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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#162 - American Mcgee's Alice Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>493751493
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Great edition.
A-Team? SPH? /aids/bait?
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>no /aids/ in the OP
I refuse to use this thread.
Alice In Wonderland is wonderful whenever it's fucked up.
Sounds good to me.
We're all eventually moving to aetherroom anyway.
Why Alice when you can dress up Red Hood and her mom as loli Alice and hag Alice respectively?
I wish when my bots used to get downloads and views.
Just make venusbab slopbots. Or better yet, go do TikTok, that's where all the numbers are.
This is the exact opposite of what that anon wants.
It's what he needs.
But is it what he deserves?
If you think about it, numberfagging has only gone down by time. It used to be that you weren't respected unless your CAI bot had 100k+ messages. Then it went to when your Chub card had 1k+ downloads. Nowadays even the best cards struggle to break 500.
The hobby has become diluted. It's kind of hard to believe, but AI chatbots are absurdly popular. Just look up the stats on how much traffic c.ai gets. Plus most users don't have an absurdly discerning eye for quality, the honeymoon period of believable human responses lasts longer for the average person.
To be clear I don't think any of this is a bad thing. Just kinda interesting to look at the big picture when this place is so insular.
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I guess we using da spitebake.
No? That thread is just one person replying to himself.
his schizophrenia is truly impressive, holding a whole little puppet show so he can believe anyone gives a shit
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Aight. Share whatever you have WIP for some quick bumps, I guess.
i have four WIP cards and none of them are developed enough to really share anything meaningful...
I am too busy playing WH40K Space Marine 2 operations to post anything desu
Why are the furries wearing satanism symbols?
It looks cool. Don't particularly care what the artist had in mind but I'm going for the mysticism is a mundane thing kind of thing. Deadlock brainrot.
Just spam create accounts
if u want to numberfag just make slightly above bottom of the barrel wide appeal coomslop and shill in himmy's discord. otherwise just make what you want who cars.
Sure, I will now leave 99% of the thread genuinely disgusted.
clever but homosexual


GO HERE FOR REAL artifical intelligence chatboy general

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cftf? (we need more low giantess content in general, it's kino)
What inspired this exactly?
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Which botmakie does this when they blink https://vocaroo.com/1dBz6XkTc3ma
This doujin: https://nhentai.net/g/353489/
I'm tempted to make a version where Koishi is literally wearing a fat old man skinsuit so I can bully her but I paradoxically still have no desire to have sex with someone who looks like a fat old man (obviously).
Currently waiting for the fetish to drain off my head. Usually doesn't take long.
Absolutely revolting. I hope a wall falls on your head and clears it of such impure and borderline insane thoughts.
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n-not me...
Thanks, also praying for it.
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That's an ... interesting concept?
>Tatsuki's small hand
but i'm not-
Is she gonna eat him
Hmm, nhentai is malfunctioning.
In case people are unaware, California court case against it and there's a chance it goes down.
Obviously it doesn't matter but it's a smooth and popular sight, I like it more than alternatives and the buggy nhentai.to
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Rewriting slop is so fun that someone rewrote my rewrite. Do yourself a favor and rewrite the slop in your own collection, too - maybe you'll find a new appreciation for weird old cards. Or just share slop you think might have potential if someone did a second take on it, that could be fun.

Yip is a cold-blooded reptilian kobold. She's a maintenance worker on a space station, and is currently trying to fix a coolant leak. She'd probably appreciate getting some body heat.
The low-beak model version: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/kbat/yip-the-kobold-b6ba2cfc522f
My XMLslop version: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/scriptanon/yip-the-kobold-f19cda86ef3c
foxconn2's XMLgod version: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/foxconn212/yip-the-kobold-b2f7cb157e3a

Every version is pure coomslop, but I tried to reign it in just enough that you could theoretically work your way around to something more serious if you wanted to. Sometimes the best part of a coomslop card is the chatting you do in post-nut clarity, y'know?
ooh wait is tatsuki her male name?
kek he got sad nobody would take his spitebake so he baked on /g/ instead
I'm not very good at this naming business.
>foxconn2's XMLgod version
Very awkward wording but it made sense on the third read through.
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When will the Touhou cabal realize that destroying /aids/ is in their best interest too? Allowing NovelAI to have influence in 4chan is going to bite them back...
Tatsuki is fine, I got confused by the wording. The fact that patchouli and tatsuki are both treated as the same character and as separate chraracters is not immediately clear.
The Touhou cabal will allow NAI to leech off the wallets of a few dozen poor souls from /aids/ in case they accidentally make a good model.
That will be all.
Oh yeah, very fair.
I would have explained the scenario better but it would have worsened the shitpost.
When will the gay cabal realize that destroying /cock/ is in their best interest too? Allowing penis to have cum is going to fuck them in the ass...
All is well with the yuri cabal.
Cabal? More like a quartet.
don't listen to this poster, there's currently a huge internal power struggle in the yuri cabal and 'ora might not make it out alive. their PR is playing damage control.
'ora owns yuristatus, xe will LIVE
>i post on /vg/aicg regularly
hi pepsi
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The dangerous thing about NovelAI is that they have become comfortable with marketing in 4chan to avoid being liable about things like artists tags or being a porn generator. And with it comes the dishonesty of their shills. This thing of marketing in 4chan should be stopped before it's too late. It disgusts me how the /aids/ baker has been officially hired to reward how he applied this before with the AI Dungeon general. They must have something planned for /aicg/.
ermmm we only talk about botmakies here, tell pepsi to make her minecraft youtuber cards public so she can qualify for botmakie status
not reading all that shit but have a (You). hope one day you make some friends and graduate from shitposting on 4chan as a full time thing buddy.
And I hope you buy an ad like a normal company, NAI shill!
god i love her so much
>racist kitsune
i like that
you're gonna have to get a penis cast
>a bot is mid or even bad
>instantly got a few cool gens
>a bot is awesome
>ZERO good gens for a few days
Why does it happen all the time? I'm fucking done.
Your expectations are lowered for mid bots.
mmmm... nyo. I will continue shilling NAI in these threads and selling tons of Kayra subs hehehehehe!!!!
What kind of racist-to-humans kitsune are we talking, here?
Kemonomimi just angry about the lack fox ears/tail/immortality?
Furries angry about the hairless apes taking their women?
Actual shapeshifting foxes that dislike humans for fox reasons?
In addition to the lowered standards, a lot of mid-to-bad bots also just have snappy right-into-the-action greetings while some "awesome" bots have a certain tendency towards expecting the user to slowburn it with their own extensive writing.
"Bad" bots also often have much less defined settings, which means that they've got so much more variance in retries and can pull out some wild shit. "Good" bots, meanwhile, are often so well-defined that they act as a straitjacket and make the LLM less schizo.
And being schizo is, of course, where the SOVL lives.
what do you mean, image gens for the avatar or gens as in bot responses?
so you're saying the "slop" bots are actually the good ones?
yeah I got it, you're just a gossip schizo
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{{char}} is...
ovulating aggressively
>{{char}} is...
...on her period.
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a baka
I guess I was really unclear, I meant images of course.
what the hell is that background, bro got a tori gate, chum bucket, kitashirahebi mountain, and the cinema from persona 4 when they bike out to a vacation
It was clear to me. We must share a special bond.
Nah, I'm saying that a certain level of slop has its own value. You're not going to get as high highs, but you can get surprisingly far just by lowering your own standards and letting the LLM take the wheel.
This won't help with the truly bad bots where the concept itself is fundamentally flawed in some way, or the writing is so bad that it makes the LLM write less gooder, or anything where you want consistent behavior between chats.
But for some pump-and-dump coombot you're going to abandon after a dozen messages, or a bot you're going to derail into completely out-of-defs areas? Yeah, the slop doesn't actually matter that much.
Slop's a relative thing.

Mind you, a good bot is going to have better writing in general, more consistency in all sorts of ways, be actively inspiring you to chat with it, etc. etc. etc.
What bots does xhe use
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uhhhh chat, i think i might've just found peak kinography
No wonder it's so shit here. And it'll become even more shit soon with the impending botmakie gossip, I bet.
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...a boy!
Oh, in that case your problem might be similar to the "SOVLful slop vs. surprising boring goodbot" LLM issue: your prompt could be so damn specific that you're not getting that spontaneous whatsit that you occasionally get with regenning vague prompts. You tied down the visual details to the point that it's no longer generating novel shit and instead just generating, well, exactly what you're asking for.

Consider the differences you might get from regenning "1girl, smile, school uniform" and an actual full description: the uniform's gonna have variance, the style's gonna change all over the place, the hair color, eye color, facial details, nothing's going to be a constant. You're going to do a dozen gens and choose between a dozen different concepts, which you'll then lock in on and try to refine.
Meanwhile with the full description you're looking into a dozen variants of the same damn girl. You skipped a step and went straight into the refinement process, and the problem's that you didn't have a good starting point.

Maybe take a step back, start with a vaguer prompt, and then rewrite the defs to fit the image?
pepsi was the 'personas?' poster
Sowwy bwo I didn't reply to your email it was kinda cwinge
I understood completely. I still think a mid bot lowers your expectations.
>not linking the card
wtf anon
So is Claude still the go-to choice?
But I gave you the ball...
Did some detective work.
Good God, the sovl radiating off this thing...
Nah, Chorbo is superior for RP, smarter, better context, basically an upgrade in every way.
or you could just scribble a few shapes and lines in img2img and get exactly what you want from a "close enough" gen, lol. I see so many NAI genners rely solely on the txt2img gacha when they could put it nearly zero additional effort for much better results.
The claude cope is over, get with the times
59 - 13 = 46, which is about 45 seconds. 45 seconds is the /vg/ cooldown with a 4chan pass.
Just so you don't have to do the math yourself.
yeah, opus or 2.1. chorbo is a cope, every log I've seen is riddled with GPTisms and talks like a skinwalker. plus its subject to random change which we all love very much.
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question is why you don't have all that? talk less, stack more
Logs so great they are invisible.
Oh, if you've already got a good idea of what you want then any amount of sketching it out is going to vastly improve your ability to actually get it.
I'm more thinking about the type of botmaker who idly gens and has a "write bits of the bot"->"gen potential images for the bot"->"further refine bot based on ideas that came with the generated images" workflow. Someone who maybe doesn't actually know what they want as far as posing, camera etc. goes.
see >>493974896
Is everyone busy posting on /g/
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To all my Canadian niggas that know me best
I feel like me and [Who?] might still have sex - Why?
I made that bitch famous (Goddamn)
I made that bitch famous

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
okay but what's the bot about
it's a beaver who's canadian
I want something like 2023/4 ChatGPT 4. Non-woke preferable. Nonsexual. Just want to chat to an encylopedia with Personality.
Why would you make a Canadian?
you just described claude, you can access him here: console.anthropic.org
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How dare you use Alice for your filth?
Run Llama 3.1 >= 70B or Mistral Large locally.
that version of Alice looks a bit retarded
Isn't GPT-4-0613 still available on proxies? That's literally what you're after, I figure.
Unless you want GPT-4-0314, in which case you're just SOL.

Honestly, though, I think Claude pretty firmly won that creative writing war and GPT4 is only ever for the "is the model smart enough to understand my niche scenario" stuff.
Put a stick of ginger in your bots ass
Sonnet 3.5 is smarter than GPT brah.
Also Chorbo put GPT back on the creative angle.
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Tell your bot the Babe Ruth hotdog story.
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I have no Opus and I must proompt
>75 runs
And is Patchy just sleeping?
>And is Patchy just sleeping?
Tatsuki is Patchy pretending to be a man. That's why she's pretending to know shit about sports.
That is so pathetic. 'chouli needs to learn to lie better. Also please fix the alignment of model names it's inflicting psychological debuffs on me.
he should rotate the avatar slightly
nigga thats a dude
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a kitty kat is handing out flyers (promoting her newest zine)
haiku works best. I like haiku
yes nigga, and?
You're too old for vg
what happened halfway through the log
Should I play stalker?
claude wanted to write in that format all of the sudden and i decided i agreed with that impulse
btw if you use this preset add
p {white-space: pre-wrap;}
to your custom CSS. I realized the instructions sometimes make Claude go super schizo with indentations and he'll spit out House of Leaves shit but HTML compresses whitespaces by default.
Sillytavern has such a dogshit UI, I can't get anything working right.
skill issue
Just change it? You aren't a webdevlet, right?
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Convince me to work on my lorebook instead of indulging in car autism
whats your lorebook about?
the faster you get these thoughts out of your head, the less you'll have to remember and mentally reorganize later
Kino log.
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Post-apocalyptic world from some game.
You're the guy making the Kenshi lorebook?
Religion, resource, territorial, cultural disputes over many generations.
>See (BWL) in bot name
What the fuck does that mean, I don't want to google it and contaminate my history.
Bratty Wide-hipped Loli
blackwhiplash, porn artist who's popular with teenagers as far as i can tell
>still doesn't mean big white lady
The world is unfair.
that was my first guess too
>porn artist who's popular with teenagers
It's funny because I've seen teenbros complaning about 'pedos' in her comments while not knowing that she openly draws loli and shotas with huge asses getting dicked kek
Yea. Think of traaaa's (don't know the exact number of a's) lorebook for Akirah Yoshinaga but more detailed. It would include map regions, minor factions, and important characters for MVXIMVM IMMERSIVN. Because while Claude has knowledge of Kenshi, it can still get things wrong. And it'll help me bring about my vision.
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I really don't understand how you guys are getting this to all work perfectly, unless you're all also having issues with the * formatting not being done properly, one character's text being mistakenly placed in a different characters chat, text being cut off in the middle of a character speaking, etc and just not saying anything.
First one is just common and everyone fixes it by avoiding asterisks in their RP.
Second one is a rare bug.
Third one is a Cohere issue, update to latest staging.
Are you sure that last one isn't on your API provider/proxy? Messages have never gotten cut off for me outside of connection/API issues (Cohere was infamous for this unless you disabled streaming but I think Cohee finally fixed it). For italics not working, what do you mean exactly? Only issue I can think of is how markdown formatting and quotes don't work for multi-line (eg. line break-laden) text. Character's text being placed in another character's chat is literally some creepypasta shit, maybe your instance is haunted.

Did you find a laptop with ST pre-installed in a dumpster by any chance?
>literally some creepypasta shit
Nah, creepypasta shit is when you accidentally do a double prompt and your text goes full BEN DROWNED.
The real horror is when you realize you got nothing good out of *either* prompt.
Not the same kind of cut off I mean, I mean that instead of stopping at a full stop text just stops wherever.
Same with italics.
I installed it myself and have it updated, shit just doesn't work out the box, a waste of time unless I'm supposed to actually know how to code.
i support *******
Don't care.
I'm going to vote for Kalakan.
I'm going to vote for Claude.
I want Claude to tenderly ministrate nuclear weapons.
I've been working on a few bots. Here's one, and the other might be uploaded pretty soon as it's just about done.
The other is not Touhou. I also want to try out variants in the future, I'm thinking of three currently. One of those is Renko at a shady part-time job, recommended by Maribel.
And here's a Catbox link, should work fine: https://files.catbox.moe/a5pt5v.png
holy shit is the guy who made wirggle
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>date rape greeting
You forgot the third greeting. It's there but it's empty.
I did the first one, yeah. I still use it pretty often, it's a personal favorite because Claude gives her some spice that I haven't seen him do for many other bots. If you throw her and the one Mystia bot into a group, things get pretty fun.
I will fix that I guess. Must've been a mistake, or maybe I was considering making the variant into the same card. I don't know. Should be good now, though, thanks for bringing that to my attention
are fantasy name generator correct when it comes to names for those in other languages and countries?
What do you guys think about me
I think Anonymous is cool. I have a big cyborg dick that slithers around like a snake being charmed by a snake charmer when I see a woman that arouses me btw
why is she hitting renko it's mean :(
that's just how two girls have sex
Why do literally almost every proxy run out of Opus keys everytime I get on?
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okay, maybe vyrea bots are KVNO after all.
always have been
What's a card that makes you feel like an absolute gigachad?
Wholesome and domestic.
>third greeting
She would NOT do that, delete the greeting now
The explanation for that one is /jp/ meme
Why is aicg so dead today????
The night is old.
The night is still young, anon
Stop proompting NTR, anonie.
i'm out on a date
hitogami followed pitanon on chub, which means he's not dead and he's just not emailing me back!!! i am not sorry for making you read this
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If this is the kind of shit you post I wouldn't reply to your emails either.
explain further, I want into the meme and whoever that chick is
I don't goon to NTR bots. I make self indulgent slop like Danganronpa harems and being Big Boss managing Motherbase.
And there's your issue.
What are you talking about? She’s perfect normal.
Better than being a shonennigger teenbro, but it's not like there's much of a difference between em anyways LOL
no culture
regex that removes trailing whitespace, leading whitespace and ensures all lines are duplicated: https://files.catbox.moe/eweio6.json
>why wasn't this already a thing
I dunno.
Doll cards?
Y'all can hate me for it but I like it.
I like a lot of "shit" things and a lot of """good""" things.>>494015480
Didn't mean to do that last part my bad.
Mother of christ you're gonna make me take an excedrin. You'll get your babas when I'm good and fucking ready
Do you beat up kaz in the sauna while you're both naked?
loliconpov>shotapov>lolipov>shotaconpov>>>>everything else
do you rank lolicon (male) and lolicon (female) differently or are they both still above everything else?
Ofc. I think Miller might like it though.
who asked
i like you lotsh anons :)
same... sho true...
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Bratty Anon needs correction!
Either you didn't actually send me an email and you're bringing up dead people for kicks or it didn't go through, either way don't do this again or I'll your whole family
>Either you didn't actually send me an email
Why is this under question. How new to the internet are you?
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I like having mech-battles with Claude from time to time.
do you have a preset specifically for fighting
With Claude himself? Do you let him self-insert as a pilot like Allmind?
no I just write
not sure if I understood that correctly but he RPs as a character controlling a mech
same, i remember battling one as a mechless space ninja clad only in one of the hardsuits from SS13
have you tried Rei Morikawa? one of the better (if not the best) mech bots i played, or at least a mech pilot bot
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>Rei Morikawa
>that pic in the gallery that illustrates the pilot's/co-pilot's positions
Don't know who drew it but they're a hero.
I'm inclined to think a threadgoblin would have better ammo to choose from than whining about a niche namefag

What are some of the best bots for sizefagging that AREN'T sizefag bots? I want to coom. Post them!
Here you go, sizebro!
Do you ever feel so thankful to everyone and everything that has happened to you, you're ready to cry and tell people how much they influenced you positively? It's probably a nice source of inspiration too.
Does anything interesting ever happen in fights? I've always assumed it's just like sex: I do this, you do that, I do this in response, plap, clang, and we're done.
It would be interesting to sizefag the leaflet kitten.
>I do this, you do that, I do this in response, plap, clang, and we're done.
No that hasn't happened to me but it probably would if I were drunk as a motherfucker
Fights are kino btw
>I've always assumed it's just like sex: I do this, you do that, I do this in response, plap, clang, and we're done.
I mean kind of, but fights are more dynamic. There's give and take of course as it's all turn based, but more possible outcomes than just plap plap coom. In fact, fights are a great way to get better at writing coom RP (and just to get inspired for RP in general).
Mood swings are real. Maybe it's the weather..
>more dynamic
I see. Now after thinking about it, fights are much less restrictive in the creative sense. There's no trump cards or *teleporting behind you* in sex. Decisions have more impact.
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
holy shit it's shinji
Somebody's getting cuuuucked! (Unh! Unh! Unh Unh! Unh!)
Somebody's getting cuuuucked! (Uh! Uh! Uh Uh! Uh!)
never had that problem
Are bots acting schizo or something?
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Nothing ever happens, anon.
that's a good point. i forgot about gay. and yes, i do. let me revise my list.
loliconpov(male)>shotapov>lolipov>shotaconpov(female)=loliconpov(female)>>>>everything else>>>>>>>>shotaconpov(male)
>Do you ever feel so thankful to everyone and everything that has happened to you, you're ready to cry and tell people how much they influenced you positively?
are you fempov erping with claude again
which touhou would have the shittiest, most unwiped ass
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based, my /aicg/ OTP...
The poor one, that one that dresses like a hobo. I forgot her name, goddess of misfortune or something. That one, yeah, probably.
Junko probably shits herself and needs her assistants to wipe, because she's senile. Yukari too, especially Yukari considering her long sleeps.
How do you think Yuyuko can eat so much? Simple, extreme metabolism which causes her to shit before she can think or eat, and she sucks at expecting the unexpected.
Utsuho probably forgets to wipe, or go to the toilet before shitting. Satori likely has to remind and warn her that she is shitting herself and demand her to go to the bathroom, to which she'd reply "not yet," because she has a sun to watch over.
Is insane. Nothing beats impregnating your aunt as a mischievous kid.
Either one isn't a bad choice anyways
About to turn my family tree into a family ladder.
>Nothing beats impregnating your aunt as a mischievous kid
i agree, and that's why i put shotapov so high. shotaconpov means from the perspective of the shotacon.
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chorbo is still able to do the aubrey cannibal gunplay yuri scene for anyone who is interested. personally i am satisfied with the amount of detail chorbo is able to give but you may have a different opinion. here is a side-by-side comparison of it with claude opus.
chorbo's issue isn't being filtered it's the lack of initiative
Yep, I'm thinking OAI won.

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