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Previous: >>494101865

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●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
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>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
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Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
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>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC): https://challonge.com/dngAMC10
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
man this reveal season has been complete shit so far
First for Jurrac Nibiru
tranny dinos
I fucking love dinosaurs
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Post your first impressions on the new Jurrac support.
How can I make astero in tearlaments
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Strongest Dinosaur player
I love them/10
its good but not good enough to compete with meta decks
them being able to turbo out meteor multiple ways is funny though
The nuke was targetting the worm city though since they were getting their asses kicked by both the Worms and the Fableds, most of the Fableds lived anyways since they were either in the underworld or they managed to fly away.
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>Upon release your effect is laughably bad
>Over time the game warps so that it's so good that you simply become the face of your entire monster type
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I love them. Will definitely dust off my Jurrac cards and give them a touch up.
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I would rather fuck light spellcasters.
Oink piggy
the worm support that is just branded fusion
Out of all these, Qli, Nekroz, Yang Zing, and llswarm (assuming Evilswarm) are the easiest to fix.
the link 1 laval that foolishes a laval and searches rekindling
>diaperfag loves them
>one of its best cards is a baby dinosaur wearing an egg diaper
I mean i guess I shouldnt be surprised
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Stigo and Astero are great for generic dino piles
based jurrac stopping dino slop cancer
Stigo's effect is really funny
You have this utter essay of a first effect
Then you have a 2nd effect that's very old-school yugioh-like
didn't gustos get a support wave or did it not count
It's funny how forgettable the DAMA Gustos were
>"congratulations negating the first meteor, what are you going the do about the second one?"
The archetype
Dinoshit folds to fucking Evenly
Missing the sexiest
Yep. They unnecessarily gimped them again...
There's nothing good to pick from the second story, there's no way they're going to do 2 and 2 this time right?
mindnumbingly broken ally of justice bandaid that turn 0 spits out AoJ Quarantine and give them bystials
Imagine having your gameplan get totally memed on by Stardust Dragon.
the lvl 1 lets you dump the new synchro which can cheat out meteor by banishing both from GY
them having a GY nuke now is decent enough
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oops, meant to post this
>no Mist Valley
>no X-Saber
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>Bunny Hopps anon made a Bunny Hopps mat for Melffy
Will you make the Dinorawrz mat Sorafag?
great, now you've summoned him
Okay here is the 1 card combo
>Summon Jurrac Stego
>Send Overtex to summon 3 Jurrac Aeolo, Jurrac Dino and level 1 Jurrac
> Overtex Search Beta Evolution Pill - Ultrascendance
>Active Pill to summon Jurrac Astero by sending Dino And Level 1
>Astero search Field Spell
>Tribute 2 Aeolo to summon Jurrac Dino and Stego
>Synchro summon Gigannoto
>Tribute the remaininng Aeolo To summon Jurrac Dino
>Synchro it into Astero
Now you has 2 Astero on the field
When they get to Worms, do you think they'll do non-latin letters or alliterative names (like Creeping Cartaros for example)
>dinosaurs will kill fiend meta
Based and lorepilled
the only thing dinos killed are children and themselves
I've seen more people talk about megalo as a diabelstar target, but stigo is pulling the weight as the genex repaired/junk speeder/chokepoint of the archetype
Triple boardwipe, technically. The Synchro sets Jurrac Impact from Deck, which is another field nuke besides the two summons of Meteor.
Stigo read like a fucking CAC until that last part. UCT and Astero are fine I guess. I would have preferred to be able to add Evolzars in since they're bedrock Dino support cards. Astero is good enough to play on its own in current Dinos for sure though. Imagine his second effect with a Misc loaded into hand. Chain Misc during the opponent's main phase? God mode.
Without negation, how do you survive the Jurrac nuke?
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they are remaking the lvp1
>Worm 1-Shot
>Worm 2-Big
>Worm 3-Eyes
>Worm 4-U
>Worm 5-Head
Jurrac Meteor can miss timing.
How many fucking times have "Destroy" been used in this card's text
Use The Ultimate Creature of Destruction on Blue-eyes Jet Dragon.
And the second Astero searches Impact, so you don't even have to rely on your opponent passing the Field's condition.
Either Impact or Volcano. Meteor pops both anyway.
Are they ever gonna explain what the fuck Zefra Metaltron is supposed to be and why he looks like Crystron whatshisface?
Just fire it as CL1 dummy
Astero and Volcano are great for Dino piles but Dinos really don't want to be locked into Dinos. Stigo would need to come at the end of the combo to really be worthwhile.
It's Steelswarm or Zefra for one of the remaining DT slots then?
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>would rather fuck light spellcasters
>mandatory eff
Ice barriers got a full fucking structure deck and still got a support wave.
meteor isn't once per turn
you get 3 nukes
>activates pic related
>sets a monster
>sets 4
You use stego after making your evols
yikes, get better taste nigger
dantebrothers, aleisterbros its our turn soon
why not qlis or shaddolls
also fabled doesn't have a link but its getting support, origin doesn't count
Did everyone forget Overtex can negate Spell/Trap?
That's because they are a very forced meme.
Good luck with that.
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I'm over 5 xyz materials deep, you can't break the 'eeping hour.
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It isn't a deck you can save with only 4 cards. They would've needed at least 6 or 7 from mainline set treatment.
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It's Crystron Quariongandrax's body enhanced with Metalfoes Mithrilium's armor and all the Zoodiacs threw their weapons on him.
Stun scholars love this
>Isolde and Seals 2.0
And Ultimate Creature lasts until the EP.
Overtex isn't bad but he just doesn't fit any Animadorned Archosaur lines so he's been mostly forgotten. I'm looking forward to him seeing more play.
It was the pity they got for losing that SD poll. It's forgettable because all they got were some extenders to turbo out sphreez
That's the thing, you summon Meteor, you blow up both boards. Great. What now? Your resources are down the drain, your Field is gone, all you have left is the Tuner brought back by Meteor. They have a combo but it leaves you in just as sorry a state as your opponent.
It's okay, I just faxed John Konami a picture of Jurrac Giganoto and Xeno Meteorus wearing matching best friends forever shirts. Here's hoping he understands.
>Main deck
Shit can't recycle the Synchros aaaaaaaaa
You know remember Konami trying to redo the poll at the last minute because Ice Barriers got to the top so they had everyone vote again just between them and Cyber Dragons.
It'd be kinda neat if they went into what Souza was doing while he was in the future, like I thought it'd be cool if they did some sort of doomed timeline in which they failed to finish Decisive Armor in time, and it's just Worms clashing with awakened Steelswarms over who gets dominion over the planet
>dng pretending like these cards are good
can't wait until a week or two from now when everyone forgets about these cards
>2 Summon Negate OR if you are afraid of Evenly, 1 Summon Negate AND OVertex
>3 MORE Field Wipe
>Only 1 Single card
>Not counting Misc
They only got fucked over by hand trap
Has anyone try mixing Primoredial with Phantasm Spiral Dragon yet?
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With the synchro searching jurrac impact. You create 3 meteors that they have to deal with
How are you putting Overtex on the board, dipshit? And Misc at 1 guarantees Dinosaurs will never be playable.
Did they really make a battle floater in 2024?
>They only got fucked over by hand trap
Funny enough they get fucked by Nibiru because they can't make Astero before 5 summons
>three meteors
Jurrac Meteor is a complete fieldnuke, how exactly do you plan on having the backrow survive to get both the Trap and Field Spell's nuke off?
>>Summon Jurrac Stego
>>Send Overtex to summon 3 Jurrac Aeolo, Jurrac Dino and level 1 Jurrac
Gee billy, 6 monster zones?
Nah, because either Impact will destroy the Field, or Meteor will destroy the Set Impact.
Yes, it was one of the first things people did. It performed well aa one would expect them getting 6 more copies of unexpected dai that doesn't care for levels
>even the herbivores destroy other dinos now
Why do they just not care
>Misc at 1 in 2024
How is TCG this cucked
Would you mind sharing the deck list?
I'm interested
>activate Impact, it wipes Volcano
>activate Volcano, Meteor wipes Impact
Somehow you can't get both. Or best it could do is double boardwipe in the same chain.
Aeolo revive Stigo
Oh yeah, I forgot it was a complete nuke, so it's always 2 at max
I think these cards are honestly the best that jurrac could have asked for without being giving them a full borne "here's 10 new cards, you'll never use the old ones again" treatment
The Link-1 Jurrac that searches Nibiru.
The Field really should've protected your whole board from being destroyed by Jurrac Traps and Synchros, and not be once per turn.
Jurrac Stego Destroy Itself
Nah, Jurracs killing themselves in order to kill the enemy is the whole point of their lore
>crashing this plane with no survivors
>except for Bane
>you'll never use the old ones again
Nah, my idea was to have a continuous effect that treats Jurracs destroyed by card effects as if they were destroyed by battle. That would turn Velo into 3 more copies of Babycerasuaurs.

That would be true except Meteor actually restores Jurracs afterwards.
I can't wait for Lavals to become Tearlament but with cute fire girls synchroing into lava dragons instead of mermaids fusing into fish
Tear but good
Merrli is 10/10
If you think your jurracs shouldn't be exploded by meteor then you dont deserve to play jurracs
>Playing 2 Overtex
You should've just said Conductor. Except Conductor gets blown up too.
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>CL1 Meteor CL2 Impact to make sure boardwipe will go off if opponent dares to let Volcano resolves in the first place
You know they're probably gonna do a Flamvell x Laval crossover right? Especially since both have gimmicks based on banishing from the GY
Really hope we get like, an actual counterpart to Trishula in the Laval Dragon they worship and not literally Brionac
The first one Astero is unnecessary
Just summon other Dinosaur
Condutor Cannot negate S/T, which Evenly Fucking Dinosaur over
>no ash no droll no shifter no nib no fuwaross
>with more gay cards that will be banned soon
this alone makes me look forward to AMC every week.
it's like a healing form of yugioh
That's just pure cope and you know it. You are not putting 2 Overtex in your deck, Dinosaurs brick enough as it is.
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I never made one but the profile was pretty commonly built on. Most of the look like a variation of this. Mostly stun and beatdown. Some don't even bother including the main monster of the archetype
>Summon Rexterm with Pill when you still 8K LP
>Use effect, your opponent's board becomes 4000 ATK
Never mind
Found some top primoredial Phantasm Spiral list from nips
Should be interesting to try out
Gymir Aegerine, Chengying, Rciela
There are actually a good number of Synchros have destruction protection
Whats with dinosaurs and being FIRE anyway
We need more Jurrac Spells
Yeah because "for the rest of your turn" effects mean something right?
Double retard.
i fucking HATE shaddolls thry got like a million support waves already and have been meta several timesthey dont need another
Please fix Steelswarm too . . .
I want to cum inside an Icejade girl and cum a lot then look at their transparent bellies and see my spermcells fertilizing the egg in full detail thanks to the crystaline bodies acting as a magnifying glass.
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Fuck that shit
Instead of using Pill to summon the Synchro, summon this chad
Use all three Aeolo's effects
Draw 3
>He voted for Shaddolls
>Every single Dinosaur card is Kill The Baby
>Except Dinomorphia
Prove that those fuck is not true Dinosaur
Given Kentregina's fanart, I'm pretty sure she's quite the abortion fanatic.
Getting her insides rearranged in a borderline fatal way is reliable at putting her at 1 LP
She got too ambitious by letting Therizia finger her with the claws still on.
>Jurrac Megalo
>Jurrac Stigo
mandatory 3
Mill any Dinosaur to e tele as many monsters as possible equal to its level is pretty fucking CaC
>Astero isn't even HOPT so if you can recycle Meteors and the banished Dinos, you can keep spamming Meteors non-stop
now imagine if old jurrac cards do something
If only Stygeon is THE LINK-1 THAT
Time to larp as Madara by running Jurrac with 3 Nibiru.
>Jurracs can potentially summon enough times on your turn to get Nibiru'd
There's only room for 1 rock in town.
If only you can summon the Synchro in under 5 Monster
>Muh Evenly
Activate Astero in my GY, nuke my own field, I win lol
Stigo is as big a chokepoint as genex repair. So if you don't open a misc or any other way to protect it or bait out a negate, it's pretty much a scoop, right?
>Misc is 3
A lot of types need their own equivalent to Dragoons/Babycerasaurus as some sort of method of constantly recurring advantage to fuel their shit.
This is some cool shit
fuck off, the homogenization of an entire type around one card is a terrible idea and I hate it
Will they invite Shark's VA to the stream again?
Giving types an identity is soulful.
What are some S/Ts that wanna be destroyed
will you shut the fuck up to the stream again?
Abyss Actor S/T
Waking the Dragon
Unchained, Artifacts
I find it funny they tried to cheekily let Ghoti search this and Mermail e-tele this yet no one gives a fuck
Shit when are they getting support so that they can be a real deck
Probably never given how a few outliers were such an unpopular blight on the game. Scythe and Mjollnir were only ever used for evil.
It turns out Ghoti is a bad deck and Mermails don't want to run a bunch of garbage Fish monsters just to get some use out of Coelecanth
Doesn't help that the more you invest into shit to make sure your Coelecanth resolves, the weaker his effect becomes
Your "combo" sucks, retard. 4 garnets.
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But then evenly resolves before meteor can activate and you still have to banish shit. You use impact to blow everything up and play with grave resources like gigantozowler.
It's not horrible but it's super telegraphed, all roads must lead through him, and he's a hand trap magnet. You can spit out a playset of Lifeless Leaffish and one other level 4 fish (probably one that summons from hand like Minairuka or one of the Whites), overlay into two Bahamut Sharks, summon two Toads, overlay the Bahamuts into F0, and then Coelacanth is just kind of sitting there unless you have an extender. Lifeless Leaffish banishes and puts back the other three fish to draw a card.
>Stun can use both Dominus traps
Can't wait for ROTA to come for that delicious Impulse
Child erotic ToT
Literally just Altergeist Malwisp but a Zefra
Oh shiiiit I found the Meteor Recycler!
>all this cope to make this dogshit playable
they can even use the second effect if you somehow drop giganoto along with the asteros
problem is they can't search it even with TTT so it'll probably be more of a side deck thing, and even then i'm not sure
At least they have a gameplan now
Negating Amano Iwato's spirit thing so it can stay on board forever is funny.
"Metaltron Mode" is a multiversal constant both Lara and Quariongandrax ascended to coincidentally
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>Stole Visas' anger, sorrow, and fear
>but not his joy
Thanks for the free therapy I guess?
Yumes are ascended beings.
I wish every waifu archetype gets a big black mann as their new centerpiece
Why are we killing Sorafag? :(
Okay so Abyssrhine locks you into waters so no F0 but you can use the Bahamut Sharks to make King Nep with Coelacanth so it actually kind of works out. I'm kind of annoyed at how okay this is.
was it fair?
That only means he drugged Visas, probably made him gay and will result in Rium and Visas sleeping on the same bed under the same bedsheets wearing each other's used t.shirts
If it was fair no one would play it
Mild Wave when
Why isn't "uh oh broken" on the footy team
How come Cold Wave is banned but Heat Wave isn't?
>open orange light and kelbek

wtf did they smoke in 2022
They tried combining lore shilling and Kanto simultaneously.
Cold wave shuts down 2/3rd of the cardpool, heat wave only 1 (and only partially)
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What are some Reddit decks?
Windmill slamming Cold Wave going first still allows you to use all the monster effects you want but the going second player has very little chance of breaking the board since they're limited only to monsters themselves. Going second cards are limited to hand traps and spells (+ Evenly which is just a spell). Heat Wave just stalls out a few turns since the primary game winning card type can't progress on either side.
I think i know how to accelerate this game's demise: Konami hiring the dudes who left Blue Archive and make them YGO artists.
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I wish Yu-Gi-Oh had as good of an art.
We have the diaper drawfag but he draws Yu-Gi-Oh in diapers
>Shark cards might just be revealed next month like Nightmare Throne was
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can i use its third effect before the end phase? for example so i can tribute it afterwards and still get to draw at end of turn?
yeah it's like mirrorjade, if it's not on the field anymore during the end phase you still draw
techno necromancy
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Oink oink to you. Thankfully I have most Jurrac cards so won't have to buy them.
Some new attention never hurts plus who doesn't like dinos?
yume's need to be stopped
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I can't take you liking Dinos seriously without imagining a fucking toddler throwing an autistic cheer for dino nuggets
Anon, you can ONLY use it before the end phase.
>activate in main
>draw in end
we nned another version of DRNM/Droplet
the main reason blowouts don't see play is because you can play over 20 handtraps so you're guaranteed to see them whereas only like 3 blowouts actually do anything so there's a good chance you never see them. especially now with prosp gone.
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the problem with drnm is you cant win on that turn, you really need to win on that turn unless your deck has a bunch of one card combos that a slot can be eaten by drnm and setup a bunch of negates so you opponent cant do anything when its their turn again, assuming they didnt blow out their resources
any good deck can make a good board if drnm resolves and the rest of the turn is uninterrupted
you're talking about a "problem" that only applies to shit decks that don't matter.
then we dont need more drnm
we do actually.
going second needs a huge buff, Worlds event proved this, every single game was decided by die roll.
>print more bonken
>lower the powerlevel

>unironically picking the first
you should have enough handtraps to slow them down, cripple with drnm and then clear it, and then combo off, or your deck is just bad
>not a single deck in a tier 0 format could win at worlds when they went second
damn i guess there's not a single good deck in yugioh then, retard.
This is the exact reason why the format sucks and attendance is way down. People want to play the game, not compare hands.
Crystrons will push Tenpai out of the meta
People just want to complain. Lowering the powerlevel is good. What the fuck comes after Ryzeal? How much smaller will engines become? How much more consistent?
>Kaiju / Sphere
>Metaltronus / Ultimate Slayer
>S:P also counts as boardbreaker
Also blowouts don't see play as interruption can come from hand (handtraps on top of ending board), GY or backrows, not just on the field alone, makes it less efficient.
its not what he>>494177275 thinks
anything else just results in an even sackier game of draw the out
"Just draw the out" mentality is turning Yugioh into MTG Landshit
We're already like MtG, but instead of lands/non-lands it's handtraps/starters/cross-out.
You talking about the concept that existed fof 20 years now?
It's been "draw the out" for many, many years at this point. Some more egregious than others, but in general the idea of needing to open interruptions or lose has been the status quo for at least like 7+ years at this point
its been that way since the beginning, can you out the la jin the mystical genie of the lamp, its just the nature of card games that require you to kill creatures/minions/monsters
true, back then if you didn't open with la jinn it was game over
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Finally a Dino Synchro that doesn't suck ass.
I will say, them going all in on the Meteor nuke strategy is really funny, instead of pivoting into the bootleg Tenpai route like how I was speculating.
Toon support doko
>Jurrac Meteo in the TCG is called Jurrac Meteor
>Jurrac Astero in the TCG cannot be called Jurrac Asteroid because it would become a "roid" card
They can always add a clause
>This time, however, he fights with comrades at his side.
Visas kino
The text is jam-packed, adding a whole extra clause would just make the already small text smaller, especially since clauses take up a line on their own, as does the material line.
Only upside is nothing about Jurrac Astero is HOPT, so thats a whole line removed so it might be doable
Tenpai Jurrac would be fun with Guaiba, would play
Welcome back, Dino Rabbit
It can't be called アステロイド either because you would run into the same problem.
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Edge wife
Konami should really bite the bullet and errata "Roid" into "Vehicroid" at some point.
Asterod, take it or leave it
That's not what I am arguing.
Jurrac Meteor in the OCG is ジュラック・メテオ (Jurakku Meteo) with "Meteo" being "Meteor" with the final characters removed. In the TCG, they just called it Jurrac Meteor, ignoring the removed characters.
I'm saying they CAN'T follow this trend for ジュラック・アステロ (Jurakku Asutero) which is just removing the last characters of Asteroid. The TCG can't call it Jurrac Asteroid to mirror Jurrac Meteor because calling it Asteroid makes it a "roid" monster
I especially like how Astero is a generic boss for dinos that gets better if you play more Jurracs
I do love the extinction memes.
Konami would be much better off accepting the idea of mass erratas, even within the database. This whole "roid" shit is a good example.
Same with shit where they just print the card wrong. It took 8 years to get Fusion Tag to say what it actually did despite several reprints before.
EEV is still written wrong, all it would take is a database update and suddenly the card works like the OCG.
It's not like the concept is foreign to Konami either, Plushfire currently has a database errata despite not having a printed copy represent its actual text
Eh? Was that the plot of the Starfrost arc? Time resets but he has his other personalities this time?
No I agree with you.
You know how hippies talk about "memories of past lives" sometimes? Same concept.
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Pendulum Visas soon?
Come to think of it what happened to Mannadium anyways? It was still topping pretty well up until like Fiendsmiths but then it vanished entirely. Does it have a particularly bad match up against them compared to all the other overshadowed T2s that just remained overshadowed T2s?
Decks started to maindeck nibiru and 15 handtraps
They were already struggling. Baronne and Borrelload ban was the nail in the coffin for them.
Gamma to 3 will save yugioh
Lost all their good end boards pieces and people started maining larger and larger amounts of handtraps
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Where the FUCK is the Tistina CaC, OCGcucks?
After winning the wcs kottons one and only request to konami was to never make additional tistina support.
You just made me realize Visas was literally just Zarc
The CAC in question -
>"Uhh, what the fuck is this archetype? What a mess, we're really supposed to be expected to salvage this shit? Fuck that, give them some shitty cope floodgate I guess"
they are at least salvage Genex and Jurrac
after the LIGHT myutant
and the FIRE purrely
and the red painter
and the purple mikanko
and the S-force link 2
and the chamber dragon
The rank 1 Raidraptor
The Rank 1 Heroic.
No they didn't
>and the purple mikanko
>and the chamber dragon
leaker says it's a lv9 in suda
Falbed news tonight?
Are you implying those 2 even remotely playable pre-support?
If they want, they could just gave Tistina THE LINK-1 THAT/Circular/Poplar that can shit out Rank10 as hard as possible
They may not be tiered decks, but at least now they have a game plan.
I'm saying Genex and Jurracs were unplayable trash back then and STILL unplayable trash now, the "new" support didn't do shit
Dumb faggot. Genex is trash but it is 100% an insta-win deck providing you have no interaction and they go first, in the same vein as Junk Speeder decks.
It's still trash but don't pretend like it's on Jurracs level.
>they removed his dick
>Last year, TW01 Ice Barriers and Infernoids (the confirmed themes from the initial announcement) were revealed back to back
>no other sets to reveal cards from right now
Yeah probably
Decks with no tops are trash, end of story, keep coping
Wrong, metacuck.
It's unfortunate how many anime archetypes got legacy support in Series 11 before Konami ramped up CaC bandaids for dogshit archetypes
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I don't use this word like ever, but "metatranny" is fitting for you.
I wish Raidraptor got a CaC bandaid instead of continuing to rely on Wise Strix from MR4 era
>maximus dump astero and meteor
hell yeah
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>mfw the DAMA Gusto support
>dedicating 3 ED slots to field nuke including your own shit
It's funny but bad
That's more backup plan, in case of your shit get fucked
erm dream mirror CaC doko??
I'm holding out for release to make judgments personally. RB is one of the strongest decks in TCG and infernoid is at least relevant. I think ice barrier is quite good personally but its gotten nothing no results so I can't argue for it
Will Dinosoup use the new Jurrac?
They sure as hell are going to use the new Synchro since they haven't gotten many options left.
Probably, not like the type DOESN'T have infinity e-teles attached to it, although having to do it last to maintain Evol access probably blows.
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Bros, name a more soulful, versatile and supremely powerful deck than Rikka/Aroma/SunAvalon/Ragnaraika/Therion pile.
You literally can't.

It's so soulful in fact that Konami should give plantGODS (and CyberseDEITIES) a 20-card extra deck.
There's no way pure jurrac is playable so I'm sure the best version of the deck will be largely dino soup anyways. It's like how every day malice is a little more cyberse pile. There's no reason not to use the best tools you have available, especially if you belong to one of the super archetypes
Thanks for the input Jessica Robinson.
I wonder how much more fucked things can get with a 20 card ED. None of the best decks benefit much from it since they can play so efficiently that they'd probably only use it for redundancy but there are a lot of better than rogue but worse than top tier decks that could raise their power ceiling easily with more slots
Some decks really do have the tightest extra decks imaginable, and another 5 slots would be a Godsend in helping with that.
Might turn out to be disastrous in the long run but I'd be willing to take that chance because so many of my most recent decks seem to want just a few more slots.
jurracs lose to war rocks
Fiendsmith Snake Eyes has an infamously tight ED, it would have happily take 5 extra ED slots, especially before the Apollousa/Baronne/Savage ban
dark neiroy is CaC as fuck
am I reading stego correctly, does it only lock you if you use the summon effect after milling?
it reads "THEN, you can summon jurracs ALSO you're locked", so you can just stop at the mill and you're golden?
Even if it’s too costly he deserves to be able to cast meteor like the JRPG final boss that he is
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thoughts? any improvements? not sure if i want to play mourner over veiler because veiler is nonopt but clashes with shifter. the seven stars is there because i thought i had a third talents but i don't. seven stars has nice applications like banishing a kash from field, draw 2, special a new one, and birthing the banished, quite niche but nice to have i think.
Fiendsmith Snake Eyes Azamina literally has a third of its ED as free slots. It isn't tight, the players are greedy despite running three packages that all have separate core ED. That it could get away with running those three negate generics and then replace them is proof of this. It's only tight compared to decks like Ryzeal and Tenpai that run their core in duplicates then go on to complain that they want even more toolboxing slots.

Actual tight EDs are the ones that can't even fit their core ED because they have transitional slots. Cyberse is the famous example because the deck is power gated by the ED and can't actually play itself out fully at 15 cards before even considering tech. Or even something like ice barrier that in its pure package has to cut because it needs redundancies in order to simply have sustain and then doesn't have slots remaining after your packages.
Looks good to me.
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while I was ordering other cards I picked up a purrely core
>MD doesn't let you turn cards from legacy packs into dusts
That would give them some kind of use instead of being the useless garbage they are
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Another scathing loss for Yugibaboons...
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coder fell off
Isn't this the ai art game
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if i wanted ai in my game id rather play keyforged
How does this change the DT lore?
Hurry up edotroon codemonkey I need to try out crystron and jurrac combos
inclusive to the TCG audience
Isn't this the guy that beat his girlfriend?
That’s the guy whose girlfriend said he beat her (no proof btw)
Umm, she's a woman, why would she lie?
I'm definitely /with her/.
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imagine zeamin getting pegged....
We haven't even gotten Speedroid yet. I completely forgot about that reveal.
Same as chris leblanc and he got ostracized from the community
Well, he is French so I believe her.
Sorry you're going to have to be way more specific
>Same as chris leblanc and he got ostracized from the community
Didn’t he win a YCS this year?
>Be woman
>Say some guy raped/beat you
>Everyone just believes it to be true, no proof needed, her word is enough
Why is this allowed?
Yasss slay Queen
Ostracized from the community isn't the same as ostracized from the game
No one cared when coder was abusive but leblanc was never forgiven
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That's because DistantCoder is an eceleb friends with other popular ecelebs meanwhile Leblanc is only really friends with like Patrick Hoban, that haven't converted their names into meaningful popularity as Yugioh "creators"
Yep yep yep life is a popularity contest
when will mieru, sora or lidl become twitch vtubers??
>ryzeal tops left and right
>ryzeal wins left and right
>ryzeal still getting additonal waves of support
*additional WAVE
Konami could be shitters and only give DBCB a second wave because obviously we need to make room for more VASM support
it's going to be dogshit
Remember how godlike Eldlich's second wave was? No?
I love claims backed up with zero proof, truly having a vagina is the greatest superpower online.
I've always assumed waves were designed well in advance with little idea how good the deck will actually be
I’m glad card design hasn’t progressed since 2020
More starterextenders, your highness?
Ishtear might be the only deck that was broken from the start and still got cac-tier support
Raizeol second wave will be mediocre
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snake-honest will continue to get support because there's another 5 core sets till series 12 ends while dishonestzeal will languish
Unironically, they’re only one away from being able to consistently put up
>Rafflesia (Thruster/Gravedigger’s)
>Duodrive (with 1-mat, for Cross)
>Deadnader (3-mat, Aggregator negate)
>Dweller (no GY effects)
>generic R4 (Giant Hand, Ragnazero, Tornado Dragon, etc)
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>5 more sets of snake eye
i guess it really is yugiohver
elestrals is metazoo tier, just blowing their entire budget on ecelebs to shill it (which fails and is actually worse than paying off unrelated youtubers because the audience of yugitubers will always just play yugioh). I expect them to declare bankruptcy next year and every retarded yugituber that shilled this garbage to quietly pretend it never happened
Assuming they do the 3 cards thing like with VASM, I'd imagine Ryzeal would get another main deck pair, and an Xyz.
dng first look at ryzeal
>deck is mid
dng facing the fact ryzeal will get support
>t-hey might not get support
>i-it will be shit support
was it with dng and sucking ryzeal cock so hard? seriously
Ryzeal will get all the support and they'll release all the zoodiacs while they're at it for Total Rank4 Annihilation
The only one sucking the decks dick is you, seeing how you keep making posts like this daily.
Honestly, nobody gives half as much a fuck about ryzeal as you do.
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dng- downplaying niggas general
It's about time they introduce a new lore archetype or give support to the other ones.
WF and Goblins are decent enough, but SE are just the tutorial boss
Okay but Ryzeal only unironically needs a single Ryzeal Wave (that works on any face up card instead of just monsters)
Diabellestar pivoting to Pendulums out of nowhere
Heavy banlist of Azamina shit because they're all already dead who gives a shit
Diabellze form with 2016 Blue-Eyes levels of coincidentally useful meta-countering effects
>that post
Lol and people here like to pretend that yesteryears /dng/ was any better.
Unlock the Shock
Unchain the Chain
For every post like this there is equally as many that show people hyping up decks like Voiceless Voice and Vanquish Soul which did well in the OCG only for them to completely flop over here in the TCG.
Being a victim is a powerful social position to be in because for a limited period of time you're allowed to attack anyone while no one is allowed to fight back, and if the victim title holder is even a tiny bit clever they can turn that temporary social position into tangible material and social goods, which is why you've got a bunch of people craving to permanently paint themselves as victims all over twitter and similar shitholes, secondly you've got a limited amount of time to find proof that their claims of victimhood are bullshit due to the public having the attention span of a goldfish, so most just don't bother.
tbf vanquish soul almost won last year's worlds
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We need to go back to Visas lore archetypes, it's the only way to save yugioh.
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You know, WL's lack of archetypes and "grander scope" made the world feel barren, while Diabell's lack of archetypes and centralized plot makes it feel like nothing fucking happens in it.
Genex Controller lore is all despressing shit.
>can the robot be happy?
>lolno, fuck off, have some more misery
no, duel terminal, we need genocides
Reminds me of Keqing.
that was my first post you fucking schizo
go on point out posts that were made by me i want to laugh at you more
WISU has 1 WCS win and top vs VASM'S 0 WCS wins and tops btw
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Vanquish Soul also won MD Worlds this year
meanwhile Abyss' overabundance of archetypes makes it feel like nothing is happening at all, despite everything being crammed to the wall
>Make lore series about a man finding his alter egos and going on a grand journey
>it's mostly liked by women
>Women go from wanting to fuck them to wanting to be them
I am not even sure who was in the wrong here.
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yumes are terrifying creatures
Goblin Biker Diabellstar when?
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I mean... did he even use it? I only saw him using snake eyes
he didn't, no
>he could have benched flower cardians and gave them a Worlds Win
missed opportunity
I lost faith in this general's ability to understand cards' power ever since tearkash got called trash and a situational "winmore" on reveal
Looks like Scheiren
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Anyone else unironically excited for HECKIN' SUPER COOL GOBLIN RIDERINO BROS and their e-tele in ROTA?
>still having a conditional "Normal Summon without Tributing" card
A friend of mine built the deck and is still waiting for the support to try it out.
Why is it level 6?
I like them, they're a cute deck.
Is that the Azamina emblem on the thing they're standing on?
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I think you mean Xyz; hobby-grade coop extra deck, 3-axis-blended, multi-archetype, competitive combo; meta growth, epic BATTLEBORN GOBLIN BIKER HEROES
probably been asked before, but is Goblindbergh searchable with this?
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Very interesting
Yeah, if it's got Goblin somewhere you can grab it.
I unironically played this in my feast of the wild lv 5 warrior slop deck ages ago.
People were already doing this lock when Ib got freed, no one bothers with it anymore for a reason.
What was the reason?
Too many hoops?
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mmmmmmm goblin bikers you don't wanna mess with them
Why are nipponese kids more based than american kids? They're unbothered with words like "badass" and "demon" in their games while american kids need adults to censor and change those words to "epic" and "fiend"
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Deck is dead now btw.
No more using Isolde to summon out your Cadet to search your Feast = it's over.
Deck was shit to begin with to be fair and was very much a 'for fun' thing but meh, the dream really did die with Isolde's death.
Yeah, it's just really clunky and there's like a billion places where a handtrap of any kind will end your turn.
We sure do love our forced Normal Summons don't we
American kids don't need any of that, that's on the parents and our retarded government dictating what we can and can't consume.
America still believes that media influences kids to be school shooters instead of imbecile parents and school bullying
>WL was at its most popular in the first part when it had a number of archetypes to make it feel bigger
>Visas's lack of archetypes and the story being basically just "stoic kirito clone goes to a place and fix shit in the same wave" made it feel barren
I am starting to think there's a pattern
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it sucks that the recent support didn't help both cadet and feast of the wild. it's weird because it's very obvious that they are the most popular cards for star warriors/battleguard
Zoomers are more vulgar than ever. These decisions are made by the retarded soccer moms in charge of yugioh's moronic localization since 2002.
Remember when KoA refused the usage of No. because they felt it was too negative?
Look at all these nerds.
the fuck are you talking about, all these lores have archetypes
Jesse looks so lost there. Also imagine the smell
Really can't fucking stand the idea of forced Normal Summons
Even if this could tribute any monster on your opponent's field, I still don't think it would be good as anything other than a 1 of serving the same role it already plays in Tistina (aka facilitating the OTK).
Are there any particular decks I should be playing as a regular sex haver?
I think there's potential for an interesting deck, entirely focused on Special Summoning but leaving their Normal Summon for their boss monster.
Too many Normal/Tribute Summons focus too hard on making Normals into basically Special Summoning again, and same with Tributes trying to dodge everything that makes Tributes Tributes.
Any deck with Diabellstar & Diabellze in it
still kek at how this releases in the same batch as Phantom of yubel
I really like how you can tell Konami crossovered two archetypes previously not officially connected by how painful it is to play the moment you have to notice the several aspects that don't connect
Summoned Skull always getting cucked...
You can't get people interested in the lore if you restrict the story with shit like 1 archetype release per wave. There are other factors of course, but that's one big fuckup from step 1 that will make its success harder. Even worse for Diabel because it's supposed to be main lore
Drones archetype from the anime
Where they at?
Konami HATES Vrains archetypes, so maybe in 10 years.
only cube chads are sex havers, carrot chasing metafriends can't afford the time
How so? For the Satellars the new wave takes it from a really slow and clunky R4 turbo deck that was better off as a stun/control deck while the Constellars just got much more solid and gave them more flexible options.
To be fair, Constellars were also an XYZ spam deck but Tellarknights refined it to rank 4 only. Actually, most early xyz decks were oddballs with how unbalanced the first few rank 5's and 3's were. It wasn't until 101 and Dire wolf that we saw rank 4 start getting a real toolbox. So it makes sense they got combined into Tellarknights.
But yes, Constellars getting shoehorned into Tellarknights makes them feel clunky and awkward minus a few main deck lines.
>You can't get people interested in the lore if you restrict the story with shit like 1 archetype release per wave
nobody actually gives a shit about the lore, unless the decks are actually playable since nobody can tell what the story even is, until lore books come out later on.
Similarly nobody gave a fuck about Branded before BF was printed well into it in the Branded SD
>Konami HATES Vrains *Season 2 archetypes
They have no problem shilling Season 1 & 3
It's Season 2 that they have problems with
Salamangreats tho?
Of course it had to be this nigger. Just because you are in a permanent state of butthurt regarding lore decks doesn't mean the rest of the playerbase shares your schizophrenia
an archetype that focuses on lowering the attacks of enemy monster approximately to zero then hitting them with your own low attack monsters
>forgetting that Sora is already a vtuber
>Similarly nobody gave a fuck about Branded before BF was printed
Complete and utter bullshit.
The archives of when both Dogmatika and Despia were revealed shows the thread going absolutely nuts for both of those archetypes.
They were two archetypes which /dng/ as a whole were unified and excited for. Even if people who initially were excited for them have changed their mind now, that's irrelevant, at the time EVERYONE was losing their shit, particularly over Despia.
They were some of the coolest archetypes we had in a long ass time of bland shit.
Qli still has a heavy Tribute focus for the smaller pieces, although it is close.
Something similar to that new ebil hero monster
Also good
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>Tfw you try to play your Milennium deck but keep opening all 5 of your garnets
From the way he types, I think this is that one retard on here who's only personality trait is contrarianism.
Was actually playable and meta-relevant on release, no shit
People were indeed excited for a week, since they looked cool, then they realized they were shit and stopped giving a fuck soon after, after they found out splashing Dogmatika engine in Aleister piles was still more efficient.
Nobody gave a fuck about Albaz or even pretended they did, until the SD came out like half a year later.
To this day, I have never even seen a person able to actually say what the lore is even about without adding headcanon in it.
He is still deceiving mocking you to this day
>Retarded twink who jobbed to a small pink haired cat girl and had to tuck tail and run away behind the cover of a girl
Wow, I'm so scared..
You sound like you can't take criticism over things you like, since you base your identity over the media you consume
Sry are we talking about Albaz or Aluber here
Kitt is literally the only character that never jobbed once to anybody throughout the entire Abyss lore.
Let that sink in.
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OUR VILLAINS.... and that jobber bakura is there too i guess.
Textbook mary sue
why did they write in such a broken character? she basically won the entire thing for the good guys
both of them had a girl saved their ass
Did you forget that Kitt was about to fucking kill Aluber before Cartesia took the hit?
Dingirsu is still undefeated
>race mixing
>black protag
>religion bad
>girlboss never loses and does everything
I don't care for DEIbyss
Don't care, die
That is in fact the joke
Who would Sora, Mieru and Lidl be between Aluber, Albaz and Kitt?
She's batman in cat girl form. With enough prep time she beats anybody.
>wanted to kill Fabled
>they fucking lived
>also will get new support in the same set as Jurrac
It's like KoJ wants to mock those FIRE Dino
>DT is totally the most mature and serious story guys
Sorry, that was meant for >>494195547
Hope we're getting Worm and Steelswarm/Evilswarm crossover support that helps contextualize them as serious threats and villains
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Remember the Mist Valley equivalent to Trishula?
finally, more Rank 4 Xyz
This shit straight up worse than Apex
That effect is not half bad even now. It's just kind of a shame it requires more than 1 non tuner
This guy is really good. Bit difficult to make, but a nice pay-off.
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He is basically an extension of Kitt. She builds his body.
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Fabled lost
i mean, its share the same deck with >>494196061
He never had a chance
Erm, it's Rank 4 Axis AND high level tribute monsters, chud
>Print entire archetype around the premise of avoiding targeted interruption
>Support comes out
>Your best card can be targeted
What the FUCK did they mean by this? What was even the point? Now that veiler or imperm that has been stuck in your opponent's hand has a target and worst of all is the opponent doesn't even need to guess which part of your combo to hit, all the work is done for you, you hit the one card you can hit and it's the main fucking broken card of the deck.
>inb4 "nooooo you have to let me interact with you!!"
Eat shit faggot, the decks entire gimmick is that target and destruction protection, dropping it for the (almost) CaC-level link-2 is retarded and I AM seething about it. STILL.
It defeats the entire point of the archetype.
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it's joever............
Funny how we first thought this was just a filler arc while her friends were dying and ended up saving the final battle
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jurrac isn't getting more support till 2040
>we have demise at home
Konami have been mind broken about Majespecter since the Kirin ban, as is evidence of it still being banned in the OCG.
You shouldn't be surprised that they were overly cautious with any support they gave to that archetype.
em, worm support doko?
>What if JD was terrible?
You say that as if the fabled support isn't going to be crippled because of fiendsmith scare and still be more useful for fiendsmith than fabled
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Never interact with me or my son ever again.
why do you think they care, they saw tearlaments and still printed the ishizu stuff.
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Golem is a big guy
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This should've been a level 5
I say that and think this
Probably when they want to """shill""" Reptiles
Out of 10
Konami HATES odd leveled synchros.
>5 out of 10
Harsh but fair.
The worm support will finally break snake rain, trust the plan
>you can use Nauya to send Worms and W Nebula Meteorite to special any high leveled LIGHT Reptile
Potentially BONKEN?
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What Worms need is a card that makes all their effs quicks
How can she even hug her with her claw arm like that.
Imagine the back scratches
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Whats the spell card next to reboot? I recognize it's art as recent but can't remember which set it was in, or even a vague name.
Sales ban
>Reptile-type "Worm"
Sales Ban
>2010-13 archtype
>All effects slow spell speed 1
>Little to no quick effects or negates
>Boss monster was subpar even for its time

How many others suffer from this fate?
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Don't interact with me
Don't touch my cards
Don't speak to me
Just scoop after I've finished building my field.
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your worm drake
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We are going to do things to you that have never been done before.
>worms are shit
>aliens are shit
Now this is that peak Yugioh experience I yearn for...
damn this art is kino
plap plap plap plap
>worms are shit
>krawlers are shit
>aliens are shit
>graydles are shit
>myutants are shit
>tistinas are shit
>evols are shit
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I say that and think this
nah just an actually competent comedic relief
This is Yugioh how Kazuki Takahashi envisioned it.
ayylmaos are almost there, the problem is that it doesnt have a way to win the game, overlord or mother needs a retrain that can attack everything with a counters on it and piercing
>Bottom one is literally lidl
Lmfaoooooooooooo. Reality is stranger than fiction.
I do find it funny how the most optimal reptile playstyle is bridging from Evols into Ogdoadics to set up Alien's PPV lock+an Evol.
Barring the Ogdo part, it's also lore accurate
>Top left
>Top right
I really don't know if I should include Maxx C in a Stun deck in MD
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Why did they do it
I personally don't like it.
that kind of replacement shit and stuff like that is just cringe i only like dark skin and domination
these retards masturbate to fucking graphs, most stupid shit i've ever seen
God the Worm Apocalypses are so funny, hope we get some kino retrains like Worm Apocalypse Zero or Worm Alliterative Apocalylse or something someday
It can make your opponent stop when going second
Who fucking knows.
Now that Apollousa is gone my Extra Deck has plenty of other options:
>I:P into S:P (ultra souless)
>I:P and Sprind into Avramax, gives good blanket protection but against so many 1 card combos today it doesn't hold up.
>Firewall Dragon, it enables a nice resource loop by adding Eva back to the hand and discarding her again with Parshath + 1 bounce
>Condemned Darklord, adds Amodeus which can mill Eva from Deck, the discard cost now means shit because Ostinato generates piss easy advantage, also can make with Majesty Hyperion into Hope Harbinger
>Nibiru isn't a threat anymore but just in case you can just swap Schuberta for another Bacha and go for Vortex Dragon
>Good old Ancient Pixie Dragon into HRDAA for another omninegate
Apollousa will not be missed at all, but I'm not sure which of the replacements is the best for this format, any tips?
i genuinely don't get it
If Worm Zero was infecting a modern city who the fuck built and inhabited that city? The Fabled? Or were there humans once in Duel Terminal? Was Duel Terminal post apocalyptic like World Chalice?
Why does he look so chuddian?
Too spoopy
We need a pic to match all our namefags up to Worms.
This is very important to the growth of dng.
The answer is that Konami didn't think DT through
Soulless trash
duel terminal shares universe with the goblin kid lore iirc, they had regular ass cities
Remembering the obligatory counter gimmick they used to give Reptiles
What do Blackwings need in order to be good again?
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The city was already abandoned before Zero even arrived. Probably post apocalyptic.
add a primordial package to the sloppa since youre running 3 vanillas anyway
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>Thought Ro_G's new piece was futa, got excited
>It was just regular yuri instead
Damn... why does everything have to be so gay. My favorite yugioh anime is 5D's btw
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Kinda hot
who the fuck are these two niggas then
It's pretty interesting looking at the 26 Worms and seeing why most of them barring King, Xex, Yangan, Cartaros were terrible. Like you can see them having some sort of PACMAN idea future archetypes like Subterrors would replicate in like Erokin and Barses and the high-level Worms in shit like Illidan, Prince, Queen, Victory meant to get you advantage every turn or insane tempo pushes but it just doesn't work out.
Konami didn't have a grander plan for DT so you end up with a regular ass modern city for what is an otherwise fantastical world (with some futuristic elements). I'd imagine this is one of the symptoms from having cribbed the idea from Duel Masters
Primordial doesn't help at all
It plays it's own endboard and bosses
the susus amogus
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Meklords? Part of DT lore
There's your explanation of the ruined city
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It's still hot, but it would have been hotter if it was futa.
nah, zero appeared AFTER the other worms so the other worms probably did a number on the city already
Apparently Myutant researchers
wtf? wormbros did nothing wrong
I got news for ya
Liking futa is gay
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Worm full archetype retrain that makes them work and look like they actually belong in DT soon
No I'm not going to
DTlore niggers are even more pathetic than shartbyzzz lore fanatics

It's over nigga just let it fucking go
Give one reason to buy blackwings
You can't
>He says that when they're doing Terminal World 2 right now
Terminal World 3 next year
Same reason as buying Blue Eyes and Heros.
You will get more support. Whether you wanted/needed it or not.
It can play Bystials which are free advantage in this format. Also ends on triple towers.
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>hope (utopia)
it was over for wormchuds before it even began
Worms literally showed up at a WCS
Don't care about Jurracs.
Don't care about Fabled.
The only DT archetype I care about that hasn't already been given support is Worms.
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I hope they do alliterative retrains for Worms and we get Utopic Ugly because that would be hilarious
worm chud school
there are 2 unrevealed archetypes in Terminal World 2
Remember me, /dng/?
Why they gotta hate on him so much
flamvell and neo flamvell
/Our/ hero Chaos Ruler…
Why is he doing the moe moe kyun pose
Good riddance
Vylon and Dragunity
I miss him
Because she is actually a dragonmaid in training
had my first yugioh related dream of my life
i got to have sex with selettrice
needless to say, i'm quite happy about that dream and i want it to happen again, so much so that im thinking of creating a selettrice tulpa
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Also comes with an Anzu
Oneiros calm down....
I had a dream where to add even more effects to cards, someone added LCD screens that allowed you to paginate the effects, allowing them to add as much as they'd like while keeping the same card size
>Anon is going to get his soul drained by a demonic succubus posing as an innocent anime girl drawing who seduced him in his dream
But did it have Angello telling you to do the kinkiest stuff possible while Dimonno asked you to remain vanilla?
At this point everyone had sex with selettrice sloppy seconds
Selettrice is young enough to be your daughter, anon
Average BB fan
wtf is wrong with common?
Post some fucking selettrice sex source
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now I need fanart of Dragonmaid Chaos Ruler
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That's honestly gross, still would though
The last time I had a dream with yugioh was that I was living a married life with Northwemko and Fleur. Then Fleur and I passed away from old age and Northwemko lived for too long until she also passed away to meet with us.
No horny though, for some reason.
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Arc-V Troons.....
All monsters are normal to me.
>Dimonno saying, "think of the power imbalance, think of the effect on her mentality"
>Angello saying, "she's menstruating, her body is telling her it's time to breed"
>inmediatly goes with arc-v
>also troons
>dreaming about straight sex and straight life-long marriage
Post the damn source, who's the artist?
Angello is just too convincing...
>Two anons dream about having sex/marrying women
>Immediately think of troons
This bottom pic here >>494198152 is literally you, isn't it
t.Imperial Dragon the Primoredial Dragon
Why is alexis so better than tea?
AGP-V trannies.....
>new allister link
i would cum
Who wouldn't fuck their hot daughter?
Selettrice has a body that would wring you dry of your seed.
Way too erotic for Yugioh.
Why are BBfags always so insane? I swear I have not once met a mentally normal BB player
Remember when Konami turned Hitler into a Dragon
Fucking kill yourself
>Barring the Ogdo part
Who do you think built the pyramids?
>I swear I have not once met a mentally normal BB player
You have, they're just so boring so you actually overlook them each time.
>True Kings Return shows the Axis powers with one unholy abomimation showing up from the three of them united
Interesting lore you have there Konami
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Can I Link Summon on the first turn?
How's it going I was wondering if anyone can please tell me if this is allowed. So me and my opponent before starting a game he and I roll a die & for example he rolls a lower number than me then I go first up. Let's say I have these 5 cards in my hand straight up : Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion, Dragon Ravine, Black Metal Dragon, The Bystial Lubellion & Finally "Effect Veiler"

Since Effect Veiler is a handtrap I wont be playing that instead I place down Black Metal Dragon as a normal summon then here's the tricky bit for me can I link Striker Dragon (1 Level 4 or lower Dragon monster) on my first go or do I have to wait until next go then send Black Metal Dragon to the Graveyard and by doing so uses the effect of Black Metal Dragon. If this card is sent from the field to the graveyard. You can add 1 "Red Eyes" card from your deck to hand! So then I get out Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from my deck to hand while this is still my first turn I discard The Bystial Lubellion get Brystial Magnamhut from my deck to hand because of the effect of The Bystial Lubellion allows me then I continue by using the effect of Brystial Magnamhut which can make me banish a Light or Dark monster in either GY I can choose to banish Black Metal Dragon to allow me to play / special summon Brystial Magnamhut from my hand on my end phase I believe or unless i can still continue with this below on my first turn...
I don't see many "dedicated" BBfags, but all the ones I've seen (Common, Vell, some facebook spic artist, a pixiv chink girl, Rata, a dude that played with them on ygopro years ago and some dude I've met on an OTS) were all quite the strange individuals
Then later use the effect of The Bystial Lubellion from the GY correct me if I'm wrong and can't proceed to do this. Tribute Brystial Magnamhut to get Bystial Lubellion on the field use Bystial Lubellion's card effect of getting out a Branded card so I get out Branded Regained banish Striker Dragon Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon use the effect of Branded Regained then another effect of Branded Regained is "if a light or dark monster is banished. You can target 1 of them monsters place that monster on the bottom of the deck if you do draw 1 card" so I end up drawing a card. Summon back out Brystial Magnamhut using the effect of Branded Regained then Link off Bystial Lubellion & Brystial Magnamhut to get Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres then end phase will search you a Bystial Baldrake. So it's the opponents turn they try to summon something you can trigger to summon back Brystial Magnamhut. Then later this card in question on the field can tribute "Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres" bounce one of their cards then this will get out maybe Druiswurm or another card of your choice Dragon type monster.

I just would like to know if this is good and is allowed thanks.
>Way too erotic for Yugioh.
not even
>Goa'ulds built the pyramids and are actually space snakes
Wait a minute...
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Yugioh just needs a real ikemenjoshi and it'll print money.
>space snakes
>read rulebook
>it says to Fusion Summon I must activate my "Summoning card" in the Spell & Trap Zone
It's funny to see just how Konami unironically wants people to learn the game
The wojak tells me this is bait, but I want to yell at you anyway. Please learn how to construct a sentence.
>Since Effect Veiler is a handtrap I wont be playing that instead I place down Black Metal Dragon as a normal summon then here's the tricky bit for me can I link Striker Dragon (1 Level 4 or lower Dragon monster) on my first go or do I have to wait until next go then send Black Metal Dragon to the Graveyard and by doing so uses the effect of Black Metal Dragon.
That is a run-on sentence I would expect from a first grader.
I know it's because of manga lore and all but this and Sublimation Dragon would have been way better if they were level 6 or 8
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Apparently Synchros are only ever 1 Tuner only

Good to know and it's been around for quite a while then. I asked this all mainly above because I'm building a deck profile around Brystial's & Dragon's as well as Traps, Spells, Links and XYZ monsters plus etc of course. Thanks for the help man appreciate it.



Yu-Gi-Oh GayX
Yu-Gi-Oh 5Diapers
Yu-Gi-Oh Zoophilia
Yu-Gi-Oh AGP-V
Yu-Gi-Oh Drains
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Poor little whelp
are you stupid they are level 8 already
their fusion even specifies level 8 as mats
Today is the last reveal, right? So that means V-Jump reveal.
The rulebook is a complete mess, all they do is just add onto existing rulebooks (which suck ass) and so card text gets sort of fucky because you physically go back in time with each page.
>Links don't even say they start in the Extra Deck in the intro
>"Xyz Monsters start in your Extra Deck, not in your Main Deck, and wait for you to call them into action."
>"Synchro Monsters are placed in the Extra Deck, separate from the Main Deck"
>"Fusion Monsters are also placed in your Extra Deck (not in your Main Deck)."
There was no uniformity, you can tell they wrote Fusion, copied it for Synchro and just never bothered looking for Xyz and Link
>looked again
>I only counted 7 stars for some reason
My eyesight might be deteriorating...my bad
Wasn't the vanilla support lvl 8 dragon the vjump reveal?
Unironically that is why I advocate for the Rush system of just having a number instead of this counting shit. Once you start getting to higher numbers, it becomes harder for humans to just look and immediately identify a count
New V-Jump card then
pattern autism dictates that today we'll probably see packfiller from SUDA, like when we got packfiller on ROTA in the week they showed support for a game-original (six sams, in SUDA crystron), support for an anime deck (metalmorph, in SUDA speedroids) and a new game-original deck (primoredial, in SUDA argostar)
INFO had the same pattern (drytron, gimmick puppet, fiendsmith, packfiller)
>packfiller from SUDA
Wasn't that killed after the new trap at 80?
>Rush Duel is getting monsters with 3 effects
>even with the "[REQUIREMENT]: none" line break the text still is pretty clean
The formatting changes are so small but it's weird how well they work.
The World Champion when he comes back home and realizes the nintendo switch money won't even be enough to buy the azamina package
only trap packfiller, there's slots for MD monster and spell packfiller, potentially ED monster packfiller too
iirc on INFO and ROTA they didn't show any trap packfiller anyways
also on the topic of pattern autism, there's a LOT of MD packfiller slots, so maybe some of them are actually new rituals
new lore deck is ritual (question mark)?
>maybe some of them are actually new rituals
I hope so. After the last set bullshit.
Do you have the image with the missing slots?
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>heavy slump
completely and utterly bugebroken....
My last Yugioh dream was me playtesting a Nuke themed archetype mixed with Runick
I've never played a Runick deck in my life
no i don't have it sorry, hopefully someone else posts it though
Effects in Rush are usually done with awareness to their text length, unlike Master Duel cards which feels like they type it all up on Notepad and just jam that shit in with no thoughts as to how it will fit.
This also means that cards can maintain a consistent font size.
This sort of thing is also done to imports. Jinzo the Machine Menace got brought over but
>loses its HOPT
>loses the Special Summon when there's a face-up Trap on field (because Traps can't be face-up in Rush)
>loses the Level modulation
>loses the Quick Effect
>Tribute swapped out for sending to GY (because Tributing isn't an effect that can be done in Rush)
>can't summon Jinzo from hand
A lot lost simply because they wanted to keep it all the same size font (also actual gameplay differences from game to game)
Thus jurrac support is already making me enjoy this set more than tw01. If either of the remaining archetypes would be worms or vylon, that would be great.
>brandon took their fusion card and made it better
>construct, a formidable boss monster, is now only used as a sub optimal way to search schism
>has been coping with the CHADleister engine since forever
>only has synergy with ligmatika because apkallone searches schism (their best card) when tossed from anywhere
>an optimal """shaddoll""" deck only runs 3-4 cards (schism, apkallone and winda, beast if using brandon fusion)
>only winda sees play these days, on decks that also cope on the ligmatika engine and tiaramentos who can cheat her out
They deserve new support.
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Heavy Slump and Psi-Impulse have to be the funniest anti Maxx C cards in the game, Card Destruction comes close
It's weird that MD is too stubborn to change the way it writes text. I think "piercing" damage is the only real key word they used after all this time. It seems like they're more willing to change that with Rush and even do things like simply saying "contact fusion" instead if that "do not used polymerization" blurb that takes up half the card
Doubt it would be Vylons since Fabled takes Light attribute and they would double dip but it would be a pleasant surprise. Wish they would do AOJ but it somehow seems worse off than Genex and Jurrac.
Oh yeah, I forgot fabled takes up the light slot. If they're aren't repeating fire either then there goes any chance of Laval getting salvaged.

Well, maybe since Gustos are wind and were somewhat popular in its last poll, they could maybe get picked.
The problem with Master Duel is that it has too much variety to unify anything. Contact Fusion for example would only ever cover the Neos archetype and Glad Beasts archetype exactly. Everything else isn't "Contact Fusion", and if they decide they are, what IS "Contact Fusion" then?
The only reason why Konami did it to Rush is that they have a clean slate and therefore making Contact Fusion an actual mechanic and giving a bunch of cards the mechanic is a solid choice.
can you not post my non-ygo art
The kashtira tech..
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>No Vylons
We'll get them next year
I'm hoping for either Mist Valley or Dragunity, but Gustos would be nice too
Yeah, I guess a clean slate makes it easier than dealing with 20+ years of old problem text of cards and they won't feel like errata'ing them all

There's an list of contact fusions here:
But desu, the only ones besides neos and gladiator beast I remembered was xyz dragon buster.
This T1 + Omega + Dis Pater is 4 rips holy shit
But the issue with that is even those Contact Fusions have a variety of mechanics at play, whereas Rush has exclusively used the "shuffle from field" version from Neos/Glad.
Implementing it as a mechanic likely wouldn't save much space either
>Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by shuffling the above cards you control into the Deck.
You would still need the "Must first" and the listed actual method
>Must first be Summoned by Contact Fusion (from your Extra Deck) by shuffling the above cards you control into the Deck.
"Summoned by Contact Fusion" is the only way it grammatically makes sense in English, and at this point all you've done is actually added MORE text, albeit to get a kino word added in
I'm satisfied enough with jurracs, but would be glad if gusto got picked. Their last support wave was such a kick in the nuts, getting nothing but extended tools to turbo sphreez but not giving them anything to do with it. Perhaps, it can be like an ice barrier situation where soke new support and bring it all together
I think that for cheating mechanics and also a variety of card effects a rule book change could be "Extra Summon" which specifically would mean "Special Summoned from the Extra Deck" and you could split it into "Extra Fusion Summon" "Extra Synchro Summon" etc.
So you could change text such as
>Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards you control and/or from your GY. (You do not use "Polymerization".)
>Must first be Extra Fusion Summoned by Banishing the above cards you control and/or from your GY.
or instead of "You can target 1 monster special summoned from the Extra Deck" you could write "You can target 1 Extra Summoned Monster."
The OCG text being able to write "E召喚" saves them space as well.
Part of the problem with that concept is that those types of summons are explicitly NOT Fusion Summons or Synchro Summons. Calling them "Extra Fusion Summon" would make people think they are Fusion Summons
I think OG card destruction is the funnier anti maxx c card
Remember this retrain lol
I haven't been around for 2 weeks, did the blue-eyes SD flop?
Not at all
>Jurracs meteor went from .20 cents to $15-$20
Just once, I want yugioh players to be reasonable and realize it will get reprinted like every other deck that gets support. This isn't even funny, its just sad at this point. Like watching an animal touch an electric fence over and over.
THE VJUMP PROMO THAT'S...actually okay and theoretically generic and powerful enough BUT DOESN'T HELP ITS ARCHETYPE ENOUGH
It's insane to think with "C" and the Multcharmies that Japs aren't considering Thrust and Slump
Then why can't I find any lists on Twitter
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it's not doing so good I think
my cope is it's bad because of the roach
Yeah but how long until that reprint? Trident Dragion felt like a shoe-in for a quick reprint but Trident STILL hasn't had its reprint yet
I feel like there's a primordial play with this
>This isn't even funny, its just sad at this point.
Why are you on Twitter?
Any last minute hopes or wishes for the tin reveals tomorrow?
where else am I supposed to find decklists
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The Diabelle engine is getting reprinted isn't it? If so I'm just gonna sell my cards from AGOV and get the cheaper versions
Who cares if it’ll get reprinted? So long as you sell before the reprint is announced (or even after, considering it’s a $0.20 “investment”), the reprint is irrelevant because there will always be a sucker buying. You act like Dragion wasn’t being bought for Tenpai despite people saying time and time again that a reprint was just around the corner. You act like copies of Dragion STILL aren’t moving despite the reprint announcement.

When your buy-in cost is low, it really doesn’t take that much to make a profit.
Well you could only attach the tag if it does count, which actually adds more clarity to it not being considered a specific type of Summon because now every time a card cheats something out of the Extra Deck it's still kind of vague whether or not a "properly summoned" Extra Deck monster counts as its mechanic or not.
You wouldn't have to skim for "(this is treated as a [whatever] summon)" and you could easily eyeball text that shows when it isn't treated as that summon type.
>8 main deck slots between ARGOS and Crystrons
>we know that the non-new archetypes between will also be multi-card legacy support
Wew that's a lot of potential legacy support
LMAO the absolute fucking state
kino tech though
al for tistina
There HAS to be at least one ritual. Also it is me or there is a non-zero chance of Sinful Spoil lore to be more ED and S/T stuff?
This whole mess is why when people bring up the idea of a reboot, I'm generally in favor of it. Beginning again from the ground up, allowing Konami another shot at mechanics with the knowledge they have now would be cool.
What would blank-slate Synchro look like with the knowledge Konami has from the powercreep up to Links? Would Konami chop a few mechanics off of Pendulum to make it more player-friendly? etc.
Here's hoping my guys get some support in this set. They haven't gotten stuff in a long time and have been catching banlist strays non-stop
>>Be woman
>>Say some guy raped/beat you
>>Everyone just believes it to be true, no proof needed, her word is enough
>Why is this allowed?
Welcome to society today. Women are the root of all evil.
Pendulum is pretty much broken at a fundamental level. Like, there is basically no way to keep it at a reasonable level between unplayable bad and gamebreaking strong that doesn't involve ditching the pendulum summon part and instead focusing on the monsters as spells part
Im not sure if i can have sex with any of these cards
How many times are you gonna keep posting this pasta, anon
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she looked pregnant in the thumbnail
doomking is ass
if anything they should give zombies a new archetype that doesn't rely on a dogshit fieldspell that doesn't do anything and a slow as fuck main deck high level monster
Tin leaks?
When it stops being true
Honestly it's a good thing that the new Pendulum decks have been focusing on their own gimmicks (Vaalmonica, Vaylantz, Melodious) instead of just vomiting generics like Pend Mags or SHS did. The new Speedroids are also good
Endymion will also get more stuff eventually, hopefully soon
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Leave the buge to me.
DBPs and whatnots should go into those spots. Maybe WISU can finally get some support eh
I'm in favor of splitting them into 2 mechanics, the Pendulum Summon part and the Monster-Spell part.
Monster-Spells are obvious how they would work, but I feel like Cross Duel got a solid concept of Pendulum down
>Monsters had effects that gave you left and right scales
>get 2 of them you get to Pendulum Summon
You could do the same concept with something like
>If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can give yourself a Pendulum Scale of 4.
then if you gained another Scale, you can do the Pendulum Summon using those floating Pendulum Scales. This way a "Pendulum Monster" would instead be something more akin to an Ability (like Flip/Gemini) which is applied to monsters that give you Scales
I also want to get her pregnant, yes.
ruh roh snake eye sisters
>Centur-Ion stocks plummeting further
It's over bros
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>Transaction Rollback reprint
I knew I shouldn't have bought the playset at $35 each
Might buy the playset now
>Centur-Ion rarity bumps
Get them in my belly, I'm eating good tonight
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Tearsisters? I thought nip loves the deck
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erm, the memento party reprint???????????
>Konami waited too long with the reveals and now people are just leaking the contents instead
Why must this company be so retarded?
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>Centurion getting reprinted already
I fucking knew I made the correct decision to buy into Memento and Vaalmonica early on, skipping Centurion.
Rewarded so hard.
>Plapkanko reprints
>Ground Xeno is probably in the set since that one TRANSdino is confirmed in

I hate how many good card are prismatic secrets still. Gonna make them more expensive than they should have been.
>give yourself a scale of 4
This would be a nightmare in Yugioh given the draconian rules about note taking. You can even put dice on Accesscode Talker. Having to remember and legally verify you have a certain number in your scale would be first draft throw it the fuck out and start over design.
mementos are in the tin too
Most of the higher ups at Konami are senile fucks, kikes or both
So there's a chance Ryzeal and Maliss are in next year's tins? They are releasing in the same timeframe VASM released last year.
They don't care.
Is Chaos Angel in the tins?
I don't know if/how Rush would introduce Synchro given how much of the design space is already occupied by their Fusion mechanics usually using monsters already on field, but their new archetypal Fusion cards have started to use materials from other locations which does open up room for Synchro, Contact Fusion notwithstanding.
If I were to guess how they could bring in Synchro or how a reboot could make Synchro unique it would capture some of that essence of the early Synchro days where there would be some generic options like Flamvell Uruquizas or Red Dragon Archfiend but your deck's best options would be ones that are specific to your deck, requiring a certain Tuner either by name or by some inherent characteristic. The reason why Naturia Beast in spite of being a cancer card isn't run in every Synchro deck under the sun is not just because not every deck can go into 5s but also because it requires EARTH monsters.
If we look at how Konami has been designing some of the recent Synchro decks I think they're leaning into the toolboxy nature by giving a deck only a 2-4 Synchro monsters that they're comfortable only running at 1, so the rest of the Synchro lineup can focus on filling out their target levels with goodstuff.

Originally Synchro decks' versatility was in the essence of having good monsters for each level just on the off chance you might be able to make them, now it's more focused on having one level to focus on and filling it out with a toolbox of cards that might be relevant to a certain matchup, like Chengying or Dragite. I think that change of paradigm would make a rebooted Synchro potentially cleaner.

But it's hard to work Synchro with all of the mechanics given how Xyz, Link and even Fusion all do similar things to what is Synchro's main concept.
Didn't read
Because they've been able to make bank with zero effort for this many years. Why start doing a good job now? If stores are still stocking Yugioh they're probably resigned to getting boned.
Wait it was released already?
Everyone knew both of those would be reprinted?
Proof next thread?
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they already revealed
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Any chance they can slip a Drytron Nova reprint into the tins?
Never forget how ridiculous the Bonfire prices used to be
>Literally had to wait a year just to play my fucking fire decks
>It's STILL being printed in max rarity
Fuck this kike company.
>Ulkanix still not in TCG
I just want to play Fire Kings at locals
I want Maliss Red Ransom to shit into my mouth like an ice cream machine.
Soul Resonator should do it.
Leak more, faggots.
Leak everything. Leak the Mimighoul cards. Leak ROTA rarities. Leak SUDA. Leak it fucking all. Leaky leaky.
This but raye
i don't
i embrace mercy
gonna leak my dick into Havnis
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Epic very cool konami
>charmer high as well
cool i guess
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>Centur-ion reprints with rarity bumps
That's great. Might have to change out some cards now.
How about you print pendulum archetypes that while having a gimmick that prevents linkslop still has worthwhile plays "in-house"?
>Vaylantz has you play 4d chess for a single quick pop
>Nemleria is just Pyramid of Light turbo with maybe an ignition nuke if the stars align
>Solfachord is peak "Fucking worthless critters but you spam them hard enough to maybe get out some links"
>Endymion is strong and cool (Even if the negate spam aspect is tired) but gathering spell counters is a pain in the ass
Supreme King with all its 2 card combos (Or even 1.5 cards if you foolish Darkwurm) is the only passable deck in like 5 years and it still has its slew of dealbreakers (Instant death to handtraps, relatively low space for non-engine, inflexibility of plays...)
Yes but their entire identity should not be one card.
Every single dinosaur card saying "destroy a dinosaur" has gone completely stale
>Yes but their entire identity should not be one card.
Why not?

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