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Stuff is too secure nowadays edition
Last thread: >>493506826
OP template and News Archive: https://rentry.org/-hbg-archive

3DS: all
Switch: HW exploit (old v1 units): all; SW exploit (new & old units): 4.1.0; Modchip (v2 "Red Box" & Lite & OLED): all
Wii U: all
Vita: all
PS5: 4.03-4.51 (PS4 fpkg) / 7.61 (BD-JB) / 4.51 kernel, 2.50 HV
PS4: 9.00/9.60/10.0x/11.00
PS3: all (CFW only for older models)


>OG Xbox
[Feb 19] ENDGAME exploit released https://github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit

>Wii U
[15 Jul] Aroma Beta-22 (coldboot cfw, no ds game required) https://aroma.foryour.cafe/
[13 May] SDUSB released https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdusb.655744/
[06 May] Tiramisu 0.1.3 https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/

[12 Aug] etaHEN 1.8b https://github.com/LightningMods/etaHEN
[12 Jun] GoldHEN 2.4b17.3 https://github.com/GoldHEN/GoldHEN
[04 Jun] libhijacker 1.160 https://github.com/illusion0001/libhijacker
[30 Apr] PPPwn released (exploit for 11.00 and earlier)

[02 Jul] Hekate 6.2.1 https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate
[11 Jun] Atmosphere 1.7.1 https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere

[27 Dec] HENlo released (webexploit for all firmwares)
[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6

[28 Aug] Twilight Menu++ 27.7.1 https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu
[22 Jun] Luma3DS 13.1.2 https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS
[28 Dec] DSi-modchip https://github.com/dsi-modchip
[17 Jul] 3hs 1.4.5 (a freeshop-like app) https://hshop.erista.me/3hs

>ALL SYSTEMS: the OP Archive has download links/sites for games
>If you have an issue you probably have an outdated/messed up setup, make sure to read the guides before asking questions
>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
why are merifats not caring about homebrewing?
Because games aren't fun anymore so what's the point
>So, to those with a console that's been collaterally damaged, I wonder what happens if you mess with those funny-looking XML files in S:\clip ;)
free no games
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Hey guise! Just let you guys know I successfully pulled the digital download off the telegram bot with torrent links earlier today. It worked great, and had a surprise I had hoped for, but was certain was not in the game. You can resize the games from 4x3 to 16x9 and variations in Between to get ride of the borders at the far left and right hand sides. Before I had gotten ride of them using a Saturn modded emulator to run several street fighter, and marvel games in "widescreen" over the native 4:3 screen it was meant for. It's awesome! The stretch is ever O slightly that it looks good. Like it belongs there. Thanks Capcom for including that option!!!
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time to update your ps5 to 9.60.. download latest game patches.. sync trophies.. grab anything you want off psn... and take that mf'er offline for upcoming bsd jailbreak
zelda leak when?
>Before I had gotten ride of them using a Saturn modded emulator to run several street fighter, and marvel games in "widescreen" over the native 4:3 screen it was meant for. It's awesome!
I'd be very much in favor if you kys'd.
Lollipop Chainsaw RePOOP when?
Nobody cares, Zelda where
Is it normal that bsnes core on Switch Lite has laggy sound (crackling etc) unless I overclock? Surely it has enough juice to run snes emulation
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I mean I've preordered echoes, I'm just impatient and I want to leave it sealed.
yea you probably need to enable some stuff in the settings
>leave house
>get home tired
>wake up
>bread is kill
I can't be the only one in this timezone wtf
I care anon
thanks for the info
already debunked last thread
Any trannyshops still alive?
use the telegram bot
i already am, but a shop is more convenient
Why is lan play dead on switch?
>already debunked last thread
debunked you're not a faggot
to any actually wanting to do this ur probably already too late, 10.0 dropped last night. now u just gotta wait on what ur on
>ps5 getting real cfw like ps3
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When I turn on my PS2, it shows the logo as usual but it's short as it then zooms in as if a disc was there even if there's not. Afterwards nothing happens. The PS2 blip didn't appear, the browser's absent, and the screen just go black after the zoom in. I did install free McBoot to it but it didn't have this problem before.
Any potential reason and fixes to it?
Nig Shitch teratorrent got updated to 444 dumps total, 111 of which are guaranteed bans (for missing some .bin files) and the majority of the rest having no English language.
I meant FHDB, my bad
I remember when it was really active when sword and shield came out. You had over 100 people on one server at once but then the retard running the server shut it down for over a week to allocate more space but everyone left because he took too long.
>PS5 update out
>Lollipop Chainsaw nsp not out
>PS5 update out
>Lollipop Chainsaw nsp not out
yeah no physical either
we'll have to settle for ps4 dump
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FreeHDBoot install is broken in some way. You expect to see the FreeMCBoot screen after the zoom.
flat_z confirmed to only affect up to and including 7.61 on ps5, no 8.00 or above
8.00 owners are KEKED HARD
Oh nononononono
watching this made me want to sell my ps3 and get a 360
how many games did I play at shit framerates because i had a shitny console
>tfw 4.50 owner and can now update to play new games
life's good
you must be fucking retarded to buy a ps5 just to pirate games
it would have been simpler to just build a pc. the ps4 at least made sense because there were a bunch of great exclusives (at least for most of its life), ghost of sushi, bloodborne, etc.
the ps5 literally has nogaems
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new trace fix?
A $400 PC would be a Switch-tier experience for games.
>but a shop is more [HEADCANON]
This post >>494198072 is the exact reason why.
But it would at least have games.
>flat_z confirmed to only affect up to and including 7.61 on ps5, no 8.00 or above
yeah, apparently it's just a webkit that got patched in 10.00. still a significant leap to 7.61. no astro bot tho
I can't see Astro Bot on Steam.
>Astro Bot
snoys are gonna ride this one's dick forever aren't they
i say that as a 9.00 ps4 owner who always thought bloodborne was extremely overrated deliberately to squawk that snoys had a game.
Are you ok anon? Forgot your meds again?
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Anyone have any idea what this is? There is no program 0100000000024 in my sd card.
Go into atmosphere/content folder and find the folder with those numbers
As I just said, it isn't there, I also ejected the sd card and booted and same error happens. Is it a nand error then?
Boot into recovery and initialise
i think you fucked your nand desu
The weird thing is, I haven't used the switch in months, I dont think the last time I used it I even downloaded anything
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Well apparently I tried to boot into recovery mode and nothing happens... any suggestions what type of recovery should I do in here instead?
Unless you made a backup, nothing.

You held down vol up and down at the same time, right?
yep, didn't work, Imma try find my backup files
>There is no program 0100000000024 in my sd card.
of course not, that's a system-title
ded scenes
ded thread
I want it on a DD site though...
Don't bother, that remaster is ass.
I want to play it mostly for her ass though
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Is there a way to disable it on boot up or is physically unplugging the HDD the only solution? Is there also a fix to this aside from reformatting the HDD?

I mean the fact that Suda/Grashopper weren't involved at all was already a red flag.
I miss the old days when you could download shit straight to your switch. Just got back after not messing around with my switch for a year.
Now, apparently. Who has a link?
some retard on YouTube that didn't show any shit, it's a fake leak so he can gain subs because no one gives a shit about his switch 2 videos
Can the software emulation of PS2 games on late-model fat PS3s be re-enabled on homebrewed slim/super-slim PS3s? Or despite the fact that it's emulation is there some essential hardware missing for it?
not on my watch
Thanks very cool having these all in one package now with MvC2. I don't see any visual differences from arcade, Saturn or Dreamcast rom images. I did see earlier reviews this week mention stuttering or fps lag but I didn't. Then again I'm running with a slight CPU overclock when on handheld, docked or on USB charger. 1224-1326mhz cpu, 624mhz-921mhz gpu, 2133mhz ram
andiamo bampino
Bumping MY Qesution
lefties malding they didn't censor it
are the lefties in the room with us right now?
the tweet claims missing and edited dialogue, are we sure they didn't censor it? every instance of "retarded" is still in?
>HW exploit (old v1 units)
I want to hack my switch. It's a V1, unpatched. I assume I can use Rcm and patch it that way, can't I?
darthsternie's firmware downloads got jannied on both mega and internet archive. where do i get switch firmwares now?
Anons can I buy one Hdd for my vWii (and emulators) and also use it for my ps3 ? I already got one for my wiiu and i dont have the money to buy two hdds
tweet is very clearly exaggerating stuff to farm likes, the "issue" here apparently is that stuff has been moved and people didn't know that it did. Like i'm reading people saying that QTEs are bugged cause they complete by themselves but turns out it's cause there's an autocomplete setting that is on by default. Some others are complaining about lines for npcs being changed but turns out they've just been moved. That said i've not played either original or remaster, i'm just reading stuff about it so i could be wrong, but everytime i get a "THIS GOT CENSORED" tweet i also see replies going "no, it's still in the game, here's a screenshot proving it"
tldr it's autists jumping the gun
does no one seriously realize there is no exploit here?

this is clearly chatgpt generated garbage that allocates junk until memory is exhausted lmao
serves brainlets well for following dicklesscoxao
lol I heard bout this so-called memory leak but I never looked at the code
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hypervisor exploit?
Yup, ninty's dogs nuked them indeed. Should've made a torrent.
where is the Lollipop RePOOP nsp??
telegram bot has it
>where is the Lollipop RePOOP nsp??
nvm got it
I only have a 125gb sd cart i used for jailbreaking the WiiU and i got the Wii U hdd already formatted to the wiiu. I could use the sd cart for wiiu games and the hdd for everything else i suppose but idk if 125 gb is enough especially if i am modding the games
titspro, come back...im sorry for everything i said...
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What's the deal with the PS5 jailbreak rumors? First, it was said that firmware up to 9.60 was exploitable, then it shifted to 9.00, and now it's down to 7.61. Will this turn out to be another dud? A jailbreak for 7.61 was even promised a year ago but never happened.
I'm confused af reading this. Primarily c/c++ dev but all I see is him allocating shit loads of arrays and buffers that causes some kind of memory issue... How is this useful at all? Looking at his git account, he doesn't even seem to know any language besides Javascript or Java. How does he expect this to work exactly?
>PS5 jailbreak rumors
you might be confusing kernel and webkit exploits. kernel patched in 8.00. webkit might actually still be exploitable on 10.00. 7.61 BD exploit announced last year was by theflow0 and you can't take that paid shill serious anymore.
this isn't even a script kiddie, it's a clueless 10 year old asking chatgpt to make an exploit
I keep seeing people on the internet that the new zelda game leak but i'm not seeing anything here on 4chan or the usual sites apart from a guy the other day faking it up on a emulator. Where is it?
Game """""Journos""""" fell for that shit and wrote articles before even researching.
Also, why are these sites even reporting on game rom leaks, it's as if they want to get blacklisted by Nintendo, like Kotaku was (and still is).
they do it like "WATCH OUT <thing> HAS LEAKED BEWARE OF SPOILERS!! spoilers which we will list here so come give us clicks"
>people on the internet that the new zelda game leak
are u sure it just wasn't some gameplay footage that "leaked" they love to post this shit for the clicks, knowing full well people actually just want to download the game
I don't want or care to give them a click, I just read the headlines and a yt video
zelda nsp upload finishes in 5 (five) hours
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s0ny laughing at poorfags trying to jailbreak their ps5 for old games with shitty itemzflow0. s0ny has ultimate drm = no games.
is d5a a joke you guys came up with?
Noice! Is that going to be available on the NSW Telegram torrent library bot? That's going to be almost 2 weeks early!? It's not 1 month like TOTK but, not bad after how tough it's been seeing leaks since then come out that early again.
gay zelda game break download sites
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Look what finally arrived /hbg/ :)
Ive been buried in work all week and only see the 5 hour meme in this thread.

Has zelda leaked yet? Id love to come home and play it this weekend.
Yeah. Its leaked for hours now, but people are hoarding it for some reason. >>494347352
I'm playing Zelda rn. Shit's good.
Prove it.
Share the torrent magnet link you used bro.
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Damn it niggas, post a link. Even the reddit and gaming news sites are posting about the leak and playing it. WTF bros!? Why are the CHUDs and plebs playing before us?!
I just sent u the link, check ur dm
It's not out
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Ree! I'm not a plebbit fartbook user! Damn! I thought we were all bros here!?
>posts frogs
>not from facebook/reddit
Kill yourself and go back
checked and RFI and they have it, i'll report in about 5 minutes after i install it
Enjoy your ban i guess
>he fell for the cope cart
stupid zelda troons go make another zelda leak general
just read the guide
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Oh no!! Your being mean! What am I to do!? Maybe this one random asshole on here might be right? Why haven't I questioned my life until just now? Stfu! Go take a shit and eat the turd. Your the guy that can't solder worth a damn and screwed up a simple PS1 job huh? Shit! Shouldn't you be in homeroom right now? Or getting your diaper changed before breakfast?
Sorry buddy I think you meant to write 5 hours. Rookie mistake.
because of you he calls me esl, fuck you
only 5 hours left bros
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they don't want to release too much
Are we there yet!? Are we there yet!? More and more I'm beginning to believe it really was a big Friday morning scam pulled right before the Sabbath began! Zelda never leaked, the Jew just wanted a good laugh at our expense before he began his day of holy rest for a moloch or whatever is the true significance.
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>tfw you fell for the switch meme
>someone actually lied on the internet
How can you live with yourself anon? I spent the last 5 hour excited and happy and now you ruined it
where da tik
Check under the vending machine. It's always under the vending machine
In 5 hours I will fix my traces.
i can't play splatoon 3 online, it won't connect to the servers. other games work. anyone else have this issue?
>7.61 kernal exploit incoming
>5.xx max webkit version
rip 6.xx-7.61 digital model frogs kek
PS5 7.61 bros it's happening
You need to give more info if you want help.
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I haven't pirated/emulated anything since Mario Wonder and TOTK, so I have a question, when Nintendo went after all those websites and emulators earlier this year, did that affect atmosphere? Are people still able to update their atmosphere versions to be able to play new releases? Echoes leaked apparently so I'm wondering how much I need to do to update my cfw switch in order to be able to play it.
>how 2 update
read the guide or google it
switch 2 will be hacked by magnetic tweezers holding a paperclip
Looking into upgrading the micro sd card size on my switch and just got paid so willing to shell out for a 1tb card, just dont know which cards would be best to get. I think I remember reading that the switch can only read/write to a certain speed so going overboard wouldnt be necessary, so what cards would be recommended?
I'm betting on microwaving
I think it would be interesting if a rubber band was required
>just got paid so willing to shell out for a 1tb card
Jesus Christ, how can you people live like this.
From UHS-1 upwards will not make a difference.
I read the OP.
Can I hack this ps3 and play ps1 / ps2 / ps3 games on it with piracy? I would also like to add a hard drive to put games on if possible.
the model number cannot be seen but the hard drive size suggests which model it might be
you can only use hen which is less flexible than cfw
both can play ps1/ps2/ps3 games. although your pc will do a better job of the first two for sure.
the model might support cfw or it might only support hen. cannot tell for sure.
Fuck me. I might as well just buy a playstation controller and emulate.
Depends on how much you care about PS3 games. Any hacked PS3 can play PS1/PS2 by emulation, but keep in mind that it is a nearly 20 years old console. Emulation is way better on other platforms these days.
>PS3 games
Don't care about those. Already played demon souls and that was the only one I cared about. I read that ps3 had native emulation so I was hoping to just get one of those and install a massive hard drive. Now I'm thinking not so much.
what FPS does Lollipop Repop run at? I'm not gonna bother unless its a stable 60fps. i'm not that much of a coomer.
kek I'm reading that Lollipop Repop is running at 20fps
think I'm going to stick with the ps3 version
this is the switch piracy general, you have to go back
this was my home long before shitchfags clogged it up
before switch it was the 3ds piracy general. you still have to go back.
dumb fanboy
well it should still be the 3ds piracy general
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>mfw cakes
is a 3ds flashcart even worth owning at this point? was thinking about ordering one but not sure if twilight renders it nearly obsolete. is this timebomb tomfoolery still a thing?
reminder that the future of 3ds cfw was killed by trannies so now we're stuck with broken bloatware instead
timebomb carts support ysmenu and the timebomb was patched out of the official kernel if you want to use it anyway
thanks. is there anything in particular that i need to look out for? looking at aliexpress market seems a bit of a clusterfuck (which i guess it's always been). they're just so cheap right now. any 2024 r4i for a couple of dollars will do?
you can read this buyer's guide if you're interested
but if you're too lazy then any card will do
much obliged
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Fuck Zelda, gib Reynatis leak. Need some chuunikinocringe
>rip 6.xx-7.61 digital model frogs kek
7.61 disc model here, but to anyone feeling left out, just look at how crappy the itemzflow compatibility has been so far, and KEK while you play the handful of good games that exist on recent firmware
Spider-Man 2 [v1.00] is 7.61 though, assuming itemzflow can even run it
you could still purchase the disc and play it that way. quite a few bugs, coming from anon playing through v1.00 right now
Played the demo, that game is shit. Just listen to the Shimomura's soundtrack on Youtube.
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Using CFW on sysMMC and a legitimate copy of the game, it's as if Splatoon 3's servers don't exist. The game used to work online with the same configuration, but I didn't play it for almost 2 years. Other games on NSO work fine.
DNS.mitm is only set to block the default telemetry servers, it shouldn't be blocking any other game servers.
That was never a good idea. PS3's software PS2 emulation sucks. People love to say "no it's fine with configs!" but not every game has a custom config and you're still looking at results close to using PCSX2 on a toaster 15 years ago.
RTS (savestates) if flashcart supports it (most do)
Portability between different handhelds, if you have more than one in the family
Unbricking/hacking (if ntrboot-compatible or preflashed)
Game compatibility is not an exact match between the two (although like 99% identical), and TM++ needs anti-piracy cheats (it comes bundled with many) while flashcart kernels have them built-in.

If your console is hacked, any will work just about the same. If you can find Wood 1.64 (NOT 1.62) that's the best one but it's long out of production and impossible to find new.
but you've been able to english patch it since release day in japan
>wake up
>page nine
thanks. mine's already hacked. i just ordered a cheap 2024 model from ali.
I fixed the problem. It was because the clock drifted out of sync after not going online for 2 years, but the Switch thought it was synchronized and wouldn't update it. Updating it to the right time with homebrew fixed it.
>hacked oled switch
I've never used wifi on emunand but how could I use apps that need it like moonlight and not be banned by nintendo?
How does it work?
Enjoy your ban
Where the fuck is the zelda leak?
5 hours from this post.
Turn on atmosphere DNS mitm
It will generate a log on your SD card if it's working. Check this log to make sure. If it is, then you can connect to networks fine.
Also, turn on prodinfo blanking on emunand as an extra layer of protection.
>Where the fuck is the zelda leak?
there isn't one, just click-bait
How does nobody have the game yet already, the physical copies will be shipping everywhere.
>and TM++ needs anti-piracy cheats
Doubt shipping will even begin until the 16th at the very earliest.
What isn't there is in the cheat database and must be manually enabled for normal gameplay in TM++
Modern flashcarts don't need any of that, they patch games on the fly
Slim yes, just install CFW. No for superslims. You need to convert it to pkg format to be able to play PS2 games on superslim.
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PS5 7.61
>PS5 7.61
when though? they've been teasing 7.61 for almost a year now
Just 5 more hours
Real custom firmware when
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fake and gay
there's a confirmed kernel exploit now, so....
I'm more interested in that freeshop. I assume it's tinfoil with a custom icon with systweak and that video is advertising some kind of "pro shop" but I'm still interested
>inb4 le shops are for retards
I'm on GGn + I know all about the curry websites with shitty filehosts that you mongs use, and shops are still so much better that I self host my private shop with ownfoil.
>he doesn't use DBI
shops are for retards
I just torrent and install with DBI like a normal person
>confirmed kernel exploit
right, but we don't even know if libhijacker can work for etahen, itemzflow, etc.
There's the eShop for people like you.
There's mig for peple like you
Kill yourself you niggertranny. With a shop I can pick up my switch, click "x" and update all my games.
With your method I have to:
>figure out which game has an outstanding update
>log onto GGn
>search for the game, grab the update
>move it from my NAS to my PC (you won't have to do that because you're brown and don't own a homeserver)
>extract it from it's archive if it's a scene release
>connect my switch to my PC
>open my file browser and drag the .nsp to the DBI MTP directory
>repeat for every single update (I have a 512GB SD card)

I can bypass some of that retardation by hosting my own shop, which I do (and you can't because you're a retarded wintoddler), but it still isn't nearly as fast and convenient as having access to a complete directory of game files and software built as to streamline the process.

Kill yourself too. I like shops not because I can't do what you do, but because I'm smart enough to know what you do is incredibly inefficient. Enjoy RuTracker you dumb troon.
Shops are easymode, adimittedly, but that's why they're so nice. Don't have to install over usb or anything.
If shops are so good, how come they're always dying? Why do you think we call them "tranny" shops?
>he doesn't use the telegram bot
look at these clowns and tell me the shitch wasn't a mistake
They're dying because they're popular. They're popular because they're good. Again, I'm on GGn and you're not, you don't even know what it is, and still I'd much rather use a shop. I have the luxury of choice and the brains to understand what's actually best and I still prefer shops.
Where in teh fux is the iso? Everyone is playing Zelda but me? I pay his money for this service.
It just fetches shit from RuTracker. I'm not a pajeet so I have access to much better torrenting sources. It's still not nearly as good as shops.
>click bot tab
>type zelda
>click torrent
>click ok on torrent client
>right click open file location
>slide out switch from tv dock and slide into charging dock connected to pc at all times
>open DBI MTP mode
>drag and drop
>press home on switch and start new gaem
>slide out of pc dock and into tv dock
>play gaem
>open tinfoil
>search Zelda
>press A
>press home button
>press A on new Zelda game
Begging "where is the new shop?" is the shop experience. But you're not smart enough to realise that's exactly what you're already doing.
>open shartfoil
>search zelda
>oops, shops are dead again
>wait three weeks for the next one to pop up
Wow, so convenient.
I deeply regret shilling this telegram bot on /hbg/ a year ago, most switchfags in here deserve shops that die every 3 days
>shops are shit because when there's no shop you can't use them
The difference between you and me is that your workflow is my fallback. Better yet, my fallback is leagues better than your default since I have access to GGn so I don't have to rely on unseeded russian crap.
>shops are shit because when there's no shop you can't use them
>and there's never any shops
The difference is that you fell for the retard-friendly shops meme, got spoiled by the """convenience,""" and now have the gall to complain about drag and drop being too laborious.
>b-b-but muh ggn...
Then go use it, fag.
Us with GGn will have finished Zelda before your workflow even begins.
There are two working shops that I know of right now.
>spoiled by """convenience"""
Yes, that's why I use a computer. For convenience. Every task that can be automated should be automated. I host my own shop, something you're too retarded to do, but that is more convenient than your luddite way of doing things. Imagine bragging about doing things in an inefficient way.
>complain about drag and drop being too laborious
it's fine for a single game. It's unusable to keep an entire library updated.
>then go use it
I do. For PC games it's unmatched. For switch games it's inferior to shops. It's largely superior to whatever dogshit source you have to rely on THOUGH.

Who are you talking to, retard?
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Not blurry enough.
The broken traces guy, evidently.
>shilling this telegram
F that honeypot trash
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>aio updater shitter
>spiider u
>prematurely updating
wtf is a spiider u
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ooooh I thought it was a kickass homebrew to play spider solitaire on wii u
fix your traces
Nah, that would be cool and not on the retard list.
kill switchniggers
Genuflect upon SwitchCHADggers.
>I host my own shop
>I spend more time doing this thing than people who just use telegram bots
You must be real proud of yourself
if only there was shop thats working and up to date...
pls leak the Zelda game onegaiiii sumimasen senpai!!!!
Spinning a docker container takes about 30 seconds. Not that you'd know, wintoddler
softcobra discors has it
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Never forget.
>he docks
Um, okay homo.
>modchip oled switch
Is it safe to update OFW to the newest version if I have older hekate, atmosphere and emunand firmware?
Will emunand still work?
"white" sharia law isn't exclusive to lefties
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Hahahahaha ! This is exactly the way yesterday unfolded from about 8am pst through 8pm pst. Although over multiple threads and completely different posts from these in the screen caps posted, but it successfully captured exactly how the day unfolded with some liberties taken making commical highlights much more hilarious,and that help abridge the content into a handful of screencaps for a QRD to anons that were out at school/work or some other functional part of society for most of yesterdays Zelda Echoes Hoax.
Ist es over?
Why would you buy this if you have a hacked Switch already? What's the point?
I miss wacky shit like that and the vita madness.
>pirating vita games barely works
>Chinese figure out some ancient magic of replacing a few files
>theflow whines and says they're frauds
>Mai comes out and works remarkably well
>vitamin alpha gets leaked
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>theflow whines and says they're frauds
>that was 8 years ago
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Is $226 AUD for a non-oled switch with no dock good price ? (RRP here is $470aud for some reason after 7 or so years)

I work at a thrift store and I know for sure we have a dock donated that I've been holding onto. So I can probably get it for less than $5 .

Worth getting now incase homebrew capabilities become just as good as the 3ds? Or think there would be a better dip in price? Used market seems to be around $270 upwards but generally over 300
GW is 10 now.
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226aud is 151usd which sounds about right but really only for an unpatched V1 release model that is easily soft modded. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with a patched V1. For that Is rather get the OLED and get a Moschino in it. The screen is really nice if you put it next to a V1 and the overclocking capability overall better especially if you want to use standard boosted clocks all the time that aren't outrageous. It runs cooler so you really don't have to worry about cooking it over time if you want to keep your GPU clock on handheld mode for example at 624mhz or 786mhz (whatever stock docked is) compared to 460mhz for stock handheld speeds.
Getting a failed to load payload.bin on switch, what do?
Ok cool.. how much do you think I should be spending on a used oled? And do they use the same dock still?

Think it's worth looking for an oled with no dock if I have access to one at work?
Reminder to not update from 4.03 to 7.61
why not? apparently the freebsd bug is much more stable
Games can be backported and 4.03 could get more stuff
The oled and old dock are interchangeable, they're basically the same except the oled one has an Ethernet port built in
Whatever happened to the xbox series jailbreak?
That's not a jailbreak
no webkit exploit

I wonder if it's possible to sideload a manticore exploitable game with an up to date ps5 and a usb drive though
>no webkit exploit
lmao this nerd got a digital edition ps5
i'll stick with my 7.61 disc edition and laugh at you
I have a disc drive PS5 too it's just inconvenient to use a disc every time
I have several PS5 games on disc which I can't dump with itemzflow
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You know I agree with the previous anon about the docks, and mainly the wired Ethernet being the only real difference BUT speaking from an autistic prospective, I swear the OLED packaged dock is slightly wider to accept the OLED and prevent scratching the screen. Which was a complaint on the Original Dock my some people. Now I know you will say, 'but anon, I am going to slap a tempered glass protector on it so it will be a non-issue.' ah, grasshopper! This is where this small yet statistically significant gap on the dock comes in. From experience having a V1 release switch, I can't tell you I went through two tempered screen protectors not long after it's release. The first developed a chip along the right hand botom corner of the display protector. I found it an odd place to develop a chip, which grew and I decided to change out before I ended up with glass pieces on my hands, dock, or travel case. I checked my travel case as the culprit and came to realize that as I slid the switch into the dock there was a slight bit almost insignificant pressure from the inside front of the dock on the switch's screen protector. Like it was ”catching" ever so slightly. I pulled out and retried my dock motion again paying extra attention to my form and any feedback. Again, right at the area I had a chip develop the first time I felt the dock catching my new protector. I examined my switch and wouldn't you know it. There was a slight hairline crack almost imperceptible along the black border of the screen protector! so anon, the docks are interchangeable, but I would personally choose a ln OLED dock for V1 and V2's for piece of mind, maybe even an aftermarket one to avoid going through screen protectors, and I do prefer Wired network connections whenever possible. I gave my recently retired dad my hand me down V1 softmod switch and dock. I told him about the issue,and 1yr in and no chips or cracks on it. Just be extra careful. Sorry for the essay I took ambien
helpful information thank you
nvm got it all working but took me a hot minute to find a free exFAT to FAT32 converter since I got a 256 gig micro sd instead of a 32 one.
>they're basically the same except the oled one has an Ethernet port built in
Doesn't the old one also have it?
lolno, did you miss that one smash direct where kiketendo straight up told people to buy an ethernet adapter
Gonna install the Sonic Frontiers JP DLC and Update to see if it works. Have to Korone stuff sitting on my desktop so wish me luck, bros.
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Different anon, but something I want to add in case it's relevant: If you plan on getting third party joycons, check if they're compatible with the OLED dock.
For example, I have the Hori Split Pad (picrel), which allows you to dock the non-OLED versions without issue, but doesn't allow the OLED to be docked because the dock is wider than the original one. That's because the OLED tablet is a few centimeters wider, so the supports on the pads rest on the dock instead of sliding down the sides.
Is there a way to decrypt PS4 saves without forking over $60 to Sony or SaveWizard?
good places to get switch roms?
so was this completely made up? Even the PS4 bit?
What is the most cúcked console ever, the Xbox One?
sirs, where do i get the latest switch firmware from? the ones here https://darthsternie.net/switch-firmwares/ were dmcaed
Oh fug! I never realized the dock was also wider overall, or is it taller? I mean I see the the two nubbs on the hori pad keeping the switch from seating completely at the bottom of the dock with it on. I'm glad you mentioned it anon! I have been debating getting a hori split pad for several months too! Good to know! Thanks!
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or you could google
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>the dock was also wider overall, or is it taller?
The OLED's tablet is about 3 mm wider, the dock matches that. The OLED dock might also be the tiniest bit taller (see picrel).
>I mean I see the the two nubbs on the hori pad keeping the switch from seating completely at the bottom of the dock with it on.
Yeah, when I took the pic I also thought that was the issue (hence the red circles kek), but checking the images on the Hori site, I think that the nubs are supposed to rest on top of the dock (instead of slide down the side like I thought, for whatever reason).
I tested it again and noticed that the Switch can't reach the USB at the bottom of the slot by just a little bit, and after a while I managed to find picrel, which shows that the slots are different too.
TL;DR: The Hori nubs are supposed to rest on the dock, but since the OLED dock has a deeper (taller?) slot, that makes it so it can't reach the USB port at the bottom when they're on.
All that said, if the dock at the store you're working at is an OG, the Hori shouldn't cause issues even if you're using an OLED Switch with it.
>I have been debating getting a hori split pad for several months too!
The only thing I don't like on the Split Pad is that the d-pad isn't really that good for fighting games. They're kind of stiff for the quick inputs you need to do for the special attacks. The d-pad on the original JoyCons and on the Pro Controller are much better in this specific case. If you don't play fighting games you shouldn't need to worry about this.
Other than that, I really like them for playing in handheld mode.
A jailbroken PS4 and Apollo Save Manager.
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REMINDER to UPDATE and enjoy the handful of PS5 games that exist, since no meaningful JB will ever happen with $ony paying for exploits. 7.61 JB still has too many moving parts, like Itemzflow having limited compatibility and garbage experience when/if it can even be ported to 7.61. mast1c0re only supports one shit game that most people didn't already download. BD-J is worthless if you don't have a disc drive. etaHEN needs ported. kstuff also needs ported for jank PS4 backports. Astro Bot is the only game worth playing this year, and even if all the stars align for 7.61 JB, you still won't be able to play it. Truth hurts anon, I know.
remember to have fun adn do what you want
>if you're waiting for hacks
shiggy diggy
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Should I get a 2nd 128gb SD card for my 3DS and just switch them out whenever I want to play something on the other one or just go for a 256gb? From what I understand, problems tend to occur when you go above 128gb.
just stop being a hoarder and you'll be happier
Swapping sounds much more troublesome.
Dual boot 11.2 GW3DS emuNAND
TL;DR answer: >>494649972
Long answer: Swapping SD cards will probably lead to the "quality" SD reader slot shitting itself more quickly.
A 256gb SD will have you waiting around 20 seconds for the console to boot (+ however many second it'll take for the console to load the icons in the home menu), booting games also gets a little slower, and it can mess with some stuff (one example I remember is GBA games getting a bit janky every so often).
I can't. I'm the same way with music. I walk around with a Walkman with a 512gb mSD.
Yeah. It seems like a pain.
Fuck, I guess I gotta learn to be more selective.
Issues are mostly load times, there's really no reason to have more than 128GB anyway.
there's no reason to have more than 64gb if you're not a retard who hoards installed games
like, if you want to hoard games just buy a large hard drive and keep them there. you're not going to play 5 games at once much less 50
An SD card costs less than a hard drive and you have all the games ready to go then.
it's also 10x less reliable than a hard drive, and you do not need all the games ready to go because you're not going to play them
>you're not going to play them
bitch! you don't know me
Lad hasn't experienced the joy of 18 Picross games on the go at once.
my people
>exfat to fat32 converter
The traces.
It wasn't liking exFAT at all lol. Like legit crashing again any time I tried to boot up emmuNAND. The error wasn't even related to the contents of atmosphere either, it was the entire SD Card Format.
>EU sleep time
>burgers busy shitposting about Trump's new assassination attempt
This thread isn't gonna last 5 hours, is it?
don't worry i'll pay my japanese friend 5 bucks a month to keep the general alive from now on
anon its only 92 bucks on amazon, relax
>how can you people live like this.

for that price you can get a 6tb+ hard drive but NOO you need 200 games installed even though the SD card will die before you play 1/10th of them
Any reason why I shouldn't put a 2tb SD into a Switch?
If you actually played games you wouldn't need it
I will play the games so I guess I need it.
which ones? I only have 17
time for homebrew
>not chibi suavemente

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>check PS5 exploit news
>it just works to play shitty PS2 games
i’ll give you one, they don’t exist (yet)
nxbrew and nsw2u
older niche stuff will probably have rotten links so good luck finding with a searcj engine or wait for a reupload once youd adviced them
>>AIO [s]Updater[/s] Shitter

We will keep posting this to remind everyone. It should be renamed as AIO shitter instead.

If you can't be bothered to learn how to hack / update your switch setup, go here: https://github.com/sthetix/HATS
This is the easiest it can be without fucuking up like AIO shitter. It literally designed for people with 2 digits IQ.

Also, checkpoint is a piece of shit that doesn't even work with Animal Crossing and uses stolen code from JKSV.

Also, use DBI with MTP responder to install games direct from PC by just copy pasting the files. DO NOT use awoo, goldshit and especially tinshit.
at least update that shit
anyone know what version do sealed phat ps5 comes with? also any news on 7.61 BD-J?
nvm found it https://gbatemp.net/threads/ps5-exploit-guide.613891/page-68#post-10219296
Exactly, it's fucking nothing and you're still making the decision solely based on the day of the month. No wonder how so many people go bankrupt.
Is there a way to transfer my eShop stuff like dlc and updates I'll download off sysnand to emmunand?
>even redditors are posting their copy of zelda for easy upboats
it's over
Should be here soon then, we just need one idiot that wants epeen.
Literally make a new emu and you get sys?
that hack has been around for ages
it can be chained with a kernel exploit if one has been found (it has)
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Bros, it been fucking years since I used my switch that is hacked. The things battery is completely dead, it won't turn on. What do I have to do to get it turned on again these days?
it might be powered on but in RCM with a black screen. try connecting it to tegrarcmsmash or something
>no meaningful JB will ever happen
I'm usually not pessimistic, but I'm really starting to wonder. I've been holding onto my BluRay burner and discs for about a year, since they hyped that exploit last time. I couldn't tell you the number of times I remember being told not to update, as if something was just around the corner, and here we are - still nothing.
difference is we have a confirmed kernel exploit now
Ohayo /hbg/!
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where is the leak
right here
Wow, less than 12 months into the emulator/rom scene? That's quite advanced, you must have the knowledge of a 6 or 7 thousand year old man accumulated by know through your internet "research." Thanks for revealing your power level! Welcome to our humble corner of the Internet sage. Do you have any knowledge you'd like to bestow upon us today?
So it's not out yet
You'll know it's almost out when some fag starts shilling his stream.
I'm playing Zelda rn. Shit's good.
link to the telegram bot?
What's stopping us from running HOS on a shield TV?
Didn't someone just shill a webm?
doesn't count when it's just one guy, like you know someone has it, maybe even has a dumped copy but means nothing if they're not gonna share it, it's just them playing the game at that point
I have a Phat PS3 with the original HDD and Rebug installed. I want to change the HDD to a bigger one. I already know I need to shove the CFW update on a USB and use the recovery menu with the new HDD, but how do I make it so everything stays exactly the same, like homebrew installed, settings, profiles, trophies, games, etc.
theres a backup tool in the settings iirc
same shit happenend to me. installed FHDB, worked fine, put some save files on a USB and transfered them using a homebrew, all worked fine. turned on the console weeks later and it just sits on a black screen, no HDD spin, no game reading, doesn't even make the usual boot up sounds at the hardware level. I think FHDB fucks the bios up somehow in rare cases. I never found someone with the same problem as me
that's only good for OFW people, I doubt it will backup my pkg homebrew. I was hoping for a way to clone the HDD
i did it with with cfw and I don't remember having to reinstall games or homebrews
That's what they all say...
we wouldn't need to hoard gaems if we still had XCI loading...
>even though the SD card will die before you play 1/10th of them
That's why I defrag mine daily. >>402853846
>tranny cart
>super XCIs with all updates and DLC
>bannable cart with no updates or DLC
If you're stupid enough to get banned with a mig, you're stupid enough to get banned with ams.
I saw someone mention their Nintendo Switch had a broken motherboard, and it got me wondering how that's even possible if they never dropped it. I always thought the motherboard would be the last thing that can break. A broken GPU seems more likely.
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Just finished Zelda. I'm ready now guys
It does in fact backup your games including the PS3ISO folder
do you guys think the switch 2 will be easy to hacked?
yea we'll get arbitrary code excution with the magnets
no u wont
Nvidia will spell out how to in the documentation.
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>cakesFW reSwitched
im into this scene. who is this
Nvidia makes GPUs and SoCs.
I’m trying to transfer Pokémon sword save data from my unmodified switch to my hacked switch. As I understand it, I just need to log into my Nintendo account on the hacked switch and then do official save data transfer between the two consoles. Has anyone tried this? I haven’t had my hacked switch go online and idk if something as simple as transferring save data would flag my unmodified official account.
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So I have emuMMC on the switch, can safely update the stock side? I have a legit copy of pokemon I would like to play and trade at least locally with everything else on the pirate end.
Use sysnandCFW. But non-retardedly.
Sadly I'm operating on very little sleep and would like to pass out playing pokemon so best I can is a bit stupid
Youll get both systems banned because of the source of the save data being known by nintendo. Happened to transferring totk saves from legit to hacked switch
Suppose I should clarify I've been playing on the emuMMC for years but have my first legit game to play with someone and don't want to get them banned somehow.
any switch games released in the last couple of years that are worth playing? i dont want to update my switch's firmware
What do you mean? I’m gonna use the official save data transfer tool and I don’t plan on returning the save data from the hacked switch to the legit switch. I just need to trade Pokémon between myself because I was stupid and played both sword and shield on the same switch. They wouldn’t ban if it’s two completely different save files trading each other (sword trading with shield)
If you setup your switch properly you boot it into sysnand to go online and do normal things with your switch.
>your uncle recovers your house
How did he get away with it?
>will get a switch 2 direct before the game leaks
are dead
that's not a thing that happens
TWiLight Menu++ v27.8.0 with nds-bootstrap v2.0.0_NSW-VENOM

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