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I have a crush on every Quel'dorei edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Prev: >>493868864
Be nice to other posters and players :D
reminder to instantly report and hide faggot avatars
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it's a reference to anon when he was a fetus
reminder to hug and cuddle avatarfrens
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This is a Vulpera thread.
reminder to
also op gooner female elf pic IMMEDIATLY hidden
kill yourself
i love these kino birds
>Posts Sin'dorei
Wait until you find out where Sin'dorei live
that op pic has some real ugly hands
no wonder AI sloppa can't figure that shit out
trained on garbo like this
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Hey, relax, okay?

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What's the fastest way to level 20-70 rn? I wanna get to 70 in 4 hours or less.
>fel cum eyes
you spit on kael'thas memory
buy a boost
repeated ritualposts (such as your own) also fall under such rules
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The Blood elves have been a disaster for the Horde because ALL the coomer fanarts are about them. If the Blood Elves weren't there, we'd have tons of fanarts about female trolls or female taurens or female orcs.
There's sometimes a level boosting service in the /services chat channel for gold
Nobody wants to jerk off to ugly things
Out of interest in spreading misinformation and making things worse for everyone which lie sounds more believable.
>Bereldar's spawn only drops a certain number of mounts that's spread amongst everyone who tagged it, regardless of how many people there are.
>You have to do a certain percentage of it's health in order to eligible for the mount.
I want to convince as many people as possible that it's in their best interest to not only pull early but to screw as many people out of the rare as possible.
Yes pretty panda lady :3
You can do something with the wax? kek I just deleted 50 from my bag cause I thought they were useless. Ah well
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Not bad for an hour of mining IMO considering the fact I spent most of it watching a documentary about buildings on youtube.
Does that one human warlock with glasses still post here
don't forget to pin a wrong location far away from the spawn and link it in chat
i dont think thats how it works
filtered post
>You can do something with the wax?
Yes but you need to know where to farm them, they can literally save your game
Not my fault the default UI sucks ass.
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God I wish I was Anduin
poodar instantly filtered
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I clipped saaaaars
how does dps sissies cope with the fact that after weeks of farming gear you are going to beg to join my group tomorrow to gear my 568 tank?
I've never been so rich in all my WoW life, I sell absolutely everything.
>a miserable ore
sold (40 to 350g)
>a nail
>a cloth
>a pvp plan
sold (15k to 30k)

And the fish... Thank you blizzard for making cooking so complex that you need thousands of fish just to make a dish that lasts more than 15 minutes. I'd kept all the fish I'd caught, but when I realized how much people were buying, I sold it all and made tens of thousands of gold
Literally the only time I've lost money so far was in a poorly planned scheme to flip Null Stones.
Peak shadowlands, comfy times
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>no way to make the raid frames grow upwards or to the left
>chat's text gets clipped by the chat frame that can only be edited by increments of 5
>dungeon finger eyeball is glued to the microbar
>no way to hide the bags or microbar elements
>exp / honor bar is off center by default
>no way to make the aura / shapeshift / stance bar grow to the left by default
what were they THINKING?
uppity poodur instantly hidden
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>We still don't have this kind of bodytype
Guys, tell me how excited you are for tomorrow! I need to get in the same wavelength as you guys. Help an Anon out.
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Cat fantasybab, pls
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vapoori instantly hidden haha
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What are the chances I can actually heal heroics with these spazzoid tanks?
>echo lost zaelia
Catpeople are the last RPG representatives not present in WoW. We've got the bear panda/normie, the minotaur, the wolf/dog, the scalie dragon/lizard/snake...
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My hands were put on my body for the express purpose of petting all four of them and rubbing their ears...!
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>not even 72 yet
>already found 3 tinderboxes.
This is going to sound like a dumb question but I assure you it's genuine and I am looking for an answer, or my own answer with a bit of insight into things. I haven't played WoW really since early BFA and I want to get back into retail experiencing the game and actually having fun. Normally for leveling I'd chill and do old world dungeons like wailing caverns and scarlet monastery to level but I made a new character and played through exiles reach and now the only option I have is playing dragonflight dungeons. I don't really want to take my fresh character and hop directly into whacky dragonflight dungeons because it feels extremely weird to do so. I don't want to walk straight into dragonflight either because again it feels weird to do so. I don't have any history with my character and it feels wrong to wander into world shaping conflicts and stuff fresh off tutorial island.

I guess I'm wondering what people might suggest right now for playing through the game and kind of getting a cool experience out of it. I was genuinely considering starting with cataclysm and just exploring each zone as I travel across the world since I never really did that before either. I'm thinking about keeping a journal and writing, and maybe using chatGTP to make my own quests as I level and look through the game. I'm also not sure about what class to play, I was thinking survival hunter since it seemed cool but restoration druid also seems nice.
>Heroic and Mythic Dungeons will feature the Seasonal Mythic+ Dungeons and NOT The War Within Dungeons with the Launch of Season 1.

You should talk to Chromie in your capital city and choose an expansion to go level and quest in, which also lets you do dungeons from that expansion.
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Playable Saberon in Midnight
Trust the plan
fuck off we're full
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Built for BHC?!
'H' for 'human' btw
This but Naga
I want the time back that I spent reading that.
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This but Sethrak
>4 minute queue on healer
Well I guess leveling this was a meme
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avatartroon instantly hidden
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I vote survival hunter, it's comfy and has nice aesthetics that blend into the adventurer archetype
also what >>493904683 said
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doing more story quests and what the fuck? why are the earthen revolting against the Titans? Aren't the Titans supposed to be the good guys? why are they surprised when a giant retard construct comes against them? weren't we helping the Titans in legion fighting Argus? What the fuck?
it's 4-6 mins as dps right now in DF, was thinking about trying another timeline for dungeon quests but they're probably dead
I was talking about heroics ;_;
vuparu wargin and pundiran instantly hidden
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sometimes, you just know
Now that we've beaten the trannies, should we focus our attention on the feminists or the furries?
you dont remember archaedas?
i know how that ends, you being bored in 1h-2h, anyway start with cata and then tbc-wotlk-legion for a good lore run, everything else is filler
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Since when are Follower dungeons this good? These guys are pulling 500k DPS
the guy we killed in Uldaman 20 years ago? whats he gotta do with the fact that the Alliance and Horde are clearly manipulating the earthen to kill each other for another war and against Xalatath?
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Just went to a restaurant in Kul Tiras and they refused to serve me because I'm a dog, apparently. 0 stars.
Thank you for the advice. I'll take it.
Huge respect for outlaw rogues that do good dps, what the fuuuuuck is this?
You don't remember Algalon?
wargin instantly hidden again haha
buddy, without elf gooners, there wouldn't BE a world of warcraft
I love Dark Iron Dwarfussy...
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>That pic
Honestly an arknights crossover is not only plausible, but it would be amazing not only for the seethe it'd generate here but the fact the writing would probably shit all over everything Blizz has done.
Potential for some sick transmog too if it's both ways.
>everything Blizz has done.
Has done in the last few expansions I mean.
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you gotta set your chromie time to cataclysm for vanilla dungeons, for the record
actually, anonymous posted bimbo'dorei
poondtrans hidden, elfgooner hidden
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>disengage engi parachute macro
fuck I feel old
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Oh, he stated that already in his first post.
It's over for me, I look like such a fool!
Blood Elves and their consequences have been a disaster for the World of Warcraft.
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>9% Haste
Bleak. Macabre. Morose. Somber.
There there pand, you're a hunter player you're not expected to read. Leave that to us brainiac Arcane mages!
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Algalon acted on a signal from Loken where Loken had betrayed the Titans because he was corrupted. Are we gonna forget that the Titans like Tyr fought against the Old Gods? It makes no sense that Blizzard has been villifying the Titans from Legion onward.
wdym? you can still do that
>tfw you haven't been able to goblin glide in dungeons for over 8 years now
remind me why it was disabled, again?
I don't see Blizzard ever doing a third party cross over with WoW. The brand needs to exist on it's own two legs. The best we can hope for is more Overwatch porn because we all know that ship is sinking fast.

WoW is their golden goose. It needs to be protected at all costs. A crossover night dilute the IP.
>more avatarfaggot elfs gooners
hidden instantly like the poonderan
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how awful are these in comparison
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Only weebs like crossover events they're gay
Haste and Mastery are Frost's most important stats so idk how you did this but you are good to go
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>spit in the face of the alliance playerbase
>utterly destroyed the horde's thematic
>resulted in the horde fucking killing zul'jin instead of him joining
Really subverted my expectations with that one, thank you Metzen!
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actually it's this (based)
based and chuunipilled
Don't worry because the Horde is coming back on top in Midnight
>>spit in the face of the alliance playerbase
>>utterly destroyed the horde's thematic
>>resulted in the horde fucking killing zul'jin instead of him joining
>Is the most popular Horde race by far and is the only race that's keeping Horde alive player count-wise
Cry about it faggot
I could believe that a few years ago, with them only ever doing crossovers for cosmetics between their own games. But now that they're under new owners who might not care about that I could see it happening. To be honest I was surprised the guys who owned call of duty hadn't done it to WoW yet.
If anything the time is ripe with their new push back into China. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if we saw a Genshit collab or Arknights in the coming years. Crossovers are big money these days, just look at CoD, Fortnite, or anything Marvel's done in the past decade. It doesn't even have to be good and fans of both sides will gobble that shit up. if MS tries to fully integrate wow into their weird xbox ecosystem like they're doing with CoD I fully expect SOMETHING.
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oh neat then, didn't have mainhand equipped for that first one so stats changed lil but yeah. and it just happened doing heroics i guess, besides the sword ofc that's me being retarded
giga newfag here
what's up with dungeons saying level 10-70, is it just going to squish all stats to fit what my character is at on my screen? I thought they'd be for certain levels but looks like everything is scaled now across the world
wow those look fucking retarded
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Got any mage mog inspiration? Something better than uh, this mess
Bloodelf expansion. Barely even horde. Gotta keep the Karen's at blizzard happy.
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>Cry about it faggot
That's exactly what I am doing, nigger.
Is havoc DH still retard-proof?
The Titans have a habit of creating faulty systems that can be exploited or get fucked up.
For example, the prison facility of Ulduar ends up being subverted and dominated by its prisoner, Yogg-Saron, who proceeds to try and use Titanic defensive mechanisms to wipe out all life on the surface of Azeroth when his escape plan is foiled.
In this case, all of these Earthen are made with directives that dictate their purpose in life, given to them by a system called the Edicts. The Edicts are woefully outdated and have led to the Earthen becoming stagnant and unable to adequately defend themselves, repair themselves or grow as people. So in order to free themselves from the Edicts, they destroy the machinery that houses the system. However, the automated Titanic defensive systems view the destruction of the Edicts as the Earthen being "corrupted" by an outside force, so the system deploys a massive Titanic construct to wipe them out before their corruption spreads.
It's just a faulty and imperfect system backfiring.
The fact that the Titanic Keepers could be corrupted like that is evidence of the imperfection of the Titanic system.
The content is scaled up or down to your level but it's fucked.
>more elfsgooners
faggot nelf avatar tranny instantly hidden
He looks like a pedophile.
i ain't living if i ain't cooming
probably enabled skips in certain dungeons and engilets cried about it
What mod you using
Tier 1 will always be a classic, or wait for the anniversary tier 2 that one's also nice.

So the Earthen had to break free of their laws in order to grow and not die? I guess that makes sense. I just remember the old lore always dictating the Titans as the good guys, the Light as good, etc.
this just makes me sad that the one guy who posts panda man dance at the right time hasnt been around in a while...
>it's fucked
how so? will i still be able to get some armor from them?
I heard a rumor that Org might get a revamp. That would certainly make people interested.
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Fuck org, demolish it, switch the capital to any other horde city because they're all better
You do lot of damage in the level 20-30 range but get really weak in the halfway point and only start to get stronger again once you get to the 50-60 point. The gear is going to be the same anywhere you go.
point is that things were always shaky between titans/earthen
Generally, the lower your level, the more damager you will do as the mobs scale to you but your gear doesn't keep up with your level. Until to 70 and start getting current expansion gear, you will feel like you are getting weaker.
the green glow from those orbs is too strong in game i think
random custom fork of an old legion model iirc lol
he looks like he always sets up a feast in raids and dungeons but nobody else gets to eat because he finishes everything in 1 gcd
Keep Orgrimmar but make it a proper city with districts and adequate housing (NOT mud/scrap huts nestled in a shitty valley)
Pic related.
Wasn't that just because of a line from Earthen NPCs walking around org. What'd they even do, widen the canyons and extend it into ashenvale? Most I could see is using Garrosh's base as a new undercity.
QRD on everyone bringing up China?
Did Microsoft manage to get the CCP to accept it back?
>orgrimmar if the horde didn't let the goblins in
They didn't get to play wrath because the local company who was handling wow at the time switched. So all the chinks are getting to play it for the first time on their own servers.
I feel like it'd be cool if there was fucktons of shanty towns pushing out past the gates into Durotar with the current org feeling a lot more like how undercity/ironforge does. With multiple levels and the such.
Just got saved by a bee attack via a group of alliance players..
Maybe...maybe Alliance players aren't so bad
Thunder Bluff is so much better than Org it's not even funny
>everyone bringing up China?
>ctrl+f China
>2 results
What did he mean by this
It'll be 4 with my post, naturally
What's the point of revamping Orgrimmar if PCU faggots raped Horde RP
I saw him post just yesterday
Revamp of Org and Stormwind into proper city sized capitals would be great. Don't know how they would make it fit in the old world but hey
Yeah but if you play sunfury you can have up to 8 balls
The beautiful grassy plains surrounded elevator using totem tribe is better than mudshit houses with spikes????
Say it aint so!
Is blacksmithing even worth trying to level?

Grinding for the tinderboxes and null stones is slow as shit and unreliable, but you need them for every single high level craft.

The alternative is to buy them from the AH, but that seems like throwing away gold.
They'll just rape it again and scream at anyone trying to do rp outside of their nigger guilds
The Isle of Dorn earthen had a period in their early history where their keeper assigned them a new watcher who preceded to randomly explode them for jokes and they rose up and killed him. Their oral tradition at a bare minimum has implied that the keeper then went "it was good you did that" or that they've rewritten their history to justify their rebellion. In the wake of them finally realizing they can all work together to do their jobs a giant fuckoff robot emerges from the waters to go NO YOU CAN'T DO YOUR JOBS LIKE THAT. The narrative holds that they'd blow it up.
good for weapons and belts/bracers/boots imo
i never spec into chestpieces or legs because most like you're going to use tier in those slots
so thats what i went with. weaponsmithing (swords) and belts/bracers/boots
>spazzoid tanks
Tanks are "spazzoids" because if they don't pull by the room, some retard dps will do it.
Happened to me just yesterday
>be fresh pally tank
>pull a part of the left side
>faggot ret hops on his donkey, does a round about the room
>I survive on the account of being tank and having all my defensives ready but the rest of teh group dies because they ignore the mechanics
>faggot ret leaves without saying a word
Hope he got a deserter, these shitters piss me off.
The Titans are good guys, they just didn't make a perfect system to look after Azeroth in their absence. Those imperfections have been exploited by their enemies and have led to massive issues even without interference, as has been the case since Uldaman.
The Light is good too, it's just that extremists are capable of wielding the Light too, which has been the case since Arthas and the Scarlet Crusade.
NA here can someone explain PCU to me
>pcu brought up
Welp there goes the thread, only a matter of time until the resident pcu shill has a psychotic meltdown

Just like the last 30 times
did you just buy the boxes and stones?
fucking fire hazard looking shithole
you know that place is dry as fuck as well, a single fireball will level that city
>mod the ass and tits
>but not the ugly mug
lmao tranny
Less flammable than Teldrassil KEK
i get null stones from mining
Faggots congregated into a set of guilds, wrote a manifesto on how RP should be played and bullied/mass reported/doxxed people that didn't wanna play along
it's ivory and stone chudussy
This is when I just vote kick the DPS. Fuck you dpsissies, healstacies and tankchads run dungeons.
1/2 per hour is not worthwhile, you might as well buy them
that never happened
everything post wrath isn't cannon
Is the manifesto viewable?
>post wrath
more like post wc3
too expensive still. i just fly around and mine, it's not that bad
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>RP players being bullied
You love to see it
this is me, I steed and pull all the trash in the firt room and bubble if the tank doesn't do it in cinderbrew, if the healer can't keep up they're a fucking sissy it's easy content
I'll be honest I just leave immediately if that happens and mine until my deserter penalty drops. They aren't worth my time.
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When do you think we will start getting the Midnight leaks and news?
What enchants for duel Frost DK?
bro season 1 hasn't started yet
Perroy was an undead death knight on the Argent Dawn RP server who led a guild known as the Rotgarde.
Perroy and his friends, many of whom went on to found other guilds like the Grim Gest and the Hand of Conquest, preferred a specific sort of RP above all other sorts of RP.
They really enjoyed war RP and fighting the Alliance, to the point where they organised loads of "RP-PvP" events in the open world.
They really hated any sort of RP that deviated from that, but they especially hated people who RPed neutral characters, people who RPed non-standard races in Orgrimmar and people who ERPed.
All of the guilds associated with Perroy and his friends were labelled the "Perroy Cinematic Universe" by his detractors, which he adopted as the actual name for an official community.
The PCU proceeded to make over twenty different guilds over the course of BFA across the Horde and the Alliance, basically one guild for every single race and a few extras, all of which revolved around RP-PvP with the opposite faction and policing their own faction to minimise the amount of RP that they didn't like.
Despite the huge amount of people who didn't like the PCU for policing RP on Argent Dawn, they attracted a huge amount of RPers, over two hundred separate players at their height.
When Perroy lost interest in WoW during Shadowlands and moved on, a lot of his close friends moved on with him, causing the inner circle and upper ranks of the PCU to fall apart.
Over the course of Dragonflight, the decay continued to the point where the PCU isn't really a united community at all, only a handful of guilds still consider themselves PCU and the vast majority of PCU guilds have died.
However, there are still a lot of people who have a grudge against the PCU and continue to frown upon people who were once members of it. PCU veterans try to make this behaviour seem weird as they search for new guilds to try and fit into.
crusder and razorice
I love bimbod'orei slvts
probably at least a year, honestly
We're not hearing anything until at LEAST this time next year.
Last thread
they sound very based and chudpilled
I am an extreme racist chud
which region, server, race, class, spec are for me ?
Brewsisters...is it true we're worse than P*ladins?
azralon, orc, hunter, beast mastery
Dark Iron Dwarf, Moon Guard, Warrior, Arms
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I have this achievement on another character...
...Can I craft T3 on any of my characters because I have the achievement? Or is that privilege bound to the character that earned the achievement?
Please tell me it's the former.
has brew been meta a single patch since the legion revamp?
I wish there were more coomer fanarts. Specifically of belf male with tauren fem/fempanda
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Got to 80 purely through wax turn-ins and this is the haul. Took about 1400 wax and just a tad over 4 hours, could probably be a bit faster if I did it all in one go instead of 900 then 500.

Not the worst way to level if you don't mind flying in circles for a couple hours.
vulpera are for _____
So is not a single Echo and Liquid player abused exploit? I don't believe that.
I'm inclined to believe this is some coordinated operation that Echo and Liquid were aware of and Method wasn't.
They only want to make it the competition of Two.
Is there an addon or something to find wax?
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>furry pedo RP
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>looking through my old achievements
>realize the last time I raided throughout an expansion was BFA
when did (You) stop raiding?
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I just flew around this part of dorn with an inky black potion on. There's plenty of them at almost all times.
It's an account wide achievement, you wouldn't get it again even if you got a second armor set on the character you wanted to craft with. So yes you can craft on whatever character
Certified Orcbait
I think Anon forgot to mention that half of the GMs of said guilds were trannies and faced many grooming allegation, alongside MANY different dramas related to them leading to the implosion of the PCU.
Alongside that the PCU guilds dismissed anyone that didn't interact and agreed with their universe, basically if you were Horde, you either fit in with them or you had no one to roleplay with
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i have every aotc since garrosh till now
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I dunno about anyone else, but soaking in a hottub while its raining sounds like the pinnacle of comfy to me.
Argent Dawn EU/Moonguard NA, Male Kul Tiran Arms Warrior
But how does the inky black potion helps?
>when did (You) stop raiding?
wod first patch
troll avatarfaggot post IMMEDIATELY hidden and reported
Way to declare it, retard.
Makes the blue outline stand out better, that's it. You don't need it if you don't have issues seeing them.
this still counts as giving them the attention they crave btw
>So yes you can craft on whatever character
Thank god
I should work on my crafting game now that I know this information
>waiting 10 mins for heroic as dps
>lucky to see 1-2 players in open world

All time player peak btw
colorblind nigga
>queue as tank
>6 entire seconds until the queue pops
its tuesday, everybody has logged off till reset...
tried retail, got to 80 and did a bit of stuff at max level. it's alright. a bit boring. I don't quite know who the target audience is for modern wow but it ain't me, i know that much
hope you all enjoy it
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So fucking based actually, no one likes that loser
Earthen rebelling against Order is an allegory on wanna be trannies transitioning (going against the nature/norm).
Women beards and Magni telling the bitch it may be whatever it wants make it quite evident.
holy based
The expansion doesn't start for another 16 hours thoughever
i like that the water is heated
Based and deserved
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Wasn't he rather tall for a human almost reaching Greymane's height in BFA cinematic? Surely elves aren't that taller than humans.
pissed away 150k today getting blue gear on jc
went for the masterful sapphire, still cant even craft guaranteed rank 3, relying on the +10 to craft finishing reagents, need 300 more acuity to craft my tool, but at least i lucked into the pattern on my pocket engineer
maybe the market picks up with the pvp season, theres less than 150 listed in all of NA but no ones buying right now ofc
how about you wowg, making any gp?
Kill yourself, loser.
it bothers me that alleria is taller than my human female rogue
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That's some really nice history revisionism, you unlikeable demented fuck. Convenient of you to leave out the unironic IC-turned-OOC witch hunts and "lynchings" for anything they didn't like (which was more often than not, regular RP)
How convenient of you to also refuse to mention the massive amounts of rape RP, exceedingly commonly against the victim's prior knowledge and consent.
Or that Perroy himself was a frequent ERPer, always on F-list damn near everyday, but simultaneously had himself and goons harassing any "suspected ERPers".
Or the unbelievable amounts of pedophilia RP found in multiple guilds
Or the incredible ability for the guilds and communities to not only be transphobic, but have several trans people leading the guilds

So yeah faggot most people do not want ANYTHING to do with a PCU member in any capacity. The PCU was in no way "just a couple of guilds that did rp-pvp lol". They were a fucking blight and annihilated Horde RP into non-existence. But still to this day we have faggots like you re-writing history and HEAVILY downplaying the goddamn PCU. Fuck right off.
absolutely based
BE's are only a few inches taller then humans.
The DEI hires can't understand height or they are pumping up the females to be the yaass queen size.
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So whats the 11.1 and 11.2 patches be? Main features of those?
They are designed for bottom level shitters.
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Boy, these posts sure are organic and authentic!
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>target audience
children and women
Kek avatarcoper meltie incoming
lmao avatar troon melty
Most professions are a money pit and you won't make money off them unless you're a fucking goblin jew who knows all the optimal strats.
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Should I main my ORCED Night Elf Warrior or my ORCED Draenei Priest?
he based
So uh.... How's horde RP in EU compared to WRA?
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Nonexistent outside of a few guilds
So is the twink levelling strat from remix viable in normal retail?
why didnt tirion bubblehearth out of the broken shore
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I wish I had good news but it's insanely slow, and it's quite rare to find anyone to RP with casually.
Your best bet are guilds
You mean with a lvl 11 toon overgeared?
If so yeah it works
Yes, but people do it with level 11s
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the troll isnt even really annoying
its the futafag thats the issue
I shidded and farded...
Yeah that's what I mean, thanks bro.
sex with gobs
>rape rp

isnt that the point? how can you rp being raped, just literally ignore and leave lol
his contract with the light expired atop icc
dafuq is a chuuni
depends really
are you trying to furnish your characters with crafts or willing to bark in trade for sales?
then its worth, but you have to spec into one thing to start and then slowly add more as more knowledge is available
the best thing you can do is make it so you're not paying for someone elses concentration
Unironically this, yeah. Trollcvck is immensely annoying and lame. Literally no one likes him.
I will not be answering you.
he uh..
he ran out of mana...
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Is this even possible? wtf...
Hey samefaggot can you stop samefagging
Next year
>this quest is worth 900 gold but 500 gold races was too much
they aren't, though Alleria was said to be quite tall even for an elf
iirc it was in ToD when she first showed up to help Anduin Lothar and Turalyon
very cringe and weird
why did they kill him anyway
why do they keep killing off badass characters
just look at the horde leaders now
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>come, i'll show you
Pictured: Turalyon PoV in the recent short story
you need to change the mog on the right
you stole it from me
back off, bitch
Her BF is green
hot take: your warband is not plappable unless it has a female vulpera
on the left
hot take: all vulpera should die in a gas chamber
Sorry but I clicked the wrong thing I'm pretty baked.

Then I clearly wear it better.
3 fem nelfs? goonmaxxing?
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Our thoughts on the brand new race, Earthen?
Gooning and its consequences have been a disaster for Goldshire.
Why is every demon hunter roleplayer just the dumbest moron who ever lived OOCly
best poster in this itt
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>I am surrounded by elves
this but elves
illidan was legitimately never cool
how about elves and vulpera?
These people obsess over being a fucking unlikeable, unsociable but all-powerful shonen anime character that is *just like* fucking Illidan
Hey what's the staff on the left?
Nice mog.
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eyy dey make me da new ashbringa mon
they are accurately roleplaying a demon hunter and you got filtered because all you know is how to goon
One new zone will be centered around the cave trolls.
Most likely 11.1 patch.
Don't see any other reason for introducing and doing nothing with them so far.
Probably a mushroom theme raid.
how many pvp gem slots did you faggots get
allowing any race besides human to wield the niggerannihilator 2000 (aka the ashbringer) is a real crime
Brew would be raid meta in nerubar
T. Got info from trusted sources
Generous for you to believe there will be third new raid in TWW.
I heard Karesh and Ethereal new race and class with new starting zone (you start the game fleeting from Karesh) is Midnight content.
the ashbringer...
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>titan-spawn zog puppets
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What the fuck do I do now?
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very gay
My directive is to shitpost.
>how to goon
I don't erp
So many demon hunter rpers are futas with a insatiable need for sex at all times in every context, or flirting and trying to take rp there if it isn't. Usually roleplayed by trans too
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Buy a token and put it in AH.
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dont care didn't ask please reroll or kys
do you mean the right? that's one of the arcane artifact weapon appearances
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Pretty cozy in the dark, too.
In the recent shirt story he came to visit Arathor but that was a distraction for him to plap Liadrin 7 times a day every day.
God I NEED him to knot me right now
Body type 4 Scalecommander Augvoker here
directive override
assume new directive: incoherent racist rambling
>allusion on a trannies
>they are made up artificial creatures

Based Metzen
Yeah alright
Body type 1 body size 1 chronowarden augvoker here
still not entirely sure which of these niggas im maining tomorrow
Show tail
Fox and Troll looking like explorer buddies, cute.
>troll avatartroon btfo
>other avatartroons suddenly stopped posting
You love to see it.
fem nelf moment
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how does everyone feel about the new M+ rotation of dungeons?
Thanks for reminding me to tell Rakesh to fix this.
I'd recognise that tail anywhere.
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I don't wanna do m+, let's go do some awakened Abberus, sis!
i'd like to be paid for my services
What did Anon mean by that?
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hey bros?
what did chris metzen mean by this?
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Can I play Dracthyr Warrior yet
I've Awakened and am a scalefag
She needed correction after being a bit too uppity towards him in the BFA Warfront.
PCU and Perroy are a bunch of limpwristed faggots who got their pre-BfA RP-PVP event outside of Undercity destroyed by the /wowg/ guild <Very Cute> who created 2 whole raid groups of warmode pvpers and spent 2 hours hunting them down, until they begged a GM to help them.
The GM told them it was perfectly valid pvp and that they shouldn't be in war mode if they didn't want to pvp.
<Very Cute>'s raiding party then went on to raid and butcher Undercity and kill Sylvanas, which bothered Perroy to no end because he's an autistic Sylvanas loyalist and edgy undead RPer.
Alchemy is hard and expensive should I just wagiemaxx and go mining and herbalism?
two hours of minimum wage is a token
how many hours of professions is a token?
Gonna have to wait for that .5 before you can be a dragon with massive, hot feet
wtf I love Very Cute now
Jarvis, fetch me my pickaxe
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>World Quest says to click on a ram
>Do so
>Game crashes
Very clever
Dang it :( I love those big dragon feet...
two hours of minimum wage is soul crushing slavery
two hours of worlo is fun and makes me happy
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Did you handover your personal data to your corporate overlords for a virtual battle pet? I did.
There was an option for an exclusive reward as well but every time I tried it would mess up so I went with the worm instead.
How do you hide UI in the warband screen?
I had to look hard for that.
take a screenshot before the ui fades in
or click the button in the bottom right and crop out the rest
I like your elves :)
I love watching gnomes fuck my kul'tiran wife
you should kill yourself in real life
um based department?
this man right here!
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pushin my knot into her ass
Post the worgslop NOW
Woah mama mia cuntaroni
Thanks. I'm rather pleased with how they turned out myself.
Gonna take a world of warcrap
make sure to check for blood and thunder in your stool
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Yeeaah. Hot diggity damn do I feel blown out after just noticing that someone- sorry, multiple people had their brains broken without trying.
Don't I feel silly.
Mine was just editing.
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Should I drop the gold for a crafted shield or just pray I get something in m+. My luck has been ASS.
Wait so m+ is unavailable first week of the season? Oh well need more gear and alts anyway.
idk about your server but an explorer shield is like 300gold off the AH and you can just chain tank stonevault since you want the trinket anyway. I'd see how you do in m0 today though, can't get any weaker than you are at this moment after all
Is the best valorstone farm vax gathering?
Not yet sis maze+ is timegated til next week
just buy a 358 shield on the AH and upgrade it
>race change to allied race
>suddenly unlock their heritage armor
I thought you weren't supposed to be able to do that
>chain tank stonevault
I may be retarded but I thought I only had one chance a day/week for the trinket or was I lied to?
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This is the one!
It's the best investment, that's for sure.
That way you can keep as much valorstones over cap as you like basically, and dump it whenever you get a whole lot of upgrades.
Heroics have no lockouts now.
Mythic0 has daily lockout now.
You're an idiot
>EU /wowg/
>relaxed, posts related to the game
>NA /wowg/
>avatarfagging explosion and furfaggotry extravaganza
If a dps starts running ahead and pulling I'll go pull as much as I can, bubble and leave the dungeon. I don't care if I get deserter.
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Thanks bro.
>Thought It was once a day.
>I could have been farming way harder for the sack and the crafting recipes
BRB killing myself.
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I will be signing up to your m0 daily world tours in this gear.
avatarfags won
you lost
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you really not playing this treasure
I want to have sex with you instead.
He exclusively fucks blood elf bimbos
Are you ready for 24/7 nonstop BOE farm in raid? I sure am.
>he doesn't have a friend group to gear with
shut up SEAmonkey
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I was grinding for the egg sac.
Seen it drop at least 50 times, sometimes to 2 people at the same time.
Never got it myself.
Also needed the staff from the last boss.
When I finally got it, some fag druid who got the sac also had the audacity to ask for the staff.

They also announced that they will raise the ilvl of items that drop in Heroics when the season starts. Not sure if it's just the upgrade level or ilvl as a whole, but fuck it all, almost got myself burned out two weeks in.
And thinking I would do a comfy mythic dungeon world tour on each of my 4 characters, now it looks like it will be just my main every day.
POV: Start of Midnight expansion
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What is happening in this video
Never been clubbing?
bdk is fun and good!
I have the overwhelming urge to cum in her mouth
No I don't like clubs, I'm shy.
I'm playing a rogue. Should I just level warrior while I still have the time?
>No unrewarding 6+ button rotation
>No slop buttons
>Better survivability
>Good mobility
Dont worry bro, I've ran 33 runs of Stonevault so far for my pre-season plate bis gloves. Still ahsn't dropped and now I wanna punt Dagran whenever I see him
What's the fastest way to level now that the event is over?
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>Awakening machine
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I want to kiss Male Vulperas...
With 4 warband bonus and heirlooms, I was spamming dungeons as healer and got to 40 in under 4 hours.
>shit snap threat
no... looks like the melee will be tanking this dungeon yet again
>youn group
>see ilvl
see ya
On beta, you could go on forever (or at least I got to level 40ish) and also every 5 waves, you could get a Torghast-like upgrade which made it less ass for non-healing classes or just fun in general.
And also didn't have to be this brain dead easy.
Same bro, but u mean that you love Dark Iron Dwarfussy? Same dude
oh noooooo not DPS player #18487722719944 please stayyyyy
Harem of vulpera men and women
I'd rather have it be easy and quick than complex and difficult, I don't want to do some solo wave defense minigame
you know you're not the only tank in the world right? you are also replaceable
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If your warband doesn't have at least one female worgen in it, guess what?
It's shit.
Sorry, not sorry. That's just how it is.
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>remember /wowg/ exists
>jump in
>no quality coomposts
on a side note, what are the chances we're ever getting body dimension sliders?
You only get a meaningful reward from 4 weekly caches if I remember correctly, so you could just do something else.
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>unironic furry
I really want to roll a Zandalari sometime.
Fuck your ugly ass skinny chihuahua race
Wait for Amani trolls instead.
I made it during the mop remix so I could get it to 70 fast for the heritage armor. No way was I going to level one from scratch.
will we be able to trade the mythic loot from m0 with party members? i remember it not being tradable in some expansion or at some point
I considered it but their animations are trash, unironic dealbreaker
You can't trade if it's higher ilvl for that slot than you what currently have.
>want to play a vulpera
>racial turbo good for tanking
>already have all tanks max level
>too broke for race change
do I really grind for token to play a cute fox blood dk chat
That's why you play Druid.
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Same anon.. I NEED a gay vulpera boyfriend..
how boring
Yes. Top guilds are running Ara-kara for the trinket tomorrow with 4 priests and a funnel since it's guaranteed to drop for one of them.
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>>racial turbo good for tanking
stoneform >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your entire furfaggot race
write a ticket saying you identify as a fox
>he doesn't know ams works like stone form now on a lower cooldown
dumbass nigga lmao
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I absolutely hate how much I am dreading downtime tomorrow.
>Level 5 characters to 80 during release
>another 3-4 to mid 70s
>cycle through all of them
>convinced im going to main a different class this time for sure
>settle on shaman again like I always have since BC
at least my new little earthen bro looks like a mad beyblade when dual wielding bladefists
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Good morning, gooners; let's get bread that.
>improved ams removing bleeds or physical debuffs
dumb nigger
*neuters you*
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Pandaren holy priest or pandaren mistweaver monk for casual BGs?
holy is a pve healer
disc priest slutmog fempanda
MW needs like 5 people to kill if they don't pop cds.
way more mobility
more fun

Ive seen some mists pump insane numbers
i already have the trinket at 584, that 0.2% dps increase wont change anything for me
I've been healing for the first time a a holy priest and I found it pretty straight forward if you suck like me.
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Say no more bro
same reason you can't do mythic or rated pvp.
why wouldnt they open up m+ tomorrow and just cap it at mid way through the heroic raid ilvl for rewards
you're the one applying to groups sweetheart
w-what's the whole thing?
Just do t8 delves
tww dungeons range from ok to extremely fucking cringe
the bee one for instance. what the fuck. it's like a child designed it or something. "whoa le whacky gnomerino girlboss will heckin kill you to protect her honey empire". then by contrast you have the hallowfall one where you ascend to the top of a fort or whatever it is and kill a bunch of priests. reminded me a lot of the scarlet monastery
my high ilvl dps meta spec char will get picked more likely that your low ilvl tank spec sis
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This bimbo has made me bust so many nuts its unreal
big retard lmfao
I really wanna make one for RP but there's no good scythes to match the mog. I have this whole idea he's a prelate for whatever Loa deals with harvests and stuff.
Metzen;s back baby.
one more week
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Will this faceless old one get a redemption arc and find herself a nice human man?
I want to fuck that pandaren ass with my AEC
You now remember The Grind

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The leaked ending for TWW is that she ends up pregnant with Anduin's kid
why is everyone saying blood DK is fun?
Last i played it was shadowlands but i always thought it was a really boring, unimpactful spec.
Have they got a bunch of new buttons or something that makes it really fun?
>The leaked ending for TWW is that she ends up pregnant with Anduin's kid
Metzen I... I kneel.
dude lets make an expansion that centers a race of spider people knowing that we have to make a special arachnophobia mode for the significant enough amount of people that won't play the expansion because they hate spiders. Yeah that sounds like a good idea

Blizzard is so fucking stupid it's insane
it's not boring when you do hard content where you get an adrenaline rush from hitting a full heal death strike when you're one melee hit from dying
It's not fun. I don't understand DK players. Shit class since it was introduced.
don't forget the BIG ASS SCYTHE when reapers mark finihsed
Not anymore. Death strike fucking sucks now.
>Death strike fucking sucks now
It still good.
You just can't spam it now.
it still works the same, you just can't spam it like an ape and get away with it

Death Knight fell off after Legion.
Yeah and when pillar of frost is done, your obliterate does barely any damage
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I don't even play but I love elves so much
I love upcharging my greens on the auction house
Fuck you enchanters, all of you should die
more like this nigga fell of, amirite chat
is there a healer that plays just like a whack a mole of healing people that are low hp? disc priest is too hard for me
Been like that since Legion or so.
Legion killed death knight, WoD DK was peak design
based image
Filtered, take a scythe and drain my life
its a 45s wait for the next pillar of frost/reapers mark
+ remorseless winter deaths decay for aoe hits
resto shaman mastery works like that in theory. the lower their hp, the stronger your heals are
How does disc priest play?
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I still feel shame about having to use a piss jug during Argus progression
at least you used a classy jug instead of a plebian plastic bottle
you should go even higher and use an amphora next time
Waiting every 45s to actually play the game, sounds like a fun playstyle
>kill command
as a frost dk main, fdk never felt as fun to play as now
no need for BoS, oblit fuckeroo is all the way with big deeps
you have to know when the damage is coming beforehand and prep with your thing that converts your damage to healing
like prehotting with a druid, i want something more reactive
>Waiting every 45s to actually play the game
that's only for the big big aoe, you think we afk for 45 seconds?
Nah nigga that's PvE
in pvp you just spam PWS like a mindless ape and it just works
all i remember about unholy dk was having to make sure those 45s cooldowns always lined up

and then frost dk was about getting some massive breath of sindragosa and if anything fucked it up your dps was fucked

basically two terrible dps specs
I mean it's the best iteration of frost in almost 10 years lmao, makes sense you're having fun. But you obviously haven't played WoD or MoP FDK
I've seen what FDKs are capable of without their pillar of frost window
no i didn't i was a rogue shitter at that time
you know all specs are like that, big burst at one point, then dps decreases until you get cooldowns again
I pray everyday breath of sindragosa is forever shit or removed from the game
do I need to do more of the campaign to unlock world special assignments? I only saw 2 of them
Speaking of, does anyone actually like that ability?
you need to buy the 90€ version of the game + 3-4 tokens each months to unlock more
Niggas really think they'll be able to do tier 8 delves on reset day kekmao
Incorrect, there are plenty of specs that have consistent damage without major burst windows. And even lets say they do have a burst window playstyle, they still do adequate damage without their cooldowns unlike frost dks with their wet noodle obliterates
there was a time pillar of frost had a 100% uptime and frost was still shit thoughbeit
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I had no idea you could come this close to creating a Xal'atath priest as Horde. Anyone better?
bless you stranger
I know exactly where this is made and probably could even hit the identical prompt in two tries, got long experience
>wet noodle obliterates
still enough to be S tier dps lmaoooooo
Please pump out some sloppa, I'm down bad for this void slvt
You can pull from boss to boss with competent players with that ilvl. The issue is that the group finder dps players always try very hard to kill themselves.
>Blood Boil has been removed
>Rune Strike has been removed
>Heart Strike has been removed
>Roiling Blood has been removed
>Scarlet Fever has been removed
>Unholy Frenzy has been removed
>Blood Parasites has been removed
>Master of Ghouls has been removed
>Glyph of Outbreak has been removed
>Rune of Swordbreaking has been removed
>Rune of Swordshattering has been removed
>Rune of the Nerubian Carapace has been removed
>Dual Wield is now only available to Frost Death Knights

MoP DK was peak
Wait till BoS playstyle becomes the meta lmao, even your tier set revolves around it. Good luck FOTM chud
there's bosses in some variants which will never hit you. there's a variant of the underwater one where you have an active that lets you launch across the map during combat ignoring pathing and the boss is melee only.

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