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Previous: >>494169124

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
What characters did your first impression turn out to be off?
I thought that Wrio was going to be some kind of dark lord/antagonist based on design. I expected him to be quiet and sullen with an edgy voice but fairly neutral in that he only looked out for himself and didn't align with other antagonists like the Fatui. Really surprised me the way he turned out to be.
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Nahida is really sexy.
I thought Wrio was going to be a gruff older sounding guy. Like a real cold hard ass warden type
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Sex with every male in this game
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the clock is ticking
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GOD FUCKING DAMMIT FINALLY it only took until 95+ fucking percent exploration to get the last of the three
So is there some kind of special event/show happening this weekend?
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yay kinich thread!
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This damn puffer never shows up when I need it
Needs to be corrected }{
love mentally unstable women with flower pupils
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>every single time I do co-op people keep telling me my siggy is amazing
theory crafters really ruined her reputation. what a shame.
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Chiori C2 funds is in danger now because I might roll for Kinich(and Chevy & Sara).
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>Loves Furina
>Hates 2 best archons
The shittiest of tastes
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Leave Kinich's banner and 5.0's sales to ME
>t.c6r5 siggy cooping with newfags who have never seen a built dps
>trying to force kinich
Most of the other characters on top also don't belong there, particularly the meta characters like Kuki and Chevreuse as well as Yaoyao the one note meme that nobody ever posts about outside lolitard haremfags.
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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>and then everyone clapped
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Waifuflopper, Waifuflopper, don't cry...
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!Ajaw posting is peak /gig/ thougheverbeit
praying for a cock-free thread.
isn't that ryuuko from kill la kill?
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Where should I put Kinich?
no one likes that character lol
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That's Candace dummy
kinich does not help
Genshin could have had the masterful writing of a Fromsoft game, the great gameplay of a Bethesda game, the soul of a Nintendo game and the graphics of a square enix game... But instead we get some trash shovelware from 2010...
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why do you keep comparing hype banner numbers to post-hype banner numbers, obviously they flopped when the hype died after the fake archon
blame /gig/ not me
Things that never happened
Neuvilette I expected to be far stricter and much more emotionless.
Arlecchino I expected to be a lot colder as well.
I also expected Furina to be slightly more deranged and have full archon power, but that's beating a dead horse at this point.
How did Kaveh tank the sales?
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>the masterful writing of a Fromsoft game
Your boogieman will never be real, !Akinich.
I thought Alhaitham was going to be cool instead of a fucking faggot
Realistically when can we expect Chaska?
Gotta recalculate my spending since Mauvika ain't hitting till 5.3...
Was already risking passing on booba cat for 5.1, cause I thought she'd be out in the update right after, but now apparently I have a whole 'nother update to wait now until Pyro supremacy...
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holy fuark we are so done
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I hate my job so much but I hate Genshin even more
he gave his sword to mavuika
he is indeed helping
It's retarded headcanon when in reality it was HSR releasing around that time
It's hardly a secret that Hoyo specialises in cannibalising their own playerbases by spreading them across ten different games
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Alhaitham keyboard SOON
Why the fuck would you put Freminet in that bottom section you braindead retard
move on
Kinich would ask for payment
Freminet would say that though
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>the peak is September 2021 aka Raiden's release
Is there a shortage of medical pills in Europe these days? Euro posters have been unusually deranged lately. Maybe it has to do with EU banning games with virtual currencies in 2025 so they're coping by gaslighting themselves into completely despising the game to get the addiction out of their systems.
Leakers already saying she's 5.2
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last triple fatui is done
but at what cost?
i dont think he could have said no even if he wanted to
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Homoflopper, Homoflopper, don't cry...
i think anyone who posts troonden and anyone from the bottom row >>494189696 really should be met with an immediate ban so /gig/ can be good again
kill yourself
nahida, raiden, wanderer, alhaitham should be at least 50/50, benett and kaveh in hated.
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c6r5 doesnt matter. people think she's qiqi tier. In 99% of the co-op runs I out damage every single character. Only two Arles have done better


Better than Raiden btw

Oh you want me to record/screenshot every single instance, because I can do that
>EU banning games with virtual currencies in 2025
please be real
please be real
please be real
I just don't understand doompost fags. What are they trying to prove by posting same posts in a game they hate?
That's just because he's a kek.
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Genuine question what was Fontaine's target audience? Liyue and Mond are a mixed bag, Inazuma clearly for men and Sumeru for women.
But Fontaine... what was that fake archon shit Dragon Shilling Pro Maxx shit even for?
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>Neuvillette spoon merch
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Annnnnnnnnnnnd… done!
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You don't belong and it's very obvious
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>every single time I do co-op people keep telling me my aloy is amazing
theory crafters really ruined her reputation. what a shame.
He's been a faggot since his release if people actually card enough to read character stories.
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>trying this hard to force sales bullshit onto Raiden so that it's all she's known for
Kill yourselves already.
>that homomeru wank event, interdarshan something.
>so much talking and shilling a literal who character who did nothing, with terrible ending. status quo my ass, he will stay poor because of his idealism
>wanderer whitewashed
>Leak has kazufag as main character for 3.7
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it's obvious that you are a newfag, everytime these 4 get posted bunch of people have melties, nobody likes them
nobody cares about kaveh and most people do like bennett they just don't like how meta he is
wtf is this really his idle
Fat Xiao's masterpiece made only for Fat Xiao
So I gotta skip on the only other 2 natlan characters that interested me cause Mihoyo wanted to fuckin change their Archon release tradition for the first time since Mondstadt...wonderful...
What if I don't like Sasuke?
Fontaine was for women too, but due to all the female characters it fell flat on its face since women hate female characters even if they're tailor made for that audience.
Normal people
>every single time I do co-op people keep telling me my cleric is amazing
theory crafters really ruined his reputation. what a shame.
>neuvillette spoon
>neuvillette teyvat zoo series
you told me he was unpopular...
Originally for men, but they somehow felt like they should push Neuv at the cost of every other character in the region, effectively taking the "archon" out of the quest.
>bro still trying to push chudvillette when the guy literally does furinas job and pays her expenses
>the guy who they wank as being perfectly impartial yet when furina and loom ask him to use the opera house he gives them special treatment
you would find the house spotless the shoes shined the slaves whipped and the table and food prepared with that nigga
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Childe SOON
>>Leak has kazufag as main character for 3.7
Ended up not being true anyway lmao
They don't even necessarily hate the game itself, they just want to be le epic trolemasters to fill their boring daily life.
Although there is a fair share of actually mentally ill nutcases who think mihoyo has personally insulted them in some way and thus needs to die. Whenever rosaria titty nerf, another unrelated gacha EOSing, or plain not enough gibsmedats, they feel personally attacked.
If mihoyo was a person these people would obsessively stalk him and planning murder
Maybe in your homofaggot brain, sure
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>he pays her expenses so he's not a misogynist
moid post
That attack VAPORISED Cheld.
Mad because Freminet is more based than you'll ever be?
Venti figure? Like a nendoroid or is it the pop mart one?
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there is nothing gay in his character stories
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Freminet had sex.
You haven't.
pyro archon power will go to traveler, mavuika gets a pyro vision and you roll for another human
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No pyro loom leak = no vaporize
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Fuck this cuckge
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But /gig/ loves Faruzan
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i had deep resentment in me everytime i opened the game and had these 4 homos stare at me
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>Neuvillette spoon
Are we like collecting the whole Neuvillette kitchen set by one piece at a time?
Looks like I hit a nerve kek
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I've been here since 1.2
>Arlecchino's symbol on her chest
Arle would be so much better if she looked like this.
Reminder that all it takes is one lunatic samefagging and replying off cooldown to force a narrative because he singlehandedly can make more posts during a thread than anyone else combined, which occasionally encourage lesser schizos to play along.
We've seen it happen many times the rare moment a janny pays attention to /gig/ at the end of a thread
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>all WQ/SQs done
>all shrines/tribe secret areas done
>all local legend achievements done
>102/108 pyroculus
>still only 311/320 chests for achievement
I'm fucking impressed. I legitimately can't find anything anywhere, I've been flying around for hours and I can't find shit
he'd chuck her ass in the sewers where she gets gang raped by all the poisson fucks if he was a misogynist
you dont do someones job and then pay them money
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I-it's a woman's job.
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she's so ugly
welp, sumeru's characters in general are ugly.
Why aren't you using the interactive map?
I don't like Keqing.
Who is Donald J. Trump of Genshin Impact?
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Furina BELONGS to the sewers
does anyone
Imao, you haven't even talked to a girl in years, stop pretending the troons on your cord makes you an expert on women.
Based, fuck Keqing
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how often do people use a VPN to buy genesis crystals?
Faruzan is the only likeable anemo character, this element is cursed beyond belief and I have no idea why someone would curse her with a tranemo vision.
Because I see it as cheating. I'm not against other people using it, I just prefer not to and explore on my own. I've never used a *culus finding item, either; I've found 100% of every nation's collectibles on my own
No one here does
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>time to build pity for Chevy cons
Alright, give me Sasuke's build.
I know I'll get that fucker at a random single pull but need 160 for Xilonen.
>Basin of Unnumbered Flames 83%
You're probably missing a lot of random chests in the city area, a lot of the regional capitals have lots of random chests lying hidden in plain sight
>fuck Keqing
I know /gig/ would.
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uh oh melty melty
what does this prove? Nobody seethes about him, he didn't even have his own birthday OP
If you search up "wormvillette" 3000+ results pop up but he has enough fans and people who defend him to put him in the 50/50 tier
If you search up "ganyu" 170k results pop up but nobody talks about her anymore
Tectone won
I used to but stopped because I've seen people banned for it.
I do all the time, for welkin and BP as well.
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Childe would even clean better than I do
Chevy is not on his banner thougheverbeit.
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We love kaveh around here
You done the warriors challenges? You can get three chests from them
I see. Good luck finding mora chests then.
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If avatar or signature use is allowed, then spamming is too.
>Alhaitham helps his homeless schizo friend
>aieeeeeeeee not cool he's a FAGGOT now
>Neuvillette watches over Wrio for years and brings him gifts
you forgot to mention wriothesley's age during this whole affair
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Trash tierlist
>Kaveh in nobody cares instead of hated
>Nahida in hated instead of 50/50
>Hu Tao in 50/50 instead of loved
>Nilou in 50/50 instead of nobody cares
>Faruzan in nobody cares but Dori in 50/50
>He thinks Batman and Robin are gay
Anon you want to admit something to the thread?
>started game for Arle
>have rolled so far for her, Clorinde and Yelan
>planning for Xilonen Mavuika and Chasca

Should I try for Raiden as well or is it too risky with Xilonen so close?
Neuvillette is a faggot, only spics defend him
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did you unlock the three rooms where the elixirs are stored
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>gig loves them
Try lowering your green fag two tiers, literally who that doesn't get posted, your tier list is biased as fuck.
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-- Patch 5.1 dialogue lines breakdown via Uncle Shitfuck --

Paimon: 15,875
Wuk Lamat: 12,221
Tupac: 5,666
Neuvillette: 3,398
Capitano Prime: 2,819
Kazuha: 1,745
Wanderer: 702
Wriothesley: 698
Kaeya: 656
Xinyan: 402
Baizhu: 88
Qiqi: 19
Clorinde: 18
Xianyun: 16
Gaming: 14
Aloy: 8
Xilonen: 7
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear: 3
Traveller: 2
He's an adult in Lantern Rite where Neuv makes him stuff. Also he co-parents Sigewinne. But keep coping and shitting on Alhaitham lole
Xilonen is way more useful for where you currently are than Raiden could ever hope to be.
prove you actually like keka and not just pretend to impress your beloved kekaposter e-bf
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fontaine broke you
>your daughter sending you letters about her son and you getting him a gift on new years is le GAY
hang yourself
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Nah I've stripped all tribe areas clean. I just fucking found this guy though, don't ask how I missed it.
lmao nice try faggot
nobody wants that fucking brink sunk cost shitter
Hmm. Today I think I'll spam how nobody actually likes a generally well liked character all day long then samefag to make it seem like most are in agreement.
What are your plans for today?
Kill yourself Neuvtroon. Stop trying to act like you aren't the worst fucking excrement on this planet.
you are barely coherent
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>He thinks Batman and Robin are gay
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floptaine killed genshin and thats a good thing
Reminder that the Raiden freak is currently having a mental breakdown and spamming the thread with Raiden in order to cope with their sunk cost of 2 years. They will ask random questions like
>Is c3 Raiden worth it?
>which weapon to use on Raiden?
>talking about hyperbloom Raiden
>I will be rolling c2/c3 Raiden
(When they already have a c3+ Raiden they wasted 2+ years of resin on and its still a critfishing subpar unit)
>Random unrelated topic to Raiden but with a Raiden image attached in order to hide the fact they are spamming Raiden
>Random Akasha Raiden with a custom Raiden image attached as the have a mental breakdown screaming over 2 years of sunk cost
>bringing up Ei's story quest out of nowhere
>spamming the same Raiden abyss clear
>Random post about "endgame" so they can critfish and scream in frustration trying to cope with their sunk cost
>reply with "Genshin peaked with Raiden" and proceed to spam about Raiden in events
In order to help cope with their need to spam Raiden because they are having a mental breakdown. They farmed for over 2 years and still constantly struggle to contain their mental illness. They seriously need help as its not normal to think about Raiden all the time and they cannot function without talking about her.
I don't even remember any Dori hate on /gig/ only in twitter screenshot reposts.
why is the raidentroon spamming so much today
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>Qiqi: 19
based based!
It's certainly gayer than anything Alhaitham ever said or did. People shitpost Alhaitham when his only fault is being friend with a woman like Kaveh.
if you dont have kuki and are desperate for a diaperbloom bot sure
I'm going to play some Genshin Impact
>Kaveh in nobody cares instead of hated
Compared to what the bottom characters get it's pretty much nothing
>Nahida in hated instead of 50/50
One/two ritualposts don't count
>Hu Tao in 50/50 instead of loved
>Nilou in 50/50 instead of nobody cares
>Faruzan in nobody cares but Dori in 50/50
Faruzan doesn't have any dedicated posters
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>No Childe
Why must I always suffer?
Yep, *everything* is done, as far as I can tell, except for this undead shadow cat I just found
>Also he co-parents Sigewinne.
Retarded fujo is a delusional speedreader, who would’ve thought. Sige is way older than Wrio.
Also Neuv only made that thing because he wanted to join in on the joke that Wrio and Clorinde had going.
How? I haven't unlocked any shrines and I'm already somewhere between 90-96% in these areas.
Dont worry naruto is there too
>man in bat themed gimp suit
>manlet in girlshorts
Yeah, pretty much.
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femorrhoid flops killed the game and mihoyo's reputation
So nobody cares?
You think about genshin characters while having sex with your boyfriend?
Woah there, are you trying to troll the shitposters or something??
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I still try to use her every abyss despite getting c2r1 french keka
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For me, it's (black)
ZhongTard, YanTard and PooTard.
>Genuine question what was Fontaine's target audience? Liyue and Mond are a mixed bag, Inazuma clearly for men and Sumeru for women.
Disagree on the latter, Sumeru was for everyone, it just had some shitty characters that were a sign of worse to come, but Fontaine was clearly designed for the worst type of women, white ones.
A fujobait paradise full of the faggiest designs, with the worst concept possible steampunk paris.
Run by a cunt dragon who makes it rain when he cries, and an androgynous heterochromia'd theatre kid turning everyones life into a soap opera for her own amusement, featuring such colorful characters as an edge lord catboy who shops at hot topic running the most liberal fantasized version of prison possible, literal canonical crossdressing faggot magicians raised by a lesbian who makes children call her Father, all before ripping off the little mermaid for it's final patch, and turning the one promising character into a larping table top loser with none of Fischl's autistic charm, and nerfing her kit to the point of unplayability.

And hitting every french cliche possible paris fashion week? Check. Cannes Film Festival? Check. undergound Les Mis Revolutionary Group? Check.

Only good part of 4.XX was when we went back to Liyue for the New Year, and got the fuck out of that shithole.
This is the truth /gig/ ignores
wormvillette is the biggest flop not only in genshin but in any mhy game
I thought that Wrio was one of the older guys. Like early to mid thirties.
>Also Neuv only made that thing because he wanted to join in on the joke that Wrio and Clorinde had going.
and all the excess tea he got? you always ignore that part for some reason
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I seriously wish I knew. I don't even have to try to get 98+ after a week or so an area drops.
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>Inazuma clearly for men and Sumeru for women.
What causes such retardation?
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>reddit no frieren
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>being this mindbroken
Sigewinne is around 400 and Wriothesley regards her as his senior, since she was already working in Meropide before he was imprisoned, and she's even the one who took care of him as a young teenager.
But nardo is even gayer than sausgay.
>edge lord catboy who shops at hot topic
ermmm hes a human with wolf motifs actually...
Pls pls pls give me Thoma while I’m rolling for Kinich PLEASE god PLEASEEEEEEEE I just know it wont happen because my 4* luck is SHIT
>Reminded again how Neuvillette flopped
KYYYSS faggot tranny dragon. Die motherfucker die motherfucker die motherfucker DIE DIE DIE.
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Yeah but he was thinking of Tifa so it was fair
That's why K'uhul Ajaw hates him
yeah because faggots like tighnari kaveh alhaitham and cyno are definitely catered to anyone that doesn't have an axe wound between their legs
Neuvillette BROKE you.
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/gig/ loves Fischl though
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Who is having a melty right now?
Explore more. There's a lot of secret puzzles you can only solve by indwelling saurians.
Sigewinne is 500+
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Holy trvth nvke shelling, they just keep coming
I'm a virgin femvolcel so no
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>algaythemyume melty because everyone but the fujos dropped her faggot

I see a hag I give it some consideration, simple as.

Cool story bro I dunno whatever it means tho I'm just a newfag

Not a Kuki haver, not desperate either.

Looking like a pass for now. Thank you anons.
Yeah, she has some dedicated posters but this can be said about a lot of characters. I agree that the list is trash.
I also feel like there is no character /gig/ loves because even Cheld has anons who shitpost him.
And Sige is decades older than him.
He fell for a scam and had excess tea as a result. Xianyun fell for the same thing. Stop parroting delusional Twitter fujo fantasies.
Retarded /gig/ narration.
>Inazuma clearly for men
name a single thing about post-2.1 inazuma that appealed to men
just a single one
ill wait
Neuvfags eat shit for a living.
Even if Wrio was 80, he'd still be a kid to Sigewinne, who is over 500 years old.
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UID? i will fix that
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Homofujotroon hourly melty, please understand xer.
>biological woman now are "axe wounds"
Genuinely procure medication
he fell for that scam and he still gave everything to wrio
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Algay landwhale is seething at neuvilette again
Nevermind, I misread Sigwinne as someone else. I'm retarded. Still think he's one of the older ones though.
It's interesting that the longer a man plays a game, the more he starts hating it with a passion until he loses his sanity, yet won't ever quit or love on.
I see the same behaviour in a lot of generals. Total war, grand strat, fighting games, WoW, TES etc etc.
The only long term game that hasn't devolved into a bitter shitpot general dedicated to hating the games of its general is the Sims, but most of them are women.
Have these two characters even interacted
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according to waifutrannies zzz should be their best-selling game after releasing 4 meta and coombait waifuflops in a row but the numbers tell a different story
do you think worshipping male characters (and faggy feminine ones no less) is normal male behavior? no, that's what teenage girls do with justin bieber or whoever the fuck is popular now. you act the same way because you're a faggot and a tranny
Neat that this is a seat.
>Neuvillette gets scammed like an idiot and ends up with 10x tea packages he won't drink
>gives em to Wrio since he's a tea autist
No offense sis but the cuckposting between Wrio and Clorinde is more believable
>taking froggers seriously
>my friend is a huge tea drinker
>hmm I have all this tea that I ended up getting, guess I’ll give it to said friend
durr hurr hurr
I still have PTSD from those damn elevators...Do you really think I care what specific animal that emo douchebag was??
These games need males to survive, but incels will never admit it. Women give these games free advertisement, which is why zzz is flopping so hard
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rope yourself alhaithamfag nobody likes your faggot or your kind
why would any self respecting waifufag play a mihoyo game lol
Manlets are never not seething.
Post Chevy.
i hate men
>Open link
>Ear rape
Fuck you
Algay algay algay
But he's happy being gay, shouldn't you be too?
Neuvillette BROKE you
Alhaitham is twice as popular as Neuvillette because normal people can tell fujo delusions from the canon
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Nta but were you born yesterday? Before trannies ruined everything, it was common to refer to actual vaginas as axe wounds lmao
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Who the fuck cares about Nilou? Can your answer this? Literally the blandest non character in the game. When was the last time she was posted outside of some forced controversy?
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Well they certainly aren’t playing non-Mihoyo waifufag games either judging by how hard snowbreak is flopping LOL
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Genshin for this feel?
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I want Dehya to sit on my face.
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Xinyan is a Shounen enjoyer.
I don't.
Sigewinne GROOMED you
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No point in playing this crap
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>Women give these games free advertisement,
women give these games free anti-advertisment lol
normal people go online see women talk about the game and all they talk about is everyone being a faggot and fucking each other and then go "man this game is some faggy shit guess i should cancel the download and try out something else"
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...on opposite day
>When was the last time she was posted outside of some forced controversy?
bro your bloomposting?
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happy rerun to our obese queen
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>we are in natlan
>/gig/ still can't stop talking about neuv
Over 250 posts yet less than 15 unique ips... Lotta samefagging here right now
alhaitham is only liked by fujo delusions since he's gay
stupid faggots like you defend a cross legged sitting bow wearing tranny and assume anyone who calls you out acts the same way towards another gay male characters
stop being so closeted retarded faggot freak go take dozens of cock in the street and die of mpox like you deserve
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.
Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
Neuvillette is gay because you have to be homosexual to a degree to be shipped with a boy in shorts
Ningguang or Rosaria are the only characters with references to smoking
Every ZZZ character is "meta", they're powercreeping faster than HSR
Every upcoming character in a row is a direct powercreep of an existing role (Jane, Caesar, Burnice, Lighter, Hanagi, Miyabi etc.)
wtf is happening in this general right now
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>eats junk food every other hour of the day
>still manages such a perfect thigh gap
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again, the numbers tell a different story xis >>494192042
Your face is not a valid seat.
Neuvillette fell and broke his sales then he flopped. Neuvpags rim assholes for a living.
Bleach is one of those rare shounens where they did the right thing, make the cringe mc an irrelevant jobber and give all the screentime to actually interesting characters.
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only alhaitroons seethe at him because he's everything your fave faggot isn't, this has been obvious since 4.0. rope yourself and film it while you do it so i can laugh
So it was Kavehs game until Fontaine? Eis game until sumeru?
Each region seems to make some deranged freak utterly obsessed with hating a single specific character that he'll bring up over and over long after everyone has moved on
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fujo vs homo slap fighting with a bunch of people throwing gasoline on both of them
So Alhaitham and Wanderer also don't have dedicated posters in your opinion? There also were multiple c6 Nahidas here.
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>stop pretending the troons on your cord makes you an expert on women.
a lot of what anons post about how "women" think and behave makes a lot more sense now..
Sounds like Genshin minus the interesting character part.
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Abyssal corruption
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Chev at c0 is pretty mid, right? i don't wanna waste my luck on sasuke banner
yes, that's the point. a game that's shitting out powercreep packaged into coombait waifuflops is flopping..
Still skipping the homo banner lmao.
>long haired males
Definitely a faggot.
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They have 2 dedicated posters that get overshadowed by 50 /gig/gers that hate them
>There also were multiple c6 Nahidas here
Unironically a retarded raid
To be fair, Natlan is so boring there isn't much to talk about.
Oh yeah, the nr1 Harbinger jobbing to a fake archon, whoo.
Its beautiful how hard he broke incels in here, they’re so fragile
Chevy at C0 is literally a Kazuha replacement for Pyro/Electro teams. You clearly don’t know how good that is.
No, at C0 she's VV res shred + ATK bonus except she's also free to equip some other support artifact set like Noblesse or the new Natlan set
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>sara and chevreuse are now both raiden banner exclusive
why? why is getting 4* characters so fucking aids?
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Why the fuck did Xbalanque pull a Focalors and split himself into a non-human and human half and why did he let the human half be the archon while he locked away the dragon?
when is Columbina?
It's over. The janny is a tranny ERPer too.
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For me, Its Fischl!
how it feels doing the tribe quests
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How? I only opened 304 chests
>the algayfags were the ones seething at neuvilette out of jealousy
Just roll for Kinich then, bwo.
So what are Chevy's best teams. I don't have Clorinde.
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Wait til you see this.
get fucked
sigh... guess i will throw away 20 or 30 rolls
If you read Kinich's lines and stories, he's obsessed with making sure there is a price determined for things ahead of time, primarily because of his shitty abusive father gambling his family into poverty. He would do them as long as you held up your end of the bargain too and the terms were agreed upon ahead of time.
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He's so fucking cute
HOLY FUCKINNNG SHIIIIIIT I have Neuvillette so goddamn mUUUUCHHH.
i need to save. i pulled arlecchino and clorinde, why no chevreuse for them? why only raiden?
I think the weirdest part is how Chevy was even in Clorinde’s trial and yet she’s locked to a character that isn’t even in her region.
The most likely conclusion is that they still want to try and shill Raiden as much as possible.
I use Arle/Chevy/Bennett/Fischl
Any off-field pyro + electro main dps
Any off-field electro + pyro main dps
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now hoyo is replacing him even more with another dendro dps
Umm what happened to the english dub?
Interesting statistics. Proof?
It really doesn't matter much.
I stomped the geokek side of abyss with Fischl/Dehya/Chevy/Lisa.
Sure, my Chev is c6 and sub dps built, but she basically makes any overload team good.
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>only alhaitroons
wrong because he's a gay looking drag queen with horrible writing
you go out of your way to defend this creature because you relate to him, being a feminine thigh high boots wearing faggot included. you're not a real man but an autogynephilic tranny freak who wishes men could paint their nails and hug plushies without being beaten up like you were
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He is too strong...
They desperately want people to roll on flopden’s banner even though every single one of her reruns flopped
when is bina in the story?
lyney b chevy fischl
raiden b xl chevy
yoi b chevy fisch
arle b chevy fischl
just slap her in any team with either xl or fischl
you can replace b with dehya if you have enough damage and dont want to be tossed around
You will never break anything you worthless shit eaters. Your character is shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck Neuvillette.
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1 more secret room to go.
sorry she dies off screen
look at this current thread, also the reaction when it was revealed wanderer is rerunning in 5.2 and him being in dragonspine told me everything I need to know
Christ Terrone, you're so mentally ill it's scary. Why haven't the mob offed you yet?
damn, you really are retarded.
>meanwhile he plays a croptop wearing manlet
We still have people seething at Hu Tao and Raiden.
the difference between
1.x characters >>494192720
3.x characters >>494192573
you can see the vertex detail on the 1.x comparing to 3.x characters
past 2.x, genshin has been pumping low-effort model with even ridiculous design that makes many artists hesitated to draw genshin's character because of overdetailed mess.
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>incels still mindbroken by GODvillette
mualani vs a cicn mage with her flies has got to be the saddest thing alive holy fuck how did this kit and gameplay make it through seriously did they just not test anything and just called it a day after already knowing that the game they made had shit targeting on release that they refused to address or attempt to fix after 4 years
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Nta but that is French, and by extension white culture.
sorry your brown ass cant cope with a white man being relevant
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you cant just blame everything you dont like on us antihaithamschizo
This is a Neuvillette hate thread. Let's all hate Neuvillette.
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QRD on current thread state?
why did we go from bitching about chevy on raiden to sudden neuv again?
she is immortal
>hating Nahida
Stupid list.
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Chevy is such a ridiculous character that you can even pair her with someone like Cyno and clear easily.
She works best with Ei and Arle.
All work.
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move mr eol to yellow
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They knew she’d flop so they didn’t bother giving her a good kit, now only the 5 waifukeks will roll and we can move onto better banners for Natlan
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What's the max level? How many should we have left? I'm running out of chests here
She's busy making snow angles in Snezhnaya
How many high can you get the pyro statue of seven in this patch, level 5 right?
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Because I forced it. You're a joke. I'm the real Sparkle.
>Married the girl with the biggest tits and had 2 kids
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That's it
I can't take it anymore
im uninstalling Genshin Impact!
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i believe i saw someone at lvl 22
Thigh high boots are very useful when you work in flooded areas.
so she is not in Natlan story?
her first version was going to make up for the clunk by doing a fuckton of damage to make it worth the hassle
then they nerfed the ever living shit out of her
>the shitalian is STILL crying about neuv
He's giving all Italians a bad name singlehandedly.
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow that no matter how much you spam your little green goblin it doesn’t change anyone’s feelings on her, nashitda troon
>no argument
I accept your concussion
Nilou has several dedicated fans and also several retarded tiebaschizos attached to her name so she rightfully belongs to 50/50
Just complete the top row bwo, its easy!
Currently there's no sign of her, no
dude what?
2 fags like him here max but make up the majority, if not all, of the neuv seethe? that doesn't make any sense.
20 as usual, with a large amount more sigils available, as usual.
They shouldn't put a cap on it per patch, it's annoying, I'm sure next patch I'll already have enough to max it out.
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I'm in north Italy projecting retard
you also don't have any justification for the way you act towards a male fictional character, slobbering over him in a way only faggots and girls do. if I were to take comments about neuvillette from an husbando reddit they would be the exact same as yours. because you're a faggot and you're embarassed by the way you act so you'll never address how gay you look and sound to the average person
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who is on Kinich banner?
why won't they add the skip button i just don't get it
is it out of pride? are the writers threatning to leave if they add a skip button? why do i have to sit through 3 litteral hours of npc nonsense
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20 lvl is max
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anon every loli is loved here.
Gave me a logical reason to hate Neuvillette that isn't just incel seething.
I bet you enjoyed Mavuikaslop this patch, because as long as a whore is girlbossing, everything is fine.
Neuvillette just flew over my house and flopped.
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Fill me up with /gig/ger semen.
Angsty male and optimistic female BIG LOVE
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...fuck. Legit can't find anymore
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2 ugly waifus and Thoma
Go to a therapist.
Is there a relation between seelies and columbina? I must have missed it
Alhaitroons will have a melty stop
Sara, Chevreuse and Thoma
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Feminas non oportet suffragiis vel aequis iuribus frui, sed suam condicionem pati.
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bros I already have c6 raiden and I don't roll homos how am I ever going to get c6 chevy now
>is he gay or just european.mp3
I don't get the actual hate either when he's just boring at worst.
>North Italy
figures. Will you ever stop seething at French people and admit your inferiority?
oh know
What are Kinich's cope weapons?
it's not possible, it doesn't let you ascend past 20 even if you have sigils. you mignt be confusing with rewards being visible up to 22nd level.
Wrio is the ugliest tall male
our favorite cumdump
Literally the worst fucking reaction in game. Braindead shit you get terminally bored with after two tries. The only people who unironically play it are newfags who didn't have any strong teams and Niloubloom was one of their first.
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Chevreuse is super pretty
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Hu Tao flopped
bro, your Battle pass claymore?
everyone note how he said he is north italy not he is north italian
literally a terrone that moved north for work lol
Some people think she's one of the surviving seelies but there's nothing official proving or disproving it yet
Anyone else get 100% exploration without using any guides or interactive maps?
Genshin with the biggest bush?
how about the statues?
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Isnt it funny how literally no one is talking about Neuvilette yet some guy just appears and starts seething as if Neuv was literally all /gig/ is talking about?
You made this webm on a private server, !Akemi.
Just because you refuse to admit it doesn't mean it's not obvious to everyone. Get over your freak obsession with your boogieman.
It's funny, because you can't even sort of explain why you think this UID belongs to your boogiman.
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super cool too
BAAAASED. Fuck Neuvillettefags with a rake.
Well yeah, terrones are known to migrate to Successful (by Italian standards) parts. Nobody is surprised to hear about a terrone leaving to ruin a successful part of the country.
Not true. We love our cute not-wolfboys.
the people spamming those mmd edits and ai art of blunderer and nilou
>chimping out at french people
This natlan is some ben 10 tier shit
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That's what happens when you live at your parents' past 30. Takes a toll on the psyche
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shouldve had the gun barrel smash into the guys face
yeah but it's not truly 100%
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>401 chests
>12 oculi
>165 sigils
Good enough for me, I'll probably never find the last ones except the oculi once I get the compass
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Haven't done them yet, I like to collect them all in the patch first. So these + shrines are the answer
play wuthering waves
uh oh waifufags aren't going to like this...
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what were they thinking with this banner?
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Why didn't you roll for Yoimiya?
>Enemy has cryo on it
>Another white "leak" victim
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Do you not know how minorities always make the most noise to appear bigger than they seem?
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Nice damage tao!
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>Gave me a logical reason to hate Neuvillette that isn't just incel seething.
I can't but then again why shouldn't incels be winning? Why should faggots and women get anything? Fuck Neuvillette.
>I bet you enjoyed Mavuikaslop this patch
I motherfucking do. She is awesome.
Not now baby boo. I'm busy shitting on Neuvillette.
They were trying to get two waifuslop to ruin my rolls while I aim for Kinich and c6 Thoma
right now I think it is. they usually add chests in old areas during new patches, but since this is 5.0, it should actually be 100%
Irishfags? What's this?
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uuggghhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyy????????? She's supposed to be locked to arle........
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Have you done warrior challenges or something like that (time trials with saurians). For some reason they are not marked on map and the challenge icon above them head shows up only when you're really close, so I missed some of them when I was exploring
Neuvillette is a character for men.
That's what white men used to wear during the victorian era...
plz roll for our new homo!
Totally not carried by the other characters btw
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post pure virgin maidens
Why do women hate neuvillette?
no it's not it just says 100% but I know that I'm missing quite a few chests compared to other anons who posted their chest count
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>antineuvfag is an ERPtranny
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Ajaw won a decisive victory over you
i will never not forget when neuvtroons had a massive melty when someone pointed out he sits like a woman
>bragging about being a rentoid
imagine giving away several hundred euros every month to a landlord instead of dawei just because you want to larp a successful adult lol
did you do the quest about an alchemy table?
did you find a schizo nps who asks for rocs?
did you restore the graffitti?
did you read 4 priest's messages?
did you take food from alpacas and took all the eggs from some random table?
did you lead 3 tepetlesauruses to the nest?
did you place 3 toy alpacas on rocs?
Neuvillette just fucking sucks that much. Eat shit and fucking die Neuvshits.
It's funny how he was right for a lot of things like 4.8 event and xilonen but columbina appearing in 5.x must've come from his ass
She will be forever locked to Raiden just like Sara, you will roll for her.
is c3 r1 Raiden good with c6 Sara c6 Chev?
I don't like trying to justify four stars characters' banner placements with muh synergy since a lot of the time it does feel like they just throw darts at a spinning wheel but if I were to attempt to rationalise it this would be my answer:

Sara is glued to Raiden so that's not really up for discussion
Chevreuse was due for a rerun and I guess she does have some level of synergy with Raiden and technically Kinich due to being pyro (although not a single soul will use her this way) - They also know she's one of the more desirable 4 stars so people will likely be more enticed to roll for her
Thoma synergises with both both Kinich and Chevreuse and thus also Raiden by proxy
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>Doesn't job
Those are the qualities straight white men value the most in a character, that's why Neuvillette, Zhongli and Alhaitham are popular among them.
Solar beam.
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What an exciting life you lead
When people can correctly identify you from a single post, chances are you're extremely autistic and mentally ill. But in your mind it's the world laughing at you that is the crazy part.
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No we don't.
Missing 2 chest it over...I have 173 spare.
why did anyone think some random surf shop owner was going to powercreep neuv for real
are you stupid
IIRC chests from quests dont count towards exploration %, only overworld
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I won
Why do you think it is that people like Zhongli and Alhaitham but not Neuvillette?
Burning and overload shilling just like they've been doing second half of fontaine
do we love neuvillette
baizhu for clothes, diluc for face
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It's amazing how easily /gig/ explotes
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Which has the more sniffable soles?
>Thoma in C
But why
He's like the perfect husband
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W___________ f______
>Neuvillette crossdresses
>Alhaitham takes it up the ass from Kaveh
Zhongli and Wriothesley are the only characters for straight white men.
>and Alhaitham
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>He thought the pyro archon would powercreep the head chef of Wanmin Restaurant
It's also why swarthoids get immensely butthurt at Neuvillette.
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i will gouge my eyes out before i roll for pagden.
no, i kept finding chests after hitting 100%
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once i reach 90% i say "fuck it" and just use a guide, i dont really feel like wasting hours running around in circles
goes here>>494194118
I'm also missing like 2 time trial challenges
Neuvillette poll


Furina poll

>and Alhaitham
no one likes your faggot either
No he fucking isn't. He is an effeminate tranny dragon.
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dresses like an 80s gay pornstar and takes it up the ass from Neuvillette
yeah woman, just put every male on top while girl are below
fuck you.
Zhongli is CANONICALLY genderfluid.
Females are mentally ill, they don't like stable men. When men like Thoma get into a relationship they get cheated on 9/10 times.
What does kachina's cunny taste like?
Chev alone makes me consider rolling
Great, now the terrone is gonna spam and samefag all day again
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i regret rolling for the almighty dragonlord k'uhul ajaw
You will never "make memes", !Akemi. No one likes you. You are totally alone.
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>c1 sara
>no chevy
>c6 thoma
good banner for me. I'll hopefully snag at least c0 chevy, get extra rolls for any thomas, and maybe finally get sara to a usable state (still only c1).
Yes we do
>Has to post a youtuber
Neuvpags are so pathetic
thats just part of exploring
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Get homo'd or get Raiden, your choice bucko.
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literal cope, I'm not going to change the way I type to blend in and if you do you have self esteem issues. but that's to be expected from someone who won't own up being gay in an age where you'll be coddled for doing so
btw all the neuvfreaks seething at me are talking about anything but the way they obsessively fanboy over him in a way that's not distinguishable from an homosexual lusting over him. why is this? I'm awaiting an explanation
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Will appear in the full McDonald's PV five days from now :)
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Those people don't care about Nilou.
Neuvillette is the best thing to ever happen to /gig/
I still cannot believe they put that implication in-game.

You can read it as Guizhongs favorite perfume or Zhonglis feminine phase.
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Mualani's banner is ending in 3 days and people have yet to make a thong mod that replaces her granny shorts without any other accessory bullshit.

Unironically the gayest gacha community.
chev is the best pyro atk buffer healer that is not tied to circle impact
the simplest answer is often the case. a lot of retards here seethe about neuv despite him really having nothing to feel strongly about either way.
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I believe my nigga White and this guy because they said that Xbalanque will reborn.
Are you somehow able tell he's in the thread so you post this or do you post this to bait him out of hiding?
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*an effeminate tranny dragon that could break you physically (he already did mentally)
I think it counts in the card still, because I got the 320 chests cheevo when I did one of the challenges for the investigation quest.
I always knew I was a flop
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My C6R6 Hu Tao SURPASSED your C1R1 neuv
how many rolls to c6 chevy from c0?
it's a lottery, might take you 60 rolls or 600
this is kinda pathetic but i just don't know how to deal with the quests of this game anymore.
i have so much fun just running around exploring and killing stuff, but then whenevr i see an npc with a quest icon i feel my chest tighten and an odd feeling of dread overtaking me, there was a moment at the start of natlan where an npc started running towards me and i just alt f4'd my way just because i got scared that i would be forced to sit through 30+ minutes of dialogue

the easy answer would just be to drop the game but man i really love everything else i just wish they would add a skip button
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Raiden appeals to both sexes, that's why she's NR.1 in popularity.
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for me it's powerful goofy incompetent jobbers
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Neuvillette is canonically retarded and autistic that's why autists and melusine fuckers like him. The other two are smart and wise.
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"Sorry for crashing into you. You're not from Natlan, are you?"
Absolutely impossible to predict since rolling for four stars is fucked
You can play around with https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc to say what the >math says
neuv is consistently in the top 3 for men and women which makes sense because usually the most yawn-worthy characters get popular with normalfags (like kazuha)
>the pagtalian is the chart schizo too
Do we really need a boot hanging off Europe?
just don't do them if you don't want to sis
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Lectoure POV
>a lot
/gig/ loves neuvillette and the ones who hate him already exposed themselves as brown fags
Don't bother these faggots are enamored with their shit dragon. They don't realize all the hate is deserved. All of it.
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200 rolls gave me a C4 Chevy
between 60 and infinity, just be lucky
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Mirror mirror on the wall~
Who's the schizoest of them all?
stream tomorrow, yes?
I played IT with the trial Mualani again just to give her a final chance but she couldn't convince me to roll her
Triggering latent schizophrenic "people" is never a good thing.
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Come back home, Hetero male.
Kinich would be a good father
Livestream? No.

Still 3 weeks away.
stream is on the friday before the new patch
we still have 3 weeks to go we are simply getting the second banner of the patch now
After doing wqs I still doubt they'll make xbalanque playable but I do hope they prove me wrong
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>NR. 1 in popularity
With who, western troons?
>gay tranny freaks have power fantasies where they can physically overcome someone
>they project it on neuvillette
>the gay tranny freak twig
lmao he isn't Alhaitham, don't kid yourself.
they lock areas behind them and now even character materials (mualani and kinich)
Is there any other Italians here besides the terrone guy?
it's okay, kinich is the one made for us, sister
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is your Keqing 1% yet, anon?
>more wuwa spam in the genshin general
Do you fagots also go to wuwa threads to shill genshin there?
>name a character chlamydia
>have her thirst after (You)
what did they mean by this
Is this a bot?
He is objectively the best husband, for real life, but in the game he's quite lackluster after his spear throw scene. he's glued to being the kamisato's servant and...he likes his dog. his kit felt boring until we had the option of burgeon, so he fell short too there for a long time. they could have done something cute with him returning home to mondstadt for a visit, maybe during the last windblume with sucrose/collei/razor that already focused a lot on familial themes (e.g. found family vs blood) but the devs neglect him a lot.
>hetero male
Have you seen all the homos defending Fagvillette? Do you know where you are?
most mod creators are unironically trannies hutranny and cockomi having the largest amounts of mods should've been an obvious sign
There's an Italian neuvifuri shipper unironically.
yep, not posting cause i dont want cheldschizo to doxx my uid
>tfw xiangling would never scream "EAT THIS!" while shoving her cunny on my face
hetero males dont play mix toilet games sis
>if you don't Z this you must be Y irl or be a fan of X character
but whyyy
Gives me an excuse to use Yoimiya but it's definitely far from the best
pulling camellya and trying to skip snorekeeper but I have to roll for yoohoo so I might get spooked sadly, good thing I have enough since ive only rolled jinhsi since launch
I can tell you're "stable" too
Hutao and Kokomi are not tranny characters
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Fat bottomed seelie
You make the rocking world go around
Her name is Tsubaki
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stop trying to turn alhaitham into a bara, freak
last banner I went from c2 to c6 raiden and all I got was c4 chevy
Tranny dragon, tranny dragon, don't cry.
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she will if your name is Guoba
>that look she gives him
His role is being Ayato's boytoy nowadays but that's on the writers for refusing to write any other inazuma characters with the exception of Itto.
why is she black
if you ever see a wuwa thread that reaches 750 posts in under 12 hours its because mihomo troons are raiding it
All the fucking time.
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we like gindi here
>chevy & sara

why though they're powercrept by xilonen
Xe is the worst thing to happen to Genshin.
kill yourself fujotranny
even itto they have flanderized the ever living fuck out of. i miss early itto
I'm white and European, faggot.
that's probably the thaipag using a VPN, which is why xe's so obsessed with southerners
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I'll just use my guarantee on mualani instead hee hee!
the shader is too warm
kinich looks so stiff.
post hand
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Charlottedev needs to manifest a hangout or event.
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where this go
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>Chevy on this banner
Wew good thing I already have her.
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Raiden is a brick. 3 years too late to roll for that dinosaur.
According to this general I'm a Mexican Indian Indonesian Burger European gay (male) lesbian tranny who is overweight due to eating nothing but pizza while simultaneously subsiding on a diet consisting solely of pagpag paid for with my salary from working in a coal mine even though I'm apparently also a NEET who has never gone outside but at the same time I visit gay clubs every night except that I sit at home 24/7 to shill five different gacha games from a call centre while simultaneously exclusively playing Genshin
...among many other things

I wouldn't worry about it, just enjoy the game bwo
>release chevy
>make her shit only work in electro/pyro ONLY teams
>make her a near brick in natlan since most teams are going to want xilonen
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If Kinich sells more than Mualani it's because of Sara and Chev.
You just reminded me how the only hangout we got in 4.x was Lynette's.
near one of the 3 nails is a cave door
C6 Sara + C6 Chevy >>>>>> anything Xilonen can provide.
qrd on the coal mine part
the big drill
there's a gate in one of its hole
you have worms too btw
Who would be the best mother, and who would be the best father?
Go back to the big room with the giant drill and there's an optional room somewhere to the opposite side of where the game wants you to go
you will never be white, italian shitskin
do not forget thar you are also a woman and an incel
Just Chevy. No one gives a shit about Sara.
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holy cope
neuv seethe becomes incredibly funny once you find the true reason for it by digging through the archives
Lol. Lmao.
t. C6 Raiden and C2 Sara
There's an oculus behind a locked caravan door somewhere
What kind of mental affliction makes you obsess over a guy and bring him up all the time, basically just writing the same post and slurs over and over each time like a poorly programmed chatbot?
I mean, there's a few characters i dislike a lot, but i don't bring them up nor start chimping anytime anyone else posts them or say they like them. That's their business and opinion.
Also praise Charlotte and her unique ability.
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c3r1s are coping because they don't want to pay for c2 xilonen who will remove 5 dead seconds from the rotation (they're poor)
dont use my wife for your shitposts faggot
thanks I forgot about it. I saw it earlier but completely forgot after completing the quest
qrd on the bwcschizo?
Does c6ing the 5* first count as lucky
They made hangouts into events, probably because most players don't bother with them.
I have severe brain damage
maybe but then I have to use Klunkjou Sara instead of the cute roller blading jaguar
is rolling for c6 4 stars the single dumbest thing someone can do in genshin?
>I only like genshin for the exploration!
>Has an interactive map tab opened up
>Doesn't actually know anything about the ruins and shit you visit, just think it's generic structures
No, you like rolling for debate clubs because you're a gambling addict scrounging for every 2 primo you can find to roll just one more time
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Sorry we like to watch here.. Our penis haven't been used for years..
Your wife has been associated with ERP trannies for a year now
Did you get c6 raiden in like 100 summons or something? I’ve never not gotten all 3 4 stars to c6 when going for c6 limited 5 star and I’ve had some lucky ones like c6 arle in under 400 summons
Just think of it as something you pick up while rolling for the featured characters
Raiden Shogun USLURPED you
Try to explain why you think it's normal to worship Neuvillette without looking like the stupid woman/tranny faggot that you are.
>you like rolling for debate clubs
you dont like big spikey sticks used for clobbering people?
what are you gay?
It's always some white incel buttblasted because he got trolled hard by bbc spam and this is his revenge to troll back, or it's some seapag who gets immensely horny feeling inferior to "bwc" taking his women (east asians women counts as his too in his mind).
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I am the harbinger of death
...on bizzarro 4chan
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>chip his HP beforehand with Furina
>kite with Ganyu
>outrun spin with Shark
very comfy
I'm done
nice projection
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I care about Sara.
In an extremely fucked up way, I suppose. I did get VERY lucky though. Won 5 coinflips, 4 copies were in less than 30 rolls from the last
Read above. I've long forgotten how many rolls it was in total, I'd be shocked to learn it was much more than 250
I saw the latest loli and the glasses girl and was utterly disgusted. If that's what future designs hold in store then i'm glad i never bothered with wuwa
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Defend this
>ended up getting spooked by Raiden because yoimiya's cons are so fucking garbage
>N-no i'm not like those guys
>So i must defend their honor!
I'm having trouble with the Fatui trio and I can only try it once per day
where's furina?
I would impregnate these cute lolis so hard that any daughters they had would be pregnant as soon as they're born from the aftershock of my cum hitting their moms ovums alone.
I will exercise inexorable judgement on the seven unauthorised gods.
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>looking up teams
>meme spreadsheets with no healers
sick of it
Focalors pre-rewrite...
>People actually want Sara and Thoma now
You guys change opinion on character value more frequently than coomers jerk off
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yes but 4*s I want are almost never on the banners I want and if they are I have the shittiest luck.
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>Can't even defend the general or game anymore
Nice state genkeks.
scumbag company pls understand
Wow, you're literally me!
>can't even post in his own general because it's so dead
Wait, Why is Kinich's trailer not in English from the English Genshin channel?
wuwajeet samepag
holy schizo
just teleport away if you see that you gonna fail they will fully respawn.
there's an ongoing strike or something
The anal worms are festering within my the crevices of my severe hemorrhoids
EN VAs are all getting uppity and having an industry wide melty
even if I already killed one?
Chevy made them good
Unions are prohibiting their slaves from non contracted work or something like that
Does it come with a hole or I have to make it myself?
fucking annoying. i wonder if this will impact the 5.1 stream. i dont want to read fucking subtitles like a little weeb
>storypag makes a false accusation
>defend self from storypag
>see, you must be my boogeyman!
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>Namecalling and projection claims
Yeah, you're the one actually projecting now it seems, and you know i called you out but you're too afraid to prove that you're not some map using speedrunner
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hkvh big love
>as long as a whore is girlbossing
A faggot/woman is shitting on Mavuika unprovoked trying to expose hypocrisy in "incels" all the while the only reason it is "offended" at the Neuvillette hate is because xe likes him for the same reason "incels" like Mavuika. Funny.
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just say you're gay its easier
as long as you didn't kill all three, they will respawn.
mavuika is going to completely powercreep him so they're trying to get rid of all of his stock before rugging
Sara has always been decently wanted.
No one wants Cuckma though, he's still a cheldfaced useless piece of shit.
you can change party outside the arena before the turtle sees you.
yeah, they usually respawn even if you killed 2 of them but it bugged for me once.
Who wormed?
I do multiple Abyss clears, bro.
Probably not, the cast is large enough for them to be able to just bring in some random guys if it comes to that
oh know know know ENkekxisters how do we cope now
I never use the interactive map, thats lame, there is an in game treasure compass for a reason, only thing I look is the wiki for the number of chests so I can cross reference it with the in game achievements
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Based. Those lolis and future lolis deserve it.
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I swapped her out
>but you can't swap mid battle
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Will this finally be followed up on in the new dragonspine event or will we just forget he ever said this
>a logical reason to hate Neuvillette
he stole furina's logical conclusion to her story arc with focalors
he's the equivalent of a diversity hire, only forced there because of who he is and not what he offers. both in and outside the plot
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>70 pity on standard
Here I go ascending a bunch of characters I'll never use to 50...
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Maybe if our females looked similar to this they would still sell.
You need to build up resolve stacks by having everyone burst before Raiden does, Xilonen does nothing for her lol
He says if not when
Of course not
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pudgy belly
>White man is a "diversity hire" in the eyes of thirdies now
but kuro games doesnt make any money?
this is just Ayaka
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that's just other me on phone
with WL7
It's ok to critfish, bro. I'm joking.
>generic hebe but with sword AND gun
bina will save the game
You need to level everyone to 70 for theater anyway new cutie
That's me but to 70 for the 3rd Acquaint Fate
They won't follow up on it since it's just him musing about muh possibilities to himself, besides it's from his story quest and now one of the events
Event will just be him rambling about muh master and how durin actually was misunderstood
Neuvillette. He is a worthless character with even worse fans.
do you know what "equivalent" means? and he's an entirely different race so it still applies anyway dumbass
Ayaka but with a gun?
I hate Fontaine
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Truly the best part of lolis is that you can use them to make more lolis to fuck.

Nothing hotter than making cute girls exist just so you can dick them.
I wished Tupac was an actual player character with a tall male model so the loony troon from shitaly could move on to having chimpouts about him instead. A whole fucking year of this insanity is so fucking boring
>So i must defend their honor
>storycuck makes up a nonsensical bogeyman for exploration enjoyers
>Starts melting down when called out
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because en keks realized japanese is the superior and canon in game language.
If Rhinedottir somehow returned and ordered him to lay waste to Mondstadt, would he do it?
that doesn't look hot on pre-pubescent girls
>watched the video
>listen to its song
what a bop song
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>Wuwa gets cute girls by the barrel load
>meanwhile GI gets ugly zzz rejects that need exploration and metacreep to sell
utter state of Genshit
>gay neuvpags wish for more males forced in the plot even if the entire writing would go to shit because of it
must be a day that ends in y
You are the only retard pushing the Neuvillette as some symbol of whiteness when he is a scaly at best.
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I used to really like this group back then, forgot it existed.
the canon language is chinese though
stupid dubfag
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then explain why the global trailer was in japanese and not in cn then cn kek? tech otakus save the world lol
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I forgot about them for a while too, honestly.

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