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Alicesoft/Rance General #1231

Alicesoft 35th Edition

Last Thread: >>492065534

FAQ: files.catbox.moe/vxrbu5.txt
Torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/zxwsje.torrent
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

>Useful Links
Wiki: https://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alternate Wiki (under construction): https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/AliceSoft_Wiki:Main_Page
Rance World Notes (Translated): DEAD
Booru: https://hannybooru.com/

Check the FAQ for downloads and general hints!

>SR Mods
List of Mods - https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Modding_Project
DHR-Steve mod - https://mega.nz/file/BQIDxCYL#v6aUSJz6JQxPW8TF2Ht8COzlRidGUzdFa2VfUDjcuKQ
Website - https://www.darknessherorance.com
戦国ランス-ルドラサウム大陸版- - https://mega.nz/folder/RaUEEaJQ#5ZheRhA9dYi6kFlJ6Vtfmw (requires Japanese package edition)

>Recently Released
Hentai Labyrinth - Out now!
Purchase: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075029.html

Rance IX - Out Now!
Physical (includes lore book): https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=3&product_code=314
Digital: https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1303
Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3834326

Only You English Patch
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpl10ogjg2jjfb4/Only_You_Re-Cross_English_Patch.rar/file
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/dj9HmCBZ#Vwt_DvPkTogA_8ssvrmKTldoIUE2UivuVCrEEYeZEn4

>Miscellaneous (mainly unofficial)

>Upcoming Games
Rance 03 - Translation: 79% – Editing: 41%
Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - Translation: 88% – Editing: 81%
Yoru ga Kuru! - N/A
Daiakuji Fan TL - N/A
Daiteikoku English - Announced

35th anniversary site:
Art Exhibit starts September 15th
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Wanted to make a Daiakuji edition but the 35th anniversary thing next weekend took priority.

Here it is, niwas. A working partial patch of Daiakuji. It's still very rough but we'll work on it as we go.

This is both a teaser and an alpha. A lot of stuff is still untranslated, unedited, or yet to be figured out, but hopefully it should be smooth sailing from now on.
Currently ONLY KIKUKO'S ROUTE IS TRANSLATED. Trigger the events in Ashiya to enter it. The rest of the game follows a mostly straightforward path to the end, though most characters have at least a few of their events translated.
Subordinate/Prison phase menus are unfortunately broken right now and I had to leave them untranslated. This will be the first thing I'll fix.
If there are any feedback or issues aside from the above, please post them here on /haniho/.
Put the Daiakuji folder in your documents, otherwise you might need to fuck around with the bgm directory yourself.
When you get to the game click advance on at the bottom of the screen to start.
It will come up with Akuji's grandad and some untranslated text just pick the bottom of the two options when prompted.

Douzo, Lad.
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Cute warning.
Why is Sill so useless and incompetent?
I've never seen Kanami spelled that way before.
Sill can at least manage to use contraception. She is ahead of Shizuka.
Kanami can at least give birth to a super strong kid
I've never seen Alice with such a short skirt! My dick!
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Cute shrimp
is she from little princess or little vampire?
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don't die in my sleep
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Sills smile saves lives
I fight for Oda
My bad, I always thought it was made by a fan/doujin circle and published by Alicesoft with Astlyre doing the music but apparently it was Alicesoft employees from the start, at least according to VNDB.
How far have you guys gone in Daiakuji?
War with the Nako cult, Minka is already gone.
Got to the elections and then stopped. To be honest I’m not really digging it. Surprising that this came out after kichikuou because it feels so much worse than kichikuou in gameplay and especially writing.
Is there no one seeding the general Alicesoft torrent or is the one I'm currently using outdated and different from the one linked in OP?
buddy, there’s like 10 people still left posting here. that torrent’s dead. gonna have to hunt down whatever you need somewhere else.
You were the guy who wanted the SR OST last thread right? I'm seeding both the gamerip and album version now.
Yeah. The Alice Sound Collection 08 and Alice Sound Album Vol.10(Sengoku Rance) more specifically.
I want to have sex with Alice-chan...
I don't have Alice Sound Collection 8 but you can download it off here anyways
I remember her from Lemonade, the original LP.
go to hell
She is boring but I wouldn’t consider her incompetent. She is decent at both offensive and healing magic without being as good as the specialists.
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I prefer Dark Alice
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Here she is bro, go nuts.
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How is that translation going?
Good work
Kichikuou has Maris who has really good chemistry with Rance
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gosh daiakuji has so many girls i wish got raped harder.
Is Evenicle 2 worth it?
didn't played so can't talk much
but when i played evenicle 1, it wasn't fun gameplay was not bad it was like casual version of RQ, so less stressing
story and character was not my taste so droped out like...in part 2
can't talk much about evenicle 2 though
All i know is 2 is kind a like SRPG genre... at least from what i heard that is
It’s near identical to Eve1
You are mad because she is a modern girl
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a japanese girl who wants to learn english and enjoys enema torture is hot.
Is this the MTL?
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Honestly she deserved worse
Many do but Rance doesn't do ryona or guro.
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fuck off
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ya, i'm waiting for the manuel to get patched first the mtl one is working alright for the time being.
I hope she tortures your daughter to death
I would gladly sacrifice my daughter for our dear queen's happiness
That font is so ugly
For me It's
hmm trying to trigger the haruka sell off event in daiakuji. I did it with an earlier version i don't get why it won't pop up. I recruited her stationed her in the territory with the fat old man, completed all his requests until he starts asking me for regular whores.
On a side note anyone know how to trigger the taeko/akari event, that's the mayor you kidnap.
I trained her as a whore then sold her but never got that event to pop up.
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I posted this last thread but may as well post again.
Our VGL team is playing over the next two weekends in rookies tournament while our new tactical manager learns the ropes.


On the 14th of September at 1900 UTC we play /dbg/
On the 15th of September at 1900 UTC we play /mjg/
On the 21st of September at 1900 UTC we play /llsifg/
Finals are on the 22nd

Kay-chan is taking over as keeper with Sen his deputy. TOSH will be a medal for New Thread Cup.

We then have three friendlies at the end of this month. Kay will be the goakeeper and we will have a Daiakuji player (probably Kikuko).

September 27
vs /hgg2d/
Alice will be the 5th medal

September 28
vs /ink/
Rick will be the 5th medal

October 5
vs /alg/
Tsuina will be the 5th medal
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I have full faith in Kay keeping himself safe.
I will now destroy the Hornet Faction and capture Little Princess.
What about justice for the ants?
Best of luck to the team! (And here's hoping we avoid a complete and total meltdown of the general.)
3 more days until a nothingburger exhibition
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The Japanese are crazy
Breed Sen
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Translation status? Is it still going on?
not really
Hype up the motherfucking beat
be positive
Never played Rance before. Do you ever get to actually fuck Alice or is she just for teasing?
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She's the mascot.
Well, I would like to fuck the mascot.
In 03 you fuck girls who look like Alice.
>Rance X - Translation : Complete - Editing: 5%
Nigga, it's been like this for the last 2y at least
Hannies aren't immune to magic in IV? When did the trend start?
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Here is the updated Riche model.
There's gonna be a new game announcement at the end of their list of game release xeets, r-right niwas?
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Dohna Dohna is the closest you can get.
And her scenes are really hot.
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No and there won't be a game release this year if they don't announce something this month and they would announce something at that event instead of a few days after so all in all that yearly review was a big fat lie.
It's gonna be so funny if the guy translating Daiakuji entirely on his own manages to release that game fully translated before mankograbber releases Rance X
I think the haruka event is just random but the akari/taeko H-scene requires them both getting to 100 customers in the whorehouse. takes forever since no one wants to fuck the old lady.
He will. I believe in him.
Anyone still playing the Beat gacha know if another Rance collab is coming up? I feel like the last ones usually happened around this time
I mean, Rance X is (or was) the most text heavy game in history. Also, Daiakuji events are pretty short.
We just had an Atlach-Nacha colab so no, my guess is that there will be one for the anniversary in november.
Wonder who they would add this time?
oh that explains it i looked up a googletranslated guide and it said to sell taeko so i thought i had to go through the sell to henry option
Next game should be 5D but alRizna is already 8n the game, so if they don't add Feliss then my guess is they go the Kichikuou route and have Hornet, Hawzel and someone else.
Don't forget Seizel.
Thanks. Doesn't seem like Alice Sound Album Vol. 10 is around. The one drastic option I could go for is use a proxy to buy the incoming Rance Compilation. Expensive, but at least I know for sure I get everything in it.
I can upload it as a temporary catbox link if you want since it's only 450 mb, I have no idea why the torrent didn't actually seed the other day.
Thanks, though that'll have to wait tomorrow cause I'll be off soon. I'll reply when I'm available.
I still have not beaten Orochi. That is all.
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its the most rewarding challenge in any of ranceverse games
Beating the 32 waves of pandas is
>Rance X - Translation : Complete – Editing: 5%
Wtf is this, why edit just fucking release it
>alicesoft wiki is closed
The good news is the miraheze wiki seems like it carried everything over, plus the shutdown must've pushed someone to fix the CSS so it doesn't look all fucked up. I do miss the background with the cute card game art though.
Is the SparrowMod for Kichikuou still updated?
I think they still need to do some programming, so wait until 2027 or 2028.
Dude is still alive on discord.
Shatter hannies
It's still kinda disappointing that more than half of a series important lore is not their mainline game and in some supplementary materials. I really wish they integrated more stuff into each game.
Alicesoft's next major title is going to be an ambitious sci fi rpg inspired by rpg series like Xeno and mecha series like Gundam. It'll be a collaborative work between Orion and his wife Fumya, a husband wife collaboration as both artist and writer. It'll be same in the scale as Rance 10 showdown but it'll be a complete story from beginning to end.
translation does not (necessarily) mean the English text and such is actually in the game, just that all of the scripts are translated.
Check back around 2030 and it might be out then. It took 6 years for translation, so who knows how long the rest will take
Our Queen
It took 6 years because they didn't touch game for two years (2019-2021) and then Steiner took over and he obviously was slow as fuck over this game and also had other projects to commit to.
Did 03 ever get translated?
its in the process of getting translated
Its in the "process" of getting translated
she's pretty
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is that the girl from mamatoto?
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nobody in mamatoto looks like that.
Yes that girl is from Rance 9
Why is she like this?
What's going on with Fandom, they closed the /lit/ wiki, the /mu/ wiki and now the Rance wiki
japan's secluding itself from the world again and this time a fleet of ships isn't going to enough to open up.
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All right, I'm up. Whenever you're ready.
You could use Soulseek, or there's only a few albums there?
There's probably some locked behind permissions though.

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