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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

The Look

Previous: >>494208570
aw hell naw
First for femra himcesses.
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how do I find friends on chaos? do I need to be on some sort of discord now?
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They've been dueling for 20 minutes.
My Male Midlander is somewhat of an equal opportunity petter. Moonies? Of course. Sunnies? Maybe. Others? Inquire within.
catboy supremacy
yea im thinking moonies won
*grabs ur glubber*
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middie for my moonie
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My veena, this, like, is
Licking that small glimpse of underboob
Do we like face 2 meowmen?
Sex with catgirls
be pet
i am posting this in hopes to protect all other moonies and even catgirls from hate. get behind me sisters.
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we're having femezen thursday because fiddies already reserved fiddie friday

post femzne
please don't post your weird humiliation fetish kink shit in here next time you lose a duel
gonna do this later
my moonie is unironically sunnie owned (we both knew each other before we played and love each other very much now)
Where do I get the optional plugins for Mare?
femra EB who happens to be a hag or a milf
i said smooch and they never said it back it's over
motion denied, thursday is for the thighlanders. i hope you'll understand.
thursday is the thighlander day
youre supposed to include an image anon... here ill show you

Moonie like this for my Middie!
Well I don't SEE any thighlanders, do you???
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Why are shards only gatherable in ARR
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>Elezen trying to butt in and take highlanders day.
how big is her +
moonies are the best. every one else is good but just not as good you know
I can post mine if you want. I made a webm with the champagne item earlier.
lalafell have taken over the uldah bench
>alliance finally pops
>first boss a load of dead <traveler> femra
>trash pack, somehow dead <traveler> femra
>math boss, all the ones failing it are <traveler> femra
fuck off go back to crystal
my fucking dick
thank you kindly anon apology for late reply
Is that a paladin v paladin? I don't think anyone can win, it's like watching two mountains hurl pebbles at each other
Because at some point they simply stop getting used. Higher level crafting is just crystals and clusters
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Whoever released this monstrosity into M3S reclears
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middie like this for my moonie
wait thats my line
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>enter thread
>search "lala"
>no post worth reading
love femlalas
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How do I get my gf's character's date from her own service account to use on my own retainers on my own service account? As in how can I save them/find them
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You use your pot when he says egads
>Each time you and your team dies, the echo will give you enhanced strength
ermmm sweaty? just give me the enhanced strength now
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Fiddie for my Sunnie
My Male Midlander is singing Ne Yo to no one because no one's around to listen.

And I know this much is true... baby you've become my addiction.
I'm so strung out on you. I can barely move, but I like iiiit.
My goodness the nerve!
its nyover
pan down
Post your ebin plap list
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this one wasn't me but I do this regularly
some people I've cleared don't even know what mitigation is
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
That's modbeast scum not a femezen
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>he happened to be not at home the same day i bring my mask, rope, midlander-sized bag and a knife
t. malera
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why are the devs so afraid of having a mooncat npc in the msq or important raids/side quests?

the answer is simple: they fear the moonie
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sfia still getting cooked holy
When no one is around my femlala sings backstreet boys loudly and offkey
you just reminded me how common echo wipe parties used to be
theyd just try and stay alive long enough for the wipe to count and add echo and stack up 30% or whatever before seriously attempting the boss
I'll admit it everyone. I'm the X for my X poster. What is YOUR ideal X for X?
why are you so obsessed
you should gather shard seeds (they're called something like icelight seeds or firelight seeds) and plant those in flowerpots or gardening beds
if you have an apartment, it's free 100 shards a day
if you have a small house, that's +500 a day
medium house is +950 a day
large is +1400 a day
a personal FC quarters is another +100 a day
if you have glamourer you can open her adventure plate and steal the data from the "Examine Actor" that appears
mine is singing Bailando by Paradisio because his dogs are around to hear [they hate it]
From this moment
From this moment
You will never be alone
We're bound together
Now and forever
The loneliness has gone
I already have a moonie for my moonie so I guess that
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this is the ideal femra for my middie
hate femlalas
t. malera
with who?
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>side quests
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Literally fucking who?
i made this post >>494222614
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not related but I now remember some screencap of one of the guys who cleared DSR first really liking lolicon or some shit
Why are people saying Zepla likes the british broadcasting channel? Is it because she dumped XIV for the War Within?
>1st % parse is still 20k rdps
what the fuck is picto
We should let the three remaining thighlanders have their day...
nyo, i refuse! you still have a chance!
I knew it wouldn't take long for this to be brought back

Who gives a fuck
they made my moonie an npc to make up for it
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who was the last ebin (You) jerked off to? and when?
Fishra for my sunnie but I've long given up on that happening
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We won..but at the cost of being made to have sex.
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posting my middie (its over)
may i rape
Nigga was doing less damage than our PLD in our reclears
And he left because we were being too "toxic" when we asked them to use addle/coat and if they knew their rotation at all.
Reminder, this image has been canon since ARR
She has the look.
why are you so fat
you can say no you know. you don't have to fuck anyone who asks
Awesome, can I save that data as XIV data that the game can read to use on my retainers or do I have to manually recreate them?
you cant just see a catgirl and immediately just think of sex
femlala for my moonie
i'm about to blast to this fiddie
It's not a cost, it's a bonus!
the best australian raider
>PF gets worse and worse every single week
>tfw don't need to care because I do main's weeklies in a static and fuck around in PF for fun
I wonder the same :(, what do you like to do in the game? c:
none, they don't deserve it
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so true
hnng those thighs
sexy thighlander
Would you die if I took off that blindfold
>Celi still spamming the thread with drama nobody cares about
We should care, because...?
Raidnigger drama is a dime a dozen.
Why not?
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Marriage (with the intent of procreation) with Ryne!
My Male Midlander isn't apart of the council. But he's definitely in a band with some of them.

I shan't be speaking of who.
Abe drunk this early in the day
My catgirl loves to do this
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When people say a clear is a clear I imagine someone like this. How do you consistently get worse week after week?
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You're weird
Touch my daughter and they'll never find your body.
femra for my catboy
who loves pvp and erp and me>>494222953
Can someone tell Ryne that she has a nice armpit
Saying no then being convinced to anyway is better imo.
Moonie racial bonus..Not a bad thought.
Yeah I'd actually turn into ashes before your very eyes.
(No, just gotta convince me to do so)
catgirls are more than just sex objects they are beautiful and very intelligent and offer more to the world
It's more that the difference between lowest and highest damage isn't exactly that high in this game
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should be able to use this to make it an actual .dat you can just import but if not just screencapping the customizations works in a pinch
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This game is unironically just a cashgrabber
Need a fat assed glub for sitting on my face
oh sorry.. thats the only thing i dont enjoy ><
me for myself, I am a sunnie who needs none
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>He uses a hair mod that has better textures than their character model
>He uses a skimpy outfit made by Zael
>He uses a modern slop mod
>His is flat chested
Thank you for the in-depth answer
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Post it
(you)'re top of the list anon
Just big enough
Not all moonies are like this
I want them to make FFXIV-2, I'm bored of this game
Giving this one belly rubs
we've known for years
they seem like the player who goes "oh i can play every job" and then absolutely fail at playing every job. I don't think this person has the muscle memory for SMN and if they can't handle SMN how are they going to handle PCT?
thats a child you sicko
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>Just big enough
oh i was just kidding about that femezen having a cock..i forget every femezen who posts here does though
because i like fat bitches
no you're not...
Porn addicts general
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my favorite moonie, hiisssss!
You're right, every Moonie is different.
Biting you if you rub for more than 7 seconds!
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A limousine drives up to you, blasting Cardi B. You look up and see a gang of hrothgals staring you down. What do you do...
This looks like shit
>Daily Main Scenario is a sausage fest
Day ruined
everyone knows, it's also why they add less and less and why everything feels significantly lower in effort now
elk clone
How do you outdps yourself on SMN of all things against your own PCT?
They even have the tomestone PCT weapon...
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we know
ffxiv no longer sparks joy and needs to be remade
femra post
Do moonies even like catboys anymore....?
>(you)'re top of the list anon
Nobody would ever plap a femra...
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im a cat
with a hat
You can take one (many) for the team, so that non lewd moonies are kept safe
Leaving this catboy a sweaty, dripping mess
Holy based, thanks anon
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Nobody likes catboys
doman princess plainsfolk femlala
cruel but tender xaela khagan
Just need yurt housing.
but also like the other anon said, shards are really only used on basic ARR items and aren't really used anywhere else
the only reason i know so much about it is because i had to craft a mountain of cobalt ingots for my submarines at one point
im sexy and i know it
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When have they ever focused on their flagship product, FFXIV?
Yeah SE needs to change; they need to stop making out of touch slop nobody asked for and actually out money back into their MMO.
>sfia is literally like most anons here
a bit close to the knuckle
Wasn't it canon that Noah uses Koh's body for sex sometimes?
They never did, why would they?
there's more femezen here without woobers than with
>Nobody likes catboys
>release dawntrail
>mixed/negative reception because story isn't liked and still the same slop design for jobs
>"we need to stop focusing on FFXIV"
I like your veena! patpat
My moonie does but she already has one she's EB'd to
my moonie never liked catboys.
Nobody likes catboys
Taking your dango
what too much internet does to a mf
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what moonie would like catboys lmao lol gay wtf
Actually I should turn my spare apartment into a yurt, but I think the 100 item limit will be a tight fit
>FFXIV is literally what put cash in SE bank
>Instead of investing in the game and making it better, they just release crap after craps
>With the graphic update announced we were all hoping some changes were finally coming
>Graphic update was a horrible nothing burger

>SE also keep taking their good devs from FFXIV who actually made good content and put them into other projects while giving XIV newer and shitter devs

I like to bully them in a loving way
What was the price for victory
catbox your wol's naked ass
my moonie exclusively gets sleeved by catboys and miera and hroths
>EW delivered possession
>the victim wanted the spirit to stay in her body
>lets it control her body
and people say EW was bad
still is, and she likes it
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Tell them to lower the volume or they'll end up like this catboy.
No one likes malera, it's over
Are you that femra with black hair and white highlights
>don’t ever talk to me or my son again!
great goonie moogly
there should be a bar or something that tells you exactly how much in percentage the boss is being mitigated

for a game who's bosses rely on the entire party mitigating, not having a good readable ui for how much mitgation the party has / or is available feels awful
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femra on f______ action
>annoying personalities
>obnoxious glams
>dogshit players
>full of themselves in the worst way
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It's over
As long as it's not that many..Sure, I can try my best for you!
idk why they refuse to make even a single healer more interesting. nobody would care if you made SGE or SCH require a few more brain cells.
Man I fucking hate trannies
>connect to syncshell
>pornsick middies with hips as wide as a bus and some tranny giantess fiera
Which one?
is she aware while its going on or is she dormant
whats the mind control situation here
asking for a friend lol
God even the sex pest allegations in the FFXIV streaming community aren't interesting, wheres all the RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT? I don't care if some autistic guy has autism rizz!!!!!
deep passionate kissing
gentle smooching of your ashen skin
a lil tasteful of boob grabbing
bridal carrying with kiss to my chambers
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mine doesn't...
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making this anon clean up this mess with his mouth
I love them, I want a transgender girlfriend!
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that's true for all jobs in all roles
The one with the forward facing pointy horns..
sfia bros we are losing HARD
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Femlala here! Got any questions?
headpatting and smooching the moonie in the middle, then high fiving the two on each end
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...they are still fighting.
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Because you've got gardening for that like this anon >>494222998 said.
>t. 2 deluxe garden patches on medium FC house + 1 deluxe garden patch on small personal + 5 flowerpots across both + g3 shroud topsoil = 3300 shards/18 hours
Do we have to catbox
>put them into other projects
>still make absolutely retarded decisions like making it an exclusive for a while so the hype dies down
>most XIV fans in the west play on PC
SE can be a bit silly sometimes
the idea of putting newer devs into XIV is probably fine if they were actually doing a good job or receiving good direction
May I plap?
Put some damn clothes on....
Holy moly guacagoonie
The price of flesh & passion. Most dangerous & exhausting... but if that's what it takes to win, so be it
yeah, w hen can i pet_ you
Think I’m going to pf my m4s clear this weekend because my static’s dos cannot go a single lockout without starting a giant, pointless fight among themselves.
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out of ten!
Oh. No.
it's too late to save some jobs (like WHM/SMN).
an anon called me their wife 2 weeks ago and I'm still thinking about it
where is the gardua poster, they're late
i guess not
for free?!
she is aware and could take her body back with force, but she doesn't because she wants to like Noah continue
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moonies would never do this
Was it me
there is literally nothing wrong with inclusivity
sex sex SEX
Rigorously cleaning the mess on his body with my tongue
Don't look at the link then, please...
Yup, that's the only reason to need shards outside leveling crafters. Submarine part materials slurp them up like no tomorrow.
i unironically was and did
thank you for helping
god i wish femlalas owed me sex
another anchor please, garuda fills the thread with garbage
the players have proven time and time again that theyll keep buying expansions and subbing no matter how strung out the patches get, how little content theyre drip fed, etc. what is their incentive to invest in a game that will continue to print money regardless?
yeah it will eventually lead to the game dying off, but thats inevitable no matter how much money they pump into it, theyre making the correct decisions from a business standpoint and thats all there is to it
I have seen more than this moonies behind..
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>Koh Rabntah is a twenty-eight-year-old researcher with the Sons who, when exploring the newly unearthed Crystal Tower complex, came upon an orb of mysterious origin. Upon closer examination of the artifact back at the Son's camp, she awoke the soul that slumbered therein—Noah, the famed Third Astral Era archmagus of Allag and court-appointed instructor of Unei and Doga of the imperial family. In that moment, Noah's spirit escaped its crystalline gaol and flowed into Koh's body, taking possession of it as a temporary vessel.
>Koh and Noah are as different as north and south. Noah displayed great passion toward both her research and apprentices, and was known to oft behave with wild abandon. Indeed, it appears that the imprisonment of her spirit was the result of an uncontrolled bout of simple curiosity. Koh, by contrast, is a woman as timid as she is shy. When the archmagus returns control of her body—usually after an extended night of drink and debauchery—the Keeper of the Moon is in a constant state of fluster, owing to the excess attention Noah commands while she is in control.
never had a good experience with a catboy in pf or df of any kind
can't say that for any other race/gender combo in the game
Light frontline event in Alpha WDP in 18 mins. Join if you want ^^
>the only actual responses are from pornsick losers
Healers are the only role whose job could not be performed better by 20 lines of code, however.
I’m going to afk in the beds when I sleep
I like the submissive ones...
I posted it to a different anchor, I'm sorry. It's here >>494223091
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>this games is singlehandedly keeping SE in the black
>every single catbox is a female miqote

really makes the ticker tock
That's over 9000 shards in 49 hours
>Anchor to post ass
>Ass is posted
>Anon is surprised
Fucking donkey.
gee, I wonder why
yes pressing 1 is too hard to bot sis
Effy ruined moonie stocks when he fanta'd for attention
>box for cats
>has cats in it
real head scratcher..
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Ask me in game and I'll think about it...
But I have some clothes on!
Sometimes I go to the beds and talk on the lala bench for hours until I'm sleepy, you'd have to guess which one I am though
Please don't
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my fiddie looks like this
attention is a drug that makes people do crazy things
My fiddie also looks like this
Nice brapper sis
not a single one from a moonie btw (they are respectable and noble creatures)
middie like this for my moonie
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thank you anon
She's getting sick of me...
>they will never get rid of the scions after Wuk Lamat
>need characters who are recognizable
>also need to shoehorn in exactly 7 NPCs for duty support on trials, useless characters like Alisaie present because of dungeons
He's not wrong to see that California flaggots got their hand on DT. If Yoshi wanted a real inclusive experience he should've sent some salarymen to Mexico, Chile, PR and BR for a month then after they come down off the cocaine and brown gostosa women get to work. The fuck are white college retards in California going to say is or isn't more authentic than the actual people?
I would suck next weeks shit out of her ass
damn.. guess i wont get to pet you then
Why do asian women have no ass?
good boy plaps you while your small penis flops around uselessly and then dumps a strangely large load of cum
I'll feed her so it gets bigger
>this is what dps players really believe
pettable but not allowed anything else
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would anyone like to do leveling roulette on aefer or crystal (im lvl 29 pugilist)
if people are so mad at sfia and the raiding circle why wont the roasties and trannies who are shitting on sfia a la virtue signalling just make their own RWF circle???? curious.
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I am a bard OTP in PvP
characters that I am now beating my throbbing 3 inch slab of manmeat to:
built to be penetrated deeper by short cocks
You have a middie like this for your moonie already
Not with you.
but bwo you have autism rizz, you need to start raping bitches.
You're being put on a payment plan, actually
It makes a bowling pin sound when it flops around
I've been a mooncoon on and off since Heavensward
Impressive, khagan... you are truly the pride of the steppe
sfia and his butt buddy sindalf are culturally indistinguishable from the average xivgger
Do you have a link to the full article?
Yes, especially with you. But I'm busy.
if it was ever a day in the thread this fucking person is really the one who did it
i can't even tell if its real, or if it's just another one from yesterday's shit trying to come along and web a newfag
it's not as simple as that, SE is just very spearheaded on trying to make the "NEXT BIG THING" and throws billions into stupid projects that don't work out for them
if they invested more into what actually makes a profit (mostly FF games) they wouldn't be on the verge of bankruptcy every year
and that includes ffxiv. they could easily increase player retention just by fixing simple things and then making more money by throwing more cashslop glams at us but they don't even have the resources to that
low investment moderate returns is good but they could be milking players more a la how wow does it (lower sub count than their prime but lots of whales)
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do you trannies realy think you are women? lol
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or dynamis too
ok, no worries
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Well, they always say to enjoy the little things in life.
Thank you :3
you don't get it man he used her brother's death to slide into her DMs
I don't remember making this post.
i'm sleeving
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Why wasnt M3S like this?
fuk u come to primal
JM last week trib'd
My cat is sitting on my lap IRL, I want a moonie to do this too me too
i don't speak spanish
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my moonie acts like this
>do you trannies realy think you are women
Chaser here. Yes, I do
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they look too much like real cats, sorry...
Honestly agreed with this. For all this expansion touted as being respectful and authentic, there sure weren't any fucking workers that were actually from latino countries, just a bunch of californians with at most the odd immigrant but mostly just descended from latinos but born and raised in the USA.
I hate those body markings I see on every modbeast cat now
Forgot the song, fuck
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Yes, you ARE bothering us. We have ingame friends, EBs and irl friends. We don't need your clingy lonely ass.
I've got a couple biohole ebins in my sights I'm just waiting for the right moment for their opsec to weaken.

I'm going incel mode fr
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In that case good luck, anon.

ALSO a tip... do not upgrade your parts!! (if you're willing to rank your subs to rank 120)
there are many people out there saying that you *have* to get modified SSSC++.. and while it does let you start grinding for gil at only rank 75, it's a gil investment in itself, and your repair costs end up SIX times higher, and that's a much more expensive investment in the long term...
at rank 120 you can send out your basic SSSS submarine to OJ and it will have enough stats to hit maximum surveillance and retrieval, and it will only cost 16 repair kits every 6 days (instead of 96 repair kits every 7 days)
hello mysterious wife
You hooked a spectral moonie!!!
nta but they actually could've gone all the way and gotten some mexican woman to VA Wuk Lamat
I hope your moonie was successful in this attempt
I need some clingy lonely ass STAT.
threadly reminder that Kong needs regular plap correction and doing so is a public service that will lower the schizo levels in the thread
I'd use them but they don't match the color of my sunnie's face markings and my autism doesn't allow it
*sips beer*
life is good
no thank you
my moonie is going to beat your moonie to death
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I'm a reaper OTP in pvp
this desu
Yoshipiss lost when he decided to give furfaggots ground in his mmo. it's all downhill from here
I dont get it is healing hard or easy
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we liked this
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moonie on moonie crime, how did it come to this
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Pizza for my Fiera!
easy if everyone is pressing their mit buttons
hard if they aren't
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yeah giving the people catboys in arr was the straw that broke the camel's back
The difficulty is inversely proportional to how good your group is
my moonie has a lot of work to do so she drank coffee which she never does so she could wake up and focus but she just have to go to the bathroom
I haven't done too much with Materia. For a Physical DPS, I want as much Direct and Crit as I can get, right? Is Determination important? I already know skill speed is a meme.
hard for prog and pf
easy for reclears with static
Healing's hard when dumbfucks decide that they don't need to understand what mitigation is, or if you're doing actually challenging content
It's piss easy on basically everything else, to the point I dread seeing that damn blue axe symbol meaning I'm just a glorified dps for that entire run of whatever I'm doing
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fiddies are for femezen
>deadbeat dad
pick one
that one moonie
>We will never get Wuk Lamat, but it's actually Frida Kahlo in hroth form.
Anyway, can't possibly have any kind of real reference to actual latino culture or history because, you know, ha ha, they uh, you know, fucking deleted any and all traces of colonialism from that part of the setting in fear they might offend someone which effectively erases the reason 90% of latino culture exists and what they worked around to form their identity.
It is a loving wife for my femezen
>xiv translation so bad they couldn't even translate the expansions correctly
and you faggots keep insisting the English version is good, when it never was.
>A Realm Reborn (2.0)
WRONG! It's 新生エオルゼア (The New Eorzea)
>A Realm Awoken (2.1)
WRONG! It's 覚醒せし者たち (The Awakened Ones)
>Through the Maelstrom (2.2)
WRONG It's 混沌の渦動 (Chaotic Vortex)
>Defenders of Eorzea (2.3)
Actually close. It's エオルゼアの守護者 (Guardians of Eorzea)
>Dreams of Ice (2.4)
WRONG! It's 氷結の幻想 (Illusions of Freezing)
>Before the Fall (2.5)
WRONG! It's 希望の灯火 (Lights of Hope)
WRONG! It's 蒼天のイシュガルド (Ishgard of the Blue Sky)
WRONG! It's 紅蓮のリベレーター (Crimson Liberator)
WRONG! It's 漆黒のヴィランズ (Jet-Black Villains)
WRONG! It's 暁月のフィナーレ (Finale of Dawn's Moon)
WRONG! It's 黄金のレガシー (Golden Legacy)
rank 120 takes a long time, you can start running OJ for good gains a lot earlier with only a small repair cost hike if you run SSSC+
SSSC++ is a meme thougever like you said
rava for my femezen
i dont like any of the ebins and they arent attractive or sexy enough to make my dick hard
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thank you anon
I have no idea what you're talking about anon, if this is about crystal stuff I'm on eu
It's not hard, just kind of a pain in the ass. When you set up macros that let you target specific party slots or mouse over targets, it's a game changer (but makes the game a lot more boring).
My moonie just had to correct the wrong of that other moonie living on the same Etheirys as her.
>but she just have to go to the bathroom
there's an easy solution for that problem
CATGIRL for my moonie
>(Jet-Black Villains)
This will never not sound retarded
>Jet-Black Villains
Don't shoot! He's not black!
Before The Fall is way better than Lights of Hope

Heavensward is way better than Ishgard of the Blue Sky

Shadowbringer is way better than Jet-Black Villain

Golden Legacy does sound cool though
I honestly don’t get the sexual appeal of femlalas and I play one. Some scenarios are more interesting, but theyr bodies are just comical
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Thread Question: Going off of >>494223796, what would you guys want out of an XIV-2? A sequel to the story of this MMO, not necessarily in the form of an MMO itself?
What would the story be about? Would it be set soon after the events of the current game, or hundreds of years in the future? What makes it something that needs to be a sequel to this game, as opposed to an unrelated FF game of its own? Etc.
healer isnt hard anon
the fact healers unionically act like the world revolves around them and you need a degree to be a healslut is fucking stupid
you have the easiest job.
Youre argument should be you want more recognition but instead you keep insisting the job is hard. Your class is a babies click the shiny light toy.
sks to break point (look it up for your specific job) > crit > det > dht
det and dht are about equal so you want to keep them about even with a bit more det than dht
Meta question here: how do you choose which character to post as?
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Cokey cola for my femra
Also femezen for everyone. Those damn giraffes are endangered.
>the english translation for heavensward is a play on words while the jp isn't
normally reversed...
Idk if they're an ebin but I shot a load to the latina brown cat rape bait earlier
Imagine if they had gotten Antonio Banderas, Benicio Del Toro, or Danny Trejo for Gulool, Bakool, or Zoraal or a telenovella actress for Wuk We could've had Mestiza ASMR with a lady who can roll her r's instead of that screeching nails on chalkboard thing they hired. Would've made Wuk a little less tedious in the story at least
I think it's charming for expansion names that both follow a very specific pattern. English uses a made up word that is eventually spoken in game in a way or another (Koji has said that was the idea behind Heavensward and Stormblood) and the japanese one is always a fancy color name in japanese + an english word.
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appeals to the people who like shortstacks
Got it. Thanks. I thought DHT would be more important than that.
thats a terribly violent way of doing it..
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Does it count if I jerked off to myself?
thats a weird way to spell pedophiles
Nobody cares, retard.
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based people
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When are you putting on clothes.
The japanese also is, the first half is always a play word with a color and the expansion itself, the second word is always english and gives the vibe of the MSQ. Both combined are usually a good way to explain a lot of the themes of the expansion. Like how Akatsuki no Finale literally spoils you saying the Scions will break up but you don't think about it because of the pattern of sky colors that every expansion has had since.
I can do another this weekend if you want. I haven't done anything lewd since then
XIV takes English as its base language because it's a worldwide MMO. The JP titles are adaptations of the English ones.
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Morning OJ
i unironically think lalas have an abnormally high population of pedophiles
This is wrong, I’m a dps main and I got a 99 parse spamming glare on a dummy. Braindead job.
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Before I started posting with my malera it was Miya for sillier posts then Arthas when I wanted to play a more serious incel-esque character. Nowadays there isn't that much thought going into it.
post femra so my femezen can respectfully lust after from afar
raping this mutt and making them fall in love with me
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my femlala is like this (actually a soft faggy lalaboy)
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Big Black Woober?
Do femra really?
odo is the homie
can you only post miya from now on? she's my queen
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Make more armpit pics NOW
You're forgetting that JP is completely different in the game. All the quests, all the text, hell even the cutscenes. In the EN version, you have outdated music references and nigger worship.
Really stretching
>actually a soft faggy lalaboy
Lalafells are not stacked and do not have the shape for it.
We shouldn't pretend lalafell don't fuck but people that are interested in lalafell solely for attractiveness are weird. You should not find lalafell attractiveness as the most important thing
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i may have some pictures..
>there are people ITT who play on EU DCs
what the gup
I don't think there is anything wrong with doing a 'what if mesoamerica, but colonialism didn't destroy it' angle. But the Tural we got is simply too shallow to really do anything with that concept, so it has some accents and some aesthetics but it doesn't really do anything with the New World of substance.
I feel like this is tied into how flat Tural feels overall, there is not any local conflict of note on the entire continent. We have a couple of scary monsters that get hunted, and one group of irrelevant giants out in the middle of nowhere that don't want to listen to the Dawnservant. Nothing like the deep, generational conflicts of the city states or the beast tribes or the dragonsong war or anything else. Tural is mostly just chillin before we show up, there was about a week where everything almost went to shit, and by the time the expansion is done everythings basically back to just chilling with nothing to worry about on the horizon for the entire continent.
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Come on anon. Only one femra posts cokey cola. Well besides Ace, but they're more of a sprite femra.
can i get some more of your fiddie wearing less
Is it true what they say...you know...about femlala bellies?
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haunted mound mentioned
I see, thanks for indulging my curiosity Ser
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fuck is a gup lol
what da mackerel...
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im disintegrating....
A noise a cat made while in water.
I don't think you should to be honest.
there is an entire heavenseard quest chain in the jp version about elvis presley
Link it
Permission for my fiddie to log on and just afk in quicksand.
Oh I love this question, but yeah most people answered it already.
Healing is the easiest role if your group is good. It's the hardest when it's bad or if you just suck beyond what it's designed for.
Would people hate if they removed feint and addle and added an extra 10% mit to every healer's aoe?
post him
Need another melee that isnt VPR
What do I gear?
I have 3 raid boxes and can craft the rest.
Granted if she sits on my face.
please be on EU so I can grief you
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girls und panzer
I want a max height femra for my min height suncat
erm what the spruce
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>Really stretching
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Yeah maybe, I am playing gunfire tho.
Final fantasy 14
My european goonsleeve plaphog rapebait cumslut wife
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Effy Kibou! You will immediately halt all slutposting. Anyone who thirst posts you beyond this point shall be executed, be warned! We are getting EB'd and anyone who wishes to speak to you must now go through me. Thank you, my wife. That is all!
It doesn't, the localization lead has a say on names for ambientation and unifying the languages in most lore terms so people around the world can recognize them together. He says so in a documentary years ago, this is the same thing that is used to misinterpret that english is the base of the game for some reason.
my femlala hates revealing clothing but she likes showing off her thighs......
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this image makes her look like she's from the longnose tribe
logging in to another day of femlalas ignoring my moonie...
Hundreds of years later, the land is plunged into chaos when the ancient souls that used to be part of zodiark start respawning as newly born people with unsundered souls, meaning that its possible for them to awaken back to ancient-levels of power and they have a frankly absurd amount of aether compared to everyone else. The world is unprepared for what are essentially living gods to walk among them, and only another unsundered soul has any real hope of dealing with the problematic ones who setting themselves up as the new kings of the star.

You play as one such unsundered soul, put together a party of like-minded heroes to restore order and maybe figure out how to stop this from happening. It is eventually revealed that the unsundered soul that belongs to you was that of Emet-Selch. One of your fellow party members is a reincarnated Hythlodeus.
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boy I sure would like to suck on Effy Kibou's massive moonies
Post on X with a :) and I'll see it eventually
i am
a male moonie
>EBing the thread bicycle
my bbw fiera has a bbw
KINO mound...
What if we collectively inject effy with lactation drugs and claim what we are owed?
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What's stronger to use for NIN when you are fighting? Raiton or that water Suiton(might be called something else) move
Post proof
I'm stroking my shit to him right now, literally hand on my penis with Effy on one monitor and DS9 on the other.
i'm glad you found meds that work for you but my nigga damn that's some revisionism
your posts as miya weren't "silly", they were on the level of that r9k incel eu femra
they were straight up rancid posts
>r9k incel eu femra
sounds cute, who?
>honey b lovely is trans
uh proof?
they're pretty silly (and based)
>no male characters posted
this is 4chan nigga his posts were very tame
go back to your discord server faggot
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My veena is coded. Coded as what? Heheh, mysterious isn’t it… it’s like my veena is encrypted…
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Some tranny on twitter uploaded that statement to the hivemind and now they're going to force it forever
Thavnairian immigrants are eating the miqo'te in Gridania
raiton does more damage
use suiton to use trick attack when it's going to come off cooldown
your veena is weak and builded for my rainbow table
I've noticed GT hasn't posted in a while to derail the threads more than they already do, has he gotten the hint and finally fucked off from this place or is that wishful thinking?
Adderaen is on the case.
i'm going to use this in a bit, thank you
>they were straight up rancid posts
Are you talking about the melties? Pretty much all of those were trolling, especially if I was talking about FF since the only FF game I ever played was 14. If you want real melties, see pretty much everything I did as Khaidai. All of that was 100% genuine.
at what level range
you use raiton for single targets, doton/katon for 2 or more targets
suiton is for trick attack
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Can someone tell Lucie Morningstar that she has a nice armpit
for what..
hopefully he was raped to death by a pack of niggers
This glubra is gorgeous, good lord
bees are one of the rare animals that commit suicide, so i can see the connection
she needs to be raped by BWC
>t. ranny in denial
There's something really attractive about a giant woman in tomboy clothing acting feminine.
what do you think i'm going to use it for? i want to shoot ropes to you
>I don't think there is anything wrong with doing a 'what if mesoamerica, but colonialism didn't destroy it' angle.
I agree with that. If they had gone full native, with mayans, aztecs, indian americans, etc. it'd have been perfectly fine too. But they tried to use latino culture, only having inexplicably surged out of nowhere. Every single Tural character (except Shaaloani, which is Texas) speaks with a latino accent, and they clearly don't have a society based on said natives, just the slightest traces of it in the most remote villages.

This is like if they tried an Africa-based expansion (not Eorzea, more sub-saharan Africa). And they had the dilemma of, do we go with pre-triangle trade Africa, represent it before europeans started exploiting it, or do we go for post-triangle trade and really focus on the slavery and it's effects? And then they decided they can't do slavery, because that's offensive. So instead they go for a version of Africa where it didn't happen or at least hasn't happened yet... but then as you're playing you realize every single black person you see in it is actually an afroamerican, speaks like an afroamerican, behaves like an afroamerican, they have a system based on current day african countries, and basically is as ill-fitting as Tural was in a supposed pre-colonization America.

You're also completely right about the conflict thing, Tural is boring af because it's just them chilling there having tacos for decades and really they didn't need any help with anything until we just got that Endless plot thrown at us that felt almost arbitrary. Like, the Endless could have been a thing anywhere anytime anyway. Their connection to Tural is minimal, nothing but a couple throwaway lines of lore that don't factor in anything else.
Any time bro
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>Honey B. Lovely is a huge attention whore
Maybe it is true?
Is it better to use the dancer's finishers even if I'm far away from the boss and the damage won't reach or should I get close first?
Leveling isnt fun anymore..
Did you know that some elezen govern a system of caves in the shroud occupied by several subhuman species? One of those subspecies are duskies... they occupy just 10% of shroud caves, but take up nearly 80% of space in Gridanian prisons. Maybe they guzzle more buckets?
You have the mental illness.
they're your highest potency hits, you should try to always hit the boss with them
I’m going to rape the next fiddie I see
moonie version is better
you cannot outrun lightning :)
No, bad lizard
leveling was never fun, your monkey brain just made you think you were having fun
Jiangshi-coded f3mraen
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You know, seeing it all from the skies like this, really makes you appreciate what a fucking hideous shithole this whole place is.
was it ever fun to begin with?
Damn, I already had both of those
Thank you
That's just a dress
i appreciate it every time
have a good one
I don't reply to garuda anymore cause nobody ever replies to me anyway
Using my mind powers to put that one jiangshi mod onto sun rosa’s f3 femra golem
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they really are a bit of a problem
He's just too retarded to stop getting 3 day vacations.
The garuda anchor is the worst anchor
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That's why I just reply with stupid bullshit, I know nobody will listen to it
Shion Hisoka, you used to be an Au Ra.
It's like a 30/70 split if mine do but hey I'll keep replying to it anyways
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if trannies stopped existing the world wouldn't be more or less sensible, or peaceful or good
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Have this oldie then.
You cannot stop me
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botters be like
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Please don't rape pets like you do shotas, butch thighlander. Otherwise very cute.
Stop exceeding my VRAM configuration
it’d be nice if it wasn’t posted every single thread because i like listening to other anons tastes but having to do it every thread is a bit tiring!
if trannies stopped existing nothing would change because they're such a small portion of the population and annoying dudes on the internet would just find some other pointless shit to be outraged about
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>the people posting ass are almost exclusively femra and cats
makes you think
I jerk to my wife, not you random whores.
>We shouldn't pretend lalafell don't fuck but people that are interested in lalafell solely for attractiveness are weird.

Well, it’s situation, they’re soft, cute with expressionate faces. They’re actual bodies look weird but quite frankly, so do elezan.
just like your sex life lmao
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Yeah what of it?
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That one, I didn't have actually. Nice
I will stop you
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I stopped posting my cat because nobody would ever reply to me...
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if they stopped existing i would be sad my trans friends are the sweetest
cute moonie very smoochable and lovely
me too...
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Why do they look weird, anon? Why do they look weird?
you're mixing up your highlanders
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That was her 2~3 years ago, this is now
I know, I take every opportunity to pick out anything which is going off topic, or trying to antagonize the thread, or when he's strawmanning as his made up thread enemy to intentionally shitpost against himself, I'm pretty sure it's the strawman posts where he pretends to be transphobic right wing stereotype that are earning him his vacations.
Post your cat right now.
everyone ive ever had trouble with as a white guy was with other white guys or women
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>queue as tank with tank adventurer in need up
>5 minute wait 70% of the time
>queue as healer with healer adventurer in need up
>instant queue 95% of the time
>queue as healer with tank adventurer in need up
>instant queue 70% of the time
No picture because I'm just adding music now
Another pic for leon's ever growing stalker collection.
You shan't.
If trannies stopped existing I would have less fun playing XIV and cumming
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>That downfall
Bitch got bogged, jesus christ
malezen for my femra
I wish i liked running roulettes
would let this moonie **** me
modslop downgrade
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love middies. love elezen. love moonies. love padjal. love the twin chadders. love the shroud. love nophica.
hate the elementals.
my heart will always belong to gridania.
I have the theory that the "in need" thing updates very very slowly and is always behind what is actually needed at the moment
can someone make a catbox anchor next thread
>why don't you make your own
because it's a closed circle, the only way to be in the RWF is to have people who ahve been in the RWF before which is a closed off circlejerk of a few streamers, influencers, and their buddies
and for them to let a woman in they want the woman to suck their dick

to make your own you would not be accepted into Frosty's RWF unless you ahve someone with experience, they do not let people with no xperience sign up unless they ahve a vouch or someone in their group who has done it before

so it's a chicken-egg bullshit moment where it circles forever
i made it out of pure spite
bros do I play xiv or other games today?
With how many of my pictures you've used it's almost like an archive at this point
Silvagunner, dankmus, dagothwave will outlast us all.
Because they have proportionately short legs and wide hips and much larger heads. Like elezan have long necks, small heads, and unusually long limbs.
XIV on one screen other game on other screen
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Moonies are too common on the thread nowadays tho...
I like this one, thank you moonie
Thanks anon! /dote
There's a lot of four letter words that could work there...
My male midlander is being objectified by femlalas again...
You cant bot raids dumbass
Oh shit tranny meetup?
thank you for posting this image i really like it
kino. alright xiv on one sceen and space marine 2 on the other
I unironically love flat-chested women
yep. looooooooove moogles.
It's because they look like children, specifically kindergarteners,according to the art book
It was done for the cuteness factor, but still
>wide hips
With zero waist, they're a potato sack
I need to start going to meetups again so I can go back to adding young scrolls to every cytube people leave open
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>calls themselves moonies
>doesn't live on the moon
step aside for the real moonies
>one program that does your whole rotation for you perfectly
>another that shows you where to stand and when
it might as well be fully afkable
what job should i play in frontline today
call me nutkin the way i sexually harass male characters
Thanks for the nostalgia, been a long time since I heard this one
She has a white boyfriend, mudslime.
moonies are australian
why does he look like that
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>sweats to try and pink parse in baby mode content
>gets carried in REAL content
stay mad, kill yourself Ooki Himaa
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Children are not shaped like traffic cones, however.
Friendly combat
Respectful distance
Stealing this kot.
I'm glad that I could share something with you, sometimes dreams can come true
the honey b tweet is fake they never tweeted that
Why? Because I like looking at them. Did you think I was hiding the reason?
I'm just being honest, moonies are just cuter especially your miqo as a moonie
Blue eye dunesfolk, is that you?
Why are malera so funny? I don't mean they tell good jokes or anything just that their existence is really funny.
Yes they do

Thanks anons
Did you take this image before or after you had your way with those rope-bound hyurs, inquisitor?
was meant for this one >>494230657
don't know how the garuda ended up there but yes >>494231358
Remember kids don't drink and post
I like tgefirst one more
theres no air on the moon dummy, you'll suffocate
Midwestern phenotype
Nice blue armpit
I pet this femezen last night and they vanished after.
It's an ancient screenshot and ancient music kind of day.
I apparently have basically no images of 100% bare ass that aren't sex, so have this, since it's still too lewd for blue board.
I like when it goes a few threads between being posted
People hate the idea of a race of being so confident and powerful that they cannot be controlled or manipulated. It allows them to flex their creativity in outlandish ways the other races are too afraid to commit to.
is doton still a dps loss on a boss
I may not know what she is saying but I dig it
ooki is a clicker
I can't fucking win! D:
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Nice moonie armpit on the moon
What if a healer LB3 when everyone is alive
you need at least two targets to take the full duration before it becomes a gain
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I am
A sunnie taking a nap at work
Do nyot do /lit/posting on an /aco/ secondary board. This is too intelligent for my little moonie brain.
this is the kind of funny hes talking about, everything about malera is comical
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oh they finally made a version that works with female characters
And men aren't shaped like roegadyn but what can you do
Malera player here, it's because theres a lot of history behind them and the people who play them. Same reason why it used to be funny to make fun of the French for being super arrogant despite surrendering whenever times get tough.
then people become healed and also confused
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You're almost Jilk at this point with how you archive pics.
sex with this froth
y-you 2
for me? its disposal unit
He says it anonymously
amazing you still see people doing this in current year

it would be very painful
I very much like this
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Kind of, I'm just a lot more specific with who I save
Our beautiful khagans just are such a joy in our lives. I laugh every day knowing I can spend my time on the same star as them.
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I dont do that friend, Ultros (,Primal) is my friend

its a great song, it gets stuck in my head every once in awhile
Accurate. I've also always been confused why it doesn't restore full MP for the alive players.

Although you'd probably get some hilarious degeneracy then of healer LB'ing DRK during their burst to give them more MP for DRK 100% parse.
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Imagine quitting your job to sweat in a video game for meaningless numbers
It would have worked better, I think, if the discovery of the portal to the golden city happened early on in Galool Ja's Ja life, before his grand adventure, and what he saw with the portal spooked him. Here was evidence of a greatly superior culture, with technology he can't understand, and they have a magic door right in the middle of his homeland. Give him a sign of their military power, like Krile's parents getting nabbed by robot soldiers and dragged back through the portal, that convinces him that some day these people are going to come back in force, and the Tural he knows *isn't ready* for this shit.

That way, the founding of Tuliyollal might seem idyllic and about unity on the surface, but only because daddy Dawnservant was spooked enough to go on a campaign to unite the continent under one banner in the hopes of having a fighting chance if the magic door ever opens again. This, then, leads directly into why finding the city of gold is part of the Rite of Succession: because the secret duty of the Dawnservant is to keep watch and prepare for the day that door opens.

In the story we got, the existence of the magic portal door is basically unrelated to the rite of succession and everything else at all. Galool Ja Ja just wanted his successor to see the magic door because he thought it was pretty cool.
Right? If you want to look at massive boobs just use google and search "big boob"
not bad moonie, im stealing this one
"confess" is worse desu
Just stream it so you can potentially get paid to play
I know this sunnie...
Disposal Unit is standout, but sometimes you want something a little less intense.
I am swift and elusive
They're still breathing, so before.
keep the laughs coming monkey
Evens: stay with GNB for CC
Odds: throw games with RPR
>but sometimes you want something a little less intense.
thats fair desu
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Nah clearly the sinful glub hand eroded you away.
you’re my favorite thighlander and you have good taste
the game is horribly homogenized. when I first started playing i imagined that bard LB3 would give a huge buff to the whole party, like Bloodlust or some shit. but nah, it's a directional aoe. yawn.
Kinda reminds me of savlonic. saved.
Hiroi did not write a better story because they ran out of content midway the succession rite arc
See there the tone changed, I knew I could get it out of you.
I'm going to be honest, I hate this gooner clique. Everyone in it is an insufferable faggot that has no personality. All you have going for you is your modded abomination and its clear even that is losing its luster here. No one likes you anymore. No one finds your ugly characters attractive. No one but your goon cord is jerking off to it. It's time we lock your ass in the retirement home so we never have to be subjugated to this ever again and give you a pity (You) because we feel sorry for you.
male middie for my femraen
You're completely right and just made me mad DT had yet another opportunity for good storytelling dangling right in front of it's face and instead what they went with was with *fart noises*.
Guy trying to force an eceleb meme. Has been for a couple of days.
>one single artifact armour got nerfed
>throw games with RPR
Needs some advice?
At least they're decent shots sometimes
these games were fuckin sick nice taste anon
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Is it even possible to get a maleroe eb these days?
ty pal, u got some good taste too
I think I know how to play it I'm just bad at it but if you have some advice I'll take it
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I think a lot of people are jealous of them at least when it comes to stuff like racial unity and lore. The run animation is admittedly goofy but most of the ones I know from here have nice personalities and actually know how to socialize..
my moonie was triggered by a flonase ad
yeah just play male hroth
every male roe is gay so you’ll be able to find one easily
I cast rescue on players using lb3
everyday I miss him, his son is basically his reincarnation. great tribute to the legend he was
adventure plates are the worst because it's just ebins jerking each other off
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>it's a tank that single pulls and doesn't plap you at the end until you're a shaking mess episode
My smoochpig brathog oinkwife who has good taste in music...
I don't think vprs animations have a lot of flare. like you compare it to some of drgs and it has 0 flavor or style.
I'm off my meds anyone wanna do guro rp with my fiddie
XIV has the worst kind of homogeneity. Which is to say, the kind of unplanned 'Oops we had to homogenize things' after the fact.

They tried to have ranged phys be different, but ended up gradually homogenizing them to all have lots of mit, but never really committed from the ground up to make it a support role, so now it's just this weird, bastardized low-dps role..

Likewise, they keep waffling on what they're doing with Casters, so now they have 2 res, 2 non-res casters awkwardly homogenized, etc.
nice armpit
At least it's game related
>dying game didnt put a lot of effort into dogshit on the spot made up jobs
you dont say
we know alice
end of thread so I shall be posting
Pendulum will always fucking slap, good shit anon
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Malera for my femra.
Although I like almost all the male races nowadays.
please stop posting lewd stuff next thread
thank you
Thats my overall feeling on DT's story. All of the things that are in it *could* be good, but are missing some crucial bit of context or connective tissue or thematic support to bring it all together. You could have all of the same things happen and, with just a few dialog or cutscene changes, make the MSQ feel a whole lot better with not that much effort. Its frustrating how close the story is to being decent and falling juuust short enough that is isn't.
Made for tail pulling.
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hey nice cock
Femra for my malezen
Next thread will be a malera thread
Please post the full one, Sechen and Akemi's antagonistic adventures always make me happy.
you and the dog moonie are nigh identical so I consider you the same entity
funnily enough I made a gpose about that last night
Just how bad did xivg get late 2019
can't wait for newfags to tell us all that DT was good and we're just dumb like they are with SB
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End of the thread here's your DEI obligated man ass to balance out the female cheeks
I saw sometimes cause that one was one of my shots, yours are good. Mine, I usually don't even gpose.
I'm actually working on one right now, I can send it to you over twitter or in game later.
I don't even post my plate anymore, I don't change it enough because I like how it is, or else I'd be seen as narcissistic
I don't like how the animations themselves suggest a flurry of smaller attacks but each GCD just gives a big number at the end. They could've utilised multi-hit attacks (like Barrage or Triple-trident).
What changed your mind hmm?
it's just the same adventure plates everytime with very little, if any, changes that gets me hating it as an anchor
last screenshot and garuda at least people usually blankpost new stuff
adventure plates are always the same with the same boring jokes on them

Late in thread, no one will ever notice
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Because it's the same person
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>Disposal unit
Good fucking taste
ty anon....
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They are the only race whose player base is obsessed with claiming superiority, which makes them an easy target for ridicule.
Think of it this way: hrothgar and male roe are both way more muscled than malera are in appearance, but neither of those groups of players need to make a big deal about it and talk about how everyone else is weaker than they are. I can only assume it is because the black horns/cool eyes of Au Ra draw in the edgy crowd and those people need to feel special so they over-compensate publicly? Dunno.
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Nice. Love plaphog femlalas. Surely this will
Some questions are best left unanswered.
I need a lalawife to sit in my lap while we wait on queues
It would make his drive to unite people make way more sense, but Dawntrail's story is weirdly fragile and falls apart the moment you stare at it for more than a few seconds.
Just some general stuff then.

I assume you know already how Death warrant works but it's important to keep some stuff on CD so you can put everything in it when you want a specific kills.

You also probably know this but you if you angle yourself right, you can go through specific angles on the map with Hell's ingress, it can help you survive some things that other jobs cannot do.

Don't be afraid to LB whenever you want, especially if it feels like you'll get a kills or can help a teammate survive, you get LB back extremely quickly after all.

And honestly, one of the biggest advice I can give you is to try to not die at all, RPR is one of the only job in CC where dying is extremely punishing since you lose your stacks of Immortal Sacrifice for your Plentiful Harvest (which can become a 24k aoe at full stack).
I like this one
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join in
W-were the rumors true about you? Such lewdness...
may i see it
the game actually makes me so fucking sad
the friend i was really excited to play it with died before it came out and i could not bring myself to even buy it
sound track is p good tho :*)
That's because that IS ME!
>Not a malezen chaser anymore
We lost, bros.
The thing is, thats not impossible to be true. Stormblood's best story bits were all in its patch content, and massively color how people remember Stormblood when looking back.
It is far from impossible that there is something in the patch content that changes how we see Tural, the major NPCs, or the events of the MSQ. I'm not confident in the storytelling we have gotten with DT so far, but its not a possibility off the table.
Got friendzoned by too many of them... I still like them, but they don't seem to like me.
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how is your day going, xivg?
it's going
Can all Raen breath underwater normally, or just ones that have what we got from the MSQ?
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Ordered a burger to be a fat and lazy bitch tonight. Also saw that someone is posting my images with my filenames sometimes but I think in an innocent way...
Just the Sui no Sato/underwater civilization ones. The other Raen diasporas cannot.
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>Ordered a burger to be a fat and lazy bitch tonight
Go on

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