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>Recent News
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Dark) - (09/10 - 09/17)

Unite & Fight EX, EX+ & NM90 Health increase etc. - Live
Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 6 new Shields - 09/17
Auto-Reduce/Reserve for SR and higher - 09/17
Share Chests removed, Drops adjusted - 09/17
Sutera Outfit added to Daily Point Shop - 09/17
Militis Staff & Axe 4* FLB - 09/21
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24
Outfit Shop UI Update - 09/24

Divine Generals CD - 09/25
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>493856351
rocks won
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
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not on my watch
Would you buy them if they were shungite rocks
We like kids here at /gbfg/ so yes
shitter here without revans, tranny opus etc.
what do you use for NM95? all I got are some old weapons and M3 shit, and I just want to get my boxes and be done with it
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Post Big meaty...
All shipshit
trash element
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lots of exaltos
2.3k not gonna farm anymore
269. i only touched 90 and 95 once each.
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troonmo status????
troonting status??????
I only have 2, and 1 that's a copy away from max
>shiva cross
hymmmmmmm.......dyoesn't count nyackshually
oh well just make a caim grid and kengo team
chink larping as nips
FKTRN's gonna freak when xhe sees troonmo is not #1 despite the desperate efforts to make it core
this but with troonting instead
>46sec nm90
>3m 16sec nm95
yea uhh I'll just stick to 90 unless there is a reason I should be pushing to 95
do 95 till you get all your chests than go back to 90
xhe hates hrunt thoughbeit
oh right thank you for the reminder
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Why are grubbas like this?
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They might not be used whole GW...
Lobelia is already used as backline and caim will be used for both 200 and 250
5* caim will be core for nm250?
>nyooooooo xhe ackshually hates troonting!!1111!!!11!!!!1!!!!!!
>that's why xhe is deliberately releasing dogshit characters in earth to not powercreep troont and obviously to shill it
For manual, sure
Slightly doubt for FA
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he does hate it yeah, cope
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Where is my power??
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Any idea how to improve my grid with 3 galleon staves instead of caim?
Peak sex
Why would FHRT hate the weapon that Troneraph has? Shit makes no sense, you retarded retard.
you mean the weapon trooneraph bought after getting buckbroken by it?
Just 3 staves + 2 pillardriver...
>renames to Momoi
>buys hrunt
i only have 1 pd
nyou syee.................
xhe still has it albeit, therefore there's no need for FKHRT to hate it
You can cope with 1 Ished...
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marge, why are paid opus buyers pretending that I ever hated Hrunting again?
They're saying FKHR loves hrunt because you have it
>FKHR loves hrunt because you have it
it really do be like that
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hmm it's slower, should I have replaced other weapons with the galleon staves and ished or is caim just better in general
any uriellet and raziellet setups?
both skill damage cap on opus and ultima...
because something something hates dark
well it worked with caim grid...
you don't use kirin?
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I'm using this grid, since it's the only one I can do, but i'm trying to improve it
That caim grid actually has better supplement damage, may be 1 pillar not work well in this place.
Pholia domination loss sounds nice.
blud really thinks he can fool anyone
I would still use kirin and put olivia buff on cidala
T1: buffs and stuff, cidala s3, kirin, attack
T2: bubs call, 2nd summon (mammoth?), olivia s3 2 3, then spam red skills for uriel
I just found out they buffed Summer SIlva and added new art. Fapped to her new art and love her new 3 turn gimmick. Was she THAT bad before this?
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She was promoted now
Now you can't laugh at me for sieroing her!
She just come to me nartually
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and now demote razielflop and that homofaggot
da pozdusa shilling...
I can't think for myself, what characters work for a kengo team?
meanwhile lich..
Raziel has big tits. She is fine.
I did Okto V.Moni Satyr/Alex
is it really worth it?
Also how do i stuff in yatima and mammoth into that grid?
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manual under 2 mins.
Who was the last permanent character with 10.0? Predator?
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So this is just garbage, right?
Thank you, along with that other guys suggestion I'll play around with it.
>2500 meats consumed
>22 chests
>0 celestials
Doing only NM100s. How am I doing?
It's only right that the fallen angel stands atop all the other primarchs. I hope there's GW art of her pointing and laughing at Sandalphon and all of his alts.
Olivia is the first non-limited 10.0?
Earth Sandal used to be 10.0 as well...
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was limited
Man it feels like a lot of JP artists are turning against Danbooru due to AI slop
And then these japs started to wonder why Western retards are turning against them
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>gets put into grub as luci's(now lucio) counterpart
>gets forgotten once the homoangel saga starts
>accidentally killed off screen by the end of it
>comes back as a non limited
>core FA, core burst, core endgame
>now tied to the biggest shillclub nowadays
>only current character above 9.9 that's not a limited
>gets promoted to 10
I fucking KNEEL
Dark GOD Olivia
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>pai is a cuck
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Hey /gbfg/
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>spotlight stolen by some dragon onahole fallen angel
Hello, how's HSR
you too? man i wish i'd gotten dark excali, could be used for RB memes at least
coomers usually are
>Caim grid still reigning in dirt
I am glad for all the bricks I have saved over the years.
>more slave labour
still not a good look grubbas
I remember it being used with chryasor and hrunt, but otherwise it's fucking useless
This is fake
Not a dogge
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Feels for this grubber?
didn't look, assume another high-rank player was outed for hiring teams of filipinos to take shifts grinding gw for him. that's just business as usual for gw
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raziel bros...
lmao just use a bot, what a retard
nm250 1b HP but 35m honors, will it worth?
what awakening is best for olivia/uriel/twins?
>over 3k meat spent
>only 13 chest drops

What the fuck is this drop rate holy shit
atk because they can have hard time reaching cap with s3
>olivia uriel
multiattack unless you use s2 a 2nd time in which case atk will be better on higher def
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>no Raziel
>no Olivia
>no Medusa
This kinda sucks. Do I really need this many dispels?
meant DAO s2, it has assassin
Uriel should be always at multi
Just need to hold out for cunnygers FLB, then surely I'll be allowed to play this element
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200% is actually good?
she already gives 200%...
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having fun grubbas?
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aiiiiiiiieeeeeeee 400 mil for top 90k already....
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no, i just got my third hiryuu with no souryuu in sight
Relink... remembered...
still shit
Imagine if they put Relink characters into Versus before the main game haha
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blud really thinks he's part of the team LMAO
Would probably be a good idea considering Japan doesn't give a shit about Relink. Might as well get the 800 Rising players to buy it after they fall in love with her.
So is Alex actually good for nm100?
No. The ougi party isn't good at all though.
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So my team is expensive right?
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yuritrash and fujotrash killed grub
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>"no change in the population"
Uhh...doomsisters...what do we say now
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is tomorrow still 95/100 or what, what's the schedule now
bring up the screencap we have had 2 days ago where the 270k only did 27 battles?
tomorrow is nm150
last 2 days is both 200 and 250
thanks though
idk how much money did you spend?
grid showcase?
what's your fox drops look like, skk?
it's actually good, september is usually dead
fox droppings
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so, 3B+ 90k with the inflation?
dead hero border again
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The tier list has been adjusted to reflect reality.
/gbfg/ GW74 Ranking
Updated: 22m ago
#898 - カトルボーイズ - 13.50B
#920 - Fleet - 13.36B
#1.2K - PCS - 11.81B
#1.7K - (You) - 10.03B
#2.6K - 中出しの幸せ - 7.47B
#2.9K - Grapes - 6.98B
#3.2K - ニーア! - 6.48B
#3.2K - BellaBarca - 6.45B
#3.5K - TOOT - 6.04B
#3.7K - Bullied - 5.81B
#3.9K - ChocoCats - 5.53B
#4K - ONIONS - 5.38B
#4.5K - Lilypals - 4.89B
#4.6K - Aion no Me - 4.79B
#5.9K - Bullies - 3.70B
#7.2K - COWFAGS - 2.85B
#7.7K - 小さな女の子 - 2.51B
#10.4K - Cogfriends - 1.39B
#17.6K - TheBathtub - 552.85M
#21.3K - Dem Bois - 387.58M
#22.2K - Sixters - 355.66M
5 unranked crews
>waahhh I dont have uriel I cant do gw
>also uriel shouldnt be a 10 cause hes a male homo
make up your mind
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can't you take a screenshot?

/gbfg/ GW74 Top Player Ranking
Updated: 26m ago
#266 - ジータ Fleet 5.02B
#695 - モモイ カトルボーイズ 3.78B
#1K - ▲ Fleet 3.36B
#1.7KMz カトルボーイズ 2.79B
#2K - Pepo Grapes 2.59B
#3K - Djeeta Grapes 2.13B
#3.1K - Alvin PCS 2.12B
#3.5K - 諭吉パンチ カトルボーイズ 2B
#3.9K - Blight (You) 1.91B
#4.4K - Imiria Bullied 1.82B
#4.6K - muuey ニーア! 1.79B
#6.3KMizako (You) 1.57B
#7.4K - Gran Aion no Me 1.48B
#7.8K - Aer0 PCS 1.45B
#7.9K - Steven ChocoCats 1.44B
#9.3K - Slugi (You) 1.35B
#9.6K - RNZ (You) 1.33B
#11.1K - MakotoM Bullies 1.25B
#11.4K - Haber PCS 1.24B
#12.1K - Coil Aion no Me 1.21B
#13.9K - Thaspion PCS 1.14B
#17.4K - Outis PCS 1.03B
#17.9K - さあちゃん Fleet 1.02B
#20.2K - Ein ONIONS 966.88M
#21.1K - Raiko TOOT 944.89M
#22.6K - Capy ニーア! 913.90M
#24.8K - TS202 TOOT 867.93M
#25.7K - Xiao PCS 852.20M
#25.8K - Djeeta Bullied 850.53M
#26K - ブリスマギア Fleet 847.67M
Bullshit metrics aside, if you include Evokers into the pools, their own tier list would suggest that Dirt has four 10.0s, tying with fire for most 10.0 units. How the tides have changed in less than a year.
Although most of these units wouldn't really be 10s in other elements
I hate "that crew" so fucking much.
Don't let them get the #1 /gbfg/ spot again. Make them lose.
Do I still need to kill nm100 a hundred times just to unlock nm150? And then nm150 a hundred more times to unlock nm200?
Yeah, they didn't change it
You also need 100 nm200 for 250
It is 2020, you are using xmas naru to kill nm100 in dirt gw
It is 2021, you are using xmas naru to kill nm100 in dirt gw
It is 2022, you are using xmas naru to kill nm100 in dirt gw
It is 2023, you are using xmas naru to kill nm100 in dirt gw
It is 2024, you are using xmas naru to kill nm100 in dirt gw (<- you are here)
i didn't do 100 in any of those previous gw. also i'm doing 90 farming for celestials today so i'm not doing it now either.
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I haven't logged in since gw began.
there isn't a single setup without raziel or uriel.
no wonder this is a flop gw.
Didn't farm nm100
Didn't farm nm100
Didn't farm nm100
Didn't farm nm100
Using Pholia to farm nm100
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fuck this primal2win game
bragging about not playing grub by coming to a mongolian cartoon forum and wasting way more time shitposting isn't the big win you think it is.
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Not a 10 btw
this gw would have been more popular if they put raziel in the last banner with galleon.
they really fucked up hard this year.
2020, I still don’t have Christmas Nee-chang
2021, I still don’t have Christmas Nee-chang
2022, I still don’t have Christmas Nee-chang
2023, I still don’t have Christmas Nee-Chang
2024, I STILL don’t have Christmas Nee-Chang AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE
come on fleet, get 1st place to trigger the obsessed retard.
Yep, another W for fleet.
momoi lost.
I'm farming something else, fuck GW.
Grr...unbreedable teases, damn brats need impotent correction!
I'm not
Because you have one tix a year to get her, otherwise you get to roll her on the one banner they trot her out with trash 3% rates a year until they put her back in her lockbox.
Just grubshit things.
200hl was already too hard for most players. 100hl is already making people give up on gw.
is there a reason that they decided to make a 250?
They're not going to win.
your crewmate coop?
the event is called unite and fight
full auto and fight
why are they trying to force it into social media or whatever. I want to play solo. i hate hexa and faa0
>this person should get more rewards because they used this unlimited resources instead of that unlimited resource.
maybe when they fix this things could change. god forbid they implement a few dread barrage style achievements.
Are Siegfried dagger considered different weapons when upgraded? For the galleon staff condition
I am not using her because I am running characters I actually like instead and my clear times suffer from it
Yes, Mk2 and Normal are different weapons for caim grid purposes
Yes, either use all mk2 or mk1
Their speciality on the other hand don't matter
game is called granblue fantasy so why can't I breed??
Because you lack power and imagination. You just know there is a primal beast out there that can use its power to allow any species within its power range to cross breed, astrals made it to produce monster rape babies but we can use it for good instead. That or you just make a bottle alchemy baby with Cag's help but that just doesnt have the same feel with the lack of pregnancy
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They never mentioned mpreg either, so you can get pregnant with satyr
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>f*tanigger kills the thread
Every. Single. Time.
different ids so yes
game is laggy as fuck what's going on
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Nips rush, may be.
they have to go somewhere after they killed their own general
Wasn't this gw dying?? what the fuck?
the celstial spear looks so plain that i'm scared of reserving it.
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forceful abortions are my fantasy
Give me one (1) good reason why green skills aren't used in FA
Are you a stupid fucking retard?
Don't answer, I know you are.
We have nm100 on day 1, which inflates honors instantly, are you surprised this gw will be more honors? Be honest, next you will be surprised by the jump cause of nm250 lol
Kys fucking engagment baiter
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healers are too powerful for grub
>he thinks esports faggots were the ones quitting the game
roru even
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First gw i'll be not making top 90k since I first started playing. Feels bad man
>wake up
>gigacuck still hasn't killed himself yet
who would win, gigacuck or cuckey?
healing merely prolongs fights. it's better if it's not included in fa because they can tune fights easier and faster.
just look at what happened to other game after they introduced an invincible team setup. things became frustratingly difficult to compensate for those one trick pony players.
>start day 1 around top 40k
>currently almost at 80k
Thinking I'd finish in top 90k was a pipe dream ;_;
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they will add it as a feature for super ultra premium pass, please don't forget to buy it.
One is open about being a cuck
The other denys it
Total cuckey victory
this gw is a joke to 90k rank in. i'm doing 90hl farming for celestials and i'm still ranking higher.
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grankeks are like this
Dxitasissies acking out
probably will get easier the later on you get
Ook eek lah
wheres that from
Damn... Gran was Alba all along? I want my cum back...
The spade queens of /gbfg/
No refunds
You retards told me GW threads would be alive
my wife
Remember to ring your DIRT ANGEL OLIVIA if you already haven't!
I only ring the woman I love
True, like Uno and Okto
It's DAO...
guide i'm following says to skip foxes (though it says to farm some gear from their stage still) since sou/hiryuu kai ni creeped them
>bandwagoner metatrannies trying to claim olivia now
Wyell, /gbfg/, did you win your round?
I really hope she's a human and not someone that needs... let's call it "outside help"
Wait when did xhe leave PozPals?
>one throwaway line ruins the entire waifufagging scene
now THIS is just grub things
They are, relative to how slow they were even a day before GW.
>Momoi jobbing to Djeeta
Is Y.Aglo better than Zeta for short burst (i.e. Siete)?
So why are the top players running Pholia/Raziel, Jessica and Dante if DAO is so good
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You used both
ougibros how are we feelin about nm150?
DAO - Dark Angel Olivia
DOA - Dead on arrival (Alexiel Uncap)
What the fuck did I 5* the pedo priest for then…
DAO issue is having to refresh her s3, which is too much of a time loss on short distance
Teams with her aren't much slower though
6-7 turns (now loading...)
Cause he is for different fire burst
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Grand aglovale and water percival will save water right?
Grand aglovale and percival will fuck my tight pussy and ass
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2500 meats still no celestial weapon drop.
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>You are now laughing
havent played in weeks did we get some cantate content or can i leave again?
other game wouldn't have made a mistake like this. just saying.
disgusting creatures
If I use fully tranny baha as main summon I can use death T1 on any element, right?
the only cantate content we got was numpers taking photos in Kigurumi
i wish grub had global chat like AL
seeing people talk about how sony isn't a japanese company and japanese companies have fallen to political correctness. it would have been fun to see what grub chat looked like.
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Hope he posts more.
cantate if she real
Where’s the camera?
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why tf uriel's third skill have like 5 sec of animation.
because suplexes are cool lmao get fucked
Surprisingly low number of grub characters when you do a cursory Google search.
no foxes
Source? Asking for a friend.
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tell your friend to use reverse image search
I feel bad for the shitposter, he still needs to use fkhr edits because we don't know shadow-P and shadow-D faces...
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When are we getting a proper insect girl grub? (Sylph is cute but doesnt count, she only has butterfly wings and fake antennas)
It's even worse when you realize Galgehara was on our side the whole time and all the evils of the world can be traced back to KMR.
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>the fktrn interns are still infiltrated in this thread
He says that yandex, google, saucenao and iqdb gave nothing.
FKHR can still be fully blamed for not tardwrangling his writers properly because he wanted to focus on Relink and Rising so much instead. That was supposed to be his job. You can pinpoint shit starting to get worse the moment they started working on Versus and told in interview how he has given more power to the writers and artists. And now its going to get even worse since he is not the main director anymore just creative director of the franchise so distanced himself even further from the gacha to work on spinoffs. Well I guess there is small hope that the director he picked has some brains to keep reins on the team, but I fear a powertrip over other writers/artists is whats actually going to happen
You need to stop pretending he and KMR aren't both the bad guys. HRT was the only one who actually gave a shit. He wasn't perfect and a lot of his ideas were bad, but at least he tried.
I'm glad for you or sorry that happened.
going by the latest events and plots in this game, it's safe to say fktrn picked a person that tested positive for HIV to replace him
well guess he'll have to masturbate to pics of you instead
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KMR picked the replacement, FKHR just passed down wisdom like "girls in swimsuits sell the best".
Numpers is dead...
...because he became Cantate....
I think we have to wait until Christmas stream and beginning of next year to truly see the effects new Producer and Director will have on this game. Stuff for this year might have been done with some level of cowork between KMR/FKHR and the new guys still but after that its freely on their hands
He is in debtors' prison... He was unable to pay for the mask and the costume...
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Come to think of it, I wonder if FKHR will keep working on deciding the Zodiac designs still. Or maybe they have already chanced how that process goes over the years
I mean... I'm not gay... but...
There's no way Ifucktranniesdaily greenlit the last two zodiacs, given that he made sure mr. pden would be more relevant than them in their respective year
Well you could be right, he is a pedo after all and ringed Tigers so its clear where his actual tastes lie
>he is a pedo after all and ringed Tigers
fkhr is so based...
>he is a pedo after all and ringed Tigers
HOLY FUARK he's literally me
FKTRN sisters...
>HIVbrain director is a Iolipagflopper
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
this but unironically
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Razielets/Olivialets and soon Medusalets
see you in nm250
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my first time gunning for t2k, hope I can stick the landing
What happened to shartpiercer?
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>tfw will never get t2k because europing
I’ll go for t2k once they announce they’re cutting voice work for all events.
so never
Based, probably gonna be able to for fire GW
The honor inflation will be insane thanks to nm250

those 2 rats announced their departure from the game on the stream and the threshold for top 2k went up you retard
nm100 on first day that's why
Just as never as seasonal lines being kill, right?
it still shows that the most diehard slurpers will still slurp up this game until the game literally EOSs.
I am also willing to bet that IF this game announces something akin to "they will be EOSing in X months" (removing voice acting from events totally fit this bill) there would be people rushing to do the same thing you are thinking of just so they can grab that epic screencap before the end.
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You’re forgetting that 150k people didn’t bother showing up at all.
We had 466k players in september last year
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tell that to haase
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had fun on day 1 grubbas?
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>give actual EOS tier announcement on stream
>everyone rushes in to grind GW to finish their eternal collections, uncaps, blue skins, weapon skins etc
>cygames sees this and thinks this means game is doing fine and makes no actual fixes
Yeah I had fun with hina sitting on my lap and feeling my erection
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Did mins with my wife, was fun watching and listening to her. Will do it tomorrow again!
Do I even bother with light if I lack horus and cosmos
You want a bigger lead than that if going for trophy, 1800s are cutting it too close
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dark bros?
>cygames sees this and thinks this means game is doing fine and makes no actual fixes
You are assuming that the mazed grubbas care and implying that player outcry has ever made a difference.

did cy got any fleck for removing your ability to spark that year's summer character
did people in Japan complained about it significantly

the only time cy has walked back on their retarded decision in recent years was during summer lotto and that wasn't even an actual walk back - they are just too retarded to tell everyone off the bet that everyone will get a T3 at the end, not that it makes the whole summer lotto situation any better mind you.
If the game was threatened with actual EOS the devs would at least do something because they might lose their jobs otherwise
triple pakeji
Chances yaglo is giga core for fire gw and fire gets a 4th 10/10?
>If the game was threatened with actual EOS

like, right now?

>FKHR and KMR left the game
>"release the event where it says you can't breed cross-race, that will make our fans happy!"
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>If the game was threatened with actual EOS the devs would at least do something because they might lose their jobs otherwise
our devs did something alright
they ran away
They fucking RAN...
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>scamchas had became weekly for almost if not more than a year
>started doing pakejis where some of them are just straight up newfag bait
>event writing still maintains the same level of quality - i.e. unreadable slop + a sprinkle of player outrage
>MSQ still nowhere to be seen

they are trying really hard to stay afloat, I can tell.
Only percy, nehan and ilsa can be considered 10.0 thoughbeit.
I started the day in the mid 3ks, I just have to keep at it and hope I can do the same in 150
The only "newfag" bait one is the dama bar, I cant farm sunstones and I cant farm perp rings, id happy pay 2k yen for a sunstone or perp ring, are you poor bro? Cant afford a ring for your wifeys??? LOL FAGGOT
member when GW used to stir up the thread even during our most deadest months
now nothing short of the game doing something bad...again and schizo meltdowns can cause the thread to move at a decent pace.
Well cuckey is banned and got kicked from his current crew, im sure he would have posted here but instead he posted about it on discord
mihomo slurping gigacuck already acked out
He got kicked during gw or just before?
Is a regular pool character being a 10.0 good or bad?
yeah whats the point of talking about gw when the only response you're gonna get is a FKHR nft?
more like there's no point in discussing a dead game
they should let us farm our chests during tallying
just enable the raids but disable the honors
nyit's jyust...
There’s nothing to say about GW other than “grind my badges, maleringer”.
and yet it's all doompags do, more so than slurppags
Cool. Now go sleep. Messing up rotations due to fatigue suck
Time to ask for faa0 runs during rounds
I watched a black screen for 4 hours today and I didn't get a single celestial drop
>oh yeah???? I looked at the same screen for 12 hours today and I got 2!!!!!
>also we went 6b and lost

riveting GW discussion
KEKAPOW slurpags do be sayin that
gay wars
how about
>lol unlike your slurpers I don't actually play the game!
>I just click a button every 2-5 minutes to make the game play with itself while I pretend I am multitasking for 6 hours

>I beat the system!
>made you talking about GW
I won
>made you talking
it's starting to lose it
>Pant... Pant...
>>made you talking about GW
seasisters? our response?
Darkbros, why doesn't olivia work harder for dirt...
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It’s good to have solid options that can serve as the core of a team that aren’t locked behind a large grind or (hyper-)limited status.
Especially one that can do things besides Ougi.
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People crying about lack of GW discussion should internalize that a good 70% of it was just interpersonal crew drama that's about as on topic as BA shilling.
Singularity cum is so powerful she needs condoms just to be extra sure she won't get pregnant
yeah but shitposting tourists don't remember that
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Newfag question. Is this game worth getting into?
Granblue Archive is ontopic thougheverbeit.
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no and get the fuck out
If you have time to sink you could be playing monster hunter wilds soon.
No it's grindy as hell and also dying.
if you like super autistic grinding then give it a try
>not a new IP
Nope. A lot of players are leaving, and both the director and producer just quit to avoid the fallout of their long streak of bad decisions.
lolibabasex dupes
Not anymore.
Should we tell him?
The game is dying and you'd make a better use of your time playing other games
This. Such an obvious falseflag shaking my baka
shit zombie game
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ipschizo is nutty
Roonscape sisters...
Why does Relink have this tag?
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because gbf is an inclusive franchise chud
We call our wife Galgeliostro around here
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OOC garbage.
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No its not unless you are actually mentally ill and love stupid grinding shit a lot. I say this as someone who still actually does have fun with it and who reads all the garbage they put out and likes it. Its just the kind of game you had to be there for and invest over the years.

But if you start, then pick either a starter account if you want to be a pussy or wait until Flash fest (6% SSR rates) starts around the middle of the month to make your account. They added alright starter quests for beginners this year that guide you some basics and give you free grids so you skip some of the old grind that nobody would be there to help you with. Can get straight to business with the newer dead raids instead . You even get Narumeme for free now along with other nice characters like Gandalf with swords and the erune slut you might have seen in Versus.
Remember how Cupitan used to get art like this but then they retconned her with her summer version and made her a dyke? What was THAT all about?
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Going to try this for NM250 FA, might switch Raziel out to Brodia if needed.
but that's her summer version
>gbf is an inclusive franchise
true, we have autists, retards, cripples, women, gays, lesbians, trans, blacks, list goes on
Yeah good luck with that lmao
>autists, retards, cripples, women, gays, lesbians, trans, blacks
also known as maleringers
you forgot gay hobo
Not satyr
wilnas has a daughter
Jesus dude you didn't have to do them like that
grandblues is not canon
>mentioned in one grandblues strip and nowhere else
As much as I wish it were true, we both know it isn't.
cope it's in the game itself
It's a well known fact that the grand blues writer doesn't consult the masterfile
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gbfpags are mentally ill
Nobody in the grub team does.
Grandblues is canonically an alternate universe that has its own lore and alternate versions of characters
Everything in the game is canon.
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Grandblues strip #2504
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Only if you play as dxita, so yeah she respects that
what about it
>Orologia pimping out Galleon
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>dixtasis immediately projecting
sit in the cuck chair sis
Fgo is a bigger cuckage than gbf
Slurpas? Your response?
How so? Ereshgoddess alone proved this wrong.
>no significant drop from last gw
We fucking WON
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It's a smaller than expected drop considering all the bullshit that happened November onwards
>1 servant
>every other servant lusts for other men
Yeah it's a cuckage, unless you think kama ishtar mash nero bazette... ect I could list pretty much every female servant don't count, cause if they dont count, I concede
>thread deadest it has ever been
>jap grub thread near nonexistent
>bot like behaviours spotted near the low ranks (i.e. everything below 90k)
on top of all this
>none of this changes the fact that our directors ran away from the game
>day 1 nm100 + nm250 honor inflation + deploying more bots
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Do not badmouth cygames.
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I'd say mihomo slurping gigacucks are more mentally ill
Facts but that's a low bar
that's a yikes from me
>this came it just hours before sumo 2
>a month later is the summer stream
Yeah they knew they’d be in deep shit.
xmas stream predictions?
fyack gonna pack
Why don't we get boomer collabs anymore?
ShadowP only likes the newer stuff
The only ones left to collab with want nothing to do with this kusoge.
>every other servant lusts for other men
FGObabs is this true?
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Not entirely. The ones I like are all safe.
fotm flop
All good posts
It depends on if your definition of “lusting” is normal or if it’s
>has any form of positive interaction with characters that aren’t my self insert viewpoint character
>Is this game worth getting into?
nm150-200 today?????? holy shit
What's this mental illness called?
Being a dxitaxis
uh oh mihomo gigacuck is losing it
Remember that time they retconned Pozdusa into being Pereseus’s cock sleeve? What was THAT all about?
Dxitasisters love genshit though?
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Cygames is returning to their roots
This is one of the most ringed/grailed servants in fgo, this happens a lot mentioning other servants, barghast? She lusts for male knights of the round table, it is sad but it is nasu's fetish with giantesses
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>mihomo fags getting shipshit not in one game but TWO
uh oh shaysisters....? Our response...?
>I don't know why, but my face and body feels itchy yet I can't take my eyes off him
Fgo a true cucks game
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mixed toilets do be like that
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They should bring more of the soulful ROB lore for the imports if they are going to shill them. Also its not retcon if its new development, if they started pretending like they had seen before and interacted then it would be a retcon
mihomo gigacuck respects that
which ones? dont they have like 5 games?
>#1 male is 3x more popular than #1 female
And this shit still gets insane revenue...
Its result of female votes being much more spread out due to there being 10 times as many of them. Also the vote let you vote both a female and male character
Seth x Jane in ZZZ and Jiaoqiu x Feixiao in HSR I suppose
>Its result of female votes being much more spread out due to there being 10 times as many of them
That's a thing in grub too
wasnt that the rat chick the foxcuck kept shilling?
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foxcuck is a cuck? SHOCKING
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Fuck that. Import the sexo.
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Everything really does backfire on that guy
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another character posted by shay LMEOW >>493971554
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Don't pretend half the granblue archive players aren't /u/fags and futafags
Nice random percentage pulled out of your ass mixed toilet cuck.
I thought the gigacuck memes were just shitposting..
Isn't that pink fox huangyume's new husbando?
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We should start with the one that actually got offical celebration art on twitter by grub team...
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I really don't know what they were expecting. genchink literally exists for everyone to see, they are mihomo's playbook

>get as much people in with sexo females and cunnies
>instantly pulls out the homos, shipshit and cuckshit when they feel like they have a sizeable mazed population
No? mihomo gigacuck meme is not being spammed out of nowhere.
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>calling other people mixed toiled cuck in the gbfpag general
Why blud complaining about futagods when he ERPs with Futa AI that fucks him in the ass?
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Every schizo that betrayed grub being punished one by one
grub do be mindbreaking yumes and waifufags alike into becoming mixed toilet gigacucks like that
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>"soulful lore"
>garbage slop where everything revolves around lucifaces and characters that exists to fawn over those luciface characters
I know it's hard for mixed toilet cucks to understand but I'm shitting on both grub and mihomo every thread.
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same ngl
>get as much people in with sexo females and cunnies
Wasn’t the very first Genchink banner the gay wind shota? And the second Chink Rail banner was the furry chink general
Shay and Faayume should marry and have gigacuck babies
grub betrayed me first, it's fair game that I shit on them now.
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ummmm...............shut up.........
shay is gay though
...with lil L watching in the corner jerking off about his fantasies about belial
Faayume is for (Me)
I'm literally Faa btw
didn't zzzfags say they were going to steal all the BA artists or something?
How is that going for them?
uh...NM150 has the same HP as NM100? What's the difference? Can I use the same party?
Don't you have a 15 year old Indian girl to call mama?
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>that Yunli one
This is your brain on shipcuck. These people genuinely can’t comprehend men and women interacting without it leading to sex.
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pretty good for a game that's 2 months old, how about you gbfpag?
BA artists dont have pronouns in their bio
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Yes the fuck I do.
yuuka solos zzzlop pixivbux
They absolutely do
150 has higher def so you might need to click more
>he's going back to comparing ZZZ to grub instead because he can't go against the real granblue without getting BTFO
>has to latch on to a different game's popularity because his mixed toilet garbage is just looking at a loading screen for 16 hours
Popular games don't have their anime flop thoughbeit
Why’s blud acting like anyone here likes or gives a shit about grub and considers it their game?
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Sounds like they have a whole lot in common with cuckposters tbdesu.
We're all Granblue Archive players here though
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seraph is a concord player so not really
yuukabros... how can we compete with granblue...
didnt the genshin anime literally get cancelled?
/gbfg/ - gacha battle field general
ding dong
it's time to pat your grubs
She IS the granblue
Still coming out, cope
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>all those paid artists for big xtter/pixiv bux
>still nowhere NEAR dokkan
I'm pretty sure they were never getting an anime, just some PV.
>16k / 2 months = 8k per month
>509k / 3.5 years (42 months) = 12k per month
also keep in mind BA was almost eos'ing for the first year of its existence and nowhere near as big as ZZZ
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In your dreams Lil troon. I only play kamige.
>and nowhere near as big as ZZZ
don't forget the part where mihomo was known to put an absolutely inhuman amounts of money to shill their games
IIRC genchink's marketing budget was 4x their profit at one point in time.
>revenue = cultural
maleringers have yet to know about touhou huh
Nobody knows about troonwho but porn addicted weebs
shay and seraph can hold hands as the most dishonest duo to grace /gbfg/
2hu isn't relevant anywhere outside Japan
sad cope, 30 years later and GODhou still makes you seethe
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>ZZZ's revenue being way lower on that chart after the first month means it's FotM flop
>granblue archive still being way lower than ZZZ on that charts doesn't mean anything chud
It doesn't make me seethe. I don't even think about it, like the majority of the world lol. It leaves zero impression on me since I'm not from weebland and don't give a shit about bad bullet hell games.
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Why does nobody make zzzlop doujins?
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Cant we at least talk about flop Granblues instead of flop Other/games?
the maleringer is a a buyer-for-other-men's-condom too?
oh my god
Is Granblue Fantasy not a contestant anymore in this gacha competition?
>granblue archive is platonic, just ignore that the characters are in love with (You)
>jane doe in love with another character while MC watches? YIPPEE SO HECKIN GALGE
marge, a what
hasn't been one for the past 5 years if I am to be perfectly honest with you.
I don't think there's legitimately any good news for this game for the past 2 years.
KEKAROO mihomo gigacuck do be like that
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>wuwa - 13.5m
>BA - 9.6m
BAggots KNEEL to the wuwaGODS
You wanna see what cultural relevance looks like? Look up Sea Shanty 2
Try again without crying this time
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Sophia turns 10 years old in 2 months and still has no uncap. Will be the first SSR to achieve that
erm... yeah but we can still make it in, just let me contact our strongest galge soldiers belial and varuna
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Grub was left in the dust on Uma's release at the latest.
Because we don't show up on the reddit gacha revenue chart
You mean the song composed by the convicted sex offender of a minor?
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was about to post it, but you beat me to it
I'd like to try some Faa Zero. What is the minimum things I must do to not make the raid fail (at least ultil I learn the raid better)? Just like shield and pearl for Hexa
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Incredible how that game continues to live and make more than 10 millions every month all thanks to spiteful ex genshin players.
You mean a galgetard? Normal people can seperate the art from the artist, you should try it sometime. Weebs do it all the time when it involves shonenslop like Rurouni Kenshin or DQ music.
ah so that's why he's so obsessed with 15 year old indian girls...
roonscape sisters.......................
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Be able to survive
/clear the 2 sets of labors. The post 60% and 20% omens
Not a good look, Yukonsister.
>and a nonce
the memes write themselves
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Nice thread grubbas
Finally a cripple wife for me...
Why is Trooneraph acking out now?
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Blue Archive.
Poo archive does seem to attract the digibro video essay audience
Based wuwachads at least in that game 99% of characters are for (you)
Who is digibro?
>Poo archive does seem to attract the [tranny] video essay audience
BA bros...? our response?
for me, it's Mr Anime
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Big whoop, granblue fantasy has far more sophisticated and mature writing.
>Seraph watches tranny youtubers
What a weird thing to admit out of nowhere.
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It really does.
I'm pretty sure known transexual Moogy is also a Blue Archive fag
lil L self own on a daily basis
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>stealth nerfed the good fortune chest drop rate
Is there a limit to how shit GW can become?
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Finally, a game with quality content!
He's the same guy who brought up indian girls out of nowhere...
ShadowP is a zoomer and probably a woman.
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Someone please source me on this one
I do not watch Poo archive content creators tho?
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When is grub getting a video essay about this kino?
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How granblue's Guild War BROKE ME [12 hours]
They'd never allow this kind of comment from a straight grub btw.
Genshin does not have shipshit however.
She's probably 50 with a how do you do fellow kids mentality.
and granblue doesn't have homos
Right you just namedrop tranny youtubers nobody has ever heard of completely unprompted.
>perfect character for Relink both in gameplay and lore
>GhandaPoza gets in instead
I will never forgive FKHR
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Unbound Asterism: An Unbridled Masterpiece (3 Hours)
Yeah that's fair.
>The delight of your sacrifice. Jealousy.
>Excitement. Hatred. Envy. Guilt from watching. Excitement. Self-loathing. Then excitement again-- excitement, and pleasure...
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Why doesn't he post actual (You) pandering characters like Kafka or Firefly?
Try your NM100 team and see how it goes.
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I read all of the WMTSB saga so you don't have to [30 minutes]
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Granblue Fantasy: How a single line broke the fanbase
The Worst DLC in Fighting Game History (55 minutes)
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How a single character from an obscure franchise changed gacha games forever.
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jiyuna already made this one about versus
Imagine being a draph/erune/harvin waifufag and still slurping after that
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>I "played" the worst gacha game of all time and it was... [70 minutes]
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Old hags that groomed the MC are mandatory in series about space trains.
Is that black myth reference?
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I Worked for Fukuhara, He’s a Fraud.
japs are too buckbroken to make videos like that
>just turn into someone else
How is this any different from raising another man's child? Its genetics arent yours
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The disturbing mobile game where a little girl sells her body for bread.
>someone else
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You say that but shit like Taimanin has a mobile game not to mention actual h-games with goblin and dogs raping girls.
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>Old hags that groomed the MC
Absolute top tier
where did everyone go
She says right there that she would chance your genetics. In soul you are the same but you end your bloodline there
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bread too small
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To watch video essays about grub’s amazing writing.
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Why EVERYONE uses: Olivia
I'm doing math homework
Changing race, do you also think all your cells being replaced every 7 years means you're a different (you)?
I am playing other gamss
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nap time
it really isn't that funny
Thats nowhere near the same thing as completely chancing your race. If you took a sample of yourself now and 10 years from now we could still say its the same person from those. If you took sample now and after a race chance the researcher would think its two different people
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It is exactly that funny.
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You're changing your original body composition in both cases. Keep coping.
Totally different (you) btw.
uuhh.... maleringers?
I hope you are just shitposting like I am
That’s definitely not me since I’m not a furry.
You are canon erune.
Olivia is actually core in dark gw thanks to death, the other lesser elements can't do the same.
No, I’m a shiny slime.
lil L...
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>fake ears
No, he’s a maleringer. Whole separate and lesser species.
alive thread alive game
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looking forward to the next round grubbas?
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i am still mad they did this
the game is laggy and slow
Game is too alive 38 million players please understand
Do not fucking do it I used to make fun of ADHD zoomers and their tik tok addiction all just to realize that ive become one myself.
I need to farm something when I read watch anime, youtube, movies, manga, and even sometimes I work I get the itch to farm something on my second screen.
I never would have thought in a million years that I would become one of them, just let that pile of shit away from you and stay sane.
Cygames mindbroke me.
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>They/Them pronouns
>Choosing pronouns
Do Runescapers really?
Floptante and Mika should die.
>Probably Siete and Ilsa
Who else will be added in Rising?
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mugen juri raiden cassius and yngwie
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Urarager is fucking nuts
Should be KMR picture desu
Europa or Brodia, probably Europa.
Nehan or Cassius.
Evil Sandals (bonus).
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Why don't we get burger collabs anymore?
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We already got ours and it was devastating....
She wasn't out when they made the polls, so no.
>always skipped through the MSQ
>decided to finish it for awakening levels
>true king is responsible for both my wives
>even tries to canonically make them for me
Why did anyone thing he was the bad guy.
yeah but the higher ups are going to want to add their uma shillclub va
I don't think they'll add Logia too recent.
he is rising to the afterlife alright
>rip off a fighting game character 1 for 1
>don't put him in the fighting game
How was Feather not in the base game?
They already said they are working on the popular picks. All the Rising adds were likely following the nip results aside of Versusia who was created for Rising. There were no Uno incidents again, or Soriz. Even Grinmiru was probably close to the top 10 since he's always pretty high elsewhere.
Bro? Rising is early pre Empire fall where wmtsb hasn't happened yet IF will happen since now everyone knows the future. Lucifer should be alive. Avatar was around alive in Versus. The reason why Bubs could unsealed him was because all angels disappeared and now are back. Timelines were restored and separated again, but Jita and Sandalphon have (so far) stayed isekai'ed there. This is probably going to be fixed in next updates.
The least believable thing here is GBF being popular
So what position did 2b get on the poll?
Why are you shilling you copypasted Lucifercope here, Belialfujo? Do it in /gbvsrg/ like yesterday.
Gran didn't even fight Akasha yet when the versus core started fucking shit up. Lucifer is alive now angels were restored.
That's also why evil Sandalphon (who escapes from Pandemonium) can be a bonus character. Without the fusion of timelines, this one can get a divergence.

Bubs, Faa, Belial, Djeeta and Sandalphon are from a different dimension.
There's no cope in that. Sandalphon's story from implementation could be randomly get hunted by the angels because as far as they can tell he's a criminal in Pandemonium.
Did you even follow Versus at all? Avatar is alive.
rising's story is literally over now, you retarded belialfujo
#2 in my wife ranking
>caring about Lucifer
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how is she still not in grub?
It's xir. Xhe types the exact same way and behave in the exact same autistm every single time
The main story. Not the bonuses each characters gets when added. Rat will likely get one too. But please stay mad by the reminder Lucifer is alive in this point of time. As was Avatar before was defeated in Versus.
Come to think about it, Metatron should be alive too. It would be good he gets something.
I warned you about maleringers
Why did Lucifer seal Metatron anyway? He seemed like a swell guy.
I don't want Eachtar's used goods.
I don't know. Sandalphon choosing to fuck off with Jita instead of staying in world with Lucifer sounds spicy. It does sound like something Cygames would do to show how much he "matured."
better question is why do you keep pretending to ask questions when you only want to samefag with headcanon garbage at the end of the day
>Not the bonuses each characters gets when added
they stopped doing those you retarded bitch
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>fujotroon doesn't actually play games
color me shocked.
Gallon sex
Gallen Kiss
Galleon Paizuri
Galleon Amazing Press
The fuck. I just remembered his existence after he got mentioned. I don't wanna read that event again. Why are you so hostile, anon? You sound like you have some complex over this. I don't fucking remember why Lucifer sealed the guy. Satan hive was dangerous, but why did he seal Metatron too?
When are they adding NM 250?
>they stopped doing those you retarded bitch
They won't have the game without any updates, retard. Society will likely get a 'crossfate' mini story, bitch.
Unless you can cite they won't add more mini stories, shut the fuck up.
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I hope I haven't made any silly grammatical mistakes. I am very tired right now.
The three killas of /gbfg/
holy based
round 3
round 4
round 5
Final Rally
prelims next gw
during MSQ update
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Good luck in round 2 /gbfg/.
y-you too
Cerberus(grand) doko?
>MSQ update
lmao even.
was playing genshin until gw

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