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"Gluttony" Edition

A place for the works of japanese game director, writer and absolute madman Yoko Taro (aka Toko Taro, aka Yoko Yaro, aka Coco Taro, aka Taro Yoko).
Discussion of the NieR/Drakengard/Voice of Cards games, as well as spanking and cashgrab kusoges like SINoALICE, NieR Reincarnation and 404 GAME RE:SET are welcome!

>NieR Automata Anime Adaptation Season 2 IS ON AIR
>SINoALICE Movie home release OUT NOW
>NieR Replicant Remake on Steam
>NieR Automata on Steam
>Voice of Cards games on Steam
>Emulation guides for Drakengard games
>Drakengard 1.3 Translation
>Yokoverse Fanbook
>Complete Yoko Taro resource pastebin
>Accord's Library (New Yoko Taro Games Archive)
>SINoALICE Resources (guides, Database, OSTs, etc.)
>SINoALICE High Res Art
>Event Stories compiled by anon
>Conquest Guides
>Chat Stamps Compilation

>Previous thread
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spank the pig while she eats
I want all three of them but green is obviously the best
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Tending to my Zero so she can grow up to be big and strong!
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just a simple farmer, tending to his crops
what the fuck man why is the japanese grimoire nier revised pdf so fuckin high def... kinda pissed off right now not gonna lie
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android fishin
turning pigs into mermaids
Turning pigs into dead pigs
Turning pigs into wifes
Turning (You) into someone with better taste in sinos
i love my gluttonous little fatwives
Anon the reason the sinos are so mentally unstable is because they werent loved enough. They deserve their princes. In pìgs case atleast someone that keeps them from eating the world.
>griff gets a testicular hernia
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big piggy belly...
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he would still carry Lars back to safety, uphill both ways
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>uphill both ways
All of the sinos are aspects of Arisu's personality, which she's using to evade reality.
Wrong. All of the sinos are CUTE! And real!
If they were real then why I don't have a Cindy! gf?
because we're living in toko taro's world
I wanna get off this ride.
All the world loves a lover
All the girls in every landom
And to know the joy of loving
Is to live in the world of mandom
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They are living in Japan
Cindy!, Arisu and Feesh are the only cute ones.
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Fishwife will always be the cutest but Red,Doro and Gretel are also good there
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2B needs spankings.
IF you spanked her scales ur hand would hurt
do you have the cosplay piggies?
>zero becomes mom
is this the most un-zero thing?
the more out of character something is the more likely it is
would she even be a good mom?
gap moe means yes she'd be a good mom in a fucked up way
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reality or fantasy?
that one I LOVE PIGS
out of habit I keep searching for nrg
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Taking Zero on a date
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it’s going to be daijobu anon…book soon-ish, h-haha…
I want a borger...
she eats her burger then your burger too
>bodybuilder yonah
>stay at home mom kaine
>cookbook weiss
>calm nier
>calm caim
>heterosexual emil
calm caim is cute
>no FMG yonah art
needs to me more nier fmg in general
no! kaine is muscular enough!
could be BIGGER!
doesn't have to be!
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Alright. The first episode was... definitely something. 3D is really bad, but you get accustomed to it quite fast. Toobie is also really cute.
Why did Doll 2B just nuke the bunker in the post-credit theater?! Is she insane?!
why is anime 3d so bad?
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Because 3D is meh.
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Dont hav kaine but i do have tobey
STRONG androids
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Episode Too was MUCH better.
First off all, the most important part is that everyone is really CUTE! All the Yorhas, Operators, regular androids, machines, Lily, everyone's CUTE!
Second, BEEPY! Beepy's the best.
Third, I'm pretty sure it was a Grimoire Noir copy on the moment where the tall robot walked by a Goliath. Am I wrong?
Fourth, RIP the Chamomile Machines...
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Season 1 is a mess in quality, some good some bad. The production problems and hiatuses really show, unlike season 2 which is far better.
And i believe those are just normal books since a grimoire showing up would have trended which it didnt.
I thought she was pregnant from the thumbnail....

but seriously what in the FUCK happened with season 1 that led to it being delayed so much?
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Maybe not, but it really wants you to think that it is a magick book.
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I want to believe!
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la la la la la
pick up yonah
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Toko taro could make alot of money selling dragon plushies but he doesnt
Then catch Yonah! And yeet again! and again!

Cute Angelus...
Happy anniversary, Drakengard!
And happy birthday, Papa Nier!
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It's also my birthday today!
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Epic commentary
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Drakengard 4 should have dragon waifus
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the robutts have taken over
He didn't forgor! Foodpost soon.
Can someone check if D.K. also posted anything? Papa Nier is one of his favorite characters...

There's already a dragon waifu...

Everyone's a robutt nowadays.
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D.K posted a Caim but i find it funny the latest repost he did today was of this art of witch
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then where is my ss zelda robutt?
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What the dog doing?
>2b ass
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sure, thanks 4chan, now can you give some non-porn suggesting topic?
I slept for 20 hours....
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good for you anon, i've been up for close to 20 hours. but better late than never...happy 21st DoD-day /tarog/! fio is excited for cake and headpats! she is not being kidnapped!!
thank you doll anon!
He's a cool dude.

Sooner than you might think!

I slept for 12 and I feel like garbage. I want to sleep more...

Thanks, Doll-kun! The cake is great. Is Griff drinking tea from a whiskey glass, or is it Fio drinking whiskey from a teacup?
bumping toobies butt until it is reddened and sore
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I hate having to post AI shit. Don't make me do it again.
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Thought a little about what animals can be associated with/were pets of Nier characters.

>Gestalt Nier - cats (called Grimoire Noir Kuro)
>Replicant Nier - dogs (called Grimoire Weiss Shiro)
>Replicant Yonah - chicks (Nier gifted her one in childhood)
>Gestalt Kaine - dogs (had a white puppy called Shirayuki)
>Emil - spiders (had a pet spider in his mansion)
>Popola and Devola - cats (took care of a kitten but didn't pay it enough attention which led to the kitten's death; Devola meowed when drunk...)
>Sechs - lizards (probably kept a pot lizard in his castle against the rules and his father's wishes)
>Fyra - wolves (you know why...)
>Twin Admins - white pigeons (I'm sure it were those two who asked riddles in the Shadowlord's castle)
>2B - cats (had a cat with her on the pajamas picture)
>9S - bunnies (had a bunny in his hands on the pajamas picture)

Did anyone else have pets in Automata or Rein?
I have no qualms about AI or else I wouldn't like androids.
i think toko taro would be a bear because he eats and hibernates (doesn't make games) all the time
So this is the true reason behind the Bear jobs...
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I like AI overlords
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They need spankings. Hard and often.
They probably can turn off their pain transmetters to not feel them anyway.

>"I shouldn't laugh, really. They do feel pain. Of a sort. Is all simulated, y'know. But, uh, real enough for them I suppose." (c) Wheatley
a candle?
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What's in the damn bag?!
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Operator with long hair is CUTE.
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Things are starting to pace up at Episode 3. Jackass is CUTE and I find her requests to disassemble a Yorha for the sake of science reasonable. The Resistance needs as much help as they can get.
Want to note that while I like the opening, I prefer the ending muuuch more. I haven't seen the second season's OP and ED, so I hope they're just as nice.
How the hell did Emil manage to lose Nier and Kaine's weapon collection? I thought he'd be the best person to take care of it until the end of time.
How can machines have recordings/reconstructions of events from Replicant if the Aliens arrived on Earth three centuries after them, Emil wouldn't tell anything, Beepy went to space, and the Sleeping Beauty server was reconstructed into a giant Lunar Tear? Dressing up as the Masked People is not difficult, a bunch of masks would have survived, but imitating their customs?
RIP green haired Yorha informer, she was cute... The machine forest(?) scene was cool. Including the machine orgy. And the machine cuddles. Could it be that 2P was born the same way as Adam and Eve?
Doll 2B is insane. She blows up space stations, she casually kills herself, and she runs a boar into her comrades just because she CAN.
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>Jakob and Gideon - mice (mice were very abundant in the Junk Heap, and the brothers wore those dirty brown jumpsuits made entirely from patches; the Magic Mountain story reminds me of that Rattenkönig game with two mouse siblings...)

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She rides
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Maybe Cindy will cheer up this bread
cindy still lives...
okay you made page 10
now stop dying
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y-you too, anon!

LOL i definitely did just put whiskey in both their cups, it being around 2am and all…!! here is an actual whiskey/tea comparison though. cheers! LMAO
dolls gonna get drunk
toko taro did a playthrough of Metaphor: ReFantazio demo
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What is she doing?
jumpstarting her braincell
Portal and Nier don't take place in the same universe. I hope.
She barely has one
grope witch
Witch looks very gropeable indeed.
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Atoo's thighs!

This is a Pig bread. Only foodposts can cheer it up...

Cheers, m8.

Taro will open his own restaurant next, just so everyone could foodpost instead of being productive.

The Valve cosmetic really makes you think...
>t. Priyet
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Stop posting pictures of women who didn't get ending A.
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Stop dying!
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>tfw have to watch a playthrough of Rein in order to experience it
I’m enjoying it a lot though I must say. Just wish I could play it instead. I hope they release a spruced up offline version at some point.
You can also BUY (pre-order) a book that compiles all the Rein stories.
Isn't that all in japanese though? And is it actually all the stories, I thought it was more of a random art book type thing.
Eh, the game itself was kinda shit, a grindy autobattler with pointless 3d levels. Plus Square Enix has probably already forgotten about it as it has nothing to do with Final Fantasy.
Yes, only in moonrunes for now. AFAIK, it had all the stories but I'm not sure anymore...
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Rein was a beta test for FF7EC, that FF game has everything Rein wishes it had including a steam client, amazing optimization, better 3d models, a functioning battle system, coop, guilds, able to pick ur own offrates in any banner, 19k gem pity unlike Rein 60k gem. Its still on par with Rein on grindyness but on Rein it was a 50/50 on ANY loading of a menu to crash.
there's a guy doing very thorough sino story videos too but he's going kind of slow (only on Act 3)
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Episode 4 was quite interesting. I didn't know that Simone is fought so early into the game. And I respect Nines for staying true to his views no matter what. Still a psycho.
The opening scene with crucified androids was fucked up. Crucified, skinned alive, eyelids removed, limbs crushed and forced to watch machines' awful theater performances until their death. Poor souls. At first I was sad that Toobie and Nines didn't try to save them, but I think even if their bodies were to be fixed, removing the logic virus and helping their mental state might have been impossible anyway...
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I love Manah!
I want to adopt her as a girl, and spoil her.
Then, as she reaches her teenager years and get rebellious, spank her often and hard.
The machine translation of the amazon page made me think it was just random bits and pieces and maybe some unreleased stuff, maybe someone who can read moonrunes knows better?
That really doesn't surprise me, squnix are literally a just meme now.
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Ep.5 is pretty interesting too. A lot more noteworthy bits in it compared to the previous episode. I like Pascal, he seems like a chill dude. He's the second Machine model, right? Not the original squid-orange robots made by the Aliens that Emil fought with, and not the more rounded machines seen everywhere else. I originally expected him to be an old human robot, like Beepy, but the flashback showed that he's definitely not one of those. Machine Village is really cool, and everyone in it is cute! I wonder if the tree village from Stray was directly inspired by it.
Ahem. I really liked that scene. Really really really liked. Amazing. Good adaption. Also, the moment with Yonah and Nier implies that she did meet her best pen pal in the world before she was abducted and before he became a skeleton! That's really nice... I'm happy... Yonah was definitely happy to see both Emil and her bro at the same time...
Halua was there too! Cool... Although Emil Centipede is spooky. I don't like it.
Poor music box Machine... Hopefully somebody fixed it... Adam is a rude nerd.
The doll theater was the best one so far. I want to save the self destructed 9S and 2B arts from it. And... EMIIIIIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cathedral City soldiers' armor looks similar to YoRHa's heavy armor...
>they could be wearing fishnets under there
i want to believe
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It needs a rework for sure if it were to get a rerelease, a simple port would be downright lazy. The characters and story is great so far, and the visuals and music are good. Pretty much everything wrong or mediocre with the game is the gameplay aspect of it all. Though I like the ideas.
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They did nothing wrong
And under the helmets there are dozens of cute robutts...

Emil, cast Emil Blast.
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I never seen this character before
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Its the racists!
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>mfw masketa man posts food
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The end of dragonsphere
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They deserved better
They deserved WORSE.
I deserve A2
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Yonah deserves love and pumpkin pies!
Just stopped by from the weekly /a/ thread. I've been maintaining this rentry with all the hex codes for the episodes.
>smash pumpkin pie into yonahs face
Thank you, /a/non. It's really useful.

No. Carefully feed Yonah with a spoon!
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Next week on anime is the start of the tower and of the new ending, are u ready to see Accord, Anki/Ginshi, Mama, 10H?
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thanks anon! i really appreciate your efforts
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Hello, my name is John Tarog. Welcome to my 4channel blog where I discuss old Japanese cartoons.

Episode 6 made me cry. Twice. Poor Lily... The special ending was a really nice touch...
Young Atoo was nice and cute... And Atoo and Lily's friends were cute... Rest in peace...
Adam went fishin'. Good ending?
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Why were they like this?
A4 with sparkly eyes is double cute...
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>when she sees your snek
based anon.
I'm really eepy. Keep the bread afloat, please.
Which character is the fattest ugliest bastard-est of the nier universe?
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The fattest and ugliest(which is why he hides his face) right here
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Fishwife deserves a happy life becoming the ruler of the seas with a family of multiple children
me on the left
ima steal your fishwife
And spankings. Lot of them.
my wife is pigwife though
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Seeing this art i thought, what is the most recognizable sinoalice thing? Its just Arisu and puppets? What sino thing would fit this piece of art too?
I have really bad gas
And I'm farting loud too
The bland.
A grimoire maybe?
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Probably the nightmares. Especially Lammy and the purification nightmares.
Hook is the fattest and ugliest bastard.


Music for me, especially the grimoire summoning one. But regular ghost-Nightmares are probably next on the list.
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Ep.7 didn't really have a lot going on, but at least it had a lot of pretty views. The old king was cool too. Interesting that Nines is slowly warming up to the friendly machines.
Why did Atoo kill the baby king? Is it because he's been stuck as a baby for more than a century?
Dragon in the Night Kingdom... I want to see it. Doll A2 is mean! Why did she kill Pascal?!
Why didn't 9S just fuck A2
I think he means like iconography wise, as something that can show up in a background shot. It is probably the puppets or the gears
The summon music has been engraved in my mind and it pierces my eardrums
Lammy was the best, he deserved better and event had the first of Fishwife's swimsuits
I guess u could have the sino's signature item like on the dead library
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Ep.8 was nice. Sixo is really cute, truly the best girl of the game. The scene in the Flooded City when Kaine's song started playing was amazing... And Toobie without her blindfold is really beautiful.
Jackass in a swimsuit is great too. 21O's words about family meant she really wants the entirety of Yorha to be kinder to each other, right? Or did she mean it more like she wants her own little family?
Adam's gallery room looked a lot like rooms from Popola's library.
Drooling Doll 2B is absurdly cute. But she really shouldn't have eaten that mackerel...
I'd pick original jobs' weapons, in that case. Arisu and Snow's swords, Cindy!'s guns, Sleepy's book, etc.

>sino's signature item
>Nut's corpse decaying in the background
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Murder? Murder!
Caim would be proud
>when the guy who hires you as a caretaker for his sister finds out you've been beating her ass every day because her sickness felt faked
>it wasn't
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momma cindy...
>a2 gets a job at mcdonalds
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waaaa mama Cindy i need milk waaaaaaaaa
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What's your fucking order, bitch ass?
He said A2. That's Zero. Learn the difference.
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NICE good work if you drew that
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Zero Kaine A2 are the same character
Zero was a prostitute turned mass murdered.
A2 never got paid to get her lovely round ass dilated.
i miss drawfriend...
I don't know who made that. Taken from the sinoalice subreddit maybe?

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So what you are saying is that A2 fucks for free
I see butt
If only...
>cryogenized humans are found
>war on machines ends
>now all droids are repurposed as pleasure droids made to serve
And yes, even 9S.
What if in Nier 4 Emil becomes the main protagonist?
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>Fio gets reincarnated, the only known case
>She meets 2B and 9S after their epilogue short story
>They become robot servants to Fio
>When Fio grows to an adult she might be told she needs to kickstart humanity again
>The only male still alive is 9S but he cant produce semen
>PODs and androids search for a way to get Fio pregnant

Wild timeline Toko left us
...sorry, WHO? I never played Rein and I don't feel like watching 46 hours of videos.
I miss my ni/vg/ros in /pantsu/ and /alter/
so.... breed fio
So, I've been thinking about possible fanfics I could try to write and I have several ideas ready. I could try to make two stories for each Team Nier character, imitating the two versions of the original game. For now the plan is:
>Emil Replicants - a more elaborate account of Emil's first visit to Nier and Yonah's house, the one shown in the anime. Maybe Emil will be reminded of Nier and Yonah he has seen a thousand years ago.
>Emil Gestalts - First half is Emil talking to Tyrann while camping with Kaine outside the Village's gates and learning that Tyrann is Yura. Second half is Emil searching for Kaine's own Gestalt, after Replicants became extinct.
>Kaine Gestalt - Original Kaine's thoughts about the events of the game, reflecting on her Replicant's actions. Could be a difficult one to write since there's only so much known about the original Kaine's personality.
>Kaine Replicant - just a slice of life of Team Nier after the events of the Lost World. Nier growing up again, Yonah cooking potions, Emil being a silly little fella and Kaine cussing at chickens because they keep laying eggs everywhere except in their nests. Just nice mundane things.
>Yonah Gestalt - Yonahs' lives in the Shadowlord castle during the timeskip. Discussing whose onii-chan is the best, talking with Noir, receiving headpats from Gestalt Nier and so on.
>Yonah Replicant - my alternative branch where Yonah travels with Grimoire Rubrum, Fyra and Sechs in search of the most delicious dishes to cook for her big bro.
Nah Nier 4 is literally gonna be this >>494558348
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This is Fio, the poster girl of Rein
Is she spankable?
I think any of these would be pretty cool, although kaine cussing at chickens sounds cute
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I don't care then.
The goat person of rein you mean
Her whole purpose in life was to be bullied so yes she is very spankable.
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Looks like that Cold Steel Trail girl.
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Alice fans have been real quiet ever since this dropped
That's a photo
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Of a slut!
Oh, it's an anime.
That's fucked up.
Don't die.
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Its from the sino movie but that also happened in game's reality arc and manga
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>use spray bottle on 2b
bad robot!
We knew though! Being used goods is one of her charm points
Something tells me a certain Manah lover wants to be in that situation
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A doll is fine too
Needs spankings.
playing nier automata for the first time since release. do i still need FAR mod? any mod suggestions welcome
The steam version got unfucked not too long ago, you shouldn't need FAR to run it properly by now.
I had to mod in NAIOM to config keyboard and mouse controls so i wouldnt keep dodging or petting pod mid fight accidentaly. Also every hacking minigame and flying controls were unplayable without the mod, they use mouse direction by default and it doesnt register the mouse movements (mouse works everywhere else tho) and only with mod u can switch to keys.
HD texture pack recommended?
Just play it.
Tokotoko hasnt posted food in 8days now, im worried about him
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agreed, please correct me if i’m wrong, but wasn’t it the case that replicants were never supposed to develop any kind of consciousness, period? i don’t think this gets mentioned much. when you consider that, it’s hard to blame even the specific Devola/Popola that we know from Replicant. they wouldn’t have been programmed to manage supervising replicants with personalities at all, but the way they dealt with that hurdle was to be as nurturing as they could to everyone for as long as it took, until things unfortunately hit the fan. Project Gestalt was already a failure independent of Devola and Popola, but there was no one with any real responsibility left by then.
Everyone gets a pod
>give headpats to toobie
good robot!

This is definitely something Nines and Jackass would like to see.

>The steam version got unfucked not too long ago
Yeah... I don't believe it.

He's broken free from the cycle of food and post...
Stop dying.
So what’s the consensus on Rein’s story and ending? And characters I guess. I enjoyed pretty all the stories surprisingly but once everything converges in act 3 it is a bit messy but I guess that’s the point.
So where is Emil during and after Rein
Actually I remembered Yuzuki finds Kaine’s shack within the Cage along with a bunch of Lunar Tears like in Automata. Not that it confirms the presence of the original Emil of course. Maybe he will show up in Nier 4 with Fio.
I'm trying to make SINo fanart but my Arisu looks mushy...
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The twins were left by the last scientist humans to complete stage 2 of Project Gestalt, to place back the souls into the replicant bodies, and also make sure any trace of Legion was no more. Replicants waking up from being drones was something the humans definetly did not think about and its not something the twins were prepared for. The twins were researching how to kill the replicant ''soul'' for their original one without killing the body, and we saw with Yonah what happends when u rush the combining of soul and replicant.
Just chilling
I like the arc 2 characters and their stories more than arc 1 but i would say its a messy story from the start. From a gameplay/pacing pov i did not enjoy walking to a scarecrow to watch a movie that has nothing to do with the character u are moving on the cage and also i didnt feel like i was exploring the cage. They tried to copy ICO with the cage and failed the moment they made it a linear experience. Back on story, act 3 before 10H should have been how the previous 2 arcs played out, seeing the characters mix and interact while dealing with their own stories was neat to see. 10H chapter was the best part of game no doubt and i feel she should have been the mc since the start, too bad its short. The finale for me was another toko thing u need to understand after many beers and it wasnt satisfying for me, maybe i was spoiled by the sino finale, but the final boss wasnt teased at all before and the other entities that were attacking the cage like the watchers were scraped '''just part of final boss army haha'''.....
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i'm making drakengard 1 fanart and i have no shame
gl drawfags
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Look at this sweet girl
sweet and nice and not stinky at all
HUG the robot!
cuddling robutts
No, SPANKING robutts
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Do not feed mackerel to your robutts!
HONGRY robutt
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can't believe i slept on this skill for so long
such a good game
Haha, Dark Blast goes pewpewpewpewpewpewpew.
Rein needs a rework to make everything mesh better. Maybe after Nier 4 or whatever. I think all the arcs are relatively equal with any one of the arcs having characters/stories I liked more than the others. 10H was great, just wish she wasn’t sidelined so quickly. I can agree with the final boss thing, it kinda comes out of nowhere. And that’s having played the Replicant remake. The minor dark enemies themselves were also less interesting than Shades and Machines. I thought the interactions with the birds were rather cute though.
Let's say hypothetically they release Nier 3 and it's a compilation of Rein. All the stories, all the characters, already unlocked. What does that mean for gacha players who spent money on the game for years?

While it would be an unequivocal good for consumers, I wonder if they'd be resistant to do it for fear of making bitter consumers. Like how some collectible companies will "vault" designs or characters after an exclusive release to prevent devaluing originals. Some toylines will even miscolor characters when they make rereleases to prevent older collectors from getting mad about reproductions devaluing their collections.

I know it's different markets but I'm curious what people think.
>And that’s having played the Replicant remake
Mean, edgy, horrible and STINKY robutt.
Can you have sex with a shade?
Asking for a friend
>taking a shower with dirty a2
she'll rust!
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328 lbs and 100 centigrades on top of you
crush me toobie at least ill die feeling happiness once in my life
I’m talking about the admins Him and Her in Route E. and well I mean I know you don’t need that ending to know what is going on in Reincarnation but idk I guess I just wish they elaborated a bit more on them in either game since they clearly planned Her to be the big bad in Rein. It’s whatever really, I don’t mind it much.
The Lost World story was written in 2011 though...
Oh…welp I haven’t delved into anything NieR aside from the games. I probably should though.
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soggy robutt!
You really should.
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Probably. But why would someone want to?
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in hindsight, the final story arc with 10H/Her/Fio was always meant to be the real plot substance of the game. if someone didn’t enjoy the rest of it for what it was, i can see how they could reduce it to essentially filler after the fact (maybe like how some people aren’t compelled to 100% side quests or weapon collections in the console games). it has always been my opinion though that if you didn’t care a lot for the weapon stories in the other games, then you’d get bored with rein pretty quick. i’m kind of a weapon story nerd though, so i really enjoyed seeing those become a game’s primary focus for once (and once was probably enough). the characters were charming, the stories were brief but could hit you in the feels, the artwork and music were great, there was such a huge amount of bizarre little random story bits littered everywhere—and i liked all that. it’s like it was built to be a lore dump, whether that lore was relevant to anything else or not, and finding out was part of the fun. not to say the game didn't have major flaws (it did), but i don’t regret the time i spent with it. also Griff is the CUTEST.

i still miss the 3D viewer…

i spent hardly anything, so i wouldn’t be bitter. even if i had, i don’t think i’d be bitter. at this point, you’re not getting anything back for money spent in game no matter what, so personally, i would be happy just to see the game not vanish completely. i would hope that anyone who spent significantly on rein did it out of love for the game/franchise/characters/etc., and that they would feel similarly to how i do, rather than say feeling like they had purchased an entitlement to gatekeeping or some such, idk.
I think its either the yonah bro or nier that might want to fuck shade yonah
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From the anime "NieR:Automata Ver1.1a," the "A2" #ちょこのせ figure will be released sequentially from September 20th!
you will BUY
I said NO
Let the masketta man starve
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An animator of the anime decided to draw a popular meme so now that is also canon
basedface toobs
>waterboard the robot
what kind of shower are we taking?
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The 2011 version of the Lost World doesn't actually have Her. It just has Him. She doesn't show up until the ver 1.22 release of both the game and the story. This is because the 2011 version and the ver 1.22 of The Lost World are different loops.
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To be fair, the sudden surprise boss at the end is kind of a common occurrence in Japanese story structure. Lots of Japanese games and anime do this.
>based yoko taro
>fuck a2 extra hard
>make sure 2b is watching
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B-but... I am the Yonah bro?

>Nines: Once I pick the perfect basedjak to portray you as your life is fucking over

Atoo is CUTE!

While this is true, Girl Admin was created already after the first Lost World loop, I think Boy is more important in the grand scheme of things. Girl Admin does everything to bring HIM back, after all.
Servitors are RUDE
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Modern showers only existed on the bunker but since thats gone they can only go back to filling tubs or going straight to the river or ocean to wash. Just like ancient times but the only problem is they dont have soap.
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why are they looking at me like that???
Reminder papa nier is canon
probably because you’re a hussy
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Under the sea
2butt save us
Oh no :( sorry emil I didn't mean it
CUTE feesh
finny fun
board 2 fast
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You will now BUY
I want to BUY this SLUT!
today i will yonah and shes gonna like it
how do you yonah?
you bedridden until death by sun
Ibara and Yonah. Cuddling in sleep. Yes or no?
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i already live this life
Stop sinking...
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But i must go deeper to find Fishwife's house
that is a CUTE MERMY
we need 10 more musical plays
As always
Was this made by Jino, or it's a very good imitation?
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>want to farm
>nier doesn't scratch the farming itch
>try something else
>it's a spooky game
I like Minecraft too.
that ain't a robutt that's a elfbutt
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Also Nier only had 1 collab this year with GBF, the rest of collabs have been merch related. Is 2B losing popularity on the gaming sphere already?
she's collabed with everything in existence already. there are no more worlds to conquer
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There was also an Octopath collab with Replicant earlier this year.
kaine butt....
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Being Yonah's teacher!
Making sure to spank her in front of the class whenever she tries to explain her lack of homework by "I got sick"!
Got ambushed after school by a very irate white-haired dude!
Tell him to fuck off before I claim his cute ass for myself!
He runs away crying!
A giant gorilla of a man arrives!
He puts his hand on my head and groan "no bother yonah again"!
I shake my head!
He squeezes!
shut the FUCK up

Poor Yonah getting punished...
Maybe she should do her homework a bit more often...
shes too dum
KamiGODS, we're eating good soon

You're too dum!!! Yonah is really smart, she has read tons of Popola's books!
Doesn't Popola only read kids books, like Caillou, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, the Bible, and House of Leaves?
Popola herself only reads old yuri manga.
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There is a reason they were so good with her
This soulless BITCH must not touch Yonah!
imagine a nier game like house of leaves where u think it's a nier game but instead it's 80% the narrator talking about how much sex he had
Sounds like playing Nier with Yoko Taro next to you.
he would be talking about how much he hates happy couples and the food he been eating
"Realfags must explode."
Where do I BUY? Nier: Director's commentary edition sounds cool as hell.
I really like when games have Commentary modes and you trigger them with nodes in the environment or something. I think Portal 2 had something like that?
Firewatch and Dear Esther had those too!
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Toko has done so many Nier merch tours and podcasts by now that he and his team have alot of behind the scenes banter and many questions answered. It would be cool to see him SELL a bundle of all that together. I dont think anyone has a saved track record of all those streams and they were in JP too so much less translated.
But he is too busy with an irl Accord promoting Atlus right now (the company he said would eat up his little Nier bubble on nippon market and nippons would forget about Nier)
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Yonah has seen many things while Nier was away
Booky Wooky doesn't look so good...
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Dont be mean, say something nice to them.
would get wasted and do karaoke with
Is this heavily photoshopped cosplay? they look like dolls
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cosplay has been getting heavily photoshopped for a long time…
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Them irl, asian skin is really something else
Would spank them.
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I would the real puppets
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Snow white in an anime
>puppets irl
How do we defeat ending e
I don't like the way they look at me. Don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me.
They did everything wrong
Le need le SPANKINGS
Garbage cosplay
And none of them got past ending A
This isn't reddit here. You're amusing exactly noone.
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i’m guessing anon is at least amusing themself
He is nobody.
I was thoroughly amused as well.
>You look like you haven't aged a day!
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thanks for sharing the video. tomato fatigue is real…!
Taro is going to NieR: Automata himself...
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Do not avert your gaze
That's obviously someone using the ai selfie cam filters, my friend does this and it's super fucking jarring.
No I do think it's just overuse of airbrushing, like those pageant photos
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I like these pics
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maybe he’ll Drakensomething…!
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>You find 2B on your bed
cuddle time
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Playing Minecraft with your AI girlfriend
i want this minecraft movie instead
Drakensomething 5 soon...

I am not sure if my bed can support the weight of a Toobie...

Pod in a Minecraft helmet would look even cuter!
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same, no more corpo slop
mmmm that cake looks delicious
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bump here too
How do we defeat the robutt menace
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more cuties please
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Toobie is bored. What do?
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>toko wrote this
>it's not even the worst one
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Toobie fell asleep... What will she dream about?
gutting 9s
She'd never!
Electric sheeps.
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Hell yeah!
Manah, my beloved, I'll make you famous once this thread reaches autosage.
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this one actually makes sense lol
Don't look at Manah's neck. Or the hands.
Not sure it was worth the money, but I'll still jack off to it.
It really wasn't.
Spank bro did it, Manah really looks like she is so sorry
Isn't there a Rein girl that looks identical to toobers? I thought this was her since they were from that game
For once. Maybe Caim had it wrong the entire time.
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But it is Toobs herself, those are Line stickers for Automata... And Rein had a lot of white haired girls. I guess you're thinking of 10H?
ah ok, that's nice then. I thought they were all from Rein. I think I may be thinking of 10H but I thought there was one that wore the same costume and had short hair I remember seeing in the screenshots for the end of the game.

I never played Rein so I know very little about it.
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maybe you’re thinking of Noelle?
hmmmmm maybe
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There were four Toobie crossover costumes too, so you might have seen one of those.

Noelle has a tan though...
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she also is very short! her Mechanical costume especially could be mistaken for 2B
That's her!
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ah, nice! have a Noelle hug
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From this angle she looks less like 2B and more like Support from Atoo's original team.
yes, and she absolutely should! her Mechanical crossover costume is based on a costume from the stageplay
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Hairbrush variant.
I love Manah.
Thanks, this is terrible.
Jealous Kainé spotted.
No ass!
Not cute!
But Noelle is not a Support... She's closer to being an Attacker or a Battler...
i read "Support" in >>495295373 as meaning she just looked like a part of that team generally. i believe Noelle's Mechanical costume is specifically based on No.2's stageplay costume
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A2 has killed more allies than enemies this timeline
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I cant believe they improved her
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Sorry, I'm tarded. I meant Scanner. I keep misremembering Yorha classes and always think that S is for Support and D is for Destroyer. Wanted to say that Noelle looks like 21S aka Cataleya.

Isn't it weird that there are three 21S? One girl from A2's team, one boy from Yorha Boys and the genderbent version in Yorha Girls. Does Taro like 21S? Is 21S from Yorha Girls supposed to be the same one from the Pearl Harbor descent? Can there be multiple Yorhas of the exact same designation?
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This was absolutely necessary to the plot
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Now we know how zinnia looked like
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Iconic Automata pictures 1
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Iconic Automata pictures 2
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Iconic Automata pictures 3
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>Toko Taro please let me sleep, dont make me go to another collab
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Alright /tarog/ next week episode is the last one of anime. I can say that Automata's story will end first 5-10 minutes of that episode. Today's episode covered everything of the Tower except the 9S A2 fight So there is extra time of that episode for Accord to show up or Rein connection or Sino(Group B keeps getting mentioned in hex codes) or the 2024 Tomato epilogue or Nier 4 annoucement or more anime annoucements.
The rest of the episode will be an infomercial with more shit for you to BUY
wake up baby it's collab time
Nice to see some of her backstory
what the fUCK

the "spoonker" is a euclid class cognitohazard that lives in our thread. Like coomers coom and gooners goon, the spoonker spoonks. Sometimes he shows us his commissions of manah's bottom being spanked
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Not my fault Manah is cute and the best Drakengard girl.
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>A2 pins you down
>she gives you this look
>finally, a human
>time to BREEEEED
300 pounds of desperate hormonal robutt
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>this is the ultimate human form according to machine super intelligence network
she cute so I agree
>im just a girl!
Don't die!
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2B actually likes the whoring she has to do for Taro and has a masochist side like Kaguya that 9S wasnt able to see before coz she repressed her emotions.
They's only 24 episodes? I guess I better catch up so I can watch the last one next week.
now you've got me thinking about a soft maso girl, who acts all sweet and shy while also being a freak
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Like her?
hmmm maybe
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If DoD3 had fishing
every Nierkengard game should have fishin
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Writing is difficult... It sucks because I have even played out the entire story in my mind a couple of times, so I have a plan for what I want to write about. Should I just focus on the main things first, and after those are done I bother with the exposition and stuff like that?
Write it as you imagine it, I'd say. Maybe reread it later to add some hints about the future.
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Makes sense. Need to finish a rough draft first, and delve deeper into the details about the causes of the events later.
I mean, imagine you're describing a scene to a friend.
Like "The scene take place in a large room. There's just a bed in the middle. Eris is sitting on the bed, with Manah over her lap, and Eris is spanking Manah".
That's your base, it's matter-of-factly, but also a total bore to read. That's when you revisit it, and rewrite it to make it sound more natural, like "Eris opened her eyes. The entire fortress, Nowe, and the knights were all gone, instead, there was only that accursed heretical woman, standing in front of Eris, fidgeting uneasily like a child caught dipping his penis in the pot of nutella. In a swift motion, Eris grabbed the woman's wrist, and pulled her over her lap, making her fall head first in the thick, wool blanket that accompanied Eris on long, cold winter night. In an equally swift gesture, the knight pulled down Manah's pants, all the way to her ankles, and began to spank without a break, the slaps coming down quickly, with strength, but with no aim whatsoever, sometimes landing on the heretic's buttcheeks, sometimes on her thighs, and sometimes on her very sensitive sitting spots. She made no effort to crawl away, as if she was used to spankings, but Eris didn't care for it, and kept on spanking, venting her rigtheous wrath, as well as her suppressed jealousy."
I forgot what I meant, but my point is that Manah is cute.
Anyway, the roughness of the draft depends from your confidence and experience. If you're the kind of of guy who can write a dialogue very easily, your draft can be "then they talk about politic and the influence of spanish missionary on mesoamerican sacrificial practices".
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>That's your base, it's matter-of-factly, but also a total bore to read. That's when you revisit it, and rewrite it to make it sound more natural
Yeah, that's what I plan to do as well, more or less. It's just I have a problem forming basic sentences that I can elaborate on later. I just start to drift off the topic on any possible occasion without actually advancing the plot in any meaningful way. "Yonah was laying on her bed, illuminated by a lonely candle above, with an old picture album in her hands, her legs covered by a warm blue woolen blanket. She had this blanket since she was very little. Her brother once said that their mom who made it out of expensive wool from Seafront that was bought by their dad when Yonah was born." And so on. Cute details, no idea when to stop and where to move on onto more important bits.
>I forgot what I meant, but my point is that Manah is cute.
If I was drinking something I would choke and suffocate. Never change, Spoonker-kun.
>the roughness of the draft depends from your confidence and experience
Both nonexistent. I'm fucked, am I not?
>If you're the kind of of guy who can write a dialogue very easily
I'm not sure if I am, honestly. I don't think I've ever tried to write a full dialogue. Maybe it'll be easy? It's just that the story I want to write first is more dependent on descriptions and actions than on dialogues. I want to everyone feel the coziness of Nier's house in the first half of the game.
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old file i found on my drive
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bury angy robutt
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nta, but if that kind of “drift” is what you like to write, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. (if you’ve ever read a Vampire Hunter D novel, you’ll know what i mean.) on the other hand though, if you re-read what you wrote, and you don’t even like it yourself, or maybe it’s not accomplishing what you hoped for, practice editing yourself to refine your work into something at least you like. gl, anon!
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Please be gentle it's my first time?
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9S got some broad shoulders.
I hate how that artist draws vertical mouths.
I would sleep on that pillow...
HEAVY toobie
>“drift” is what you like to write
I can't really know that because I haven't written anything similar before. I guess it's just the way I write? I don't hate it, but it is in the way of finishing the main story faster, so I'd prefer to keep the polishing stage closer to the end. If I compare it to painting miniatures, it's like I prime one arm of a figure and then immediately start painting it, leaving the rest of the body gray. It'd also make priming and painting the rest of the mini more difficult due to fear of ruining the already finished arm, so I'd say it's a really good comparison.
>practice editing yourself to refine your work into something at least you like. gl, anon!
Yes, certainly. There's no way I'm writing it and leaving it as is. And thank you! 10H, there is no Snow In Summer!

Why are Admins black? They are grayskins, with n'wah and everything. Kot Toobie's clothes are cute though.

HOT 100 centigrade Toobie...
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Big robutt is real.
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>tobey headpats you
I need this...
So slow...
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Would you eat her cooking?
I would teach her how to cook!
I would give her a spanking with a wooden spoon.
Id eat it if it killed me
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i would eat it but i probably wouldn’t like it
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girls kissing girls
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these two are definitely furries but some of the other sinos got animal ear forms. Rotits even has a fursuit
rotits is a poser cindy is a true yiffer
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>black birds when they see /tarog/
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Depressed Toobie.
She doesn't know it's Boy Admin on her hand.
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dumb cat
That doesnt look depressed to me
that ain't no cat it's a stinky dog
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This fursuit?
no her bearsuit but i could see her buying a catgirl costume online and thinking it would make her cute because her brain is melted
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I know i was just sharing another cute doro
Her eyes look like she's about to break down and cry violently at any given point. Her fleeting smile is also likely to disappear the moment the pigeon flies away. I can tell.

I don't think Dorotits would be a good kot...
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on the contrary, she has the main part locked down
Cindykot is the only true kot!
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smuggo Aladdin kot
I really have a Taro gacha withdrawal. Anything, please...
i dont need gacha i need a real game...
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The Zinnia story in the Memories of Puppets play also mentions Number 4 and Number 21. Specifically it mentions that Number 2 sees their corpses on the way to Zinnia's lab, implying that Number 9 destroyed them. Either way, they're the only other YoRHa androids explicitly mentioned in that story, so Yoko Taro likes them.
Changing type is described as changing operating system, by Yoko Taro. Types are all software, not hardware.
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This is weird. The tail doesn't come out of the butt.
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Cindy uses plugs
>adult fio
how big is her chest?
F L A T!
flatties are love because you are closer to their hearts
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Improving thread with money!
does Aladdin BUY?!
He bought shares of SQEX so he gets a cut of every merch sale
the ultimate BUY....
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What does Sleepy do when she's not sleepy?

Yoko likes MURDERING them... Poor robutts...
Huuh, so that's how it is. Being able to respec is pretty convenient.

This big!

He's the one that makes all those Toobie shrines.
>What does Sleepy do when she's not sleepy?
then she's AWAKEY
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Cindy got outplayed by mermaid charms
10 what
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[Sino Bike 4]
I fantasized about Gretel going to the convenience store 100 meters away on her Cub.
Who's that cute girl? I wanna spank her.
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Wrong post?
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Not at all.
You lost me. But Yonah... maybe I'll have my next commission about her.
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Why not? Give me TEN reasons to and I might reconsider.
pocky kissu
the joke here is that the Men's Day Gretel is a girl because it's a genderswap event. The other Sinos were boys but because Gretel is secretly a boy in that event she's a girl
So what keeps me from spanking her?
Or spanking and fucking him?
you don't believe in yourself enough. Don't let your dreams be memes
My dream of destroying that cute boy's ass?
1. Yonah is too cute to be spanked.
2. Yonah is too nice to be spanked.
3. Yonah didn't do anything wrong to deserve to be spanked.
4. Bro Niers will murder you.
5. Papa Nier will murder you.
6. Kaine will murder you.
7. Emil will murder you.
8. Shadowlord will murder you.
9. Booky Wooky will murder you.
10. Grim Noir will murder you.
Bonus reason: I will not like, approve or allow it.

IIRC, Dorothy didn't state what exactly she had seen in Gret's pants after he got transformed, but she was scared of it. Maybe he got a second dick...
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Hansel never gave up on his dream and endured so much suffering to attain it. He got a succesful transition into becoming the exact image of his sister Gretel and got his happy ending.
I wonder why she's carrying a puppets head to buy groceries
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i miss 10H…
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She'll be back...
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Cute kots. Post more.
why kots scared of cucumber
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This is going to sound silly but DoD2 genuinely had so much potential going for it.
It's so undercooked though, and Manah should've been the main character not that faggot Nowe.
Kots might think that cucumbers are, in fact, sneks. But the more realistic theory is that kots might just be spooked by things appearing suddenly, which is quite understandable. Would you not be scared if someone placed a cucumber behind you while you weren't looking? I would be.
I really like the OG DoD setting where pacts have a severe cost that defines the character.
The relationship between Manah and Caim was worth exploring so much more.
Caim being the antagonist, and traumatizing/killing every character he comes across on his warpath is super cool too.
Legna being the main dragon is a great idea but he should've been Manah's dragon trying to mislead her
Urick has so many links and relationships to other players in the story but it barely gets expanded upon.
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you WILL fully level up Silver Butterfly, and like it!
Isaid ten reasons to spank her. You didn't read me, so you signed her fate.
Whatever happens to her is now entirely your fault and you have nobody to blame but yourself.
I hope you can still watch your reflection in the mirror...
You fool! It was my plan all along! Any Yonah art is needed because there is a lack of those!
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I mean, beyond the fact that I love Manah, I also genuinely appreciate what Drakengard 2 did with its gameplay, making enemies vulnerable to specific members of your party, some more platforming, and so on.
It nicely shows that DoD2's characters are weaker than Caim who only killed, and killed, and killed, and I already really liked how Caim went from being a hero to a boogeyman.

And while I can sympathize with Nowe, he's so poorly written that he doesn't come off as naive and innocent, but as downright stupid.
2B'S HUGE ___________!
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Sleepy kots
We are 1day away from Nier 4/DoD4/Sino2/new anime annoucement. /tarog/ might be revived for a time with newfrogs.
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Manah, my one love.
I can fix her.
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Eve is now a yorha member. Koreans will take over Taro's work.
there are people on tweeter that are trying to say nier fans are angry about the collab
I don't even know what game that is?
I don't install just because 2b is whored out.... again....
You won't like these.
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The only times i saw hate for Nier collabs are when /tarog/ is tired of waiting for Taro man to actually do something. When 2B appeared in a couple fighting games that some players didnt like 2B taking up a roster slot instead of X favorite character. And when they butchered her in ubisoft collab.
It was teased stellar blade would have Nier stuff since Taro visited the korean studio earlier this year and the game thats ''korean take on Nier'' turned out to be pretty good in the end. Not as popular bcoz its PS exclusive till next year.
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its not fair nier bros yoko keeping on adding new nier lore to other games
Only relevant lore is that Yorha needs to approve mandatory maintenance spankings for all its gynoids.
I didn't know Babylon's kek had a but robot collab.
i didnt think it lasted long enough to collab with anything
>found a way to play Chakan
Don't mind >>495890082, I meant to post in another thread.
someday we will get a new game
There will be NOTHING funnier than this today.
Just wait for Trump to try a "how do you do fellow young people" stream.
Should I unpack the 2016 Never Come Down remix?
I'm really glad I'm not a burger.
Same. I'm really tired of seeing politics everywhere.
>can't see pages
I'll just assume this is page 10 and loudly (somehow) proclaim my love for Manah's butt, AND Manah herself, and my annoyance that she's wasted on that fucking retarded dragonboy.
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What would a NieR tabletop game be like? I think that it's possible to make a wargame based on the setting. It can be set in the Legion wars era, so you could have factions of the JSDF (Ultimate Weapons), Hamelin (Grimoires and the Lucifirase teams), Legion (Red Eyes), Androids (Observers/Admins), Replicants (Nier and Kaine copies, maybe?) and Gestalts (Shadowlord, Louise, Hook and whatever other big Shades there were as the elite troops).
Or it can be set already after the Space War, but because there is fewer factions in the future I think it'd be just an RPG. Could play as a Yorha squad, or a Resistance party, or Machines doing their own things.
Depends. If you want a story driven one, base it on World of Darkness.
Otherwise, I heard GURPS is the ideal reference for homebrew settings.
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Next collab
I remember there being a fanmade TES RPG system, but it's based on DnD.
TES? If you mean Elder Scrolls, yeah.
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nier automata.... but yoshis island
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So this is the official cover of a dvd, what were they thinking?
Tell /ffg/ to fuck off. They're too autistic for us.
It would be cute to see the cast in that style and it would be a great avenue for NEW PLUSH MERCH
>9S becomes the machines hivemind
>"Ending A achieved"
>then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcTEpaL_GVc plays
There needs to be more Atoo in fishnets.
That's a screentone you dumb coomer.
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I know. But this does not make my statement wrong.
Don't die!!!
Tomorrow Taro is gonna laugh in our face i can feel it
He's gonna post FOOD.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I think the unfunny puppets will return for the last episode.
I hope we get to see official art off the two buttgirls squishing their butts together
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close enough
>buy rebutt on ebay
>it speaks german
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They are based
Every time we reach page 10 I beat fio
Same but with Roderika.
I was talking about the meme skits they were making at the end of the butt robot's anime episodes, dummy.

/ourpuppets/ are based
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They are not so bad
ok as long as you're not besmirching the name of /ourpuppets/
fuck puppets
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i’m not ready for the anime to be over so soon
Stop being on the tenth damn page!
52 episode weekly anime when
The first two or three were not bad, but they overstayed their welcome.
i think puppets are cute...
Puppets are cute!
itt we respect all puppets, androids, and other human facsimiles
Even R*plicants?!
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Toko wrote this
Yoko taro is going to be at TGS tomorrow at the SQEX presentation. NEW GAME HAPPENING
Also later he's doing a stream about Nier anime finale
$20 he's going to talk about what he ate.
Lol. Lmao. Roflmao. Lmfao.
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Like this
/tarog/? More like /tenthpage/!
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>an entire slideshow about his meals this week
I will never let go of my dream of toko taro getting to direct a numbered final fantasy and making it as offputting as possible
He might do that with Dragon Quest but seeing how SQEX doesnt care who makes the next FF as long as its made then he might actually do it.
>it’s a remake of IV, but Kain and Rosa are siblings
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Toko Taro Dragon Quest would be amazing. I've never been super interested in the franchise outside of 3 for the GBC or some spinoffs like Builders but I'd play one that was its own wildly different thing
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>I'd play one that was its own wildly different thing
Thats the opposite of what dragon quest is, you dont want dragon quest
I know that's what I said

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