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Kalimdor Kaldorei belong to human females edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Previous: >>493978091
Are these legion unlocks still attainable in current content?

One of them is asking for a m+ 15 key but these were made with the old system, so it should unlock with a +5 key, right?

PVP requirement seems pretty straightforward
is colossus prot war any good?
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forgot pic
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>still playing wow in 2024
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Will people take solo delvers seriously? If I solo a tier 11 Delve, am I guaranteed a place in your raid?
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>The Waterworks T8 as 590 tank
>Waxface kills me with 1 uninterruptible cast that can't be outranged or LoS'd
>only useful defensive cooldowns don't have enough uptime to negate it every time
>have to fight in a tiny circle which gets filled with green shit that instantly kills you if you aren't at 100% and prevents you from kiting or reaching potions
>even normal hits do 1/4 of my HP, using up my self heals since Brann does fucking nothing most of the time
>success is mathematically impossible
>account is bricked anyway because of pic related, and because I did bountiful delves without knowing (it doesn't say anywhere ingame) that the delve stops being bountiful even if you dont open the chest at the end
Very cool, thanks Chris. I will now unsubscribe.
Good luck bros, see you in Midnight.
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M0 is actually fucking difficult
zivtroon hands typed this
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It's over
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>Soloing delves
>Playing one of the most overpowered specs in the game for soloing shit, death knight
>At 8+ every mob pack instantly pops my cheat death unless I stagger them and I can barely survive fighting against the final boss
Uhhhh molebros, wasn't this supposed to be free loot without requiring effort? Why do I have to interrupt literally everything or die like its M+?
Nope, they've been locked since BFA went live.
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we're back
I thought he quit talking about WoW after the breast milk fiasco. Was FF14 coverage not lucrative enough?
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My 580 Guardian Druid is literally getting oneshot by tier 6 Delve mobs. This can't be right. Who balanced this?
only the mage tower ones are unobtainable
Tank scaling is genuinely fucked, dot things up and run away, lvl 15 dps Brann will unironically kill everything he scales mega hard.
Otherwise do it as Feral, scaling is for each role.
heroics being a super joke made it look even more difficult too
how, i'm falling asleep in tier 8 as a vdh
although that's probably because i'm partied with a dps friend
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heal chads just keep winning

bran solos my T8 delves for me
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It's over
Balding white mentally stunted british men cannot exist without WoW. It's like oxygen for them
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>get literally 1shot by a 6.5mil instant cast
>see 4/5 hearts
>hover over to see what that means, exactly
>pic related
Oh. Thanks game. Now I understand.
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Don't say it in public, we have to pretend to be progamers here
You will have an easier time playing DPS. The mobs do 2-3x more damage if you're a tank because this game is made by retards
There is no way they don't nerf the first boss in Dawnbreaker and the last boss in City of Echoes
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its time for raid.
the scaling feels a bit fucked across the board
you unironically feel weaker the higher level you get
What spec am I supposed to set Brann as?
OK I'm playing Feral for the first time ever, wish me luck
>alt got the titan disc weekly again instead of the delve weekly for some reason
>disc quest has also now disappeared from my quest log, NPC no longer has any quest
>delve weekly still isn't there
so do I just not get my spark this week?
>Delves are for casus
You'll be fiiine
Anyone surprised by this is fucking retarded.
Anyone who didn't see it was obviously going to be an MAU farming GVault bait/switch is also retarded.
night elves deserve what they get which is a cock in their mouth
There's a small chance that the real reset this week will be on Wednesday for everyone, at reset time in Europe. I think this has happened before, when a new season or event starts.
Dps, healing spec is tuned bad.
You won't notice brann much in the lower difficulties but he gets giga strong as you climb higher.
Well I did my first 4-5-6 Delves today and they went alright, mobs are starting to get a lot nastier though. Hope I can make it through 7 and 8 as assassination rogue.
Should I main ele or enhance shaman? And will my ww monk alt get invited to M+ groups?
Remember there's no timer, if you're really struggling just wait for evasion/cloak cd between every mob pack
but i got my spark on my other character
it's just my alt that is fucked
>random T8 mob crits for 1.9M melee
what even is this horseshit
Best delve solo fastest world first meta pumper big dam mythic keystone master sss tier streamer 5000 rating mdi legendary non bricked grand marshal juicer tier list topping thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker 100 parse razer sponsor class?????
>You need to push m+ and raid in order to push Delve
All these close ups of Moira in cutscenes have ignited my fem dwarf lust. What class should I make for one?
But they did tons of interviews this summer saying Delve is the casu content
T8 Delve. Day 2.
I have accepted my role in the group.
I exist only to direct monsters to the steel bear traps.
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>you need to play the game
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>be DEvoker
>everyone wants me to play Aug or Preservation
>do not want to play Aug or Preservation
sorry not sorry ;3
Hmmm so...
Delves is good?
Delves is bad?
People have already completed 11s
So for the restored coffer key, are you just supposed to figure out how high a delve you can do and then use them?
That's what happens when you design casual content around a gear check instead of mechanical skill
lot of aislop in this general
Delves tier list?
Should I bother pugging mythics now or wait until the weekend? I don't want to spend 14 years dealing with retards after work.
How the FUCK do I beat waxface?
The map is a 4% drop from the chests at the end, it's not guaranteed at all
If you don't have self sustain you don't
waxface... the ultimate mole person filter
had my friend come in on a blood dk with dps brann. he just kind of pulled everything and it exploded.
how the fuck do I do damage as warlock, this class is so fucking clunky, and shit
I duo'd T8 delves as prot pally / MM hunter and they were pretty easy, not braindead but we only had one death to exploding spores. Tank + DPS + healer Brann is the way to go
Play Dev, you don't want to play with people that force you into a role
On a side note did you try Flameshaper?
I made a build for it and it's the most fun I had in dungeon as dev since S2 and the broken obsidian shard set.
uninstall for emotional damage
play a real class
I feel absolutely hosed. Not sure what they were thinking with unavoidable damage.
people are so fucking bad man fuck sake
>Be retard
>Do bontifulb delv
>Open bloo chest
>587 Warband bound neck peas
>equip its cause slight upgrad
>open porpl chest
>603 neck peas
>why born retard
>who anger in past lifes
I am, I'm playing arms. I just faceroll and top the charts.
>Do tier 7 delve
>Doesn't count for my vault
Do bountifuls not count or something?
Soloing a delve is harder than classic raiding.
delves tier list?
>do bountiful before T8
My retarmd broder!
Skittering and Waterworks suck cock and balls
They're all G tier except fungal folly
im a worgen (male)...
Wait for streamers to decide.
>people actually think the story is good now
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the underwater ones are ultra cancer
the ones with step counters are dog shit
all the other ones are ok
>tanks can sleep through tons of content giving them an edge in previous expansions
>one single time they have to actually try they all shit their diapies and cry
good fuck you
(jk this balancing is fubar)
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Y'all ever just
It hax Xally's sweaty soles and delicious toes all over it so It's peak.
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I feel like I'm going to get carpal tunnel playing Fury
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my femra is like this
>/wave made into a scuffed cleaning emote
They are really pushing the engine right here.
wrong thread troon
Step counters are fine, you just drop the candle or totem. Though waterworks is fucking asinine with the shittiest goddamn boss.
this is a world of warcaft race...
How do i join the NA guild, it doesnt show up whenever i search it
Your femra is sex.
so I can just open pinnacle caches whenever right? I dont need to wait for a certain ilvl?
why does brann just fucking stand there and not do anything half the time
literally just fucking stands there eating frontals and doing literally fucking nothing
>stolen loader does magma hammer move on me
>2.5m damage
>stolen loader does magma hammer move on brann
>400k damage
wtf is this shit
>Raid cinematic
>Literally nothing happens and xala'tath says haha hehe i planned this
I saw like 400 posts saying this exact thing would happen how the fuck are people praising the story
if you are horde you have to join the community
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whats the best loadout for my nigga Brann?
because your dumb ass put him on healer
DPS brann solos T9 so far.
It's good to see so many people in the comments recognize that the story is shit like it has been for ages and that Preach is doing an ad
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>4 mythic 0s
>3 veteran shoulders

now this is epic
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What the fuck were they on when they made this dungeon
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where would i get some veteran pants at?
dont worry you can do them again tomorrow!
So something weird is going on with my Templar. In the first week it worked as I expected. When I used Wake of Ashes it would be replaced by Hammer of Light, which I could then cast and then resume my rotation basically. However last week it didn't work that way, and after casting Hammer of Light it remained available for so long as Shake the Heavens was active, so I could keep casting Hammer of Light as many times I wanted for a fair amount of time as long as I kept building up 5 holy power. Today it is back to working the way that it did on the first week.

What the hell was going on last week? Was I bugged?
are there any portals to the old shadowlands / bfa dungeons?
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more liek great vault slut
Should my melee alt be fury or ww?

There, I said it.
holy fucking zased
i'd say wod > sl but that works too
100% agree, the step counter, and underwater ones are pure cancer and frankly just not fun, whoever thought those were a good idea should get fired. The whole point of delves was supposed to be solo content where you can take your time and try to do as "good" as you can. But with those they force you to rush to the other rooms and then to the end so those mechanics will end.
WoD was alright, the biggest problem was the content drought at the end. Secondary was the garrisons being pretty lackluster. Otherwise I enjoyed the story and thought it was done fairly well.
WoD > SL > TWW

There, I updated it.
Uhm... what do I use Valorstones on? I'm almost at 2k. Sorry fresh 80 here dunno wtf I'm doing
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>WoD > TWW
you upgrade your gear with them
Can rated bg blitz queue into full premades or am I just always going giga retard teammates?
How do you claim the item? is that at the end of the week?
So, what's the general consensus on the Agartha expansion? Is it just the Midnight waiting room, or is it fun?
>go to a random BFA zone
>it starts flooding your quest log with random useless quests
>le controversial take > universally accepted opinion
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at this point even soddy > tww. the most minimum effort nostalgia bait is better than this dei floppa sloppa fest
Holy shit yeah I don't think I'm ready for even tier 7 Delves, regular packs are kicking my ass. I've only died a handful of times in every single other Delve I've done but I've already died twice in this one.
>Legionbabies still defend the maze loot system
wow won, bigly
Imagine the amount of feet we will be getting in Midnight where Thalyssra will join Xal'atath as a main character.
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>Doomer grift is already starting
That was quick
You can get them all except the one from the mage tower.
>literally impossible to win non epic bgs as horde
best way to farm conquest?
just do epic bgs and take the 30 conqest?
One month contract is over.
kill every e-celeb
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feetCHADS we are eating good this xpac.
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fuck this game
they are covering them up with the class reworks
this, even the mushmouthed serbian that subhumans have been shilling here
>b-b-buh he's da good one
there are no good ones
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I can't believe I bought this dogshit game
how do I keep falling for it
Wait so if the Arathi were teleported down to Hallowfall while they were sailing, why is there wild life like bears and rams down here?
>Brann gains XP from all delves, and then from level 15 to 60 from bountiful delves only

You have to farm bountiful delves with your alt army. You have to farm keys for all your alts.

Delve is literally more hardcore than m+ and raid and it was supposed to be the casu content. There is no way they won't hotfix that next week.
>the trinkets effects make zero logical sense
we league of legends now
I mean there was clearly already a habitat there, it's just that the Arathi got thrown into it.
Don't blame them.
Paypigs paid $90 for this shit so they got what they want.
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Jesus fuck.
Moonguard is fucking infested with n*groids.
I literally cannot run a single Heroic without multiple br*wnskins doing less DPS than the whiteman healer who's watching Boku no Negro on the other monitor.
Move to FFXIV if you're too retarded to press 1>2>3>4.

Fucking hell. You literally hand them a brand-new toilet and they STILL choose to shit in the street.

There, I said it.
Im gonna buy the expansion again because of how funny this is
>frog poster
>and it was supposed to be the casu content
Blizzard has done this was EVERY piece of "casual" content they've attempted to add to the case since the earliest days of WoW. Why? I couldn't say. But it's a very typical design philosophy for them.
be literal commander, have my own personal base with auction house and bank, never have to see smelly vulperas, pandarens or drACKthyr players in MY base.
ye im thinking wod won
wod just fucked up the content cadence. it had the best and most robust class design in wows history and the loot system was the best it had ever been
should i be buying blood stone now with honor
or wait till they get back to 15k a gem?
we're not going to do garrison revisionism in this general
Severe bastinado will set her straight.
The proc on this has more than 1PPM
It can stack.
I literally hit 0 haste on the target dummy.
Someone needs to be fired for that existing.
Are you surprised? There have already been people here that unironically are nostalgic for Shadowlands and think it wasn't "that bad".
I dont like the new Enhancement Shaman bros
It wasn't compared to BFA. I'm extremely miffed that it's considered the worst expansion instead of the one that came before.
look retard just because you were too dumb to make literal millions of free gold doesnt mean we were.
WoD was good.
>Fuck that green poop island tho
it wasn't that bad at all really
they fucked up bigly with covenants and upon pulling the ripcord the game improved
nathria was a fantastic raid
i lasted longer in sneedolands than i know i will in tww. i'm about ready to drop the game
>EU hours
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Garrisons were fine if they did stick with the original plan.
faction dont matter but is there a white dominated server on us??
But enough about Britain.
US Ragnaros.
it's 3am in europe ya pinhead
>EU hours
Are you retarded?
reroll to german servers they are 90% white
Anyone want to duo waterworks D8?
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what we thinking?
Where in WoW is a liminal space?
EU people are asleep, ameritard
>actually Cata wasn't that bad
>actually WoD wasn't that bad
>actually BfA wasn't that bad
>actually Shadowlands wasn't that bad
So what I'm learning is that every WoW expansion was actually pretty good? WoW can't stop winning, Doomkeks on life support.
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Servers just went down it's 3AM you primate
>yuros falling for SEAmonkey bait
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What happens if you lose all your extra Marios? Does your character get deleted?
your account gets perma'd
>doomers out of nowhere
Rent free.
Do you mean that literally or metaphorically?
The Upside Down Sinners bro
Super spooky and stuff
Why do you feel the need to grind Brann to max level? Why do you need to do keys on alts when the exp comes from clearing not opening the box?
you die in real life
based retard baitking
I need to reroll. Moonguard is so fucking br*wn it's honestly gross.
What is the most fun melee dps in TWW?
no more bing bing wahoo's
Are you payed to be so easily baited? Europeans are too stupid.
Blood elf girl is still qt.
Brann takes a fat dwarven shit on your head (permanent visual debuff)

No, he is paid. His holes have not been tarred over.
Kungfupandia was bad, though.
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You wish fritz
>Tanks actually have to try in delves
How could they do this to us
>log in
>daily trans rights train is marching
>don't join
>account banned
nice game
>be healer
>pull waxface
>brann gets on his gryphon and starts throwing hammer at me
>get skullfucked by waxface
thanks bud
>cata wasn't that bad
the start was great. everything else was garbage and that includes firelands. the abyssal maw would be nice but couldn't salvage the expansion
>wod wasn't that bad
it was bad and this is universally agreed on just like how it would have been the best if they had finished what was planned. the start could have been better if not for the garrison lag
>bfa wasn't that bad
dogshit from start to finish and they went almost all out on the planned ideas - all dogshit too btw. how the fuck do you waste 3 expansions in 2 patches?
>shadowlands wasn't that bad
only baiters say this. worst expansion ever. pulled a fucking wod 2 without a decent first patch. I would take the selfie and voice chat patches back to back over 9.1

you will read this because I included a secret message above
not german
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I don't think that happened
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Does dying once effect my delve loot? Should I reset? Bountiful btw
This is how Germans look now. Get used to it to fuck off to another country, nazis like you aren't welcome in Germany.
you dont know dick about germany fucker
just hover over it and read the tooltip
You're right, he was actually reported to the police IRL.
ponder the aroma...
god I WISH this was an Agartha expansion. Where the fuck are the olms and pale ones
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That's more like it
It doesn't tell you what exactly it does to the loot, retard
If it lowers the ilvl of my delve key reward then I'm resetting
if it gives me 1 less of the throwaway chests idgaf
Biste 100%ig sicher?
It doesn't
Germany is filled with turks, Think I never played with some Blackrock / Blackhand DH brainlets?
Facial expression Anon, facial expression
imagine the feet smell after an entire day of world tour mythics...
avatar tranns instantly hidden
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have you tried interrupting
no i play a druid
Druid has plenty of CC to cancel a cast
>activate feral spec
>spec fully as possible for bear
>bear form
>dps brann
>walk around loling at shit while it gets obliterated
ez gam ez lif
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That's gross
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The devs are going all out
>pull 1 mob
>Kill with bloodlust
>goon for 10 minutes
delves are easy
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so true sister
Dang that ending raid cinematic was kind of lame.
>everyone laughing at ret paladin
>doing T11 delve at 580 letting brann facetank shit while DPS/healing him
ret is garbage
do not look over here
nothing to see
i regret being lazy...no group will take me at 570. i thought i could catch up with the so-called "casual content" Delves but they are tuned for Mythic raiders.
>anime weeb
post hidden & deserved
always makes me chuckle
bout to log in what did I miss?
Be careful criticizing him, the jannies get mad sometimes.
Where's that cunt who said it was all just an "unfortunate coincidence", I want to piss on his dumb face.
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I did all my t8 bountiful delves.
You're not worse than me, are you?
whats the point in using the catalyst to transform something into a set item i dont understand
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>change to resto
>breeze through waterworks
>603 chest
>forgot to change loot spec
Mad is their default state caused by the HRT. It'd be far more accurate to say they get chill sometimes. And not very often.
stonevault has got to be the most over designed dungeon theyve literally ever done
and the last boss is just obnoxious
its kind of neat but holy fucking shit dude
augment runes going to go up on tuesday or should I dump my stack now?
I'm still pissed danuser destroyed Dalaran and tried to kill off Khadgar
I'm infinitely better than you because I'm not furry scum.
nope but i probably got shittier loot than you
got two 2hs a cape, ring, and heroic boots
free set item
I'm bad, I can't do 7s or 8s yet. Sorry.
All worth it because of elf feet closeups
i'm completely stun-locked.
All I did during the last 2 weeks was level 5 80s, another 5 to mid 70s and barely geared any of them.
Now I dont want to play any of them and don't know what to do in the game.
before i waste 20 minutes in wintergrasp que can anyone tell me if the 200 conquest reward is up
Fucking Waterworks sucked ass but it's done. Next up? Skittering I guess
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How's BG blitz so far?
Is it true that arms warrior no longer has downtime issues?
Nightborn babes...
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I can't believe how lame they made the blacked empire look. How do you fuck up a task as easy as that? It killed all my enthusiasm for void stuff.
if anyones wondering it is in fact up and its 250
now if anyone can tell me what the embellishment to use on the pvp sword is ill give you some gratitude
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worlo...... WON
arms is garbage everyones playing troonry now
Sorry I'm an arms chad not a furycuck
They forgot old gods are just void middle management. The highest tier but still middle management.
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Casul content.
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I feel they should bring C'thun back. Most people back then didn't understand who and what he was. His voiced whispers are cool and creepy. The boss fight against him is pretty iconic. I would be alright with Yogg'Saron returning too, especially since next expansion is going to focus a lot on the void.
It should have been more than a content patch.
>two pallies trying to false flag each other about Warrior
been in q for 20 mins, havent seen this in a long time. what should i do once i get in guys?
>get to 80 before finishing campaign
>queue for normal dungeons while finishing quests
>get into dungeon me and tank are the only 80s
>the other 2 dps are literally doing next to no damage
>dungeon is a slog because im the only person doing any damage
Holy shit this is terrible
I make my own groups
>Don't stand there!
>*gets blasted by a cone of fire*
What did he mean by this...
Who's the top management? Xal'afeet?
why do palasissies always act like they have something to prove?
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Yeah C'thun is really cool, he also has the least amount of mortal followers out of all the Old Gods. It's almost all Qiraji and that's it. I guess that sort of makes sense though, his entire sphere is madness for the most part.
Always played fury
Always will
if you aren't playing fury as a dps you're a casual simple as
I'm poor thoughbeit
At least post a pic that fits retard.
That's Kael Thas not Cthun.
I'm playing protection
It wasn't meant to fit retard, I'm just posting art.
>next expansion is going to focus a lot on the void
Not any more than this one. The next one is all about ELVES.
Will windwalker be invited to mythic+
>denies you
faggot avatar hidden
wouldnt both shaman and druid chests have both agi and int? are secondary stats that different?
actual retard
>#Dragonflight #ad
maybe if we need a dispel. its not like the mage or ret are gonna do it
Void Lords. If Xal'atoes is close/similar to an old god, she's not there yet. Might be trying to get in that C-suite though
it's LFR, delves and heroic dungeons for me, lads.
I can't be declined to content if I never have to apply in the first place.
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you did get your character to 583 for the m0 release right?
they're elite, by definition
a mere warrior like you just wouldn't understand
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>Race? Vulpera
>Class? Warrior
>Spec? Arms
>Name? Turalnyon
Gamer time.
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>Apply to +8 Delve groups
>ilvl is already too low for LFG
>Can't get enough gear to get in to groups to get the gear I need to do Delves
Th-thanks for the solo content, Blizzard...
>No bulge
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Two scoops. That's a good sign!
But I'm afraid of wasting stuff :(

Is it safe to upgrade that renown gear we got?
>he plays boomkin
>be ilvl 574
>do delves solo
>get to T8
>do T8 bootyfulls
>be ilvl 584
Git gud scrub [Ownalized]
>Race: Human
>Gender - Man or Woman: Man
>Class: Paladin
>Specialization: Retribution (Heavy Hitter)
>Hero Specialization: Templar of the Holy Light
>Name: Gavinradd
yeah, i'm thinking, it's time for this gamer to game.
Delves are thankfully designed that you can solo them. Thank fuck for that.
If you can't solo tier 3 then you really need to git gud.
why are you responding to bait seriously
I wish my characters on the screen would stop sitting down and kneeling.
serves you right balancefag play a real spec
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Why isn't there always some zerg shit happening in the open world, like the pre-patch levelling event? Just dozens of people flying around a zone melting bosses and picking up pumpkins? Why do Blizz let the open world turn into a deserted amusement park before the season even starts
The Old Gods (chads) betrayed the Void Lords, choosing to corrupt Azeroth for their own purposes. Xalatath was a jannie snitch bitch so they sealed her in the knife.

That's why N'zoth was actually the good guy all along. He was playing 10d chess on a level above J'lor. Only he can save us from what is to come.
Love those quotes. One of the best boss fights in WoW history.
that's the problem when you give the c*mmunity any choosing power whatsoever, they just gatekeep until the game dies
fuck you
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its still raid time.
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Good luck anon.
are you doing good damage?
that can't be right, i watched some rando streamer grab viewers and pug the raid
Making a joke about it doesn't mean it's intentional
the one I looted has crit and haste
the one I have now (same ilvl) has vers and mastery
(I'm a bear)
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>why are you responding to bait seriously
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>horde getting aboslutely fucking obliterated in every BG


I just got the brute force idol for brand as a rank 4 epic. As a fucking hunter. Tier 8 delves are fun as fuck though. I'm gonna be 595, I wonder if I'll have to swap to surv or if my ilvl will let me get an M0 group as BM
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play the meta chud
fury is god damn nuts.
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made for worgen
>Did bountiful delves while grinding up to t11 without opening the chests
>now have no bountiful delves to use keys on wtf
oh no.... im retarded...
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Expect it to be nerfed soon enough.
WW has an amazing AoE stun and AoE knockback, plus a unique and very powerful debuff for physical heavy groups
surely you meant 593?
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>can't send mail to characters on a different realm/faction because... uhhh... reasons
>warband bank exists
fucking noob
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time is convoluted
I don't want to, meta chasing is soulless.
>"Much of the writing team was replaced after Sneedolands"

Preach doesnt outright say Danuser was fired but is that the case? The new writers are very safe.
The dmg difference between Fury and Arms is just ridiculous. What the fuck is this shit
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I can't get a decent fucking weapon no matter what I do, should I just buy a crafted one?
>>Doomer grift
he literally spends like 3/4 of the video sucking it off while off-handedly mentioning that EA was badly implemented and one of his employees thinks the story is boring. Everything else is praise
furfaggot ugly shitter
dead game lol
>1h45min till season starts
Time for my YEARLY shower bros
Body shape 4 Augmentation Evoker btw
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Formulating response....


basically any weirdly small zone that exists between two larger main zones. >>494017803 Deadwind Pass is a solid contender. My choice would be the Deeprun Tram tunnels.
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you tweakin jigsaw
he is coming back in midnight and will unite the blood/void/high elves under him
metzen kino incoming
Filtered, noob
That'd be too cool to actually happen, I'm scared Metzen is going to cuck us.
what delve to run to quickly get from t3 to t8?
I did dread pit
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did a panda never tell you to slow down?
>mobs fall over in terms of hp
>but they do 18 gorillion damage
>waiting for defensive cooldowns on every pack because of this
Yeah I hate this.
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I'm back bwos
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Anyone done their m0s yet? What was the average ilvl and how hard was it?
Yeah anon from earlier was telling me to do that too as rogue, I simply don't have the patience for it though. Guess I'll try to get better gear first.
just play fury thane, pussy...
skill issue.
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How goes the flourishing?
Skill issue learn to play the game scrublord dogshit eater
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>this is your 50th ban
wait, they track the number of bans? i need to be more careful
I am now a moonguard main
Foot fetishes correlate with submissive and masochistic tendencies to a high degree. Women outscore men on submissiveness and masochism in every study or survey ever conducted on the topic.
A TON of women are into feet, but it's not socially acceptable to mention it.
>horde dwarves can't eat as a concept
>they get an eating racial anyway
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>this is your 50th ban
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Four bosses in Nerub is fun, a solid 7/10. Not as fun as the dungeons imo. But we'll see how the last three bosses go.
*five bosses in
i can't count
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EU sisters...
as awful as the idea of the "evil" yrel plot is, the idea of a "good" lightforged garrosh is so fucking cool
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When you play alliance, this is who you're playing with.
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>part of a small friend group (5)
>we only really play together
>one of the guys left for work for a week today
that's ok, no problem, I'll just do delv-
>mfw (tank btw)
dogshit art
>Foot fetishes correlate with submissive and masochistic tendencies to a high degree
Stinky vagina
time to goon and farm
I'd play Horde if they weren't buck-broken lorewise since the end of MoP
How do I outskill autoattacks doing 30+% of my hp?
>check WCL
>fury and arcane are dominating
>all the dps are using the same retarded trinket
I reject the slit fantasy and embrace the double ridged dick /w balls one
In world of warcraft
>Blizzard has done this was EVERY piece of "casual" content they've attempted to add to the case since the earliest days of WoW. Why? I couldn't say. But it's a very typical design philosophy for them.
They used to be more explicit about it.
They don't think you should play solo. Ever. Kaplan and Chilton used to talk back in the day about how the archetypical WoW experience was sitting in voice chat all day with your guild and doing everything in groups. Questing, dungeons, even leveling complimentary professions. The few times they spoke about it, they seemed completely unaware that not everyone had 20 people to play the game with at all times. I remember them being asked about 10-man raids back before WotLK and they were legitimately concerned about "what are all your other friends and guildmates going to do while you're running 10-mans?"

Solo has always been the filler shit you do when everyone else is busy to them.
>I dislike le add-ons!!
Why is every mazed dungeon hero shitter like this?
stop sucking your mom's dick and play like you're not fucking disabled fag
What trinket?
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the ara ara spider sackball
The Caverns of Time. Literally.
But especially the walkway down into it.

Your reward at the end gets worse every time you die, and iirc if all hearts run out, the chests at the end can't be opened at all? Or maybe the Bountiful Coffer can't be opened. I've never died 5 times in one run so I don't know.
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I left the Horde after they killed Garrosh, sorry but I am not playing the remains of that buckbroken faction even if I have to play alongside faggot gnomes.
huh your pvp build?!
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>trying to do high lv delves as shadow priest

genuinely impossible, this spec is so fucking dogshit outside of its or two niches
Acceptable, do dp my slit
Because wow is simon says with theatrics and addons help break the illusion and make plain what the gameplay actually involves.
Going without addons allows them to maintain the illusion.
Predict how fast/badly they nerf m0 and delves.
If the season didn't start in like 80 minutes, I'd do that and a lot more
This expansion has made my boner for fem dwarves expand.

What class/spec should I use my free boost on?
They won't nerf m0, they're supposed to be the old m10 difficulty
they'll nerf delves but only after a month when they are irrelevant
Tell me your secrets. I've found that I have to pull from max range, then back up and let Brann grab most of the enemies while I focus one enemy down, but inevitably the final boss will focus me the most, and they're at the point where they're spamming 1-hit kills that have less than 1 second reaction time requirements and I know it's only a matter of time before I get turned into a red mist by one of these 3+ million damage hits the bosses throw out.
By friday delves 8 will be soloable with level 78 characters
god I hope so
>getting raped by a single void twirly boy
You really think they are going to leave m0's as hard as they are AND rewarding gear worse than delves?
Does horde even jave a warchief anymore lol? Arent they a a buck broken bureacrats with a council who have to vote to make sure they arent gonna hurt anyones feelings?
>playing through DF
>Selistra appears
never turned the sound off so quickly
i just spent 145k on a 610 pvp weapon
ask me anything
>delves are meant to be a way to gear characters without engaging in group content
>gear drops stop scaling at tier 4 (554) so gear gain in delves is 100% tied to the 4 bountiful keys you get a week + your vault
no refunds
>random heroic queue
>trinket drops
>flooded by asks if i need the trink
>dont know whether i do or not but keep it anyways just to dab on the n*ggers begging for gibs
>can feel low-grade seethe emanating through my monitor
>dont even bother equipping it
>bank it after the run
>still running the explosive barrel trink and the one that spawns a spooky black orb when entering combat
idk what it's for but i don't care
>play blood dk
>everything is easy

this is not a joke, and it is not balanced
so what was blizzard thinking?
is the character progression normal > heroic > delves > m0 > raid/m+? Shit doesnt make sense
>"we are taking the story seriously with tww!" - blizzard
>raid has legit 0 story tied to it, not even a "champion we are sieging the palace, join us!" quest
>Arent they a a buck broken bureacrats with a council
Yes, and they've never actually shown us once how it actually operates. The Forsaken are a council now too, and the Belfs always have been since joining the Horde. I wouldn't be surprised if they forced more Horde races into councils.
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i HATE raiding
if the boss has a mechanic to it puts on me i WILL fail it
but the pvp doomer god told me to wait for 3 weeks for my free pvp weapon...
turalyon likes getting pegged, you can't tell me alleria isn't into freaky shit
(meaningful) char prog is

heroic dungeons - bountiful delves (lv 8) x 4/8 - m+ next week, and pray. You will also need a group for the delves unless you play one of the 4-5 chosen specs.
they arent hard u just suck ass
slut, just fake a dc
im a ret pala and i have a SINGLE reward for a fucking crit mace
now i have a 639 pvp ilvl weapon with an embellishment
sitting in que for my first shuffle for tww right now
hoping i can grab the mark real quick
i waited till now to farm gaymerdads
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Yeah I admit this is kinda cozy
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this fight is juicy.
Genuine moment for your pathetic life, I know you won't respond with intellectual honesty, but I know your desperate ass will read it.

Once again, I want you to consider, do you REALLY think they intend for content that awards WORSE gear to be HARDER than EASIER content? Especially by the huge gap in difficulty? A tank + healer can faceroll bountiful t8s.
Tis true, it's one of first things he liked about Void Alleria. The tentacles can cum inside him
so wait
gvault only gives 1 item
why would you do delves on top of M+
i guess just..choice?
>skipped DF, did not fuck with vault, am unknowings
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>Karazhan and deadwind pass
Theyre nice but I want more deeper melancholic liminal and lonely place, like walking up to BRD and seeing the massive turn in the hallways.
I'm trying to find that perfect liminal spot.
It was a Hopestealer, Executor, and whatever the other two are, plus the Shadow dude.

I ran into the group to AoE them and the Hopestealer (I think) cast its big immunity spell at that exact moment, so I did zero damage and they all smacked me. I escaped with Divine Steed only to get hit with the Death Bolt before I could interrupt it.
What does wowg listen to or have playing in the baclground as they grind?
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I've said it for years.
how so
Why would you bother with the retards that do mythics when you can just do delves?
>Alch stone sucks complete utter ass.
Skill issue
git gud retard
for choice, yeah
it's just slight luck mitigation
duskthread lining was 20k then 30k now 40k
yeah pretty much, delve vault is probably going to be the best for most people next week
green slop all over the floor. one person drops a green shit then you gotta time a soak with her cast to jump a wave. into mini waves. then we died


shit was stealth nerfed on top of nerfing the new 2x4 farm
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no i want gear :(
imagine the feet aroma...
does embellishment rank matter in pvp?
which specs fuck in solo delves
blood dk
veng dh
Anyone clearing t8's solo as warrior? Trying with fury right now and getting raped. Already cleared all 4 T8's bountifuls on ele shaman without much issue
any healer (brann will solo for you)
>delves are so fucked up that brand being insanely op is how you do them
>being brand's good cuck boy is the delve fantasy

why did blizzard do this
I agree, also his name is Brann.
>delves are lehard
just play with a friend...
i am skeptical of this claim, i'm getting buttraped in t7 as preservation
How do you build a broken brann?
just finished listening to the last of this guy's audiobooks of ASOIAF
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the amount of shit they shoved into this corner of the map is insane
>everyone says bran does all the damage
>my bran is level 15 and in dps mode
>my flame shock dot alone completely out dps's him
I was just thinking this earlier today, WAY too many dailies and little shitter quests. It's ridiculous. I was having some MoP flashbacks for a hot minute.
>my spec is Z tier
unsubbing for the rest of this patch
your dps meter isnt tracking him then
one brann volley does over 8 mil damage and he does it every like 20 seconds
Yeah pretty comfy, always something to do or to kill
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>rl friends guild goes inactive over sneedolands and trannyflight
>an officer we have played with since legion logs in and claims GM at some point and puts up listings
>a bunch of randos join over time
>every time we hop on there are a bunch of randos online who never say anything or respond to invites or in any way shape or form act social
what is their end game? why even join a guild if you're going to be like that
it's their guild now and they're all on discord
in time, you will be removed
combat is about the only thing i enjoy about modern wow. they should lean into it more desu
let us get all of our rewards through dungeons or pvp if we choose. unlocking and leveling renown, uprade materials, everything. make the story/campaign completely optional ie just unlock adventure mode from level 70.
world quests should be optional too and you should get all of the rewards from those in dungeons or pvp. make it so you only need to do one or the other so you aren't fomo'd into CLEARING THE MAP FOR EVERYTHING
Solo players that just like to know there are other people around, my best guess. That's how most players are these days. Been joining some groups lately for some world shit and no on ever says a word even if you ask them direct quests like if they're done with a quest or not. They just ignore you and then leave.
Blizzard Logic:

>raise the gear level heroics drop
>raise the ilevel requirement to get into heroics
>normal mode dungeons still drop 554 gear
>heroics require 567 gear

i know some of you dimwits will defend this
but youve always been able to gear up for heroics by doings normals
and gear up for content beyond heroics by doing heroics
and then use that content to gear up for further gear

i dont know, and i dont care, which system it is they want you to use now to gear up for heroics now but i know it's some dumb ass reason involving content i dont want to do
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says his volley was a total of 7% of my dps on the final boss
my flame shock dot was 11%
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>update day
>download at 1kb/s
>turn vpn on
>download at 130mb/s

i've had to perform this ritual for over 4 years now
I seriously think I would enjoy this game more if they got rid of levelling. Get rid of scaling. Get rid of the illusion of choice with talent trees. let me pick a spec with just the meaningful choices in the talent tree. Thats it. Then just let me do the new content and gear and raid and have fun through any of the avenues this game provides.
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How's that $20 for 100k treating you? BUR
And what's your explanation?
Thank you~
I recently came back to this game after not playing since BFA. I levelled a hunter from 1 to 80 and have been playing for the past week. I dont think I like the class. I chose it because it was simple and I'm a returning player who wants to do the hard stuff and not ruin things for others. But I dont really know if I like hunter. Aside from hunter Ive played monk and did not like that either.
What class should I try?
that the battle.net launcher is coded by infants
not a big deal pal
Cute sleeve
Humiliation ritual.
sounds like your brann sucks mate
you want easy and to not be able to fuck up?
play augvoker
do evokers have a lot of buttons?
I'm playing a priest rn and it just isn't clicking with me
play a shadow priest then quit the game when you realize that every class and spec feel terrible except the tiny few blizzard actually like and put actual effort into
If you like casters try Mage or Warlock
Or give melee a try since Warrior is really satisfying right now, along with Ret paladin
For (You)
Made to give ebon might~
any ideas on how to solo waxface? brann's healing can't keep up nor can my own healing keep me alive through ignite flame
>forum is on fire
The casu contents (normal raid, heroic/mythic dungeons, delves) are hard as fuck. Enjoy it now because they are going to nerf everything next week (and maybe this week end)
>I'm already aug
>The idea of forcing another aug to give me scales / prescience instead of a "proper DPS" is kinda sex
As you should
how do i get a new bran?
There are so many specs or even classes *cough* (rogue) *cough* that you can tell they despise but they have to do SOMETHING with them so the players will shut the fuck up.
I don't really enjoy looking at the dragons.
Oh shit im sorry.
I like not pressing buttons. Id rather have many passives than have many abilities. Is there anything I can configure that way even if its not optimal? I also like big Nuke damage rather than high DPS. Like POM PYRO
restart the delve as a healing spec and just spam heals on yourself when he does that
works on my machine
better delve snack?
jalapeno spam or maple bacon scrapple
does embellishments not scale with quality and crafted gear quality
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told to do a mechanic it's so fucking over
shadow seems so cool but I've never gotten to where it feels good to play
Delves are like 3 minutes of content fatso lmao stop eating
>3 minutes of content
oh im sorry
are you not doing 12s?
maybe get good
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is this rare? got it on my third box thing
stay mad fatso
I dunno but its soulbound anyway its annoying. I wanted to sell it you cant even vendor it. Im not a mount collector at all so I just deleted it
Im having fun with delves
Rogue as a class has been powercrept because there's only so much you can do with "thief who sneaks around". And I mean that from a thematics standpoint not viability or balance wise.

You can pump their numbers all you want but give them to much stuff and they just rurn into ninjas. Subtltly is basically a shadow ninja at this point and Outlaw was them trying to shift the pirate thematics onto the class so they wouldn't hae to make a pirate class
/thequeen/ of wowg
*meatsweats on u* whose your musky husky, who is it
is it me
its me isnt it
When is she gonna show up again and be Light Hitler bros
considering grabbing 2 tokies to buy the new vendor mount
the yak is too big
Fury warrior has only a few buttons, but you press them often and quickly
Arms has 2 more buttons but you press them slowly
Any class you find is gonna press buttons
They probably woudl have to drastically change the fantasy and aesthetics to make it powerful which the remaining rogue playerbase would probably have a problem with
Like having Ninja Arcane Trickster Pirate stuff

they totally killed rogue utility so all it has left is just being a guy who stabs with a knife
Not sure at this point. Blizzard hinted a million years ago that we were going to be seeing her again, but maybe they scrapped the idea. I can't see her showing up in Midnight so I really think the last chance is TLT and that's it.
thats because it never does except by accident. usually youre in higher ilevel gear than other classes doing less damage than them.

other times blizzard fucks up (legion) and lets you massively out-DPS everyone out to an insane extent

using an ability that kills you at the end of its duration.

But then that got nerfed and so Shadow Priests were back to doing less DPS than everyone else but for awhile (before they got rid of it) Shadow Priests literally had to KILL THEMSELVES to do less damage than most other classes

Blizzard are fucking morons and yes just so theres no doubt
>do evokers have a lot of buttons?

Dev and Aug no, Pres kind of but not as much. Evoker has the advantage of not being a decades old class of zombie design
>Why? I couldn't say
Because "casual" means endless grind
its literally just daily/weekly login rewards with extra steps at this point
to be fair back in legion they just made Subtlety a shadow magic rogue entirely for a time. It's less now but for a bit they were super deep into being the shadow priests of the rogue trees. At least they had their own personality for awhile back then. I'm not saying it was good mechanically or numerically but visually you knew a subtlety rogue from all the other rogues back then just by watching how they fought. These days we're back to I cant tell one rogue from the other just by watching anymore. I have to actually look at the logs and abilities used.
the khajeajtejkek SWQ is aids
fucking bar-fill-pls bullshit
Never and that's a good thing!
pres imo is the best balance of complex and intuitive. Legitimately the best thing they have designed in a long time.
>"Hey guys we implemented a new form of content."
Blizzard actually can't help themselves. They have game developer brain and anything new they implement they HAVE to make you do. It can't just be this cool side thing you could do. They have to make sure you're doing it, and doing it a lot.
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the underwater delve is kino
>pull pack
>turn into a sea lion and shitpost while brann cleans it up
Is druid fun
never, thrown in the bin by metzen like the rest of the horrible bfa/sl/tww plot threads
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EU sisters... its over
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Raid was overall pretty enjoyable. I really liked the last two fights.
Oh yeah I remember that. I didn't play Sub in Legion but I remember being kind of envious how they decided to represent it.
Is it easy?
The raid has to get nerfed. What the fuck were they thinking buffing a ton of random abilities by 100% the night before release so it's completely untested? It's totally doable but it's definitely way overtuned for what it should be.
I'm simply not going to do delves
How would you compare Ansurek normal vs Rasz normal? in terms of difficulty, ambientation, mechanics, etc
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Bgg stop watching
>*Plaps you back to life*
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>hotfix for Earthen after huge ridicule
>still can't eat primary stat food
>still kick on sight
I have free level boosts I got for buying the different expansions but I have zero desire to have an alt. Should I just burn them and sell all the gear for gold? Do boosted characters spawn with gold:?
I don't see Blizzard touching the Yiddish-y race going on a massive genocide anytime soon
I'm not familiar with current gear systems and I need a bit of help. I can't brick my upgrade path using the limited amount of crests right? Even if I upgrade the wrong item, it's not a big deal since it just means the next item I upgrade for the slot will just use valorstones right and not any more crests?
you will carry me
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>Turning in wax to Middles in Gundargaz now awards 2 Valorstones Valorstones (was 10). Additionally, after the first 25 turn-ins per week (on each character), each subsequent wax turn-in will award the player with Resonance Crystals Resonance Crystals instead.
Here goes my 2000 worth of valorstones I had in wax.
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What class can I show up to raid basically naked and not have anyone notice
Ill transmog some basic level 1 armor into looking like something someone would transmog
>Skipped natlan for this mess of a season
Did I make a mistake?
Is it actually this bad, or anon retarded? Someone please explain what's going on here, because I do remember being able to gear for heroics using normal mode dungeons for as long as I've played WoW.
Their specs were never that unique until Legion
Assn: Guy with daggers
Combat: Guy with swords
Sub: Guy who stabs with daggers out of stealth
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i hate doing mechanics
ansurek is night and day better than raz. Our fight was only about 5:30. The mechanics were easy to figure out in a discord. pugs might struggle for sure because one person can fuck the poison jump. But overall it was very low on bullshit and had great pacing.
Rogue or druid and stay in stealth/forms?
Are they fucking serious
ok I guess im not upgrading armor either then. Fuck that
aug evoker
you do normals then upgrade your gear
blizzard wants you to spend more time on the treadmill to prop up their "hours played" stat for their tiny hat overlords
I get that, but that was sort of my point. They can give rogues more identity, they even did for a short time. They just don't.
raid for sure can be pugged up to the final two. then you need to assign people to do things. a week or two of gear and normal will blow up.
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15 minutes EU frogs. are (You) prepared?
they're like romani or some shit
Thats not what I mean I mean in terms of performance
They 100% do this shit for the WFR. Its just a different flavour of FOMO. "You didn't really clear it, if it was after the nerfs." "You weren't there on week 1." "You weren't there to see the raid in its prime." blah fucking blah
Its one part incompetence, one part wholly intentional.
Oh i see so it's not about doing normal for gear now, it's about grinding upgrade materials for lower level gear now. Got ya.
you can't brick your upgrade path. think of it as upgrading slots (like head, chest, shoulders) instead of upgrading the actual item
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>tier 9
>everything 1 shots
>only 4 lives
nigga what the fuck
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I did my bountiful delves tonight.
This is what I got.
What do I do now?
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Does Brann get a tank spec? What level/talents is he for you that you can sit back and let him solo?
i fucking love brann
I want combat rogue back because I dont like pirate and gun stuff. SMF fury sucks. And hunters cant use one handers.
>They just don't.
They did and rogues complained because rogue players are fucking retards who still think its 2006.

People actually complained about them making combat into outlaw
holy shit, just off a whim last night i handed all my odd globs in because i wanted to see how much gold buying the boxes could get me. lucky break
Reconsider your choices in life.
was more like

ass: guy with poisoned daggers who singles out and focuses down a specific target
combat: guy who uses many weapons and uses his dexterity to fight flexibly
sub: guy with daggers who uses stealth and builds towards frequent but short windows of high burst
>They 100% do this shit for the WFR
This. They've been doing this for as long as WFR has been a thing, that's why so many players hate it and wish Blizzard would stop. They intentionally overtune the content.
15/crit arrow thingy/rock..bulwark taunt...thing
LFR, or Normal/Heroic if you ain't a bitch.
Rogue players are based
Don't trust that doomer fag, you get normal to heroic (upgraded to 2) from rares in the open world, the lootboxes you get for shit like theater and the Arathi light spreading thing.

In fact the Spreading the Light event gets you warbound gear that is about 571 - it's not guaranteed and it's random, but I dressed my alt instantly like that upon hitting 80.
Really? Like a lot of people or just the forums? Because the forums are barely a scraping of the total player base.
Do your weeklies too, anon. Some will drop purpie/blue upgrades which'll bump up your ilvl, too.
Whats the BEST race for rogue
Brann is my new favorite Dwarf
Natlan will still be there for us after playing wowowawa anon

I enjoy both
night elf
Alchemist bros... If you are specced into pots, use multicraft additions and concentration to make Tempered Potions. They're going for about 4k/each right now, and if you're 1/3-1/2 of the way to gold, it'll only cost you 150-175 concentration. MASSIVE profit right now. Take advantage this week cuz it won't last.
kind of want to try evoker but they look goofy as hell
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you really not playing this treasure
Tons of Draenic words come from Hebrew
>Led by a prophet leader who led them to safety
>Exodar (Exodus)
>Constant exile and moving from place to place
By "people online", it's usually
1. reddit
2. twitch stream chat
3. twitter
4. official forums
That gobbo looks like he has a harem of fem gobs
I've just given up on professions at this point.
>grind for months on end for ANOTHER expansion to be able to even level your given profession and craft reasonably decent items
Fuck off.
Its Eredic, thank you very much.
I used up all my concentration today and made about 175k profit after it all. I had like 3 or 4 ingenuity procs tho, and only one very small mc proc.
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>tfw I leveled 3 of each class for each spec
>all different races \
I need to play another game to cure my autism this is too much
I don't want to play a fucking girl.
There's no way
so are delves another failure?
>No enchants
I'm kinda feeling the same. I might drop Enchanting from my Pally and get a gathering prof. Maybe drop Tailoring, too, I dunno.
play the game or stfu mongrel
What's the best timeline to do 10-70 on?
>retard enchants his sub 600 trash
uh oh
cassie thinks hes progosu
Didn't some guy level like 50 warriors to max, or was it only 10?
I specced into flasks, how hard did I fuck myself?
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why council eat pug ALIVE?
For the first time in my WoW history, I'm not leveling my two main profs and cooking. I'm just going to sell all my assets and get rich as shit.
Ok, how much harder are Tier 8 Delves than Tier 7? I had to play like a coward to survive Tier 7. Do I need to clear a Tier 8 in a normal Delve or is it safe to risk a Bountiful Delve right away?
get the r1 dude...its like...cheap af...
Yes, the autismo who is now a tranny after taking part in the usual twitter bubble
I have leatherworking and grinded skins for a couple hours the other day, that allowed me to craft 5 shitty items. Not even sure what to say.
Please respond
there's no 'risk' anon. you don't burn your key unless you choose to

but you will need to use every trick you have. my stupid ass finally figured out you can tricks of the trade brann and things got a lot smoother
what should I prioritize in 2s playing spriest?
>you can tricks of the trade brann
Wait what!? I didn't know that either, that should help a little.
just keep the boost
you'll coward
did you assign two retards to trip the big guy?
6->7 felt bigger than 7->8 to me, but if you're in the borderline then you're gonna be in for a rough time. Recommended ilvl jumps by 13 up to 600.
What good is a level 50 or 70 boost
Is Mountain Thane good for fury? I want to make a fem dwarf
>a little

healer brann with threat glued on him makes rank 8 bosses nothing

you will get gibbed if you try to tricks an entire pack onto him though
There's probably gold flasks you can make huge profit on too. I just haven't checked cuz not my spec. See what Alchemical Chaos are going for, they're standard for most raiders. Use gold mats, concentration and skill boosts, and burn it all making gold. If you're lucky you'll get a MC proc.

Also, be sure to get the spillover stack to 5 making something easy like healing pots first.
It was supposed to be the go-to hero spec for Fury, but it's only better than Slayer in Mythic+ and only if that M+ doesn't have a focus on single target.
Might of the mountain/brawning is the best dps racial for rogues
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>tfw going to not worry about gearing and just get all my alts to 80
Thank god for Warbands
Night elf is meta. Cope
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i'm one of the retards, not by choice, but yes.
it's not the tripping that's actually fucking it, it's the dispell part
when are they gonna add a shadow paladin?
>there's no 'risk' anon. you don't burn your key unless you choose to
I heard the delve loses Bountiful status even if you don't open the chest at the end, and was wondering if it'd also lose Bountiful status if you died 5 times in it.

Well, I'm 581. Wish me luck.
Every xpac I say I'm gonna stack a bunch of the same profs with alts next xpac and don't, cuz I try to get everything covered. Making Gilded Vials and DPS pots across a bunch of alts and their concentration would be unlimited gold rn. Remember to specialize in one thing and get so rich doing it you can buy everything else with ease.
you lose bountiful status if you release 5 times or more and finish the delve. you have to start over
It doesn't if you die out then leave before beating the boss, that I can promise you. I don't know the exact conditions but that specific condition is what I did earlier and suffered no penalty.
we're rooting for max this tier
echo lacks a spine
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Guys I'm a shortstack guy but I dont think I can salvage this race.
No rock box for you
When they give Skardyn customization options to earthen.
Realistically never since DK fills the shadow knight role mechanically. We'd sooner get a Shadow Priest and Rogue revampl
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So apparently it is better to level up delves on some alt and then do straight 8 on your main because you get some bonus loot which comes from the difficulty and it comes from the first you do, so you use the alt to eat the shit level 3/4/5 bonuses and then on your main, you get just 8s.

Gee thanks US bros, for making life easier for us EUs once again.
they're all spineless wastrels.
Sco stood by Josh and it killed Method only for him to reform again and somehow manage world 2nd on J'lor. Raiding died when Sco retired.
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Guys, Delves (with a party) are challenging but they're fun to figure out. I think they're some of the best content I've done in WoW for the longest time. I felt that every chest I opened was earned. I had fun, and I'm tired of pretending I didn't for (You)s.
It's doable, you just need a really good ERPer to work a sex bot angle
To be fair sco stood with the police lol they said nothing happened.

They really need to give you mythic gear from delves
Torghast was better
>dont have a signle alt
>you get extra gear from delve if you get your to tier 8 on your alt
its so fucking over
but i dont have an alt
Tips on soloing t8 delves on warrior? I did them fine on my ele shaman but struggling on warrior. Blood dk I'm having some trouble with too after clearing underkeep with no issues I can't get past the first big trash group in fungal folly
i really doubt delves will become an enduring feature like blizzard said
no way they aint dumping this garbo by midnight
>They really need to give you mythic gear from delves
Nah, thats retarded.
Mythic gear should just be for mythic raids or Gladiators in PvP. You want the best gear, do the hardest content.
Delves suck balls.
Raiding died when Paragon retired after Blizzard killed 10 mans and forced this gay 20 man mythic that everyone has hated since SOO.
It's just this week's issue anyway.
Next week, you will have the 8 and do just that.

And then when they increase the max level of Delves.
I think there was level 16 on beta.
anyone down for some delving on eu?
i genuinely don't get how people are having trouble with delves in groups. i even hear people having trouble with tanks being there. i did a t8 with a friend i was falling asleep
Reward caps out at 8
nah paragon are part of the cancer that killed raiding because they invented splits/gear funnelling and everyone having 2 million alts for perfect class stacking
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>get blown up by a spore thing
>still have the debuff
>it ticks twice
>Only at 574 ilvl end of day 1
>As a damage dealer
Bros, is my character bricked? I'm already struggling to get in to groups
12 is the max special delve, the others cap at 11 and loot is capped at 8
Have you done the bountiful delves?
>Giant lobster casting some 1shot bullshit
>brann keeps running around like a spastic retard
>basically retard roulette
>get slapped for 23mil when it goes off
very good
Yeah, I don't even see how better gear fixes this. Even if hp were double what it is now, it'd still be obscene to let enemies just smack you for 3 million damage without no wind-up or interrupt opportunity. This shit is grotesquely overturned because blizzard are a bunch of incompetent, malicious fucks that always pull this same tired old move.
>do delve 8 as solo tank
>mobs hit for millions
>do delve 8 as tank + dps duo
>mobs hit like wet noodles and you can pull half the instance
what did blizzard mean by this?
>doesn't use interrupts or stuns
>doesn't use damage reduction cooldowns
>"whaaaa i died this is unfair"
What's the update?
I tried, but I got melee'd to death solo, and I applied to dozens of groups with no accepts, so I assumed I was horribly undergeared for them
bro is failing the easiest one LOL
how do i get that arathi plate set that everyone is wearin
delves are so much easier in a group. solo players gtfo
Play the game
nah just find a duo partner and get them done. The most difficult part is interrupting the bullshit spells imo. You got this.
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>get raped in tier 8 delves
>almost give up
>remember you can group up
>invite people
>tier 8 goes from pure CBT to being fun and also getting loot while chit chatting a bit

This feeling... are we just THAT back bros?
>brann drags a mob off a cliff into the fucking air
>aggros two sawnosed sharks
i regret touching this aids ass underwater shithole on 11
silly question, can you mail gold across faction to your characters?
Sounds like you need better gear?
Using the warbank
delves are pretty sick in a group. people go slower because there's no timer. plenty of wipes too because we're all shit geared right now. fun times.
I wont flush down.
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Isn't it fun? It's like Blizzard actually incentivized players to interact in a fun and healthy way. It's great. WoW is back.
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Why the fuck can't my Dark Iron Dwarfussies use the earthen gold sandals
Thanks for the words of encouragement bro, I'll do my best to find someone to do this shit with
>people in my guild are already awake to farm m0
we are a fucking heroic guild...these retards are taking days off too...
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Got a T11 done at 585 ilvl with no enchants/consumables... like 45 ilvls below what they recommend. Such a joke. Mage tower equivalent my ass. There are no mechanics.
what tank spec are you?
may I congratulate you? gzbased
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Why Xal'atath is such a footslut?
You did them in a party so you cheated
It was inevitable
Delves are meant to be solo autist content if people get raped they're not going to group up they're gonna log off and go play skyrim.
BM hunter

No I didn't. I soloed it.
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ansurek stinky
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What do you guys think? Are you feeling the game is massively popular again? Even higher than WoTLK levels?
>great vault requires me to complete a tier 4 or higher delve to upgrade the slot
>complete tier 9
>it only goes up one level and now requires me to complete tier 5 or higher
wheres the fucking dragonflight pvp vendor
>decide to do mount runs in BFA
>click boralus portal
>genns retarded ass starts yelling at me about DA HOERD R ATAKINZ FUK HAPL UZ
fuck you and your un-declinable quest you old fuck
you shoulda slowed down sweaty
having pets is basically having a party
do it on an arms warrior and i'll respect you
do you have any idea how much worse bm hunter is than arms warrior
I think I'm going to make an evoker alt. Think I'll be able to catch up in gear this week? I know I'll be behind a bit in delve keys
Kill yourself you stupid fuck.
I used all of those you inbred piece of retarded shit.
Save your pathetic autistic trolling for another time, shit-for-brains.
All defensives were on CD except my -20% damage one, and the attack that killed me is the enemy jumping into the ground and 0.5 seconds later exploding out of it and doing 2+ million damage. As melee, I cannot escape that in time. It's also immune to interrupts and stuns.

My ONLY option is to use my class-specific Immunity within 0.5 seconds of it going underground and hope I can kill it before it uses it again.

Oh, and I tried that just now, and it dives underground and pops back up faster than a global, so I can't be mid-attack when it does it, either.

You're a retard, too. Don't act like you didn't just skip this fight if you did this on melee. MAYBE Cloak of Shadows or Cheat Death or something saves your ass, but this is fucked. You can't deny it with your low tier trolling.
can you 616 all 3 slots in a row in the vault or is it 616/606/58whatever max
am stupid because didnt touch DF, but it says i can do shit to upgrade it and i did shit and it didnt upgrade so
am i stupid or is it just worded retarded
I did it on tank, ranged, and melee chudlord.
Just walk away when he's spinning it's not hard retard.
Btw did baldie even play WoW today? What a fucking piece of shit if he didn't. He had the opportunity to show his cult that Delves are actually fun.
so is delve not a chill fun solo experience? i thought it was supposed to be for us casual bros...
delve class tier list?
I did them on hunter and warrior today it's 10000000000x easier on hunter
mad cuz bad
i was doing politics today sorry buddy
chill? no. fun? yes
tier 11 isn't the "mage tower" equivalent btw, the season boss you unlock for filling the story bar up is.
t11s are just filler content that even shitters will be trivializing once they level up their brann to 60
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Nigger, hunter has pets who are immune to aoe and get big heals from you.
Also if they die, you just reset with Feign Death before the angry mob gets at you.
What a fucking nigger.
Delves are just torghast but worse
these m0s are fucking retarded. people just die 100-0 in a second from random damage

fuck grim batol. healing is such a miserable experience these days
It will be. People are treating them like mythic dungeons or raids and thus are being stupid with how they tackle 'em. Give it a couple days to a week and stuff'll surface. I'd imagine any decent overworld build could probably make headway if you know the class
>prez debate
Asmon made his career talking politics while grinding transmog in WoD.
He'd be stupid to waste his time on this lmao
you don't even have to reset the fight if your pet dies, you can just run away and res them.
Why do tanks take so much damage in delves, i am a tank i am supposed to just mindlessly spam aoes and win this is gay
Yeah, you can just turtle, rez your pet and go on, but in the end, you can still reset if you chose to do so, effectively not wasting a single life.
just grab literally any random sissy dps from group finder and you can
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Is this a 100% drop rate off completing all 20 waves or did I get lucky

Im not gonna use it regardless
just got lucky
Yet they played a bear tank every tier while the other guilds played what was meta minmaxxed optimized.
pretty sure that's saying that China playing WotLK is doing numbers
not really anything else
Wrath classic also did numbers when it was here in the west, so that's really no surprise, especially considering that china is like 10 trillion people
>pull pack
>maybe use a little cc to group them up for brann to tag with volley
>stand perfectly still until brann kills them (unless a swirly is directed at you)
>maybe toss him a heal here and there, though he doesn't seem to take damage
>clear up to tier 11 while sipping coffee and shitposting on 4channel
it really is that easy bros
Who's working at Blizzard that's the footchad?
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It's rare but it doesn't seem that rare
IMAGINE Xally forcing you to lick up her BHC bull's cum off her toes...
Bear tank is meta
Yeah that's the GM maintank syndrome in effect
Same thing happened with nihilum/ensidia having to drag Kungen's warrior carcass through everything post Black Temple
Similar thing happened with Sco but he eventually branched out to other tanks
>>maybe toss him a heal
>mechanical skill
>the game that doesn't even need a mouse to be played
Nigger in what fantasy world are you living? If you want mechanical skill play fucking tekken, not an MMO.
Ok, but Paragon won pretty much every raid tier with an off meta tank. Their coordination was just unmatched.
Prove it. Post it.
The platform it's on is small enough I'm not sure any amount of running would help. Especially with the 2 traveling spores that respawn in 30 seconds.

Mad because we can't go one thread on this fucking site without autistic neckbearded fucks derailing it with 3rd grader shitposting because you stupid fucks were probably homeschooled so you never had to learn how to behave like normal people.

Someone should have punched you in the mouth every time you spouted this shit growing up to teach you not to be like this, but they didn't. So now here you sit, all 350lbs of you, spewing garbage that has a purely negative contribution to the thread. You're basically shitting in your hands, smearing it on your face, and rolling around in the thread for personal amusement, without a care that everyone else resents and loathes you for acting like a selfish and retarded middle school child.

You subhumans actually make a shithole like reddit look good in comparison because for all of its immense failures, at least it bans cancerous piles of shit that deliberately choose to make threads worse.

This game is 20 fucking years old. The average age in this thread has to be 30+. So are you a 25+ year old acting like a retarded 12 year old or are you legitimately too young to be here?
>Do mole content on DK
>Roll over it easily
>Do it on a shaman alt
>Cant immune unavoidable spell damage from stun/knockback immune mobs
>Die without being able to do anything
based retard
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why this boss poison really nibblin
whos dick did you suck to get in a pug
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I will go do the delve again and record it just for you.
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don't ask ;)
That's pretty h-hot
Druids are broken and powerful.
Do it. I just tried it. I used to Divine Steed to rush to a mushroom and even jumped up to the next platform and STILL got one-shot from max range and out of LoS.
We're talking about 10+ years ago.
>Pull mobs
>Run out of los
>Brann solos them
>found a map my first t8 delve
>next delve is waxface
easy come, easy go...
bro paladin is the easiest fucking melee in delves holy fuck
No you are wrong we are talking about yesterday.
Druids have always been really really strong.
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whats his name?
Prove it or shut up, shitstain.
I'm timing my CDs and it doesn't matter because I'm getting hit for 1.5-2.5 million damage faster than they cooldown.
what delve/mob/tier
you playing paladin that shitty is pissing me off
not that other idiot that said hed record it

>billion dollar megacompany blizzard's servers cannot handle the unbearable load of 1AM weekday traffic
this is getting embarassing
Waxface is kinda gay(homosexual)
how is destro these days
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If bears are meta, I'm about to fill up my blocklist.
Healing a bear is the most miserable experience any healer can have. I'd rather take a hunter pet as tank.
Those ugly, useless faggots implode on pull faster than any undergeared DK dual wielding 1hand swords.
feetGODS are eating so good it's not even fair
why isnt there an option for brann to tank? i'm playing fury warrior
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Bored again and consideirng coming back to this crack addiction. How is mistweaver/resto sham or demo lock these days? Haven't really played a ton since legion.
would you heal my rogue tank
nobody asked for your opinion, transvoker
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If I had the choice between rogue and bear, that's an easy yes
Erenyeager apparently
For the raids they won:
Bear was meta during the actual progress. DK threat was way too poor at the time and the changes to Icy Touch threat modifier that let them breeze threat happened well after the race was over (classic and private servers have this change in from the start, which is why their tank meta is DK/Pala). Paladin was good with Ardent, but one offtank was plenty for its utility and Bear gave you a better survival chance against an unlucky streak of unmitigated hits.
>Cata T11, all 3 raids
Blood DK with Bear offtank was the meta here, so they were indeed off meta - but they thrived on their ability to class stack. Remember the Nefarian killshot with a million druids?
Same tank meta as before. This one was pure coordination.
>Dragon Soul
Paragon were banned for this race
>All 5 Pandaria Raids
Paragon couldn't keep up, had to go 10 man.
Stacked enhance shaman for the Cho'Gall kill. Bear was initially thought to not be meta but later theorycraft discovered it was actually top tier in mitigation.

Paragon never got another world first. They only "won" 3 tiers of raiding, and Highmaul was basically half of WoD's first tier rather than a full tier unto itself.
Paragon is overly mythologized. Take a look at their LK kill video, for example - they're actually extremely uncoordinated with stuff like aura masteries and div sacs. They were carried more by their own individual clean play than they were by coordination.
Both healer types are rather good currently. Demo lock is in a decent spot.
holy shit I did it and the thinger bugged and none of them spawned the protection candle thing, bros I got some hero gear
>Chinese like easy content.
Not a surprise desu
Why? Im a bear main. I have been guardian druid for 15 years. Why wont you heal me
Mycromancer Cavern, Tier 8. The Invasive Sporecap rare spawn is what's fucked me most. The rest of the delve has been relatively easy.
We're talking about old guilds like Paragon and Method with Sco you retard. Learn to follow a conversation.
Because your class sucks more dick than a gay club. It's as much of a tank as aug is a healer. Just cause you have SOME abilities that are tanky doesn't mean u should tank.
You rike?
Then what should I do? Im a great tank. Im my progression guilds main tank.
>15fps on every boss in the raid with graphic settings turned to low
I hate what this game has become. Could literally do a 40 man raid 20 years ago on a Dell piece of shit.
Well my condolences to whoever has to heal you. I'm out
Disable your chink addons
>144fps locked in 90% of areas
>raid full of guys is still 100-ish fps
>50fps in dornogal and valdrakken
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Just got to max level on my monk
Mistweaver pales in comparison to how it played in MoP, but for what it is--it's alright in comparison to the other healers at the moment.
Will report back to tell you how retardedly broken is it in PvP
time to upgrade your 4570 and gtx 950 anon
Something else fucky: I finally killed it, but I tried letting Brann solo it and body-pulled so as to do zero damage, and it NEVER stopped focusing me. I did 0 damage to it for most of the fight and it just kept targeting me while Brann killed it.
Maybe you just havent had a good tank? I main gaurdian and hav enever had a problem ever
bears are good this expac what are you pissbabying about retard
Do you see the "pass user since 2022" badge? Don't bother replying to that retard, he has demonstrated on many occasions that he has no idea what he is doing on any class in the entire game.
Neat, my other choice would augmentation to try out a support class but no clue if it's any good.
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>Me? I Delve.
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Doesn't matter if a bear can good. 99% of bears I've seen explode on impact. We judge by majority. Just like not every muslim is a terrorist but every muslim is a terrorist.
I'm not doing lay on hands rotations for bears.
>character has blue skin
i failed a delve
What addons?
yeah im done trying ive gotten reno and the frog retard 4 times in a row
why did they make the time when new world quests pop so weird this time? Twice a week was perfect, now it's random as fuck, i literally have no world quests in azj kahet after the reset
This was intitally belf, but spent some dungeon sales money back then on race change before bfa for nightbourne and the white looked really bad on it. I eventually just switched it back but most of the screenshots i have from that time were from when it was nb
Female kul tirans have to have one of the worst customization options on the game
They are so limited yet so totally opposed to each other. You cant make a gritty kul tiran pirate queen despite having the faces for it because theres no good hair. You can't make a pretty woman because none of the faces match.
Its like an entire race that can ONLY look like
>40 something year old menopause mom that foolishly thinks she can still look like a teenager
Fair enough. You are forgiven for this transgression.
kill yourself
I have a 3080.
This game is unplayable without addons.
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>finish palace
>was looking forward to ending cinematic
>it's a literal nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING burger

Ruined the night for me.
>fem pandaren
>when they kneel they get on their knees and bend over
> fresh illusion from PvP
> only requires 1950 rating
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFw_QuxhAKk
you getting it?
how come alliance say "BRAP" when they type "LOL"?
I ran through t8 in 580s like it was nobody's business and I got a bunch of free loot. Delves are fucking king.

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