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You're a grown ass male, you should act like one.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Current Meetup
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696 (Cross-thread)

Previous: >>494143054
thats the dream my man
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Wtf is that makeup lmaoo
male middies are for objectifying
My catgirl loves doing this
pan miyumi....what did they do to you???!?
fucking based
sopa de macaco
Next expansion will change male and female to type 1 and type 2.
my sunnies personality is quietly getting mad at bad players in cc even though its casuals
that's a big part of why people end up being failed ebins (though this guy is also boring and desperate)
stringing simps along without putting out is why the popular ebins are popular
Ermm actually my wife is a raen
uma delícia
what a game
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Something tells me pstar really wanted me dead there.
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Anyone on crystal want to do leveling roulettes? Leveling>Trials>Alliance>FL. I'll be on healer if you want quick ques. I'll have a PF under T.B. pass is 4561
cross threading because i'm retarded
It's okay little retard I'd still hold your hand
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how many times have (You) plapped this week already, anon?
multiple times with mutliple people
two, also you just pet me, you're now stinky
Shut the fuck up, Ryan.
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I do this (with my EB)

Luv catgirls
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Conflicts, oof
But I'm tuckered out after being awake for 38 hours so I'm gonna HONK SHOO
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How do you keep yourself motivated when working towards a goal? I find myself wandering to do other things, and then when that happens i get overwhelmed and eventually fizzle out and end up doing nothing.
i'll join but i'm going to the store ;w; i'll be back in like in an hour if no one joins
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i don't plap nor get plapped
0. Just like last week. And the week before it... and the week before that....... and so on........
You cannot be allowed to run free.
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I had an orgy for one
Not even once
zero because I'm scared of being judged
can that moonie that was saving his or her moonie post him or her this thread please
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is that real?
looking good bro
am on pull 28 for m3s, so that dude has FUCKED me 27 times so far
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Post your catgirl
I hate everyone in my solo fc
None, but someone finally expressed interest to plap recently and I kind of want to accept... I'm nervous, though.
my moonie has not plapped
I may sometimes dress like a WHORE but I don't plap.
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I miss Ryne so much, bros. Just want her back already.
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One but this is the end result.
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Hello I like femroes
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No one wants a maleroe EB...
never done erp and never plan to
In game? Zero
IRL? 2
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if you join my pf with a haha funny mascot suit on i'm not going to blacklist you
but i (healer) will trap the party for at least an hour before allowing us to clear but only on a run when i've let you die at least 3 times
this is what you deserve you fucking clown
i wanted to ask someone but it didnt feel like a good time which means zero
>No one wants a maleroe EB...
you right.
how did she do that without impaling him
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He's staring at me
0 but i've cranked it to some posters here a lot
>in one week
Sis, you're a fucking slut
I havent had e-sex in months
what happened to "I don't plap anymore and discord sexting is superior"?
it was a good time u should’ve asked! i would’ve said yes lol. haha
catgirls smell like piss
I play one of those.
very obese, very nice
none I'm literally unplappable
Post your WoL and what you're up to!
Pissgirls smell like cats
my wife
i fucked my girlfriend yesterday. I don't understand how you people get off to characters after feeling the softness of a woman.
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Very well.
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I kinda hate erp desu its really boring and every interactiom boils down to someone poorly explaining their "corruption fetish", when they actually mean "please encourage the predatory behaviors im already participating in so I dont feel as bad about my penis getting hard to kids and dogs"
I dunno man. Maybe i wouldnt even be that impressive working with a new experience. But itd be something new.
my moonie smells like the black shroud
Can you guys refrain from saying WoL when you post (You)bait I don't view my characters as the warrior of light because only a male hyur can be the warrior of light.
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I require proof
Debating whether or not I should log back in and level VPR.

heh... of course. obviously.
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Gyaaaat startz slobbering in rizzler
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People weren't kidding with this already.
now post teasing time [uncensored].png
Better not, birds are scared of snakes.
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Just take things one step at a time, instead of thinking you still have n steps left, think that you have one less step to your goal.
Fate farming for gems
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working on BPF,
Considering changing skintone to this because holy fuck red skin is hard to gpose with
please fart on my catgirl
GNB is the more similar one and a lot of people don't want DRK to MT so GNB would be my recommended secondary tank.
I'm making DRK my secondary tank because I like the edgy theme more.
I think it's okay.
ur so hot brother
may i plap?
was it me?
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I hate playing tank
I once had childhood friend whose other friend that I rarely saw smelled heavily of piss. It was so pungent that I remember almost throwing up when giving her a hug once. She smelled like this every time I saw her. But I didn't want to be rude, as I thought it would be rude to say something as a child, so I just let it be. I regret not tell her. I hope she grew up okay with whatever was going on in her home life to have that happen.
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Crystal CC 4:00 E.T.
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No I'm not...
It was with the same person and we've been doing it exclusively with each other for over a decade
I had to think about that one, you fucker. Got a chuckle out of me.
i'm staring at you too, but not your eyes
uh-oh her wearable litterbox needs changies :3
i have cases where i do and cases where i don't but i don't try to shove it down anyone's throat....

it's always 'my oc' for me, cause i do like lookin at them like their own character
>Sleeveless armour
nice armpit builded for me
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Your femlala on the left.
I don't remember posting this
not surprising
Goodnight everyone
Lack of potty training past the age of like 3-4 is a sign of severe neglect. But dude, you were a kid, what the fuck were *you* supposed to do?
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gnb is better vpr, not a proper tank dumb other bryn native
My catgirl eats ass
Tank for me I need a big strong potato to front the lines
gn sir ggs
u fucking slut
Watching GoT with friends
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my moonie is like this
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did you ask daddy if you can change the skintone?
I took this picture a few days ago, but I think it's my most recent one.
Catgirls taking 1st and 2nd. Strong start.
Help, I have no idea how to monk but was stuck in a 10 minute match.
Stay like this, this is way hotter than you catgirl
moonies need diapies...
i wish this catgirl would eat my fiddies ass
(i cant play Gunbreaker because slothcombo tries to spend a shell to prevent overcapping but AoE spenders dont exist until 72)
may I?
>AFK in Limsa most of time
>want to do stuff
>realize got nothing to do other than savage and ulti
>too bad for that
>go back to AFK depressed
>cycle repeats
Straight boolin and having a drink
its a possibility
i don't think hypnosis is hot
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That's surprising considering you don't turn anyone down.
that was a very long and difficult one holy
Uhhh... maybe don't fucking cheat??? Just an idea
Holy moly
Eternally sad KR is a lesbian
i can't..
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hang loose, bruddahs
What do femra smell like?
I can teach (You) but you must promise not to "hey..." post
I hate viera but this viera makes me want to plap you
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Thats fucking CC right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop in the Red Sands, men deliver their new born baby in the spawn room. Fucking hard core dick in the ass CC fuck it chuck it game time shit.
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Nice, very pretty. I'd smash my big nose into yours
eat more fiber
actually that's my lalaboy on the left
Uhhh, I get all the comms because my DPS is so much better than yours? Just a thought
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Not even in the top 10 best girls of the series.
She does that a lot
what should my next hair color be?
lemme eat
same sis, but i really wish i never started raiding.

like lavender after a mild rain shower
of all your fantablobs, the cat is the worst still good
I don't want aids I want heterosexual sex with KR
My moonie shall eat this sunnie out
strawberry blonde
Hello my lost and wandering beloved
Neon purple!
Light lavender, a periwinkle if you will

>I don't think
>hypnosis is hot
Also correct.
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hell yeah brother lets fucking go
You're a man.
He's a man.
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Crystal CC 6:30 E.T.
Want to make that three?
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(I play a dps main male character)
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I'm talking about the glub, retard
hey... Wait, fuck.
You may hey... post
My catgirl really likes this catgirl
>thirsting after the creator of XMA
get in a very long line bros
would plap
You are a man.
He is a man.
wow is that a real ff14 celebrity?!
My male xaela's theme
self harm
should i do beast tribes in expansion order
that's grace. they literally created xiv mod archive.
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't even get a chance.
I'll give you a chance anyway, because i'm nice like that
what did you want to know
I've posted him too much today
may I mare pair
how do you know this literally first time I seen this said in 4 years lmao
Don't do that.
We were like 6/7. The fact that she smelt like that, I knew something was wrong but I didn't bring it up and just ignored it. Whats done is done and I can't change how things played out but looking back on it, she clearly needed help and I hope she was able to get it.
I didn't actually have any specific questions...
Yeah cool I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about his lizard girl
because I've been here on and off for like 8 years
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When do I get to fight something in Dawntrail?
Grace is the admin and creator of the XMA, also the reason why there was a massive schism between mod developers which caused mass deletions of mods that will never see the light of day again.
not what they've told me before
She's probably a drug addict by now, sorry. The world is unkind to people
if you want, sure. ask me in game
i'm afraid i can't stop
How come Scholar is the only healer that can cast a tier IV spell whenever they want while other healers are confined to III?
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about to join for some more fate grinding in heritage found!
yeah mb
how did you unfuck the lighting in that zone? i can never get it unblue while maintaining the brightness
How often do you get people approaching you because they only care about your status within the modding community? It must cross your mind at times, that they only want you for their own material gain.
the duty where you play as wuk lamat
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Crafting is so FUCKING boring I just want to play CC
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my femra meows nonstop while you're trying to have sex
Lmfao why the long balls old man
>make the hottest character known to man
>ruin it with a dick
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I see.
This is really cute
Well this character is ruined
Would have them plap my femra
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A catboy targeted me so I logged off and now I'm trying to smuggle myself into Aether while eating ice cream. (im not getting in)
cause brother this place is gay. they keep trying to make me put a dick on my char.
Yeah, it looks like it ended a week ago );
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Getting ready for bed after Une Une'd me into the next Umbral Era and rethinking playing competitive video game modes when I'm already falling asleep.
GGs tho, games were fun lmaooo
>Stank tuna pussy getting finger
>Hungry cat instantly comes looking for food
Build for anal destruction
They ran out of the keychains within minutes, don't worry about it
may i blow you
This is G.W. right? If so, prepare for info dump
Eating fried chicken and debating if I wanna lvl my SMN to 100 next or work on my WAR.
I am a feral moonie
who quit his job
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being the coolest poster itt this thread rn
May my catboy suck it
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i spent way longer than i should have trying to get this hair mod to work, only for it to still look like ass, went to sleep, and now i'm in pf while trying to speedrun the shit i should have been doing while i'm asleep. off day well spent if you ask me
hello favorite fiddie i hope you sleep well
I don't believe you, stop trying to make me feel better about missing out!
Thanks, dad, you too.
I'm serious, I kept trying to get them at multiple stores and they kept telling me they were out
Its tied to a 2 min CD and can only use it 3 times.
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I've never wanted to suck a cock in my life until now
Which of these classic all-star ebins is more famous? There's just so much star power here, it's like being at the Grammy's...
Talking to a moonie
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Crystal CC 10:00 E.T.
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petting my cutest student immediately
Go back to Gaia normalfag
Eat what, exactly?
I know at least 3 people who would fight you for this statement. I agree
A moonie? I doubt that
my male moonie successfully negotiated a higher wage for a job offer he received. he is very happy about it.
Twice, plus I wrote some one-sided non-con smut to throw at a sleeping friend.
oh I didn't see "whenever they want" gomen
they don't look like sel though.. you know the creator and owner of it..
>Build for
>how did you unfuck the lighting in that zone? i can never get it unblue while maintaining the brightness
Honestly don't remember since that shot was from a long time ago. I do remember I sized the character up to like 2-3x size to match the railing height, and I think fucked with the weather settings.
Beyond that, you can usually get away with setting really bright point lights in GPose and then fiddling with color filter shaders and/or fog shaders.
Oh shit, you un-balded yourself nice.
Sucks that it still didn't turn out; it's so unfortunate when hair mods don't "fit" the xiv style. :/
do that for me please...
My moonie is home but not in a good mood :(
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She's adorable
i'm getting an eyeful
GW is sel
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Getting my ass clapped in CC but it's okay cuz it's casual!!
Don't stay like this, all of mooniekind needs you
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sorry anon, i was not expecting any serious reply in the first place
Go onto sel's xma page and look at the thumbnails of the mods he has created. Tell us who that sunnie looks like.
I stan my friend.
My cat jumping in bed and staring at us has never stopped me and my EB but then again I do feed her first thing in the morning.
Moonies are so fucking insufferable holy shit
yeah Ima need some proof lol considering I could talk to sel whenever.
Kino time
Thank you thank you!
thanks for running that weird tranny tzera out of the threads finally
I've blown many loads to your cat despite hating u
That is why you failed.
Are you going to try out ranked this coming season??
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Doing a few RW games in between training up my squadron and FATE farming, though I dunno if I'll stay on much longer
Careful, that moonie is a master of "penis strats"
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i'm just talking with a friend, might do a couple roulettes to get my tome weapon
yeah it's unfortunate, i think it could be fixed with some texture upgrades but idk what i'm doing in that regard
permission to post my catgirl with no shirt on
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love this guy
i completely agree
maybe next time if the post happens i will smarten up for it
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you fucking retards.
I hope you like being banned from the 'shells and getting blacklisted for that shit you pulled in the last cc game.
I only do that sorta stuff for people I click with, sorry...
Wow it is so over
permission denied
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The penis was so disappointing....
hnnnngh love this flattie
>Bibo+ Body Cum was finally updated for DT
Sis... We won
What'd he do this time?
That penis is too high on the crotch
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Perhaps, but it won't be me pressing "Post." Now wail in anguish. Lalaboy tears upon my feet may yet sate my desire.
It is what it is... good luck in the pf mines o7
Bro you HAVE a dick, you know where it sits in reference to the pubic bone, how did you fuck this up so bad?
>gets called out
>voted the most overrated ebin
>switches to futa golem
>posts lewdslop

definitely not desperate btw
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Wronnnnnnnggggggg, I still don't know where to go half the time, gimme another prog session to get down when to go for the tip and when to go for the balls
It's not that I don't care about you
I'm not ignoring you
The reason I don't reach out to hang out is because I'm
Lily Ford fiddie
I like val
>spawn camping in CC
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She's the best
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fuck off, race traitors
kys nigger don't talk to my queen like that. they make amazing screenshots
I'm unfortunately not psycho enough to save 8 years of evidence like a chemolord, look on the archives if you want
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fat fuck
>says who it is under the image
Schizos are on something else lately.
One but once my wife is off work for the weekend I can plap some more with her
i cant help it, the marebeasts are melting my pc and turning LB14 into an outdoor sauna
she was like this from the start
we can clear that confidence up quickly
well its not going to blow itself
its not really rape if youre asking for it
ah gotchya. the ktisis lighting might be able to fix it completely now.
im not the mod dev
not applicable retard
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>im not the mod dev
Honestly not good enough
whats with the attention whoring
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Honey B's milk...
Holy shit, that's a lot of quote spam. Are you okay man?
>queue popped while I went to take a piss
Nevermind then I guess
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I'd rather blow my brains out, casual CC queues are still fun though.
I'd rather you blow a good load than like me desu so good on you
i was too clingy its over
can't you move it with ivcs
cc doko
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>has a dick
sick of this shit
share and shame
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why is it always raining here.
only effy is more desperate, although val went from ignoring some (you)s to replying to everyone, so he's getting close
Please post cute and charming hrothgals that I might admire their fluffy tails, adorable ears, and precious fangies.
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you can
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Crystal CC 2:30 E.T.
I should do this more, I used to but stopped for a while now. Next time my wife is sleeping and I'm in the mood for sure.
Think I'm done grinding FATES tonight.
Goodnight /xivg/!
much rather fill that lala
>it's not my fault I downloaded a subpar futa mod and edited parts of it to be more visually appealing so I could post it to the internet but failed to realize that cocks don't sit that high on the pubis despite having a cock myself for my entire life
I wanna come say hi but balmung is closed
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scuse me
I feel bad for val
neon purple won
he needs the attention, ok??
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im about to tweet death threats
gn cutie, sleep well!!
Cute! It looks nice with your eye color, too.
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i dont erp
but if we go by segs in gpose
still 0
What time do we count starting the week? If you mean in the past 7 days, I guess 9 times.
God you look like such a whore I love it.
Your attention is what keeps these subhumans posting here. If you were really put off by them you would starve them of (You)s.
>modbeast avatarfag
>"whats with the attention whoring"
all you need to know
this pink haired faggot gets my vote for most desperate
Do you wanna
This anon knows what's up
Too bad none of you retards will listen
it never used to mass reply though
You'll get it friend, I believe
I reply to all of them to make people like this seethe over something as meaningless as a 4chan general
my catboy is
who do you think you're talking to
genuinely what the fuck are you expecting from that poster
Wife material
We know Leviah
my moonie
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I don't know why more people don't understand this. If they post their shitty screenshots and get no (You)s, they stop posting. Instead they keep feeding them insutls, ensuring they keep posting for amusement.
molly and akimbo duel sanchez modernized it.
ty ty (it is not)
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How good do you need to be for Ranked CC? Can you drag yourself through it by hoping that the four players on your team are better then their five and chipping in what you can?
Do it! Their reaction made it so beyond worth it.
i have 2 things im planing to make first
one of them is segs
but also post character
Sometimes pornsickness blinds you to the little things that become glaringly obvious during post nut clarity. Remember, don't pose or mod when you're actively gooning, and DEFINITELY don't post that shit to the public until you've had a chance to look at it without being horny or desperate for attention.
the one thing i'll give catgirls is how well the game lighting works for them, way harder to get lighting fill a femra's face out as nicely for example
there are rank tiers in ranked
you'll end up in the appropriate tier based on your performance
It doesn't help that Val is only attracted to mentally ill people
pretty sure your WR just needs to be above something comically low like 40% and you will climb
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catgirl sisters, get behind me. i will now be taking the brunt of your hate
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any other non modbeasted proportioned petite female character enjoyers in the chat?
genuine good advice
there's so many times where i take screenshots when horny then look at them later and there are awful shader issues etc
Mom said it's my turn to lewd post
Knife* in your ribs material.
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in bronze through gold, yes
at plat and above i expect people to have working braincells and to work together in turn
but your dc (and tge pvp revival players on it) may vary
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I plap every morning and right before I go to bed.
Pray lots and praise (the Fury)
if he can't have eyebrows then NOBODY can
ima petite female character

but my gock is huge tho
Wrong shitnose.
stay strong sis
yeah a flat f3mra
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>that non existant waist
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Do I pass that bar?
Let's go??
i dont get it
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what is it about shitnose moonies
how in the absolute FUCK is it a good idea having content where 1 person can fuck up your whole run and waste 10 minutes of your time
RPR is so fun it almost makes these boring ass AR roulettes tolerable
You look like you give very nice hugs.
I would make this chubby roe the largest feast ever
I like mithra but don't like face 4
But enough of EW
cute lala
cute poop nose
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Crystal CC 6:30 E.T.
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what should i play in cc now
its art you wouldn't understand.
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Still better than WoW. Have you seen the state of retail?
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Made for BLC
Is my CC crush playing...
explain uh moonie feet
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i am
I made the mistake of bringing rpr into cc but still won thank you
why do reclears always go like this in PF
>M1S 1 pull
>M2S 2 pull
>M3S 40+ pulls.....
The majority of people in the casual syncs should have no issue getting to at minimum Plat in ranked just by playing enough games. You'll get some frustrating loss runs sometimes that are out of your control with things like an afk or d/c or just badly matched teams, but as long as you play vaguely decently you'll do fine.
Most likely. Depends mostly on what the PvP updates look like.
Logging off to go stretch and then play TFT or Humankind until bed.
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>trying to understand my mind
Rookie mistake

Sorry i'm awful at recognizing people's characters
>dnc monk and mch on the team
>cant burst for shit

triggering game
My moonie fucking hates footfags
My CC crush is playing
can't hop on tonight baka pretty sad about it
a delicious treat
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..thank you?
we're costco mooners
of course we have feet
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Me and my hrothgal shall be going to bed
Hopefully forever
Alas, we are cursed to probably wake up in the morning
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thought this was that xivger for a second
They get really sweaty and stinky after running dungeons
Almost every day with the same girl I'm never gonna introduce to you degens. Right now we're doing non lewd fishing RP over discord so the logs are always accessible.
bro it's almost midnight
what race and gender golem should i make
the thread would miss you if you died
>mfw you get platinum as a participation award just being there
bro your sleep schedule...
i hate you
explode immediately
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my bad (it will happen again)
>Going around with an erect cock
The bitch needs to save the surprise for those who earn it
Woah, raping this little shit until it has PTSD!
heck ye
rip and tear until it is done
>anon learns about timezones for the first time
does your EB ever make you smile really big in your heart and on your face?
I made a retard guide and ppl still refuse I give up and set up auto pause.
what hair is that
You purchase a wayward hatchling.
You attach a wayward hatchling to the letter.
Message sent.
not for a long time
that anon is na, not eu
Preach, brother.
Do you ever get a sense of existential dread like nobody actually likes you and they're just tolerating you to prove that they're nice and the people who don't talk to you have you voidlisted?
well my gnb is already 100 but its fun in cc
wanna cheat on him with me?
thank you, i really needed to hear that tonight
how was the anime?
no they just make me angry now
QRD on <Core>?
no not really
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Moonie feet are very, very dangerous
my moonie uses rue and these don't work...
Can you queers not queue up for CC when I'm trying to level my alt with it.
no, thank you
you have some great meat
I'd need an EB in the first place for that
No because I have a social life outside of XIV and I don't think too heavily about the thread
Yes. Hence why this is his first time learning that places besides AmeriCUNT exist.
Theo is a peggable king
Yeah but then I started taking my meds and working on my self-worth issues.
Queue for it on Primal.
imagine I said that at 00:01 then

it'll be fine
Every totem we acquired together would but they don't exist.
Nah. I assume anyone who doesnt like me is a terrible person given how nice I am, and anyone who doesnt communicate isn't worth associating with. Its just a matter of quality over quantity.
sorry mayo man
You're pretty good
No, I don't play on Crystal.
Nah, Grace and I are cool, whoever you are doesn't matter.

Do it do it do it!
Chloe, maybe you should create an Evil Chloe alter-ego, that way you could make a goal of getting an Augmented Hellhound weapon!

Post rapeable catgirls
Yes all the time C:
anon.. i know thats your alt...
just queue for ranked
hee hee
Love that lil guy hahaha!
eats your pussy
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stop noticing things
very yankable tail anon
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every catgirl that has posted
you used the same portrait picture when you imported your settings to your alt...
>balmung is open to new characters
>can't move there temporarily
make it make sense
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No because in one moment i'm ok and in the other i'm miserable. It's a constant ride of emotions where i never stop swinging. My brain is a hurricane of gray matter, and it's safe to say at this point i can only feel the most basic needs of a human. No. But now that i think of it i don't have an EB.
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unironically lost count
plapped two people last night though
Wish that was my lalaboy on the left. Too bad all femlalas hate lalaboys.
go to another dc then
what's wrong with playing against anons anyway
I know whose alt you aren't talking about
We don't want tourists.
for me it's m2 that's cursed
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>have 9 people blacklisted
>see this on my lodestone
can I kiss your chest
i traveled to balmung
what now
tank cheese against people who dont know how to burst must be a really fun gameplay
may i rape
0. i don't think any sunnie around here wants a moonie
how do u know whos tied to what
Go to LB14 and start plapping.
Nice flashbang
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Come to LB 14 so we can game.
Crystal CC 11:00 E.T.
My suncat craves moonies as much as she craves femra
Nice armpit
I don't yet, but I could probably figure it out if I really wanted to by going through some linkshells and FC lists.
What kind of moonies do you like...
Is that the kozume hair mod?
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Thanks you're too
Shitposting your friends again you double-nigger?
sex with this poster who posted my wife
cry more
Start with potato patch to out the pedos, then search for Alters.
as a catboy, i shan't
but i will queue
My femlala is snacking on a Feastables bar.
thanks. that's what it's for
that sounds fun but ive already logged off
youre tryharding in casual retarded loser
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I am afk in my FC quarters
Someone pointed this out yesterday:

If you blacklist someone in game, then log in on the lodestone on your character, it shows a frowny/angry face next to *ALL* characters on their account on *ALL* displays on the Lodestone. Player search, Linkshells, individual pages, etc.

So theoretically you can see if someone is an alt by blacklisting any character on their account, then checking their lodestone, or checking LSs/FCs they're in on the lodestone, etc.

Privating your character will only stop them from being able to look at your character's main page, or showing up on the direct 'Character Search'. Someone can still check as long as they can find an FC/LS/CWLS with the character in it.
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not sure how I feel about the tail honestly
My tryhard bratty CC thread crush oh do I love you so
Every femlala belongs to me
Most kinds, from bulliable ones to bratty ones to fun loving genki ones. There's not really a bad moonie, their eyes are gorgeous & their fangs are mega cute
boutta start up these caster role quests
it's called "fame". idk if it's ported from something
The only person popping up in Alter is someone named Galford Gozanti.
Keep it imo.
is it me?
I wish I was snackong your femlala.
I dont
Where can I get it?
You're the one getting upset over a video lmao
>fun loving genki ones
that's my moonie but it souinds like you want more submissive ones and that's not really me...
>this shit again
keep crying
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Meant to be forgotten about and not touched under any circumstances
My moonie agrees!!
I already have one of those. She drinks the hard shit and goes to sleep WAY past her bedtime. Unfortunately she also hates grinding PvP modes for ranking rewards.
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/108922 right here
Messing about in ARR on a new char. Wanna see if I can make it to Ultima without losing my mind before doing a skip.
Also I don't know why I can't get reshade DOF stuff to work.
My sunnie has feet and her toenails are painted black
I'll leave it be for a bit to see if it grows on me
>noooooo I'm new you have to play like shit on purpose and have no fun because I don't know shit waaaaaaaaaah
Kill yourself nigger.
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I will take EVERY ilm of nil yhlm
I don't believe you. This post was made by a femra, seeking to sow even more discord than your ilk already do.
Female highlander
Not specifically, no. I'm pretty flexible about that sort of thing & actually prefer that it be a constant playful tug of war
no you won't
so mad lmao
okie i'm back did it fill?
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Where's the thing to find the Aethercurrents again?
Only one femlala belongs to me and I love her very much
>aether compass
Oh, nice. I actually enjoy that too!
on reshade, click Edit Global Preprocessor Definitions and change RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED to 1
All femlala are free use they can't do anything to stop you
Understandable, I've hated it several times too!
I get super energized when I play with friends or people I like, so I just had to ask!

Hey, thats me!
My middie? Fiddie owned
yo what the dog doin
happy for you
go die
Ultimately you gotta see it the most. Personally the little cotton tails on viera are very cute imo.
god's work
Do you just pose by yourself all day
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Awesome, that's it. Thanks dude.
there's a line, sis
We like this.
does anyone want to sleep call?
Why is your face so dirty? Stop rimming the dog.
can i get joi
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any tips for farming this?
does someone has the link how many linkshells the character is a member?
Yes, and because of that I voidpost here saying mean things about "my eb" so people get paranoid and think it's about them. I'm the only one allowed to have a happy EB here, you all need to explode.
I have a plan to enact with you at some point.
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Why are you like this anon?
i want to but i'm nervous
My WoL has stroked to sunnie feet more than moonie feet recently
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my miera is now interested
do you like catboys
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thousand yard staring
Good, good. It keeps things lively, it's a nice little spice I think...
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does anyone want to sleep ball?
Play a lot of PVP
mess up my tendies again and i'll really fucking show you a problem
what a surprise, without a PLD for you to cheese the game you got totally stomped
map status: successful
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>Play femra
>get raped in CC
What did i mean by this
retards love to chase that fucking lala for some reason
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Effy Kibou! You will immediately halt all slutposting. Anyone who thirst posts you beyond this point shall be executed, be warned! We are getting EB'd and anyone who wishes to speak to you must now go through me. Thank you, my wife. That is all!
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Some of us are just destined to live in solitude...
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I mean
Crystal CC 2:30 E.T.
chi-chan is just too charming
Look at this moonie playing the game
Eeeerrrrmmm...... I don't think so....I only like ERP.

Uh oh.... this sounds suspicious.... let me know sis, just don't try to get me involved in anything bad!
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is there a plugin that does msq for you, or do you still need to buy a whole bot
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Anyone on Crystal need roulettes?
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which of you modbeasts crashed my game
>can't afford a 4chan Gold Account
>thinks he's worthy to EB Effy.
Sit in the corner child. I'm going to plap Effy now.
He's a nigger who hard-focuses people who are on off-jobs when he's playing his main and people like to get revenge when they can.
moonie luck
you just push nodes and cap what you can
try to guess what the spawns will be at the start of every game so you can grab an early freebie
i'd recommend getting good at a tank (pld is especially great for rushing or stalling on nodes) or certain melees, considering
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Who's the best looking male middie in /xivg/?
yee meee
i'll do MSQ roulette still
I agree. I really flip flop daily on whether I'd rather dub or dom
Depends on how much you like Ninja in CC
thats okay maybe another time. good night!
My friend
there's one that autowalks to NPCs that are rendered and autoskips dialogue
but NPCs don't render too far so you still do a lot of walking and duties manually
the one reading this :)
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You still have post timers, stupid!
I don't know how to play it at all, the most I did was test it out on target dummies in Wolves Den
Which one?

my king in a past life
Oh wow, that did indeed fix it. Why the heck did that even need to be changed? I don't remember having to do that on my old computer.
I like everything and everyone.
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I missed the Rising event by putting it off until my next day off.
are there sexpest tops in xivg?
Was Flow->Close In the Distance->Dynamis the peak?
no one has me blacklisted.
The ones that I don't have to look at because I voidlisted them.
same dude exact same
i'm getting focused like hell today
My moonie wants to raid but it’s still Wednesday and everything is a 2 chest
I tried and everyone here is so fucking clingy
Hello! How enthusiastic have you been today?
cry more you little bitch
yeah why else would i play this game
we did it bros
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I bite off the skin
Chewing on it's tender flesh
Quaff down its lukewarm puss
You've become the me who you've despised
We swallow the time let us rewind...
No, just bitchy jealous bottoms who shitpost tops that don't pay attention to them.
I didn't give you permission to speak, cuck.
i'd probably make weird noises or get up too often or something anyway sorry.....
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what do you mean by sexpest
didn't realize the old stuff went kaputz. sadly they're all full, wanted to people watch the modbeasts
made me check his lodestone
How often do you say "my WoL" when you're actually just referring to yourself
based linux user
Is that PD?
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put da pf up
you didn't had literal 15 minutes of free time since it released? Not like events are any good or the epitome of fun
Probably's fat as fuck
Would you befriend a Malera?
>effy currently slobering me at the malera meet up
>see this post
> He haves 499 images of trannies saved to his computer
Absolutely mindbroken holy fuck and I'm supposed to believe you hate them and don't get off to them?
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Bumming around while talking to friends.
I think its time to stop drinking.
>waaaahh i couldt cheese the game again
omw slut
I usually don't do event stuff unless I remember to do it while playing on an off day. Now I pay the price, literally, of having to buy the Krile minion if I want it.
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>Who's the best looking male
hnngggh moonie feets
no one
cute feet
I don't drink.
asked :^)
only when making incoherentnonsensebabbleposts otherwise i draw a very clear line between my video game character and myself
>everything and everyone
i'm so in
Thanks bwo
y-you did... you... frick.. injure yourself gravely
It was going to be Naruto cosplay Ninja v Ninja
I like playing this game, but I wish it had duels. I feel like there is no fun to be had while leveling, it's just slog through this 300 hour long movie and then go right into raiding or collecting glam or being an e-thot and that's the entire game. Where are the sandbox elements?
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Dag nabbit. So it ends like this
Elk, why do you tranny post male character when female characters have a higher chance at being trannies? Is it because you play a female character and you don't want people to know you are also a tranny?
He has over 10,000 actually.
Would unironically ride her cock
Im already injured gravely in my soul.
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i am much more boring than how you seem think i am anon. i usually always go casters
something to do with the graphics update. my AO was broken and eventually i decided to look up why and found someones post about it
Effy is getting plapped by GL in LB14 right now bro...
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Your idea is very good, I will learn to play Ninja in CC just for you!
sucked her cock the other day, was nice
why is your ui fucking huge
this thread is the reason why we need another [redacted]
i can fix you for some hava
Those are some pretty fat cankles. Even my ankles aren't that bad and I'm like 230lbs at 6'2.
Yah I'm sorry, we're actually finishing up with FL
He must really love trannies then but I should have expected that since he gets off to futa
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It's a good night to be straight.
You're speaking to my soul right now. Blessed moonie in the distance, where have you been . . .
It's because the faggot is always rejected/dumped/ghosted and he blames the male characters for that.
Why is your gut, buttfucker?
is it
any of em
i think they did okay
maybe just an alt or something
Mostly Aether
she's pegging him isn't he
cross region meet
Who cares about what gooners do with gpose. My wife!
damn imagina getting mad for getting called out for abusing pld cheese and get massively stomped two games in a row when you cant do it
hyuge gz king 5 more level and you can stop
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Why yes, I did tilt off the face of the earth
Crystal CC 6:30 E.T.
whats the best item to dump into gemstone right now? the leather parts?
this bitch slimy
hava nice day lmao got 'em
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>My wife!
>literally getting fucked right now
How do I clean cum off of a moonie's tail?
I'm with my wife.
Please yes. End me.
>Using your abilities literally as intended is now cheese
What the absolute fuck is this thing? Look at the elbows LOL
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how do you look a moonie directly in the face and not think "damn this bitch is retarded
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that was my last one
thanks for the calls and ggs everyone
you have a mouth for a reason
why stop at 85?
My favorite xivg couple
Its just someone posting a little seethe comment every match, ignore it
And your wife is with her boyfriend. Getting plowed.
Thanks you're too
nice to see everyone still hate grey moonies. what did we ever do to you?
Oh it's Menhera, kill yourself.
sweet little bumble bee
i know what you want from me
dudi dudi du da da
dudi dudi du da da
for smooching moonies after I cum on their tails
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okie we can do MSQ first since anon just needs that and maybe the rest after if you still up for it!
PF is up on Crystal Password 0000
I see I see.. I'm usually on Crystal, but bouncing around here & there is no problem at all
a goonie gave me herpes
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*Rapes you while you sleep* heh too easy
dont have them unlocked yet
Good girl! Pretty girl!
can boost ardy elite at that point which is where a lot of people stop caring for a while. i'm going to 86 atm for kq
>anon didnt get his nipple lamps
i'm going to bed tell me sleep well or else
We're getting EB'd, come get your RSVP.
my moonie is eepy
sweet dreams! /pet /pet
is it me
what are you smoking, people love goonies
that's not what i told you to do, please don't disappoint me like this i really want you to get it right
Today I asked someone to do roulettes with me and they ignored me so now I'm going to ghost them and pretend they don't exist.
i hate all moonies
>this is how I find out I missed the event
sleep well. /pet /pet
My wife is better than all of you at CC and OSRS.
ouch i suck
is this moonie behavior
Where can I meet this sunnie
i'm so proud of you, i knew you could do it. thank you and goodnight.
You're a 30 year old man, grown up
okay well.. a lot of people still like moonies......
this happens to me almost every time i ask someone if they want to do roulettes lol

i think people mostly don't like them but are afraid of saying no so they ignore you and it feels even worse
sorry i was afk pooping
me but i have enough subs as-is
Come do roulettes with me >>494161572
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The fault lies with my allies, and no other!
Crystal CC 9:00 E.T.
anyone know of any cute big hair ribbon mods
I'm a higher rank in CC and have a higher total level in OSRS. I mog your wife.
then it's usually skins, yeah
post your moonie in jammies
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don't use this if you're a healer
it ignores dots
effy kibou sloppy sex
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You're probably a subhuman bank user.
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It's funny to see the cultists speedrun the stages of grief in front of everyone else as they cope about the quality of DT
we're currently at bargaining, where they cope aboutb
>actually the content is super good if you raid
>actually I'm super excited about all the plot threads they left us, 1-2 expansions down the line is gonna be a banger
you can feel the cognitive dissonance playing on them as they try to spin this shit.

Doesn't help most people who parrot this are either the type to have ffxiv tattoos or built a "community" on twitch/twitter around a ffxiv persona so if the game is ass for 2 years they basically stall and their social media presence and money dry up. I'm excited to see the next talking point that gets regurgitated before 7.1
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anyone wanna make it a hat trick?
>military time
Yeah because fuck UIM?? I have a maxed main and 2.2k Iron though :)
This is fucking based
Maxed main = 600 total UIM
It's the same was when a WoW player who only plays WoW or is a twitch/youtuber, who would have to get a real job if WoW died, tells you that the new WoW expansion is "actually really good guys please believe me!"
XIV is just new to being completely and utterly let down. Sure, not all expansions were great in all areas, but even Stormblood had some good things going for it. DT has nothing. Worst MSQ, easiest savage tier, no content, shit characters, and it's just boring.

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