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Midlanders of the Male variety.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494264735
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cliques posts in you're thread
TAILS (and ears)
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Spank-loving midlanders.
Fucking hell I thought Avere hated Edda and cheated on her with Liavinne, but according to the encyclopedia, he actually loved her but couldn't spit it out and tried to impress her, hence why he was so gung ho, when all she wanted was to start a family.
Sphene poster is making me really horny
Post people you are missing
Moonie for my Midlander.
I think the depression is starting to win
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I parsed blue in M1S and M2S and I feel great that I am improving and getting better.
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>bring thicc femra home to plap
>she sits down
>she doesn't notice my pet sheep
>my poor sheep is flattened
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rate my inventory (and post yours)
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Dumb question:
When pulling in dungeons, do you use Bloodwhetting before your big mitigation or after mitigation?
Ive been pulling in dungeons, doing 1-2 GCDs, then weaving bloodwhetting, and the healer keeps getting annoyed
>annihilation dedda
I am
a femboy miqo
I want to suck (You)r cock :3
I just need my last gwib
you uh
better not have blue parsed with weapon bro
otherwise you have a loooooong way to go
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*breasts boobily inside and out*
no one unironically likes male characters
nyanja segs
do you like +
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*rings dinner bell*
Here maley-maley-male characters

Come get your objectication dinners!
I'll finish my badass image set tomorrow
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what does your wol look and act like?
mine is like
I will instead mention an era I miss, I miss pre-dc travel era and the people at that time. The thread went further down in quality once the floodgates opened and all dc culture got culled.
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I am a depressed lalaboi that has been drinking and chainsmoking since I woke up.
may i plap
sounds pretty gay no thanks
my catgirl gets plapped by male characters
Big > reprisal > Rampart > whatever should be dead before then
BW on CD
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Anon that's far too much clutter

Look at this, perfectly clean and tidy!
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post him
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Where's the CC call
are those xiv mogtomes from years ago???
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Fetishization of mental illness isnt much better than just fetishization
Making a sex object out of right doesnt make you any less of a coomer than choosing left
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More Elezen.
>Not a SINGLE cute Rava who isn't a futard

It's over, middiebros...
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I keep shitposters and schizos busy by responding to their bait without identifying myself and keeping them in previous threads so that new threads can be free of their nonsense for a while. My record is two and a half hours of back-and-forth with low effort posts for the most part.
>all dc culture got culled
they got reinforced
holding this cat's hand as we fall asleep together at the couch
Post your femra right NOW!!!
I shant, no male middie posting ever again.
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CC @ 7:50pm!
CC @ 7:50pm!
Out of Hassan images.
>he's in the queue
I shan't be joining CC, I can do better things with my time
do femra?
be called cute and tank for me
do nyot do this
what kind of dogshit elvui looking trash is this piss yourself
Bro there are plenty of Ravas here that are non futa, you're just incapable
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Catgirl tails
Iron Meido
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The kots
*grabs you by the throat and snarls* BACK THE FUCK OFF!??!
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suck at reshade?
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I always thought that something like
Vengeance + Reprisal, then spam CD
And when those are on cooldown
Rampart + Arms Length, then spam CD
Worked pretty well
Doubling up on effects that dont directly stack
when's ibaraki
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dont worry i got you
qrd on this cutie
You never know when you might need them
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Been thinking a lot about eggs lately. They're just so tasty. Imagine if chickens were as big as buildings, then we could have massive eggs. You could even enjoy them like breakfast bowls or something, cut a hole in the top, drain some of the white into a frying pan, then dump a bunch of foods in like bacon and potatos before slapping some cheese in there and then roasting it whole or something idk I never levelled Culinarian
a kot
thank god I hate queuing with you niggers
Why nyot? There is nothing wrong with two catgirl kunoichi doing risqué yuri foreplay in public using all of their nyanja skills to not get caught.
May nap between your bodacious breasts?
why does he look like that?
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qrd this
no thanks anon
there's nothing wrong with fetishizing you faggot
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gonna cuddle a femra tonight bros
my middie looks and acts like this
Stealing ALL of this rabbit's Moqueca.
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>catgirl tails
>thicc femra
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I don't think I have a picture yet with both my tail and ears..
So just tail for now.
May I plap?
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Is that Patatas hand?
my femra literally looks like this
CC Finalist is the same as CC Ranker desu. If you aren't the CC Champion, you're coping hard with your participation trophy. Might as well be Beata of the Firmament.
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aaa i like this one yes please yes please
>bodacious breasts
made me crack up out loud gj anon
I'm so so sorry for what may happen in the future..
good job sis I believe i nyou
consume and sell your field notes buddy wtf are you doing fella come on man you can do better than this pal step it up chief
What does objectication mean?
good girl
I don't think I need an explanation for my WoL's behavior.
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hmm the thread is not up to par with my standards tonight and so I shall take my leave
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Post her then.
We'll Do'it'raw'
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its crazy how as duskwight your options are grey (discount veron) blue (discount veron) and free n word pass
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is the ddos happening on jp ...??
He's a bottom commie with a gucci bag, what'd you expect?
I am STILL considering Fallout 76 purely on it having a MG42 even though I have 4 and its DLC and could mod it in but have zero desire to play 4 or learn the new mod manager.
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Yup that's my wife

*Motorboats your tits real fast*
We'll Rape'it'live
all that moqueca... damn...
>wtf are you doing fella
Ahaha... wanna see how much I have in my retainer?
I'm gonna lay on my bed and watch DS9 with a sprite zero on my belly.
lucky her
would you rather have 50 chicken sized eggs or 50 egg sized woobers in your mouth
Put those nipples AWAY
What might happen, tell me anon
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like this
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miqote, femra, or femezen
i approve, this is good for stonks
sorry, its my golem.
holy moly giwtwm
pinchable nips
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You can't even beat me in CC
I strive for fluffy.
pretty cool, but it feels like a waste posting them on the 12th.
that should be me on your belly
damn why'd you have to do me dirty like that
Don't do that it'll make my tits pop
This is awfully dangerous. The fluff on the right's probably got some hypnotic traits buried inside of it & you would never know
What's up
Weak jawline. Gotta get on the grind
>Telor's playing
I will not be queuing.
Hey you can't just say that..
>"hey servers seem to be working n-"
>entire team dies to lag twice
guess I'm qing down
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imagine the hog on this slampig
My femra looks closer to her than yours does.
cool lalaman
Sechen seething
may my + hit
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>better not have blue parsed with weapon bro
>no sailor moon
fuck off pretender
I love femezen so much it's unreal
May I plap?
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my femra is pro-ana
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Bridge that was 3 days ago
whoever you are, you’re not very good at making male characters, consider stopping
I'm not pretending to be anything. Dead serious. Take your damn shirt off
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you will never be a dunmer.
This faggot spamming his shitty male midlanders has really tanked the middie stocks. Way to go, faggot.
Do either of you like femra?..
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if you're ok with +, maybe.
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They're not that big...
Pork Belly Banh Mi
Small bowl of Japanese Curry and Rice
2 Tempura Shrimp
i put more strain on the server by refreshing party finder every minute (i am already in a pf)
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Femroe stock status?
make the op yourself then nigger
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Why did they add a in-game tongue model anyway? Does it actually appear anywhere in the game or in any cutscenes?
holy fucking sex
good meal
cc doko??
i don’t think actual middies care in the slightest
post her please
how come you guys throw a fit over subtle gay undertone male images but anything to do with futa you salivate? pick a lane already and accept you're gay.
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i will continue doing it regrettably
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>da stocks
there's some random npcs licking ice cream so maybe we'll get that emote in 5 years
watch the stuffed animal movie
Thank you, I deserve this...
Treating as an object, rather than a person with their own feelings and agency.
Low, will fanta back if I ever find a femroe eb that wants a femroe eb
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CC @12:05am!
CC @12:05am!
They're bigger than mine
>same typing style
>all defending a literal faggot pedophile
hmmm really makes one thing huh?
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I will say this once more. Only male avatar posters are sane and funny. All my friends are male avatars.
stinky smelly
what game is this?
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Its.... not that bad probably
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Post male characters kissing other male characters.

The newest male middie with the fotm hair forcing himself in the thread is doing that instead
I'm resubbing, how are the femezen stocks babes?
take your meds, schizo
What percent of /xivg/ were raised by single mothers?
you caught me I'm your thread enemy motherfucker and I'll be keeping it up
No, that's gay.
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boys he got us, scatter
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seething zoomer malidde council post
Really no reason to have mits up during bloodwhetting
Best I can do is F+ Kissing F+, or F+ Kissing Male
the guy who just posts "hey"?
I'll kiss you instead, stinky fujo
abandoned my investments honestly
Maleroe stock status?
im gunna need all of that F+ on male. Now.
I laughed.
Here. Granted she doesn't really look that similar.
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only thing i do is idle on my light house
Hastaloeya my beloved
are the maliddies in the room with you now?
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Giant fingers and forearm clipping the chest

That actually looks okay.
And yes it's used on the ice cream lick.
They were in the dirt long before that lol.
Just single pull, bro. It's not hard...
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Meow meow mrrrrp?
lmao, even
post nudes
Non existent
Manlet scholar middie please come back
sex with the redra
Looks nothing like her
i like him. i think he's funny. he's such a plain white guy it rules
i like your femra anyways sechen
Post your most recent gpose
No one cares if GT is a pedophile, we only care that he is a faggot and extremely (actually) annoying
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i'm starting to get a hold of brio i think

this gpose looks very cool to me
Does anyone who replied to the anchor post have a character that actually looks like the character they posted?
none of us care bro
im having pretty lewd thoughts directed at my face 3 femra bros im ngl
>pugilist npc dead
it seemed like every time i took one of them into a squadron dungeon they manage to die somehow
Fluffy Nyanjacats
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I'm the guy making those big posts about how he'd bang the female characters.
my anal wife
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god I hate how faggy male elves look in every korean/jp mmo. where's the sovl?
niggas be cockwatchin
Think I'm going to delete my twitter
The third Arcadion boss.
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certified electrope edger
would hold this nyanja's hand
Plapping with my lala
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did you fall down a goon hole or something?
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Danker, anon.
is it ok if it's a catbox?
yeah nah
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Femhroth stock status before I sell?
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This came out really nicely
that guy cracks me the fuck up because of how mad it makes you guys like this fucker >>494279618
t. council member
Saved. Very good job.
I like these posts better than the instagram model posts here since there's more effort in emphasizing emotions and actions.
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Why do people dislike the blood weapon change on DRK? It is just strictly better now?
You pressed both all the time together anyway, it just was another button press and another keybind for no reason
i am still
a male moonie
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good job bro
go away noldor fag
cute AND cool lala
Just stopped using it, and only have to cause of my friends and them wanting something to mention when they use my chara for collabs

Been down a goon hole unfortunately
what body mods do you use? also post feet
It has romantic implications so I shan't
people expect me to believe this creature will grow up to be one of the most dangerous animals on the planet
My stomach hurts
Thats it thats the post
Korea Chocobo, Lavender Beds W20 P51
if my friend gets married irl i'm going to kill myself (not joking)
i hate leveling gatherers
I am a femra white mage main, but also a top.

dont marry a poopnose
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it's my character cuddling with someone who was having a bad day so i shant be posting it
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for me, it's 0:06-0:07
what if my most recent was before dawntrail and for a friend
would let this nyanja rape me again
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oops I meant to post this...
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CC @ 3:35am!
CC @ 3:35am!
Would be this one.
>Watch 2 random players idle next to and stare at each other
>couple minutes pass
>they go on the bench and fuck like animals
I never get tired of jerking off to these interactions...
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i got 90k'd before i could try more shaders and grab the chromakey layer
Good luck on prog/reclear ser
It won't.
Pygmy hippos are shy and autistic and prefer to avoid conflict, unlike the common hippo. They can still fuck you up since they're basically water boars. But They would rather avoid it if they could.
poop nose and poop skin
what animations are those?
It might be better to just not look at it for a while since you're not really using it anyways. No reason to straight up delete it
Usually YAB, sometimes Uranus. I scale up a tiny bit for YAB & tweak the shape, scale Uranus down & tweak the shape. Feet are forbidden, FUCK feet
>no nudity
whats the fucking point
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too sleepy to pose but back :3
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Stopped reading at yeah
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fair play
i was gonna type out a long post going into specifics but honestly just wing it, wars are immortal
be sure to use every defensive in ur toolkit including invuln and arm's length
save bloodwhetting for low hp
if ur healer is a whm wait for their holy stuns to end before popping mits
bro there's nipples?
why are middie so prone to being annoying faggots that have insane meltdown in the thread and gets their middie buddies to baby them in the hopes of upping their rep?
thank you!! i will keep working to improve
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i have not been here in a long time is that faggot moonie still sucking dick for the smallest amount of affection
Point them out then. :^)
My femra is dead
I recorded a webm of my character doing victory reveal earlier, after there was a post or two about jiggle physics. Though, the jiggle posts were also in response to another webm I posted. But I don't think I'll actually ever find the opportunity or reason to post it. It's vanilla equipment, so before you ask, it's nothing noteworthy.
ur a virgin
aren't femroe x femroe EBs common?
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saw transition but not p2
Next stop, get reshade and make your picture look super kino.

also brio gets easier the more you use it. once you get posing down you can move on to using special effects via the animations tab
feel better huj
Every single catgirl in this thread right meow
All my wives.
In my 2 years of playing I have never found one...
but moonies all have feet
it's in the lore
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because they're one of the few races with some cohesion and people who's never experienced having friends like to lash out at them.
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Educate me, /xivg/!!
That really doesn't give us any idea who you mean.
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See >>494277754
Excellent nyanja, 5/5 catstars
fatal mistake, bub
your only real choices are amon's hat and matoya's hat
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>his party didnt mit the knockup
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idk if it looks enough like swift gaia the fierce knight
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Post cute male characters.

You don't want my modbeast ass as a wife so save yourself
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Armor should be purple.
no that sounds gay
women are more likely to attempt suicide
men are more likely to successfully commit the act.
I shan't.
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why are you obsessed with someone posting nipples on a blue board?
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this is what being a fat fucking femra is like
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I won't
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Sorry sis i only have ugly male characters
i think it's pretty good
yeah i didnt go for a glam just the pose, matching his armor is kinda hard if not impossible since theres not enough control over how shit dyes and i didnt really wanna go through glamourer and essentially paint shit for a 1 off
how do i get an eb like this
You can every other middie handsome and cute and you keep ignoring mine
I don't think I'll ever post him again
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have my middie golem
I can't, no one likes middies anymore
in the end
it doesn't even matter
>f4 xaela
it's just korkana when he discovers his parents did the deed
My fiera kisses him
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I love the shoebill, it's such a cute minion
I'm in Balmung so I can't join but as a fellow FC leader I wish you success, shoebill corp!
looking RIGHT at the camera is a little weird
off to the side a little would be better i think
>No reason to straight up delete it
Ig, might as well use it as a public archive for gposes or some shit
my femlalalalalala is logging in
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I'm now looking for a femra wife.
You're gonna need to be way more specific
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I just think that if you're going to do elves in fantasy in a post-Tolkien world, you should make them look alien or differentiated in such a way that doesn't make them appear generic. K-pop boyband models suck. Red-eyed, pale-skin, volcano inhabitants who speak in racial slurs are neat.
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My malera has a very strict bedtime of 9:58pm so goodnight.
100% it's effy
Now post this trashy ho rabbit in a trad wife dress
everyone but you
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It's soooooooo kino.
So I just hit max level...how do I gear for raids and stuff?
>He still calling it a nipple
All face 3s are played by trailer trash whores, though.
can the twitter gooners fuck off from lb14
go away noldor fag you have more bait threads on /v/ to make and complain in
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CC @ 7:15am!
CC @ 7:15am!
Lalaboys with cute feet, please!
I aint in lb14 nigger
Isn't hali still the 'official' quebecois server?
is there an album of kouhai gposes
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okay, but only because I'm feeling cute today.
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I'm never fitting that many of either of those objects in my mouth bro
who are the twitter gooners
Why would I post my middie when everyone hates middies
I will defy my mooncoon fate and remain on the straight & narrow. Hands are way better, anyway
this is awesome
my femezen already speaks in slurs though
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I think they can look fine I just hate that the lore for them sucks so bad, they occupy the same areas as hyur and pretty much share a history with them


bro have you seen elezen proportions. They are the most alien race in xiv
anyone they don't like.
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I don't have any pictures of my old malera, unless that one anon still has them saved
Ser, we are at 384 posts.
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me on the left
grown ass man blush
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>leveling tank
>Everyone else is a Hrothgar
>Complete silence
>Beat dungeon with no issues whatsoever
"GGs all!"
>Complete silence
>Everyone leaves
>3 Comms
????????????????????????? Fucking say something
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am I missing somewhere... why did you make a new thread.
Post naked catgirl catboxes!
you will submit
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I blame this post for this idea, enjoy /xivg/
does anynyan know why my face bones are spazzing out when I import a pose?
it does it with post and pre dt poses
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I don't see a ring on my finger..
Teach me your secrets kino gposers.
malezen look fine when they're not using the kpop hair
>go to the sands
>people will know what im doing and talk about me
>erp with someone from here
>logs will get leaked
Where does a sunnie get plapped by big rava goddesses without being exposed???
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Yeah huh
high test leads them to dominating any social space they enter
no clue if any of these are there now but the two giant buns, the weiss "sisters" and anyone who hangs out with them, kawaiitely if he ever comes back, chloe, t'owa, the list goes on
>but they post here once a week they're not twitter gooners
anyone who spends as much time on twitter and as little time on here or actually playing the game as they do, is part of the cancer
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>Commdumps you and leaves.
Is it really just 1 or 2 people from here joining the calls? I'm finna boutta q down
this is too high quality for this place
sonicfox is so based....
Say that in-game, pussy.
its fucking dead at this hour
post cheevo score lets make sure you play the game first.
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i'm free
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>dominating anything
they are literally worse than malera
Based anon, thank you. Why did you spoiler it though?
I've never lived in a trailer. Shoebox apartment that I paid too much money for on the other hand...
i just dont like talking that much
can i see the woob
Shock value
get your twin to play more often
and i don't mean just log into cactuar and sit afk for 20 hours a day
Not usually.
congrats my wife moonie
they're on voice
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Still this, not that I mind showing it. Goodnight thread.
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Has developed a taste for bad pickup lines
Liked chokers before they were mainstream
Cannot make a single day without making a no true scotsman statement
Wants you to believe they're doms, wants to be approach by those that think they're switches, are actually bottoms.
Thinks fanbases suck but only because their ships are always the least popular.
Knowns song lyrics in at least 3 different languages they do not speak by heart.
Goes "However..." all the time knowing full well they are about to regret it. Do it anyway.
Spends more money treating their pets than themselves.
Somehow likes one or two of the most cursed fetishes while being extremely normal
Somehow likes very vanilla things while being a complete and utter wreck
Existential dread for breakfast, survivor guilt for lunch.
The same thing but with more bacon, cause america
Offended when compared intelectually to inanimate objects, bricks can't ruin everything like they do.
Thinks themselves something of a trader, are always too late to significantly profit on anything.
>Fully covered/blind
The group's expert on current AI technology and has a comprehensive tutorial on how to set up a sex slave trafficking roleplay with it.
Your stuff is always so sick. Very big fan
All I've got as a recent thing https://files.catbox.moe/omfl8p.png
Maybe if I have a good or funny idea for it
here it is: >>494278729
So have 2nd latest.
/pet You're nice!
I hope I can see HG woober one day
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They can be neato
You're in luck, I just so happen to have one for you
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>Somehow likes very vanilla things while being a complete and utter wreck

I don't have a woob why is it to be expected I have one?
Is there anything good about middies?
Prone to high estrogen fueled melting
Miera are better than you.
The Weiss ones have been here at least four times as long as you and have raided more than you ever will
Gnight adderra. I shant let any of those fabrications and slander taint my view of you.
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ur so hot brother
god i wish that was my femra
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>plaps your thread crush
do do do
>this image appears on the left side of the screen and slowly goes to the right
do do do
do do do
>this image reaches the right side of the screen
do do do
my wife moonie
careful bro the shadow middie "council" will impotently rage and post reaction images at you
endsperm pvper
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ty fellow cat sisters......
uh oh, middie meltie!
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That sounds like you joined a group of 3 friends and you happened to be the only one they could comm lol
Happens all the time when i duo with my buddy
>sechen still seething
... do I really gotta get one now or...
Why are you fags allergic to this? Yes, she's looking directly at (You) mf you're going to die
I really dgaf. I'm chilling.
gotta be clover posting this cope larp, kari is too much of a beta wimp
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Why do male midlaners act like women want them, when it's always the miera they're thirsting after?
Thanks for reminding me that comic exists
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I need to take something new.
Kongmarines won so fvcking hard bros
did gabe get rejected by someone who prefers maliddies? whats causing this anti maliddie meltie
would give a disappointing blowjob
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Based, anyone else wanna...?
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I don't, seeing as women want Fiddies instead.
I should make a clown outfit for fat lalas.
Wait, I though you were a C@ was F+?
Or am I mixing you with Fox?
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Tbh I don't know. It's my first time playing CC on Crystal.

CC @ 11:00am!
CC @ 11:00am!
It's easy to get lost in this world full of lies, but I thank you for walking the path of truth and honor.
How do I get into schizoposting it seems fun.
femroes naturally gravitate towards each other but finding one whose intentions align with yours may be the issue
there's a femroe out there for everyone who wants to associate with one swys
sable's in the stables
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It's been a hot minute, post them.
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uhhhh these are my grippers does that count
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Can someone post more pictures of my love affair with Aru Tsuburumaruchan
Mixing me with Fox, my sunnie always been a f-
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for u my friend.
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why did you go to the zurvan wolves den after that exchange then
Ni__ ___nk
kill yourself
i mean that with 100%
with 1000%
I did not need to be jumpscared by sympathy pain
I don't think that's who you think it is
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giwtwm otl
cumming in this moonie
where do you normally play?
the most popular middie isn't even on their "council" lmao
It could be. I love femra so much it's unreal
Cat appreciators need to be fed a steady supply of goonslop to maintain the natural order of things
i am unweddable
what does this mean
pick a target the more you know about them the better and then when you see them in the thread vaguepost or reply to them with statements about their self that are half true and half false
my moonie kinda sorta feels like ignoring moonies
gger ska
Aru isn't a thing anymore tho right?
They switched off Femlala and changed name from what I heard
spew whatever schizophrenic vitriol you want and people will usually latch on
throw in random names and reply to posts that are already in the middle of an argument
idk what they're up to
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>mfw i'm not a tranny modbeast
>mfw i have no identity here because i don't avatarfag or meet anyone
>mfw i actually play the game and log off when i'm not
Rob Chidori is the only good middie.
erm nyo
going to insta-loss this drglub and treat her to dinner instead of plapping
Anything specific you want to know?
The more you know
Sigh.... I just had to block someone I thought was my friend. This is why I lie to everyone, so I know who is betraying me when they out themselves with info only they could know.
pick a target and start schizo
ty! /hug
my wife
what mod?
everyone is just tired of their constant and hardcore dick riding for one another. which makes sense since the op was made by a huge faggot.
m3s reclear... mana...
Um Remus is on the council tho????
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they're... out there.
back the fuck off?!?!?!?!
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I'm not a gambling man, but if I had to bet it'd be the male midlanders astroturfing again.
Seriously is there any other race even near the level of samefagging as male midlanders in this general?
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>want to have fun playing XIV
>Yoshi P can't keep the servers up
$15 a month
totally normal friend behavior
also NAME and SHAME, betrayers do get the rope even if your methods are unethical
Is it easy to get that Alte Roite mount solo at 100?
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/116156 for the undies
Th__ __u're t__
/pet 999999x
I thought she was doing the finger removing magic trick and now I'm disappointed so I wont post my miera
No, I hate these fucking anchors
My male character is ugly so I shant
I love how you are so poor you cannot afford different art. All you keep doing is spamming this same image over and over.
I wasn't joking by the way. Let's do content, Bageko-coded friend!
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stop noticing stuff
remus is a samefagging nigger
not effy
/pet /hug
i really want a tomato femra wife
maliddie post
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Post before and after mare.
Effy sloppy bjs
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hey handsome
My character has never received sexual harassment (except from hrothgars who don’t count, as they aren’t human)
lalafags and they come out of the woodwork when they get called out too
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I dont have tankxiety I just have "when is this endwalker gonna spawn the second fucking pack" anxiety
Whoops wrong reply >>494282841
this doesn't work anymore bro he got skinny again
man I love fishra
I saw! /pet /pet /pet
okay actually 0 other xivggers I'm qing down brotha
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tried to make a knightly viper glam... kinda
entering a depressive slump, I don't have energy for anything and all my friends seem to be getting on later in the night so I guess it's time to be lonely too.
xiv who cares.
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This, but so I can snuggle instead of seggs.
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Going to Use my Limit break on you
Glubbola azul coyote. Wait no, your new name is Azul squeak.
>what does this mean
i unironically do this
not stretch the truth too far, but say slightly different numbers etc for people
its proven useful over the years
Yeah, he modded 300 pounds on
Honestly the biggest inspiration is a character I made in series of runs from
Rimworld from age 8 to 55
gomen gomen
>Wait no, your new name is Azul squeak.
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Good luck then.

CC @ 2:05pm!
CC @ 2:05pm!
Why do men play female characters and make them naked to goon over, but women don't make male characters to goon over?
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>top left
yeah I'm thinking based
trembling femra hands typed this post
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Gotta catch me when I'm not afk! I capped everything recently so I'm basically only logging for tomes, at least until I start pvping again
any good fiddies been posted lately
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Because we have a coyote minion now. Named Squeak.
I'm torn between big tits and small tits and I'm never going to be able to decide which
what are you talking about
they absolutely do
this femlala just woke up from my nap and i'm just fucking
glued to my mattress someone help..
Foolish foolish anon...
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what do you mean i'm right here
>lying to friends
damn you a schizo, no wonder they ditched you
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You're not getting plapped whether you like it or not.
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hair doesn't suit you, do better next time.
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Every modbead is built like roger from american dad
*douses you in ice cold water*
nice diaper
Because women can make self inserts and find a miera chad to fuck with their character instead
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okay I'll keep playing
Women do. For a while my fc leader was gay married to his eb till our constant mockery of him pressured her to go female.
cute moonie
small tits are closer to the heart
Have you seen most catboys and mieras? The ones that get the most compliments are usually just played by girls
They play males for 2 reasons, to make their ideal husband and to avoid sexpests/pretend to be a guy to just play the game
There is a 3rd reason but that doesn't apply to every girl and just fujos
ah... hydration.... thank you.....
>mina tepes
Welcome to my good books, L.L.
Grime. You've really let yourself go Ranru. My, how the mighty have fallen.
people don't want closer to the heart they want big enough to swallow the whole tip it SUCKS!!
still waiting chud
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A lot like this, especially when he's crafting.
If you wouldn't fuck Roger, you're a fucking liar, everyone would.
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anytime sis, but really it's time to get up
Proof? Literally every biofem on twitter looks exactly like this https://x.com/dohraemie/status/1777814288016801936
I've never seen one with a male character. They just ship their female wol with emet or something.
I misread the cat hands and wiped the party on EE2 on the last pull :)
I lie to everyone. I'm lying to you now. Not that you would ever know.

9 times out of 10 it's never an issue. But when it does pay off, I can't help but find myself full of sadness.
may i see your pussy?
You must simply stay on the path until you find the one who does want what's closer to the heart.
>the chairman
nvm theo, you're alright after all
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you forgot this one:
desu queues like these are kinda rough so if you want to go I do not blame you, thanks for the games till now
but but... it's like 10:30... that's not a weird time to be laying down riiight..
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im too scared to attempt to make friends so the only thing i do is stare at the ocean in game these days
oh LL has a MASSIVE hog huh

this is false advertisement
That's your problem.
Just look at the Japanese side of things where there are few modbeasts.
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No one likes doing anyhting with me anyways
Keep my femlala company while she grinds Guild Wars in Granblue...
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join <KNOT>
We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had promises of devotion, we had a house with submarines, we had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork! You could have shut your mouth, loved me, and be as happy as you ever wanted! It was perfect! But no! You just had to blow it up! You, and your feelings and your fears! You just had to be the femra! If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd both be happy right now!
why are they shiny
how does this look more fake than regular pictures
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how common are pirate characters in RP scenes?
i dont know about that
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Uhh, my femlala can afk and sit next to you without a word while she finishes getting platinum on astro bot?
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I did all the good options now I just have this trash to run
Who's he...?
im raping
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Knowns song lyrics in at least 3 different languages they do not speak by heart.
minor spelling mistake but FUCK you're right.

yeah sure.
no it is written
>team full of the biggest tryhard niggers to grace xivg
I forgot you guys were queuing.
>hrothgar is subhumanly retarded
Learn to ondo cups
nvm theo you're getting beaten to death again
Uhh.. hey..?
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CC @ 5:00pm!
CC @ 5:00pm!
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they're polygons, they're not real
I'd do it but don't wanna take advantage
just use the tempest method
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my male midlander looks and acts like this
the tempest method bro it's ez quick
God I wanna rape post at Dan so bad but it's a little cold and my hands are shaking and I don't want to amke a typo
Dan can you post that image edit color correction thing you made
I wouldnt fuck him because he's built like a pear. I'd fuck him because hes hot. Thats the difference.
No thanks nigger if I wanted to play ranked I'd queue ranked
can i suckyou off..
rape away
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Meh, don't worry I'll queue down anyway.
i am gooning to goonies (effy)
Hello future ex-wife.
Where can I meet you?
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>You're not getting plapped
I know thanks for understanding.
Now you're getting it. /pet
>uses eventide
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this scaling is fucking small, like, way too small.
calling you a faggot in fc chat with my EB
>he's on monk again
tryhard nigger
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Glue Nigger
theyre on comms and laughing at how shit you are
I'm lazy and that method is a pain in the ass imo. I got money to burn.
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my femra looks exactly like this
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I know you're just baiting me into posting, and that's okay c:
Yeah I'm thinking marriage material
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Don't be a pedo, easy fix
post tail
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The forbidden anchor
>futard hair
not cute
the most smoochable malera
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Mierda players look like THIS?
Scale it up and would be decent lala fuck size, but still a bit small
there's a bunch of those here...
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>*you think she's trying to say something but it's all gibberish*
EIGHT WEEEeeekss...
>*breaks down crying*
Why can't that be me..
DC and EB status?
good taste
A rava whose a futa still has holes, bend 'her' and break her.
>not a futard
not cute
>nintendo character sleeve
yeah this guy is crazy
Neat! Why carry around a shield when you can have TWO swords
>tomboyish looks are futanari now
Check your mental illness at the door faggot
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Whats with the booger
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Here you go!

Hurray!!! Based!! Also first person to mention knowing.

Crimvael isn't there because of the hog xD
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At the end of the thread no one will know
That I am a commslut.
CC @ 7:15pm!
CC @ 7:15pm!
That's not me.
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I'll check the others later I have to go to work, it had a bunch of premade ones
fitting for a pedo
any goopnoses in chat
my goddess
would, both of them
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>>team full of the biggest tryhard niggers to grace xivg
Oh that's a funny question actually.
Who are /xivg/ biggest tryhards in CC?
>tfw someone else got an instaloss femra but not me
Manipulative sexpest?
I KNOW you're not talking about me, I'm level 33 on MONK xD
How is she a tomboy if she's wearing a pink sundress? It looks bad. Either pick a hair that matches with the dress or pick a glamour that matches with the hair.
Can't find it, probably deleted that already.
Just mess around with the contrast, brightness and selective color sliders on photoshop or the equivalent you're using.
You don't need to do a lot, just make the image not look so dull.
literally who?
>he doesn't know
the signature femra expression, instaloss smirk
nice, i got 2 hours of waiting in pf done today.
real good prog
who is melting about cc this time.....
that's just not true, this isnt inspiration these are just characters that kind of look like yours
what are you progging?
not that middie but i'd EB tikaasi as buddies if i was on balmung, always super chill when i talk to him and has a cute rava and raen i'd pose pictures with
no idea
it seems like one guy is really angry for no reason already
it's the end of the thread so no one will see https://files.catbox.moe/kl9pck.png
I have a feena golem I play on sometimes and she's - but that's about it. She does not erp though
aint progging shit my homie
but i was trying to prog m4s
>join party
>wait for an hour
>get tired
>join party
>wait for an hour
>get tired
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Sad but true.
JM is a BBC fiend?
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Time to self isolate, not like anyone will notice
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same but its a reclear for m3s
>Here you go!
>angry for no reason
it's trannychal as always.
>for no reason
monk players are annoying tryhard rats
My respect for JM has just plummeted...
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Yeah, you're not getting plapped. You're getting breast reduction surgery to reduce back pain in the future, along with a complimentary lolllipop. Now get burst.
dang... crystal?
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Good one
>ERPed with Une
Somehow worse than Kong
no one can resist the vantablack bbc
You never posted your EB's hair mod btw, patiently waiting...
holy FUCKING moly
sid is a lucky man...
these look hilariously bad
I'm scared! In Gridania!
Balmungaloid / not EB'd
You're gonna have to defeat this guy in single combat >>494285330
What did he mean by this
My character literally looks and acts exactly like all of them
Absolutely grime. Jesus, you people need to get some standards and better fetishes. Like I get you are a gay man but theres better things than futa.
Thread is dying no one will see that I have a crush on Shion
couldnt you have done something with essi instead
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>breast reduction surgery
Your depravity knows no bounds it seems. Very well, I shall have to actually deal with you.
I think I know which of the two I value more now
ouch, i wish you the best, if you were on crsytal i would help because getting into aether is pain
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Hi Scared! I'm dad.
JM wtf
I've seen this same "joke" used on 3 different /vg/ personalities now. Starting to think it's just plain old fashioned transphobia.
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The thread is dead so no one will no I am taking the "We are dating now" that someone sent me earlier serious.
Absolutely based
>finally finish mine
>thread is over
god damn it
i appweciate it bwo :3
I'll make a new anchor for you bro
praying this works out for you
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That's a funny problem Aether has
It's so full of players DC traveling to it and being on it in general wanting to raid that there's literally too many groups inside their PF.
Primal is a bit in the same bucket but to a lesser extend.
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May I insert my woober
seeing the post of this femra in particular
i saw this when you added it to the album earlier
nice shots
thank you!
(wats that mean..)
No...this can't be. Ive masturbated to that character...
theyre EB'd
to me
Time to EB this moonie.
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That's a funny way to spell twinadder.
>always super chill
literally ragequits casual cc syncs
Never seen him do it before. Some people hit U and leave immediately after the game before the scoreboard pops, though.
my femra is slowly leveling her submarines
my femra is slowly eating her submarine sandwich

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