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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Last Time on /xivg/ Ball Z: >>494233251
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fix the op, the rising is over
Emet Selch's VA makes me feel a lil something...
You really want us to see this don't you
why is ffxiv drama always so lame
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Middies (male) are built for fiddie enjoyment to objectify. Sorry, them's the rules.
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let's see 'em
I bet Kong uses a lot of purple prose, and I bet Jaden writes like a retard
I don't fucking care
Nahman Jayden
Bakers if you could be so kind
What colour hair looks best on middies?
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may i plap
He did nothing wrong
Women cant raid because they are low IQ
They lost
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Double dipping on my daily maelstromposting to remind you all that the WoL is canonically a Storm Captain and the Maelstrom is superior to all other Grand Companies.

'Till sea swallows all.
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>purple prose
Not Kong, but what does that mean?
Why not do it right now?
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all apart of the plan.
I don't know what button I pressed but it made it so whatever I target in ktisis that target turns invisible
i dont know who a single person in this image is or why im supposed to care
We like this. This is what the thread is for.
Literally everyone ignores my male middie. I'm a background character at best...
get owned weirdo
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I'm clocking in.
God i want to gag on her cute feminine spheneis
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Why do you niggers care who ERPs with who? Grow up
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There ain’t no going back, no going back, no going back, no
What light's left here inside
I’ll suffocate if that’s what it takes, oh
And those who look to cast me aside
Or turn their backs and leave me to die
You can try, can try, come try but I will survive

No going back, no going back, won't ever, no, never again, no
Ain't no going back, no going back, no coming back from the edge
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i think i type quite well actually
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The apkallu feels pleasantly stuffed.
The chocobo feels pleasantly stuffed.
The chocobo feels pleasantly stuffed.
The chocobo feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
The lost lamb feels pleasantly stuffed.
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cat girl
How do I test out party chat macros when I'm by myself?
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If one needs _____, one needs simply make ____!
Is that just adding an adjective to everything?
Post a censored snippet
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just show off your abs
You never capitalise and I'm betting your internal glossary is 100 words or less
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lmfao wtf is this
Will they ever let us use that drug that let us turn into animal hybrids?
fun, friends
No way bitch, I won't be objectified
*crosses his arms and walks away, his massive asscheeks clapping with each step*
It's being unnecessarily descriptive using big words just to make the text seem fancier than what it actually is.
It would most likely just be us
I shant... for there are none...
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So you're telling me that Sfia only follows me on Twitter because I'm a woman? No, I'm not trans.
Same. The way he sounds so confident and demeaning, the way he sees you as beneath him yet still keeps coming to visit you and wants to win you over… if I was the WoL the scions would have to fight to keep me in line.
by testing them in a different chat then adding /p to the start when they work
may I plap
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yes unironically
No. It's also includes describing things that do not need to be pointed out.
use /e instead of /p while testing
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i dont like the same way everywhere
an english major typed this post
Claiming this thread for the Rob Chidori fan club.
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Play Crystalline Conflict (Casual for added fun).
The people you should avoid are those who speak in faux-apathetic lowercaps at all times. To be clear, I'm not talking about people who speak without grammar in game in order to get their messages out faster. I'm talking about those who sit down to compose an image board post with all the time in the world and willfully choose to omit punctuation and capitalization. They are not doing this to save time. In fact, they may take additional time to redact habitual grammar from their posts.

Their motivation for this style of posting is simple. They are trying to present an aura of apathy. They want to communicate: "I don't care about anything, least of all the rules of grammar." The reason they work so hard to cultivate this image of emotional invulnerability is because they are, in actual fact, extremely emotional and unstable people. If you become close to them you will catch glimpses of the volatility lurking beneath their patchwork mask of cool indifference. The lowercaps poster will silently catalog transgressions you have in its eyes committed. You will only become aware of them during the rare tantrum blowups that characterize these people. They must be avoided for your own good. The faux-apathetic lowercaps posters really could not be more pathetic.
Nobody will post my initials so I will continue to do nothing
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My femlala win the 330 ilvl weapon ointment, and felt embarrassed about taking it, as she plays whm
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I just had a wholesome dungeon run in which a mom was healing, we kept wiping on last boss and she called her son (who also plays xiv) to help her out and we cleared
I wish my mom played videogames bros..
I don't want to boost their ego
is FF there?
Fuck right I was working on my island...
Oh, I do this a bit, not this bad but it seems common in ERPs where it’s above *cums a lot* tier writing.
wtb caked up male middies
Femra hip scales are grip zones.
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>bro I swear Oceania is relevant please care about our drama
Welcome back stormblood
im not reading that
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I stopped going there at the end of EW. I'm not gonna grind out materials for the workshops.
despite making up 5% of the raiding population, women commit 35% of the drama. The other 65% is from transexuals.
do they have a big ego
I wish I was fucking that guys mom
>whole enemy team dead/respawning
>lone DRG casts LB
>people willingly stand under it for the entire duration with guard off and gift them a free triple kill
Are you eb available?
>330 ilvl
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queue CC 4:30
Post your WoL and a vocaroo!
my mom is too old and facebook poisoned to care about video games, feels bad
thx for showing your hp and mp bars bwo
swap out femra for fiddie and i agree
my mom was crazy about animal crossing during the pandemic
White girls are legally obligated to rape brown girls in XIV
Post you wol and your date of birth and the hospital you were born in!
i have not visited my island in over a year all those animals are dead now
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i will go whither the wild rose blooms
>i dont like the same way everywhere
No proof reading either. Does Kong use purple prose?
You moran. Girls can't rape.
sounds really cute
I want to fuck a healermom
imagine i posted a goatse at u
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I do be using the same layout for all jobs doe
i know who this is. stop being racist now, you himbo.
>lalas are child coded!
>lalas are played by pedos!
meanwhile almost every other thread is spammed with
>lowlander status???
>lowlander status???
>lowlander status???
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I don't ignore grammar entirely but I also don't want to use periods in my 4chan posts because I don't care that much to use an additional key press
has anyone not done m4s this week and would like to join a 2 chest reclear
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I'm going to disregard that and post a femra instead
Purple prose is fine, slow typing isn’t. If you are taking longer than 6 minutes, just send me an email while I fuck some other GAM.
i'm trans btw
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why did they heckin mod her hair
turn back into a bunny, bitch
Odd but actually kinda cool
and your SSN i forgot that too
cute toilet
Yes, and...?
why dont maliddies like fiddies? i always see maliddies with catgirls, femra, fiera or femlalas. maliddie council can you explain this?
>pre-DT face textures
I would but I'm eternally stuck in clear parties
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Till sea swallows all
what are you going to do about it lady? you're not even logged in
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I'm trialing for a new static soon bros
I hope they are nice people
wish me luck I'll need it
good luck bwo
good luck dude
>used to have ogcds as huge icons on the center of my screen to be able to see them as they come off cd
>install slothcombo
>hotbar is now completely empty except the 1 button rotation on hotkeys 1 2 and 3
feels so fucking good
Purple prose is not fine, and you'll be wasting time trying to think of flowery adjectives that aren't necessary
>open thread
why are EU hours like this
The MC city-state is Ul'dah, though
Fiddies only like bbclanders
Will she swallow all?
you don’t seen middies with anyone, shitposter
Underworld coded femezen sexo
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>next Arcadion tier
>3 fights down
>"Who could possibility beat our new challenger?"
>WoL begins celebrating
What chance do we even have?
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worship me :3
thank you
I think I am an okay tank so it'll be fine
I don't erp anymore because I type slow
it depends, I think descriptors are necessary in at least some capacity when you're doing erotic writing, it's just annoying to get a full paragraph where they do fucking nothing
i hate that my sleep schedule is so fucked because EU hours are actually the fucking worst most off topic crap. somehow more than prime time NA
ur 30
whats more pathetic is the guy crying about capitalization on 4chan
Ok. Present ass for worship immediately
Yeah the actual pedos get a free pass in here. Why do you think ZT, Mithia, Kong, Leviah, and the others are allowed in the clique discords?
If you can't manage 100 words in 2 or 3 minutes you need to practice more. It's not a lot
>try to type fast and keep post reasonable length
>partner keeps inflating the word count
>pace is grinding to a halt
It’s a bad feel
Only if you're a malera
Yeah, women want to fuck kids, not babies

What's so hard to get?
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Back off, Adders misinfo agent.
The fuck happened in the raiding community? I opened "For You" for the first time in a while in Twitter and it's full of people sarcastically replying to sfia and I think some are even straight up accusations.
I'd rather worship that red guy on the right actually
he got that shit on fr
i unironically have ZT filtered and i hate EU hours because that’s when most of that garbage is posted
i am
a gay hrothgar
Ravas are more proactive when approaching fiddies. Maliddies are easily intimidated by ravas.
>Every torso gear piece looks the same.
>One of the hats is literally a recolor instead of completely unique like the other GC gears.
>Worst weapon cohesion.
>Need to aetheryte hop from the worst fucking gathering spot on the planet to get there instead of being able to just walk to it immediately from the main plaza like the other two
Yeah no.
When's the next seal rock?
i think you should go back the drawing board and try again
Misogynist chud got what was coming to him.
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us middies don't even post ourselves here
no ranger's ritualposts don't count
When's the next real sock?
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Do fiddies really?
>tfw catboy
I can type fast, I just can't form stories that gast
tomorrow according to my calculations
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thank you for participating in the job bars poll... there seems to be a pretty even split...
Shotas = based
Lalas = unbased
What part of this is difficult to grasp?
we could list it as a c41
>more criterion dungeons in Dawntrail
>when participation count for the Endwalker criterion dungeons was extremely low

Why do we need more raidslop content?
lowlander status?
glamour myself into a fiddie then stare at your middie and forcibly remove your clothing with glamourer
fiddies don't like ravas doe they're all straight
There's no limit to electrope's potential! Watch and Learn!
Thank you, Anon!
i hope someone gives you the attention you want someday
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thats crazy bro
Do you like white boys
3 testicals is just silly. Do something else.
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Why the fuck did they make him look like this?
I use loveandlighttv quotes for my erp sessions
It does not depend at all, purple prose isn't descriptive language, it's an overuse of descriptive language to the point where it disrupts the flow. It's right up there with an overuse of paired adjectives for amateur writing mistakes.
I am
a fiddie
that's in the rava'd discord
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my femra is like this (sorry)
Criterion is unironically the best content they've ever made. The reason nobody does them is because no glowstick (until alo alo) and the mount can be bought on the market.
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that's not a real thing
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take your best shot
i'm wearing 17 layers
why do you have shit on your dick
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I am a depressed lalaboi, who is daydrinking again.
sir? this isn't a final fantasy catbox
what, hot?
>make savage-lite content but in poggers dungeon form instead of making it extreme or unreal tier
>even the sweaties dont like running it
>shit rewards, little incentive.
>yoshi thinks it's a good idea to give us more content that no one is clamoring for.
28 actually
Tempted to message the XIV shota character that was recently made on f-list. There’s not as many as you’d think.
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I'm not the only one here that's in it. That's all I'll give you.
don't look guys it's a penit weenus
Yeah you mean hot? That's an amazing look.
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I don't care about your fucking bullshit just stop talking and post a fucking CC time so we can queue
im bored we're gonna join a pf now good luck anon!!
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I will be pausing calls until later tonight cuz I don't recognize anybody in these games
queue CC 10:00
I couldnt make my male dom work so now I'm a rava+-coded
What did we learn?
unfortunately, some have this disability called being brown
I'm not the first, I won't be the last
Unironic sexpest and tranny chaser is getting cancelled because he made a comment about not many women applying to join his static and that he thinks it'd be nice if more women tried doing WFR in XIV.
I enjoy criterion but they should've made the fights more interesting, they're still way too much like savage fights
some trash pulls are okay though, more of that but harder
I will return to that shithole when my stack of cordials runs out and not a moment before.
I'm sorry for your loss of foreskin bro
why is it so small bro
this just makes me miss eli's catboxes
not a single likeable person in this screenshot
glad i'm not at the 'eds
what the FUCK he's been a yasser all along
yeah i can work with that
thanks for the ASMR
the pelupelu took my hat
I play smn
Dicks mean nothing to me without a handsome face to accompany them
who woulda thunk that mmo players dont do anything without incentive
Playing through ARR again, hit level 20 and just unlocked Sastasha.
Re-experiencing the early game stuff is kind of comfy, but also lonely. I wish I could find an FC that was populated with people who actually chat and like doing random content.
Queue's just not popping for me...
Why is your circ scar so long? My dick is longer but the scar isn't a third of yours...did you get a botched job???
play more cc mhigger
if i make an expression on one race is it not possible to use it on another? when i tried it deformed the face horrifically
AM isn't that bad. I don't know why he chooses to hang out with those losers.
It's Thighlander Thursday

Post em!
Um... how would a very small fiddie get into that? Asking for myself.
this is that elf ear fiddie...
its actually so fucked up that the top has been ported to other races but NO ONE has done the bottoms
This Bayonetta coded wifie is making my woober throb
Are these actual women or men pretending to be women?
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>I don't recognize anybody in these games
I was in your games......................................................................................................................................................................
nooooo come back cutie
I'm stupid, not RETARDED.
bud, I wish I knew, they took my shit before I could think
I'm killing myself
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>NO ONE has done the bottoms
Well they look like shit so...
>this is what anon thinks children sound like
My rava sisters drop the cock. stop gooning and lets farm ex1.
Certainly not, I shan't indulge in boosting their ego.
A what now
I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you, cutbro.
Effy sees Kong getting attention and goes scorched earth with the Vocaroo
You're clearly not worth remembering
Effy ERP'd with JM like two week before you bro why are you acting like someone is jealous
The latter, he's an unironic chaser, which just makes the whole thing sadder.
effy can't stand other ebins getting more attention
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Stale catgirl post coming through
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I like to imagine that, like how the crystal tower gear got dyeable versions put in the PvP vendors, the ivalice gear will eventually get put there too.
If I started going to the gym and went otter mode, would I become unappealing to my future trans EB?
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Lightcord ASSEMBLE!

Who we are:
We are Lightcord. European Light DC bullies that will assemble on /xivg/ to defeat the evil Americans that no single Euro can defeat by himself. Join fellow Light gods such as:

Special guests include:

What is expected from you:
Do not be an American.
Negative Threadcred.
At least three bought Ultimate Clears.
Have or be into Horse cocks.
Be a cuck.

What do you get:
A minimum of three namedrops every thread.
A discord full of horsecock autists and special guests from Chaos and Balmung.
Inability to clear P4S.
Unlimited supply of horse semen. Meltdowns on NA having all the good Europeans and the meetups.
Having your ERP leaked by T.T. for exposure and free advertisement.
Exposure induced Schizophrenia.

In order to join please provide the following:
Two pictures of your WoL and a horse cock.
Your WoL cannot be on an American DC.
No associations with the evil American Clique discords.
A minimum of fifteen excerpts from your ERP with any horse gock futranny catgirl or a fem Au Ra.
My Veena is going to join and cuck the Ravas.
on twitter @AlexaAdakimXIV has a permanent invite to it on their bio
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Reposting this webm I made earlier, because I liked the quality it came out with.
Effy's bodacious bosom
jealous lol
Let a coonie fuck. He's livin his best life
The vineyard is finally reopening . . . ?
i need a dyable version of the ivalciian knight set
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qrd on rumblecord? I see them mentioned here every now and then
nothing stale about this beauty
a lalabvll entered the thread
Doesn't count.
god I need joi from this voice
>he made a comment about not many women applying to join his static and that he thinks it'd be nice if more women tried doing WFR in XIV
Nah I get that part. It was just surprising to suddenly cascade into a fuck ton of women sarcastically replying to him about it and their experiences with him.
Am I supposed to know who's calling cc by the off-topic images they post? lol
pvpfags about it
Pillow talk with Effy about racial crime statistics
closest approximation i can think of is this:
if pvp-revival is reddit then the rumbling (aka rumblecord) is 4chan
>this is the faggy little voice behind my threadwife
I don't think I'm gonna be able to goon to you anymore, to be honest....
As long as you can pick her up and don't call her slurs, I think she'll be ok with it.
it's pretty obvious if you do CC who is making the calls.
i still have no fucking idea
don't think it matters
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>doing Anananananta beast tribes
>see pic rel
Zalera btw
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rumblingcord owns your meetups.
rumblingcord owns your thread queues.
tiny sosig owns you.
tape worm owns you.
wishing well owns you.
suhr zarek owns you.

none of /xivg/ plays lp and it shows and their superiority has led to controversy and seething in the threads
your sunnie will always be my favorite
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I play the game as intended.
I'm always doubting myself during RP sessions because I take 7~12 minutes to write out an answer I can consider decent enough and start wondering if my partner is getting bored.
It's where trannies go to seethe about (You)r performance in a barely supported pvp minigame.
ok retard
How do you tell when they're queuing? I don't know a single name in that group
gay hrothgar
god I wish
report it no one gets the 100 mill
>my feet hurt
>i wanna go home
>god i hope this application for effy's sweet cow tits goes through
>i hate the department of moonies
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Trying to learn new classes, sorry sis
ew no
i would kill myself if i was a lala
i'm small enough as is
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2:35 CC ET Crystal
Everytime I dip my toes back into XIV PvP I'm reminded of how bad it is.
There's SO many different games out there, why PvP in this laggy game? Literally nothing matters, the game is so laggy that you can't depend on the visuals.

Time down the drain.
It's ok the team comp doesn't matter as much as the 0/7 drk
watching a moonie pee
If I cold open by asking effy to let me plap, will effy let me plap?
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Somebody warn Jaden that Kong is a schizo and will make her life hell!!!

ok retard

get fucking diffed and shit on
>O or 0
Nigger what kind of binds are these?
>How do you tell when they're queuing?
If times are being called in the thread, they are queueing and pretending they aren't here.
If you join /xivg/ syncs and see the same people in a lot of games but don't recognize them from here, that's them.
i couldn't tell you their names because i dont queue casual on crystal enough but they're basically an offshoot of the revival discord where they talk shit about people in revival and people in their ranked CC queues or FL games
>this is the faggy little voice behind my threadwife
I think I'm gonna goon to you more, to be honest....
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>it's real
Would you a Loporrit?
Anyone in this discord should blow their brains out
you are both dudes
works on my machine
my machine is in japan
the type of guy who says yaaas
I don't get it either. To me, the most insane thing is that no matter if it's very late in the night of a weekday you'll still going to find matches quicker than in some dedicated PvP games during their peak hours.
i havent yes
I need a giant elf like this so I can full badah massah her ears
Til it breaks
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Her housekeeping stats were drained in exchange for breast stats
Okay but you'll have to run a deep dungeon or some other kind of content with me first
I only know the details of the Shroud to keep track of Wood Wailer injustices
If you want a true man, hit up this guy >>494246450
At last... acceptance
I've found out casual CC triggers the same stress mechanisms ranked league used to. I hate it.
hardcore raiders and /xivg/ anons edating each other really are the same
Can you explain the appeal of making ugly nigger characters?
post black armpit
i think old pvp worked a lot better since it was so much slower the netcode felt a lot less annoying
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You can always ask them for feedback afterwards. I can take up to 15 minutes if they’ve been making the post sizes huge and at the end I get told I’m a good writer and that it was worth it.
my femlala drinks a lot of pee and pisses a lot of water
Need more unmodded moonies, pronto!
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XIV has been minimal effort for max profits since ARR. That's the whole reason it was a success. 300k concurrent players for half it's lifespan would kill any other MMO, and it did kill other MMOs. It wasn't until SHB that XIV had more than 1 million concurrent subs. Nothing in this game is ever getting "fixed", they'll cry about PS3 limitations and 1.0 spaghetti code but really its that they know they don't have to so they won't.
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my thread gimmick is making ugly characters
can euros go to bed already
It's a humiliation fetish, just like futa.
Why does viper only have half the buttons everyone else has?
Remember how the Monk questline slaps a bonafide history-loving legend in our face?
The pic is a month old. Surely that's stale at this point
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Undressing this cat to her underwear and then pouring shots down her cleaveage and across her belly before sucking them out of her panties.
May I cock watch
You're good at it.
But how could it be an injustice if duskies commit 80 of all crime in Gridania?
It was just as bad as it is nowadays honestly.
Collecting medals and using LoS efficiently in the Feast map was aids with the bad netcode.
can i reply to this anchor?
They wanted an even more braindead job than RPR
No can do, static plays in 2 hours.
lowercase is the new ellipses…
It's real and more popular than you'd expect. and also has a syncshell.
thank you ser

another day of roulettes without any cute femlalas to pet, what the fuck..
no, you use gshade/reshade
I am a pure, unmodded femlala.
what streamer we watching right now?
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meanwhile several moids here got carried by ooki
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pet my melf instead
im watching punkdagod
the jiggles...
No shit, it's a bunch of weak weebs who never participated in real competitions so they think parsing good or using f+ mods is a personality that will get them laid irl. The XIV community is one of the absolute worst out there with no lives beyond the game. They don't play anything else, they don't read anything else, they don't listen to music besides what's featured in the game, and they historically do not play any other FF games.
They're trying too hard to appear to not try at all
...Cock watch?
sorry, ill take it back
that shouldnt count
I shan't be searching for it but it's definitely interesting knowing that it exists
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>thought he was slick cheating on his gf with another
>later makes a tweet about not many women wanting to raid with him with zero selfawareness
>his 2 exs both drop a nuclear bomb each at the same time
>now everyone and his friends are abandoning him
it's pure comedy, dude is basically over no one is ever gonna want to raid with him ever again
it was the same shitty netcode yeah but it felt a lot less shit to me personally at least since the time to kill was a lot higher so it was usually just a minor annoyance rather than dying from full hp in a single gcd
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i’m astonished no one knew what a piece of shit he was prior to this (being an unironic tranny hound)
>game freezes up in the last 15 seconds
Where do I go to find someone to erp with on Chaos?
need more
May I watch your cock
It's too late now you cannot take it back, anchors ruined

Did they just never expand on the Heart of Sabik? It's just in Old Sharlayan rotting away as an untouched plotpoint?
Bro...all my mom does is sit in front of the tv watching news about politics. Every time I visit her all I hear all fucking day long is audio from the tv permeating through the walls about trump this trump that. At least your mom (probably) isn't a fucking zombie in front of the tv.
i remember when they called youre kind grammar nazis
why would i want to do that
Anon, your Pandemonium quests?
It's already over, ship has left the port
this is my mom but she doesn’t care about politics all she watches are 1950s movies and soap operas
Thank you, I think.
They're vanilla. It's kind of ridiculous during the fall guys emote.
It's probably me being self-conscious. Thankfully I've never had any complaints.
What do you consider as huge post sizes? Most of my posts are split into 2~3 parts due to XIV's character limit...
The perfect opportunity to leave the legacy females behind and jump on the tranny wagon.
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im sorry for ruining it chat
Those didn't really answer anything THOUGH.
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I'd honestly prefer we didn't get double dying as an option at all for certain items instead of some of the half-assed ways that they've implemented them. This is by far one of the most insulting, since it took me like, several minutes to find out what the fuck this second dye option even changed.
yeah after the graphical update they seem to jiggle more. she's very cute btw.
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Do you think they'll ever rework ninja? Or atleast tweak it? They've done it for bard, dragoon, and monk so far.
>Ascalon has been just laying about in Azys Lla for 10 years now
>Recall mention of how some Endwalker quests (like 8 years since Heavensward) still treat it as laying there
>Azys Lla's reveal was huge, many factions would've seen it no doubt
i hope you've been good
A grammar Nazi is someone pedantic about it, not someone who cares for grammar or comments on a lack of it
blonde looked better
does it need another one?
Nowhere. You can ask the <10 Chaos players that post on /xivg/ or hop on Light.
used konggoods. new ebins never learn.
In finest ps4 image quality
you do you, trannychaser bro
Gridania girls
we're unforgettable
2b bottoms, Dalmascan Draped Top
>t. skipper
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6:55 CC ET Crystal
people knew, but it was an open secret no one wanted to actually talk about, same thing with Rin, many of their peers are the same and won't say anything and no one wants to say anything because then they'd risk getting the whole HC top end raiding community after them.
yeah I've been really good so that i can rape her
>Amateur arch
What kind of apology is this? Can't do anything right, can you?
they will bring back ogcd mudras
JM's been here longer than Kong bro....
I think so as well, but it might also be a framerate thing. Or they may've fiddled with more bones, aside from head ones. And thank you very much! I'm sure your character is cute as well. Enjoy your Thursday!
Isn't Ascalon a part of the KotR primal, pretty much? I believe it dissipated once Thordan died.
>no one is ever gonna want to raid with him ever again
I wish but xiv raiders have no morals. Vast majority of high-end raiders would still join if offered a spot because that's THE TPS frontman who best TEA in three days. He'll take an offline break and return like nothing happens and people won't question it. Worked for Xenos, Arthars, and every other unsavory raider with an ounce of spotlight.
Ninja just needs some of its burst moved into the filler phase so you aren't just 1-2-3 and TenChiJin needs to just let us move already its fucking dumb
Knock yourself out, I suppose.
I used to find you hot but knowing you'd ERP with Kong of all people severely damages that
is everyone in that community unironically just awful people? i rarely hear anything good about any of them and there’s always some manner of drama with specific individuals
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*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*johnny bravo voice* WHOA MAMA
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
*ahem* hello maam do you like hroths?
don't call me that
okay yeah he is probably gonna bounce back, if the literal pedophile can bounce back from being called out because they give people easy 100 point guides for fashion report each week then anyone can
Shame... Any hot spot on Light then?
Do you use purple prose?
cute playstation lander
i saw a femroe run by earlier and noticed the jiggle they must have had max size
Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done
my mom considers vidya a waste of time and we used to argue a lot about me gaming late at night and talking with strangers on VC. she has never had a shred of trust in me and I still resent her for it
it’s such a bummer that none of them ever really suffer any long term consequences
Why would I warn someone I hate to avoid someone I hate when the inevitable melt will be so satisfying for me?
>slightly bump camera
>tenchijin ends

AHHHHHHHHHH. Why cant it just be an area we cant leave but still be able to move and do the mudras!
why confused?
does this help
sorry.. ill post a better one next time..
i can't apologize enough.
My EB was a middie before she fanta'd to a rava. I like anything as long as it doesn't have a dick so it works out.
t.male midlander.
So Jaden has zero excuses, got it
she's right though
can yyou be bad instead....
I've had the best success in places that are advertised in PF but any main city will do, Alpha is afaik the busiest server.
sorry to disappoint
all i know is that jaden cheated on cg a long time ago
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>I believe it dissipated
Nah, it's there. Just...laying about, rotting.
Estinien even plucked an eye from it.
>finish an expansion MSQ
>know I'll be spending the next few weeks doing MSQ roulette just for tomestones for X0 gear
I can only take "such devastation" for so long...
>ERPed with Kong
jesus christ why did i ever reply to you with positive attention
yeah /kneel
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I do nyot want to do that again..
>is everyone in that community unironically just awful people?
the top high end raiding community? basically yes, there are good people but they're not that common and are really oblivious, it just comes with the fact that to be in the top high end raiding scene you basically have to be a nolifer who basically only play the game or a neet, either way not someone that actually interacts with people in real life and haven't grown as a person.
outside of that? you'll get assholes but a lot of chill people too
I would go mad without a distraction outside school and work. Life is not all about school and work...
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We like this
Rotting is a good term to use since it's made from that guy's body.
>here for this long
>starts avatar fagging hard
>throws it all away by erping with kong
Ew never giving you attention again.
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u bri ish?
i am
a femra
i want to cc but i am still cursed with long drive and emptying boxes from storage unit, curse me for being a responsible adult
>Played since 3.0
>Still ERPs with Kong
So are you free use or just stupid?
Thank you sis, wish me luck!
Are you going to clean up the entire mess? Lick it up?
lil bro knowingly rp'd with kong of all people
enjoy the unironic ruined reputation
that’s depressing. I have a few friends who fall into that “nolifer” category and they all basically just want to play the game without any of that kind of trashy behavior attached. I wish i could find more people like that, who just like doing content without being awful
>remove mudras and now you just get raiton and katon as ogcds
>remove trick attack and mug and turn it into a raidwide damage buff
>shukuchi and dwad get two more charges each
>new 120s cooldown that summons the giant frog from naruto
There the job is perfect for modern XIV players now.
hey, that's pretty cute
It's a decent way to get exp at 90+ and tomes at 100.
What's so surprising? That happens all the time. They can bring back anything except raid drops and special fate drops and maybe a few other things.
why do you guys care who erps with who, its quite literally none of your business
there are productive hobbies and there are degenerate ones, vidya is the latter
I dont mind hroths...
lol at least reply to the people shitting on you directly, retard
i wish it were none of my business but you faggots post everything
I just started the endwalker post msq and already want to kill myself out of boredom
Like any sport or competitive hobby, there's a lot of shit under the surface at the top end that gets brushed under the rug because while John Sexpest might be an awful person to deal with, he's the best healer you will ever play with and his presence keeps you competitive. See: Antonio Brown

The worst-kept secret in XIV world prog isn't assholeishness or sexpesting, it's the fact that most of them are selling clears on the side for $$$
Because I wanted to fuck that catgirl, but now they're used goods and I no longer want to fuck them

Never understood "free use" like the most peek level of laying back and doing absolutely nothing. At that rate, why dont you just write an erotic fanfic about someone you like?
I honestly think if they added a couple of seconds to the ninjas burst I think it'd be perfect. That, or make it to where you can move slightly during ten chi jen.
finally the job is dumb enough for me...
*never hits raiton and only uses the trick replacement once in the entire fight*
don't you put that evil out there

nin is perfect
my veena+ on the right
no one wants that seamonkeys goods
All catgirls are used goods
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10:45 CC ET Crystal
Not by birth, but it's easier to just say yes.
QRD on Jaden Mode
New ebin or returner
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Built for Lalaboys
its gets so much worse, every problem you might have now story/pacing wise is amplified times ten in DawnTrail
Where do you get that hairstyle?
No I'll just make it worse. But I can hose you down abusively later.
I'm using full 730 raid gear I don't know what my bis is
they can absolutely find people like that, when I say hardcore top raiders I mean people who enter the world race, if you're not aiming for that you're bound to find some decent people
>fucking up tcj
skill issue
I liked DT more than EW postpatch
I love femezen so much it's unreal
gold saucer after completing the ivalice storyline
Trans or just a subby guy?

Either way, adorable. Shame I'm not into freeuse stuff
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>been here this long
>never did eureka
do you play the game
I'm a blue parse at best. I suck at the game.
... free use doesn't mean star fishing, dude.
It just means you can walk up and stick your cock in them. Unless they don't like you lol. It basically means they'll never say no if it's in their power to do so.
what the heck.. why do you want me to be bad
How do I setup Splatoon?
can someone namedrop me thanks
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femra players look like that?
smn sucks now
Subby, and thank you.
I wouldn't say I'm free use since I turn down enough people that don't click with me.
Still though, that is your right :3
Ok retard
unfortunately there's a lot of very bad people there, I assume a few are alright and just harmless autists who genuinely love the game but a lot of the high-end raiders love backstabbing each other, or act like some of the worse people from /xivg/
>Unless they don't like you lol
Then they're not free use, retard.
I saw some people in the same RP FC so I was gonna spy on them but nobody was talking in say chat...
Do they usually talk in FC chat?
amateur findoms are adorable
i might go squeeze one of my piggies tonight
>does that
I am a femra
waiting for a screenshot anchor to post ...
I may just wait for femra friday instead
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>Uses plugins in PvP
>Loses anyway
I thought you were mid even before I started trying to git gud.
nigger faggot
tcj is interesting because you can't move
turning it into leylines isn't interesting
there's a retard having a meltdown in my solo FC again
i did some of anemos when it first came out but i didn't really care about the game at the time and was only doing it with one person.
>Haven't played an MMO in almost a decade
>Queue for first non-NPC dungeon at level 50 with MSQs
>Castrum Meridianum goes really well
>Queue again
>Cause a wipe on Ultima in The Praetorium due to Kamehameha
>Manage to get hit by it a second time but at least I had everyone healed up
To be fair, anxiety is real and I do well during NPC runs, that laser also has a weird damage timing where you get hit if you were near it within the last two seconds before the animation. Damn intentional camera fuckery. FFXIV is the most casual MMO I've played and going from TERA endgame with most rooms in a dungeon having instant death mechanics that require precise timing to this makes me sad.

Thank god FFXIV protects babies with chat bans and addons being against ToS. First time boost for whole party is nice too.
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Why are you GAM playing Miqo'tes like this
I don't GIVE A FUCK who you do futa plus role play with.
is it me
I'd put Jaden as SB/HW ebin. I think he used to date CG but then again who hasn't? I stopped joining xivg discords after riri's discord blew up and rylai tried to make a new one
> I couldnt make my male dom work
You probably weren’t very good at it, but I applaud you for doing your service in this sea of subs
And then you clowns wonder why every jobs feels the same and the game can't evolve beyond proteans, dynamos, and chariots even at the highest end..
I love CC, it's fun.
What's EU's Deal's?
/xivg/ has findoms?! wtf
i bet the leader of my solo fc made this post about me...
i am a lurker :3
I'm a moonie that has never and will never erp so you're wrong
It's lonely here...
yeah okay maliddie w/e u say
msq isn't a good indicator of difficulty
no deals or free market, enjoy your free healer queue comrade
I think they are communicating. Lala to lala transmission.
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I don't think I'll ever get the appeal of this fetish. You just have to be uber rish and not have a care in the world for money or something?
nobody cares about you bro
Trump is based though.
did you gain paypiggies from random ff14 players
Call them both pedos.
Explode in a sea of fire, dork.
three for a oner, sort ew right oot for tha weekend
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It really is a cold war in here isnt it
Let's say that you are getting your man ass fucked by man cock.
Do you think that it is possible to push a fart out so hard that it enters his dickhole, then into his intestines, and then fart out your own fart.in your mouth?
Playing CC on Crystal from EU is kinda rough.
Got a 1-2 second delay.
what about it
go look up Sponty
masochism + insecurity + no sexual attention = bad time
Sorry it was meant for >>494252450
how many members are in this thing? This has to be some sort of meme play on for raceplay
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>everyone under 500mb now at the lb14
nature is healing now lets push 400 and under
I know. I've stopped trying to make meaningful connections on here ever since i got webbed one time by a femra. got an irl gf instead and play casually.
Serious question, how can I tell if someone wants me to plap them rather than just being friends? She's always targeting and talking to me and gets excited when I hug or pat her.
There's way more than that.
Hell, we keep Sowo around despite doing the exact same diaper pedo shit.
I can't believe you made me make you explode, I'm sorry D:
>under 10mb
>not at LB14
What does it mean?
>common amongst white women
Zepla is slavic
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what's the best way to find fulalas the like biggers? asking for a friend ..
Ultima is probably the first without AoE indicators and while it's not endgame, MSQ is still far easier than any MMO's I've played. I'm just upset I did so poorly on something so easy.
Do I even want to go to your little hangout spots if I play unmodded?
400 what? lbs?
Something around 250 in the server. Don't know about the syncshell, I'd have to check their club on saturday night
i dont wanna be raped i think....
I raided with the guy who created Sponty in /wowg/. Other than being an autistic furry he was a pretty chill dude. There was one raid night where he confessed to us that he had paid over 8000 dollars for a single comission of Sponty. Why do furry autists have all the money in the world?
push the envelope, send them flirty tells and test the water. if you get no response there's your answer.
>>under 10mb
do you even mod
>zepla is a poc
you learn something new everyday in these threads
most egotistical gooner here
That's just fucking rude. I still stand by the term Male midlander. I remember a time when middie's was the term for both male and female midlanders.
That's everyday life for GT when he manages to reel his prolapsed butthole in.
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Damn, it's interesting how older ebins come back for a quick stint and then they leave... I wonder how many of them we lost to time...
Damage is based on the cast timer not the animation
If you're in a danger zone when the cast bar finishes you get hit no matter what
wtf is the use of ice paradox?
You can't
Good luck with your sexpest reputation
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These posts are exhausting to read sometimes.......
It's alright bwo, you probably don't care for Lala players anyways.


The weight of the average /xivg/ player
FLchads we are eating GOOD right now
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wtf.. so i can't sex post OR rape post at her????
>their club
is it at least jungle/forest themed
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I am
a Light femra
who just ate 3 eggs
I don't.
Yeah he's here too. Shows up at meetups pretty frequently and jokes about never making it into thread lists
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Honestly, just ask. That is the best case sometimes.
I'm always weirded out how he has just been around xivg circles forever, he just suddenly appears somewhere
>only 75
they must be missing a lot of pictures
You ain't so light anymore, fat ass.
Is his character a Veena named Sponty or does he go by another name here? I know him as Castelia
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mary a sunnie
Free movement and damage

You eat your own children?? How horrifing! D:
Not in the sexual way, just not something I could bring myself to do.
Regardless of how messy I get.
Have a good day though :3
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You will put me back together right...?
im a princess after all, teehee
i'm doing my best to
That one malezen appeared out of nowhere too and I still have no idea what his deal is apart from being funny and shitting on duskwights.
Way more than you think.
Most of the ancient ebins are around, but in different circles that MIGHT be adjacent to here.
see:Core, Edge, Yum, Soft/Pure No.3(this one has all the ARR/HW ebins)
Yeah, I need to get used to watching the tiny cast bar. It's still a poorly timed animation though.
hide your trannies
Mobility and a free weaving tool to transpose into instant Fire III if you have Firestarter.
cause lame game
Kaite Laulle
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I don't fix people, usually..
I can only try, you dummy.

I'm pretty sure we raided together in MoP. He wanted to fuck my worgen.
I laughed
baka fucking whore
Movement, an extra 480 potency in your basic rotation, a reliable way to transpose and hit the F3 proc without needing thunder at or around 3s or wasting a xenoglossy
my m... my moonie...
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Voice is so familiar but I can't tell who it is

Thanks I put a lot of effort into my posts
Sorry, my lalaboy is moonie owned.
why are there so many fat people at the lb14
Malelala x Femlala sex
Ok. Gonna tell that femra she's adorable, then.

Oh, ok. Sure. It can't be worse than being one of the people who get schizoed here.
Is there any love in this world for male highlanders...?
what about her..?
i can only /pet a sunnie
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Yeah actually. The outside is also so blanketed in trees that it looks like the house was overtaken by jungle.
My maliddie (now known as male middie) likes moonies
i can't stop farting cum
You've got this!
You're laughing. I'm day drinking and you're laughing.
let us know how it goes anon
comparing something like msq to the end game in another mmo is weird
msq is training mode
But you don't get any MP from it...
Plus usually it's around the time thunder is at like 3s so you can just use that for weaving right? You're forced to use blizzard 4 either way so its not like you can go into fire phase earlier by using it...
I guess it's alright if you want to save movement tools but it just makes you delay fire phase more...
In the main scenario at the praetorium, is there an option or trick to get further quicker when the sequences started to play? When we do Nero and Gaius, I am always super far behind while everyone else is already waiting at the boss.
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Is it that difficult to program a gate that opens based on progresson
god I wish that was me
No moonies are better
different languages have different lenght cutscenes im not sure the exact difference though
You know who I am, old friend.
load speed and language make the difference
Grrr, brat...
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just ghosted another lalaboy :3
I like the design honestly
unfortunate that this type of fantasy raceplay is just a stand-in for blacked
>no answer
checked and I am indeed laughing
Please be on balmung so we can EB
I'm also day drinking while working, what's the big deal
Did you like this post
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No! No no no no! That is NOT happening. lalaboys need to stay in their OWN LANE (getting gaped by male roes or abused by femezen milfs) instead of even THINKING about touching pure femlalas...

Miera and femlalas on the other hand....
>tfw masturbated to sponty for years before knowing it was OC made by a /vg/ger
>masturbated to a blacked edit of her as well
>or abused by femezen milfs
If you had a break and basically first-timing content, you play reactionary. A couple of runs will give you so much practice and experience that the mechanics feel second nature at some point. Bosses always do the exact same thing.
Because it sounds like obvious bait.
Congratulations on the gf, brother
Nero's cutscene is a GPU speed check.
Japanese and German language are faster. I play in JP and get to solo Gaius for 15 seconds usually.
wtf thats my ass
do it but dont let them corrupt you
stay unmodded
But I love fiddies????
I get it, I nearly had a stroke finding out that a character I beat my meat to for years was made by a guy that was just in some discord I joined on a whim out of this thread
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mmo mouse edition
Think they're from frencord
This is one post I'm glad I missed when skimming..
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>not even lalaboys will sexpest my femlala
yeah its over isnt it
That was the joke
Thanks. Life's improved vastly for me since we last spoke.
I can now plan for that trip, so better get your gamer house ready cause i'm coming.
That's big.
What are they even trying to bait?
did some DR or CLL with you once and you were super chill and helpful. glad to hear you [mostly] made it out of this maze and hopefully you enjoy the new foray when it releases
t. a middie
do you like malera?
post her
Damn, shy blue doggo voice is p. cute.
usual fatties from there are but there's double the amount now.
sorry but my lalaboy isn't a sexpest :(
i do not sexpest
i petpest
So saddened Ruby Malone's game didn't get a sequel.
you're welcome
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>Not even a lalaboy wants your ugly ass
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The influence of 4chan can be felt all around the internet. A solitary autist can make ripples that turn into massive waves under the right conditions.
Are we talking about general attention or do you only look for unhealthy obession?
Cute voice, Sis~
I'm trying to understand the mindset behind using it there was no intent to be bratty...
Know what else is big and in my pants?
MY MOM! Seriously how do I get her to stop wearing my clothes?
i queued as tank once and came out of the cutscene to the ninja laying dead on the ground and the other dps was close it was pretty funny
helping a moonie pee
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>tfw I still haven't gotten the opportunity to play HLL with this middie yet
Damn our differing schedules
I'll sexpest your femlala but I'm not a lala
someone's been inviting pornsick twitter "people"
As someone with that very issue, you don't.
If she's also dependent on you for validation, gtfo asap, best thing I ever did in my life
As a certified thread schizo I can say that Jaden has never said they don't like a particular race or person
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just told my future gf she might be coal but i think she's gem
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Every time I come back to Eureka I'm reminded of how pretty it is. Next one better not be ugly as shit again. I enjoy them both but I wish Bozja looked better.
an actual masculine voice in a sea of fags
It was a joke anon. Happy to hear you got out of that sitch though.
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do ANY of the eureka weapons look good? they all look kinda ugly
BLM isn't a burst job, the extra paradox not being there at release substantially hurt its dps. It's still in a bad spot, but it would be far worse off without it. Manafont basically realigns your fire phases so you catch despair and flarestar in buffs anyways.
i wish solution 9 allowed mounts
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
how romantic of you anon

In Bozja's defense, it was literal warzones and ruins.
I'm going to bite you..Don't make me more embarrassed than I already am.
Thank you sis..
Hey anon. It's hot today isn't it? Why don't we take this conversation inside my car? It has air conditioning.
Don't have a choice.
you should all stop bullying the cute freckled moonie, that's MY job.
This is so threatening
Brony moment
okay but only if you've been running the AC for a while already so it's not really hot in the car at the start
that xitter is particularly damning
what fucking language is this
my character
They were cute, now they're just used konggoods
oh boy, does your car also have blacked out windows, candy and some homemade seatbelts in the back for good measure?
they committed one of the deadly ebin sins
CC @ 8:45!
CC @ 8:45!
Guys will see this and think "Hell nah."
the first person that /telled when I was a femlala, was a malera calling all lalafell fleshlights
idk what you're doing wrong..
Thank you. I mainly came back to see if it was worth buying Dawntrail, as I haven't decided on buying it yet and doing all of the older content before I consider it. I still do bozjan content, but my goal is to motivate myself to doing Eureka on my limited free time. I just dont have any interest in the game at the moment.
Since they added the custom servers it's been a lot of fun. Lmk when you want to match up together or play helldivers once the update comes out.
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I love sunnies!
So in other words, because it allows your rotation to align more easily you can just press it for ease of mind? I was under the impression that BLM was still always gonna want to optimize the amount of time spent in fire phase so using an extra gcd delays that...
my fucking sides
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okay let's see how it goes...
my femlala will sexpest your femlala.....
Speaking of relic weapons. Can you dye the ARR relics?
I assume it's a pictomancer glam and they're too lazy to have a separate one for their other caster jobs
I'm not seen with anyone...
Pissfox is that you?
Mind translating?
how do you tell if a femlala would like you sexpesting them before you say something?
>ERPing with kong dramatically reduces your threadcred
I will now fuck Kong, I've become too popular and it's time for a reset.
what body mod
Give me a location and my lalaboy will come and sexpest you.
I'm guessing BR Portuguese specifically because my first thought was it sounds like he's speaking spanish after getting his jaw broken with a brick
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End of the thread
My veena making you drink tequila shots
oh boy you don't want to know, but it has the vibes of the horny people from this thread It's also probably from one of the many whatsapp funny audio archives we have
good luck! just made a bid on a medium myself
Sopa do mamaco
Uma delicia!!
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moocha shaka paka
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that other guy sounded like a fag too, this dude is masculine
my femra?
>uses technical step
she's always two steps ahead...
It's basically a hard reset or it knocks you into the negatives, especially if you should've known better
>job entirely about not drifting your cds
>forced to drift your cd because you have to etiher use it early or hold it for movement
yep good design right there
>MSQ is still far easier than any MMO's
Referring to pre-endgame. Combat is a lot less sweaty/micromanaged/high APM and action based with the gcd, too. I'm sure it gets challenging with endgame content but the game is still pretty forgiving with wipes (learning) and slow paced due to the way skills work.
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You won't see me with anyone, anon.
I don't know what that does
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Least rude Carioca
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P-Findom was such a good moneymaker for me i need to get back into it
Pedos have so much fucking money
Voz de preto favelado.
Pra piorar, deve ser carioca também.
ngl idk either but i think its the 2m dance
lmao I was just thinking of watching the star wars movies but I'll prob play kotor 1 and 2 again instead now
technical step is the raid wide damage buff
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i'm yoinking this
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All they need to do for occult crescent is make fun CEs like bozja in a pretty zone like eureka and it will be guaranteed 9/10 content
10/10 if they somehow manage to make fates not dull (impossible)
I get this argument but it also doesn't make sense because it's magical warfare, with airships and machina and nuclear aether bombs yet the battlefield looks like your stereotypical WW1 muddy trench...
these two are so different... trenches were basically gone by WW2 and are a relic of past war strategies, it makes no sense to design a whole zone around them when you can have airships just bombard a trench with insane precision with magic strikes
I bet you're from the Northeast.
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Party going down at LB14
>It's also probably from one of the many whatsapp funny audio archives we have
Probably. I don't speak a lick of PT but he was way too smooth to be a 4chinner
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i am
a fat
Migrate to the new thread, or you're as good as dead!

I feel like I've developed ADHD just looking at this
Why is there so much space between a femroe's nose and lips?
wait why do so many of you speak portuguese
I'm a piáchad. Sorry, macaco.
Not sure about ARR, but I know for Heavensward relics you can only double dye certain relics, not the final step though for some reason, that's stuck to one dye, I imagine it's the same for ARR.

i don’t have any pictures of my wol on my phone sorry
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fixed your fix.
I think the summoner book with the wings is one of the best summoner ones.
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This is a proud SA general
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My favorite out of the 3
tira o pau da boca pra falar cuzão
Mighty kek
she looks like she fucks maliddies
another thread without a miera bf (femlala btw)
when will the torment end

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