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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 10, 9:00 PM ET | Balmung Gridania Amphitheatre | Presidential Debate >>493870948
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

post moonie catboxes, I beg of thee
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fiddie or thighlander eb for this feel?
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When did MMOs lose their sovlfvl, ingame social interactions?
I wish I was a gooner
All I have is froth catboxes, sorry
It's not the same :(
Look at those thighs, man. that's the thigh of a thighlander, no question about it.

Fiddies couldn't leg lock their way out of a wet cardboard box.
Gm to chaos only c:
holy fuck don’t put cammy in that
Malera EB N-O-W
gm to all women who have penises you are perfect
Sunstacies run this thread
You're right, it's better
it sounds like you just hate roulette content which is fair because it sucks
but you should consider playing hardcore content or side content like Eureka/Bozja that requires some communication
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[6:37]You obtain a dark horse champion's weapon coffer (IL 735).
AHUEVO bout fucking time i get lucky in this bitch, all that suffering was for something.
i’m glad it’s gone and i’m not forced to do stupid shit like shout for a party
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I'm watching you. Scum.
>Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker General
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Hardly a morning anymore, but good morning!
kys luckfag
Maybe to you but not to me
When people started playing MMOs as a numbers game instead of a social retard game.
I blame wotlk for the state of modern mmos
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Use it well.
Why be social in an MMO when I can use modern technology like discord and drag all my friends into one server
Tea with frens is great
Alterac Valley, home...
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Good morning!. May I repost a gpose of me and my EB for the eurofriends and morningburgers?
Fair, enjoy your moonies
We're all pretending DT doesn't exist
I wasn't on when you posted it so go for it
No because you're just asking for (you)'s. If you wanted to post it you should've just posted it and you got plenty of attention last time. You shouldn't do this shit for attention, let alone in different time zones
Are these custom cats or twitter cats? Either way these bring me joy.
Twitter cats. They’re some good ones out there
I love Ryne! I love Sphene! They make me want to touch my peen!
I will refrain as >>493939283 advised. You can look up the image of the caterpillar in the archive if you'd like to see it.
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Good mornyan.
imagine having a group of 7 other people who are good at the game and quick learners to play with. fucking imagine the paradise they live in. clearing content must feel like it's actually a fun video game instead of one of the upper layers of hell. i guess sitting outside the walled garden is fine i don't mind waiting in pf for 40 minutes just to have every dps doing like 25% less than they should be and neither tank pressing reprisal and both healers and the phys ranged fucking up the easiest mechanics ever that's fun. i like it a lot and i especially like when it's just one person trapping an otherwise competent party but instead of speaking up and just replacing them all the good players just leave because this game is so toxic positive that nobody wants to offend shitters by suggesting that they be removed from the party. can you imagine having 7 people who are good at the game and all play with each other and have fun
6 clears, no weapon coffer or weapon yet. My static fucker friend hit 730 last week. I'm seething.
Ngl I kinda wanna get HORSED
>can you imagine having 7 people who are good at the game and all play with each other and have fun
i love my static so much bros
Lot of words just to say you have a social skill issue and can’t make 7 friends to do content with
I unironically like horse cocks because I've played too much coc
>My static fucker friend hit 730 last week
Yeah being in a static has its benefits but i like the freedom of being a pf warrior brings so ill pay the price of luck.
I gooned too much bros, my poor cock hurts.
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>threads used to move faster
>both in burger or euhours
>nonstop wow posting
>EW general instead of DT
Is this how XIV ends?
Don't insult me like that, man.
>having to lie
No one is playing wow bro
>just talk to the freaks who play this game on the off chance that they're both normal AND raid AND are good at it!
i am simply not going to do that
Yes dude the game is totally gonna die because one (1) expansions story wasn’t as good as it could’ve been
it's tuesday
people are either at work or asleep anon
I wish
This is why static bros are reaping the rewards.
5 clears of M4S and we all have our weapons.

See this kind of mentality will leave you lonely and mad. Try to change yourself for the better and stop assuming the worst of everyone you come across
Whoever told this fag to take his trip off needs to be raped and killed.
I do POTD, i do hunts, i do Eureka/Bozja but they are side things and the time when i think they made real positive changes to XIV (variant dungeons) it was also side content that was so not worth doing that i haven't been able to do the hard version of the 2nd one since i came back to playing XIV.
Im thinking of making my rez macro hawk tuah inspired. Thoughts?
Yes. It's over. EoS tomorrow. Pack it up.
You are the problem.
I'd rather it be slower desu
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Anon I'm already seeing avatarfags return to /othergeneral/ and shitting up that place since the early access. They have supplanted the doomsissies who would nonstop complain about wow. What I'm trying to say is-REEEEEE GET OUTTA MY BOARD GET OUTTA MY BOARD, STOP CROSSPOSTING OVER AT MY HOME AND STAY HERE YOU FUCKING SL REFUGEEES.
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Male Au Ra Househusbands? (MAH?) Where?
Nobody cares. Dilate.
This game has been through magnitudes worse than a shitty msq
Its not just WoW. DT endgame has nothing for non-raiders. Im just doing chocobo races at this point. Before I would worry about getting BiS so I could safely MT when the alliance raids came out. Now I dont even care about getting the tome gear. The game is going on sleeper mode till we get the exploration zone in like 7.3. Everything till then boarders on the servers being shut down as far as Im concerned. The only reason Im still subbed is because I have a house, and even that is starting to ware thin.
i am
house husband material
but i am
a male midlander
>avatarfags playing /othergame/
So what? I’ve been OSRS on the side and playing less of XIV overall. You’re not married to one fucking game and can play whatever you want whenever you want. God what a colossal queer you are
post femlalas
preferably without clothes on
comrades: light the way
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Why did no one tell me that there was a war between g'rahayumes and g'rahafujos?
They're constantly attacking each other and saying that G'raha is either gay or straight.
i miss ferro.
Fix it
Yurthusband? I'm learning.
Luckily WoW's latest expansion (and their past 3) is worse than DT has ever been.
>seeing avatarfags return to /othergeneral
and this is a problem how?
Nigga, we've been getting the same assembly-line made expansions since HW. They can keep churning these out indefinitely, I wouldn't worry about an end as long as we keep paying.
Hooray, post a lewd to celebrate
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I love that artist's work so much.
>joined a static to see if it was truly better than PF
>find out it can be worse
>want to leave but feel like I at least have to see the tier through since they gave me loot
I didn't think I would miss PF but I do
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My frothgar is hiding, you cannot see her
But she can see (You)
I will doompost on both threads and you can't stop me.
>talk to the average xiv raider
>uses mare
>plays riot games on the side
>watches fotm anime
>blinged-out discord profile
>sense of humor is just "reference newest twitter meme"
you're right that's all really cool and i should be like that
>you cannot see her
We all miss Ferro.

Blame the schizos.

Please consider the rope and chair.

They're homosexual. That's why you don't have one.
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This >>493939971 i prefer slow generals. Zivggers are worse than gachatroons because I sometimes see 4-5 of the same xivg litter the catalog. /vg/ threads are best consumed slowly with game discussion imo.
confirmed HORSED
Hating popular things and being a square doesn’t make you cool bro. It makes you come off as insufferable
because yumes and fujos are always at each other's throats?
You can leave, just don't burn bridges. Say that something came up irl (uni, more/different hours at work, moving, whatever you want that would realistically take away time to raid) and nobody is going to hate you for it or say "wow, we gave that guy loot and he left..."
I think you sent me the artist
I hope you catch your prey, sis.
Shit bro, congrats.
Really hope my static can beat M4S this week so I can at least have a chance at it.
i am a femra

who just finished making 1000 boiled eggs
just to annoy someone in my spot
is it me
I think anons are just getting old and moving on
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As a prolific G'raha-poster all I can say is I had no idea this was a thing either, but I'm not surprised. People just don't understand that you can have head-canon, and that doesn't mean you need to head-butt someone else to prove its superiority.
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Tbh osrs feels like the best mmo general because its borderline impossible to avatarfag there. Constant convos and usually topics are game related.
did he quit or something?
holy shit sis, how did they even all fit up in there?
a fewmra has many secrets
>8:52AM on a tuesday
>is /xivg/ kill!?
jobless behavior
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My man osg talks about trannys as much as this place does
millions of flies eat shit every day so if you don't eat shit and hang out with flies you're just an insufferable snob
>It makes you come off as insufferable
And being a no personality slop sucker doesnt make you insufferable?
Femraen fingers typed this.
good afternoon sis
but I do
>DT endgame has nothing for non-raiders.
this is how the beginning of every expansion is. even raiders get bored after they clear the tier and end up logging in for reclears only.
in the long run dawntrail will be better once we start getting more patches for things like shades triangle, cosmic exploration, beastmaster, etc.
endwalker had a lot of hardcore content but there was nothing to log in for if you weren't a raider, outside of patch days once every 4 months.
How come with you guys on here if it’s something you don’t personally like it’s then compared to eating shit instead of “I don’t like it”?
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is there anything more kino in trials than dalamud falling
how would you feel if you didnt eat breakfast today?
probably but also you're really cute
some flies know how to kick it bro but you sound more annoying to be around than valorant playing jjk watching gacha playing xiv raided desu
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Sure, but that's to be expected on a four clover forum. I would rather have some tangential politics while leveling up mining over there than the cliquefags here spamming their voidlists. As if anyone gave a shit. Anyone normal and playing the game that is to say.
yeah the first half of that fight
>Before I would worry about getting BiS so I could safely MT when the alliance raids came out.
nigga what
>shades triangle, cosmic exploration
I haven't watched the live letters, what are these meant to be? Another Eureka/Bozja? Palace 4.0? Something completely different?
>Finally got the courage to ask friend to play the game
>They have to raid since it's reset day
just kill me
Making difficult content side content was a very savvy move on Xiv’s behalf - savage is already full of clueless people who are FOMO’d into it despite the story being non-canon and the gear being pointless. Trying to herd casuals through this so they can finally finish the story would suck ass
Yeah my mongrel boy services Ishgardian Knights horses
My femezen woke up and is gonna make it someone's problem.
I would be hungry and kinda irritated
>complains others have no personality when he himself doesn't have one besides "contrarian"
may i see your femezen
>DT endgame has nothing for non-raiders.
damn this really is Stormblood 2.0
hey, i know this malera
Getting old's no excuse. I'm still here.
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Anyone want a pitiful sad eb? I play fiddie
Ishgardian Knights don't have horses.
Fat Cats
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it took waiting in pf for something absurd like 3 hours and my computer literally overheating and dropping frames 70% of the time, but i finished during reset
Ferro quit back at the end of Shadowbringers when he moved from Florida to Britian with his girlfriend. When he got settled into Britian, Ferro had to pick up a job and he couldn't really juggle both the job and Twitch streaming. So he eventually gave up streaming overall and said that he would come back occasionally, but that was the last time he streamed.

You can wait a day. Chill the fuck out.

Going tiny mode in P12S P2.
do i need to present my resume to you in order to call slop what it is? you want me to type out a list of activities i like to engage in for you so i'm not just a scawy contwawian?
if he keeps raising her with so much love and care she will end up taller than him
I just want content to be less brain dead not more difficult, making the party have a choice to go left or right two or three times in a dungeon instead of doing a straight line every time is a step forward but sadly that requires more thinking than is capable from the average player i guess.
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Cant unsee around the thighs.
shades yes, cosmic is more ishgard resto, we'll hear more in the next live letter this month which will go over the general patch schedule and what is planned to release when
you'll find someone don't worry /pet
My femlala has cute pubes, and I want my friends to see them.
im a zoomer though
i don't care man, just know when nobody wants to talk or be around you this is why.
I can't I said I would go to spooky club tomorrow and my sub runs out the day after that.
>making the party have a choice to go left or right two or three times in a dungeon instead of doing a straight line every time is a step forward
*monkey paw curls*
There are now two different paths but the mobs on each path are no different and they both lead back to the same corridor. You think you want extra choice but you don’t
Graha really only makes sense as a gay dude with a male WoL
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i awoke up in a cold sweat my mind filled with thoughts of himcesses
So the canon WoL?
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Please go back to the Snail so we can stalk you from up here, thanks
my personality is the color pink
Oh noooooooo femezen please don’t rape and beat my fiddie oh NOOOOOOO
Of course!

Nobody's making an excuse to be here..

Opps, time to delet...
>since you don't like all the retard shit the average dumb fuck on xiv likes NOBODY will EVER like you
damn bro... gonna log off now and those people and you will stop existing
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im gonna laugh if its actually her
Odds mahjong
Evens reclears
I wish the other players in the party had also cleared Honey B Lovely (Savage) fifty times.
these are all red flags
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my meena looks and acts like thissss~~
Lizzie Lostheart
Shade's Triangle is the FFXIV version of the Bermuda triangle which was mentioned during MSQ. they said at fanfest that the new field operation (Eureka/Bozja type content) will take place here.

Cosmic Exploration is the "Lifestyle content" of Dawntrail. I think they previously only used that phrase to describe Island Sanctuary but the way they described playing it with a lot of people made it sound like Ishgard Restoration.

They did mention that there will be a new deep dungeon but they haven't said anything about it, not even a name.
>”you see I don’t like popular stuff that everyone else likes nowadays”
>”im more into retro stuff from the early 2000s you wouldn’t know about that kid”
so you understood a hypothetical but you cant understand the dramatization of an idea/action?
the blackpill is that PF is better than most statics, eventually you will find this out the hard way. sure you are seething now, but you can just leave that shitter party and go to the next one. it'll be a hell of a lot harder to leave that shitter static who cleared on week 4 and doesn't interact with you past the bare minimm
I am a kind hearted veena on Light.
Can you choose a different location as your backdrop? Ul'dah is a bit too common.
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what do you think? is she cute?
aka the good LL
But they're making "I'm old now, gotta go" as an excuse to not be here.
do you like catboys
Who did you trap this time Rin?
Is VV good at CC because they're covered in oil?
cute fiddie
I didn’t have to work Saturday. Thanks for the hag magic
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I'm unironically like that and I still get along with people fine because I'm not an asshole and spend some time engaging with their hobbies with a positive attitude even if I'm not really into them personally.
clingy or no?
have you ever thought we dont and have never wanted them around?
I was just shitposting but holy shit you are actually the problem.
I need an eb like this
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here you go champ
I only do that to house invaders
Post lewds.
cute elezen
Modestly clingy
someone post that one picture of the black guy and the caption the friend who doesnt like ANYTHING
I like shit I just don't get fanatical over every new trend like I'm still mentally 15. Watching you trannies spam JJK was yikes and cringe my dude.
nah they suck lol
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What’s your plan for today anon?
This is a dumb argument, there exists a perfectly happy balance to being able to find players to run content with that isn't having to constantly shout LFG in chat nor completely automated matchmaking. It's called Party Finder
Where’s your house? For no particular reason…
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anon it's spelled with a y not an ie

sorry my lil bro
builtet for plapcorrection
Forget about the horrors of wage slaving by watching anime til bed time now that I’ve done my reclears
maybe plap that ass
I have GOT to get my dick wet
Is there any way of transferring gil/items between characters without bothering my friends or having them in the same FC?
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These raid chests need upscales for bibo/yab/whatever
builded for my catboy
Oh boy more sitting around for hours waiting for basic shit to get filled and shouting in chat to get it filled. What a vastly superior option than just sitting in a queue and letting an algorithm party your up! /s
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her weakness...
cute mamasita
this fiddie is on primal… maybe i do have a chance…
he's good because he's a CC player, most other ninja xivggers migrated from FL
she looks sad/nervous, like she pushes people away but cries at night because she's lonely
Literally the worst people to be around and they’re always fucking miserable and drag the group vibe down
im literally here? eb me?
What do you like
lmao ty bro its the first thing i thought of
also its not me

always have been primal, always will be. born and raised hermana
who the fuck is VV
>reclear M1
>actually clear first pull
>get a blue parse and 2 boxes
Feels good
I don't remember anyone named VV.
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Morning! I hope you have a productive day and/or night.
meena are for meena ONLY
Thanks, you too
Shirogane, no idea about the plot and ward
Impossible to correct, autism too strong
Well hopefully they improve on the foray, and it gives you the “old school” experience you are looking for. However, I don’t mind the msq being brainless- I wouldn’t be surprised if 30% of the playerbase are turbo casuals who want to enjoy the story, craft, and do social things, and I think the game would only suffer from locking them out of the story, when there exists side content for other players to sweat over if they want it.
>talk to the average xiv raider
im a hardcore femra raider! :DDD
>uses mare
>plays riot games on the side
aram with friends sometimes but i hate that game
>watches fotm anime
sort of but i just love shonenslop (my favorite)
>blinged-out discord profile
nope, i dont pay for fag apps
>sense of humor is just "reference newest twitter meme"
i dont have or use twitter
Someone covered in oil apparantly
Do you think not having automated matchmaking magically reduces the amount of people willing to run content? Not all groupfinding efforts take forever, sometimes you just shout LFG once and immediately get more invites than can fit in a single party since there's plenty of people around you that also want to run that stuff. Automated matchmaking also hampers dungeon design because you can't have groups with potentially different goals inside an instance if everyone looking to run that place gets shoved in the same queue.
dont worry about it
>Blue parse
>on fucking M1S
M1S is so full of shitters you can easily get a purple by just doing your rotation.

Are you that ungeared?
what does he look like?
she is very shy and timid
I like the idea of making a big girl race like hroth where she's very submissive and feminine instead of musclegirl stuff
>reclear M1
>takes almost the whole duty timer
>get a grey parse and no boxes
Feels awful
>still needing accessories this late
My fiddie wants these femra to saddle her with their eggs so she can raise their clutch of newborns
>i dont have or use twitter
I only use twitter to follow my favorite artists to be honest.
wow I'm that hrothgal
when are you starting HRT
yeah sorry dude gotta be like the rest of them, enjoy slop content lap it up drink up the slop piggie
Is upgrading from the Steam version of free trial to the full game (Windows edition) possible?

My friend got into the game and if he eventually likes it so much he wants to continue into the later expansions I'd like to chip in with the game time cards, but those can only be used on Windows
will you marry me?
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>big girl
>she's very submissive and feminine
anon made a tranny
No and they can be used on the steam version afaik
you are my pitiful sad wife now
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i would already be trans but i'd definitely kill myself so im just a depressed m*id instead
i wish I was my femra so bad sisters...
you missed the part where I specified girl and not mentally ill male
I like that idea too
its never too late sis
Boss was out of range due to mandatory protean fuckery that may have resulted in some deaths
Also I have garbage gear and I refuse to tomestone farm
Yes but I endlessly recommend against it as my file storage is endlessly fucked up because of it
I don't want to post him
But yes she is very cute and I would give her a /pet on sight
im edating someone already sorry sis
Day two of my fast sisters I’m going to be skinny like my femra!!!!!!
>Do you think not having automated matchmaking magically reduces the amount of people willing to run content?
100% I do, especially nowadays with so many people online having some form of social anxiety and being afraid of saying “hello” to people. Not having automatic matchmaking would not be a benefit to this group of people who I suspect is most of the playerbase and even the anons here and taking it away is more cons than pros.
>automatic matchmaking also hampers dungeon design because you can’t have groups with potentially different goals inside an instance
What “different goals” could you possibly have in a dungeon in FFXIV? They’re either go really fast or go slow and “explore”.
send them steam gift cards. I think that can be used for sub time.
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>still haven't cleared m1s
ha ha ha...
yeah but i would kill myself because of my anxiety issues so it would be a bad idea
post your femra feet
I don’t think my static will ever have a unified strategy to do raining cats.
>Is upgrading from the Steam version of free trial to the full game (Windows edition) possible?
>I'd like to chip in with the game time cards
Best you can do is steam gift cards for the amount a sub costs
Why would you wanna even be a woman
Do you think I could find an EB (to edate) using this body on a Miera..?
where do i pick you up? we need to schedule our eb ceremony.
i dont use cosmetic mods so they'd just be the vanilla slop bricks
Just kill her before that I’ve never seen it
>join static
>static is cataclysmically shit
>leave static after 4 weeks
>only start clearing after raid has been out for 4 weeks
Moral of the story, never rely on other people
stop with the excuses and post them
because i want to be cute, wear cute outfits, and try different makeup styles without looking like a freak
You tell me.. im shy and scared… na tho
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NTA but I hate seeing eggs get mentioned in /vg/
I don't log in anymore because whenever I see my eb I get the urge to bend them over something and use their body but they don't want that so I just avoid them
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my femra acts like this
What if you were born an ugly woman? Yes they do exist
consider this, no one is ever gonna actually unironically rerun arum vale because a random new player asks for help
I hate that this looks like me irl
are you sure you don't wanna post him
I think some catboys are very handsome
I envy you, having faith in random shitters is something I can no longer do.
u can do some of this without being a freak a lot of guys do it nowadays. you can still be cute!
Does being good looking irl help getting a GAM?
Having nostalgia for an era of the game where it was objectively shittier to play is really weird
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by the twelve she is eating that miqo'te!
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>Having nostalgia for an era of the game where it was objectively shittier to play is really weird
Don't ask HWtards that
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making strawberry shortcake for my mom's bday
When you hear your static talk about smoking weed before raid only for them to have the reaction time of a catatonic slug, you start to realize even the most retarded of frenchman can still clear
Survive the workday then do reclears this evening.
Thanks, now I can finally finish
dyl fiddies
buy alcohol
consume alcohol
finish up role quests
wouldnt care as long as i looked like an ugly woman and not a man wanting desperately to be one
it's not the same. it's way too much work to even try to get close to a starting point to do this and i cant be fucked to try to get on HRT
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I'm sure
It won't go anywhere and I don't want to receive a compliment
Are you on NA?
>with so many people online having some form of social anxiety and being afraid of saying “hello” to people. Not having automatic matchmaking would not be a benefit to this group of people
Or maybe don't cater to mentally ill people? i know that's an unpopular thing to say lately but i don't think it makes things better if you do
np sis
on second thought, you seem a little too vulnerable and i do not wish to take advantage of that please forgive me
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nostalgiafags always want to open pandora's box.
>Or maybe don't cater to mentally ill people?
Then why does YoshiP cater to hardcore raiders who cheat in every single world race? That’s catering to the mentally ill but I don’t see you complaining about it
>with so many people online having some form of social anxiety and being afraid of saying “hello” to people. Not having automatic matchmaking would not be a benefit to this group of people
These people would benefit the most
You're not a very good schizo stalker, anon
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What… no.. anon…. wtf..
No they wouldn’t they’d end up quitting because the sheer thought of having to talk to people to form parties will give them a conniption. You guys do not think about the bigger picture at all just the short term and how it would benefit (You)
>100% I do, especially nowadays with so many people online having some form of social anxiety and being afraid of saying “hello” to people. Not having automatic matchmaking would not be a benefit to this group of people who I suspect is most of the playerbase and even the anons here and taking it away is more cons than pros.
Have you stopped to consider the possibility that not having automated matchmaking would *encourage* these socially awkward people to interact more (and the inverse implication, that these systems reinforce anxiety by removing the need to interact with people)? People may find climbing a mountain to be scary, but put something they want on top of that mountain and they'll be far more likely to at least attempt it.
>What “different goals” could you possibly have in a dungeon in FFXIV? They’re either go really fast or go slow and “explore”.
I'm more so talking about MMOs in general rather than XIV specifically at this point, but the classic example is something like Blackrock Depths that absolutely could not exist in this game (and wouldn't ever be made again in modern WoW for that matter). A massive dungeon with sprawling paths and, most importantly, many different important goals in the instance that not every player may wish to pursue at the same time. The idea of having branching paths in XIV dungeons is usually dismissed with the notion that "players will just take the shortest path every time", which is true, but that's because xiv dungeons only ever have a single goal, which is to get to the end. Obviously when you only have one objective people are only going to optimize how to complete that objective. I do realize that XIV is far too gone to ever be able to have this level freedom so I'm not actually advocating for it (there are better ways to improve XIV dungeons while still keeping them linear by neccessity), it's more an example of MMO design that I miss.
i love my femroe eb, bros...
No one unironically likes fiddies
wya bugra-san
Can you post a cute pic with her? I really like seeing happy lovey dovey EB couples
Fuck off tranny, i would complain about that if it were the conversation being had. God you fucking mentally ill freaks are so dishonest.
Good mornyan
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Uh, sis...? We're all busy playing Dawntrail. Did you, uh, finish the tier yet? Level all classes to 100? Pentameld all your crafters? Complete your backlog of old content like Eureka, Bozja, POTD, Anima weapons, etc.? Level an alt? Defeat Judas in PvP? No, you didn't. The rest of us are all busy playing the game because this game as of Dawntrail has more content than ever before. We don't AFK all day and whine like (You) do. Now get back to work.
Forever EBless, poor you
My femlala likes fat ugly bastards, make him old too. Expect a lot of disgusted and contemptuous looks tho mid scene
I do this on raid nights so that my skill gets worse as the night goes on, and my raid lead gets more and more frustrated until he calls it for the night and lets off his frustration into me
it is for the best i'm sorry
what about formerly fat but still ugly bastards...
meena x meena = true kino
And where would they go? Outside? You really think these people know how to turn off a computer or even have the will power stop playing a game because of something they dislike being added? They are ADDICTED just like we are they will keep coming back no matter what and at most will just complain slightly on social media.
I don't get it
I wouldve snuggled this fiddie silly but she is NA...
location irl (country) and dc..?
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>The wol is straight if you play a male wol or lesbian if you play a female wol
This entire story is written for a male protagonist.
The wol has never once shown attraction to a male character and has multiple times shown interest in women.
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I hate that groomers like you freaks are accepted here.
God trannies are really fuckign disgusting.
So let’s say they remove all matchmaking tomorrow, what reason would I have to help someone below max level do anything? I’m not helping some sprout do ifrit hard or aurum vale, I’m not helping some sprout do Thordan or Nidhogg when I can be doing literally anything else with my time. All it would do is add to chat spam that isn’t FC/venue bullshit and in turn lead to more people quitting the game. No normie wants to sit around for half an hour waiting for their MSQ roulette pf to fill when it can pop in 5 minutes through duty finder
You can always be a dandy anon, and actually look good doing it, not like some ogre that got brainfucked by insane lgbt ideology
Your femlala will be ass up face down and won't be making any looks except into the fabric of a pillow.
How do I find platonic friendships in this game? Everyone that actually wants to talk to me just wants to plap me
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>hating Glue Licker, Appal, Effy and Val
You are not welcome here.
Tell people you don’t want to erp/plap/flirt at all and it will filter about 90% of shitters out.
Find players that are not gooners, run content with them
i'm autistic enough that i don't know how to be horny
>he didnt do the quest
Go talk to ultragoon snuggleplaps in Idyllshire
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sorry what does dandy mean?
i just want to wear skirts and thighhighs and wear cute makeup and style/dye my hair in different ways
hey cutie it doesnt matter if you are an 'ugly woman' you can just hop on HRT and then in 5 years convince two or three other people that are far younger than you to do it too, create your own little poly group of trans cuties who will perpetuate the cycle forever and ever and ever!!! come on sister give in already
sex with mablu
dont give a fuck bro if a grown man wants to wear a dress all power to him
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>The idea of having branching paths in XIV dungeons is usually dismissed with the notion that "players will just take the shortest path every time", which is true, but that's because xiv dungeons only ever have a single goal, which is to get to the end. Obviously when you only have one objective people are only going to optimize how to complete that objective. I do realize that XIV is far too gone to ever be able to have this level freedom so I'm not actually advocating for it (there are better ways to improve XIV dungeons while still keeping them linear by neccessity), it's more an example of MMO design that I miss.
And if I go into classic wow. Most if not all tards will skip most of this shit for the quickest route its not 2005 you aren't 15 again anon, your a 30 year old GAM. They don't this stuff anymore cause MMO players THINK they like this but they don't
Based himcess
>hating Glue Licker, Appal, Effy and Val
you are welcome here
That was it for critically acclaimed FFXIV expansion Heavensward? The Thordan fight was so underwhelming.
Please anon… what if someone actually bad ebs me?
Reminds me of when OSRS tried to avoid readding the automated marketboard system back in it's first year. People said that the game would lose the social soul of "communicating and making friends" while trading items. In reality, people self-automated the system by using an external site and the only ever interaction you'd get would be "ty". The same applies to Duty Finder vs Party Finder. If DF didn't exist, people would self automate.

Personally, I think the game needs a more accessible link shell/global chat system. NN is bogged down by its moderation, but it is a great example of a more public chat that feels missing from the game. Uldah shout in balmung too. I think that's maybe the biggest social issue in the game (lack of global chats).
i know you're posting this as a joke but i dont give a fuck about other people and what they do with their own bodies. i dont want to look like a man on HRT i want to be a biological woman or i wouldnt be happy
EXTREMELY cute, I'm happy for you anon
Then I'm just alone in the corner. This filters 100% of everyone

This is harder than it sounds


What quest...
This theead has unironically made me transphobic.
happy for you! (explode) really cute! (explode)
Dang that magic was for me give it back i dont wanna work saturdays...

why do you retard constantly bring up wow? not everyone has touched your OLD PEOPLE game who has this idea
Anon it's obviously the devs' fault I can't feel any joie de vivre anymore.
Again, I DON'T think they should remove matchmaking from THIS game, because it's far too late for them to do so since so much of the game has been already been designed around it. It's a more general complaint that this kind of matchmaking by neccessity hurts the game since it forces content to be designed in a way that is more shallow and less interesting by comparison. If I could travel back in time 12 years and had the ability to mind control YoshiP I'd make him not to include Duty Finder, but we're here now and we're stuck with it. I'm just venting that we ended up with this problem to begin with.
>if you hate it so much then why do you still play the game
I play this game in spite of these shortcomings rather than because of them.
>Reminds me of when OSRS tried to avoid readding the automated marketboard system back in it's first year
I remember this and it was absolutely worse than just having the GE lol. Yes seeing Varrock West Bank filled with people shouting “selling lobs 400gp ea” was kino but also that’s just a bad way to run an economy
>lack of global chats
Would definitely end up turning into racist/political bullshit that no one wants to see
If it's people from the thread theres a 99% chance they're gooners so you're better off looking elsewhere
miki i NEED joi...
You make me sick anon, encouraging the spreading of misery to those less fortunate among us
Bless you for spoiling
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Anon are you locked in?
sup sweaty can you show your armpit
that's a good point... maybe i should protect you from such a tragic fate
this but homophobic
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EB for this feel?
What if he's pissing next to your daughter in the women's bathroom, you fucking faggot?
WTS armor guilding 5k ea
holy fuck
>0 /xivg/ friends made
I am NOT locked in
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God I love HAGS
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That's some very based taste you have there. Mine is more of a cutesy romantic sperg but I will say gap moe definitely works with hrothgals.
it's "trimming armor"
This thread just made me further hate people who are socially inept and can’t hold conversations and gooners my god gooners are easily the worst people to be around here. Yes dude you’re totally not a gay weirdo for trying to flirt with me on my female character
Is anyone playing the game
r u a moonie
I miss her
meet my OC villain
cool looking man
>is over a thousand year old
>can create souls as easily as he can create familiars
>has a massive aether reservoir, but the armour he wears hides it well
>barely talks, but when he does he talks in extreme simple terms
>is auspice human/garlean capable of using magic easily
>has a big tiddy red hair soccer who is super sexy and tall
>has a big tiddy lolicon blue hair genki tomboy girl who is his master, but they are like super close. imagine like ehh... big monster and little girl being super close friends
do you like him?
Exactly.. you have to now..
me too…
But I'm too autistic to make friends with normies this is my safe space
Don't have a daughter plus I doubt the women's bathroom has urinals.
Buddy everyone pisses next to someone else in a public bathroom.
Well women only have private stalls in their bathrooms so it's not really a big deal.
the only time he caters to them is in ultimates. if they really had their way then jobs wouldn't be on 2 minute rotations and savage would be closer to ultimate.
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>Make a female character
Only have yourself to blame.
My catboy deserves to get hagged without mercy
There is no "quickest route" for BRD, unless maybe if you choose to do the entire place in one sitting which most people don't want to do.
>ultimates (2 per expansion)
>criterion (savage) (3 per expansion)
And soon
>alliance raid (savage) (potentially 3 per expansion)
Seems like a lot of catering to hardcore raiders to me
>leveling roulette
>50s dungeon
>SAM is tryhard pre-puller
Typical. We're running with two sprouts, one of which is the healer who's doing the dungeon for the first time, and you can't just slow down a tiny bit for at least everyone to be in the boss arena.
wuk lamat clear easy.
My femra is the Sotha Sil of /xivg/
stopped reading there
>The Rising event will end tomorrow
>No new event announced
Dead game

Heavenward doesn't end until Nidhogg fight
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I play a male character
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The fuck happened with the red hair soccer bit, man?
criterion obviously didn't cater to them enough and savage alliance raids will likely be extreme level difficulty like BA and DSR
have you ever been inside of a fucking woman’s bathroom dumbass? if a man wanted to rape her he wouldn’t wear a disguise. this argument sucks so hard you wouldn’t even be able to tell if a tranny was in the same bathroom as you
My Male Midlander just woke up and is viewing media of a Poonie meowing sent by a Goonie.
>female character
have you tried not giving off signs youre a queer?
Criterion had ZERO reason to do it until the last one where they put the tome weapon augments in. That’s why no one did it
My fiddie is the saddest most pathetic person on xivg
actually i hate straight men that abuse retarded lonely men into one-sided erp relationships where they use and abuse them emotionally
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I'm sorry to hear that
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Are hags capable enough of love to return it anymore...
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>>has a big tiddy red hair soccer who is super sexy and tall
if she look like
>pic related
than sign me up.
>has a big tiddy lolicon blue hair genki tomboy girl who is his master, but they are like super close. imagine like ehh... big monster and little girl being super close friends
The ironic part is criterion doesn't actually cater to savage fags.
Cause its unironically too hard and gives too little for what you have to do.
And the cherry on top
>You need to BIS from the RAID to do Criterion savage
I'm sorry to tell you this then anon, it truly is over for you
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>this thread
i warned you about reclearing after reset bro
i warned you about bad statics bro
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I’m at work someone tell me have a good day
Here is a true OC villain
>huge gigamilk hag
>cuddles your wol without your consent whenever she appears
>wants to adopt you against your will
Now this is a truly unbeatable villain
No, have a bad one.
sorry meant sorcerer lol. >>493945704 yeah, but red like blood https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8b98dd0f836117fc&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB_noNO1050NO1050&sxsrf=ADLYWIIFOpxvZ8TxNrlCOufgQ5Nbl3rmOw:1725977028990&q=dragon+crown+sorceress&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2joQcoZ-0Q2Udkt2zEybT7HdNV1kobqvEwEVRYBCltlBtQd5-pPeakpVgpgEn2RgmgzeZo15rltNMrDtoZe63sl46hHJXZmfPBeZdqdwrtlSxkvce3I&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiMh9C9xbiIAxWJAhAIHREcNJ8QtKgLegQIBRAB&biw=2048&bih=1111&dpr=1.25#vhid=ssAUbO4tOoFzAM&vssid=mosaic
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I hope your day goes well dork.
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my femroe looks like this
Is clearing on week 4 really that big of a deal? At least you're clearing.
i'd lose
Have a wonderful day you're gonna make it
nigga how do you even get abused online? just walk away hit the block button and stop being a bitch
i can't provide you the happiness you deserve for i am simply another pitiful sad fiddie.
our love was ill-fated from before it even started. doomed to never blossom.
>Player's mare data exceeds 800MB

Kill yourself.
I really wish Criterion was tuned for like ilvl 560, like unreals. It doesn't actually make any sense to me that it's tuned for the current level of savage when it doesn't give any savage gear.
Did we get rid of him? I think we did, good work guys.
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holy ESL
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9/10 people who aren’t into either gooning or doing content, are really looking to e-date. Join a dating website ya retard.
I'm back sisters
bonus points if loli goes on shoulder
>make criterion drop savage level gear with unique looks
There's a 41% chance they will try to.
r u a moonie
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ooki shitposters have been real quiet this expac
Yes but also allow it to drop twines and shines
What the heck? Can’t you share? I can’t go back to working Saturdays. We need to move towards a 4 day work week not back to a 6 day one
stop abusing lonely men by giving them fake love just so you have a following of lonely ass men following you around begging for your attention you FREAK!
> sorry what does dandy mean?

A fancy man, used to be very common before communism and ww2 completely gutted the aristocracy. Pretty much only negro dandies exist nowadays.
this tier is so easy that if an organized group took that long to clear it, there has to be an underlying issue like bad hours or trap members. the gold standard or a static is if they're better or worse than PF
I just want to fight a villain who is a threat to wol. Powerwise. I want them to show up and fuck us up like Zenos, but make the duty fight hard.
Nah I'd win.
How can I convince her to like trans people… we need an ally like this
post proof
I would absolutely go full dandy irl, but i'm built like a fucking gorilla...
Make the normal drop twines and shines.
this doesnt really make sense to me because when i think 'fancy man' think of monocles or rich people at a gathering which doesn't even come close to filling my desire of wearing cute things and putting on egirl makeup
Cap tomestones with CC
>acts nice to people like I normally would
>this leads to a grown man from xivg to catch feelings
>ghost them immediately
Why can’t you faggots be normal about friendship! Not everything has to be a shitty friends to lovers trope
I think if it just dropped savage ilvl accessories, that would be enough reason for most people to do it
Yoshi-P sucks.
Have a good day!! Want a smoochie too? :3
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Honestly this is the villain I hard counter the most because I am not only a complete problem-creator but also covered in oil to prevent grappling at all hours.

Okay that makes more sense he sounds like he definitely has his hands full though I don't know how he would have time for villainy.
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it's totally okay that you lead on 5+ lonely men at the same time into thinking that you'll have a real relationship with them!
Go BACK to sleep sibbal...


I dont wanna work saturdays too!! If you take it I'll lose my weekend luck and gett calls on saturdays...

I see, i see, good to know!
who pumped and dumped you homo?
this is what my senile grandpa would say if i asked him what dandy meant lmao
Afk with my EB
Masterbate at least 3 times
Play gacha games while using ff14 as a messenger app
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You're not welcome here.
stop talking about the fucking story and post your character.
What do you like, anon? What are your interests both in and out of game?
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laid bare
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Do content.
Friendships are built primarily off of doing things together, not just randomly striking up a conversation with a random person you have no mutual context/experience with.

The only things to do in this game together with people are content and gpose/rp/goon. So, naturally, those are the things people want to do together, and the people playing this game have an interest in those things.

Its like walking into a tennis club and going 'why does everyone here just want to play tennis, why can I make any friends just randomly talking with people without liking tennis?'
Nope. Sunnie
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She's going into this coffin, too.
It needs to be an addition to the game and not a substitution. Why fucking bother doing the last fight in a tier if you could just farm 20 weapons and tome upgrades in the criterion week one? The only way criterion will ever work is if it continues how it is now being for a weapon glam and a mount farm, or to require full bis and drop higher ilvl gear which would make it mandatory content.
You fuckers mod too much.
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Why not both?
Sorry I was typing that with one hand as my other is currently rubbing my goon pole
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>Tfw only missing 3 Twines and M4S weapon to be bis
>With my luck I'll never be able to win the twines or weapon through rolls
>Will definitively needs 12 more weeks of reclears to buy the twines with books
I hate being a goddamn lucklet so fucking much bros...
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Is there really only a single armpit hair mod for females in this game?

My fetish can't be THAT uncommon, can it??
There are more dog dick futa mods than I can count, but body hair is somehow so uncommon that only a single pre-DT mod exists.
Well you’re lucky I have plans this weekend so even if I get called I have reason to decline so I’ll let you have the hag magic back for now. But you better share it around
This portrait goes hard.
make em
I'm going to let you in on a secret, as a trans person turning other people trans is my fetish, its the closest thing to being a vampire and i love it, i get to dominate their mind with HRT and the idea of being a cute girl only for them to either off themselves because of the regret/depression (which is a big rush for me) or turn other people trans. This is the ultimate form of domination.

I'm 36 years old in October and i have been doing this since i was 19 and for the past 8 years i have been using XIV as an easy way to meet depressed lonely people and helping them transition into their new selves, I'm only posting here because its a thrill to know that no matter what i will keep doing it and the is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
post sunnie
You modders fuck too much.
Don't steal it.
Why did you attach the corn giant to your post bwo...
I just finished the titular Heavensward quest from the Heavensward expansion and watched a bunch of cutscenes
Finish cleaning out my office of fire extinguisher gunk.
Probably hang out in game at lb or Ul'dah and cc.
Maybe get some mod commissions done.
i just talk about the game whenever people try to talk to me, it's a filter that hasn't failed me yet. eventually you get real bros who you can talk with for hours because you have both the game and shit outside of it to talk about, its great
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Lament, Sinner
you made it up but you don't sound like a person who's fun at parties so i think someone should shoot you anyways
And he was sharp enough to produce two generations of progeny. Something to consider!
Bro why did you type this as a grown cis man lmao
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Here's my OC villain. He is NOBODY'S BITCH!
armpit hair is disgusting on women AND men
i DON'T CARE about your opinion man
Oh shit is that The One? I remember watching that a bunch as a kid.
Altina Orben my schizophrenic melting transwife
>you must set aside sufficient time as a series of cutscenes will take place
>oh I wonder what this could be
>hw -> endwalker
>oh shit something is about to go down
>I just finished the titular HW quest
Savor it. The MSQ only goes downhill from there
stop samefagging. nobody cares about you at all. sir
Thematically I guess Ardbert would already be the Yulaw of XIV.
You're lucky having plans means not working.
I have to pick up calls and work even at night...

bichosso? dorai dorai
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post elezen
I'm a woman
Why are Euro hours so bitchy in here?
Appal... Effy is your wife.
Don't ask questions if you don't want answers, nigger
stop trying to make friends on crystal
>first post is 16:14:14
>second post is 16:14:44
explain how I skipped the cd
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dont visit ishgard
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no one is spamming bestiality or blacked porn in the thread so of course a european wouldn't be happy
4chan pass
Plap more brown girls and post pics
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But there is anon
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Me when the femra start getting uppity
Your character is just Ardbert but indian
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Begone child groomer.
overrated and their music is MID. I was always a Three days Grace chad.
>here is my worthless opinion, it is now fact
uhhuh thanks man
But that's for lalas, I'm a bigger...
I’ve recently managed to make a good couple friends in game that are all comfy with being a bit flirty and teasing but also properly have the expectation set that we aren’t gonna goon to each other
blacked is an american specialty, it literally doesn't do anything for me
now bestiality, on the other hand...
join us on Excalibur, Primal
>blacked is an american specialty
it's actually an EU fetish
Stop pretending everyone doesn't hate you.You have no allies, nobody wants to face the social consequences of externalizing their disgust of your sort.
My femra is once again considering her options... will femra go to heaven?
Look at those deep blue eyes. That's a pure-blooded Aryan you're speaking to.
I was referring to different Infernus
From a video game
me and F.T.
I like this femezen she is very cute
I'll bet one of yous is lying to the rest
>on 4chan
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having your homes wives and belongings taken away from you by smelly brown people is definitely an EU thing. They just get hot and bothered when it happens now.
I see the pinoys are awake.
this is the ideal friendship dynamic for me
my femra has resigned herself to her hellbound fate, it's too late
Lmao, ikr? Everyone hates troons. You don't need to say anything.
How did this general get worse than it was 3 years ago?
Weird. I was aiming for African black. Since my character entire background is meracydia
I had a black friend who had blue eyes as a kid. It was super fucking weird. Like everyone was asking him how and at some point our fucking teacher got so fucking mad and told us to stop being racist.
which game
That is very possible but I am not at least
Good morning /xivg/
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Joke's on you, we can actually stand on our tails and become taller than even elezen.
It’s always been this bad
it's not even close to as bad as it was in hw
Elezen smiles and ears are nibbling at my brain.
No content and mare happened
Yeah, I like people like this too, quite a lot actually
Much rather have a smaller group of friends like this than a big group of nothing but gooners as I had in the past
bros I'm wanna make a confederate glam but I dunno how to
>which game
Why is she trying to kick your face...?
I await the meltie with baited breath
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Been in a good scrap? You're looking a little more scarred than usual..
stagnation of xiv's gameplay + explosion in modding (+mare) + wowfugees.
All this fucking "boohoo why won't they message me first" whinging. Time is fucking money, nigger. Have some self respect. Cancelled 3 plans in a row? Unfriend. Hasn't even said hi in 3 days straight? Unfriend. Get better frienda you fucking pussies
>mare happened
>African black.
In terms of skin tone you got it but in terms of facial features/hair with that skin tone you look indian
just learned black people can have blue eyes. what the fuck
I was hoping it would be like arr and it would just get even better.
anyone wanna be friends.. and maybe talk lots or do things...?
This isn't true
rev mayers died from ingesting too much hot pocket grease
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My WoL's name is NOBODY.
he also looks exactly like The One
r u a moonie
No thanks. You don't have enough threadcred
what >>493947784 said, if you're not a raider itt you're almost certainly a second lifer and/or a gooner. mind you that doesn't mean that raiders and gooners are mutually exclusive
4chan staff can't vet jannies well enough to keep cliquefags and mentally ill wops from getting power so they stopped trying to moderate at all.
not ffxiv
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It's a French pun because he's called "Géant Vert" in French and the pun sound/translate to "I want to die"
Sure! What DC?
I’ve had this shit happen to me and it’s so stupid. The other person who complained about me not messaging them was always the one asking if I wanted to play sometime, I’d say “sure just message me or send an invite and I’ll come along” and they never do that and then get mad at me for “not talking to them”. Kinda burned me on the whole trying to befriend others from here
my moonie just spent $250 on bubblegum pink latex gear wtf
No.. but I can be if it makes you happy..
You sound like a parse brained autist. Who gives a fuck about clearing on week 4 if you aren't in the top 3 none of this shit matters anyway.
Doesn't matter if you unfriend me, I'm still on your friendslist and know everything you are doing and will show up in random areas to just stare at you from a distance.
wowfags, second life fags, and vrchatfags all migrated here
>In terms of skin tone you got it but in terms of facial features/hair with that skin tone you look indian
I know, but they don't allow super short hair style that black rappers have. like kayne west or idris elba black.
can i see ur moonie
>I was aiming for African black
yeah he's good enough in that regard
t. african black
The jannies gave up deleting posts and almost everyone is an attention whore porn addict so you have to look at them or listen to their schizophrenic drama they created or else people will start spamming dead animals trans people and poop
black people can also have blonde hair
and "European" facial features
Transfer to Aether or Primal

Stop playing a female toon

those are your options
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The shirt that they all wear is a cash shop item
Just learned femras can’t be trustworthy and loyal
But enough about jizzda.
>black people can also have blonde hair
Doesn't that only happen when they're extremely malnourished
$250 is cheaper than I expected. Maybe I should get one.
I'm on Light..
Only if you are a lalaboy
what are you anon
I know, but someone talked about their wol, and I had to double check if it was true.
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I can't.. my knees.. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
i'd say you're looking more cute than usual but you re always cute
So you're saying my options are to
A) Leave my home
B) Become trans
Dang that should be criminal. Sounds like you really need the hag magic. Good luck office lizzer
I wish my friends wanted to plap me...
>Make a char on Primal, join normie FC
>Make some friends, raid, witness nonstop FC and e-Dating drama between middle age women and orbiter.
>Visit some friends in person, have a good time, still friends

>Make a char on Crystal
>Make some friends, goon, witness nonstop e-Dating drama between grown men and erpers.
>Visit some friends in person, have a good time, still friends.

Its just two different flavors of the same things. Non-erp places are still just as full of e-dating drama. Just a matter of finding friends that match up with you regardless.
> I'm a bigger...
But you don’t have to be…
you can also just visit those other DCs all the time i guess
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oh yeah?
>leaps up 3 roe lengths and pokes you
1% scenario's do not mean anything. Some
Indian people can grow over 240 teeth but it doesnt mean thats a normal trait for them.
That's not what friends are for, sis...
nah im ass, and if some retard like me can clear it in pf quickly then it's an easy tier
>Who gives a fuck about clearing on week 4
and this is exactly my point, statics taking that long to clear don't care about clearing, and as such are worse than pf
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meena or feena
>hasn't said hi in 3 days straight
nigga you are not a tamagotchi i have shit to do
What do you want Meracydia to be like...?
>crystalloid is allergic to dc traveling
what's new, option b is for you
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Excalibur, Primal.
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So is hector just allowed to run around as a blackface child? Will he get cancelled when he goes on the ffxiv stream and everyone sees that he's white again?
How do I be less boring when someone meets me ingame? I end up just talking about like the msq and... our favourite trials or something but I feel like it's not that interesting.
well you can do both if you’d like sis
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We all like how the thread currently is. It's not our fault that you don't have any friends.
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Non-coom brain here. What does this mean?
ok all of that doesnt really matter but yes we can be fwiends anon
Any artist you woudl recommend to commission art of male roe?
I wish I could find someone to run content with and only plap once in a blue moon, but it's always all or nothing unfortunately
Bring up American Politics, you will have a lot to talk about and it will be very engaging.
Only when there is financial reasons to identify as “black”
no, the FFXIV playerbase is racist
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Hyperion, Primal
>you are not a tamagotchi
this fucking tickled me, thanks anon
I'm not a very good healer bros..
Kek this image goes hard as fuck
You are all now my wives.
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> So is hector just allowed to run around as a blackface child?

He could just be a turbo nerdy black guy anon, my fc has a black dude who only starts talking jive when’s he’s blasted.
Behemoth is the spanish speaking server Anon, stop trying to cross our border.
fddhghghdfgh4ty6n 8it78it 78it87ie7uj-dfgfddhghghdfgh4ty6n 8it78it 78it87ie7uj-dfgfddhghghdfgh4ty6n 8it78it 78it87ie7uj-dfgfddhghghdfgh4ty6n 8it78it 78it87ie7uj-dfgfdgdghdfhdfjyjyd565464564565645zsas
>You know [something in XIV]?
>It reminds me a lot of [something not in XIV]
Or you could just go the goon route and say they’re sexy.
The worst drama, by far, that I've had to deal with from here has both times been anons melting because I didn't pay them enough attention.
One I had erped with, one I had not. Neither was my EB, but still melted down because I 'wasn't being their friend' because I was spending time with someone else.
People here have card carrying insane ideas of what friendship is.
If anyone tells you they have no friends, take it as a clear sign that there is a good reason for that, and stay the fuck away. Do not engage with lonelynons, do not erp with lonelynons, do not befriend lonelynons, and definitely do not EB lonelynons.
morrowind with super acid and complete different society eorzea have.
r u a moonie
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I heard we love Kong in this thread
my moonie does this to my keyboard when i'm in the bathroom
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i dont come often here anymore but i saw one of you in solution 9 like 20 minutes ago
if you read this, have a nice day
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sdfsdfsdf
thanks for pointing out the insane modbeasts
nta but I will chat anyones ear off about f1 while waiting in que for shit
r u a moonie
i'd smash
We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief
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Leviathan, Primal
punching your tummy repeatedly.
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old hatreds...
Your femra is really cute and cool. I like how they’re always fully clothed.
>Do not engage with lonelynons
>do not erp with lonelynons
>do not befriend lonelynons
>and definitely do not EB lonelynons
remember that guy who made a spreadsheet of everyone's character, parses, and clear rate on the official forums and then cried harassment and privated whenever people siad that was creepy?
oh yeah? well niggas call me the parfait
I worry that I’ll be unable to find this since I’ve been known to put out occasionally… but this is my ideal level of friendship with people.
hi cute
can i see ur moonie
Excalibur, Primal.
niggas call me
yoooo whats up hahahah!
Or they could just be new and are looking to make friends. You're not born with friends
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2 of my favorite maleroe artists who do commissions and one even has a skeb page.
Unfortunately for some reason most maleroe artists do not do commission so most of the time you'd have to rely on bara artists.
you saw her yesterday
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how is this even *possible*
i only like male kong
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Leviathan, Primal.
whats wrong with wanting to see ur moonie more than once
nm hbu
He’s right you faggots that are “lonely and have no friends” are emotional fucking vampires that expect people to be at your beck and call to assure you everything is fine while you’re a grown ass man who failed to pick up on social skills by your mid 20s. God forbid someone doesn’t want to play with you at the very moment you ask and you seem them in a party with someone else an hour later. God forbid someone have shit come up in their real life so they’re not around as much. God forbid they’re just tired and want to be on their own for a bit.
Vram limit is actually relevant.
Tris limit is a meme.
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>trying to befriend others
>doesn't actually put any effort into it and puts it 100% on someone else to do all the trying
Best X/Twitter artist for each XIV race? I want to see the best that place has to offer.
What's the secret to good looking feet in this game?
pre lubricated lalafell for easy sleevage
wife wife wife wife wife wife wife
this is ancient moonie speak...
>japan loves self-insert
>they love being the main character
>for some god damn reason they decide to make wuk lamat the main character
All me.
What's the name of the emote where Hrothgals wave both hands?
Soon to be formerly Famfrit, Primal.
femra are surface animals not sea animals silly.
Seo_t but he will draw your character as a giantess fucking a building
I put plenty of effort into my friendships. I talk to people when I see them, I make shit for them when asked, I play with them when asked. If someone asks me “hey wanna play sometime” and just doesn’t invite me once how is that on me? I’m not gonna chase after someone and beg to play with them when it was their idea in the first place
You're very cute and squishable
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Add some big tiddie mods. It would look good on you.
"We want americuck audience"
The only acceptable mods are:
>sexier body types with tasteful scaling
>body hair
>body scars/tattoos
>VFX packs
>gpose tools
Anything else is modbeast territory
writer is retarded
Japan also loves NTR.
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>you don’t have to be
tall women with dense bushy pits are the shit, and i won't have it any other way
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Thanks bro.
>so most of the time you'd have to rely on bara artists.
Ain't that the truth...
I've been thinking of trying to ask this artist for one but man https://skeb.jp/@Gorimoire
No one says 'I have no friends' with the meaning of only in game. When people trot that kind of verbiage out, they mean no friends, period.
because for 6 years eople have been parroting
>they need to stop glazing the WoL (taken from fire emblem retards)
>why does everything have to be solved by the WoL?
and then the fafct that you can't reset the WoL's power again post-endsinger means you need a new protagonist or some other contrived thing for it

the easiest and most conenient thing is to come up with a contrived reason the WoL can't intervene which is culture + he's "too powerful" and make them coach a new character to be the hero.
It's the easiest point a --> b and Hiroi took it because he's a fucking hack
dude i fucking love face 4 moonies so much im going to kill myself
Am I the only one who doesn't care about this sort of childish stuff? If they like talking to me and I like talking to them, nothing else really matters. There's no reason to set a time limit or hold a grudge, what you're demanding isn't a real connection but rather that your anxiety be constantly assauged.
>anon claims to be sad and lonely
>offer to meet up
>they agree and post location
>lonely anon is talking to several people and completely ignores you
I fucking hate femra so much
I really like your femra and your posts, anon. I'd like to meet you someday.
>You're cute
"haha oh yeah btw have you seen my squeak lol he's my favourite minion right now!"
I shouldn't talk to people
be a moonie
completely retarded writer. that is it.
You already know why, the sensitivity readers that are making money hand over fist rewriting chunks of game scripts right now.
Sweet Baby Inc, and others

They sell SE on the idea that they will edit out any chance of the story being cancelled on twitter or not appealing to the LGBT audiences and SE buys in, the script gets edited over and over and sanitized and what you get is this slop.
I'm a lonely ass nigga
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>EU hours
>Have to see French horny posting
sacre blue
What game is this?
>Sweet Baby Inc. mentioned
Opinion instantly discarded your brain has been rotted by online grifters
Me too anon... me too.
>body scars/tattoos
Shit list
If you're actually curious, it's typically animations and vfx.
Mare only sends the gear you have on, but it sends *all* of the animation/vfx things you have loaded, because mare cannot predict when you'll use them to preload them.
So the people with the worst mare downloads are typically you fuckers using 28 combat animation replacements or 15 different dance mods, with a bunch of sounds attached to them.

Even stupidly high quality textures won't really get you past a few hundred mb typically, or maybe like 500-600 in extreme cases.
is this real
r u a moonie
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This thread ain’t no normal joint, pal. We play hardball. If you’re not here to grind the social ladder, why the fuck do you even bother? Don’t waste our fucking time like we’re some casuals. We’ve got things to see and people to do.
>body scars
>body tattoos
hairy pits are so fucking hot
good mornyan
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Oh I think I have seen them before, I will have to check them out soon!
Hope you get your comm soon, can't wait to see it.
Grummz and co are fucking retards but if you're trying to figure out why games seems like such corporate designed slop taht's the reason
they hitre these companies to scrub out anything mildly uncomfortable and you are left with bland slop that's innoffensive but no one really likes
Most of us are, buddy.
>VFX packs
I will accept only very modest scale alters. Fuck Modbeast tattoo shit.
The rest is fine though.
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What I don't like about how SE seems to be using the devs of XIV is that they seems to rotate the old competent ones with new hires and putting the old ones on newer projects.

That's one of the reason we have lost Koji and Ishikawa for example.

And with this you add the fact that SE use XIV's money to make new project instead of investing in the game even more and making it better and you just have a massive recipe for disaster.
where can I get an EB like this?
mayhaps i post my middie next thread
Why do we like face 4 moonies so much? I thought we hated them? Isn’t that the pedoschizo race?
>Haven’t posted in 3 years
>Come back
>New Internet beating my ass
>Getting stalked and shit talked by some anon who refuses to talk to me ingame
This is a new low
yes, that's me
the one with 10 gorillion combat animation mods
(i am the zip bomb)
At the end of the thread, no one will know that I am a male moonie that trusted a fart and now for unspecified reasons I have to take a shower and throw away a pair of light gray sweatpants I bought only a week ago.
Mashing my x button for doubt
God I wish I could being in the writer room while they develop this expansion. There is just so much I want to know how and why they develop. Like what was the thought process behind bakool ja ja and sphene?
Grinding the social ladder is peak MMO endgame going back at least 25 years.
Me too, wanna hang out for a bit? Got raids in like a couple hours but we could run some content before then
Magness is such a weird creepy goblin
Femra or Moonie, every time.
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Impregnating you
you never did fates with me.. im still working on my mount...
I do not like expired (blue and grey) moonies
fiddies and middies have some of the weirdest schizo drama going on lately
Sure.. initials and location to meet?
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God forbid, however, that some anons are actual scum of the Earth and treat other anons as disposable. Never happens, right? Fuck off, concern troll
How big is your fl anon this game is disastrous for privacy
r u a moonie
I need more of the redhead femra
I asked one millnyan times for people to join my FATE parties
we are always so fucking oppressed. why. what did we do. why does nobody like grey moonies anymore
You are the zip bomb that is approaaaaching..
I cant do this… id fall in love with all of you and want you to goon to me desperately. If feeling jealous and horrible if you gave attention to someone else
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ty I fell into multiple vats of luxury skincare creams
midlanders deserve nothing but misery suffering and despair
it is our fate
that's the dmc mod I DON'T have installed
SBI is not the reason games fail and are “too woke” if that was the case games like Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur’s Gate 3 would’ve flopped hard but they didn’t. Only shitty games flop like Concord for example. It was a shitty game with ugly designs and a 40 dollar price tag in an era where the hero shooter market is saturated to fuck. Upper Management for these companies is the problem, not some magical consulting agency that morons online have weaponized
petting this lala and giving them compliments while i lead them into a secluded spot in gridania for "praise" and "encouragement"
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Isn’t Effy, one of the world’s most popular e-celebs, a “goonie”?
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Well first I need to make some good refs for my character but honestly I'm not sure how to go with it.

I kinda want to ask some Anons who are used to using the models/lightning and stuff to make some for me, but I doubt anyone would have the time to do that heh
If you start a PF on Materia, I can join
Proof? Or are you just gonna schizo out again? Not like I would take your word for it
it's because magness had a melty about the thread in the middie-cwls and siegben kicked him and removed invite powers from everyone
i tried but it just looks goofy
ok come over
i like praise and encouragement.......
>too woke
I never said that nigger I'm saying they scrub out everything mildly interesting because they need to prevent 100 different phobias from being triggered and make sure no one is too upset at it

which is committee driven slop, you will never get a good game from that kind of shit if it's engineered to never make you uncomfortable
Can you please stop fucking spamming "Push the Crystal" and encouraging the scrubs to trickle in and get themselves killed?
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>gets to ruin PF
>gets to run around as a racist caricature of a black person as a white man
>AND gets interviewed by SE
What is his endgoal?
I can't go to aether..
magness should've been kicked ages ago desu
>I never said that nigger I'm saying they scrub out everything mildly interesting because they need to prevent 100 different phobias from being triggered and make sure no one is too upset at it
This is a lot of words just to say “woke”
my fiddie coded femlala
How many MiBs does this beast have? I'm actually more fascinated than horny. Like is it just pure blender at this point? Even the marebeasts in QS seldom get to this lvl of fidelity with shaders on it feels like.
agreed but siegben liked all the fiddies magness invited in for them to take turns grooming
magness would even invite random fiddies to the xivg syncshell
I don't know how come xiv trannies didn't get mad at his nigga lalafell yet
Look for K.R. near the Ishgard Cathedral on Lich
>erm it's not actually this thing we all know it is it's actually this other thing
I think this lists up there with therapy speak for top millenial and zoomer shit that pisses me off
>erm the vvoice acting isn't bad the voice DIRECTION was bad
>erm the writing wasn't bad the writing direction wasn't bad
>erm you can't blame the director yoshi-p it was ummmm the management above him, even though he's literally a top board member of SE now
this blame shifting to avoid having anything you like criticized is so fucking annoying
It’s really funny watching 4chan racists get mad over this guy. He makes guides for savage raids and that just pisses people off
hector is white? How does he do it?
/ourguy/ looks like this?
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>be me
>lvl 90 Warrior of Light, absolute unit
>grinding away in Eorzea
>meet cute catgirl IRL, but she only plays as a Lalafell
>fast forward, we’re vibing in Limsa, doing raids, cozying up in Ishgard housing
>things are getting serious, considering proposing via ring from Mogstation
>“I’m leaving you for a Viera, sorry anon”
>mfw dumped for a bunnyboy who mains dancer
>she says “he just has more real world experience than you”
>bro, we met through a Discord ERP server

>I’ve tanked Ultimates but apparently couldn’t tank our relationship
>she logged off forever and now I’m here, alone in Gridania like a noob
>deleted my carbuncle out of spite
>why are all relationships in this game more scuffed than housing plots?

Can’t even find a rebound because the only tells I get are from bots selling gil. Should I main Sage and heal my broken heart or quit and become a real monk?
*he makes bad guides for savage that ruins partyfinder
yeah why do people hate him???????
is the woke in the room with us right now?
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>Hector was white all along ruining PF with his ST*TS
Is 30 too late to start HRT?
all femezen belong to my femroe
my femra is literally this
>>gets to ruin PF
He has been a massive help for PF what the fuck are you talking about?
Centralizing PF strat instead of having to use multiple ones is a pain in the ass, and it's not his fault PF people are also fucking retarded in general and refuse to learn anything new.

Heck in EVERY guides he says himself that these are early strats and new better ones will pop up after.

Fucking hell, I hate how stupid cunts like you shit on him when he has been nothing but a blessing for NA.
What's wrong with him being white but having a black lala? I'm black irl and my character's pale.
post mfdoom.mp3
i just spilled soup all over my kitchen
maloonster btw
>”bad guides”
>week one strats with multiple disclaimers that they are early strats
>meanwhile pf makes a million and one different “pastebin” strats that make no sense
You haven't met the right femra yet (me)
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Nah perfect time recommend 120 mg testosterone every 3.5 days
>single handedly saves PF from half explained mr happy and mizzteq strats
what a legend
Wtf is Sweet Baby Inc
They're being a contrarian snowflake bro.
Early strats doesn't excuse anything because he isn't forced to release a video.
Look at joonbob. He takes his sweet ass time to release his videos because he wants them to be good visually and good strats. Hector is just chasing the bag, he doesn't care about the quality of the guides.
He just wants to be first.
What kind of soop?
>Look at joonbob.
Ah yes the guy who takes a month to release an ex1 guide meanwhile Rainesama gets his guides out way faster than Joonbob and they’re higher quality
should've offered these suggestions at the time!

I did.. you clearly just hate catboys
i like giving praise and encouragement... wanna?
>Ah yes
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Back to Shinryu EX MINE, lezgo
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>Kanchelle Loreux
>late 20s pedophile, friends with spooky who self admitted to raping a little girl he babysat as an adult
>tried having sex with an underage catboy player in real life after pegging them in erp and growing attached
>joined in the last patch of shadowbringers because of asmongold and is a gremlo/rich spamming twitchfag
>obsessed with aethercord, malds about them years later
>shitposts/stalks random posters like sophie ss klaris sechen & jill behind their backs, bragged about it on all the discords before being banned for /pol/-related mental illness
>made a fake dox and msgs of a biofem ebin that rejected him, spammed it until she quit
>makes fun of ultimate parses and people without clears, can’t clear savage even w/ splatoon
>would rather melt publicly than ever clear a tier
>doxed a random non-xivger because they won loot in p9s & replaced him for melting down over it
>has a reddit under deagledad420 where he crossdresses and pretends to be a 156cm biofem but he’s a 178cm man from new hampshire named lucas
>skinwalks and spams in trash about trannies, has been caught in mass bans
>makes trans porn with shotas crusty and macchi and spams it in the vanilla threads
>shitposts lewders on aco with fart and dickgirl spam because he can’t post his sodomy pics
>spends hours every drunken night digging up shit on his thread enemies (approx. 90% of xivg posters) in archives until he passes out
>got caught banned on flist falseflagging the thread enemies he melts about and threatening to kill people with his guns like he does on xivg
>too obsessed with blue miqo to use his own filters
>spams updated dox pic with a fake image of himself
>brags about spending years of his life spamming /xiverp/ to death >>475150523
>stalks the thread for mentions, his online presence is his life >>490766537
>desperately samefags with Leviah about 'faked discord logs' when most are publicly available at

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