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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>494162147
catboy supremacy
my femlala keeps taking morning shifts at work yet still staying up until 5am

please help
catgirl rapemeat
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interesting choice of OP image
>captcha: R0MPR
it knows..
i'm far too scared to reply to garuda posts because whatever song is stuck in my head is almost certainly cringe as fuck
Nobody unironically likes male characters
my moony is
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Effy Kibou! You will immediately halt all slutposting. Anyone who thirst posts you beyond this point shall be executed, be warned! We are getting EB'd and anyone who wishes to speak to you must now go through me. Thank you, my wife. That is all!
I like them as friends
I believe Confess posts are literally just trying to recognize people and get dirt on them.
I wish I erp'd so I could plap all the cute femlalas
I like bunboys. They're cute.
this is something you can change yknow...
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Oh no
No they arent
No you dont
I make anchors solely to get (you)s but I do not pay attention to anyone replying to them
The bent dick femra in the last thread is my alt
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I have a bungirl who likes me a lot
I want to be plapped by Kong
No you dont
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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what do we thing of glubra?
Plap until you pass out.
I am secretly attracted to hrothgirls.
I don't know how to even get started and writing was always one of my weakest subjects.
i have femra fatigue
Nobody actually likes you Uchiki, they just keep you around as the gay best friend simp
true, i need to take a shower after getting raped in that last frontline match
if a glubra did that to me I'd faint
I only get the energy to pose late in the evening but my motivation to pose also dies down in the evening
As a result I've done zero lewd gpose collabs this entire year
I know a moonie that really likes male characters
i don’t play a female rava anymore because i got tired of people insisting she was a futa
Yes I do
Also I am not Uchiki
Nobody likes non futa sunnies...
bedbreaking sex
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I think some Hroth and Highlanders look really good.
I do t. futa sunnie
>super drunk
yep its time for cc
it's simple enough once you get into the swing of things, might be worth it for lala puss haha..
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everytime I see a femhroth the first thing in my head is this image
No you do not
They should make each raid series 3 raids instead of 4, and have 5 raid series instead of 3.
5 raid series with 1 series every 3 months instead of 3 raid series every 5 months.
Most of the songs are. I wish people posted good songs they actually like instead of memeing.
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happy hyursday!
yeah I do, I prefer female chars but some guys still look good man.
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have you seen this general?
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is there a sexhair mod
>no pubes
No you dont
showing pubes gets you banned
I don't like futa sunnies.
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I am a depressed lalaboi, that has been drinking and chainsmoking for over 12 hours.
And I hope it stays that way, every time a girl comes into my life I end up giving up everything I have and receive only pain, sadness and trauma
I never chased anyone, they all came to me and I was too weak and lonely and let it happen
I unironically hope they avoid me for my own good
who is jealous of buns now
other races post too..
this is a lala isn't it.....
I always post songs I like and have recently listened to. I just like bad music.....
i wish i didn't have to work
so i could play this game with my friends all day
I love them so much
My sunnie does, but - on - love is rarely wanted...
which race/gender combo has the best aesthetics for bard?
God damn you must stink
I love how that hair looks but man I can't help but melt over the clipping every time with longer styles
how do you think it went for him
anyone else a shit nobody cares about enthusiast
Closest I know of is this
cat and elezen both genders
i want an eb to play games other than xiv like bg3, deadlock, risk of rain, satisfactory, etc
it might potentially be but who could say for sure..
I love femra so much but they don't love me
why are you doing that to yourself
oh okay..
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normally id move it a bit when i pose but i forgot
That won't work on me because I pretend I'm someone else and make something up every time.
Last week I was manipulating xivg into liking the more niche forms of cucking like swinging. Next week I'm thinking of manipulating people into liking the more niche forms of noncon.
gallons of gar
taker of horse
How'd my cum feel dripping down your neck?
just don’t be a lalafell
actually the same but without the smoking part
He just tripped, and then his pants fell down.
I'm a male middie
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I want a pure GAM Yuri EB where we do lots of hand holding and hugs.
It's not manipulation if people already liked those things
god i wish my eb would play other games with me, i even invited them to deadlock since they used to love league but i don't think they even downloaded it
Do you like Highlander men
What's the hair called? I need it D:
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I hope 7.1 doesn't delete MoN from WHM kit.
I believe a uncleasable CC is important and give more spice and depth in the fights.

Salted Earth is probably too hard to "nerf" with the game spagetthi code, the last time the game had an aoe with a limited number of target was ARR Bane from SCH that could only hit 3 target max, SE has never put anything else like it since then, so Salted Earth will probably get replaced.
I wonder if SE will move the 20% damage mitigation it gave to DRK somewhere else tho.

Do you guys think they will also change/replace Limit breaks too?
ZTK and NIN's chain kill are too strong and SE had to make their normal kit a lot weaker in comparison, I hope they change that so the moment to moment gameplay for both SAM and NIN becomes more fun.

Also VPR PVP kit needs a lot of love, PCT needs some tweak as well, like making its painting instant cast.
Sorry bigger, she's lalaboy only
One anon's mind was changed https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/492723236/#492734052
oh, i dunno which middie you are, you're prolly eu considering how late it is
>every 3 months
it's 4.5 months per "major" patch now
we have to wait 9-11 months for a new raid tier since verse. Square noticed during covid that consistent and regular playable content drops are not important because people stayed subbed.

But it only a matter of time before thrust thermocline is broken.
I think it's largely forgivable to just ignore it unless it's like some kind of super high effort pose, just wish it was better
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i love moonies
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here you go bud
its on xma as far as i know
Salted Earth getting removed might make FL enjoyable so they won't do it
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you type like a cringelord
Well you blocked me so i cant send you a message, i really hope you dont turn out a schizo desu.
shut up all lowercase gayboy
Leave my job alone
>and bunboys
I kneel

Thank you, probably the cutest femezen I've seen btw :)
>Also VPR PVP kit needs a lot of love
Viper is perfectly good in CC and even placed very highly in a recent competitive CC tournament with Japanese, Chinese, and American teams. The issue with Viper is that people are retarded and think it is some sort of high damage assassin job when in reality it is a tanky GCD-rolling brawler that is designed to sit ontop of the Crystal like tank junction GNB.
>I hope 7.1 doesn't delete MoN from WHM kit.
I concur. I hope that 7.1 has both changes for all the jobs but still the same feel. They need to rework some stuff but I think what we have right now is really good. Jobs like MNK need an entire rework because of how toxic they are, but for the most part all jobs are good.
tyty :D
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Its so cringe watching FF14 fans try to argue how Meteion would be a powerful Chaos God because despair when thats already claimed by Nurgle.
If anything, Meteion would just be a minor god or absorbed by Nurgle.
>SAM complaining
>hoping MoN doesn't get removed
you are literally and unironically a fraud
Because I hate myself and want to die but I'm too much of a coward to kill myself with a knife or gun.
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I like Zantetsuken as much as the next SAM, Anon.
But you have to admit that SE literally cannot buff the normal kit of SAM because of it?
You type like a teenage cringelord
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I only took one more in that outfit today
Yes, I'm a big Gerolt enjoyer
NA middie actually
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shouldn't stop you from adding other ppl to play games with
Normal SAM kit is good, Akam. You just dont know how to play it in ranked.
I cant tell what the fuck is going on.
This game needs to calm the fuck down on its visuals.
I think SAM is downright unplayable at higher ranks or hell, even on full /xivg/ matches, I lost count of the times a SAM would pop their counter and be completely ignored only to be melted after the 5 seconds run out
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After getting my wings from ex1. I wanna get them from ex2 but I got a bad strain of covid / flu and have been getting fucked by getting hot and cold for the past 3 days. The worst part of this is the annoying sore throat, shit hurts.
You somehow manage to look worse and worse every day
tfw drunk submissive lalaboy who wants to play games other than xiv
Can I make a Highlander alt and meet up and goon to you?
Is not tank lb3 ing cross tail switch now the pf standard? I thought you dpsfaggots said the check was easy this tier?
Why not just use glamourer and make a golem?
>Is not tank lb3 ing cross tail switch now the pf standard?
Hopefully. Whiny green bitches should earn their keep.
That reminds me, instead of faffing around in LB14 I probably should get to finish farming EX1 and EX2
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>wish mod didn't override other normals I like
>check page again and see it was updated
>it now doesn't override those normals
Yea? whoever said not to use tank LB on PF is griefing
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i cant sleep
boy i hope i never get clipped like this
It's more fun with the real thing.
A level 1 goon alt isn't "the real thing" bro
If an anon plaps my character unprotected, I will use the pregnancy mods without telling them :)
Well, it's indeed better than say NIN, I'll give you that.
My 110+ ping is probably the reason I dislike it's melee casting tho since I have a hard time catching people with it.

I could actually make a better version of that WEBM since it was before the upload limit was upgraded.
I think I still have the original video saved.

I wouldn't call it "unplayable" since I've seen a lot of ranked SAM in Crystal rank fucking around and with high credits.
Even catching and killing a single player is a massive gain after all.
Mistakes happens after all, and/or the SAM can just catch out offguard.
Y'know, Aether PF seems rather sparse at 2 in the morning.
Yeah that's why after season 1 SAM wasn't top tier anymore since people knew to just not attack SAM when he has his buff up.
What kind of games?
You guys are really bad if you think SAM is unplayable lol. It is actually amazing at higher tier.
>doesn’t lb3 anyway because it’s a personal dps loss
People from my old friend group are shitposting me again. Sometimes I'll see them out in the world and within the hour someone makes a mean post about me. I left that group because of how toxic they were all the time and they still haunt me. I wish they'd just leave me alone, I don't talk to any of them, run in any of the same circles anymore, or do any of the same content that they do. I'm tired.
I am
a crystal middie
Its like 2AM in the west coast on an Thursday right now anon
I just like taking pictures and normal rp, sorry
turn off your phone love
Frigid whore
Just speaking from experience, either if I have a SAM on my team or there's one on the enemy team they just feel completely useless aside their LB, I don't think I ever said in a single game "we won/lost because of that SAM good plays" What can SAM bring to the table than any other melee dps job can't?
are you all
on crystal
At 2AM in the west coast it's also 2 in the morning.
SAM is the high IQ yomi job in CC, once you understand how people play you don't even need to use LB to get in people's heads
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can drop the smokes at any time, and can always lessen the drinking.
I had a chance to go and buy some more booze today, but, i'm exercising some restraint. You can too, anon.
Take a break from the game, and work on life. And if life's the thing giving you grief, try to figure out where the problems are coming from and work on a plan to solve em.
he tryna hit the OVO (other vaginal option)
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Very true and in character actually
Where is this femra from..?
clean it up healie we killing this bitch before swords
Most of NA is asleep, give it a few more hours
are there any pvp queues on light rn
i have no clue what this could possibly mean but nice(?)
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hrothgal real
go ahead and use tank LB because i'm not fucking pressing it
idk I dont play pvp trash
SAM has an aoe root, a stun and 8k x2 aoe every 20sec, that also give them 2 shields that stacks for 16k, on top of Chiten 25% mit.

SAM kit isn't "unplayable", just feels weak because of its melee casting, in my opinion at least.
If only they'd unrestrict cross-region DC visiting. We could raid at any hour of the day.
Having healer lb3 available for phase 2 is nice. Also if group dps is high enough melee lb3 allows you to skip last sabbath.
Slut bitch niggerlover
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Very tanky. Fantastic burst. Great AOE with utility built in to it. LB is super powerful and can be used to mindgame enemy players into mistakes or wasting resources by just its existence and not using it.
ah just getting horsed by lil nankers then
have fun
I enjoy the foreplay and teasing part of ERP more than the sex part. My dream EB would be one who enjoys tossing flirty messages back and forth constantly but only rarely going for a full ERP session.
I am inexplicably aroused by this and have the weirdest boner right now help I think I've caught the gay
I'm gonna eat boiled eggs and fried/baked bacon for breakfast.
ok saar
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Calm down Haiti
More gym pics.
Fuck you bitch virgin nigger
Elezens are so cute.
I want one of them to spank my midlander.
It's not fair.. aether always has the best femras, so close yet so far..
Is Gerolt considered black anyway?
>Dog mounting white woman
One wuk lamat to go, please.
What are the more niche forms of noncon?
the dog is actually another white woman
No man who works that hard and is so committed to one woman could possibly be black
Post a screenshot of what you're doing in game right now
you have 18k dps and we’ll probably wipe to enrage.

Guess there is a new tell a party is a trap.
I proposed to my future EB a few days ago and she said yes but now that we've started the quest I'm feeling extremely anxious about it. How many people we should invite to the ceremony, whether I should invite my other friends to it, whether I should tell my other friends about it at all, things like that. I'm worried they'll see me in a different light when they find out I'm getting EB'd.
>they were married
Poor Gerolt.
I fear a little part of me will never be able to truly forgive them and I'm scared of what that could lead to.
My malezen could never lay hands on a women hecwasnt married to.
i play a moonie
Instead of doing anything productive before work, I did this. Now if you'll excuse me I must go wage.
are you an lb14 middie?
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>spend 10 minutes on a gpose
>about to finish it
>connection to server was lost
>I want to just dirty talk and goon
Yeah the QS is full of you retards.
>Final Fantasy XIV_replay_2022.04.13
It was a few days into the 6.1, so SAM still had the 50% mit on chiten lol.
Your posts bring be great joy. I just want you to know that before you wageslave the day away
Depends what exactly in the image you are aroused by
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Waiting for a better time to PF in.
I love your posts, they make me smile.
>tossing flirty messages back and forth constantly but only rarely going for a full ERP session.
Hey! thats me and my EB, i love my GAM so much
I'll give more than just a tip to this waitress.
and more
this is a hero mode post for sure
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That's probably going to be the kindest thing said to me today so I'm saving this for motivation.
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If Gerolt was voiced, I imagine it to be the voice of the TF2 demoman. A black, scottish drunktard.
When I said I like seeing proud, powerful women get humiliated, I didn't mean this.
Your posts make me hard, I just want you to know that before you wageslave the day away
If I was ingame, I wouldn't be here, wouldn't I?
I go there sometimes but not there right now
He has a job anon.
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thanks anons, I have a long shift ahead so I appreciate it.
Truly, only the most deranged doujinshi artists could depict this hell.
& he's actually good at it
What of your two-monitor setup?
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what did gnb get in dawntrail i might play it instead of pld for my static
Can I see your moonie?
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I might take some new ones tomorrow since someone told me yab has some sweaty textures!
Surely there's still hope for them?
How do you get a job?
i never go there so i may never find you
A new 1-2-3 at level 100
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPFiKEm-oNI
Reach level 30 and complete the MSQ "Sylph-Management".
I'm too poor.

Given how Rowena is, no risks. When a friend spoiled me Fandaniel, I originally though she was the First's Rowena gone evil.
Nah I want you to report me to your boss to get me kicked out for making such an inappropriate joke.
>the fucking episode of the rick sparking the schezwan sauce bullshit was over seven years ago.
>i was 2 years deep in the game during that.
Go to the interview dressed exactly as you would be dressed for the job, like you're ready to do it then and there. Tailor your resume to be all about how great you'd be and your experience at doing the job.
That's DRK.
So what's the lore behind DRK's invuln? Are they just too angry to die?
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my are moonir
Do you have ANY more? You are seriously selling me on Highlander girls right now.
>skill checks into the 20s
>stat check in the 20s as well
Bruh what kind of RPG is this
he just like me irl fr fr ong no cap
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Here's the PVP Tier list from the Japanese info site FF14 速報

>Assassin jobs at the bottom
Really make you think
I don’t feel safe alone with my boss…
How much do I have to pay to spanked by a long ears like this?
>Leveled 7 jobs to 100 so far
>Basically every new addition is just a nuke follow up to a 2 min ability
Jesus Christ, this might be the laziest job changes so far. I mean ninja got a whole new gauge and functional only got one button to press in its rotation. The worst part is that I can't see where all that missing effort went. It's not like the new jobs are very interesting, especially Viper.
That means I'll be the one finding you when aether opens.. where do you like to hang out/idle?
No lore behind skills anymore, please understand.
Sisters....I thought PCT was shit?
Sounds more like Holmgang.
>picto A
what were they smoking
>stuck on a new glam idea for MNK
>tried multiple outfits and color schemes but none were really what I wanted
>hope seems lost
>suddenly remember I used to have Fists of the Fiend in my dresser for my first MNK glam back in SB but I must've deleted them some time ago
>reacquire them and immediately get something going that I enjoy
>even get to make a cool new portrait with the glow effects
Ah...you were at my side all along...
>D tier
That is just flat out wrong, though. BRD is and has been meta in high-tier CC for over a year now.
bro what do you want
more button bloat?
game's about at its limit
dark knights aren't about anger, they're just edge and darkness

one can presume that you're tapping into dark magic to zombify yourself immediately after death and just pray that someone heals you out of it
I've been saying this ever since we got the Job Actions trailer and people seemed to ignore that shit.

both PCT and VPR have very little buttons yet they are incredibly fun to play, more buttons doesn't means more fun.
you need to die for it to activate though
usually gridania..
Sister... control yourself...
Besides I'd do it for free. Just DM me.
You are staying on PLD for reclears. I need you to cover me during ion cannon.
MNK got also a new, third gauge and just mentioning the changes gets those people up in arms that this is not peak MNK gaming without a debuff to track. These people will never be happy.
Cute moonie
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Do I roll a character on Mateus or Balmung for rp?
>meme one shot jobs suck in coordinated play
wow who would have thought
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>talking about the differences in PvP in a region and culture that respects Commnication to a bunch of self important lone wolf niggers who will be the reason you lose, while the load will say he was "doin work with muh K/D" when his time on the objective was zero minutes and zero seconds.
from the "crawling in my skin naruto amv"
>used to have this on my profile in gaia online in 2nd grade. im now 23 years old. my gaia girlfriend had the every time we touch naru x hina amv on her profile. watching these videos literally takes me back to those days on that desk in the living room makes me want to cry.

I hope that answers your question.
this sounds great! you are a viera..... right?
Is this for CC or for frontlines? There's no way PLD is not S in CC
yeah, we gaming out here
new monk is a ton of fun tho
Depends from your race. If you're a lalafell, I'd be too expensive for you. Otherwise, I'd do it for free.
No, but I thought you weren't picky.
i closed the webm
The dark knight story line is almost entirely about your emotions, the beginning is especially focused on anger
holy shit
I'll find you, cute aether femra..
why would you switch to gnb
How much of a discount do fiddies get?
long ears=buns
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>always at the top 3 on the scoreboard as far as damage taken, damage healed, and time on the crystal
>feel bad anyway because my damage is low bc everyone is fighting way the fuck away from the crystal for no reason
Put some clothes on you must be freezing there
>Monk B tier
Japs are kinda retarded and their ranked solo queue is dumb. Generally they just kinda forget about objective and run around like idiots - even more so if there is no "shogun" to mark 1 people.
Do not fall for "thing JAPAN" meme.
Then again you dont say what this tier list is for exactly.
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Are you trying to be attractive? Because this is what your character looks like.
i opened the webm
Depends if the clothes are easy to lift or not. Price range goes from nothing to a chicken sandwich.
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>C tier
Okay this list is shit
Catboy for my malera?
you could not possibly be more wrong
JP is dogshit at pvp and the exact reason why the mode is so poorly balanced. We all saw that they don't know how to play anything besides WAR and WHM at the CCRC, meanwhile both NA and EU displayed a variety of talent across multiple job comps.
Adventurer, slayer of dragons and beasts and now mastered the piano after 20 seconds of practice.
I am indeed a god.
(I missed half of them, because I was reading the thread)
>Reverse search the pic
>All I get is this
Why is WHM a+? I keep getting raped
nice try but there are no catboy enjoying maleras here
They may be but JP is what they balance shit around for, iirc RPR was "garbage" on Season 1 but it still got a nerf because it was played a lot in JP due their playstyle.
>more button bloat
Man fuck you, basic rotations for 90% of the jobs are still 1 - 2 - 3. Add more rotational abilities, things that give you something to track or something to upkeep or are so strong you must fit them into your rotation. I'm tired of all these dogshit abilities like Six sided star that you will use maybe once or twice an encounter or basically not at all.
Hell give us more abilities to double weave with. As it is now I have 3 jobs at level 100 and they only ever double weave during their short burst window and then I'm stuck 1-2-3ing for a minute. It's fucking lame. I want to double weave every single GCD. I want things to keep track of. I want to 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 4 -1 or some shit. I'm so tired of the boring ass bland rotations of this game. Makes me want to play WoW again and I know how ass that game is right now.
My femra...? She... is.
picto is the worst class in cc
list instantly disregarded
>sam higher than blm and smn
Judging by DRK and DRG at the top, it must be FL
60 sec charge LB that deal incredible burst and stun
Miracle of Nature
Great healing kit and can even delete a CC with Aquaveil and turn it into a 16k shield
But... I'm right here
alright I guess I just have to git gud
Can someone translate?
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They should add the 4 Chaos Gods to the game and each fight lasts 30 mins.
Killing them all gives you the title "God Emperor", the Emperors power armour, his sword, and the Golden Throne as a housing item.
You really think someone would do that? Post an obviously bait tier list that they made two minutes ago and say it was from the infallible JP playerbase for free (You)s?
do you like dark as night moonies
RPR got multiple buffs though, and the fear which is the main thing used to scum wins was never nerfed.
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But they loved each other and only broke up because of a misunderstanding! Also I really enjoy your posts, french anon.
Are you strong enough?
>You are seriously selling me on Highlander girls right now.
Success! I feel like I've spammed the thread enough so this will be my last for tonight.
Oh hi there, why do you have over 600 pictures of trannies saved? That's serious dedication.
Uh I dunno post him
no fuck you, the game is balanced around having an mmo mouse and remembering to use 17 different abilities with different timers
dawntrail decided to focus less on button bloat and more on mechanics and guess what, the gameplay experience was better even if the story was shit
go play some chink mmo from the 2000s if you want more of that slop
I just remembered that Aymeric got literally stabbed in the streets when he got announced to be the new king and Wuk lamat got accepted with nobody questioning the decision.
I'm almost out of buttons for WHM's kits this expac, since they added the dash.
My hotkey setup can handle a maximum of 30 buttons and WHM is at 30 now.
I wish all jobs, including role actions, were 24 buttons or less.
>Ladies and Bunboys
How redundant
Can just lift my skirt, pulling my tights down is up to you.
It's that jap's personal tierlist for frontlines
At the minimum I want at least one new ability that changes the way the job is played to the same degree as Bunshin or Raiju, which I don't think is a very tall order. If buttons have to be culled to fit it then so be it.
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...In trouble for trying to eat lalafels in public again.
Going to browse my twitter real quick then call out some CC alright?
Someday soon...
Give me a hint?
My malezen would take her to the finest dining spots in Ishgard.
Ishgard has a fairly strong anti-royal movement
Sounds just about as well thought out as the void storyline was; but unlike that one, they don't own the IP
Going to black his Highlander with my Ala Mhigan
>But they loved each other and only broke up because of a misunderstanding
They did? Damn, I really have to find a way to get my Eorzea Encyclopedia to work, I can't read it at home.

I dunno if there's a mod for that, I'll have to look.
The extend of my modding is to add belts and hairbrushes, so...
doesn't that hurt her lizzer butt?
just when i was getting kinda sleepy
i don't work for another 8 hours anyway i guess...
I don't think they should do that
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Its fine.
I have a mouse with 0 buttons and I can't even fill 3 bars on any of my level 100 jobs, you are actually mentally retarded if you think the jobs are hard or require a 15 button mouse.
>shift 1-5
>alt 1-5
>shift qerfxcv
you're not looking now are you? i logged since its super late
That was the 6.x post content patch of golbez and his council of goobers.
Aymeric was sworn in on what seemed like a borderline coup and there's a ton of religious devouts mixed in there as well. Meanwhile Wuk had everything lined up for her or whoever won the rite of succession. I'm not saying it's good writing, but it's also completely separate situations.

It would be like if Thordan announced he was stepping down but whoever could find a champion to kill Nidhogg would become ruler of Ishgard.
If the DMC rank meter plugin gets some love I would unironically use it all the time
I'm not don't worry I also logged and I'm just phoneposting, it's really late for me too
just made 4 porn gposes ask me anything except to post them because I'm not posting them yet
So did they just stop doing job quests for the base jobs after SB or something? I haven't seen a MNK class quest in forever and I'm close to finishing DT. I even went back and teleported to every zone just to make sure I wasn't missing any blue quests anywhere.
It looks like she's gonna try and bite anyone who comes close
I just want a caster DPS job that is heavy on DoT timers and buffing the party that does have only ONE raw damage skill.
And no, I dont want to heal
I want like 5 different DoTs I manage that I have to line up right to make my gauge do enhanced versions including letting my ONE button raw damage skill be a BIG damage skill.
I want the DoTs to to be single target, placeable AoEs, enhanced single target that you can spread on someone, an aoe DoT that is focused around the caster and a powerful single target DoT that has a 12 sec duration so you have to constantly look at it.
These are my favorite kinds of posts
what races and genders were in the poses? what is the theme or context of the poses?
...It took you this long to realize that?....

Yes they stopped with Job quests and we got Role quests instead from ShB onwards.
this sounds pretty gay i wont lie
Can you stop breathing?
fiera+, moonie-
instant loss and cock shock
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You... really know the way to her heart...
Nice, she's Ala Mhigan too and wants to see her homeland again. I can't think of a more fitting homecoming.
If my memory is correct, yes! It's tragic and I want to shake some sense into them.
There's no point. I'm poisoning myself on purpose. Stop spewing your toxic positivity on me. Life is inherently meaningless. Fuck you and the moral compass you rode in on.
We just got our last caster lol
for whenever you happen to visit, morpho minion
>I just want a caster DPS job that is heavy on DoT
Square Enix stopped reading there, idea discarded.
Well I figured maybe I just missed one and would get to it later, because I was seeing class quests for VPR and PCT. Idk, anon don't yell at me. I miss my MNK master, he was cheesy but cool. Role quests are aids and don't give me anything cool.
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Taking a cute hrothgal to the beach
BLU is the closest you'll get to this.
>If my memory is correct, yes! It's tragic and I want to shake some sense into them.
Yeah, I'll have to check my book. I know they were married (which is actually very heavily implied in the game given how they bicker), but I don't know why they gave up. Especially since Gerolt is a lazy alcoholic bum.
I'll remember this and look for you, I will find you someday soon
Come to bed with me, it's late..
>Especially since Gerolt is a lazy alcoholic bum.
dang he's just like me fr fr
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i dink nitetime mlik and go to bed now . bye .
All new jobs from ShB onwards get job quests for 10 of their levels just to give you some lore on them.

Also all jobs up to DNC and GNB get a yellow colored quest you can do to see what your masters are up to and to tell them how you visited another world (The First) they serve as basically an Epilogue to those jobs.

https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/A_Monk%27s_Legacy here's the one for Monk.
>Nice, she's Ala Mhigan too and wants to see her homeland again. I can't think of a more fitting homecoming.
God why do you have to go to bed now? We could start the rebuilding of our homeland in your bed this instant.
What are the chances that this or next expansion is the last time we get new jobs? I keep seeing that being thrown around a lot.
This is how I will make them part of my harem.
that aint milk
literally none since YoshiP himself said new jobs is what sells expacs, and they just add 2 jobs every 3 years or so. If you think about it, when they release 10.0 we'll have a total of 6 new jobs in the span of almost 10 years.
Middle-left, middle-right, and far right are the future mother of my children.
I miss class stories
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>be me, femlala who likes miera
>miera comes up to me
>starts talking in tells, normal conversations
>suddenly starts asking if I have mare
>starts suggesting I should fanta to fem viera
>slash pets me and goes to check retainers
it's over...
Me but suggesting you to fanta to femra
retard, the game's balanced around console players (i.e. most of JP users). having your two minute button turn into ANOTHER button you can only use every two minutes is lazy dogshit design.
>EB loves you and wants to protect you from any harm
please don't be greedy, they are an endangered species
It was never meant to be.
Thats kinda hot, like he is teasing you and edging you.
New jobs fir the sake of it with little to no thought is unsustainable. The only time new jobs offered something complete new was HW. Since SB, they've been repackaged versions of old jobs or barely any different at all.
Lamitt died alone and a virgin
There's a miera here who likes femlalas and he's quite cute
>the race thats all frail and small and dainty, the over extreme of fragile femininity
>the people who pick the race and then commission it give them fit and strong bodies
at that rate just play a miqote.
You WILL get two new jobs with shit designs and recycled job mechanics.
You WILL get +10 levels.
You WILL get six MSQ zones, three trials, and eight launch dungeons.
No. And yes.
I agree completely with you but this is CBU3, they are incredibly tone deaf about their designs. Hell they literally released a next gen single player FF14 for the PS5 with FF16 so it shows their ineptitude at gameplay is not locked to 15 alone.
I don't know his name but he's a face 3 tan meena with dark hair
>be me, male lala that likes femlalas
>femlalas all chase something they can never obtain
Noncon is usually very forceful and violent, when it comes to fantasy writing.
There's more minor forms of it that can really be a lot hotter. Like woman agrees to coitus, but gets anal instead.
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*locked to 14 alone.
The whole "8.0 will change jobs drastically!" scares me to no end, on one hand I fully expect them to just raise the cap to 110, give us one new button to press (jk, it will just be a button that turns into another one under specific conditions), but on the other hand they will change things drastically to the point they will completely and utterly fuck up job balance because simply put, they cannot design for shit.
lalaboys should stick to overly motherly femezen or fiddies desu
Not only this, but the last 4 new jobs have all been "new original idea" slop and they have slowly abandoned the tried-and-true FF jobs that everyone wants.
>Sage is an original idea using an old FF job name with brand new made up stuff
>Reaper is the same and overlaps a lot with DRK aesthetics
>Viper is the most uninspired shit and could've just been Corsair with all of the same stuff but added Pirate and Gambler ideas thrown in
>Pictomancer is an entire full job based off of a minor side character in FF6
>Beastmaster is going into the limited job prison instead of a full job

People don't want this shit. They want Corsair, Geomancer, Beastmaster. Not this "original" job slop with weak identities that nobody asks for.
Sorry but your tiny little cock could never please a femlala...
What kind of new Bahamut would SMN get?
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CC 2:40 ET
dw they'll just neuter half the jobs down to 2bars of buttons with a handful of them turning into 2 or 3 other abilities after hitting them
The new alliance raid having a savage version is nice and all but that basically guarantees that the normal version is going to be a complete bore
size queen femlalas are hot
Same with maleras. It really is like asian women and white men. You should consider bigger women.
>be me a male who likes fat plump women
>fat plump women all chase chad who will pump and dump her and leave her a single mom because any holes a goal but the wife must be a trophy for chad and the fat woman thinks shes the throphy for him
>end up with the single mom wanting to flirt with me now, but doesnt want to have a biochild with me
im nearing 40... i think im going to be a genetic dead end...
I don't think anyone has much hopes for the job design anymore, especially after what they did to VPR.
All of those classes are some of the most popular in their roles
And yet RPR, VPR and PCT are the most popular jobs.
What kind of cock are you looking for then? Be specific
You can do better surely. Look for women in their 30s.
I'd say rdm is still pretty unique and has one of the best design foundation in the game. I think you could maybe stretch and say that sam and gnb were pretty unique at least within their role but yes I would agree that rpr, sge, pct, and vpr are uninspired.
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>Corsair coping
Day 4, this moonie doesn't feel as bad anymore and barely thinks about smoking, although it had crossed her mind a few times
Large, strong, fully capable of filling a woman. Not the tiny little things lalaboys call cocks
I wish a femlala would chase my moonie
Didn't Ardbert kill her then himself? Or am I misremembering because of that fan art
as someone who's only played one other FF game, I couldn't give less of a shit about whether a job is the same as it was in in some 30 year old game or whether it's an epic reference. all that matters is is it fun or not, and none of the new jobs in EW and DT do anything for me.
You just described mine
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So what jobs from old FF games have not been implemented into the game yet?
Personally femra is one of my least favourite females. Like I like them, but it's mostly a few specific femra designs that I really like. My favourite women are catgirls or viera, depends on the day
Healer main detected
My lala tried vaping horse oil and should probably go to the hospital
>they white washed Rowena.

Ironically, she IS black-coded
male lala are too gross. maybe youll have better luck with ugly bastard roegadyn or something
>>People don't want this shit. They want Corsair, Geomancer, Beastmaster
No. I want cannoneer.
I'm still convinced the savage alliance raid is a mistranslation for whatever DRS type thing they have played for the foray.
I mostly mean in terms of gameplay. RDM identity was SMN's rez on a caster that was straightforward and easy to play. SAM stole MNK's selfish dps identity. GNB was unique-ish in SHB but by that point all tanks played the same already.
melee actually
Fat Cat Fact #286

As great and wonderful as sleeping next to a Fat Cat is, it does come with some dangers
Post ERP logs
This spanking gimmick is boring.
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heck you
i did want to pick gnb but i went pld because i felt it was too much effort 1 week before savage tier starts
meow? moonies can't feel heat
nyaruhodo, i was torn on whether i should go 2.5 or 2.47
from a quick skim back then, 2.5 seemed to me to be the easiest rotation wise, and the only thing im aware about is that you want to enter even minute bursts with 1 cart as a .47, with 2.5 being max cartridges for odd, i have no clue what gnb autists recommend and i'm kinda lost on it
i'm slightly upset about the gapcloser and it was what discouraged me from picking it earlier
This is the best, if not one of the best, poster on here
When's the next mixer? I liked the last one.
Gambler? I dunno.
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Educate me, /xivg/!
Late, but I like to harass ranged and push them back far enough that their melee wall has to retreat in order to regroup and defend them, giving the player on the crystal time to push. It's not glamorous or exciting for them, but it gets the job done and them staying there to do their job is important.
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imagine a rava grabbing you with her strong hunter arms and kissing you. Really deeply. You struggle, but she keeps your head perfectly still in her iron grip as your legs turn to jelly and your brain turns to mush. 20 minutes of this later she asks you if you want to be her boy/girlfriend yet. If you say anything but a slurred, gasping "yesh" she starts over.
This is the art of kissnotism.
Despite the memetic belief that 9+10=21, this is not actually true. The correct answer to 9+10 is 19
>the degradation of the black family unit by introducing crack into their society and "new age black """""""culture""""""" has been so over washed in history now that people unironically forgot about black dudes working like 5 different jobs.
Whenever A nigga says that someone is being racist when they get fired nowadays and they come to me with that shit i tell them that they didnt get fired because they were black, i tell them that they are a lazy piece of shit thats clutching on a race card putting everyone down by doing that.
cant stand lazy negros that do that shit.
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Similar to earwax, but not exactly, inside femra horns a nectar forms every month near the middle of the month, this nectar's taste depends on the femra! For some it's sweet, others it's tangy, others it's bitter, others it's sour or spicy or a mix! It's texture is a thick water not quite pudding bit halfway there it has a lot of nutrients it's a super food like limbus bread. If a femra likes you enough she'll make a little hole in her horn and let you drink some if she REALLY likes you you can drink directly from the horn. Femra horn nectar works kinda like hist sap, it's necessary for au ra, if you didn't know xaela in lore have "inhuman strength" well that's the secret to it! However unlike histsap for non femra it has similar beneficial effects with the only detriment being an addiction forming to it and femra in general that's the actual secret to why so many here love us despite knowing we're all mentally unstable we give them horn nectar! Sometimes without them knowing.
Post the sequel
What was it like when the EU ebins met the NA ebins
femlala hands wrote this post
Every time I think about the shit Ronald Reagan did to this country I'm shocked that only one person ever tried
Wao, Fat Cat thinks Fat Cat frens are the best posters
Rdm played nothing like smn in stb. Just because they both had rez doesn't mean that rdm wasn't unique.
Dynamis sure does feel dead compared to a week or two ago when I joined it. Must have been DT+Anniversary surge which is now dying off.
A man doing 5 different jobs is not doing any of them well. As a whole, the American negro man is not capable of holding down a job, they are not capable of doing the jobs that they already have. About the only thing a negro man is good at is murdering his own women
Good m- oh, that's racism
That's just racism in my FFXIV general
...I'll come back later!
This is so stinking cute... Also, is this Ace?
This is why I go around snapping off femra horns and sucking them dry
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is pictomancer fair and balanced?
>can't feel heat
This is incorrect for most moonies, I think you have some debilitating problem
it was thse eu ebins looking for more victims for horse gocking:
Doro Hedoro
Byori Arcus
Soima Tho
Ludde Lee
Sewer Rat
Ruruku Ruku
Algren Takao
Restless Moko
Ni Bao
Avarin Totorin
Ryun Gaido
Neito Bechareth
Gar Galon
Feng Yungsheng
Double Espresso
Tomomo Bloode
Scuro Elk
Flat White
Elil Blaet
Lyn Tenjo
Rain Scaith
Eiki Shiki
Kazuto Karagetta
Romani Archa
Qatya Kahkol
Forgh Shial
Stupid Catgirl
Qatun Shahrath
Cookie Boi
Helios Shin
Zanaki Shimoku
Roxy Redwyne
Thorvald Seascourge
Violet Snow
Maro Mashiro
Phinalia Alora
Arye Tealife
Elzam Shazam
Xehnoh Kalthris
Radulf Valhauros
Sorriow Arbalest
T'owa T'
Daganis Ura
Nanky Meek
Nanette Nuwu
Elpino Eltherino
Dies Irae
Lyria Eindelo
Aika Mai-oren
Lissome Jokulhaups
Meownt Etnyaa
Rhaplanca Harvestasya
Johnny Logina
Midona Rhel
Leyah Lightleaf
Meteor Survivor
Bukke Bruse
Yuri Shiba
Billy Smallsteps
Eurydice Binis
Ayano Ame
Kling Klang
Netami Musame
Kou Kazuma
No fren, this is Fat Cat
Shaking BLM hands.
oh a diaper op.. thanks kanchelle...
This is why I hate femra faggots
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>Educate me, /xivg/!
Maize used to be grown mostly in meso and south america. The Aztecs (who should actually be named Mexicas) found a process called nixtamalization where they would dip the maize grains in an alkaline solution. Doing so would break the outer hull of the grain, the glue called hemicellulose, and would make maize a lot easier to digest, helping prevent a deficit in vitamin B3.
This alone made maize a staple of mesoamerican food, despite the fact that humans can't normally digest it, which would have locked it as fodder for cattle.

When I don't rant about spankings, I'm interested in Aztecs.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the later classes are busted. Reaper at low level feel a lot stronger than any other class.
They make dungeons go faster, so I don't really care what SE is cooking.
Mog of the ages is what happens whenever my malera walks into a room
I don't understand how people can like PCT
Painting mid fight is so fucking annoying and completely kill the flow of combat for me.

I really don't get it
I just ate some fiber gummies...
damn bros i forgot that rpr was fucking sick
>thinking either of those races want them
It's nice to take a break and enjoy the scenery, you know?
Since you're so into meso american stuff, what did you think about Dawntrail zones and lore?
do you like the Aztecs because their main weapon was a paddle with sharp rocks.
>rava grabs me
>pulls me in
>I kick her in her side as hard as I can before shoving her off and telling her to get the fuck away from me
What's it like to have a bunwife?
much like in fighting games, there are different playstyles, you sound like a rushdown player.
meanwhile I am a defensive zoner.
its ok I laughed
I wore blue.. :(
>(you): want rava kissnotism
>me: desires rava kissphyxiation
ravas talk a lotta shit until they have to block the fuzzy 8 way mix that's exclusive to them because of their big body+long ears debuffs
> RDM identity was SMN's rez on a caster that was straightforward and easy to play
if when talking about interesting and unique gameplay design you define red mage by the rez and not by dualcast you are retarded
This is a nice idea except that "rushdowns" get in for free and your team refuse to help you because you can't win a 1v1 if said "rushdown" is in your face
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From the first one inin March, there was a month long thread meltdown from EUs seeing the NA ebins plapping their firends.
You would think that but I'm a healer main.
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I have yet to reach Dawntrail, but I'm nervous. Apparently the story is divisive (to put it nicely), the zones are exactly up my alley, and apparently there's some fuckery about souls, which annoys me because I'm a bit religious, and fucking with souls is like the worst thing you can do.
And more characters that will likely enjoy spanking my midlander.

I like them because they were on their way to catch up to the Roman Empire. At least culturally and architecturally speaking, they weren't big on expansion.
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She stomps her foot when she's angry
She shows contentment by chattering her teeth
She rubs her chin on things she likes
She is very high maintenance and regularly grooms herself
Her hair is the softest you can imagine
mog of the ages
mognum opus
which is better
Mognum opus sounds cooler, like magnum opus
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>Got my first 200k Perfectio during reclears
>Felt super good about it
>Tfw watching this PCT damage just makes me feel inadequate
>I'm a bit religious, and fucking with souls is like the worst thing you can do.
Lmao prepare to be absolutely furious about how flippantly the cast treats them and their misuse.
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I had an idea for a new mode. You are an NPC in a town and have to hand out adventurers quests and rewards, but it plays like those store or gas station simulators.
French for sure. EN should have gotten that name too.
Tell me more about the souls
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>300k star prism
ok this is getting a little ridiculous
this all sounds very nice
wait is that real
>Scaling is going to only get more insane as the expansion goes on
Funny how we literally just had a stat squish in Endwalker and already need it again with the FIRST raid tier.
how did you feel about most of the other countries around them teaming up with the Spainards to take them down and their reward was most of them getting fucked over?
Does femra juice turn males into females like what the Hist does with argonians when they reach a certain age? Asking for a friend uwu.
sounds like more islandslop
Your moonies looks cute with this hair, reminds me of drows and spider silk
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>all these newfags giving elk and kong positive responses
Middies here really are delusional
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>mognum opus

I already hated how Ilberd damned everyone that followed him. Then the Apocalypse arrive and people get rewritten. Thankfully that last one got semi-retconned into their souls still passing on, but extremely diminished.

Not much to say. That is what you are. The body is the shell, the real you is your immortal soul. Whether you believe in heaven or purgatory, or nothingness, there's a natural order.

Fully understandable. The Aztecs treated everyone around them like slaves. What I can't forgive are the Spaniards burning all the codexes. There's so much history that we lost here.
I didn't know Drake could read
Yeah I like this hair it's a shame whoever made it fucked the fringe
Ewwww brother, ewwww. Brother ewwwww.
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i'm sorry
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yes it’s unironically harder to play than blm vpr and sam put together it deserves the damage
Did we ever get confirmation about whether the savage 24 man coming in 7.1 is going to be related the shades triangle, the alliance raid or something original?
where can you see your biggest number in your logs
elk and kong did nothing wrong thoughever
there are posters here that are far more terrible
Stop breathing to me would you kindly?
People complained that dungeons got a couple cheeky mechanics on the forums and now they to go all the way to savage alliance raiding? We all know how that will end.
Picto in palace is pretty broken. Yeah, old side content, but still.
What's it called when you're so drunk that you feel sober again? I'm that
You're going to super hell. It's like hell but worse.
Black Highlander looking for Highlander girl to smash. On Crystal but can travel to other DCs.
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Cool, but first.
Signing on now you still doing queues?
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this is my biggest funny number to my knowledge, but it could definitely go higher since it was on lunar solar
its called going to a hospital
Have you ever been to south america?
I can't believe popezen was this educated. I'm in love. Can I be your goon?
Yoshida's said that it isn't connected to the Bermuda Triangle, but beyond that it's all unknown.
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click the boss name in the top left -> all encounters -> damage done tab and mouse over the skill you want to check

it'll give you a breakdown like pic rel
>le edgy faggot
>le edgy faggot 2: braindeader edition ft. twinblade
>literally the strongest
Well no wonder einstein. Doesn't make them good.
Wait a minute, you have reservations about portrayals of religion... have you played through endwalkers yet?
It's not popezen, it's the french dude who's into spanking
That's not popezen, that's the french spanking middie
It's 3:30AM PST
Anyone want to do CC or run content?
Eventually you crest the ridge of drunkenness and stand on the edge of blackout
You feel sober and think you are acting normal but then you will wake up in a daze and have gaps in memory and there will be a spilled drink you forgot about in the middle of the floor and half eaten food and clothes everywhere
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>rdm drops to 95% hp
>immediately starts casting vercure
why are people like this
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No. And I really want to. I want to travel, but I'm poor and diabetic, so I can't.

No? I'm the French midlander with a spanking fetish.

You misunderstand, I don't mind religion.
It's people fucking with souls that disgust me. Whether it's Paxton Fettel in FEAR 3, or Ilberd in FFXIV, I just hate when people tamper with death. Death is like the only constant in life, the only consolation we have.
It's basically the same as DNC dances but with less button presses
would do cc, sick and cant sleep but the queues dont really seem to be popping
there has been a severe lack of goonposting lately
We've had savage large scale content before though this will likely be the first time we have one without lost actions.
Sit down BLMsissy
Also I looked into Geomancer in FF5 and it fucking sucks
just jerked my peanits to my catboy taking malera cock
Oh, I'm sorry... Hopefully one day you will be able to. I have and I thought the zones were extremely faithful to my experiences travelling there.
When Essi posts I will be sure to rectify that
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>I just hate when people tamper with death. Death is like the only constant in life, the only consolation we have.
You're in for a really fun time then, both in the MSQ and the side content.
>thinking it's newfags and not just their discord friends
its just actual stupid people, same type of person that plays war and only presses bloodwhetting
what literal who is this referring to
Those are numbers higher than what we would get during ShB and forced a stat squish
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I'm in CCC queue now
I can do AST, PLD, SCH
Whichever you prefer
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infographic i made for my static
You say that but I often encounter warriors that press anything BUT bloodwhetting.
is it a static or a preschool
And people say Kong is bad when all he does is make fun of pedophiles
so youre saying i need to stand where the yellow circles overlap?
But he's friends with one (Mithia)
>if you run out you die
so stand in the aoe attacks, got it
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There are so many countries I'd love to visit, honestly. But nothing close to the Equateur, fuck the heat.

Exactly why I'm nervous about Dawntrail. On one hand, Aztecs and Incans buildings! And even a Wild West one!
But also people fucking with death, and apparently too much Wuk Lamat.
RIP. Still in love.
I had always assumed native peoples in the new world passed their histories through oral tradition rather than precise codexes. I will confess I'm a brainlet.
Okay then I'm guessing it will be a hard mode of the xi alliance raid since that would be pretty fitting. The only other option would would be something ultimate-esque of an old raid although obviously not as hard as an ultimate.
Most of the people the kikes of xivg complain about arent even that bad, theres at least 20 other people worse than kong in regards to making xivg a shithole
Kong is bad because he's a SEAmonkey and a hypocrite
Whatever happened to that dude?
>getting mad at elk
you do know the only reason that the elk shiposting started was because of one really dedicated haternigga tacking on everything they could to hate on him because he got a thread biofems affection, right?

Elk is pretty harmless compared to most of the new people who come here now, most he did was talk shit.
you have to be new to believe this
I don't know enough about that. I ordered a copy of the Codex Borgia, but apparently the Codex Mendoza is also a must read.
The problem is that, unless you're a professional and a doctor, you won't understand these without context. Like someone said, "any artefact you find is worth nothing if you pull it out of the ground without any care for where exactly it was".
Elk has been melting about politics and trannies for 2ish weeks despite playing a futa tranny cat
Got caught soliciting a minor and is in jail now.
i have sex with men but in my mind im imagining its a girl so im straight
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>play 1 match of casual cc after waiting 30 minutes in queue
>its a stomp
>queues go back to being dead after
its like im really playing ranked...
>talks all this shit
>goes to the social hub to farm dirt on an alt
the anon who made that post is a greasy rat.
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please do our whm needs to use their lilly stacks
God I hope so
proof besides a screenshot someone saved that has been posted by an anonymous user with a bunch of words on it?
It's too early bro...
It’s 6 am go to sleep!!
you need greasy rats sometimes to out the real fiends ;)
You look like a remaster of an n64 game that gained a cult following.
Dunno, but I'm glad he's gone
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I'm with you brother
Your suffering is not alone
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>its too early
>its 6am
it really do be just like ranked..........................
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I did literally nothing wrong

If I was a SEAmonkey I'd love Anime
Proof of what? Him being futa? Ask him yourself he's not shy about it
And whose child is the one called Nothing Wrong?
I kind of want to EB this free use whore I know, even though I can already get all the ERP I want from her whenever I need it. Why do I want this
nah do the shit on main.
What happened to Mithia?
Bro you lashed out and attacked people who were minding their own business because you thought it was funny and then cried when people put you in your place and told you to shut the fuck up. You're a nigger.
It's only 3:39 AM PST
We still have 3 hours to go until 6AM
Post hand
I dunno I haven't spoken to him since that static disbanded

Nice headcanon
>inb4 post proof untrue untrue
My nigga, you are the proof. The described behavior is observable on a daily basis. However, I got great news for you. There IS a way to conceal this proof. All you have to do is simply fucking kill yourself.
I was on that team that got stomped I am also still waiting
I was convinced my epic sandbagging killed the queue
Eh? DRG feels like ass though.
Sure you won't die fast but you're not going to kill anyone either.
You long to be cucked
post that full glam gettup right quick.
do you have any screenshotted proof of those so called innocent individuals?
Is it true that he botted everything?
Perfectio is 1300 potency boosted by arcane circle 3% damage up
>Can barely reach 200k
Exodus is 1400 potency boosted by Searing Light 5% damage up
>Can deal around 250k
Star prism is 1400 potency boosted by Starry muse 5% damage up
>Can easily deal over 300k
Why is PCT damage so good?
We also have some of us stirring the pot to make transphobes look unhinged
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Here's a pvp tier list that matters

Pretty much the dish of it. I had no problem with him till he started schizoing me and doing retarded shit to others. Typical reditor behavior.
I genuinely wonder what planet you’re living on where drg isn’t killing everything in pvp
It has so much damage on such short cooldowns
Is Picto the easiest way to get Necromancer now?
>constantly defends shitty people he's friends with in the thread because he wants to textfuck them during early ew
>says the gazebo hangout looks like hell, hangs out there every day anyway
>constantly talks shit about other people and berates their gameplay, "my groups are holding me back", etc.
>yet raids 12 hours days in week 1 anabaseios and still can't clear loaded up with cheats
>literally cannot stop yourself from being a cunt ingame to the degree that you get permanently banned
>when all you have to do to dodge a ban in this game is basically avoid stepping on a bunch of rakes out in plain sight
kong did nothing wrong btw
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stat squish was arbitrary and pointless
it also made new player experience worse
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Say, what are your thoughts on the depictions of cultures in-game? From what you gather so far in your time playing. Like, say, the Ottoman architecture for Ul'dah but some of their guards and knights have French heraldic symbols. What do you think of how they mix and match cultures so it's never a 1:1 match?
Why'd you get perma'd
Bro youre describing Guffy.
yeah and kong, kong did all those things too, diverting to some other trannyloving ebin is not a good cope
Kill yourself.
>literally cannot stop yourself from being a cunt ingame to the degree that you get permanently banned
This is 4chan
No one cares everyone cheats
90% of these are fake names, right? Why would people name their characters like this.
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we keep getting shitlists of people to avoid, but who are the most chill and harmless people to hang out with at LB14?
the cc cuck tree
>everyone cheats
Is what cheaters say to justify their cheating. Many don't.
I really should sleep, but I cannot.
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where's the cock
Behind the hand dumbass
Shut up kong start working on your third account before you get perma'd again.
eb to watch ti with then divorce immediately after?
Am I the only one who can't tell if that is a lot or not because I don't pay attention to damage numbers?
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>go through old screenshots
>remember why I loved Admiral Merslwyb

Killing Nybeth Petitbitmolle never get old.

I love it. I found some stuff in Stormblood that looked like Sumerian cuneiform writing.
I love that stuff is familiar enough that you sometimes can recognize it right away and go "oh hey, that looks Chinese" or "oh hey that looks Egyptian", but it isn't. It just looks like it, and it really feels like fantasy, in the best meaning possible, something that reminds you the real world, but isn't.
I like that Ishgard feels France, but only some aspects of it, like the noblesse, the names, and Hilda starting a Revolution, but at the same time, has a fascination for insanely tall churches, old lineage, and so on. All values that aren't relevant in France anymore. To that regard, FFXIV feels like a reflection of the real world, except, you know, with more races.

And I really love that the Crystarium feels like a harmonious blend of all the cities in Eorzea. Even the Imperial's cancerous use of black metal that never looks right in all provinces.
Wasn't me.
They didn't tell me other than "harrassment" and the gdpr thing didn't help either
>bough name change
>no longer on the list
get fucked
Why are you so obsessed? Why do you stalk the person and post about them instead of blacklisting?
Hroth hero has been a bro every time tho he's not there much
>search old name on google
>there you are
bro thinks he can samefag himself and get away with LMAO
My lap was rated 8.3/10 for comfiness
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why is it so small
The Hroth bros, anyone that you don't see interacting with ebins, etc
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What do you think of Ocelotl For Honor?
If you did it on an alt, why don't you post logs? Because it's all made up.
its simple really
every time the hub isnt uldah and its a content lul, i unsub and shitpost on xivg.
Because he's a destined bottom
People just spam their potions and run like little bitches, I can't kill shit 1vs1.
Picto is FUN and BALANCED
Can you post more spade pics
It probably looks balanced when you're the one playing it, tranny modbeast
>meet fiera
>she is afking in my house
yeah you could say things are getting pretty serious
mentors really think they will get commed by spamming emotes at people and trying to be nice in chat while doing less damage than the healer
I want a EB who thinks of me being her everything as I think of her being my everything.
So true! Let's see him say shit to nopalia about lala fucking and miqitten mods
hi!!! :D
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erm, second dye channel?
Funny how every twitter bin he tried to erp with found him revolting so now he spends all his time bitter samefagging everyday
Desperate is ugly.
eb to play fireboy and watergirl with
I couldn't sleep
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>anon sees my crown
>he starts immediately SEETHING about my existence
I gave up on For Honour a long time ago, but I like the appearance, and that he's not depicted as more bloodthirsty than the others heroes.
A beef I frequently have with Aztecs is that they're usually depicted as fanatical nutjobs looking for hearts to rip out, when in fact, they practiced self-mutilation quite often as well. The Mayans, for exemple, offering their own blood as sacrifices, and only the Aztecs sacrificed people, and they didn't do it to feed their gods like the Greeks and the Romans did, but to give them servants.
So sacrifices would be ritualistic, and follow a strict procedure. They wouldn't rip hearts like you see in Mortal Kombat.

And also, the maquahuitli would be complete and utter shit against the knight : it uses obsidian shards, which are extremely sharp, but brittle. They'd shatter the moment they hit anything too solid. The Aztecs themselves used gambesons, the clothes rumoured to ensnare the obsidian shards or something. I'm not sure, ancient warfare is foggy. I'm still not sure what the little hook on a kopesh does.

Shower, brb.
meant for >>494188601
elk is just the typical jaded HW faggot like jhizda who have nothing going on. kong is a 35 year old reddit transplant who tried to chase clout too hard and got outed as being more annoying than a diaper shitting pedophile
Sex with that femra
>grey mooncat male
dye your skin posthaste.
I will never not post "Mentor btw" when I see one die to braindead content. Im suprised I've not eaten a ban for it yet
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>play warden
>get raped by ocelotl because I don't have a dodge attack
hey that's me! now who are you?
name 5
mentors are just ingame jannies
do you really think the GMs arent laughing their asses off if a mentor reports that
Meh... hey... whatever... maybe I could see what your dick feels like in my femra's mouth idc...
your moonies is cute don't listen to that anon
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this is bait but im sure the bad rep mentors have is widespread by now, they're just too consistently bad but it makes sense since they think the crown is something worthy of displaying. it's basically ult titles for (even bigger) shitters
From day one you've confused nopaila with fufuma and never bothered to correct yourself
>early morning NA shitposter who didn't even know that lol, lmao even was a meme is back to throwing everything he can at the wall to see what sticks
I shouldn't have picked up a night shift at work.
Are you saying nopaila isn't a lala fucker?
It wouldn't suprise me much to be honest, no hate against them it's just funny to me
i dont think i will
I prefer blue but grey is good too
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This was me during SHB ex trial farms except it was " the ultimate legend btw" to every uwu troon or other ultimates for that matter.
Bro you can dodge into shoulder bash charge up or try to read if he's gonna feint to GB and light attack him when he bashes
just throw a "legends, lol" at the end of the dungeon
Bitch you love it.
You were doing gods work then anon, I salute you
If we banned transsexuals from this thread it would be a net positive for quality
>And also, the maquahuitli would be complete and utter shit against the knight : it uses obsidian shards, which are extremely sharp, but brittle. They'd shatter the moment they hit anything too solid. The Aztecs themselves used gambesons, the clothes rumoured to ensnare the obsidian shards or something. I'm not sure, ancient warfare is foggy. I'm still not sure what the little hook on a kopesh does.
For Honor has a lot of issues with anachronism. Warmonger and especially Lawbringer wear much more technologically advanced armor. Realistically there is zero chance anyone except the Pirate could even seriously injure Lawbringer
The shape of the kopesh allows for better slicing with less effort, same as any curved sword. The hook shape of a kopesh also allowed you to move someone's arm or pull aside their shield
Because it's fun to get (You)s out of you. The fact that you can't stop yourself from responding is just proof to the above. You are a future Desolance. The pieces are all there. You are a freak.
there would be 1 post every 10 minutes
There would be so, so many people mad I'm not trans that I almost want to agree.
Kumori dak-skinned_men (157)
I wonder how different it would be, I can't imagine all the horny posting would go away but the drama posting would definitely go down
NTA, I am just reposting. Ask them why no logs.
Yes but also from the game
Fucking 80 DRKs just dropping salted earth on ramps in onsal or overlapping them is the gayest shit
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Yeah. That's one of the reasons I gave up on it. I get the cool factor, but over time, it just get annoying if you're easily annoyed with details.
Same reason I dropped bard in FFXIV: if you bow creaks when you draw it, it means it's going to break so drop it.

>The shape of the kopesh allows for better slicing with less effort, same as any curved sword
Or an axe. I saw them described as a mix between a sword and an axe and it seemed apt.
And for the hook, yeah, I read that, but it just seem odd and I'm not sure how. Then again, my own khepesh isn't a historical accurate one, it's made out of iron, has holes to make it lighter, and the grip is made in such a way that it's impossible to swap it.
picking up this game and wanting them to ban trannies is like showing up to a pride parade and wanting them to ban gay people you are in their world bucko
Redpill me on Raek
>most of the people who get mentioned ad infinitum for shitting up the thread aren't trannies
>actual trannies almost always get excluded from any "lists"
Really makes you think honestly
can be annoying
never posts
never posts
never posts
run of the mill avatarfag, boring and safe
see above
see above
see above
If you dodge shoulder bash Ocelotl's bash, you get hit by his follow-up light.
He dosent even post and just spends the time with his EB away from the thread
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I won't abandon you anon
Even if you're not here anymore
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>is like showing up to a pride parade and wanting them to ban gay people
You mean, like what the trannies are doing to the LGB community in general?
Scored with a biofem so kong is mad
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>Even if you're not here anymore
Actually normal gay people who try to live normal lives hate trannies and you will never see me at a pride event ever
I don't remember making this post
most blatant kong post so far
are they? I'd believe it.
i hate all bottoms
If he throws the light every time then parry that
You ARE parrying light attacks, right..?
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>Entire thread is shitting on Sfia for being a creep and a fag
Sometimes Twitter is good.
i love all bottoms (you)
>trannies straight up take the baby blue and pastel pink colors of their own to the point that they think youre trans or an ally when you just rally like cotton candy and circus themes
>trannies are the loudest part of the LBG community and is the reason a lot of people are unironically hating gays again
>trannies will invade womens spaces and brag and gloat about themselves while abusing women in it and then claim that the tranny is the victim when they get caught doing bad shit in them
shit nigga, u right.
I love femras
Does this mean you hate yourself?
>"diverse set"
>think "oh, so elezen, lalas, hroths..."
>he means LGBTQ because EVERYTHING has to be about gender
Zir posts are very easy to pick out he posts schizo shit constantly
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Based Homos
Take your flag back
How out of touch do you have to be to just label Magness a run of the mill avatarfag?
I love moonies
>eceleb twitterfaggotry
Kong isn't Zir, but Zir got a lot of his plugin cheats from Kong.
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abe is kyoppi
i love femlalas
i wish femlalas loved moonies
kong post lmao
Someone post the picture of him trying to slide into a girls pants after her brother died
I'm glad femlalas dont love moonies
Trans people are inherently broken individuals and think they need things fixed about themselves in order to be happy.

The general rise of the LGB community was more about acceptance of who they are without having to fix anything about themselves and letting us live our lives, whereas trans is more about imposing their view on other people and mandating that they accept that change.

Thanks mate, I'll take good care of it...you're talking about the flag of the twin adders right?
I thought about having to level my crafters (all level 60) and now I don't feel like playing anymore...
i love you anon
kong post
please let this be real
Remember, if it wasn't for trannies takinf the cultural bullet, we would be back to sneeding at homos for pederastry or dykes for being raging first wave feminists. LGB should be thanking these brave, noble crossdressers for tanking aggro and only killing themselves when their mitigation is on cd.
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>please let this be real
it is but I don't have it saved
what did zir do to kong to make him schizzypost about him for over a year?
me too but moonies dont like me
true i fucking hate you
You just haven't found the right moonie yet. They're out there somewhere
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Can I get an official xivg list of known pedophiles so I can report them to the authorities
Kong is a creepy weirdo and got denied e-sex
Diverse (in game races) raid team is cool, makes it feel like a rag tag group of adventures coming together to tackle a challenge
You can do the weekly deliveries for free xp, then you can do supply missions every day that give 25%-50% of a level for one item. Then you have tribes that give you plenty of free xp and gear as well.
you can practically smell the desperation here
chat is this rizz
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he called him a NIGGER!
Who the fuck is Sfia?
In say chat? Actually based
The absolute state of lalaboys
Zir is based
All lalafells
While you guys had highschool drama, I studied the blade.
Kopeshes are fun, though. If FFXIV had some, I might try them.
he's >>494191124
bro what the fuck is wrong with the people who play this game
Alright, thread turned to shit because of e-celebs, and I gotta go to work anyway.
Fellow history enjoyer bro, hopefully we'll talk more later. See ya.
And also check out Tlatoani Prologue on Steam.
>my own khepesh
This is the coolest guy in this general
Malera is also a state of existence; he behaves like a malera therefore he is a malera
>And for the hook, yeah, I read that, but it just seem odd and I'm not sure how.
I'm not actually sure if there's any historical accounts of it, I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm not a professional Egyptologist or anything, I just find it fascinating
Non lalafell players:
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Nah, it's a "tactical" kopesh, so not that good.
Still sharp enough to give anyone a headache if I hit them in the face with that.

The problem with old warfare is that we can't be sure of anything. I watched a video about ancient warfare and how they'd charge, stop, and throw insults and javelins, instead of going full Leeroy Jenkins like you see in Total War.
But at the same time, I don't know about that.
It's really hard for us amateur to tell which professional is right.
But the hooks have to be here for a reason, bronze was difficult to make since you needed tin, so any little bit was here for a reason.

Anyway, as I said, I'm packing up my things and going to work, so see ya later. Maybe ingame.
If it was a malera he would have offered to send a dick pic instead. Totally different types of cringe, get it right faggot.
I'm pretty sure pld has one or two
Nah, PLD has maquahuitlis but no kopeshes that I could find.
*pulls out little notebook*
when girl sad, send her penis pictures..
someone reply to his twitter post with this
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>be MNK
>healer doesn't top me off within a second
>immediately pop the raid wide +healing CD
>Nah, it's a "tactical" kopesh, so not that good.
Doesn't make it any less cool imo
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>Tlatoani Prologue
I was recommended this right as I was sifting through "Games like Suzerain" for some reason. I appreciated our quaint chat while it lasted friendo. If you don't mind purple prose and Victorian London, I highly recommend Sunless Sea.
Amen brother.
I honestly cannot understand how things turned this way where being trans literally make you a protected and first class citizen.
>Critic Sena horrible VA works for DT
>Get called a "Phobic" shit and say that I'm "harassing them" and that somehow shutdown any legitimate critics I had against them

What the fuck?
Nah that behavior fits malera too, they're also huge bitches
Do your research tranny
I tried it, but I couldn't get into it.
And I'm kind of friend with Tlatoani's dev, hence why I'm interested in it.
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I should reinstall For Honor
If you really loved moonies you'd plap them with your +...
I literally did not know Sena was trans before DT, mostly because I didn't look into it or actually care, but I feel like it's so easy for Sena to just scream "YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC AND HARASSING ME" because they did a shit job and people thought that the part that was meant to be the most important voice acting line was performed with the same amount of passion of someone making cardboard
No worries. Those games are definitely an acquired taste heh.
I'll check out Tlatoani then as it reminds me of Pharoah.
Anon, rava send Dick pics
Malera do that soft gaslighting and "I was mearly pretending... Unless"
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Oh yeah, Tlatoani follows Impression Games' style, like Nebuchadnezzar.
Also I should sharpen my saber. Or maybe not, it's meant to be displayed, blade could fly out. I'll inspect the pommel later to make sure it's not a rat tail.
Nta but are you per chance into HEMA?
I could have sworn I've seen one in this game.
No. I live in the countryside, there's nobody to do HEMA in there. Anyway, it's 2PM, I really gotta go. Until next time!

I'll check later. In 12 hours.
There's similar swords, but they're not quite the same
I find it funny how they accuse others for the mildest infractions of being "Hate groups" or for simply disagreeing even slightly with their world views of being hate groups and then spend all their energy on trying to cancel others, label anyone famous they don't like of being a racist nazi.

If anything I've learnt over the years that Trans people themselves are the very definition of a hate group.
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I paid for a new month. Does anyone want to EB me?

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