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Blackrock Mountain Camper Edition
Prev thread: >>493356258
Imagine pay $15 a month to play a game called Warcraft just so you could avoid any conflict and raid for one hour a week
i'm a turtle chad, though
>turtle wow players avoid pvp
lol, lmao even
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>Imagine pay $15 a month to play a game called Warcraft just so you could avoid any conflict and raid for one hour a week
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>roll on a pvp server
>have a mental breakdown and go into lockdown anytime anybody of the opposite faction attacks you
>pick the pvp server
>cry when pvp happens
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They were asking for it, if they didn't want to be PvP'd, they should've not come to BRM between the hours of 1 PM to 2 AM. I must establish my superiority as the alpha.
Sorry for interrupting your sissy hypno session
>What do you mean sitting in the mountain for 12 hours a day isn't normal?
>I'm just PvPing! It happens on a PvP server! No I don't have a problem, everyone else does! it's their fault If they get camped in the mountain for hours!!!!!1
Buck broke a warlock today
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>Buck broke a warlock today
>managed to make it to a new thread without 404'ing
is wowcg healing?

just talking to the hoes in the gym about world of warcraft classic lmao
>no pvp (not even battlegrounds)
lmfao junkies getting excited at playing half of the game as long as its le fresh!
He's presenting them a "business opportunity". Obviously trying to fuck them on the condition that he throws them a bone (either mentions them on stream or funnels his viewers through a raid).
Honestly, influencers are all subhuman.
You seem obsessed
If semi-truck crashed through the wall and killed everyone in that room, the world would be a better place
You seem obsessed
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>some literal who on twitch said thing, that means it's true!!
what's going to be your cope when it ends up being true?
So hardcore grift again. Let me guess streamers are going to do a PVP tournament at the end and then abandon the realm, or they will do MC wipe for clips run.
im not the one getting farmed for content :)
I hate how that fat fuck dev is just a streamer fanboy. He bends the knee and does whatever his favorite streamer tells him to do no matter how much it costs the company. I bet you that fat fuck cost blizzard at least $100 million bucks.

neither am I, I'm not playing H*C lmfao
>asian girl
>surrounded by white men
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>people begging for fresh era/tbc/wrath
>some grifters ask fatggrend for fresh hc
>yes, coming in 1 month

you classicucks are just content for streamers LMFAO paypigs
they never believe me when I say that streamers are the entire reason classic wow happened to begin with
why did you roll on a pvp server?
im gay
your character should be a male human holy paladin
full cloth gear with +healing
What's the latest cope?
hc isn't a streamer grift
sheenheads .. what's the pomp situation today?
100% chance of mazed with a 50% chance of crybooming
firelands will save cata
fresh era server is coming
mop is confirmed
sod gets good in the next phase
>firelands will save cata
>fresh era server is coming
No, HC doesn't count
>mop is confirmed
All but confirmed, yes
>sod gets good in the next phase
This but unironically
>replying to obvious bait
we love election tourists
English, please.
>insta reply
commonly caused by insta seethe
>out of words
yyyyup, have the last word or (in)direct greentext reply because I order you to do so
what are some of the pros and cons of getting the last word or (in)direct greentext reply because you are ordered to do so?
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looool deleted
I won
>actually reporting
now thats what i call seethe volume 1
>agree to rules
>break them
>"oh wowww seething"
>Thin skinned little bitch reported because he couldn't handle it
Kek, you're such a massive loser, even by 4chan standards
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>Zul’Gurub invites 10-20 players into this raid dungeon. Rewards and difficulty are tuned for 10, with room for 20 to join in the hunt for treasures untold.
>tuned for 10, with room for 20 to join in
also where's the new stuff lmfao. BWL and ZG again? you can play those in era and HC LOL
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>The update will also include a way for players to turn on High-Definition Textures as an option, which will provide enhanced visual fidelity to many textures in the game. This update allows for a revitalized game world while preserving the Classic aesthetics of the game.

we won cata chads
>2 week notice
Jesus... We're actually going to be in Naxx by April at this rate.
Disney bloat inc
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Remember when they teased Scarlet Monastery and Karazhan crypts!
Me neither! BWL hype! 10 man ZG Hype!
so are confirmed for classic+, though
So, what are we all rolling I'm hc?
>at least 4 more resets for T11
maybe i will find a guild by firelands releasse ...
Why are reddits so obsessed with Karazhan Crypts
>one big empty room who cares
and a Scarlet raid like we don't already have 5 dungeons centred on this faction anyway we desperately need a NEW RAID why is this what people decided would be good?
new classic+ survey just went out
Link it then?
i dunno what's with 'nillers and memes like Kara crypts (used in Legion first lol) and timbermaw hold
>ERRMM THERE'S A GIANT DOOR, POTENTIAL RAID ENTRANCE (surely not a giant furbolg cave like many others that already exist but full of elite mobs!)
I conquered you.
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>he's still mad after 2 hours
hot damn
why the fuck you posting this in the streamer general? nobody plays video games here
Looking at the screenshots, it just looks like an uprez of the current textures. We're definitely not getting WoD/Retail models.
>retoilet flopped so hard that they're rushing sod and cata
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They don't care, China is carrying hard right now
I wanna goon to her catgirl
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Retail xpack is good because log numbers high, when in reality, WotLK Classic in China is responsible for the overwhelming majority of those logs.
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>trooned out to gain sympathy points
>got fired anyway
som and sod were just beta for classic plus and its really coming this time
>wowcg is just seething about retail
why is china still on wotlk
seething from laughter
sigh... what is a cute girl grifter to get scammed by? if im a paypig now im not going to be gay too
what if he plays horde
Because wow went down during wotlk classic, so they're running behind western schedule. Why the fuck would they skip one of the most popular expansions?
idk i'm not a chang so i don't keep up with their release schedule
>wrath is the worst expansion ev-ACK
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why didnt blizzard make wrath era servers?
feels like such a mistake since its the most popular expansion
they saw the failure of classic era
everyone that wants to play era has been playing it for months already
HC is a streamer grift but we are totally not playing it to be background NPCs on someone's stream but because it will have healthy pop at least for a while
It's cope that they aren't.
>sod wasn't classic+ because.... ummm..... it didn't fix my depression and ummm.... I still haven't found a wife to settle with so I can't quit yet!
It's not classic+ because it's not called classic+, simple as.
What is y’all’s opinion on sod phase 4 and what could blizzard to improve your experience?

I have been really enjoying phase 4 of SOD. In my opinion now that I’m 60 it’s makes me want to play my character more and do new things and try to sweat in raids. However I have a few things that I am a little disappointed in.

The new heat levels are kinda off putting to me. I know that you don’t necessarily get anything better from doing the higher heat levels besides extra loot and cosmetics. I understand if I don’t like them I can just stick to heat one but coming from a competitive background I want to the highest form of difficulty just to push my self. I just thing the FR and the last boss of heat 3 is kinda lazy in my opinion.

PvP has always been super fun to me in 2019 some fight I would do in the open world could take minutes for someone to die. Now it seems it’s just a one shot fiesta and who can open up on the other first. Paladins with bubble and being able exorcism on non undead to shamans hitting you with 4 meatballs back to back. I understand I could just go to a pve server but I do like doing world pvp with the boys from time to time.

Let me know y’all’s opinion on what Blizzard could to do to improve the quality of life in SOD
true tho. i met my gf on sod and we arent getting married until classic plus
should i play druid or warlock for hc fresh
umm yes its a seasonal server with a bunch of meme changes
soda will be playing druid so playing a druid would be kind of monkaTOS. I'd go with warlock, maybe a streamer says your name after you summon him
fix av so its not a 5 min rush where you can win without capping anything
They need to revamp the rewards from BGs too, people get honor maxed out then just stop, there's no reason to requeue, that's why AB and WSG have just been dead this phase.
Theyre dead because pvp is pretty garbage they would have to do a lot of overhauls in abilities and shit to fix it but that would take a lot of effort. AV isnt dead because its mostly a pve bg anyway.
orlando meltie
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disney bloat fomo
Aren't China subs worth virtually nothing? Like you'd need a hundred chink subs to count as one western sub
entire mc part lol
>not playing a mage so you can zg boost everyone in onlyfangs when they die for the 10th time
uhmmmm ermmmmm
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As cringe as that "interview" was i miss those days.

Take me back bros...
Absolutely not, what's more chink whales buying pets/mounts/whathaveyou literally makes up a shit ton of money.
You can easily die to hyperspawns, especially in crowded places and especially before FD comes online.

Besides, you need to pay attention to level a hunter properly in the first place. Hunter leveling has a low skill floor, but the ceiling is high too. There's a lot of micro you can do to seriously speed up your leveling. If you mindlessly kill 1 mob at a time until level 60 then you're doing it wrong.
>Pull more than one mob
>Random disconnect
Well at least you're not "doing it wrong".
>erm but you can random disconnect
>your pet can't tank more than one mob
lol ok
You're like 30, stop typing like a faggot.
Wrath, fashnilla, HC
>lefty and dilating
Retoilet, SoDomy, scata, tbcuck

>Winning bigly
Wrath, Hardcore

wrath made disney bloat. this caused the pixar to happening on ghibli retoilet
why do they call him KKKikebane, though?
If you have to keep claiming that you're winning over and over again, you're not winning.
You don't want to know...
Let me put it this way, that pitty has a 100% kosher meat diet.
doctor just diagnosed me with vanilla fresh. i only have two weeks to live
incredible how the last 8 posts is all useless shit
cata won btw
you have to be mentally ill to play hardcore the game was clearly not designed for it
People play games in the way they weren't designed for all the time
i still have no idea what being retail means
except nobody plays a game in such a retarded way that you would lose hundreds of hours of grinding because you disconnected or something
Diablo 2
patch 2.3 and beyond
It just means the current version of WoW, retards here use it as a buzzword.
what about it? hardcore in any form is extreme mental illness
It's another example of people playing a game in the way you described. You said nobody does, but that's obviously wrong.
when exactly did the great disney bloatening occur? did it happening in wrath or cacaism?
>t. never made it out of elywnn
but you get a free transfer if you die right?
yeah sorry i shouldve specified nobody not mentally ill
yeah to a dead realm
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literally no one asked for hardcore fresh ... what is aggrend cooking?
There's nothing official on fresh realms and no, just because some random ebeggar on twitch said it doesn't mean it will happen.
did /ourschizo/ say anything about this fresh rumor on his discord yet?
random ebeggars are the only people they listen to, though
are they, tho?
brown skin irl
forgot to mention sorry
am i allowed to play non dwarf priest in hc
soda won
because they cant do real fresh since sod isnt over yet so the only fresh they could give was sneedcore
i only drink water
>25 second insta indirect seethe
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based and agua pilled
this is just the beginners
TRVE fresh is on the horizon
just think about it
fighting over black lotus spawns with 50 chink bots
taking an hour to start brd because a mentally unwell ud rogue is camping your healer
doing 300 runs for scg
spending half of your waking hours in av
hunters are the easiest class in the game, get over it
>low skill floor, but the ceiling is high
>in vanilla
please tell me this post is being ironic
...and I want to do those things?
but im not a tranny that does any of those things or plays on pvp server
>trannies out of nowhere
neither does he but it's something to do while he waits for his parents to die so he can commit guilt free suicide
there is literally nothing wrong with playing banilla wow over and over again until the day you die
>what is aggrend cooking?
Everything but he'll eat it all anyway so it doesn't really matter. Mostly though, he just cooks for himself (ret paladin).
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No see, we're too intellegent for regular chess in le communo-futurist utopia
ive played vanilla for the last 10 years and i still havent played half of the classes. i think another 20 should be easy
running molten core until my lungs give out
>west has fallen

how did the wow devs know in 2004 bros?
my grandfather told me stories about the west falling back in 1960 it was common knowledge back then
>most western human zone
>invokes a sense of autumn after exiting elwynn
Did GRRM name it?
did retail win? give it to me straight bros
win what?
what does being retail mean?
are we still straight if we give it to you?
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most of us are playing retail
payo isn't
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I'm afraid so anon
It's over
i dont know what retail means so im not sure if im playing it or not
i tried tww, the honeymoon of an expansion is usually fun enough
desu i hate it. bored out of my fucking mind the whole way to 80. didn't even come close to dying once. the quests are basically a variant on the "cluck!" quest in vanilla ie do some silly, wacky, zany shit and get a reward.
one quest had me filling troughs with water and food in the bug zone and when i did, a mob would spawn. i couldn't be fucked killing it because it wasn't a threat but would follow me around and prevent me from interacting with the other troughs so the game loop became how can i range this faggot mob so i can keep clicking the clickables and end this world quest as fast as i can
there's another one where im in an amphitheater and the quest requires me to sweep the floor in it. im not kidding. i'm the champion of azeroth, the king of stormwind follows me around like a mopey bitch, and im relegated to being a fucking janitor
i can't work out who the target audience for this game is. marvel fans? children? single mothers? don't even get me started on the horrendous gearing system
>there's another one where im in an amphitheater and the quest requires me to sweep the floor in it. im not kidding. i'm the champion of azeroth, the king of stormwind follows me around like a mopey bitch, and im relegated to being a fucking janitor
not sure if disingenuous or just retarded
any good phase 5 investments? i got some onyxia hides, and blood of heroes, and some essence of fires
what are you disputing exactly? i literally swept the floor with a broom. i also had to go into the stand and clear weeds out of it
i know its part of the "event" but come on, is this really the best that blizzard can do for an expansion called the WAR within?
there was another quest too in hallowfall, i had to fight some dude with the nigress and bunch of soldiers. another mob that posed zero challenge at all. i skip the cutscene and then she tells me to go and fix up the potted plants around a shrine or something and "console" the soldiers because they're demoralized. by a battle that we just won...
fucking surreal this shit
it's an amphitheater. you are performing
and after the show is over?
>go and clean the stands by pulling weeds out
like i said - janitor
so, how we feelin about the new hardcore fresh servers?~
Yes, actually
Ghibli is beautiful. Modern Disney and modern wow are hideous. Don't compare retail to ghibli
>still the BEST art team in the business even if you don't like nu blizz!
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>phase 5 in 2 weeks
>You're retarded or disingenuous if your experience with nu wow is the questing is terrible
>classic wow general
>it's nothing but retail talk
Are people still playing hardcore? Maybe because. It was a weekday evening, but Orgrimmar on Nek'Rosh was a bit empty. Except for a train of guys on mounts
only 2 more lockouts before bwl
zero perdition blades
backstab is simming the best for next phase
kill me and rape my corpse
Ya quite active. The alliance specific servers are bigger than the horde ones.
Toilets spend $1000 on this more frequently than they do any of the "super hard content" you're always pretending is the mainstay of the game.

Retail is composed of
>walking forward and aoe
>walking forward and aoe to clear all quests and dungeons
>walk forward and aoe to clear old raids for mounts
>walk forward and aoe to clear stuff for transmogs
The entire game is look a certain way on a mount, and to achieve this setup you do exactly one thing
>walk forward and aoe
kind of funny me and a few other anons with past experience told people PVE servers are superior when sod launched, with cross server BGs you still get your ranks and ashenvale forces people to flag up anyway so we have had a much more enjoyable experience
We also attack towns and people come out for fun etc

the only people who like pvp servers are giga shitters who are antisocial, and not the best team players which is why PVP is also filled with rampant ninja looting and raids with "reserves"
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>here's my default reddit opinion
why are you doing this
becuase I am playing on a fresh character on era?
btw I am ranking with the bros on discord so its fun
mariaqts cage
How long does it take to make 28k gold in Cataclysm so you can buy the token? Can you do it casually, or?
>For so long, I have been a puppet of the Grand Crusader. What reason was there to fight against what the Scarlet Crusade had become? It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive.
>I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron.
>I want not to dream anymore.
>Take me to him.
nice cryboomer cope
too bad a single pack of mobs in a retail dungeon has more mechanics than all of molten bore
>heckin mechanicerinos
retail makes me want to kms
sometimes its fun to just tank/spank some braindead ai and collect looties. not every mob needs 5 different abilities that need to be kicked
but everyone on era is full bis shouldnt you get every item
>its fun
good :)
>everyone on era is full bis
>retail makes me want to kms
because ur shit and brown
>sometimes its fun to just tank/spank some braindead ai and collect looties
because ur shit and brown
mechanics are important to create mob identity
Yet Vanilla has far more 'mob identity' than anything past itself.
it doesnt though
theyre all samey mobs that just auto attack you to death
white men don't play retoilet
you lost shitskin lol
>mobs are just mechanics
Actual botbrain
Retail is actually all white men play
Every classic shill is a shitskin mutt
I know for a fact that I'm more Aryan than you, and I play Retail. It's the only semi-engaging variant of this game.
mobs are just mechanics
there is no difference between a bear that autoattacks you to death and a demon that autoattacks you to death
>botbrain who has never enjoyed playing an MMORPG
I enjoy playing MMOs where the game isnt pitifully shallow goyslop
You wouldnt understand shitskin
Not in regular dungeons, no. Wailing caverns is more threatening than any normal dungeon in retail where you literally can not die
So why aren't you in that general then?
>start retail character
>run around tagging 15 mobs with shadow word pain at level 9
>never run out of health or mana
>It's impossible to die questing or doing normal dungeons in retail
except the mobs in wailing caverns still just autoattack you to death
Not true. The druids case sleep, heal, lightning bolt and they shapeshift.
>you've never even played classic
wrong general retoilet tranny
I dont think the retail general has o b s e s s e d faggots in there 24/7 talking about how bad retail is and how good classic is. I've opened the general like twice and I haven't seen that. Never posted there either, because I don't care to.
>and they shapeshift
to autoattack you to death
nice try though tranny
>retail doesnt waste time with trivial leveling dogshit and gets you to real content
>shitnilla has no real content so it pads out leveling with tedium that cant be passed through skill
yep its a shitskin kinda game
Ya after they dump their mana bar on all the different spells they cast.

Play the real game (hc wow) and you'll come to know a lot about mob abilities because if you don't you die. In retail you can not die, it actually isn't possible.
In hc classic I can learn my class through experimenting with combinations of abilities over my levelling because I will face challenges. In retail the content of the game for 99% of players is level up, lfr, lfd, and mountmog farming in between estrogen doses. The "sweats" do the difficult content because they're mazed to an extent that they buy all the blizz goyslop expansions and playing wow for 15 years is all they have as a hobby.
>learn your class
There is nothing to learn on 1 button dogshit
And given that every cryboomer is complete dogshit at the game it's clearly not teaching anything
>muh 1 button
Abilities and items I use on my warlock while levelling (from memory so I'll be missing a few)
>life tap
>dark pact
>void walker sacrifice, succubus seduce, fell hunter spell lock (all macrod to one bind) pet ability 1
>void walker aoe taunt, fell hunter dispell, pet ability 2
>pet attack
>pet passive
>health potion
>health stone
>mana potion
>limited invulnerability potion
>target dummy
>shadow bolt
>curse of agony
>curse of tongues
>shadow ward
>death coil
>curse of exhaustion
>howl of terror
>drain soul
>drain life
>siphon life
>health funnel
>will of the forsaken
>insignia of the horde
>trinket/use item 1
>trinket/use item 2
Are all my binds I can remember off the top of my head
Cool larp, meanwhile in reality it's shadowbolt shadowbolt shadowbolt
>the entire game is raiding
Not in classic hc it isn't!

Abilities I use on my mage that I keybind
>cone of cold
>rank 1 ^
>arcane explosion
>rank 1 ^
>frost bolt
>health potion
>mana potion
>limited invulnerability potion
>flask of petrification
>target dummy
>fire blast
>counter spell
>frost nova
>fire ward
>frost ward
>cold snap
>ice block
>cancel ice block
>ice barrier
>mana shield
>trinket use 1
>trinket use 2
And probably a few I'm forgetting
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>Classic hardcore is so engaging! I'm serious!
Hardcore is retarded simply because it's an online game and Blizzard invests nothing into their infrastructure. It's like you morons never learned how poorly Blizzard runs HC games after seeing how they handled Diablo.
On paladin
>flash of light
>flash of light r1
>purify (forget what these are called, but the magic dispell and the poison/disease dispel)
>Holy light
>Holy shock
>divine favour
>seal of righteousness
>seal of the crusader
>seal of wisdom
>seal of judgement
>health potion
>mana potion
>target dummy
>flask of petrification
>limited invulnerability potion
>blessing of protection
>blessing of freedom
>lay on hands
>divine shield
>swiftness potion (forgot about this in my other lists)
>nifty stopwatch
>target macros

I won't even try to do druid since I don't know the names of most of the skills I have
>classic is dogshit, 1 button dogshit, dogshit players, I can only say one word
>actually I can prove that most classes in hc wow use about 30-40 abilities and items on keybind, not to mention all the buffs, utility, conjurations and assorted that you don't keybind
>changes the subject
You lost. I proved you wrong. The classes in classic are good.
I conquered you, pet.
Now bark.
>so desperate to pad out the list he writes down multiple consumables you never use, mount, drink
>and fucking TARGET macros

So in reality it's
Shadowbolt. Lifetime
Frostbolt. Blizzard
Flash of Light
In hc you use
>target dummy
>health potion
>mana potion (on mana classes obviously)
On every single class and all should be keybound

I listed all my keybinds including mount and drink because you said 1 button, but okay, take those two out if you want to.
What button do you hit in case of a disconnect?
This is a legitimate problem. I actually think blizz hates the playerbase enough to do it on purpose and kill the game.
Unironically, fuck you faggots who said ret paladin is a meme spec. It's legitimately the most fun I've had playing SoD and I'm only level 20. Sealtwisting at level 20 is fucking insanely fun.
This is massive cope lol
After leveling my alliance alt and trying to farm AV at night I can confidentially say that, not only do horde absolutely buck break alliance, but there are more alliance players queing to get destroyed than there are horde. I did an AV last night where people were saying they waited over an hour only to get stomped by horde in 6 minutes
sorry to be the one to tell you this anon, but you have brain damage
Why do you hate it? I never understood how people can dislike sealtwisting.
Why do you like it? I never understood how people can like sealtwisting
>High APM
>Requires more decision making than exodin
>Higher skillcap than exodin
>Casino RNG when everything aligns and you see multiple 2K hits at the same time is like crack
>All the iconic weapons are beefy and slow
It's just FUN.
Just play a class that is well designed, sure exodin is shit but that doesn't make playing a spec entirely reliant on macros any more enjoyable
Sealtwisting ret is well designed, it was hands down the best spec in TBC which is why I'm so happy it's finally back in SoD. Being macro reliant is w/e, the only complaint I have is that it still has the same issue it did back in TBC, it's completely reliant on having wild strikes.
If you want to see a really shitty designed class, try warlock on the PTR.
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>Sealtwisting ret is well designed
>wasn't even implements until phase 3
>ret gets no cool set bonuses because they all revolve around making sealtwisting work
>well implemented
Whatever you say anon, have fun getting replaced by shockadins next phase
>wasn't even implements until phase 3
>Whatever you say anon, have fun getting replaced by shockadins next phase
I know, I'm glad that enough people complained to make it happen and thanks anon, I'll enjoy it while SoD lasts. I'm hoping we get a fresh TBC era server at some point.
>have fun getting replaced by shockadins next phase
No, I don't think even Fatgrend is retarded enough to leave shockadin as is.
>I know, I'm glad that enough people complained to make it
And then 90% of the paladin community quit the game immediately after and now all thats left are the biggest retards
>No, I don't think even Fatgrend is retarded enough to leave shockadin as is.
phase 5 is in 2 weeks, it's happening. cope now while you still have the chance
>And then 90% of the paladin community quit the game immediately after
That's incredibly good for me. I'll have a much easier time finding a spot in a guild now.
>phase 5 is in 2 weeks, it's happening. cope now while you still have the chance
We'll see I guess. It shouldn't really change anything, sealtwisting ret is simming around 6K, last I checked shockadin isn't anywhere near that.
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>blizzard is going to use AIslop to ""upgrade"" visuals for cata items
AI KIVNO is miles ahead of the caca slop though
they're testing it for classic+
Vanilla truly is the pinnacle of schizo gaming.
Imagine idling in AV, so you can get gear you'll never even use, because you don't know how to PvP, because you avoided it all your life lol.

>>494083148 This
The writing is on the wall.
>Blasted Boar Lung 0/3
I fucking hate the blasted lands quests so much, I can't even. I've been here for fucking hours now.
Motherfucking sadistic drop and spawn rates.
the latest classic plus survey asked about "enhanced graphics" so maybe it's that
>the latest classic plus survey
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first time ever ive seen the spirit/haste neck from alakir is just when i started to trial with a new guild, talk about bad luck
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>He didn't get the survey
back to playing dressup in retail i guess
nobody plays sod here anon, this is the streamer and retail general
>retail out of nowhere
>sheen complaining that no one is showing up for LC MC/BWL to gear shitter alts
>points out that people won't come if they won't be compensated
>points out that he always shows up
>doesn't realize that he IS being compensated and his external reason for doing all raids possible is to provide him content for streams
If you point this out in his stream, he'll call you retarded and most likely ban you. Have fun.
>>sheen complaining
:o no way
The guild UI change is just as bad as Hitler occupying Poland
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every time i think about playing this game and nostalgically leveling and doing raids, i just remember all the botting, gold buying, rotation automation, arena scripts, parsing autism etc.
>twitch frog
shall I say, skipped?
why would i willingly interact with a mazed junkie, though
Because he has melties when you point out the cognitive dissonance.
sheenheads ... what's the plan for today?
Starting arguments and watching him fumble out terrible analogies and arguments.
do we have any sleeper agents in his chat?
it's funny because the actual Sheen would definitely be as unhinged as this cryboomer
>page 10
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Classic Boomers are so retarded.

>Explain to guild lock that he should put DI on the boomie for better personal/raid dps
>Says he parsed better last week cuz it was on mage
>Literally post proof that DI uptime was significantly better on boomie and he just played worse this week
>Randomly goes into a tirade on how "muh class sux on this particular boss"
>Say that has nothing to do with what we were talking about
>Gives this passive-aggressive reply then mutes me for 10mins on discord "jokingly" then makes another passive-aggressive block of text about how we all make mistakes or some shit
Worst part is, this guy is an officer in my guild.
oh yea that happened
Payo won, staycringe doesn't even play wow now.
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why is WCL so slow lately? is it really chinks uploading millions of logs per minute?
>PvPlet seething
PvP is the only reason to play Classic, you find raiding MC fun? LMAO
the hc freak apparently does
even THO he doesn't even play but just larps about playing it for months
>the big classic wow surprise on the 20th anniversary is HC fresh
>the gamemode that doesn't require fresh because cryboomers die every time at lvl 30 so they're in an endless Create New Character cycle
damn, 'nillers are really getting the end of the stick huh
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>What if we made the shittiest chore content that existed solely as an inoffensive loot piñata and made it the ONLY content?!
>staycringe doesn't even play wow now.
doesn't need to. doesn't even need to stream because he sells $30k worth of gum each month unlike french monkey who can't even go back to waging because unlike before classic he's now an unskilled 40 year old with with 5 year resume gap to explain
who are you quoting though?
kill yourself retoilet tranny
>coming to this shithole to samefag about yourself
holy irrelevant
retail chads run these threads aka bumping your thread so it doesnt 404
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>funds our servers
>keeps our threads alive
based retailchad
I actually didn't think of it this way
bbcbros, /ourgirl/ is cooking
you know where
>pedo post
now thats what i call skipping volume 1
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can't believe what they're doing to our boy staysafe. imagine how he must feel as well with all these twitch faggots like asmon pretending to be his friends all these years only for the entire mob to backstab and dogpile him as soon as a shitskin migrant literal durka durka sand nigger named "mohamed beshir" who lives in Europe and takes White society for granted cries for him to be cancelled for being pro-White and saying nigger on the internet sometimes
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>Indirect replier
are these all the same person?
ziqo is swedish, though
>wowcg thread is nothing but posts about retail
>/wowcg/ is nothing but indirect reply seetheposts
id love to know who the hell youre quoting
um sweety, I can't find who asked
i asked
shitskin named mohamed is a true swede at this point
>1 filtered IP
And that's that, brb getting my dilator
Who are you quoting
i didnt give you permission to use my memes and catchphrases
ladies and gentlemen, the chat is on fire
>Instant seethe reply
I'm afraid of PvP and direct replying
both are minigames for losers
I can't handle anything above raid finder difficulty btw
the game has no raid finder
I conquered you.

Gonna go play retail (war mode off) and listen to sissy hypno
yeah it does, its called classic wow
just because it has extra steps doesn't mean it's not just like LFR
post your cutting edge ulduar then
>Instant seethe reply
(reddit space)
skibidi kurwa brown
Draenei futa ERP is the true content
That's why I'm a retailchad
Era: Lost
Retail: Lost
Retail-lite: Lost (bigly)
Retail Jr: Lost
Trump: Lost (by a lot)
Turtie: Won
Warmane: Won
Hardcore: Won
>retoilet player
>people using my memes left and right
so this is what its like to leave a legacy
tbc chuds won
>Degen porn is the true content
>That's why I'm a retoiletgooner
>obvious falseflag
>"wow that explains a lot"
'nillers have such small brains
>watch a retoilet "cinematic"
>nothing but feet shots
a new low even for retailcucks
>Retail damage control over genuine gayposting
if they add a fully animated pee emote ill play retail
>feet bad
>even THO every media industry does it now
lets get you back to the retirement era home
Nillerfags use passive aggressive tranny memes better
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when is the next classic (vanilla only no changes) fresh
>schoolshooter race
>thirdie resolution
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>30 minutes later and its still going
Who are you quoting?
This is everyone every time you have a suggestion for their play in wow
>Likes braindead PvE
>Unironically seethe unprompted about PvP
>Calls people who partake in the meme PvP "schoolshooters" because he was bullied to tears
>Collects kitties in retail and maybe does raid finder raids
I can't imagine a bigger subhuman
Not wrong. People would rather stay bad than take literally the most minor form of criticism.
I do that and say that
Hc players in general don't even want a new server so it really makes no sense

The exception will be if it's hc tbc but the server better start at the dark portal/level 58 or I'm not interested at all
brown minigamer throwing a melty again
I enjoyed this by just repeating his memes, with two people doing it this thread is genuinely worthless and added nothing. I can't believe he's here 24/7
seriously though whats the point of this thread
>doing hc Mara
>near princess where all the patrols are
>fighting 2 of the rock giants when one of the rock patrols starts creeping up, one of the only "bad outcome" situations in the entire dungeon
>rogue doesn't distract
>I'm on disc with the tank who's my friend, we kite back but it's annoying, the entire time I'm waiting for the distract
>tell the rogue he can use his distract ability to stop patrols from moving and it's good to do that here
>he says "we chillin" like a total retard
There isn't one because it's like 2-3 people irregularly popping in to check on news and then interacting with some seething tranny
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why does it feel like I'm missing half the context of the last 50 posts or so? As if there are blocked post I'm not seeing or something although I have never blocked any post on this site nor am I even aware of how to
>twitchy frog
hard skip
>she didnt drink the cool aid
I am indeed a tranny
>guy recently died at 60 in brd on his druid and the clip was posted in guild discord, healer pov and healer posted it but I didn't realize right away
>overalls bar room somehow, mage lingering behind opts to hearth rather than get involved when frost mages experience virtually no risk unless they're going to get 1 shot. He could at least nova, the absolute worst case scenario he can petri in ice block
>also the healer casts a single heal then backpedals down a hallway to Los 2 non elite casters while at 98% hp and immediately petris - has t2
>druid dies because he tried to pick up aggro and didn't petri in time
>I say the mage basically griefed and the healer played like shit
>causes some discussion
>the healer is typing in discord
>wonder what he's going to say
>He's still typing
>still typing
>yet more still typing
>never actually sends anything but like an hour later I notice he thumbs downed my initial comment saying he did very little
Most confrontation tolerating resto druid main I guess
cool, now dilate to wowg, freak
one day the skibidi kurwa brown freak will figure out how to reply to people in an imageboard
one day
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>what the...being racist and spouting hate on the internet has consequences?
that's why i type long discord posts in notepad first so the discord tranny doesn't know how long i've been seething for
who are you quoting retoilet?
how do we stop the disney bloat pixar retoilet ghibli nickelodeon menace?
I felt really bad for the druid, he's a young guy who recently lost another 60 and you can tell he really loves endgame content and wants to play with the guild and is excited to prog and now he's back to levelling for 7 days played because some t2 druid is so allergic to risk in hc he casts a single heal before roaching. Even if petri is the call, as the healer you have to make some attempt to get people out
Somehow this looks worse than the vanilla version, I can't quite figure out why. Something is just off about it.
I think it's the disney
>Something is just off about it.
The colors are softer.
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Christ Himself said "by their fruits you shall know them."

Even though you can't quite put your finger on something or explain it into words. It is a universal truth that you simply know and recognize the synagogue of satan by the fruits they produce. No matter how much misinformation or propaganda, you will know them by their fruits always.
evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good
>gold, red, and black armor set
>blue particle effect
So, what's everyone gonna be rolling in hc fresh?
warlock or priest. i dont like anything else in vanilla
okay i kind of like rogue but i dont want to get cucked
is wowcg still coping with cata or are they back to being shameful soddies?
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>Loses another 9k raiders in one week
it's too late to start sod
I quit in p3 and p4 looks pretty cope, I'm just wondering what you lads are sinking your precious hours into
Have you played much hc? For me rogue is the most fun in the game mode and if you prepare well you can not die and you are the only class that's always safe in horrible dungeon wipes should they ever happen
>PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).
thats sooo retail
Infusion of Light: This rune now reduces the remaining cooldown on Holy Shock by 3 seconds on a critical strike (was: resetting it completely).
You were saying?
For sod this was needed since p2
wasnt it at 50% at some point
No i don't think it was ever implemented

Well there was something going on in p1 with damage reduction but I forget what. Priests actually couldn't be killed
cacca pissa cacca pissa
>firelands wont be out for another 5 weeks
sister? your molten front dailies next week?
i havent. i normaly play priest in every version so ill probably play that first, but rogue would be more exciting
im not playing anything right now
I used to just type one letter so it looked like I was going to type and then minimize discord for days. I haven't had discord installed in years though. Go take a shower.
I died to a DC at 57 leveling my paladin. It really soured the whole thing for me after I was having an absolute blast that day having just finished BRD and the Ony quest chain.
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Ya fuck man that would kill it for me too I'm sorry that happened. It really is a great game with that one huge flaw
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yay now av can be 3 minutes instead of 5 minutes
outstanding indirect and insta seethe reply, skibid kurwa brown
>discover profitable craft
>log in a few minutes every day to buy up all the mats on the ah and list my crafted items
>very slowly turn 50g into 300g
So this is what it feels like to be a Jew? It's pretty nice
I guess this is from the HC chad pov looking at sodomites
>250g in a couple of days
lmao you can make that in like 2 hours
Your only job was to make this thread comfy enough to browse while using flight point transit and you faggots FAILED
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lying in that position on wooden floor looks very
uncomfortable. did rich piana inject synthol in her calves?
It took weeks
>you can make it in a couple of hours
Safely in classic hc? How?
>actually playing sneedcore

>playing HC
Ya its the good version of the game
>the saying lmao to being retard correlation remains at 100%
There are 0 exceptions to this
>why would someone play hc?
>why do white people climb mountains, there's nuffin up there man...
you just wouldn't get it.
why do they call him /ourswede/, though?
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Can you imagine the gigakino collab? The 2 guys that gave us Classic face to face, denuncing the talmud and destroying all shitskins once and for all
It's not even that it's an achievement it's just the ruleset forces gameplay and interactions in wow that is enjoyable and the deaths keep it fresh. People are having fun on the 1-30 treadmill, people are having fun doing endgame, people are having fun in the game
they dont even work at blizzard, though. how could they give us classic?
I think you posted the wrong picture buddy
Reminder that you classicucks are just content for streamers
>Streamers are so dull they have to show other people having fun to entertain their brown audience
Hmm interesting
You know how you start with 3x Wildercloth bags if you run through exile's reach? Those 3 bags got deleted and replaced by 6 slot bags while i was asleep. It's not really a big deal, i'm just super confused wtf happened to my alt, lol

Was there a rollback on AD EU or wtf happened?
Lop off your dick retoilet homo, wrong thread
wow, that seethe happened instantly!

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