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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 10, 9:00 PM ET | Balmung Gridania Amphitheatre | Presidential Debate >>493870948
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>494003558
/s snae ling
/s allin tuta
free kupo nuts
The only good thing this bait meetup showed me so far is that Molly isn't very smart
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Tag yourself, /xivg/. Again
What do you mean, I'm not on this.
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there's nothing wrong with preferring "girl" drinks
I wanna get drunk without pretending to like the taste of gasoline is that gonna be a problem
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How do i get raped by a femra
and I don't mean dommed by a femra
I mean pelvis shattering, drug injecting, full on ryona rape
I want to be incapable of getting it up for any woman other than a femra
I want to have her nails dig into my skin and tear in
I want to be passed around from femra to femra, used as a convenient meat dildo
I want to be the unwilling father to many au ra, being used to propogate their numbers and nothing more
Nahhhh not the Australians pretending they know anything about American politics.
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my wife looks like this. (I know she's a lil ugly, I love her anyways.)
More like
Ballin tuta HA! gottem
We need current ebins for this to matter
cute rosgarl
my moonie just got back from mcdonalds and her meal in the order is missing
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Semen is not a girl drink
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eb that can give me this??
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lol, lmao even
Back when everyone looked like adventurers that actually existed in the world of the game instead of casual kpop models
going to play one (1) crystalline conflict game for my book
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You fool...
This Fiera has now been ACTIVATED
Progress remaining: 0/500 bunlets
if youre a female-
I just want to say if I win the house I'm trying to get, I invite everyone (NOT AKEMI) on the 18th to come check it out. If I don't win, I'll have a melty because I wasted $20 transferring my character.
Neutral evil
Every fiddie is my friend
They’ll make you fat anon.
Taking your socks off with my teeth thank you ma'am
My moonie is primed and ready
my ballin your face
No we are watching the trailer for bay watch.
I made this post but I shan't be including an image of my character with it
dont care
wyd lad
I love allin tutas so much
Just do what the fruitcakes do and chug clear liquor and wash it down with juice
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post elezen please
thank you
Solution nine is actually a pretty decent spot for screenshots
I could take her.
this has to be a shitpost
>Neutral evil
With mods like that? Bitch, you're lawful evil.
I'm LN, my character would be LG (she's part of the Dustwatch)
chaotic stupid
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>log in to work
>people are yapping about the debate
>load up my favorite gooner thread on a chinese soap making imageboard
>people are yapping about the debate
i see my pegasus in this image
>watching destiny
fucking retard
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I'm effyappal
Took longer than 3 seconds to load so I closed the tab. Catbox is a piece of shit
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even better
I like her armpits
prove it
Make, this is the basket weaving forum, you're in the wrong place.
You have no effect on the outside world whatsoever, I'm sorry you have to see content related to said world.
Moonie for my Middie.
>I want to have her nails dig into my skin and tear in
had this happen last week with my femra wifey .. best thing ever!
Vodka with a pickle chaser is actually a rather refined taste.
Well something needs to be done with all the wild strays. Can't walk down ul'dah's main street without getting accosted by them.
You forgot your pants! Oopsie!!!
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where are the sunnies
i need sunnies stat
any meena
Fiddie for my Middie...
Oh... wait a minute...


anyone have the website that shows available housing on different servers?
sweaty sunnie raider feet.
This but the femra tries it and I rape her back harder.
who is this so I can blacklist you
time for my daily copied factory
I'm so glad I've never interacted with you
>>494024645 >>494025670
I was in Queue for like 3 minutes before it popped so I assume I missed the last queue.
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Okay but I'm gonna play like an animal.
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>Watching Destiny
[4:40][Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player ********* exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (590.41 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (415116/165000 triangles).
[4:40][Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player****** exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (715.34 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (519099/165000 triangles).
fucking modbeasts makes me so MAD
what mod?
do you need an image anon...
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botters be like
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i am still
a male moonie
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It’s just pointless for me to watch or think about. Im a white male heterosexual, I know who I’m voting for lol.
Request females in knight armour
my moonie is a moonie
my bad i was eating
fuck politics, lets box
You posted this to bait someone into grooming you, didn't you?
Kek, thank god for that retard VPR on the enemy team, eh?
Yeah ours popped instantly

No worries buddy
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>log on to XIV
>third-worlders pretending to be Americans are getting more heated about the debate than actual Americans
Love to see it. The constant reminder that US of A is the greatest and most important place to live, that it forever lives free in these poor faggots heads, that everything this country does influences the world. God bless.

what's wrong with watching Destiny
Good morning I hate Wuk Lamat
Catbox dying and losing my album is one of my biggest fears...
You're going to have to be more specific than that.
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Neutral Evil
my moonie is exactly like this
the top
"Windows theme" if you would so kind, Jarvis.
Des Tiny
White dudes for Harris faggot lmao
Ugh politics are so boring...
Come over to my femlala's house instead...
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are there clips of her crying going through DT?
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>enter thread
>search "lala"
>no results
She looks ugly, like her face is hideously drawn.
This elezen is very pretty, definitely my favorite
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Viera gf like this?
cute elf cool picture
I see you were near Sherri too..
I always go for Chaotic Good if possible
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about to queue down these cc calls on reaper
you have been warned
The streaming XIV MSQ for money grift is long dried up, I don't think she even finished the MSQ
Gays do not rank as men.
im gonna put a 1 on you
what now mr rpr
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Received data for Saishi Kawahire that contained information for plugins you have not installed. Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Received data for Mimizi Mizi that contained information for plugins you have not installed. Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Received data for Uchiki Sutego that contained information for plugins you have not installed. Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Received data for Clover Weiss that contained information for plugins you have not installed. Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Received data for Davlamin Naclade that contained information for plugins you have not installed. Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player I'm Fox exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (386.24 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (183180/165000 triangles).
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Leviah Lovegood exceeds your configured VRAM warning threshold (631.14 MiB/375 MiB).
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Balalaika Fyth exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (503.61 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (201884/165000 triangles).
Has popezen fallen to savagery or is this a different elezen
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>my femlala kicks open your door without even knocking
>she waddles over to your desk, humming the "good morning" theme and drops this plate at your desk
>several chips scatter onto your desk, but she grabs them and does not put them back on the plate; she saves them for later, to eat in private because she doesn't want you to think she's a pig
>the nacho cheese smell is overpowering. as your nostrils sizzle, you snap back to reality after hearing a familiar:
Well...? Eat it....
Shut up Rori
She did, I watched her reaction to SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN
I swear if anyone ever gets this sort of message with my character, DM me and tell me to kill myself.
It's not a real beepost if they aren't spliced in.
what the
i ingress away of course
get outta here
Please no .. not my threadwife..
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if this is the person that has the crazy femra...hey.......
i am glad to not be on this list
Miera sex
what the FUCK is PetNicknames
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well that explains a lot
what is that?
this bee is f3mra owned. also you don't have the right
Can you link it? That sounds funny.
and they'll be placing fingers in the notches in your scales
why is savage raiding dead? huh? i thought people liked this tier
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At the end of the day, I'm straight once again.
Not that kind of pet nickname. It just lets you name your summons or mount.
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Anyone know an apartment or house I could use to make screenshot ref of my character on Primal?

You know the ones with lots of lightning and a white background?
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The only reason I even installed this was to see someone else's but if it's going to flag up like I'm using it I'm probably just gonna delete it
It does this
Nigga welcome to a year ago, every company has been doing that since 2023
>see threadcrush in a private house with someone
>jerk off and cry

Final Fantasy XIV
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*chugs to life*
*tired whirring noises*
The thing they link to is this: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/fankit/desktop_wallpaper/7_0/
Beep, beep, boop...
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If it were me you could've let me jerk you off too
Maybe xiv-2 is a good idea
Post them in the house
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L + you're fat
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anon I am growing cabbage and hugging trees
i think most of the story was made by ai since early post EW
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>no healers in sight
official forms bot, can you see if this poster has posted in the healer strike thread?
Why do you think the graphics update was botched so badly? You don't think they made all those glaring mistakes on player models by hand do you?
I don't even use it. I just installed it because I got the warning.
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The ones with retarded and easily grifted management yes.
True Neutral
I've never heard of this alignment but it must be putrid
Can you link that outfit?
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>automation is taking over
>companies saving more money because they don't have to hire people to do these jobs
>shit still costs more than it did before
why couldn't we have the picrelated side of automation where we all become fat lazy neets and live on the moon like in wall-e
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What in the fuck? When'd you save that?
If I'm your threadcrush I'll send you pictures of it...
My EB is asleep. Time to make lewds of us together as a present for when they wake up.
Ask Akemi. Also I want to plap your fiera
L + YOU'RE fat + you are mentally and socially inept
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It wasn't you, but I'd be happy if they wanted to do that

neat I didn't expect there to actually be something interesting in there, hadn't seen this before. thank you for your service.
Yeah you're true neutral because you're so boring and personality free that you can't be placed anywhere else.
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bout to queue UP these cc calls as BLM
please enjoy
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an exuse to post this...
based, name and shame modbeasts
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how did bro take this picture

*shoves skink tongue up your ass*
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Chaotic Neutral
This guy plays Chaotic Neutral and ruins games (unintentionally (his friends never invite him again)). True Neutral is PEAK
guys. You saw what my thread wife looks like, you really think I have the brainpower to bother?
What if you guys just uninstalled Mare?
You are a GROWN ASS MAN larping as a women online for the attention of other grown ass men to make up for the attention your father never gave you. You have never been shown real physical love ever in your life. If you did you wouldn't be doing everything you do for the attention of other men just so they can cum to you. You are an attention seeking faggot. It's time to act like the grown ass man you are.
it's https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/114540
You don't have a phone for your side piece?
not in the big healstrike thread, no.
*happy beeping noises*
Where have you been my beloved
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Wasn't me!
Excellent taste, though. Might I suggest a date in one of the Crystalline Conflict or Frontline locations?
Lawful Neutral, when he's in control of his faculties.
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>be ninja
>spawn into aurum
>tank/healer first timers
>no other job lvled besides tank and healer
>die multiple times to first boss
>advise healer and tank on positioning
>die multiple more times
>advise tank to eat fruit when boss is standing still at the center of the room so the autos don't cancel his fruit-eating animation
>tell them to not give up when one wants to
>finally kill boss at 2% health each
>rest goes down easily
>tell them last boss is a repeat of first boss
>spend at min ~1hr in aurum
>they thank me afterward
Feels good man
hey can someone rape and impregnate my femra real quick? thanks
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>when you press Purify at the same instant as being stunned and the Purify never goes off
you are evil and need to go away again
I don't think you are.
She hit a lot of sub goals, actually. It was fun watching her chat fight amongst each other as most egged her on to hate on it as much as she wanted/ even harder, while others cried about it being 'draining' to listen to, or full copium defense force mode.
but how will i get mad if i uninstall mare
you weren't the one making the beeposts though
What is it called when im likely to do the right thing but am willing to do the wrong thing if it benefits me enough
fucking cute picture
don't take more of these, my heart will explode
Come to balmung and you'll be able to leave filled (in game)
Don't be sad, you can be next.
oni femra for my middie
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Shame, she was having fun until that part.
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>getting noscoped by a MCH even though you've been out of LoS for a good long minute
God I can't wait for cloud servers.
my chaotic wife
It's not you either.
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Neut- ...Wait a minute....

Being not current anymore is great, really - playing CC is a much more chill experience this way
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for you, bro.
This cat could top me
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i'm socially adept and mentally adequate
basedbaiting, oomfie
>>getting noscoped by a MCH even though you've been out of LoS for a good long minute
i've been off getting played like a fiddle
its time to end this meet
You're probably right. No one would threadcrush me...
wonder how hard it would be to pose like this
Petting this cat
>i'm socially adept and mentally adequate
not if you watch "political" streamers
Thanks you fucked up
>crying going through DT
there was literally no emotional payoff at all this whole shit xpac, there's nothing like shb emetkino or ew emetkino. She was complaining a lot about how bad the msq was
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Mine too!
mb bro (im not sorry (Ill fucking do it again))
are you gonna try anon?
Neutral good
Molly may I see your blooms?
She could & most likely would
Alright buddy that's enough RAPE from you. How about a little consent, huh. How about that
This is perfectly acceptable
I want this pup to take my vcard
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Neutral Good I'd say.
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I'm nta but yeah kinda want to
>friends take picture
>I'm always out of frame
Thank you much appreciated!
be nice..
sorry.. SEX
>she's actually laughing her ass off at how shit that wuk cameo was
Oni femra for my fiera
I know. I aggree with her for the most part but it was still funny watching her be overdramatic.
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I never played much FF11, but this outfit i put together kinda reminds me of it. Anyone feeling the same?
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Reclears again soon
effy and molly are nearly identical
>one of my fc static friends wants to try healing savage
>I’m worried he’ll discover it’s stupidly easy
I am literally only speaking the truth, you unhinged retarded faggot. No one actually likes you, they only tolerate you or use you to goon. You have absolutely no personality. Being in your presence is like watching paint dry. You saw your popularity dwindle before you rushed to get mare and whore yourself out because the lone thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you have nothing going on for you was true. It was true Molly.
We did reclears like 16 hours ago what are you on dumbass
effy deserves to rape my femra
should i post that picture again for you in maybe a day or so to give you something to reply to?
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middies belong with middies
but...when it's against femra.....I never lose........
has 4chan been really shit for anyone else today


This cat could also top me
give me a kiss
fiddies belong to _________
boy if you dont get out of my yard
So did I. But tonight I have to do them again again.
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I'm open to being corrected, so go ahead hun.
Molly has a personality
My mithra DRK is basically wearing that
You need correction, huh~?
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Coming from casually gray parse clearing most of last tier (making it to p12sp2) into my first real, current content tier into this, I feel kinda proud of my numbers so far, even if they mean I'm just "average"
if I see it, sure
this is a cope
Being a hag automatically pushes grape cat into the status of evil
There are several armor sets that are from XI, that one included.
fiddies are built for favas
Good job bro, you're improving. Keep it up.
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it's actually from XI.
im excited to see what you might pose, anon! would i be looking for a fiddie?
Oh gotcha, that's why i thought it was familiar. XI rocks btw, might play a few again soon.
good shit bro, keep grinding
capping tomes is so boring im not gonna do it
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grape is as true neutral as this general gets imo
It was due the election debate, it should calm down soon
>yfw you notice blue in fflogs is above average because of how many people never actually clear and aren't put into the statistics but somehow people are hard skewed by colored numbers
Sir, this site has been shit for the last decade.
effy is at least kind of funny, can make poses, and can write sentences with at least 20 words
molly takes low effort low quality goon pics and one word replies, it's like rikka all over again
molly is not longer my thread wife
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he's smart tho
fuck that's so funny, i forgot how bad the VA was
no i'm pure...
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Based. Just wish they'd do a sub bundle discount with XIV...
>clockwork castletown
oh no
Just do a bullet train. Still boring but you get clusters and nuts too
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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Anyone on Crystal need Roulettes?
stop being pure
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>expansion is so shit that half my static declared they were taking a break yesterday
>falling for the bait
{I'm good}
neither of them do
they both mass reply to their friends flirting and gassing them up going "omg!" and "no don't do that!"
wish we kept @ppal in the divorce
I really need to make a golem of this catgirl
Because parsefags pad the shit out of funny numbers, 50 is in practical terms above average
Non wow shoulder edition
post in a zodiac subligar, please...
Average is good.
hounding on a hunt discord for notification is annoying though and theyre not even always up
>oh boy I’m better than the guy who can’t clear m1s!
Your neutral evil or true neutral depending on how much you are annoying me that day
im drained chat
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never ever
sounds like your static is shit
white trash fiddies who support dog rights #StopEatingDogs
that's a huge fucking cope holy shit
>it's like rikka all over again
can't wait for molly confessing being a pedo too.
I wish i was drained (by a femra)
Appal's posts were no different at all, it's a passing of the torch.
>every time I play with my friend I can't help, but masturbate to her character while waiting for queues
I wonder if she knows
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i'm down
If it's me just send me a tell and we can do it together!
wish my eb would do this
Huh?! Why me!
how do people fall for this fake reaction shit, man? i will never understand "react" content
>not drained by a moonie
naruhodo... have you posted your femezen before?
>wish we kept @ppal in the divorce
god same, they made nice sfw poses and pictures too
Playin' CC
That and melf is a /his/fag.
I was just at your Mist too earlier
i hope i get a cute femlala in my expert to pet repeatedly
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i'm so persecuted for my beliefs...
i must be pure...
weird toes
you know what
as long as it's rape, i'll take it
a litter is fine too
This is an enormous cope you've definitely never tried to talk to Effy before



may i see ur femezen
They're denying it because they'll ship them to your towns, not their towns. It's undisguised regionalism.
Holy FUCK that's hot
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Feeling very small and stupid for peeking at something I shouldn't have.
No clue how the fuck you faggots think grape is neutral at all consdering how much that nigger dodges filters like a faggot
nyo :3
Which ones you need?
my very small wife
She didn't bother getting to Arcadian or the Extremes IIRC. She said she didn't feel like raiding after the MSQ. And honestly, who can blame her? 50-60 hours of being tormented by Wuk Lamat is pure torture.
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>When the music in your head starts playing All Star for no reason.
femra's got a squeeze box
I really need to make this catgirl a mother.
that's it
i'm going to befriend this femra
and nobody can stop me
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on second thought maybe I delete this plogon
Cute fish, very glub!
is that like a box that takes the money you put on top?
expert, leveling, trial, fl and alliance if that's alright?
can skip alliance tho...
>pocket wife
Do you want to marry my moonie
I'm going to Superbolide myself.
i sent my friend a picture of my moonie and he didn't say anything back
Okay these are surprisingly good.
No retarded shader. Good posing. Not seeing a lot of clipping. Good camera positioning.
Petting this cat when I see her again
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my femra is pink
May I sleeve?
>make my erp alt into a real character, with a carrd, story, glam
>get zero and messages compared to wearing bright clothes and putting a suggestive comment in my adventure plate
Well… surely when someone does message me, they’lol be higher quality… haha
sorry my femra is moonie owned
It’s an accordion, literally
may my moonie sleeve?
tell tv i said hi
if ur my eb yeah
Is Reaper more fun than Dragoon?
many have tried, i just retreat to the bar

it goes in and out and in and out

only if she's a certified goonie
hey it's me ur EB
I just leveled my last gatherer to 90. Managed to get every job, doh, and dol to 90 within 3 months using the road to 90 buff. feels fucking good, now I can actually relax.
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But Arcadion is where the actual Dawntrail Fun is at.
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You call it a Grey Parse, but with my Gamma settings, its white.
i hate catboy players so much its unreal
every melee job is reaper now
hey lets sleeve at my place
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Chaotic Good
come tank m1s for me anon
>Geforce won't let me adjust me lighting to my autistic preference without the screen wigging out when you highlight anything.
*autistic screeching*
Certified 100% premium goonie
wait a minute.. that's in my inn room
Chaotic Narcissism
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I'm pretty positive I have some screenshots of that, but my xi screenshot folders are very big and sorted by zones + dates so sifting through them is a time consuming task. Have this as a consolation.
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>PF fills after a long wait time
>HEY, i know we just waited close to an hour but NOW i have to afk so brb
>It happens 3 more times in 3 different pf's
Oh....... :(
My certified goonie is creeping in the shadows waiting to create goonslop with this goonra
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then i shall have to resort to force
obtain friends
bio brb
*alt tabs to furry porn*
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I am chaotic neutral
sure make a PF
It's always Australians or French Canadians, and I have no fucking idea why.


this is still good, thank you.
Karkono sex
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>Game expects healers to DPS
>Takes away all their DPS spells except 2
>Healer gameplay is now pressing 1 button over and over and refreshing 1 DOT
>Tell healers to go fuck themselves when they dont like it and want better gameplay
What is this style of game design called?
I could never blame anyone for shirking the raids given such trash the MSQ is. People who act like the MSQ isn't 80% of the actual game are insane.
And frankly I hate raiding so I don't care to do it either
Heh, 69
Hey nice tits BITCH!!
that double contradance was funny
sex with this moonie
The French pollute part of the country and think they own the place.
w-what are you gonna do with that picture, anon??
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I need a bit of a break after that one, had me sweating at the end.
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i miss aero III
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my rava acts like this
does that guy have rabies?
Well, at least in my experience:
MSQ - Done with in a weekend
Raiding - Lasts for months of PF fun
>give healers more DPS buttons
>casuals stop playing healer or quit the game
>a massive chunk of the playerbase is now either gone or contributing to insanely long queues
they shot themselves in the foot when they streamlined healer DPS like this instead of improving on the previously atrocious but more engaging model
Nobody unironically likes male Midlanders.
turns out the treasure was the pride and feet we made along the way
No he's just the vessel of an eldritch being and has a lot of anxiety.
>PF fun
a fellow masochist i see (or a saboteur)
the singing in the m4 music hurts my ears
true they like maliddies instead
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You bet

If anon enjoys Elvaan F he's based in my book
oh yeah that makes sense as well.
hope he learns!
They don't even own their own country anymore.
Tommy, I love your PLD portrait. That's really cool.

imo tanks and healers should both do like 80-95% the rDPS that DPS do.
There is ZERO reason for Healers to do such little damage and to make it so players who play well don't want to play it. Sure, their DPS rotation is easy, but it's supposed to be easy so you can focus on mits and heals it's not supposed to be easy in exchange for less damage. That's just bad design.
Pretty much every other game has healers contribute a ton of damage through buffs or just makes them do similar damage themself. In most KRPGs, a good support actually has the highest rDPS of anything.
They don't really even need more dps buttons. Or maybe just one. Just make them do more damage so players are more rewarded for their uptime.
>Make game designed around healers needing to do DPS
>Actively make healer DPS dogshit on purpose
I just dont fucking get it
have a very nostalgic goon, of course.
Reminder: nobody likes malera
My malera? He doesn't feel so good
because I think you'd enjoy a prejac
Hi sisters!! Just got home from work. Loading up ffxiv as we speak
She doesn't post here, but I do make it apparent that I am really into her character and all modded outfits she wears for me. I think she knows.
feel better khagan
No wooden clogs here. I've just been running via PF for long enough to be quite used to winning through it anyway.
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My femra has 2 and a half hours to reclear m2-m4
someone on the audio team really likes old Icon For Hire
my fiera likes male characters

she tops, though
catboy post
How do I become a dom?
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Like service top? Or fucking them in the ass?
lahabowel movement, the speaker
can yall please reduce your triangles or something
im gonna have to buy a new computer
>>casuals stop playing healer or quit the game
bruh NOBODY actually wants to heal
every time I did variant with friends we all just went dps with some heal/tank actions and that was the better and more fun alternative
all the current healer "mains" want is the status of being a healer, mostly the "i'm in charge of keeping everyone alive therefore i am in power and most important!!!" kind of thing
but no one actually wants to play healer for the gameplay
just call the other person a slut or good girl every now and then
Whoa, there. Slick
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I love you so much babe I hope we're together forever
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Hey buddy how's it going?


the troonix experience
Same sis...
Reverse mating press and amazon are her favorite
I'd laugh at you for sure, so maybe.
why are you posting again
do you have a certificate to back that up?

i'm a big fan of slop if i do so say myself

now i'm slipping into the twilight zone
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Actual CC 1:00 ET
no......not like this..............



>i'm in charge of keeping everyone alive therefore i am in power and most important!!
>Warrior enters the chat
whats the name of this alt
sorry was in cc, up in pf 1221
12:50 it is
actually be mean they love it
Sorry F.T i watched you die because i was waiting for more people to spawn
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which one, chat
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Me too. I am a creature of slop and I exist in slop at all times
topping doesn't mean being on top it means penetrating
My catboy just turned a femlala into a single mother. Catboys can’t stop winning!! Nyahahaha!!
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how the hell am I supposed to fix this other than just reinstalling the game? it was playing just fine 3 hours again what the hell happened.
is ur rava ok? do you need to talk
Actually I...don't know how to meet this femra so...
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there i am, gary
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EB that is like any of these people?
i walked into the very last protean on my m4 reclear
Don't talk to me Effy
any femhroth wanna...?
everyone should have a friend like turk
i like them!! i exist!!!
t. femra
my name jeff
I did that during my last reclear too, it's over sis.
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do your best, snow lizard!
Nice try BITCH, but that 'ra likes my goonie and my sunslut
direly need an eternal bro like this
I'm all 12 of them (I'm schizophrenic)
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you retard
i've been playing WAR for this reason because i just cannot trust my retard healers to die and wipe us
maybe I haven't met any WARs like this because i usually just tank myself but i haven't seen many tanks that gloat in their status
vi sitter har i venten spelar lite dota
My femra is literally the smoking girl on the top
please god if there were more cruel doms in xiv......
Nobody likes you even Appal hates you so much he had to dump you
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i love malezen so much, do you think they get offended if you touch their ears
Sunslut wife+
do not do that
I feel you mon.
What race are you
>21 apm vs 36
>32 adlos for some fucking reason
>specially as a SCH out of all healer jobs that encouraged you to sit in cleric stance as the fairy healed almost everything
this is like looking at a cure I spammer parse and say GUYS LOOK HOW THE GAME CHANGED
never played this game but i'd say im top row 2nd from the left or 3rd from the right except i dont smoke
I used to want to erp with effy but I moved on.
>told I was too shit to get into static
>can't find any prog parties that actually fill up that aren't fresh
This fucking sucks.
Not true. Check this out, we're friends for life
You're right. That's a meaningful distinction
I'm a drunk and happy moonie.
i feel like ill get a negative reply no matter what i say but femra
dom mode engaged
hey retard, your glam sucks! you dye everything one color and it looks terrible
I wish that was me bro
you're a switch in my bed
This but veena
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ventrilo killed XIV. can't join any FC without joining their vent. can't find hunt trains. can't read about submarines. can't become a modbeast. I hate ventrilo so much.
How do I do that? I'm genuinely retarded but I don't wanna be a pillow princess


you are a terrible dom
WRONG, dumpass, I dye everything TWO colors now with the dye channels.
>but i haven't seen many tanks that gloat in their status
Its because most healers are whiny faggot bitches. They begged for more heal checks and when they add one in M4S, they cry and screech for tank LB3 instead of doing their fucking job.
forgot the entire reason i was doing the raid tier was to get the dyeable armor fuck i still need to do m3s like 2 more times i hate this game
https://aethy.com/@PenzNezLala (Otis Jenkins)
https://aethy.com/@cecillacamilla (Cecilla Camilla
https://aethy.com/@rinko (Rinko Rin)
https://aethy.com/@Ikkou (Ikkou Alonz)
https://aethy.com/@Feri@mstdn.jp (Feriri Feri)
https://aethy.com/@kokoha (Kokoha Koha)
https://aethy.com/@sowo (Sowowo Sowo)
https://aethy.com/@achamachama (Atma buster)
https://aethy.com/@Flaffles (Yu Yun)
yeah it's wrong malezen don't like femra infact we hate them a lot
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but i worked hard on this glam......... wtf....
How is that dom lol it's so lame
after getting a taste of a good dom, i dont think i can go back to dom larpers
>recognized a youtuber hrothgar's name when they joined my savage reclear
i didnt know he still played after his meltie
i was gonna go to bed but then i got hungry..
final fantasy xiv.
whats making this moonie happy
impregnating this boywife
*cums a little*
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Sex with these cats at the same time
My femra acts like this
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On his stat sheet? Lawful Evil.
In his mind? Lawful Good.
I could still remember the fires of the Dragonsong War, the relentless roar of dragons, and the cries of fallen comrades. The families buried. The children burnt. Those days were dark and filled with bloodshed, but they were also days of purpose. Under the guidance of Archbishop Thordan, our mission had been clear. We fought not only to protect our people but to fulfill a divine mandate. To honor the fallen. And now, under that bastard's rule, that sacred purpose had been twisted into something unrecognizable.

These familiar plains had turned from memory and became a thing that wished to off itself. There is an awful truth in the trees. An awful silence.
A party member has withdrawn from the duty. Finding new member.
alright sorry i'll just look
Does prostate stimulation count?
Dude this is fucked up to the regular person as a whole
I hope you're making a self aware joke about how being a dom doesn't mean being an asshole.
which of them use big bazongas please and thank you
>someones in the wrong spot not moving
>I adjust
>they then move to their spot last second killing us both

Is this my fault?
with food.. right?
No it doesn't
Strangle murder with these cats at the same time
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Die Erlkönig
Yes. Don't adjust for them.
why'd you post a blank image bro
yes. Because now they can claim you were in their spot, as opposed to you being able to say they were in your spot.
yeah....... cream......
one of these weekends i'll stay home and we could conjure some slop

You should probably just play your positions & not give a shit about the mistakes other people are making. Accidental double adjusts are bad
not sure but I'll say no

it does
amazon position is powerbottoming
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tfw no dracula eb
if it was a random person then nobody was at fault, you both tried to do the right thing
if it was with a static then it's 100% on you
It is, because now it's your fault rather than it being their fault.
but i want pasta
what's a good dom...?
Understood I will never adjust again o7
I have a big noodle full of cream
holy fuck i cringed
never adjust
never apologize
I've seen raining cats, and am confident I can get their without wiping my team. At what point do I join clear parties?
Gratz sis, good work.
Unrelated but you seem so familiar but I'd never actually ask you to confirm who you are since that's weird.
Unless you can communicate or they're doing something like a healer hard res or LB yeah just go to your spot and if they don't move it's their fault. It's annoying but they could have been planning to use their dash last minute when their rotation allowed it or whatever
At that point
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i have concepts of a pose
imagine how good it will be


My catgirl when she sees a hung rava
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>you seem so familiar but I'd never actually ask you to confirm who you are since that's weird
you can always just ask... it's fine...
Honestly he looks pretty cool
it guess it depends on the person. i dont like really sadistic ones
chicken alfredo..
>too busy doing content to make friends
>but I do want to make friends
kill me
Would anyone like a mentally ill trans eb?
i'm gonna fucking goon
any late night lalas on?
why did you say the same thing twice
I guess all I want to say is there was a certain Black Mage player who I referenced a ton while I was learning because of their insight on the job and it helped me a ton.
If that's you, then thank you. If not, then oh well.
troonix will not divide us
They're sisters. That's horribly greedy, you monster
WHY would you do such a thing
Sounds good to me. Sloppa soon hopefully, then
The caveat is that if you're in a static & can communicate it immediately, adjusting is a-ok (otherwise yea don't bother)
Shoot your goo my dude
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it definitely could be i played blm last expansion
That’s not my name
my head hurt and it sleep time
thanks for the games bros, fun queues tonight
do you have your documents?
grey moonies
appal did not cheat on me
raincheck on sex tonight
goonies do this
you'll run out of sex credits
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My rava when she sees her hung sunnie+ wife
you're even more vapid than usual when you're trying to reference politics, which i'm sure you know very little about
Raping this blmra when she runs out of mana
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You left out Granblue again. Also, toss in deep dungeons for extra credit
that's what umbral ice is for... doofus
>last expansion
Then that would definitely be you since that's when it was. We don't know each other but glad to see you're still out there pumping. ^^
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I'm glad i could help! I'm not really much more than just 99 on AST atm because of the team comp reqs but i should be doing real parsing soon with a decent comp so hopefully i can get top 10-20 at least
XIV gameplay isn't canon, idiot..
I give up...
I'm never getting raped by a femra...
they all want to be raped anyway...
goodnight compatriots
Goodnight, cutie.
hey, buddy, don't post my wife in these threads. final warning.
How does one be a good dom? What is a dom larper? How do you tell the difference
Big creamy pasta in your pretty mouth oops some is dripping down your chin
my femra is like this
dont CARE
*Coughs up blood*
Good game
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i dont even know who your wife is i just like the peephole images
I get that, especially with AST being as reliant as it is. Good luck when you do start though, I'm sure you'll get there easily.
That's definitely something I'd love to do eventually if my group weren't habitual raid loggers but what can you do.
i think otis has
I am
a bun
who got a samurai weapon tonight
you can't do this... i've already gooned hard enough today.
good night beefcakes


schizo's just fuel my ego
>Pink Lilly
Fucking thrown from the moment the queue popped
You just know.
Drives me crazy when people jump around in circles, it's a voidlist from me
I'm queueing up
holy fuck it's almost merry moonster season
Cairn just won two games in a row bwo
post her horsecock
>They're sisters
That's hot, let's go. Bring your sunslut too
i'm gonna peep your hole if you post her again
I'm going to make you my himcess
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Can someone please give me a complete list of who we're blacklisting for being fascists tonight?
>letting F.T. run rampant
that's a sign of autism
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cant imagine trying to play BLM in parse groups either because PCT's raid buffs contribution is so broken
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should I install the fierda tails mod
Sexualizing and objectifying any maleroe I see
um.... im taken already....
who is this..
A top just means you're in control
raping Hodrick Blackstone
attached is my bis moonie
Meowdy sorry anon I already have a sunnie+ EB if that's what you are angling at...
show me your boobs
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Hector FUCKING won
that's what dominant is
you can be a dominant bottom
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Finally...730...except hat that still needs augmenting
yes and then woob me down if i lose at pvp
Love the red here and how you were able to make those undyeable parts work!
Nice animation, and nice use of those gloves, I could never find a good use for them..
i can't wait
Yes I have autism
Where do you think you are?
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So fucking true, tell me about it lmfao.
I'm our group's caster and I have both BLM and PCT bis but my ass isn't getting off PCT for the foreseeable future.
Either way, that's all I wanted to ask really so I'll go back to lurking. Thanks again sis.
Well... if the sunslut is involved, it would be even harder to make her act submissively when she could instead be having her way with a moonie
I called you cute once we've never spoken properly
i think i've played with the friends i made a few weeks ago every day since then

it's been really nice i don't remember the last time i felt like i meshed so well with random strangers
I vibe with all the suffering this glub endures
Top and bottom isn't about who is penetrating who, it's about who is in control. You can be a top and get penetrated, you can be a bottom and do the penetrating
i'm really glad you mostly stopped posting here
also look that person behind you stole your highly original glam! i'm glad you made a super unique nier raid glam instead
Appal doesn't hate Effy
I'm still trying to clear 4
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no problem, take care anon!
what chest piece do you have glammed? looks nice
>MSQ - Done with in a weekend
Why would someone admit to being a skipper?
you're just wrong, retard
dom and sub is about who's in control
top and bottom is about who's being penetrated
these are literally standard terms that you are somehow fucking up

my femra is like this
Having hot lesbian sex with this femra
if he was a skipper he'd be done in 6 hours
i think i know who this is..
The sunslut can be in the middle
EB for this feel?
if shes wooberless this is based
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Is having in-character sentence macros for certain moves cringe? I want to sprinkle in combat barks here and there because I think it could be a neat way to build characterization but I also don't want to spam party chat or make my roulette lobbies die of cringe.
I'll say hi cutie next time i see you but now i've said this a million people will probably do it to make fun of you
like i said to the other person, some people might like different types of doms, like really cruel and abrasive
I activate my dom rizz
>I also don't want to spam party chat or make my roulette lobbies die of cringe.
and why not?
>pf cant even m1s
i hate raiding so much
i am
a gay hrothgar


but what do you call someone enthusiastic about pleasuring their partner?
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I cannot be contained. Except when a WAR spams blota on me or a PLD makes it their mission to shut me down or a BRD keeps spamming silence and bind on me or a MNK just will not leave me alone.
You're both retards
Top and bottom isn't about who is being penetrated, it's about who is giving & receiving pleasure
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Because I want comms
i wanna queue cc but i feel like i play too much and people are tired of me
It can be cute, I had a Miera in my alliance raid use Closed Position macro on me "[Anon], may I have this dance?" My suggestion is to just put on stuff you dont use super frequently, if it's things you spam often it can be annoying but sparse can be charming
Make that 3 dude
Despite my best efforts to play like shit
20 minutes until clowntown is over....
be yourself anon
if you want to play then play
do you like your head being pushed down into the bead
just go from there
I'll keep you safe if you really want that, I just find it funny you want me of all people..
it's extremely cringe unless it's a megumin style LB macro for BLM LB3
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holy moly
Okay but how do you dom? Like at the most basic level what is expected of a dom?
a good partner, not necessarily dom /sub or top/bottom
>teams being posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
okay now you're just trolling too obviously
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I'm personally destroying this healer problematic additude by joining their ranks and knowing my PLACE
Allow me to stop the hag
I wish there was a way to put them on cooldown. At best, just gotta put it on 60/120 cds?
We like you and your portrait anon
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getting meteoplapped by this rava.....
ive been busy but you WILL woob me down.
Natually I post "A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES" in /shout chat when I use LB3 on RPR, sometime I press it before I steal the LB 3 as a tank.
Lead the way
gonna get a GAM eb and call him my wife.
I wanna play CC, but my brain is melted from doing 2 sets of savage reclears and only getting 4 hours of sleep...
Look it up retard
i hate coomers so much
is it me
what do you mean by this
explain in a way an autist can understand
mating press
QUEUE THE FUCK UP. It isn't about people being tired of you. It is about whether you playing a job and feel like playing something else. You win? Go next. You lose? Go next.
If you need help and you are NA feel free to holler.
Midan Coat of healing from A8S!
I fucking kneel
im gonna use your boobs as a bean bag chair
literally just lead the relationship and play into whatever specific fetishes the other person has like leashes/collars/slapping/spitting or more simple things like just taking control in the bedroom
Hello favorite fiddie I hope you are enjoying your CC games
Bad night for Riallant.
i wanna play cc but i only play the same three jobs and don't feel like branching out
>Macchi afk as always
dunno, im super sub
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when are you going back to lalafell une i want your plapbeast era to end

i bet you don't even secrete slime anymore
Leave my wife alone you cuck
What if I've never done ERP or even RP before?
Maybe, maybe... better have something awfully enticing to make her change her tune
xiv is filled with fakedoms and it's disgusting
she's played by a grown ass man so it's legal
You could report for being AFK, since it's against TOS. Will you?
i got drunk without you

Legal here.
dogshit dead game
same i'm sorry
Out of 10.

You wife is a man who calls kids breedable.
can it please be me? like actually
didn't get a single femlala in my roulettes today.. fucked up.
wtf why......
Literally playing the game right now bro. Therefore its alive, your wrong and you stink. Stinky head.
thanks anon
i can't get drunk anyway it messes with my anxiety meds
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no you didnt
you....wouldn't understand
i am
considering getting drunk
far later in the night than i usually do
should i do it

my rava is sweaty but you are correct that it isn't femra slime
My new lewd friend is awesome and amazing and I'm really happy I met them!
Play a job you may not care for, but want to level.
man i don't even know you anymore...
my anxiety medication is alcohol
femra btw
it's so boring stalking someone who's just afk
wtf is a starvy MTTT
*walks away towards a real dom, the closest malera*
Stalk someone with a personality instead of Effy then
attention is a hell of a drug.
do it
unless you have to be up early
une can i see ur lala
Go back to Crystal and leave me alone!
agreed, fucking aetherbun would just sit logged in and afk for hours in cactuar radz at han
sorry sis these runey gains aint gonna happen by itself
that's my adhd medicine
Officer, it has been brought to our attention that you've been making derogatory comments towards a member of the Twin Adders. Is there any validity to these claims? Speak plainly.
You're getting there, buddy. Keep it up.
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good i hope you lose interest fast you creep
Raining Cats strat, described here:
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I've gone down a dark path

gotta do what you gotta do sis

my fieras anxiety medication is adderall and gooning
they're not on the crystal data center at the moment

don't worry it won't stop any time soon
I didn't post this... but I don't goon I take the other though.
post woober
ill have words for u next time i see u in person.
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real lala wtf!!!!
ah sick, thank you anon
>keep falling for cock addicted himcesses
>dont like giving them cock
I am god’s funniest soldier
Two needy goonie sisters isn't motivation enough?
my catgirl's anxiety medication is also adderall and gooning
what the FUCK
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porta deck-your-mama
someone kill this guy
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might post my moonie in the next thread
How do you take control during ERP though?
>hate picto
>last caster to level before i can toss all the leveling gear
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my middie is like this
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Saturday morning,
Friday's at an end
Housework is calling,
But where to begin
Kids are out of school,
Trying to find a friend
Everybody's busy,
Can't wait for the night to begin
You work all week long,
You work your fingers to the bone
Friday's at an end,
I can't wait for saturday to begin!
Get down it's Saturday night, it's Saturday night, Saturday night
Gonna be alright, Saturday night
Make love until the morning come
(Get down it's Saturday night)
Gonna have myself some fun fun fun fun
(It's gonna be alright, Saturday night)
Make love until the morning come
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His assigned mission is to protect you.
wish i could make a moonie but i love playing sunnies and femra
Why would you do that??!
it is what it is...
Little spoon for my big spoon hrothgal, please?
I'm afraid I am not at freedom to discuss these kinds of matters with a civilian. Please proceed with your civilian affairs....
it's tuesday though
i need a break from this unending grind
does anyone want to be /pet
but can he protect me from the vassago fire puddles
my moonie wants a /pet
They react to lewd stuff in fun ways! I smutbombed them today!
loses to highlander men much more powerful than him
i dont like it either
Slutty himcess makes my monke brain fire up but I just dont like penetrating or being rough
I want to fuck Proxy…
where should i go
i did. you're wrong
Can I at least play with it while you do other stuff


I play a -

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Doma enjoys a fruitful trade relationship with the Twelveswood. We'd greatly appreciate it if you ceased these hostilities. It'd look favourably for any future dealings between our great nations.
I wanted to send you a tell but I'll say it here, this look is SO fucking sick. Duke Nukem coded almost.
I'm gonna cry
Cite it faggot
Your middie is the next president?
You're going to rupture someone's intestines with that thing
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i said middie not fiddie
you decide what position to use, you decide what the other person is able or unable to do. you decide how fast or how slow you go, etc
my size queen headcanon is that no internal damage occurs past pain

Aw thats no fun
There are no fiddies in that webm though? Maybe you meant the glamoured Arkasodara?
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Listen ma'am, I'm an NCO. Please direct all your POG concerns to my commanding officer, Colonel Lingus.
sorry I can't help it
pretend it's the rava pheromones making sex more convenient
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Trying to nail the K9 Special Ops look
Have you the linkpearl frequency of this Colonel Lingus?
Yeah it's....just ring up HQ and ask for them. You can also write on my frequency that I posted earlier .baxil and I'll forward it.

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