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Previous thread: >>493883431

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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>cool retro 90s city setting
>slap the fucking boonies right in the middle
why? why take away the metro soul in favor of having some wannabe biker gangs? Does ZZZ really need meth?
It's kino.
>whining about new vegas coded biker kino
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Can someone post the fastest c0r1 Jane clear? I'm at 46s on my clear with Seth and Lucy and wanted to see if there were any techs I was missing. I only have Seth and Lucy at 50 with low skills since I'm afraid of over investing when I'm denny poor.
Who's next? Burnice or Caesar?
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"Traveling to Route 66."
I pick this one.
>faggot instalocks roadhog before me
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I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
imagine complaining about wild west sovl. usa should liberate whichever shithole you're from
Send postcode so the US Army can manifest their destiny where you live, brownoid
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me too
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How is she looking /zzz/? Still need like 2 artifacts with decent crit rolls. I will aim for 60/200 crit.
Go away faggot
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nice thread my zzziggers
god I need to fuck Lucy
Based. It should only be chinese. I really don't want these opioid addicts in game.
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Stop it, Lucy... why are you smiling at me like that?
Hello my zigga
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Post them
Lucy needs a LOT of correction!!!
>4 woodpecker
go back faggots
How many chapters are out?
I don't know anything about this game but she looks hot
I wait for the livestream and if Caesar and Burnice don't convince me I'll pull for M2 Jane
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Stand proud, ZZZ
You are strong.
>Knows what overwatch is via dialog
Nice try falseflagging faggot
>Burnice acting like a cute retard trying to burn a roach alive then naruto run isn't enough
If that were true, people would actually use him.
4 to 2 ratio should be the other way around bwo
They really need to do something with drives, all the (number) shit is fucking dumb.
bwo they're already not invested in it, we can't change his mind by telling him to dump 50 hours into something he already dislikes :(
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There is any way of getting the pass drive without paying for the pass?
Like crafting or something?
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I will do it, Dawei.
I will buy the final pack.
However, I need to know, what banner am I supporting?
We are sending the message here, aren't we?
Sales schizo! Come forth!
Do I buy the $100 pack NOW and boost Jane's banner? Or do I buy it on the next banner and boost that instead?!
That's a fucking great ass how old is she?
Boost the loli idols banner
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too old...
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>Xianzhou slop, i.e. "filler" patch
>manages to grab some Tiktok hours
early 20s. Enough to drink like a fish.
>Ether damage DPS with enough crit rate passives that you only need around 30 crit rate.
>Build her with a full set of crit rate boosting artifacts, and ignore the ether damage set.
Why are you like this?
No. Pay up, gweilo.
the ultimate brick
I look like this
That'll be who knows when. Maybe next year after the reset.
Are you trying to rob Dawei of my money?
Does anyone know why my ch 2 says 24/39 on the red coin things? Ive maxed all the missions out
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Really? I thought she was a kid
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>kino male character incoming
Fuck fuck fuck
So, B and A rank discs are not, themselves used for levelling other discs, right? You always want to dismantle them?
Burnice's voice is awful.
Is it worth paying for that drive for my Jane doe?
Currently using the dinosaur one, worth the difference for 10 bucks?
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if only
The only one needing correction here is you.
Yes, unlike other banner...
I wish seth looked like this
In japanese? I literally can't roll for her because of it, kek
You dismantle them and spend all their mats on discs higher-tier you want. because you can randomly craft a higher-tier disc from lower-tier mats with a pity timer of five discs.
For purples, it's up to you. You may focus craft the slot you really want in a hope of rolling a specific disc you needed, or don't focus so you get twice the mats.
Honestly, I could waifu her, love her hairstyle, so I'm glad she isn't in ZZZ.
Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my sorrow!
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I think my dog is gay.
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wait caesar got nerfed?
How do you do the sitting animation during ex?
So, what I'm supposed to do withall the shit ton of low tier engines I got?
visit the gamelady so she can grind them up
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Circular motion with the stick during charge-up, no clue about kb+m
It allows you to extend the charge-up if you do it right at the end, and with that the damage from it, not always that useful as you need to be point-blank to have the benefit but its cute.
He's a controllerfag so he just pulls back on the stick.
I don't think it's possible on keyboard.
are there multiple different animation? I've seen another webm where she's leaning back on it, this one she's doing the thinker
I look like this and say this
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Reminds me of the fucking Frieza comic
quickly doesn't work? I'm pretty sure that's how I did tilt moves in Ninja Storm.
>here's some Mad Max to go with your Johnny mnemonic
Based Hoyo.
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ngl this game has a lot inspired from Overwatch
Go back and Stay back.
Don't bring him here from /a/.
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>and with that the damage from it
Two of Nicole Cs scale the final blast with the charge time, so on a C6 Nicole, charging her EX twice produces and noticeably bigger and much longer black hole.
Also, the entire thing is covered in i-frames, that can be useful as well.
Releasing the shot as soon as Nicole sits on her case will trigger another animation where she falls on her butt and sits there for quite a while - that is all covered in i-frames as well. Can be used to wait out Nineveh's dogshit attacks, for example.
>I don't think it's possible on keyboard.
/zzz/, everyone
It is, it's easier to do holding down M1 instead of E, leaving your left hand free to rotate WASD.
What's the best place to get bangboo fluids? Spending dennies is a no go
Pay attention, they don't cost dennies in 141.
>Entire faction where the only main damage dealer is a guy
from your bangboo of course
>9 hour thread
>Not even 100 posts
HSR killed us…
Soldier 11 is not a guy.
>Two of Nicole Cs scale the final blast with the charge time, so on a C6 Nicole, charging her EX twice produces and noticeably bigger and much longer black hole.
That's sweet, didn't know that. But does it add up? I always thought it just interrupted the charge-up and then did it again, if it doubles it that way for the sake of the Cs and scaling that's amazing
>Releasing the shot as soon as Nicole sits on her case will trigger another animation where she falls on her butt and sits there for quite a while
that's amazing and cute
Oh I guess I skipped checking 141 because I thought everything was Denny cost.
>You know that you can lock your target, right?
how? if there are 3 enemies in front of me and i want to shoot the enemy in the back, how do?
Is there any purpose to doing this other than just a million years of I-frames?
>he still thinks roles mean anything and arent just a suggestion
He looks like an mc of Protomen albums.
bwo, your trucker?
Post proofs
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Which one this time?
more anomaly buildup I guess? I do it just to look cool to be honest, I don't care if it's efficient or not
the same one as last time
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They gutted her w-engine.
It's a good thing now nobody will want it.
Your order, sire.
I thought it was recently buffed? Or am being told lies again
I considered the crit support one for cope DPS supports
is she a virgin?
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To the guy complaining about disk 5 rng, that's why it's a bad idea to use Tuners on anything but disk 5.
It helps cut back the rng to acceptable levels since you can select the element main stat.
If anyone else reads this don't waste Tuners on any disk but 5.
cannon rotor is shit though
>her name is BURNice
>she’s a fire type pokemon
I would never lie to you, anon.
i got buffed
although you could argue the stat distribution is worse now
it's literally Yoimiya in EN, akiramenai jpfags
>she burns ice
Post the leaks!
It doesn't give energy regen anymore but it increases shield, gives more damage, and gives more impact.
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>there are people that want more Chinese locations instead of western cowboy or post apocalyptic stuff
she's a quickswap
>Caesar wengine now gives even more combat attack
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what is this cute creature
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since ZZZ is a furry game, when will we get a character that has as much aura as pic related has
Jason Sterner twinty-five
^ Kill yourself
I prefer Tectone.
So, I don't know about playing the game on PC, but on PS5, you switch between the targets with the right stick and you lock by clicking R3. You never lose your target with Zhu or Nicole after that.
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you missed :>
She needs a LOT of CORRECTION
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she's based and cute it's a nice change from every character being overly nice, too polite or autistically cold and impersonal
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a human female
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Imagine fucking her while slamming her head against the wall until she passes out from a severe concussion
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>It's too late
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>its actually all quirky and shit
This game is GARBAGE
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will he be an S-rank or A-rank?
cool bike
Ok how does my penis fit in all of this >>493946159
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>jane caesar burnice will be the meta
>no gems
Leave the cat alone you weirdo
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It found its target
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>the amount of materials you get is random between a range
For what purpose? Just make it consistent you fucks
Ether set has horrible uptime though.
I can't clear 11/11 I can't dodge the endless aoe spam, I will try the shield tactic
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I hope the Sons curse a lot, talk about their lack of bathing, eat road kill, etc

I want em to be real grimy
be grateful chud, it used to be zero
was honkai star rail a failure? is ZZZ the undisputed king now?
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I need to HIGH ROLL
With a certain mindscape, the black hole’s duration increases with charge time, extending the charge time extends the duration further
I was wondering if anyone thought the same thing.
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take it easy, bro
why play meta when you can play piper
Anon? Stop being evil
>could have had a race across the outer ring instead of a silly tournament arc
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>yfw you notice that the tritiary drop item that you must farm for core skills, the one that needs 5-30 of each doesn't line up properly so you will always be under or over the amount due to how the uncapped levels work.
>need 30? here is 29.
>need 5? here is 4.
A lot of smelly/stinky hentai is coming...
I cant do 11/11. Its too tough and I cant do some of the later shiyu defense nodes. I need better disks and a real fucking S rank. my only dupes from standard are fucking big nigger and nicole. I cant wait for calydon patch so I can blow my load on something good.
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honkai won releasing 4 limited banners at the same time
I finished the story of HSR's new patch
Now what.
Back to WuWa
play the REAL kinoge that is PGR.
sounds like you are underleveled bro
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Can refresh battery 8 times a day. Problem gweilo?
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Completed all the new content in those too,
Now what.
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>we can't change his mind by telling him to dump 50 hours into something he already dislikes :(
Too much soul for him
the real travesty is that you cant farm the notorious hunt materials and youre limited to 3 per week. That means getting to level 6 core skill will take literally 6 fucking weeks. Its messed up.
first 1.3 banner is Big Daddy (S) with Lighter (A)
you rollan?
that isn't a win anon
that just means every game will convert to this setup in a short time, diluting every gacha even futher. There will be less money saved going around, eventually killing the first person to do it.
its a major L for the entire industry, well if you are using income figures to determine popularity because you are going to not be sure who or what the fuck is going on after a certain point.
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I want phys damage for Jane's disk 5 right? I just started farming disks (rank 46) and managed to luck out on this one
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Wise is so lucky
you should farm those later just leave your core skills at C/D for now
design the perfect bangboo
>But does it add up?
I jumped into testing to check.
I'm not sure about the radius - I don't really see any difference between charging once, twice, or even not charging EX at all. The actual damage and succ area might be bigger but the visuals seem to be the same.
However, charging twice does reliably produce a black hole that lasts a bit over a second longer. When the regular full charge is about 3.5 seconds long, the double charge is about 5 seconds.
There are also some differences between the two shots.
Regular charge is actually two shots back to back, about ~1/3 of a second apart, with the second shot being the actual black hole. The shots blow Nicole back quite a bit.
Double charge fires the blackhole immediately, with no delay. I'm not sure if the initial shot is there or not, but even if it's not - that's not a big loss, as it seems to be identical to the shot you get from holding Nicole's basic attack. There is also basically no recoil from the shot.
The quick release seems to last the same time as the full charge or so.

You also get about 2 seconds of i-frames for a regular charge, a bit over 3 seconds for the double charge, and over 5 seconds for the double charge quick release
I understand it's important for them to slow as mush as they can the character progression, but seriously, some things are completely retarded.
put a dick on his forehead
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what gave him that impression
the only arguement i heard is it may not be as good if you have an engine that also gives a lot of physical damage bonus, but still fairly good. It's the better option over stacking tons of attack which seems to be ineffective, but a lot cheaper.
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this shit is so bad especially when they release a new character every 20 days. It just prevents people from wanting to roll on consecutive banners
Belle smells like Wise's cum
>Caesar nerfed two beta updates in a row
She's fucking terrible now. I can't believe I skipped Qingyi for her...
Looks like a good disk... for nekomata.
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Officer Cui is a good dog
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i'm rolling only for A ranks
so yes
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So, do I just wait for Burnice? The rat makes me hard but as a corinbro I dont think I need her.
Yeah phys damage is generally what she wants. Honestly getting any with AP is a plus even if it doesn't go into it at all. That flat ATK is shit but it's at least something.
Uh you know this is how gachas usually work right?
Hoyo and fgo were the only gachas who were incredibly autistic about reruns.
post the nerfs?
its being changed so its a non issue in a patch or two
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What if this is Seth's brother?
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>it already exists
They nerfed her daze values so she can't even stun anymore. She's just physical Soukaku now.
Rat and corin play pretty different desu. Rat wants to be on field constantly and dodging while corin wants to only be on when the enemy is stunned.
not with 4 banners going at the same time
i don't remember that anon
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In hindsight, I should've used batteries to do this the day I got him at C6
It is what it is
I'm at the point that if I go for Caesar, I won't be able to use her, lol
And I'm not even using my materials on everyone, I already have a lot of characters on the bench.
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Wise smells like Belle's pussy juices
please be playable
Post the fucking patch notes nigger
cringe, wasted investment in a T2 character.
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Damn Chinese sharks look like this?!
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they said you will still be restricted to 3 a week, but they will add in a way to consume energy to get more weekly parts if you want to. Either in the next patch or the patch after that.
>Caesar nerfed again
It's fucking over
based billybro, pay no heed to metaspergs
also working on building my c1r1 neko
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perfect description desu
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I have jane and seth
who could be the 3rd wheel
It's very easy actually but that's because I use right click for special/Ex
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Sales schizo?
Why did you let me down, sales schizo?!
Do you not care what banner will I support?!
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>The quick release seems to last the same time as the full charge or so.
So in the end it's better to charge it twice or to charge it twice and then cancel when Nicole sits on it?
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caesar's engine always did 18% dmg you dipshits.
energy regen and shield value just got swapped between her engine and c2, and reassigned values from 20 and 20, to 30 and 10
your speaking to the anime shizo, he knows all this and is just baiting your responses until he can shitpost
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After they finish section 6, what will be the next faction they focus on? We know about OBOL, but we only have Trigger's concept art and some character sheets.
We have the Idols which looks like it's going to be something big, with video clips and songs from them, so maybe they'll save it for 2.0.
And now there are these furries that will be enemies/bosses in version 1.2 and we don't even know if they will even be playable.
Sex with Corin
can Fall Guys collab with Hoyo so I can get Bangboo chracter
How the fuck am I supposed to decide who you want to pull. Just buy a pack for the one you want to pull, no need to be this autistic.
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Finally a voice of reason
5 pigs 1 lucy
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voted the #1 hottest female on zzz
They are running 4 banners at the same time. Da Wei would be disowned for bringing great dishonor upon his family name if they didn't get some TikTok hours.
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surely you are saving for the OBOL squad that will be meta for years to come? (I love the government)
I love how they give Nekomata the usual intrusive thoughts that cats have. She's the most believable catgirl I've seen in terms of mannerisms and personality that I've seen in a long time
Charging twice is better when you need a longer lasting field.
Quick cancel is mostly a gimmick, but it delays your shot quite a bit, so there might be some niche use there. Otherwise, it can be useful to i-frame annoying attacks you can see coming in advance, like Nineveh projectiles, for example.
And by "full charge" I mean the regular full charge (and likely only assuming you do the spin at the last possible moment).
So the duration is
>double charge > single charge ~ quick release

The easiest way of triggering quick release is just letting go of the EX button after inputting the 360 command when Nicole starts the transition animation.
Gonna be skipping Ceasar now
useless bangboo
you can clear shyiu defense 17 with f2p units and f2p w-engines, that makes anything other than that superfluous and not worth it
It's not about pulling!
It's about paying during a specific banner, you silly goose!
Fuck you
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we are definitely getting that thiren faction before 2.0, one of the members is already hanging around with a detailed model
Why does Koleda have spikey teeth?
Anby, Lucy if you are above M1, Caesar, Burnice
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I love Belle <3
they should make her teddybear into a boo
holy shit
where is this from
He needs a tuft of fur poking out from below his belly button.
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>he didn't C6 his Belle
>another biker gang
>but they're using guns this time
shouldn't billy belong here? not SoC?
chizzled / shapened
some same part bear race but i doubt it
Thanks anon, that's good info
Doesn't matter either way, the only thing they care about is month to month sales and caesar and jane are both the same month.
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That title obviously belongs to Zhu, but Qingyi a close second.
Retard. It’s important for Da Wei to know which banners are making money so he will make more of them.
hope you didnt get baited by the piper sidegrade
burnice c1 got buffed bigly
>old: max fuel increased by 30, triggering burn or disorder increases her atk by 15%
>new: max fuel increased by 40, starting fuel increased by 40, embers does double damage and 25% more buildup
and her c2 gives 20% pen to anyone attacking an afflicted enemy, which is a modest damage boost with rina
>there is a Wise one as well
haha guys... what if someone... you know... edited the naked siblings together... hahaha??
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>first Seth bonding event
Here we fucking gooo!
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This. If they're serious about making her main selling point the shield itself I dont need her, I have hands.
no, their guns all have knives on them
i bet big daddy belonged there since he's also range + mellee
who cares shyiu is too easy for S-rank mindscapes to matter
even if they did matter it wouldn't be worth the reward lol
The dog guy has a sniper rifle. No way in hell he’s using it stab people, outside of maybe parry.
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>i have a gun here, how can i make it better?
>"put a knife on it bro"
Both belle and Jane stink really bad
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what's this for then
Don't forget to follow after him to sixth street after this event
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>Caesar basically untouched in v3
it's over
>lever action rifle dog boy
if he didn't have a BDSM muzzle mask I'd rock him just because he's cool
Uh oh the troon finished HSR story
didn't she get huge buffs last time, why would they buff her more
What did you expect, Nikke style outer rim?
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people expected her to get nerfed
but her 1000 ATK + DMG% buff is still there
It’s for slicing his own body every time he takes a shot.
He and the girl has a mask so they don’t have to bother with animating snout movements when talking
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hmmm is she soft to the touch? or hard like metal?
Is Jane Doe an upgrade to mind 6 Piper? I'm having some real doubt about Caesar
Silicone outer layer
she jiggles
metal doesnt jiggle
based on what I have seen, she has both hard and soft parts, though fanart shows more soft, shes probably more hard
>doubting caesar
she's a rainbow stunner AND rainbow support, since she just wants a mellee ally
unless you're gonna roll burnice and fbi fox then jane is too expensive to build around
I wanna build around kot, who would you use as 3rd aside from kaiser? piper?
C1 piper clears within 5 seconds of C0W0 jane
its nit significant enough to matter so shes certainly not a must roll
caesar on the other hand is our first physical support and she looks damn good
will probably have lucy or piper on her banner too who are very coveted
Either Nicole, or Lucy, Nicole would be better
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>crutch tier shield for smartphonies
>ugly shield effect
>ugly shield bar
>support levels of field time (near zero)
don't care
soft, outer layer is either TPE or similar to the stuff the puffy Tenga is made of
So is the Jane Seth Rina team good?
>skip 10 banners
>roll for M6 for the latest and gayest character
What prevents me from doing this?
im kinda moving away from using nicole with corin because i only have c0 nicole, the duration of the portal cant change since im not rolling so I think it may be better to have a static buff like lucy when she gets to be free, or soukaku if im careful. The plus side is getting cheaper defensive assists on corin and soukaku i think.
months of boredom
Lucy is on caesar's banner, piper on burnice, that's already known
>skip who you dont like
>roll who you like (one copy no weapon)
>win the exact same
Yeah if Rina is M1
im tired of the rat already
Only Mindscape changes? What about her W-Engine?
Noooooo. I wasted my resources for no reason then...
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guess you have to go back to fire team
What's happening here? We hear someone shout "hey" and someone else laugh and the camera pans over to something that I don't recognize. Not sure if I'm missing something. Does anyone recognize those voices?
anby being on qingyis banner was “known” around this same time
I mean, you could still roll her
Hags are boring as fuck, that was obvious from the start.
I keep saying that they should unironically add more lolis and a couple shotas so people can run loli/shota only teams for maximum kino
i don't have her so idk
but caesar can support and if another guy who gives buffs with shield drops, that'd be a good one (ben and seth drop their buffs for not sharing element/faction)
i think big daddy might be a physical support, so he might work too
I don't know what's the point of teamcrafting when we all know damn well that the game will never be difficult enough to justify thinking about it. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1.1 battle quests are actually the peak of the game's difficulty for its whole life.
Yeah but that's like god knows when. Should have just leveled my Lucy instead smdh.
your talking to autistic neets who have no life besides competitive banter on a basket weaving forum and I am being fairly polite.
>least fragile 4troon moderator
I'm glad I have two decent teams, now I can just roll with my dick and not worry about anything else
>Unbreakable Iron Cavalry - Phase 1-5

>Shield Value provided by the equipper is increased by 30/38/46/52/60%.

>When squad members trigger a Counter or Perfect Dodge, all squad members deal 18/22.5/27/31.5/36% more DMG and inflict 12/15/18/21/24% more Daze for 20 seconds. Repeated triggers refresh its duration.

Thats 45% bigger shields with her new 2pc discs and 100% uptime 18% more damage team-wide so long you parry every 20 seconds.
because they're going to number bloat SD and make it a dps check
>just ignore SD
i mean yeah thats the answer if you arent mentally ill
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and I'd like to add, the topic is about a phone game aimed at whales that spend no time or brain cells in more than just whaling for more copies of characters.
It never had a chance.
theres nothing else to do in this game
what can we even talk about
the W engine shop on 6th street is useless
there i said it
troon melty incoming
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Also her Damage Multiplier on most attacks seems to have been slightly increased.
whale detected
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>When squad members trigger a Counter or Perfect Dodge
Didn't this just used to be proc'd by swap countering?
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I just managed to squeeze by SD17 this cycle
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i hate that they gave her demon horns
it's probably supposed to be a roman laurel, but it doesn't work
Translation fucked up, it's every Defensive and Evasive assist.
And that's a good thing. I'm more than happy if the game will continue to just let me roll for who I like and use team comps with characters I like or play in ways that I like. The game should bend to me, not the other way round. It's why I outright dropped HSR after like 4 months. That dog shit end game spam is way too restrictive.
>no interest in lighter
>watch outer ring trailer
>see this
>wait a minute
>pyro pugilist
>nigga is just zuko
I will roll for the firebender…
The rat can just dodge and get 2Wengine buffs??
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Just saw the trailer. Outer Ring is just Fallout New Vegas lmao.
this rocketboo skin is a bit weird...
why is my arm lifting up on its own?
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My ZZZ stickers set came and there's only one sticker with Ellen... it's so over...
Fuck. That's annoying. I don't tend to use defensive or evasive assists that much. I just spam dodge counters all the time.
Jane moaning in my ears as she's telling me she loves me while Seth makes her a mother!
Defenders are all about parrying. Ben shits out damage with them, they're carrying shields or giant bazooka of course their gimmick is going to be parrying
Seems like HSR new chapter was really short
Hold on, we have a fire boxer? I already made my mind to skip 1.2. Tell me more /zzz/
He's an A rank on Burny's banner
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He's a 1.3 S Rank.
Yeah, the guys name is lighter. He’s a member of the sons of calydon
We dont have any concrete details on him other than a dataleak that showed his w-engine getting upgraded from a rank to s rank.
But based from his appearances Fire / Attacker using fists seems the most likely kit for him
it looks like a nerf, i thought it gave 50 AP when you had 5 stacks in 1.2.3 but i dont see it in 1.2.4, only the mastery
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He’s most likely in 1.3.
He has a gauntlet and does big punches and uppercuts and shit.
Stupid little brat
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Redditors got what they wamted

Both Caesar and Burnice are now trash, glorified A ranks. I should've pulled for Qingyi FUCK
Lucy is a fucking BRAT, how do I fix this BITCH, her father pays good to bring her home, but he pays more if she returns to her SLAVE attitude
spotted the 25secondslets
if lighter is an S rank then im skipping him, no fuckin way im wasting rolls on a male.
>no fanart of Piper playing ATS with full setup
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If you can't clear SD 7/7 in 25 seconds get the fuck out of my general you fucking shitter
just cum inside piper btw
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post yuore clear
I've seen ZERO Miyabi clears so far and she has literally ZERO percent use rate in SD.
Has there ever been a bigger flop of a character?
why would you post this he's just going to repost the same 25s clear
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Shield strength got decreased (1400% of impact + 1400 (was 2200)).

And her shield duration is now 60 seconds instead of 90 seconds.
24/25 is good enough for me without actually having properly farmed disks
i dont think he has what it takes to get 25s himself
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new poll

Where are the Caesar changes? Is she back to being a brick?
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>"look! look! I'm playing in japanese, guys!" poster still going, getting zero replies every time
getting kinda sad there, buddy
wrong thread retard
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any banner she's in
She's still OP.
too many people like Big Sis's design and will roll even after the nerfs. it's the opposite of Pedocop a.k.a. the failure, who only got buffs
it's so over better skip bros
i want to be the only salad eater here
Yutane is the robot loli and chinatsu is the melting one.
%Dmg is the best because it's calculated last after any attack buffs. Put Lucy (700 AP) + Piper (18% AP from Power Spins) together with Caesar with her Wengine and it should shit out damage for the entire team without being too difficult to keep up.

Burny doesn't give any AP buffs does she?
kys pedo
stop attaching to my wife to your shitposts
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my bad, i just stabbed in the dark
>cant even get S rank on the last one with level 60 dps
it's nyover...
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>brain damaged
>tortures animals
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I was the one who started the Ellen-Miyabi shitposts at launch, sorry bwo
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>these are supposed to be negatives
Are the Shields strong enough to take hits?
>wife material
I can fix her.
Qingyi is so fucking hot
We really need an autist to over-focus on this game and fill up the wiki.
hot take: soldier 11 could possibly beat billygod's 25 seconds
>higher ult multipliers
>stage 1 enemy weak against fire
>decent damage bonuses
is the next rotation in 5 days the exact same enemies and buffs? might try it
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monkey bros, not like this
Doesn't matter, bringing back self parry is the only thing that would make me care again. Never rolling for a shieldbot in any game.
You're not gonna feel shit anymore from mobs, it's 8/8 boss hits which will insta-delete them so you're still incetivized to dodge their attacks to keep up their buff(s).

I can unironically see a Ben+Caesar team being very viable in the new Limited survival Shiyu
your game looks like shit, what the hell is that crap?
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then it would be:
1.3 - Lighter and Yanagi
1.4 - Hayabusa and Miyabi
1.5 - Furries or Obol???
2.0 - Idols???
I read it as "Outer Ring Porno" for a second
Okay, now say something bad about her.
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He's just so cool...
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Reshade niggas need to suck on a bullet desu
futa Belle?
is buying the monthly pass thing worth it? Just a poor bwo trying to maximize my money.
I don't know how you fuckers are clearing stuff against shit that is level 70, my characters are all level 55
the calendar 5$ is the best value
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>see this
>turn 360 degrees
>walk away
Caesar has 3 star animations
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Clearing it is one thing, S rank is another. Is clearable at lvl 50 but s ranking it, you need your DPS to be 60
Is Burnice for pump and dump??
Are you not a total chad, anon?
Level 60 attackers are a huge DPS increase.
she needed a cape to hide her hunchback
He looks like a Fate character lol
>Jane is forgotten
Don't see it at all tbqh
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1.2 finna be the REAL patch
Forgotten as my wife, promoted to hotwife
I just got Jane. Been enjoying her power and beauty granted I'm IK 28
>General Tullius, sir! The Throat Goat is waiting!
Jane M2, thoughts? Get or no get
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>no content
gonna try Love and Deepspace
>pedofags still seething over jane
big if true
t. have both M6 billy and M0 s11 + her ball
more like shiplooneys fucked off to their original home htrg.
I'm on it already
Now that Caesar got nerfed, sure.
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When is the "I can't fix her" patch?
it's a masterpiece
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I wasn't expecting Lucy to be that aggressive, still like her but man, imagine what a former rich girl with daddy issues running with a biker gang would be like in real life, keep one eye open every night
This guy makes me want a KOF collab because he's just K' but a biker
I wish she would peg me while yelling racial slurs tbqh
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needs correction ASAP
I am now allowed to call you a schizo
I can fix her
I'll allow it only if her name is "Sarah"
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i'm going to kill everyone at hoyo if she never interacts with wise but shows affection for lighter like they did with jane
>convince the rabi guy to draw a qingyi rabi
>it gets used constantly to shitpost
what have i done
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sorry bro, she only fucks pigs
I'm a pedofag and rolled for Jane. What now
shitposting website
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Oh come on
Not explained. If it's actually something noteworthy rather than just a simple character design quirk then I assume it's probably due to Ether Corruption. Most of the mutations or variances in this setting can be chalked up to Ether corruption on some level
Rolls are randomized gweilo
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Your thoughts on Burnice so far?
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Can't wait for Lucy trust events so cuckshits get BTFO when she reaches Corin levels of romantic tension
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When are we going to get an undisputable For (You) character?
She truly is for me...
praying she recovers from her stroke and cancer
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50/50 unfortunately, how Lighter interacts with all the calydon girls is a shitposting powder keg waiting to go off
>He rolled?
ellen already exists
>check Jane on boorus
>not a single page without seth
fucking shit hate artists so fucking much. There's not a single piece of art with Jane in her trust events either. Glad I it was only 20 rolls for that bitch
We already have Belle.
Aren't though 3 little pigs from her being BRED by Big Daddy? Lucyfags are WAY more of cucks than any Janefag.
LITERALLY "my wife's son" X3
bro? homoverse and their 40% female devs are ready to veto any of that and add shipping just to make it clear
i couldve used my powers for good to get him to draw a more benign rabi, like ben
who would shitpost with a ben rabi
Her dad fucked a bear.
It's 100 with the shitpost mindset.
shitposting website.
for me, it's c0 with piperball.
I'm doing c2 caesar and c6 miyabi so I have to make compromises somewhere.
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As an aside I'm open to any schizo strategies to avoid this from happening. I've heard stories of roll RNG changing every 15min to making sure your drive isn't equipped while upgrading so Dawei doesn't think you care about it so much
Kafka and Firefly are in HSR, bro
>I wasn't expecting Lucy to be that aggressive
it's great, isn't it?
piperball is now poo on her since it no longer benefits her off field procs
Caesar and Burnice give me a too dumb for romance kind of vibe
Lucy will probably be the character used for pandering
fan artists (janefags) dont play zzz anon, they are secondaries, zzz used to have fan artists who played the gacha in 1.0
My strategy is to equip it onto Billy. Never got a DEF
Yeah that's honestly my way of thinking right now
All characters in gacha are for (You). These are waifu collectors.
>Replying to yourself
it's still better than other purples
bro 1.0 was like a month ago
whyre you talking like its ancient
how did she get nerfed, srs question
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I'm having the most fun yet with the game playing these 2 together.
Give me a fun 3rd slot that enables quick assists for Neko after their skill.
I'm thinking Nicole but maybe someone else has a more fun/unique idea. Don't care to activate their passives either
>niggers are back in the thread
well was fun while it lasted
>mad because it's true and you can't refute it
? lmao
i think they're technically dolls
to get away with abusing them legally
pic related looks like they're sew'd together
but they are reffered to as thirens ingame so who knows
but its not
weeping and rainforest both do what piperball doesnt
that's a man with his priorities straight
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It's crazy how all the billyhomo shilling mysteriously vanished as soon as the HSR patch came out...
Wise is fucking SHREDDED
HRTroons again with their shipshit fights, yurishit and shitpost. Well, it was good for a couple of hours
Do we know her cinema levels yet?
gimme source please. can't find it
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bro or hoe, which way /zzz/?
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There's nothing to be done about shitposters, it will no doubt be a similar situation where shippers insist Seth and Jane are fucking while in game she flirts with Wise, Lucy/Piper will *interact* with Lighter and flirt with you as well.
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Anon, that one specifically is a doll.
Don't start this shit again, please...
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this fine lady
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horn/wood, draws shota and blacked
>Jane is forgotten
>hottest female character every created
>she only gets discussed here when piper schizos cant cope with their shit unit and have to try and downplay Jane at all costs to feel better about their shit taste or poor status

I am thinking we won bigly!
What if we had SEX right now?
what makes jane better than piper
Anyone that has suggestions?
Yeah because billynigger isn't here kek
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caesar should be good
cute maid
antons not my bro so I'll choose the autistic hole
Billy mindbroke you lol
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I like her more
Ohh didn't think of her, was debating between Nicole and Lucy. I'll see how Caesar plays out, if she feels fun I'll go for it
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I am but an innocent gacha player collecting cute girls, it's all the schizos fault
staaalaito naito

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that's it, I'm raping the kot
how many tiktok hours
xes shilling xis precious ice shota in htrg now.
I'm bored of this game. Honestly I think I'm just bored of gacha. How to fix this?
Is Seth's ball good for Caesar if I want to use her with Piper?
I'm all for (You)-centric games but does it really twist wounds that badly when a female gacha character interacts with anyone who isn't (You)?
>female gacha character interacts with male
>female gacha character interacts with another female
For how much you niggers hate real women the way you fags need a woman's attention on you 100% of the time is extreme real woman behavior.
It's fun for a little bit and then you just do something else and come back to it.
>burnice and caesar travel all day with him
there's 0.000% chance they didn't spread their legs for him every night, copulating in their trailer without condoms
Anyone else skip the lore/story? I don't know what's going on. Just want my battle harem.
She is not in heat
Play a real game to recharge
>Lucy is laying on a doll in her underwear
>”want it? you’ll have to come get it yourself~”
mating press
no Caesar really wants her own ball
Cookies for you.
Its the first gacha that i dont skip the dialogue
i listen to the voiced stuff, but only skim the rest
Interacting with anyone who isn't (You) is haram.
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>saves the game
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Do you think Hoyo will make future characters more reliant on their signature weapon going forwards? Don't know the trend in their other titles
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>Billyhomo is in another thread
Bwuh? Hwuh? Wuh?
Buck Status?
It's SEAkeks unironically. They have legitimate brain dmg and believe the gacha girls are their real wife.
i generally agree with you but the rat is an actual slut i dont think anybody could deny that
But it's not Rina?
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my wife already interacts with me plenty ingame
pic related of us having fun together
Will have to wait for one who realizes that they could actually make a proper roguelite mode to keep their playerbase addicted.
Imagine isaac but every 1 month and a half it would get new enemies/bosses, new characters to play and a few items, with some new floor variation once in a while. Mihoyo is so close yet so far with their approach it's actually pretty sad.
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It is genuinely crazy how much Jane stomps Hollow Zero.

Holy fuck, every other unit is such a hassle but Jane sleepwalks through all of it.
Its fucking amazing.
>grind character materials for a month
>still haven't max 6 characters
wtf is this game
I don't know. I want more customization/skins of the agents without the need to mod.
I don't play hsr but I just want a consistently for-you character at the same level of Firefly
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I skipped most stuff during chapter 1 & 2, but started reading the story during chapter 2.5 because it seems to get interesting.
I look like the pig
What's her fucking problem?
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me on the left btw
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what do you guys use for resources for the game with builds and what not?
i'm hesitant to use prydwen i've heard it's not good and they're using ai sloppa for write-ups
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Genshin started with generalist weapons but now its quite specific to the release character. HSR is the same.
even /gig/ and /hsrg/ would say some units like ackeron are bricks without their weapon
Why is Big Daddy okay with Lucy doing this to the Bad Piggies(tm)
>can do 11/11
>can't s rank all the time trials
what vote
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don't worry, bro, our wife has several husbands
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It's really not that deep anon, you need to realise that those types of posts, similar to Sales and Metafagging, the overwhelming majority of them are purely just for the sake of shitposting
if i'm feeling it i listen to it all
if not i read the text and skip over voicelines
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Lucy and Piper probably won't that huge a focus anyway as A ranks, Seth's big debut involved pissing himself so maybe that's for the best
imagine the stinky smell
She loses a lot with that weakened dodge corruption but other than that she's great.
>We're getting a scene of Lucy pissing herself
So how are we feeling now that theyve bricked caesar
>Seth's big debut involved pissing himself
It didn't though.
Why are you saying it did?
Is it your fetish?
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still busting kneecaps
Whining about males?
Low t and reeks of insecure manlet
just the wiki and testing by myself
and asking the retards on here, ofc
- https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Agent
So how are we feeling now that Billy bricked the shitposter's mental health
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For as "bad" as prydwen is, I haven't found a place that's better for hsr or zzz. Guoba on yt is good but he doesn't have vids for every character.
Yes. Sex with catboys.
Skipping Caesar now. they keep nerfing and ruined the fun playstyle that made her look appealing in the first place
what's the nerf
Predict the Calydon Trust Events.
>Piper acts lazy and uncaring but is actually the most hard working and caring member
>Burnice is an unhinged pyromaniac with legit mental issues and is only accepted by Calydon
>Caesar is a tsundere tomboy who melts as soon as any kindness is shown to her
>Lighter is a hardass who likes to act tough but is just a kid inside (based on Piper's description of him)
Caesar will be kino and for (you).
Lighter will be a total bro.
Dont care about the rest.
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M6 Lucy or M1 Rina for Jane?
>Lighter is a hardass who likes to act tough but is just a kid inside (based on Piper's description of him)
b-bros please say it aint so
this is literally what girls use to describe the tough dudes they like
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Read wiki for understanding basic stuff, then read in game descs and use common sense.
For what disc set or stat, you can already check what most people are using in the game's disc UI.
I just look for teams compositions on whatever appears first and pick the one I like
won't spend more time on it, SD17 is not even hard to beat
During inferno reap, how do effectively switch targets to the hornets when they spawn? The lock on is dark souls tier clunky I'd be happier without it. Also: Do more tentacles spawn or is it just the ones at the start you have to rush as many as you can?
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The fact they made that still affect Jane is fucking stupid.

But Jane is so self sufficient that she doesn't feel penalized during the start of the game where its just her and her extra dodges make it so you don't get hurt as often as you would with another unit.
Truly makes these shitty HZ runs feel much better.
lighter is literally just a normal dude
he didnt even try to act like anything in lumina where you saw him, just went with the flow
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>"people" use fighting game terminology
>always preface it with "that's fighting game terminology"
>say "okizeme" for a game with no wakeup play
>say "p-link" for quickly pressing one button after another, when "p-link" is not that
Why are they using terminology they don't understand?
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I mean... Who wouldn't?
>Caesar is for (you)
Hope you like getting cucked by women
Piper and him can be seen in the city sometimes. She teases him for trying to look cool and tough, and when he tries to snap back at her she calls his bluff and brings up his kid hobbies.
Literally not a single person in this general ever since the game's announcement used FG terminology.
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>see jstern video
>”thoughts on _____”
>its unedited and over 3 hours long
"People" on youtube.
I haven't seen that in this general, thank god.
Waiting for ZZZ's Sasuke expy
It's literally impossible for me to get bored of gacha given how non intrusive playing them is as part of my daily routine. I only got bored of Genshin cuase of how obnoxiously long the dailies were. Now that they've fixed them and made the game playable I picked it back up.
Aw man, I really hope he's a brawler type character. I'd pull for him to use alongside Koleda and Lucy.
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>does it really twist wounds that badly when a female gacha character interacts with anyone who isn't (You)?
It does when you're a third world street shitter and living vicariously through videogames is all you have left to cope.

Anti-males and SJW both deserve rope
It gets worse if you play multiple
literally who the fuck is using fighting game terminology here?
>Do more tentacles spawn or is it just the ones at the start you have to rush as many as you can?
More will spawn if you managed to wipe them off.
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They released the PS5 pro!
Imagine not playing your favorite gacha in the highest quality possible.
Why would you EVER play multiple gachas.
You only have ONE wallet.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than raising a married character. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are leveling, ascending, raising and gearing a girl for at least multiple months solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the man married to her who will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a plot relevant male who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who married her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a married character, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 3 months of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
velvet sexo
Jstern25 said that
I play 4 and it's still like less than half an hour of my day. Though to be fair I work from home so the ability to play gacha while I'm working and in fact the benefit of having something to do while I'm working is a massive draw. Though I don't think I could take playing more than 4. I was tempted to try HSR again but then I remembered how shit it is and decided not to.
I expect Piper to just sleep a lot during the random trust events
holy shit.... meltdown kun is also a kbmtard... kinda based
Not here.
If it was here I would say "you" not "they".
>nerfed her shield by a lot
>removed energy regen from her w-engine and replaced with shield strength
>nerfed all her multipliers
was looking forward to on-fielding her as a parry spam stun agent. But it seems hoyo only wants you to assist in with her, apply shield, and swap out. Insanely boring, just going to keep using soukaku instead seeing as her buffs are only slightly worse and never cared about the shield.
>another femboy
this game is really trying to speedrun EOS
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Comparing the guy on the guy that is already in the game to Lycaon I feel like he is supposed to be a Coyote not a Wolf
The guys getting mad at girls not being obsessed with the Protag don't get nearly as much heat as the dudes just trying to play a male character. Like tell anyone you wanna roll for Lighter or you're building Seth/Ben and you instantly get put in the faggot section. As if playing exclusively women isn't the biggest sign of being a fag to most normal people who play games.
>nerfed all her multipliers
I was told all her actual personal damage numbers were buffed though.
Lighter is not a femboy
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I use a gamepad but I'm not impaired enough to not be able to do a 360 on a keyboard.
post kot pussy and shut up
Do you even know what Femboy means?
you're all sleeping on him
i bet he'll be a great.... ranged.... physical.... stunner.... or something
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I'll just skip every banner until loli idols.
Because most of the people that seek out ZZZ content don't know these terms mean anyway so they get away with it
there's f2p friendly gachas, bro
>Like tell anyone you wanna roll for Lighter or you're building Seth/Ben and you instantly get put in the faggot section
aww poor baby :(
Ceasar is really FUARKING COOL.....
he literally has the generic anime softboy protag hair and a girly frame
you are playing a gacha game retard, game genre primarly designed for raising characters and progression
>hey bro i pumped $500 into this girl
>hey bro i pumped $500 into this guy
imagine saying to your friends irl and tell me which one makes you sound like a raging faggot
only a fag would pour time and resources into homos
Are there really people who play male characters in gachas and AREN'T gay? Serious question. Never seen someone excited for a male banner unless they were a fag or they/them troon.
>f2p friendly gachas
Name 37.
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>$699.99 United States Dollars
>weaker than a 4060ti
Thats the hardest of passes for me
clearly not
uh oh melty
>imagine saying to your friends irl and tell me which one makes you sound like a raging faggot
both of them
this but for the nun
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a fellow GFL player....
>this >>493943678
>girly frame
My guy if you see a normal healthy male body as feminine you might just be gay.
>soft hair
Nigga you gay
For me? It's gameplay first, character second.
He's right though. Imagine being a straight male and unironically spending 500 dollars to purchase a male.
That's unbelievably gay.
What the hell you retards lied about the Caesar nerfs she is practically untouched.
This team actually works? I'm asking because I invested more into Nicole than Lucy.
Mental illness
>I pumped $500 into this girl/guy
Nobody talks like that, but thanks for broadcasting your retardation to the thread. This guy actually invests hundreds of dollars into his characters lmao.
in the previous change yes, today it’s only nerfs
Nicole works with literally anyone
Neither, I don't know if it's like that in whatever shithole you live in but people here don't think you are gay just because you invest into a guy, people in the real world will first think "oh he thinks that guy looks cool/likes his playstyle", that is like saying buying the DLC of a character you want to play as and putting in many hundreds of hours to learn the character is gay
I need 50 pulls to get Jane, I dont think I am gonna get her...
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Nah, actually did.
GGXX #Reload and SFIV specifically - both on a keyboard.
I've been meaning to go back back but relearning an input device is incredibly annoying.
I finally decided that my arcade stick is acceptable enough to be able to play on it casually (on an arcade or something) so I picked up a hitbox instead, which is much closer to what I'm comfortable with.
Now I just have to stick to actually practicing with it.
Both Strive and SF6 look pretty good. I even played some Strive when it was just released.
>This guy actually invests hundreds of dollars into his characters lmao.
thanks for broadcasting to us that your time is worthless
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You're sounding rather POOR
You should fix that.

Games are best played on console, its why you're using a Sony controller even now when you play Zzz.
I have multiple lines of credit
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My DHIL.....
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I can't wait to roll for my new husband...
if I told my friends
>I spent $500 on this gacha dude because he’s cool as fuck
I’d be judged a lot less than if I said
>I spent $500 on this gacha girl because she makes my dick hard
maybe you have weird friends
I don't know how much my opinion matters since I'm still on Chapter 2 but it works really good for me, even despite Nicole lacking the faction/type buff with Jane and Seth
Before that I ran Rina/Jane/Seth and it did much less. I really want to make Rina work but she doesn't seem all that useful besides going FAST
I'm never excited for a male unless they're extremely badass. I just roll them if they make my waifu better (like Seth).
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Gacha does great damage to your soul for no benefit
>look bro this is my zzz waifu!
>look bro this is my zzz husbando!
say that to your irl friends and tell me which one sounds worse.
>healthy male body
nigga the only protein this little fag has seen is cum from glory holes. if he was advertised as a shorthair tomboy they wouldn’t even need to change the design. he has the muscle mass of spongebob
meant for
get better friends
It not only works but has just as competitive clears, you can basically choose whoever between Nicole/Lucy/Rina as your support
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>Any discussion about a cool character Lighter will be drowned out by unironic fags talking about dicks or angry waifufags seething over any male presence that isn't them
Lucy and Kot need correction the most in this game.
Depends, if your friends know you are gay then saying that X is your waifu will be weird but if they know you are straight and you say x is your husbando they will also think it will be extremely weird
If your friends don't call you a gigantic faggot for spending money on men, they aren't really your friend
Wait Caesar got nerfed? What changed? Everyone was saying she was must pull before, how about now?
and also ironic fags
>ayo nigga this bitch got gyaaat
>ayo nigga this dude got gyaaat
say this to your local niggas and tell me which one gets your ass beat up.
I think Seth is okay because he looks hot in a straight way. If you like Lighter though you are gay a 100%
You're not only gay but a danger to children if your first thought at seeing a regular ass teenage boy is "GAY, FAGGOT, CUM DIET TWINK SISSY"
scroll up
I got Koleda W engine, her hair is so pretty now with it
Stop it, ain't giving them (You)s
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>like cool guys because they're cool
>like hot chick because they're hot
>put them together in a team
>this triggers the ship and waifufags
Seth basically looks like a girl already so it's not gay.
>consolefag calling someone poor
Lol. My gpu unironically has twice the power as the ps5 pro, cost less, and doesnt have hacked on raytracing either. Also the xbox controller is better I use mnk for zzz
I dont know what kind of friends anons have but my whole circle spends on hot girls in several games (genshin, honkai, AL, FEH, one piece, bleach etc) for X or Y reasons and we love to show them off in the chat, we even have a bona fide shota faggot that loves to show off his max dupes little boys since nobody in his backwater town wants to tap his ass
ogey NTRbro
She kinda got nerfed where her shield value and duration decreased but she also got a buff of damage can't exceed shield
Same rotten kinda people in the Hololive fanbase.
smtfag dont respond
>cool guys
What game are you playing cause it clearly isn't ZZZ
Blood Brothers EoS almost a decade ago, anon.
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>Gosh anon you got that Riss no cap FR FR
Just be grateful that your life isn't so miserable that the very idea of fictional girls being into fictional males makes you angry.
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make yourself useful and spread them, manager
Uh oh, homo melty!
2 weeks until I can ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL how do I cope
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>Y-You too!
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I love my brainrotten little sis so much bros
Yeah it's very noticeable
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I’m saving to buy her weapon just for her hair
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If you're not willing to buy the PS5 pro it means you don't love your waifu.
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It is ZZZ, I tried genshin before and I bounced off hard because every guy was either a twink or a shota
Ones that might count less are Ben because he's a big funny bear and Anton because his gameplay is raw dogshit but otherwise they're cool characters. I am probably forgetting a few non-agents and NPCs
Nothing wrong with that.
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Brazilian Nicole does things to my dick..
you can actually plink dodge attacks I thought about making a .webm but there is no use for it
This is why nobody likes homotroons
I'm coming to Brazil
She really is cute. I love Belle
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you stop rolling normal gacha at 300, right?
since they might release a permanent new "season 1" gacha at v.2 with a new 300 selector
HSR likes them tho
Lucy's pigglets become this when they grow up?
>Hey guys, I think this character is cool
Will he die if I pull the moustache?
Are we going to watch 1.2 live together?
I actually feel like Jane is kind of ass for HZ solo clears. I can’t skip both phases on the final boss since she builds no stun whereas with a stunner like koleda I can kill them in one stun and skip both time wasting abilities
kys, thanks
Sure, give me the timer.
I dont remember ever a selector getting new additions or changing the lineup, not only Mihoyo games but any gacha of the ones I played
I want pancakes
lol no, i'll just yoik the stream code off of you guys and won't watch even a second
Homos lost btw. There will never be an S rank male.
I want to get him but I don't have any of Victoria Housekeeping
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Jane/Seth works with just about anything.
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Gacha game characters live and die off their sales, an unfortunate side effect of that is that male characters are invariably targeting fujos/yumes and end up effete and frankly, gay. I don't think anyone rational genuinely has a problem playing as a male, it's the kind of males they typically drop your average straight male wants nothing to do with. Seth and Harumasa are positively flaming, I reserve judgment on Lighter for the moment.
It really is just SEApags projecting their homosexuality on to everything, they always try to downplay how they are the region on the earth with the most trannies too
Trans people are disgusting
your ex moves make you invincible
sit by the tentacles and dodge counter them for more iframes
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It's easy
How hard is it to max out trust levels?
Finally. A post every side can agree on.
>Special Program will begin on September 13, 2024, at 7:30 pm (UTC+8)
2 days 18 hours 29m
bring shield resonia, use EX and assists for invincibility frames
dodge hornets and tentacles for invincibility frames if you have the balls for it
also dodge INTO them, not away from
Nothing super important. Mostly shuffling numbers around. She still does what she did before.
Guys are fine in normal games like Wukong but they're pretty cringe in gacha.
The whole point is to be a waifu collectathon so guy characters are just out of place.
it's fast, you can do 3 chars events a day
yes, but we can't cuddle together
I can't stop thinking about sex with Jane
You gotta throw a bone for the few girls that do play this game. This is good for us because it hides our powerlevel and we can keep sexualizing the girl characters.
just cuddle a pillow and pretend it's me, bro
This man will have sex 80 times a day with Belle
There is nothing wrong with guy characters in gacha unless you are a mentally ill schizo who sees ntr everytime a male is formed by the pixels on your screen. The ACTUAL problem with males in gacha, particularly hoyo games, is they are designed as twinks, manlets, (or both), given effeminate or annoying personality traits and designed for femcels.
ntrfags, /gig/ is right over there
>you can actually plink
"Plink" means duplicating the higher-priority input by doing a lower priority input one frame after the higher-priority one.
It has to do with how Street Fighter, at least starting with IV, handles inputs (pressing MP while HP is held will make the game handle an input of MP + HP, which gets resolved to HP because HP is the higher-priority normal) and is not just
>pressing two buttons quickly
No, it's specifically pressing something one frame after another as to increase the window for linking hits in a combo without cancels.
Very importantly, p-linking always results in a single action. That's kinda the point.
Pressing two different buttons in a rapid succession and getting two different moves to come out back to back is very much not plinking.
It's just "doing two inputs quickly".
Males are fine. It's the devs giving you a nice little save banner.
There is a male in your mirror RIGHT now
How hard would it mindbreak this general if Burnice and Caesar have a few throwaway flirty lines with each other?
Oh so it's astroturfing hours right now. Yeah that's right, you should like males, chud!
GBF have one, but it's a one-time purchase for new players only (IIRC you can pick any character currently available during account creation).
PGR also have a selector and they update it every year or so.
the only good male is a dead male.
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I hope OBOL squad robot can live up to his reputation, Lighter being a weak male make our future look grim

pic unrelated
If I renew the calendar, will it just continue after my current one ends or end my current one?
Yuri is hot
It will continue, don't worry.
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For a second I thought his thumb was his tit and the nail his nipple.
only if it doesn't involve futa
aieee im a woman i mhate men im a real woman i dont want to see menn
go back to BA nigger
Lucy did nothing wrong
how can I play if Quingyi butt keep shaking and make me hard?
Is that from the orange cat movie
Paggot detected
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Protect your sister
The real question is would this mindbreak them harder than being cucked by Big Daddy?
>if you don't want to have sex with men you're brown!
You can plink with dodge attacks retard bro, stick to watching e celebs
slurping a bowl of the spiciest noodles together with soldier 11 for lunch
No because I look like him irl
slurping soldier 11 for lunch
Nta, but I'll keep that in mind and support this.
who the fuck are you quoting?
if you want every single anime-related or anime-style piece of media to become haremtrash, THEN you are brown
In zzz world you only have sex after marriage
soldier 11 slurps me for lunch
nice false dilemma homofag
nice false dilemma brownfag
I'm a black person and I love ZZZ despite the lack of representation of my race
Marriage with Caesar it is then
Unless if you're siblings then the marriage requirement is overridden 'cause you're family already
You can stack multiple memberships. There's a cap at 200 days, so if you're at more than 178 days it won't let you buy another one.
marrying my sister
Dont work like this Belle...
Butlerboo is so fucking cool it aint even funny. I also appreciate how each bangboo has its own gibberish voice that mostly sounds like it what it looks like.
im dying here
im going to churn bwos, the game is getting stale after so much repetition... only hanging on since it looks like they're reducing the emphasis on tv
It's so badly explained in the description that it took me a while to get it.
make a male thread please I'm not using that one
ZZZ has not priority linking, you absolute fucking retard.
Pressing buttons quickly is NOT p-linking, you braindead moron.
If you don't know what a term means - don't use the term, nigger.
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Officer Cui actually barks in a Bangboo voice. Which I was not expecting.
the more w*men you get in your game the more complains you get about "sexualization"
this is how wise should've looked and instead he looks like a generic npc.
what do you play anon? I wfh too, and play zzz/genshin, might be able to pick up another one
He's only into middle schoolers
Yeah, no shit. There is a sweet spot where it is balanced.

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