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Previous: >>494068043

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 30): 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ Sep 18 JST.
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ Sep 20 JST.
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ Sep 22 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ Sep 24 JST.
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L (limited)
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich (limited)
4*Avenger Xu Fu (limited)
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai (limited)
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan (limited)
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter (limited)

>Pastebin for utility links:
pls Kill BB
>new story chapter written by Nasu
>90% of the thread is some retarded shit about wormwhore being a slut
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This one.
keeps happening huh
What the fuck happened?
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separate skin?
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my powerpoint battle simulator looks like it's getting better
nah new mechanic
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>Hype the Proteas match in the PV
>It's a squash
Never let Nasu book a wrestling match ever again.
How in the fuck do you bypass the stup8d Worms invincibility state?

This is absolute bullshit
I think it'll be a Mecha Eli/Summer Valks situation
it's just one guy
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that would mean a rerun to comple the servantdex, right?
It'd be neat if we got actual animated cutscenes for the part 2 finale
nasu is the epitome of anticlimactic
>This garbage LARP
looks like shit bro
what a jew move
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>>494104339 I choose this one
Please consider sex with the banana
die retard
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By reading what Hakuno's NP does
>Georgie replying to the BB /alter/fag that doesn't even play the game
>the moment CHOCO
You aren't even trying at this point
just one skin for hakuwelfare...
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You just know that we will have more fanart of her with this outfit than Hakuno
insta burn
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>thread wars
at least this one is updated
Anal with bloomers pulled to side
Enkidu? for me
She want it in the ass
So why is she a walking french flag?
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>Want to write a lorepost
>Forced to babysit the thread because the spic and the schizo are teaming up against my waifu
>no Riyo Enkidu image
The ultimate trap for someone like me...
she surrendered
>he thinks he's the thread police
Tits wars
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the sexiest
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Shame she doesn't wear that, she actually have a leotard
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>Civil discusiones on fgog
Was Kingprotea actually Kazuradrop having taken over her body?
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Not even close.
bbspic stop trying to give up your peruvian identity to pretend you were a totally different bbspic.
You've been posting on multiple devices this whole time especially during dead threads.
Nobody will fall for it.
Anki was a huge mistake though
Appmedia's really seething kek
Poor Eresh
The shitiest mechanic of this year
Specially the support part
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Did they really get that upset over a 9/11 joke? They aren't even americans
So she wasn't forgotten. Cool.
>peru, italy, algeria
don't forget the Antarcticans
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Sure if you want to, not that big into anal myself but if it's your fetish
That's the most reasonable assumption.
Kazura has always been the scheming little shit.
The worse
So Kingprotea died offscreen and then we killed Kazuradrop without anyone except Kingprotea Alter recognizing that it was Kazura?
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no lizzard
no party
There's also the "needing to absorb others to get stronger" thing.
peropero first
I have never used an image before
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So the lorepost I wanted to make is the status of each character at the end of this second part since its interesting enough also they each got a good moment:
>(You), fought against Ereshkigal directly by going inside her and saved her there, the beast aspect seems to be gone but its unclear where (You) went after. It's assumed BB Cosmos and Hakuno picked you up by Edison
>Ereshkigal, her 3rd ascension hasn't appeared but they said her beast aspect returned to the Servantverse so I assume she'll come in clutch in part 3. I feel like they also solved her problem that made her unable to return to Chaldea by returning the Servantverse part back
>Lip, died to deflect Epitaph the sword that inflicts death.
>Nikitich, might be dead since she literally got sliced to bits while flying (You) to reach Ereshkigal. Her dragon also got hit pretty hard since he was covering (You) with his wings, pretty suicidal move by Guda to go alone with Nikitich here desu but was fun to read
>MHXXA, might be dead since she attacked Ereskigal with her NP to buy time for Nikitich to get close, got swatted to the desert
>Percival, I'm surprised if he's not dead. He was supposed to shield the citizens with Mashu but he told BB Cosmos in secret that he wanted to defend the towers that contain the records of Earth. Tanks the sword impact with a miracle but quite blatantly seems to have died
>Bart, was on the ship that carried Lip, unclear what happened to him but seems to be alive
>Edison Alter, still alive
>Jinako & Astolfo, absorbed by Kazura
>Kingprotea Alter, still alive but barely, the sword reduced her to a point where she cannot move and is surviving on guts alone
>Kingprotea, jobbed to Kazura offscreen
>Summer Jeanne, killed herself because there was no sea and her grudge spawned a sea
>Karna, City, Kazura still nowhere to be found
>●Sep 15 ~ Sep 22 JST.
>5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
Why would anyone pull for her?
Kazuradrop herself is fine.
I love kot.

Some people have a fat woman fetish
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wait for her strengthening
die kuzu
>Spamming on both threads
holy kill yourself
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>AE, after she had her date with (You) she returned to her area and is the last Mooncancer outside Kazura
>Ciel, quit during the beach episode to go after AE
>BB Dubai, confused as fuck over what's happening. She assumed Kingprotea Alter was the trump card (You) had and wanted to get rid of you but Ereshkigal got there first. Then she assumed Eresh was but she also got dealt with
>Hakunon, apparently BB Dubai has a plan to sacrifice her or something, she's a secret weapon?

Also the sandworms in the sand area changed name, they're terminals of Sefar iirc.
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I mean she killed like half of our servants this chapter and is shown to be heartless

Literally tried to wipe out everyone on the moon because "people living a long time is disgraceful" or some shit. Would have gotten away with it if protea didn't intercept the airplane before it hit the twin tower
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>terminals of Sefar
Karl chances keep rising, and Altera of course
Is it me or does she look hotter?
Anyway, I hope the bloodbath is real and Nasu doesn't go nah everyone is fine
So nikitich’s dead?
anyway I don't think there's a point to making any theories since Nasu can just go
>btw Arc killed herself and Dubai slipped on a banana peel and fell from her tower
after this part.
Nobody dies for real just resummon them
Yeah she looks very hot there
It's immortality that pisses her off, since she is a Goddess of the underworld and since no one dies there is no one to go to the underworld.
Servantverse people just appear again after some time
This timeline humans just get their body resconstructed if they "die" and their souls are backed up in the buildings
>Is it me or does she look hotter?
menstrual blood, you are being tricked
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He had BB drop this line basically saying
>We all need to protect (You) since he can't die here, more than half of us will die!
But at the same time who knows.
If they die they just return to Chaldea anyway. But it does diminish our strength and we're already with a pretty meh team.
Maybe she should make her underworld nicer if she wants more guests. Being stuck in a cage forever isn't appealing.
just ignore
>I hope the bloodbath is real and Nasu doesn't go nah everyone is fine
Does that even matter?
Is Hakuno a real AI, a human, the same guy as in Extra, what's their story in servantverse.
>So nikitich’s dead?
We don't know.
Edison just assumed everyone survived their wounds but there's no direct confirmation anyone survived just yet.
Percival seems pretty dead to me because he literally tanked an attack that insta KO'd Kingprotea Alter. Nikitich... well I'd be surprised too.
Percival is much stronger than Protea.
>She's the final mooncancer

I feel like they're forgetting a few of them, namely Kiara. Who established her own area. Also BB Dubai and Kazura who definitely aren't dead.

Final boss at this point is either Kazura or Dubai BB, unless sefar shows up somehow
Lip is pretty clearly stated to be dead isn't he?
Given the miracle talk I expect Roland-esque shenanigans desu.
when did they show us that PV?
I don't expect any deaths to hold any meaning after Nasu literally pulled an "IT WAS AN HOLOGRAM" in LB7, he is too much of a pussy to kill someone completely worthless like Meuniere
take you shit to the other thread
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cucks mindbroken by her btw
It was just a bad situation for protea alter
She was able to stop ORT previously
But in this situation she was forced to take the attack head on at an angle she didn't want to, in order to protect the buildings. Since the buildings contain the records of earth within them. The buildings are supposed to be unbreakable since they're basically as strong as the earth itself, but if you flip that logic if they do break then humanity cannot recover from it. Protea being the only one to realize the danger of the situation had to act quickly even if it put her in a bad spot.
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>News that the Tower in Area F had been destroyed by the Beast spread throughout Moon Dubai within seconds.
>Some people cut off all outside information in fear, some sought a solution to the problem from BB Dubai, and some rushed to try to preserve as much information as they could for their "present selves."
>But in the end, the citizens' actions converged into one pattern.
>Stunned, they turned their gaze towards Area F, helpless to do anything.
>The people of Moon Dubai were unaware that this was an old-fashioned custom of "praying to the heavens."

>The Beast's sword is unleashed.
>In that moment, the AI "present" in Tower 12 and Tower 6 understand their fate.

>The citizens of Moon Dubai: Ah... Ah... Aaaahhh...

>They do not understand the meaning of death.
>They have never seen an actual example of death.
>And so they do not know that it is fear, sadness, or a cry for help.
>Like a mindless recording device, they simply watch their own final moments from afar,

Percival shows up

>The citizens of Moon Dubai are left breathless at the sudden event.
>The white light bursts out and disappears.
>Without comprehension, they witness a miracle performed by one knight.

Percival "dies"

>Immediately after the Star Sword Epitaph was fired, she begins flying with its flying unit at full power.
>The target is, of course, the Beast.
>It's hiding at the edge of Area E, so it's expected that she will be able to make contact with the enemy with no risk.
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protea is just a oversized child
Holy weapons can all enact a miracle; the Roland situation wasn't caused by Durandal, it was caused by his horn. The greater the sacrifice he gives to the horn the more of a miracle he can call upon.
uuuuuuh anon...
unless you're commiting to the bit
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BB is going to be the first servant with two swimsuits and 3 animations sets with 3 different animations.
The CCC favoritism is strong
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>Melt apparently isn't showing up.
I think even Nasu is aware of how popular she accidentally became, you cannot have her appear in an OC without overshadowing BB, Lip, and other EXTRA verse characters. After Meltguino mogged both 5*s in Las Vegas, she isn't a Servant they use lightly anymore. It would have been a bad call to force her to show up in a storyline about shilling Eresh, Tsukihime, Servantverse, and BB.

Imagine if the writers insisted on you spending more time with Ishtar, Eresh, or Tamamo instead of Jeanne Alter. Melt is one of those servants who are arguably on par with Jeanne Alter, Abby, and Morgan in terms of popularity, so not surprised Nasu made her skip this OC.
ignore him, just report
Oh great now you are here to make matters worse
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>Nikitichi Ooo, oooooooooooooo!

>Nikitichi is letting out a roar.
>Is it what they call shouting for joy?
>I'm a little jealous.
>I couldn't shout like that even if I won the space treasure lottery.
>But I understand how she feels.
>Nikitichi's flying dragon broke through the air currents that would normally cause him to spiral down in a spiral.
>He cleared the impossible game that ignored balance in one go.
>And that's not all. Our Master, who is inside the wing, is also unharmed, which adds to the artistic points.
>Oh. Wait. He's not. Master looks like he's about to throw up.
>But he's holding on with all his might. He has incredible guts.
>I won't let myself lose either.

>XX Alter: Target acquired. Class Beast Enemy is 1200 yards away
>XX Alter: If the opponent is a Beast, I should be able to use all my strength, and ignore galactic law...!

>I'm a villain so I may break the rules, but that's that.
>I don't have the luxury of making excuses now.
>Quantum armor, damage rate 60 percent.
>The gate had stopped and I narrowly escaped death.
>If the Beast's output had not decreased, I would have died instantly.
>The left side of my head and left half of my body were destroyed.
>My main weapon, the Beam Scythe, and my secondary weapon, the drone, were both destroyed.
>Ouch. My Spirit Origin was destroyed in an instant, so I was lucky that I also suffered a ton of pain. Ouch.
>But I was in trouble.
>Without a weapon, I couldn't even fight.
>Distance 1000 remaining.
>Up ahead is the Beast's territory.
>A delay hell where one second becomes three hours.
>It is my role to offset that with my Noble Phantasm.
>Can I do it? I can. Because...

>XX Alter: Alter Reactor, seal and destroy. I am the ancient king who crowns the galaxy.
>XX Alter Dyad, Cross, Great Attract
>XX Alter The original flash leads to chaos, The Earth Nebula is divine will! Conflict Midia Keosu!

>Heh, did you see that?! I saved those twin sickles just for this...

MHXXA "dies" here
Fucking kill yourself ozzy
Doesn't Melt have lines for Hakuno? how he is handsome?
honestly as far as "Everyone dies to slow the big bad guy" goes this feels really lame.
I appreciate your efforts to provide me with entertainment
Yeah, no matter what Nasu does, no one is going to take Eresh seriously as "the super super strongest in the entire universe"

It falls flat
the other thread got filled with faggotry
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So is this, he is spamming both threads
He's literally spamming two threads with the exact same posts and same images now
the other thread is just him and he probably made it
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>Anki Ereshkigal!
>Keep going!

>Nikitich: I know! We can do it! ...SHIT! MHXXA has been defeated!

Nikitich is all bloodied and wounded here

>Nikitich But I'm fine... I can still... fight!
>Nikitich That's what us brave warriors are like! Master! I'll be with you until the end! Isn't that right, my beloved horse?!

>Dragon: Rawrrr ( berserker sound noise thing )

>Anki Ereshkigal (...They overcame the Star Sword Epitaph and arrived to me. And they did so while protecting the city of the new humans rather than themselves.)
>Anki Ereshkigal Very well. If you are prepared for this fight, I won't go easy on you.
>Ankhi Ereshkigal Although my form may have been naturalized into that of the goddess of the universe, I am the incarnation of the underworld, Anki Ereshkigal.
>Ankhi Ereshkigal I am the point of no return where all souls fall, and an inviolable realm where all memories are preserved.
>Anki Ereshkigal: To think that a mere human like (You) could lay a finger on me!

*Beast boss battle starts*

>Lip is pretty clearly stated to be dead isn't he?
Yes Lip narration states her hands disintegrate and then her. Her last wish was to be able to call (You)r name like Chaldea Lip did.
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save us cute little bb
I think the hype might have been bigger and it would drown more of the criticisms if they didn't reveal beforehand summer was OC3 prologue
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This thread too is filled by georgie, He utterly failed with melusine so now hes recurring to castoria
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Friendly reminder that Charlie is for (you) and will always be.
At least nips seem very happy with the chapter
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Ecchan status?
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For me? It's Foggsu~
wonder how the lippers feel
Charlie is a slut, look how Hakuno summons him and look at how lewdly he moves
Holding onto one last faint glimmer of hope that’ll either die or bloom in 2 weeks.
my taste > /fgog/ taste > japan taste
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The funniest thing is that they can't make her and Karna interact because even after they confirmed again and again and again that they see each other as brother and sister. Karjuna fujos would chimp out and that's basically one of their most popular and long standing ships.
They are having fun and enjoying the story
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do grown men get turned on by this?
>Karjuna fujos would chimp out
Jinako's VA, Y.Aoi, being the first one.
by not sitting on /fcuck/ all day and not being an EOP
bros... you were supposed to post in the 9/11 Blushu thread...
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>When the amount of data exceeds Passionlip's information processing capabilities, the load is released as a current of magical power when it is compressed.
>The ship's deck will soon become a storm of electric charge.
>I feel bad about dragging this hero ( Bart )into this, as he always looks out for me, even if he doesn't say it out loud.
>And so, the countdown reaches zero.

>Passionlip: 1...

>The sword comes into view. Skill activated.
>In 0.2 seconds, cracks appeared in both of my arms.
>Nerves. Bones. Flesh. It's strange, considering this is merely a spiritron body
>Normally, it shouldn't be that painful.
>It'd be like a bruise for humans.
>But my nerves are dozens of times more sensitive than most people's, so the pain is unbearable.
>The pain is so intense that it burns out my thought processes.
>It hurts. It hurts. I want to stop. I want to disappear.
>BB had fooled me again, telling me it was the same as committing suicide.
>It would definitely be suicide. I wanted to throw it all away, and lower my hands that were raised towards the sword.

>"If I succeed, I can save him."

>What for? For what purpose?
>It's obvious. It's for him. To repay him for what he did
>It's for Passionlip's master, who stopped me from committing suicide, and didn't compare me to his precious lost friend.
>For him.

>Passionlip ...Ah.

>I looked at myself. In my reset state, I was a perfect AI, without any unnecessary ego.
>But a perfect AI wouldn't do something like this.

>Passionlip Amazing. ...Amazing, I'm...!

>Not scary. This isn't scary, it's not scary at all!
>Surprised overcame pain.
>My emotions improved my performance.
>An act that AI can't do. A contradiction that only humans can achieve.
>I now have an ego.
>I have an ego that I thought was so unnecessary.
>I feel glad that it exists.

>Passionlip ...Not the previous Lip. The current me will save you, Master...!
I only get turned on by my wife (she's a loli)
I don't get turned on anymore, I just appreciate the aesthetics.
>not updated
Lipper wins again
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>Her metal hands shatter like glass.
>As her consciousness fades, she thinks back to that.
>Apparently Passionlip used to call him by name
>It's a little embarrassing to do that, but...

>It could have been a very happy moment.

*Passionlip disintegrates*

It's unclear what happened to Bart and his ship, I do assume that it might've been destroyed from the discharge but who knows.
give her a good pair and we'll see
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Only the heterosexual ones.
>make a completely new servant
>give them ONE swimsuit ascension
>call them a summer servant
to be honest she's sexy as fuck
I can overlook that
>Gets very good writing and powerful, well written scenes that strike the theme of the story

Love-hate response from me.
But fuck Nasu that garbage didn't even deserve to be a NPC those moments >>494109502 >>494110089 >>494110789 >>494111782 >>494112019
are something a dogshit "character" like Shitkuno could never achieve in this story. I'm so mad.
i've blown multiple loads and she's not even playable yet
Trust the plan.
Lmao what a sissy
Every gacha game nowadays seems to be underdelivering summer character
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Well no one else wants to say it
Look up "Swimsuit" Saori in BA.
Hmm, nyo.
summer stream
like a 3 months ago
I don't care about games I don't play.
Whoever she is I hope BAfags are happy.
If they aren't I'm sorry for the disappointment and I hope the next one is better
I'm just mad man SHITkuno does nothing but throw Extra references around and accomplishes nothing in the story whatsoever.
EVERYONE literally EVERYONE from the Chaldea cast has a cool moment while fighting Eresh while he just sits by as BB Cosmos hacks the town security protocol to evacuate the AIs and does nothing but apparently recover (You) as you fall down from the sky like some 90s prince.
What the fuck's the point? Lip got so much focus, development and story over him that it just feels a disrespect to make him the welfare. SHITkuno won't do anything of note in this story but bait shitposting and clap references. Even Archetype Earth was more memorable in 2 scenes she was in.

I had to let that out.
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>gookgame filter activated
BBspic please stop talking about gookgame in /fgog/
>anon in a fit of schizophrenia is fighting against his other self again
>gag faces
Main story chapter antagonist btw
We all love BB here.
Lip will be a surprise SSR
>Got deleted
>Now he's spamming his fanfiction
holy kek
LB7 and this have been pretty consistent about reiterating how retardedly invulnerable and broken she's supposed to be
Though of course that just means she gets to be the measuring stick for every new big attack just like Herc
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(You) are in big trouble now /fgog/.
I clapped when emiya gil tamamo and nero appeared in hakuno's animations
Why was this shit split in 4 parts? At least LB6 and LB7 were long. This is just average length except hacked to pieces.
Pls understand they haven't finished BB's third ascension animations yet.
>Why was this shit split in 4 parts?
for maximun kino
Takeuchi had convulsions when Nasu said he wanted to do a heroine Lip chapter
When they told us "not to worry about summer being two months long" because there will be other events...I don't want to think that they were talking about LB4 bullshit fights....
Oh don't worry anon, I'm sure they can give us some hunting quests too!
this shit is so fucking boring and retarded what the fuck
Remember a year spent on Road to Seven?
ror rmao
I am clearly agitated yes.
But my complaint isn't false.
Hakuno feels like a worthless addition to the cast since it's embarassing how little he does and how much more active Guda is in this entire story and how many more meaningful interactions he has.
road to OC4?...imagine
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half ap strengthening any day now
They already said next year will be Road to Part 2 end and it will have even more story-locked limited events.
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imagine the possibilities if they hadn't announced the apparent end of part two next year...
Who knows maybe the suits will reconsider and delay the end again another year!
>Extra character is a worthless addition to the Extra OC
Seems like your hissy fit just made you even more retarded
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>When she tastes your dick
>Or when she was about to call him senpai in kanji, or a heart symbol in her dialogue when talking to him?
That is how she talks to everyone. That's BB when she uses her "devilish Kohai voice". You cucks are truly beyond saving
>Dragging up shit from last thread because his cuckolded delusions got deleted.
Stop trying to give me hope because I don’t want to feel sadness again, anon.
Killing yourself is the best way to never feel sad again.
bbspic stop samefagging.
Man i think I just realized a fetish of mine

Chicks wearing sneakers while lightly dressed or naked. Fuck bros its so hot
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Imagine if all this effort was put into last summer event with the LB6 instead of that half assed fart we got, it would have been huge
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Abby is next
Would've had money on final boss Kazura before but it doesn't seem like she knew about Astolfo's master/was planning to kill him ahead of time
Plus the brief chat with Protea Alter where Puta calls her out and then seems unsurprised that your non-Mooncancer party was just hammerspace'd and not actually killed off
Yes, FGO Charlemagne is a mix with Karl of sorts. So it's different from Extella link.
Life is too beautiful to end, so is this world. While this sadness is immensely painful, it is temporary.
you're not alone
Next for what
Kazura probably survived given past shenanigans both she and Kiara have pulled at least.
>Nasu said he wanted to do a heroine Lip chapter
Sounds a lot more like nasu is the one with the brain-damaged seizure in this case
Kill yourself LB6schizo.
Your beloved normie-tier chapter is garbage
Kazura is the final boss, what Puta said just reinforced the idea she's voring Mooncancers who lost.
Guess who she didn't vore? Her only friend, Koyanskaya.
Watch in part 3 where they'll reveal she also got Summer Jeanne and allied with Kiara
>Schizo calling others schizo
as expected of you georgie
More like Pancreatic Cancer.
Because it's killing this game fast.
for what?
to be loved?
to be dead?
This event is my 9/11
If nips like it will keep the game alive for more years to come.
>only georgie is allowed to hate LB6slop
Mindbroken by the schizo.
Foreigner OC next year, right?
>N-no i'm not him
As expected, again
Somewhere in Peru two Jenga Towers fell on a stinky Neet.
doesn't the Ruler OC come first?
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Stop speaking in 3rd person.
If the best chapter this game has to offer is slop I have no words to describe what OC3 is
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For getting summer alt #2
>everyone that hates LB6 is him
Proving my point, again.
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>Guda treats AE as a true princess
Burn the cuckunos
Anon, you do this shit once every 6 months, it's time to stop and go seek a therapist.
Even if we're to consider you to be seriously concerned and not a troll, which is a big thing to brush aside, there is no way someone with such thin skin can exist in relative harmony.
Get some friends, go somewhere, learn to read between lines and stop trying to force a manichean filter on everything you've read.
Character progression is called as such because they start from somewhere, and head to a certain direction from here. You can't just take a snapshot of them at instant 1 and use it to fuel your paranoid delirium around the clock.
Get out of this thread to temper yourself, anon, do a nice read of SERAPH, Summer 3, Imaginary Scramble, Jinako grail front and this event, and come back with a cool head.
You're hurting not only the thread, but most importantly yourself, you dumb fuck.
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Ok insecure cuck
wtf hakuno was lenny all along?
Wait until part 3
I once visited Peru and counted at least 3 people shitting on the street. All near the airport. /blog
>Guda having a fucking date with AE
Shiki in shambles holy fuck
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>FGO/remake arc
Yuck, guda can keep her
Only Nasu's favorites get that
>>FGO/remake arc
Is quite literally the same as old arc, unlike ciel
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little brats...
This is literally Circe all over again but BB is popular unlike Circe, I expect the backlash from the nip fanbase to be huge
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This kills the Sakurai
man, western academia is such a joke
Nasu shluld go full otome with this game. We Have proof that shit is popular now with how much lads made. More women play mobile games anway
>Male only
>Seemingly 0 reference to Last Encore anywhere
>Has all of his Extraverse dudes in his arsenal
>Nero and Tamamo baseding the fuck out while attacking for him
>Mimics Gil's chuuni shit when he summons him
This is, quite possibly, the most based thing FGO has ever done in a long time, if not ever.
>>Male only
>This is literally Circe all over again
Is not, but i expect you forcing this narrative regardless, shame about the BBspic being a huge retard but that's expected from /alter/cucks
I am the only one unimpressed? It's just generic "waifu sacrifices herself dialogue performing a feat beyond her strength (with generic bashful/unsaid words)." It's dialogue is almost as samey as Takeuchi's poses and face but text.
Yeah, but she loves Guda so it's GOOD AND KINO
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I wish all unicorns kill themselves
>Would've had money on final boss Kazura
It'll be the Velber because the words are emissaries of the Umbral Star.
And little by little Karl's relevance gets harder to ignore.
That was beautifully written that I cracked a smile. I feel a lot more calmer now after reading your post. Now, I still feel sad (not depressed) because I cherish GudaBB(maybe to an extreme degree) to the point of, well, crying. While I do end up being annoying, I do see you fellows as pseudo-friends, since you all(excluding trolls)like GudaSaba, GudaBB especially. This is one of the only places that genuinely support it, the rest don’t even give a complete shit. Tbh I don’t want to give up on that which I love but when I saw the nips on x corroborating what happened in the story, well, I gave into DOOM. I didn’t want to turn this into a therapypost
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>>Nero and Tamamo baseding the fuck out while attacking for him
I'm glad he's minion mancing most of the time.
Wish it was more Extra and CCC oriented though instead of Extella.
As long as this webm doesn't literally happen, you're full of shit.
For fucks sake anon leave your house and get some ice cream or something
>Gachonlis shitting their pants knowing Hakuno is coming back around to collect his/her bitches
Hakunon is going to be CCC-themed
Nero/Emiya/Tamamo in their bondage outfits
Gilgamesh in his casual leopard-print outfit
Extra attack will be Liz
Screencap this post
sorry I didn't mean to reply you
based living even with suffering enjoyer
what is happening here?
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>defending clapshit
Don't forget to roll for the next collab servants, dumb gaijin. NP6 minimum.
>Implying hakuno won't succumb to the gudapussy/gudadick
kek even
I hope that the storm pod quest for the OC3 materials is going to be a 90** one
Melu pov
Can I interest you in a cat picture in these daring times?
FGO just did this exact same thing with soujew a few months ago
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>Nero/Emiya/Tamamo in their bondage outfits
>getting an outfit
Did you hear that buzzer in the distance?
That was the sign that you asked for Tamamo to get things in FGO.
Sadly we can't have that.
Please understand.
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You got it.
Imagine actively cucking your fanbase by inserting another protagonist into your game
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Let's be friends.
>Suddenly redman and kiritsugi
I don't see your point
First time? No seriously, have you seen some of the welfares?
I can verify that this is in fact a cat
bro your kerry? your muramasa? your sieg?
Redman isn't harem protagonist Shirou
And Assassin Kiri is 100% a different Kiri
Why are self insert unicorns so autistic?
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Sieg only had Jeanne
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>bring BB for the first Ereshkigal fight despite class disadvantage
>use G.G.G. NP on the turn I break her bar
>apparently there was supposed to be a whole bunch of debuffs, but my party resisted them all
>proceed to body her with my grailed Space Ishtar to make it extra fitting
>bring my grailed Marie Alter and Kurovenger for the Ereshkigal fight
>all those enemy NP self-batteries, but she still doesn't manage to fire off her NP even once because of my draining NP spam
>everyone survives the fight no problem, guts buff making sure there are no accidents
Immensely satisfying.
Prove it.
It's not a Rinface without some gap moe charisma-break sprinkled in
I used Erice avenger for a rather swift rape.
Waited a bit on the 2nd fight to make the debuffs go away but otherwise defeated her in the following 3 turns.
You mean some cringe
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I can't lie, I sometimes look at her directly into her eyes and she reminds me of those baby monkeys, with their small faces and big (for their heads) ears.
Astolfo is for him too
Reminder that Eresh is the Sakura of Rins.
Erice avenger hits so hard it still keeps surprising me. I can't imagine how it is with actual class advantage.
So wait was kingprotea kazura the entire time we saw her or did she eat her after our first encounter?
Remember when El Cid and Hannibal jobbed offscreen to a random dark skinned lady?
Good times.
That was half a decade ago grandpa
Other than >>494118443 's wise advice, I'll spoonfeed you a bit because you seem more sad than malicious.
True, BB did have a double take upon seeing Hakuno. But it amounted to that, and literally exactly that. OC3 has the subtlety of a sledge-hammer in a glasshouse when it comes to BB and Lip being for FGO's MC. On both sides of the romance, even.
Today's unlock is even going the extra mile on how for (you) Protea alter is.
Hakuno is just shown as a really reliable dude, but Nasu is very, very fond of having his other works MC being cool figures in general, for the better or worse.
You have to internalize, anon, that people will see what the hell they want to see. It's true for every single one of us blessed or doomed to roam these lands, and there's literal mental illnesses themed around that (erotomania).
The Xitter posts that keeps tormenting you? They want to see their ship coming back for whatever reason they want, so they'll make up things or bullshit reasons while ignoring anything that goes against their vision.
You need to get an opinion for yourself, anon. You're not living if you only reflect what people are deluding themselves with.
Purityanons (to an extreme) and Shipperanons (to an extreme) are two sides of the mentally ill coin, so arm yourself with reading comprehension and then discuss theories, wallowing in despair while achieve jackshit.
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That's why the cuckfags are the mockery in /fgog/ Not only do they not really care about the heroines, they don't even read to know how the characters speak. If they don't know why a character uses hearts and stars when speaking, you can't even ask them to interpret a scene properly.
>He just her toy.
From the introduction of the event seraph tells us that we will be toy #2 referencing that Hakuno is the toy that ccc's BB played with first. But of course, neither this nor the evolution of her relationship with (You) is in her initial 2017 profile that they looked up today to try to piece together their narratives, but it's in the events these cuckolds don't read.
I heard it meow
Why even do this?
Honestly, just point them to Jinako's grail front, anon.
If they persist in their agendas, they're just shitposting.
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/frog/ doing schizo group support is a sign to log off for today.
See you guys tomorrow.
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>Still MIA
This isn't cuckposting, this is concepts of cuckposting.
Yeah it's exactly what I wanted honestly. Also Hakunon is gonna be a costume or something would be retarded to only have the male one playable.
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Who are you trying to fool? You are not interested in BB, you have already shown that you have not even read how he expresses himself in any of his appearances to be surprised by a heart in his dialogues >>494121032.

You are just the same cuckold who didn't take his pills and thinks he can fool others with your mediocre personalities. HAHAHAHAHAHA
She's hanging out with Kiara
Imagine being retarded and saying the BBspic is you.
Guess you just want have someone take the heat off your retardation, Georgie.
Were already done with the election stuff
Are they just going to lazily have them show up for 5 minutes in a random area?
Is this why Raikouschizo likes Astolfo so much?
I dont care about your autism, I want lore
Did we get anyone ultimate one arc news?
is eresh a serious beast or a clown?
How (well) is Nasu juggling all these concepts in one story?
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Eresh needed a bunch of servants to kill themselves over giving you a chance to stop her and taught the fear of death to immortal AIs so maybe?
She also had her little introduction screen like other Beasts, the second half changed midsequence so I couldn't capture it well.
Summary anon? When are we seeing summaries?
Given she had no lines or NP should we expect more
She obviously isn't dead yet, there's "Space Ereshkigal" that has yet to appear.
I'm talking about the 3rd ascension that looks like a fusion of Chaldea Eresh and Anki Eresh.
Her NP would "spoil" that form, which is why it has been Sealed/not shown during Summer and OC3 yet.
So far, ereshkigal has been treated pretty seriously.
She double crosses Edison, try to get to her objective right away and still incapacitate Protea Alter when she had been foiled, and needs teamwork to unravel her bullshit.
She makes a genuine try to get (you) to be her Rider (as the rider of the Beast), and to destroy with her Moon Dubai, where nothing truly dies.
The only Archetype thing we get is at the very beginning of this unlock, where it's kind of nature's will made manifest, will all the good things that are born from it, and the stupid shit the leading species do. That's why she has 0% appeal in the Moon Cancer election : her plan is "just watch things happen by themselves".

Anon, I am not your therapist.
But for the anniversary PV, you're just overblowing a thing way out of proportion while ignoring the fact that the master is always there.
I haven't read the choco doujin yet, and only an imbecile would judge things without understanding them.
Why was deleted? Other threads embrace their porn content.
>only male Hakuno
They fucked up terribly
>opponent exposes kayfabe by calling you by your real name
>abruptly cuts off her promo to jumpstart the fight into a garbage match
>rips off your arms and tears your heart out of your chest for a no-contest finish
>realize you (kazuradrop) just jobbed so hard that you're probably never getting summoned
Who booked this crap?
>nasu actually had a 9/11 reference on 9/11
What the fuck is wrong with him.
It's okay Kazura can survive through sockpuppets like the most skilled of anons
For non americans 9/11 is funny
Sometimes he's alright
Don't forget an interferance at the end of the match by Anki Ereshkigal that works everyone into a seething shoot. It also doesn't take place at the Tokyo Dome so that's one star less in the rating of the match.
I’m an American who lived in New York all my life and it’s still pretty funny.
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When I’m doomposting, it’s not because I’m trolling but venting out my insecurity, hoping fellow anons rebuke my posts. I knew it was inevitable that both characters were going to meet eventually, I was hoping that it wasn’t going to be too “shippy”. I normally ignore such posts from shippers, and I do block them from time to time to relieve my tl of trash posts. You have a point in regards to forming my own opinion and interpretation of things(even outside of FGO). I don’t really view the Gudas as an alter ego, so I’m not interested in the self insert aspect as I used to, tho I don’t mind those types of players.
I am NOT who you think I am.
I don’t like how all the new Mooncancers don’t have unique card art.
It's annoying and you've been rebuked enough this is pathetic, if BB was a real girl she would have left you long ago because nobody can stand such insecurity.
I'm sure he'd find it funny if his favorite capeshit movie had a comedic bombing of hiroshima scene.
No one in America has a visceral or negative reaction to 9/11 anymore other than politicians and super boomers
>Waaaaah please validate my feelings
>I just shitpost so people can tell me I'm wrong
That's still shitposting stop imposing your mental illness on other people
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I remember that a while back when there was some controversy about something like a joke about a Japanese tragedy that crossed overseas some Japanese were saying, "Imagine if there were a joke about 9/11", apparently the Japanese not being aware of the American sense of humor.
Trying to take Eresh seriously is big kek lmao.
I remember seeing discourse like this during the Barbenheimer days
Do you not have the self-awareness to realize that you're still shitting up the thread just the same as the other cuckposters? You don't play on this server, you aren't reading the story so you can't discuss it but merely regurgitate what others say, you just come here to shitpost.
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Beast of Preserving -> Beast of Hoarding
She's stronger than your favorite.
Why do you think, anon? He's here and doesn't want his projections exposed.
Eresh Azul is too erotic to take seriously as a villain tbdesu.
Ereshkigal should have had a second sword
Space Ishtar can solo her
She did anon, thats how half the party died.
Now the sequence makes more sense
I think Nitocris could have resolved this entire threat by now with minimal casualties and simple negotiations. As expected of the great and honorable Pharoah and avatar of Horus
A second sword has hit the group
What's she gonna do? Cry while hiding under Ozzy's skirt?
What does that even have to do with Eresh?
You just want to fuck her
Remember how she was going to preserve humanity in her underworld to spare them from whatever weird bullshit Kingu and friends were going to do to them?
Plus, now she’s going to hoard all your semen for herself.
>you and Nikitich fly to her which kills(?) her
>Lip shrinks it with T&C which kills her
>Percival uses a miracle from Longinus to deflect it enough
>Mashu stops the debris and knocks herself out
I think Edison turned off the ferris wheel railgun thing Eresh was using to shoot them?
Pretty much her entire motivation and goal in Babylonia? Hell, even then with the way she cages up souls, that's effectively hoarding them.

Both words are a good fit for her.
Edisonbros, I think it's safe to assume that we won with this chapter.
All two of you?
Wait a Beast ONLY takes down a shitter party of a few servants?? Remember when Sodom and Broteia needed all your squad?
Ereshkigal is a savefag
This is a lionCHAD game after all.
>even forced military uniforms back in despite Extella scrubbing them out when he tried to add them there
Forget writing for fgo, OC3 is clearly a cry for help that he doesn't want his writing career at all
We mass-produced ourselves so we're effectively 2 billion people
Didn't he make those bigass swords? Guess they're above Earth level.
I'm pleasantly surprised.
What's her beast number?
The only Archetype thing we get is at the very beginning of this unlock, where it's kind of nature's will made manifest, will all the good things that are born from it, and the stupid shit the leading species do. That's why she has 0% appeal in the Moon Cancer election : her plan is "just watch things happen by themselves".
Sounds like what we already knew. But that's strange isn't it? Doesn't this imply that at the time Arc was made, that TAs were the prime species?
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Nitocris has potential to fix it but she needs support
Also fuck you
I mean who doesn't?
>>Percival uses a miracle from Longinus to deflect it enough
How does miracles works again? I think there was a niche.
They won, but Edison is also the direct responsible for the situation going to shit to begin with.

They do adress this point. The whole thing is only possible because (You) are the Rider of the Beast, her Master. And thus, command spells will take a hold on her if you use them close enough.
Is Eresh stronger than Goetia and Tiamat?
I kneel…
Teslsahomos will never be able to match this.
She's certainly more irrelevant than either of them
If Edison is there to babysit her, maybe
Wait is that why they barely mention Arjuna’s wife lmao? Inb4 that ship gets cucked by Krishna showing up.
>the way Hakuno crosses his arms with Gilgamesh
We haven't gotten anything with this much raw sovl in years
No number, she's of her playable Beast class.
>her first act is to job at Protea Alter, who could be dabbed by Batzchizo
No, that's because Higashide ships Arjuna with (You)
She can blow up Earth so yeah
Based on lore
who stronger?
S Eresh or S Ishtar?
Didn't LB7 say Eresh Alter was comparable to one of the LB Kings? I forgot which one, but still. And yeah, I do remember she burnt out her Spirit Origin to do it but that's still impressive regardless.
Space Ishtar easily.
I think that the thing she gets railed by all 5 brothers in turns makes it hard to bring her up too.
Only time Arjuna mentions her is to ask Rama to not talk about his own situation in the Complete Materials.
Depends on what side Nasu's dick lands on when he wakes up
I see your point. After several hours, I overreacted to the extreme. I’m still uneasy about what’s going to happen in 2 weeks with how will Nasu conclude the chapter.
Lore-wise it's a draw
Their cinematic beam clash wipes out the fabric of reality save for themselves and involuntarily warps them into an alternate multiverse comprised entirely of old men
Space Eresh is scared of space ishtar lol, look at her my room lines
That's more likely to be a Wada thing, she loves those German army-looking uniforms for some reason, mostly on Gil which adds to the imagery.
You've been doing this shit since the summer began for fucks sake
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I really like Nazi uniform Zabis.
Can't wait for Zabiko.
She just can take down a building with the records. And couldn't even because Protea stopped the sword.
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Not the Beochads...
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Always loved Beoposting.
LMFAO they tried copying the arjuna alter/karna fight without the kino
You’re right. An apology wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the amount of doomposting I caused. Gomen.
>2 week wait for 10 fight arrows, followed by another 2 week wait
Lasengle has to be manned by like 5 people at this point.
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>We're the only human contact this guy has
I'm am AI
More of an AC or AS
Actually shocked the BBschizo is 26, he acts so underage I figured he was 19 or something.
Not even a schizo. Just a lone ass man.
Anytime this general finds out a /fgog/ poster's xitter handle I preemptively block them.
>Wow we finally got Summer Eresh, I can't wait to see how this event focuses on her given how long it's been since her last appearance
>extraverse, beast and moon cancer autism
Thank you Nasu. It takes someone really special to somehow fuck up a simple summer event premise.
Eresh is boring she wouldn't be able to carry a summer story by herself, be glad she had all that support to help her
>Still taking the story seriously
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It's not like anyone's here for the gameplay or art.
>he wasn't here for Summer 1 Part 2
Speak for yourself
Back when /fgog/ had soul...
This is the least focused Nasu has ever been. Feels like I'm reading a narou webnovel
>Wake up
>remember fgo is now officially a cuck game
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City will save us at the end of OC3.
>someone really went there saying that the qp prize on dubai is less than last summer with her
Uh, based?
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>Summer 1 Part 2
There was no part 2.
We went on the island, had some fun, built the Foggsu statue and then went back home on a ship. The end.
No there was no mad max themed post apocalyptic island afterwards with Monkey planet references und dumb rock music killing the summer vibe.
Wait when the fuck did they launch an English version of FGO?
>>Mashu stops the debris and knocks herself out
lmao she's so shit
Not if she has trouble with fucking Percival KEK
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I love my citywife so fucking much. She is literal perfection.
>dude, there's like, souls floating around in space waiting for planets to form
great Nasu lore
He stole this one straight out of Scientology I bet.
Honestly that's pretty cool, far away from the dumbest shit introduced with FGO
I’m pretty sure that’s based on antique belief in astrology. The ascent of the soul to the planets or something, the dream of scipio.
It's weird seeing posts and realizing what part of the internet this person hangs out in.
>sure hit works on evasion
>ignore invencible works only on invencible
>purge-crush works only on anti purge and invencible, but not evasion
Ignore invincible works on both invincible and evade, anon
Isn't that the modern zodiac slop women are obsessed with?
>Bazett doujin
>it's yume yuri.
Doesn't make sense. This is the bullshit that I never understood. Pierce invincible means that you get to hit them no matter how many layers of SUPER ARMOR they have, but that doesn't mean it can't miss, the opponent can just move to the side. Likewise, sure hit means that no matter how hard the opponent moves, the hit will ALWAYS hit, but even if it's hit, if they have a SUPER ARMOR (aka invincible) then they still won't take damage. It's fucking logic.
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the code was shit in the early game
still is, but it used to be as well
Sheep says she would've been able to make Sefar fuck off but not ORT after the spider body dies the first time
She apparently also makes batschizo fuck off too, though don't recall if it's phrased as a "he didn't want to deal with the big legs and spacetime attacks" kinda thing or just a "her alter personality was annoying to him" kinda thing
Man remember when Sefar was supposed to be impressive.
Now it's just a LB king benchmark.
And all the Pantheons look worse for that, specially the Greeks since they could have beat it all along they just fucking didn't
That’s new age astrology. I’m referencing Mesopotamian/Greco-Roman astrology.
Yeah, thank you.. Making Sefar fuck off by her lonesome is definitely a very recognizable feat, even if it'd kill her as a Servant (I assume fully incarnated/"living" Divine Spirits would be even stronger since they're not restricted to a Servant container).

I find it to stand to reason Beast Eresh at least SHOULD be even stronger than that, at least.
>33 deleted
Holy shit, the cucks are on an absolute meltdown
Is it just me or is literally everyone in OC3 out of character?
Crack schizo theory here, but everyone that wasn't in the central Chaldea crew for the Summer event is just an AI simulation of the characters they're imitating.
I wouldn't say out of character so much as there's no way any reader could legitimately give a fuck about this situation so them being so invested is meh.
A lot of those people didn't have any character before desu
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Seriously, BB is explicitly told that she'd find her own love and Nasu spends multiple times hammering this in, and they still KEEP going.
Hakuno had a personality in CCC and it was nothing like this
but I guess this is extella Hakuno who only exists to justify a shitty musou
Eh, not really
Most of them (Astolfo, Edison, Bart, Jinako, Ciel etc) were already joke characters to begin with
Koyan beast autism and instant loss, Andersen infodumping and then fucking off, Cat and Percival being beatsticks, Karna being autistic all seem more or less the same
Situations like City or Lip are plot points
How is he different, he was always generic nice while being a bit goofy which is how he is here.
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Nip consensus is the second part of the OC is good outside of Protea being hurt, they don't like when she gets hurt or when she dies.
Does anyone else think Karna got turned into the fake Protea?

Would make sense as to why he’s nowhere to be found.

Plus the extra irony of him being the one to kill Jinako
I can't bring myself to care about mooncell slop or sakuraface shilling. Why did Summer have to get hijacked by the fucking filler arc?
>mentally underage BBspic
/fgog/ lore is something else
Bro what about your Rinface shilling? There must be some slut Nasu can shill to you!
The fake was just KD.
The only thing I saw was the nips asking why the fuck this is chaldeas problem
Protea Alter kinda called out Kazura directly before the fight saying she always was a princess who wanted to be on humans side, something like that. Then she calls her by her real name which is ten characters long but was blotted out. Then protea looks away and asks "how did you know", and in that moment Alter blindsided her and rips her arms off, and sarcastically calls her kingprotea one last time.


Skip to 5:50
Ehh... guess I'd rather have a GudaGuda OC than this Servantverse+Extraslop abomination. At least those events are high effort and don't pretend to be more serious than a LB.
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She literally works by using someone else as a base and then remote controlling the fakes though.
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>I wasted all my quartz on the latest 5*

Damn I miss those times
Bart is out of character, insofar as he didn't have a character outside of his stint as Salazar. It's a net positive for him.
Lip and City is due to plot.
Edison is Edison alter, and sticks to what he is normally, just pushed to the extremes. He has good intentions (safekeeping the AMERICAN SPIRIT) but goes at it stupidly. Yet, he'll still be there when the chips are down (Summer1).
Protea alter is a bit out of character as she's more mellow and open about her love, but she was starved for her master's touch.
Space ereshkigal is technically a new character, same as MHXXA.
And BB is a bit out of character as she's incredibly mellow and supportive, but she also has never been in a situation where she is the underdog.
It leaves Percival who makes less food jokes, I guess, and Dobrynia who acts less like a dumb brute.
Fake KP is almost certainly Kazuradrop based on the censored name character count, though there's the question of when the swap happened (as anons have noted, KD shouldn't be able to eat KP easily and her huge ass sleeps right in the middle of the city surrounded by Astolfo's tard posse).
If the swap actually happened way earlier, may explain why her powers are conveniently hamstrung so she can only move sometimes and why she claimed she was limited to one area, and also why KD directed you to run towards her at the start.
Assume the foreshadowing where he didn't perceive KD as a threat with his skill should play out at some point, he's probably working with her or around her somewhere. Wouldn't be surprised if fatty getting absorbed was a fakeout or Karna otherwise gets her back somehow.
Is this chapter Nasuslop?
>▶Scenario written by Kinoko Nasu.
There's also the scenario that KP being forced to sleep due to energy mishaps is how she gets vored by KD, she's quite literally a sleeping target and Astolfo's group doesn't seems like the kind being able to organize patrols and watches.
For Karna, it's also very possible that Kazuradrop don't mean harm to "humanity" perceived in a very specific schizophrenic-way? A plausible scenario is KD going for a massacre ending, because only (you) is a human, everything is fair game for destruction (the AIs, the servants...). During her stint as Kingprotea's stunt actor, she even says that SHE should lead (you).
imo i think karna has autism
>was most interested in what was Archetype's deal
>barely 5 minutes of screentime
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Every OC is like fixated on seven Servants important to the chapter or seven trials or challenges related to the extra class in question.
In Paper Moon, we have a some sort of Grail War between Masters who are Alter-Ego "AI's" of past characters that (You) take part in. I still don't know what this has to do with Alter-Egos, considering none of the playable ones debut or return here, but whatever, it is a dry run to see what they could do with an Ordeal Stall chapter.
>Saber: Medusa (Sakura)
>Archer: Durga/Kali (Rani)
>Lancer: Bhima (Cerejeira)
>Rider: Lanling (Lainur)
>Caster: Gilles Bluebeard (Zolgen)
>Assassin: Kama (You)
>Berserker: Duryodhana (Ayus)

Id makes the most sense, as (You) are inside your own mind and you have to fight seven Avengers, as the seven trials representing the troubles of your past to overcome by Monte Cristo (similar to the seven sins trials in Prison Tower by OG Dantes way back when), to determine and see if you have what it takes to be an Avenger and if you choose to become one (but also to spring a trap of Cagliostro)
Plus, these seven clash and stand in contradiction with the seven Avengers that (You)/Chaldea has
>1st Trial: Britomart Alter
>2nd Trial: Nitocris Alter (False)
>3rd and 4th Trials: Cagliostro (pretending to be an Alter) and Marie Alter
>5th and 6th Trials: Theodoric Alter and Beast of Gévaudan
>7th Trial: Monte Cristo

In Archetype Inception however, as a consequence of being connected to a summer event, we have a random assortment of Servants as Moon Cancers, appointed to overlook humanity's end, for no good reason or whatever reason BB Dubai or KD or Hakunon or whoever is pulling the strings that is beyond us right now:
>Saber Astolfo: Make all humans crazy
>Jinako: Make all humans neets
>Koyanskaya Dark: Meteor
>Kazuradrop: Starvation
>Summer Jeanne: Cook them all
>Arcueid: Notes
>Edison Alter: Who cares? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Seriously, Nasu?
It's the sloppiest of Nasu slop I must say. By far his most shameless since LE.
>Archetype Inception
Where is it???
The 'seven' of OC4 could be the seven deadly sins
That has been done already
What was the miracle that Percival performed exactly?
Make people remember he exists
Doesn't mean they couldn't do it again. Summer BB had been done already too, and yet.
Is it possible for the Hakunos to be the first welfares to have different ascensions?
>this has to do with Alter-Egos
In hindsight, it's about what an "alter-ego" really stands for. The chapter actually does a weirdly alright job as presenting it as "the shard of a greater whole, completely specialized in it".
But if your point is that the servants choices was random as fuck, I agree (especially Medusa). But then again, it's also said that you could make alter-egos out of almost anything, which was the plan of RANI.
All the clap references of paper moon is a detriment to the chapter, because some things make a surprising amount of sense in hindsight despite some weird to dumb decisions.
It's a good introduction to OC and tackle the meaning of a class in a pretty novel way.
Maybe? We really don't know.
>guda summons hakuno(servant) who summons servants
How the fuck does this work, Nasu?
This slop is still better than everything writen by sakurai, meteo and higashide btw
The same way Jason works
Medea could do it and she didn’t even have deus ex machina Moon Cell powers.
reminder casters can summon servants
retarded newnigger
It feels like if Keikenchi was in charge of a story chapter.
>Ordeal Stall
I don't know why I never made the pun/connection. Funny though.
Keikenchi never made something THIS absurd in FGO
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I want the sexo gym outfit
>mfs don't even know why medea was kinda scary during fate
damn, we're really this old huh
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With all the bullshit in-game now, surely we've reached infinite loop point where person A can summon person B who can summon person A who can summon person B
Basically. The man's so socially stunted he might as well be diagnosed.
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>Archetype Inception
>Artificial Intelligence
>AI - Love
20 years, anonbro.
FSN came out 20 years ago (and translated a bit after, but still).
When were the mooncancer slots originally datamined? OC3 release I'm assuming?

They weren't there earlier right
Unless you have an infinite energy generator you’d run out of juice for keep chain summoning.
This is something we see from the fsn itself with Medea. What's new?
Summary anon?
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Yo dayo!
They had to make a Moon Cancer Not-Ordeal Call to remind people that the whole point of Moon Cancer is still that it is BB's class at the end of the day and a bit of a joke made out of vanity, no matter how many other servants commit copyright infringement and try to flex by stealing it. I mean it is quite literally called the "Bonus Page of Classes" somewhere IIRC.
Literally me fr
LE wasnt even Nasu. He wrote a novel and Sakurais flyshit smelling hands "adapted" it
So what was the last chapter for this time lock?
Looks like the breedable alarm to me
Turns out the guy who came up with this dead on arrival concept is just as incapable of doing anything clever or interesting with it as the other writers.
Another shocking twist for the pile.
My apologies, I meant in terms of story.
Anon its chapter 14 I think
Ereshkigal is a Beast with no number, the Null Beast ( inb4 Kubo joke).
Her Logos changes from Conservation to Hoarding.
Her Nega Space skill is described as below:
She possesses an absolute destructive force against the navigation, development and exploration of living beings in space. Driven by an unwavering desire to utterly obstruct and hinder, with motivation akin to the Big Bang, she gains infinite magical energy. Otherwise known as the Galactic Destruction Motivation Switch. Within the Servant Universe, no planetary nation capable of space travel exists within Anki-Ereshkigal's domain. In the Sapphire Galaxy, her region is known as the Dark Cosmic Sector.
>Have an event where the theme is to decide the best end for humanity
>Gilgamesh and Angry Manjew are nowhere to be seen
What happens in that chapter is what I was trying to get across. Sorry for not specifying clearer.
So she is basically the stagnation Beast
One of Nasu's favorite meme themes
Ahh you beat Eresh and Edison calls off the competition because the moons hurtling towards the earth.
It's more like how Medea and Salieri can summon minions
The Extraverse servants are part of Hakuno's identity, so they come along with him
Thank you very much
Last Encore.
>Part 1 was short
>Part 2 was even shorter
Why the fuck was this timelocked?
Unless part 3s long as hell its not going to be longer than OC2
Almost as eye-rolling as Ciel's shilling.
Oberon is also nowhere to be seen, given they're just as selfish and uncaring (at least in UBW) as that guy. Although now I wonder how the story would go FGO Gil has the same personality as the one from UBW?
Is this really short? I can't tell
They had no content for September, so they had to stretch out what they had for August.
The last few chapters will have nine arrows with multiple long boss battles just like in LB6.
Desperate for people to catch up
Do you even need two people? What if you just summon yourself over and over?
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Building up hype for the BB 3rd ascension being Kazura reveal.
Shorter than oc3 part 1.
Oc3 part 2 have four chapter and a part 2 intermission.
Chapter 14 have SEVEN node but only the sixth node is the S.Eresh battle.
She better have the most sizefagging NP ever then
What is even happening with Nasu and OC, I dunno. I wish ALL OC could be done this year.
I definitely finished it faster than part 1.
Nasu REALLY wanted to make a 9/11 joke.
Please understand.
Very based then
Oc4 for next year. Chink and nip will eventually figure out either before NY 2025.
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She'll shrink and anal vore the enemy.
Pesticide onto cunnyradrop.
Lmao? You have fsn for that.
They promised part 2 ending by Anni next year so I think OCs are ending this year because otherwise there's no way to wrap up the story next year with their abysmal production output.
>part 2 ending by Anni next year
Wait, I though it was by the end of next year.
They didn't specify when, but it's obviously the end of the year.
Consequence of an OC being connected to a gag verse. I don't think it's possible to play some of these characters as straight if they belong or are interacting with the Servant verse.
And EoS will be January 2026
too far
>can't bring myself to care about mooncell slop or sakuraface shilling
Not even Andersen, Violet, and Melt wanted to be part of this BB and Servant verse misadventure. I agree it's a weird OC and more like a long gag event that for some reason it's a story chapter. It's like making 3 or 4 Liz Halloweens a single story chapter, featuring Mahoyo characters and Space Beast Morgan.
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He cute
>Summer Event is timelocked per usual
After every day people said the story would get better
>After 2 weeks of that garbage OC3 Part 1 begins
And for 2 weeks of garbage the defense was "it'll get better in Part 2"
>Part 2 of OC3 releases
And it's the same low quality trash as before. But I'm told somehow OC3 part 3 will magically make up for it.

The cult of Nasu is so strong
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Gilgamesh not being there is particularly heinous. It's literally one of the cores of his myth.
Might as well post your thoughts on part 3 right now.
Unlikely. Would fill for the LB6 yearly shilling though, and more since Muryan is technically there.
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So is the incest part of Archtype Incestion that the two Hakunos are going to fuck?
This is decidedding how himanity ended
gilgmeamesh woud;nt care aobit that
he's want ot be the one to do it
Well they did warn us this was going to be a "Kinoko Nasu Parade" so Takeuchi probably had enough self awareness to see how much this was written to please Nasu's fetishes/interests rather than being well written
This Eresh shilling is falling as flat as the Brolga one.
I keep saying it over and over. Better don't have high expectations for this OC when it's connected to Servantverse. No way this is meant to be taken seriously.
Holy shit even appmedia is being critical...
>I understand that Kinoko can't write Avalon Lufe right now.
Appmedia is generally extremely favorable towards Nasu. Sakurai is the devil there so people constantly shit on her writing anything and are like "Ugh it's Sakurai again, I can tell by the prose, where is the Mushroom...."
How is it incest when they're the same person
Avalon Le Fae
Translation gets confused about Katakana for non English words
No because extrashit as a core you know clapshit same as mahoyo event. But don't worry nobody would discuss this after this event ended.
>I've never seen appmedia comments during a Nasu chapter/event before
aren't they siblings?
I miss Vritra.
I wish Vritra were here right now.
Where is Vritra?
Check your nearest trash bin
Imagine if they didn't announce Nasu writing shit in advance lmao
All this Extrashit would have tipped anyone off.
>servantverse shit in the main story
I did but all I found was Cosmos in the Lostbelt's script
>Done with collecting baby U Olga jigsaw pieces.
>Smack daddy Marisbury the alien god on his rental fee.
>Drinking party with Galahad and Man of Chaldea while the both of them settle the bills.
>Correct Alaya
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Nasu has a particular subtlety as a writer where he technically isn't subtle at all, but somehow he catches people by surprise by doing something so obviously that you actually forget about it by the time it's relavent. He layers on other plot elements that you forget about it by the time it's relavent. Best way to hide something is just making it so obvious that it ends up blending in.

Like you can clearly see the earth and moon in the background of every single CG in OC3, yet were supposed to be on the moon, yet it's so blatant that people actually forgot about it.
Anki Ereshkigal my beloved. I wish we could get kino nyarla stuff for Abigail at one point.
It's brought up in part 1.
I'm sure Nasu figured that whole Eresh segment was really cinematic and moving. but the entire time I just kept asking myself why the fuck she's even in this chapter.
>expecting something good when servantverse was in the recipe from the very beginning
You have yourself to blame for this
Even bringing it up and dismissing only helps the audience to forget about it until later
Because she got a swimsuit.
I haven't seen her swimsuit in 2 weeks
At least her second ascension looks much better.
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>Become beast for no reason
>Literally BB Dubai says it wasn't part of the plan, it just kinda happened
>Although Kazura smiling in that one scene implies maybe Kazura knows why
>Become evil for no reason
>Try to do 9/11 for no reason
>Heroes all have to stop you from killing millions of Innocents for no reason
>Even though these same people were previously voting on the best way to die, now they're all afraid of death

Every aspect of her character arc feels like "for no reason"
Like none of it actually fits the chapter of the themes of the chapter
Blonde Fate extra Rin
Beast Servantverse.
Beast Eresh mid boss obstacles and filler so Kazura will take the final stage on oc3 pt 3.
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T-thanks oji-san....

The main problem with OC3 for me is that they got lazy and reused the entire cast other than Hakuno and Kazuradrop. For other big deal chapters like CCC event and LB6 the cast was almost all new servants introduced there.

Like if this wasn't tacked onto summer and the 7 mooncancers were entirely new characters created for the event I'd certainly have a better opinion.

Also get that servant universe garbage outta here. Should have just dealt with eresh in the summer event and sent that shit out before it contaminated the normal story chapters.
I don't think this chapter even has themes, It's just Nasu throwing random shit at the wall. You'd think it's about humanity's relationship with AI but not only is servantverse shit in there, you also have tsukihime characters infodumping Archetype lore and Gaia ecology propaganda
yes they should talk more about ai
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She rests in our hearts.
I just wanted to make a DMC3 Reference. :'(
So far everthing is going according to Kazura's plan. Heh
Can they just release the welfare so I can fuck off asap and wait until the next OC chapter
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>make a mechanic to strictly be a better invul
>then release a new servant that can just pierce through it
Nothing is sacred anymore. Everything we love exists to be trampled on and we can't trust anyone anymore...
No this chapter has themes deep down, but it also has a lot of shit that has nothing to do with the themes as well. Protea, Lip, Hakuno, BB, even the AI NPCs all fit the themes of the story fairly well

Lip who died, you get a factory reset Lip who ends up doing all the same things as the previous Lip, and becomes human once more
Dubai residents who are hundreds of years old and live in functionally a perfect society, since people can't really die. However the good and bad aspects of this are both shown
Hakuno who is a thousand years old but hasn't changed, he hasn't lost his way in all that time

It's like the impermanence or permanence of life beyond humanity or whatever. Even if life is transient it ultimately ends up taking on the same form. Things that are reset end up taking on the same form as before because the same desire is still there, which is a theme you see in the new humanity as well a bit. The meaning of the new humanity and AI, but also exploring the darker sides of AI.
>Arcueid going with a date with guda
>only male hakuno
you can't make this canon NTR up
Funny how made evade better than anti-purge this one time
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>establish she has missing toes
>remove the missing toes
This actually fixed some issues with the game
Up until now super invul basically dominated the game, you have no reason to use evade or invul because super invul is better than everything else in every way

Anti anti purge defense can be evaded but it can't be blocked, now super invul isnt perfect in all situations, and now evade parties have some uses again, there is no longer a single perfect answer for all situations which is good
fairy magic, ain't gonna explain shit
but that's a good thing though
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haven't been here in 10 days, did we got welfares hakunos?, di beebee final ascencion is unlocked? did we got more oc3 content? su-summer koyan hinted yet?
>castoriakek thinks his meta servant will be meta forever.
They have to sell new supports somehow. Get ready for ultra instinct party-wide dodge soon
Hakuno will impregnate Gudako, and Gudao will impegnate Hakunon. Everyone wins.
It's not like we literally have every single fate protagonist until this point
Salaryman ojisan knows what's up.
>Captcha: JPJYW
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Eresh did 9/11
Soujuurou should've been a ssr and Alice the welfare
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Even Mashu agrees
no fucking way... is redditgikal relevant in the event?
I like all three of Alice's ascensions so no
It was a long day. Good night.
>That picture
It reminds of that tragedy.
I read some random appmedia shitpost about how the true final boss will be Saver because he's pissed humanity abandoned religion after becoming immortal, and I hate that I can see this play out in my head.
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No one would roll for the guy be fr
Also Alice's third ascension is kino
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You'll never guess which one is the good guy here
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Did this shit really needed the two week timelocks?
They look very cute in this cg.
if you have to ask, the answer is always "because it wasn't finished".
This gives me SRW vibes for some reason.
Any swimsuit that insists on wearing a jacket goes in the shitter. It's not top anything.
You would never guess what happens like twenty seconds after this
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It's the earth crashing into the moon, not the other way around?
They fuck?
The CM version of their fight is funny in retrospect.
Kevin Nash in the hot summer of 92?
>We need an animated trailer FAST
>>Ok no problem Aniplex, please send us the script or an outline of what happens so we can pick some cool scenes
>Here you go!
>I clapped when emiya
Anon... Hakuno has Nameless.
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>reuse emiya's sprite for nameless
lazy fucks
New Lip had a different personality, even if she chose to still protect due to her experiences.
Is Nasu the most creatively bankrupt writer in Japan? It's been like 15 years and he's still trying to shill the same psp game.
We're missing both Ayakas.
The Umbral Star should be when it feeds on spiritrons above all. And those worms are their emissaries.
Ayaka isn't t he protag of FSF, she was introduced in volume 2 for starters
Narita is very unique as a writer in that he never actually does main characters in his stories. He just has a constantly shifting narrative where every character is the main character of their own section, and the story just shifts between them over and over.
>she was introduced in volume 2 for starters
She is promoted as the protagonist with Richard in the anime, so you're incorrect. saber's master/a-san (ayaka) was the protagonist SINCE the outline.
Nah, Narita said there were three protaganists at least.
The top 3 this summer are BB Dubai, City, and Eresh.
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>Ayaka isn't t he protag of FSF, she was introduced in volume 2 for starters
The climax of volume 1 is the meeting of Saber and Ayaka, the FUCK are you talking about.
She's also "A" who was the original MC of the april's fool story.

This is literally the anime announcement key image, the second one again is them.
Togashi is worse.
Who knows but i suggest you should go back to /alter/.
Nasu wants to shill his irrelevant things to relevant.
If extra was really relevant, they'd remake it.
Maeda is still alive.
Maeda creates new IPs every 2 years
Nasu gets pissy that people don’t like some of the shit he writing so he shills it hard to force people to like it for example Last Encore.
one of the best CE bonds I've seen
He's not creatively bankrupt, he's really mad no one gives a shit about it.
Until you like it
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Archetype Inception

Get it?
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bravo nasu
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I take it back. This has been the best chapter of all time
Nah. I won't like it. I'll hate it until the end.
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If you count BB Dubai as Summer PU2 then OC3 has been the first story chapter with no new Servants
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>my underworld stocks are dropping because of you faggots
>"kills millions"
How can she be a big bad? This is just a basic (((modern economy))).
Uh where is BBDubai swimsuit?
Why would you count her as anything else? Also, OC3 IS the Summer event, sadly.
It's kinda cool not knowing how many servants died with this timelock. The only certainty of survival is Eresh due to her 3rd ascension
Hakuno though.
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>Nasu notices there's no good Lip content
>Goes out of his way to give her a good showing so there will be tons more lip content and doujinshi

A good writer will create characters based on things he's into, simply to get other people to indirectly make tons of porn and art of shit you're into
That's called gaming the system
A certain other mobage director talks about making girls he's into specifically so he can get doujinshi about them each comiket.
>twin towers meme
>eresh is fixing underworld's war(soul) economy
>completely delusional and retarded population
>BB turned politics into a TV show
That's just a US
>appolo BB
>fake moon
I see people say this every day here and yet I've never seen him actually complain about any of that in an interview. When you don't like something and Nasu keeps making more of it that doesn't means he's angry and shoving it in your face to piss you off, a self-centered person might think that Nasu should be pleasing them and because he isn't he must be spiteful towards them, but really he just writes what he wants and the audience is whoever resonates with his writing.
>Nasu: I decide on a setting, characters, and theme. It’s deliberate up to here, but once I start thinking about the plot, it’s written partly based on my feelings. I think I’m an author that relies on his feelings. So, no matter what I write, my ‘color’ always ends up seeping through.
>I think that the people who love Nasu Kinoko’s work also love that color, but there will always be people who can’t stand this sort of writing. Tsukihime and Fate’s niche popularity is proof of that. I know that the writer Nasu Kinoko — the team of Takeuchi and myself — isn’t a writer who can achieve mass appeal. It’s only the people who have a similar spirit that will reap the maximum enjoyment from our work.
This was before FGO and since then Nasu does try to make his works reach a wider audience, but at the end of the day it's still the same guy. I get hating on anything and everything he writes, but I never get where people come up things to say Nasu is such a spiteful person.
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Only really understood these songs when I listened to one right after the other. Now I'm noticing the sound design in the new chapter is really interconnected
Let me add one more thing base on Mar LN reference.
It is student "A" which is a male and Little Red Riding Hood fuse together.
After the fusion, Little red riding hood woke up she possessed A's memory and knowledge which automatically created a Fsf blonde Ayaka.
Oh, right. When's this thing coming out again? Feels like it's been deathly quiet for months now.
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Different anon here, I think this idea mainly comes from these comments of Nasu's when the HF movies were coming out. I also don't interpret this as him bearing a grudge towards his fans but I can see how people who aren't creators themselves might get that impression.
>It is student "A" which is a male
The gender was never revealed.
That's because Aniplex is now doing their version of the Nintendo Direct, it's getting a trailer soon there so i guess it's releasing January next year
Same, if anything he seems to be aware of his own inability as a writer to communicate what he wanted with Sakura and that's why he jumped at the opportunity to express the character better, same as how he had Shirou constantly remind Saber that she was a woman in the original FSN and later he mentioned he found that lacking.
I just want a grail refund, I'm not even going to bother to redeem the welfare this time around.
>Ayaka told A that she was not asking for her life, but that she was just helping Little Red Riding Hood when something happened.
>After giving the hint, Ayaka left, and A returned to his usual nonchalant demeanor, except that when he saw Little Red Riding Hood, he would unconsciously press the elevator button for her who couldn't reach it, and Little Red Riding Hood would also do the same.
>He whispered a thank you quietly, but because no one else saw it, it was not mentioned in the strange stories that circulated afterwards.
>The feature of FSF Ayaka is make according to student A's crush in college according to his mind.
>Student A has a crush on Ayaka, and the room is filled with portraits of Ayaka.
Yes I know you meant Last Encore. Thats what happened eith it. Nasu wrote a novel and Sakurai adapted it into a script. Its that cocksuckers fault
Now most of us are done with OC3 part 2 until OC3 PART 3.
Lasagna: Evocation fes with 1/2 ap dailies is content
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I would legit welcome half ap dailies at this point, I rolled all the summer girls and could use some half off qp, maybe also stock up on some exp.
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Arc is a brute
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Blushu thoughts about Arc
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Fake Protea has to be Kazura right? This makes no sense for Protea to say but is right in character for Kazura
Any NTR yet?
Gudako rapes Hakuno, NTRing every Extra cast member.
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>Arat Eresh
>I haven't eaten anything yet!? --Argh!?
It was an outline. It was published and it was fucking awful. Did you read it?

Sakurai adapted some of the best episodes of Babylonia on screen. She can't polish a turd because ALL Nasu's Extrashit IS fucking awful.
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Seriously, Lasengle that summer Nikitich hair-fluttering animation vs. Anki Ereshkigal is like a low-budget animation.
Here’s a theory, is it possible that the original Lip was consumed by Kazura instead of being destroyed by the moon cell beam? Kazura was there when the original Lip died
So who is the welfare servant? Hakuno?
please understand kek
Why is Eresh a beast?
Because she loves Guda, the only *real* human in this place
She only knows Tuski's world Arcueid, so now she needs to face FGO's Arch
I wish, so I can get Erice
She claims to have never met her but heard of her.
She's not from FGO, but some weird parallel world between lostbelt and PHH.
midboss jobber to pad runtime
By the way, (You) know Archetype Earth before she introduces herself. Meaning she's canonically in Chaldea, not that it's a surprise, another proof valentines are canon.
Mashu literally doesn't know her though.
Tbh if we get Hakunon I would rather have her in the Extella dress since that was cute but it doesn't seem like that will be the case
>Even though these same people were previously voting on the best way to die, now they're all afraid of death
I think that was the point.
They were basically retards talking without understanding the consequences of their decisions.
Now not anymore.
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News Doko?
The censored seven letters made it obvious
Kazura velber form you rike it?
Remember when Altera was like
>I'm gonna destroy the Mooncell
And Jeanne was like
>Nyo I'm a top servant I'm here to stop you
And then they fought and after Jeanne was like
>I help you destroy the Mooncell
Such a saint
>Extrashit is awful
Georgie, please.
mooncell is shit so please do it jannu.
yawn the boring jannies is here.
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Oh no no. It's the fated lover "senpai" of her mats too.
What do you mean, almost?
Hakuno is funny and he chose to side with Guda, while Hakunon chose BBDubai and has a weird toxic yuri dynamic with her.
I see Raikouschizo woke up
Yeah that's hot
She started to say it (Sen/先) before she cut herself off.
From her mats:
>“Eh? You’re asking me why I can call you senpai with confidence even though we’re classmates, when you’re thinking I’m the Senpai to you in something? Is that right…? That’s wrong. Tsk, that’s like, compleeetely wrong. “Senpai” is directed to only one person in this universe, a Senpai of the “Oh… Impossible, how precious…” type. On the other hand, “senpai” is something to use towards a new TOY. Please proooperly bear in mind about that subject ok, s-e-n-p-a-i?”
To the Protagonist, “Master-san”. Sometimes BB would call them “senpai” in jest. To humans, she addresses them by their surname with a -san attached to it, while to Servants, she addresses them without honorifics. Only towards a certain Master who has existed on the Moon would she decide to genuinely call someone “Senpai”.
Nasu writes the way she address Guda as センパイ, the meaning Guda is a toy she thinks is funny to tease and hang out. While the true senpai he types as 先輩 which is the unique existence she truly loves. As you can see from that screenshot, she almost slips and calls Hakuno 先(輩) when she was pretending not to know him.
Sen sei
Sen pai
Sen no
>this level of cope
So the Hakuno in the FGO event isn't the real Hakuno or something?
He's just cuckposting why even give it attention the retard can't even read her profile
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I don't understand did we get cuck or not??
Part 3 better be worth another weeks of waiting!
I mean, he's the probably the same one we see from the Arcade collab event.
100% sure?
It's complicated.
Nasu knew not featuring Melt in this OC was the right call. Insecure waifufags and cuckposters would be fighting each other if she had appeared. Doing this kind of scenes with BB is already too risky, like playing with fire.
When are they going to release the LB4 locked event again?
>hakuno is the sempai
>erice now orbit the better sempai
At some point in october
You're welcome.
Melt has been kekshit ever since the Trung Sisters event anyway.
I know you're simply a massive false flagging shitposter, but BB has already made her choice all the way back in Summer 3. It's over. This cements that and she moved on. She has found her own love as BB/GO said.
Are you sure it's not just about how we meet an Archetype Earth in LB7.

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