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We need you to Delve, edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Previously on a Kezanian basket weaving forum >>494009882
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Eat the bugs
>character select music goes hard as fuck for like 15 seconds
>the rest is generic slop
Blizzard has fallen
I hate how limited kul tiran customization is its like someones mod to play an npc got put in the game
Fucking mechagnomes get more
Now that it's been confirmed that frost dk is the worst raid dps in the game what the fuck do I play now?
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no more suffering
>worst raid spec
Fire mage says hello
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>failed my first M0, group disbanded
>failed my delves
>thousands of gold in repair bills and nothing to show for it
its over...go on without me
how hard or easy was the raid?
I'm at 587 nothing enchanted and nothing upgraded and I still have my silk thing to get a piece of tier.

Any gearing advice would be appreciated, I don't want to fuck myself by wasting resources but I'm an undesirable spec so I'm thinking m0 is a no-go without more ilvl.
because i'm a pathetic bitch i only did normal, it wasn't hard at all. i just suck at doing mechanics and was constantly picked so it made me seethe
bros these dungeons hurt..
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>those fucking comments
They are gonna add socks to everything, aren't they?
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I am going to tell you a secret /wowg/

Zek'vir's lair is bugged. Usually you have to do all Tier 11 Delves to unlock him. Instead if you do any tier 8 you can just walk on in and kill him. He's meant to be a huge gatekeep seasonal boss secret they didn't even beta test to keep hidden and you can kill him Day 1. Easiest with 3 people to handle the adds.

Go forth before it is hotfixed, my fellow faggots
bros, t8 delves on warrior are hard
>M0 shitting on all the cassies
Inc nerfs that make cata heroic ones look like nothing.
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Make it happen
What the fuck would we even get to make it worthwhile?
a toy that makes you emote a dab for 1 second
12 hour CD
well nobody has actually cleared heroic yet so don't beat yourself up too much
Was this the last time WoW had sovl?
Don't do this it creates mustard gas
there's a chance blizz ban for this like they did with the renown thing so be wary
WoTLK ICC heroic dungeons.
desu I'm surprised TWW toys have very low CDs, some are basically CD-less.
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wait really? i thought that was finished already, always assume one of the wfr gets it within hours lol
Nerf frost dk
Nerf Monk
Nerf ass rogue
Nerf prot
Alternatively: git gud, faggot
Some Blizzard employee made a post that leaned into the whole feet thing so it's 100% intentional
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>everyone hyped and talking about new content having fun
>random doompost out of nowhere
How do you initiate the fight?
Sooo... this expansion sucks ASS
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“I simply wish you had lasted a little longer” - Xally from raid cinematic

no they do splits, they don't give a fuck about world first heroic
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>I'm uh, really sorry that Garrosh mana-jugged Theramore Towers, Jaina.
Liquid was actually wiping on a ton of bosses during their splits but I assume that was due to the pugs they used to fill the raid
git gud at what. The fuck you talking about
i cant believe delves are so fucking good bros
literally handing out ilvl 600 items for nothing
casual solo bros we won
our time is now
praise metzen
delve tuning is strange. i am 590 ilvl, and there are delves on tier 5 that are impossible to complete, but there are delves on tier 8 that i can pretty much just run through and be fine
Is shado pan good
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What toy is this?
Feetchads we eatin good
The beginning of this is great because it mirrors the speech Terenas gives during the WotLK cinematic, but the action parts are kinda meh
yeah it was all pugs fucking them up
if they walked in with a full raid of their own guys they would one shot basically everything
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>Earthen now have an additional racial, Quiet Contemplation. Take a load off your feet and enjoy your newfound freedom to see the world while recovering your health and mana out of combat.
Stop it. Stupid fucking shitters
>580 kids stuck progressing through normal the long way
>590GODS already 8/8N and progging heroic
yeah, kneel and apologize
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>blizzard serves up low-effort slop with complimentary broken textures
>paypigs still saddle up to the trough
What has me seething rn is this is game design 101: Rewards should be incremental and apply to ANY effort.
Blizzard has always done this retarded "all or nothing" reward system where you get NOTHING even if you get 99% of the way to success. It kills interest in the game but the retards refuse to change.
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try doing them on a druid
>guardian takes like 300% inc damage or some shit, blizzard is retarded
>feral is way too squishy as well
>so is boomkin
>resto as a healbot for Brann is ok i guess but it takes fucking forever
Druids got absolutely FUCKED for Delve
Why is your female human in orgrimmar
What the fuck is this 4chan ad
Well, they're not evil.
Thats how I feel about this tier 8 bountiful delve
Spent 30 minutes on it only to reach the boss (waterworks) and find its burning aoe out damaging my tank unstoppably
>accidentally pull all 3 abominations at once
>facetank all of them
>surprised when delve is over
>just be in the room with waxface
jesus christ that guy was fucking shit
>the animator with the foot fetish is a woman
are they going to cancel her?
Yeah, I think I hate the fungal shit the most.
The underwater ones are almost on par, but almost.
>die because healer is asleep
>ask for rez
>get no rez tank just pulls next group
>ask for rez again
>tank pulls and healer doesn't rez
>tell them to rez me again and nothing
>type "sigh" and "zzz"
>get kicked
Why is this game full of faggots?
Tanking is scary, what if i am going the wrong way and everybody is secretly laughing at me in discord
Does it mean they auto "eat" whenever they sit?
that attitude tells me you're a healer at heart
time to put on the dress
>DPS talks
That's an ignore and report.
that's a dracthyr visage
No. They're laughing at you for thinking tanking is scary.
stop what
Hey guys. I haven't played since Cata but I think I want to. Is it too late to get into TWW?also how is fire mage. My character was an undead fire mage I really loved it. I never really had any alts. I've just always done that since like 2006
Learn to heal better and put your rez on your bar nigger
Deserved. 98% of dungeons I run go way better when the dps literally don't talk at all.
Why can't you queue for M0s(Emm zeros)
yes it's too late. come back for midnight.
>the role whose mechanics started and stopped at "swap at 2 debuffs with the other drooling retard" thinks theyre the pro gosu skill ninja pick
just walk back retard, no one wants to waste 40s of MANHOURS waiting on your stupid ass to get rezzed
Watch my back while I commune with this female ________.
>leveling in dungeons
>dps dies
>begs for res
>tfw I haven't even unlocked res yet
>he thinks I'm trolling
The amount of retardation I witness itt every day never ceases to baffle me.
How it just keeps one upping itself by the day.
since you dont have any recorded mythic+ history, yes, it is too late
literally nobody will ever invite you to their group, sorry
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>kills you
how do you respond?
do you normally come to 4channel expecting thought-provoking discussion?
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You stupid fucking N
>doomies btfo so hard theyre shidding and fardding and crying their pants
>just had a sudden realisation i am doing something i dont want to do (delves and dungeons), for gear i don't actually care about so i can do something later on tonight that i also don't want to do (raid)
Wow's over for me now isn't it? Since I just broke out of the maze.
You know why
>dungeon where you can mount up and run back faster than healer casting the rez
Yes, it was deserved.
Time to play GW2 trannyginger slop dick licker
is there a trick to the adds on skittering breach?
I can't kill them before they shield and I can't eat the shield
>Wow's over for me now isn't it? Since I just broke out of the maze.
no anon, this was just the first step
now it's time for you to become a gladiator
jokes on you
the only thing outside the maze is HRT and speedrunning gamecube games
get rekt idiot
Nobody ever escapes the maze. They just change the appearance of the walls.
I'm an alcoholic and the only vague excitement I can feel is drinking and doing rbgs. I play night elf rogue. I mix my pills with alcohol
>rbg blitz only 2min queue times
pvpgods... we WON
>item level?
don't know anything about that. sounds pretty lame if i can be tbqh. thoughbeit i just finished my Tier 1 Might set in SoD, looking forward to BWL soon!
>pet is too far
>no path for pet
>pet is in combat
>pet is dead
>can't release last pet

How the fuck do hunter mains tolerate this. I fucking hate this class
this was me during bfa
today i just lurk in wowg during xpac launch hype
welcome to the outer maze
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They tried to backport ilvl derangement into wotlk but it didn't quite work yet because each new tier set had an extra secondary stat on it.
I've been told I would've gotten a good corpo job in real life from the friendships forged in cutting edge raiding.
I shouldn't have broken out of the maze.
Super Mario Eclipse is worth it you chud.
mini gamers / mini gamer hunters
did you craft your 606/639 pvp weapon yet?
Anon, AI related content for shitters would be the last in priority list for bug and balance testing.
I like to point out these blatant disingenuous retards though.
>playing fury warrior
>delve gives me a 610ilvl 1hnd weapon
wow cool thanks
Just wait for the rework where they make SMF baseline instead of the eternal wasted talent point shadow realm.
>pets actually had teleport straight to target
It wasn't always like this you know.
Yes, this is it. Now you just stop subscribing, go to play other addictive single player games and shit post here just like I do for the last year. It's fun and free.
>he plays fury without loot spec set to arms
Shame you had to learn it this way, but now you know.
nah they should make TG a talent and SMF a talent too
Divorcing my blood elf wife to marry my nightborne mistress just as Lor'Themar intended
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time to try heroic
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>very cool shield
>gay ass particle effects
many such cases
That Fungal Folly delve was super easy on T8, so I get it if those retards trolling me for dying in Mycromancer Caverns thought that's where I was.

Still, fuck blizzard for giving me shit upgrades for my first 2 epic drops this week. Give me something to replace my shitty leveling blues, you retarded fucking devs.
Belves is the most boring branch of elves in the game. They are so bland and tasteless it's hard to play or contact with one.
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Cute elf I hope she's on WRA
Hot take - all Hallowfall armor and weapon look out of place. Both textures, color palette and design looks like something that was made for Diablo 4 but then quickly imported into TWW to meet deadlines.
They just look like a sore. I will never use them for transmog.
>got two maps from four bountiful delves
>first one gave me a 610 2h
holy shit I'm gonna be on the front page of r.io next week if heroic raid drops me even a tiny bit of shit
WoW2 is looking good bros...
What's the easiest one to farm in your opinion?
WoW2 will never happen. Well, it will only when WoW1 loose all players. Which won't happen in our lifetime.
nintendo hire this man
no because they literally give us a free one and I already made duelist in greens
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I got a stoopid neck....
absolutely soulless
How can you say something so brave yet controversial
>T9 delve
>Some random unmarked on map named retard with 70M hp spread across two mobs, one ranged that ignores LOS
>does 2-4mil damage a hit
casual, solo friendly content
i see it
there are still so few good shields in the game, its sad
What the fuck is this shit ahahahahaha
Was this made by a 13 year old as a computer class project?
What the fuckkkk
anyone for some m0 bros?
592 tanker here
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They are harder than Cata Heroics. Imagine trying to complete City of Echoes last boss with randoms from Ragnarok or Quel'Thalas.
t3 might be more ur speed
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are they tho
you dont even play the game why should i give a fuck what you think XIV doomie tard
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0 loot for me from my first m0 this season
That sucks, I got 4 pieces though
from 1 dungeon? i did only 1 until now
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>no femworgs so far
Very poor thread.
you are the one complaining about one of the harder difficulties being hard
I was able to beat a tier 7 Delve! That shit sucked ass but with the tip from an anon earlier I just kept using tricks of the trade on Brann and that let me get by. I can already tell 8 is not gonna happen yet though, I only have ilvl 575 and if mobs smack me once I almost die.
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Hey... buddy... down in front...
>Tier Sets Tokens Can Drop as Warbound Until Equipped
LFR about to get worse.
because i play the game and see how retarded it is to have some retard on a stair with more HP than the end boss
not that you would know
youre probably that dumbass from last thread talking about doing T12 delves
You get Champ track from 7 just like from 8 iirc.
Only from 8, you get a 2/8 while 7 gets you 1/8.
Since when is MEdic casting WOW? Is he an OG or is he a new addition to the cast? I really like him when he casts LOL.
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how are dadgamers supposed to complete tier 8+ delves and m0 with their current level of tuning? should we expect to see a mass exodus of casuals soon?
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im in for a lfr ride with this badboy
Does that count for the upgrade discount? so you could do T8s on your main and T7s on your alt if theyre not as good, and upgrade them?
Can I get the lowdown on maps? People are saying to get to 8 on alts and switch to main?
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Update: it shits out healing more than I imagined
Are there many chores I should complete at 80 before leveling my first alt?
I'm happy to have a full warband of 80s before deciding on a main.
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xal'atath feetpussy
>mage with 67m healing
the fuck?
Im enjoying the tuning but wont be surprised if it gets nerfed
Bro's mass shields were crisp obv.
Seems like it.
SoD's version of BWL will arrive just in time to keep them paying a sub
>do T3
>get the map
>map gets you T3 bonus
>do T4
>map gets you T4 bonus
>do T5
>map gets you T5 bonus

Levels unlocked are account wide, so when you get on your other characters, they can go straight to T8 and have 3 T8 maps.

I don't think Blizz will bother with it since this is just something relevant to this week when everyone is unlocking it, next week when everyone (who cares about this) is at T8+, they will only get T8+ maps.
>21% haste as fury
oh yea it's gaming time
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Absorbs count as healing.
doesn't matter because you're only doing bountifuls at tier8, actually doing it on alts is worse since the map you'd get from leveling it up on a like 0.25% chance is still going to be an upgrade. absolutely zero reasoning to do it on an alt whatsoever
Are delves actually overtuned or are people just bad?
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>he's in my bg too
>only like 8 people that pvp
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> fresh illusion from PvP
> only requires 1950 rating
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFw_QuxhAKk
you getting it today, right anon?
delves are tuned pretty heavily and to be slow and methodical with full use of cc and defensives which most players have forgotten exist
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this guy got beams, he sux
they're very class dependent and a couple are just blatantly overtuned
Just roll Warlock with healer brann and unironically turn your brain off as Voidwalker taunts most damage that could kill you and Warlock's innate survivability + Brann healing you and the tank pet makes them a cake-walk
Does your gear take damage in battlegrounds
Waxface seems overtuned. We only killed him because I'm a Paladin and solo'd the last 30%.
does your mom suck dick
Siege of Boralus sucks ass and cum
If 1800 is 85% then it's not going to get casuals to queue.
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for what should i even spend these? champion items or?
>deaths 5
only deathless top healer chads are allowed to post in /wowg/
Vet gear's rather easy to get with Delves currently, but Catalyst is now on a 2 week recharge rotation, compared to SL and DF's 1 week.
Might as well do it on champion gear, or check what tier you're missing from the end of your weekly runs.
sum pls
Wait so even basic Mythic dungeons revolve around this "season" shit, so instead of running Mythics from current expac, I have to do shitty trannylands and bfa dungeons as well as fucking cata?
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Anduin offers you this food, do you accept?
Got the game recently and hit level 80, did world quests and a few dungeons to get a gear level of 571. Wtf do I do now? My options just seem to be grinding dungeons for gear and that's it. Paladin is boring too I wish I went with warlock or druid instead
Pick your end game.
Level 4 alts to 80 for XP bonuses
Do Dungeons, raiding or Delves for better gear.
Learn the ways of professions and go in debt.
Hearthstone really ran out of ideas
Why 4 alts?
they wait for new retail expansions to get decent material now
How does Sylvanas respond?
What am I supposed to do? Turn my t8 delve gear into tier?
why are paladin players always mouthbreathers
I solo'd all of them but had to swap from fury to prot for waxface, rest were a complete joke
after doing a few level 8 delfs on four characters i can tell from experience:
Hunter was easy because you're on dps role tuning but with an animal tank that can comfortably handle almost anything
Warrior was a little rough at times, had to switch to prot for bosses because on fury i was getting autoattacked to death with no sustained healing
Monk was painful but fine, had to stop and cast multiple vivifies in a row pretty often but had no deaths. make full use of defensive kit

Shaman was pure dogshit, even on the lower tier levels i had to spam healing surge on myself 10 or more times in a row as ele and resto just to survive regular mobs autoattacking me while brann killed them, being forced to rotate astral shift and bulwark totem to not die
as enhance i couldn't cast tempest because i had to use all my maelstrom weapon stacks on healing myself. absolutely awful experience, probably going to try to find someone else to do delves with on that character because it sucked so hard. either that or experiment more with sandbagging pulls and letting brann tank it by waiting for 15 seconds to attack like its vanilla

overall delves are an alright solo experience. 5/10. missing something but im not sure what. minigames, mazes puzzles maybe?
waterworks fucking sucks though
It's being part of the elite
NTA, but the experience bonus caps out after five 80s. So your main plus 4 alts gives you the max 25% exp bonus for all future alts.
Convinced that for the .5 patch they're gonna go through and change up some of the global damage shit like waxface to do less damage. Also funny as fuck is the kobolds that cast fireball at you even when a pet has agro on them.
Its a requirement of playing Pally. You're playing a religious zealot, so of course you have to be a retard.
It always starts on a 2 week rotation and gets reduced to 1 week later in the season. Also this is the first time the catalyst is available on day 1
Yeah I really hate that they did that, should have at least had all 8 TWW dungeons as M0 with the seasonals on top of that, makes no sense not to
WoW won the debate, not even a question.
yes i play subtility rouge
Shalom fellow mazed friends.
What happens with the souls of beings touched by the Void in a significant way? They should go to the Void realm but what happens there? Are their souls immediately fed upon there and nothing is left behind? So, does it all just boil down to oblivion?
If I swap to a bigger server will I find good crafters easier?
but gollum won the argument
get rekt moron
Neither, T8 wasn't made for ilvl 580 so only above average ayers are doing it without much trouble
>died in a t4 delve
>stood in ez mine dynamite
Do I keep spamming dungeons in the meantime for gear? I can't seem to do any raids yet but I also don't have a group for one
I would only do it on hero gear at minimum. Seems like a complete waste lower than that unless you're just getting extremely unlucky in raid and want to finish your 4 set or something.
are delves a left hemisphere or right hemisphere experience?

Iain McGilchrist & his bks.
His basic contention: the brain's hemispheres perceive the world differently. The RH views the world holistically, responding to its flow, while the LH analyzes, breaking it down into manipulable parts. Optimal brain use involves the RH.
In his words, "All that is to be known must initially ‘presence’ to the RH."
Healthy individuals, groups, & societies approach the world via the RH, forming an impression of interconnectedness; then the LH examines elements in isolation, returning results to the RH for reintegration into a deeper understanding. Unhealthy ones prioritize isolation & manipulation, creating a LH feedback loop that ignores the ungraspable reality.
In *The Master and His Emissary*, he argued that modernism's LH dominance led to "an excess of consciousness & over-explicitness; depersonalization & alienation from the body & empathic feeling; disruption of context; fragmentation of experience; & the loss of ‘betweenness’."
The LH believes its comprehension of parts is total. "The awareness from the RH can embrace that of the LH, but not vice versa." The LH makes fatal mistakes: it sees its analysis as definitive & isolates parts from their context. Instead of submitting analysis to the RH, the LH gets stuck in a feedback loop, creating a totalizing narrative, a metaverse. "The LH adopts a theory & denies what doesn’t fit."
Is there any way at all to get a second spark this week?
Depends on the creature.
Beings of pure void, or void corruption can die and up in in Ny'alotha, for example Il'gynoth. While killing things in Ny'alotha seemed to work like they say Demons do with the Twisting Nether. With N'zoth being dead dead, after getting killed there.

But on the other-hand, you have characters like Garrosh who became fully infused with Sha, but was fine enough to be sent to the Shadowlands.
Help me pick a healer to play bros.

Holy priest - paint bars green. Easy but boring. Shit mog.
Holy Pal - ??? Great mog.
Evoker - combo 8 spells and make your whole party invincible. Except your dd's are 80 meters away and you healed no one. No mog.
Monk - cast mists and punch people? Nice mog.
Sham - 1000 totems, very strong holy shit. Mid mog.
Disc priest - hahahahaha
They just go to the Shadowlands, no? Garrosh took Void juice up the butt in MoP, and he still ended up in the Shadowlands.
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I didn't do anything that I wanted to in-game. No delves, no mythics, no raid, no erp... what has become of me...

sleep tight worla worlo general
Clueless retard
I really enjoy monk, ymmv
Doing m0 with heroic dungeon gear turned out to be very challenging (ilvl 580). Many wipes and a lot of punishing mechanics.
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>web mechanic on Silken Court
This is kinda fucked up, huh?
>Hunter once again mogs everyone in open world content.
20 years of nonstop moging fucking hell.
disc is incredibly strong right now, what's with you retards gobbling 3 week old doomer shit still
LFR unlocks at 567 ilvl. You can do that in an attempt to get some tier tokens and easy gear.
You can also do Delves on difficulties 4-6 which drop 584+ veteran gear from bountiful delves chests, if you have a restored coffer key to open them.
skill isue
did it with 581 and we wiped only1 time at boss
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Bitch I offered!
Hope whatever you did was fun.
But Garosh died in a normal state, not in a Void touched state.
I imagine that if Illidan let Xe'ra infuse him with Light he would've ceased to go to the Twisted Nether upon total defeat as well.
why are they putting food on the frog now
I meant that he is too hard to play.
should I transfer to stormrage or sargeras?
I was genuinely busy, sorry
if you spend a coffer key below tier 8 you are clinically retarded
I've used 2 keys on tier 5 delves and got the same item lmao, delves are aids
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Asked the latest gpt4o model to evaluate all specs + class combos based on how much they align with the ideal espoused here, and also score them towards which one employs the most of your brain in terms of working memory stress and requiring it to be optimal.

I'd say the first score correlates more with "fun" and with feeling good about the game, the later is more of a challenge to yourself. For maximum comfort something with a big first score and low second score is ideal.
>healbot for Brann
at least you have this option
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what are you talking about
I want Burger King now.
their noses are congested
or maybe they have an afrin addiction
>need honor for gear
>scared to queue because I'm going to get raped because no gear
>gpt4o model to evaluate all specs
Ugh thanks? Not sure what to do with it.
It's what they were originally designed for
They were dogshit at everything else and blizz had to add tranq shot + an enrage gimmick to force people to use hunters for anything that wasn't the hunter soloing
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could be worse
this is blatant blog posting with avatar transfaggotry
Just do it. Take it up the ass until you have enough honor/conquest to gear up, and then take out all that pain and stress on other no-gear newbies trying to pvp.
/wowg/ has no moderation
just queue epic BGs then, it's the weekly quest anyway and most of them have tremendous 1000 honor and ~250 conquest quests within them as well
>"oh dude brann does fuckloads of dps"
>lvl 15, porceline arrowhead and amorphus relic
>he did 7.8% of the total damage on the last boss of a tier 7 delve
Yeah okay. Does he scale differently for other roles or specs or something because this nigga feels fucking useless for my arms warrior.
prove it, post a pony
I've heard he specifically does more damage if you're a healer but I can't really confirm it
As a tank he just randomly obliterates mobs
he does like 250K DPS for me. it's not a fuckload but it's not nothing
do you still have to be a druid to get the raven lord mount from anzu?
No. you don't even need to summon anzu anymore, he is just chillin there.
I don't think this has been a thing for many years, but also it looks kinda bad now
>did city of echoes with a random pug
>wiped 10 times on last boss, dps couldnt do mechanics for shit
>found a new group and one-shot
literally skill issue, gear doesn't matter nearly as much as most groups think it does
Stop posting shitty fanart of your shitty toons
And this is blatant bitchposting.
>no you
your brain on being evil and retarded
>waaaaaaaaah *shits self*
your brain on being a bitch
Wiped zillion times today on every dungeon. Had a lot of fun, but also lots of sandbags and awful healers. Stonevault was the hardest to beat
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speaking of evil and retarded, here's my locks mog
>fighting elite
>brann afk
>fighting a weak as fuck random insect
I hate this fucking guy.
Is there any reason not to upgrade your 603 gear you got from T8 delves? I didn't play dragonsneed so I don't know about the system.
>NAtards were literally shitting and crying about delves being too hard
>one shot everything with zero deaths in a pug with 3 random dogshit players
bros are americans retarded?
Delves are cool af, did couple of 8 got 2 maps with 610 loot and they were easy as fuck, the bountiful in hollowfall was super cool too
>in a pug
shut the fuck up
Go in-game, turn around, /rude, record it, and post it here for me to pump to.
they were playing solo but yes, they are indeed retarded
now draw her pregnant
>pull some tiny rando
>brann goes gryphon
>swap target to some dude halfway down the hall
>he zooms his ass across the map and starts hitting it
>stand there while he solos shit way over there
this shit was coded by tards
I might be wrong, but I think there's no issue with upgrading your gear. Once you've upgraded to say, 613, future gear for the same slot will not require crests to upgrade to 613. Just the stones.
I think thats how it works.
anyone want to kill zekvir with me?
i dont want to grind valorstones bros
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no need to draw it, i got you covered
Then don't.
I want every retard who wants this to kill themselves
WoW looks good because they invested heavily into artstyle over graphical fidelity, graphics get dated far faster than artstyle which can be timeless
Anyone begging for le wow2 with le latest overloaded graphical visual clutter is a brown retard
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>I was 580 when I began
but then I'd fall behind and wowg will laugh at me
There's no reason to save anything but the last 2 tiers (runed and gilded) for crafting
Then grind.
Is there no valorstone discount on upgrades?
I was having more fun on Grim Yawn...
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>do first t8 delve solo - get map
>do fourth t8 delve in group just to see how it is - get map
>wowhead says it's a 1 in 25 to get a map
>log onto alt
>first solo t8 delve get map again
>second delve go do a pug get map again, then nothing for third and fourth
so was it a typo and the odds are like 25%? there's just no way I hit a 1:500 twice in a row. how many did you guys get?
Good lad. Go run your little maze.
how do i kill zekviz? he keeps doing claw smash and spins around randomly
what do i do to like progress?
Read poems about it
Hi guys, my guardian druid is currently ilvl 571, what should I do to quickly get around 590? Is m0 doable? What's the best way now?
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>doing transmog runs
>multiples of every single boss drop except the one (1) I want
please give me your energy bros
I can't believe people do this shit for fun
I dont even understand wtf was the point of timegating m+ when you can get a full set of 600+ gear with just delves..
I thought there was a valorstones discount for alts and the crest discount was just per character per slot...but my alts are getting cockpounded by valorstones so guess not
Grut body
Pls respond
How do we deal with the zekvir menace? Is it possible to kill him or when he shows up you just accept your fate?
I got 3 maps in 3 delves
Never listen to wowhead lmao
I'm laughing at you anyway.
do non-bountiful delves until you unlock t8 then join group finder and do all four bountiful delves and spend your coffer keys at the end of them. then do the weekly cache quests for four more keys and keep doing the four bountiful delves each day til you're out of keys. you could solo them but all specs of druid felt pretty shit to me and M0s only drop veteran gear so prioritize delves first
nah fuck u
if you have bountiful keys, just get a group and do delves
if you dont have a group try m0, not sure people will invite a tank with 570, they should but they wont
Thx bros
m+ is now endgame content.
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for what purpose
Why does holy priest have so many buttons?
To fuck over people hording globs.
Because a couple autists banked up thousands of wax and you can't have acouple of autists skipping the valorstone grind
>new paypig mount for the cost of a wow token
>same features as YAK
>selling a token gets you twice as much gold as you need to just buy the YAK
>ugly bear doesn't come with Cheech and Chong NPCs that constantly lose their weed
truly a criminal lack of SOVL
i cant decide on a plate main, arms/fury or ret
where does shadow priest fall on the difficulty scale for pvp?
don't forget
>comes with a jaggy square border around the lantern because it was made by some jeet intern and blizzard has no QA
I bought it
what even is the best way to grind valorstones now? random heroics?
Why not just run bountiful delves to progress? You’re not forced to use your keys
I'll be amazed if fury and prot don't get nerfed on tuesday, but fury is pretty fun if you don't have arthritis yet
fury has really powerful burst then dogshit damage when you arent popping cds. it only seems op right now because everyone is doing extremely easy content where you can chainpull everything and burst it down. once youre in higher m+ fury will drop down because they wont be attacking 100 things at once anymore
What's the difference between a bountiful and non bountiful delve? I understand that the bountiful delves have a chest that you can open with a coffer key, what else?
Brann only gains xp from bountiful delves past a certain level, the normal chests at the end are better, and the chest you use a key on gives guaranteed loot.
if you do a bountiful delve and dont use a key it still counts as completeing it and wont give you the option to use a key if you redo it. bountiful delves spawn once per day, but linger on for 4 days if you dont do them instantly. so right now theres 4 but once you do them all then you only get 1 per day
yeah thats my problem with fury, you are a golden god with cds up but outside of that and with arms you're just all kinds of clunky
Some guy on US forums says that bountiful delves lose their status even jf you haven't used the key
just asking cuz I'm playing one rn and it feels like I can't even get my spells off
It's so batshit because the other week I unironically was thinking to myself "wax farming is kind of... fun?". I was actually slightly impressed that blizzard made junk world treasure actually kind of enjoyable to farm due to the abundance of wax piles in the world, they give you a nice chunk of stuff when you loot them including valorstones, then you hand in the wax for a legit solid valorstone income while also buying a box of sellable mats that at least so far has been good income.
Since then they've
>nerfed the wax pile spawn rate
>nerfed the materials boxes by like 70%
>nerfed the valorstone income by like 80%

They just fucking hate fun. It's as simple as that.
because that is literally what the keys are for...
Never do skittering breach on melee. Ever.
you're cloth, you have no mobility and you have to hard cast everything. its probably the hardest caster.
I simmed 96 in heroic raid today and was 1-4 on every single encounter (and trash) but ok lol
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What a fool I've been. Mucking around with inferior classes. Failing to realize that Hunter and Warlock are the only two good classes that exist because they come with built-in tanks and tons of survivability and utility at no expense in damage.

I swapped to my hunter, immediately got in over my head soloing the keyflame that spawns the elite shadows to attack it, plus cultists, plus kobyss, plus the rare crab spawn attacked me at one point as well.

I did 100% of the keyflame event just kiting, playing dead, healing my pet, ice trapping, and doing cool shit like dropping a Binding Arrow on a group of mobs and then using Bursting Shot to fling them all out of it, triggering the stun. Then I dropped a tar trap in front of me and backed up and snared them all. All the while, I was weaving Multishots with Aimed Shots and Rapid Fires that were ricocheting between them.

It's so effortless to handle difficult situations with pet classes. I will never forget that again.
people figured that out in vanilla brother
I really dislike this spec, disc feels like a music while holy has no flow
wasn't even that good for valorstones, could just blast a heroic in literally 5-8 minutes in group finder and get significantly more (+3500-8000g sack).... don't get why they nerfed it at all
>makes macrotransaction cash shop mount with transmog & repair functions
>makes it not a flying mount
YJK people will still buy it and they will use it exclusively only to transmog after/before jumping onto their flying mounts
Even retards know that, that's why hunter is the most played noob class in the game and has been since vanilla. Literal ez mode class.
I do this
I'll buy the AH mount but nothing else.
Yes, that's hunter.
Now combine that with the fact that BM has no cast like MM does and is ranged as opposed to Surv.
It suffers from the same malady as Ret - it attracts retards, so it's easy to meet those who can't actually put its toolset in good use, so you only associate the class with the said retards.
The funny thing about hunter is that it has a very high skill ceiling. Yes, the skill floor is very low, but pulling off placed traps and managing your pet skills actively and utilizing tons and tons of CDs.. you can get away with being 80% effective and it's not that hard but really mastering everything the class has to offer is another level of play.
>no vendor
You're still better off buying a token and then the yak even if you do it solely for the yak.
Join group
Leave group
>Thank guys
simple as
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I got the pet, but it's been 5 days and no tabard email yet, what gives
>delve mushroom boss
>aggro'd on brann
>dragging it all over the fucking place
>it does the whirlwind
>literally goes off the side of the cliff
>teleports directly on top of me
im so done with this shit till its actually tested by the retards who keep doing it this week
So why was Neltharion afraid of the dracthyr and put them in stasis again?
theyre really powerful or something
You mean he was... phobic?
There is a tabard?
Secretly, Neltharion was a homosexual who was attracted to their gnarly faggy face.
As such he had to hide them away to prevent the homolust thoughts from resurfacing.

This is why Onixya had to leave to go live out her /ss/ fantasy in Stormwind, she was tired of her faggy husband.
>join m0 group for siege of boralus
>literally wait 15 minutes at the stone
>nobody besides me knows how to get to the entrance
Look at the walgreens, circle k, dollar general one
most thematically appropriate pet for a void elf (high elf) hunter (ranger)?
I made a map pin in dornogal where the portals are and just linked it after I joined each group
An Orc with a chain around its neck.
That's weird i did not see any pictures of this tabard on wowhead
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>so it's easy to meet those who can't actually put its toolset in good use, so you only associate the class with the said retards.
You just gave me flashbacks to Wintergrasp and Tol Barad. I used to sneak up on enemy zergs and focus down a squishy, then kite whoever turned to chase me. It was a constant 1v5+ and it was amazing. Sometimes you'd get something like a Rogue+Mage in glad gear with the same guild name executing perfectly timed CC rotations and you'd have to find that <1 second window to trinket, scatter, disengage, and trap to avoid getting turned into a red paste.

I could 1v1 just about anyone on Tich and I still couldn't find a decent arena team because "Huntards weren't meta." Between that and getting blamed for premature raid pulls with my pet while playing as Lone Wolf spec, that's how I ended up becoming a solo player.
>thought my tank had shithot gear at 597
>dratnos is 606
>I already ran heroic, got shield and boots
dude what in the actual fuck
who is your favorite poster with a name that starts with M
prob not the best idea for someone new to the game then huh
maybe I'll try a melee dps instead
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Name ONE more annoying motherfucker than Dratnos.

>So uhhhhhhhhhhh, the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, well uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

>Sneaky ass bird looking cunt

Why does he always look so content?
WHY does Dratnos always look overly excited like a little cunt who has some dirt on you and is waiting for you to activatre his trap card.

Overly exicted looking ratface. He looks so sneaky. Like he's about to backstab you any moment.

Dratnos looks like he's all friendly when it's just the two of you but then when you're out with a group of friends he's the first one to jump on you for a cheeky stab below the belt. He's the type of cunt who accidently finds out you have a foot fetish and keeps holding it above you like Damocles sword waiting for the perfect moment to expose you with as many witnesses possible for ultimate impact.

Sneaky ass overly excited bird ass n* looking twat. Want to sock him right in the face and drop him to the fucking floor.
sneaky rat nigger probably stole it from someone.
Please refer to me with they them pronouns
Just because my visage outwardly appears female does not mean I strictly identify as onenwa8
One of the shadow pets if there are any. Worms and/or hydras? There's that shadow goat in hallowfall but who knows if it's tameable
take your meds
skill issue
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Speaking of D*atnos, is the map addon with the stupid routes named after him still the meta for pugging keys?
Last time I keystoned was in early SL.
whats the verdict on tww
i have been holding out waiting for the game to actually start so i havent bought it yet
i hear delves are actually a poopsocket activity and not solo friendly likt it was promised, is that true?
yeah when you're an eceleb they just funnel loot to you
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>is it true
Considering how idiots love to overestimate their abilities while underestimating content, who knows. Might have a better picture by the weekend instead of reset
They are made to look like that with a spell that uses a shader.
All these beasts that have some buff/debuff that causes them to turn into some color or glowing eyes or adds tentacles by attaching other models to them are removed upon taming turning them into the plain basic model.
I have no idea man
My friends all came to the same conclusion "Why the fuck not release M0 early if Delves is the real gear printer?
people have ltierally already solod the highest level delves in shit gear so anybody who is saying they aren't solo friendly are just dog shitters
its two tokens wortth of gold and shit looks cool
Basically wow won
Why even craft gear when you can delve
Fucking boo. Just give hunters mire energy flavored pets. Lie about them being spirit beasts or whatever
why even play when all the gear gets replace next patch
Leave drat the man alone...
if you can beat delves in the crappiest gear, and it rewards the best gear, what reason is there to gear...to farm gear you already got faster? the game defeated itself...before it even began. you make a powerful point.
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wowee you mean to tell me I can get normal raid level gear that pulls from a pool of trash world content gear? I'll never need anything else ever.
If you ever have to wonder why rewards get nerfed? 9 times out of 10, it's do to autists in the WFR.
my trinket slots are solved for the entire season, my most powerful dps additions, game resolved, end game achieved, i win. it doesn't get better until these trinkets are replaced with trinketetier trinkets.
>the best gear
It's not even close to the best gear
It's not even middle tier gear
It's literally welfare gear level gear and then once per week you might get a middle tier piece that is an actual upgrade maybe
Oh yeah you can queue for rates bgs now
so what unlocked today?
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>spend hours doing m0s
>get a couple side grades
>spend 1 hour doing delves
>get a free piece of heroic gear
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World of Delvecraft
brann's bussy
>Name ONE more annoying motherfucker than Dratnos.
>gets the water poop trinket and the fucking CHANNEL serum trinket
>Night Elf female player
>Worst opinion possible.
Is there a more iconic duo?
Chris Metzen is back
Danuser and his lackeys are dear
TWW is kino
We won
EVERYTHING but mythic raid
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Why aren't the dragon aspects helping protect azeroth after she granted them with their aspectral powers?? Ungrateful lizards
Waiting for their moment at the end of the expansion.
"Hey Alleria... On your left."
fat vaping blizz shill cuck
youre right
Answer A.
It's still the age of mortals.
Answer B.
Vyranoth an Alex are probably having everyone focused on finding where Iridikron is and won't be involved in the plot until Last Titan, when Iridikron comes back.
he has some sort of speech predicament like kip thorne

leave my man alone
is there any way to gear my fresh level 70?
the stuff I bought from the AH said it was level 70, but when I got it in the mail it requires level 80
just do quests
i like him
Just fucking quest and level up
>tank is so undergeared he gets literally one shotted by the tank buster on E.D.N.A
>ummm healer are you ok???
these fucking people
why are blood elf players like this
Do world quests for items, or dungeon spam DF dungeons at 70 since TWW dungeons won't let you queue until 71 anyway.
one heal bro wtf
you can do tww dungeons at 70, been plaguing dozens of groups with my 370 ilvl piles of shit
The fuck then, the option to queue never appears for my characters until 71.
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Oooh my anon, you've got such exquisite armor from your mythics. M-mind if if touch it?

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brother my heirlooms are 340 ilvl these mobs die slow as shit
fuck u pvpniggas
go back to league
This a pve game
Hands off, you stinking pile of shit.
TWW won so hard doomers are literally quitting after 20 years of hating
It's that good
>couldn't find a decent arena team because "Huntards weren't meta."
Funny you mention that because I remember the sentiment at the time. A lot of it sprung from the highest ranked EU hunter, Braindeadly, who kept complaining hunters were underpowered and not viable. Everyone just took his word for it.
Guess what comp won the 3v3 arena championship at Blizzcon in the first year of Cata?
A korean dk/hunter/hpala, complete with the hunter and paladin backpeddling
So many of the "top" players just had no clue back then
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>whats the verdict on tww
is fun so far
>i hear delves are actually a poopsocket activity and not solo friendly likt it was promised, is that true?
Its not. You get a limited number of keys per week. And you can't do more than 4 keys per.
>Wednesday morning
That's a pretty good time if you ask me.
WoW won
We are back
BG Blitz is the worst thing to be added to the game in case anyone was wondering where Blizzard went wrong in the future.
my characters in 385 gear from DF elemental storms/forbidden reach could quest fine
midnight will fix everything
>2nd dungeon done
still no loot
is this game really trying to fuck me over so much
BG blitz is LITERALLY the best thing anyone has ever added to anything ever
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i look like this and do this
that depends, the game is hard either way. if you really like shadow priest I'd just play it, picking something "better" for a beginner won't matter if you quit a few days in because you don't like the class you're playing.

its up to you really, ease of use vs how much you personally enjoy the class.
what ilvl you doin tier 8s at? I've only done like 4 so far, haven't worked my way up. still pretty easy by then?
there's no reason for that gear either, everything can be beaten in crappy gear, solo. nothing can be done, game solved and beaten with greens. blizzard is cooked.
>literally no reason to do m0
good job blizzard
you got everything unlocked by logging in, gg
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>do mythic 0
>balance druid in the group
>200k single target
they look painted on
look wow armor
586 tank. It's like torghast where tanking is easy mode
yeah i thought m0 would drop champion gear. very lame that it doesnt. why the hell wasnt m0 open last week?
how hard is normal?
I'm 590 right now, is this good enough for normal raid?
Haven't people been saying the damage from mobs is crazy high if you go as a tank?
>why the hell wasnt m0 open last week?
to allow dad gamers that can only play 15 minutes a day a chance to catch up
interesting. thanks
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>590 feral druid joins the group
>cant break 300k aoe on trash
Who teh fuck knows.
M0 used to be open prior to raids.
On the other hand, Raid Finder used to be gated even after Mythic Raid and drip fed over months by the wing.
I'm a brewmaster, nothing one shots me because of stagger so I don't care
uuuuuuuh, you sure they are not resto?!
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your souls. hand them over.
So am I a dumb fuck that just didn't pay attention to details on this saga? Is Midnight actually confirmed to have Silvermoon related changes, or is that just everyone hoping heavily?
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did my world tour and got my rank 8 delves done, just going to focus on 2-3 m0s the rest of the week
arakara boss is very funny, did not realise you can just cc the slimes until after so I was bursting them or using cc immunes, cloak or shadow step to cheese the mechanic instead
>no time limit
>play paladin and wait for divine shield on every encounter
gg ez
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did you not watch metzen at blizzcon?
Metzen said Midnight is Quel'thalas focused. So yeah, there should be a bunch of Silvermoon changes and shit.
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they're going to ruin silvermoon belfbros
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fuck you
I did, but it was also retardedly early morning for me so I don't remember anything past details of TWW because I apparently just committed to memory next expansion details, not what was after.
Clearly I should watch it again while awake then. Cool.
for people learning the game
590 is more than enough. normal is pretty easy right now. the final 2 bosses are kinda hard but thats pretty typical of week 1 normal
>not casting Contemplation while at it
My brother in Light, get better.
>do LFR as resto shaman
>mail bracers drop
>need on them
>hunter raging in chat that a "healer needed on dps wrists"
Evropa bros, is the wowg guild bussin?
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Idk if that's normal, queue time just went down HARD
don't pay attention to the time in blitz queue, It was ticking while in shuffle
>Shuffle proc'd right as I wrote this
rabben why are you gay
i hate playing hunter because i hate having to macro /petattack into every single ability
I just have on Kill command and it does the job well.
Why's everyone talking about doing delves?
Can't (You) do M0?
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>no reply
>means it's not bussin
my friends aren't playing this game and i would rather put a bullet in my head than pug mythics
Because the reward from delves is way better.
M0s give veteran gear. Bountiful delves and Map Delves give Champ and Hero gear.
Oracle holy priest is fun and good!
will people assume im bad if im from mg
yes. use it to your advantage
>check guild recruitment discord for AOTC guilds
>everybody needs just range dps
Isn't range dps the easiest role?
Or nobody wants to play it since it's boring like guardian druid tanking?
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Not bad like ragnaros/quel'thalas bad. We assume you're not great and we assume you're weird.
i fucking hate huntards so much, why can they solo everything, unfair cancer
Argent Dawn
have you tried disc at all?
they stopped the spamming few days ago
they dead af
disc is too close to dicks and i'm not gay
>all the pve rats are spamming pvp to craft free 610
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>join m0
>nobody is using cooldowns on trash
>Isn't range dps the easiest role?
Yeah but you still need 14+ of them vs 2 tanks and 3-4 healers
with current crafting fees that aint free at all
only the most mazed of the mazed are grabbing that 610
people work you now
putin is a faggot....
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The fuck is this? Should I just use it?
>can spend 5 hours and die 500 times in m+
>still get loot
>can wipe hundreds of times against raid boss
>still get loot
>die 5 times in delves
>get no loot
Do it and do another Bountiful delve it guaranteed a 610ilvl item
Cool, is it really a "hidden" trove I have to look for or is it just an extra chest?
It's an extra chest
>wait for cds and pull as little as possible
delves sure are fun
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Thanks, will go blast one and see what happens
>undercoin are warband transferable
oh than kfuck
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Give it back
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I like delves more than raiding or M+
Did my 8 m0’s and got.. three new pieces of gear and lots of legs. A few good runs and then ended up with Mexicans or whatever and died 20 times each run. Don’t know if I can do any higher tiered delve? I don’t like them.
>Queue for Blitz
>Matched with russian
>They speak in their subhuman language
Guess Blitz really is the pray and spray rated game mode
so, are you not able to get a full conquest PvP set in a season? i just want the moggies.......
finally people having fun instead of being all sweaty constantly
Which tank /wowg/, pally, dh or dk?
its actually over for mazeplussers
delvechads are moving in
>just keep getting cloaks
russians are good
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>Tol Barad
>Moon Guard
They're the most fragile, thin skinned bitches you can have in your group, they almost always throw a fit and leaave over nothing
Got it Vadim
You're very good at bricking keys and being an overall nuisance
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>Area 52
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>do delve tier 7
>barely manage to scrape it out with 100 hp at the last boss
Dudes this shit insane... but I guess I was too low ilvl for that tier since it suggests 578 and I'm 581...
got picrel
I still don't know what to main
So.. just do delves instead? I’m at 595 ilvl and didn’t know about the 610 gear or whatever..
at deceit
cum bubble.. maybe compressed ocean?
Redditbros...we finally beat elden Ringo...I don't think we can beat BG3 sadly...

Anyway third week in a row in the top 3, not even genshin with natlan was able to move us...
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Hard to go wrong with a panda rogue
as a healer I like blood dk tanks, it allows me to focus more on healing the dps that are trying to lobotomize themselves by sticking crayons up their nostrils
just pick something bro get out of the cycle
The 610 is only once a week. But yes do delves, delves are champion (normal raid) quality. M0 only drops veteran (LFR) quality.
You can only do 4 delves a day though.
Retarded. Now players can actually play solo and get decent gear.
Where do you get all the keys to do 3 delves a day anyways?
You don't after a while, you can get max 4/5 a week
Hunter is the pure autism class.
It's not only once, dropped two in my first two bountiful delves
It doesn't have a high skill ceiling but it leaves most of your brain empty even when you've mastered it so you can use that free raw cognitive power to do something extra like think about novel positioning, doing 3 extra things simultaneously. Most class do not allow you to think outside of funneling all your attention to perfect executions.

This is why frost mage and hunters are dominating in PvP they leave your brain empty.
chuds, I'm in my wage cage rn
are there BOE farmGODs already? how much do they sell for
hunter is kino cus bm hunter raped wowg during 1st season of shadowlands by getting KSM as kyrian and people kept telling him he would never get it
the seethe was glorious
its too hot today
i cant breath
how can i worlo wawa in this weather??
Just play with a friend or invite a random, delves are the future man
Invest now, they are literally the new m+
Holy fuck the gleaming shuffle is insane no cap on g

Literally made 200k by just sharing blues
What's the minimum item level for m0?
quick, what's the fastest gearing strat? straight to delves? I was thinking of hitting up RF while doing the world weekly quests
610+ no leavers pumpers only
Delves are worth it until you have coffer keys.
M0 resets every day so everybody will crawl back to them eventually.
pumping my cock to cubs as i do delves
life is comfy
Hit lvl 80, buy ilvl560 gear from AH, then do whatever you want
You can buy a reagent with conquest to craft epic 610 gear, but like this anon said >>494056345
good luck finding a crafter with the PvP recipe and the talents for a "free" 610 upgrade
Might as well just play delves or wait for next week
565 or lower if you're the leader
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I don't understand.. wowhead m+ now has daily lockouts instead of weekly. I thought they meant the vault but.. what
What am I missing?
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So is this bugged or am i missing something. I did the cartel thing and did the 3 world quests.
kill yourself
>people say brann does huge dps
>tested my lvl 18 brann against an elite
>120k dps
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Which will allow me to have a blast this expac? Elemental or Devastation?
ah another chicago cubs fan
Use porcelain arrowhead and amorphous relic
Loot at the end of the dungeon.
ye, send your BOEs to echo, they need our help.
Xalatath, leave Inanis body alone for proper burial.
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Anon, I literally farmed up to 10 pieces a week out of those. There was never a lockout in there.
I am. Guy is fucking hopeless on my warrior and does nothing except fuck up what I want to spell reflect.
Buy a set of 564 greens off the ah and then do you big weeklies/dailies and pray for upgrades that push you into 567 and then delves or heroic spam
The weekly vault is still weekly...
>pass time user
>tranime pics
wow im shocked
zamn I'm on Tarren Mill
time to make some money
you are a fucking banana
if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs skibideason 1 is bussin
does conquest cap for your warband?
like, can you only get 1600 across all chars combined?

try both
Me too can't wait to start faming fuuuuck

Ohhhhhh yeeeeaaa
Are they maxed? I managed to get lucky and get them both to rank 4 and bro just blows everything away
M0 have a daily lockouts...
I was pretty sure wowhead talked about m+
So you just kill all trash and reenter the raid? How rare are those drops?
they're personal loot if they drop like that
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Must be a typo, m+ is still key based nothing changed
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im getting utterly slapped about in level 7 delves at 585
the damage im taking is insane
me and 3 friends did all 4 bounties on 8 and got 0
I mean nice, now I have a reason to do that shit with my main now
So are delves still a flop?
Tier 8 delves are rough at ilvl 589, and I'm playing a tank! I don't see how DPS players could solo them currently, especially with how adverse most of them are to changing talents to fit the situation.
>Pull mobs
>Brann solos them
video games
>tier 8 delves are still easy
Maybe I should change class to get any sort of challenge from this game...
Some of them are dramatically easier than others. I was getting nearly globaled on some trash in a Hallowfall one, while I can also fall asleep clearing other 8's.
I just saw the green elite illusion...I regret not playing PvP last two seasons.
ion has a fat cock
ah that was DF season 3, verdant, was pretty unique, personally i think season 2 (the shadowflame) and season 4 (that sand thing) were the best

season 1 lightnign was pretty kino too, but if i were a monk or druid the green would be S++ for sure
been out of the loop for a bit, so does blizzard plan to make the dracthyr running and walking animations less fucked once they get different classes? you know, so that they aren't happily swinging their two handed weapons literally into the ground with every gallop and bound they make in their running animation
i am confident that they won't but i am willing to still be surprised
Are moonkin in pvp
moonkings are not in the game currently
yes but they are a pet spec now
>nerubian delve in hollowfal
>click shadow portal
>can't see shit for the rest of the delve

What a cool and unique mechanic, at least the other delve of the zone was cool.

I think delves might have a bright future.
>play solo content as tank with infinite healing
>'wow this is easy lol'
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>595 item level after Delves and M0's

yeah i'm ahead of the curve
Ye I'm playing a monk and I saw another monk with that illusion sitting outside the AH, fuck me man...
dreadflame better pvp illusion
You didn't beat the game
you can't beat wow anyway
I suck at pvp
Is it stupid to try and Solo level 8-Delves at Ilevel 557? And what spec would be best for this playing as a warlock?
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I got big breasts
nah it's doable

lol nah
Take all your def CDs and kite like a bitch, not sure about brann tho
*shids and fards*
how many sparks should i have this week if i just finished the weekly 10 world quest quest?
assuming i started playing since the first week of launch.
Well you should have a bunch stored up. You were able to get 4 keys a week from chests the past few weeks, plus some world quests have been giving shards which make more keys, plus renown ranks and some quests give keys. I spent 4 keys today and I still have 13 keys left. Once you start spending keys and doing world soul events you can get more shards for keys.

Enough for a few days for delving. Once you're depleted then all you can really do is get the 4 a week with some shards here and there. You'll be mostly timegated. This will be a bigger issue in future seasons as we will not have multiple weeks stocked up + free renown keys so we'll be more timegated off the bat.
For this season though it's pretty free, do 4 every day and spend all your keys from your stockpile. Delves are capped at normal quality gear so this is the best it will give regardless.
>retards talk about a class having a high skill floor
>it's literally just using your class utilities/CC and whatever else your are literally expected to do besides press button make damage go up
ah yes, the sign of an elite hunter player
using freezing trap
>Bfa was so ass they didn't even bother making more than one illusion

I got KSM in S1 trannylands as MM Kyrian.
Was that supposed to be impressive or something?
I know every retard was all about BM troon fairy, but MM Kyrian fucking slapped, I actually liked the ability.
what are you serious lol
>early access shitters spent 100 hours grinding before the season started today to be, at most 593 ilvl
how does that make you feel?
From twitter and wished they look about the same
>i got ksm as giga fotm meme spec
grats, is that supposed to be impressive or something?
>lol nah

What's wrong? I thought Warlock used to eb strong at solo content?
Why do all these new illusions color the entire weapon? This would be so much better if it didn't tint the entire weapon gray.

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