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Femlala hag supremacy.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 10, 9:00 PM ET | Balmung Gridania Amphitheatre | Presidential Debate >>493870948
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>493887506
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just cleared m4s with the 'cord bros
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Sex with catgirls
My catgirl does this exclusively
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queue CC 2:15
any wuk lamat...LIKERS?
If you get pierced nips does your milk leak out the piercing holes?
May I post my malezen
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I like Wuk lamat.
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femhroth stock status?
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what is the best male body mod that's not the one uchiki uses cause I don't want to make a flaming homo sexual.
Go for it
I like her in a similar way as I like Lyse, because I know both of these characters are theoretically just fine, but trapped in such awfully written circumstances that it becomes very easy to hate them.
there's only one called TheBody but there are edits for it on nexusmods and elsewhere
For me?
It's tan-lined rava
Go back

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my neighbor's house (I think it's a shell FC) is creepy
post the list
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bad news but I made this post
I want a malera EB
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Her visual design is very cute and adorable.
The guy voicing her is annoying though.
Storywise I got fuckall, then again I found Lyse enjoyable and understandable so maybe I'll end up being a Lamat defender in 5 years when I complete the DT MSQ in 10 years, BUT I doubt it.
The Body is basically the only male body mod, you can find lots of edits for it though, like TBSE-X, Z, Q, Slim, etc. From there use c+ to customize to your liking
I act nice but I get super toxic and angry when my team in CC is bad.
i would kill for a femlala eb
ill settle for a fulala at this point
i am a femlala hag...
Wuk Lamat will be FFXIV's rep in Super Smash Bros Ultimate 2!
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Go back Cowra
nice, im depositing your threadcred reward to your account sis
male middie to forget to rub tan lotion on my femra and lets her get burnt up in the sun and /laugh at her lobster sunburn
she's okay, certainly not in my top 5 or even 10, she just has the baggage of having too much screentime thrust upon her for how weak of an arc she has by the writers to the detriment of others in the cast who they failed to really write for as well. there are some writing decisions that I think are bad but a lot of it is the writers not doing a good job or straight up forgetting stuff they wrote just a patch ago which hurts her even more.
Wait this is a grown man? I'm suddenly interested. Hey...
I'm sorry for being boring and letting other boys ruffle my hair
I wish I was a male midlander irl
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So...uhh what the fuck happened to our cool mech we used literally once?
this except i'd feel bad for laughing
I am superior to you
>TBSE-X, Z, Q,
What's the difference? I used SE-X because it's for sex.
I am
a femlala eating watermelon
and watching 30m documentaries about American ghost towns
and trying not to think about how I have work all week
start killing, future hon
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died of ligma
Difference body musculature mostly, X was the first, the others are edits cos X has some pretty stupid proportions. But I just use X with some c+ edits
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I've never really felt a desire to get EB'd or even date IRL lately, but recently seeing a bunch of happy relationships both in-game and out have hit me pretty hard and I've started to feel a longing for romance that I haven't felt in quite some time.
you have to be some kind of brain damaged to swap off drk in frontlines
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I am a femlala
who wishes she had some watermelon..
good luck with work..
Twice. Thrice if you count Diamond Weapon. It's still in the hangar in Terncliff.
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I am kinda devastated about the state of the game right now
I stopped raiding after week 4, probably won't be doing the ult which will be my first time missing an ult clear on patch since TEA came out
shade's triangle/cosmic exploration might be cool but they have said nothing about it which makes me think that it's being hastily developed like the rest of dawntrail
and I don't talk to people in game or do any socializing of any sort relating to the game these days, which is probably the only reason to play
I am just fucking lost honestly
I'm act like a huge slut and bait horny anons to send me pics and messages because the thought of them jacking off to me turns me on to no end, but irl I'm very unsociable and rarely leave the house. Also I'm an actual female with above average looks, which I would never reveal to anyone that I play regularly with.
sorry for coming on too strong, i should have controlled myself
Imagine if we used it for the DT final boss instead of you know,
Are there any super wide capes in this? Like as big as Odin's at least, without modding.
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T_T at least pass me the aloe vera
what in the fuck is happening here?
By the way everyone, Frencord has a corrupt janny that will timeout or ban you just because they don't like you. Steer clear.
I don't really hate her, but she needed some adversity to overcome. At her best, she's an endearing ray of sunshine but there's no clouds for her to shine through so you only end up with metaphorical skin cancer from overexposure.
i am
just a catboy
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queue CC 5:00
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Is SAM the biggest piece of dogshit in CC as a melee?
Atleast the Aoe root is nice
Femlalas could have looked like this if YoshiP wasn't a coward and hired Zankuro to design them.
You can have the rest but you can't have MY husband, missy.
checking out other houses in my FC ward for ideas,
This is Ultros, Mist, W25 P10
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Very well...my love...
Well...? Eat it...
thank you kindly sis
Not RC
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>he ended up being eb'd to a plainsfolk femlala and is living the farm life with her
Do you have one you'd recommend for melfs so I can make my friend use it?
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Are we posting cursed neighbor houses' rooms?
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wish me luck bros. . .
need an eb like that holy moly
I think I miss 2016 OW.
>like two little action figures and make them kiss.
hahah no way?
stfu morgan, you deserved being timed out, hope they ban you soon
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does anyone on crystal wanna do roulettes
there has never been anything worthwhile to be read in a gather intel style quest branch
thanks sis...
I've seen multiple anonymous posts now that come off as some people hoping a friend and I get EB'd as some sort of a thread attention thing and now I just feel awkward about the whole thing. I know it's mostly harmless fun but it's still embarrassing getting vague posted about others wanting something bigger than it is.
Cumming in this moonie!
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Uhhhhhh DC?
haha wow epic
>niggerfied puu
Not helping the stereotypes my brotha.
Sounds perfect to me
me too bro...me too...
do your thoughts tend to turn towards romance and love when the fall comes along too? now that the trees are turning i'm really wanting love more than i have the rest of the year. i was content before.
It's personal preference, but generally TBSE is good enough, if you want to be more muscular the other ones are fine but I'd tone down the proportions personally,
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if that is the same morgan i think it is
your sins have not been forgotten
nor will they be forgiven.
the tomato remembers
nah, vpr is
sam is played more like a support dps though
I'm tired of this image and the posts that come with it
Time to filter
sam is based because it doesnt have any gimmicks outside of LB, it's a metric of how good you actually are at the mode like gnb
im a pentalegend but i still get anxious when i raid because i feel like a fraud if i fuck up when i should be a way better player
>The Star Wars nerds are shitposting the discord again
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Are you fucking with me? Did that shit come out in 2016? Oh my god
What the fuck was that match holy shit, props to the ninja being the only one that seemed to know what he was doing
stoic femlalas are the best femlalas
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Interracial cuckold ellipses...
I honestly don’t get why you guys want an eb. Like my fc I can be social with and run good content. With an irl relationship I get the physicality and additional help. An eb I get… some needy person I have to idle with for a few hours a day until they schizo out? I have ADHD if it matters
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Moonies and sunnies need to be corrected by my hand...
gonna turn some moonies into single mothers bros
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I want malera to go extinct
I might be your wife? It depends?
gonna turn some femlalas into single mothers bros
thanks, will blankpost later.
fiddie feet
the only person I talk to has said no to doing stuff 6 times in a row now I am very lonely


are for moonies


are for sunnies

[drum bass intensifies]
My femraen is the town bike of /xivg/
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just be like me anon! i moved in with my EB and we've happily lived together for years now! he's truly the best! i love him so much!
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oh my god there's another one
Late night lalas...?
that's kinda gay bro...
I use thread queues to learn new jobs so I can fight against stronger people and get better, but it's a little disheartening when people make mean comments about me. I'm doing my best, please be nice. Anonymous posters really shouldn't get to me this bad, but I'm trying something new out and kind of sensitive about it.
It's definitely seasonal, but more because of work than the season itself. Summer is always so busy at my job I don't even have time for feels but now the days are slower leaving more room for these thoughts to creep in. Although having someone to share the colder months would be really nice too. That I cannot deny.
actually it's pronounced "stoic"
>kyoppi pisses himself because of poor bladder control
>because of this, he wears adult diapers

Just realized Kyoppi's room likely smells like dehydrated gamer piss at all times.
Dying in the snow wishing they got blanketed...
congratulations but also this post is inflicting levels of despair previously unprecedented
My malera is stoikmaxxing
its well known that everyone here is me
and why not
Name one other person who does ellipses like you
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Certified catboy post
>kyoppi pisses himself because of poor bladder control
I believe this. It totally isn't a fetish thing.
he doesn't even wear diapers

why do people keep saying this?
I’m already in bed, also already brimming with malera cum
just go to the bathroom dude
god fucking dfammit explode
my thread enemies who want to present a post as mine. . .
How far outside your plot can you realistically place something using BDTH?
God I wish this were me....
i am
a femra staring at her husband
i enjoy this
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Real catboys stay with girls they knock up and raise happy families
i either do four.... or nine......... you could say im a little different
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yup! im a grown ass man EB'd to another grown ass man and i couldnt be happier!
you'll make it one day too anons, just believe in yourself!
My favorite thing JEJ did as Vader was that guttural noise he makes in ESB when Luke strikes him on the shoulder during their duel. Absolutely peak.
It even won GOTY 2016 lol. And you can't play it anymore since 2022...
is it me
Why wouldn't they be more overt then?
Okay open wide and say aaaaa.
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Full battle regalia, you say?
permission to post my femezen
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...Why is Y'shtola contacting Wuk Lamat first instead of us?
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queue CC 9:00
He absolutely refuses to touch, install, or use C+ because it produces abominations and he links that video of Emet-Selch's speech with modbeasts in the background every time I suggest it, but he also complains malezen aren't quite buff enough.
happy for you
Granted unless you're Zuzu
probably not you
thank you! i waited all day to get to do this. :)
I really miss him...
Because Woke is the main character, not us.
I'm trying to embrace being cringe, corny, and 100% honest with my feelings towards people, which has made me significantly happier. I think the fear of being perceived as cringe by others has stopped people from being nice for the sake of being nice or sharing their niche or "basic" interests with others, which is such a shame.
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I am
a stuffed femlala
full of food and drink
good night~
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>He absolutely refuses to touch, install, or use C+ because it produces abominations and he links that video of Emet-Selch's speech with modbeasts in the background every time I suggest it, but he also complains malezen aren't quite buff enough.
>Could just use C+ to literally just buff his elezen up slightly
>Complains and links the worst of the worst of modbeasts
>shit design (furry)
>shit personality
>way too much of a focus
>bad VA
basically everything about the character sucks cock and it's not even just americlap chuddies complaining
I don't modbeast myself but i like the modbeasts that get posted in the thread
>emet-selch's speech with modbeasts in the background
please post it
i don't see moonies and sunnies hanging out so this must be a lie
gn rosa-sama
/tell me again when you're on
my sub is about to run out and I'm afraid my friends will forget about me when I come back in 45days...
why do that when it works already
there is nothing left to believe in.
Can I use c+ to make a femlala look pregnant?
granted, especially if you're zuzu
I worry my EB only likes me because when I get drunk I'll do anything he wants.
my moonie would hang out with a sunnie
dead game lol
>please post it
Have a newish one
I love giants...
I really don’t want nuance in a relationship with my EB I want assertive confidence.
Which is why I hire a dominatrix 2 nights of the week to show her exactly what I’m looking for.
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I'm not rosa... s-sorry..
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come do roulettes with me to make it less dead lol
My moonie would hang a sunnie.
I'm going to explode inside you, I've had enough of your tears, post your character.
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what did zuzu do
goodnight ai-afell...
my moonie would bend over a railing for a sunnie
my sunnie hangs out with moonies in a sexual fashion
Because they could make it a lot worse if they did
sorry, about to get plapped
I hate this femlala because he spams his AI slop in both the AI art channel and main general channel.
>caca 9
I just saved it because I thought it was cute... I didn't know.............
my moonie would bend a sunnie over a railing
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>Queue CC before DCing for the night
>Get one of the top 30 players who were mocking me on a private discord without knowing I also was in it
>Absolutely destroy their ass and go out 10/0
>Stop myself from taunting them but know they are absolutely malding about it
Magness please stop posting
I worry my EB is not interested in me anymore and is simply too nice to end our relationship
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>"durr, hey guys, have you noticed those weird giant brightly colored noisy techno thingies on everyone's head? durrrr"
Are you kidding me?
post gock
Hate their hair mod
C+ only creates abominations if you choose do. Your friend sounds like an autistic retard and he's going to need to swallow his pride if TBSE isn't buff enough for him, because default TBSE-X looks dumb
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gn sirs
I give pets to femra and femlalas specifically because they're the most likely to need it
my moonie gets bent over a railing by a sunnie
>gay music
>no Emet
/slap /slap /slap /furious
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You stink Otis
my moonie would be close friends with a sunnie
Chat, can someone translate
My femlala is actually quite popular. She’s lewd in a discreet way, only with (you)
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gn bro
i had fun tonight
hope we can do it again sometime soon
Man getting an intervention for his goonery.
>coolest shit ever gets introduced
>used for like one tiny portion of the game
>never gets picked up on again
why do they do this so much
Go into the AI-art channel. 8 out of 9 posts are AI slop of his ugly shit faced lala. and when no one replied to any of them in there he went to the general chat channel and started spamming in there because he's that much of a fucking loser desperate for attention.
A random Bigger petted my femlala before the duty started. He died soooooo much, but I still commended him anyway...
they're probably referring to the things on the alexandrians' heads that hold the soul cells and how obvious they were before and how long it took to have them referenced
made me crazy hard
He's probably referring to the fact that even the most braindead retard will recognize the headpieces that the alexandrians use, yet the game treats it like it's a big surprise.
I would believe it, if only because i'm autistic and can't notice flirting
I wish they'd durr'd that sooner. I remember sitting around for multiple quests waiting for someone to say something about it but instead they kept going on and on about wow these people seem happy and really love their queen and now let's investigate their agricultural ways.
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It gets used again in the Tataru questline once.
Thanks chat
I want to lure out a certain NA player so I can find out what world they're on...
Then I will unleash several months of pent-up maternal affection and baby-rabies onto them...
permission to post my yapsfolk puppylala
>like gnb
i like this bait, here's your (You)
I make gposes and pictures to post on here and then never do.
wtf now I need to actually go finish the tataru quests
of course homie my breed of autism is the one that helps in that regard
I showed him this and he said, and I quote
>I do not want to look at a femra with hips wider than she is tall, so no. TBSE has big fat mantiddies for cockgobbling catboys and FTMs and the only thing wrong with BODY SEX is that my arms could do with being more chuddythick.
Which NA player..
stop getting drunk retard
what makes you think that? just give them a shit test and watch for their reaction

any more EB confessions
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Don’t worry too much about it hun. Take pride in the fact that you’ve absolutely shat on someone so hard they feel the need to post about the games where you are trying something new. At the end of the day it’s casual and doesn’t really matter. You’re doing your best!
You need to kill him
A cat...
UFM (unidentified flying moonie)
>I dont want to look like a FTM
things a FTM would say
your friend is an absolute fucking retard just dont sync with modbeasts what is the issue here
>stop getting drunk retard
I can't. It's the only time I don't feel like killing myself.
kek, based
I'm an NA cat.
I change around my hairs somewhat often
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every time i swap back to lala in glamourer i'm charmed by how tiny they are versus the raid bosses
Post sex
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My malera on the left.
But are you THE NA cat?
Speak my name and I shall appear...
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We have Zankuro at home.
Please don’t give them ideas.
goodnight friends
let me guess, the blue haired moonie
my malera on the right
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You thought you could trick me with that fake materia, didn't you?
goodnight mister bahama
I don't know any names... I'm trying to find that mommybun
You definitely picked the right skin color Une.
good night bro good job popping that zit
TBSE-X isn't big enough for him? Your friend is well on his way to becoming a musclebeast
I'm not friends with any maladies /spit /spit
Look, is there a version that doesn't have what he described
>bara-looking waterballoons strapped to the rugged cliff-face of my chest
that also has
>arms that can heft the fattest moonie over each bicep
or not? He doesn't seem to want to install of use C+ and when I told him you called him a retard he just posted a smug picture of an anime character and asked who the real retard was, the retard or the retard who can get tricked into seeing modbeasts?
Goodnight, cute oni. /dote
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this is my favorite cat and its not close
mostly because of that gif
give me the rundown on m3s please
A friend said something nice to me really recently and it made me tear up...
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queue CC 2:00
are we mappin or what
cc doko da
puppy val
I am reminded
why a crush
is called a crush
sudden desire for a comforting wine aunt that babies me…
in out stack spread
Anyone wanna play the game?
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I dont have a job so instead i donate plasma twice weekly in order to play XIV more. I spoiled myself with a songbird emote today
Shut the fuck up pest go back to your containment board
why don’t we just prog bro
when does the event end
i have like 4 more characters to do it on and i cba
yeah come do roulettes with me on crystal
The 11th.
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>healers spamming 111 instead of rezzing
Why are they everywhere...
I hope you find one soon, anon
your friend is a retard
he can apply a scale through penumbra
idk how to install reshade so im just gonna use photo filters
is that okay
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You're friend might be a incel muscle beast
Is that healthy
Do they even allow you to do it too often
youtube algorithm ruins pf consistency
I remember donating plasma back in uni
Maybe i should do it again for some more extra cash in my pocket
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>he found a spot that he gets paid to donate plasma to
>twice weekly
Are you really dating Kong?
goodnight beefcakes
>in out stack spread
that's been every fight so far this tier though
i'm going to start tomorrow i think
My static only has 7 people and is missing a compitent tank
guess i'm doing them when i wake up
ty anon
>play pld
>don't use cover
Explain the rationale.
I pick out beard hairs when I'm stressed and now my chin is starting to get a bald spot
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Show him me instead!!
okay let me take a piss and get some water real quick then i'll hop on in like 5mins
NTA but it kind of sounds like the guy is already happy. I play a melezen and that's the one I use, and it looks fine.
The outfit looks so shit but I otherwise would.
My moonie has 3 brain cells and is missing a competent leader
It takes character to be sincere like that. You should be proud of choosing to be better.
no himcesses to protect sorry to say
my fiddie otr
My thread enemy has only managed to beat me the past 2 days when their friend puppydogs them with cover
My competent tank can't fit a static's schedule.
>Krile's earring is a red herring
Hahahaha. Yeah nah, this MSQ is unsalvagable.
Because they crush mah heart.......
my sunnie is so cute bros
does she like other moonies
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These darker skin tones that you used for your femra and your rava suit you....a little too well even.
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Okay I'm done jobbing as MCH in CC goodnight
>what makes you think that?
I don't feel like he *talks* to me anymore, we just have conversations like "how are you/i'm fine" but he doesn't talk about his life ever...
He is also on a different DC, talking to other people, I don't know... He doesn't log onto his main to play with me.
Maybe I'm just making things up but I guess I am a very jealous and attention starved person.

>just give them a shit test and watch for their reaction
I had to google what that means, I can't do this
I also just don't know how to even approach him about it
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thank you
Her earring had more screentime than her
>that my arms could do with being more chuddythick.
TBSE-X has bitchtits and synthol arms by default, and he wants bigger arms
i really want to do lewd things with this rava

come for roulettes on crystal anons, pw 1111 under K.S.
he's calling you the n word and implying you act like one
Its a hard limit of 8 times a month
2 times a week, 130 bucks a week.
Its not good money especially if you live in a place where you have to uber afterwards to not die to the increased chance of passing out from the heat like florida
But its better than sex work
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Proxy i see you at the bench…please let me get a taste…
my sunnie is also cute, we have good taste
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nyonyan showed up to my mapday party
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Darker skin tones are ass on your femra and rava, Fanta off to be pale
Shirt mod and hat mod? I need this
Language explorers, what language option did you like the most?
I’m thinking of starting a new character and re-experiencing the entire game, but with different roles and focused and with even a different language for voices. Maybe Japanese or French (I’m a Wakfu enjouxeur, as they say)
Rori my anal wife
I actually burst out laughing when that happened. There's no fucking way that there haven't been massive rewrites for DT.
What does that even mean?

I think you're taking this a little personally honestly. Calling someone an incel is a bit extreme.
>musclemorphing malezen

so cringe
actually thats my femra otr
Magness stared me down for 5 minutes today…
I have a couple of maps have not unlocked flying in Heritage though :x
Would anyone like a mentally ill trans eb?

The catch: I don't have any pink parses
I feel like I'm always the shoulder to cry on, I mean I'll be supportive but I'm thrown out like old leftovers when whatever blows over.
This keeps happening with different people and it's sucking the soul out of me.
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forgot pic
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>eating in bed
That's how you get ants.
lose weight
Japanese, obviously. All the languages do a mediocre job during ARR though, so keep that in mind.
He posted the Muslim guy going
>ew brother, ew
what kind of mental illness
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I'm on gilga doing fates meow
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Pyon~ Pyoooon~
Proof? Only useless tranny faggots make claims without backing them up
what's up bro.......

god i want pizza so bad rn

fanta to femezen and i'll platinum EB you. give me the tall knife ears

aw very cute
What did they say? I wish mine would say something that nice.
lala? check
late night? check
i dont get it
Will keep an eye out for next time you post about them then
moderately debilitating depression and anxiety, mildly debilitating autism
Straight droooop
pet my sunnie...
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pyon pyon
Go away, Ndja.
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i never saw a party and i couldnt get into 'mung
It used to. Seems fine to me now, though, but I dunno what that guy's complaint about the arms is. Maybe it did for other races?

Twinks can perish.
Gonna post proof schizo? Or are you just gonna make random claims about people you don’t know?
I love that boss fight. Alliance Raids should have more giant bosses.
Fix your heel settings lazy ass.
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My mommywife...
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queue CC 6:00

I am not and don't act like an n word
Malera owned
is there anything more amusing than a dps who loses their shit if you Rescue them
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Why would you summon me...
God i want hugs and headpats from them so bad
>Twinks can perish.
Lmao did Zir Waddington really get banned?
How mentally ill? My last EB was DID but we made it work for a couple years.
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is defending magness a meme now or are these posts genuine
I don't play 14 but someone I know does
He's been very sad because he can't find a static to join
The big issue is that he's not available on fridays or saturdays

Does anyone know of a static he can join? He's on Hyperion.
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Why is he making that your problem
I hope so, he was annoying
That's just TBSE with TBSE-X muscle textures
seeing as he called kong a nigger at lb14 in front of kong, yeah probably
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I'm not gonna EB someone that doesn't spend time with me, even if it's platinum~
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my moonie looks and acts like this when she gets teamed up on in CC
Is accusing Magness of shit a meme now or do you have proof?
Squeezing the air out of this dumb mutt’s throat while she squirms under me.
TBSE-X looks strange on malezen
the miera partnered thte malera i just know it
Mine too!
even with my earring im reaching the level sync of arr why is the curve so weird for this...
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What do I need to play in CC in order to get schizoed? I queue but just get ignored
i will protect her.
Should be his second strike, so here's hoping for a perma soon. Does it just ban the account or the account-owner from playing ever again?
huj...... thank you for the laugh over the censor placement
can't have that on a christian imageboard!
Whoops I haven't done The Rising event yet. Gonna have to rush and get that done before Reclears Hour starts.
Isn't that what they refer to as MURDER?!
Looks strange on everyone, you need to take the scalpel to it with c+ if you want to make it look decent
A femra
My sunnie moans when she gets teamed up on in CC
I'm almost at the end of Dawntrail and this still feels like patch content or something. The final zone is cool and all but was that really it? I have the feeling like barely anything happened throughout the whole MSQ.
I realized something that really bugs me about this game is that character's palms aren't light like in real life
Tell him that you can use c++ to get rid of the mantits, and that just because he has it installed doesn't mean that he will see other peoples edited characters.
it's a cool boss fight yeah
idk how i only installed that thing to stop getting the popup...
I made an aryan female highlander when balmung was open, don't know if I'll ever play her.
Milktruck arrive
I actually knew someone with that. One of the lads got cucked.
Being able to tell who was who after
a while of knowing them made me rather happy
Play anything and then complain in thread in a way that makes it obvious who you are.
/ebow after each and every LB
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Okay now add body hair. For science.
Needs a big strong hunter gatherer to tank queue with...
I'm drinking a glass of milk right now
I meant customize+ not c++..
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Femra mog so hard it's not even close
male middie owned
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i'm on balmung now for good so the ball's in your court to come say hi to ME instead sometime dork
BLM for me, but I got called out because it was my ranked main so
For you, maybe SAM or a good MNK
focus one of the known names until they schizo post you
pic unrel
god I fucking LOVE fishra
All cats deserve /pets

/embrace /pet /smooch

Not sure what job to go with, definitely not dancer though
Yes cause his last rant had proof of his bullshit posted several times over but Magness kept spamming “proof?” Over like 2 threads
Yes because he melts down about it and it is entertaining
haha us coders am i right XP
how did you shorten your neck? i wanna make my femezens a tad shorter
going to steal this bit
this screenshot is so crispy, great lighting, great ra
what pants
uh oh bunboy meltie
>his last rant had proof of his bullshit posted several times over
Can you link that proof? Note I will not be taking anyone's word for it, I mean photographic evidence.
I would say moderately ill? idk.
Is that...a flat glub?
M-my legs...
That’s cool and all but can you post proof attached with a video of your identification? Not like I’ll take your word for it
sorry anon, I've been through that plenty of times. taking a step back in those friendships can help. don't wear yourself out by being too kind.
and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on instead sometimes that can be nice too.
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meenas or lalaboys
I'm still traumatized from when Vauthry was around
I shan't be doing that
Yea >>493905016 said so as well which seems to be the case
It's an insanely good bit, especially in FL
Only if my car boi can hit too
thank you
m-may i have another pet
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>cute but ineffective cock
>I shan't be doing that
I'll remember this the next time you're on the enemy team.
Best names to focus for this?
That looks like my midlander
meena like this that takes my moonie to pound town
I want to get into the Blacked Eorzea server because I want to be gangraped by countless dark skin +'s but I'm too afraid to ask anybody who might be able to get me an invite.
I dont want to be lewd. I want to inspire hope, happiness and comradery. What race do I play to friendmax?
It's just how I was raised I suppose, be kind and in turn people will be kind. I'm old enough to know that's not always the case but that's no excuse to not be nice.
Also I try not to burden others with my own troubles.
Not tonight anon, sorry but I hope you feel better soon, take time for yourself maybe?
>its another wicked thunder alt ints your cc game episode
Another schizo going off about random bullshit that didn’t happen. Meet me in game and link the screenshots of what he did so I can post them in this thread schizo
do you like chocolate?
Same sis, same...
Yosh~ yosh~
does he like femra
I didn't shorten the neck I just used customize+ to give my malezen trapezoids which really helps hide the neck problem on elezen

Seigneur's Breeches (cash shop)

I shouldve noted that I'm using a tbse hunk edit, not tbse-x
I was merely offering to be a friend who is often in the same position
n-no babu!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, cool. I totally did that on purpose. No I didn't, I didn't know there was another one and I'm fine with this one.

Something about those arms just looks fucking goofy.

That's my middle name.
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mroe to be people's dad
middie to be one of the boys
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my fiddie looks like this
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I can send you one
>Also I try not to burden others with my own troubles.
all the more reason to have a shoulder to cry on every now and then.
hope things get better for you friend.
Sorry, it's always hard to tell "hey..." poster's intentions.
qrd on why Magness attracts so many schizos?
i like this meme
Hm today I shall make a full crafted set for my casters
Wait theres servers where you can just go and futas will target you for daily rape? Is there one that isnt just blacked…
0 height 100 chest gray moonie would inspire me to show you how happy you make me
I see a lot of people suggest roe and hroth. I dont get it. Do people here just not have father figures and think big must mean nice?
this is a realistic body type irl (i have it)
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He called Claire a nigger once and his goons won't settle down now.
Was it actual proof or just a post that could be by you claiming some ebin said something with no screencaps, out of curiosity?
Who the fuck cares you stupid nigger. All sides are faggots.
As long as you don't cut yourself or frequently threaten suicide that sounds manageable.
doman expansion: al0qa2.mp4
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>it produces abominations
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queue CC 10:30
Balmung was closed
Who is this?
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>solo-focused by mnk
>even bypassing the other guy potting
Good to know I'm starting to be acknowledged as a threat. About time.
post it here?
>0 height
my moonie!
yes me!
>100 chest
do they let meena in there
how do i make my cock less effective
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Oh you did transfer huh, well I have other excuses to be a pain in the butt up my sleeve, but maybe I'll say hi some time and take you to the dentist
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>162k ppl have seen korbo's butthole
does she like male xaela
that's it
you're going in the rape bubble
Would you keep it a secret?
nice tits slut
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Did M2N for the first time
The fight is fun but holy shit the random bullshit go AOEs are awful with DF
I am
a male middie
who likes moonies
a view isn't equal to one person
if the use tbse-x or q, yeah
i don't like skinnyfat tbse
plap my heart...
You play ranged classes and are easily startled into panicking. The only thing you bring to the table is your damage up buffs so removing you from the picture first when you fold so easily is just another box on the checklist.
Your parents did that, don't blame plugins.
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I'm actually really happy people have responded well to BPF's offerings of late. I'm releasing it on Heliosphere though to make updates easier, and working with a few extra peepls to make textures even better for the pube enjoyers
No, I don't want the server quality to be lowered even more than it already is.
this (it was me 162k times)
Pic unrelated
anybody have the current threadcred standings
>heliosphere version
feels like it's 2007
Thanks, you too.
this would be cool but the jillion tattoos ruin it
fuck i hate tattoos
Yeah he really likes them
>Something about those arms just looks fucking goofy.
You ever see that russian guy with the fake big arms? yea thats what it reminds me of
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Any ranged class would fold to relentless MNK harrassment.
is there a way to send an unprompted crossworld /tell? contacts doesn't work
i am
a femra
who hunts male middies
this guy knows how to cc
You'll have to calculate it yourself, the threadcred accountant is not here
nah, i'd win
trust me he doesn't
fussy bunbun needs to be taught a lesson
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first anon to send me a tell gets a blowjob :3
/tell thier name@server
but you have to be on the same DC and neither of you in an instance
you forgot your picture bro
Just bans the account, he can buy the game again but considering the melt he had at Kong if he comes back he's just contradicting himself
Honestly, no matter how much I'd hate someone from here and even if they insulted me in a public xivg space, I still wouldn't report them
That's kind of low, I'd just ignore them or tell them to fuck off instead, reporting seems like too much.
I’ll just ask tonight then when the americucks wake back up
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femlala irl
idk your name...
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where did you get this photograph of me you fucking fed
you’ve already lost, i’m in your home
can you fix him >>493906049 ???
Yeah, TBSE works fine for most cases, but if you use X you need to make a lot of adjustments to make it look less stupid. Default TBSE-X malera is real funny
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Good night /xivg/
I am
a male middie
who hunts femras
I'm locking you in my basement.
are you at lb14
I need a gf like this who will let me shoot her guns at the range
I'm alright.
You forgot your lovesense plugin, nigger.
The streets did that. You wouldn't get it.
i'm homeless
you have the wrong house
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i asked you to plap my heart.
yeah, i transferred after i lost my house bid on levi

i had made some good friends already before hand so it was good timing for bung to open up to play with them instead of the dogwater (but very nice) people i had been playing with

>and take you to the dentist
i'm sorry i am very dumb i do not understand this
ok i give up, how do i install reshade on "steam deck"

you all like your stories so sure we can go with that
MY CATBOY is gay
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every day I thank god that this game does not have pso2 ngs sliders
you fuckers would be walking around here looking like circus freaks
Are you on Balmung? Would you be willing to go to Ul'dah/the QS so I can find you? I don't know any A.O's and I'd prefer not to ask to go to a secluded spot and get schizoposted by other people who go to it.
i’m right behind you but in noclipping into the map like a bot
FUCK, I forgot to lock it
You don't deserve it
man fuck femra
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>when the catboy woober hits your womb just right
my moonie girl can fix that
is this two pixels morgan
They already do with their mods LOL
Sorry i only give blowjobs
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>only have customize+ for mare synch reasons
>have tried a few times to use it
>can't figure out shit
I might have the retard
>yeah we're so far advanced that we can save souls in tiny devices, transport them, manipulate them and use them to bring people back to life
>but we can't find alternate energy sources because uhhh
Fuck anyone who told me the writing wasn't "that bad". This is almost worse than the fucking EW patches.
They already do, it's just opt-in.
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>MNK job stone in hand
>https://youtu.be/3Pp6QoymdW4?si=RgLBcNgOe898NasP on loop
>it is now impossible for you to lose
it's LITERALLY that easy
i'm uh
actually in an instance right now
you have the wrong homeless man
What was that?
oh okay.. initials?
I think I wanna hug a hrothguy
It's not complicated, you probably are just retarded
Uh oh, seething monk hands. >w<
why is otis jenkins talking about penis hitting his womb
i wanna make my favorite femlala's womb twitch
Make a scaling in Brio/Anam/Ktisis and then import it into C+, doing it in C+ directly is annoying
old pso2 drama you wouldnt get it
So what IS the preferred male body mod for melves?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
i wouldn't use NGS sliders if ngs didn't make sharp look like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
cc doko da
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my femlala blows up your /tells
TBSE is fine
why tho
i will not stop
until you are caught
nobody is asking estinien to have more muscles now are they
>VPR job stone in hand
>3x THOD equipped
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbWD8s5Y5-I on loop
>it is now impossible for you to be arrested
it's LITERALLY that easy
well welcome, i'm glad you're making some friends and settling in well
I saw the sharkteeth mod you installed, we gotta get the dentist to sort those out
I keep those thoughts to myself
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queue CC 2:45
EB like this?
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Hey, I got this qt as a reward in the last match. Sweet.
fucking kek
I wouldn't mind the unmodded game having some slightly bigger caps on T&A but I'd definitely take the current state compared to everyone looking like fleshblobs.
i was shitposting an inside joke that only like
6 people know
and three of them have probably forgotten at this point
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>MFW there's more penis options for female characters than there are for males
Wouldn't shock me
Pfff....gonna have to meditate on this one, lads.
Yeah my lala is up, she's a bit annoyed tho but it is what it is.
Bro is one of the most notorious gooners on the board
i let myself out. i might be back at the end if the month so watch your back
What a sad day for male characters
Not a phone in sight. Just two guys being dudes.
way more detailed too
Evens actually pose something with femlala
Odds CC level
0 Hogwarts or something
just don't go too much further than 1.5 in scaling and nothing more then 0.03 for positioning
am I blacklisted if it says could not be sent
why is that sis
Let me guess, a moonie
on that day
you will be /pet_
They might not be online
who are you even trying to reach
shut the fuck up dyke
Cute boys are better as tops.
Will you raid with me?
I make ebins namedrop thenselves.
Stop nooticing.
Who do you think dominates the frotting match between them?
He can't talk about wombs it just sounds stupid like a biofem saying "when the vagina wraps around the ballsack and squeezes it, that feels good right fellow dudebros?"
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yeah! you know (at least of them) them but i don't wanna outright namedrop them in the thread lest someone schizo. they've been super pleasant to be around and turned my 2 hour sessions into like, 6 hours...

i will not let any dentist file them down...i am cringe but i am FREE
someone in my pvp games
i'm not mexican
my lalaboy looks like this
realized im being unironically shipped with someone when im just trynna game
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how do we fix this?
>he doesn't go true ballsdeep
Sure, what's your initials?
I roll on every weapon drop in m4s even though i only have 2 jobs unlocked
Better combat. Like Granblue Relink-esque.
Ah yes, Baldur's Gate 3
My favourite MMO
cute top here and I agree
>path of exile
>43 million players
yeah this list is bogus as fuck
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knight fiddies
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Three hours to reclears time.
>males are second class citizens
many such cases, sadly
I just love a cute face putting me in my place.
They also might have the /busy status which prevents it
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all in on fiddies
That would cause horrific pain
Guy penis is GAY, anon. Meanwhile it's based and straight to obsess over the appearance of female penises.
Male trannies can never compete with gock
I am a hroth
watching the wire
>arming up the train
>one of the questions is about how to arm "the people" on the train
>suggest guns
>"no that's a bad idea, because guns require combat knowledge"
>build the big throwers instead that G'raha suggest
>train sequence happens
>all the people on the train are masterful fighters in the first place so the question about armaments was pointless from the start
>also about an hour later see pic related
I actually burst out laughing. It feels like I'm going insane.
you gotta flex on them
show them that you're cuter than they will ever be
Look for somebody with the Bolt from the Black title near the QS entrance.
A little while ago I had someone on my team who used to shitpost me all throughout Heavensward and Stormblood. I pressed one button the entire game and attacked the paladin. Then later I saw them on the enemy team and marked them as target to attack for the entire game. They ruined multiple friendships because they couldn't help being a stupid mean cunt and I refuse to help them in any way.
What game is this?
I have a penis irl so my female warrior of light has a penis in ff14
don't forget
(let's build a fucking bomb)
Builded for my hrothknot
so you're self inserting as a woman? cute little egg
I suck fucking dick and Im a fiddie. Nobody wants to eb me. I singlehandedly crash fiddie stocks
ai generated list
They don't let just anyone invite so I need to wait for them to respond. I'll stop by to say hello so I know how to tell when they get it to me.
my mom said i look just like my moonie
True, it's why I'm not gay for wanting to frot with trannies.
My friend shitposts me every time they're upset at me, and pretends like it's not them. But I've baited them with things only they know, that showed up in the shitposts. So it's either them, or their friend they sometimes talk to when they're upset.
I haven't decided what to do about it yet.
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It needs an ass slider. Nothing crazy, have it be as tame as the breast slider, but it needs SOMETHING.
You have to be in the same world as them, in addition to what the other peson said. Cross world tells only work if you're friends.
my moonie is a mom
I'm genuinely fine with this in the context of just being tasteless. What I can't tolerate is when the writer can't keep his fucking story straight for more than 10 minutes. Actual amateur shit.
>I suck fucking dick
you're not a fiddie, you're an eldritch fucking abomination
Do you wanna bully them for being smaller than you too anon?
confront the retard and then say if he continues you'll post his cringe logs to the thread that you've been saving

most xivgers and anon shitposters are cowards who will fold immediately if you threaten their thread cred
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We like this, you might find a more likeminded community for gamers like yourself in WoW or something
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>>"no that's a bad idea, because guns require combat knowledge"
Kino, chick in armour are always based.
h u h ?
I'll be waiting for you well hydrated and ready
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My moonie will be a mom one day
my moonie is a virgin
My friend is basically like this and I hate it.
Final Fantasy XIV: Yawntrail
I'm not dehydrated I drink plenty of water and I don't drink soda or anything gross like that

I don't have fetishes but unironically
i wish catboys were taller, then i’d simp
when you customize your dick you will understand what i'm saying...
My moonie was going to be a mom until the dad punched her in the stomach when she told him
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queue CC 7:00
then what do you consider the diaper thing
holy guacamole
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>We show up
>"Btw your king and queen are dead :^) Wasnt us, we swear"
>People of S9: "Oh, wow, what an unfortunate turn of events"
Anyone else remember HW when we killed the Pope there were hints that the shift in balance would be a difficult one?
So you admit your room reeks of piss...?
my moonie kind of wants to get knocked up
>Ultima Thule section of Endwalker:
>G'raha: "It doesn't matter what form you're in now. You may be a dynamis-shaped copy made by Meteion of a robotic copy of a person who died millennia ago, but you always have a path forward. You always have hope to find meaning in your life."

>"Yeah these pathetic copies of dead people are just sad. We should put them out of their misery."

I really don't get what crack they were smoking when they wrote Dawntrail.
yeah my femlala's thinking Eiffel tower
does she like sunnie+?
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Hi bitches.
My moonie+ can help with that. We could have wonderful wide-eyed kittens together.
I think viper isn't the easiest DPS because that job makes me tunnel vision hard as fuck but maybe I'm just a zoomer
I want to cum on them as a mark of ownership.
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*Shoves 30 femra eggs up your ass*
would you rub her belly and bring her ice cream

thank you
Pick me
DT trannies will always use the argument "well they had to kill people to keep the system going!", without ever questioning why such a highly advanced society would be incapable of finding an alternate energy source.
Full souls are worth more than simulacrums made from half-souls.
hate that smug cat
Reaper is considerably easier, and BRD and Dancer are just hitting the buttons that light up like VPR, but slower and reliant on RNG.
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2E is builded for 9S
9S is builded for 2E
w h a t, also I'll have to resub for that. I will later, kinda trying to build up will power for a new ER run.
may i see her please
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My bottle shop is doing 6 wines for $60 but they're all white wines
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i just know these guys have flickr profiles for their second life screenshots
how are you meant to do mnk opener what do you press
Proxy’s futa cock…
Well remember how they were running low on energy in the early seasons of Voyager and had to scrounge around for it to keep the ship running, but they could run the holodecks all day every day because the power source it ran off of was incompatible with the rest of the ship's systems? Could be something like that.
the dude on the left could just wrap his hand around that catgirls waist and pick her up
god I fucking LOVE fishra
The Omicrons were copies of a copy that potentially didn't have a soul to begin with, and certainly didn't have one once Meteion created them. G'raha and the story itself still wholeheartedly believed their existence had meaning.
my catgirl would parry
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Goodnight gamers
Why do they make their torsos look like that? It looks so stupid
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just lemme get out of arr....
Oyasumi gamer
Did you mean "pick on me" or "pick me up"?
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I personally very much liked the ending.
>"this little guy is your king now"
>"also I, the ruler of a neighboring country that was at war with you up until 10 minutes ago, will be his guardian so I effectively rule this place"
post her hole
Goodnight smol dark and cute lala.
can i see ur moonie
Do you also remember that this idea was just as stupid in VOY, except they at least had the excuse of being stranded so they couldn't make major adjustments to their ship?
Dungeon Roulette fun should cover the gap.
Especially hilarious after we spent all of the EW post-MSQ bitching and moaning about how we couldn't even appear to take power in Garlemald or else they'd reject us.
into the trash
Would make this Moonie a mom.
Or get made a mom by this Moonie.
Postpatch is gonna kill you dude. It is the only section of the game that gives you a list of shit to do before you can progress.
I am a femlala who finished playing other games please say goodnight
this thread...?
Pubes? Into my mouth
>Do you also remember that this idea was just as stupid in VOY
Oh yeah sure, I'm just remembering that I did see DVD box sets of Voyager seasons in Book-Off when I was in Japan years ago. Perhaps there are some of those sets in SE's break room too.
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ruby red dye on the reaper scythe makes it look like it's stained in blood
not even marriage material or on-the-side fuck material
>Disgusting snot ring
>Cant even shave
Holy shit I thought I was the only one who got mad at this stupid shit. You can just feel Kate and Hiroi going
>no, guns are bad, we should not encourage giving people guns
>give them guns that fire mana lasers and not scary bullets instead
Is there a way to hotkey c+ settings or link them to a glamourer appearance?
It's okay if we kill them all because Cahciua told us it's okay and conveniently there is no NPC that wants to stay alive either so that decision is never questioned. Don't think about it too much!
pale femra look like creepy dolls now guys wtf happened
did you have a stroke anon
this is my alt i've been through the churner before i just thought the dawntrail preorder earring would close the level gap
i will i will i just didn't wanna
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what is that thing on her cooch
I always stroke to Seryu
That's not what dried blood looks like, it's faded red paint.
nice bush
Historically one of the reasons firearms caught on was because they requires significantly less training for more lethality
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I feel like they should just let us change everything at aesthetician that comes after gender and clan. Like we should just get to change our eyes, chin, nose, etc whenever. Even the greedy Blizzard let their players do that eventually.
Sounds easy enough, but I don't want to ERP tonight.
I prefer dark red. It looks more like dried blood.
No it doesn't. Blood oxidizes rapidly in air and turns brown. Even if you were constantly wetting it with fresh blood it'd be a darker shade closer to um... Blood Red Dye
Ofc. Queue CC right now and you may have a chance to instaloss her
But the janny...
gratz on othergaming, good night
I think square will get there eventually. But Asians are only slightly behind Jews in money-grubbing so perhaps not
Haha.. right… erp.. thats what I was talking about.. hah…
not a fetish


oh thanks for the insight, gonna use a darker dye
the eye color and skin tone should've been able to be changed there from day one
they're greedy bugmen so it'll never happen
>not a fetish
what is it then
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queue CC 11:45
I'm pretty sure that the people arguing about "different types of energy" have no clue what "energy" even is in this context. How would it be "different"? Obviously kinetic energy is required, so there's a limited selection of what's available. If there is some "new" kind of kinetic energy then I want to know what the fuck it's supposed to be. Don't just say "soul energy", because that's just the source, not the actual kind of energy being produced.

Feel free to enlighten me, but I'm pretty sure by now that it's all total bullshit.
they make way too much money from fantas to ever do such a thign
i queued at 11:00 instead. fuck you.
They're AI. Think about how many people in that community are terrified of AI. The whole thing is one big, clumsy, anti-AI message.
But would you really want some guy to alter your eye color just with his scissors and comb?
trying to take good pictures of butts is hard...
i'm queuing at 11:46 instead. fuck you.
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Huh? What else could you have meant, anon? Just dirty talk?
AI bros really think they're important enough for a FFXIV expansion to make a point about them. Too funny.
if it meant saving me a fantasia hell yeah go for it champ
my moonie tried rping bringing a kid to term after getting plapped but the guy who said he was into breeding ghosted me
>this fictional story is total bullshit
nah, there's no way.
Where does artificial intelligence end and artificial life begin?
Do you want to rp it for my moonie
this happened to my moonie and now she has to raise a child by herself
the only energy I am getting from this post is incel energy
Good, I hate AI, sun God was right, we need more solar flares
my ass
The insanely Dynamis-rich environment gave those dudes actual souls though.
giving ur moonie kittens and being there for you to bring them to term
AI is purely software-related. Artificial Life requires reproduction and survival instinct (i.e. self-replicating machines).
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why the fuck would you want more people?? are you retarded
do you want MORE casuals? do you want them to make jobs completely absolutely brainless next expac? cause that's how you get the most boring and uninspired game when it gets too big
XIV needs to become less popular, and to lose a majority of the normie population
this would mean everything to my moonie
Important enough for artists, VAs, game devs, etc. to be scared of them. Nobody said these people were right, or smart.
But if it only self-replicates because we told it to, is it really alive? Does it need to have that realization itself?
final fantasy 14...?
Oh yeah that reminds me. DC travel before reclears congest things up.
it's as it was said to be, an issue of control
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Do you think she fucks with melfs
Is there a mod to preview chocobo colors in game?
My Sunnie+ shestud is available to breed some moon coonies. Her pungent ballsnot is so virile she can even get a bitch pregnant just from anal sex.
Anon...you didn't mean in IRL...when we don't even know each other, right?
This poster got cucked by my Malezen.
your moonie just needs to know... shell be doing it for a while
there are reference screenshots online
nope you just use a calculator and hope the retard who made it didn't list the colors wrong
my daughterstudent Chise
Since this is a key element of the most important part of the plotline you can't use this excuse. We're not talking about "how can a dragon breathe fire?".
Didn't crap my toomes this week bros.
i am
a moonie
who is running laps while crafting
Femala bodies for these proportions?
You certainly have a way with words
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holy moly
a key element of past expansions was sundering, i don't see you trying to justify that irl
My sunnie+ shestud doing this to your Sunnie+ shestud after a vigorous gay duel between the two.
I mean if we did it irl that means we’s get married…
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You can use anamnesis to change it's colors by add him as an actor and changing it's dye color like shown.
Go back to Futa Viera.
if it's to have a happy litter of kittens then...
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I'm so clooooooose.
more than just one...
What part of the sundering do you need explained because it would otherwise create a plothole?
Thanks Ndja
h-how many...?
three litters at least. it's for good luck.
>he didn't do single FL games once a day
>now he has to actually play a lot of FL/CC
at least three but... maybe a few more...
maybe? if its a maybe for you, its a definitely for me.
my moonie might be feeling a little baby crazy now..
my moonie is evil and will kidnap your kittens for ransom
moonies are working right if theyre in heat and baby crazy. its normal.

villain correction for this moonie via pregnancy so shes not jealous
it's normal for moonies to have wide hips and fantasize about raising a family...
wide hips AND big chests? or does that come after..
they're average sized...
not for long
my moonie will be lactating soon...
and she will be even more after im done with her

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