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Previous: >>494096271

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>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

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Desructionsissies bow to HuntGODS
Little Gui when?
Oh god the previous thread spawned a fucking Quintet OP too, I can't believe this
Why does the space station still have the best music in the game 10 years later?
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this whole chapter sucked fucking ass
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I hate space china but their characters designs are hot, only space japan beats them
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/Hsrg/ is healing
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YanKING i kneel...
oh god JP Otto sounds like a fag
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>Main villain was an actual threat and literally won. (You) only managed to turn the tides by a stroke of luck, and some elio scripting, to win. Even then it was only possible through the combined efforts of Robin, Firefly, Acheron, Black Swan, and all the Galaxy Rangers throughout the universe

>Xianzhou Luofu
>Jing Yuan and Feixaio keep honeydicking (You), claiming you are helping and a vital part
>However they literally knew every plot that was happening and had multiple layers or contingency plans against their enemies
> Hoolay (and Phantylia) were both just pawns in their chess game. In the end, they solved the problems entirely by themselves. Hell, Feixaio even overcomes her own personal demons by herself without any outside help

Yeah, but people will say Penacony is worse than Space China lol
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Those pits and thighs...
they are constantly showed to be engaged in a 10 dimension chess in which they always come on top, its the definition of wank
Recommend Feixiao teams to try

I've been having fun with Feixiao/Jade/Robin/March in DU but March struggles to keep up the shields a bit.
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Guess the cycle distribution between Node 1 and Node 2?
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Check out this awesome move!
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My girlfriend is so cute
Nah, I got a hot tomboy fox lady that can roleplay as an evil wolf using her body sometimes. I won.
I miss Hertaschizo
>You're right that the hyper carries I'm talking about are gimmickless and bring little to the table but simplicity was a good thing. Complexity creep is setting in where characters will be doing so many things to keep up and be relevant in the future. Sorry for the rant.
I think that's kinda expected for Gacha. Especially Turn-based ones, kek.
>yet they keep buffing enemy stat values instead of adding new floors; it's gitten to the point where 4* DPS simply cannot keep up with 5*s, making it exceedingly hard to use your favourites.
I more so meant for 5 stars, since that where the money is at. And the bloated HP and stats are not that much of a problem since MoC buffs are following suit. There are multiple 4 star clears on youtube that you can watch. Now it's more so that if you don't abuse the MoC blessing, then tough luck.
So... will March return to her normal clothes for future quests or she will permanently locked to chinese cosplaying?
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>Hoolay: you can use the blood moon to control all the borisin. Even make them kill themselves and end the slavery of foxians if you want to
>Feixaio: no lol

>Hoolay: But why not? What do you fight for? We are both the same, forsaken by our aeons and just want what's best for our races
>Feixaio: Lan murdered all my friends and family and I hate his arrow... That is why I will fight to make sure it is never used again

>Hoolay: That literally makes no sense
>Feixaio: no u. Now die Borisin scum

What the fuck was her problem??
Looked like a penis and now I'm sad
Your team is pretty good as it is for what you have (other than maybe replacing Jade with Himeko?)
But I'd definitely replace March with Lynx, she's a much, much better sustain
otto is a fag
i mean, he had shushang over his dick and turned her down for a dyke that hated him
what do you call such a person?
side 1 0 cycles, side 2 7 cycles
Except Hoolay himself said that Feixiao would lead the Pack however she sees fit which means she could just make them join the Xianzhou, which could be a very interesting plot line. Seeing her try to "reform" the Borisins and you could even make some Borisins like Mok Tok not accept her as the new Warhead and conspire to overthrow her or even other Foxians losing their faith in her, really the possibilities are endless. Making her the new Warhead was full of potential, it's fucking stupid the writers didn't do it. If the point of that ending was to get a Hoolay (Feixiao) Boss, you can easily have it both with a bit of writing tweak. For example, eating the Red Moon made Feixiao the Warhead and her fight with Hoolay was her preventing him from possessing her because possessing her was his plan all along but it required her to eat his heart and become the new Warhead. Then the story ends with Feixiao having fought the Hoolay and all of that but still becoming the new Warhead and dealing with the consequences of her new status
>Seethe so hard you become an Aeon to kill an Aeon that likes to spread it's jizz all willy nilly
>those infected bastards start running to you too
>the infection was probably the whole reason you went hyper psycho
>those infected bastards think that those collateral shots weren't on purpose
Brother, he WANTS to kill you too. He just tossed you power so that you abundance niggers can kill each other
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listen to a better dub then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr7AkSEb-f4
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>This chapter's whole story
Jing Yuan dimensional chess was too much complicated this time for us mortals to understand
Yeah, the thread quality has improved by quite a bit with his absence. I kinda miss having someone to war against. My days seem pretty empty nowadays.
So MC will be receiving buffs by unlocking new paths on each planet. March still has at least her memories unlocked version which I'm sure will be her ultimate 5 star version. But what about Dan? Is DHIL his final form?
She's retarded due to genetic defects since she's a mutt.
Pulling lcs for every character gets expensive
they're doing a REALLY bad job of making huntkeks look sane, especially after this scene
>Skipping Feixiao as I need to save for Aventurine as I don't have a shielder (no Gepard)
>No 5* healer either but do have Fu Xuan
>Have FFs team online so I realistically don;t need Lingsha
>Lingsah is extremely attractive
>But FF is E0S0
Help bwos, I don't know what to do!!!
roll with your penis, not with a tier list
so, was the baiheng thing also part of his master plan?
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chinkslop killed hertaschizo
we need more firefly shilling
Fuck Sparkle
Marry Yunli
Kill Clara
I rolled with my penis and my Sparkle is E2S1 but I don't have anyone to use her with
his voice is a lot younger than I thought it would sound, too
1 cycle and 6 cycles actually, but close. I almost got the 0 cycle but Kafka survived on 2% hp after a Feixiao ult at the very end of the cycle.
And no, Topaz instead of Yunli doesn't perform better. Might be a matter of relics, but I find Yunli is the best FuA buddy for Feixiao as long as the enemies are fast and do lots of attacks like Kafka and the wolves or AS Kafka and friends.
I know it was a point to say that no one can be opposed to china and be a good guy as for the writers, if go and play the event there are peaceful borisin that are not killed only because they may be integrated in space china, the "good guys" will always be with China and people who aren't are the enemy
Reject choices and roll Rappa.
He was literally designed for Kaworu voice.
JY is too popular for anyone to get one over him. Even their people says he's as smart as the Seer Strategist, who relies on the divination matrix.

Just watch if he needs to negotiate an alliance with a GS member and proceeds to 500IQ over them.
He already killed himself multiple times, but keeps coming back like a cockroach.
>Lan actually doesn't give a shit about the space chinks and only blessed them so they can kill other Abundanceniggas for him
Whoa...Lan was based?
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checking out those awesome feet
his character arc was cancelled
he will probably topple the IPC and Quilipoth and become an Aeon himself at the end of the story
She admits she's bloodthirsty at least. Shes not pretending to be rational.
Aeon of sloth...
>i want to kill all the borsin one by one by hand rather than just mind controlling them all to kill themselves
based. truly our girlboss generalissimo
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What did Jing Yuan do again this patch?
>I think that's kinda expected for Gacha.
Oh, I'm well aware but I still lement times when things were simpler and less bloated.
>I more so meant for 5 stars
I know but it's funny how discussion went from the hp increases aren't powercreep because 4*s can still clear higher floors to the state we're in now, and will be in once Hoolay releases. I don't doubt that 4*s can clear but it's getting harder and harder, with better and better relics being required.
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>We've reached the point where yanKING is more relevant than jingliu thanks to all the fua shilling
>also stole her move and has ascended from jobberhood

I regret rolling for Jingliu Lawrence....
Made incels seethe
>butterfly pupils
Not fooling anyone, miss Sparkle.
Single-handedly take down Hoolay with his brain without moving a single muscle, truly a god in its own right
Should I roll for this sex snek or save for Rappa? I only have 178 pulls saved up after Feixiao milked me try by taking 220 pulls for E0S1...
Set up a trap for Hoolay when he tried to attack the Wardance and put that dragonfag under arrest for helping him break out.
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Luochud WHEN??? Would Feixiao agree to whatever he is doing in exchange for having him heal Jiaoqiu though?
He cured Feixaio's borisin cancer and killed Hoolay with his master plan
Who is the Yoimiya cuckbait of HSR?
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>prefarm Robin ascension books
>lose 50/50
To serve as eye candy. He's the most popular character after all. People already love the patch because he's in it.
I love jingliu she is the prettiest girl in the game by far
None, you can't have cuckbait in a game with zero romance.
Win, both in the story and somehow irl. WIthout even trying he broke a bunch of anons.
He believed and it paid off
Reminder that Jing Yuan knew all along his friend Dan Feng was framed and sat by watching while his friend was imprisoned then murdered then exiled after being reborn
Reminder that Jing Yuan knew Phantylia and Abundance Niggers were planning to nuke the Luofu, but sat by watching it happen until the last minute so he could fight her in an epic final showdown. Ignore all the countless cliud knight and civilian deaths.
Reminder Jing Yuan knew Hoolay would attempt a prison break and try to murder people on the Luofu, but sat by and let it happen because he knew Feixaio would win their 1v1. Ignore all the countless shackling prison wagies, cloud knights, and civilian deaths.
What dragonfag?
Wrong character, Anon.
I love Jingliu too but I'd say Ruan Mei takes the place for prettiest character.
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You know what, screw you

*re-tails your foxian*
You don't even need Luochud since RM is already on the luofu and they're meeting her very soon
I don't know how to fix my account.
I want to kill myself.
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>Jing Yuan
>doing anything
That's not how that works, anon.
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Firefly mogs them
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Use [that]
Robin is the cutest!
>I love [generic anime character], she is the prettiest girl in this game full of [generic anime characters] by far
Post a picture. Surely it can't be that bad!
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If he was to stop any of that from happening he would need to do something, and that is a big no-no for Jing Yuan.
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And HE gets to be an Arbiter General? What a sick joke!
Taoran or whatever his name was.
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>prefarming without a guarantee
How dare you suggest our Chad Yuan could do a wrong. Back to the Shackling Prison you go.
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Is there any phone that can run HSR for a long time without fast battery drain and lots of heat? My S23 can run it at max graphics 60fps no issue but then I close the game after a little while and the battery is gone, and that's worse than running it at middling settings 30fps but lasting for hours.
Captcha: TROTR
RM isn't a "healer" and why would she care about something like that? The xianzhou can offer nothing to her. Meanwhile Luochud is actively trying to strike a deal with them
Why do you guys call this mikafly anyways?
odds - roll for Fei
evens - save for Sunday
dubs - roll for both
trips - go full FuA and roll for Robin, Topas and Adventure man
quads - E6 Fag Heng 2
Found the wormer
Sex with Persona girls
They're bunnies not butterflies
play on pc
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>I play gacha that sells [generic anime character] and waste time posting about it on 4chan

You and me both, anon.
>Set up a trap for Hoolay when he tried to attack the Wardance
That was Feixiao's idea.
>and put that dragonfag under arrest for helping him break out
Yeah. Although Dan Heng did most of the work on this one.
>Hoolay in Feixiao's body will never claim you as her mate and ride you until the Wardance arena floor cracks as Feixiao wins and wakes up mid-riding
Honestly, this doesn't even seem that. That is how the Abundancefags are written, but not the Borisins, at least this patch. This seems more like a case of the writer not realizing he had a goldmine for interesting plot and conflict and therefore completely failed to capitalize on the thing he had unitentionally set up
>Reminder that Jing Yuan knew all along
Yep, and everything went according to his plan each and every time. He is FLAWLESS which makes him along with the story extremely boring as Gary Stu will effortlessly save the day
Just buy a midrange Tablet bwo
I can't bring my desktop PC with me everywhere obviously. That's where I play 90% of the time, but the remaining 10% I'm outside, on the shitter or in bed and I'm frying my phone.
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>playing on max settings
No phone can handle that for more than 5 hours
Got thousands of people killed. Remember that instead of fighting like Feixiao, he was off doing... something?
>foiled the Taoran's plans
Literally only by Lingsha and Dan Heng was there too.
>both offtopic
>both hotter than the hsr arts shared itt
play hit game genshit impact instead
Not a single thing you typed is correct
She doesn't need to heal you. Just use her specialty in biology to reconstruct whatever organs you need.
That's why they need to kill Jing Yuan to make the story interesting.
I dont pretend any one of them is a major standout against the rest
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>That was Feixiao's idea.
I thought that was both their ideas at least from that one flashback.
Firefly love!
real original hoyomi
Being able to ressurect people qualifies as the highest tier of healing.
Also haven't you read the last 5 minutes of the story? They literaqlly set her up as a partner for their Aeonslaying project
I agree but they didn't manage to kill Jiaoqiu, how will they kill the gigachad of the cosmos?
Pretend? She stands out to me against the rest. It's called an opinion. Get off your high horse. Take a look at where you're posting.
They won't, and it sucks.
>t. diviner fu
Dying will be part of his plan
>The entire Godslayer Protocol appeal happened offscreen
>Not even a CG for it
its also a crime the whole xianzhou
honestly, she would probably be dead if she wasnt a GS member
Struck a nerve I see.
No it isn't
HAHA, oh that would actually make me seethe.
I see you JY. Get back to work.
How does Luocha know it's Ruan Mei they specifically want? We know she can revive people, replicate discount Emanator and create sentient planets. But that is knowledge mostly known to the players, not Luocha.
>its also a crime
It's not
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>Oh god...The FOXIAN RAPE MUSK is melting my brain!!
>All i want to do do is SUBMIT!!!
>UUUGGHH, i want to be raped by a foxian!!
Hoolayxiao has a big cock
I say this
Probably some asspull powers that are Elio-tier.

Okay I feel like a brainlet. I get the first two, but not the third.
Questions as someone who has Robin (from first banner) and got Feixiao.
>why is robin good for fua
>why does fei need her
>how do i utilize them together
>pag humor
It happens whenever I see people being pathetic and trying to play themselves off as better.
reminder that if you fuck feixiao you are having sex with a man (hoolay)
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>femcel post
>get raped feixiao
>you are now gay
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The vidyadhara are performing immortality operations on illegal stowaways in prison
TLDR on this Taoran guy? I got bored and start mashing at that part
Everything proceeded according to his elaborate keikaku.
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a unholy crime agaist nature
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Okay I feel dumb. I was thinking the name was more Chinese and was mispronoucing it in my head.

>Captcha: 4gayr

Indeed it is.
I love how the Luofu is what mindbreaks people. A chinese character being strong or smart is just so inconceivable that anons have been malding for days kek.
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Nice powercreep honkeks
i can see it to then return with a 6 star form
why don't vidyahara just clone the eggs
>two prisoners - luocha and jingliu

This game literally treats its players as retards, doesnt it
>why is robin good for fua
fua has high attack frequency, utilizing her ult to the greatest effect
>why does fei need her
robin's ult advances the whole party, letting them attack more and charge fei's ult
>how do i utilize them together
just put them in the same team with topaz or march/moze
My headcanon is that Luocha is an emanator of elation and he thinks killing an Aeon would be funny as fuck
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I better see Clara since Svarog is here
I want to go down on Pela
>stage 3
>or save for Rappa?
She's only there to make your PF easier. Just like Jade.
Lingsha is a pretty good Sustain, that can Break, Buff, and Heal, at the cost of higher SP consumption.
Vidyadhara Elder that's the leak. Gave the Borisins the map and ability to sneak around. All because he wants to incur instability because Dan Heng's crime made the Vidyadhara lose standing with the Xianzhou. Also wants to promote racemixing with the dragons so they'll live longer.
Watch as it turns out their chink Geniuses like Ruan Mei and Yu Qingtu are the smartest geniuses in their club too.
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I don't even know what to say
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Literally who?
We know, Lynx
We know, Lynx
go back to the US
>at the cost of higher SP consumption.
I know she's more SP slurping than Gallagher or Luocha, but what about compared to Fu Xuan?
i volunteer for the racemixing part
We know, Dunn
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>story is full of scenes showing Jiaoqiu's devotion to Feixiao and how his biggest goal is to cure her
>Nothing comes out of it and instead he gets giga fucked and doesn't even cure her
I really can't tell if these writers are trying to shipbait them or making fun of Jiaoqiu by turning him into a cuck loser
>return with a 6 star form
I can also see it and I fucking hate it
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who is the gay european of hsr?
Generic buff to FUAs and she gains energy whenever your party attacks to make up for her doing nothing while she sings. This means FUAs are the best way to funnel energy to her.
She attacks a lot, Robin gives you more turns for free which means more attack which means more charges for Feixiao to ult more. Also her ult counts as an FUA so it charges Robin and is buffed by her besides her overall buffs. And ALL the FUAs are buffed by Robin's ult so even your shitters do some damage.
Premium team would be Robin, Aventurine, Topaz, Feixiao. You can have Moze/March 8th instead of Topaz, or both instead of Robin and Topaz.
There is a case to be made for Lingsha there as the support I guess?
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>Yanqing suddenly turns to Jingliu
holy shit our first trans character <3
i posted the wrong vid like a tard
He's probably in a conspiracy with her since before he landed on the Luofu.
This is me. Feixiao drained a double soft pity out of my 200 pull stash, and I already prefarmed for Lingsha and Rappa.
You gotta have a special mental illness to play a Chinese game and keep bitching about China off cooldown. That is what these trannies do.
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Aventurine's story trial sold me on him. Meanwhile Lingsha's convinced me she was a brick. What were they thinking?
And with good reason. People don't read, they also forget easily.
The whole plot point is DUMB as fuck because it was previously established that long-life species especially foxians have insane regeneration abilities, heal themselves to perfect health and remove any irregularities in their bodies.
>cure her
of what?
stone flops flopped bigly lmao
yes, rappa will do a billion damage and Sunday one gorillion, it's how it is
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Get off of /pol/ QQ you're drunk.
(You) are too used to shonen storytelling.
The AE are not the strawhats.
Superior Chinese stories have competent people actually be competent and not require assistance from foreigners.
i dont get it

why is firefly with stellaron hunters
It threw me off too at fist because that's not how lieu is pronounced.
Well she can't be cured anymore since she got super cancer now. She's technically the Borisin Warhead now, not just some Moon Rage haver.
bro your lynx+pela/seele+bronya?
They ALSO mentioned that Foxians are the exception to this, speedreader-kun
Penacony, Vonwaq or Luksha or herta space station set for Robin?
>but what about compared to Fu Xuan?
Fu Xuan is 1-in-3 SP consuming, while Lingsha is the same, albeit wants more than that for more Breaking and Healing.
Can someone tell me why are healers scaling off Atk bad? They are focusing on a irrelevant stat? Like, it should be HP or whatever, right?
People thought he was an emanator of abundance trying to kill Yaoshi?
she got genetic aids
You'll find your answer as to why Hoyo does this in this thread, anon.
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>Sex snake flopped?
>Oh no, who could have foreseen it
>We must now release the worms
she loves stroking the cat
Thats it? Looks out of place
They aren't, luocha just mindbroke /hsrg/
Yes and that makes them squishier and easy to kill
Vonwacq for 0 cycle sweats
With Lingsha you will be using your skill every turn to maximize personal damage and make the summon act sooner, so...
>wants more than that for more
Yikes, I'm thinking that's too SP negative even for a Feixiao team.
its not bad, atk scaling buffs are very common, see Robin's ult. It makes them heal for a fuck ton without stacking any atk subs. It also makes Light cone base attack stat actually do something.
Petting Yunli
All the Stellaron Hunters joined because Elio promised them that by following his script, they shall find what they seek.
She got scouted by (Our) Mom.
Elio promised that, if she joins the SH, that she'll find the meaning to her short life, which was (You).
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Because they're family.
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>I was actually hid fan!

What did he mean by this?
Yeah, he was. It does handily explain why it happened and the dragon question. Though maybe he would've been more important considering he has a unique design. Xikui still looks like every other female NPC
she is a clone with a limited lifespan
she didnt lie about the dying part
Robin's ult tacks on damage (like 15k) each time a party member's attack lands, so teams that have high attack frequency like FUA benefit from her a lot
A lot of Fei's damage comes from FUA, which will benefit from Robin's ult adding damage each time it lands
Pop Robin's ult when it's about to be the enemy's turn and do your FUA shenanigans to attack as frequently as possible. Robin also gains energy when party members attack, which is another reason why FUA is good for her, to keep up her ult's high 160 energy requirement.
That doesn't even need to happen to make you guys mald kek. Acheon can fucking cut reality and slow down time and see through every plot point but you guys have been malding because the luofu is showing powerful characters who aren't even close to Acheron's level.
This is the funniest shit ever.
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lingsha is a literal brick, nice design though
cum on her face
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reposting cuz I want to show people the way
don't be tempted by Chink March when the real deal has been with you all along!
>have to sit through months of chinaslop and yurislop
just add skip button already holy shit, i can't do this for another update
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This has been an unforgettable summer, Trailblazer.
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Gentlemen, I love Kafka. Do I get an eidolon or two or I roll for Black Swan? How much is the memohag needed for Kafka to perform well?
She's cured. He said he kept his end of the bargain when he was dying.
why doesn't she just ask Yaoshi to cure her
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>start listening to some robin
>remember that you just rolled her
I'm so happy bros
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when is elio coming?
They generally do zero damage but that's less relevant in Lingsha's case since you want her to help break and do superbreak.
Also Luochud heals so much anyway he doesn't really need all that much attack, you can easily make him reasonably tanky. Just have be really fast too, otherwise the emergency heal will not come off in time. Plus if you do make him super fast he'll generate more SP and he rarely if ever uses one. Ever.
This is what will happen because aventurine would have rerun already if it wasn't for her
because yaoshi is bad
Luka is hid/hig you chud
She's a woman that immediately makes her retarded
Hoolay being a man is a voice of reason in this game
yaoshi did nothing wrong tho
wants more is him being a complete fucking idiot, she is the same as fu xuan in sp, slightly less as basics give the same energy skill does.
Yeah, the one I put inside her.
robin ult should have a random selection of song sung by her va not the same one
>Luka is /hig/
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Elio promised something to each Stellaron Hunter. Kafka will find true fear. Silverwolf will find friends and family. Firefly will find a cure to her cancer. Blade will find true death.

The real question is: what did he promise (You)?
You can still run her 1-in-3, or even less, since she's supposed to be in a Breaking team, which have their sustaining pressure lessened.
In a Feixiao team, you can have Topaz be fully SP positive, Robin can generate an SP each ULT, and Lingsha 1-in-3, or whenever's an SP free.
Powercreep is going so fast Aventurine will be a brick by the time he reruns! Save forever!
>a lot younger
The voice actor is like 60 yo bruh
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>just reset until every single attack hits Robin bro!
a life
Firefly wasn't even a character until later on
I think he was talking about the part of him poisoning Hoolay but even then that makes it even funnier. It was literally another man who actually cured Feixiao he really is just a blind cuck
Luocha came out in 1.3 and is still very relevant tot his day, unlike any other character from that period. And he was also one of the lowest selling banners. From that you can see the level of seething he gets.
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>can heal all damage
>can even grow entirely new internal organs
>can't fix the eyes
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it's over...
nothing, (you) are a weird homunculus they made
Someone post the webm. You know the one.>>494113416
And give Turbo Aids in exchange?
he told me 99% of gamblers quit before making it big
Yukong's companion quest, Luofu Travel Guide
does anyone have the evil feixao smiling during the end cutscene
TB is a creation of his aeon so, it probably wasnt a choice
i dont get it

i thought stellaron hunters were our enemies
>The real question is: what did he promise (You)?
That we'll kill Nanook.
Probably something lame like fulfilling everyone else's wishes
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im... dead????
I already got Feixiao and I want some more eidolons for Moze.
Is Kafka decent for anything?
I have an Acheron wasting away since I don't have a single DoT character leveled ( I just got her for overworld instakills basically ).
Or is Black Swan a better option?
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Acheron doesn't see through every plot point. In fact was a plot point in and of itself that she got rejected from the dream without figuring out that it qas fake until Firefly told her.
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You can't just go up to a random god and ask them to do their magic on you
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that's what her shield is for bwo!
How does literally have perfect relics except for me? Everyone has more crit stats. Everyone has more attack. Everyone had more hp. What the fuck.
eh, she could get lucky and get meme aids 2000 years in the future like chinks
When will they buff Jingliu to be similar to the lore?
Luocha is an obsolete healbot that doesn't work half the time
He's this game's Dainsleif.
Black Swan is better for Acheron if you have to pick between her and Kafka
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That no matter what happens, his playable model will be a cool looking tall male.
That's a tranny genshin model, not hsr. They have different proportions, just look at Misha.
Thanks for the explanations guys, I’m running them with Aventurine and Hunt March and they’re already my favorite team.
If you just want a partner for Acheron Black Swan is the better choice
If you want to actually run a dot team some day Kafka is the better choice
what the fuck does vidyahara mean
I thought that was Yaoshi's entire thing
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Star rail for this feel?

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Me in the back! (they paid me to clean it up afterwards)
I think it's more like this game has a billion plot hooks and they didn't want to invest more time into Feixiao and the borisin. They had their patch, now it's time to shill the next characters and conflicts. It's a weakness of gacha writing, having to shill new characters all the time instead of deepening the current ones.
Entering Yunli
nice cope
that is elio
they have deepened Yanqing and March 7 a lot
>Is Kafka decent for anything?
>I have an Acheron wasting away since I don't have a single DoT character leveled ( I just got her for overworld instakills basically ).
>Or is Black Swan a better option?
I think for Acheron + DoTs, it's KafkaSwan or bust.
You'd much rather just run Pela + SW instead of a scuffed DoT team.
KafkaSwan dish out so much personal damage that they're the best "supports" for Acheron, whilst also generating stacks for her ult.
Kafka Guinaifen/Sampo, not so much.

It's best for you to just build pity for a E1 Robin instead for your Feixiao. It'll help you 0-cycle 1 side, and slow cycle with your Acheron on the 2nd.
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I have absolutely 0 interest in DoT as a team itself, I just want Acheron nukes.
Black Swan it is then.
Maybe, but at the time he was the only person who knew that the only cure was the moon thingy that Hoolay had in his chest. And talking with Jiaoqiu is probably how he got the idea to corrupt her in the first place.
Relics take a while, and that's sadly just how it is, all the anons who full clear the endgame also had sucky relics at some point
If I start the game today how long to catch up?
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>luocha is still good trust me
months if you want to finish everything before catching up xd
Literally the only character that has gotten something resembling an arc
I'm starting to think this shota Elio model was a fake "leak" used to find and murderize internal leakers inside Mihoyo
Still the best healer in the game, seethe and dilate.
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Reminder that this Elio design is an NPC so his playable version will be different.
Playable Elio will be a tall ikemen.
Trust the plan.
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Any Lingspud achievements I should knock out during the story trial?
>the three girl squad
>I think it's more like this game has a billion plot hooks and they didn't want to invest more time into Feixiao and the borisin
they wanted to make space china seem like it had a lot of developed lore and make it resemble a living breathing world
but it ended up just making it super boring and convoluted
penacony in comparison isn't that deep but is more exciting
Story: 1 or 2 weeks
End-game metafagging: 2-3 months if you're lucky and are min-maxing like a sweatlord. 4-5 months is a more conservative estimate.
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Star Rail for this feel?
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I love my job!
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I just finished Penacony and it was no where near as peak as the mass say it is why do people love to make it seem like it's the 2nd coming of christ it was nothing special honestly
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haha... finally... swordplay...
yeah I brought my 3/6/6/6 Luochud to MoC12 and got 3* :^)
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because its fun baiting people
Like a month or two to be able to farm end game if the shitty story and million dumb puzzles don't make you drop the game
Then few months just to have an ok team because lmao some materials are weekly locked and u have to farm rng relics
HRS is the HeteroGOD hoyo game, we don't like yuri here
>I think it's more like this game has a billion plot hooks and they didn't want to invest more time into Feixiao and the borisin
Not for the xianzhou anymore. Which would be fine if they wanted to make them irrelevant, but that's definitely not the case.
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Playable Elio will actually be a loli (female), my uncle who works as Mitendo told me. Sorry, not sorry.
Elio is a Lyney expy. Same VA, associated with a black cat and has a similar long ponytail as Lynette and Arlecchino.
>Playable Elio will be a tall ikemen.
blade already covers that bodytype
tall male
all they have left is lad (danheng), boy (yanqing arlan misha) and kid (hook bailu)
I see, thanks!
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I would've still liked for it to happen even if the plotline ended up only being "developed" offscreen. It would've still been an interesting development
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Was Jingliu like this before she got mara aids
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>Elio is a playwright
>Hanya is a novelist
>Reca is a movie director
I want these three in an event together.
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Penacony was god-tier when it was about Sunday. It was dogshit-tier when it was about shilling Aventurine and Firefly
You just need to farm hard every day. It took me about 3 months to finish Firefly and even then there's some wasted rolls that are an eyesore.
I do not know any of these characters
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This slow ass banner is taking too long... I want to see my wife
kek. source?
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Jingliu is by far my most wanted character to have a JK outfit.
She's that "Eternally Youthful" type of hag.
>Elio is a Lyney expy
The team doesnt hate the playerbase enough to pull this off.
>blade played by lyney EN
>elio played by lyney EN
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Kurara bros, should i get robin? I play her with sparkle if that matter.
I like how there was an achievement for skipping the camera woman
>>Penacony was god-tier when it was about Sunday.
>discount Persona Maruki
>"We dream because we wake up!!!"
Give me a break
Those people forgot to play it past 2.0
I can do MoC without Acheron or Feixiao already, and I already got E1 Robin on her first banner.
I just wanted to see if my Acheron could get a use outside of insta killing overworld mobs.
God forbid they repeat a character model, right?
I cant believe she tops the tier list in multiple gacha games
Persona is just discount SMT
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Just lost my 50/50 to Bronya, this is the worst thing to ever happen on the 11th of September
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Getting her in Genshin and skipping her in HSR.
Xianzhou has the war with Phantylia now, plus I bet something is gonna happen in Fu Xuan's ship next year.
I'm fine with lad Elio desu.
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Black Swan's E1 is a 25% DEF reduction for people who apply DOTs. Since Kafka applies one with every hit, its quite nice. It also has nice synergy with Acheron since they're both Nihility. It also counts as another debuff for Ratio, though she can't provide DEF reduction for Ratio on account of him not being real.

If you're not planning on running Black Swan, you'll get "good enough" from Pela+Sampo most likely. Pic related is the team I cleared the last MoC12 with, even despite me getting cock-blocked by Sampo rolling 1 x 4 twice in the match (Aventurine died on his turn)

I'm not doing the math on it, but I suspect that Miss Swan's E1 will give you far more damage than Kafka's E1 or E2 and give you a more flexible unit for other stuff.
I always imagined Guinaifen with brown nipples
Just tried replacing March with Lynx and beat Threshold V3 for the first time in DU. Helped I got some decent stuff though.

Thanks anon
People only praise Penacony because of how bad shit was before it. It's all over the place and alot of it just simply didn't matter
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My first 80k PF thanks to the greatest general under the heavens and Robin. At this point my Kafka has turned into a PF bot but at least she still has a purpose.
I dont know any of those slop characters.
I only know Yume out of those characters
>elio played by lyney EN
He didn't voice anybody besides Elio in HSR
Too bad we cant hear her because of Robin's ultimate.
Only one I know is Yume and Maki.
2.0 held a lot of promise. It genuinely was the best time to be in /hsrg/. All the schizotheories...
Do they? I definitely see more people asking if their trash relics with 20 good substat rolls are good enough than people showing off their actually well-built characters.
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No prob bwo, glad you beat it
Yeah, they work together quite well.
Did last MoC with Clara team one side and Yunli team on the other.
True FUA does not have IPC rats in it.
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Mr.Reca will be voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru.
Screencap this.
how did Jing Yuan imprison Jingliu and Luocha? didn't they just come up to Jing Yuan, jingliu said something about abundance and we dont know what happened afterwards
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I'm saving for Sunday because he will make my wife great again
What is Jade's archetype? FuA? DoT?
lil gui...
>Quintet sloppa
The darkest era of hsrg.
One thing I'll give it is that I felt awesome being so vindicated taking an "I have no enemies" mentality in 2.0
The Herta disrespect is real.
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>no ipc rats
>how did Jing Yuan imprison Jingliu and Luocha?
Yeah, they turned themselves in. They weren't really arrested, they could certainly take wounded Jing Yuan and half a dozen cloud knights on if they wanted
I dunno, I enjoyed the Laofu bit, the ghost hunting stuff was fun, so was Aurum alley.
The only stuff I found boring there was that dumb 5 swordsmen flashback garbage during the main quest.
>azure dragon... white tiger... abusing little boys... WATCH THIS
No tail Feixiao = prone bone
I'm about ready for them to actually fucking fully show what happened and put all the schizo theories to rest
Moktok killed the fox bitch and broke up the band.
>counter stage
>Clara and Yunli trials available
>pick my own
Was this scripted? Clara only got ONE counter and that is after her ult was up and YUNLI GOT ATTACKED ANYWAYS.

Man. These silvermane knights HATE Yunli replacing Clara...
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Bronya rabu!
There's no DoT in her kit.
We love the IPC here. We will roll for ALL the stonehearts, their eidolons, their cone AND their affiliates and subsidiaries. Invest in victory. All for the Amber Lord.
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I have Topaz and Robin but not a FuA main-DPS. Who's the more future-proof character between Feixiao and Yunli?
>Ratio's mom in the bottom left
Yunli is gone little bro.
>Reca is Caefly shipper
Hmm based?
Really? I had the opposite experience. Yunli was never attacked, ever, outside of taunt.
damn, she'll never have rerun?
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>The fearless knows not fear
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Will I brick myself if I don't roll for the fox mary sue? I'm planning to finish my dick dream DOT team but I also don't want to sabotage my account progression because of that
I'm still dissapointed Belobog send Lukek over for the wardance instead of GODpard.
He'd turn the IPC contestants into a red smear under his boots.
ignore all IPCDF posts
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Yanqing and the others
Yunli has less chance of getting replaced but feixiao is stronger.
did they tease how Yaoguang looks
I had the same deal. I don't think Aventurine or Robin got hit once.
Probably trannylators making up shit again.
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Lyney is a reference to a French cabaret "Chat Noir" btw.
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What are the chances 5*tingyun can slot into the dothag team? I'll e6s5 her if that's the case
Clara still survives to this day. Meanwhile Seele has languished, especially since she's the one hunt unit that can thrive thanks to her bonus turns. Feixiao will be dead in a ditch in a few patches.
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Is it me or remaining slots almost don't matter at all for Feixiao? I don't feel like it actually has any effect who I put there between Topaz, Bronya, Moze, March, Aventurine or Gallagher. Only Robin matters.
To get out of their little group
Do you have Yunli's S1? If so, Feixiao will be a marginal upgrade.
Also replace M7 with Ting or something.
Replacing Sampo with Black Swan is a much bigger DPS difference than replacing Yunli with Feixiao
penacony has too much dialogue, im halfway through the story and i just want to unlock feixiao’s artifact domain
Her build is not that great and Hypercarry Herta (with Sparkle instead of FeiXiao) couldn't kill Kafka in time. I'm rolling for her true form though.
I mean I have her cone, but I've never seen so many single target attack ONLY ever hitting 1 (uno) char, regardless of that. I figured I'd might be weird shilling that the highest aggro char gets always hit. Clara only matched her aggro one turn, and losing one coinflip is obviously possible.
Hoyo's EN localization at its finest
Trannylators have no reason to intervene here since it's a male and a female.
They don't like that.
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the chinese says the same thing
chinese is filled with stupid fucking idioms
It's kinda obvious she likes him despite their rivalry and banter
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Topaz really wormed her way into the sponsorship deal
I admire her
Just her voice. I haven't seen anyone catch which VA it was.
She seems like she's a cheeky brat to me.
One of her eidolons will probably make her good for DoT just like Homo Fox
I played that in nip and it's not. What a cope response LOL
You know, it just occured to me, I've never seen a happy merchant edit for Topaz.
Is Yaoshi Nurgle?
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having now tried e0s0 Acheron in the event, I can confidently say she's one of the WORST limited dps in the game. the fact that she's ranked as t0 at e0s0 is a total fucking joke
she literally has no damage?? and it takes forever to get ult up
I believe you.
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Spoiler for the next story arc
>the only premium sustain for Feixiao is Aventurine
>the cope options are Gallagher, Lingsha, Luocha and Fu Xuan
>lingha is right after and I wont have enough rolls
Its over, why did I roll for this brick
isha and nurgle lovechild
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Rate my General
bwo they give you silver sex and jamiroquai for a reason.
My Acheron is E0S0 and yeah she's a huge brick. I've never been able to full-star endgame with her.
Luocha is just fine. He can go fast. Very fast with the 3 star LC.
Low INT, low politics. Shit general. Good fighter with a high bravery though.
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If she's fire nihility there's a small chance she'll be a 5* gui, but since she was wearing the break set it's not looking good.
Unironically that would be fucking awesome
She gets better the more you invest into her. Trail characters usually have shit builds.
Event trials are usually really really bad. Like REALLY bad. It doesn't matter much for supports (but I still found it funny HOW SLOW the fire fox or Aventurine are as trials), but for DPS it's bad.
Funnily enough the trial Moze in his testing stage was actually well built. Like the only one ever.

We've all seen some shit. I still can't get over some 150+ speed Dan2 trial... BAHAHA.
10/10, having kids with her would guarantee great genetics
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Jesus, QQ, you can only win so hard
I just use lady Fu as she's by far the hottest sustain in the game.
I'll get fish lady too, but only because that'll be my 2nd 5* sustain.
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No my Yunli is S0 only
At least DOT team will still be viable in PF right? The current FUA shill landscape scares me
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so, can we agree that Luka is the coolest male?
also I would roll for my nigga Igor
i skipped her for aventurine because she’s whalebait and an hi3 clone which i hate
>wtf this 40/80 crit 120 spd character sucks?! you all lied to me!
Hoolay was cooler
Lingsha's face is so fucking ugly I hated the cutscenes with her... those soulless eyes
>red hair
>also a robot arm
what the fuck
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Ok admittedly lots of big roles here
Who is Lingsha's VA?
fuck you
Her face is cute because it's literally just Sushang's face
Which is what makes her shit in the first place, there's zero effort on her.
is brappa the only new 5* next patch?
They could've sent GODpard, but noo, lets send in the manlet kek instead.
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I fucking love her voice lines
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reminder that lingsha is an expy of this
missing JY just being there
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post your V8 clears
no, Ting is also next patch
I love my Herta and Tingyun
Yes, but we dont know what reruns there will be. Chances are its going to be Aventurine & Acheron. As they are the only ones left without a rerun.
Where's Clorinde and Yangyang?
That girl has snakes, Lingsha is obviously a fish.
The faggot doctor hasn't had one
I only recognize Plapi and Violet
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Your doctor's in the game?
Yea I meant to say they are the only Penacony-era ones and they are pushing meta reruns hard lately.
YOOOOO no way... it's her!!! (i have no fucking idea who that is)
Damn, i was hoping it was Claras E2, instead i got a copy of her LC(Standard banner pull)
Yes, Doctor Veritas Faggotio is in the game
It's time to pay... huh. Pay? What... for? Where am I? What was Kafka's number again....
yeah, he has the highest bro/shonen protag energy
Roboarms are genetic
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Elysia is a must pull
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You can get "I am the Storm" achievement in Fei Xiao's character trial. Use the technique to kill the first guy only and then activate technique again and drag the 4 mobs and stand next the Elite. Keep refreshing the Technique every 10 seconds while you stand next to the Elite with the 4 mobs spinning around you.
He's ok, I never hated him but I don't care much about him either. Igor unironically looks way cooler.
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Never mind, I already got my Swan. Fuck that boring ass bland fox
Just because Ratio lusts for Screwllum doesnt mean he is a faggot.
He's fucking retarded and every second the game traps me in a cutscene with this stupid nigger my contempt grows.
does any mihoyo game have Melusine VA
If I get Aventurine in 1 10 pull, I'll suck a dick. Im tired of taking L, I need some W. I'll do anything.
>Voiced the character that turns into a girl
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wait elio is actually a boy in shorts?
if he is, then i'll kill myself
i wanted a tall ikemen, not some shota
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Elysia when?
ZZZ already teased that they will have Elysia expy.
Even on Genshin saying that Elysia will be Klee's mom because they have the same VA.
where's the Elysia tease on HSR?!
Luka is a bro and his companion quest was kino. Him going schizo during the event kind of felt like a step backwards though.
The "leak" may be altered in final product but...
We've known this for 12 months now
Thats surprising I dont know any of these. She has such a good VA though.
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>rolled Robin for my Yunli
>tried to do MoC again
>cleared with the same turns
I think this may have been a mistake
We already have her in the game. See >>494118359
I'm trans btw
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why do you guys post VAs while trying to encourage others to pull for x character? does any of you LEGITMATELY give a fuck who voices which character?
Comes across as a shonenkek protag, and those are usually the worst part of their own series, despite being the mc.
i can see stelle's bra strap c:
>ZZZ already teased that they will have Elysia expy.
Dead before the game even started
>Even on Genshin saying that Elysia will be Klee's mom because they have the same VA.
Parents will never be playable in hoyo games since chinks would feel cucked.
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did you event finish the event.....?
also the Hallucinations was just an excuse to have a bunch of random bosses
Topaz really fucking needs a boss fight
Is Robin being massively overrated or is Feixiao just a brick.
Feixiao rape
she voices a male and female character.
that's what you so called talent.
I wonder how much money Mihoyo is paying her to voice a lot of characters.
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since it looks like we're losing SSJ tingyun to the firefly shilling, do I go for e2 BS or e1 kafka? I already got the cones, e1 kafka is probably numerically better but e2 bs sounds more fun for the arcana minigame
what teams did you use?
Who did your Robin replace and what composition are you running yunli with?
Which is to say Post roster
>does any of you LEGITMATELY give a fuck who voices which character?
I always roll for Rie Kugimiya
I hear Rie Tanaka I roll.
I see Hadoka Kinoligma, I roll
Simple as
lolno I muted the game.
Try turning the sound on and you'd realize how important it is retardbro.
it's over
>march drinks alcohol in penacony
>calls herself an adult in front of yunli and yanqing
So does that confirm she’s between 18-25?
Robin and RM are the two best characters by far in the game.
>yanqing is a elysia expy
tasteless dubfags would never understand
>was super excited for 5* Tingyun because hot fox woman with many tails
>wants break set
>wants break stats
>apparently a superbreak enabler
>testing had her with the fire weak set
>all motivation to pull evaporates
another one to add to the "I didn't pull Firefly so I skip" pile
The bar was non-alcoholic
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Later, probably around 5.0. They can't simply release Elysia, give her 3 patches and call it a day. They would have to take a whole year for her.
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Come play outerplane bwo we have an elysia expy...
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Some retards do, it's a very special brand of autism.
I like Fu Xuans voice, no idea who voices her nor do i care. This is normal.
just pull rappa and pair tingyun with her
It's just fun trivia anon. If you don't watch anime you wouldn't get it.
Yes, Katsura is one of my favorite anime characters of all time so I rolled for Luocha
Based. Same
i hear bling a ding
Same here but I still hope that she's a unit that isn't tied to superbreak characters.
bros, do we get another event this first half or just the wardance event
The former. I played her without any harmony, and she 0 cycled moc 12-1 on auto. (with Topaz, Moze and Aventurine)
Sure she's e2s1, but even without that you are just fine. And I'd assume any limited harmony is better in that team, but this team is much more fun and more than strong enough.

Though who knows, maybe it's her best team.
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That's not working
Ruan Mei perhaps, but Robin? Doubt.
She's not enough as the sole harmony on a team at the very least.
Same VA but not the same voice. Lika Nahida is the Theresa expy but no Qiqi despite both of them having the same VA.
Oh. Well tbdesu she comes off as a 19 year old since she’s canonically an adult.
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kys glazer
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>does any of you LEGITMATELY give a fuck who voices which character?
i hope he shows up in space greece
I was using Yunli/Sparkle/Tingyun/Luocha before, I swapped Tingyun for Robin.
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Sex is a form of work, Opal. We know you don't have sex like the younger TALLER stonehearts do.
hsrg is literally 99% dubfags, no one plays this game in chinese except that one retard that shows up once every several dubwars, you know who you are
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What do we think about the large quantity of sparkle cosplays?
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I rolled for Neuvillette because he's voiced by Kamiya and not because he's meta
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I wish HSR had my favorite VA.
I would insta E6 her.
We need a Hoyo MMO
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This is why people call hoyofags ironic weebs.
That's a lot of best girls
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>mfw Robin and Fei Xiao in 20 pulls

If a character voiced by Akari Kito, Nana Mizuki or Yuumiri Hanamori comes out I'm pulling no matter how bricked she would be as a unit in the meta
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>it was nothing special honestly
It mostly was, relative to that time
You have to remind yourself of the first year of HSR
>Start the game off in a huge Sci-fI ship
>Nothing special, just a tutorial region
>Next is an abandoned winter Steam-punk world
>Absolute peak of the game, see webm related
>Now after that's all done, now you're randomly in some Silk-punk Wuxiaslop ship, barely Sci-fi related at all
>And after you're done with that, you have nothing else do during 1.0
>Now 1.1 livestream announced with no main story content whatsoever, people's retention rate is hastily falling
>After all of that wait, 1.2 drops with a middling story, people start quitting in droves
>1.3 also drops after that, all cope is lost as it only had a 30 min epilogue of a fake funeral
>1.4 was a weird half Belobog, half Luofu story patch. The Quintent shit was retardedly resolved in a single companion quest. The Belobog half was pretty good, but by then most people already left and couldn't appreciate such a soul event.
>1.5 was going back to Space China, nobody really cared, especially once Furina dropped
>1.6 gave us a free 5 star, sort of an unofficial apology for all of that shit. Created a lot of buzz online. The "return to HSS" quest was decent
And now 2.0 hits. And... it wasn't shit like the disastrous launch of Space China. That was the minimum requirement for people to consider Penacony good. It was all relative
For me personally, I find Belobog slightly better, but Penacony, so far in standing, is the 2nd peak of the game. We'll just have to wait for Amphoreus and the Fate collab, if they're any better
2.0 is a nice little introduction to the region, the Firefly date was pretty mid, imo, I liked the 1.4 March 7th dates more.
2.1 is interesting, but it was way to fucking long
2.2 had a nice villain, peak didn't reach high as the Cocolia fight, imo
2.3 is just Firefly filler
Now 2.4 and 2.5 are Chinkslop filler again, so you get to see Penacony in a good light again
He won.
no thanks.
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How is Hook so eloquent?
This is a dream again isn't it
I still believe Kamiya will voice Reca. Some other anon said before his voice is too low/soft, but Kamiya would fit Reca well imo.
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>does any of you LEGITMATELY give a fuck who voices which character?
Yes, I have a friend that only rolled for Yunli because he's a massive Nanahoshi fag (from Mushoku Tensei)
Jingliu should've just been Yanqing's mom or something
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A new planet? Hopefully it's better than the space chink one.
Yunli? Drenched
The translation for this event is REALLY spotty, it looks like MTL output without editing, a ton of characters just talk like robots without their usual personality or tones.
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Why is the image missing his best role?
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Why is she asking QQ to come see her in the port? Isn't she just another worker in the comission?
>purple japanese whore
Mordred is her only good character
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Fuck... I don't have enough node 1 damage
She really is the best
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we'll surely get him some day bros...
>he plays a weeb game meant for weebs
>complains about weebs being weebs
>does any of you LEGITMATELY give a fuck who voices which character?
because they're more expressive and doesnt get replaced that often.
mean while on EN dub
also I like Acheron's VA
Replace March with Herta
Kamiya was a misscast for him tho, same with Furina's JP VA.
Darn, knowing what star rail did before, I thought it was a clue.
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herta robin instead of clara+m7?
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Wait, did these two even do anything?
>a 4 star character
Plebbiest opinion
JP VA fags are unironically like cultists
holy fuark MANGO COOKIE
Go Clara hypercarry
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Don't point that out
Anon, they said they were going to some Genius Society something something, remember?
They were hanging out with RM while we were stuck in chinkslop
Do you like my Raiden?
They were supposed to met Ruan Mei and talk about some shit.
No thanks he is a 1 note character for shonen retards
This was ENGdogs
They delivered the fossils to RM and I guess they also travelled with her back to china
>>he plays a weeb game meant for weebs
modern hoyogames are the most anti-weeb, safe gacha games on planet earth, complete with an absolutely massive normie audience
i was really hoping we get a himeko only trailblaze mission like welt on the xianzhou
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Finally finished the tournament event, by far one of the best ones, it only loses to the ghost busters imo though Luka only having 1 genuine win against non fodder was kinda lame
>has robin
>doesn't use her in FUA team
is this ragebait
mikafly my beloved
but she's still in?
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>All this VA talk
Oh so /hsrg/ actually likes 3D girls after all
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imagine not being able to appreciate ShonenKINO
no wonder shitvilette's voice is as dogshit as his entire character design
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You are missing out bro
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>using EN dub
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thanks dawei
She only has one and you can't not get it lmao just keep the bunny on the field
Oh, that's smart. My Herta might lack some damage though since I've neglected her
VA containment board when
I am only a cultist for Blade's VA, that man is a legend.
wait... Bronya was an expy all along too...
To this day the best persona girl...
She is lesbian
Excuse me why didn’t you dedicate 4gb to hearing girls scream KYAAAAH every 5 seconds
b-but omg this person voice another character before111!!!!11 bonus point if they're simping for the most bland middle aged asian on existence
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What the fuck
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I thought EN Ratio was solid for the one patch i decided to use EN before switching back to JP
oh EN dub users melty
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I care about VAs, but mostly due to their other rolls
I got Mualani purely cuz she's just a tanned, blue hair Yuigahama
I fucking love genki girls
Reminder that JP Bronya is the intented Bronya, Dawei said so himself
>sudden EN mention
yep JPfags getting uppity
Struck a nerve?
maybe if you're retarded and don't understand a thing about their characterization
uh oh nerveschizo melty
why are jp va’s so fucking old
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>JP mentioned
the primary story in Luofu part 2 is focused around Yanqing's growth
it's kinda typical Wuxia stuff. Feixiao and etc. are more like background dressing while other characters get the most development
also the Luka event was pretty kino ngl
you can't even understand it, you can't call it good.
>Reminder that JP Bronya is the intented Bronya, Dawei said so himself
and why should i care about that?
low birth rates
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There is no way you would get this right?
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i'll never understand why this general has so much beef with EN voice actors, people were legitmately cheering when Argenti got replaced with an arguably worse VA and he wasn't even involved in any "drama"
>plays anime inspired game
>complains about anons liking JP dub and JP VAs
why play a game meant for anime enjoyers?
why don't you guys play Concord instead?
Kamiya's voice doesn't fit Neuv at all, Furina's fits but I don't want to hear a girl sound like a boy. Fontaine is where I switched to ENG for the first time in any hoyo game.
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Is March 8th a must pull?
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Yup, time to honk some star rails
investing in victory means playing along, yay!
I noticed that 10 seconds after hearing her talk, it's not as noticeable in the playable version though
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What's your favorite non-Kafka role? For me, Meiko
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I definitely don't use it for Topaz. Her JP VA is a literal idol goddess.
cuz some voice act before you were born zoomzoom
we're only now getting new voice actors that sound almost similar to the veterans
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for me it's silver sex
>Thing, Japan
Koko because she's Loco
you literally don't need to care about meta in this game because even bumfuck retard teams can clear MoC.
Meta only matters if you want to 0 cycle shit which is retarded anyway there are no leaderboards
roll for the characters you find most attractive
Yanqing is at least a shota
Luka is a cringe autistic manchild
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what do I do with this sisters...
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I play in Japanese because I know Japanese and English isn't even my native language.
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Help me understand this anon. With E6 Moze, why isn't Sparkle better than Robin? What is Robin providing to the whole team that Sparkle does not? Moze can't be action advanced.
yo... no way.... Yoshinori Takasuki Suburu????
omg omg omg
shiroko my love
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>EN mentioned
Akeno is the sexiest character in that pic.
>i'll never understand why this general has so much beef with EN voice actors
majority of EN VAs are WOKE shitters
I started maxing my rapewife Robin.
jpfags have a reputation for being obnoxious weebs every time the eng dub gets brought up

no one cares if you just sit down quietly and play jp without opening your fat unwashed lips.
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No wonder TB could defeat 10 Hoolays at the same time
>I know japanese
You know so much japanese you play it on english with japanese dub lmao
>Anime = Japan
What a fucking dumbass
I can't help but NOOOOOTICE the only story discussion is over the Tournament event, specificaly anything not involving the flopfu slopfu
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Sailor venus
When are we getting Hayamin in HSR?
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ENpleb melty
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She's 340 years old you sick fuck.
Tbh Mihoyo should just delete the English voice pack and make you faggots play in Japanese like proper weebs
whats wrong with their chest
>Literal gibberish
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you keep posting it and it's never gonna stop me from liking march's english voice
Is that Aether on the right
>seapag speaking in hilichurl hating on our puerto rican queen
is she March's VA?
enfags have a reputation for being obnoxious weebs every time the JP dub gets brought up

no one cares if you just sit down quietly and play en without opening your fat unwashed lips.
>white char
>voiced by black person
Can you farm my story jades for me I'm too depressed to play the game
I want Feixiao but it just feels like a waste of time skipping through story text for an hour and a half for like 15 3 star light cones and a 4 star I already E6'd
how is that even a problem bro lmao
like, do you follow them on twitter or something?
she's hot as fuck
I don't think those are even middle east runes
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Shiina Kaede
The normification of japanese media has been a disaster on the human civilization
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Sisters, I think Feixiao is slightly better than Acheron
For Sapphire and Sugilite
Its not China/Japan issue that the west is unable to produce worthwile media.
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Have an "ice" day!
thats a chinese werewolf
Obsidian will save stoneflops
Have an "ice" day!
these are literally FGO characters, how did they get away with it?
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get out of my board
>how is that even a problem bro lmao
>gets use to the EN dub
>EN VA becomes woke shit
>get replaced
>not getting used on the new EN VA
>do you follow them on twitter or something?
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If I have to choose who is the best EN, I probably either give it to Ratio or past Argenti. Still fucking pissed they change his va, not only that but it's a huge downgrade too.
FGO and HSR are buddies and can steal each other now.
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How many pulls worth of jades is that assuming all the chests are mine to plunder?
fuck off, shounenfag
if she's chinese why is she white
save the stoneflops' society sapphire
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Lolis have been a net boon to humanity. The real disaster was obsessing over sales that's been normalized in the kpop community.
>he doesn't play Star Rail specifically because it's one of the few games with both JP voice and text
>ST vs AOE
not a chance
Nobody knows you play with EN dub until you tell them.
Heres how it usually goes:
>ENcuck complains about the games voice acting
>JPgod replies "Your fault for playing on EN."
>ENcuck 180's his stance to defending the voice acting he was just whining about while everyone else laughs at him
Every single time.
cute boys (would fuck)
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JPfags picked Stelle
ENfags picked Caelus
I don't have a way to prove this but I know it's the truth.
That's why I don't really want Elysia in this game or Genshin. Imagine my wife being voiced by some ugly monkey.
>>get replaced
ummmm literally the only people who got replaced so far have been so because of contractual issues with their agency
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I unironically think she did a good job as Feixiao.

It’s a shame she will probably get replaced with someone worse because she joined saggy balls aftra
>JPfags out themselves as SEA
correct. westoid shit sucks 99% of the time where nip is more like 50/50
I kneel shounen anon
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I'm a self-inserter Caelus fag and not a seanig
I'm SEA and it's saying that it supports Black Lives Matter
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>aetherpag it's a JPtroon

EN here, picked futa stelle. I want her to star rail all the girls if you know what i mean
Build your Bailu
I'm pretty sure we already had a poll and most SEAmonkeys play in JP vo
I mean, they don't even speak english so why would they bother with the english voices?
I picked Caelus and play JP...
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Are the rewards worth it?
nahida and lisa are both voiced by black women and no one who isn’t severely autistic cared
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its 30 jades
that finding an actual sparkle female cosplayer is like winning 5 50/50's
STAR-15 my beloved
stream it to me bro
You get them all for winning
I don't know those characters nor I care about them.
>takes on a hero aesthetic and is a justicefag
>works for the IPC
Sapphire is 100% gonna be one of the next most shitposted and melty inducing character in this general.
No one cared at all for decades until certain people started to make skin color a big deal
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>ENfags picked Caelus
yup that's me
dreams DO come true~
theres something really funny about pags harassing black voice actors to appeal to nips when nips see them like the black people of asia
I don't remember exactly but it should be 5*12+2*10+20.
So a pittance. But the puzzles are fun to do.
I was there during that argument and JPgods agreed while Firefly's acting was a bit flawed, EN was still far worse.
if you go the stardb server and stream there people will enter your stream without even having to ask
>these are literally FGO characters
Do you realize just how little that narrow down a design?
it was obviously on purpose
I only have JP dub installed and I chose Caelus.
I have her at e4, no I shall not. She bricked my account.

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