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NAGA SIREN: >>493986838
I thought TI already started?
then you havent been paying attention at all
dota is dead
what is dead shall never die
long live dota
wtf are these teams lmao
>Team Spirit kicked out of TI
>Elden Ring gets a patch the next day nerfing the shit out of Radahn
does the argument that team spirit intentionally threw vs nouns still hold water now that they are eliminated after only winning a single bo3?
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Any dotards going to Denmark?
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templar assassin in bondage when?
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>Mirana will hear nothing about this. Now undress.
we need TANK
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Michal and Xtreme are our last hope. There's no more sovl left on this TI.
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How do i get hired at steam?
I want to work on Dota 2
Fart Nigga announcement when?
Bros....I miss Spirit already ;_;
I hope they announce deadlock and dota server shutdown on the last day of TI
Right now *brraaappp*
Xtreme winning will be kino. And it also might revitalise dota in China.
will they even bother to announce a new hero for TI or will they just have an Act 4 trailer with Kestrel (who's already done) so they don't have to promise something that they won't be able to shit out for a year
Has Vengeful been used at all by anyone in this TI? I don't recall seeing one.
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i know it didn't fit at all but I miss the second pre-game screen
I am weirdly nostalgic for it.
should i buy the compendium?

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are we going to get an opening ceremony? i ask because so far this ti has been a complete disappointment so i wouldn't be surprised if gaben decides to go for a noshow and the stream starts directly with a match
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The best was cinematic shots panning across the battle field
broke: i'm losing dota games because forced50
based: i'm losing dota games because god hates me personally
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>itching to play invoker
>w key on keyboard busted
pain peko
why make an opening ceremony for a 3 day tourney? it sounds stupid
this made me feel emotions
More importantly why the fuck make it a 3 day journey when you have at least 6 days of play-offs alone?
to kill dota of course
its cheaper for the gypsies
That's what they did last year, they'll just show off the teams and the arena and play some music, and yes Gabe will likely show but it'll just be another pre-recorded message about him smashing monitors for the 3rd time
Does anyone else remember the cavern crawl minigame in 2018 I think it was, where you had something like 8 teams of three in an elimination . Honestly the best time I had on dota I wish they would bring it back
I'm not into feet can you post coom webms of the hosts bodies instead
I loved that one it was excellent, but the hats made it a bit of a mess.
if only valve added no hats mode
oh wait its just another thing valve couldn't monetize so it got scrapped.
Hats are the only way they make money off this free game, what do you want from them retard
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>no lilia hero
>ctrl is used to learn abillities
>ctrl is also used for alt casting abilities
when the fuck will valve clean up the hotkey menu already
there are so many deprecated items and i can't even do basic shit like make learn qwer alt+zxcv so i can make alt cast work with ctrl
there isn't even an option in the menu to change ability learning from ctrl+qwer to something else. the "learn ability mode" hotkey just sets a second hotkey and doesn't actually disable ctrl+qwer wtf is valve doing
happy ephey day dotards!
hey it's the say the towers blew up!
fuck that shit, give me a real deer hero
Alt is for alt cast
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Damn this nigga blew up from making shit guides
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Who do I watch
>khezu has 150 viewers 4hrs into his stream
So glad that little retard fell off so hard
gorgc and saberlight are the only good ones
>gorg has twice the viewers of 2nd highest
how did this roach become so powerful?
inherited viewers from singsing back when gorgc was just part of his stack
gets haha funny angry haha swede angry xd
interacts with chat semi regularly
he also dedicated himself hard to a consistent stream schedule
basically he has a full time job appealing to zoomers
>torte de lini has 2k viewers
what the fuck...
watch qojqva
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she still plays?
She has to be autistic, right?
Gorgc, Khezu, or Qoqjva
you think they're bots maybe?
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This is how it feels like when theres a fed Hoodwink in the game.
idk how to play support when the enemy storm spirit zips halfway across the map, dusts me, silences me, and kills me in 2 seconds
i hate that nigger hero.
Whos' that? Riki?
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Where’s that dragonsperg that guy was entertaining
God is evil, punishes good people and rewards evil people.
>win early game
>team fucks around and throws away all advantage
>have to take great pains to claw it back and push objectives
>repeat for 60 mins
>wipe on our final high ground push
>enemy AM runs down mid to end it because we're out of buybacks
>still win because creeps killed their ancient and nobody was defending, oops
Ever have a soul crushing horrible game and you don't feel good even if you won? I just want to curl up and cry with rage at how bad all 5 of us were. Individually we were "better" than the enemy team but we as a team didn't deserve that win. Thinking about the game only makes me feel pain and rage. This feels like the kind of game that makes you want to quit.
The only person feeling worse than me is probably that AM. I feel for that dude.
when are they bringing back boner king, qop of pain arcana and wr arcana?
I want to buy those
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have you considered that maybe by the time storm can do that (15 minutes +) you shouldn't be showing in the lane as a support?
the wings?
Under the hand.
Better than losing a 60min game
How do i block ads on twitch these days. Either Ublock doesn't block ads or it blocks even the stream from loading until i turn it off and get ads. Send help
Try every method on the github, for me the userscript thing works
all of my games that aren't 25 minute stomps unfold exactly like this. we became defense of the buybacks like 5 years ago and i don't think we're ever going back to the days of buildings mattering. "the team that pushes first always loses" is practically a statistical fact.
find something else to watch
what are you watching
Should I draw something?
It's the opposite though.

5 years ago they gave buildings like 500 glyphs so they last longer.
Buybacks matter more precisely because they help buildings stay up. High ground pushes are harder because glyphs and buybacks make it harder to break buildings.
They're not mutually exclusive. If anything, they're intertwined.

>"the team that pushes first always loses" is practically a statistical fact.
Source: Trust me bro
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sof bros we are eating
too bad its china only.
like all the other good merch.
>TI is over
>still no act 4
it's over isn't it...
buildings don't matter because creeps practically don't matter. supports can kill mega creeps no problem. 10 years ago the idea of a mega creep comeback was inconceivable. now even when you have megas you can't push without aegis and 2 cheeses because they'll just buy back and wipe you and then ignore all the mega creeps and win.

when's the last time you've seen a pro team do a push strat? 2014. when's the last time you saw a split push strat? DC in 2016 basically.

whether it's pub games or pro games, there's two outcomes : "30 minute stomp" and "60 minute farmfest where both teams avoid each other, big teamfight, everybody buysback, coin toss as to who wins".

buildings are not objectives. they're a gift you collect after killing people. the only objective in pro dota is rosh, and in pubs there are none.
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>queue for a game
>start feeling anxious about how shit and unfun its gonna be
>before I get to cancel the search, a game is found
>10th guy DC's
>instantly cancel the re-queue, and boot up a different game instead
Wew, that was a close one, almost played some Dota there for a second.
Anyways, tell me which character to play in Slay the Spire, and a specific "build" to try for if you're that into the game.
Ahh I see, I made the mistake of not recognising a PSG post. That explains the poorly informed bad opinion that sounds like somebody who doesn't play the game typed it.
I hate that he sometimes has normal looking post so you reply thinking that its a human being you're talking to but no, the PSG reply promptly follows
I just wish he would die :(
im gonna spam mid
what's my hero pool
waiting for your counter example. surely you can manage one game
try downfall mod
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will our man win ti
It's going to be Ame so he can finally retire.
You got through an entire thread without blaming or mentioning me

You really think I type out paragraphs about this game lol...I have been free of this addiction for years and have stated what this game needs unambiguously...I don't sit here arguing with you...you are boring and not capable of rudimentary intellectual thought, instead choosing to peddle paranoia to yourself.

I will never go with you to dlg and you are going to sit in there saying my name for ten years. You are going to think about me when you die.


Yes anon keep saying any post that uses double spacing is me
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>The portion of the bracket that includes Upper Bracket Quarterfinals and Lower Bracket Round 1 & 2 is branded as part of The Road to The International
>Lower Bracket Round 3 onwards is branded as The International, which will be played on Finals Weekend
Extremely low quality posts are against the rules, right?
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question for d2g: why would you ever engage with some annoying retard when you could be posting sheepos?
>Pretending about a 3

This place has some sad folks
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You have porn brain. She's a solid 5.
Not being able to do your own hair or makeup as a woman loses you points. Guarantee her pussy stinks.
>pissed pajamas
no thanks
A british 10/10
Oh anon, you don't know the half of it
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Imagine being so bad at DOTA for decades you can't even understand fundamental features of ASSFAGOTS.
imagine the smell
why are you posting your own screenshots lad?
Russians are worse than arabs, at least arabs try to speak english
>muh language
stop acting like this shit matters in any way for actual gameplay
you only want them to speak english to cry about their bad plays
Communication is a core part of gameplay
Also russians are trash at the game and they are all mentally fragile subhumans that start griefing the second anything bad happens to them
That is just a shadow from her hand right?
>Communication is a core part of gameplay
Yeah and you dont need a single word to communicate 99% of things that need to be communicated
You know that everyone understands push, rosh and back
>Also russians are trash at the game and they are all mentally fragile subhumans that start griefing the second anything bad happens to them
Sure, thats possible
I see the same pattern in americans here on US servers, put peruvians too, and columbians... and brazilians maybe
I feel like its more of a dota player problem rather than a nationality
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Here's another
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Does Ashni stream anymore? I don't think she was around last TI
what's the point of the delay? i want ti over with so we can get act 4 already
I want to lick her feet
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Fem orc hero when?
>Communication is a core part of gameplay
which is why chat wheel auto-translates
So the finals are on the weekend, even if there was no delay they're not going to release it right when it's finished
I think Solar Crest is a shit item
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you're dumb then, barriers are the best damage mitigation available
>never got the terrain teased in TI11
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What went wrong?
I like getting it on heroes that also like to get Drums, because if you get Drums and Solar Crest, you can push down towers and rax really quick with your team
You are pos 4
Buy it and put it on me like the bitch boy cock sluper you are
Powercreep. In nu-dota a hero has to be able to do EVERYTHING or they're weak.
if they didn't nerf Voodoo Festeration, do you think we'd be seeing Witch Doctor at TI?
only surprising ones here.
bloodseeker caster is slept on
bh is slept on
pros are too pussy to use LC properly

rest of these heroes have gamelosing laning
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We might see bloodseeker and vengeful spirit being picked.
So is the game finally dead? Have the majority of people realized it is on maintenance mode?
everyone moved to deadlock already
no, but TI is dead
thank god for that
the focus on e-cringe sport has always been influencing this game too badly
Gorgeous girl
>5 WEU
>2 EEU
>1 CN
And not a single sea or na team. Nope i dont wanna argue about org origin and some other obscure shit.
Facets should've released after TI or 4 months earlier, too much unbalanced shit
1/2 the group stage games allowed for less experimentation
My boy pudge...
Beg for a support with -armor then spam reality rift while building stat items. While echo sabre can't be used by illusions, I think it can be disassembled and harpoon is what your rift does anyways.

>We're talking TI meta, not pubs.
For over a decade, 'Pros' will grab heroes with strong early game potential and mistake them for ricing carries, losing the game.
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How do i climb.
I dont get it.
Waste your time on actual games with a future.
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This thread will last us until friday.
Ded game
>no announcenment of new hero or new games
So dead gaem?
why would they announce anything before the main stage?
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holy shit i thought i was the only one...
Oddly enough if they're going to announce something it'll be when the most people are watching on the last day, just like last year
>picking support supports instead of memeing a pos1 into pos4
you deserve it.
Are we getting Crimson Immortals this year?
I'm using Emerald Abyss.
Farm more
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Yes but I don't know if they're new ones or what, in fact last year they'd already came out by now so I guess they're recycling old ones
Can you do Zaug's lair with macros?
all of them have cocks too big
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Even LC?
Start grubbing
I hate pangolier so fucking much just remove this fucking nudota faggot nigger hero from the game already
silencer is massively overpowered right now
Removal of sovl from society at large.
Reef’s edge is still the best map
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Maybe youtubers already made a video about it, but I've been checking Ringmaster's responses on liquipedia and noticed there's an unmarked response right between KOTL and Kunkka and it thematically fits a Kazurai.

This seems to confirm the bird samurai is going to be Kestrel and not Bakeet, even though there's Bakeet's hero icon in the files.
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What could they announce on the last day of TI this year to revitalize the love in this game? or is it already over beyond belief?
Even the pros know it's over and the game is in maintenance mode.
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wtf happened on 2022? why the large dropoff?
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>get randomly pinged while farming something
>reported that guy for toxic voice, toxic chat and grieving
>a few minutes later get randomly pinged again by some other teammate
>reported that guy for toxic voice, toxic chat and grieving
why are they fucking pinging me. it's not even a warning ping. just fuck off
There seem to be a lot of non-Dota players in these threads, so I'll explain it and screencap it.

Valve only ever contributed 1.6 million to all TIs, while the rest was community funded through 25% of battle pass sales. The TI of 2021 had a record prize pool of 40 million and was the most watched at the same time. For unknown reasons, Valve enacted an extremely unpopular policy of not doing a battle pass right when TI hit its peak, even though Valve itself profited from it through 75% of battle pass sales. In 2022 they halved the period in which the battle pass contributed to TI and canceled the battle pass fully in 2023 and 2024.

This doesn't mesh with their other actions such as in game events or patches and it doesn't mean the end of pro Dota, which will have a record number of big tournaments next season (by far the largest of any esport).
why did they put rosh pits so far outside?
>In 2022 they halved the period in which the battle pass contributed to TI
Dotards have started to lil bro each other?
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>Dota has the zoomer audience now
The game's future is saved. Nothing to worry about.
Because the central Roshan pit fights got extremely repetitive over the years.

Here's the schedule pasta. This is by far the largest tournament scene in esports.

The autumn 2024 - autumn 2025 pro season will be by far the most packed Dota ever saw.

There are going to be 5 ESL, 3 BLAST, 3 PGL, 3-4 FISSURE tournaments, Riyadh Masters and TI 2025. That's 16-17 big tournaments. The ESL, PGL and FISSURE are going to have one million prize pool each, while BLAST didn't announce theirs yet. This is far more than the previous record (the 2018-2019 season), which had 10 big tournaments. It's interesting that this is the first ever cycle of BLAST tournaments for Dota; they've only done one small event several years ago.






And what's even more interesting is that the autumn 2025 - autumn 2026 season looks to be exact same, since its first half has already been announced.
Valve can still make 'replacement event' for battlepass and collect 100% of the money without giving a cent to smelly dotards
Makes sense to me
How new?
Ok lil bro. Don't cut yourself on my edging streak.
Did anyone here get 2.5 mln on Zaug's Lair?
Didn't they have 2 BPs though?
>ti is over
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Valve of all companies is unlikely to care about those 25%. I think there's something else afoot here.

The 2022 battle pass was separated into a TI contributing and non TI contributing parts. As you can see, if this didn't happen it would once again hit the vicinity of 40 million.
i assume the non-contributing one had all of the arcanas
yeah pros wanted more and valve told them to get fucked
this cope has no basis in reality, valve gutted TI because they don't want to maintain shit anymore
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witch doctor

shadow shaman


VERDICT: nudota sucks
and yet they released an event all the same as a bp
youre the one coping
fuck the pros they dont deserve anything
Not all, otherwise the prize pool would be lower.
"and yet" blablabla prrrrrrrrrt faggot
provide proof or fuck off
how long is Mason banned for?
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grubby on panel soon?
1 month
Could be easily both
Its already clear that not having to maintain shit is one of major benefit of dropping the involvement

However they first cut the percentage that pro players get from battlepass
So for Valve it was about the money at first
Then they just dropped the entire thing altogether
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They let Day[9] host TI that one time.
how do I play dota 2?
its always been about putting pros in their place
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>these feeble, so-called PROS, in foolish hubris, demanded more from Majestic Valve (Hallowed Be Their Name)
>and then, our merciless rulers, in their infinite wisdom, punished their insolence, and took their prize pool away.
where is this fan fiction coming from like what sort of faggot do you have to be to conjure this jesus christ
what even is the point
Where did this theory even come from?
Dude, imagine giving proplayers
Millions of dollars
For skins, that they have zero involvement in
Its already crazy that valve ever gave them that much
They just finally realized it themselves
valve aren't evil dude. they just didn't want to go through the trouble of renting a stadium and hiring workers to staff TI anymore.
it's a lot of money, but it's also a lot of overhead to keep it running smoothly.
they demanded more and more
it's some weird cope designed to shift blame from valve
Hi dotards
they paid a contractor to do the work for them
that has nothing to do with the bp
its not an evil thing to tell leeches to fuck off
in between 5 to 10 years I will create the Dota killer
it will have anime girls, be prepared
It was always 25% as far as I remember
how is valve at fault anyways?
He even lost the luscious lips
Dude, I at least want to know the source of the theory, since proofs themselves are unlikely to be found.
that already happened in 2008 or something bro
it's only "fault" if you think doing it is morally wrong or something
it's just a business choice at best, and lack of care/interest at worst
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Unfortunate that aging can do this to us.
>prizepool went down
>pros cried
>valve tells them to fuck off and eliminates bp
its not that weird
The source of the theory is simple logic
still waiting for a morsel of evidence that valve did it because of what pro players did, said, or believed
until then - it's all fan fiction
if valve isnt at fault then how are they to blame?
oh nevermind i'm talking to indian immigrants with a very poor grasp on the english language
>gets btfo
>runs away
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now this is cope
>pro players get cocky and complain
>valve stops giving them free millions
>normal humans put 2 and 2 together
>Retard on d2g: Uh, do you have a peer-reviewed study to back up your claims??
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This TI isn't as fun as the last one so far.
TI is much more about the Dota community and its love for the game than the pros. Maybe the community would be more understanding if there were at least some evidence of this "punishment" theory and especially a direct statement from Valve, but now there's simply bewilderment among some and actual hate among others.
>if there was
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>missed out on every single arcana
how hard is it to get the skywrath and venge arcana sets for free? what's the fastest way without paying
I wanna Creampie her so those titties have my babies suckling on them.
Its only "morally" wrong if you are trying to find blame for the death of e-sports as a business; if you're trying to find the main contributor to the degradation of e-sports (or just dota2 e-sports) as a sustainable entertainment business. There are a number of contributors, just how to place Valve's involvement (or lack thereof) in sustaining the e-sports business where all the players, the orgs/teams, the "talents", and the viewers/"fans" put their time and money into.
That's just your opinion, everyone I play with doesn't care about TI
They still think Dendi plays dota or something
You're biased because you're on /d2g/ and probably reddit which are extremely niche parts of the dota playerbase
But 90% of dota players just dont care about TI
we still have crownfall and compendium to show love for the game
the only difference is the amount the pros receive in prizepool
you can't get them without paying; you can just get a discount while the crownfall event is going on by using the tokens you get from filling out the map
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Killing the TI prizepool like that was the correct decision.
It went up to 40 Million and there's no way it would keep rising forever. The year that it didn't surpass the previous year even with Valve's effort everyone would doompost about "daed gaem". This way Valve got to control the reduction in the prizepool without it looking like the game is dying and people don't care anymore.
Not at all. A battle pass system establishes a personal connection between a Dota player and the biggest tournament of the year. The stuff people get from the battle pass can even remind them about TI many years afterwards.

Crownfall and other events establish no such connection and give NOTHING except for the skins themselves.

>everyone I play with doesn't care about TI

Then you and your fiends are likely to be intermittent Dota players with a dozen other regularly played games.
onus is on you to provide proof, idiot. what you're describing barely qualifies as circumstantial evidence.
Friends, of course.
This is based I love merloobi, don't wanna get greasy fingers
But your post is wrong, people do doompost about dead gaem, it's just a little more controlled than it would've been
It would stay between 20 and 50 million for a very long time depending on the battle pass content. It was fully sustainable.
not only that but holding a single $40m purse tournament while everything else is in the 100k~1m range harms the community as a whole
i never liked how teams literally only prepared for ti and nothing else.
this completely ignores that the compendium exists
>Dota 2 is dying and the pricepool is only 5% of what it used to be and here is why it's a good thing
VaIvedrones are on another level
It isn't controlled at all. The discourse around TI prize pool dropping by several million is nothing compared to the wave of criticism and sometimes real hate that appeared after its cancelation.
Compendium is absolutely irrelevant for almost every single player. And it's more than irrelevant for the biggest fans of TI, since it literally reminds them of what Valve did to their favorite event.
Dota 2 isn't really dying though
Only the TI shit is dying, and that's a good thing
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>Dota 2 isn't really dying though
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with the ringmaster but I still win every lane and have huge stats. Not that many wins tho so maybe I should figure what to do in the late game, but holy fuck the hero feels too strong on its current form when I can stomp any lane I go into.
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Dota would be doing much worse if they still tied the whole year's worth of content to an event with a clearly declining prizepool; moving the focus away from TI was a long-term strategy and the game has seen resurgence from it.
TI3 and TI4 Compendiums at least gave out some cool immortal cosmetics. This one gives nothing.
Do pros care more about winning the Aegis in TI or getting millions upon millions in a no name tournament in Saudi Arabia? In Football players care a lot about the World Cup, even if they make more money playing for their non-national teams normally.
>Dota 2 is dying

A LoL team that wins LoL world championship gets 450k. A Dota team that that wins a random Dota event like Dream League season 22 gets 300k.

yes, if only to support the last Steam sponsored TI
feetbros, we're so back
What would you rather have right now?
Crownfall act 4
watch TI 2024 games

Thats right
You want Crownfall, everyone wants Crownfall
the compendium is all the aspects of the bp that were directed toward ti
calling it irrelevant means that the bp was only about hats and the event
which is crownfall
your takes are shit
Yeah now give us the 10 year timeline
There's no resurgence now, it's back to the commonplace 430k and might go below that. Difficult to say whether it's because of Valve's treatment of TI, folks sharing time between Dota and Deadlock, seasonal changes or everything at the same time. The Crownfall effect is fully gone already.
League teams get saleries and paid outside the winnings, anon.
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so do dota pros
>the bp was only about hats


Are you expecting people to sponsor the pros just like that or something? My take is that TI is an extremely important tournament that could sustain a 20-50 million prize pool and generate praise for Valve among Dota fans for a decade.
its always been about the prestige of the aegis
no one shat on the ti1 prizepool when it was 1.6 mil
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And don't forget that most of these numbers are from the Chinese people botting custom games.
Crownfall effect will be back with act 4 + kestrel release. People log in when there's cooontent to consooom, that's why fortnite shits something out every two weeks.
Dota teams do as well.
we have event for hats now like crownfall which are less predatory than the bp
its a complete win for the consumer
the only losers are the ones competing for prize pool
why do you care what pros mak, you arent taking any of it home
its the only way the doomposting cuck can justify his doomposting
deadlock unironically looks exactly like concord
hello riot shill
you might have vision problems
>the game is "dead"
show me a moba with more than 432,378 players online right now
league of shartness' numbers aren't public and i doubt there's even half of that
They are getting paid by the sponsors, meaning only the few top teams see any money.
That's why League has an actual tier 2 scene while it's impossible to be a tier 2 Dota 2 as you won't be able to make any money.

They added p2w mechanics with crownfall (double down tokens) it's way more predatory.

Sorry Kumar, I won't play your SBI woke game.
orgs pay salaries dumb fuck
over half of those are in Chink custom games >>494121494
I prefer dota but come on let's not kid ourselves here buddy
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>le dead game
dd tokens were available in the bp
your take is again shit
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>doomposting dota and deadlock at the same time
my fellow organic /d2g/ poster and obvious dota fan, here to talk about sweet baby and how league's pro scene is better as well I see? and just in time for the international!
In regular life I am a pretty normal person. Why does dota make me so unhinged? What other games makes me want to euthanize it so my team cant win
I'm not a doomposter, I'm just a guy who reasonably points out the importance of TI to the community. Questioning this simple fact would be considered very strange for all of Dota's history (and those who didn't care about TI simply shrugged and stayed silent) until some people started to defend Valve's decisions.
I didn't know things looked this good, but it does feel more dead than ten to six years ago. All of the content creators have left, everything feels so much more third world. The playerbase has shifted to CIS and China
Yeah anon Riot pays people to try and doompost a dead, how much do you get paid to shill for Valve. Ranjit?
Fucking cunts, they just remove prizepool as a decoy so they could just make deadlock because making hats it's too hard and time consuming. Where are my fun ideas? There is the same amount of patches per year and also released 4 months before fucking TI. If they fucked up this TI production I will quit this game.
Are you aware that people LOSE double mmr too?
>he does it for free
nice, great work, keep it up projecting esl-kun.
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Ok but how does a game LOSE players during summer, their biggest tournament, after a new hero was added and a big ass patch adding tons of stuff?
draft is too much info to give away for a double down, there's a reason 13k mmr is rank 100 now
>tons of stuff
>facets written on the knee
Yeah 4 months before TI
How do you lose MMR if you wintrade? Valve doesn't punish wintrading so it's a perfect acceptable thing to do.
>There is the same amount of patches per year
this is false
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Ok but how does a game GAIN players during spring, and nothing happening??
Wow cool. We got new frontier and facets like 2 major patches for 2 years. Incredible
crownfall hype
Dota's report and behavior score system has an entire scale of punishments for griefing.
because the game is sunsetted ok its dead for real this time
2012 ~ (Current month)
it's really over isn't it
Unless they do something crazy, it's pretty much over.
I should just stop making Dota art...
why do people think deadlock is death of dota. I played 2 games of dota today and 4 games of deadlock, it's not like I can't enjoy both. when the cheater epidemic of deadlock will hit like it will hit every source shooter the "moba boys" will move back to dota and everything will go on like it used to.

Valve is going to support Dota 2 with frequent patches at least next 10 years and that point the community wants the old version anyway and then they'll just roll in the "Dota 2 Classic" before talents and we will peak one million players again untill we are "SO DEAD" at 500k daily peak being top 5 steam game for the past 20 years.
Tell me what to draw /d2g/
monkey king eating a banana
Can I get a Luna petting a cat on her lap.
That's fine, but Valve is doing the bare minimum in terms of balancing and map updates so those tournaments are going to all feel the same. Nothing has changed in years in terms of the meta aside from the bigger map.
Here's hoping drawfags return for TI finals
Mirana being jealous of Luna's wolf
they all left for the super secret valve-sponsored drawfag contest that will be revealed during ti
damn psg btfo
>why do people think deadlock is death of dota
It's not that Deadlock will attract more players or be more popular, it's because Valve is incompetent as a company and everyone there will want to work on the latest project instead of an old one in hope of getting promotions and be recognized
So once they have a new product the old one will be dead and forgotten no matter how many players play it.
you juan got 2 new drawfags drops last thread
yeah...just like how dota was the death of counter strike
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Why is night stalker so fun. I just jump at them, silence them and rape them to death as they realize they won't be able to run away. It's like a slardar on steroids.
When to pick night stalker vs slardar? Because they are both brawlers that can win a 1vs1
you do not have 27 pictures of sheepsticked
>tfw no dayman hero
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>tfw no golden god hero
KOTL of the light nigga
the nightman is Nightstalker
where is bird samurai?
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It doesn't look bad for a game this old made by a company who infamously sucks at maintaining online games.
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it can always be lower!
>tfw no lion hero
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let's fucking go chink bros!
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who would win /d2g/?
me :)
phoenix is day man, retard
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>a bird
Don't go to TI if you wish to live
all star match with a player people actually like, perhaps?
i have no attachment to any of these teams.
most likely, that allows puppan to spiritually continue his streak of ti attendance
why havent mobas gotten rid of the first 10 minutes of the game? it's so fucking boring. like you're forced to play the autism minigame for 10 minutes before you get to play like a fucking man. just disgusting gameplay tactics all around. dota especially. cockroach human sewer rat simulator.
Terrorbros... How do we fix him...
zoomers need to be executed
Tundra for the GODson threepeat.
Xtreme for the breaking of the curse.
Anyone but Liquid, honestly.
yeah my bad, swinging at the speed of a snail while at 20% health for 20 minutes is fun. hitting minions is so engaging and fun! so much strategy (not autism) is involved, it adds depth and new skill requirements! my bad, that's fun not only in any way, but every way! fucking retard your game is a piece of trash.
I'm not reading that shit
It's called Heroes of the Storm
seriously? what the fuck is it with you faggots and team liquid? is it because of the blacked shit? who the fuck cares? why don't you post your porn history so we can all laugh at the shit you jerk off to, faggot.
calm down blitz
they're just soulless
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>pos 5 picks Qop
>goes dagon 5 and kaya and sange
Unironically seek professional help from a shrink, and try not to shoot up a school in the process.
I wonder what is he doing
saberlight, gorg or cockva
saberlights stream is good if you actually want to learn something from time to time
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deadlock chads just can't stop winning dotards
how so we stop them?
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how embarrassing
>deadlock is full of woke redditards
yeah that's all i need to know
being anti-woke is supporting pedophiles?
>she was only 17.9 years old you freak
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Damn this chad really mindbroke the woketards huh
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>Is thing estimated by Valve to give maximum ROI, after all variables considered?
Thing will happen
>Is thing estimated by Valve to give less than the maximum ROI, after all variables considered?
Thing will not happen

It's really that simple. Explains everything you need to know regarding TI prize pool, battle pass, and any other working of Valve (or any other private institution in the west for that matter.)

I know this is 4chan where 90% of you dipshits have been indoctrinated to defend capitalism against all logic but holy fuck just use an ounce of critical thinking for one moment
we're officially a deadlock supporting general btw
>going to Denmark
Not this year but I've been to Denmark several times. Danish girls are fucking hot btw.
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>In fight
>Enemy is pinged
>I jump them and die
>Mute all
>My performance improves
Dota was released in 2013 so...Yes it was LOL
>dota was realeased 20 years ago
it's dead bro, even though it's literally not
fucking retards kys already, dota cs league wow poe etc none of these games are "dead"
>top 1 and top 3 most played games on steam
>a single player game that costs $60 is within spitting distance of a f2p moba
nobody uses steam, it's all bots
My ugly wife!
>100k difference
>"spitting distance"
why does this 5v5 tower defense game need 50 billion people playing at the same time?
how old are you? are zoomers brainrotted from fortnite numbers? (which is still fucking stupid because matches in that game have 100 or so people)
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>getting mogged by a banana
Tianim es mía imbécil!
Because most of those players are Chinks and Russians only leaving a few thousands at most western and English speaking players playing the game.
>it's dead in NATOland
good, hopefully next everyone there will be dead too
game works perfectly on my machine
Act 4 when? September is almost over and I don't think less than 1 month is enough time to complete it
Isn't that just enchantress?
I thought his career was ruines or some shit like that.
Sorry, I'm retarded and half-blind so I can't see the D key
euw is the biggest server by far
Secret is DEAD
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Deadlock is gonna kill your proto-DEI game, and I couldn't be more happier. Total Dotard Death.
ew, spic
President status?
If Dota/CS are dead, then what games are “alive”? I’m pretty sure these games are in the top percentiles of active users, save for some shitty mobile game played by every 15 year old in India/China
looks like she has a good body tbdesu, nothing a pillowcase can't fix
Can you run deadlock if you've got a toaster that can run dota?
Trying to calculate the amount of impoverished thirdies each game has but I do not have a deadlock invite to check how shit your computer can be before running it
Game runs quite shit currently. They optimize it when it actually releases, just like cs2.
probably just because dota 2 is like a sinking ship. i mean, it wont sick for several years, but people just want off at this point.
>forcing mobatards to play FPS in moba setting
>forcing FPS players to play moba in FPS mode
Uhhh Gaben?
the first time i heard the theory it was from streamers so it's coming from the players themselves
chinks dont play anymore its all euros
Russians are Asians
A LoL team that wins LoL world championship gets 450k. A Dota team that wins a random Dota event like Dream League season 22 gets 300k.

League teams get paid by Riot. Look at how much Faker is making
Salaries aren't something unique to LoL, this has already been addressed above.

LoL is thoroughly dominated by Koreans and Chinese and Western teams get easily knocked out from large tournaments by them, so it's not surprising that the most famous Korean player is rich.
>Salaries aren't something unique to LoL, this has already been addressed above.
Yes but Dota doesn't have it, which is why Dota doesn't have a Tier 2 scene and only a few teams make a living and why the scene is so dead now
>this has already been addressed above.

>why the scene is so dead now

The autumn 2024 - autumn 2025 pro season will be by far the most packed Dota ever saw.

There are going to be 5 ESL, 3 BLAST, 3 PGL, 3-4 FISSURE tournaments, Riyadh Masters and TI 2025. That's 16-17 big tournaments. The ESL, PGL and FISSURE are going to have one million prize pool each, while BLAST didn't announce theirs yet. This is far more than the previous record (the 2018-2019 season), which had 10 big tournaments. It's interesting that this is the first ever cycle of BLAST tournaments for Dota; they've only done one small event several years ago.






And what's even more interesting is that the autumn 2025 - autumn 2026 season looks to be exact same, since its first half has already been announced.
>lots of tournaments = alive scene
Yeah because it's just a few team funneling money to each other. There's barely any teams.
Its all just a big money laundering scheme innit
thats why its literally all the same people casting every single tournament.
>There's barely any teams.

As I've said above, LoL is thoroughly dominated by several Korean and Chinese teams. Exactly the same teams show up in the top 4.

Meanwhile, the team that won Dota's largest ever tournament (TI of 2021) was entirely new and only had one experienced player on it.
>Team spirit
>only one old player
Who are you trying to fool?
Miposhka was the only experienced one among them.

Team spirit was called "yellow submarine" previously; Yatoro, Torontotokyo, Collapse and Mira were very fresh players back then. One could say they've won TI right out of the gate.
>Yatoro, Torontotokyo, Collapse and Mira were very fresh players back then. One could say they've won TI right out of the gate.
No they weren't, who are you trying to fool? Anyways not replying to you anymore PSG
Here's Yatoro's tournament history as an example.

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>All upper class match in NA
>Everyone speaks english
>We start talking about presidents wanting to troon out illegals that eat cats
It was a taste of 2016 that will keep me queueing this shit game, isn't it?
yellow submarine is comms
nobody knew who the fuck any of them were before ti10 what the fuck are you smoking
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>3 niggers party in my team
>they all bought midas
Why even queue ranked if you're not planning to at least try to win? What's the fucking reason to do it? Just waste your time and everyones?
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Look at this no-Midas loser.
I love team spirit but no sorry, their 2021 TI winning roster was not made up of fresh players, not even a little. Mira has been around for so long that he has pro games with dk photos, bet u don't even knownwho that is. Collapse and yatoro had already been in the pro scene for years before this and miposhka has slightly more experience than either of them but still not as much as Mira. I'm any case no this roster isn't fresh it's actually pretty old but if you want to talk fresh TI winning rosters then you have to say wings gaming. But you won't say that because well ur fucking psg
Will Slacks show up for the main stage? Would be a weird year if we don't get any Slacks antics.
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Finally, a straight post amongst this sea of queers.
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only around 30 chinese people care about dota now (including the pros)
Will we get another long (>80 mins) match this TI, I wonder? I always enjoy those since it becomes such a cutthroat experience.
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At least one would be nice.
Why does my pos 4 clock not use his hook ever and blame me for everything?
i euthanized a game and now i can't queue for 4 hours
All of them except Miposhka were fully fresh when it comes to big pro tournaments. I've already posted Yatoro's stats, but it's the same with the others too. Glance at their liquipedia pages, it's all

>tier 3
>tier 3

type of stuff.
60+ games is real dota. Tundra vs. Falcons game 2 was kino. Truly Defense of the Ancients. Gaymen Gladiators plays defense of the tier 1 tower and hardly even lanes anymore. The most dishonest dota since Wraith Pact.
dotards, what do i play since i can't play dota
Russian Roulette
I also greatly enjoy late game Dota, but it's not like GG fall off during the lategame. Their favored playstyle merely revolves around crushing the opponent immediately, but they are a very balanced team.
Nah GG are huge throwers when the game goes late. They've had multiple games where they had retarded diebacks from Quinn and dyrachyo late game that resulted in the other team just going down mid and ending. They try to end early for a reason.
>teammates (except one) are retards
>can't teamfight properly
>lost all lanes
>our carry is retarded, and enemy Luna isn't
>teammates too passive to tower dive the solo Luna with creep wave 4v1 or 5v1
>they dick around until the enemy team notices and all TP in and she gets rampages by pressing R and walking at us
>eventually give up and resign myself to eating the entire Luna ult by myself every fight so that shit gets done
>make sure to kill her before I die
>enemy team TPs in but teammates win the 4v4 every time
>repeat like 20 times
>win game
>get like 25 deaths
>1 commend from competent teammate, and 1 commend from Luna
Pubs are such ungrateful bitches sometimes.
i havent showered in a week
my ass REEKS
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So, in other words, you fed and you got commended by the enemy carry who you fed.
>watching immortals
>100th ranked best immortal picks meepo
>teleports bot into radiant creep pushing hi bot
>four radiant heroes jump out of the trees
>he dies and they take the t2
>he spawns in an immediately walks to the low ground to farm at his t3
>stunlocked to death from out of fog by the three radiant who stuck around
>spawns in and teleports into a teamfight going on at his t2 mid
>one of his meepos gets singled out somehow and he dies again instantly
wtf why did they do that to him that was mean
t. ungrateful bitch
If the game didn't last for 70 minutes or something, having 25 deaths is usually unacceptable and means that you probably fed.
It was in fact a 75 minute game which is why I felt the need to vent about how horrible it was.
hes there but working behind the scenes apparently
Which position were you playing and how much time did you spend dead?
The "ungrateful pub bitches never learned to pull their heads out of their asses all game so I had to do everything" position, and too long.
How is cloud9 at TI again? I thought that the team disbanded in like 2015 or something.
They just got new players to replace the old ones like every other team does every year but this one took a break for a few years.
Also it was 2020 not 2015
>Cloud 9
>Deadlock mogging us
>Worlds mogging us
God this is so embarrassing
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>hey, mirana, guess what we did with anon in the woods
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will he appear?
Probably a prerecorded video.
>Probably a prerecorded video
What the fuck does this even mean?
I mean he won't appear on stage in person.
Nice ako
will they let me buy those sexy arcanas I missed from past TIs?
you say no yet we've gotten multiple of them before
when did wr arcana become available again?
Probably yes but in a year or smth, the same way you can now get wei persona by purchasing the set
>we've gotten multiple of them before = we've gotten all of them before
we got personas again
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Shut up slag
>while ovulating
No such thing
>Play pos5
>Enemy pos4 Spirit Breaker charges my mid
>TP and save my mid
>SB charges my carry while I'm trying to walk top
>Carry dies to SB + enemy offlaner and is mad at me for not being there with him
So was I supposed to let my mid die or was I supposed to have a Refresher Orb for my TP at minute 5?
>expecting carrytrannies to have map awareness, gamesense, or knowing there's other players on his team
There's your mistake
maybe one day daddy gaben will bless us again
As a support you always play around least shit player. If your mid is a mouthbreathing retard you let him die and try to kill/harass 3 while sb is away. If your carry is an idiot you tp mid.
God hates me so much
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What's the right move when they're all lemmings?
Some arcanas are available in Crownfall candy caravan, but the chances are low. The more one plates the higher the chances.

Stil, some people even obtained multiple arcanas that way.
/lolg/ is laughing at us again...
Pick Shadow Shaman and go Aghs Refresher to kill the enemy base yourself.
We got personas but we also got a Skeleton King arcana rerun, so there's a precedent.
Personally I really want Spectre to run again
stop standing around waiting to cast spells
They don't have the unmarketable Battlepass Arcanas there, just the shop ones. They DID make the WK Arcana available again, it just costs like 250$ on the market now or something.
>They don't have the unmarketable Battlepass Arcanas there

Ah, I suspected as much. Didn't really thoroughly check how it works.
The candyworks does have some unmarketable items, but it's old couriers and wards and stuff like that, but no Arcanas.
If you ever wear an actually good shirt you'll do the same if you want cheetos
Yeah if I was some superfan Id rather be able to paypal my favorite team than buy BP levels
Whatever gives you highest killing chance
Only general arcanas that can be purchased rn are available, not limited ones.
For me personally, the pros/TI give me significantly more entertainment value and enjoyment than any of the hats can. Id rather be able to have less hats in exchange for more serious play and higher production value at TI, because it's much more fun for me than any arcana
There's tons of good content creators coming out of CIS, the problem is the anglophone has given up, english speaking content creators are gone
You give yourself permission to be vindictive in dota
Naked Daedalus Hoodwink
Just farm crit bonks until you win.
Its because theres obvious signs theyve moved talent off of working on dota and onto deadlock, it's not that players are all going to jump to deadlock exclusively, it's crap like the midas bugs going through for basically a week, or there being obvious typos in the material lately, or the way ringmaster was pushed through and feels like they couldnt actually make his hero concept work, etc....
Snapfire drinking campfire coffee with Sniper
Arcana drow posing for WR who draws an original aboriginal faced drow caricature.
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Kuroky status??????
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>Missed Drow and WR Arcanas
>They'll never come back
My account is bricked...
need the teeye
do you know how to wipe
I am, if you find me ill buy you a drink
Not a fan of how she went from a woman to vtuber
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not having WR arcana must really suck, right?
WR arcana is a curse because of that 2.5 million ult damage requirement. And so many redditors are banning WR right now because of pros running her with Whirlwind in TI.

Can't even farm for Drow arcana when WR is banned because I don't have it...
irrelevant fat fuck
Imagine tying her up in a straightjacket and tickling until she pisses herself
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I started to spam Whirlwind WR long before it became meta and damage was not counting towards the arcana progress and it felt really bad, but now it seems they fixed it, and now I'm grinding my WR arcana happily, only 800k damage left :)
He deserved it.
>go offlane
>demolish the safelane duo
>get like 12 kills in 10 mins
>our mid gets bored and comes to gank us
>stays for 3 kills, farms the triple stacked hard camp, and leaves
>enemy pos 1 calls "gg mid"
>spends the rest of the game blaming the loss on their mid
>asks everyone to report
I didn't say anything in case they got report happy but lmao, some people just have zero self-awareness.
I love playing as Undying. Mega fun.
With the amount of damage Whirlwind puts out, it's probably only a matter of time until you're done. I'm stubbornly sticking to Focus Fire and I'm finally under 500k left. You're probably going to pass me at this rate. Good luck.
Thanks, you too bro!
post moar wr feet
I'm sorry Concord shut down bro
this but unironically
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So realistically, how long until it will be available again?
WR in deadlock when?
I really thought they'll do that for this TI but it was literally nothing. I guess they really won't bring them again like ever.
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10yr anni of release
Never said it ironically tho
Coming back after being totally absent and seeing people accusing each other of being psg continues to warm my heart.

Like uprating a message in souls, I get a little bit of HP on every time you do this

There were kings to whom less ire was directed.
>Coming back after being totally absent
For how long, a couple of hours?
I traditionally don't post during TI in order to give the game the spotlight. I also feel like I'm more or less completely done with the game so have no reason to post anymore to begin with

Ringmaster with no puppetry related skills is just too heartbreaking
Anime ruins normal sexuality
Lmao imagine playing mtg...card art 100% ai now
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It hurts...
if you dont have the WR or Drow arcana you are not allowed to play them
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If you can't appreciate baserunner you don't deserve to play her at all
there is a precedent with WK arcana
we just have to wait
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>stomp game with 0 deaths
>die once at the end
>good feels gone
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>get 2 kills in lane
>means nothing, get rolled over, lose

>enemy gets 2 kills in lane
>snowballs, stomps me, lose
coolest game I ever played was carry in a 90 min stand off where I ALMOST finished with 0 deaths
had 1 at the end but damn I wish it was 0
Yesterday only my mid got fcking destroyed and the other mid was way too feed for us to stop him. It was so weird. I thought that only happened in league.
for the 10 year anni of valve having to change the name to avoid a lawsuit
profile customization was such a dumb addition
it's so hard to tell who's smurfing these days
Assume by default that it's everybody, including you
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I miss it bro..
we should've never gone past og client.
people who couldnt load didn't deserve to play in the first place.
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I hate how insanely bloated Dota 2 is now, just starting the game you're met with a dumb hero into "cinematic" and shit and game runs so much worse and perform way worse than 10 years ago.
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doomposters dont know how good they have it
my favourite dead game has been unable to be played because of some bug for the last 12 hours and the dev has not even acknowledge the issue
I forgot how awful the default model looks close-up
Maybe update the fucking model that's there since beta.
I mean, they were never meant to be looked at close. but valve also insisted on remodelling some heroes and even updating some base models.
then they realized nobody fucking cares and could be monetized so they just stopped doing model updates and instead sold them as FOMO.
Fun Fact: Lich model is straight from the alpha.
he's always been so perfect
midas bug went unfixed for 2 weeks
I'm not taking about "omg this bug breaks the game". I'm talking about a bug that makes it impossible to start any match.
I dislike the auto-play video stream they have now for TI whenever you open the game or go to the main menu.
what game then
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why a straightjacket though
So she cant move
silly retard, you can't tickle air and thats what her feet is made out of
I played a bot game a few hours ago. Did it really break?

Ackshually, there were like 20 midas bugs stacked on top of each other, and they were rolling out fixes all of that week.
>you can't tickle air
Watch me. She WILL piss herself
Apparently it was EU only and yes, everything was broken. They just fixed it.
i was playing a smurf pool match and we were defending against megas and our russian offlane brood got mad for some reason (idk, i muted him like 2 minutes into the match), and he broke all his items
it was crazy though because our morph carry pretty much 1v5'd the whole enemy team in their base and ended the game
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tickle this
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Sex with traxex.
is it really on the same patch still as when they put it on maintenance mode?
Why is no dota artist this good at ahegao
for me it was battleships it had a solid revival/community at one point so much fun…
You can count on both hands artists as good as him at faces.
some chinese autobattler game, i can't fucking remember the name now as i hadn't played it in months
it always had 8-12k players and was at the top of the arcade
you got 3 random cards and could re-roll for 20 gold, it was a shitty gimmick where you just rushed for RNG to get purple cards and autowin but i liked it

how the FUCK did vlave fuck this up so badly, did they let the game creator completely kill a game at their whim?
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auto gladiators?
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>tfw no deer hero
no, there were a bunch of patches since then
no new hero or hero rework though, most of the changes are QoL stuff and some small-medium sized balance patch every couple of months

this one was last month and was one of the bigger balance patches (fucking samuro no longer winning his lane by default, still way too easy to play tho):
any new hero announcement?
nah it was something else, fuck if i can remember the name though
you fought other people 1v1
nevermind i'm retarded, yes it was auto gladiators
thanks anon
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How many 2:0s tomorrow?
I liked that a bit until you realized you just rushed for the legendary cards and won
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New arcana sluts tomorrow.
Trust the plan.
1 (one) the last game.
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But I want the old ones I missed...
What happened to Yatoro? He looks really bad in game 3.
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Someone tell me what the point of this innate is?
Clock was already pretty strong, he didn't need a huge buff, still it's free damage on everything, you can't complain that much
These things and Facets aren't well balanced, they shouldn't have released them right before TI.
it's so insignificant even if you stack armor on him
Kicked for Raddan
Reminder Crownfall was originally supposed to end 40 days ago
Isn't it like 10-12% buff if you buy literally every single bigger armor item in game?
Raddan is dog though
Good thing they nerfed it
Not his fault, Elden Ring just got a patch that nerfed him.
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>Pay $40 to grind the event and unlock a worse style of the venge arcana
Why did valve even bother lmao
>Imperia style
i think carry mirana is stupid
i liked how mindless it was
You can think whatever you like, but its hard to argue with those numbers.
>RTZ has altered his game files to have sponsor effects show up when he levels up
Isn't this against the rules and can get you banned?
You stupid?
Its an overlay
find a nigga in your life who is as good as the nigga who negotiates artour's sponsor deals
No it's not, look at his stream and look at his hero when he levels up
There's no nigga that good
Yes its an overlay
It follows the hero when it levels up
Dumb nigga
and overlay can't do that
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i thought you were kidding, top kek
christ. this is peak slop.
This is some shit you would see in Cyberpunk
Where can you report someone for this?
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this can't be real lmfao
Dota just somehow became even more dead
Aint no way whatever they pay him for this is worth it for them
Just aint no fucking way
how the mighty hace fallen :(
Holy shit bruh

Full free fall mode, this is what happens to a man who never won anything you fucking suck RTZ
Years ago I used the desert terrain swapping gamefiles and nothing happened. Also bulldog streams from a couple years ago had a bunch of mods that changed hero models and sound effects
Valve got more strict ever since that overwolf thing, not sure if changing your map is possible now, and I wouldn't risk it. But I think if arteezy actually changed gamefiles he'd be kicked from the game or banned by now
google game state integration
still less embarassing than rtz's highlight reels
who at progressive is the dotard I wonder
Can someone tell me how an INSURANCE company can make any profit sponsoring a gaming stream with an audience of mostly teenagers?`There's no way they'll get their money's worth doing this.

Bulldogs account got banned for that
Progressive always did stupid shit with games.
and also games are literally supported by manchildren nowadays so its likely they own a car, no kid plays dota 2, its all young adults and manchildren. liek 90% of gaming audience.
>nooo dont do gambling sponsors
>nooo dont do non-gambling sponsors
teenagers dont watch dota outside of RU streams, artout's audience were the teenagers of the 2010s, now late 20s to early 30s
No adults watch RTZ
tb isnt a hero anymore
Why are western people like this? Don't you have any integrity?
get the bag nigga we out here money makin and hustlin' n shit
The problem is not him wanting to make more money
That's based
The problem is pathetic losers watching this garbo lmao
Too many losers in the world you gotta make use of it
artour is a slav
artour is uzbek which actually makes him a caucasoid
Having no principles and zero integrity is not "based" Goldenberg.
turkic people aren't really caucasian...maybe technically? but they have weird ass desert mountain dweller goat fucker genes
he even mentions the company several times this is what the bottom looks like
you can't use that word anymore
zoomzooms think anything that makes any number increase is "Based". they're the ultimate dopamine slaves
They've been in terrible form this season. Here's my prediction from a couple of weeks ago.


I thought they could win TI of 2021 even when they were called "yellow submarine" btw, since I've watched a lot of EEU DPC (I'm Russian).
>pulling your own posts out of the archive to blabla about dead TI nigger shit

russian is a fuckin weirdo surprise
realistically how many dotards are watching rtz and thinking about switching to progressive
Me, and all of my friends and family, of course.
You should switch too.
how many dotards that watch rtz are even in north america? his audience is probably anything but american
Having 200k people watching the English stream of the finals on twitch and 100k on youtube is by no means dead.

BTW, a simple early stage playoff game had already overtaken the peak viewership of Valorant's English stream (150k vs 147k).
How many dotards are watching rtz because mason is banned
there is literally not a single dota stream atm
i'm watching rostislav
even though I dont understand a word the dota is good and the kid plays with balls
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kek why did mason get banned
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isn't that guy just a serial smurfer, easy to look good when you're punching kids
got reported for a joke about stinky indians or something
he's playing on a rank 240 account on EU
kek they have discords of tens of thousands of people just to mass report anyone who insults pajeets
why doesn't valve use deepl or something to make it so chat is always translated to your language?
Because Valve knows that no one needs chat other than to vent or insult someone
Grubby won bigly
Valve W
because video game chat won't work a lot of the time for machine translation
why didn't valve simply keep banning his alts?
>higher mmr than ever
>more viewers than ever
he won
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When do the good team play?
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dont care lmao, teams with 0 personality
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what do you think?
Hoodwink beans?
XG 2-0 Aurora for sure no cap
Lmao we all know the outcome GG will win but it's going to be a Bb vs gg final
>pick offlane
>supp starts last hitting minute 0
>lose game
what did the supp think would happen?
Is 8888 behaviour score really that fucking bad? 80% of ranked game has some complete griever teammate
yeah sub 11k is already a noticeable griefer increase
under 10k is just full of subhumans
I can only imagine it gets worse sub 9k
LeagueCHAD here. I have 70 hours in dota and I already understand the game better than the average dotard on a fundamental level. League is much more competitive at the top 1% and above solely due to population. I expect to hit 4k within the first few months when I'm able to play ranked
The games are gonna be whatever, but what's the in-between games content? All-star match, cosplay? Are they announcing anything?
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hello newfren welcome to dogshitturd 2
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They pre-announced cosplay last year and said nothing this year so maybe it's not happening, there's no All-Star match just as last year or they would have said so and who can say if they're going to announce anything, IF it will happen it'll tie into the Act 4 release
Sneaky's stuck at 6300 (out of 14000) in case you're interested. Grubby (warcraft 3 world champion) got stuck at 6200.
grubby was legit about 4k, he "got stuck" because viewer boosting didn't work anymore at 6k and that's why he quit
I don't know anything about that, didn't actually watch his streams too much. But I did watch a lot of the other guy, he really loves the game, but restrains himself from comparing it to LoL for obvious reasons.
Shouldnt you be streaming mason
Grubby is a charlatan
he was conspicuously out of place in immortal games
what would have happened if he didn't open it
all streamers are
Why do they keep reminding me I'll never get QOP arcana
what mindless arcade game can i play
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Any suggestion on what should I play?
Somewhat stuck at my rank.
Good luck on your games.
Enjoy having free speech.
what rank?
also why don't you just spam Treant since you have such a high win rate with him out of a lot of matches played
I get bored.
I started playing clockwerk and won three in a row, double down matches, then clock was banned and I played apparition and then won another double down.
Thank you.
Yeah, that part is honestly so refreshing. I can say "little squirrel faggot" referring to hoodwink and no one bats an eye. League is some baby bitch club penguin shit.

I know fully well that getting to the top top level would require years. You could get away with getting to a very high level in both dota and league earlier on, but the level of skill and knowledge has vastly increased and even trickled down. I just to be able to put my balls on the keyboard when smurfing in league and autowin, but now it's different. It will obviously be the same in dota, probably even more so, given the number of interactions between abilities and items you have to memorise.

Thank you. I'm really enjoying it.
If he lost 200k and is living in Dubai now it means he probably got lucky with a trade and made a million or more recently.

Or he is just mentally retarded.
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As position 4.
>Cloud9 going to win TI
>EE isn't on the team
This timeline...
I really don't understand deadlock
tf2 x dota2 crossover
on LC, you want to go blink first before blademail, right? same with Axe?
I don't play offlane, but the offlaners I get on my team always go blink after blademail and as a support, I think it's frustrating because it's a lot harder to try and make plays happen when my offlaner is farming a 20 minute blink dagger with a blademail
It's similar to smite.
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>Our BH and Cockwork feed all game and keep starting retard fights that we lose
>Doesn't matter because we have Anti-Mage
Cool hero. Deserved win.
Meanwhile my riki carry can't do shit against the bristleback so we lose
based ebonics poster
Ok. Just keep in mind that when Dota players speak of build variety they aren't just trying to present the game in a favorable light.

You will be severely limited if you don't deviate from immoralfaith/tortedelini builds.
Every LC in my games goes Blademail first, tries to run at enemies and they walk away, as I stand there as a support that could nuke the target and give him a free duel if he just had fucking blink.
Kill Hoodwink
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When are they buffing my fluffy wife?
>all 3 of our cores have battlefuries
Wait a minute, that filename...
Imagine if all heroes were hot women
League can be quite reliant on building smart as well, depending on the champion and patch. I was very good at it.
Slowly grasping it in dota too, but it will take a while to try out every hero and read every fine print.
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It's just a random hash but the fact you seem to recognise it is questionable in itself
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All the good ones already are
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what were they thinking, the straps on the sandals are supposed to be black not red... red doesn't fit there...
I recognize the format. We both know exactly where you found that pic.
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Sex with men
I don't get it
lmao even.
crownfall got cancelled.
man i would trade being top 2k in deadlock to be top 2k in dota 2 in a heartbeat
how do you even check your mmr in deadlock?
tracklock before valve shut down the ability to pull match data and other stuff
EE is to me the type of guy who would try to lie and construct a fake life
by valve's time TI is just starting
Oh it is Friday the 13th, how spooky
it's concord with an established fanbase
>5:30 am for me
no way im getting up to watch this lmao.
Where is Team Spirit?
as today
before ti
aurora cannot beat XG
except something change or ame choke
I'm buffing her with my cock if you know what i mean
>teammate picks riki
how do i recover
>pick scaling lane support with cc
>help him farm heroes in lane
Riki mainers are either super trash or are going to be the wackiest guys to lane and roam with. lrn2enable them
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hero for this feel?
All female heroes
slow night huh?
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Everyone is sleeping so we can watch TI all day tomorrow
I'm in the middle of a game shut up.
I'm in the middle of fucking your mum, shut up.
>Arteezy 2k viewers
Jesus christ what a falloff. Dude used to pull in 20k.
Where did all the Elden Ring viewers go?
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These are the new treasures right? Sorry they're mostly grey
>new treasures
meh crimson witness
>losing streak
>pick viper
is it really that easy?
who cares, its artificial value made for whale junkies.
could a silverium elo lolchad reach 5k mmr in 200 or less dota games?
>I don't know man these games are just so difficult for me man
>they just do random shit
>they feed randomly
>I'm done streaming today
Can't tell if tilted or if he's forgotten how to play in pubs and outside of organised scrims.
That requires a 100% winrate so no.
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its finally that time of the year again
Bustle of activity and all but we do need a new thread eventually
Any advice for a new player that constantly feels like every aspect of this game is hostile toward them? I got into the game's beta test over a decade ago and dabbled some then didn't touch it again until about 2 weeks ago. I did some reading up on proper positioning and roles, I read and use item guides, and I've practiced enough with the default bots so that I regularly win against unfair difficulty (and I can sometimes win on hard against those new Chinese bots).

That said, I've only played a handful of actual games. I do not care about playing ranked for epeen. I would just like to occasionally play a match for fun and not stress over it. My win rate, however, is below 35% at this point and every match I've played so far has had at least one teammate actively make a scene because I wasn't playing to their standards.

Case in point, I just played a match as Axe. Early game went well and I had phase boots and blade mail. The tide had just started to turn against us and one of my teammates starts angrily freaking out in chat that I hadn't bought a blink dagger yet and demanding that I "practice on bots" so as not to "ruin the game for everyone." First of all, I'm new enough that I didn't know that a blink dagger was apparently considered required equipment for Axe and second, I have never needed a blink dagger in order to stomp bots in any of the practice games I have already been playing for days.

Look, I get it that tryhards have infested every aspect of online gaming at this point but is there no opportunity for people to have fun learning to play something anymore? I don't mind learning about better strategies along the way but I'm not looking to have to study like I'm preparing for college exams in order to play a video game. As I stated earlier, I am 0 MMR (I can't even play ranked yet) and I don't have any interest in chasing some arbitrary number for perceived online status. Am I just torturing myself at this point by continuing to play?
>paste into google
>no results
Can't tell if pasta

It's not. I'm asking for legitimate opinions.
Mute chat, look up hero-specific guides, don't feed. Maybe rewatch your replays to see what fucks you up / what others do better. Learn game mechanics (damage, orbs, armour, mobility, item/skill interactions, etc.) so you can decide what would work or not without trying to memorise guides.

Your first like 1,000-2,000 games will have you playing like an unlearned retard. Don't worry about it. Most vets play by feel with a little bit of math and knowledge lookup. You don't have that intuition yet so you're going to have to develop it somehow. As long as you're trying to learn and get better it doesn't matter. My unranked MMR is usually around Legend-Divine but Valve still gives me fresh account newbies and literal bots all the time in unranked. You just learn to deal with it and ignore the spazoids bitching about it in unranked. Worry about yourself instead of others.

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