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Previous thread: >>494133656

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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gyud nyid wimbyabs! zenya wuvs yuu nyan nyops yuu swyeep weww wen yuu gyo!
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Ishmael is a fine lady
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Rodya LOVE!
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Don't post the ishmael soundpost
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Is there any good yt channels for this game?
Shit to have in the back while I do me runs
>Free 1300 Lunacy
I love Monzo.
shut ya mouth lil nigga and go the fuck to sleep
I'll love Ishmael in any form she's in (Not really)
limbtubers aren't worth watching even as background noise
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>3 33% gift chance
>3 50% gift chance
Can you guess how many EGO gifts I gained?
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Do you just want good background noise or specifically limbus youtubers
>New mechanic related to panicking
Maybe the bag starts attacking at random on its own?
If they're EN, don't even bother.
KR or JP are fine, though.
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>free 1300
It's been a while. Give your thanks to Monzo, for SHIPPING it.
love phaust
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what the fuck does this mean?
oh god is she really on a timer before her fucking suitcase eats her?
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I can't communicate how fuckin erect I get when I read this.
Yeah limbus shit or project moon in general I guess.
Not really. Most of them either just do special runs themselves or are video essayists complaining about IDs or status structure or something. Not many have anything worthwhile to say.
Mili has put some good songs on her channel suppose
How many of you are gonna instantly roll that 1300 lunacy away?
It would be funny if they made Angela sexier the next time we see her
It would be funny if Roland obtained ego off screen and killed Dante.
I got everything except the Dawn Office announcers which I don't give a fuck about so it's back to saving for me.
I want to have sxe with the griller in your pic
I am
100 rolls in and I don't have either of the Walpipi IDs. I did atleast get Lament Greg and The Rodion WAW
It would be funny if Roland impregnated Angela off screen and the next time we see her they already have a family of five
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I doubt that because that sounds like it'd be actual dogshit to play with because she'd have to be stronger than Rabbitcliff in order to be effective because where he runs out of steam, Rodion would just fucking die
Though now I am IMMENSELY curious as to what the fuck this ID does that it would cause this issue a WEEK BEFORE ITS RELEASE
Watch lolcow documentaries or listen to true crime shit like any sane human bean
You... y-you must've gained at least ONE E.G.O gift, right?! RIGHT?!
The chance to get it... it's always high... but the GAME is always RIGGING those chances of mine! I could've had EVERY E.G.O GIFT under the sun...!
foid post
I'd like to see Angela again
Devyat rodion is omni status id whose whole gimmick is applying count for every other status
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Cashy... Look what they did to me...
I'd like to see any of the nuggets or wonderlab characters again. Not clerks tho. Fuck clerks.
Isn't she still a robot
Scrote reply
The last bit of light she kept is where her womb is anon
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>sanguine pointillism on ahab
>450 damage
That's literally as much damage as ryoshu did rolling double heads with a 6 lust A-res and double rose-gregor use from the coin giving her +4 lust damage up and 6 attack weight so she was hitting all three of them.
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
I got everything from Walpipi so it's going into the savings for the next one.
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where there's a will there's a way plus they can just adopt from the outskirts to get the bookhunter into a game instead of getting scrapped and shoved into a bad ending
The nuggets are in the library,though apparently they received human bodies from the light so maybe some nuggets decided that working for Angela for two games straight was too much and left for the city
Though i'm not sure they'd have their abilities without the library's light
yes we know he's broken and thats why lamentsang gets to be broken in his own way too
evens draw on drawpipi
odds play vidya
we will get Alpha2 clerk gregor id and you will fucking like it
>you must update the game
>go to the app store
>open app no update
>go back update the game
Russian modded S.T.A.L.K.E.R. playthroughs
Leading up to the bleed focused canto and people think the new Rodian will be rupture lmfao
Angela would never
Roland would never
It sucks how assistant librarians ids are unlikely because their abilities are already technically something akin to ids,so at that point why not just make an id of the character the keypage the nugget is using
E...erlking bros, that Uberdriver is making fun of our boy.
How do we respond?
I love this little fucked up artist.
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Angela is so fine
Machine hate
But also Machine love
what did director mean by this
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Hong Lu will go through CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
trust me
yeah i will marry him and fix him
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Will he stop being a dumbass?
[Upcoming measures to the softlocking issue after Sep. 12th Scheduled Update]

Hello, this is Project Moon.

We would like to inform you the cause and our measure to fix the softlocking issue that occurred after Sep. 12th Scheduled Update.

We added a new combat system logic to the game for a new functionality of our upcoming Identity(Devyat’ North Rodion).
As we were making UI adjustments to the combat view, we neglected to include the specific logic for Panicked characters.
This caused an issue where the dashboard would become unresponsive in the Chaining phase, softlocking the game.

We have identified where the logic error occurred, and we are currently investigating our work history to make a precise fix for its causes.
When preparing for a new combat mechanic in upcoming materials, we will now make sure to separate the new logic from preexisting logic so that no softlocking issues can occur again due to similar causes.

We are preparing to deploy a new Client version(1.56.2) with fixes for the above issues.

The fix will be deployed to the STEAM platform as soon as the build is complete.
Because iOS and Android platforms require a review period, please understand that they will be deployed at a later time than the STEAM platform.

We will inform you via an additional notice as soon as we have a more concrete timeframe for the new version deployment.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

[Sep. 12th Scheduled Update Error Compensation]
- Compensation : Lunacy x1300
- Recipients : All users whose accounts were created before Sep. 19th 10:00
- When : After Sep. 12th 2024(THU), 18:00(KST)
- Can be claimed once per account

>free lunacy on my birthday
we're so back
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Let's do MDH!
>Did not gain an EGO gift.
>Did not gain an EGO gift.
>Did not gain an EGO gift.
>Did not gain an EGO gift.
>Did not gain an EGO gift.
And then MDH ended.
Yes. This is why they sent her to the outskirts.
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>game tells me to go to the app store to update
>go to the app store
>nothing there
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Still haven't done railway.
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>1300 lunacy
We're so back.
>Faust smiles at Dante
>Faust wishes Dante good night
>Faust checks in on Dante and encourages him to follow his dreams
>Faust keeps pulling Dante aside to talk to him
>Faust dramatically saves Dante from dying by taking the blow for him (twice)
Why is this WHORE trying to seduce MY manager?
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>New combat system logic for a new functionality of Devyat Rodion
>The new system required UI adjustments presumably for -45 sanity characters because default panicked ones caused the softlock
>Whatever the new system is that Devyat Rodion has must then interact with sanity or panicked characters in some way
So another Sinking ID, eh?
Either that or I'm thinking she can force a panicked state on enemies when conditions are met because the box is so terrifying
Go to bed Outis
First time i've seen someone waifufagging over Dante
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Why is the Director doing this to us...
I thought he was for (You)...
Post the gnome picture
Is the Sinking shitrock the only one worth a shit?
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I wonder who could be behind this post
>Rodya EATS panicked sinners
Fat fuck
>Defeat an enemy with 6 status ailments
>Can only bring 5 without chaining
Gee, thanks game.
tremor rock is also pretty good specially for everlasting
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I'm looking forward to Canto 7, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot, but I'm just worried about the memes. Can Canto 6 truly be topped? Lintonposting, violinposting, Cashyposting, what could Canto 7 offer against these titans?
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>is [shitrock] worth it?
>he's running sinking to begin with
Holy shit anon get some help.
Trenor rock is nice
>Hex nail (3 at uptie 3, 4 at uptie 4)
>Crows eye view
>To pathos mithos
>What is cast
Easy as
And perhaps only that.
I think you should kill yourself.
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She's just a lil' bit hungry is all
Making deliveries is hard work
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Likewise, faggot.
are u 12?
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9/11 DESTROYED Limbus Compipi
Why are you gambling for ego gifts instead of clearing out the shop with 1k Cost and fusing those gifts
Where are the limbus youtubers who have actually read the books and do video essay literary analysis of limbus’s references?
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Canto VI was fucking shit. What a fucking shit show, Heathcliff deserved better.
>What a fucking shit show, Heathcliff deserved better.
This is quite literally the point of the story, bros are we illiterate?
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Most cantos are shit*
Limbus isn't a well written or designed game.
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>cathy as a smug twink
muh dick
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Sleep and dream of Heathtent
I don't speak it but this is exactly what I want TouGAWDs
As far as I'm aware they don't exist but I can't say I've looked.
*Angela can never
They would try, though.
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It's what Angelica would want Roland..
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i actually do need a robot robot fake pussy
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Yi sang wouldn't say that
damn i'd forgotten about this song
fucking cathy
thats kromer quarternary bro
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I actually meant to say Cassie (as in the lead singer of Mili) but all the cathyposting has clearly had an impact on me
So when will sinner 13 Durante get more powers like domain expansion, since his head is just filled with reality warping branches surely he unironically actually is the most powerful sinner in, literally doesn't know it
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Have faith
Angela would never
>Dante was holding back this whole time.
this sounds bad
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Or would she
>Rodya is so FAT she BROKE the game
>Go get her darling! Stop being such a pussy!
>Roland x Angela shippers still exist
where is the fucking update
I unironically woke up from a nightmare about Limbus
Don's Canto was released, and they introduced uptie 5. It was going to cost a total of 2k threads and 450 shards to get your IDs to uptie 5
Made me instantly jump out of my bed before I could check the Canto
SHe's so fat she broke the game a week in advance before her release and even before we saw her kit
Watch the old Nostalgia Critic reviews while you grind your MDs
It's charge bleed with a sanity related in combat passive with an sp sustain support btw
Was it worth it, at least?
Or was it +1 bleed count and +1 coin power on a rainy friday 17th?
Did they fix Echoes of the Manor
It came to me in a goon induced coma.
I saw the cost, and I woke up with a gasp. I didn't read the skills
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Is that going to play for Kromer's rematch?
Or Kromer's canto final boss against Sinclair's family?
the good thing about how upties work is that they have to redo every id they’ve made up to this point so they’re less incentivized to do this the longer it takes
>Coming back
Who is this? Ishmael or Outis?
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>game suddenly slowed to a crawl and started chugging at 1fps
I thought my PC is dying, what the fuck did they break with this update?
Your pc is dying
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Canto 7 we get Binah powah of "hit the fucker with a padlock". Probably not FULL locking of an attack but perhaps locking off a single coin or reducing coin power overall? Definitely feel like the first few powers will be enemy debuffs.
We will get Da'at as well. Sinclair will get the Da'at Librarian ID because in Demian's universe there was an extra sephirah or some bullshit idk
But Don isn't Canadian..
>Lock one Skill for one Turn once a day
No restrictions otherwise
it would after playing this piece of shit
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hats of to el director if it does
The once a day restriction is bullshit and I hope it gets changed toi once a fight or something
Otherwise it becomes impossible to balance around DURANTE powers and they will end up trivializing fights when they are used
kys retard, limbus is GOOD
Need some guidance, bros. I haven't been on when a season rollover happens. I got all the pulls from the Whataburger banner, and I've finished the limbus pass. I'm sitting on 200+ gold egoshard crates now. Should I save them for the new Rody, or what's gonna happen to the boxes? Do I open them all now and just keep picking up units that would be nice to have?
maybe if you compare the memory leaks it has to lobotomy corp’s, it might look “good.”
>Should I save them for the new Rody
she's not exclusive to this season, you can shard her whenever.
>what's gonna happen to the boxes?
they get halved, half of them become normal thread crates and the other half stay as shard crates.
>Do I open them all now and just keep picking up units that would be nice to have?
you only want to shard season 4 exclusive units since you wont be able to shard them again for a while
>complaining about a free game
you don't deserve to play this masterpiece. die
you’re really this upset over gachaslop?
bros I'm losing my mind trying to get the last ordeal challenges
how are you supposed to kill 3 mooks in a single skill from 80% hp?
bro it's 3 individual kills with 3 individual skills spread throughout the battle, not three in one attack.
just set gunsang to captain, slightly soften up one of htem with a random S1, then dump his S3 on them. Repeat two more times.
i'll try that, thanks lad
gunsang S3 will also kill any of them from 100% as long as 3 coins hit heads btw
>Hong Lu continues her metaphor
>Hogdion is too fucking retarded to understand what he's saying
What's wrong with this little piggy?
the fucky bit is it has to be in ONE WAVE (for some reason) so have gunsang as your leader and save up at least 3 S3s for the second/third wave.
>it has to be in ONE WAVE
Wrong. I got it by getting the kill on different waves. Git gud.
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>Hong Lu continues her metaphor
No he didn't
>Another fucking retard
Are all Rodionfags retarded like you?
holy shit
It's great now that Don is a vampire i get to see her drawn as the best and funniest vampire ever
I'm betting the in-game logic is something like
>select a random gift of the right keyword and tier
>if the player already has that gift, give nothing instead
And since you'll have half of the keyword gifts already your actual odds are much less than whatever is printed.
anon sometimes hong lu is just a retard. that’s his character
First off: wrong
Second off: she was talking about running figuratively and he literally
He wasn't continuing it at all
>About to fight Big Bro
>My sinners are shitting themselves
>He brings out the Book of Grudges
>Sinners have lost all hope
>"Wtf they've never done this before. This is going to be such a letdown when my team rolls over him"
>Fight starts
>His goons roll 18 with every skill
>Almost out of juice by wave 3
>Big Bro spams 30 power AOEs at me and splatters my team along the hull

Wtf they weren't lying. Unga bunga has officially stopped being effective in story. Now how do I beat him? Aniki here crushed my lvl 35-40 Sinking team without breaking a sweat and I don't think I have anything that can outclash him
Morons, both of you. You have eyes but cannot see Mount Tai
>They learned helplessness after realising nothing will change no matter how hard they try
>Yeah not everyone can take everything the same way like Meursault can
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you can be a coward and exploit the fact that ish doesn't die as long as one other sinner is alive, so its actually pretty doable with a duo team with ish as the designated tank
most people run a duo team of some ishmael and nclair to body bag them. you can support an nclair if u dont have him
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Me inbetween their sweaty boobs
You have a keyboard yet you can't type anything worth reading
Even if that's what he's trying to say, that's still not continuing the metaphor, that's just pointing out that Meursault's a tough cookie
He's being literal given his other comment on breathing techniques
What do you think of fan abnormalities lcg?
(reposting due to being overtaken)
Wait am I genuinely supposed to cheese him? I figured he was just the casual filter and I was supposed to git gud and learn how to teambuild/use advanced mechanics
why sweaty?
>Wait am I genuinely supposed to cheese him?
Nah. It is an option, but it's not what you're supposed to do at all.
I beat him running level 40 IDs that were generalists so no you don't have to cheese him. It's just some people get walled by him for a while so I just suggested what seems to work for most newbabs.
you can beat him legit if you want, the intended solution is to avoid certain clashes or build up ego resources on the mooks first so you have clashing EGOs
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This was very painful. The light economy is way too tight with all these mass attacks.
He literally nerf and sandbag us for fun we arent winning
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you either stall for egos so you can clash him with full team if you have lots of ids or you bring nclair & ish(any) if you are newer bab
It's the 2nd most painful fight in the game. The most painful and bullshit one is still ahead of you
brain dead idiots like you can't be helped
Boy, I can't wait.
Running Wild Hunt and Funeral Sang at lvl 40, Gredgar at 36 and Butler Faust at 31. I can throw in other IDs at lvl 30 too if I need a full team. Do i just need everything at 40 to have a chance?
Nah, you can get T4 and T1 gifts from the "Gain a tier 2~3 E.G.O." gift option if you already have all the T2 and T3.
Delete this
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Splendid update, now I wait for dailies to reset
prove it
Where's the fucking SOUND
I'm not going to run MDs for your limbass. Just try it whenever you get the chance and it'll happen.
The fuck going on?
i accept your concession, liar.
Rodion's gluttony broke the game
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Currently, the game will shit itself if a character goes into panic
The new Rodion ID has some sort of gimmick that kicks in when selecting skills, they made some changes to the code to enable this but forgot panic exists which meant the game would hang if a character ended up panicking.
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*munch munch munch*
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You're talking about Heart of Aspiration aren't you? Without cheesing it, its fucking awful fight.
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Are you looking forward to the feet canto, limbabs?
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Tell me.
Which abno would you want to be friends with and/or work on the most personally?
They're blunt weak so most of your guys will be weaker. You could definitely still do it but you have to play a bit smarter than Enter+P
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*slurp slurp slurp*
Is it really a feet canto when she refuses to ever remove her shoes? Even to the detriment of her team?
It's not that hard to let your feet burn, Don Quixote. You fucking tease.
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The whole realization is a fucking slog and I hate it. None of the gameplay mechanics are fun to engage with, they are all annoying.
Although it's not limbis related, I just listen to the wan show or cream crew podcast while running mdh
is the blade lineage still the top tier meta game for pvp?
ok boomer
The abno realisations are actual fucking ass. One of the worst parts of ruina.
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Same, the only fight where I had fun was Silent Girl
That's so last season bwo. We are at the lust res spider ryoshu carry meta
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It will end with Don finally being able to remove her shoes without going "vampire mode" and instantly receiving a forced footbath with Meursault's tongue
Faust, since she went the longest without a new EGO
Sinners need synergy to use the egos you fucking retard. Faust has nothing to do with bygone days or what it represents
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Rodya! She'll receive the id and the E.G.O. and you'll FUCKING LOVE IT!

In actuality, it's going to be Sinclair. He's been a TETHlet for far too long
>Sinners need synergy to use the egos
That's true. After all, I love using my 9:2 with the Faust burn ID and 4th Match Flame with my Yi Sang Burn ID
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There is no such thing as PvP in Limbus. The most fitting substitute for a 'PvP' encounter is the Envy Peccatulum in Refraction Railway 4. The 'meta' team for the Envy Peccatulum would be a team with a variety of damage types. Blade Lineage, however, can only consistently do high slash damage and moderate pierce damage with no blunt damage. They would not be suitable for dealing with every Envy Peccatulum.

As for meta teams for PvE content, the 'meta' team would likely be a Poise or Charge based theme due to easier upkeep and use than other status-based themes.
Dumb retard
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sinners for this feel
It’s all fun and games till I can’t read the instructions
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SHITclair has Lifetime Stew and Impending Day as TETHs. He's fine.
Everlasting wasn't that long ago
ish will get both bygone days and zwei you mongoloids
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Both are a total meme!

... fine. I also don't want shitclair. to get anything. Ever.

In that case, my bet would be on Yi Sang just because he seems to give off the most "bygone days" wibe.
In what mirror world, Ryoshu has any representation or synergy with her Shrimp EGO??
it will either be ish or don, no other options.
yi sang already has a bygone days you dumbfuck
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>my bet would be on Yi Sang just because he seems to give off the most "bygone days" wibe.
More Bygone days?
bwo he already has it.. you're making rodionhags look stupid
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>In that case, my bet would be on Yi Sang just because he seems to give off the most "bygone days" wibe.
Oh yeah, completely forgot about Everlasting
Then, who hasn't received an EGO in ages? Don, Yi Sang and Meursault come to mind, all the way from the BP
>In that case, my bet would be on Yi Sang just because he seems to give off the most "bygone days" wibe.
Tы, блять, poдинy cвoю пoзopишь, дypa.
Everyone has had an EGO within this season.
whats is ishmael season 4 ego?
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You know what's funny?
I even have to Uptied to 4, I just never actually fucking use it, even on his sinking ids, so I forgor.

Ok, fine, they'll give it to Don, because giving a sinking E.G.O. to a sinner with zero sinking ids is funni.
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>season 4: clear all outis
spacing out the content evenly between the sinners straight up isn't a thing. il direttore only sees the big picture in his release schedule
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what other guy said
also i would lvl everyone to 38 at least for offense lvl reasons
you get 1/lvl and each 3 offense lvl in difference means +1 to clash power for one whose offense lvl is higher
by making your sinners at least 38 you make it so enemies wont be rolling over you as much , tho aniki still rolls absurdly high
also read his passives/gimmick
She already has a Sinking Id in Fluid Sac bwo.
lol lmao even. you must be new
If you mean season 4 exclusive, then no. If you mean an EGO released during season 4, then it's Wingbeat
Faust's massive retarded breasts
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Kim Ji-Hoon stated that it would be the same sinner as whoever would receive the Zwei ID. the Zwei ID is confirmed to be a solo banner with a single 000. Looking through all possibilities, here's the likelihood of each sinner getting Bygone Days/Zwei

>Gregor, Faust, Sinclair, Rodya
Impossible. Each sinner already has a Zwei ID.
>Ryoshu, Yi Sang, Outis, Heathcliff
Each of these sinners has either already gotten an ID or EGO very recently or would be incapable of having Bygone Days because they already have it. While not impossible, the chance of these sinners getting Bygone Days and Zwei is also next to none.
>Meursault, Hong Lu
There is nothing against them obtaining Bygone Days or Zwei but they have nothing that would imply they would get it over the other sinners.
Don does fit the knightly theme of Zwei. However, Bygone Days would be amiss on her due to her not having a sinking ID and it would be very improbable for her to get a sinking ID when her canto will likely be focused on another status. She has also already received a 'tank' ID recently. Due to a Zwei ID presumably being a tank ID, it would be unlikely for her to receive two tank 000s within the same reason.
Due to her having a sinking ID, a Bygone Days EGO would pair with her far better than Don and she does not have a 'tank' 000. Ishmael has also received the least amount of content and has not received an 000 at all this season.

Therefore, my prediction is that Ishmael will get Bygone Days' EGO and the Zwei 000.
Heathcliff's massive retarded cock
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>Bygone Days would be amiss on her due to her not having a sinking ID
Outis got 3 IDs and 2 Egos this season which has brought her up to par on IDs and part of the group of sinners with 7 Egos while the rest have 6. It says a lot that she needed so much shit just to catch up. Ryoshu got a lot of shit too though but Sinclair and Ishmael got fuck all.
>Mariachi Sinclair
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*kisses you goodnight*
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El Jefe de los Mariachis
Also it's more of a tank EGO than a sinking one (which still doesn't really work that great with any of Sinclair's IDs but whatever).
I just want another ID for Ishmael with a shield. I don't care who gets it between Don and Ish though.
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>ishmael got fuck all
she got a cute maid dress id so im not complaining
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I gotchu.

I don't gotchu. Heteronormative gacha, take your gae elsewhere.
We're getting ANOTHER bygone days?
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While not a competent one, Sinclair does have an ID that inflicts sinking and sinking count in the form of 'Mexiclair', or [Los Mariachis Jefe] Sinclair.
The only sinners to lack a sinking ID is Ryoshu and Don. Both of which also happen to share the common trait of having an EGO that inflicts sinking without having an sinking ID.
Sinking is also a secondary aspect towards Cavernous Wailing. Its main use is to give other allies shield HP.
Yeah and she's cute but that was also 5 months ago
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oh fuck
THAT much time passed?
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christmas heathcliff is one of the best egos in the game just because of its passive
April 18th alongside Maidshu so yep. Wingbeat was May 5th so it's been a while for her in general.
is iOS actually bricked? why is nobody talking about that are all of you unironically virgins?
How many EGOs do we have that generate sin resources?
Sinclair Soup
Outis' Binds
What else?
it's already 2025 bwo
im not a retard playing on an overpriced phone so i couldnt care less about shitty ios idiot
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It's going to be Zwei Meursault. It's all part of the plAn, you see. Meurdon will be made canon next canto.
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yes it was announced in the livestream
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no one here own a phone
If we count passives
Impending Day gives 5 sin resources when Sinclair kills an enemy via its passive.
Bygone Days Gregor gives 1 sin resource of the least owned resource when he kills an enemy. If the unit had sinking, he can gain up to 4 EGO resources
Soda Ryoshu also gives 3 EGO resources of a random affinity already owned when you kill an enemy with her EGO.
Give me one good reason to use an iphone without mentioning the hardware
Is there one for Zwei?
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maaan this summer was a haze
i dont speak overpriced tech slop, what was the question again?
yes i fucking hate women
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You will never get laid without one. It's insta "ick" moment if a woman sees you using a non-apple phone.
oh i completely missed that
>Ishmael got fuck all.
Ishmael got maid and wingbeats
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>Final season 1 banner
Dimension Shredder Yi Sang, Dimension Shredder Hong Lu
>Final season 2 banner
W Corp Yi Sang
>Final season 3 banner
Oufi Heathcliff

They generally try to release something related to the pro/preceeding canto at the end of a season, Yi Sang didn't need an ID because his canto ID was coming out early and there was no point with Ishmael because she had the event 000 and Liu before that. Heathcliff just got his canto ID, and Don has received both a BP EGO and an event 000 this season, so I think they'll break the pattern here.
Don Stew also does but it converts your lust into others iirc
Nearly 5 months ago, mind you, and she hasn't gotten a 000 since Pequod Ish (7 months ago).
no, it converts all your other sins resources to lust
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there wasn't much said for the zwei other than the concept art being shown
Sinclair would definitely use an iPhone
Over the span of 5 months shes got a 00 and a limited time Ego and nothing else unless she gets BG Ego and Zwei. She had a lot already of course but everybody else bar Sinclair I think blew her away this season.
Damn I had it backwards.
IMAGINE using an apple product
Which has to be the most retarded thing I've seen in the game. Back when it was released, Lust was the most abundant sin that we had in the game, and he's an EGO that fucks your other sins for more lust
A compelling point... HOWEVER!
>event 000
T. Corp Class 3 Collector Don Quixote is NOT an EVENT IDENTITY. It was released alongside T. Corp Class 2 Collector Rodion as a standalone/Season 0 banner. The TRUE Event Identities in this case would be the Yurodiviye Duo of Ryoshu and Hong Lu.
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>Erlcliff, please stop laughing when I click on y-
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Yeah I forgot they released an ID based off of an event enemy immediately after that event that wasn't an event ID.
Took this from some random transcript so take it with a grain of salt.

>First off, they're Western. The plan is to have the West stylized after Medieval European Knights. So for Zwei, since they specialize in protection and security, "defense". We were going for this knight concept. And in the South, they used Zweihanders, but in the West, they'll be using even bigger greatswords as well as workshop prosthetics. So, yeah, that'll be the next update after Devyat. Also, this will be one 3 star ID only, with this design. And the sinner getting this ID will be the same ID getting Bygone Days. So, as said before, we were keeping sinner rotations in mind, and if we take all that into consideration, "wouldn't that not be balanced, EGO-wise and ID-wise?" you might say that, but after calculating this, we decided this was okay. So I hope you look forward to this without any misunderstandings.
Contempt, Awe and Impending Day are the best for generating resources I'd say.
Could you post a link to the full transcript? I only ever read the live Google docs one.
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Sinners for this feel?
gregor's bygone day is the best one, but you all aren't ready to accept it
>even bigger swords
can't wait for east zwei going full anime sword
its leddit.

If there's a better transcript, another anon can be free to link it instead. I'm just working with what I have on hand.
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EOS Soon
Gregor's Bygone Days is pretty good also, if you have the resources to spare (you do if you're running a sinking team) you follow it up with Solemn Lament next turn and kill multiple enemies getting you 3 of whatever resources you're lacking.
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Heathcliff and CATHERINE.
>Impending Day
It depends on what kind of Sinclair you're running. For Dawnclair, it's amazing since the burn IDs lack Envy and especially Gloom. For Cinqclair, not so much since you already have plenty of Pride and Lust. Gluttony is also not an issue since the EGOs won't require them, outside maybe Sunshower
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>"wouldn't that not be balanced, EGO-wise and ID-wise?" you might say that, but after calculating this, we decided this was okay. So I hope you look forward to this without any misunderstandings.
>he thinks waiting 5 months is long
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>waiting half a year when you only live for like 40 years is not long
>Contempt, Awe
Potentially giant aoe slash that gives 1 of the least owned resource every time Ryoshu attacks with a normal skill
>Impending Day
Gives 5 resources of whatever affinity Sinclair killed an enemy with
>Bygone Gregor
Gains 1 least owned Ego resource and up to 3 more depending on Sinking(conditional) and a random Ego resource with another conditional.

Don't get me wrong Bygone Greg is definitely good but the other two have more value generally than his. Though his is obviously very good too.
are you a feudal peasant
It's probably to keep their options open with future corp IDs and avoid situations like future Middle and K-corp IDs being completely disconnected mirror worlds from the existing ones.
i'd rather kms than be old
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typical ishfag life expectancy
i like it but ill never be able to unsee the ear
>Ishmael out of nowhere
Behead Ishmael
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I'm sorry her ear just looks like this to me.
what is his fixer grade
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>Western part of the city is knight themed
Knightcliff was a preview of a future Heathcliff ID
>Heathcliff doesn't have any walpurgis identities yet
Big Bird Heathcliff was a preview of a future corroded Heathcliff ID
>Uhhhh... but what about highschool Heathcliff???
It's a walpurgis ID for Distortion Detective from the bit where they're trapped in the school distortion.
Yo lunacy
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He would be Seven Association North Section 5 Director.
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its a fucked up looking ear regardless
West is armor
South is suits
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Thanks Director for the 10 Pull
North is techwear.
What is East?
>he still didn't have Dripsault
Are you a newbab?
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If the west is occidentals the east has to be orientals.
lucky ffs all i got was a yesod dupe
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>they're writing it as they go
And anyone who says otherwise is dumb as a brick
This change proves that her being a Bloodfiend was something implemented when her Canto was getting closer, and not from the start
or they just slept
so what? it's really hard for director-nim to take so much cocaine and LSD every time he has to write a new canto.
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If it had been there from the start I wonder what kind of theories people would have had? Still bloodfiend stuff or something else?
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No, simply unlucky.
I do only have 2 EGO left in my dispenser though. One of them is Hex Nail...
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bwo you are definition of newbab. anyone below lvl 100 is literally a newbie
Don't tell anyone I took a break during season 2 and missed the seagull banner...
>grindcels already coping this hard at their wasted time
>anyone below lvl 100 is literally a newbie
level 90~ bros...
I've been here since day 1, have everything, about 300 free pulls saved, and am only level 80.
Movie directors in the 80s and 70s just needed cocaine to produce good shit
iOS mogs android
Prove it
actual retard
im sure it does little guy
It was stated in her N corp ID that she doesn't take off her shoes.
I just turned off my computer though... and how would I even do that? Make a collage of all my dispensers?
coping newbabs
Post your day 0 banner
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>day1 player
>lv71 with no breaks/maybe a few weeks missed mds due to work
i disagree, i just forger to login and crunch>skip>skip
your starting banner has the date you started playing, newbab
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I put countless hours into going as far as I can in railway 2, I have like 4 runs that went into cycle 10
I hit 2k hours long ago
My manager level is just 90
Anyone who's below level 113 is beneath me
Post your duck to prove it
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i skipped the entirety of season 3 due to burnout
Silence Ruina banner nigger. Paypigs need not apply
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I'm f2p faggot
Only paid for the BP so far
The mirror dungeon abnormalities relating to vampirism/blood prove you're wrong, but they probably came up with the idea of the shoes being a seal later on. Or they just didn't think about it at all when it came to this check.
Seethe harder, play2poor plebeian.
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Forever a newbab but I'm level 101
you are a disgrace to actual f2pchads.
Actual retard. I didn't pay for any banners, just the BP
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... or perhaps the one in charge of making these dumb skill checks is just some payless intern who has no idea of the planned plot
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I've been playing since day 1.
meant bp but whatever
>i sucked cock but it was just the tip so it doesn't count
ayy lmao
doesnt make u a f2p. You retarded?
tell me what f2p stands for, newbab.
faust 2 fuck
fucked 2 faust
Haven't paid for a single game since 1999
The total money I've spent on vidya since then is around 110~ dollar, and it's all on Limbus
retard hours
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I didn't ask. Paypig.
But you were seething enough to actually bother and reply, which is fucking hilarious
He's 100% getting some EGO/ID with his Hair short, probably alongisde a long hair Ryo
He was not being a dumbass here though, just pretending to take it literally while meaning both.
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I actually didn't even know this was a thing.
I'm not taking the time to photo all my dispensers and inventory though.
>I haven't spent money on A
>I spent money on A v2
You niggas have been paying 60$ for games since you held up a controller while I got it for free. I don't wanna hear shit out of your mouth
Are you supposed to hover over it or why does it not show me the date...
lol boomer seething
>he cares so much about showing off he takes the time to carefully screenshot his collage of paypigging
You have to click and hold until to shows up.
You know jack shit abt me and my spending habits lmao.
ur so cool seafag boomer kun. u dont buy anything because ur a broke bitch and even if u did have money ur clearly a jew too
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The clock is ticking.
Seconds turn into minutes, which then turn into hours, and those hours turn into days, weeks, months, so on and so forth.
A hundred threads remain until the second milestone is reached and surpassed.
Why is Roland looking so smug?
he just impregnated her
>poorfags seething?
>in MY gacha game?
i didnt know either but i cba to post since im at work and imnt sure if it works on phone that way
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how fucking bad is genshin doing
work hard wagie oink oink
Wealth and Fame
nvm figured it out
heres id as well for those who want
i get paid to do nothing lmao
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Kankan undistorted again
Hoyoslop feels so souless to me. I tried ZZZ and couldn't get more than an hour in without losing interest.
He would never cheat on Gebura
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>got healed by Nasukino
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>Kankan is a Cielbro
Based schizo
Maidmael on poise/sinking? I want to use my other maid bros
There's nothing wrong with maid ish, she's perfectly serviceable, just not as good as molar. But she doesn't feel bad.
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ZZZ has fun gameplay and no chinawank. Genshin should just EoS, it's that garbage
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Canto 2 made sure Rodya will never ever be popuplar
You’re paying for a gacha… -_-
Paid. Past tense. I'm no longer paying since I'm set until Canto 13
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>Check his twitter
>The Tsukihime remake literally woke up his EGO
This is hilarious, good for him though, lets hope he doesn't have another episode anytime soon
Is rhyno better than middle mersault if I'm running a bleed team with middle don?
He’s plapping her fat ass tonight
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>You niggas have been paying [HEADCANON] for games since you held up a controller
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>1300 free lunacy for some reason idk
>8 speed Nclair pecca that is immune to rolling heads ever
Man FUCK this guy
where are girls with animal ears

do i just drop this game or should i keep going
I'm at 180/200. Should I bite the bullet and get the monthly extraction pack?
That's really high for blood pressure, is Ishamel your favorite sinner?
I did yesterday because I wanted the Hod announcer but it depends on what you're missing pal.
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Do you put Lament Sang or Wild Hunt Cliff 1st in MD sinking runs? Or maybe even Priest Lu?
buy the monthly decaextraction ticket
I usually have Lament Sang 1st, Wildcliff 2nd and Dieci Hong 6th.
I have Dieci Sault, Funeral Sang, Dieci Hong, Heir Gregor then others after.
Imagine Ryoshu kicking you in the face with her bare foot
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ryoshu as of today still hasn't written any
observation log for both abnormality and distortion
what a lazy bum
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I could tank that
>hasn't written
Hasn't been allowed to write. Do you think any of the other sinners want to have to read
>S.B.T. L.O.F. Do not T.T.H or it will S.Y.I. Avoid L.T.C, makes my H.F.W. W.S.M.A.A.S.
>Ryoshu gets Ricardo's observation log
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Fuck you director you fucking HACK
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>single coin
>single coin
What a fucking waste aesthetics ID.
And worst of all no fucking rupture. Her ID is literally useless aside from the good rolls and slash fragility. It's pretty cool that she has less hp than a newborn baby and also a counter for some reason though.
gn /lcg/
>5 Slash fragility
>All the strong Slash IDs are hoarded with Ryoshu
What the fuck were they thinking??
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God I wish Ryoshu would fucking rape me senseless.
Why does she have an extra phalanx?
aesthetics carry,alao you can use her in pure slash autism ig
gn bwo *SMOOCH*
>less hp than a newborn baby and also a counter for some reason though
All they had to do is give her single stagger bar at 50% HP. So she would work as clasher with some debuffs to help slash teams. No. Here is 3 (TRES) and the first one is at 70%. Because fuck you.
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Ryoshu is a boy
They weren't thinking with most of the starting IDs clearly.
To be fair there were a few decent slash IDs back then like Yuri Faust, W Don, KK Hong and Shi Ishmael but even then they usually had 1 good skill and 2 shitty ones to stall for the good one.
Their biggest crime was KK Rodion.
>S1 only gains 4 poise on heads hit
>S2 gets 1 poise count so its gone next turn
>S3 needs 6+ bleed to double crit chance, only applies the 10 bleed on crit and is a monocoin.
>Her passive was literally impossible to achieve because she almost never had 5 poise
She might as well be with her flat body.
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>pure slash autism
Doesn't exist. You can't make a pure physical team and expect to have fun. I've done several runs with both pure slash and blunt teams in MDH and I had the worst times on every run. The shit is comparable to doing MDH2 runs with an underpowered team
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Except 3/6 of her skills can't clash for shit, 5/6 unless she's at 45SP (and even then she'll just randomly roll tails and evaporate)
i spent all my accumulated paid lunacy on the packs
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Flat is justice
Please don't start
The worst part is that she had the chance to be saved on UT4 and they fucked that up as well
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>most popular designs are ryoshu with tits
12/18/19 isn't that bad for a 00. She used to be one of the go-to 00s when we were forced to use them in MD
Yeah no clue what went thru their brains when it came to UT4. Some IDs got saved by it and some may as well not have gotten anything.
>drawn by tertiaries who don't even play the game or give a shit about the lore
Penetration on ryoshu's sword
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Please Director, I've got 2600 free lunacy, at least a Hod announcer, if not Ryoshu please!
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What are the lore implications of Ryoshu being as flat as a board?
>she'll just randomly roll tails and evaporate
That because she is made of fucking glass. As long as you can flip heads, her rolls somewhat decent for clashing. The problem that most enemies now also decent at clashing too. And MD buffs scale in the worst way imaginable.
She's Japanese
Child malnourishment
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A hook lu and a N Rodya...
Needs another child to increase her tit size
Her child died from brittle bones because she couldn't produce milk from her tits
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She do be kinda bad tho..
Sorry you're blind.
>the lore
>>>>the lore
>>>>>>>the shitbus lore
HAHAHAHA oh that's good. Yeah that's good bait, (You). I too love vagueposting and DUUUUUDE pausibilities clapbait maaan
What are the lore implications of Rodion big fucking tits? Her character is canonically malnourished and is constantly starving.
All the nutrients are immediately going to her tits, which explains why they're so fat and she's constantly hungry. It's like tape worm, but in her chest
Why do my sinners keep raping me I just want to be friendly to them but they keep using me…
ishMALE flatter and uglier hehehe
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Here we go again..
Is Ryoshu flat, or does she have big boobs in the canon of the game?
>most popular Ryoshu design doesn't look like Ryoshu at all
cute boy
Rape with ryoshu.
Rape by ryoshu.
Eroguro with ryoshu.
Gutting sinclair for fun with ryoshu.
Dumping the remains somewhere dante won't find them.
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And there it is
You can almost hear the brownoid SEA monkey in this
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The best part is director agrees because they reused it for her WAW.
Imagine not getting your voice redone but your entire character design instead.
Missing the obese Ishmael picture
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That's definitely not a seanigger
<I do NOT sound like that.>
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Why are they only inconsistent designwise for some of the sinners and not others? Faust, Rodion, and Outis are more or less always the same but Don, Ryoshu and Ishmael will randomly get bigger or smaller tits.
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Shut up SLUT.
You are company property. You exist because we made you. You will do what you're told because you don't have a choice. Now drop your pants.
Faust would NEVER say this, not even in a mirror world.
I could see N Faust saying it
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I enjoy Ryoshu with tits and with no tits.
I just like her.
And I like all tits, big and small and flat.
I remember when Faust said this
>shitclair image
I filter md5.
Simple 'as.
<I don't sound like a nasally squeaker. That's all I said...>
Thread quality has been very low since last week. So much that I hardly ever post anymore.
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thread quality has never been good
Blame walpurgis for being worthless trash and a complete waste of time for both pm and players.
N Faust is crazy but not a rapist, nonetheless normal Faust
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Limbus and its consequences have been a disaster for pmverse.
that's a woman?
>implying this general has ever been good
It’s just a worse version of the /v/ threads
Back to the lab again!
this game shouldn't get pass the concept stage but here we are watching this abomanation still alive and prosper what a rotten way to live
/v/ threads weren't always unusable garbage. Not the shitbus threads obviously, things had degenerated into circlejerking trashfires for years by the time it came out.
>Eats panicked Sinners
>Eats Rodya after X amount of time
>Eats Rodya if she panicks
Don has always been a big titty woman. The only actual flattie is Ryoshu
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This is real Ishmael raped me and now I have to pay both for my therapy and for child support
i still suprise that people still has anything to talk about here
<Never said this.>
Maybe box goes indiscriminate aganist targets in panic state? Including the user. So it's like extra skill weight but at a cost? I honestly can't imagine this being new panic type she inflicts.
You know that's not true. LCB was flat as a board until the Warp Train CG showed her fat tits in the background. Shi had a breastplate but W had them out in her pre uptie art. She's consistent now but definitely was contested for a bit there.

Ishmael also can't decide if she has tits or not but that's another matter.
>Heathcliff starts as one of the poorest sinners
>ends up one of the richest after inheriting Wuthering Heights
>Hong Lu is the richest sinner
>Canonically ends up a monk in his book
Like pottery.... it rhymes...
So, now that echoes is fixed, I tried out sinking without Dieci Rodion for Rime Shank. My team was WH Heathcliff, Edgar Gregor, Molar Ishmael, SL Yi Sang, Butler Outis, and Dieci Hong Lu (this could be Dieci Mersault if you want gluttony).
Overall, it works great. Obviously, your potency is gonna be lower than it would be from corroded Rime Shank, but you maintain count just fine with echos up, and you don't need to stall/spam defense skills to gain enough gloom for the overclock.
The plan is, assuming youre going into the boss with setup, you want to have the following skills ready to use turn 1
>Outis skill 3
>Ish skill 3
>Gregor skill 2
You also want Yi Sang Skill 3 available, though it can be your third skill. Preferably, you don't want it as his bottom skill.
Obviously, you'd get more count from Gregor and Ishmael if you used them after echoes is up, but you want to go into turn 2 with as big a count buffer as possible. Hopefully they don't both go first, if they do, maybe some should use defense. One thing you can do is use Cavernous Wailing Hong Lu (or regret Mersault) to inflict tremor count on the target to make Ishmael skill 3 inflict extra count from her passive, which won't fuck up insight. Ideally you also get Yi Sang to reload so he gains haste but if you can't it's not a huge deal. Against multi body part bosses, you can use Binds Heathcliff to make his skill 3 next turn hit multiple parts
Turn 2, just unload on the boss. Hopefully Yi Sang went close to first so you can mag dump with the skill 3 to get damage from The Departed on the whole team, use Solemn Lament Gregor to nuke, Heathcliff skill 3, etc.
I know this sounds like a lot but really all you're doing is, during the setup, simply not using the mentioned skills until the boss. Then just use them. This gives more than enough potency and count for conditionals, and solid damage via. Team isn't as good against bosses w/o setup, like heartbroken Heathcliff and nelly
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lady Hod’s big boobs
You are demented if you think this isn't a white guy
I expected a lot of train noises and clock sounds. So this is the voice of one who fishes for (you)s around here...
I see people bring this up a lot but why do you think Heath is rich now? I don't remember him inheriting anything and he's left it behind anyway so it's not like he has money either.
I swear anytime that I try to do the hard mode of Kill 3 enemies with one skill, it always, always results in Lamentsang only managing to get at least two of the Fruits down before the rest have just too much HP to burst down.
Do I NEED to 45 Lamentsang to do this? I figured 40 would be enough and it's kinda worked already.
Ryoshu is getting long hair in her LCB Realization ID
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am i stupid
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>I don't remember him inheriting anything
It's basically free real estate at this point. No joke.
Not sure what to tell you. I had hid at level 45, UT4 and his S3 one shot any blob he came across so long as it rolled right. You do that 3 times, beat Grant Us Love and then mission complete. Pretty simple.
So do you think Devyat will be any of the status we already have, or maybe something completely different? Them being delivery drivers reminds me of Laetitia somehow, who gives you a gift and makes you explode.
I'm assuming this was before Cathy was cleared so it's irrelevant no? If its after then how would her will even exist
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I get that, I'm just stingy when it comes to making units max level unless it's REALLY worth it. Like N.Clair or W.Don/Shu etc.
If you are level 40, I'm pretty sure you can sneak in an S1 against the enemies with 240+ HP, that leaves them with sinking while keeping them still in the 80%+ range for your S3.
Alternatively, D936037157
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i need a mouthful of ish grool
Drop the game and go back to furryknights
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Why is she naked
Bros, I... lost......
Her will wouldn't exist, true... but as the only remaining heir to Mr Earnshaw, it goes to him by default
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not reading that
the game
post full
you have to be doing this on purose at this point
Why are YOU at my front door?
Your naked under your clothes.
what the fuck

does this mean sinners are naked under their clothes too

what lore implications does this have
We don't even know what happened with manor after Canto 6. Heathcliff is the only relative alive. So even if Catherine last will is null and void, he still can be considered inheritor. I guess?
whoops wrong word
you're* clothes
She corroded Capote a bit too hard and tore her clothes
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Minor spelling mistake
You're dead, clerk
Is this railway doable at lvl 40? don't really have the tickets to level a bunch of teams
Be happy I didn't include the fucking obese Ishmael soundpost.
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>Is this railway doable at lvl 40?
Imagine if we could dispense banners haha...
Gregor isn't, it's all bug exoskeleton there.
She was one of the MVPs of MD2H at least
Malkuth’s love handles…
>Is this railway doable at lvl 40?
a 5 level difference is only +1 clash power for enemies
Depends on IDs, I would guess. Mirror clock orange road... BROKE me. To the point where I actually try to meet LVL requirements. This one is more about having good AOE EGO's if you want to avoid needless suffering.

Reminded me a lot of Wuthering Heights. It even has Ishmael in there.
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Sinner for this feel?
Heathcliff has one.
LCB Heath has the support passive "1 ally with the lowest Max HP deals +10% Blunt damage." Would this mean if the lowest HP ID has only slash moves it wouldn't work or would it move on to the next lowest HP ID with blunt moves?
All this schizo theorizing that Rodion's box will eat panicked targets only reaffirms that she will get the Mountain of Smiling Bodies Lobotomy EGO. Because she's fat.
...Shit though, intentionally killing your team or speed blitzing shitter enemies to build it up does sound kind of cool.
It goes to the ally with the lowest health. There is no clause that would cause something else to happen.
it goes to the ID with lowest max HP
Even if said ID deals no blunt damage
Which means it'd be useless if the lowest health ID has only slash moves right
passives will prioritize the sinner in the first deployment slot. If that sinner doesnt meet the requirements it moves down priority until it does

ex: I have 3 slash ids and then a blunt id in deployment 4. If all oft hem meet the requirement for R corp ish's blunt passive it will still trigger for the 4th deployed sinner because they actually have blunt skills
It's parrt of what boosts her ego so much
Gebura… you’re a little overweight…
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Eternal paus love
I'm getting kinda tired of this time. Nothing interesting ever seems to happen, the events are way too repetitive and the gameplay is basically just read a novel every fight and figure out the right rhythm of the fight. The girls aren't even sexy either. Should I cut my loses and wait for TM's next game?
lol you got me
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Why are you here if those are your priorities? It's a literal indie company gacha game.
Sinclair and Don.
Yi Sang and Sinclair.
I thought The Hearbreaking would be good but it was overall disappointing.
Don't ever, EVER play a game called "Limbus Company." Man this sht is so wrong in so many motherfuking levels yo...I was talking to one of my white friends and he sent me a steam link with the name only labeled "Limbus Company" I said to this dude, What's this sht? He just giggled and said "Just watch them and MAKE SURE NOBODY IS AROUND YOU WHEN PLAYING IT!" Then I thought it was some weird porno or some strange sht but as I played through the cantos, I was like "Yo.....what the fuk.." THEN IT CONTINUED and I was like "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo......." THEN THEY GOT IN THE MOTHERfukING WHALE AND THEN I SAID "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I couldn't fuking believe what I just saw, It was like Satan gave me his porno collection, sht was so disturbing..YET I COULDN'T STOP PLAYING IT, THEN GAME TWO AND IT WAS TWO OF THEM.....THOSE NIGGAS...YOOOOOOO.......THOSE NIGGAS....AND THAT GIRL SAW THEM THEN SHE...YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... THEN THAT NIGGA TURNED INTO A DOG THEN YYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........IT WAS LIKE YOUR bich WANTED TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU BUT SHE WANTED TO SOMETHING "DIFFERENT" AND IT WAS SO fukED UP AND CREEPY, YOU JUST...KEPT WATCHING IT...AND THAT'S WHAT I fukING DID!!!!! THEN I GOT TO 6.3 THREE...THREE NIGGAS...THRRREEEEE!!!!!! IT...WAS...THHHHHHRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! AND LINTON WAS HIS NAME NIGGA, LINTON WAS HIS MOTHERfukING NAME!!!!!! OH MY GOD,I AIN'T GOING TO HEAVEN NIGGAS, I ALREADY SOLD MY SOUL TO LUCIFER! So I Just want to tell you all right now..DON'T PLAY A GAME LABELED LIMBUS, DON'T DO IT NIGGA, IT'S LIKE SUCCUBUS. REMEMBER WHAT I'M SAYING TO YOU NIGGAS!
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>Rodya is so special she broke the game a week before her release
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>TM's next game
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keked, that was good
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Does anyone have any advice for Mirror Dungeon Hard Solos?
I'm struggling with DingSang.
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Is that the Red EoS?!
DingSang is Solemn Lament yes?
Aim for either Gloomy Coat or Blue Zippo, because he can't feed any other healing sources beside base Gregor's measly 5 hp on turn end or any of his ego besides Bygone Days.
Lobotomy Corporation was great, Library of Ruina was good I guess (even though the magnet plotline never paid off), but Limbus seems afraid of doing anything interesting.
But Sinclair exists.
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Sinclair isn’t interesting
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sex with child gebura
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>the magnet plotline never paid off
Imagine STILL being a magnetfag
im not gonna ever see php stand for anything else but that from now on am i
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aight enjoy it doesn't exist____________
>went to pity without getting anything else this walpungis
Just support, sis
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>TM's next game
Extra record soon bro
The magnet plotline?
but then the characters isn't mine and it's like soft NTR.
I just got Dawn announcer and a bundle of suffering. Will be a long 3-4 months.
aren't mine**
please no bully i'm at my lowest and couldn't take more punishment.
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I'm going to beat you to death
Come on, anon, just one more roll. Rolling once hasn't hurt anybody, hell, you might even get the ID you wanted. It's not like 10 euros is too much.
luck correlates with skill
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Absolutely nothing?
Like no LamentSang or shit?
How tf do you such bad luck in 200 pulls
Art book source?
that's the luck of the gacha
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24 hour nonstop sex with this unholy creature of sin
Such shall occur to all of us one Walpipi...
Did you shart all the EGOs before pulling to increase your odds?
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bro don't do that anon like that
this was the first time i had to hit pity for walpenis just to get gungregor
Don is unhinged today
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>clear out dispenser
>forget this thing exists
>somehow never rolled it despite being day 1
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Spoilers for ruins ending btw since ruina was an early access game, we eventually puzzled out that Roland's purpose in the Library was to murder the cause of the distortions, i.e. Angela. The Day of the Magnet therefore is the supposed event where Roland murders Angela. Which happens. In a non-canon bad ending, where Roland then ends up face down in a ditch riddled with weapons like a porcupine, after leading a miserable life of working for the next hit. Deserved btw, because choosing to murder Angela in that moment goes entirely against the main theme of the game
nta but last walpurgis I almost reached pity and only got Dawn Sinclair on my final roll, no announcer and EGOS, having no more lunacy to pull afterwards. Sometimes the luck is just not on your side.
How does that work? Even if you clear all out all but 1 EGO, doesn't the last EGO take up the entire % chance of an EGO drop? And then what happens when you have 0 EGOs left, what absorbs the % chances?
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Can Sinclair keep up?
You can't murder a robot, retardcuck...
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It's still not out yet? Damn, how long has it been since just the announcement? I've already decided to abandon the TM train for what feels like forever ago
If you don't have any other EGO left to get then you're guaranteed to get Lament Gregor. And when you get him and have no EGO left to get then the odds of getting a 000 go from 2.9% to 3%.
>still hoping for new nasushit
someone draw angelas brains getting scrambled by a magnet
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They recently released another trailer that showed the gameplay which was a card game, instead of the old Extra gameplay. I think they put the release date in 2025 though.
they need to up the roguelike element to 11 in MD, make season 1 forced gossy seem like a minor inconvenience in comparison, make this shit unfair, i'm just pressing winrate in md hard and winning without getting staggered once
That's what MDH should be honestly. Basically a real game.
they should add an extra bullshit difficulty mode that still lets you do your weeklies but doesnt do anything else except maybe add a banner with a counter for how many times you cleared it. and we also need more cool events that change the way you play like forced gossy, maybe some other shit that curses you and fucks you in the long run, to add some lobcorp vibes
Sinclair has the Mark of Cain, what other sinners have it or the potential to have it?
I didn't understood Demian when he said that, did he specifically said that some sinners already have it or they could have it in the future?
That we know of,
Sinclair has it
Rodion doesn't have it

Then its all speculation because we don't actually know anything about the Mark of Cain plotline
Sinclair sandwiched between Don and Yi Sang
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I dont usually care for faust but this id is so cool and good its making me start to like her
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Feels bad for Rodion, she seems to be shitted on since her Canto.
Bad for Sinclair to abandon her as his mommy figure for Ryoshu instead.
She was always his big sister.
Sonya was the one who mentioned that some of the Sinners have it, but that specifically Rodya doesn't. Dante and Sinclair have it for sure as they both can see and reacted to the mark appearing on Rim. No one else did but that would be spoiling future developments for no real reason.
I suspect Don forma de Bloodfiend will have it if Director decides Cain being the origin of all monsters (and thus vampires too) is something he wants to assimilate into his lore in some fashion.
Gregor has the mark because he's Jewish and cursed by God.
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Lobcorp ryoshu > Wryoshu
cant believe the madmen at PM decided to powercreep w ryoshu
>abandon her as his mommy figure for Ryoshu instead
Ryoshu can watch from the window while Rodya and Sinclair do Sweeper roleplaying
I should’ve said what they meant by abandoning the plotline
It was always obvious that they’d forgive each other since the game was building up to that
I don't even remember where it was revealed that Sinclair had the Mark of Cain, might have been because of rushing to catch up with the story and do Railway.
What do you mean by Sweeper roleplaying?
W Ryoshu is still great though. I think W Ryoshu is better in charge teams and Lobcorp ryoshu is better in Bleed or generalist teams.
At some point, Sinclair says he has trouble going to sleep because Rodya keeps making weird sweeper noises to scare him at night.
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of course someone who only watched ruina on youtube would have such a crappy opinion
It is especifically mentioned in his Canto and you can literally see it in N Clair, but incomplete.
What do we know is that he has yet to show his full potential.
Can I trade in 100 ideality for half of a ID? Please director?
Comparing the two in a general team, Budshu comes out at the top. She has a lot of damage modifiers that it makes up for it in the long run. W Ryoshu's damage modifiers are the final coins of skill 2 and 3.
she doesn't
which is why its a zayin
Yeah and you can fuse two halves
Do our fat femanons slap their bellies?
We're getting the trailer for rodya and bygone days tomorrow, right?
One more sleepytime until the "is it ishmael or don" conversation will end with hilarious results...
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I'll take Ryoshu with just Red Eyes, I'll come back for the Penitence in 3 months. Thanks, kjh.
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There are no femanons here.
Double checking. The Walpurgis Extraction will only leave after the Wednesday maintenance, right?
begone hoyoslurper
>a repressed murderhobo chooses an actual murderhobo, instead of a fake happy atoner, as a figure to emulate
I don't fucking know, anon, you tell me why that happened.
>What do you mean by Sweeper roleplaying
Is it worth to pay for the Lunar offers? the WAW ticket to Update 4 looks good. Isn't it like 300 Threads?
this walpurgis has been a wake up call. i'm gonna start saving even more and only refill once once per day if we're going to get 2 000 + EGO twice per season
What's wrong with this grown-ass woman?
Why would she do it to him?
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>acting like middle don doesnt exist
She’s fat and hungry
Yes if you finish a MDR and dont collect the rewards until after the week passes you can cash in another 750 Lunacy before maintenance kicks in. You could do one final 10 pull.
Nice to see Donfags still don't know how to read. Good morning burger boy
Pausbros... It's over...
i need all femanons itt to slap their titties as hard as they can
>mhmhmhmhm this page doesnt exitso!!
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only those who have the mark of cain can see the mark of others.
so dante has it (since he saw the mark on both demian and the distortion friend of yisang)
faust wouldn't be that big, she would be small
>If she don't hawk tuah I won't tawk tuah
Which sinner would say this?
It exists for me, It's Paus holding a monster cock the size of her arm it's her own cock
don when she sees a child
Dante (me)
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yi sang
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Only Ryoshu can bring out the twink's murder potential
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only thing rotten is your english skills
That doesn't even make sense. If I watched a playthrough on youtube, I'd have no connection to the gameplay at all. And the gameplay in most of ruina sucks ass.
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>And the gameplay in most of ruina sucks ass.
everyone who says this is just shit at card games in my experience
He is very huggable
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name ONE good card game. you can't.
magic the gathering (pre modern horizons)
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then why play limbus?
it has worse gameplay than ruina
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yugioh but only if it's my interpretation of how everyone would play yugioh in the exact perfect era I perceive and no one uses any of the strategies I didn't have knowlede of back then
...If you assume I'm even thinking modern yugioh then PFFFFFFFFFF
director please let me use unupgraded versions of my characters. for fun of course, and not to speed up my md grind by not having to watch skill 3 animations haha...
>implying yugioh was ever good
not having a resource for using your spells doomed that game to be shit from its inception
is butterfly shooter yi sang better than blood painter yi sang?
what is don doing to that squirrel
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so that every six months i can go WAHOO while the latest milislop blasts over my headset
>been playing since last wally and decided to tackle hard mode
>i keep pressing win-rate with top tier 000 units
>the final boss keeps killing me
WHAT THE FUCK?! How is this so difficult?
>There are people here that play by clicking the win button
>45 sanity Rcliff S2 at 1 speed
>-25 sanity pecca Dieci Rodion S3

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this is the SHITTEST abno fight. i HATE it. doesn't even fucking do anything just had 3k hp and a single stagger threshold fuuuuuck yoooou
It's the easiest one dude, the fuck are you complaining about?
It legit feels designed to stall turns or FORCE you to use a T Corp ID to cheese it.
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it was easy, but really damn boring.
it's good when you first get into it before you start slowly seeing how much of a travesty the game truly is honestly
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Gordian quest
Fights in Tight Spaces
Dicey Dungeons
Legends of Runeterra (Path of champions)
And yes, Slay the Spire.
that's how I've felt about every RR abno desu
Why exactly are you using Rcliff in railway 4 lol?
It's basically a "use a T Corp ID, or waste 15 extra minutes and about 12 turns" sorta meme
Turn autism obviously moron
>long battles
>>using rcliff when he eats shit by turn 4
you do you anon
>What is Steam Machine
>What is 6 protection Drifting Wolf
>What is 18 Self-Charge Shock Centiepde
>Binds turn 1
>Massive aoe damage turn 2
>Binds turn 3
>Massive aoe damage turn 4
He starts with 16 bullets which is plenty with this strategy for section 3.
bro what were they thinking making a heath ego a crit kill conditional to restore ammo twice per battle
then any heathcliff would work then
KJH doesn't really think, mate.
that ego gives him the pendant of nostalgia effect
yeah and R cliff is the best one to use. this isn't complicated
Idk if I would consider his skill 2 to be "massive AOE damage". Isn't it only 3 attack weight with binds? I mean it's not bad, but also Pierce damage is pretty bad this railway on the whole.
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I think rodya potential will be born when she stops thinking she can't do nothing to change/Everything is set in stone, and start betting in every possibility to changes things, will tie with her already mystic gambler motif
Section 3 has multiple IDs weak to pierce plus spamming aoe means they'll be staggered so he's doing 20-40 dmg per coin to multiple pecca. He also fucks up the sheep with T rodion with his QS which also enable everlasting and the gay frog egos
>>Massive aoe damage
Do you know how King in Binds buff work?
don't worry she still going to be more interesting than ish will be for the next 8 years since director trying to fix her
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Doesn't the sheep take only 50% from QS? Like yeah that 50% gets doubled by being turned into sloth, and the 4 fragile is good for others, but QS itself probably isn't doing that much comparatively due to the resistance
10/12/13 are not massive damage
He's mostly there for the binds/king aoe strat but he does decent damage in general so it helps. The sheep is mostly: T Rodya S3>Effervescent Corrosion>Gay Frog>Everlasting and any extra damage is a bonus.
It is when the enemies have like 220 hp max and are staggered.
6+8+10+12 = 36 which doubled from stagger (it's targeting the lowest HP guys, whom are likely staggered as they are envy Pecca) is 72 damage. To 3 targets. Maybe not all 3 are staggered but considering you used binds last turn many will be.
Also you can keep SP topped off using Fluid Sack.
What I'm mostly curious about is, how does Before the King in Binds work on a skill that already has attack weight, like Wild Hunt Skill 2? Does it just target 2 more people?
Uh, I assume effervescent corrosion is on the second turn? Because you're certainly not talking about Hong Lu's, and you already used Rodion skill 3. Also, if the original damage was sloth damage, does it get doubled again when converted from time moratorium?
>6+8+10+12 = 36 which doubled from stagger
That's not how it worked. It used to work like that, but PM nerfed it
Now it only does the final coin's number damage. So in Rabbit's case with 20 binds, that's 10/12/13 on his respective skills
Oh, what a fucking dog shit EGO then lmfao. Glad I never uptied that shit.
You guys are morons.
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Do you found it funny that it been 8+ year and nobody even bother to make any analysis video about ayin .Despite being a mc and influent most of the event of the series like still 0 video other than shitpost.
Aiyn is completely incomprehensible to the dull and perfectly understandable to the intellectual. So why make a video?
I did actually think that one woman's Hokuma essay was good
Only so many ways you can say a puddle is deep.
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They simply don't understand the complexity of Ayin character, they usually go for something more to their level like Ang*la.
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mostly because outside of 4chan. most fans just see ayin as a villain and a unlikeable person.
like i've seen people straight up refuse to play lobcorp because they dont like the idea of playing as him
>buy new ID with thread
>pull same ID right after
Troons aren't fans
at least a video that can decently protray him in a non bias view could be good he derserve to get something
funny that playing both game make you hate ang*el* unless you're delusional
this is so fucking sad
Ayin's character doesnt really matter for the events of lobco t b q h desu famalam
Before the thread dies gimme that one image of tails gets trolled but with yesods meltdown
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you're not a real fan of the series if you came out of lobcorp/ruina hating angela.
she's one of the biggest victims in the series
>Angela out of nowhere
Blame Ruinababs
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Every time. Brainlets and clout-chasers make video essays and Lobcorps filters both of those groups. If you play and beat Lobcorp, you will understand Ayin and those who do won't bother spoon-feeding mid-wits. So what if we got a bunch of secondaries LARPing as Aynfags with "le ebin anti-AI chad xddd" memes? Their population will increase if anyone bothers making character analysis videos.
>ruina out of nowhere
Ruina broke you.
yeah and i fucking hate victims?
bad thread bad game

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