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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth, other French Bread games and comfy pictures of Ushi.

/melty/+/unibg/ #120: belated c@ birthday edition

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/6ITgnMiM2DU?si=0j5vuVsf8_DpncLh

Tsukihime remake and FSN are out!
Uzuki patch is out and she is playable! (https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/portal/post-27191/)
Hollow Ataraxia remaster coming out eventually, probably!

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/
ECT: Oct 11-13
CoN6: Oct 25-27
CEOtaku: Dec 6-8

previous bread: >>491066859
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have a nice day
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da ushi!
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Dumb Racoon
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A cup of Noe...
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You may have thought it was over, but every day is Len day.
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her head is empty
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There's vomit on her sweater already, Noel spaghetti...
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+108 Seibah
Sure. Hopefully Concerto will work this time
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ggs, does f Nanaya's aac hit people in the air? All these Shiki arc drives work slightly differently from each other.
Nanaya's AD is air unblockable and I can make it hit low but that probably loses to jumps. His AAD is unblockable and the wiki says you have to dodge it. The hitbox is on both Nanayas so I doubt you can jump it.
Lobby today right? Hoping to get a few matches in
not able to host lobby tonight sadly
I can play a bit of MBTL in about an hour if that's what you're looking for.
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I see
I appreciate the offer but I'll be out of the house by then
Next time then.
Noel (derogatory)
noel is a seag*ll
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Dead, Deadd n Deaddy
That show had a good 3-4 seasons but once they went back to school the writing suffered heavily. At least Antonucci was able to keep the rights to the cartoon and not let CN taint it like they've been doing lately with other old IPs.
Reminder: Noel mates for life.
noel mates with nothing for her entire life, yes
Wakey wakey
The Noel snore…
*Judges you*
That's Noels gut you're walking into...
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This... is Noel!
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this is the arc magazine model from 20+ years ago now
say something nice about her!
canadian arcueid in real life
Real life Sion...
fake ass german speaker, I saw your ass was from quebec
What a shame.. Noel's groom is a whore...
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The fat, buttered and breaded Noel...
kw: /melty/
Sion, my purple beloved... Looks like modern Takeuchi's style
Should I change it to FT1?
probably with so many people
Yeah I meant to change it before last set, but I was too slow.
Is the room full?
I just remade it with more slots
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why isn't everybody coming back...
I want my sword beam assist back
ggs, 9ab airdash is nice
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ggs. Well, at least the lobbies will have the maximum number of slots going forward.

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does masturbating to your character make you play better?
The huggable Noel…
The Noel jiggle physics…
Noel beans…
Depends on the character.
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often times yes
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Stop! No masturbation!
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but why
I struggle to get it up to Kouma
skill issue
where is noel?
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i still have her
Why does Akiha raise her left leg while pointing at (You)?
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Put her down or she'll start shooting
baka I hate uploading pictures
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i am behind an aircraft carrier.
i can play for like 15 minutes and then i have to leave.
kw: /melty/
My beam smart gun is too big for Hisui to hold, even with Ciel's help
She needs it. You could have done Avalon anyway.
ggs. Arc's j.B is still a menace.

closed. I'll be FUCing around if anybody wants to play though.

It's just funny seeing how much invincibility some supers get compared to others. Can't wait for them to update Avalon's animation in Type Twomina.
Do the infinite
Maybe after I finish all the arcade stories.
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Noel as a means of transportation…
I swore the vatista effect would not overtake me after I found her the only fun character to play, but here I am 6 months later starting estrogen
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rare footage of the last arc combo actually doing damage
Just learned about tkc Elfin Dance wall loops. That's crazy. They should put that in type twomina.

Yeah, I was surprised that killed until I remembered you were in Blood Heat.
Vatista is the straightest character
vatty would be better with a fatty
Noel does improve a lot of things.
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Yup, Noel.
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Did Frenchbread ever fix their saves not transferring over to the Steam cloud?
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I can't play her...
They HATE pc players
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small indie company, please understand
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there is no evidence that kamone has a pc
maybe he just borrows one
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What's keeping you from playing her on basic level, mistiming the negative edge?
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>a fucking leaf
Exactly that, I can do charge inputs fine.
Gets easier with practice like anything. I recommend practicing starting from 2C sweep first before trying to get it in regular combo routing if you ever decide to give it a try again in the future.
Made a video to show an example of what I mean. Once you get this down the rest becomes way easier.
Of course there might be an even simpler way to practice the negative edge bu that's the general idea of how it ended up clicking for me.
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the last CoN is going to be huge.
Is this actually the last one or are they just saying that again?
what do you mean again? the statement last year was that he didn't have the money to run it, and he wasn't sure if he'd do another, but if he did it would be the last. There was never any other statement.
Thank you, I'll try it more.

Still the best
Lots of private lessons with Noel-sensei…
It's begun.
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what has?
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the 2v2 is in 2 hours
Something looks really off about that left leg. That left hand too.
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Shield the Noel...
https://www.twitch.tv/esedu ft5 event
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Shield bash the Noel!
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evil seibah
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alright, it's time I start getting serious again
kw: /melty/
Aoko should have an 8 way air dash
Saber should have armor on all her moves because she's wearing armor
I will keep throwing games until I can land my epic last arc combo
please throw harder next time
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mash should automatically shield everything because she has a shield.
Noel should run slower.
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ggs. Those last few sets got pretty wacky. I should really remember that my j.A exists when people are above me.

ggs. I will surely stop shooting projectiles at 3 bar Saber next time
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Please don't. If I don't have my welfare Avalons I have nothing.
Discount on Noel…
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Why is my main such NTR bait...
You wouldn’t download a Noel.
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Illegal noel distribution...
is uni2 worth playing if i dont have friends? is kaguya good?
If you live in Northa America maybe. Yes she's very good if you learn her grenade okizeme setups.
can someone post an updated uni tier list?
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We need common sense Noel control.
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pic related is from Defiant, who has placed well in tournament for many years. I think most would agree with S and C tier with the exception of Orie who he places pretty high. A and B tiers aren't really that far from each other I'd say.
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>Sion in S(ion) tier
The natural order is restored... Now restore her in Melty, fucking bald mushroom
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mbtl? aacc's fine too, but I don't know what I'm doing
can't play today, sorry
I'll play mbaacc if you are still around
just got back from eating dinner, actually.
having a melty
i didn't know roa was a blonde
ggs. I should play this game more. Now to find where concerto saves replays.
You can find them under offline play in Concerto
I meant the actual files, but that's good to know too.
In the ReplayVS folder
Yeah, I found them after a bit. Thanks. On an unrelated note, is side-stepping/dodging something that's important to keep in mind or can I ignore its existence for now?
I mostly play F moon characters and they can't even do it so it's not super important
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Cool. Thanks again.
the grounded version is mostly useless outside of certain setups/option selects, it's not a core part of defensive play.
The air version is amazing. Not only does it change your air trajectory without using DJ/AD, it will also make your character turn around if you cross over. Extremely useful for pushing air exchanges in your favor.
Good to know. Thanks.
The Noel initiative…
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The Ries Initiative!
Noel on the couch… what will she do?
The Noel population is in great danger…
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i miss drawfriend...
I miss Sion...

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