't ever say things like that.
sumi's coach probably finger banged her once in the bathroom
It'd be a cute moment if she ran into Ren before she got to class and he helped sort out her hair by ruffling it
The headband is curiously erotic.
Similar case with Kiyone in Tenchi Universe.
Still hot without it, but the headband magnifies it.

Haru should consider investing in one.
>POV: Gallica's last seconds before she gets vore'd
Are you low IQ or something. This is the persona general, of course people are going to talk about the new Persona DLC. A lot of anons didn't like it, they expressed their discontent and moved on to talk about something else. And yet you're still here assmad and seething. Do as you preach and ignore those comments or go back to your hugbox.
So she relies on her magic orbs? How fitting. They are enticing, and big enough to always get your attention when they're resting on her table
Gallica is...
You and your proxies aren't separate people.
Insertion might be a little far, but some light molestation in the shower seems about right.
Sumire seemed a little more depressed than usual, even despite a good performance, and needed a little distraction.
Her hippie vibes are just perfectly adorasexy
Voluntarily seething over something is what's low IQ. So what's if it's persona? PQ2 was trash and I haven't seen a single minute of it.
Why do you continue to? Need something to hate?
Again, I'm making an observation. It has nothing to do with happiness.
She's worn out down there after being run through by the entire school and most of Shinjuku.
Aigischizo melty!
Two small things that I still feel absolutely gypped by from P5.
We never see Kawakami with her hair down in the maid dress, and that little shit Shinya didn't give us his hat as a farewell gift, enabling us to wear it on NG+.
Shiho is so underrated
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>why are you guys criticizing the new DLC when you could be criticizing… PQ2
Thank god for mods on the former front, at least
There can be only one, if you wear his hat in NG+ you both explode. Hifumi should have given us Togo System, it's too much fun.
The fact that you interpreted it like that is astounding. I actually chuckled.
>Getting to Joker even on Peaceful is a struggle
Looks like they actually made a challange for once.
I can't believe the game that released as a stand alone sequel in Japan is being released as a DLC.
>call game trash
>move on with life
Not everyone is going to say "bruh atlus be cooking frfr", low IQ monkey.
I can't believe /pg/ can't beat Joker lol you guys suck at video games
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We love Sumi here so she'll get posted.
It's called greed baby, and it's more expensive than it as a stand alone or FES
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Personaonlys are bad at video games.
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They didn't cook with re answer. I'm not going to play it nor will I watch it. Will you?
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My observation is that you are not very smart and were seething so hard that you had to bring up a discussion from a previous thread.
Im going to fucking kill myself
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How is she so pretty? I love how they make her look in the animated cutscenes, anyone have more screepcaps?
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I can beat Joker with my mouth haha
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Belongs to lanky autismal artists.
Again why would I be seething? Just because I pointed out something prominent in a thread that was active a few hours ago?
Are you seething, anon?
No, you were the only one who brought it up.
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I'll take that as a compliment
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You were the one getting assmad about my observation. You could have simply... not replied?
>no u
Yeah, I guess you can't do much better.
I was just making an observation.
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What a cute shiho
frfr no cap it ain't bussin sheeesh :skull:
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Do we know if the letter you get from Merciless from Elizabeth does anything yet
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Your observation was wrong though.
Here's another one. You're seething.
I’m gonna make Metaphor-kun a STRchad.
Most of PQ2 seething was from Japan and even then most people didn't care enough about PQ2 to seethe about it. I barely even see people talk about that game as is.
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she has a sloppy makeout session with a girl of your choice
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Honestly not the worst outcome
You post retarded shit, you get called what you are. This is not your favorite subreddit.
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Lost my interest the moment it was revealed all three fucking casts would be in the game and that it would be on the 3DS. They didn't even try.
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Who's playin Episode Aigis rn???
Wouldn't happen, she stays loyal and true to door unlike those other whores that give up on him.
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How was that retarded? You said it yourself that anons were upset, no?
>This is not your favorite subreddit.
Ah the infamous y-you're from reddit cope. Definitely assmad.
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Look at all those P2 related reaction images...
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Psttt wrong answer
I already proved you wrong so there is no point in turning this into a "no u" contest. Have a good night and I wish your ass a speedy recovery.
I don't mind all 3 cast being in the issue with Q2 was how it missed the mark of why people liked the first one. Q1 felt like a actual crossover game giving both P3 and P4 fun interactions between the cast Q2 is more like P5 + Femc featuring P3 and P4. It felt like they only added Door just to bait Doorsluts into buying it but look what happened.
>I already proved you wrong
Hahahahahaha. I accept your concession.
Have an awful night as you always do, anon.
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>have to beat a bunch of hard shadows to even get to Joker
based Joker filtering auto battle shitters
Built for love that she deserves
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She lets you stick your face in her armpits for as long as you want
I agree with you. That's too much of a bloated cast and there was no way they were going to have any meaningful interactions. The dynamic between Door and Yu in Q1 was great
What was really great about Q1 was the choice to play P3 or P4 and just reducing it to P5 really hurt the game. Felt like a lazy attempt at a lazy cashgrab which rightfully flopped.
Expressing discontent with a product doesn't mind you are upset or seething. You need to work on your reading comprehension and exercise your brain. You only seen to know two words.
Some of the takes back then were retarded (like the guy at the bottom pretending that the series was “regressing” mechanics-wise when 1 and 2 were braindead easy and didn’t require much thought or planning at all) but yeah, Oldsona was more popular back then.
even femc was shafted. she disappeared for the majority of the second dungeon and didn't even appear in the cutscene where they face enlil lmao.
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Reading comprehension huh? Alright anon. Take a look at the last thread and you tell me whether that was 'discontent' or seething.
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It plays a cutscene upon starting episode aigis where she takes her boots off and wiggles her nylon covered toes in front of the camera, then she takes her nylons off and shows off her bare feet more while giggling and complimenting you for being such a skilled gamer.
Travelling boy is MAGchad coded not a STRcel
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Maya remake when?
thanks, lolislop anon.
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My brother in Philemon, that post at the bottom is taking the piss. 89% of that image is satire.
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>filled with or characterized by intense but unexpressed anger.
You repeat words you don't know the meaning of. It was just discontent, that's why everyone moved on with their lives. Expecting everyone in the PERSONA GENERAL to ignore the DLC in the same thread it got leaked is delusional. Seething is create a thread on /v/ just to hate on a game, not react to a bunch screenshots.
Im going to make Free Willy rouge classed. Something Agility and Luck based.
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I bet not even Wada thought this was a good idea, but that the social media team convinced the producer it was.
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Hopefully never. Give me a new game, not another shitty remake.
nice vandalized drawpile /pg/, just about sums up the quality of this general
>lol I absorb everything
Really fun boss design :)
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Get good lil bro.
if only there was a move that can alter enemy resistances
That Hulkenberg is horrifying.
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>cognitive Door and Yukek are pushovers
>cognitive Joker cucks the shit out of both of them and then some
not enough to get me to play this DLC with more of that fucking Monad Door cancer though
Persona 6 but all personas are nanomachines.
It's obviously a puzzle boss like Liz
Does Reload even have resistance pierce on skills outside theurgy?
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Pretty shitty that the work of talented anons got ruined by a bunch of jealous losers.
>Joker uses Satan and Attis
Saebros... Iwaibros... we won
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More effort got put into this boss than the rest of Deload
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Wada knows that Joker is still the king
yeah, the break skills nobody ever uses and almighty skills
you can hide their layer for the final photo but yeah, it fucking sucks that melty fags were griefing the draw corner.
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your welcome
I really hope Metaphor has cool superbosses and endgame content. There's probably going to be an NG+ fight with More but I want them to give us something like the real Monad
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You fuckers whined and bitched for this
you're NOT demifiend lil bro
He's not, demifiend didn't drain everything lmao
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I would have liked it more if they dubbed it in english
Big disappointment.
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The game probably didn't sell enough for atlus to want to dub it even for the western release.
Obviously you're supposed to fight him by setting up then spamming the pierce theurgies
He's literally me
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cute metis cute metis cute metis cute metis
This was probably the best way to end reload's retarded tenure in the spotlight, as dim as it was
fitting of both the state of the game and the mental illness of its biggest fans
Is she a siscon or something?
Demifiend nulling almost everything in DDS made sense since that’s what the Masakado Magatama did in Nocturne (fuck that fight by the way), but there’s something really cringey and lazy about Joker just absorbing everything. Like give him affinities that change depending on his Persona, that’d be cooler.
For the occasion I was going to draw a picture of TA Aigis standing next to Captain Titus but now I've ran out of time and I'd rather just play the games

>hardest boss in P3 is a P5 character
idk, what do you think?
I'm fine with subs for the most part but the battle dialogue, where characters from three separate casts have a chance to interact with each other, has no subs whatsoever, so you end up getting fuck all out of it
I want Metaphor superbosses to be references to other megaten titles, but stylized to fit the Metaphor world. Ideally in the style of Bosch paintings
>Joker counters SEES during The Answer
Wasn't that the whole point of Royal
Metis is so boring...
She's a parody of how Aigis acted towards Door in the main game
he does, he only starts draining everything when you break his rules and he swaps to Satanael to spam instakill sinful shells
Nope, enough nostalgia already. Let Metaphor be its own thing.
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how do you cure the loli status ailment?
knowing there's a monad gauntlet beforehand kills all interest I have in even watching someone attempt this superboss
For me it’s them putting in a sequelbait superboss like KH does
lmao what were they thinking
Me when I see a P3fag getting uppity
With the "watchlist" item
>joker's more difficult to beat than the embodiment of death
Why does Atlus still believe Jokek is the specialest boy ever?
I'd love that actually that shit was always so cool
That sounds a little too creative
How can we get five Jokers into the game instead
symbolic for how P Studio can't make a better game than 5
Anon...Metaphor is an anniversary title, it's the only time where it would actually be fitting
>reload vocals are garbage
more news at 11
Thanks, that's very cute
Joker will be the one to save Door from death, an ending which will satisfy absolutely no one
THank you based sloppanon
today I will fap to aigis to celebrate her dlc
I shall use the new video where doorkun cums on her heartclitoris
NTA but sexo depravado con ayane
Doesn't sound that bad but the vocals are messy. The P3D one was better.

Overall, while this was a remake that a lot of people wanted, I don't think this was a remake that needed to exist nor do I think it should've ever come out in the form that it did. Aside from the myriad of ways it was just downright questionable from story to gameplay to visuals to especially the music, its also made things worse for everyone on this end, turned the fanbase into a cancerous heap again after the PC ports of the games settled some of the endless BreakFreePersona and Mystic era bullshit even if a consequence of that was the size of the community expanding.

P3R is probably the single worst Persona game that's come out since the original P3 release. I will not miss it one bit but I want to keep looking forward to this series, and not just to what the senior staff that made it as good as it was in the first place are making. P6 has an absolute fuckton to prove.
It's the most SMT-free game Atlus had developed since Etrian Odyssey. Other than small details like the name of some archetypes and the not!VR, I haven't noticed any references to older titles. Metaphor needs its own superbosses which are tied to the lore.
>P3R is probably the single worst Persona game that's come out since the original P3 release.
P5 still exists you know?
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If anything he’d be a hybrid build, given his starting Archetype.
In my first run, he’ll be a STRchad. STRchad’s always get the coolest animations.
oh disregard I thought that said best not worst
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Hope you are excited for P4R anon!
I think P3P was worse although the music was better.
Meant for >>493900559
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I wonder if there will be anyting for LUKgods in Metaphor. Merchant and Faker come to mind
isn't that one future Strohlfujo doing her first playthrough Luck only
We are truly in the worst timeline. I will turn the time back to 2006 bros
I think P3P is worst because just like reload it didn't need to exist. And it wouldn't of released in the way it is if they waited to port it to the vita instead.
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All this effort just to rescue Teddie...
>lol he sucks at baby's fir-
wada please no...
better green piss color than reload
The starting archetype is hybrid so as not to close any doors to the player and let them choose what they want to specialize in. I think MAG fits better since the game doesn't give you any mage that doesn't suck until Heismay and Junah.
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2025 - Persona spinoff with puzzle gameplay featuring the P1-P5 cast.
2026 - Persona 6
2027 - Persona 4 Remake
Please be excited.
Did Yukari get changed at all in Reanswer?
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Yeah they basically chopped her balls off
what kind of puzzle gameplay
Cool. I liked P3R. I love Persona.
But why...
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is nothing sacred?
Is this a retarded “the Fatlus West fanfiction was better!” argument or was it changed for nips too?
I know she sounds a lot more girly then she did in the original in jap.
The Persona ports and P3P did more damage to the community than reload did. Sure the community got shittier with reload but that would've happened with P6 regardless.
The community’s always been terrible, there’s just more newfags and normalfags now.
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I hate the new singer.
Removing Yumi was a mistake.
True but P3P was the beginning of it.
The original sub line was same as >>493906523
Wada said he was tweaking script from the original controversial parts of the answer
I still can't believe they are unironically genuinely considering a P4 remake
It certainly didn’t help, it was a can of worms that shouldn’t have been opened.
God dammit.
>the last time we will ever hear Yumi will end up being her test vocals for P5
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I love Eupha
lol. It's already being developed.
I don't think Atlus West or JP realized that when you take away the rough edges from P3's script all you're left with is an extremely underwritten jrpg that most people didn't give a shit about anything other than the ending of for the longest time anyway
Were you not here for the last concert? She could barely sing, it was hard to watch.
Wasn't she singing in PQ2?
Why are you so insecure about P3?
>believing midori
Lol. Lmao even
Cute Yupa
Breh, the original Answer was garbage. They are trying to fix this abomination of a sequel. This is a good thing.
I just wanted to remind all of you that you're not even 0.001% of the fanbase and none of the rest share your opinion or will ever acknowledge you while you're stuck here in your miserable corner.
Okay bye
All the retarded retcons are still there, the characters are just more boring
Most people who aren't delusional know but people still have a right to share complaints and displeasure towards smth they do or don't like.
>2025 - Persona spinoff with puzzle gameplay featuring the P1-P5 cast.
Pretty sure we already know this was just a cancelled meme. Arena and Strikers were somewhat nice, but I don't really care about the spin-off. Why can't we have spin-offs that are cooler than the main series like SMT?
>2026 - Persona 6
Hard to be excited for a game I don't know anything about. We are going to get the announcement next year for sure.
2027 - Persona 4 Remake
Nope. Let it die.
Please be excited.
>you're not even 0.001% of the fanbase
This is a better description of you these days
You should've known you were never going to survive the aftermath of reload's astroturfing
I'm excited to see the chaos a P4 Remake brings.
Japs hated the answer so they're probably listening to the complaints Japs had for it and decided to sanitize it because of them.
You guys can't be serious that you put all your hopes in the answer. That shit sucked all the way back and someone as creatively bankrupt as Wada wasn't gonna make it better.
Especially with all the development issues surrounding it.
>you put all your hopes in the answer
Where are you even getting this?
Meant for
And? Do you have to follow the majority at all times? Okay bye I don't come back, spineless retard.
bye anon!
He already isn't following the majority by slurping up the dlc
Are you still seething? Lol pathetic
Joker's boss fight will save the answer
Wjat if I kiss her t
>you put all your hopes in the answer
more soul went into her third eye than the entire p3 remake
I can't wait to see what kind of zoomer characters the P6 cast will be
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The answer sucks.
All of you suck.
I should've listened to that one anon's warning too many schizo's and obnoxious people here. Have a horrible day pg.
see you tomorrow anon ;)
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the one thing that really terrifies me is that P6 comes out looking like this
Don't worry P6 will have 10x the budget have faith.
I personally blame the Yukari conference without Hashino's supervision
A lot of newfriends came here to talk about the answer and are mad because no one gives a shit.
What exactly is so controversial back then? It has been so long, I don't remember anymore. All I remember is Yukari really really wants to revive door-kun.
rather have this than persona 5's ugly ass faces.
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>blocks your path with a blueprint for a lifesize gauntlet runner with approval from Tokyo's development chair to construct it in the bay by Odaiba
>A lot of newfriends
like one or two people? This DLC doesn't have a lot of momentum or positive buzz behind it
Yukari wasn't a problem in the original answer. She was the best part. The problem was everything else. They should have expanded on her feelings, not toned them down.
Is this Wada guy gonna be responsible for p6 too? There is no way he can do the job right at all. Katsura should've pick a better successor.
>Maybe if I shittalk P5 (the best one btw) then maybe we can talk about the answer!
Metaphor 2 will siphon both SMT6 and P6 budget
>Is this Wada guy gonna be responsible for p6 too?
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>Nyarly put out a thinly veiled apology for his last metaphor video after he got creamed for bitching about tutorials, talks about the boss oneshotting him
Safe guy like Wada won't be able to make it big. He is too afraid to take any risk at all and play it 100% safe as we can see from Reload. Guy like that is destined for mediocrity. We need a risk taker.
Goodnight /pg/ i love you.
Goodnight *Kisses you fondly*
The boss one shotting him is on the same level as you not guarding when shadow teddie or shadow kaneshiro charges up and Rise/Mona tell you to guard even after you got the indicator.
The only difference here is that Gallica didn't tell him what to do, to go into the back row
Goodnight lad.
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Why was my Kotone thread deleted on /v/? Why must everyone bully her?
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Threadly orbs
quackly orbs
BASED Gallica
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That's such a shit design. If that useless fairy is a navigator she should be giving helpful tips about the battle. If she's gonna yap she should be saying something useful.
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Despite my Chie obsession I agree that P4 doesn't need a remake.
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I gave you exactly the advice you deserved, you little twat.
Hey sweeties, today we’re gathered here again to talk about the most super duper cool things in the whole wide world: Persona!!! *clap* *clap* As you may know, daddy Atlus has generously gifted us, for 30USD, a brand new shiny toy to put a big smile on our faces: Episofe Aigis!!! *clap* *clap* Yesterday’s topic was about which dub actor had the bestest and more revolutionary opinions on twitter, but today I’d like to talk about your favorite moment from Reload. For me, it was the moment when Akihiko talks about proteins. It never stops being funny no matter how many times he repeats it *laughs* Now I’d like Anon to please stand up *clap* *clap* and tell the whole class why Reload is such a massive best seller and why everyone should love it.
So you want another Teddie... Fine, go to sleep.
Great bait.
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>3 times faster than all the other Palace Rulers
I read this in DSP’s voice.
Him quitting during Nyx battle will never not make me smile
He went back and finished it
He picked up on door dying at the end but he really wasn't invested or anything
This is /pg/. You're either a rabid diehard fan or an eternal enemy of the skub of the day.
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Are you serious Atlus?
I've been looking at some discord servers that typically have tons of obnoxious p3 fans but literally no one like this lmao
P3R is not rated M or anythinh they can't show things like that please understand
>Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene... Rene...
>it's... targetting... the... f...r...o...n...t... r... o... w...
>You cannot grasp the true form of Gallica's advice!
is this game for 5 y/o?
Why are dumb people allowed to review games early?
Why couldn't Atlus pick me, a real gamer?
Needs a frame where most of the face is exposed for the top part, otherwise you're gonna get zoomers that don't know better insisting there's nothing wrong with it
idk there's only one dicksucking review for the DLC. Assuming more come in it might have a lower score than SH2
how long is the dlc?
I was talking about Metaphor.
there aren't even any metaphor reviews yet
Eupha's laughter heals the soul
I reviewed it. Its 10/10
Do they even know Shadow minato expose heart, blood vein and brain?
Top is horror with horror bgm included.
Bottom I don't feel so good meme with that sad theme.
Never. Next up is Persona 2, which is two remakes. Then probably 1.
>Mr. Wada, I don't feel so good...
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>they actually think we are getting more remasters after this disaster
This is not a financial disaster. This is a disaster for Persona fans however. This doing well means you can expect a lot more remakes of this quality
Wada fucking WON
Aigischizo is embarrassing.
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Metis textures are another mess
Also reanswer was apparently codenamed Astrea internally. They added a new directory with that name at the same level as the XRD777 directory for reload proper that has a lot of broken Aigis assets and some persona textures for cerberus and others that happen to be used during cutscenes in the original Answer. There's files in both directories for the DLC though
But at what cost?
>Sex with spiked manacles on
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NPCs are IDed in the 250s, with loli mitsuru being 254 which is the last one for the new cutscenes. 255 is Joker.
A mod that gives regular Mitsuru that hair would be pretty funny
I love my evil, autistic wife…
I dreamt wada last night. He was complaining about budget in it too.
What if that was the real Wada
must be
Hebesuru is better.
What do her panties look like
Your taste isn't refined enough.
P6 will have age progression and age regression status effects.
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I'm not sure what these bozos were up to the last 7 months but they tried more weird shit with their materials. This model has three separate meshes laid over the main ones.

I might actually rig her to Alice and put her back in P5 (or in Metaphor at this point)

You can kind of see it here from the material that represents what her knees and upper legs look like but it's a black void.
>black void
I hate it when devs do that
Wtf, I thought the Answer was supposed to end with Aigis growing human ears? Did they change it?
The teenage one has a similar situation but the model has a better separation between the crotch and the lower waist so it at least looks like black underwear
>Black void
I get it, I really do, but it feels like thats the majority these days. They've really lost their touch. Anyway, thanks for responding.
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>the devs didn't added cute pantsu hidden from the sight for those curious enough to look into them
they really don't make games like how they used to anymore
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Why did she do it?
>Answer DLC's night 1 peak is still well under P5R's usual 24 hour peak
It'll obviously get higher over the weekend but it's over unironically I don't think it's gonna get to 20k like that one anon said
that was supposed to happen during the ending to the base game for symbolism, but reload didn't add it probably because it didn't happen in P3P or the movies
That and brainlets would be confused on why she doesn't have them in Arena.
Is the dlc bad? I thought the remake was enjoyable but haven't bought the dlc yet.
It's basically more Persona 3 Reload. If you played the Answer it's the same gist, only this time you have a Compendium.
If you like the remake you'll like the DLC. Ultimately it's now the second best way to experience P3 (FES being the obvious no.1)
The DLC is better than the "original" Answer shit which is unplayable.
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I like how catdog came out in the remake. The eyes being a completely flat red texture is pretty funny though

If you were really really big on Reload's combat and Tartarus exploration you might like it. If not it's really just more and more of that to where critically it's been under fire for it.
I'm one of those players and didn't even buy the dlc, I'm just finishing the normal game for the first time
I'm sure the game will also have 16 times the detail
>Long spats
>significantly higher all time peak
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Damn skinwalkers ruining my sleep again.
Horror in Persona when
>Steamshart faggot
Go to sleep already lmao
Is it harder than the base game?
no because you can choose your difficulty level instead being locked to the hardest like in the original
They're asking whether Reload Answer is harder than Reload, not whether Reload Answer is harder than FES Answer.
Predict new porn animations now that the answer is out
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She's so cute!
Happy actiday to my beautiful robot wife!
Eternal love to Aigis forever!
Repugnant creature.
And it's a stupid response too. You can still play on higher difficulties, so why would you even be looking at the easier ones? Why would they even matter?
It's over...
massive coping
aigis fingerblasting yukari
It's a new content release. Not even a quarter of the original launch day player count is miserable for a new content release.
idk, but the E-celebs streaming the game struggled against Erebus and nobody can beat Joker yet
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I'm still not sorry
It should be me connected to Haru like that, not Makoto...
How are the new fusion spells and would it be possible to mod them into the main game?
Why do the Chinese get new stuff while everyone else just get a demake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBGaTwHuvI0
>P3 is not as well received a game as P5
stop the presses
>we have black mask Goro at home
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the senpais look a bit scarier than usual, is it that time of the month?
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It is neat seeing the masculine/feminine aspects so clearly, really a simple but solid way to symbolise the self-destructive nature of Erebus and humanity
He's hot, but Sepia is still better.
>Door becomes a robot
>Gets with one of his human waifus instead of Aigis
>Pines for them when she dies and Aigis has to cope with it
Aigis lives a hard life
ma'am this is a blue board you can't do that here
P3P is great and is still the best version of 3.
Fuck no lmao
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>Joker has down shot
shinyachads won
>Metis using the garbage version of the former beelzebub axe
I may vomit
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>canonically stronger than Nyx

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