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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>494022218

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
SEAgods rule /zzz/
I want to eat some cheese bangboorger.
I don't understand the homelander connection.
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The cutest
The coolest
The sexiest agent
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Pag-kun please, you're living in China's backyard. Niggers like you ain't ruling shit
SEAsubhumans ruined /zzz/
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what does Piper smells like?
China is too afraid of big daddy USA to do anything serious LMAO
Post petite women
Big Daddy's cum
Realistically? My semen
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day old weed
diet pepsi
truck grease
my semen

SEAgods, our response????
A mixture of body odur, petrol and the hint of fast food burgers all left to bake for hours on end in her truck
>"SEA Gods"
>"big daddy USA"
The pags just can't help outing themselves
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memba if you post Piper in Reddit they call you a pdfile
Indonesiangods run this general
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I look like this
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You’re just pagpag Mudslime edition. Don’t get so uppity.
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Based, I look more like this guy on the right here
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Post cute Soukakus
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I look like this
>design almost good enough to be an agent
I wish he was playable
Now post the uncensored version coward.
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selamat siang wkwkwk
I look like the one on the left
Would you roll for a playable thanatos?
Predictions for what banner Piper and Lucy will be on?
hes male without a twink body
thats actually illegal in the hoyoverse
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/ss/ femdom sex with Enid in the fur care salon, locking him in a harness on all fours like a dog at a dog grooming salon and brushing over his bare skin until he cries, while his mom in the other room desperately argues with the receptionist for her to share the coordinates of her departed lover/Enid's dad so that she'll get alimony
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Rats would unironically make amazing pets if they didn't have 2 year lifespans.
*rapes everybody in this thread and leaves.*
apa kabar kakak
kill yourself homo
Both with Caesar.

Burnice will get Lighter and Ben.
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Can I get a rundown on the schizos in this general? From what I've seen, there's a janefag(s) vs some seashitter. They're both annoying either way.
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>mum is not a thiren
Does that mean...?!
nyooo... have mercy.. I definitely don't want this..
if I squint I can see her cute butthole
This model (the kid with the tail) has been deleted from the game btw.
this is a gacha general, we're all SEAbros here
Thank God.
she got thiren'd
This can't possible be true.
Was he replaces then ?
Which zzz is the most futa-coded?
But doesn't Xi want to promote men with more masculinity?
fuck you
you're Cambodian aren't you
Here’s the QRD, SEApags don’t like Jane because she triggers their inferiority complexes because:

a) She’s 170 cm + heels and the average SEAnig is 160cm

b) Rats remind pagpags of the trash they have to search through to find food
I want to deposit the contents of my balls inside Lucy
What caused you to have a meltdown
lol no he just wanted to ban transgenders
why are you brown
any Laos bros here?
Uh oh paggy got triggered.
He's in the process of transitioning, let him be.
He's rangebanned from posting images and cannot spam gay porn
Uh oh SEApag melty
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Thank you for providing SEAfrens with free housing inside your head.
>live in aus
>my gf is malay nurse who is very loving and positive
>very aggressive when we play video games, but not toxic
>short, adorable and just full of hugs

nah malaysians are such good people, sadly their government is off of corruption
How does a nigger live being under 180cm?
Ackshually filipinos are the most powerful race in the world
tobacco and fire water, Piper should have stayed native american having two blond loli's makes it less unique
as a White Brazilian myself I demand all SEApags to get out of my thread
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Maxed this fucker 100 rolls ago and he still refuses to leave me alone when I have yet to pull a single Magnetiboo.
I need Burnice to peg me.
jane doe
>brown but white inside
>brown but troon
>brown but can kick ass
>shitposter is the one defending SEA
I'm noticiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
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Would you like me to dip the strapon in gasoline or red chili sauce?
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I'm Filipino
Indonesia is crazy when I went even the "normal" food that wasn't meant to be spicy was ridiculously hot.
I’m so glad I’m not you (Indonesian btw)
Jane's girthy
I willingly accelerate global warming just so all of SEA will turn into the actual sea.
Hi Seabros, let's be friends
tell me where you're from and your favourite character
Do the opposite nigger. If they have no shithole to live in, they'll move to your place and turn it into a shithole
Go argue in /int/ instead of pussying out in a board without flags.
Singapore doesn't count as SEA btw.
Jane's 15 inch cock
Reminder that only thirld-wolders, like India and SEA, and bugs, like China and Korea, enjoy spicy food. When first-worlders like Euro and Japan eat spicy shit, they cannot stomach it because that shit is poison.
I can't wait to immigrate as a refugee and live off of white taxpayer money.
>SEAnigs get dominated by Chinks
>Mindbroken enough to play their game and contribute to their economy

Do SEAnigs really?
Aus, Neko and Piper
I can't help but wonder why do /gig/gers think all of SEA speaks Filipino.
Same. Yts will welcome us all with open legs.
Australia, hard to choose between Qingyi, Piper and Lucy
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Jane Doe / Malaysia
aiyoh walao lah
At least I'm not muslim
>Ausbros are cunnyGODs
Flips are the only ones who don't know their place and think that everybody wants to know that they're filipino.
Indonesia, Piper
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Imagine Jane sliding her tail into that little crevice in his pants as a joke haha
iirc SEAbros are self-hating so the one whining about SEA the most is usually SEA himself
Jollibee won
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all the Aussies here are actually SEA and Chinese btw
Mericans only know about filipinx
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Getting back on topic will the maps in the outer ring be bigger?
No point in having a wasteland setting if it's just a dirtier run down lumia square
No, even worse.
youtube says seth is actually pretty good especially after m2 he becomes a comparable unit to lucy in support and dps area. true or false
I hope not, the game is not an OW so who cares how big the maps are ? They just need to look cool
More than 50% of australians are chinks.
It's going to be sandy sixth street
He's fucking good
however he's also fucking gay, and I don't have space for men in my teams, unless they're hyper masculine
There are no SEA posters at all, its just aussies pretending to have a laugh
Lucy and I'm from Thailand
This surely can’t be good enough that I’d want to eat it from the trash right?
I heard Indonesia are hardcore fascists and love hitler. They seem OK in my book.
hes fine as a support but hes not really anything more than an anomaly prof disc for anomaly agents
everything else is cope
There's no point in bigger maps. I'm wondering more about the music.
He could oneshot every enemy in the game and I still wouldn't use him because I'm not a giant faggot
Could be true but he's male so who cares?
t. 160cm brown Indonesian dicklet
All of sea like hitler because he killed lots of whitoids.
like: Jane Doe
hate: Seth
/vg/ needs to implement flags
well it's just SEAbros and Brazilian here
I’m not even going to lie I’m Indian and pretending to be from SEA for fun
Pagpag> gutter oil
Sounds believable
180 cm mexican bvll, actually.
If you see male, ignore. Dont be gay.
Science won't save your suicide rate.
Making the maps bigger will only make it worse.
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>he forgot where the billy hater came from
India is infinitely better than most of SEA
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I prefer it to be more contained. Maybe something like Filly
>he only killed jews, bro
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nice thread my zzziggers
Lmao, even
>average SEAigger city in the year 2024
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Fuck no, pajeet
Your nation is the lowest of the low. These last few years have exposed your kind as the dirtiest, stupidest, rapiest and most contemptible kind of subhuman brownoid there are on earth.
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You can teleport to where you need to be instantly, scott's outpost has three teleport points and it's tiny, they already fixed the lumina square stutter
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Can we all just be friends?
>brown this white that
Bunch of insecure people lashing out itt but it was expected considering gacha games' core demographics.
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How come the thread goes to shit when Jane gets insulted, but when it happens about other girls, nothing happens? I'm a newfag, so I'm still learning /zzz/ lore.
No, but I'll be friends with just you soukaku poster
You will never be Aryan like me, you only get the DNA from the colonizers that raped your women
I'm not referring to the ease of traversal but rather the amount of details each map realistically can have.
Just wait until Jane's banner ends
I don't need an open world but something like FF7 sector 7 slum was good, rebirth was to large but remake made use of it's space well
He mostly killed jews and anyone who went in the way of the white race. Fun fact: poles were the main aggressors of WW2.
umay sa bobong core
>Increases the chance for [x] resonia to appear.
This is fake right? it clearly doesn't do that at all
>picks a fight unprovoked
>gets called out on its bullshit
>immediately switches to playing victim while going full melt down mode
No, fuck off and kill yourself pedotroon.
Ok, despacito, whatever makes you happy.
Can someone translate what this monkey is saying? Thanks.
>You will never be Aryan like me
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I look like this
It does, but there's probably some weird weighting on it. Normally you won't find elemental resonia without having a party member of that element, but if you pick an element you aren't using at the start, they'll appear in the pool.
Cat > Rat
Simple as
because some retards thought this would a totally based loli game because
>waterkuma based loli rape!
When it's actually an asschad and hagchad game, so they lash out whenever they see the thread opinion at the time is "Jane is good".
They do this by insulting her and proceeding to samefag and play both sides.
Anyway that's my schizo theory after observing the thread since zhu's banner
It doesn't seem to be working for the very first resonia shuffle, but everything else seems to benefit from it, sometimes, at least.
I look like this and make these kinds of posts >>494049643 >>494049424
Cat is an amputee like Lycaon.
SEAnig detected
nice /bant/ thread you got here faggots
India vs entire Southeast Asia the thread
who will win???
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I don't think that's it. From what I've seen in my two days here, it's some Janefag getting butthurt at some brownoid faggot not liking her or some shit like that. Wish both faggots would get a room already.
a pipe dream
no those are boots
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As of the latest census data, whites make up 76% of Australia's population
I am skipping Sons of Calydon because pigs are haram.
From PH
Male: Anton, Seth, Billy
Female: Nicole, Piper, Rina
bro this is a gacha general
there's only SEAbros and Chinese here
Got lured into this game by Nicole, stayed for brown kot (and Lucy).
Thank you for housing the self-hating SEA schizo. Have fun with him.
But I'm a white Australian posting here right now
no we know you're chinese sha bi
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Do you other aus fags get this constantly?
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EUfag here
happens here too
I look like this
Xiexie. You know Bruce Lee?
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The 50/50 should go away after you pull the character once. People will then spend on dupes for old characters that they otherwise wouldn't. Tell me I'm wrong.
It's literally the same faggot. He comes here to shit it up and force character fanbase wars ad nauseam for no apparent reason.
grim, bruce.
Nicole smothering my face with her ass while Qingyi bounces on my cock. Thanks for reading my fantasy.
From Malaysia and loves Lucy and Corin
You're right, it's a fair and good idea
Which is why Mihoyo will never make it happen
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no you dont
Post timestamped hand you brownoid Amerigoblins
Unless you live in fucking Norway or something you have no room to talk
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>missing skirt but not missing scalp
off model trash garbage
>eating pig is haram
>eating human and rat isnt tho
piper pits!
And it will keep falling.
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from Indonesia
love: Jane Doe
hate: bastard Seth, that fucker cucked me
cumming inside lucy
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I look like the right and say that
cào nǐ zǔzōng shíbā dài
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As a white man, I am regularly blessed with such good disks.
Some may call it ordained destiny.
Lucy is literally a mesubuta
i'm in love with the COCO
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao
I'd give my coco to Coco
How tall is Lucy?
about three fiddy
>cucked by a fictional character
Wow this thread went to shit. Luckily whites are waking up and we'll fix it like we always do
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>He mostly killed jews
Stop propagating the holohoax shit retard, what kind of death camp has a swimming pool and a soccer team?
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/hsrg/ is laughing at us...
How do you cope with the max intensity shit?
No matter how hard you restart to get a good amount of resionia the boss fights at the end of each floor take like 10 minutes
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Lucy lov-
>Get the fuck outta here!
>indogs are cucks
There's nothing wrong with being a cuck.
Uh oh pag pag melty
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The closer I get to the next pity on the standard banner, the more tempting it gets to brick my account by spending chromes on standard pulls...
It's not even worth it, I know I'll just get another S rank ball like last time...
>the expression of pure disgust on lucy's face
ok and? just kill them bwo
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Dispatching Mibibi to subdue all indogs and pags and make the thread usable again
There's everything wrong with being indog or a SEAshitter in general though
content doko? I haven't played the game in a week, literally got Jane and disconnected because I had nothing to use her on

Remember where your culture stemmed from dog
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frogs are just brain washed krauts
I thought i was in the /asean/ thread for a moment...
I will forcefully feed you pork, bitch.
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What would happen?
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we are forgotten
They should keep it cause it's the easiest way in Mihoyo generals to know to not take your post seriously.
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>most mentally sane Janefag
Falseflag/wannabe whitey SEA
>women are pretty and family oriented
>no feminism or woke shit
>good, healthy, fresh food
>booming economy
>gays and trannies keep to their lane
>cheap shit
>good familiar connections and parents don't consider you a burden to kick out at 18
I don't see a problem desu
every faction introduced so far is plot important going forward, it's actually the sons of calydon who might be filler
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Girls are so lucky

Uhh no thanks
What's the plot unironicallly? What's the driving force of the story? I skip a lot so
I've been lurking this general for two weeks and I'm confident to say this is the worst thread so far.
>your cunt
>your favourite zzz
UK (norf)
Miss Luciana Auxesis Theodoro de Montefio
Go back to /gig/ xister
Girls can't plap
You forgot SEAnigs Mr SEAnig
>no multiple choice
we are phaethon and we got roped into doing random shit because nicole needed our help opening a strongbox that had fairy inside of it, and the plot should have ended there if not for belobog reaching out to us leading to us discovering something called a "sacrifice" that victoria housekeeping also know about for some reason. this is for some reason leading us to the outer ring, where the sons of calydon are. why we even care about this shit, i have no idea though.
You can only pick one.
The stupid bitch poster is a wuwajeet
SEAgods run this general
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Managed to get a Koleda (and her bear) while rerolling. I'll still keep rerolling for Jane probably, but is she good? I like the cunny at least
someone make a serious region/country poll to truly see /zzz/'s demographic
im glad my mind isnt caught up with being "cucked" by fictional characters and insulting members of other races to feel superior

yeah it's been particularly terrible
it's all SEA larping as Aussies here
Not surprising since all of the posters here are retarded.
Have you tried running your own countries first?
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Officer Mewmew is so sexy
I'm UK (white but fat)
I'm white (Brazilian)
Here you go

she's good
The tier is like
>Knot and Koleda
Whereas Knot is the strongest in his dedicated team, but koleda is usable everywhere else as an Anby replacement
I’m white larping as an Indonesian and sometimes an Indian.
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Koleda's pretty good just by virtue of being a Stunner. Get Lucy and you have a decent team.
I'm SEA but I'm not clicking on your ip grabber poll lole
Vote now or lose every single 50/50 like this nigger here >>494052334
im a beaner pretending to be a fellow brown (SEA)
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Have you?
Based fellow White Mexican
Too many subhumans in this general kekarooo
Any Zenless Zone Zero for this feeling?
im big hot white man
pretending to be a fat black woman
pretending to be a man
pretending to be a woman
pretending to be a freak
who the fuck wants your filthy IP anyway
Ben Bigger
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Damn bratty kids, Piper and Lucy are taunting me with C5 and then never shows up ever again. Just you wait until your limited banner, brat correction is imminent!!
None, China is based so no SEAnigs will ever be added
Can't wait for my MC6 Lucy
zzz already have Belle
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China has hit peak population and starting to die out
SEA will be the next world powerhouse
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don’t lump us middle eastern(gulf country btw) with filthy africans
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>mindbreaks you
ZZZ for this feel?
Lucy love!
anby and billy
She will zap my testicles
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will zzz ever get character designs like pic related?
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the fuck going in here?
matching the color and how it speaks... is that an ausbro?
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Celebrating 9/11 with our victim, Billy Kid
Who the fuck makes an image like this
hearty kek
is it just me or is there a crazy amount of no content? like only one new 4 star and just 1 not even an hour story chapter since the launch
>close browser
>my vote disappears
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Insulted relentlessly by Lucy!
>fucking faggot nigger go kill yourself
What did Lucy mean by this
There are no black people in New Eridu. That's why it's a paradise.
she said pigger
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We also got the golden week event and some filler event though?
But I agree that running the event for a month is too long, since they won't fucking move any story forward until it ends.
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New Eridu has fallen....
niggers probably caused he hollows by being rowdy monkeys
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Any good movies or shows to watch, /zzz/?
Bro your sub-25 second SD 7 runs???
That's a robot. Are you calling Eous a nigger for being black robot?
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Should we expect reruns to start on 1.4 like HSR?
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ive been playing for 7 days and hr a day and i still havent unlocked the ability to use the resin equivalent
zzz bros???
With Thirens ready your sirens
plenty of content to do
every week there's some new event.
every other week there's a large event.
every month there's a major event.

right now i want more main story content
or if not that
new content that has you playing in a faction PoV leader and how they act with those in their faction. see how they see the world, how the react to random shit outside, how they get treated by others and so on.
ice meta team (ellen 60)
anby nicole zy (zy 60)
>can't full s rank current shiyu
is it over?
Farm better artifacts
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I'm literally in her pussy right now
Luciana "The Butcher of Pig Thiren" de Montefio
bro your team 3 jane piper lucy?
without even needing to go watch the video I can already determine its shit from a zoomer who thinks its a giant secret that gachas were designed to keep you playing. It's the opposite. Its public knowledge that getting into them is to both encourage spending and keep you away from other games.
By the way, this is almost no different from releasing Football Manager 37x yearly and introducing ways to nickle and dime players.
My cock is ready for Thirens.
Ellen is a brick, get rid of her ASAP.

Get Jane, I easily cleared this Shiyu with her, she's so fucking OP I love it!
SEA here, just ran out of f2p poly and thinking about using half of my mothly salarie to buy a polychrome pack because I didn’t have enough for Jane. Should I?
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> 4 minutes in
>we haven't been mentioned
it's so fucking ogre... we aren't cool enough...
i cant find S rank discs with good substats... i am going to perish...

i am saving for caesar :^(
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Why do redditors constantly whine and bitch about Caesar being OP but when Jane does 3 million crit assaults it's perfectly fine?
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its good to be under the radar
Follow your heart
I've quit puzzle dragon, Fire emblem, dragalia lost (over a year before eos), blue archive and guardian tales
I dropped fire emblem and blue archive more than once only to pick them back up and unlike hoyo games there is no reward for returning
>it looks a bit like it's raining
kino wipeout tbhdesu
Jane is sub human so it's ok
Don't use Ellen on the ice resist side
Yeah, I've managed to clock an hour or more every day in genshin since 5.0 and I still have so much left but ZZZ is kind of dry, new content is really quickly dealth with, there's no exploration, no interesting multi stages quest, no long combat mode that isn't interrupted by something else.
There is very little content and within that content there is very little game.
I love ZZZ but come on, I want to fight more.
some games go the direction of a perceived penalty for leaving their game, ie, one time only event rewards which never come back. If a person were to calculate all the free shit 2 or 3 years they missed then they develop resistance to returning.
If they want to have less problems with this they should place one time rewards on a special shop and then have current events hand out extra coins or something to let them eventually buy old event stuff.
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You HAVE to roll Jane now!!
I fucking hate Exploration commissions so much. STOP WASTING MY TIME WITH YOUR BABY PUZZLES, GODDAMN
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damn jane is crazy, and so easy to build too
jstern said Caesar is DOA
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Don't post my wife here
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im the opposite
instead of wanting to spend 9 hours shoving my face against artifical difficulty or exploring a map one fucking time and seeing yet another tiny cluster of enemies every 100 meters I would skip all that garbage that has maybe 3 interesting puzzles and 50 chests that only show up one time.
People who say this always forget the 6 months it takes to expand the game where the only thing to do is chop down trees and collect some resources to pretend its amazing.
M.M., F.
I've been to Indonesia and they're not that bad for the most part, just standard poor country stuff. There were a few unsavory individuals I didn't really like but they tend to cower in fear if confronted by a Westerner twice their size. Otherwise they were (mostly) polite and decent.
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>just mentioned cookie is a MALE cat
>still uses their
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jesus christ, this thread is fucking garbage.
i really doubt they did that malicously
animals don't have the same peer review for translation even in america and using their isn't a problem in normal conversation because they don't care about that. They are animals.
>im the opposite
That's fine but there's nothing else instead, just a lack of anything to do.
>the 6 months it takes to expand the game
There's a new area almost every other patch that provides more content than the whole of 1.0 ZZZ, maybe it's content that you don't like but it's the content that genshin is all about and it's quite a lot each time. I don't want ZZZ to be another HSR where the only sizeable kind of content is story and little else. I want to play this more.
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>4:14 with meme teams
call yourself a stupid bitch
Cats are "it". Also higher than you so you should address them formally.
I've been to Indonesia and they're bad for the most part, just standard poor country stuff. There were mostly unsavory individuals I didn't really like but they tend to cower in fear if confronted by a Westerner twice their size. Otherwise they were (mostly) rude and ugly.
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I'll improve the quality of this thread by posting this rampaging dog.
You just took a male cat for a female, it's just a funny jab at what just happened. You should try smiling more anon.
So apparently Corin said Lycaon doesn't share his lube stockpile with anyone because he manages to use up 5 bottles a day.
Someone had posted this, does it mean that Pulchra will actually be playable in the future or is it just bullshit?
Troons detected. YWNBAW.
enemies are mostly faceless, and she has a face, work that math up gweilo
it took 4 months for chalk dragon to come out and it was one mountain with a little over 100 chests.
then it was 6 months until we got "temporary" islands that disappeared after and then on the 7th month we got the lightning story with Inazuma.
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never seen this happen to me, also EU
unironically this
trying to beat 25s is very fun and you learn so much about game mechanics
I can't believe Billy waa actually a god tier Agent all along. And here we all doubted him.
Don't be disingenuous, that was years ago when the game was just starting. It hasn't been like this ever since.
game8 says he's the shittiest. Try again.
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I STILL can't get over how sexo Qingyi is and this is post nut clarity speaking
How much does Corin use daily?
genshin gives a lot less freebies through dallies compared to other games and most of it's rewards are in the world or story
you are retarded then
the players who waited that huge amount of time and got nothing isn't less because it changed in more recent times. If you are a zoomer who showed up when they fixed things later doesn't mean I sat and did almost nothing for 11 months of trash dailies and tiny plot side stories that were irrelevant.
Only 1 bottle and that's why her weapon breaks all the time
Was thinking of uninstalling after I get Burnice. Was doing some tuning and used a Calibrator to get Anomaly Proficiency 4th slot for Jane. Went to equip it and noticed the icons weren't matching
>I tuned Inferno set instead of physical
>switched it to physical when doing A rank tuning
>went to buy S rank mats and came back
>didn't notice the S rank was still set to Inferno
Tell me Burnice is Anomaly and I didn't just waste a Calibrator? I was quitting either way but still the feeling sucks.
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Signora has a face and is still not playable
>i failed to double check the disk settings and i blame the game for it
96% chance to be trash anyhow, tuners are only good for starting out
She is gorgeous.
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you're playing it wrong
I unlocked it after a few hours
sorry bwo, burnICE is actually an ice agent.
No need to be aggressive, I'm just stating facts, it hasn't been like this ever since 2.0.
It's only fair to hope that ZZZ won't have to go through the same drought. It needs more combat content that isn't just a one off thing.
I finished all of genshin event's AQ and SQ quests before the current Klee event I just have some chests and random events to find so I've been playing ZZZ more. I only farmed three decent artifacts in two weeks + 20 fragiles but they all rolled into defence fuck genshin my luck with disc drives is 10x better
burnice seems like she'll be really hungry for energy, so should I not bother prebulding a 2pc freedom blues set for her?
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Torture. Humiliation ritual. Brainwashing. Pain.
well if everyone had to go through that and also figure out that genshin got most of their money in their first two years of online service then you can see why people would be upset that there was such bad content drought. Instead of you know, adding to the game they bought a nuclear power plant and spent most of that money on company perks...or Chinese government influences.
we have lots of unique NPC's who will never be playable like Susie and Ray it sucks
when are they going to let us crouch in this game
uninstall now
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>draw a couple
>call them siblings
>when are they going to let us crouch in this game
whenever they let us play as bangboos bwo
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Who is she talking about?
this is the kind of thinking that puts people on moons
people using him have insane investment on him, kot performs pretty much the same with the star light engine
none of the cunny hairs agents are bad
anby is a great and easy to use stunner
billy shits out damage for breakfast and clears all the nineveh tentacles in like half a second
nicole does whatever she does that makes qingyi + zhu + nicole THE meta team
why do they sleep in different rooms?
>try out anomaly team with jane/piper/lucy
>it's actually fun
bros... my piper is level 10...
She's sexy cute for sure
Coco truly is the best ZZZ design
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Did you know you can stop tracking main intermission to get rid of picrel?
damn they are really trying to sell jane with this combat event
>this could be you!
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Don't get my hopes up, I was really doubting that Hoyo would actually make a playable furry, but it looks like they're really going to take the risk.
I like it
feels empty with nothing there otherwise
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you can non stop apply assault and detonate it while dp assisting with Jane and Piper
Tbqh it works, only the fact that all of my ressources are being invested in Zhu / QY / Nicole is stopping me from rolling
Will prob try on her rerun though
female furry*
Balls which you can use on your limiteds instead of wasting rolls on ball banner... But yeah...
It IS me
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>enter room
>see this
What to do?
yeah i did that in the advanced drills, what a fun little event that was
it definitely does work. even i'm tempted. but she really has no place in any of my teams. i know everyone says she's great just by herself but still
Bro your 2nd team for SD?
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>zzz dead
>hsrg also dead
What happened?
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finally finished but im still hella salty
whenever i log in again it reselects the mission
i want to give them feedback on how enjoyable the combat drills event was, if only the enemies were harder
Respectfully put shoes on because I'm not a feetfag and feetfaggotry is the most forced fetish on the last 2 years.
>rat banner
>game dies
Can't wait for that kind of fanart with Caesar
Have you considered raising your Inter-knot level
qingyi has a really good dodge counter. i'm good passing on jane
>feetfaggotry is the most forced fetish on the last 2 years.
this but futafaggotry
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rare sexy Piper
It is the game's fucking fault, dufus. I was groggy, drowsy and sleepy. I got distracted from leaving to buy mats and coming back and had already switched it before leaving and didn't know each tab has to be switched out individually. Yet more shitty UI design on top of the already crappy UI. Stupid disc icons with mild variations in color vs the detailed icons Genshin and HSR use. It is 100% the game and not me but I won't even bother complaining to CS because I'm fucking ditching this shit heap anyway but you should definitely complain and have it fixed.
Uh-huh. That's how it's gonna be huh? That's the answer you'll give me? Well I'll have you know I already went and checked her announcement image and I already knew she was Fire Anomaly. You were supposed to give me (You)s of encouragement. Instead you lied. I expected you to say she is but doesn't use Inferno at least if you were going to lie anyway.
Roll the characters and then use them in SD!
zambi goats, leave this place
It's insane how much Hoyo is shilling the rat is getting, yet nobody gives half a shit.
The sexbot only got a 3D trailer focusing on random NPCs and a song trailer, is not even a DPS and got massively shit on by many CCs, and she's going to perform barely worse than dual rat/Caesar banner. It's pretty clear what the audience for this game is, and there's nothing for them for the next 6+ months. Fucking grim.
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isn't the rat one of the best sellers we've had
I did every event I could possibly do solo Lucy: fuck them. trying to trigger stuns with just Lucy is a fucking nightmare
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Just hit proxy level 50 today, can I get a birck check on my account?
>no Zhu
>no Qingyi
Congrats, you missed out on the only Ether DPS and her dedicated stunner
i was thinking that any stun based setup may be tough for you lucybro, i have some advice though but you may have already thought of it.
It may be worth considering farming an impact disk set for Lucy since you are going solo with her, as a side option, it would likely at least double your stun output, but it would take some time to find the appropriate disks.
yeah... just noticed that it re-appeared after taking a nap and when you check your missions its not even tracking it, so you have to track and un-track it again to make it stop
oh well, I'll just leave it there, its whatever
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NoI am running a Corin bot where I am building her confidence by making her kill all the thierens in the city.
You got physical and Ice covered.
>September 11th update
Happy Holiday!
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Bought some delicious food for Inky, but I can't find him anywhere ;_;
How do I report a missing cat?
>people complain about powercreep in ZZZ
>Only blatant powercreep like acheron, Robin and fei xiao sells in HSR
Maybe we need more crazy powercreeps in this game.
>M0 neko with no ball
No he doesn't.
I only rolled them because of waifu reasons thougheveralbeit??
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that was my very first disk set I ran with soloing: i did have to put it back on. decided to farm DPS impact mostly for the first critical node and easy graduation of those disks to actual stunners. now they just collect dust until this event came up.
I dont even have an old photo of them: predates me recording anything
The only truly predatory thing in gacha games is they make you log in every single day otherwise you lose valuable rolls. I have fucking things to do and i'm already payongnyou 5 bucks, motherfuckers! Fucking chiggers, make everything weekly so i can play your game for 1-2h a week instead of having to log in for 10 minutes every single day! (and another day AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!)
When are we getting drip?
>ether dps
Who cares? Everything ether weak is ice weak too.
Nobody thinks cuckbait like Fei Xiao (Jiao Qiu) and Robin (Sunday) are waifus.
why are there so much drama around Jane? all the other limited wasn't like this, will Burnice be safe??
Not according to r/HSRhusbandomains
there is no drama
twitter and utube is made up drama they farm for views
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it's just artificial /zzz/ infighting
pay them no mind, everyone loves Jane
I cleared (barely trying) with Zhu and Jane, with low-mid quality gear. Just like in other gachas, current character is shilled and if you wanna clear without it, you gotta have good gear and play near-perfectly.
you bricked yourself by rolling on so many launch bangboos
>this game without any romance in it is actually very sexually charged because trust me bro
you are a mentally ill homosexual why do you care. do you WANT to get cucked or what?
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>0 romance in it
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All the SEApags are too busy chasing IShowSpeed around in the philippines
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who is the audience?
bangboos literally do not matter besides being free anomaly
bangboos are kinda irrelevant the stronger your characters are and more relevant the weaker you are. If you can clear in less than 2 minutes then the bangboo only fire their attack about 4 times, a lot more if you are really weak, so it makes a difference less and less the better your disks and the more S ranks you own.
Why do all space china characters look the same except lady fu
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officer cui or bangvolver for jane?
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literally same boat. I was so close to calling it a month in. I wont be able to play daily soon anyway so this is probably my last BP/monthly, RIP rolls
Man those designs put me to sleep.
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Should I skip Jane for Caesar?
I'm going to do it anyway I just want to know if im bricking myself.
What is Wise doing here ?
correct, none of this is romantic. do you know what romance means?
there isn't a single mentally sound person who thinks they're being targeted because characters have a backstory and interact with other characters which is why you're either a faggot or a cuck. which is it?
Whichever you find cuter, bangboos are at best a couple second of optimisation
Also isn't it better to run a non-matching anomaly to get a free disorder in
What, are you going to the army or some shit?
How hard is it to log in 5 mins a day?
for now
they're gonna release bangboos with gamechanging utilities one day
the problem with having a boner means its really tough to stick it back into your pants if someone catches you in the act. It can take several minutes to calm down.
Building Lucy right now, what drive discs and stats does she want?
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i’ll tell you if you answer me
>picked up the game for Ellen's big fat tits
>never got her in the end
>kept playing for Lucy bratty thighs and tummy
Enjoy missing the main quest in 1.2 patch.
Okay and I'll roll them then with the infinite boopons they throw at me as filler for events and kuso logins like this one
>Animeschizo claimed to have jane
>Now animeschizo who uses the same images to avatarfag says they don't have Jane
Do we have multiple Animeschizos here WHAT the fuck.
all in on attk
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statistic shown that Caesar will be top in meta
her breastfeeding handjob is clumsy but that's the charm of it, she's gentle and will give your dick a shield
Burnice will be bad for the meta unless you are a masochistic pig
she just jacks you off as fast she can, there is literally 0 skill involved it's just relentless 10 rotation per second with her, may cause Burn
Jane is only good at M1 + her sig, and if you're asking that now, you probably don't have enough rolls to get that unless you pay up
yet there is no time limit on the bangboo banner. you can always select who you want and get them whenever you want without any 50/50 nonsense.

As you can see your thoughts on waste is a nonissue. Within a month a person can just get any new bangboo if they need the roll power.
It would be different if we had to also spend poly on roll power for them, but we don't.
>lazy photography event to try to tide us over till 1.2
Why is this game so SLOW
Futas are 4chan culture since 2003.
Do they increase the level cap in these games? I hope not I just want all my agents sitting at comfy 60 forever
You think that's bad.
HSR had two trashcan events last patch
Is now an appropriate time to say "Jane's slow ass banner is killing the game," bwos?
play more than one game you faggot
god these zoomers who think a single game needs to occupy 18 hours of their day.
I'd be more mad about the daily log-in if it weren't for the fact you can open shop, go outside, scratch ticket, drink coffee and be done in like literally two minutes (maybe less)
Can probably also do a few 100 energy resource runs and burn your energy in about 40-60 seconds, so a grand total of 2-3 speedrun minutes a day playing the game with a bit more time investment one day of the week to do Hollow Zero, Notorious Hunt, etc.
Enough attack to cap her buff
That's basically it
If you want to shitpost with boars you can get crit too because she passes it on to them but that's a meme and you can't really reliably get them beating on the gay nigger targets like Thanatos
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eh I travel the world quite a bit and I cant guarantee I can log in all the time. ive been stuck the last few months but im going to be mobile soon
everywhere I go has internet for the most part but... I play on PC only so I would really have to stretch it to keep it going kinda. none of my cellulars can handle the game and I refuse to buy a device just for ZZZ, at least for now
Doubt it, everything is designed around level 60 being the cap
Genshin never did that, HSR not doing that either
You guys have collected all the lore from Hollow Zero already? Damn..
I mean you could get a used odin 2 for not that much money.
Or a retroid 4 could probably handle it.
don't buy it for the game, buy it for piper
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Struggling in the Hollows?
no, im about halfway done
i haven't seriously pushed it but im aware there is a limit of 3 per day.
I'm so bored I'm tempted to roll singles on Jane's banner till A-rank pity, that's how slow the game is and how little standard tapes we get.
go play an additional game
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heh I was looking at the odin 2 mini, perfect device but is out of my price range for a zzz only device. the odin 2 is great but not as mobile as I want. getting a used odin 2 and leaving it at... wherever is the best idea actually. going to look at prices thanks anon
they need to add a mode to grind that doesnt use batteries
Your hollow zero?????
seriously why are they so jewish with standard tapes, whales only save/buy limited banner tapes anyway
How in the fuck are you supposed to use original chips? There is no toggle to select them
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Uhhh..... anon.....
>no bangboo
i kneel
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have you considered playing a real game?
SD and HZ? Your S ranks in every mission?
i said mode not pile of shit
you checked only at night/midnight, yes
nta but
>tfw play 5 gachas and still want more but there's nothing good to add
at this point I'm waiting for global GFL2 to release and see if I stick with it
When the game is literally driving people away and to other games? Yeah.
>Sin Disco
Why is there a rave in hell?
I’ve spent more money on this game than measly that $799 PS5 Pro
You can endlessly replay the one early HZ where the section 6 dudes show up for like 500 dennies.
just wait for the patch upcoming that lets you move time forward at will
right now its a pain to move time forward to look for the cat
im too poor to afford a PS5 Pro
>try out piper during the event
>her wipeout poses
bros... i love her
>go to /gig/
>people complain about no content
>go to /hsrg/ before 2.5 drops
>people complain about no content
Go play diablo if you want an infinite grind threadmill
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>over 799 euros before the game's even reached 2.0
>800 euros
I could build TWO entire PCs with that much money AND they'll play more games than the PS5. What the fuck?
Love how shipper troons always show "evidence" of shipping after getting called mentally ill freaks and all they end up doing is solidifying that impression. Shipper trannies are the conspiracy theorists of otaku culture.
you gotta have the dennies first of all and theyll only appear as an option if you can actually cover the cost in original chips fully. make sure your main chips are combined/dismantled in the grade you're targeting
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I see, thanks
>PS5 Pro
Takes up space, never gets played
>C6W5 S rank
Used daily, 0 space required, portable
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ill just wait for the PS6 which will have AI in it to play the games for me at a cost of only 2000 usd
Why does Belle look like she’s scared shitless
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The PlayStation userbase looks like this.
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Just realized all those TVs that we travel during the quests are literally on the wall
Damn I love Seth's play style but I HATE twinks
Rather than buying a PS5, consider investing in an iPhone 16.
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I made the mistake of looking at /v/ today for the first time in a while and the snoys are out in full force shilling that console. I hope they're getting paid for it(lol)
>rather than buying dogshit, considering investing in human shit
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haha retard alert
But my iPhone 14 Pro is fine. What are they going to do to improve it? Insert an avocado into the motherboard?
Stop posting this meme the Sony PlayStation 5 has a large and versatile catalogue of affordable digital titles to enjoy, including the hit new game Astro Bot!
Seth is a girl (male)
she will need to open her mouth wide and accept the dog tongue, its hard to kiss dog people
OK bitches, if the PS5 is so bad list the last Switch game you fuckers played then.
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How the fuck am I supposed to play ZZZ's disk version on a PS5 Pro with no disk drive?
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 :)
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oh shit, zzzased. thats just like the login TV being the same TV in the video shop
Unicorn Kinolord
It has AI.
>implying that i play console games in the pc/mobile generation
im not a baby who thinks i need proprietary technology to have fun
n-nintendo switch sports...
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SoC leaks
Consoles are dogshit
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>cunny hairs agents
>insecure snoytard drags nintendocucks into the argument
PERSONAL COMPUTER deities won again.
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PCs are toys for pedo SEAniggers, kys
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how many people here play this on console anyway? I was surprised when I heard that was an option: I forgot they existed
what they have no disk drive? is it all cloud enabled or something?
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that's just a random reaction image i have on HDD. I don't know who you're talking about I only have qingyi.
Yea I'd need to be extremely lucky to get both m1 and sig. I'd probably go bust before I could thanks anon.
>people complain about ZZZ story
>current HSR event is literally unskippable dialogue upon unskippable dialogue centred around fucking LUKA
I do not EVER want to ever hear people complain about TV sections again.
censor that shit
Same reason Blockbusters is dead and Netflix is booming
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You sound mad
I play on ps5 , pretty comfy. On phone graphics are worse for my xperia V 1 at least its noticeable
Could mozart be alive?
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When are we getting barefeet character?
I AM mad, I hate that I love little girls so much I feel so disgusting
Why is it only on ps5 and not xbox or switch?
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Fire Emblem Three Houses
If you mean completed then Xenoblade 2
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Do NOT write the acronym for Sony Ericsson Xperia
Where is Claude in this pic
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watching porn with my sister sounds like a bad idea
Me on the left
You are Lucy?????
He ran away to notPersia again
Bad news; I have maxed out my trusts.
I'm behind her
Why do people say Caesar will be OP? Her gameplay looked mid as hell
Roll more gacha for more trusts
Problem solved.
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heh you scared me for a second
zzzased. I post on hoyolab and I see a lot of people taking pictures of their monitor/TV. I assumed they didnt know how to hit PRTSC but they must be on consoles
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bad news, big daddy will be the baizhu of ZZZ because the developers had no intention of making him playable until furries became very very vocal about it
>I assumed they didnt know how to hit PRTSC
You have no idea how many dumb retards take pictures of their computer screens
>Three Houses
Bro? You're Engage?
I would play it again, but just remembering Rosado is in that game makes me not want to touch it again
I sure hope so.
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I say this and look like this
>roll A-rank at 5 rolls in
>it's a Corin dupe (she's 6/6)
I need more actual cinema or
which agent's ass do you want to merge with your balls?
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Ellen if she real
Ben Bigger
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Corin sex
Please don't use hard R
I would question having a tat that says Feb on my neck
Ballet Twin Towers was an inside job. Air blimp helium can’t melt steel beams.
He's fine in the JP sub/dub.
Blame Treehouse.
Ben Bigga
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it's bigga for friends
Bro where the fuck is my Seth? How the fuck have I lost the 25/75 FOUR times?
How the fuck am I supposed to get the 100 poly from traveling mimo with these fucking botniggers hogging up their bandwidth?
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Lol what

4 times is not a lot
>these are the "ideal" stats trial Jane has
>189 ap
What the fuck
Realistically speaking, Nicole probably has an OnlyFans
Just lost AGAIN to Anby. Losing a 50/50 THREE FUCKING TIMES in a row, and losing a 25/75 FIVE TIMES in a row is fucked. But then again I literally have not and will never roll an S-rank before soft pity, so my account is just truly fucking bricked.
It's actually easier to get the hundred poly from the ball gacha then buying it due to the bots
I honestly thing she's very pure
like unironically
How the hell am I supposed to get hamster cage pass? I'm maxed out on everything and I'm only 3/5
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>no jane option
>I honestly thing she's very pure
she's a conman that's familiar with the streets and underworld
How does Soukaku not get hit?
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that place is a mess
>two nightmare level ethereals dancing all over the place
>hit squads running around the buildings lost
>retarded loverboy fucking with the lights
>ghosts all over the place that die from camera flashes
>maids with chainsaws, oversized weed cutters and bangboos that will penetrate the shit out of you with lightning call it their headquarters(or whatever)
>raiders using who knows how many floors as a transfer depot
Poll made by pagpag. please understand
bro has never heard of i-frames...
Would Burnice cook other people's pets?
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Agents become invulnerable during various moves (EX Special, Dodge, ect)
Just read their skill/move descriptions
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Việt GOD won
I'm actually kind of mad I just dropped a good 30~ rolls and didn't get Seth somehow.
How do the rates in this game suck so fucking bad.
viet nam ho chi minh
I look like this and say this
Because it's a f2p gacha that won't spend more than they make + tip on development.
im already so mentally biased against these designs, all their clothes just meld together and they only look different via colors
Du me mai
You're just a lucklet and he hates you. I got him M6 in 60 rolls
Xbox has a neglible market share in Asia where the majority of the gacha playerbase is. Nintendo doesn't allow gacha on their platform since they feel Mihoyo ripped off BotW with Genshin.
bo chem mai chet bay gio
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sounds like a GREAT idea
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>Only good for their food
Not true, I go to a Thai massage place (no happy endings) once every couple of months and it's very therapeutic
Actually in that instance it's pure probablity at this point.
Like how I was rolling for E4 gallagher but only got E2 after THREE acherons.
Sorry bwo I have no idea what that means
I played that on my PS5.
in 40 rolls I got one Seth and 5 Anbys. shits fucked
why is there no zzz wish simulator
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>only small and petite agents (and Ellen) got votes
it's over
i want seth but i can't risk my guarantee for caesar
alas, maybe i can get him in std copium
Rolling 72 rolls for rat weapon I got nine demara batteries and two Seth weapons
>get to finally trial koleda in the new event
>keep switching back and forth on her to hear "hey don't look down on me"
Why do I find this so funny.
on ps5 you need install an app on your phone to easily transfer photos from ps5
Bwo there's a reason they shower you in buffs, they're all M0 units half of them feel like shit to play if you've used their M1 or M2 versions
>Two charged snips to stack charges on Ellen
>Piper with no refreshing power stacks
It's like playing Billy with no dodge-move fro M2.
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I'm just going to give up on Seth, I've built enough pity that I don't feel comfortable rolling anymore. Sure, the odds I get an early S-rank are ASTRONOMICALLY low, but never exactly zero, and I'd hate to break my pity before the banner I want unless said early S-rank is at 65+ to pity.
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Seth is so lucky...
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I'm sorry for your loss anon, but its just that, your luck being shit. Well, even that is just true in regard to you wanting Seth, you have more A ranks in 40 rolls than average even
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don't look down on her!
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Looking for people to ERP with (you as Big Daddy, me as Seth or Lucy)

UID is 1000055330, send me a friend request!
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Imagine tier is the best
>call it their headquarters(or whatever)
They're there because some rich guy bought the building and hired them to keep the place maintained because he was betting that the hollow would shrink.
holy fuck that tail grab is sexy
What do Jane rollers feel when seeing this?
It's easier to pump out websites with no programming team, cheaper too
I mean just look at the arknights info sites, which all broke down their website modules and never got them fixed after 2 years.
Most games nowadays make you go on the hamster wheel DAILY for muh engagement metrics. If I was playing only ZZZ, it wouldn't be a problem, but if I have to do it for 3-4 games DAILY, then it becomes a chore. Whivh is a shame because i really like zzz aesthetic and story (and even gameplay)
I have met a (very cute) girl in real life who is 142cm and it is every bit as good as you would imagine.
there is also regional pricing on ps5, I pay 33% less then I would on pc or phone
>no little sister
why live?
it's cute
just cut all the other games out, you wouldnt want to disappoint fairy now would you?
I feel aroused, the main reason I like Jane so much is because I like femdom dynamics with cute boys
I couldnt be happier with my Jane Seth team.
Cute fanart.
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Non exclusive SMT VV
Exclusive Paper Mario
I look like this and say this
bro visited elementary school for the first time
Legal adult bro... you're just jealous...
>me as Seth or Lucy
A bold selection
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Grrr stupid KOT! Draining me dry... Correction is needed!!!
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For some reason I really like art of siblings sleeping together
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we won
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I'm literally having the best head of my life
That's because you are a pervert that watches share bed porn
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im probably gonna get hate for this but I voted Nicole even though Lucy is hands down my favorite char. I think Nicole has more sex appeal(even though she does absolutely nothing sexy in game)
I was taking way too fucking long writing that and added the (or whatever) to mean what it actually meant
kino, I would would probably ape in that situation
I hate bimbofags so damn much
Reminder: https://files.catbox.moe/kf5byl.png
too big
Why is one leg bigger than the other.
SEAniggers don't count bro I know 30+ year old women that short here.
When is this getting finished
what is wrong with her legs, holy shit what an ugly mod
Kys drawfag, nobody cares about your shitty pedo drawing
Jesus, is that a 10kx10k canvas
Sharkboo is such a piece of shit. I regret investing on it. The other ice boo is way better.
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You sound mad
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im actually going to ask /a/ schizo directly when hes on
she was already perfect
Is Wise connected to that Bangboo...?
How do I set up my team that the bangboo chain doesn't lead into the stunner? Especially in zhu qinqyi nicole team. I am doing stun with q>zhu chain>nicole chain>chain skip to assist zhu.
why is it bad?
explain this image
also why is she bigger than him
You know you can choose who appears next in the chain right?
S rank boo don't have anomoly generation except their chain
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denny abominacion...
initial stun by stunner > dps > stunner > support > dps via quick assist
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On the weekend when I'm free from my wagie cagie
might throw in another pose or two
I might have to. HSR is first on the chopping block if they don't redeem with space Greece
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Nah, she is.
HSR has the easiest dailies though. Doesn't even need to play any fights
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>no pickelhaube
coomers are so tasteless
>No pike helmet
>Ruined hair
>Ruined the perfect hebe body
Death to bimbonigs
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it's time...
It's the events that are starting to become a real slog.
They use to balance it really well with at least some novel gameplay (the march raising one last patch was pretty good actually) but the event this patch is a fucking Luka visual novel.
>tfw still don't have the 2 worst S-rank agents from standard (kot and s11)
hmmm, not sure how to feel
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Piper is a hag though
I finally get to play S11 this patch and honestly she's really fun. I wish I had her instead of ... sigh... M1 Rina....
Oof, I haven't done the event yet. Sounds trash. should have been how to raise your per march part 2
I was looking to post there one myself but I didn't save it. Thanks bwo.
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I've been wanting to play Nikke again but your account is basically bricked if you ever take a break from it because of the idle system
This is just wrong. I enjoy fat tiddy bitches too, but you fags need to realize that it's fine for some girls to be petite.
The little mouse girl maybe. Could be a character we see in her agent story
Unironically? Imagine manhandling her.
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only if she's above 17.9999 years of age
only if she's under 10
As someone who has seen freed myself out of having to do HSR dailies mostly because I don't really have anyone I need to raise and I have reasonable enough relics on everyone let me tell you.
It made me enjoy the game so much more.
Pretty nice one actually. For Corin I assume?
But what about your gems
My mother raised me to be a gentleman, so I'd wait until she at least hits puberty (whatever age that happens to be).
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Nothing exciting to pull coming up.
No I don't fucking care about sunday nor tingyun.
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+5 ATK
I'm going to bake
>leveling a disk with 3 dead stats
But why.
Why are you even leveling this shit?
chat is this real?
Perfect for Brickton
Someone else make a real thread

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