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No homos allowed edition.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII
>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells
>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)
>Upcoming Meetups
• September 10, 9:00 PM ET | Balmung Gridania Amphitheatre | Presidential Debate >>493870948
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696
>Previous: >>493951004
Sex with Feena
>Spooky Club: Haruhi
that anime sucks
i think all tanks should have a lot of self healing
hear me out:
>tbn procs are now a dps gain
Zoomer spotted
i was around to watch it when it was airing and it's shit
and while we're at it, lucky star was shit too
careful, the weebs are fragile
So based
t. 32 year old
That would balance the fact that not having your shield break is already a DPS loss, but people would just spam it constantly and never actually use it for when it would count like TBs
How do I filter mod beasts based on size and Triangle count to save your gfx card. Half of you that require 500MB of vram aren't worth the effort cause you never play the game anyways.
I wish there was a "standing still" filter for mare so I could unsync to people who just stand around for (you)s
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reminder that 4 japanese can always complain about something and make the game worse in the future for no real benefit
nta but anime sucks in general, the amount of bullshit japan has spewed out does not make up for the small handful of ok or good things that have been made.
you could always pause or unpair them specifically
I play DRK specifically so my healer will feel appreciated.

You're a real GAY.
*rapes you via the astral plane*
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Which way, Eorzean man?
back the way i came
sorry i only date black mages
Red mage, because blue is just FOTM afk tier meme class status.
Blue mage, because I know I can beat her up and fuck her easy.
>people are unironically niggering up 500mb of my vram
nobody forced you to use mare
I didn't care how big someone's mare file is, I'm using mare specifically to look at freaks and they tend to be like 1-2gb
>downloads one mod
>It's like a gig
Nobody forced you to use mare.
i making you download my 8k hi res butthole and theres nothing you can do about it
I want to fuck jaden
1.0 > 1.1
i'll be strong enough to take your advice soon.
there were other events that complicated it but, soon.
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>Be my guardian fbi agent
>Local Fbi surveillance van #4
>Monitoring web traffic on this person of interest who posts dank memes
>Notice he's playing ff14, let's use wireshark
>Mare download from modbeasts HD asshole mods (900MB)
>Mare download from modbeasts euro tranny giga catgirl gock futa+++ with fidget spinner_dtconveeted (700MB)
>Mare download from modbeasts slutty outfits 1 through 38,563. (100MB each)
>Pathetic paid mod $20 (300MB unoptimized port)
>Person of interest connects with an AFK pro-er (1,382 MB of hair and textures no one cares about cause it's afk 24/7)
>Radio bosses "yes it's getting worse, should we shut off his wifi? For his own sanity?"
>"Understood sir, we won't do anything. We will wait for the graphics card to fail", we will reposition to the sources of the DLs.
It's over
Ah, I wondered whyy character doesn't look like she did in the test
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This OP makes me want to take out my sexual rage on a lalaboy instead of the usual lalagirl. Just to, you know, stick it to the homophobes. Male midlanders got in your headspace bro.
where can i also get an 8k bootyhole
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would you this 40 year old millennial kawaiicore weeaboo elf hag?
well? would you?
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You chuds really want all your threads autosaged, don't you? If you're going to be petty, so can I. Watch your backs, incels.
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>jealous tranny can't even recognize a female midlander base
He could be implying the player is a tranny too, you know.
Blue mogs red so hard it isn't funny.
anyone else here have no irl and in-game friends
My Male Midlander pets moonies... and sometimes sunnies if he's feeling up to it.
i am an LGBTQ femlala
>this artist went from drawing elezen in modest clothing and elegant poses to drawing viera boobtit slop
It's so over man
Whatever, Gay-T.
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Midlanders are a Hoyo product.
god i love failed men so much bros (moonies specifically)
Even more retarded since trannies flock to cunnycoded sanrio characters like Kyoppi and the like.
show her
I love HAGS so much it's unreal
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Why do I enjoy making character designs more than the game itself
Maybe I should play The Sims instead
This. Why would I want your code if you're not cute to begin with? Also why would I stay paired if you're some Second Life abomination with faggy scene girl tattoos?
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laid bare
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Thoughts on femlaIas?
this looks like if my sister was a plainsfolk...
Yeah I never liked Haruhi's bitchy personality and the ED dance looked cringey IRL when it was popular in anime conventions.
If you don’t like our game, just don’t play it. FFXIV is the MMO for plapping and gooning, and you like this.
I only date white men__
How big should my moonie’s mare footprint be? 20 MB? 256MB? 500MB?
Oh a cute raen!
>Look closer
Nevermind, ruined.
There are like 2 or 3 good ones on xivg.
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My sunnie is like this
I think I'll try out cc for the first time. You guys post about it a lot so it's has to be fun right?
stormblood did this cuz it gave you a bloodspiller instead
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i play them when i'm feeling silly
wtf is a failed man
>he downloads mare
>he joins a syncshell
>he trades codes with others
>”why are all these modbeasts on my screen!!”
I want jaden to fuck me
neck up isn't bad desu
i hate when funny archive posters make my + hard...
modbeasts are good actually
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My sunnie is like this
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>NINE entries of the hairstyle winners are essentially just "messy kpop boy hair"
kpop and mierda have done untold damage to this game's style of art
They all belong to me
my gray moonie(goonie) really wants to be an ebin but I feel like the market is saturated and I've got no shot...
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The best!
stop schizoing me
we like this
I warned you all about twinks and fuckboys.
marciana does NOT have a gock
I like playing one and they look like they move really fast on mounts
please tell me this is a joke
does she like other sunnies like that
i dont do or say that
>okaa-san has everything I need
No modding for me I guess, though the hips were a bit comical
>morgan redwyne didn't get autopaused but some xivg modbeasts did

you should reconsider your life
My sunnie's mare footprint is 40 MB, she's kinda fat...
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what u want senpai?
It would've been more fitting for Red Hood to have one
I did say and did that.
Triangles is a meme and not going to do shit.
Vram definitely matters though and I'd limit that shit to a few hundred mb at max if you're having issues.
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my femra is like this
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farewell xivg
i want to have sex with my favorite femlala RIGHT NOW but i'm too embarrassed to bother her with this...
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femhroth stocks?
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You like moonies!
You like modbeasts!
You like Jaden and Effy!
You like gooning!
I was just listening to this 2 or 3 days ago. Easy add.
I couldn't find this version but I found one by Zutomayo which is better so I'm adding that. I like it so much more.
Liked this, and started to borderline love is as it kept going. I might fall in love with this as I listen more. Oh god this sounds so much like someone I knew...
But this is going into favorites and not playlist since you didn't post character.
This is really fucking good. Also into my favorites. .
Oh come the fuck on, Tiana. Fine, I can't lie and say I don't like this. And nice gpose to go with it. Added.

No character so no, but I would have.
This is a remix but I can't specifically find this on spotify.
I can't believe you made an unplappable fiddie and this music choice
can i see ur moonie
into the trash
you. you are now my threadwife. i will constantly wifepost at you. i love goonies
pierced up women are hot as fuck.
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>no homos allowed
Oh, I'm *so* sorry...
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My mroe is like this
No they aren't. They're gross, damaged, and smell bad.
I stopped using mare because I always kept lagging when it was loading other users.
NTA but I want the delicious delinquent and gyaru fringe but make them so long they're down to your waist
based based BASED
>song got added
Enough with the straight hair. We have enough straight hair and himbo cuts.
Give use some curly shit that isn't ugly ass zoomer tier half-shaved hair
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I'm thinkin we're back
The world cannot have enough goonies
Got raped in another thread.
Touché, anon.
I want to turn jayden into a cumbrained mess blowing out every last rope of cum while gooning on command.
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my fiera is like this
Picking up this femlala and putting her in THE JAR™!
Are we posting catgirls now?
someone who isn't masculine, and is often AGP instead.
Xaela be slavers, xaela be slaves.
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I do this and say this. If you have a modern glam I literally pause pairing with you and never resume.
What is a femlala doing on the futa bench?
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Those nails
my beloved...
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im tired hitler
that would make the skill floor of the job too low which square doesnt like doing so it wont ever happen
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why did they reuse vanu vanu and the goblin race?
overly submissive xaela are honestly way hotter than raen because raen are supposed to be submissive sluts while xaela are supposed to be strong and prideful. turning a usually strong and prideful xaela into a quivering painslut mess is infinitely hotter
Look at this fiddie that I just found.
When I say go, be ready to /dote!
im sure a bunch of wanna be ebins will shortly
>going into favorites and not playlist
Shame, glad you liked the song atleast
NTA but god we need stuff like the battle braid in this game, especially if the braid goes longer down
>Big tits that actually fit the character model
So there are miqo with good tastes
haha uh oh
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my moonie is like this
Good taste anon, see you in a week or two.
** Attention Modbeasts **
Is there anywhere/any gumroad accounts you'd recommend that have a lot of free dance animations to look through? I wanted to make a webm of one that I thought fit the feeling of a song. But I'm having trouble finding decent dances, aside from Raykie's gumroad, which doesn't have what I'm looking for.
>This map
>Cave people are winning
Wow what a surprise.
Goblins are okay. They're kino AF.
Vanu was lazy but maybe it was planted previously in lore.
my poonie stands above all the other poonies as the perfect embodiment of what a poonie should be
No, my sunnie does not get engagement at this hour and shan't be posting
She was sitting at LB14 last night. All by herself.
>that jaw
*gasp* IS THAT THE WORLD FAMOUS EFFY KIBOU?? I-I’M SO STARSTRUCK!! It’s like being at the Grammy’s…
ah so not me, nevermind
this but unironically
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I wish modders actually did more fantasy glam that weren't just slut bikinis or made my tits unreasonably large desu
what the
can i see ur moonie
braids and drills and braids and drills but i know it'll clip badly through everything so yoship wont give
cute and smoochable
beware of mental illness
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Picking up this gun and putting anon in THE GROUND
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Fuck ugly and armed with poo picker nails. Nasty ass bitch.
i wish
ah, so me
do poonies poo?
my moonie utters the phrase erm what the scallop in pf groups she joins when a wipe happens
I’d go to the hangout spots and get to know people but I have zero connections and I’d just be awkwardly there trying to talk to groups
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>Still need 8 books for a weapon
Effy is really nice though and Ai gives me eggs, so they are alright.
My moonie would kick your moonie for doing this
can i see ur poonie
Why does she have a brand mark in her bush? That looks painful.
all my wives
My soon-to-be betrothed...
Slaving away with c+ is fun
On the prowl, ready to spring into action
Please speak to Theo Voloux for all signing inquiries
just poke people that are on the edges if you want to make chit chat
if they're not in a dogpile/targeting someone/afk, they're probably free to chat
Ari used to easily clear out discords with how uncomfortable he'd make it when bioholes would watch animes because no one wanted to hear his open mic shit
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just took a picture of my moonie's rather shapely posterior..
The evil mother (drunk aunt ver.)
can i see ur moonie
I'm very careful with mare cause of shit rural internet
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>the yuri queen
well that can't be right
Can someone smuggle me into an M4S pf so I can get a clear
idc his character is so hot and yours is ugly
Why don't you post it here then to share
funny archive feet...
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Prepare yourself.
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Out of those I'd like the "onee-san" the most. Maybe Battle Braid or Festival Episode for some fancy dress glams.
can i see ur moonie
More of these cats?
Same. I'm only in a tiny sync but that alone was rough when people were all together
I'd rather still have appal around than effy desu
im not trying to be moonied by ur moonie's moonies but can i see ur moonie
Good job using a feature for its intended purpose, retard. Want a cookie?
brother this is from november of last year were you in a coma
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Yeah, this one right here please
i think this pup is cute but have no intention of talking to her
Everyone in that picture is ugly except the cat
my moonie doesnt always responds to these posts because you would see the same moonie being posted every time
damn anon...
And now I found her.
why are you hissing at me moonie...
I am a fiddie who just got plapped by a doggo sunnie, they way they described the knotting was low key hot as fuck
I cant even get a reclear
its getting harder every week
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The Yuri queen ofc! But for my friend :3
Is there a list of which armor sets are color swaps of other armor sets?
Bitch you must be joking.
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I'd freeze up and cry, you have my thanks.
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My Veena...
>everyone whining about healers not being aroudn to ill out parties
>simultaneously more boring job and most stressful
>if they fuck up on a mechanic it's a wipe
>last to get loot and mount every time
hmmm I wonder why
i am
fucking logging in my dudettes
>have to convert mod textures to bc3 to lower file size
>have to do this individually for every texture
i dont know chat, im not that over the limit..
i like moonies, moonie. but as long as you like the moonies to moonie, moonie.

Bratty dog....
Gonna use and abuse this fiddie.
white woman moment
What, you like men or something?
my moonie will consider it
what does GAM mean?
We love this.
My healer is logging on to do reclears anyway.
Hmmm~? In this thread? Inside of this general?
What a weird post to post in here. Are you sure you're in the right place?
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action girl
nana oskai
fighters fringe
gyaru fringe
mean girl
rich bitch
moe meganekko
give them to me NOW
round and round we go
holding onto pain
Honestly this kind of art / anime is why I was never into anime as a kid or in college and instead made fun of people who liked it.
Cute skirt, Sis.
To get you to back off, My moonie is never getting posted here
grown-ass man
This one is so fucking hot, this artist never misses
all effy does is spam the shit out of the thread saying the same things and posting the same pics over and over
at least appal had some entertaining drama
Okay but I can do raids with a 1 button dps rotation and everything else is situational. It's pretty chill.
if not here then can i go on a mission to find this moonie to see this moonie and potentially pet this moonie before letting you resume whatever moonie activies this moonie is doing
That fucking quest.
>Nanamo not recognizing WoL, implying the quest is written as if you did it right at the very start of ARR.
>Lolorito still deciding to ruin WoL's reputation and trying to make WoL fall out of grace with the city state leaders anyway.
there is a limit? fuck, im so tired of americans and their shitty african internet
get fiber already you fucks
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So, cid, we going or what?
i would like hairstyles from other cultures please
they're all incredibly korean/japanese or just mostly oriental
there's other places out there with hairstyles that look good. and this game has settings all over the place. new world=americas, garlemald=russia, othard=mongolia, thavnair=india, dalmasca=persia, sharlayan=nordic countries, meracydia=australia and aboriginals, etc etc etc

i dont give a fuck about muh cultural inclusion but if you're going to make a game where we travel around the world then you could at least honor these settings a little
instead of adding 12 fucking kpop hairs
Cute fiddie!
yea effy is a shit tier poster
healers and phys ranged are first to get shit on every time and last to get loot and credit
why anyone would suffer through playing those roles I don't know
you get fuck all if you succeed, and you get the blame if you fail

it's lose-lose
Goodluck with that
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>post to post
I need to double check whatever I'm writing first
spaying time
Harken cur!
Tis you I spur!
Now feel
why's that being used as a bad thing
we all are here, it's kind of a given
i will be looking forward to ur moonie, moonie.
Raping this moonie until she dies from internal bleeding, then raping her corpse!
Dumb retard, the limit is your graphics card. Learn to read.
Uh, yes? What kind?
>healers let a 727 WAR die to auto attacks in M1S
it's because when they're shit
you can
i came here to goon and splooge
not read like a fag
the sultana's dementia has been getting worse, please forgive her..
its a vram warning if youre over 375mb i think
we don't like this
settle down LT
>when you do good you get nothing
>when you do bad you get shit on
exactly my point
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Why didn't he use CD there?

He won.

You lost.
do you have your documents?
grey moonies
appal did not cheat on me
raincheck on sex tonight
goonies do this
>its a vram warning if youre over 375mb i think
but why, any modern card has like 12-16GB minimum
They were much better with this in older expacs. I think people would love Indian hairstyles, too, especially if they made the highlights color dye the ribbons and stuff instead of the hair.
can i plap ur moonie?
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That doesn't mean I want to waste it on (You)
i love this gif every time it’s posted
>go to play a few games of cc
>some virgin is spamming "attacking!!" macros
>have to either deal with it all game or play against it
do people really just have no lives or what
The rain has stopped, and it is another beautiful day. Thankfully, you are all here to see it with me.

I felt the same way at first until I just tried it, I only kind of knew one person beforehand. Just go and say hi to people, maybe join a CC queue?
i genuinely have no clue, it was a weird update to push.
you'll have to get in line, ser. i have a backlog.
*forces you to download my gock+ mod*
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>You lost.
Nah. We still winning.
Just like in real life, you arent worth my memory.
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All skinnyfat asian men who are pvp addicts and competitive mahjonglers, not cute chubby biofems.

If you want biofems there's more playing lalaboys.
posing cute yuri sex with this moonie
it's funny because what should have been comfy had both him and I fucking sweating as I had to press alt+2 every few seconds because the healers just...weren't pressing buttons. even damage ones.
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is my moonie too much to handle..?
Green Goblin...
Thanks sis!
The day will come where you will feel nothing but pain and I will be there to push you further.
NO! I may not have a use for them but that does NOT mean I want to go on the table!
*cries in the thread anonymously instead of simply unpairing*
heh beat that
how do you see this
can i see ur moonie
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Finish with an expert or keep queuing CC?
TBN is already a DPS gain (sometimes)
I don’t remember this Hector guide
That pea shooter could even hurt a fly.
we DO like this
I got some choco chip and some choco rings, you can pick :3
my femroe is like this
that's a face 4 femlala (they have dark ear tips)
Unironically the childhood friend and the action girl are kino
Turning femlalas into single mothers
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>>493952682 - Fun song form a cute moonie :3
>>493959271 - Love the drumming, The Oral Cigarettes never fail to deliver. Requesting more like this
>>493961235 - Basado, I feel I'm obligated to listen to Hot n Cold next
>>493962376 - I listened to a lot of kpop in the late 2000s but didn't run into this song. Good stuff
>>493964102 - Need this sound injected into my veins
Turning femalas into happily married mothers
Turning lalaboys into femlalas
yoshi-p deserve all the pain he has gotten.
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Turning my femlala into a femlala with capped weekly tomes
open mare then click the guy with the settings cog(your user menu) and then chara data analysis

not right now..
Add Granblue in there somewhere and you have it down
these quests take place in ARR, respect the time bubble like the DRG quests
Honestly they should fire yoship, when was the last time he even worked on this anyways?
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My moonie is like this, some could even call her a goonie
why is ardbert with 1 soul almost as strong as my character with 7 souls...same with voidesent why are they strong with 1 soul vs my 7 soul. i have 7 they dont. ranjit too. ryne too. gaia too. all sundered ascian too. fuck u bitch make no sense.
7 souls
post name and location
when can i see ur moonie
I like this hairstyle on you, miss
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Number 4 is a yaoi hairstyle albeit
my femlala will now listen to breakcore while spam queuing frontline
Whats your WoL’s cat name?
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Do you still laugh when you see a gluttonous femlala? Are you laughing when you see a gluttonous femlala? Do you feel like laughing when you see a gluttonous femlala? How funny do you find a gluttonous femlala?
inu-oh was pretty good. i think I like anime a little bit.
can i see ur moonie(goonie)
Just having more aether in yourself doesn't automatically make you win in everything. Perhaps because you trusted too much in just the power of the soul you were outskilled and outmatched. Happened to my buddy Emet-Selch.
Evil Snoozer
My femroe is an insane snoozer
*pretends to be offline on discord*
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Best update by far. Finally mod author shitters will have to optimize their files.
post the comic
My sunslut is like this
noo. i had 7 souls ranjit had 1. i should spped blitz him
Wacky Snozzer.
Perfect description of my personality ._.
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Goofy individual
feels good being an almost vanilla chad
It's no fun if I show her, you have to imagine what she's like
This is troon "humor" I will have no part in it
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>Modded hair, tail, ears, and full glamour, including an accessory.
>Still under 200 MB uncompressed/50 MB compressed
I am... An efficient modbeast?

The tri counts are definitely wrong though. Lists 0 tris for around 2/3rds of the models.

That compression ratio is ridiculous.
Actually that’s old woman hag humor
the friend who doesnt like ANYTHING
i'm a human actually
Eepy Gooby
thats crazy sis, my sunslut is like this
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Kooky Kitty
it's one of those things you sit through to finally get to watching one of the best anime movies of all time
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guys am i fat.,.
im at LB14 right now, it shouldnt be to hard to find me
>lorechads literally shaking in their boots bc they cant explain this obvious plot hole
bonkers threat
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This motherfucker cannot be a little goofy and silly
>3 femroe in my roulette
>rizzes you
Uppies, EB, 10 kids.
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You're cruel anon for giving me your discord, and then donowalling me...
but what kind of a moonie is like nicole from ZZZ... thats what i want to know moonie
Here's my body, fit and pure
Now, your blackened souls I'll cure!
No, it literally isn't. This is mtf troon "humor"

I don't like unfunny things

It's forced, it's so forced
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yeah they have a lot of very pretty braids and a lot of hair decorations
i don't even think collar clipping would be an issue if they just made the braid big and poofy enough so that's not an excuse

they simply want to pander to what is currently popular, to a trend
pandering to trends is only a short-term benefit, this game will exist in 10 years but koreanshit will be replaced by another, stupider trend
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anal with tataru...
I wish my Moonie was like this!
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zany critter, naturally
20 people at 375mb would be 7.5GB of that. I'm not going to use half my VRAm and a lot of storage on a few modbeasts. Stop using shitty mods.
I'm always under 100mb
>it was a weird update to push.
A lot of us specifically requested this because you make lag and there's no reason for your mods to be that large except that they're poorly made.
I haven't opened the thread in a few days because I've been playing a different game, did I miss anything cool
I’m literally an old woman anon
I think we'll get this hair soon, coupled with the sitting on the street emote.
Sky high.
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god forbid the devs stop focusing on adding more femboy shit for 5 seconds so straight men can have more than 2 decent short haircuts to choose from
Exception that proves the rule
The fact that this fiddie is gay is an actual war crime.
hrothgals have a perfectly perfect ass
this place has far too many moonies now. the stocks will crash soon. what should i fantasia to? im thinking fiddie
that's facebook uterus-having mom humor you unloved freak of nature
can i see ur moonie
i am
a gay hrothgar
when it's moonie time
Take a chance and fanta to femroe for a month
*slicks back hair*
Not sure how long a few days is but anons changed the hangout spot to the LB14 again, outside of your daily schizoing there has been nothing worth noticing
they should add broccoli hair to the game
Thank you for saying it
Bioholes making femboys and masturbating to them keeps them subbed
Femboys are for straight men.
Hey, wanna bake me some cookies and watch sex in the city?
Repeat it as much as you want, doesn't not make it any truer. It isn't.
they should add elf bars and drain gang to the game
ok ill wait for moonie time...
>T. hancred
>any modern card has 16GB minimum
this guy's getting titan cards just to slam he rod to limsa catgils
My sunnie is like this
this would be so bussin fr fr...
How are you going to celebrate 9/11?
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somebody get this man a moonie
smooch my gooch
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I will take that as a compliment, thanks.
effy was outed as a pedophile
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Dragon quest Monsters The Dark Prince on Steam
>he rod
r u a moonie
ong this yn dont cap
Like a real pedophile or a "lewds of ryne" pedophile
Hang out in Residential Radius 9-11 https://files.catbox.moe/bti6j4.mp4
Playing exclusively twin towers build grey talon in deadlock
4-5 days. I did show up at lb14 for a little but haven't logged in cause I was just watching YouTube at the time anyway. Good to know not really anything going on, back to no man's sky
straight men play futa
Please don't let this be true. I like their moonie
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one experience with him did that
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“Straight” lmao
gloopy snoozer
>sneak into LB14
>there's always like only 3 moonies but 20 fiddies and maliddies
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alright, posting my moonie's calves
it shit up an entire thread
You can give proof at any time
Honestly that would be the funniest way to get people to move over there. A 9/11 meetup party in residential tower 9-11.
you guys arent even creative when you make stuff up about people. at least make it fun
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What anime?
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go on ser...
can i see ur moonie...
doing nerub-ar palace in worlo warlo
all my wives, all cute
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I believe one day we will finally have wavy/sex hair.
Same way I celebrate every holiday.
Get black out drunk and harass minorities and sexpest lalas of both gender until I find one with low enough self esteem to let me smash
As in, possessing irl cp/erping minors etc. or reposting ryne lewds etc.

Which are we talking here
*bites them*
finally someow good fucking food
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Insane Threat
based amagami enjoyer
Of course it isn't true, you retard. I swear none of you have any sense when it comes to this thread because you'll believe anything at face value
Probably just interacted with a lalafell in public, knowing this place
Boku no Pico
the insta damage control says it all
i don't know or care all pedophilia is pedophilia
zany kitty
why cant i see ur moonie..
I'm asking for the proof and details of the event. Pedophilia is a heavy accusation to throw around when you can't even tell me what happened /shrug

Could be could be
>nooooo we promise to not be dei
>hires tranny to voice the main fucking character
>comes to 4chan
>surprised pedoposting exists
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Goofy specimen (True!!!)
I choose to believe whatever people post with their character attached. Skinwalking is just an excuse people here use for when their friend is acting like a jackass and don’t want them to suffer any “social consequences”.
Insane individual
I want to plap your moonie
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You're like 10 of me. No one should be over like 300mb and 100k triangles.
Games from 2010 when this came out often had a total triangle budget for the entire scene (the map and all the characters on screen) of like 250k. Your single character is using up all of them.
My man!
*Initiates the convo*
hello bro…
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no offense the healers were definitely retarded but how the fuck do you even die to autos on WAR on M1S? that's literally not possible even if ur healers are afk aside from if they dont heal at all after you invuln
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cute moonie
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Is this one soloable as a lvl 89 WAR?
I'm NTA who claimed they did anything, I just think making it sound like something is barely illegal and ok to do doesn't make it legal
i don't want to get schizoposted
it's hard out there for moonies
where's my boyfriend
have a good day everyone ily
gooby creature
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(You) like this.
I know who made this post because this is the second time I've read this today and you're still a colossal retard
Yeah I do actually
>>Notice he's playing ff14, let's use wireshark
do you have enough fedcred for the private keys though?
dc and eb status of this moonie
Since when has proof ever been necessary? You believe anything people say about ebins you don’t like, so how is Effy an exception? Oh, because you want to “plap” him?
gm anon I slept through group reclears and this time I'm really gonna do it
Another failed ebin back from the dead? Are you going to turn up the goonposting to max so people notice you? Maybe you wont fade into obscurity this time.
There is a significant moral difference between having honest to God cp on one's computer/cybersexing with a minor, and reposting lewds of a fictional character/erping a lalafell.
Hello its me your boyfriend
im sorry moonie. maybe ill find this moonie one day to moonie this moonie...
You're literally saying
>"I think that just because I don't like something means no one else is allowed to like that thing."
Kill yourself.
that's my purse, i don't know you
Name and shame me and post my lodestone then anon if you’re so confident! Do it!
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Yeah, you ARE bothering us.
No, actually, you should need to provide proof for anything that's heinous or unsavory regardless of who it is and whether you like the person or not
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Present proof.
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>wobble wobble
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it was the outfit i was wearing, i figured out
ily2 beautiful i missed you
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I believe.
moonieposter is my favorite
I don't avatarfag because it defeats the point of 4chan
nobody gives a shit who I am and why should they? if I wanted to not be anonymous I'd use reddit
I'm glad my mere existence makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Makes me feel very powerful.
it involved appal and kyoppi too
What's your point? Don't like it then say something in game not on 4chan
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Silly birthday boy
nigger go rob half a bank and tell me what the police say when you give me that excuse
my moonie looks just like this
I use 4chan because of the freeform discussion format, not because of the anonymity. You can always pick a name or use a tripcode, people have just defaulted to the anonymity because it's the simplest option.
EB like this????
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You don't have a boyfriend
Imagine if highlights color dyed those flowers oh my fucking god. FT with that hair, maybe.
OK then keep your trip on forever and see how that goes
r u a moonie
Bros, I did it.
I'm bis!
Very pathetic to not speak up in person and instead make vent art to post itt
they probably didn't do anything and none of it's true who cares
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In my dreams.
It's me, I'm the boyfriend
That was the intent, let's get EBd
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You're fuckin lying
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Why are Ishgardian femezen like this?
Hi Bis. I'm dad!
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genuine question but why do you people use these shit ass mods that don't fit the game? i get that xiv has clipping issues and the hairstyle options kinda suck but nobody can see this shit except you. why?
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grisaia is better
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Congrats! I'm still waiting on one Twine, but I'm pretty much BiS this week... I think.
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>Another pedo found out
What's with this thread and game with pedos
omg my fave moonie hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
i have seen disconnected vending machines smarter than this moonie
omg did you get punched in those ?! poor thing....
I've seen this moonies moonies...
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Is it just me or is the thread really slow today?

Grats. I still need weapon but otherwise I'm done.
autos after mouser hit for anywhere from 38 to 45k and during mouser she autos the entire time
the length of the phase means that even with a drk pressing oblation and tbn and them popping all cds but the, he still whittled down
yes, they had all the time in the world to react
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My friend wants to learn tanking. I leveled all my tanks to 100 and I main Paladin so Its natural to me, but I have trouble explaining it to them. Are there any major things theyd need to know immediately that seem like no brainers to most tanks?
only retards are surprised

so you're gonna spam it harder because it's slow? kys
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cus I like how it looks
use your CDs
I saw this dog lift her leg and pee on a lamppost earlier
squoingy threat
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Watch it bro, usually the people complaining about pedophiles end up being pedophiles themselves.
the other day i asked if there was a body mod for a specific bodytype, since nobody replied other than someone who didn't know what i was asking for, i made the bodytype i am looking for in koikatsu to better show you what i want my xiv character to look like. it is a front and side profile image.
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>[15:04]You begin synthesizing a connoisseur's marble fountain.
>[15:05]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (1)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (2)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (3)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (4)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (5)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (6)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (7)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (8)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (9)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (10)
>[15:06]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (11)
>[15:07]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (12)
>[15:07]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (13)
>[15:07]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (14)
>[15:07]You use Rapid Synthesis  Failure! (15)
>[15:07]You synthesize a connoisseur's marble fountain .

what the fuck was THAT all about, goddamn
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What is your WoL’s preferred alcoholic beverage?
May I sleeve your moonie while looking at the teal haired hyur on the left?
thread's a bit slow for a chewsday, innit lads
>arms length is a slow (for dungeons)
>use mitigation before things get bad, not during or after
why the fuck are you using rapid synthesis
There's a bibo variant that looks like that, I just don't remember the name because it was some stupid bullshit

does it work on males?
Homura seems nice.
Toraka and Haguro are definitely getting cancelled on Twitter though.
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sillius threat!
Good job sis!
its the optimal way in expert crafts
It already is though.
wine made from GRAPES of course
every female characters has a gock on the internet
false equivalence
my moonies favorite color changes every week...
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please vote so I can make more characters
She is looking for her temple knight to sweep her off her feet.
Somewhere I have a collage of all the people who complained about loli stuff and then were found to have literal irl cp on their pc, hilarious every time
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Polar Ice Berry Blizzard
ugh.. yeah... yeah this is good, but can you make her a mile tall and try again later? thanks
yeah and warrior can nearly full heal itself like 3 times
cactus piss
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Thank you~
FRU will be my first ultimate. Not expecting to clear it but I want to know how far I can get in PF.
Hey daddy! How was your day?
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Screwdriver but on a bad day it's vodka straight from the bottle.
It's bibo so no. Males get like 3 body options and they all suck
I’m a sucker for a good Moscow Mule personally
only if its a small cock
Why do dicks look so stupid from the front?
holy cute
I hate you pornsick faggots so much it's unreal.
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Got him solo!
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Grisaia doesn't have a sexhair candidate.
A lot of games don't.
femra piss (fermented)
Ok voted bad
You're right, being a pedophile is objectively worse than stealing insured money from jews.
trannies ruin everything
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Anyone know the three numbers needed to summon a beer bottle in the brio's glamourer menu?
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my femroe is like this
CUM!!!!!! lol
who is this semen slurping cumdemon
this is my wife riamu, please say something nice about her.
final fantasy xiv.
i don't know them
My favorite type of shot is cock milk
i wanted to synthesize rapidly
Still mad tatsuko doesn't have a full route and monshiro got fucking 2.
He prefers the spiced rum but he'll toss back some ale with boys.
is she a moonie
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Nah. But you should stop being a pedo bud. Usually your kind gets outsted from places like this real quick and for good reason.
Maybe stop beating your meat to children and pedofells
then this game isn't for me.
>FRU will be my first ultimate. Not expecting to clear it but I want to know how far I can get in PF.
Same for me. I want to at least try. Good luck.
If they give better criterion rewards, it'll be my first time doing the first one of those too.

Spiked Arnold Palmer or Manhatten.
Literally anything that’s not a shitty craft beer
she shares a birthday with me
no thats my femezen. your femroe is looks a like a cross between shrek and a male powerlifter
There's literally nothing wrong with being autistic. I love my autistic wife.
May I plap your femra?
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Honey wine, or mead as it's also called. She can't handle much alcohol though so she prefers mild drinks like that.
I want to fuck her so bad
What VN?
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Disaronnno (Amaretto) or Bailey's (Irish Liqueur), maybe Tia Maria (Coffee Liqueur)
The sweet spirits
Would you still be interested if it was fresh?
she doesnt drink alcohol
>t. lalaboy (gay implied)
no sorry
my femroe is for my eb's eyes only
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are you my wife?
she's my wife guys back off.
Need to plap this bun.
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>vocal angry anti-pedophilia rant
Found the actual irl child molesting pedophile. Maybe if you project some more nobody will find out, bro.
my man have you seen anything they've added since EW patches? the GAME doesnt fit the game anymore, of all studios to choose to defend their chosen design, CBU3 is NOT a good one, they don't even respect their own design anymore so might as well let modders fuck around because they aren't going to take the game's identity away from you, yoshi-p's gonna do that himself
i am
a femra thinking back to narrative sculpture nightmares in college cause bunboys keep talking about balsa wood at lb14
would anyone like a mentally ill trans eb that wants to be your best friend and lovebomb you and obsess over you and fall in love with you even though we'll probably never work out and I'll inevitably fail to my crushing depression?
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Banana milk
>Dangerous threat
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Nr 2
> Usually your kind gets outsted from places like this real quick
> meanwhile zt
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play her game.
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Stop asking this every thread, you will have better luck saying you're a dude that wants the glam to make your au'ra a cutie
No, I must say I would not like that. Focus on improving yourself sis and stop posting about this.
Got some spare boxes from savage
Do I gear an extra dps, tank or healer?
Catboy btw
of course I would!
>are you my wife?
my sunnie is not EB'd, no
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stop putting cocks on women
Is there any videos of Hector Hectorson actually playing the game? I know he has a Twitch, but there's no clips, or VODs saved, and he hasn't been on his Twitch is 6 months. I need to know if he uses plugins or not.
I don’t that shit’s gay
my femlala drinks jaeger mixed with energy drinks
start putting cocks in men
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healer or tank
my femra is a goofy bloopy snoozer....
can i see ur moonie
Both of these please.
My male character does this.
Are...are you ok?
Sorry bro. I'm not against dating damaged people, but you need to at least a sherd of self confidence for me to work with.
I like that a lot
Isn't he that faggot that writes guides for shit he hasn't cleared based on guesses and secondhand information
>Catboy btw
DPS please Jesus Christ DPS do not join any party as a catboy support.
You can't just ask a moonie to reveal herself, it's in their instinct to hide and not trust others
Proof or everyone's mom dies in 2 hours
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Lychee Soju, easily.
Why does this matter?
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>goofy individual
If any of us were okay would we be here?
r u a moonie
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lies my moonie is very selective on who can see her moonies
no that isn't him
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Generic club/scene/modern girl = boring, even bandits wouldn't bother raping her
Cute adventurer girl in setting appropriate attire = I will protect that smile and plap her pregnant
Shh. Not you. You're in the "know". But maybe later.
jokes on you my mom is already dead
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>euro hours
>Transvestite mod requests via cat box
Didn't you guys use to rule the world or something?
my femlalas life has spiraled out of control
Oh no
Here goes the thread schizos of the day
The duality of man
Are you sure she's not a Goofy Bloopy Fatty? Get it because cum.
Woah me too
I can't give up on it... sorry anons..
she's going to be double dead
Only England used to “rule the world” but now they’re busy being “replaced” by immigrants (which they hate)
dude its 2pm est this is American hours.
Because if he does, then SE publicly acknowledges and endorses people who do.
thanks for you're votes
i only have the best intentions for moonies... ive seen many a moonie and would not do anything to harm a moonie while they moonie...
Another week, another round of Wondrous Tails with no lines. This brat needs correction.
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Theres two?
one day ill actually message this moonie in game
one day...
my catboy does this
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What is it about Final Fantasy XIV, the world's most popular MMO with over 30 million players?
I'll bet if I asked twice I would be able to again..
Brits are lucky man, I have to go allll the way to new york to get a good kebab or indian food and they just have a restaurant for it every other mile
my femra does this unironically
It's actually Brazil time. Most of the American xivggers are midwesterners so they're not at full speed for another couple hours
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Utter to me what the ideal (eb) is
majikoi its like majikoi majikoi s majikoi a1-a5 and majikoi after at this point. the bottom right 3 don't even show up until A4 or A5
I figured you wanted to start a hate campaign because he was interviewed recently. The jealousy is dripping off you
It's owari.../pet
A woman with a cock is begging to be impregnated as the addition of it is akin to trying to gain attention and the sexual nature is a sign of wanting to be impregnated, which is oft acquired through a sexual nature.
is this macchi or someone doing the same gimmick
>twitter filename
Need source asap so I can blow ropes to her exposed asshole
>cute adventurer girl in setting appropriate attire
No one in /xivg/ plays that.
Hmmm, never had malezen before. Very well..
D-don't do that...
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my moonie is
>People for some reason put T2 South and H2 East instead of other way around
Every week. I swear people have no brains.
Not jealous, in fact, I don't give 2 fucks about it. I just want to know if it's okay to turn to the dark side now.
Choco EB to colonize doko
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clingy but not overly jealous
loves me for who i am
likes to raid with me
will VC with me and play other games with me
ideally be dominate in bed and shares my fetishes but not a requirement
In one language due to nepotism and it got massive pushback, WoW has half a dozen tranner VAs and a tranner God.
the original Macchi Kino ones are different
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>log on
>open thread
>read thread
I regret this. Anyways, who will EB me?
Mine died 3 years ago. Hope you doing well and my condolences on your loss.
I miss her
My sunnie has a screenshot like this but I purposefully left the feet cropped out
Initials and DC?
My femra does but she's also a fully armored knight so no one wants to see her.
my moonies butt is hideously flat
another W for the f+ enthusiasts
my ideal eb bullies and demeans/humiliates me constantly with an air of love and affection behind it while taking care of me
>No one
Erm... I do but I keep the helmet on. Helmet must stay on.
i get it but my fave color is definitely blue
can i see ur moonie
my moonie isn't (lost her feet in 'nam)
Not me, you're probably a satanic pedophile like everyone else here.
can i see ur femra
Lot of fags in xivtwt it seems
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I wish ktisis had a headwear / visor bone
race and dc?
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Isn't Europe supposed to have a war every like 50 years to sort that shit out? I hated euro history. But from what i remember there was conflict over much less than that. Plus Europe has scuffles like every 50 years over stupid shit
>2pm yank time
You mean to say they are still working and it's euro time. No decent Yanks are in this early cept neets.
Nobody would call you cute, they're hideous.
You're a dork
But you're my dork.
My malera? He's
damn i enjoy this rava
get pregnant!
Robathan Chidori. We all know him. We all love him. He's our idol. Our icon.
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the bard's gear looks fucking horrendous why did they do this
my femra is like this
can i see ur moonie
*grabs you by the arms* STAY WITH ME DEAR, WHAT IS IT? WHAT ARE YOU?
we can't have wars now we got nukes
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holy molyylylyly
thank you anon your words mean a lot to me unironically

bad news about that......
Are you on Balmung? I might.
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meena here
get AWAY from my pvp wife. NOW.
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muramasa stands above all.
chachamaru hair or glam when?
i am
a femlala
who loves majikoi
its been rough but its just something you gotta come to terms and deal with. i dont feel like that will ever go away so you just learn manage it. i appreciate you and im sorry for your loss as well.
Fullflower Mead from the Honey Yard.
I am
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I love DSR.
What the..
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Why, my moonie doesn't look like Buzz Lightyear at all!
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get ready for momra with a big cock :3
everything is going to look bad on you
>we lost ranger aesthetics for this and the worst gameplay loop any job has ever seen
Extremely wrong, you just look at the shitty ones.

I'm gonna. I'm gonna and I won't use a condom.
Bard gear looks bad on everyone.
Electrope has many uses ed boy
Reduce your triangles.
Then why haven't the slavs glassed themselves? No one uses that trash cause using it would mean getting countered now.
hey its me ur eb
A fishra on my home world that likes sunnies
Who said each soul was equally divided in power? Nobody said that.
Hector guide if he was based and not shit.
Use the invisible skin mod and only have the visor headgear. Also, /smooch
I love femlalas!
YES? *shakes you* WHAT?
My femlala?

She's like this.
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Painfully Gridanian.
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Got him!
Way easier than the first fight honestly
Oh I've seen you. I just rarely approach Miqo'te as they tend to not do it for me. Maybe some day.
>level 90
lol no bye
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I am
ja mon

I still love the traumatized cat posters even if you all hate me

I just used anamnesis which does have a bone for it but anamnesis has its own issues that make me not really like using it
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My femlala is li
*lets go* ugh, you're p*ssing me off. . . *wwalks away*
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i don't think my race changes the fucking hat being in a different color scheme than the shirt
yeah i get why people hate this job but it worked for my goal of "something braindead to get through arr again with"
You can stop shitposting at any time loser.
That thing is ugly.
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I know what you mean. That's life. At some point it was going to happen and you need to accept that fact. But still, I have regrets over her dying. I wish I could have told her one last time how much she meant to me.
i like big ravas, you made a good choice to me
designs good from head to toe
literally who...
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malera/middie bromance = kino
What the fuck is with this guy?
This is NOT canon.
Imagine getting so desperate for attention you 180 on your stance within a year
NTA, but Idk why but even as a kid I thought Sonic was weird and uncomfortable
Who knows?
Certainly not you.
fuck off
? I wasn't shitposting
When the attention dries up the futa cock gets attached, happens to everyone eventually
fetish tourists for likes are so cringe
*gives you a big sloppy smooch and leaves a gross lipstick mark on you*
Dominant but protective (and also at least a bit kinky) male character that likes femra.
Need a middie bro
Perish, abomination against nature.
The khagans didn't agree to this.
*heart explodes*
thank you...
So am I supposed to pretend that I don't know you're a man
i am
a femra
getting adopted by male midlanders
it feels safe
You're posting old content everyone and their mom's boyfriend has seen and done before. That is textbook shitposting. Fuck off.
What the FUCK is that.
I have not done omega, that's why i'm doing it?
you sound like a bottom
Someone post the list of confirmed bioholes
Sis they're just using you to harvest your eggs...
You are majorly bitter for no reason, please close the thread for a bit
it does. Its under hair
The degradation of content after someone starts up a twitter is so depressing, it's not limited to just futa sadly
you shouldn't be itt husband
i shouldn't be itt, we have shit to do
oh no we've worked that one out already i craft them into leveling food first
i think your definition of shitposting is a bit different then everyone elses
being one of the ones to adopt this femra and stealing her eggs
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Stop talking about fight club please
i should get the bozja field note mount
and finish old extremes
and current ex2
and finish leveling jobs
And you sound like you need correction
I admire your persistence
May my malera say something...?
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*cups ear* Hm?
i am boiling them into leveling food rn please be patient!! you'll have your supply for roulettes soon enough.
Don't care. Get a trip or leave.
You just did. That's your limit for today, come back tomorrow.
Yeah but only in-game
DC? Race?
I am
wowfaggots need to leave this thread, now
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>Join reclear party
>2 single digit grays with only 1 clear on the fight on week 7
>Leave party
Soft dom malezen or non-futa femezen that likes femra, doesn't insist on using mare, and is also up for SFW roleplay
Probably... my mouth always starts running again though.
Thank you anon.
Your skin is brown, stop posting.
This is a shitty explanation.
Adopting this femra and keeping her warm and safe
And also fertilizing her eggs
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Meeeeeennnnaaaa heeereeeeeeee~
>other games
Like what sis
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Let's try this then
builded for meenas
what do you play anyway?
>he cleared with bard
lmao you would have been better off as white mage. bard is not even a complete job until 60.
maybe some autistic games like satisfactory or modded minecraft or something...
built for big hroth knots
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how are you all bottoms
Come play no man's sky
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New thread

New thread


New thread

This reminds me of that time I spoke with Wuk Lamat.
Petah that was five seconds ago!
i have the game but havent played it, is it any good?
i LOVE cock in my fucking THROAT and ASS! (lovingly of course)
I'M GONNA KILL YOUUUU *throttles you by the horns* AHHHHH
If you're still solo warrior you're gonna hit a wall on the next raid.
Thanks for admitting I'm based for always liking snuff.
Holy melt
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It's gotten very good over the years
hmmm that's cool :o
>Why are AGPs that play petite lizard girls bottoms?
You know the answer
Nope, Meena are for Meena only
I mostly play ff14, but when it comes to other games the autistic games are my favorites. Project Zomboid is a good example, but Satisfactory is fine too.
I'm curious who this is, and I really like femra, though we might not get along writing wise unless you're simply writing more lazily as a mask.
I pre-ordered it and was VERY disappointed the ship I got was basically replaced by something better almost as soon as I got off the tutorial world. Did they fixed that because I really did like the look of the pre-order ship.
Most recent update added fishing. It's a good way to take a break from trying to play dodge-laser with pirate dreadnought ships while I'm trying to steal their shit
Bald and Piglike are still alive?
Ships have been upgradeable for a while now, and are now customizable. The preorder ship actually has a unique thruster mod in it that makes it way more maneuverable than 99% of the ships in the game now. And also >>493978034 this stuff
Where all the LITTLE girls at???
Only the good die young. It's why I'm guaranteed to not die until I'm over 100.
ooo i love project zomboid. i like factorio and stuff
im not sure what you mean by lazily but you shouldnt know who i am cuz im a nobody
He means you don't use proper grammar. You type like a teenage.
I figured the pandemic would have claimed at least one of them. I'll have to catch up on their D&D campaign, I haven't kept up for years.
Like a teenage what
Mutant Ninja Squirtle.
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>hornsent has arrived in Eorzea
I hate it too.
how do people target so quickly in frontlines
i assume theyre using some sort of "target nearest person to my mouse cursor" macro
my racist wife to have 13 white or horrific wmaf kids with
would her mother be proud of this?
what is wuk lamat then, or do they consider him "straight"
no but she doesnt care
delicous delinquent for me, bonus if unwashed and messy fujo
if you were that mech that wouldnt die fuck you
Duskwights win again
You lost
I won.

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