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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous Thread: >>494071165

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards/Scrimmages - 9/11 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213
[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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FUCK your students
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i JUST want to fuck plana is that so much to fucking ask
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Please show respect for the birthday girl and her devotion by not masturbating to her like godless heathens.
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So /bag/
What do you guys wanna talk about?
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Mika should die
Seia should release
Sensei here. I have up my rates to $50/min. Thank you for your understanding.
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evil child pussy
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Can real life women really be trusted?
>does it for free
>doesn't own a car
>likes walkable cities
>is some eurofag
>job is being a dev or something
blue archive
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This has to be the top 10 Momoi image
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I love posting Mika
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An unexpected crossover https://exhentai.org/g/3054976/a6b56b0512/

interimo adapare


ameno ameno






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What's your favorite programming language?
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Even on Mari's birthday, please find the time at some point today to think fondly about Sakurako.
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Oh Mari, you're so cute when you're angry. Forgive me, I'll make it up to you for your birthday.
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For me it's this one.
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Celebrate with cake
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I haven't been following the news lately. Is mx2j finally kill?
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Is it normal to want to stick your penis inside Ako?
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Say happy birthday to Mari
Why they're all wearing Body Raps?
No, but Isakusan definitely is.
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I don't feel like doing GA.
Ask someone to post you the wiki
Environmental buff means a lot.

Torment Perorodzilla done. To be honest with you, it was easy as fuck. HOWEVER, I do notice I used a lot of rather strong, particular units. I'll post teams in a sec.
Sweep lol
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>I'll post teams in a sec
please don't
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Consult your doctor if the feeling persists
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Not really.
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you a journalist?
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my wife Mika
I don't have Reisa and most of my yellow tanks are heavily underinvested so I might just do insane.
I wouldn't, I keep boundaries with my students
I would have sex with them. My dick is harder than bullets
You have seven days...
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Purple Torment Perorodzilla 2T

The first teams is honestly basically "Kurokage strategy". You bring Kasumi for turn management and regular semi-regular debuffing/ Of course you also have to remember not to bust your SHanako load during phase 2 prior to the mini peroros coming out. It's VERY fucking easy because everyone is yellow armored. If you really are particular, you can remember to use Kikyou at the designated times to lower cost twice.

The second team is ALSO easy. I initially was using Renge as the secondary damage dealer, but then finished in mock and found out BHoshino is significantly better so used her ex more often. Turn order starts with SKirino, then Reisa (as she's hit with the laser), then BHoshino quickly followed up by Renge.

Obviously, this is asking for a bunch of characters you need to be lucky to get.

Why not? Well whatever, I'll spoiler team 1 for you.
Calm down Sadako
This is ai?
>you bring Kasumi
Stopped reading there
ssg whaleanon I kneel
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This is Mari
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>bro retired from buraka
he quit because buraka is dead now and will be for at least 6 months...I kinda want to ask him for his account (has miku and railgun whores), but I hardly do my dailies
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>slop spam for a birthday
We should bring public hangings back
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Don't forget to give your Mari her birthday greeting, Senseis
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Bonus since in mock I didn't do as well and needed a third team

This third team was 100% for cleanup. I only had 12 bars of health to go through.
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It's only one or two images, I'm not sure the first one is ai
I forgot S.Kirino exists. What did you use her for? Does the cover protect against the laser attack?
Don't worry I'm sure Seia will get a turn someday
i dont recall consenting to this?
Hey now, it's luck. Particularly the actual lynchpin of this: Reisa. I 100% luckshitted Reisa and without her would've had a bad time.

Kikyou and Renge actually were luck too. Not Kasumi and the Fes units though
Did you have annoyance with s hanako walking forwards and fucking up the aoe cone at times?
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it's those kind of hours please understand
Kinda late for those hours tho, last thread was fine
Attack buffing and also "I love Kirino!!!!"
She can actually conveniently reposition characters like SHanako but it's finicky. I don't believe she offers any protection, so she's really around to buff and be cute

No, but I also wasn't really paying attention to that. I accepted it if she moved and wouldn't hit every peroro out
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Guess as long as you knock them over for groggy it's fine in the end, nice run
I can't do it...
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I agree, monkey should die
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what are my chances of rolling ichika because i need her
The only thing we are missing now are nooticers
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Filling up Foom's baby basket!
You don't need her, she's crap.
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cute cat feet
like 4% per 200 rolls
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It's late but here you go.
50/50 either you get her or you dont
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but i like the art of her...
Fuck this image, now I wish we could get a Make-Up Work Club Halloween event but it'll never happen.
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I just checked, bro logged in today.
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You don't need healers, just kill it fast.
I just want to start off every morning with a glass of Ako's freshly-squeezed breast milk for the rest of my life. Is that too much to ask?
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Artist name?
I'm missing oShigure, Kikyou and Reisa to make it work. I hope there is alternative comp elsewhere
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Mari is the purest student and I feel guilty that my porn addiction is making me think otherwise.
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Miyako status?
How much of difference does ue40 o shigure make compared to 3*?
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Good ol' days
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I have no idea!

I really like "healers" and protection-type characters so I always try to max them out rather than using them at the bare minimum
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Ya'll got any good events?
Could you do it?
Based comfy clear chad
Big, I remember her being unusuable for Hiero at 3* but UE40 was the freest Torment.
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I think that's the ibuki cosplayer
I believe the really important one is Reisa. You can probably do good damage with Kasumi + SHanako, but for the second team no Reisa hurts

Like, I literally don't even know what you should use in such a scenario. This third team >>494098250 was my best guess. You really want a cleanse. The other cleansers are Mari and Chinatsu iirc (are there any others???) but you don't really want to use up a special slot on either of them. Mari is a LITTLE better in general since her attack stat is better for stat bonuses but... yeah.
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>go for a walk
>neighbour's cat wating on my step and wants to sit on my lap for ten minutes
>get a donut and a cool drink
>come back and the cat fell asleep in my front garden waiting for me
today's an okay day
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I love nexon
It's real AI hours now
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>are there any others???
There are not
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Blue Archive 3V3 fighting game with 1 Assist character
Which student(s) would fit as a grappler?
We know arisu archive
Mx will be back, Isakusan and Doremi wont
If you locked Junko in an underground dungeon and starved her for a month, would she feel at home?
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>mild weather
>chilling with my cat
>slowly getting chores done
>meeting and getting a drink with an anon later
good day indeed
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>Drank a monster
>It's supposed to give me energy

then why the fuck does it only make me want to fap more???
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It gave you sexual energy.
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My c104 comiket haul arrived still have the BA keyboard and around 100 doujins still left in Japan
Previous https://archive.is/JkDBq
New https://files.catbox.moe/wu8041.jpg
Event limited seia set, melusine set, kinnotama set, and I believe the summer Hina acrylic was event exclusive as well
Blue Archive content when?
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Doremi and Isakisan left, Dormei made a post about leaving.
Mx2j will still have work
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at the end of the month as always
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Izuna because of the Izuna Drop
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>Event limited seia set
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Suzumi alt when
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Why does Miyako always win? Isn't it unfair to every other girl?
hopefully soon
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I have a such a massive shlong sometimes I bob it up and down when I have a boner and feel the ground shake underneath me and laugh haha blue archive
What a bitch
>Dormei made a post about leaving.
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Miyako means winner in Kivotosian. It's not unfair. It's just how life works.
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Where is the canon sensei content?
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Is that a Hyakkiyako pink mob book?
Time to not open catbox links again
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mx2j ruined the bottom
why is nmgk so perfect
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That Marina is actually criminal.
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He also ruined dSaori, she looks like shit
atsuko, hiyori and fubuki look good to me
Marina's dick
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just adjust the hue slider buddy

there u go
There is literally nothing wrong with nagusaori
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Finally. Blue Archive at last.
Now that his ashes have settled. Did mx2j peak at sHanako?
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Breeding Fubuki and Hiyori
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I basically just want to fuck Izuna endlessly.
Blue Archive but harder, faster, better, stronger
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He peaked with default c&c
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I feel like I'm gonna regret using so many low/mid level mats for bond autism somewhere down the line
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nobody steal my resetpost
She's your daughter
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>Event limited seia set
I kneel
shanako is very sex, so yeah
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I believe in you Ako set anon.
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Jumby my beloved...
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ninpo sex, the art of triplets.
You need those for Set-related limit break shit. If you don't care about min-maxing stats, just keep the ones your studentwife uses and burn through the rest.
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Thanks, I guess my only option is to use Mari for 2 sHanako borrows. I was searching on youtube and I couldn't find decent alternative comp.
mx2j didnt draw those
I have some issues with nuts not being soft enough but I really like her design. Airi and Nuts got the best band alts.
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I slept for 12 hrs yet I'm still tired... what's up with this

Blue Archive
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>top pick for Red
Apologize. Now.
Use Hifumi or Sena to tank the laser
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oh, my bad
Yeah that's currently what I'm doing but I feel like they'll add another cap to those and you'll need even more mats, oh well
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reset ako59
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It looks like shit, her elbow is broken
And now Sensei, point in the doll where the fox touched you
Just use rw, arius and valkyrie mats, those are literally useless.
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if they increase the cap it'll use T3/T4 ooparts. You really only have to save one type.
Whoever pulls the first ten pull will get a free Kaede guaranteed.
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Where is my FOXEATS?
ups, my bad
There are tons of good RW students
the real issue is basically like, in addition to having to tank the laser you also need to make sure the 2 others won't die (since torment laser ricochets)
Hifumi can work, technically... Could do Hifumi and Hoshino, throwing Perorosama in front of Hoshino before the laser starts up. Hoshino should survive so long as she's not directly in front (not sure if she can survive the laser with no healing, shield, or cleanse on Torment--she might be able to? but if so, it'd only be once)
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Have some magic.
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When is the next stream?

Content Doko?
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should I put my UE50 Toki up for borrows then
thanks anon
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Students for this feel?
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Fuck G*henna
I post Mika to trigger the schizo
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coom in doom
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D kayoko
anyone from highlander
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Absolutely. She gains ATK, EVA and ACC while riding her mecha and all three EX skills ignore 60% of the enemy's DEF. With enough Crit, two EX skills are enough to finish the raid on INS.
Top player in EU used her for red.
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I want to drink the water poured down Mari's leg and dripping from her foot...
Got my first ever sub minute insane clear. Wasn't even that bad and it's possible with UE40 Aru.
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>cosplayscat spammer
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Monke should die.
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I figured everyone would just dHina it, but I'm always thankful for a reason to use my maids
The highest score in NA (26.063m) used Aru
Reminder that rabianon regrets making that rabi
nom nom
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None of the students yet use a revolver.

Mari does use a BIG FUCKING GUN though.
>no anon they are just posting their wife they aren't baiting him or anything
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Yukino? More like DUMBino
Kurumi? More like BOREumi
Otogi? More like OtUGLY
Niko? More like Inarizushi is shit
It's kinda obvious
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Is Pang's Saori the peak of sex appeal?
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>all your students were born after 9/11
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>Whore of Caerbannog
Looks kinda plastic, is it the make up?
Does it bother you that the cat girl students have 2 sets of ears?
Highest score in EU used her, too. Aru is certainly gonna score higher, but you're at the mercy of critfishing all the shots for it to happen, both when it lands and when it explodes, and her NS doing crit when it hits the enemy, provided you have her bond item on T2, otherwise add another variable.
With Toki, all you gotta do is just wait for Azusa to use her NS and you're good to go.
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So was I
t. born in 2004
Makes cosplay easier
cosplayers almost always have a fuckton of makeup
Also, the difference is marginal too. only 7k points away.
The fact that you need to spam that post everyday with different concernposting flavor means you don't actually believe it in the first place. 99% of people post Mika because it's blue archive and [-] the schizo
Chise was born on 7/13
mari's small amount of pubes
It's okay. They can hear in 4.0 surround sound.
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not bad
The difference between 87 and 90 is pretty big, huh.
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Need refreshing the memo?
>99% of people post Mika because it's blue archive and [-] the schizo
I don't know about that, the miggaposter posts her more than anyone else and he started the same day the schizo went back to scat, so the majority of Mika posts are actually to bait him, even if it's one single poster.
It's not tho, there's another poster that also did it, but I think he stopped.
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I still remember what I was doing when it happened. Am I a hag now?
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Good evening Mikabros!
Ayane is too cute to lewd.
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What an ugly boy
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Rntr is as bad or even worse than ntr
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>Maid Toki being useful
You're lying to me
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We know singapoop
kek, a nice perfect timing post >>494105239
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You're right. Good thing I love adult pussy.
There it is kek, what a natural greeting out of nowhere
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I also consider tailless girls to be normal humans wearing animal ears
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Maybe next thread will be better
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I just did a run and posted it
with the usual team one abi-eshuh laser = 50% damage+stagger

it is her terrain right now
Read all of Ichika's momos plus her valentine and now I can't stop thinking about her. Why is this?
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Where's this mythical run
>people can post this and I can't even report them for being underage
it's so fucking over
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Don't fall for it, Sensei. When she opens her eyes you're fucked.
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it's right here you dingus >>494105201
do I need to record a video
I mean she's still worse than Aru if you are willing to crifish and worse than DHina if you aren't
I don't
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Uh oh, someone got exposed.
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Good evenig
Extended Mika hours are something else
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What do you mean? Nothing is h
But my rights...
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Learn how to spell
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>my Toki is still only 3*
Well shucks
jannies are so retarded it's not even funny
>>494103140 also deleted
I am noticing
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I admit she's worse than Aru if you're willing to compromise your time for a few extra thousand points but you're losing ~60k points if you use dHina.
It's kinda funny, but yeah you can't post anything sus when they are actively baiting him
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I'm sorry
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invest in your maids......
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Why are you doing your GA now and not all at once on the weekend?
Pic not related
>if you're willing to compromise your time for a few extra thousand points
this is reset archive
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I left /bag/ but I'm still staying here until I find a new home.
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Sex with Kurumi
I don't really think 7k points are really that game changing knowing TOR is on another color.
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I like doing one run a day. Also retards here have me spooked about missing a GA.
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>I left /bag/ but I'm still staying here
So you didn't leave?
Honestly not bad
>I didn't leave /bag/
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You will remember to do the raid ten minutes before Tuesday.
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We don't take kindly to squatters here
I don't eat while gaming. Don't like the distraction and don't want to make a mess of my peripherals.
I'm so old bros
If you're not half assing it, it's less stressful to space them out. Also, I'm paranoid about people changing their assistants.
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I am busy with work, but I'll try to sneak one or two Miggas!
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The little bitch reported Sexy Seia reset out of spite
>definitely not baiting him!
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>Momoistation 5 pro is $700
That's cryingemojiman
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Seia was too sexy
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Love Migga!
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Hare, you told me it was safe to use that word.
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These students like old men?
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you can borrow mine bwo
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It's not like this image has been posted hundreds and hundreds of times with no issues before, I guess it's just further proof that seia is just too sexy.
what's the event after this one?
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Fine, I'll repost it directly if you insist
>starts concernfagging, pushes is usual "two mikafags!" narrative, gets called out
>absolute melty, again "muh two mikafags!!"
>scatty outright admits he's doing this because "they are spamming her!!!"
Why rerun, why!?
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I miss my niece
I lust for Toki
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Sudden desire to raise my voice
me in the back
Peak body type.
Everyone does
Everyone gets off to Rio
I don't like old men
non-BA loli?
Biggest fan huh
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Migga smile!
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How doable is Pero Torment without Natsu/Reisa? I have Rumi and Hifumi but you would still need some kind of tank no?
Do you have a loicense for that sexy seia?
This was my first try with DHina, only need 2 cycles
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she's my wife
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does roogi have inverted nipples?
It's always cringe how the schizo always uses third person talking. I've never seen schizos like this before.
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Mk12 from GFL.
Mod 0 is a sexy gun, and the drill loli with fishnets is ultra sexo.
Closest thing we got, but MX2J decided to fuck up her guide sprite.
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I don't think so.
Tachibana Arisu
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It's fairly common for them to samefag and pretend to be different people
Sara from GBF jumpstarted my desire for loli
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>students going to war
You should have prevented this

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>>494108452 (You)
Not true
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I wouldn't even try.
sengoku nadeko
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Kinda late response, yeah thanks for the suggestion. I probably need to figure it on practice runs
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>seia set
>melusine set
actually very based
Izuna drop is on a ton of fighting games and not in a single one of them is on the grapple but the ninja-ish character,
Those chibis need more expressive faces.
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As a matter of fact, no
That's the one.
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Isn't inverted nipples akin to phimosis dick?
One thing I don't quite get, is my GA rank based on my best of for each color and only that, or is it a sum of my total score for all runs?
Basically, does only the one good run matter to set my rank? Does this mean that below INS, no matter how fast you clear it, you can never reach a good enough score to be in plat?
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I could optimize it probably but if I cared about optimizing things I'd have a UE40 Himari instead of a 4* one. Depending on how hard the laser crits you'll finish without her using her normal which is why I got 25.99.
Ilya and Miyu. Not Kuro though.
Your rank is based on the sum of the best score for each color.
Show me your sexiest Hoshino.
Ako is a squatter though
You'd have to ask a woman
When Koreans move on from the incident
If I wait to the last day I will run out of time, I can still sweep no matter the try every day
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toki a cute
How did Rio get elected as President if she's an autist who no one likes and who no one really knows about?
Yuuka at least is good at her job
When Asia stops being weird about superstitious stuff
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Utah love
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Yes, picrel.
30 years old Hosh
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We're already 3/4ths done with the year. Where the fuck is the pajama event?
She's the only adult larping as a student
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Shun showed up again without an invitation.
So it really is as I though and only the best run in each matters. So is it even possible to get bottom of plat with just a fast 1T EX on each color or will it inevitably drop back to gold on the last day when I assume most people go for their top runs?
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I can see it being the new years event
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Halloween is satanic.
You will not get plat without 3 fast insane clears
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You're not even the real mari
>elected as President if she's an autist who no one likes and who no one really knows about?
Many such cases
Pagan actually, Nordic custom.
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literally me
how long until banner ends and i get to regret not pulling nyAkari
>3 fast INS
Well too bad. I could maybe push for 1 multi-team INS on red, but no chance for yellow or blue, let alone fast
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banners always end at the same time
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Becky owes me sex
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Cute Doragoon
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tfw 2024 is almost over
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Well not on this scale, even doing it for more than 3 years.
You can add this, the time when he got banned talking in third person along with his shit /u/pics, you can check the deletion time post.
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How did /bag/ react when Miyako's swimsuit was revealed?
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Mari thread
I came
Sparked her and won't build because gehenna mats
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my tongue out, me wanted to peroperoperoperoperoperopero her entire body
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Mika sex
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does /bag/ love Yuuka?
yummy milk
Any loli magical girl desu
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I do
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post nonomi4
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I was very hard.
Are we going to get NYIzumi at some point too?
more soundposts
She likes adults
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I always found it interesting how Summer Atsuko looks a bit plain yet is recognizable enough to understand who she is
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sexy seia
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You can feel this pain
Can you change your anniversary date or are you fucked if you messed it up somehow? Also, are you supposed to include the full year (ex. 1999)?
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What's her endgame?
where's marina's heels?
child pussy
400 babies
We are always in danger.
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>take the pocky
>kiss her on the lips
>eat the pocky
i'm two steps ahead, Yuuka
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Artist fucked feet up.
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Would you still love your wife if she was an indog?
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this new one
Those are her hooves, please understand.
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shut the FUCK up
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Maps have got to be the weakest gameplay element.
Is this a disgaea reference
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Having sex with Kazusa while she's still in indog's school uniform
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I like books.
All of them
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I like red Binah because it lets me use my two favourite members of C&C
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The game should let you give Arona and Plana gifts
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How do you know?
Will BA get a character as good as Mika ever again?
>spend time and resources to minmax for a one team clear
>barely go up by 10 positions
And this is how I wasted my evening
They're not real. They're just pixels in a tablet. Wake up, Sensei.
More 3dpd? I hope not
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Unironically Rio.
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She fucking punched me!
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God gave them an anus for a reason.
Level up your new york fuuka and just look up clears on youtube. 25.8m will definitely not get plat. I bet you will need 3 26m+ clears.
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I built Ibuki since she was in video guide and then realized you can just use cHare...

At least she'll be deece for Peroro
How the fuck are you level 90 and still using 3* Maki
The glowies killed the thread
Because I had to buy her with coins. Also she was just there for DEF down uptime. I never used any of her skills. I bet everything on Mika crits
Rio will be a Special unit
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Kivotos isn't real, it's some kind of purgatory. Also they could materialize on the ship so it's not unheard of.
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Rio can be as good if not better then Mika in the hands of a good writer

her shit in Volume F was very good, i for one am looking forward to her return
>do 3 ins clears
>get my title
>enjoy my gold
Comfy Archive
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She's a special girl
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nah, BA is already peaked with Mika. It's hard to find write something as good as her.
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Freng is god
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Did you say that we'll be getting 6 months of THIS?
Now that's an old name I had nearly forgotten.
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>let you give Arona and Plana gifts
We already do it, their gifts are our pyroxenes.
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My precious desert rose.
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Rio impregnation
I think every Millennium student needs to be pregnant
She's gonna be a yellow iroha
>Verification not required
I don't think I get it
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Hitler did nothing wrong
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Starting volume 5. What should I expect?
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I keep doing one or two rolls at day in the hope Haruna comes while simultaneously fooling myself that i'm not wasting my pyrox.
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He really is.

I already give them that. I thought maybe it would be nice to give them some of the other shit I got lying around.
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We found the power source Sensei!
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pet chise
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I don't think I ever finished this game
Ayame... Ayame would know what to expect...
A great desire for Niya to be released
Love Nagusa or she is going to end up killing herself
excelent question
i wish i could give you an answer
favorite toki doujins?
i like the inu ones
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You don't get to pet Chise...
Demonbane will always be dear to me because it's the perfect way to ruin stupid powerlevel discussions.
Shuro shitposting
Especially Key
Rio, Seia, Rabu, etc. Basically any student still locked in NPC jail is a good choice.
Al Azif look like someone that would fit in BA, just put an halo and change the artstyle and she is good
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Sensei, I don't feel so good!
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Post students dancing.

i owe Hina some sex
slutty elf
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Is this guy still alive?
You guys probably wont believe me but i met Kirino irl yesterday
Peak cute chibi
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what did you do
come here, Hina. it's time.
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There's also a sub 1:00 clear that kills with two lasers. I assume those are some lucky Toki EX's since 5.8m seems pretty high for two lasers, an NS, and AA. I regret skipping C.Hare.
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Cute little Mari
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One of the top 5 cutest Genshin girls and the only time aside from Nahida that a Genshin character has made me feel something other than "They exist" or "They're cute".
You can't post that
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hs (Hinasmile)
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I'd use my cHare since she's EX5 but she's only level 35 and I don't have the reports to take her to 90
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>Mari uses an Israeli gun
Do we know who designed Shuro and the Shupos yet?
met a girl with shit aim
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Sensei would have saved Isakusan
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Did you ask her to dress like Kirino?
don't bing
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Take her to 70 or wherever she doesn't die
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All of the Sisterhood use jew guns
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we had small talk, she left and i forgot to grab any sort of phone number or social media contact

i will likely never see her again
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These are non-Aussie hours. You can't just break containment like that.
To be fair, those are some really slick guns.
Jews are the original. Christians (tea party and rest of trinity) came after.
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Yeah but desert eagles are cool as fuck.
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rika from higurashi
We will never have good stories again
Who knows, maybe he is more of a cockroach than a snake.
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What the 9/11 of Blue Archive?
The Treaty of Eden
Your favorite student suck at dancing.
Not until we break free from alt archive hell
Jericho student when?
I doubt Hare even gets off her chair.>>494116654
Whatever happened to make GSC pres bleed on the train and turn herself into an ipad app
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Arona is the president?..... nyooooooooooooo
I'm noooooticing
Just unlocked and read Jambles' L2D momotalks. She really is the cutest.
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banitas bananitatum
Sanctum Tower attack was an inside job
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When will I get a nun student to represent my favorite jewish blaster...
Illya has the best porn
iroha is cuter anyway
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Pic fucking related. Holy shit.
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Go fuck yourself
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I miss these designs. They were cute.
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Rusalka route never...
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Go fuck your students
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>some Japs are now faking 100 rankings for clout
At least they're getting called out on it.
young wide sex
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Which student is the biggest Stacy?
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only if they fuck me
>bond 100 all
This would cost like four million dollars, probably more.
i don't get it. what about the image makes it look faked?
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you see I'm out of reports so I can't do that
Ui noticers...
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Not to mention you'd be crafting like 20 hours a day for the entire span of the game.
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bring them to BA, leave the rest to die
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You can tell from the pixels
who believes on screencaps, when you could just record it.
Rather than examining this closely or something >>494118124 >>494118212 << stuff like this just tells me it's bullshit
I think it's actually not possible to do that. Like you can't even pay completely for it because the game stops you from binging.
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>100 with all students
I mean, that's not impossible, technically, but only if you're ultra mega rich and spend too much money to get gifts.
If you're F2P, it's impossible as there just isn't enough time within this time-space moment between now and the game's release.
Reverse bond is still bond
I want Wakamo to give me a lap pillow
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Kirara or Haruna
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Rea is the closest thing...
>Entire villain master plan hinges on everyone else acting as retarded as possible at all times.
Was that an Isakusan writing job?
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I will never stop binging.
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Acerola but Pokemon has a bunch of hot lolis
When do we get another /m/ student? I only picked up the game for Alice and Toki
my bad bros I'm retarded
Rio release for 4th anni with new Deca story. Trvst the plvn.
next event Kisaki implemented
4th anniversary I am implemented
Every volume is that way, to be fair.
>Abydos and ESPECIALLY Hoshino being retarded across all three chapters
>Sensei and Himari being retarded
>Tea Party being retarded
>RABBIT Squad and ESPECIALLY, ESPECIALLY the FOX Squad being retarded
Imagine the roundest, bounciest, softest kisakiball. That is the image I would have posted.
Hi Retarded, thanks for introducing yourself
I will make a new thread and then forget the subject
middle schooler booba
Plappable decacunnies soon, trust the plan.
Would I fuck a Kisakiball? Yes.
when seia?
Poopoopants I just pooped my pants
where seia?
I would like to bake and I won't fuck up the thread this time I promise
I'm going to seia
why seia?
I don't even like Seia that much.
how seia?
Say bing
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Seia bing
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Shamelessly taking this image slot to ensure the Singaporean can't use it.
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>even the /bant/tards are doing torment now
new difficulty when?
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I've got a birthday present for Mari.
-`‸´-/̵͇̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿(◠ن◠)
Sensei won
>they get to post porn in their thread
Unleash the cock, hifumi demands it
I'm lazier than a /bant/poster
But the Sisterhood isn't a money grubbing bank tho
God I hate chipi chapa but also dubi dubi
hey now
they're mossad
Is there a worse written character than Hoshino?
hey hey people
hey now
you are an all star
Hey hey
I wanna be a rockstar
I say hey
Yes, Rio
>your student
>your board game
for that reason makes it obvious that the robot kind are the actual jews if they control the money, black market and popular business/mafias.
sisterhood is catholic group, could be compared as the vatican of kivotos.
Rio is autistic you wouldn't get it...
Fucking lmao.
zoooooooooos the azoooooooooos
the whore of babylon
I'm gay
Board gamers are for people with friends.
that's gay
Snakes and Ladders
delete this...
Yeah, it's impossible to have crafted all of the expired rolls into items by now. Assume an extremely unrealistic 100 affection per keystone. 170 students. 240225 affection per student. 40838250 affection total. 408383 crafts. 4083830 expired rolls. 490059600 pyros. 102096 of the largest pyro pack. $6635202 before taxes. As for the crafting, low estimate of 139 years of crafting. And that's without letting completed crafts languish in the crafting chamber even a second.

So did some of these retards really believe this dude has all students at 100?
Connect 4
New guy here, how hard is to get that pink character? The one that looks like an angel
>comparing irl to kivotos
Well, if i play the devil lawyer for you, Ui wanted to uncover the sisterhood secrets, but that didn't got concluded on that event, just sisters enjoying their anarchy summer island in the past.
7 inches
T-that doesn't help to much...
You can get her next blufes in about 4/5 months
If you mean Mika, she's Fes limited unit, it only appears on the rates whne the anniversary event comes, when the B.Hoshino/T.Shiroko banners come, there would also be a Mika banner with an available spark option.
wait for anniversary banner
Ugh so far away
the term is double's advocate
Devil's avocado.
Koharu is free.
You can be my skullman ᓀ‸ᓂ
Imagine being a mikalet and having to triple spark blufes
what now?
no I'm just bored. everyone lies on the interbutts, right?
can't seem to tie being from maybe spain
has a nearby bakery
bought a flat for 60,000euros off some old guy and was tipped off by a gay friend
No, I checked and it is Mika. Very lovely design, I may wife her up hahaha

Thanks bros.
Miga won
huh ?

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