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cool bird from 5 expacs ago edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Prev: >>493929021
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Someone stop me from last minute leveling a Rogue.
I still have my 70 good goyim boost
I don't want to be a shit
Is someone gonna post when servers are back up?
Dark Iron Dwarves are the coolest race
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play of the thread
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is that racial ability still not worth pressing?
(you will never be a cat)
Just look at rogue gameplay, it'll deterr you
Is it my turn to post this next thread?
If your decision is at all swayed by a single tier list its a bad idea
i use it to cum on people :)
You fuckin menace, you
>troon furfaggot pathetically flounders and gets owned
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do they really expect me to play with my screen looking like this?
erm your goblin glider?
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I didn't mind Outlaw in BFA
B-but, Ret Paladin sims like ass, and Survival looks gay after the 11.0.5 changes...
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/wowg/ would you all stop fucking around and post pandas already???
If you want to help the group then you might consider an arcane mage, and you can use frost in pvp and delves. Mages are pretty fucking gay though. I'd probably pick assassination in your situation.
Expectations for post-raid cinematic? Will Xaly show up and divulge more of her plans or will it just be the spider mom and daughter talking about their feelings?
Thanks, I'll just get over myself and run some tonight.
Anyone know if the world bosses will be up after maint or are they already up and I'm retarded and didn't see them
its not that deep
evoker tail pegging
pegged by a evoker
>horde pandas
grimmy grim grim!!!
Evoker? More like asspoker
Cool, thanks anon.

Honestly the survival 11.0.5 changes are what makes me want to do survival.
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maybe one day op... maybe one day
Someone has to have made r34 with a scalie and goat tail pegging each other, surely.
rogue player here.
boost a death knight. just trust me.
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you can do as many m0 dungeons as you want but only the first boss kill each week has a chance to drop loot right?
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I have a DK at 80 already but it's for tanking
wait is that how it works? i thought it resets daily, loot included
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent Dawn
should I join it
is bro playing on a ps3 controller??
Loot definitely resets daily, little bro is confused.
m0 is daily now sisterpoonerbro
Good girl :3
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>Walk into convenience store
>Korean owners visibly relax and give me a friendly greeting just because I'm white

then you should do a mage or warlock.
unless you only play melee?
rogue leveling is notoriously bad and rogues are bad until you have gear.
Assassination is okay.
Sub is okay.
Outaw is okay.
You're just "okay". your not shit but your not amazing either.
>PCU guild full of drama fags
I dunno Anon you tell me
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Someone help. I don't know what to make the 4th member of my Warband. I have a Human Prot Paladin, a Restoration Shaman Draenei, a Troll Hunter to be Marksman, and now I need a Melee DPS but I have no fucking clue what to go for. Demon Hunters are gay as fuck, Monks are gay as fuck and Death Knights are gay as fuck.
This dude must have long fingers or a large hand.
Rogue probably.

war mode looks grim
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IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>only 1.5 hours of maintenance
>realm list already visible
We're so back
fempera rogue for the kino stealth animation
reminder to instantly report and hide faggot avatars
I only play melee, yeah.
My Monk (PvP only), DK (tank only), Ret and Survival are already 80. With the 70 boost and the 20% increase I'll be 80 in no time, so I'm not worried about the leveling.
I just want to be not a shit.
>Rogue leveling is bad
Anon this isn't Wrath anymore, I just leveled one and this wasn't my experience at all. Rogue pretty much raped and they're so fucking mobile.
Dude is left handed anon.

I don't believe you.

Bellular, it's almost time to stop saying that and start dooming until the next patch.
The Warband doesn't do anything besides look neat, right? So just put the four characters you play the most often, or that you like the most.
This thing worth putting a crafting order for? I don't even know how this system works, I skipped SL and DF. https://www.wowhead.com/item=222443/everforged-greataxe
Will it always be ilvl 597, or will it be higher if I use tier 3 crafting mats?
there's no way disc priest is shit tier in m+ with how much damage they're doing
This is not even fun, this is pure cancer.
>doesn't play meta
>wowhead already posted a tier list saying i'm B tier
It's over, no more content for me
If you want rank 5 (you want rank 5) all the mats have to be rank 3, and you have to place it as a PERSONAL order because public orders can't have a minimum quality requirement
no dont craft until late
It doesn't even look that neat. They should migrate the garrison concept to the login page and let you send your warband out on missions. Give you some customization options and watch your dudes walk around and do shit in your garrison.
yeeeeeeaaah i think im gonna get KSM as non meta, HAHAHAHAHAHA
The title. The glory. It should have been mine, Baelgrim.
you want to use t3 mats because you can get it recrafted for less mats, but the original mats still "count". Even next content patch or whatever when a higher ilvl crest comes out, you can just get it recrafted with the new crest and upgrade it
>Dude is left handed anon.
Ah, that makes more sense. Still got some crazy shit like the Q/E/F buttons being bound, though.
You can't force the crafter into a specific rank in public order.
idk what the meta is, im just going to play ret paladin again
>not in a guild
>not mythic score or whatever the fucking addon sweats use
why am I awake?
pvp queues wont be happening when servers up.
I'm left handed and also have those bound, but they're on my mouse instead of my keyboard.
>ask a guildie to make it
>use t3 mats
>wait a bit (until mats go cheaper, maybe I get something in the raid?)
thanks pals actually you were actually helpful
i dont get it you obviously know what wowhead is why not just look how it works there
>Need to get in a pug within an hour of the servers going up otherwise my odds of killing the queen this week drop to 5%~

This is nerve wracking.
also public order is fine since recrafting is easier to get a higher ilvl so you'll be using recraft regardless, the initial craft doesn't matter just throw it in public for a 1g commission and someone will do it for their first craft bonus because it's an epic. the other two replies saying not to use public are retards
Always found binding letters to an mmo mouse weird. But hey, if it works for you, it works.
>fire mage
rip that's the only mage I play
recrafting requires acuity you fucking disingenuous NIGGER
I had to bind it that way because I use the number pad to move.
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Can you skip the part of the campaign where you train the rookriders, fuck around in waterworks with Dagran and all that shit?
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>Ret C tier
Excellent. I for one am looking forward to the inevitable buff that catapults us back to being op.
I'd invite rets if they were even remotely aware that they could cleanse poisons but somehow only shaman DPS do, even without totem
I shitpost in /wowg/, what race/class combo should I play?
when's the next Plunderstorm
is frost DK a good spec if i eat my own boogers and just want to unga bunga dps without paying too much attention to my rotation?
Classes I play are
>ret paladin
>fire mage
>destruction warlock
>BM hunter
>resto shaman
well looks like I'll be stuck with resto again
ctrl modifiers dont play well with numpad, half of mine are numbpad binds with the rest on function keys
Ahh, gotcha.
bm is going to the top in a few weeks
good for you staticfag
the cost is nothing for someone who isn't crafting like himself, nice try retard but maybe stop giving advice if you don't understand how the system works
>t. made 12 million from lariat alone
You don't invite rets. Rets join your group. Don't forget who the protagonist is anon.
i've only ever played oldschool runescape, can someone explain to me why there is no housing in wow?
>inb4 ret moonshot
Come play Ret. As a bonafide retard myself, I guarantee its good for unga bunga morons.
>yes goyim the cost is nothing, btw it'll be 10k plus tip for clicking a button
There is but its instanced and it cost one raid tier and it sucks and its not a house at all
yea but fury is better because you don't need to worry about your dnd charges since the tank doesn't give two shits, and you only get 2 GCDs of cleave off of your dnd meaning you need to have two obliterate crits stacked before leaving it or you only get one cleave
almost every poison spell in the dungeon set is an aoe
i always cleanse myself but the poison will be off literally everyone else by the time the cds back up
>i've only ever played oldschool runescape
sorry low iq gamer
>i've only ever played oldschool runescape

his parents wouldn't pay a WoW subscription for him

What's a good name for a Rogue?
"Racist" is taken
>realm list is up
I joined and saw there were a shitload of actual trannies so I left
piano hands typed this post
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realm list is up
what could it mean
I hit 80, got my warlock full pvp greens and my dk 551s (didn't run a single heroic) and then didn't log in again for 5 days

Did I underprep?
they paid my membership
Bro wow so far isn't hard at all, just mash your keyboard and kill shit
It's an on GCD 8 sec CD spell
What the fuck do you want nigga
Taken. Same with Chad and Chudjak
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who cares, you can do all the m0s in a few hours
the gameplay is already good so it doesnt need bells and whistles to distract you with
yea probably but you should be farming gm/hwl this week on your fotm lock anyway before they get nerfed to piss
too sovlful for wow.. but I'll be seeing you in leagues V in 2 months anon!!
oh are those the RBG solo queue titles?
Hallow's Haul is in October.
>I hit 80, got my warlock full pvp greens
How hard is it to grind honor?
I tried out pvping for the first time earlier tonight, and it was kinda fun. Complete dogshit at it and ran around like a chicken without a head, but fun. I kinda want to do bgs and shit.
But from what little I saw before maintenance hit, you don't seem to get much honor and you need like 10k for a full set of gear.
>that one affix that forces people to cleanse/dispel/whatever the mob or you wipe

the first week that was added, it was the rudest awakening for me of how retarded the average wow player is
I fucking picked arms... its over
world of warcraft more like world of winningcraft
those are ((modern)) rbg titles but you can get them in shuffle rbgs too, idk what the seasonal one will be called
Tranny game
im arms too, believe in yourself brother
I did it across 3 days

Some of it was solo shuffle, epic BGs, especially if you get a good wintergrasp, are an easy 2-4k honor in 30 minutes
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Monks really don't heal themselves much, huh.. I always thought they had more healing.
anon you need like 7k which is a few hours but will last you a loooot of time until you get conq gear and crafted pvp gear
we have an enh shaman in our group who refused to take hex even on weeks with the ghosts you have to cc because it cost him like 1.5% DPS
needless to say we just stopped bringing him to runs until he stopped being a faggot
>affliction warlock does head and above damage in m+
>just middle ranker in all tiers

Funny how mazerats try to hide the imbalanced spec.
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wtf is wrong with w*whead this week
there posting all kinds of WRONG and outdated info
you got the tierlist from a month ago that keeps getting posted and perculia posted some bullshit about "5 recipes drop from nerubar palace"
>look at the list
>neither jc recipe is on it
Good to know. Cheers.
I guess I'm math retarded on top of game retarded.
They can heal themselves, but only when they're low. Most of their durability doesn't show up on the healing meters because it's clearing stagger l
What websites do I get pvp resources from? I know wowhead is pve-only central. Or do I actually just have to find a (good) twitchy/youtuber for my class?
every spec in the wowhead a tier is way better than affli tho
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arms sisters...,.,., what is our response?
monks are always weak af at the start of the expansion because of how they scale
Icy Veins has pvp stuff. But I dunno how reliable they are.
there's a bit of life at drustvar but there's nothing like old arenajunkies out there
deserved for basic bitch mog
>what is our response?
tier lists are bullshit, just like power levels
they have a couple healing spells but the throughput on it is fucking terrible and healing elixer is gone and reworked into a death save (used to be able to take healing elixer which was off gcd and macro it to purifying brew to both purify and heal on a short-ish CD, turned it into a discount frenzied regeneration)

now most of their mitigation comes from shields and purifying stagger, but they are utterly reliant on the healer to actually move their healthbar back to full. they also have almost no damage to healing conversion like you see on a moon guardian or blood DK
fury will never be cooler than arms so i shant be playing it
power levels are real but only in spanish
would be if smf wasn't 100% shit but two twohanders just looks fucking retarded
QRD on sorrowdark?
Well I can't let the monk fall low. I can only do that to deathknights. Other tanks are in danger of randomly exploding.
With DKs that's regular business, they explode at random for fun.
Last I tanked with monk in mop, I think it was all stagger removing too but I felt hard af.
isn't Aff only better in long fights?
it's pretty good now
the best lock spec overall
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qrd on samefag?
>Shortly before Cataclysm launches, Azeroth as you know it will be changed forever. Patch 4.0.3 will bring with it cataclysmic changes to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Players will be able to find new and exciting sights to see and quests to do in the level 1-60 zones, all-new troll and gnome introductory experiences, redesigned capital cities, new race/class combinations, and more!
I want something like this to happen again
that cat's got some moves, goddamn!
you can steal peoples builds and gearing path that are at the top of the ladder
supatease and venruki on youtube both put out good videos with tier lists and more nuanced information that you wouldnt necessarily know about
wow arena forums is a shitpost central but you have top performers contributing here and there
world of pvp is mostly something i look at to laugh at shitters but youll find a gem in there from time to time as well
going to post this benruki vid because it has some decent info in it for the beginning of the season
I miss combat rogue. You were like a light and mobile warrior.
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Post your Earthen Dwarf
no but there's also no need to do it beyond once
it doesn't matter anymore
after the last addon "the last titan" there will be a warcraft reset aka wow 2 by chris metzen
yeah thats honestly a big reason for me too
I know blizzard doesn't have the programmers to make wow 2. People would want a new engine.
every leaderboard player I click on leads to a page saying not found
They weren't good at the end of DF either, and blizzard straight up changed the stam trinkets into agi trinkets for that season to keep monk tanks down.
blizzard is not stupid enough to make wow 2
>join leveling bg
>literally half the players are mm hunters
where'd they all go at 80 kek
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>WoW 2
Don' think so
*looks at smite 2*
haha even.
ROFLMAO perhaps.
I hope I live long enough to play Dreamhaven's mmo. I'm already 40 and might have the 'beetus.
was working the other day, in any case just look up the top players on drustvar and search them on the wow armory
hammer of light spam messed up the playstyle because it invalidated both TV and DS while up, but we lost a huge chunk of damage because of it, they have to buff us somehow
MM is FOTM for pvp
I have one
if its not genetic just stop eating like a fat
my aunt is pushing 80 with deetus so its possible but I can assure you they will never release that mmo
nobody was good at the end of DF compared to veng but at least brew could do a nice amount of self healing and celestial brew didnt get used up after one auto attack
when are we getting a demon girl race
no red draenei do not count
We lost
We fucking lost
>letting a tier list determine how good you are
I've been a ret for 15 years and i've been better than you the entire time
>stuck getting groceries on season launch
>with pregnant wife who has to take a break to pee every 15 seconds
it's over bros...have fun raiding and RBGing without me
we will be getting high elves and ogres in midnight
>1 filtered post
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you can do this and get outdps'd by a frost dk pressing obliterate/frost blast
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Race/class for this feel?
I want Quest & Lore Panel with Chris Metzen in the next Blizzcon
gnome priest
wtf why do huntards get all the cool shit..............
>2nd raid boss is a pug annihilator
Castle Nath all over again.
female gnome
Is arcane fun?
>pre-mythic bis lists are all overwritten
fuck but what if I amn't high enough ilvl for m+ and want to gear up with the best possible set reeeeee i should have kept the pages open in other tabs
thoughts on the wind walker spec?
I like pressing many buttons thoughever
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i think i will get this shit today finally
probably like 2-3 more superblooms needed
I thought you needed it for the quest where you collect 100 of those disc fragments.
>cant cast expel harm anyore
died with the tww prepatch
I don't think you understand energy and combo point classes because most of this is inituitive based on your resources
I wish there was a way to see my mog as a balance druid
>bro your glyph of stars?
that turns everything blue though, it's better than moonkin form but still not great
Yeah i heard they are trying to get rid of button bloat on all classes
i wonder why
Everquest 2 proved decades ago a direct MMO sequel will always fail.
monk is not even bloated and expel harm was THE good player button
still pretty fun, does more or less what it always did.

the tooltips for the hero talents are god damn awful though. not the talents themselves, but the explanation of how they all work. its very "dude trust me, the math checks out but im not gonna tell you how it works, just push your buttons"
It's so fucking weird they axed it from WW but MW keeps it.
is 2h frost viable

maybe it was just shit
why do rogues have omega cuckold energy?
>oh garsh we can't be too strong and we need 500 buttons, garsh they're gonna nerf us! good golly we can't be top dps ever unless it's outlaw at the end of the expansion except acrobatic strikes lmoa woops garsh i'm a cuky cuck rogue stealth i better not be strong oooh it just has to be this way fuck my girlfriend please every other dps
why is it every single time i go to play this game the servers are down
yeah the character animations for it looks nice
on a female orc at least
you're lashing out because you're too stupid to understand
is it strange when a man plays female characters
Let me bring one in the overworld. Let me do Delves with them. Let me replace Followers in Follower dungeons with them. I play with other people plenty in raids and pvp with friends before anyone gives me shit for playing solo once in a while.
no I do it all the time
controller. they''ve been trying to make the game more controller accessible for a few x-pacs (see monk button reduction, fewer buttons overall on DH and EV, now the advent of buttons that turn into other buttons when pressed instead of needing 2 keybinds, ret being pared down to 3 buttons for the whole spec)

they had been trying to do this for a while, but my guess is microsoft has really lit a fire under their asses about it so they can eventually bring it to consoles and gamepass
Probably future proofing for next few expansions. Drop button bloat now, and then slowly increase with each new expansion.
Its like the number squishes. We're at a point where the game is going to be in a perpetual cycle of squishing/increasing/squishing/etc. Same with button bloat, unless they go all in on passive effects, auto-activated procs, one button combos.
my two hander sims higher than using 2 one handers with same ilvl
should I race change my warlock from troll to orc?
>still posting this meme for ~twenty years
I only play female orcs and tauren
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>no maye posts for 5 threads now
what's going on ...
do console players even want to play an mmo?
i hope the reports did it
Based. It helps that anything plate looks great on Female Orcs.
Where's the Delve tier list?!
Is the meta going to be stealth characters that skip 90% of the mobs or pet classes that do good dps while tanking the mobs or tank classes that let Brann do half the dps?
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>every other class complaining about prune
>frost DKs still forced to stand in the cuck puddle to cleave
i understand you enjoy eating shit hand over fist because you think it makes you virtually tougher and smarter and pooling energy is really deep gameplay that you just can't understand rogue is just...deep...and complicated...heh.
i dont think ive ever seen a troll lock desu
by random chance, he died from auto erotic asphyxiation
Reminder that Stannis can't die if Winds is never published
yeah i was farming the legion plate tier sets
the plate gear looks straight goofy on a male orc
tank and pull literally the whole dungeon
That faggot night elf with the glasses? Good riddance.


>A Paladin and a DK fighting the same enemy decay and bless the ground at the same time
>Blessed decay

Nergal would be proud
i have a troll lock but can't post a pic rn
im tired of this samefagging
nobody fucking cares about you FAGGOT
OG was pretty big on consoles. the audience was 50/50 between PC and PS4 for a long time. not sure if that still holds true. D3 also sold big on consoles
the show pretty much confirmed he will die anyway (even if they win the siege) and the lack of fAegon confirm he is well fake and he will die as well.
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>Entire empire crumbled before his eyes, all because some lesbian queen refused to do her duty and send aid.
Fucking lesbians, always ruining good things
Oh, you're the faggot from yesterday who said he would get AOTC. Idiot doesn't know the achievement is removed. Fucking amateur.
FF14 seems to have a decent number of console andies. ESO has a bunch too. Bunch of Korean MMOs too, I think.
>play shadow priest
>the amount of procs, voices in the head sound effects, dot damages and particle effects literally makes me go insane at times

This is unironically great design and immersive class fantasy.
they are removing aotc?!
that's probably because a ton of japanese are terminal consolekeks
i can't see it working for worlo
>20% vers
what? curve ach still exist
>it still costs gold to transmog gear
Because fuck you.
even if it only brings in an extra 5-10% of players, you're still talking hundreds of thousands of sales or potential gamepasses/subs. thats definitely worth the engineer time to try to implement it
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>wasnt banned
phew! ;3
Maye confirmed on the wowg discord that she's range banned
>Arms warrior proud that he could out-sim a Blood DK tank.
Prime Autism.
Gold needs to have a sink on some way, otherwise inflation on the AH would increase to retarded amounts. Probably.
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Just play Void Elf.
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ponder de aroma
the ban was for people who were 20+
Why would you get banned for grinding renown?
Some exploit?
>playing any elf in 2024
sorry I am not 14
I basically view them as transwomen
wait ive never looked at velves racials do they get free xmog?
i might go alliance for the first time in 13 years...
so all the top PVP players are trans?
also post GYM PRs
you can't "grind" renown chuddie, there are limited sources per week
50% discount
She also accuses him of bringing the Scourge down upon himself, when it's not true at all.
The Scourge dug into the Old Kingdom first.
only 14 year olds care what race others play
i'm fucking diamonds
They'll add a console subscription to wow onto gamepass and up the microtransactions
Shows how much I've been fucking around doing nothing. lol
say that to the boomers in these threads
saying stuff like "no shoes" faction
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hate the jlor so much
only tranny faggots like the pvp minigame so yes
i just want my tier set already
explain without using more buzzwords
the sire was such a wasted character
campy vampire king you cant trust is a fun trope i would have loved to have him around longer
bitter furry hands typed this
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Reminder: Delves are the true endgame.
Every other endgame relies on other players as crutches.
Only Solo Delves truly test you as an individual.
Any other achievement you have from group content is meaningless if you don't have achievements for challenging solo content to prove you're not a shitter that's paying for carries.
post one tier set that looks bad on a female orc
pro tip
you cant
flying around through old expansions like legion, bfa and even shadowlands... man TWW zones feel really low fucking effort, except hallowfall I guess.
>be class that can tank
>steamroll the highest delves without any effort
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I will be healing your M0 world tour today. I'm only ilvl 570
>delves are the true skill
>literally everyone will be meta slaving
>and mail BOEs to their alts who can not do them
nah you wont, deny all furfags
hope you dont mind me skipping that post
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>4 coffer keys
It's strange that Cromush wasn't killed after the fall of Garrosh as a Garroshist.
EU bros you enjoying the update?
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>Spellslinger is apparently the best spec for frost
>Feels like it doesn't do anything
>splinters barely stack
Its because deep down everyone knew that Garrosh did nothing wrong.
vupoore hidden
Is it just me or is every important character in this expansion a woman
>The start date for Timewalking Dungeon Event Timewalking Dungeon Event and WoW's 20th Anniversary WoW's 20th Anniversary is listed as October 22, 2024, with the anniversary event concluding January 4, 2025.
started in bfa
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Rep is useless past 13/14 for the profession knowledge unless you are at 23/24 to get the crests.
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This is fucking insane? They need to delay 11.0.5 until AT LEAST the end of November to not fuck with the top 100 mythic raid clears. Slinko, Liquid's top BM hunter, is already raising serious concerns about how a Dark Ranger rework will impact progression and I'm glad. This patch is going to ruin the race for everyone.
What did you expect? This is post-breast milk Blizzard, anon.
don't tell the gaming industry but accessing large numbers of skills is easier on controller than m&k
>left trigger + abxy/dpad/bumpers
>right trigger + abxy/dpad/bumpers
>both triggers + abxy/dpad/bumpers
At least you're not a Druid, our talents are not noticeable at all
1 pawjob please
I can't decide between Arms Warrior, Ret Paladin, and 2H Frost DK.
What's the most consistently fun smashy DPS?

It's at least less offensively gay than Dragonflight.
You will be gaped by the rest of the party afterward.
just click on it
People using multiple wow1/wow2/wow3 on the same account, turning warbound quests at the same time giving rep on all account.
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>delves are super easy for me
i knew it im a god player and all the other players are shit and holding me back
SOURCE SOURCEE SOURCE??? You still dont know where to sim your character I assume? Troglodyte
>Idiot doesn't know the achievement is removed
Yeah sure, didn't post parse and now you wont post your cheevo claiming it got removed from the game. You genuinely are the most retarded nigger I have encountered on this website
You forgot to add
>double tap left trigger + abxy/dpad/bumpers
>double tap right trigger + abxy/dpad/bumpers
I'm kinda over FFXIV now, but their controller setup was fucking great. I totally prefer that over keyboard/mouse.
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that'll be 20k plus tip
Is m0 lockout gonna be weekly or daily?
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shift + 12345
mouse side button 1 + 12345
mouse side button 2 + 12345
mouse side button 3 + 12345
mouse side button 4 + 12345
mouse side button 5 + 12345
mouse side button 6 + 12345
mouse side button 7 + 12345
How buttmad do you have to be to seethe for more than a day in the same gaming general? Asking for a friend.
speaking of
He's a retarded ragebaiting retard who stacks versatility and asking for 590+ to join his groups. Oh, he doesn't know what and how to sim you character ROFL!
You are autistic, you play frost and it said so on your screenshot too. FOTM FDK tranny, dont try to twist facts
Daily, I believe.
>oh no ret is low tier??
good thing blizzGODS got me, i can still do delves and gear myself up ;-)
pirate place south of boralus
yo you can use mousebuttons as a modifier??
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Ret Pally and 2H Frost DK are both D-tier. Fury is both fun AND good.
>that guy who simply wont play if his class isnt meta
can you queue for delves?
how do you gear up in delves?
i played OG on controller and while it certainly is possible, its also clunky as hell, both from a physical hands on controller requirement and mental load of remembering all the combinations and modifiers.

they have opened a door with the addition of the "this button turns into another button when pressed" tech, a door which has been accessible to console gaming for generations but MMOs seem to have largely forgotten until just recently (OG started adding them with gnashing fang).

single button combos.

used to be a staple in almost every video game. push X to attack, but push X to attack again within a second or two and the character does a different attack, push X then y to do a different combo. etc. if they could actually remember how to do video game combos (and bonus points if they could figure out devil may cry style delay press alternate combos) then they could open a massive pool of available actions with very little keybind economy

needing an actual key on your controller/keyboard for every action you want to do is actual cave man thinking thats been outdated for 30 years
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Quite the blood tank you got there FOTM tard nigger. You want me to post the source for the image now?
>still hasn't posted sims yet
Please, please for the love of god delete your character IRL
>druids will be forced to be restosissies

oh no no nonoooononononono!!!
who are BM hunters, warlocks, shadow priests and unholy DKs?
this is wrong i play shaman and i feel week even if shit dies good and no groups are kicking me out or bitching about dps
Arcane mage is good?
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>that guy who plays his class regardless of meta
I dunno if BM's ever been worse than it is rn though. Hopefully the 11.0.5 buffs can save it from itself.
>ASDX for movement
>12345 qwert fg zcv, m4 m5 (the common mouse thumb bottons)
I have easy access to 51 keybinds
What are you on about
If I wanted to hurt myself, I could add another 17 by using alt.
This tier list is every class using their 4p tier sets, tomorrow reality will be different.
Some tier sets are good, others trash
>go to delve
>select higher tier
I don't think there is a queue, but you can still solo it
>how do you gear up in delves?
You get a limited number of keys from weeklies. Then you just play a bountiful delve and open the big purpie chest at the end.
You can get crappier gear from the smaller basic bitch chests, too.
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>10% crit
Actually, Resto is bad too.
BM doesn't deserve to be good. you are a 3 button spec with a 40 yard range and your spec plays itself
>ctrl+shift+5 while holding two movement keys
you're right to say it. fem human and fem orc look the best in nearly every set because of their posture.
I hate Fury.
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Reminder. Yogg-Saron is canonically the reason you can jerk it to Dark Iron tits.
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tier B isn't bad
fuck me i dont have the campaign unlocked on my main and i didnt play whatever season freehold was in the rotation nor get portal in bfa
i feel less married to BM specifically now that survival has more pet focus to it with talents and hero talents. i can still get the pet fantasy by playing it. i still would like them to address DM, but i dont feel like i have to abandon my hunter all together just because one spec is bad, i can still get a similar pet combat vibe with a different spec
if they don't put a portal to it, Griftah has an item for sale that can teleport you to the continent boralus is on.

Griftah is next to the BMAH/the portal to the 4th zone.
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hey, we have this explosive substance we can hit from range. i know baelgrim, why don't you fucking kill yourself to set it off so a female can replace you?

also we could collapse this entire fucking city by taking out the central support but undead saggytits mcgee would rather bomb their food supply. also, faerin is huge gap moe from her cinematic intro to her actual attitude. it's like she was written as a timid faithful white damsel and then race swapped after the fact. how did thoradin chadjaw arathor whitest he-man on azeroth's bloodline completely swap skin color?
pretty sure they'll add teleport npc again like they did in SL and DF
there will be a portal to it in dornogal if it's like DF
You don't do ctrl+shift+5 you dingus, you do shift+5 or ctrl+5.
I need one finger to strafe, if that's necessary, and I can move forward by holding left and right mouse buttons.
Delete yourself if you backpedal in combat.
You wont believe this retarded nigger lmao. Lil bro is gonna be on his knees begging for a carry today
>retarded warmode chud tries to kill a disc priest with his negative ilvl instead of just fucking off
these niggas like to watch paint dry
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azj kahet is cool
>actual cave man thinking
fighting game-style combos are based and quintessentially vidya
dungeons and dragons design has held wow back for too long
any pumpers and poopsockers for this season of m+?
lol holy shit
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>need to grind 300 more valor on 3 alts to get 1-2 more ilvls

if I see one more wax mount I'll rope myself
>losing camera control in order to reach your skill keybind
i forgot how limiting m&k really is
no Im bout finna log on and keep leveling alts and farming gold.

Mythic will still be there in a month
>do wq in pvpmode to get more currency
>retarded hunter stop attacking his elite to shoot at me mining on the other side
What the fuck is wrong with these retards seriously? do they see red = bad
Reminder not to brick yourself on reset.
go with honor, friend
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where to get radiant echo quest from?
wait, what's the logic behind this
Reminder that if you only have a single character at level 80 and you're still below 580 ilvl, then you're a subhuman that won't get invited to raids or M+. In fact Brann might even reject you for delves.
is something you can do after opening your first big delve chest with a key
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I'm not sure if we have any Warlocks in here but I've come across a fantastic Cleave/AoE/M+ build that can out DPS Fury, Arms, and Arcane classes for example.
Be warned though, it's absolute shit at single-target, like so bad that you do even less damage than the healer.


The idea is to constantly, CONSTANTLY eat your stones and spam between, back and forth Demon Bolt and Hand of Gul'Dan while using Siphon on CD. This will allow Demonic Soul and Shadow of Death to proc CONSTANTLY (I'm not exaggerating either). You want to obviously use Imp Implosion ontop of this at 10 Imps and if need be switch to Gargoyle AoE

Obviously at the time of using this before Season 1 I was doing around 1mil to 1.5mil DMG OVERALL. Again, horrible single-target.

In reality I'm posting this from my guilds discord and their Warlock discussion because I hate the warlocks in my guild and warlocks overall and hope with posting this here it'll get nerfed into oblivion. Fuck Warlocks.
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i counter this post with pic related
what's the max ilvl reward from delves?
The first bountiful delve you do will give you a radiant echo, you use them outside, check your map there'll be an azerite orb like the prepatch event.
>Nae, adventurer! Ya need ta get better gear!
thank you
>spoiler text
mentally ill faggot
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I would like an anon on WRA to heal and give titjobs to with my goblin
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i dont know shit about lock, but i appreciate your contribution to my tiny warcraft ass folder
redpill me on skinning cooldown to spawn epic beast on a cooldown
is it good money?
post bimbo'dorei
There's a woman with a chip on her shoulder at Blizzard. Baelgrim neglected his edicts and branded Adelgonn a traitor for defying the edicts bestowed upon them to lead a rebel faction and expected him to protect them. They should've been executed, but it was his mercy and bending his obedience to the edicts, his good grace that let them live as Unbound. He had to pay the ultimate price for letting a woman suffer though.

This theme is repeated in Diablo 4 where a templar takes a bribe from a woman, and it leads to the release Lilith into Hell. The templar is placed into an iron maiden type device and sent to help you, ultimately dying as the suit is stabbing him while he's fighting with you. The Man must be punished for his actions if they lead to the harm of a woman. Nothing less than death and sacrifice at great suffering is acceptable.
No problem Anon
>PvPBVLL sees an obvious PvEsissy in the wild mining
>kills them in one rotation

Um, sorry sweatie but War Mode is for people who actually want to play the game.
broz what is the plan for the reset?
crazy how we let lillith get away with it
You are a broken person
Faerin would've been so hot in a pre-woke blizzard
WoW Today
right now we can do up to tier 8 delves and i dont think the vault is enabled yet, so probably 610 or so
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>be 570ilvl
>half heroic gear
>half quest gear
>click group finder
>click make mythic group
Simple as, hope you had find grinding those heroics you dumb meta nigger KEK
>no guild to raid with
>no people to make a plate-only group and farm m0s
its os fucking ove bros
>five 80s
>583 on main
am I safe?
rush to delves
unlock 8 doing tak Rethan Abyss, waterworks or sinkhole (as long as those are not bountiful)
when 8s are unlocked do 1 bountiful and burn keys
finish the radiant echo quest
do the other 3 big delves and use keys
I'll cap my weekly KP and then I'll spam people in trade chat so they'll buy my stuff.
do you like trolls
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i will get ksm this season! :)
I'm wondering who keeps recycling the son-kills-his-father-and-takes-over story beat.
its 5k gold a day. its not good money if you only play 1 character but if you're an altoholic it's pretty good money. i've been relying on it ever since the Duskweave market crashed and my tailors are now useless.
Enhancement shaman and MW monk are the only specs I enjoy and they're both trash at PvP. Might have to skip this expansion it's not worth it just to run M+ like a mazed retard and ain't nobody got time for raiding.
If its red its dead fuckboy
When do the delves open up to tier 11? Next week?
how difficult are rank 8 delves? at rank 3 as a rogue at 580 ilevel i only die if i somehow manage to get 3 groups or accidentally walk off a cliff
>m+ keystone dungeons
those drop heroic gear tho not mythic
>wow has been pandering to men for years
>hey let's give women some love too
>incel gamers: noooooo you can't do that
Oh that's a great use of all the random alts I levelled in remix. Thanks, anon.
do you get paid for this?
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kill self master
you should do radiant quest after you do one bountiful delve with key i think at least thats what the le reddit post said
Whats a good Brann loadout do you think?
I need a plate wearer in my warband to be able to collect plate mogs while playing on a clothie, right? The same for weapons, right? (i.e I must have a DH on my warband to collect a glaive mog dropped on a clothie)
NA or EU? there are two wowg guilds
thats what I said, do the echo quest after your first big delve then the other 3

healer if you're dps
Reminder you also need 50 Skinning skill points minimum
>24 pts from picking up objects in the world
>2 pts weekly from skinning shit
>10 pts from book sold by skinning vendor in spider city
>15 pts for 200 acuity in the artisan plaza hall south of dornogal auction house
it doesnt take that long, its like 30-40 min per alt to get them ready, but you have to memorize where all the shit is located which is a pain.
how does loot from devle work?
do we burn all our keys on one delve or what or only use them in boutiful?
even games as simple as like legend of zelda (the 3d ones like ocarina, not the top down ones), mario 64/sunshine, action games like devil may cry, dragons dogma, onimusha league of legends with its 4 buttons (think riven) can all do combos.

its crazy to me that the whole MMO genre said "fuck combos, 1 button per action, 30 buttons minimum for your character, i paid for the whole keyboard im using the whole keyboard" for like 20 years straight
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>I'm going to show the world the potential left in my land. I'll build a kingdom of peace and justice atop the death and trickery they leave behind them. My vigil is over. I'm here to fight for what is rightfully mine.
Are you excited for Morgan's kingdom between Stormwind and Darkforge in the revamped Burning Steppes?
Based. I take it you have professions fueling into each other as well?
Take the Ele pvp pill
max will win
screencap this post

go mrnig go
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Turn on wow.
I like using comet storm as frostfire mage.
only use keys on bountiful delves
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I love how classic makes its valleys like going through a small transitional entryway to a liminal valley.
Of course, brother.
but you cant spam bountiful delves right? you can only do them every few hours or am i retarded?
Only use them on T8 Delves (thats where the iLvl caps out for now) and only use them in Bountiful Delves, which we get four a day (might be a week, forget).
So get to T8 first on non-bountiful delves then do your bountiful delves and your keys on them at T8
that fucking kaychak sold me on the "concentration" builds so the only time im making shit is on concentration, that being said im still profittable on r2 dawnweave but just barely, i dont even bother unless i can r3, or r3 a spellthread with rank 2s, i only craft r3 duskweave now and i just buy r2 dusk for spellthreads, got 6 tailors total
also went hard on the blasphemite meme got 3 of those, with a potion and flask crafter
and i pissed 150k away on jc yesterday prob wont make shit back from that because i dont have a prospecter
Won't happen, but I honestly want some new group to pop off and take it. WFR functionally being between two/three teams every time is kinda stupid and boring.
The drama is always fun to watch, though.
you can spam 4 every day
you should do 8 per week or more if you have keys I guess
you can also have different sets for holding both triggers depending on which order the triggers were held

crossbar is xiv's greatest contribution to the world
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>There's a woman with a chip on her shoulder at Blizzard.
It's more like the writers refuse to give women flaws or make them bad, incompetent, or evil. (Xal'atath is an eldritch being wearing the skin of a woman.)
Every time a woman fails, it's because someone else is incompetent or malicious, or rarely because she's naive. (In the latter case, she always gets an arc that sees her overcome her naivety, though.)

So the people writing the story now are making as many women as possible just these perfect beings whose only real "flaws" are things like "too noble", "too honest", "too loving", "too trusting", etc.

The men are mostly all flawed or burdened or incompetent or malicious in some way, but there's a good balance between good men and bad men, competent men and incompetent men, etc. The storylines for men are very introspective, too.

The problem is the storylines for women are written from a borderline female supremacist point of view, so the women don't get the same depth or nuance or development the men get, which makes them annoying and makes the treatment of men come across as misandrist.
is blasphemite profitable? i might have to respec my tailors since i cannot be fucked to get them all to the point where they can make rank 3 cloth, and rank 1 is a gold loss
i got 10 keys right now
>the main villain of 2 expansions defeated 1 human male
Legion actually with Turalyon needing to be saved by Alleria.
Arguably in WoD with Maraad and Velen dying so the story could focus on Yrel but Yrel was at least good for porn so w/e.
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>how did thoradin chadjaw arathor whitest he-man on azeroth's bloodline completely swap skin color?
nog blood is toxic to genetics. "white" genes are virtually all recessive specialist expressions that only show up when both parents have them. it legit only takes two generations of oil drilling to black a blood like for all eternity. Also who says Faerin is related to Thoradin at all anyway, its been thousands of years. Thats like comparing the genetics of one of Thomas Jefferson's slave-born descendants to Arthur Pendragon the Celto-Roman King of Britons. Nothing even says the Current Arathi royal line is in any way related to him, who knows what coups and revolutions happened in between like current English(German) Monarchs have NOTHING AT ALL to do with Edward the Great and He had Nothing at all to do with Arthur.

Like ?000 years of intervening time means no relation is meaningful. Faerin is not ina any traceable way related the Anduin Lothar, they are separated by like 30 generations at least. I, a Irish/German American surely have closer cousins in Poland or France.

>faerin is huge gap moe from her cinematic intro to her actual attitude.
I thing what actually happened is she was supposed to be a ghetto girlboss but Metzen axed it and salvaged her character as best he could. Her voice acting is uncredited as far as I can tell which might mean it was changed and the last moment and redone by someone who did a bunch of characters.

The cinematic portrayed a completely different character you are right. in game even black and DEI-stained shes tolerable. That cinematic was literally a half orc pretending to be human.

Baelgrim was obnoxious and Im glad hes dead, his voice acting was TERRIBLE.
And the whole point of the Spider city story is that their not willing at war and are being used by a combination of Xalatath and Ansurek, a usurper. The Nerubians them selves are victims and crashing their city might turn them actually hostile needlessly.
how does profession shuffling work? Do you actually not lose anything when unlearning professions now?
new player here? how does the vault thing work? is it just free loot scaling from the things
how i do get best loot from them?
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why doesn't he stream on Asmon anymore? He'd get like 5x the amount of views. It's not like he acts any different on the Zack streams now.
So Tier 8-11 delves all give the same ilvl rewards, right? So you only need to do tier 8s for the drops. And 9-11 is just a vanity thing, and clearing for clearings sake.
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>cata classic gets a bunch of new content the same day mythico plus opens in retoilet

ahahahah cata chads cucking retoilets yet again
>most prominent male character in shadowlands was a woman who became a man
yeah the skill level and knowledge remain, you lose generic trainer recipes but not the proper recipes you learn from items etc
yes 9-11 are for cheevos and cosmetics
Reminder that tanks and healers are cucks who have the easiest jobs. DPS is unironically actually harder because you actually have to COMPETE with others to show that you're not dogshit. Tanks and healers just go in like retards and press buttons and get carried by DPS. Healers don't even need a rotation they just press their heals when people take damage and tanks are never punished for anything
Cool. Thanks.
its break even, might even be in the red honestly, the daily cds on thaumaturgy and the xmute give me some rank 2 herbs tho, might be in the green if i were to factor those in, its certainly not lucrative
>2H is bad

Frost lost
>And 9-11 is just a vanity thing
it was a national fucking tragedy
you can respec profession knowledge?
>new content
Damn catacucks getting really desperate.
just a little jk
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What the fuck is going on here?
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God, I love this void slut so much
>never punished for anything

Guessing you skipped dragonflight?
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You people aren't actually calling Molten Front dailies, "content", right?
If you fail a bountiful delve is it gone or can you just restart?
You cant tell me there isn't an agenda happening in western games right now
damn, i fucking hate professions. not even a month into the expansion and auction house goblins have made everything worthless.
no you cant, i meant changing professions entirely
christ just jack off to the hot ones and calm your ass down, this is the dumbest shit
i got 5 druids to 80 this week
lmao I didn't even notice that.
You don't get the option to use the key until you finish the delve, so yes, you can just restart
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China and Classic are saving Blizzard. Apologize right now.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way...
I'm a weaponsmith. What do I ask for a commission on a 606 2hander?
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Buy the bear
You know he's right
Take your meds and then keep reading, retard.
It'd be cringe but acceptable to have a woman-coded villain ass-pull enough power and cleverness to no diff one of the greatest mages to ever live, but Xal'atath is the LEAST relevant character on that list.

The issue is that all but ONE woman (not counting Xal) in the Dalaran and Isle of Dorn experience that kicks off The War Within is perfect. She's always a woman being let down by men, or sacrificing herself for others. The single example of a woman being bad is Natalia Pearce trying to find a shortcut to fame and richest.

Half the men are noble heroes struggling with the crushing weight of their deeds and the expectations of others and their responsibilities to their people.
The other half of the men are malicious or incompetent or underage.

The men are written with balance. The stories are evocative of Gender Studies memes but you probably won't even notice if you haven't taken a Gender Studies course and learned how to spot veiled references to Judith Butler's work and similar shit. They did a good job writing the stories for men.

But the women are all borderline Mary Sues. Some, like Faerin, straight up ARE Mary Sues.

What if I told you that it took zero effort for me to write that?
What if I told you can do both at the same time?
20k if conc
>asshole peek
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That's nice of them to allow free infinite retries.
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>launched only a few weeks ago
>already 0 (zero) concurrent players
what a fucking JOKE
bro this is a common bear lmao
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wake up honey new paypig mount just dropped


The entire plot with modern WoW was so obviously written by bitches with daddy issues.
That's why Eonar's lesbian romance with Elune will center on how they viewed Azeroth has their adopted child and big evil daddy Aman'thul has to either listen and learn or get removed because he was too controlling.

There must always be an evil elf slut to goon to.
>Playing the Sesame Street scalie expansion with DEI centaurs and dragons
I skipped it and I kick any Dr*thir from my groups. Same with Vulpera.
You didn't address the other points btw cuck lol
How are healers and tanks competing against each other? Or against anything? Do you cucks compare healing meters? That means fucking nothing kek.
DPS have to compete against each other while keeping track of mechanics. That is a hard FACT. If you fuck up your rotation or pop your CDs and the boss drops mechanics on you then you lose your spot at the meters very easily.
he was the one who ressurected calia
>reddit spacing faggot crying because women exist in a story
neck yourself nigger
dae remember grizzly hills???
>that automatically scales to the fastest riding skill known by each character.
Reminds me of a scene I saw once in one of those CSI shows my sister is always watching. Detective protag is at an all female prison and the warden says with a perfectly straight face that all the inmates are only in jail because they trusted a man.
Who would buy a ground mount in the age of skyriding?
>hit submit on my epic joke post
>servers go up
>look like an absolute fool to my fellow gamers
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Ooooh, I member the hills.
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see >>493962313

It's all cascading from Blizzard overreacting to the sexual harassment controversy they got themselves caught in. Do you really think anyone was demanding that they turn the paintings of scantily clad women into paintings of fruit? Resort to mass virtue-signaling, announcing overwatch characters are gay/thems and overdoing trying to paint themselves as pro-women with "strong female characters" in their plotlines so no one will think they're sexist.

It's not an agenda, it's a survival strategy
Prioress Murrpray?
Queen Ansurek?
Goldie Baronbottom?
Let me guess. Those don't count, because... they just don't, okay?
What's the appeal of using rare mounts during runs if they look like shit anyways?
Should I suck someone off because they use a war bear that doesn't match anything they own and is quite frankly one of the most boring mounts in the game by this point?
>lost wc2 mission because I didn't have enough gold to buy another transport to kill a single peon on an island
>servers still not up
I was a heroic raider in Cata, first on my server to get fangs of the father. The most memorable part about molten front dailies is people just pulling mobs near the sanctuary zone because they didn't want to get pvp'd. My experience is once in a lifetime, you're living a networked preplanned metaslaved imitation of something you missed out on and will never achieve in any remix rerelease recreation. you are a mockery of a life i already lived, fruit i already tasted and shit out.
Playing dps caster is too annoying when you have 2 melees on your ass. Might try WW monk, but it seems kinda meh.
>Should I suck someone off because they use a war bear
where did this random gay fantasy come from? lmao
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>already shitting up paypig store mounts not even a month after the latest expansion release
>Grizzly Hills Packmaster - New In-Game Shop Mount with Transmog and Repair Functionalities
So, it's just a Yak you can buy for real money?
I'd buy all these mounts if I lived in a first-world country
>What's the appeal of using rare mounts during runs
It makes you salty enough to post about it.
>paypig mount takes like max 100 man hours and makes more money than SC2 does with 1/1000th of the budget

gee I wonder why they keep making them
>Do you really think anyone was demanding that they turn the paintings of scantily clad women into paintings of fruit?
Yes. 100% This post is not a joke. I am extremely serious.
There's a bigger chance that Hitler escaped to Argatha than this. There is a bigger chance of world leaders being lizard people. There is a bigger chance of WoW 2 happening and deleting everything from WoW 1. Blizzard is the king when it comes to all of this, literally having a mandatory diverse character maker chart that was leaked a few years ago.
I want to smash my face against Prioress Murrpray's brapper
>people are already declining ppl for the fucking world boss
I mean several sources have already confirmed that the war within sold poorly so it makes sense
dpssissies trying to make themselves look important because they have nothing to do while waiting for their keys to fill
Oi NA tards, finish the raid and post the cutscene already
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Balance should be removed from the game and instead Druids get a new spec that can fight in owl form and divebomb the enemy. If there's a Hunter in your party you can become their pet and perform combo attacks. Thoughts?
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empty dornogal after a reset feels weird
Druid of the Talon chads... Now is our time
They really need to disallow the use of mounts in the Delver's Headquarters. People are so fucking rude that you can't see a single one of the NPCs because everyone is on their big ass mounts. Fuck off. I know none of us here would do that of course.
Avatrannies are going to shill it nonstop

Because no life game addicted virgins who have never seen a woman value every single digital pixel they have because its their own life achievement. They demand you do suck them off and that you also send messages saying how cool they are. They want to feel that they are superior to you in every way they can because these people are now reaching the age of 40 and they have no family, no job, no gf, and no inspiration except playing WoW.
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Scenery that screams SOVL
>Grizzly hills
Grizzly Hills was a nice forest zone but its not THAT Hype when people go ''OMG TEH MUSICHFXFGXFG!'' theyre overplaying it.
is m+ out yet
why yes, i know how to bind target nearest npc and interact so i'm never mount or person blocked for nearly a decade now.
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FACT: not a single zone in post-BFA WoW has soul
imagine being this mad because a zone from 20 years ago mogs the shit out the latest disney pixar bloat zones
That's not the point, the point is to not be rude seeing as you are not the only person playing the game.
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kind of unironically true
all of them feel so enclosed old wow feels massive
So many of the changes were so weirdly targeted that it felt like a bunch of minor employees being given the power to finally act on a long held grudge.
Case in point, the two mogu chicks being renamed.
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>20 dollar Yak
>Reskinned to a bear
>Doesn't even include Grummles
Sounds like a downgrade to me.
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>retard with the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader has a meltie about plebbit
How original! So unique!

That's actually the conclusion of that post. picrel
tl;dr Cable TV is shit now because old people only watch Fox News, middle ages men only watch ESPN, and people under 30 stream everything and don't even bother with cable. So the only demographic actually watching most shows anymore are women in the 30-50 age demographic. Over time, stories have shifted to focus more on competent women surrounded by bumbling men, autistic sons, and daughters doomed to repeat all of their own traumas. Because that's what resonates with middle aged women.

Who's the Lead Producer on The War Within?
Holly Longdale. A middle aged woman.
>get bis chest from worlo boss
it's just that easy
Grizzly Hills wasn't even the best WotLK zone that was Storm Peaks
where is the world boss?
do you think they can clear heroic in the first week?
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I prefer the older zones Anon.
Because no one working at blizzard has soul anymore, so how could anything they made have soul

It's all AI tier slop like ohnahran plains
Shouldn't you be trying to get the raid cutscene, Asmon?
grizzly hills gets gigamogged by sholazar basin anyways. zuldazar also mogs grizzly hills btw.
>Let me guess. Those don't count, because... they just don't, okay?
Again with the 3rd grade reading comprehension.
Scroll up to the top and read which parts of the game the post is analyzing. Go on. Read the part where it's focused on the Intro and the Isle of Dorn.
Don't ever post again, retard.
what class should i roll as an alt to raid with 4chan guild?
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I prefer the older zones Anon.
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did blizzard remove gold wqs or something? I havent seen a gold reward in a week
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>design entirely ok mount people would go do content for
>sell it
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this bear looks gay.
i do not want it
you VILL do world quests for 17 resonance crystals and you VILL be happy
only the future m+ dungeons have m0, which one is that
This. If you're white there's no reason not to dab on the poors by buying the mount unless you unironically enjoy larping as a brown.
farm 600k gold turn it into blizzbucks and buy it like that
for added sovl farm the gold only in grizzly hills
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How long till they reskin and resell the AH mount for money?
i had a 800ish gold one in hallowfall, few days ago
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>Delvechads can immediately go into tier 8 delves and get 603+ gear
>M+ sissies have to wait weeks for that
oh no no no no no....AHAHAHAHAHAHA!


>repair functionality but not a vendor
but if i use a store mount jelly redditors will spit on me :(
why didnt you shadowstep towards the DK retard
When are they going to sell trading post transmog for real money?
I enjoy store mounts because they automatically let me know when someone isn't underage since they have access to disposable income.
>take one step
>lantern starts rotating and clipping through the fishing pole
Same here, I did 2-3 wq for 800 last week. Kinda shitty tho compared to DF, and the racer bags don't give shit either
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>Reskin the Yak and sell it on battle.net shop so new players can get on the go repairs and transmogs, without scrounging up 120k gold.
>Theme it around a zone no new player would hold nostalgia for
>spits on ground
looks like he missed :^)
Humies - Boring chuds
Dwarves - Based
Night Elves - Annoying retard if male, e-girl or troon if female
Gnome - Weeb pedo
Draenei - Based if male, tranny ERPer if female
Worgen - Sexual furry deviants (Top if male, bottom if female)
Kul'Tiran - Fat IRL
Dark Iron - Based
Void Elves - Bottoms and trannies
Diapergnomes - KYS

Orc - If male, you're a fat sysadmin. If female, you're good at the game
Undead - Emo/Goth kids living in 2008
Tauren - If male, based. If female, you're a beary nice person
Troll - for some reason you're probably European
Blood Elves - Trannies and e-boys
Goblin - Shitposters or shortstack fetish
Vulpera - KYS
Pandaren - Fat furry
Dracthyr - Scalie
Makes turdworld brownoids seethe too
>I don't know how to spend money so that means I'm an adult
where are the blood elf bimbos
In bed, with me
>World boss is bugged and untargetable
epic, very nice
how do I join the eU guild?
if they wanted my disposable income they'd release more swimsuits, skimpy mogs, wings, cat ears, fox ears, bear ears, dog ears, ass and breast sliders, angel wing mounts
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Before the games comes lives. what you fags had for lunch + you class and race.
>Broccoli with omelet.
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Hi I just hit 80 and finished the campaign. What would you guys say is the most important thing to do to get some gear now?
Why did you feel the need to post this when it's the most basic low iq asmonrat list of opinions like it's an original thought
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>Chicken Bagel
Humies - Boring chuds
Night Elves - Annoying retarded retard if male, even moreso retarded e-girl or a sweaty 35 year old troon if female
Gnome - Weeb pedo
Draenei - brownoid if male, retarded tranny ERPer if female
Worgen - Sexual furry deviants (Top if male, bottom if female)
Kul'Tiran - Fat IRL yet potential to be based
Void Elves - Bottoms and trannies
Diapergnomes - KYS

Orc - If male, you're a retard. If female, you're even more retarded
Undead - Emo/Goth kids living in 2008
Tauren - If male, absolute dumbass. If female, you're a beary nice person
Troll - for some reason you're probably European or pretending to be black
Blood Elves - Trannies and e-boys but also a 5% chance of an actual beautiful female
Goblin - Shitposters or shortstack fetish
Vulpera - KYS
Pandaren - Fat furry fucks fuck you
Dracthyr - Scalie
Bugged as in he still wasn't targetable after the WQ was over, Anon.
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>Chicken stew
where are the written mythic+ guides i'm not trying to skim a 20 minute video
weekly quests to get more delve keys
sounds tasty!
This guy's a fat furry
Most of the women working at Blizz seem extremely superficial. Just look at the lumbering neckbeard they had to haul out to do 90% of the explaining for the new content.
nice I like delves. what are delve keys?
Turky, onion, jalepenjo tacos

>he doesn't go in to them blind having fun figuring them out with friends

why play the game at that point
Do blue or purple world quests in the zones. Do the light fall quests in hallowfall for the bags
Do normal dungeons till 550ilvl then do heroic.
Get reknown to 7ish for the veteran piece from each faction if you need to
Then do lfr, normal raid, m0s
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>go invis
>aluneth makes fun of me
rare farm
some heroics
aim to get to 570+ and give a shot to mythic dungeons
A lot of the writers and quest designers and art people are women now. Programmers and actual game designers are all still men of course.
I don't have friends I just want gear
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Pure cinema
Use them in bountiful delves (they glow in the map). Rank up your delve tier before doing bountifuls though
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would you invite me to your chill run no toxic pogchampions kappapride groups???
i know resto isnt meta... :(
The vendor option will be on the *flips through memberberry pages* Hillsbrad Scavenger store mount.
female nelf?
do you still get vault reward slots from normal delves? or only from doing bountiful?
lol GOTTEM!!! hahaha epic own you should post that on reddit bro
only bountiful
Hi tranny
>hot dog with the works
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>store mount that's a succubus with a comically oversized throne strapped to its back
>it visually struggles to carry you
>if you dismount it looks relieved and is also an auctioneer
What even is the world boss this week?
Isn't it supposed to be on your map?
but you don't need a key for the vault rewards, right? you only need one if you also want the chest at the end?
If I just wanna heal M+ and rp should I gear my panda shaman (farseer is fun), goblin monk, or gnome priest
I do quests in one location first, but don't touch the question marks that send you to another location, only go to the question marks when all quests in one location have been completed.
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Are we cheering for /ourguy/?
monks and gnomes are impossible to RP
I think shamans right now are the better M+ healer.
Fistweaving Monks are pretty fun to play though.
Kultiran male (bald)
stop posting forever
does he yearn for more rapist impregnation fetish scandals instead
I just play the monk as a goblin alchemist and gnomes are fun to rp
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can we get a few more hours on maint?

i haven't shaved my legs yet...
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I've never seen a pandaren roleplayer who was not
>some kind of "goth" or "mommy" bullshit
>the local bicycle
I'm a member of Morgan's Militia. Soon we will build our kingdom in the Burning Steppes.
>It's a cave yeti with tarren mill and southshore npcs who bicker when you summon them
kinda soul ngl
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Im the local bicycle
seething druidcuck spotted
im sure you'll do fine in your LFR raid, go get 'em champ
Don’t forget to DONOBOMB max!
the WQs suck so many balls now. half of them give valorstones when you cap on valorstones within a day, so what the fuck is the point?
wow. resonance crystals? epic I totally need those. WHERES THE GOLD and extra rep?
>everyone memeing on ret
>still top 3 every fight in lfr
>fdks all behind me
eat shit fotmniggers!
Those are the top 3 things an RPer should be.
You're saying Pandaren RPers are based.
>place stonewrought sentry at theatre troupe questgiver
>it absolutely fucking SPAMS the chat
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>>still top 3 every fight in lfr
>Go to dornogal
>Get GM pop up about behaviour problem
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Is there any way to change the weekly thingie? I mean thank god I chose the dailies but is there any way to change the option? I remember there being "complete a heroic", "recover kobold cum", etc.
>cheated out of a no death tier 4 delve by EZ mine bismuth bugging out and one shotting me when I wasn't even standing in the AoE and also hitting me for my entire health pool when they usually only hit for like a quarter
Fotm is dumb to me, I'd rather keep playing a spec that clicks with me and can do the Russian without thinking about or able to weave with how the raid mechanics work
What are the best Brann healer curios?
ok nerd
are mythic 0s on a daily or weekly lockout?
Cinematic is out.
It's 3 minutes of Queen Ansurek monologuing about the burdens of a queen while Xalatath can be seen in the background slowly sneaking away with a comically large bag of old god blood.
Khadgar tries to speak up about this but is shushed by Alleria.
Did you afk on an important NPC like Brann or Reno or the catalyst dude in a big fuckoff mount, anon? Many such cases. All should be banned.
I was AFK inside the bank a few steps away from the guy
There's so low interest that they havent even updated it, even if guilds have already been pulling for a while.
cope fdkcel
>tfw can't do the russian
>shushed by Anduin
sorry mistyped
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I am NOT joining your 1/4 m0 cot group
sorry not sorry
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mythic is next week retard
nobody gives a fuck about heroic "world first"
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1 more superbloom and im fucking done
>queue LFR
>can't get to the last boss
>get deserter debuff
amazing glad they made us wait 3 weeks for this
I picked the Lamplighter one last week and now the only choice is the WQ one, so they maybe changed it to a rotation?
also thanks now I'm going to call it kobold cum forever
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what is heroic season 1 wowgen
>136k viewers already
maybe you shouldn't have left?
also its only been 2 weeks retard
lets check what the group finder has up
>590+ required
>must know 9/9
>have 5star enchants and flask
niggas its fucking normal you can clear that shit in questing greens
you know there's nothing stopping "m+ sissies" from walking into a delve right?
>delves drop gear 9 ilvls lower than recommended gear score to do them
DOA feature
>finish lfr
>no bullion
Sorry chud, in the real world the Frost DK gets the critical strike necklace
why cant i queue for heroics anymore
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>m+sissy cope
oh no no no
look at the top of his meter
Funny how the great vault went from a weekly bonus to the intended way to gear.
True, but that's still cope. It updated for all tiers of SL and DF heroics.
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heroics that will include sneedson 1 dungeons
so biascially the m+ season will be in rotation for hcs too
hope this post helps :)
okay, you absolute retard, what would you propose I do in a situation where 0 progress can be made because nothing is spawning for us to go forward? where everyone else is leaving the raid because it's bugged? where everyone else is saying it's broken
absolute dunce. kill yourself
so its worthless
eu here how are m0s
are they hard or are they cute and funny sneed??
Idk, we laugh at this picture but it seems comfy as fuck and not everyone has the money and space to have their own manchild room
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>Open Max's stream to watch the raid
>He's not even playing the game

because SL and DF had simultaneous release with mythic
he never plays the game
he just watches
he is a cuck
like you lol
gotta do the 4h reaction first, starting with the ps5 pro announcement
>No V*vi
High T mural.
imagine being so obsessed with "cuck"
literally i bet you're a balding middle age cuck who visits swinger clubs with his wife
Thanks for beta testing the raid for me while I'm at work, fellas.
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no u!
nice one anon :)
did it not occur to any of the mongs at blizzard to allow dawnlight to stack? fuck
>free conq weapon quest
>dont get to select from the available weapons
>stats are shit for your spec
monkey's paw
blizzard sucks dick
whats new
no he's right, you're a cuck
go throw bits at your favorite manchild and Kreygasm in the chat
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>you disliked my post about druids? you must be a le druid!
yeah, so about not posting again ever
Pelagos becoming arbiter was absolutely not planned from the start. They tossed her in the role at the last second as part of the great scouring and takeover of 9.1.5.

Absolutely everything before that retardation had indicated that Kleia was going to be arbiter.
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Why did Blizzard add so many world quests which cause you to actively compete with other players? It's fucking awful. I'm doing this one right now where you have to put flowers on the rams and it's taking forever. Some of these quests are like Vanilla design, this is ridiculous.
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What did the gm say
Learn to count
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not yet!!!
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its almost full i have a very good conversation i want to start but its pointless right now
>If I don't get my clear achievement now I won't get into a single clear group nezt week
I can't handle this pressure
Honest thoughts on Max?
you think that fat fuck has a wife?
>still at work for 5 hours
>everyone will be aotc and done m0
by the time i log in
its over
It would be so much better
But Shadowlands is not canon anyway so it doesn't matter
search for it or the community if you are horde and ask for an invite
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maximum limit.... he calls himself
MINIMUM LIMIT... I call him.
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more like
Always liked Sam better
Annoying cunt.
Great player, though.
12hrs ticket, switched to classic era havent said anything to anyone and got a second report in the middle of Durotar
>get to rank 8 delves
>then do a bountiful delve
>THEN use a memory to get more memories

that about right?
Maximum faggot
>bro get brann to 15 it's worth it
>he stands in literally everything and dies and does literally nothing the entire delve
why do I need this faggot?
Fury War bros

Do I hit sudden death proc Execute before Ramage/Improved Bloodthirst/Improved Raging Blow or do those take priority?
It was 100% supposed to be Bolvar. Going from the jailer of the damned to the judge of the dead.
Or hell, maybe Uther.
>There must always be an arbiter of the dead!
>Bolvar steps up to sacrifice himself again
>Uther intervenes telling him he's earned his second chance at life
>Uthers first act as Arbiter is to judge the wayward soul of Arthas and finally give him rest
what is up youtube its your boy poggeroni57, and i've made a list of 7 things i wish i knew before starting delve. number 7, get your brann to level 15. it was really poggers in this beta tips and tricks video i watched before making this guide when brann was unnerfed and had 4/4 curios.
Why you picked your class based on rotation?

Planning to DPS coming from healer main but I haven't DPS since cata as a boomkin and quit cause the rotation was so boring.

What do you look for in your rotation that is satisfying?
He's completely useless. Only in tier 6 right now and the random passive damage mobs are doing occasionally kills him within seconds of getting into combat.
Imagine not picking your class based on the class fantasy.
I'm a paladin because I smash heathens with my giant hammer in the name of the Light.
Chatgbt posts have gotten worse over time.
Hello, How can I get this mount for free?
I don't get it, which mythics are open? they keep saying "difficulty not yet open"
Titan disc fragments onegai
Honest thoughts on Brad?
do u need
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Cloth farm on the beach is dead, cloth stopped dropping mid play right now. Twitchfags confirm.
How about you work on transmogs for dracthyr dragon form instead blizzniggers.
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>asmondad goes on racist tirade against chinese
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Honest thoughts on Logan?
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He does mean his literal father
Honest thoughts on Drew?
It's pretty subjective but personally I like impactful cool downs either visually or mechanically. I don't like when buttons are the exact same thing but you still have to hit all of them.
Arms warrior for example, they have a big AOE ground stomp, the audio is satisfying and you can literally see it chunk enemies. They have a cleave button that literally does what it says. Sweeping strikes as well. Plus whirlwind is really obvious. then you get huge chunky mortal strikes.
Ret paladin, shadow priest is the same way visually when you pop off there's all kinds of glowing void holy shit all around. Looks kino.

WoW is a lot better about these things than before and compared to most MMO with piano keys of buttons to press. You really just have to try every spec at a high level to get an idea what you'll like
The guy who makes youtube videos talking about how smart and enlightened he is for banning racists from his twitch chat is gonna redpill the normies huh
you're a retard lmfao >>493977131
Color me surprised that /pol/ is pathetic yet again
Best race/class for honest thoughts on ______?
do i make a rouge?
>wiped on normal
max already choking
m0 of first season of m+.
City of Threads
Siege of Boralus
Mists of Tirna
Necrotic Wake
Grim Batol
Why would you make make-up?Just go buy the damn thing, you cheap whore.
Would you have fat bat tats?
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>They unironically call him that
No they don't you false flagging retard.


"Asmondad" is literally Asmongold's elderly boomer dad who calls into the stream via Asmon's cell phone. You deleting your post will never hide your retardation.
I'm not complaining that this retarded shit got near instant deleted but the fact it did while avatranny shit is allowed to go on for hours is just more proof of mod/janny favoritism and that the faggots don't like to do their fucking jobs as in the description.
>Dawnbreaker in MDI
Potential for some real comedy here.
I look forward to all the salt this is going to generate.
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So he doesn't care who or what you are under the mog and needs your help but will attack you if you don't furbolg mog??
>bm hunt
we are so b(l)ack!
>unironically watching streamers
shut the fuck up obsessed retard
I hope Emiru sees this post lil bro.
i'm too broke to afford tww, so i can only watch people play it
whats the good warlock spec
not quite the own you think it is sis
should I main moonguard
Affliction or Demon
If wanting the rules to be fucking enforced equally as they're SUPPOSED to be means obsessed then sure. Fuck it.
called out
why? genuinely curious
Same and Based-pilled.

Choosing shit based on balance and numbers is cringe shit for gay faggots.
Shits chosen based on aesthetics, fantasy and feels.

I have no idea which classes, specs and hero talents are good this season. I do not care and am just playing shit that seems cool.
Thus Far:
>Nelf Guardian Druid of the Claw,
cus obviously.
>Belf Retpaladin Herald of the Sun,
cus Obviously
>Human Brewmaster Monk, Master of harmony,
started as shadowpan but it felt like shit after a couple levels so I switched. Harmonious beer brawler feels much nicer.
>Human Hellcaller Affliction Warlock,
for maniacal satyr cursing
>Scalecommander Devoker
for pilotable breath and triple lazer, tried Flameshaper and did not vibe.
>Human Dark Marks Ranger
The vibe is kinda mid but the actual play is enjoyable. I wish Marks had a non elf-themed tree. 2/3 of hunter is flagrantly elf themed and it sucks.
>Orc Slayer Arms warrior.
Because the vibe is INCREDIBLE. Axe Kata spec
>Velf Voidweaver Disc.
Was Void Shadow at first but wasnt actually digging the gameplay syngery disc void actually feels much more thematics and better IMO. Shadow just feels like a budget afflock with more steps and training wheels.
and currently working on
>Human Frost Deathbringer DK.
ANd its feeling pretty damned good, Reapers marks just nicely works into Frost.
Sorry bro, but the janny is still busy jerking off with the freaks on discord. That was most likely a self delete.
you should've laid yourself before our benevolent benefactor who already promoted one anon to 'Customer'
I played league this weekend and saw this exchange in one of my lobbies...
Woah I did not see that coming
I want to overcome my fear of tanking. What's the easiest tank spec for beginners?
Thats a cool post but you play Human and Blood Elf. You are the real faggot :)
NGMI sister
whats the recommended delve to rank up on?
fucking retard team
Protadin. Self Heal and invul-saves.
that stonevault lava boss is pretty difficult on m0
any fem Goblin caster. mage, warlock, elemental shaman, priest, whatever

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