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Previous: >>494199476

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
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Firefly love!
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Will bricklekeks ever stop losing?
cute girlfriend bro
Feixiao is not T0 without Robin. Without her she feels around DHIL level not matter who else you try to give her. But good news is that Robin is the only character she needs to be T0 even at E0S0.
Hertaschizo in shambles
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General guide for cases of encountering a potential Foxian sexual-offender:
>Do not run.
Outrunning a Foxian is impossible for a human. Worse of all: running may further indulge and bolster Foxian resolve in capturing its prey.
>Do not take provocative stances, either hostile combat stances nor any other unusual stance.
Foxians are extremely sensitive to verbal activity and may misunderstand your intentions or fear for provocation.
>Do not scream for help nor ask for mercy:
Foxians are known sadists. Such actions may further embolden the Foxian.
>Try to Cooperate!
Do not panic if you encounter a Foxian offender! Calmly lay down on the ground, facing upwards - this may prevent acquiring severe injuries on your back during the process of "extraction". Try hiding your aversion to the process but also avoid looking Foxians in the eyes. Try to be calm and quite throughout the entirety of the "process" - this may result in Foxian losing interest after the first "extraction".
Additional suggestions for avoiding falling victim to the frenzied Foxians:
>Proper diet that involves sufficient amounts of proteins.
Our study suggests that there's a possibility of Foxians to go on a rampage if they to be unsatisfied with either Quantity or the Quality of the extracted fluids.
>Don't wear combat armor off-duty!
The moment your shift ends: Make sure to change into an "easy-access" clothing to avoid potential monetary damages. This approach also allows safe trips home after the potential "attack" without being seen naked by the pedestrians due to outfit being damaged to the irreparable states.
>Do not use Cologne Water with Borisin or Foxian fragrance.
In first case potential Foxian attacker may mistake its victim for an actual Borisin! It may result in an undesirable homicidal activities!
In latter cases, however, it may further boost potential Foxian attacker's feel of arousal! This may result in severe genital and/or pelvical damages!

Be informed! Be safe!
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Herta thread soon
>Space China over
>Yunli boss datamined for next patches
>Punished Tingyun coming too
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Firefly rabu
>aventurine makes the team 20% stronger
Thats just disgusting. Feixiao is such an xpensive character.
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Unironically you build Erudition/Hunt and spam 20 ultimates in a row so the enemies never get to act
anyone else using luocha nude mod?
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I will be pulling for this brick
2.7 is the last major patch before 3.0 right?
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>Stingyun is a HMC replacement
Welp, it was inevitable.
(J)RPGs typical don't allow the MC to be top tier.
You use them for early game and then drop them for other characters that can do their jobs better than them.
>he said without Aventurine
>you post a clear with Aventurine
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>Sparkle but she has an actual meta team
Yeah, I'm thinking Lingsha won.
This doesn't work because even in DU6 enemy stats are so bloated they will all take their turns first and depending on RNG just instagib someone before you can even move.
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He won.
Fukeks could never.
>Kafka and black swan are hardcarrying
Sex only
0 meta reason.
everyone gas this poll up
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s-she's fast!
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Bronya(s) RABU!
kimono >>> luofu dress
simple as
Super break stacks tho
I don't see Bronya, Robin, Gallagher variation here. In fact when I tried it out it cleared Kafka in 0 cycle while premium team needed 1 cycle. Therefore my conclusion here is that Aventurine only matters that much if you leave Topaz on the team.
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laughing at all the retards that wasted their herta bonds on standard pulls
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nta but the full data shows that even the Sparkle team is overkill for beating content
Bro Aventurine did nothing there, I might as well not have him on the team at all, since the boss didn't attack a single time
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>Feixiao is a turbobrick without robin
Classic FotM DPC bricks
If Ting has break efficiency then I would rather kick RM out. Her 68% dmg increase is wasted anyway so she can just go back to the dot bricks
I dunno what you guys are talking about, Fofo is insane in DU since you can proc her healing nonstop. You just need some defensive buffs to not get oneshot.
maybe build your speed above 90 dumb fuck
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>he's skipping THIS?!
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Who is next on the chopping block?
>Tutorial available for latelet now
Fuck you hoyo I am uninstalling
if they made another super break buffer and it stacks with hmc, comps would simply drop the sustain tho
Fofo is amazing in SU.
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refer to >>494212845
>Belobogs great freeze was only 400 years ago as evident with Luka's grandpa traveling back and forth between the Luofu
>Somehow literally all records of Belobog space travel was lost to the point space farers became myth

Is it just me or are these timelines no longer making any sense?
>topig isn't even 10% better than march
she's only good for her ass after all
You've heard about second Space China, but what about third Space China?
But I already have all those free cones
MoC? Bailu T4, Sushang T3
why is PF considered a meme mode when it grants just as many rewards as MoC?
If current leaks are true she's actually a RM replacement.

Enemies in DU6 have more than 150 speed bro.
Nigger are you deaf? It's said HMC replacement and not BANJO one.
Who even uses Tutorial nowadays?
Yeah I don't get it, I'm sitting on 55 herta shop tokens with nothing to buy
Stopped making sense at Pela
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IMAGINE pulling for Sparkle when Bronya is free
What? We don't even know they're related and you must also note that the government covered up ancient technology like what happened to Svarog.
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I found a hidden quest about a mom mad at an Hexanexus add poster on the Skyplitter. Anyone know show to progress it after the intial encounter?
if you picked apart every plothole this game has there wouldnt be anything left of a game
Its not, its just not worth rolling just for PF when AS/MoC dont care for erudition. Although that seems to be changing because Mihoyo is getting greedier.
Did people forget belobog has huge amounts of geomarrow, which is basically rock petrol?
Xianzhou filling a trade agreement is another 4d chess move, since geomarrow is probably handled mostly by IPC, which belobogians are kinda iffy on
Fokin spess jewomancy
>why is a fuaslop character better with fuaslop supports
Trailblazer, did I ever tell you about the former Vidyadhara High Elder, Dan Feng? He used to be a member of the High Cloud Quintet, just like me, until he was imprisoned for conducting Abundance experiments on a filthy fur- I mean, Foxian friend of ours some 500 years ago. I knew he was innocent but I stood by and said nothing when they wrapped him chains and bound him to the depths of the Shackling Prison. I suspected that the Preceptor was the real culprit, and probably could have exposed him with the Matrix of Prescience, but again I said and did nothing. Anyway his innocence was never proven, so after he re-incarnated as your friend Dan Heng I pardoned his exile and allowed him on the very same ship he was accused of creating abominations on lol. He was later indirectly responsible for some of the Vidyadhara elders attacking the current High Elder Bailu, but since it's Vidyadhara political nonsense nobody cares about I was able to keep my job. One day the General of the Yaoqing started asking questions about the Ambrosial Arbor crisis I allowed to happen so I brought Dan Heng and yourself back to vouch for me. As part of that you had to be sent to the Shackling Prison for interrogation if you recall. Did I ever tell you about the Shackling Prison, Trailblazer? It's the most horrific place on the Luofu where we send bad long-life species to be locked up and tortured forever by roasting them alive or stabbing them perpetually in hopes they eventually die, shit is fucking terrifying. Anyway I sent Dan Heng there knowing he likely had intense trauma from his time there and also I had good suspicions on a potential prison break that could've claimed both of your lives while you were there but I just stood and watched again. I could have stopped them ahead of time, but I didn't. He was a good friend.
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It's just people wanting to justify not pulling for certain characters, dw about it
Preservation TB seems extremely useless outside of new account content
Is the erudition shilling mode
You only need himeko, herta and robin on first half
And the designated shilled team comp on second half (FuA, DoT or Acheron)
Penacony didn't have any plot holes just bad writing.
>isn't even 10% better
Are you blind?
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>She's such a baddie
makes it sound like she has the hots for gui
Banjo doesn't give super break
>no longer
>implying it ever did
*laughs in Pela*
Brickle due to being the only harmony that will be absolutely useless in 3.0+ patches kek
It's intentionally designed to scale very well at the beginning of the game, and then fall off a cliff. If you're a fresh account at like World Level 2 or 3 it actually does insane damage.
>Bronya (25% upgrade over sporkel) is a fuaslop character all of the sudden
no, i'm not
uh? why don't have i that?
Who wouldn't?
Is Aventurine actually just a Topaz support to move her pig? When you replace March and Moze with Topaz there's not even much difference.
Because unlike AS and MoC regular units can generally get 10-11 stars, but the reverse isn't true. If you pull for erubricks like Argenti and Jade they cannot clear MoC/AS.
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next patch aka next month
>MHY sees that certain types of characters are not being used at all
>Can't sell an entire path anymore because no one cares about it
>Create a mode specifically for them so people will use them
>Can now sell characters who excel in that mode specifically
Try using Jade outside of PF.
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>3-4pm GMT
Always nooticing
Is that a...
>400 years
It was 700 hundred years ago and the collapse of the bronze age (which lasted roughly 300 years) made the greeks think that some of the structures built by their ancestors were build by giants not humans so no it makes perfect sense
The writers for this game are REALLY bad with time, we already have the Pela fiasco and now Yunli being older than any space chink alive even though she's supposed to be a kid.
It literally says that she is a 12% improvement
It's in the 2.6 beta bro, don't worry
Technically he also gives more stacks if you have E2 Feixiao but uh, yeah that's very specific and I don't think a lot of people have that
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Gro? im seeing it
this is the British Sparkleposter
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Nigger can't you read? She is said to be HMC replacement and NOT Banjo one in BREAK TEAMS.
mathlet bro...
why not just buy the standard banner tickets then
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Aventurine is another FUA which is a fair bit of damage thanks to Robin and also more stacks for Feixiao. It's just good synerge.
that's a man
I noticed that too. I am now ready for his bullshit.
I've already got e2 Bronya
no real point
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Stop seeing it, or else
but i already have every event cone thoughbeit
Isn't it still SW's BIS? Like literally better than her actual sig?
I think you're just retarded, I'm saying super break stacks so you can stack both HMC and Tingyun in the same team for absurd damage.
New to DoT, how important is it to have black swan faster than Kafka? or does that not really matter?
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Super break stacks. The only way HMC is getting replaced is if you want to use their other path on some other team.
does not really matter
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Is funny because discord raids defend this slop.
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I too will be puling for this brick because she does something to me.

Though also people are underestimating her meta value. Since she is a sustain, she probably can be run E1S1 as the DPS + Sustain with 3 superbreak supports once Tingyun releases. Probably will out DPS Firefly just with the condition you can't implant weakness.
Bronya literally said it was 400 years bro.
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I love this little gremlin
Would you vote for Dr Ratio or Dr Primitive for being the best Dr.?
the freeze happened 700 years ago, jing yuan only sent out the invitation 400 years ago because the sword dance only happens once every few amber eras. also cocolia knew about the existence of outsiders, the architects obviously kept records while the common people didn't.
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you two are gonna be really happy when you realize she's actually really fucking good.
Will be the strongest sustain in the game by a huge margin if the enemy has fire weakness

For PF memes she's actually a brilliant Jade partner due to aoe skill, ultimate and fua. Jade being SP-positive also means Lingsha gets to spam her skill.
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What is that
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You guys just reminded me I can buy 1 (uno) standard pull from the Herta shop so I can do a 10-pull, let's see...

Ok well that's one (1) more limited pull I suppose, thanks robotwife
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Anons are saying she replaces RM because she gives tons of super break and break buffs, which stack with HTB. The only question is whether Ting buffs will outclass RM break efficiency and delay, which it might since it's multiplicative so FF is really only getting 30% from RM.
Reading comprehension retards, I speak the last time, if Stingyun replaced Banjo, they would call her "Bajo replacement in brick effect teams" over "HMC replacement in brick effect teams." Now cope and dilate about your ugly Kirito looking homo manlet being powercrept by sexfox.
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Did you get your diting coin?
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Why is feixiao undressing during her ulti
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I love Ruan Mei!
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uhhh sorry but... what the fuck is this guy doing?
Have you forgotten about Pela?
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>Yanking is only 18 years old
What the fuck??
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genshin could never
I'm also interested to see how she will perform as a March shifu for super break teams
there's a lot of potential niches she can do
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>Still trying to downplay the QUEEN
Homos coping so hard
Who's "they"? The voices in your head?
JY sent the invite 400 years ago, Igor visited Xianzhou 700 years ago. Maybe try not to speedread next time before pointing out "plotholes"
Why the fuck is Welt there
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>I just do whatever people tell me
sniffing Feixiao's armpits
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Why is my Feixiao lower on the turn order compared to the rest? She has highest speed 141...
People kept telling me she's a brick but I actually like her style after using her in the event battles.
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weltGOD making sure the enemies NEVER take action
Sorry bro no one will be better than Sigga and I don't care about a 10% increase in damage over my free e6 GallaGOD that requires E1S1.
Sexy muscles
The delay is the part that's hard to beat. FF does no damage outside of break, so anyone replacing RM needs to practically double her damage to match the value of getting an extra turn with the boss broken
Feixiao sales status?
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Sushang is the kind of person to use words she heard somewhere dispite not understanding what they mean
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i couldn't escape him
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Depending on how bloated the "out-of-turn" action queue gets, sometimes FUA are held until the next teammate action goes off
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March and Robin have inbuilt Vonwacq.
>MC is completely removed from the main plot and events
>Endless shipbaiting and female characters don't even talk to MC for more than 5 minutes
>Jobking, Wormka and Midqiu hogged screentime
>All chink characters's banners flopped hard
is mihomo retarded? I'm starting to see signs that HSR is heading down the same path that Genshit Impact went down
henlo darkness my old friend
Both Robin and March have Action Advance talents that make them take turn earlier, this is by design so Robin can buff the entire team before they act and so March can assign a Shifu before they act.
She seems like she's literally only worth using over other options in break teams and because they retardedly decided to make her a SP negative brick that doesn't work with Firefly it basically means she's useless everywhere.

Is that at the start of the fight? Read your party member's traces anon.
HSR needs more Seele!
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>For (you)
We won too
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that's just the EN localization. the dub I used she literally just said gui was a bad person.
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Do I need to deal the final blow with Luka? Or just have him in the fight?
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Uh, is no one excited about her?
There's barely any discussion about Rappa. Not even discussion about potential buff/nerf
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And I laugh at latefags who missed out on getting the light cones for free by playing the events and now have to waste their bonus pull currency to catch up.
Imagine being this bricked lmao
Others already mention it, but you WANT March & Robin going before your dps first turn so they can apply their buffs.
RM does no damage by herself. And like I said her break efficiency is diluted with FF. It really comes down to her extra break, which usually an extra turn for FF and there's plenty of ways to out dps that. We don't even need to look at raw numbers for Ting's superbreak either. Just something like her offering her own break efficiency will tip the scales.
>pulling brick effect support when brick effect is dying meta
>right before 3.0 at that
>right before massive powercreep of everything
I'm still mad I missed the Furina sword.
The way FUAs and extra actions get queued is really weird. If you run Feixiao with E1 Jade and Feixiao's skill makes Jade hit 8 stacks, Jade's FUA gets put in before Feixiao's, then the Jade FUA queues up Feixiao's talent FUA, so Feixiao does her FUA twice in a row
That's a man
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Why is Svarog such an NTRing piece of shit dead-beat? Actually abandoned his daughter to go on vacation with Hook and Lynx.
More interested in Tingyun coming right after
I already have Firefly who does ok in pf I don't need her
It seems that medication is in order.
Beautiful, cute, smart, lovely, sweet, perfect
harcarried by robin kafka and swan.
Just have him in the fight. Better to use him during the main battle in the event story since the dream battles are more difficult.
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But that's PF, honestly no one has issues clearing it even without PF units. That said, if you think that's going to be funny wait until Rappa + Lingsha. I still plan on sub/main DPS Lingsha though once I get enough rolls for E1.

A lot of people are but she is far away and we got fox and snek first which everyone is horny for.
>the only limited erudition you can use outside of pf is still jing yuan
how does he do it?
cuck game for those that like watching others win over them, basically an anti power fantasy
I hope they give us white kimono Acheron in the future and that they won't over design her like they do with every other character
The less we talk about it, the more likely she'll become op to sell her.
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She seems to be Boothill erudition version no?
Stack break/speed, iron cav, talia. There's really not much to discuss at this current juncture.
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By not being usable inside PF
I'm skipping the next banner for her and Aventurine's rerun
Her poses in combat are so elegant...
I think i landed an interview as a telemarketer on an Onlyfans agency Honkai Star Rail
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>They don't know the "summon meta" is actually just one additional factor to normal characters
>Meaning there'll be Summon DoT/FuA/Break/Hypercarry characters
>This means the FuA shilling will not stop just yet
Yeah, I understood that. I just forgot they had traces that gave them advance forwards as mentioned: >>494214923 >>494214902 >>494214974
I just thought something was wrong because the wolf enemies were also before Feixiao.. Guess I need more speed to act before the enemies.
That’s my boyfriend..
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Firefly love!
>Yunli being older than any space chink alive even though she's supposed to be a kid.
>design is whatever
>not interested in her va either
>comes before sex fox
It is what it is. Maybe her personality will help her, but I doubt that because
>rap shit
Erudition will unironically get unbricked with 3.0 versions.
Know how PF enemy waves work? Yea. Expect that in your every regular content from then on. Even non-Erudition units are being made to work with "rows" in mind. You've been warned.

RM's bonus damage on breaks is easy to forget, it adds up. Also her res pen, speed boost and be buffs. You're focusing on one aspect and forget how stacked her kit is.
I will get her, no worries.
Ahhh thanks!
Borisin enemies have retard speed or possibly some AA at the start of combat themselves. My 160 Sparkle does not go before them
boring unit, she does nothing unique or special. i mean her name is brappa for fucks sake what do you expect? if i pull her its just gonna be because of her first person ult
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Seiryuu byakko
Mirukutii saikoo!
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So you are telling me Yunli is a pedo?
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What's Topaz's void which leads her to being a stoneheart?
I keep feeling she's trying to trap me all the time with good deals
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What does Lingsha smell like
I love March
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i love silverwolf so much
haxxor bunny bronya my goat
Her animations are really cool but being one of the last 2.x units, on her own in a patch, Erudition, in a niche competing with Firefly and Boothill, and coming before 5* Tingyun... they literally couldn't set her up to fail any more, except maybe by making her a man
Chnkslop is always like this, TB did nothing in china 1 either.

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My cum
today I will jack off to the next QQposter's feet
My cum
I'm speaking mainly from the perspective of a FF team where all the things you listed are a very minor component of the majority superbreak damage. And as I said it's always possible Ting will bring better buffs that syngerize better. We already know her break buffs will be better for instance.
How much damage does he do?
>The three separate Talent bugs at the same time
How do you attack this often with her? Is this DU?
Yes, I'm sure that a fuckin erudition unit is competing with Boothill.
Gallagher is fine enough for FF. I thought she would be good in a Feixiao FUA team but from the story version, she would be too SP hungry for that team.
>and coming before superbrick support
Wow. So appealing. You do realize that not everyone is not brick effect playstyle? Even tards who play it now do it for meta reason while they crap over it of how unfun it is to play overall.
I'm tired of you fucking fags using doros. They're doros, not honkos
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Did I do this right?
Shoulders wider than the hips. Why are chinks so gay?
She has mommy issues. Her mom probably hates her for selling her soul to the IPC.
Don't ask how I know this, it's just obvious to me.
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she needs more koikatsu animations and iwara videos
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whats wrong bwi?
anyone else think her animations seem like collab bait? The ult looks exactly like some valorant shit
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We know QQ is 141cm tall and around 200 years old
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what gonna do about it? Punk
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Dragón azur, tigre blanco, menos carbohidratos... ¡Mira esto!
you posted this in the previous thread but shipping is the new NTR/BBC
>nyo it cant be...
if you use zoomer speak shipping is the "safe horny" NTR posting, only used for spite posting or delair the thread but is ok because the art is ""cute"".
see our sister general /gig/ as an example.
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do you mean the albedo sword?
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Penacony 2.0 will redeem Robin, trust the plan
>her dad made Guyun (his last sword) when she was still alive
>Guyun ended up with that chink dude in her quest
>that chink lived long enough to become marastruck meaning he lived at least to 800
>after that even more time passed since he became a legend in the planet
>Yunli was alive for all of this, which means she should be like 1000+ or even older
You should bend over and show your ass
where can I find 140cm girls irl?
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So Yunli is hl3 YanKING's wife's expy, who in the OG game is ultra super dead? When will they make an original character? It's always expy's...
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Rappa will be this game's Kazuha. Skipped due to a new region coming around the corner, only for later to be found out to be the most busted character of all gachage.
>filler in already filler chink slop
>ai generated looking design
>looks like Brickle
I learned my ^lesson there.
Elementary schools
That nipple? I sucked that
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Her home planet lost it's identity in exchange for the IPC saving it. I assume deep down she has regrets about it but she's denying it and telling herself the IPC helps
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For fucking crying out loud dude I seriously hope this bitch gets more character traits other than the god damn dove in 2.6
I love this image
Dragón azul, tigre blanco, coman menos carbohidratos. ¡Mira esto!
a very SP rich team with jade, fu xuan, and sparkle
Wake up bwo, we already had Ruan Mei
>fotm dps
>in powercreep game at that
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holy kino. mine doesnt do much damage though, truth be told, i havent used him since acherons release and i built him as a sustain back then. he does shred img weak enemies really fast.
Most people didn't skip RM
Problem is Gallagher exists in FF teams. Do you really want to roll e1s1 bricksha who is a minor upgrade? And she's not even better than Aventurine in FUA teams because she chews through SP like no tomorrow.
Kek that's pretty retarded
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>They don't know this was bait for anons to post their star rail doros
Oldest trick in the book
>Chinese Velvet
Not how it works, DPSes can only get worse as time goes on. Supports may come out that fix their problems, but ultimately if they were bad on release they won't suddenly become meta out of nowhere.
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Smug little bastard aint he?
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What his problem.
>he does shred img weak enemies really fast.
Is he any good in Superbreak, then?
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Your Himeko?
Hicucks are as schizo as shipcucks
Majority didn't skip that bland whore. Stop acting as if she was Kazuha case. She was overrated even before release and the fact that she is the most owned unit since release makes her the opposite of Kazuha case.
Kazuha would be something like, for example, pink fox. Someone who was doomposted like hell due to giga nerfs in beta. Majority skipped him. Still downplays him and then fucking regrets it down the line.

tl;dr: There is no "Kazuha case" in HSR and there is no Kazuha either of HSR (no, Banjo isn't untouchable as you may think outside of one gimmick, that might also not need her that much soon enough)
Just had sex with director Topaz
You might doom your sons to menletness of you propagate with one
He won
I'm fucking them
mikafly my beloved
Her kit doesn't do anything interesting though, she's just AOE Boothill but with a much worse element. It's really baffling how bland she is considering the effort that went into her animations
They also made her enhanced basic only regenerate SP if the enemy is weak to imaginary which is just... why????
>I could be in the trashcan
He's literally hitting on Stelle there huh
blade bros when will be our time? doing good damage seems unreachable...
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Trust the plan
PF is a meme
Being Bland Heng of his own group. I can't even fucking remember what did this nigger do outside of jobbing to FODDER and existing I guess.
how good is she? is her dispelling good? is her suitability better than gallaghar?
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Punklorde when?
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Balde if he ninja
Schizoday will save us trust the plan
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Hi3 Yanqing eventually cheated on Hi3 Yunli with pic related chick, so there's that.
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Maybe a headcanon, but if this is Lan casting his glance on Feixiao than this would be the first time we see an Aeon doing it to someone other than the TB. Pretty kino desu.
Sounds like something someone who can't 3 star pf would say
Why would a guy who wants to die actually kill his enemies?
>shit mei
>skipped by masses
Her banner was selling like hotcakes due to her and she has the highest ownership usage since her release. Stop projecting as such. She is not even fucking close to it.
Kinda mid
She's not inmune to CC and her dispell is tied to her slow ass rabbit.
He is less bland than Rapedqiu and Mary Sue though, just by being autistic.
Wish he wasn't tied to those charisma voids
is he ok?
I assume HP scaling (and DoT) will eventually get a meta pass in the same way debuffs, break, and FUA have
Gro it doesn't take too much brainpower to figure this out but I'll spoonfeed it for you, open wide:
>Lin Zhaoyu
>Lin Zhao -- yu
>Yu - Lin Zhao
>Yun - Li Zhao
Same hair color and bangs, same eye color, both in both games are related to Yanqing
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Lan literally gave all the generals parts of his stand. Jing Yuan has lightning lord, remember?
Himeko but with damage substituted for healing, yes she has a teamwide dispel.
He escaped from the FODDER while Jiao didn't
He's definitely more competent but not competent enough.
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Ah what a heartwarming photo.
>the average HIshipschizo
4pc eagle set probably which is her bis
Sadly yes
How many fucking times you need to be told that MC is always being made a cameraman during space chink? CCP doesn't fucking like it when filthy gweilos are the heroes on any china coded country/region
-Found Hoolay
-Helped holding back the borisin in Aurum alley
-Killed Mok tok
-Saved Jiaoqiu
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>lost three goddamn coinflips and wasted all jades I had for E2 Acheron
Davei please release Acheron in 2.7, I need some savings first
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Does this mean she only became a hunt emanator in that moment? It seems being a general and a hunt emanator are mutually exclusive, which checks out since I doubt Huaiyan or Jing Yuan are emanators as well.
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we gotta get the hunt path one day tho
His old voice was better
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what happened to hoyogames?
why do I have to login everytime I go into the game now?
it's so annoying...
>don't wanna do the story right now
>have to do it to be able to farm the new boss mats
this is annoying, how long does it takes to complete the story bros?
Kek you got his fujoshitters triggered
Switch Feixiao and Chinpo places
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There is no NTR

(You) already have firefly

All the other girls will get their designated partner

Get used to it
the game taking away the spotlight from the MC is a sign of the game being increasingly poxxed
sure, against img weak enemies. his skill hits 4 times at e6, so him and hmc fuck em up real fast.
someone is trying to get into your account bro
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Lol they're really trying to shill that homo this patch huh
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I fucking Lingsha as we speak
The rating pistol gives them both an invalid rating, so they are at least emanator-adjacent
Stop changing IPs all the time.
No way they are using trials of characters with synergy
didn't ask
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Everone with half a brain already knows he is Acheron's BiS
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>you WILL take FF as your gf
>you can NOT choose anyone else
I will not eat ze bugs, sorry zhang
>he exists therefore hes being shilled
You dont know what shilling means.
Nooo you can't like that guy he did something unspecified that some woman complained about.
That trial acheron is hot dogshit too. They neutered her to make JQ look mandatory
retard, did you even play the story? prob not
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I just used Little Gui
Oh no! It's characters with best synergy. Wow.
Some of you were failed abortions and it shows.
Nah Dan Heng is boring. Moze is an autistic edge lord.
>BIS for unit
>Said unit is made available
Are you going to flip out that the last fight shills Firefly too?
nope, she's on the bog standard genius quantum set with ipc planar
Sounds like someone is salty Ruan Mei is popular as she is.
Nta but the most shilled character of the patch is Feixiao? This nigga got raped and it's now blind.
They axed the hi3 china slop comics and Luofu is their second attempt at it.
Even in FGO Uro made the china lostbelt clear condition to be only made possible by QSH's own desire to allow himself being beaten, not because the gweilo chaldeans overpowered/outsmarted him kek
Trial units always suck. You'd think they'd juice them up to shill them but no, they always have an absolutely retarded cone and bad relics
wow that post really triggered the homotrannies.
go on, post your e1s1 jiaoqiu, metafags. we all know youre faggots
>Moze is an autistic edge lord that is boring*
If Blade is Eren, then this nigger is Gabi.
He made a full recovery already retardo.
you should probably switch her to 4pc eagle if you can, it's much better for her ult uptime, she doesn't exactly do much damage anyway so the 4pc genius set def ignore for her is kind of pointless
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Why's there a Fireflew in my Ruan Mei soup
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>gg ez
jade's jp voice sounds like an actual hag.
>looks nothing like yunli
hi3 fanbase will never beat the shiplooney allegations.
So are you calling both Blade and Moze shit? Why?
Is Moze even a chink? He doesn't look like one.
Because it actually is
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Well, now!
Don't you tell me to smile
You stick around, I'll make it worth your while

Got numbers beyond what you can dial
Maybe it's because I'm so versatile
Style, profile

I said: It always brings me back when I hear "Ooh child"
From the Hudson River out to the Nile (Nile)
I run the marathons 'til the very last mile

Well, if you battle me, I will revile
People always saying my style is wild
You've got gall, you've got guile
To step to me, I’m a rapophile

If you wanna battle, you're in denial
Coming from Uranus to check my style
Go ahead; put my rhymes on trial
Cast you off into exile

Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
Bruh if they wanted to shill they would have it done it when he was on banner.
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Yeah she's misato in eva they chose her very well.
ETA for silver sex rerun?
It doesnt make any fucking sense to me. JQ had the single worst trial barring Boothill. They should at least have the trial characters use their banners cones but they dont even do that. Mihoyo makes such idiotic decisions sometimes, and I have no idea why
>jiaoqiu is a fugu pufferfish
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Propagation mentioned!
xis yunli is literally in her name
Imagine being a 20 year old kid in hsr. You're forced to be shipped with other 200 year old kids instead of 2000 year old sexy hags.
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Fellow Robin enjoyers, should I try to get her sig? I already have E1, the event cone and S4 poised to bloom, but the energy regen seems really nice to have so that her ult is always up. Should I at least go to soft pity then save it for Rappa's or Aventurine's?
Yes. Congrats. That's it. The only difference is that one had intial charm to them before story ruined that said charm (Blade) while the other is is just cringe (Moze).
Next patch probably. They only have 1 new limited character there.
He literally didn't, the screencap that gets spammed here it's cut when he said there's someone tard wrangling him
Can we go back to Guinaifen posting?
For me it's Glühwürmchen and Märzchen
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>gambling addiction
>got a second feixiao in 20 pulls while "building pity"
should i spend another 100 bucks to get my cute jpg. to e2 or nah
>I dont want my hags voiced by actual hags
You are a monumental faggot
No, it's shit. Just use the Bronya cone.
>hi3 shiptroonie calling others troon
>yuni is [shizobabble]
pity (you)
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Anon's infertile wife Lingsha...
imagine constantly thinking about the relationships of pixels because you can't get a date. oh wait, you don't have to imagine that, you fucking virgin
most posters in this thread follow the path of Propagation based on whats being posted here
Her sig is nice (since it retains the event cone's damage while also giving energy regen) but most of the time you don't need it and will just overcap on energy
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HItards and shipsharts are the same obnoxious faggots, if they think they see crumbs they'll be convinced their retarded headcanon is real and you will never convince them otherwise
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it feels horrible to get new characters you didnt prefarm for. Its like 2 weeks to get traces up.
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If you're a true Robin enjoyer you should without anyone telling you too
Wait, they can just reverse their sterility anytime they want? At least that's what it sounds like to me judging from the image.
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>RM soup
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>Lingsha and Dan Heng offers no counter argument
So the Elder was right.
Imagine being gay. Oh wait, you don't have to.
I like Gui!
The only way to do that is to convert other races into dragon people. Like Baiheng -> Bailu.

Tbf if all party is consenting I don't see the flaw of his plan.
No, that guy's plan was to just do what they did to Baiheng to produce Bailu, except to a bunch of random unwilling people
>the ones pushing shipfaggotry are honkai impact 3 players.
I thought they were only yurilooneys.....
I agree, i got spooked by Himeko yesterday and now i have to build her up from scratch
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Yes. You're only mad cause you can't jump in the ship.
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>Lingsha and Dan Heng offers no counter argument
>So the Elder was right.
Abundancechads have been right every single time in Xianzhou Slop.
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Dumb pig.. stop giving me sleeping ASMR while I'm talking to Luka.. correction needed..
Every other upcoming character is story related in some way. Shes a literal who with a dumb design and her leaked kit looks meaningless.
It also gives party damage instead of solo damage. People tend to forget that and just focus on the energy gen.
Nta but that sounds accurate enough.
Blade at least had initial good run. He was edgy, but it was in funny way of edgy. Hence why he became such big shitpost back then. 1.2 killed any sort of appeal to him. It completely neutered him and made him a joke (not in good way). He just kept going down each patch after that though.
Moze... He exists. He just fucking exists. I don't know how else to describe him. I feel nothing for this dude. You can replace him with a tree and I'm not seeing a difference. His edgesona also lacks any sort of charm to it that Blade (during 1.0 at least), had.
Can't wait until we get to the Abundance faction + Abundance TB...

Yaoshi kisses me...
Her sig is only valuable in non fua teams. Fua team attacks so much you have 100% uptime anyways
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I eat this
okay cuck
So if I'm catching up on most stuff that's been added since the end of the first space china arc, what's the most worthwhile? The additional SU modes? Doing all the Penacony areas?
They made sure his plan was explicitly to kidnap people and force them into the eggs because otherwise the only reason not to do it would be the Space Chinese government saying making people immortal is bad, which would make them sound retarded
She doesn't really need the energy in proper FUA teams leaving her with just slightly better atk increase as her event cone. So no I wouldn't use it.
Is she good bros
Hoolay my fuarking hero
Did e0 feixiao powercreep my e2s1 Acheron
yaoshi is a man btw
>Betrays the Alliance' people and gets innocent civilians killed
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Dumb pig
are those 100 bucks tied to your well-being? would you consider suicide if you lost it in the streets tomorrow? if yes, don't do it
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Whatever you do, make sure this girl survives
>attack sphere
She's dead, jim.
Ill just have to knock her up so many times eventually one son pops out at normal height. For the rest, a necessary sacrifice.
I would probably do all the story and then later chill on SU/Du
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She must have rode half the cloud knights garrison by this point, the general will soon have to address this issue
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>Bronya cone.
Dont have it
>overcap on energy
I mean, better to overcap it then to not have enough, no?
I'm f2p so I'm cautious...
The current event is the only event I'd call downright awful in SR right now. It took quite a long time, but it happened now.
Gameplay and story couldn't clash more, and who even cares about Luca, when there are way more important chars that barely got any time so far. Shame.
Xianzhou propaganda.
it's unironically shit. sig is "worth it" if you want to use a cone with her picture on it.
it helps her "the most" when she's on the teams that want the energy the least (due to how it works - stacking regen from 0 after ulting)
if you want more energy gen use bronyacone (bonus - gives some sp) or get e2 instead
our yanking looks nothing like hi3 yanking either
no yaoshi clearly looks like a twink with long hair, you're gay bro
>I don't like the character so it's the worst event ever
Me with the Huohuo one
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Since Moze is being discussed...
*ahm* Aha fags, what cope do you have now that Moze, another 4*, got BP icon? Are you going to say that irrelevant faggot like Moze is meant to be important in the future and get 5* alt next? Kek
Focus on the main story first so you don't fall behind with the limited time events.
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What about the event cone?
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>beast driven solely by the Propagation
it was more relevant when she was my only quantum, but that was more than a year ago at this point, quantum characters are the only characters i roll for so i have all of them. thanks for the advice
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>"We only lost because borisins can secrete fear gas"
>"You need to ingest special medicine to counter them"
Whatever happened to Hoolay's Lupitoxin? Did March, Yunli and Yanqing even use the pill before the fight?
remember Gal?
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Oink oink oink
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I love this little pig
my gambler/instant gratification rotted brain will never be able to save 600 starlight for one of those cones, that could be 27 blue cones and some 4 stars instead
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March's expression is very cute.
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Post Lingshas
only foxians are affected by borisin's fear gas.
I have it
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Red herring/ writer literally forgot
Only works on foxians
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day 12 of not blowing my load, 18 more to go
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How do we stop her?
why are you so mean to fofo, calling her a pig...
Blade was never funny. It was just Anons desperately projecting "he's literally me" memes onto him.
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Firefly would never!
Ruan Mei is the bug slut who wants to be mind controlled by pheramones and implanted into a hive wall as an ahegao seedbed.
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What's the point of Topig?
Seriously why the fuck did he get BP of all people? Couldn't they use literally anyone else? Like Lingsha? It's not like BP follow "relationships in-game" pattern since pink fox got BP icon with Bailu, with whom he has no actual relationship with.
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>jobbing to bugs
firefly a shit
moze had to take the pill in the prev patch. he's clearly not a foxian.
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Why was Moze told to take it then?
tapirs don't have much if anything to do with pigs, they're as closely related to them as they are to horses
i tried using her earlier in AS and she guzzles SP because you have to keep swapping Numby between targets
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>they want to remove the MC from the story to emulate HI3rd's storytelling (being a cameraman)
>they want to erase self-insert pandering to replace it with yuri shipfaggotry
It doesn't take a big brain to connect the dots and realize that most of these schizos come from that forsaken general.
Yeah I should have said that I already did the main story and the currently running event, but none of the past ones
So where the fuck are the other Fireflies?
Where the fuck are you getting your sp? Is Sigga at 200 speed?
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That was prison standard procedure.
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Horny patch.
This is sorely missing the Aventurine+Moze/March calcs, because Moze+March gain far less from Aventurine's FUAs than Topaz does. There is probably a much larger gap between the free options and Topaz in that team specifically

People who don't have Aventurine don't need to feel as bad about not having Topaz
Post one (1) screenshot of Blade being funny
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luv annoyed march
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Bugs? What bugs?
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He is, not in the conventional way though.
You have bad taste.
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her ass
or her pig's ass
SP and free 50% team wide dmg increase
Will Feixiao be able to clear content out of her favored enemies? Or will she have Jingliu's fate?
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Unli rape
I feel bad about not having Topaz because her ass is fat
I don't feel bad about not having Aventurine because he's a fag
simple as
I dress like that
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It's literally the first time I managed to assemble the Rubert cone and it happened during my 2nd try in V8. I'm not going to touch this mode anytime soon.
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>flavor of the month whore
gee what so you think?
>quantum only
holy BRICK
i love the new feixiao ship
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>If Blade is Eren, then this nigger is Gabi.
So they're both peak?
Nah, I don’t want to share a moment of collective humor with people like you.
HIfags hate captainverse and apho, they would always turn into shipfaggots if there's no yurishit to satiate them
She's just 5* hunt Xueyi.
>related to them as they are to horses
Tapirs actually are related to horses. Related to rhinos too
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Yeah I noticed that too.
but I don't do that?
it only started happened after the new update
FUA niggers with Ratio kept being one of the fastest teams despite Acheron/DoT/now BE hard shilling. This was just RM back then before Robin, who elevated them to whole new level, existed. I don't see why not as such.
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Chill out, Argenti.
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this plushie will soon be real, will you be getting it?
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>Yanqing became way better than his former self the second Jingliu and Feixiao taught him
>Yanqing’s self esteem got better after interacting with Yunli and March
>Feixiao actually cares for Yanqing’s wellbeing, while Juan literally left him to die without any other words back in 1.2 after fighting with Blade and Dan Heng
>Juan didn’t even visited Yanqing when he was bedridden

Mid Yawn is a good general and friend but a shit mentor and father
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Who thought it would be a good idea to re-add the worst puzzle game they ever made?
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Aside from Crowd Control, which affects everyone but maybe DoT teams, how can they make enemy kits that brick Feixiao teams?
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I see 3 pigs here
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>Feixiao is 5* hunt Xueyi
Yeah I'm thinking kino
You have to remember that the people shilling her also has like e2s1 Robin and e1s1 Topig. She'll stay relevant for them for a long time, but for f2p or horizontal investers, she'll fall off soon enough.
Shut up DanHeng(marastruck)
>Blade: Existed for only few seconds in 1.0 and got everyone to shitpost about him
>Moze: Literally nobody but fujos cares about his existence and even they only care about him on sole fact that he is male and JQ simping for Feixiao annoys them
Keep the cope
I think Moze is another case of being close in numbers to Topaz on paper but being pretty clunky in reality. After playing him his main issues comparing to Topaz are that there's a downtime on the his 25% FUA debuff between enemy getting killed and Moze's next turn where he applies it with his skill unlike Topaz's 50% FUA debuff which automoves to next target. And also you can't switch the target of the mark till you exhaust all his stacks while Topaz can do it whenever she gets a turn. Also he doesn't generate SP at all unlike her where it matters. I'd still say that doesn't make Topaz worth rolling but she is better than him beyond just rough theoretical numbers.
>Mid Yawn is a good general
How? He would be in the front lines making good use of Lan's gift to him.
I had wind spheres but the substats on this one were way too good and enabled atk boots on her.
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What do you think? Good enough?
I like Pathfinder and I hope they do more
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Argenti is gay and faithful
>when his banner is already over
nigga... what?
>Feixiao is 5* hunt Xueyi
>Yeah I'm thinking kino
Feixiao wishes she could at least cleave.
Xueyi's kit with Feixiao's kind of numbers would be MUCH better than Feixiao.
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How is he gay if his whole character is simping over some goddess
Seems like rolling Topaz and skipping the sigga is low efficiency but I can't see myself rolling him and I do want her.
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... I'm just gonna wait for Jing Yuan forma de Hunt
He's at 145 speed. I used Fei's basic few times.
Shilling is when character exists
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Has nothing to do with it. The entire writing of the event is extremely lowest tier shounen shit. Yeah, fits to the character, sure, but come one. We aren't 10. Nobody needed that. On top shounen shit and rpg clashes, because you get this garbage "auto lose to get stronger" shit.

How many fucking fights they force you in artificial ways to almost lose, just to win? Then you win, but don't win for some story sob sob power up garbage? I've seen all of that shit before in badly written shounen shit series' for 10 year olds.
Even LIKING Luka wouldn't change anything here.
i dont get it, why does she shrink?
>Argenti is gay
Idrila does not strike me as a male name.
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POV: you skipped aventurine
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erm teckhnically Vidhyadara can't get Mara-Struck because they're a reincarnating species that delete their own memories every now and again, the accumulated memories of thousands of years being what causes the Mara
How about vs March, does it just come down to weaknesses?
Same reason your feet get bigger
it genuinely pains me KING is so fucking shit, the last chapter made wonders for his character grow, they shiould give him a buff or something for him to not be so ass
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>invested dothag team with a few Es and Ss
>clear fast
>hmm what happens if I give RM to the other team
>put e4 guin in dothag team
>clear in the same amount of cycles
This sex demon is too strong
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I felt more emotions doing Yunli's SQ then any of the Highcloud Quintet stories.
The game isn’t that hard, I completed all of them in 20 minutes and I’m a stupid fuck
Where can I see Rappa latest gameplay?
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Can't they just ask the garden of Recollection to delete or pluck that shits?
better than being mara struck I bet
All knights follow the path of beauty without even knowing how Idrila looks like.
That’s my friend Ryan
>Feixiao is such an xpensive character
i know, thats why i e6'd her and robin this banner. now i'm finally worthy for her.
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I miss Gui posting, take me back to the days she was announced and released
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Argenti finds plants beautiful. Stop projecting.
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That's my gf on TV!
It's just because of her crying. The ending was retarded
>The sword is explicitly told to now be more than a weapon but instead as a symbol
>Yunli's personal autism ignores this and melts him down anyway
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>All knights follow the path of beauty without even knowing how Idrila looks like.
Yet they're still confident they will know the paragon of beauty when they see her.
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>turns out sigga is BiS
the first person ult ruins her
I definitely have never cosplayed before. Fuck you Jeff.
Pathfinder is based, it's just a shame it's too easy.
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It's over Cirrus, I have the action advance blessing
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>got fucked out of the fox by another bailu spook
its joever...
That is literally me
I like March overall better because she has no clunk at all. Weakness doesn't help Moze's case because March does toughness damage to wind weak enemies with Feixiao as her master anyway and you'll be using Feixiao mainly against wind weak enemies. Also this graph says March is better >>494212316
It works on everyone. Though Juan shit his pants even without lupitoxin.
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Sampo and Gui are extremely underrated
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>Sci-Fi Fantasy world where literally anything can happen has constant plot holes in story conflicts
Who could've guessed
but tbqh if they ever do address it they'll probably pull some shit like Yaoshi's blessing somehow making it so the memories can't be deleted or something
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so, is moze cooler than bureido?
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Always was
the person depicted on this image happens to be my male offspring
>have to sit through Sunday’s villian monologue to unlock Feixiao’s artifact domain
Can Yanqing (forma de Jingloo) beat Blade?
>Post shitting on Sparkle
>Everyone's reaction is sigga dominating the meta
Never change hsrg
He does generate SP but it's behind a trace you probably didn't unlock. That said yes he's jankier in pf and against multi target content. However he's fine in moc and as that its really not worth chasing e0s1 Topaz to "upgrade".
ya the wardance tournament like the trailblazer's stern was a quadrabillion times better than the main story which was a inferior copy of jinhsi's plot in wuwa. but it only gets good right before the final match.
Event where lil Gui starts her onlyfans WHEN?
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What's so little about Guinaifen?
I came a whole month worth of cum for this Robin.
I love this Robin image so much like you wouldnt belivee.
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Yaoguang had a lolibaba voice.
If the same post contains something related to sigga (or Firefly) the attention will inmediately redirect there. You know this.
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they're c&c now
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>He missed the event
I kinda want to build scampo for the fun synergy but I don't like his design
5* scampo when
That face uncanny valleys the fuck out of me.
i'm so fucking glad i e2'd the sigga. fuck all of you niggas laughing at me for investing on a sustain, who's laughing now?
seele got cucked
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I dont use zoomer bait.
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Sadly no, dude just kinda fade in the background while Jaio & Feixiao get all the character development. His attitude isn't even all that edgy to begin with, he just arrogant about his assassination skills and goes back lurking in the shadow. Waste of a cool design.
Blade is still the only edge kino character of the game so far.
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>tranny makeup
she has a dick isn't she
>sigga (or Firefly)
These two really have the whole community on a chokehold, it's crazy
Of course the wuwapag loves an event made to stroke the fragile ego of self-insert cucks.
Go back to your designated toilet >>>/vg/wuwa you filthy street-shitter
Topaz plays closer to M8 than Moze, right? I'm enjoying the M8 version of the Feixiao team a lot mroe than the Moze one due to the sp gains.
Te fallen friend is another knight of beauty he had to kill after he turned into a beast
Idrilla appears in front of you as the most beautiful being you can think of.
Argenti is into white haired women
Nah that's just western "art" for you.
Plenty of futa is drawn with good faces, but by Japs.
Moze is there just to insult the Traiblazer inside his head...
How big do I need to make Feixao to have her bet E2S1 Acheron?
how good his shields are seriously feels like a fuck up no other healer even comes close
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>mindbroken frogposter thinks of dudes when he sees a woman
No one asked shiptroon
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damn bwo you sound upset
ironic from your part
My team is Feixiao, Hunt March, Robin and Aventurine. Where would it place here?
>Idrilla appears in front of you as the most beautiful being you can think of.
But my preference for beauty shifts with my mood...
There's a dark skinned loli, a large breasted full figured JK with normal white anime skin, and that tanlines chick from Resort Boin...
I'm literally all over the place in body types and skin tones here!
uh oh shiptroon melty
>zero cycled with Feixiao
>4 turns with Archon on second half
I don't have Boothill, Yunli, or Jingliu, how the fuck do you clear Aventurine boss well?
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let the money flow
hi3 shiplooney melty.
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I love her so much bros.
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fuck those contrarians, I got a single copy of him and to date he is the best character you can get because you simply CAN'T DIE, his shields are chunky, stack over and over and refresh constantly by him merely existing
needing to heal is cringe compared to him
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who do you have then
also there's the option of running fei on 2nd side
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>makes shiptrannies seethe
>makes waifufags seethe
Yeah, I think they're BASED as fuck.
The true saviors of Honkai Star Rail™.
saved. god, he's so cool.
>Sabotages the hotel staff to play god
>Gives her an airship
>Not the express, just the trailblazer
What did Oti mean by this?
E2S1 has a pretty easy time 0 cycling the first half of moc 12-1 on auto. (no Robin needed)
Beating Acheron is weird though, because they function so very differently. You won't beat Acheron against 5 tanky enemies (or HP sharing), but you can definitely beat her vs. 1 or 2.
Why would I be mad that you wasted 540 rolls on a faggot just to gameplay? I'm already full clearing all the end game content with my waifu team kek
Acheron, Clara (only 100 CD), Argenti, and Dan IL
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Since when is rolling for a non-DPS unit a brick? Even Sparkle finds her niche every now and then where she can inject steroids into the DPS, who is more likely to change?
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because you are poor and brown?
I'm honestly glad I don't "have to" build Moze as well, my Feixiao isn't anywhere near perfect and I just got Robin
robinlet avenlet feilet melty
>had to nerf him
>then still had to remove him from the DU boss pool
He truly is the strongest.
Feixiao is for female players
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Friends don't let friends commit abuse
Looks like I need to play wuwa
Can you fucking malaysians or singaporeans or whatever stop saying your tagapalog seanigger speak already? No one cares which breed of seanigger you are or which other breed of seanigger you think you're superior to, you're all just seaniggers to us.
I rolled Robin... for nothing.
qrd on that mistranslated line from sigga?
So, you guys enjoying your Feixiao?
thank you based shaoji.
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They're just making her worse
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I fucking hate rap
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Can someone help me get a team to clear PF? I can get max rewards on MoC and AS but I'm getting filtered by PF.
fucking Wigger I swear to god
what happens to Firefly when our Trailblazer eventually gets their new path in the next region and hoyo needs to shill it for another limited 5*?
DoT hags status?
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>the rap is pretty good
holy skip
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I would've put her on my "Maybe On Rerun" list but...
>rap music idle
yea, a lot actually
When does this happen? I think I must have missed it
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I skipped
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your snek and tingyun?
>shiroha forgot
Please tell me you niggas aren't taking them seriously
ironic from your part
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Consider the following poal:
>no harmony dot until at least the next region
it has never been more over
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E1 Swan carries
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>that rap is pretty good
I wish Robin had good porn
Yes it's the first time.
that is literally what tingyun is being set up to be for
no amount of white woman rap will make it good
so you better fucking stop it
are you for real, just play match the colors with anyone that has AoE or blast, you have RM and Robin
what does that have to do with hair sex?
change rap for rape and you fags wouldn't even complain
ironic from your part
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But I did that and it didn't work
>have rm, herta, himeko, robin, m8, feixiao, bs and moze
You have exodia. Just work on them.
Whats an E1 Swan look like with Acheron?
no one uses my characters... its not like they are badly built or anything either...
only if she raps like pink guy
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>mihoyo rap
today I will remind them
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The occasional sp refund is nice.
Flow out of your bank account you mean.
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>the rap is pretty good
Is Rappa worth it? Erus and Hunts have let me down more than every book by James Patterson not named Maximum Ride.
why would i feel bad about not having a character? if you have robin feixiao aventurine you can already clear content easier than most players.
>whale for something
>regret it
I hope the feeling wears off after a while
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If we (Crudely) extrapolate the DPAVs from the separate teams, the highlighted numbers show the difference on the Fei/Hunt/Robin/Aven team with Topaz vs March
(It's not a big difference at all)
hope you dont use EN, rappa pullers
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>the rap is pretty good
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The pig speaks german!
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pretty based, i know
The boss fight with Shadow Feixiao.
Only poor seapags with no self control blow their third world paychecks to "win" gacha though?
It means (we) are the special snowflake.
ring ding ding
Could be French just saying shit shit shit
Pretty good but you need FireTB or Kafkacone and Kraken DoT set for Ack
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Whatever you do, don't open your eyes, or ears...
Tell Ryan I want to empty my balls into him.
the excuse is probably something dumb like that the grief and sorrow are rooted at a subconscious level and can't be removed
that would be merde, stupid angl*id
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>character named rappa
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I'm fully prepared for the new music in battle meta
Robinfags on suicide watch

robin clara herta fu xuan first half
kafka himeko ruan mei preservation trailblazer second half
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>the rap is pretty good
But I never forgot that I want to sex have with Hu Tao.
Okay, hear me out hsrggers...
What if she raps like Parappa the Rapper?
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its not about winning bozo. nice narrative but: cope+L+ stay mad+ stay brown
>event story is 100x more interesting than the main story this patch
>even though the ‘main character’ of the event is one of the least interesting characters in the game
How the fuck did they manage this? The whole borisin plot was a snoozefest yet I really enjoyed the shounen tournament event arc. They really need to fire fat xiao yesterday holy fuck.
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>character named firefly
>flies and attacks with fire
>character named rappa
>gets raped
Taimanin collab in 2 years.
>Mihoyo staff had to go to an emergency meeting this morning because Feixiao flopped hard. Basically they won't invest any more resources in her
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I want Xueyi to crush my pelvis during cowgirl position sex with her petite robot body that weighs 200kg due to her steel bones
>character named firefly
>fires and flies
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>be immortal
>if you're immortal for too long you're cursed to become immortaler
gui posters are so funny too bad their character is a gal anal town slut.
>Character named Firefly
>Flies and has fire
>Character named Acheron
>Wants to Ack
>Character named Aventurine
>Vents urine
Firefull Flyshine
Yeah it's totally not about winning but you're seething and trying to justify your investment by saying he's good.

>gal anal town slut
But enough about Xilonen.
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kinda shitty that robin gets to sing, rappa gets to rap, but serval got no song of her own. She even sings in one of the lc's at
Damn I miss Serval and her lewds
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>character named brappa
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>character named Adventuring
>goes on daring adventures
hitler pig
it's over
No shit
that's the best part though?
She gets a sick guitar riff, that's all they can afford for a 4*
she drops a sick riff though
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Uh oh melty
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>character named Topass
>has a big ass
vi von doe
thank you robin
thank you black swan
thank you kafka
5* fertile Serval soon, trust
feixiao has saved this dying game...
She also gets real excited every time you ascend her
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Chat who should I believe?
>reddit x family
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>character named Adventuring
>try to kills himself
believe me
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>character named Sparkle
>doesn't even glow
>racist asian company can’t into black american culture
you don’t say
Isn't she like, 41 and shit?
Damn, you can even tell from this he'd grow up to be a faggot.
bravo nolan
natlan revenue flopped and second half is going to be shit
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>character named Banjo Plum Blossom
>Plays a banjo and likes plum blossoms
all they had to do was run more rerun banners while having 2 new 5 *
but for some reason they decided 2.6 should only have one new limited 5*
the amount of wordslop in the luka event is mindnumbing
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>character named Ruan Mei
>shits and farts
>dissing Lil nigga
Going too far, leave him alone
>Character named Kafka
>Not jewish
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>character named blade
>he's not that sharp
>Hertaschizo had his threads deleted again
Uh oh!
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>character named Guinaifen
>she isn't even chinese
Her name is Guinevere
He literally DOES grow up to be Ratio's nanahole, fym?
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>character named Stelle
>has a Stellaron
>character named Caelus
>doesn't have a Caelaron
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Rappa is projected by all industry market analysts to be the lowest selling banner character in gacha history.
>it was a fujo
hope you're not planning to skip bugnyun goy
Uh oh Paglus melty imminent
>EN dub
You have done this to yourself.
So she really is just Mori?
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>Staying as No.1 for 2 days
>It's exactly 1.5 days which was half of ACK and FF
i fucking hate gachagaming hoyoshill
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Americaelus SUPER BROKE you
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>they made that one rapper in belobog a character
npcs, npcs everywhere
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this was great though (in japanese)
caelus is the sky
stelle is the star
they are cute and canon.
Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that. He's damn sure not railing the pig pawg.
We need more of TB just casually taking over places.
hes only a fag in eng dub
Need more break but that's pretty good.
Your cock is projected by all industry market analysts to be the smallest sized dick in all of humankind history.
i love little pps
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>Damn, you can even tell from this he'd grow up to be a faggot.
>character is named Doctor Ration
>he doesn't give you nutritional food
>character is named Servant
>she can't serve your team

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