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Previous: >>493882074

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Just woke up bros, what did I miss
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Mandricardo love
Me and my stinky cavewoman wife
I'm in the mood for some fucking tea.
Been getting like 9 ashes in 10 runs
Good stuff, gonna pour 400 bronze apples in this
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Counting all the alts, which is the servant that took the biggest amount of your grails?
Imagine this, Ryouma an Oreo BUT is Theodore Roosevelt and his magical Bear-woman wife, Eleanor.
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What's you're plans for next year?
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Get some from your local soda vending machine, nestle ice tea.
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Teno and Tez
maybe Tiamat
maybe Melu Ruler
maybe Shingen and Kenshin
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Gudao x Morgan is Cringe but Gudao x Aesc is based. Who wants some woman corrupted while you have a younger version who you can save .
I have never grailed an alt so accordingly the answer has to be Paris.
>NP resistance up to fuck over 3 turn chads
>Invincible on turn 2 just to make sure you can't brute force it and 3 turn it anyway if you're going in blind
What a fucking annoying quest. This shit took me 9 turns to do because I bought in a NP1 Yang. That's 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Lasagna needs to fuck off with these gimmicks that only exist to stop you from 3 turning the game's content. It's annoying, not hard
How the fuck do I beat the challenge quest
It's another "this servant just delete your servant even when you have class advantage" CQ hullshit
I'm just gonna make a cuppa.
If all else fails, 3cs.
>Gudao x Morgan is Cringe but Gudao x Aesc is based. Who wants some woman corrupted while you have a younger version who you can save .
You don't love her at all.
Just go buy some cheap tea bags, don't even need to be some known brands like lipton. As long as you brew em thick, it tastes good enough. If there's an asian market near your place, go grab some chinese/taiwanese made tea leaves. Even the cheap ones taste decent.
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skip, want, meh, already have, skiiiip, want, WANT, meh, skip, meh, useful, meh, welfare, meh, skip, skip, want, want, want, want, want, skip, welfare, meh, want, meh, skip, meh, skip, want, gross, skip, skip, welfare, want, welfare
>It's another "this servant just delete your servant even when you have class advantage" CQ
That's pretty much every single CQ in the game, every np is an instakill
Tickets for Nito
SQ for Tiamat and Draco
Then probably whatever's left on some of the summer picks.
I have no hard targets after Rikyu so my plans are loose.
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let her cook
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What went wrong?
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I don't know what level of brainrot is required to hate Morgan and still do these mental gymnastics to act like you love another version of the same character. You literally summon all three at the same time when you have Tony.
Try reading what the game hints say, bro. You can do it.
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Mo, Melt, Atalante tied.
120 normals, 100 alts.
Aesc is a cute 16 year-old girl, Morgan is a dour 6000 year old hag.
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Who the fuck is Tony
>only used Koyan Oberon Morgan
I'm still safe bros
And you're a retarded new shiny jpeg collector.
Low t. The mark of a true hero and romantic is one who can save their lover from their darkest hour, a hero whom can redeem even evil with pure love. THAT is the mark of true love.
I hate and want to beat up all versions of WHOREGan.
Repulsive whore.
I use everything on the bottom except for Arjuna Alter, QSH, and Tamamo, and that's only because I don't have them
Maybe Medusa

Meme tickets: Ptolemy, Wandjina, Kenshin, Kukulkan
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Milly, you dumb tourist.
Woodbro it is time to let it go
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I love and want to smooch all versions of WIFEGan.
Beautiful cutie.
What was the data update for
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My Himiko looks weird
my penis got bigger
Tony Taka is an artist.
Worst GudaGuda character
Flip a coin for either Kotomine or Nitocris Alte
Then save for based Tez
The whale for Summer Barghest so that I have her at NP5 and still have enough servant coins to max her appends and take her to level 120
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I see some people are starting the exact same baits again and people are biting again
Welcome to 4chan
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This totally could have been helped!
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It can't be helped
I use damage mods and this doesn't list that so I guess I won legit.
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I want to punch Melusine in the face
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I want to penetrate maples defenses if you know what i mean.
I change my mind. This couldn't be helped.
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>saving an evil woman
>not preventing a woman from becoming evil in the first place.
You can’t put an egg in the oven and expect a chicken to come out.
All women are evil whores.
I'm going to fertilize the eggs in Tony's oven.
your words cant hurt me (i dont really know english)
Anon you spelled best wrong.
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Rolling for these
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It's a very limited year for me.
kukus tight ass
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this but City
A lot of melties could have been avoided if people stop being so autistic and understand the difference between fiction and reality.
Yet here we are.
She seems like the type who'd love anal.
Don't know what this is but post the full thing
is that nuclear fusion guide?
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Look at this ugly bitch.
Makes you want to beat her up.
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Probably because she’s flat and Himiko is fat!
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Getting fit for my waifu, a better pay (or different job), and creating relationships irl.
Common Paris citizen from 1793...
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wake me up (i cant wake up)
The only reason Melu killed Aurora was to prevent her from slowly fading away and dying.
Why is she so happy?
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You don't mean that bro, you're not you when you're hungry. Just eat some cake.
You'll never wake up again when I'm done with you
>Kill her to keep her from dying
So you're retarded
>Breed the oldest thing in existence.
I don't think I should breed ORT. That feels like a bad call.
Tiamom, Draco, Aesc and the rest of summer fairy knights
maybe actually roll for rikyu this time since her current rate up is a bad deal with such a shit 4* attached to it
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I ran out of embers, bros...
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big corn cob
sorry idk shit about ort. i just know melu is albion which is as old as the planet itself.
Looks like one of those summer only years
Finally, designs for legendary pokemon are cool again
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>all these anons rolling for Kuku

It's because of the "anal only" memes?
>a slow agonizing death is the same as a quick mercy kill!

Sup Mordredbro.
why anal only
A Masterfailure as expected of a girlfailure grailer desu
There's embers in the tea brewing
Get whisking
It’s over, submit your account deletion request
Truly she has brought ruin upon you
no its because they're soulless gameplayfags and she's the top servant on the theoretical max hit 3rd turn buster loop list so they cum every time they think of hitting that number.
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Anal doesn't count.
Must be something that people who reply to zigger posts have in common.
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she big sex
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>ascension card focused on her ass
>wears a leotard, an "ass focused" clothing
>wears denim shorts, an "ass focused" clothing
>historically mexican girls are into anal
>"hag" body type, which is historically associated with anal
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I'm rolling for her because I'm mexican and I roll for all of my ancestors, bros
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I'm rolling for her just because she looks like a green birdy
based oldfag
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name it
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shark teeth too!
Was Kuku popular in JP?
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which class has the best wife material overall?
Damn its almost like cuckstance is awake and people still reply to his survey posts.
It also has a skadi nanny bot
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Keep posting, LB7 drones. We still have several months to go until big shiny things back-to-back next year
I don't actually want any servant from next year. I'll roll for tonelico because I screwed up and grailed morgan to 120 so now I'm obligated to roll for her shitty botched swimsuit but that's it. I'm done rolling for shit I don't want, all my favorites are set in stone. I might imoulse roll for some dupes but I'm done rolling for new shit.
until BB summer 2.0, then I'll want everything
rider and it's not even fair
Foreigner by far
No one cares about that sort of thing except for quetzcontrarians
Why do you still bother? Those rats have been posting that over and over, and even ramp up the posts after the book got scanned. Learn to do better and stop engaging stale baits.
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She's literally one of the most popular servants, ever, in JP.
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that one where I have the most grailed favorites
More like FAGreigner, lmao.
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I'm rolling for her because she's ORT and that sort of makes her the cousin of my one true waifu who's not in F/GO (yet).
Sorry Quetzbro, I'm only a Quetzbro in JP.
If a class doesn't have a cute shota in it you can't call it a real class
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Pop them apples bitchboi
Ummmm, abbybro??? She is in the game.
Then why did the city got a summer alt before her?
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She never came home in NA...
That doesn't really mean anything since they put the most random shit in summer. See summer ruskie cat.
What game?
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Call me back when she has angel wings.
It is provable fact that popularity does not determine the order of summer releases.
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It certainly helps for cutting in line
>Age of Gods
>Age of Mystics/Elementals/Beasts
>Age of Man
Is this order correct?
City has an advantage because unlike kuku she is for (you) so she gets better treatment
Age of Manlets next?
9/11 (Alter Ego)
We're in the Age of Man Are Beasts now.
Except when it doesn't. It took 9 years for eresh even though she's also popular
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If we use the Appmedia Popularity Poll as reference, only 3 servants out of the Top 10 most requested made the cut

Like that anon said, Nikkitich and MHXA got a summer spot despite NOBODY asking for them and both were highly unpopular too
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Shirou, of course
age of trannies
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I want to put Gogh into a woodchipper.
Huh, Takasugi is actually good?
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Servants for this feel?
Age of Gods - beginning of Earth to 900BC (death of King Solomon)
Unnamed era between gods and men - 900BC to 1AD (birth of Yumina)
Age of Man - 1AD to 1200AD (death of Richard I, the king between fantasy and reality) (no more laser swords exist after this point)
Age of Enlightenment - 1200 to 1879 (World Faith Domination)
Modern Age - 1891 to current day
Age of Will - someday in the future
Eresh is TRASH.
>but she's popu-
Genocide Eresh (and Ishtar)
>Durga still 9th despite being a summer sacrifice banner
delete yourself, sakuratard
What happened in years between 1879 and 1891?
If good means popular, then he's good with yumestacies.
Age of i have to go peepee (right now)
artoria looks better with blue eyes and i'm tired of pretending she doesn't
It's a samefag
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It just bothers me. She's not my waifu or anything but I do like her and I hate to see her go undefended. I've got the post cooldown and it takes 10 seconds to state the facts.
Also i'm like 90% sure that Melusine is his waifu but he can't stand the idea of other anons fucking his wife, so in my little headcanon, fighting back makes him seethe and smash his keyboard, and that makes me feel pretty good.
So that's why.
His kit just seems meh for a looping Archer.
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>kills the age of gods
Your welcome
Mystery undergoing a tremendous decline thanks to Edison's inventions. 1891 is the invention of the kinetoscope and the beginning of recording visual imagery in motion.
Nope, she's the least popular LB7 servant and it's not even close
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Okay, but for real, seriously

Who asked for this gal as a summer servant?
me and my comrades
Edison is so kino, bros...
What the fuck makes you think they operate on principle of people "asking"? Type-Moon does as Type-Moon pleases. Fuck off Sony. Takeuchi says what goes, always.
ive always hated the idea that magic and technology somehow negatively affect each other as if technology isn't fucking magic as shit already
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>Who asked for this gal as a summer servant?

me and my fellow Ziggers
I just realized that fate universe works on god of the gaps approach
She got it because Koyan had 5mins of screentime in OC3
she's Ukrainian, doe
also edison being a tech geek causing the decline of magic and mystery or whatever the fuck is stupid as hell when nasu constant keeps doing sick ass magitech shit like the machine gods and the moon cell and that existed WAAAAAAAAAAAAY before him.
a stupid fuckin kite and key isn't killing fucking magic
Only 2 made the cut, post the actual updated list or fuck off
Well, gotta drum up the drama somehow. Stop being so nitpicky.
71 people, according to the last appmedia poll
I'm surprised Clock Tower didn't authorize an assassination on him.
sakurai, unironically. she has favortism for characters "related" to her own and is basically being set up as nasu's replacement when he dies/retires.
The matter of Edison's three great inventions is the changing of human standards of proof.
Before recorded audio, you could only repeat what you heard. Before recorded video, you could only recount what you saw.
Now that capturing proof in the form of recording exists, capturing proof becomes reality. Hearsay is no longer admissible in court. Legends fade, reality solidifies.
Because city is actually liked by the fanbase unlike her
was testing some stuff, have some cups
The fucking dragon horse of course
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>Cock Tower
>doing anything useful ever
who would win in a fight? me? or you?
I'm smarter and stronger so I think I'm a sure bet, but what are your thoughts?
I like her better than most of the slop we're getting next summer so she's fine in my book. can't wait to see how based her valentines scene is, her rider one was a doozy.
no fuck you that's dumb and lame and stupid and also homosexual
>Legends fade, reality solidifies
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
>Who asked for a vivacious catgirl with a cute smile and willingness to show skin to wear a swimsuit?
It is a mystery.
So its par for the course for Nasuverse.
Stop being a faggot and complaining over nothing.
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>hate drinking water
>dying of thirst and every sip is like drinking from an oasis in death valley
Oh boy time to piss 5 times through the night again. Nurse will be so proud of me.
Are ya taking raquests anon?
>valentines scene
But she's married woman
anon, when you argue with a shitposter/schizo, you just end up with 2 shitposters/schizos
yeah no problem
no i will complain about the things i dont like just like how you're complaining about a guy complaining about the things he doesnt like
It's something of a limiting thing. It makes heroes harder to come into being. Nobody's going to believe you choked out a lion without recorded evidence, so the tales struggle to grow in the telling. At the same time, the world has less need of heroes as it once did. It's all one step towards the Age of Will anyway. The Age of Will is that enigmatic future that human history is working towards, the reason that timelines get pruned when they stagnate even if they are successful and happy like LB5. They can't move to the Age of Will and so Earth gives up on them.
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Nurse is cringe. Cringe, I tell you.
complaining about Nasu's writing
OMG Nasu what happened in the 1890s???
>*smears booger on shirt*
>*spits on the floor
>*licks finger
>Like, no wonder or magic or whatever
Now say Thank You
>The Age of Will is that enigmatic future
Where information is so widespread and easily falsified that no one even bothers to check if it's real anymore, since all of it is ai-generated or manually edited anyway, which leads to reality being completely subsumed by the narrative, i.e. turning everything into legends again.
can you make some Iyo?
>The Age of Will refers to mankind’s final evolutionary period that takes place after the Age of Man. During the Age of Will, all humans will abandon their flesh-and-blood bodies and leave the planet to explore the stars. This mentioned in many different Type-Moon works across generations.
I guess this is in a way a basis for Servantverse.
But seriously, did Nasu expect us to leave the Earth one day?
Me, I did.
Nasu has a very limited understanding of human nature.
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Can you try some Ciel dressed as an office lady or teacher?
YD artist, getting anal in bed
It's not like there are much better choices left now.
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Killing everything on Earth when Gaia dies means that we were supposed to leave before she called her buddies to punish us, for not doing so.
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>But seriously, did Nasu expect us to leave the Earth one day?
Do you.. not.. believe so?
The only options are extinction or to spread throughout the cosmos as the new gods.
Nasu's only mistake is expecting it to happen in the next thousand years instead of the next hundred thousand, but it is inevitable. The only other option is death.
kek I was just testing Iyo, she doesn't see to work, too few results in booru sadly,have some himiko

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>The only other option is death.
Like that's a bad thing.
>But seriously, did Nasu expect us to leave the Earth one day?
It's yet another inspiration Nasu took from Buddhism. The Age of Will is synonymous with Nirvana.
most sftards do, yes.
Death is inevitable. Why not postpone it as long as possible and see all there is to see first?
Is Locusta possible at all? She probably doesn't have a lot of art references
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>sakurai, unironically. she has favortism for characters "related" to her own and is basically being set up as nasu's replacement when he dies/retires.

Based honestly.

>Gaijin/NAcucks will cry in the distance
>our real and loyal core audience(JP salarymen and crazy sugar babies fujos) are happy for nipwank and ships

No complaints. Z
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Iyo kinda works sometimes
The servant names I've filtered on /vg/ because the only times they're ever mentioned, it's because of meltdowns, bait, or general retardation:
>Baobhan Sith/Bob
>Utsumi Erice
>But seriously, did Nasu expect us to leave the Earth one day?
TM is a Zeon pilled franchise so best get used to it
>death of Richard I, the king between fantasy and reality
Richard I didn't do shit though. All he did was commit war crimes in the Middle East while he abandoned his actual country. He was such a bad king that he didn't even speak his country's fucking language. People only called that clown Lionheart because he was fearless in battle, "manly", and he liked fighting (almost as much he liked war crimes)
But then you won't hear my servant rolling and grailing plans...
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>no any of my favorites
based, we are saved
so how big are her boobs suppsoed to be?
Good, I hope Sakurai gets a bunch of assistants to help her write events for when FGO goes on maintenance mode while Higashide leaves to write another visual novel
War crimes are a-ok as long as you win.
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How would you know if you are dealing with filterkek? He will tell you himself!
less fanart than Iyo in booru, yeah that sucks
The servant names I've filtered on /vg/ because the only times they're ever mentioned, it's because of meltdowns, bait, or general retardation:
>Your favorite
>Iyo is rin
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I merely ignore and carry on.
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She's medium size I think, but she looks better with BIG ASS TITS like in your pic
Damn, being below 100 on booru
>Richard I didn't do shit though
He conquered a lot, won a lot, was charismatic and smart.
Yeah, England itself was kinda abandoned, but you can't say he didn't nothing at all. It's just he didn't do much for England as a country specifically.
Doesn't matter, Richard and Saladin mark the last "mythic fantasy" heroes in Fate's history apparently. Everyone past that is just a tiny bit more grounded and can't shoot laser beams out their nipples.
Also apparently his war crimes were necessary because the moors were going to do something so out of field that it would have resulted in pruning.
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I can't help but think FGO would've been of much higher quality if it was a VN or something
The VNs are garbage, however.
Yeah, but I like FGO for what it is. A live-service Fate game that constantly explores new ideas for servants and lore is nice, even with the limitations it has for storytelling.
No shit. The money was wasted on flops like Sakura Wars and Arcade so there wasn't even a point in the gachabux.
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What do you do if I just say Lip instead? Don't tell me you filter out such a common word.
We literally just got a tea lady from the 16th century who shoots laser beams and has spooky fantastical ghost hands.
>inb4 joke event doesn't count
Lakshmi is less than 200 years old and her NP is also a sword beam. She's from a main story chapter
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I love Quetz
There I will post Quetz and leave
I love FGO for giving me Quetz
>It's not like there are much better choices left now.
Zenobia, Sanzou, Okuni, Reines, Shuten, Bazett, Shiki Ryougi, Penthesilea, Salome, Cleopatra, Koyanskaya Darkness, Boudica, Medea, Medusa, Adult Chacha, Koyanskaya Light etc...are all servants people actually want summer alts for
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Drink your Kykeon tea!
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oh no, not my heckin lip-posting
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She's basically a summer servant already
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ban all sakurafaggots
Her final ascension and her NP animation put her in a burka, so no
Lakshmi is blessed by a goddess, she couldn't do that in real life. Edison also did not have a lion head.
Also, magi are still magi in every era. The tea lady is not just a tea lady.
Since when it was okay to like Jeanne? Didn't everyone agree to shit on her?
it’s time to bob
Nice cope
I only drink green tea and sake. And water.
Protea might be nice to have for that one CQ
Thanks for admitting the whole concept is a meme
>Her final ascension
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I knew it.
Anon was an ant all along.
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>Nice cope
Summer Sanzou alone would make millions, especially if they didn't put her silly hat on her
Literally no one is asking for almost all of these
>not equipping an invul pierce CE
My mistake, she's not wearing a full blown burka in her final ascension. But she's still wearing way more clothes than in her first and second ascension.
I was thinking of her NP when I was talking about the stupid ass armor that covers her entire party
t. homo
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The Priest
maybe Tezca
Summer Bob and Castoria
Ruler Egao
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>talking a walk
kill albert
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Don't call her Castoria, call her WIZARD SABER
The hat stays on during sex.
Reminder if you eat her you would become immortal.
does that count if it's just eating her out too?
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don't get greedy
Men are 5CE beasts.
t. retard
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Wizard Saber... I like the sound of that.
This is my Wizard Saber!
shut up ill kiss u
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ANAL Castoria.
Jan Žižka should be the last mythical hero. He never lost a battle, he fought with one eye, then later when he lost both eyes, he was still an extremely influential leader and tactician. His tactics and army formations allowed his nation to hold off THREE Crusades, and two more AFTER he died, simply by copying his tactics.
He effortlessly BTFO of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdoms of Hungary. And he did it with a PEASANT army. PEASANTS VERSUS NOBLES IN PLATE ARMOR AND HE AND HEAVY CALVARY.
He created the proto tank via his armored war wagons.
He also won most of his battles while heavily outnumbered. Some of which he was literally blind in btw.
He's way more impressive, heroic, and legendary than Richard memeheart
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When you think about, any of the following servants would sell MILLIONS
>Altria Lancer Alter
>Big Vinci
>Titty Monk
>Yang Guifei
Yet they are constantly ignored and more slots every year are given to brand new servants instead
>any of the following servants would sell MILLIONS
>posts flops
What did he mean by this?
Most of those would flop though
I am still amazed at how I completely slept on Big Vinci being so damn pretty
Summer Goghie would be the flavor of the millennium...
>Big Vinci
those a sure flops, bro
I got mindbroken /alter/ into loving Morgan
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Merlin = wizard
Perlin = witch
Morgan = sorcerer
Aesc = witch
Castoria = enchanter
Skadi = warlock
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He also has three kids.
They had to fuck up half of the summer lineup this year with a second BB, Ciel and a second XA alt so it's obvious there is no good option available anymore.
They hated him because he told the truth
Skadi is an ice druid actually
Castoria is an Arcane Trickster who eventually dual classes into a Fey Blooded Sorcerer
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>not ice Druid
Dumb lizard. Just like the dumb country bumpkin.
is that fan game translated yet?
This guy sounds awesome, he should be a servant.
>so it's obvious there is no good option available anymore.
Summer Sanzou
Summer Penthesilea
Summer Zenobia
Welfare Okuni
That's your lineup right there. Thank me later when you're sitting on your stacks of literal millions from the S tier lineup I just gave you.
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Meant for
>Saber = Hero
>Redman = Sniper
>Cu = Knight
>Medusa = Pegasus Knight
>Medea = Sage
>Herc = Berserker
>Kojiro = Swordsmaster
>CA Hassan = Assassin
>Gil = Lord
Is this correct?
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im on it btw, just had to do some other stuff first
Your sarcasm is off the charts
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Graduation is a top 3 Kanye album
Thanks anon
I'm not into shota btw, just saying
Castoria is a complete brainlet tho.
I think its actually
Saber = saber
Redman = archer
Cu = lancer
Medusa = rider
Medea = caster
Herc = berserker
Kojiro = assassin
Hassan = assassin
Gil = archer
if CA Hassan stands for Cuck Asian Hassan, yeah
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How does /alter/ feel about certain servants getting a SECOND swimsuit.
Should more summer slots be added every year?
oh I see, I was just messing with it first
>Castoria is a complete brainlet tho.
Yeah, I know that's why I said she's an Arcane Trickster. Arcane Tricksters need INT to cast their spells. Since Castoria has a low INT, she wouldn't be able to cast most of her spellbook, which would be incredibly lore friendly, since Castoria couldn't really cast any spells at the beginning of the story.
After she activates the bells though, she starts to gain magecraft and power. The best way to represent this would be for her to dual class as a Sorcerer, a high charisma class that gains their spells from their bloodline and their willpower / inner nature
They can get a second swimsuit after every female servants got their first.
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I have elected to completely withhold all judgment of BB Dubai until the completion of Archetype Inception and the demonstration of her third ascension.
Fair enough.
We get more than 7 new female every year retard
post nightingale sex, its my birthday so its cool
Just release 12 summer servants per year.
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She has no axes. She'd be lord class for sure.
Redman is assassin (uses bows and dual daggers)
Cu has no armor so knight class is out of the question. He'd be whatever lancefighter equivalent there is whether it's soldier or the nip one from Fates
Hassan would be a Master Ninja since that's basically what his group is and the only class that can use daggers (that isn't meme shit like butler).
Rest seem okay. Gil would probably get a custom snowflake class though like in CCC
I was about to say that, no, she's still BB regardless. And then I remembered that the term Saberfaces exist.
I don't know what else to say..
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This year alone had already 10 summer servants
11 if you count the welfare
And the other 2 parts of Ordeal Call might have more summer servants too
6 gacha servants and a welfare + anni. That's only 8. There are no more gacha servants.
makes me feel like we're going down the FEH path of alt fatigue
That's a good thing since the new characters constantly suck now
>Gil would probably get a custom snowflake class
and that class would be Vegeta
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That's 10 servants anon
>Summer Eresh
>Summer Ciel
>Summer Nikitich
>Summer Xu Fu
>Summer Kama
>Summer Percival
>Summer Bart
>Summer BB 2
>Summer MHAXXX
>Summer City
Not to mention that there's still pending 2 SSRs from Ordeal Call 3 and more SRs as well
costumes do not count, you rat
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It's inevitable. Just look at who's left now. Cuckbait, vitch, yang, and meduseless? Next year will be more new servants with swimsuits ala aesc/ciel/eresh and old servants 2nd swimsuit. If they're pushing fate/extra record then nero and tamamo I bet
Costumes don't count and we are only missing the welfare
Lip doesn't have a summer version yet you fuck.
I'm surprised that Zenobia somehow is nowhere to be seen here
What the FUCK
I hope this bitch is worth it, wasting all my bottled vine
Lip is npc faggot
lmao what an idiot
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Florence is ugly and stupid.
>Yokai Tea Bag
What did Albert mean by this?
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Come back on the 25th ;)
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>Summer Passionlip might be rolleable tomorrow after the JP maintenance

It's an surreal kind of feeling that she's so close
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thing is, whether she gets a swimsuit or not, we're all still going to hate you and come up with more ways to make fun of your shit character.
Nothing really changes, win or lose.
If you "win" you're still gonna lose.
If you lose you're so used to losing that us winning won't bother you.
You're gonna be insulted and made fun of forever whether she gets an alt or not.
I don't hate him. why you so mad?
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Why would a npc be rollable?
She is obviously not getting playable so we can make fun of her as usual
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Because summer always has two different banners. One where they always announce all rollable characters beforehand and then another banner after with characters they never announced.
Is that so.
damn lippers coping again
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I don't like either of them.
I don't believe you. Name three reasons why you love Quetz, and no, big boobs are not a valid reason since almost every girl has them.
Por favor, my name is Quetzalcoatl
I’m a millennium old lucha libre otaku (wrestling fan for you non hombres). I practice lucha moves in my garage and spend my days working out and watching superior mehican luchadores (el santo, blue demon, espectro I)

I train with my plancha every day, this superior crossbody block can smack through dame dame goddesses because it is folded over a thousand guacamoles and is vastly superior to any other technique. I earned my lucha license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak mehican fluently, both Nahuatl and Espanol and I know everything about lucha libres and their máscaras which I follow 100%. I also have a collection of mascaras, some of them I won in Luchas de Apuestas against Island Mask (you should see the face on Amakusa, guano was so bueno when jaguarman woman went all Caballete on his ass).

When I get my shovel, I am digging under the wall to illegally crossover to prestigious mehico to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become the next Masked Marvel

Wish me luck in mehico!
Based flops enjoyer
Yeah, I love their big tits flopping around
Didn't the second rate-up with BB Dubai, City and MHXXA already got announced? are Lippers waiting for a super secret third rate-up or what?
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Meant for
Yeah, exactly. No one actually loves Quetz, she's a meme that only gets shilled ironically.
Voiced by Endou Aya
Drawn by Rei Hiroe
Stop gooning to head nurse…
We're only at part 1 of OC3.
Lip's never happening though
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Summer Ciel and Summer BB are the banners for the Summer Event
And the Summer Event already ended 2 weeks ago

Ordeal Call 3 is an actual story chapter separate from Summer

Do you really expect OC3 to not have any new servants for Part 2 tomorrow and Part 3 on the 25rd?
was Santa Claus
loves lucha
could snap me in half
why is she abusing the jaguar
Because Jaguarman a SHIT
JP still can't summon BB Dubai? What's taking them so long? Our tea event already fucking ended.
This is /alter/, bro, I didn't even knew summer JP was already over desu, but if summer is already over why the fuck would anyone expect summer Lip?
>Voiced by Endou Aya
who the fuck is this
>could snap me in half
DuBBai's been out for over a week, kyodai

summer event ends in 20-ish days, though OC3 part 1 is also out.
Lippers think there'll be lipper on new rate up because OC3 is still on-going.
She's been summonable for 12 days. But you can't get her third ascension until halloween.
He's lying, JP summer doesn't end until fucking October.
Jaggy is based.
>you can't get her third ascension until halloween.
Imagine merging TWO new summer BB's AND a Halloween BB in the same servant. Nasu is really rushing things to EoS next year.
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Summer ALREADY ended though
The story of the event was only 7 days long
And it ended over 2 weaks ago

The event is available to farm for 42 days
But the story herself ended 2 weaks ago

Ergo, the event is already over
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>doesn't know who Endou Aya is
Jesus Christ anon, how embarrassing.
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have the translated version.

Summer 9 is a mandatory prerequisite for starting OC3. The story of summer 9 finished already but its still available for like 10 weeks total time.
OC3 is a limited time story chapter. At the end of October it goes away, and it won't come back until next year when they rerelease summer 9 as a main interlude.
Summer 9 is the prologue to OC3, and threads left unsettled in Summer 9 will be settled during OC3.
By your dumbass logic, 3 weeks long events aren't even a thing either then.
Guess that means Gudaguda #734 is over too.
Finally got enough ashes bless the BB node
holmesposters are notorious for being about as wrong as you can get.
>The story of summer 9 finished already but its still available for like 10 weeks total
WTF? Why not just make a regular 3 weeks summer, 1-2 dead weeks and then a month long story relevant chapter. A 10 weeks story relevant summer event is just plain retarded.
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You're being obtuse for the sake (not the chinese alcohol) of arguing

Let's take the current GudaGuda as example
>GudaGuda Tea Event
>story lasted 1 weak
>story ended yesterday
Ergo, the event already ended

You can farm it for 2 more weaks if you want, but the event already ended
You cannot access more story or further content from her on any way whatsoever
>Quetz head and shoulder taller than Jaguar Man
>think that it's impressive and she's really tall
>then remember that everyone in Fate is like 169cm midget so Quetz is barely breaking 180cm at best
I can never get used to japanese definition of "tall as fuck"
Yeah, everyone reacts to Barghest like she is a titan among men and I'd just stand there eye level with her wishing I was a shota instead
Nah bro, she's 181cm.
>could snap me in half
Isn't that true for like 95% of Servants?
Yeah someone is going to post bitchslap.webm but you know what I mean
the story is over but the event doesn't end until the farming nodes go away
stop trying to change the terminology 7 years later you stupid yellow toothed wank.
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It's a weird and sad thing, to be tall and have a fetish for girls that are taller than you
I'm speaking from experience
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>the story is over

Ergo, the event is over
You're agreeing with me, but being stubborn and arguing for the sake of arguing anyway
Even the casters can do it. Galliasta just restrained Medea's energy to make her weak as a child because he couldn't handle being an inferior magus.
Abby sex
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>3 cm shorter than me
wow I sure do love those 1 week long events, we've been having! I especially love this current 1 week long guda guda event we just had! So what are we doing in FGO right now, huh?
Fucking retard, just admit you were wrong and didn't check the schedule on JP properly instead of stubbornly doubling down. You just make yourself into a bigger retard.
gay rin bro?
Yes it won't have any new servant other than the welfare
sorry for the wait there was a power outage
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Very interesting point, bro, HOWEVER I haven't played half of the story nodes yet which means I still can access more story nodes, Ergo the event isn't over yet. The moment all story nodes become unavailable for everyone will be the REAL end of the event (TRUE).
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Sex for imouto? NO
RAPE for maids? YES
Gudao sex
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>and didn't check the schedule on JP properly


I literally play both FGO JP and NA

I literally cannot be wrong about the schedule since I login everyday

The Summer Event literally ended over 2 weaks since there's nothing to do
>Story finished
>Shop farmed
>Challenge quest completed
As you can see, I even have over 3.6 million points farmed...

You can access the nodes and waste your AP there if you want, for the next 2 weaks, but why would you do that?

The event is literally over since it doesn't provide any new content, that's the fact of the issue
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>Musashi doujin is out
What if Mashu is just a Ciel clone? like she is a test tube baby isn't she?
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I still believe. They're not gonna drag out one whole month releasing no new Servants.
The event is the new story chapter.
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Even funnier, this isn't the first time. He already called out on it several times before.
happy birthday mr. skeltal
Merlin is so lucky
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Thanks a lot anon, I like several poses and she looks deliciously thick
The event clearly isn't over yet you fucking retard.
The Arjuna and Arjuna Jalter banners should be removed from there
They were added (alongside the LB4 challenge quests) to pressure newfags since the Halloween event is locked behind Lost Belt 4
They are not related to Ordeal Call 3 or Summer
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Stop replying to that faggot
Post Morgan Love instead
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thanks bro!
I prefer retards shitposting than that ugly hag Morgan desu senpai
Play space marine 2/alter/
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Aesc is fine too
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>Arjuna Jalter
what does morgan love mean
You don't love her.
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The event is quite literally over though?
>no more story to progress
>no new nodes to farm
>challenge cleared
>shop empty from farming
>3million point ladder cleared with a huge margin
Do you see any incomplete node in my screenshot?
Any pending story?
Punch morgan and her lily version in the face for being shitty servants
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I do
It means kissing her on the lips
Hug Morgan
If the event is over then you can't even access it you fuckwit. Fucking kill yourself you shit stain with zero worth in life.
>yamanami is an uragirimono
didnt see that coming!
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Save 4 Cummer
here made some nurse
>ching is a chong
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>If the event is over then you can't even access it

That's exactly my point though

>I can't access further story nodes, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

>I can't access further farming nodes, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

>I can't access further challenges, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

You're once again, agreeing with me, but too stubborn to admit it
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Kama Love!
that's a man
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Why does Nightingale have good lore stats? Is the Berserker class such a high carry?
can you do Stheno in a pose similar to this one >>493912115 ?
yes it was made to be retarde powerful on purpose, but rigged to be basically impossible to maintain with eve above average mana by the 3 families
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Yeah, basically. In fs/n i believe they said the zerker class raises all stats by one level, but this is fgo and nasu so i dont think any of that really applies.
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Can you do a Ciel and Dobrynya (with thick ass) in this pose
but being mounted by a fat, faceless, bald guy?
>I can't access further farming nodes, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended
You can still farm the nodes as much as you want for mats, so this point is false.
The class is definitely helping her a lot. Just look at her Santa parameters.
In Camelot Agravain forces Madness enhancement into himself to get a stat boost big enough to kill Lancelot.
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Tea professional with cute feet
Can't I get Britomart first?
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Is your refrigerator running?
Santa Gale has lower endurance and strength, but the same agility. I'd think all physical parameters would increase with Madness Enhancement (yes I am aware Santa also has it) of the Berserker class.

In comparison, I looked at Morgan and Aesc, Morgan has high luck low endurance, but Aesc has it the other way around.
where's the horse
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It is not false though
I said "further farming nodes"

>Definitions from Oxford Languages
>"Additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for."

There's no FURTHER content whatsoever
There's no FURTHER story
There's no FURTHER farming nodes
There's no FURTHER challenges
Ergo, the event has ended since there's nothing FURTHER to access
Event has not ended because you can play the free quests until October 2
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the best nurse works out
That blue lipstick makes my mind wander
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>When Florence Nightingale needed more medical supplies, she went to take some from the locked private supply closet of her superior officer, as those were the only medical supplies left in the base
>The officer refused to give her his personal medical supplies so Florence Nightingale proceeded to beat the shit out of him, break the lock and take the medical supplies that she needed anyways. When her superior gave the order for the men around to arrest her, none of them moved to do so, and none of them blocked her path as she walked away
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>there's nothing FURTHER to access
>Definitions from Oxford Languages
>"Additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for."
(You) can still get "Additional" mats you don't have by farming the nodes, so there are still FURTHER mats to get by your own definition, bro.
Sorry, bro, but I already WON. Any reply to this would show everyone how butthurt (You) are, bro. So if you agree that (You) are a butthurt faggot feel free to reply to this post to show everyone.
God I wish nurse would beat the shit out of me...
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What's the gong team if I don't have castoria?
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Very nice, thanks AI-bro.
Can't evade the prostate exam.
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Kinda based, I hope her anti-Humanoid buff becomes targetable in the future
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The event has ended because

>I can't access further story nodes, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

>I can't access further farming nodes, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

>I can't access further challenges, since the event doesn't provide them, since the event ended

You're trying to move the goalie post since I proved you wrong with facts and definitions

You can access the summer farming nodes and waste your AP for the next 21 days, if you want to

But since there's no FURTHER content, the event herself is over
You can use Tamamo and Merlina
Thanks bro
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That can be arranged.
>for the next 21 days
why only 21 days? what happens in 21 days?
>event herself
Is event for (You)?
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I like Koma and Rikyu because they remind me of the best girl in HxH
I think Rikyu is SHIT and that Nightingale STOMPS her
Retardbro...that's a guy
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Okay but old men shouldn't act like this
I sure can't wait for this event to end so we can go back to ignoring Rikyu completely and I never have to look at it again
It will be Homete after that, she's shit
so what's the best node? caster?
damn, how long until we stop talking about Kama then?
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Cant wait for Britomart spam
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Is Tohsaka gf really unattainable?
Kama is a Beast, a Sakuraface, and a Nasu character. Comparing her to a literal nobody like Rikyu is farcical.
Nasu said in a more realistic setting, Rin would dump Shirou after UBW
She isnt worth it bro
if you view yourself that far below a woman where she's some goddess yes she will be unattainable because you will act in an unattractive manner
I can only see my mother as one. Otherwise I don't consider any woman as a goddess.
so beautiful...
She is a Minase character though.
What does the word "and" mean, anon?
>Scenario Writer: Minase Hazuki and Nasu Kinoko
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I am not sure if this is either sweet or creepy bro
Sweet. Mother > any other woman. Not in a weird sense.
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>everyone dying at 60-61 age
tick tock, /alter/boomer keks
She was only used in Minase events. Maybe Nasu had a hand on her during Ooku but he never touched her again.
Does the next event have any story requirements?
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Is there any consolation for getting bradamante instead of himiko?
Next time check it yourself, lazy ass nigga
Yeah no. I will take what the material book says over your headcanon moron. Get a grip.
It cost 0 to not be mean online
Are you a shipperfag?
Not really. She is not very good.
jack off to her nice ass
It costs 0 not to be a lazy retard either, bitch
No tea please. I rather proceed my day without caffeine. Give me lukewarm water instead
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She's unironically very strong with her most recent buffs (better looping, better battery, better damage), but these buffs are not yet out on NA
Nasu writes the Beasts. Just, full stop. Other writers are free to mess around with disposable Grand Servants and Divine Spirit tomfoolery, but every single Beast is Nasu's hand-picked creation.
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Tea mini nobu is the best nobu

Yes, including the normal nobu
>Don't really care about Rikiyu
>Read the event
>Still don't care, and don't understand why others care
She was entirely unlikable.
And when did Kama Beast showed up again after Ooku?
not really, she's cute though. i could post porn of her big ass i guess
Never, but the fact of the matter is that her big beast scene in Ooku was definitely him writing it.
The point of the matter is that Nasu characters always get more recognition than non-Nasu characters.
>tfw no oberon
Calling others retards doesn't change the fact you can't read, /fgog/bro
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It ain't over till its over.
Borrow an oberon
So, I heard this a few years ago, but for now I was only able to find it here, yes its plebit, whatever

But I looked through Rin's wiki a bit and there is no information regarding what exactly happened in the end with them. I havent watched UBW for a while, but people say Shirou was out in the desert alone in the end anyway. All this break up shit might have been misinformation, so I am sorry if thats the case.
I hate that they turned a legendary female knight into a bimbo slut with a 2 digit IQ. It's absolutely insulting that the mythical Bradmante has been reduced to a skank who runs with her ass sticking out and exposed like she's some street hooker.
Lol that ain't gonna help me 2 turn 90 ++ node bros
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(You) in this thread... (You)'re my bros...
>Seething frogcucks
Nasu seems happy to have hidden routes be the future of Fate like in Hollow and Case Files. Shirou and Rin seem pretty happy so far even when he's practically the same man as UBW Shirou. UBW would probably be considered less hopeful for whatever reason, but it just looks like semantics when they both always go to London together in these futures.
Do I have to play Seiba route first to unlock Rin or can I go for Rin from the start?
>/soc/ thread is dead
>steam friend group is a honeypot
>you don't actually interact when you add from FC
I'm never gonna have /alter/ bros for real, am I bros
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I love that they turned a legendary female knight into a bimbo slut with a 2 digit IQ. It's absolutely based that the mythical Bradmante has been increased to a skank who runs with her ass sticking out and exposed like she's some street hooker.
Bros were never real.
>you don't actually interact when you add from FC
fgo chat when
Should have added me on discord.
All you're going to do is message "bro...", get replied with "yeah bro?", and then say "bro...!" all day over and over. Is this real enough for you?
Is she beating him up because he's saying fuck reddit, or was she beating him till he says fuck reddit?
fgo 2 with guild wars
I'd talk about other stuff but you can't really that do that in /vg/.
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I'm no one's bro, I'm too retarded for that.
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Fuck you.
/alter/bros preferences:

/alter/sis preferences:
>of age(optional)
>big dick
wheres the horse
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/alter/sis preferences:
>cannibalistic tendencies
>glowing eyes

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For me it's an encore of what happened during 2 years
>Hyped when revealed
>Extremely hyped during event, tons of art
>Controversial denouement, nice epilogue
>Forgotten and back into darkness
If JP, with no cultural barrier was already like that, what more can I expect from NA for someone who doesn't even have a proper EN wiki page? So whatever, come what may
Preferences, reality and fantasies are different things.
Not if you're crazy enough.
fapping to lolis is bad period
No one is arguing about that.
Women are more realistic than men.
They can be male but he has to at least appear feminine or androgynous so when I blow ropes on his tummy, it's not gay.
Women aren't real.
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>yfw ww3 happen next years
Bro your mom?
Oh please nothing ever happens
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Okay but little boys with big dicks are the best though.
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I want to fuck Mash.
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>For me it's an encore of what happened during 2 years
>Hyped when revealed
>Extremely hyped during event, tons of art

Except that never happened?
I have been playing since day 1, and the only gudaguda events that had any hyper whatsoever were
>gudaguda 1
>hyped because it was one of the very first events on NA, ever
>gudaguda 3
>because of Izou and okita alter
>gudaguda 4
>because of maou nobu
Aside from these, there was no hype whatsoever for the other gudaguda events or servants
And no hype for any gudaguda servant after these either
Not saying that people dislike them or hate them, but they came and were forgotten super fast similar to every white day event

The ONLY place where I have seen people hyped for the tea lady is /alter/, similar to the forced gogh shilling
Why is always loli and never shota?
Are you a lion?
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I love Mash. She's a cute kouhai and deserves love.
shota is unironically more socially acceptable
I just noticed something.
The Servants in the main story who are in the permanent pool and FP summon are usually either generic fight scene fodder nobodies or good guys. And especially in the case of gold Servants (and even more so with SSR's), they're more often than not the good guys or at least ones that aid Chaldea.
The ones who are story-locked and the ones who are limited (not counting the events of course) (and often more popular than the ones in permanent pool) are usually bad guys, antagonists or villains.
What's up with that, DW/Lasengle?
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>BBros... it's up
>Xu Fu can substitute Lady Avalon in the farming comps I’ve tried
What even was the point of Lady Avalon when a 3 star does her job just as well?
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I'm trying to copy the data files from one phone to another since I don't trust the transfer codes. But I can't find the /com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en folder on the new phone, it's like the folder doesn't want to show. I've connected to my PC but no luck, any one had this issue?
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Aoko in 592 days
Lady Avalon is a CQ support rather than a farming support
Yes, you have to play the Fate route first.
Reminder if you don't have oberon then you fucked
Eos before that
Are you implying that sisters are kissless virgins?
>ermm I just noticed the generic and boring servants are available year round, and the special and interesting ones are limited and harder to get
>wat teh sigma?
you should be put down
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When the cum cube shop resets? I'm running short on the flaming lamp thing and I dont think the ones I can make with tea will be enough
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Lol. Lmao even.
Men are beasts
>another boomer VA died
>has not voiced a single Fate character
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I hate this CQ where you just have to stall for a bazillon turns before being able to do damage
Just run Himiko, Merlin, and Castoria.
Morning Kamabro
You don't have to stall. Just bring some avenger with ignore def CE.
You have to stall. Bring Jannu and Mash with Volumen or Guts CE
use my kagekiyo
Ew, no. She's a dumb whore. All my homies hate J*nnu.
So, stall for a bazillon turns before I'm able to do damage? Great, exactly the thing I was complaing about.

And that team is specially bad for that, since if you dont get himiko cards on the turn her buffs are down its gonna take for fucking ever
Should I get a McSpicy with cheese amd egg or a Cheesy Zinger Meltz?
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you should stop consuming junk food
>You have to stall.
Well, my complain is not about it being difficult or had to beat it, I made it first try without command spells, but it took 20 turns

I did it with Kintoki, Vitch, Merlin, Castoria, Reines and Herc btw
But fucking 20 turns
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Just ruski mongoloid spamming random stuff from his discord
I also messed up and brought the wrong MC btw, but Herc saved the day like always
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Morning mom
"Herc beats the CQ to death" is my favorite episode of F/GO.
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Im tired
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Nevermind, it was Android 14 being a bitch. Managed to find it.
I told you to being an ignore def CE...
Hell, this is the rare few times Sherlock gets to be useful
how about lolibabas
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Good morning bro
Why don't they just add them to the general pool.
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10th anniversary addition bro trust
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>Why don't they just add them to the general pool.
because they are spoiler characters
Most anime characters are underage
The sad trvth people are unwilling to face is that non-lolishit hentai is also unethical most of the time
I've been out of the loop since 2019. what the hell is a cope scope?
3 sluts open, put an Ignore Def CE on my Lv 120 Jalter so you can get over the CQ fast
Why you wanna know?
The challenge quest seems tailor made for Ranmaru. Poor newcuties have to deal with the disadvantage against a Ruler.
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Well, I made that post after beating it so there was not point in retrying it

Of all the grails I used ever I believe Herc are the ones I would never regret at all using, he saved my ass so many times in so many cq and tough battles that I lost count
I hope so.
Great Marshal of Magic, the 80% charge CE that raises HP instead of ATK. Widely regarded as degrading if you must rely on it for any reason.
Though to be quite honest I haven't even touched my Kaleidoscopes or analogues since Oberon's release.
Nobody cares, especially Rikyufags
MLB Imaginary Around, now is the MLB Illya CE, dont know the name
Sorry bro, but it just seem like you never understood the game mechanics or never bothered to pay attention to the various tools the game gives you.
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10 anniversary its gonna be extremely dissapointing, the servant will be clown Olga Marie, they will give you 900 sq equivalent and thats it.

You will be super lucky if they add a level cap increase
Wait like 5 or 10 minutes. It will be Kiara in all.
U-Olga is clearly going to be an unlocked servant. They would not do a normal release for her, not after the Four Elemental Olgas.
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I've just realized that ignore def CEs are fairly uncommon. We've got way more overcharge CEs than ignore def.
if the age's not stated then it's safe to assume the portrayed character is an adult
Yeah, we get a free Ignore CE this Halloween I believe tho
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Good moming
And few target ces
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BBehold, the BBeautiful BB-chan BBook
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I not consider myself a good player, I am actually quite dumb.

But I also have to say that I always go into quests blind, only using the tips I'm giving as a reference.
I read "strong defense buffs" so I brought Kintoki and all the powerhouse for an all-working all situation team, and I also brought a plan B in case that fails, namely Herc, and I succeeded

So all in all I belive I did it well.

That being said, I still complained because it was a long ass battle for a gacha game that you are meant to play for few minutes in a row.
Stall its fun for those who seek that, shouldn't be something you need to do given the nature of the game.
I am gooning... I am edging... from something I'm becoming...
common sense
Is my 90++ comp bad if I have to use Castoria NP and MLB Black Grail to boost the damage numbers enough?
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The Bob cosplayer retweeted this doujin
dead week ahead
dead thread
Who cares, dont worry about what others think, go at your own pace, we have like 2 more weeks of this shit anyway
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Actually, in every hentai there is an advertising at the beginning saying all characters are 18 or above regardless of the setting.

Even the original Fgo all the characters are supposed to be 18+ due to that despite being highschoolers on second.

There is even an old hentai that makes a joke out of it and has the loli mc to show an ID card saying she is 18 as reference to that disclaimer ALL hentai have
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I expected you to troll me actually. Added and locked
I'll get mine og Kiara to Lv 120 soonish, I have the coins for it
pic NOT related
I farm facecarding. Feel better now?
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Remember when events used to have actually TWO parts and after the whole first part a whole second part unlocked with a whole new story and all?
I still remember the first couple of summers or the Imperial city, when you thought it was all over its when it actually started.

From a while now its been only a single part then a couple of extra missions.
Time to save.
Part 2 of summer 1 is some of the worst event writing ever to grace this game.
Can't blame you for thinking that.
Thanks, you too.
I wish I was luckier with Summer Kiara to have both maxed. Will have to wait the next year or GSSRs.
It's Arthur
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At least defense pierce CEs are still being released, the last target CE was Outrage in 2017 (for JP), which means 7 years without one.
Percival is so lucky
Do you need any specific CEs somewhere?
>he doesn't know
Smartest gudapag...
MLB tea
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Please wear some gloves Meluko you are going to get frostbite...
Ignore Def on your ST Avengers
Tea CEs on your support
Everyone will be farming BB for 2 weeks
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Do you agree that 2 month long events are the best thing that ever happened to FGO since the timelocks happen every 2 weeks?
Why would anyone ever complain about having more to do?
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Me on my date with my cosplay gf
why do japanese cosplayers always have dead eyes
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bros, otome, just bought Thoreau's Walden and Civil Disobedience after not reading them since high school. i've forgotten everything. what am i in for?
Not this fraud
Contacts and heavy makeup make it harder to tell microexpressions. Also, cons can be exhausting.
>up for 5 hours
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I want filled her with my cum
Jerk off before you post
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You're a bitch for reporting it.
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What are some servants that you can beat in a fist fight?
is it me or is this website becoming more like leddit every day?
It wasn't me though, i liked that post...
Im olympic level boxer i quite literally beat them all easily.
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It's underage little bitches addicted to twitter who think it's their moral obligation to police all content on the internet because they were groomed and raised to do so.
Who are the bimbo seravnts in FGO? Is Arcueid a bimbo?
She's a Funny Vamp.
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Servant capable of inflicting bimbofication as a status effect when?
>spam FGA on 90++
>spend it all on fangs
>its still not enough to finally 10/10/10 maid alter
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I still feel bad for the pigglets. Summer 2 second part with the scape prison was also dumb as fuck but at least it got a second part so didn't feel as short as current summer events
>Aoko grants “Protagonist Correction”
bob gg
>mlb bg
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nightingale if shes wearing trick or treatment costume
thats a man
not mlb
wrong that is a horse
It took me a day to get the joke behind “Hagen Tea”…
she looks cross-eyed
Sorry, I am saving for OG Morgan
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Races were pretty fun. It managed to motivate /alter/ even if there was bot shenanigans.
Summer Ibuki, except she's only pretending.
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Cute Raikou.

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