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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>494262557

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodya LOVE!
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You would make this community a much better place if you stopped obsessing over trannies and started obsessing over learning how to make art so you could make things you like instead of bitching about people not making things you enjoy
Are Faustus and The Divine Comedy the only two Sinner books that have Hell as a major theme?
>ermm hell screen-
Nope. Doesn't count.
this again?
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reminder that /lcg/ is full of schizos
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what is the coolest weapon in the series?
I'd usually call you an african negro for your edits, but this time its a good one.
So good on you, my faux-frenchoid.
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Nice aggie limbabs
dont tell me what to do tourist
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4chan makes the overwhelming majority of OC for this series to the point where all the twitterfags, redditors and discordniggers come here to steal shit
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and now the tranny is gonna post sinclair shit huh
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>4chan makes the overwhelming majority of OC for this series
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>4chan makes the overwhelming majority of OC for this series
>4chan makes the overwhelming majority of OC for this series
>he actually, genuinely, unironically, seriously believes this
Chuds are delusional.
me? smart
you? stupid
Somebody save this thread and just post the Fatmael soundpost already
why are ishtards always so fucking stupid?
he was having a meltdown over the drawpile
uhhh ish fans?
>bringing drama to the new thread
kys attention whore
My nuggets/ocs are as cool as solemn sang.
pilotfag is a tranny by the by
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Why even bother drawing in the first place? AI can just do it faster and better anyway, in a few more years it will be impossible to distinguish from human art
>AI can just do it faster
I guess so yeah
>and better anyway
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Based. Total Drawpiggy Death.
No anon, don't drop such a trvthnvke! The poor artfags will have to their daily meltdown over AI again!
>he can't tell
Drawpile? More like Promptpile
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take your meds /lcg/
bro the most popular nugget bongbong was made by discord dont you know? Also reddit were the ones setting up PES tournaments
Go back
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Update me on the drama, is the anti-pilot schizo the charonfag or the futafag?
Or are both of them the same person?
When did we get so many pajeets
Why don't you go back to the shithole that is the BalckSouls /vrpg/ threads.
I agree, people complaining about no limbus porn should just prompt their own limbus porn
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who's even using the drawpiles for the op pic?
can you stop?
no one wants to see your disgusting art
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>Also reddit were the ones setting up PES tournaments
*** with gwanlijanim?
>posts an ugly roland
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just check his art.
despite being a so called "woman"
they give their self-insert a small deformed penis
do you faggots have to be all so fucking WEIRD?
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all lol&s are beautiful
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Terrible start of the thread, Duntehs...
I'm also trans btw not sure if that matters
Charonfag is only African and only retaliates against snails.
The former has had a consistent story of melting down over getting told the OBJECTIVE TRUTH.
You can stop seething now.
Your own fault for letting tranny tourists in.
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Captain Heath.
>that shooty
Damn that's wicked. Greg and Yi Sang look great too.
as opposed to hyper deformed penis
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anything thats part chainsaw
>lobcorp art
ok drawpile tranny
I'd prefer there be no trannies in the thread in the first place, but even if he isn't, I'd still want pilotfag to kill himself because I think pilot looks extremely ugly and I never want to see him again
I don't think if he's wrong if you're only counting like, community injokes/memes
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The fish that knows it is bait is still powerless to stop the others from getting caught
Roland is so ugly not even cognition filter can save him
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Retard should've said that then, OC consists of far more than just memes.
Congrats on cutting off your dick
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all the schizos out and about today huh
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good to see you atleast dont deny that they're a tranny
babysteps are still good enough
why are we having a meltdown over artists
It's futafag seething. I have no idea why he's pissed at the pilotdrawfag though.
He might be bipolar or smth because he plays nice with everyone when he stops by from what I've seen.
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I was too late but that doesnt mean i can't redeem myself by fishing out bait and saving others in the future
A true hero doesn't linger on the past,instead,he looks onto and builds the future
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I like the weird chainsaws
what the fuck is even this schizo? another discortranny or faggot assmad?
I started playing again a couple weeks ago, are these special packs worth buying?
Does anyone actually use the time abno page that hokma has? I think I only got good use out of it for Blue Star and then proceeded to avoid like the plague.
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TLDR on how they act in-person?
too lazy to check on the piles myself every week
do you search every image you see in the archive to see if there's anything to complain about? or are you a samefag bringing attention to yourself?
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The one that started the thread off shit?
Who the fuck knows. We've had the drawpipi weekly since March 2023 so I'm not sure why just now someone is causing drama.
The group draws themselves are always chill.
the futafag is DESPERATE for /lcg/'s attention, he melt down bad the first time we collectively shat on him but for some reason he always come backs
probably cause the neg attention he gets here its more than anything he gets irl
/lcg/ has been demoted to a c-tier general
tread lightly
Can we get the GFL text wall spammer too?
why are so many people in this thread so misereable
I miss the /zzz/fag
like i mentioned at the tail end of last thread, he's actually quite nice and conversates with everyone there, so either he's off his meds post-pile or it's someone falseflagging as him or ther person i think is futafag is not futafag and just happens to like futa magical girls/SoW/QoH just as much as he does
>lobotomy artstyle ugly
we got a limbus only fag here be warned
everyone is friendly to him and he shows off his commissions. never seen any drama
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not really on the side of the schizos.
but the drawpile art is a hit and miss.
i'd like it alot more without all the gay crap
hokma's floor is a fucking mess of random subpar abno pages
Futanigger and pilotnigger are having actual melties so they started samefagging
is he your fucking discord boyfriend or something you retard? he has had multiple meltdowns on this general because no one likes him
No, just get the BP, or I guess the S4 lunacy pack because they changed it so that you have to unlock the BP with paid lunacy. Though if you really want to splurge you could take a look at the guide in the OP
Mostly cordial and shares his commissions sometimes
Every Roland is ugly
Either a futafag falseflagger or the don/tiphfag who had a meltdown over this before
Holy fucking tourist, Batman!
>since March 2023
>no issues until now
That just goes to show it's not something to give any attention to. Someone shitstirring for (You)s. Ignore it.
this newfag event in two weeks better dump a fat fucking load of thread on my face director. I dont give a fuck about rolls just give me threads and tickets
Weird guy that spammed and seethed about deku for a couple weeks
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i see...
shame about the melty he's having right now
you guys should probably block him from the drawpile as punishment for the melty lol
same desu, it gets pretty filled with tourist gay art
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I was okay when they kept is quarantined on page 3
I like to see drawbabs improving over time
i'll see if i can contact magma anon to block him.
or atleast mute him
>pretending that there haven't been people malding about the drawpile since forever
tourists, you are. go back, you must.
>all the gay crap
I dunno why you guys keep saying this when it's almost only ever one dude
Unless you're baiting
you people are all so incredibly miserable holy shit it's dreadful having you in the pm community all you know is slurs and having bad opinions
>is nice in the drawpile chats
>turns about face in the threads and starts seething over the same people he's friendly with while the drawpile is active
did i lay it out clearly enough for you sweetie?
>touristpile banning people
So it begins...
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it's not one dude
and even disregarding the sangclair guy.
we had that dude who drew yuri x aya every drawpile for like a few months.
not sure if they left forever or not
Try harder lol
What does it mean to be strong?
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It wasn't you. It was Ishmael. The root of all this general's evils and the wench from which all that is foul and vile is borne from and spewed outwards like the blood and guts of a whale after it has rotted. My proof? My unwavering and objective intuition; every single one of these ragebaiters, falseflaggers and schizofags, traces back to Ishmael. All rivers flow back towards that murky whirlpool of degeneracy. All of them are bound together by their love for the sunset haired lass and likewise should be bound together and dropped into the Great Lake never to see the sunrise ever again. Know this, you may take it upon yourself to throw my words of caution to the wind under the guise of declaring my objective facts as delusion, but in doing so you will only damn this general and everyone aboard it to a slow and sinking demise.
What i agree with? Based and factual
What i disagree with? Bait and shitposting
Embrace delusion,clearly,everyone agrees with you,so let us all be friends and ignore these little jokesters with their bait posts
k tranny
awful thread today limbabs
Tranny tourists go back.
laying it a bit thick with the discordtranny way of talk no?
I'm not actually interested in this so I'm going to be hiding all of your posts.
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friendly fire bwo
i was talking about banning the futafag lol
thatd be pretty gay and stupid to do tbqhfamalam
who cares if someone shitposts in this thread, you think everyone posts in good faith here?
I am constantly making any shitpost I can to get yous, I have no regard for your quality
Please let the teaser video release already so you talk about something
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The sniper rifle from Army in Black.
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which anon is your favorite drawpipi artist
better yet post your favorite drawpipi art
Listen to this, Limbabs
>post disagrees with me
>it must be xfag/yfag
>after all everyone posses the same opinion as me EXCEPT the one poster I hate, obviously
holy schizo
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this is my favorite drawpile art
None, I don't care for drawpiggy tourists except the ones who make based art
>favorite drawpipi art
This one >>494292783
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
>Hurr Durr, let me do slash attacks and shit with the blades on my arms I lost in turn 1 because I'm a stupid fucking dipshit!!!

Faust, what kind of logic is this? Even more egregious, WHY IS IT WORKING!?!?!?!?
I'm banning anyone who says they have a favorite drawpipi artist or art from the drawpipi forever
wenli is alright i suppose
yeah because futafag IS my boyfriend he loves pretending i'm his futa gf
>Of course it's the pregnantfag
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this guy? banned from seeing the drawpiles
whos next
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Unacceptable thread, Limbfidels.
>Favorite drawpipi artist
Anyone who draws Rodya desu
I am a very simple man
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how would he fare in the city?
I ate TWO sandwiches and a glass of milk just now. What should be done about this?
I like em all. I don't have anything saved on me but I thought the schnajangs were cute.
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This was drawn in one of them I think.
meant for>>494295348
banned for 20 years from drawpiles
>Faust and Dante both have a heart
Canon couple.
And I guess Ryoshu is there too.
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Nice thread, Limbabs

What kind of sandwich? Depending on your answer I will either give you $5 or twist your nuts off.
Italian bread, ham, cheddar, mustard, mayo, pickles. Pls don't remove my nuts.

Did you eat all of the eggs?
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don't open
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fair enough
if he behaves and doesn't cause another melty until thursday i MIGHT change my mind
Egg, remove top anon's nuts.
>2 Blunt (Pride) damage to the eye
you're reddit for even contemplating it. go back
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I like all the artists and what they make so it's hard to pick just one thing. This is still one of my favourite pieces though. It still looks fuckin sick.
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Justitia, I like square swords.
What if in Mersault's Canto it comes out he actually fucking hates EVERYONE on the bus and has only barely been keeping himself from losing his shit?
We should get rid of all the chuds in this thread, Limsisters. They can't seem to stop talking about LGBTQ individuals and Reddit...
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foolish cuck
you only activated her phase 2
devyat association? more like devgyatt
It's sad a schizo is this hellbent but it's also been well over a year since this general has existed so I'm not too terribly surprised either.
Was good while it lasted anyway.
Poems of a machine is the best LoR song in my opinion
I agree
Would be canon in regards to the annoying or loud sinners.
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
It's by far the absolute worst LoR song, somehow even worse than Phillip's
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demian was right...
based based based
This happened 7 more times

poems of a machine plays ONCE while philips shit loops while you're curbstomping babies and constantly shifting phases not to mention if you dont get the fuckign keypage you're stuck doing it all over again
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proof uptie 5 isnt coming next season otherwise it would say max uptie
I haven't listened to any other Ruina songs and I can tell you for a fact that String Theocracy is the best one.
The only good mili song is the one you bring to my immediate attention
>hacks & wheezes
Holy tourist!
At least I'm playing the game, damn.
I haven't played Lobcorp, LoR, and Limbus
why would you want to use N(igger)clair anyways?
I hope Don mellows out a bit after her canto because while i want to like her i just find her really annoying and everytime she speaks i just skip so i don't have to listen to her annoying voice or read her annoying way of speech
why does tenma always come in here and stab someone
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He has the fastest EXP clear out of any blunt ID
drop liu ish for multicrack faust
The more I look the worse it gets
It's her job
Regret is better because she has AoE by turn 2, which will finish the Lux faster
But sir he can't have 2 Fausts at once
what am i supposed to be seeing here
What exactly are you people seething about today
The game locks me out of using my skills, preventing me from finishing the Lux
I'd prefer there be no trannies in the thread in the first place, but even if they aren't, I'd still want ishfags to kill themselves because I think ishMALE looks extremely ugly and I never want to see her again
>nclair using the molaroutis portrait and skills
>>also being corroded but not really
>molaroutis clashing with staggered (it's favourable)
I like Scythes so, Da Capo and whatever the fuck is Paradise Lost.
You're right but people in this thread is simply too stupid.
two molar outises on the skill slots
oh, well skill issue then just dont have the game bug out
Doesn't work. It's full on hard lock
>whatever the fuck is Paradise Lost.
It's a staff that does magic stuff,anon.
>hasn't happened to me once
Luck correlates with skill.
Might want to report that
The fuck going on /here/
It is.
If it were multiple like you're saying you be able to provide multiple examples rather than refer to one other person from months ago.
Just let it go. You can hate it for whatever reason it bothers you. But at least be honest about it. Trying to repackage it in a way that you think might be more palatable to others is ultimately going to fail because it isn't based on truth.
I don't know what your hangup is but it's better to just be honest. I don't know if you're being genuine or fucking with me but yeah. Take care or fuck off whichever fits you better.
Dumb drama about nothing that ultimately does not matter and does not impact anything.
I'm done now. It'll all be a waste of time as always.
>reporting a bug
Good joke
you’re on 1.56.2, right? do we get more lunacy?
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Fish Mail
I really wish they killed Angela
Worst character they introduced
me, im going on everyones talking only about or in relation to me
feel free to talk about me too
What's Penter?
thats the fanily guy
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It's us anons, its us. WE were the ones who caused the thread to go to shit.
We will kill her and be the new L corp branch
I dunno, what's the Penter with you?
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Finished my autism run. I wanted an even 40 but I'm tired boss..
the sudden Erlking interrupt to the Highschool AU must have been fucked
are the four damage types something unique to Lobcorp's facilities,something unique to abnormalities and their EGO or just something innate about the pmoon universe?
it'd be catastrophic
the slow death of pm culture on 4ch continues
Good job! I can't bring myself to try the fastest strats myself. BLMeur just keeps rolling tails on his s3 and refuses to lose.
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Ishmael BROKE you
innate to the universe most likely, since moses’ ego is 4 damage types
I think those damage types were a product of early PM and how lcorp was designed, the walpurgis enemies had 'black damage ' passives that just harmed sanity too and health/sanity/emotion has been consistent throughout the games, just don't think too hard about Pale damage
The descriptions of each damage type explain what it is and how it affects someone.
Thanks and yeah I feel that deeply. Those butlers that always roll heads when you're low sanity? Yeah, they roll all tails when Kimsault comes to town with his S3. I could've saved some more turns but I wasted a slot on T Rodion in section 1 because I didn't even do the cheese. I also got sick of the King cutscenes and micromanaging resources for everything. Might fuck around with it again when I'm bored or if Devy/Zwei are any good.
>just dont think too hard about pale damage
May our lord and savior Whitenight save us all from the corruption and debauchery of the city
May our lord and savior Whitenight rid the world of sinners and non believers
May our lord and savior Whitenight save us
whats with the "ishMALE" thing that schizo has anyways
Sinner for this feel?
I'd prefer there be no trannies in the thread in the first place, but even if they aren't, I'd still want (character I hate)fags to kill themselves because I think (character I hate) looks extremely ugly and I never want to see him/her again
black and pale damage make sense as being insanely rare outside of magical abno bullshit
Whitenight please save us
schizo that wants attention
>just don't think too hard about Pale damage
Deals max HP% damage on hit instead of coin values
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It was me. I caused the thread to go to shit.
i thought ishmale was a running gag
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>another limbillion apolobux
We're OK right now. Thank you Dongrang.
Will I be able to do my dallies? I usually do an MD a day as well. I don't want to waste my time then get locked out.
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>Causes the game to hang on panic, even after being patched once it now does this skill slot overwrite shit that also causes the game to softlock
What the fuck does Rodion do that requires the chaining phase to be rewritten, switch out her skills on the board?
Just don't corrode and you don't get softlocked
My initial thought were that It could be something to do with self-tremor or discard... if Regret and Dieci weren't in the picrel
So now it's whatever the fuck director wants
What ALEPH would cause the most damage to the city before fixers/a corp/the head takes them out?
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I run these units (all UT4):
>7 Faust
>7 Heathcliff
>Lantern Don
>W Yi Sang
>K Corp Hong Lu
Who is the best to slot in the last slot? I just use my UT3 7 Ryoshu...
Man, they really need to save Rupture...
>Throwing slurs at them?
the tieqiu mooks do this
It is and I will use IshMALE as such despite having no grievances against her.
Whitenight would probably kill like half the city with one pulse of pale damage
I just think ishMALE is funny (I'm indifferent about her)
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her suitcase is a robot that gets an extra skill slot and attacks on it's own
Blue Star/White Night. The blips from either just wipes out chunks of the City every few seconds.
It's specifically caused by panic, in the announcement yesterday they said they rewrote the code for selecting skills to account for this new mechanic she comes with, panicking/corroding replaces all the skills for a sinner with new ones. So she has some sort of gimmick to do with skills or skill slots.
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Remove KCorp Hong Lu and I dunno man pick your poison with the rest of the IDs
Gregor is there and AEDD should be helpful but still
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I don't know why people thought Asuka wasn't wearing anything under that dress when it got blown upward
7 faust
7 heath
7 outis
Lantern don
Warp yi sang
G corp greg
Extremely cute Rodion!
Has anyone/anything been shown to be able to deal pale damage besides lobcorp nuggets and abnormalities?
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>G corp greg
Got him u4 and lvl 45 and he works for me
She better not be another fucking Sinking ID or one who deals SP damage
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Hong lu looks like he's gonna murder Sinclair
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Cute Rodion!
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Will the new Rodya save Rupture since Rodya for some reason is the Queen of Status?
If I was next to Sinclair I'd murder him too.
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>Nothing There fight in Limbus
>It disguises as one of your sinners
>You have a skill check on a timer where you have to click on the right one
He'd beat your ass bro
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Personally I'm thinking she might have a way to trigger the panicked state for a turn regardless of SP
Maybe one of her skills or passives will be: if she gets a kill or staggers, she forces a random enemy to panic next turn
I sure hope so
Why are everyone so dead eyed
I want it to run in from the background during a normal fight
Don isn't
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God, Rupture is actually fucking shit for shit brained people like me.
How the fuck do you stack this shit WITHOUT the EGO gifts in normal gameplay?
just include nigger slurs in every sentence like a kike repellant. You don't even have to sperg out over trannies or accuse anyone of being a faggot, just slip them in like you slip 'fuck' and 'fucking' in between words. Post post gross sexual images as well in spoilers or cropped to prevent being banned
I don't think she has anything to do with panic because the bug is a result of them forgetting to account for panic when programming this new mechanic.
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>How the fuck do you stack this shit WITHOUT the EGO gifts in normal gameplay?
I'll let you in on a little secret, anon
__________You don't_________
run only the three-ish count positive ids
i think it’s some kind of new overlay on the skill chain that broke the game
not sure what they would need overlays for
AEDD Gregor, Sheetclair, and a fuck ton of reseeting for perfect turns
t. someone who used Rupture to cheese Spiral in RR3
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I eat so much and it makes me happy
you already asked this last time
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I run these guys. Sometimes I'll field Talisman Sinclair but I don't like having to go through the humiliation ritual of resetting for his S2 > S3 combo. You want Gregor's AEDD to be up as soon as possible and for your multi-coin gloom skills to go after it. Sometimes you'll want to defend or take unopposed attacks to keep stacks of it on the boss. I haven't used these guys in ages but rupture hasn't got shit in ages either.
There's the pale fixer that shows up right at the end in ordeals, but even that guy dealing pale damage could be ordeal fuckery more than a real fixer being able to do that.
I do hope we get to see their designs again one day.
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Now that you mention it, I thought they meant panicked characters as in those suffering from the specific default 'panic' version of panic types, but PM completely forgetting about a game mechanic when making additions also wouldn't surprise me so maybe it actually doesn't have anything to do with sanity
>I thought they meant panicked characters as in those suffering from the specific default 'panic' version of panic types
Yeah, the game doesn't freeze or crash when one of your sinners hits panic, it breaks the skill board and you can't start the turn.
Super nice ejaculation. Last shot was still long and hard. Feel totally spent
rodion’s gimmick will be that one of your skills will be highlighted in the chain and the box demands you pick it or it eats rodion
But who is Shinji who will marry Gregor at the end?
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content doko
How do you guys do floor one solos? Human battles are so shit.
>alriune, big bird and singing machine all got out and went straight for Gregor
Hong should be Damien.
Picking the damage type you are not weak to
Getting healing ego gifts
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Who's your solo pick? What are they weak to? Avoid packs with that damage type like the plague
Zwei Gregor's passive also helps immensely
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Was trying to do Buttersang, but basically all of the floor one packs have blunt in them, and the two that don't also have slash skills that keep gimping him and his stagger bars.
Probably a poor choice for a solo run, I wanted to try using units that aren't practically built for it like Diecidya (shield happy), Cinqlair (evade memes/self fueled healing), or KHong (KHong) for once.
Guess I'd just have to reset for phlebotomy pack or something like it then
Why no magical girl/bird aberrations considering they were the most popular abnos?
Yeah unless the ID is inherently tanky like Diecidya or KHong, you can pretty much only use someone who has an evade for a solo run unless you reset a whole bunch for specific starting gifts
Shame. I kinda wish solo runs were supported more
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I do as well, but I have loads of fun with my solo Diecidya runs that one of the things I look for in new IDs is if their passives help her out in any way
It's a whole lotta fun
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Very cool. Wasn't that supposed to have a tactics game out soon?
But now that I've seen "doggyrector" I think I like that more
>no saultyume insert
>The Road Home
Oh! Don will get that since they both have Zettai Kusai feet
This is cute
cute dead girls...
Can be a fun challenge for sure.
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is he ok
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Yeah! He went to the 7Association cafe for some tea and was good to go afterward.
oh good :)
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just 8 and a half more hours left....
Why are you gay?
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Here's an early event ID teaser bro
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I don't think the Full Moon celebratory packs are worth it
Does anyone ever even used holidays? I think i have them in rumpture team but every time i use (when i get fat green combo) it doesnt seem to do anything.
Mon amour
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I NEED her to hug me
Heath Holiday is terrible but Outis Holiday is pretty decent. It's still 3rd place for the HE category but it has some good benefits.
i really wish we got more of the teddy
i only have them on my rup team
Yeah they're not great. If you have the first time offer bonuses you might could justify them but their rewards aren't crazy good or anything.
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predictions for don's bp ego?
Clown time
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Drenched Gossypium or Four-hundred Roses
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Dreaming Current
No, not Stiltcurrent
OG from LobCorp
Bygone Days EGO later
we won't get Lob Corp & Ruina stuff outside of Walp from now
>b-b-but Scorched Girl and Red Eyes
all before the very first Walpurg and we haven't gotten anything else like it since
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Children of the city is the best
where is sinclair
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>Nun Outis
This is fucking illegal dont do it
Children of the City is the best Mili song in LoR
If only her face and tits were more on model...
We got the Holiday Egos after the 1st Walpipi
that's not Ruldota, it's an aberration named Sandolph
r u bored
damn, you right
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Outis is drawn off model more often than not I think.
the fault lies with YOU
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There's a ton out there but anons tend to gravitate more to the sexy more dramatic proportions/art and post it here.
All of my art of her is on model but I'm not usually around for Outis posting.
Outism >:)
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Being one of the faces of hag memes didn't help her in that regard. I like all manners of Outis myself though.
combat oboe
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Wow this one is fabulous!
I'm fine with seeing any art as long as it's nice. I only collect the ones that are to my tastes tho
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At this point I collect almost everything unless it's just straight up bad. This goes for most of the sinners too.
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Off model > on model
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archival anons are always based
D-01-106 my beloved...
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She’s not even on model in limbus because nai_ga
paper chairman
rose hunter+four hundred roses
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Having a bob cut makes almost any girl top tier so that's cheating.
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Got that image in better quality?
you don't actually like ryoshu
you like a generic porn character dressed as her
Most EGO from Lobotomy corp are really cool
Though the ones that stand out for me are the guns,personally
I like Magic Bullet,Crimsom Scar,Solemn Lament (But who doesnt)
Some non guns i like are Gold Rush,in the name of Love and hate and Mimicry
I can't really think of any weapons outside of lobcorp ego's off the top of my head
Though if you count Roland's gloves as weapons,then the way he uses them is pretty cool too
It's AI so doubtful
Children of the city is also one of my favorites,but i respectfully disagree,i like poems of a machine more
A Sword Sharpened By Tears. Cool name, cool design, cool concept. Shit's cool.
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Rapiers are fucking epic
Wheels industry, Wheels industry!
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Poems of a Machine is a fantastic credit song I really like it. I just find Children of the City better. Also I enjoy the bittersweet air of Poems of a Machine, call it stupid headcannon but I always took the song as Angela writting her feelings for his friend and family long after they're gone since she's inmortal.
WhiteNight if you can hear us please WhiteNight please save me please save me WhiteNight please i'm asking you please save me please save me please get these people away from me in dear Carmen's name please stop this
Since the librarians now have physical bodies does that mean they can go into the city and run errands for Angela? Well,at least Gebura and Roland should be able to,i don't think the head is too fond of a rogue arbiter walking around the city and the rest cant protect themselves,or are they still classified as Impurities for their involvement with the library?
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Post more Road Home! hoyoyo~
I thought they were bound to the library and unable to leave.
Weren't they given physical bodies at the end?
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Probably classified as Impurities alongside Angela, and even then, it doesn't seem that feasible for Geburah/Roland to travel to the City and back to 'run errands', through the Outskirts given the distance/other shit that's probably in that region
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They could, but the same rule applies to them as Angela so they’d get attacked on the spot
They’re a million miles away so it’s not possible either way
I assumed they were at the outskirts of the city,as the name suggets
They're incredibly fast for being former color fixers and though they're not right next to the city they can probably make it there
Same thing for "Other shit that's probably in the region",they're color fixers and even though they're no longer being buffed by the library i dont think there's enough star of the city level threats for them to encounter one just like that
In a mirror world this would've led to a series spanning over 5 main Visual Novels and 10 optional spinoffs/movies
*pushes her down*
Good luck getting up with no arms you fucking cunt hahahahaha
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Holy FUARK it's Kali, the Grade 1 Color Fixer!
And it would be peak
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Also fuck it, you made me rethink my list of favorite credit songs in vidya, so post your picks.
They must be really bored at Automaton JP
I have no doubts Geburah and probably even Roland could venture to the City and make it fine with some preparation, but it'd still be an excessive amount of preparation for what is essentially having to travel ~1.5x T Corp's worth of distance for a oneway visit the City (and even then they'd only end up in one of the outer districts). Also stuff that's wandering the Outskirts stuff is still a pretty tentative level of danger so it's even harder to tell. Either way, they'd need a really, really strong reason to bother taking a visit to the City
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little cutie
Make it real KJH
>Nelly would be third wheel in every single instalment
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Drunk Fish
I guess what you're saying is true
It's just that i don't see much reason to stay at the library and if i was in Roland or Gebura's place i'd probably be visiting every once in a while to buy shit or something,but i'm retarded so
tbhfams, i never really understood the need for pages upon pages of skill descriptions.
i don't think you need to do that in order to make interesting characters.
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You're done for
if you use these you get the bad ending
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So this is the power of a color...
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>just a regular Korean Drama
>suddenly when they fix everything Erlking shows up and kills highschool Heathcliff in the most brutal way possible for max shock
>Erlking goes psycho mode and grabs Cathy asking for redemption and forgiveness while rambling on
>the movie ends on an open ended finish, we never saw what the fuck happen to highschool Cathy.
The Head would unironically job to Fairy Tail's power of friendship
The power of love would defeat Erlking
Wouldn't that be the opposite? The anniversary one said up to tier 4 after all.
Library of Ruina and Limbus Company are literally shonen anime but edgy.
I did it bwos I beat the hard boss with Heathcliff's forma de cavalo and he slapped the bitch epic style =D
the white fixer will be based on a Dieci saint
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>power of love
Its made in Korea, gotta end with a fucked sad/bittersweet ending or the government fucking you sideways.
good job squirt. proud of you
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Rupturebros, how are we feeling?
Excellent work Manager.
If it's Girl's Target it could be sweet and good end.
The morning sun is beautiful
Implying Cashy wouldn't do some kind of School Days bullshit because Hipclippu didn't reply to her valentine note.
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Nier Automata's credits song always gets me
Because Nelly intercepted it and fucking BURNED IT.
That damn hooligan... correction...
Always reminds me of when i played the Knife of Dunwall and saw the bottom of the whale the first time
post it then
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Is there some caveat I'm missing or would Ebony Stem's passive make Outis god-tier for rupture if she had a better ID to go with it?
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I don't wanna spoil anyone so nyo
The count applies to next turn. If the enemy is low on Rupture count, her fat ass will consume it all and waste all the built-up potency
So PM has basically free reign to do any story using the same characters forever with the mirror shenanigans?
I hope that if we get vampire hunter ID's they're rupture so I have an excuse to use nibble Don for the canto.
Locking in my bet that the new Rodya gimmick is summoning the box as an ally on the field, will burn 10000 lunacy to standard extractions if wrong
i'm gonna fuck you in the eye
the end of limbus is surely about a big wipeout of several techs that have been introduced, especially the mirrors
why not just google it yourself
Ah fair. Still seems like it's pretty good for long term sustain or just setting up a bunch of rupture to burst for a turn.
no one would like that though
>Don got an entire article about her feet
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What is this
Brazil speaking
fish got it
Behead them all.
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Very cute fatty
>Bygone Days
shit, I thought we'd get at least 2 Devyats, that came out of nowhere.
why does fish get it
>Ish ego doesnt change Bygone Days like Yi Sang or Gregor
>Rodya ID has a chance to kill you
ishmael got it
>it was ishmael
The patterns. They never let me down.
That means Ishmael will get the Zwei ID, nice
>Rodya's ID just fucking kills you
ok, but why though
Why is the box killing her, this is some K Corp drone behavior. So the Devyat association has a suicide clause for bad performance?
rodion is fucking eating again. fucking fatass
>this Ishmael design
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Isn't it obvious?
Paradise Lost.
I guess if a sinner or something takes a hit it swaps her out of combat or something? Not exactly sure what else to call her leaving the battle and coming back after 3 of the sinners died.
frist gimmick id alway a shit one feel bad for rodya bro
Myo and which character?
Cute Rodya. Cool Ish. Funny kys mechanic.
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because its funny
does she kidnap gregor once he gets hit
>Rodion stuffing her face in food and asking about jerky
Read the post next time
so ish will get the zwei id i guess since the livestream said the sinner that got the bygone days ego would be the same as the zwei id
It talks about "unauthorised lock release" when greg gets smacked and then starts glowing so I assume it's some kind of "unlock powerup on conditional, fucking die if you don't fulfil some other conditional"
As for lore I guess they just REALLY don't want their mid-tier fixers taking off with some super valuable package that needs delivering.
>Rodya actually got the suicide mechanic
This shit better fucking singlehandedly break the Archetype it's in for that cost
In 30 minutes, find a groom or bride
Bonus if brunette
In 90 hours, spill their insides
Paint your room picturesque
It is Ishmael's fault that she cleans endlessly. She's too blindly obsessed with her master to realized that all of the fluff on the floor is hers.
It's quite simple really. Rodya eating or talking about food, I roll.
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Cute and FLAT Fish
Sounds like theft prevention mechanism.
I know it's just the hair but it looks like she has cute chubby cheeks.
Was still horny. Less busts but still pretty high pressure. Good ejaculation
Why is a brunette a bonus?
Haha no don knight ID for you
>Devyat is Korean sci-fi Amazon
>No bathroom or food breaks, always monitored, have to keep delivering for your quota, if you’re found mentally unfit (panic state) you are terminated
>Rodion killing herself
>gets revivied with Wild Hunt passive
>gets damage boost from Sinclair's support passive
>Rodion, Gregor, Sinclair, Outis and Ishmael on screen
>Gregor gets hit
>Rodion does... Something
>Next turn it's Rodion, Outis, Mersault, Don Quixote and Yi sang
Is the mechanic that you swap your other IDs for random benched IDs?
Fedex but they install a bomb collar on the worker. Amazon but the drones kill you if you don't sign for the package right.
>Unauthorized lock release outside of delivery coordinates detected
>Crap, I gotta wipe that data
Yeah, definitely an anti-tamper function. I imagine >>494316268 is right about the way it works
My guess is she's a part charge ID who has to dump her charge asap OR she has to guard or something to lower some sort of stocks she gets.
the will of the city likes brunettes
The way of the prescripts are a mystery to all of us
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she's a prototype for index prescripts
Devyat association fixers are just the City equivalent of Amazon delivery drivers having every single twitch of theirs recorded and scrutinized by the management, with pay penalties for any and every fuckup. Except for the Devyat instead of having to piss in bottles and keep a straight face so you're not dinged for excessive lip movement you gotta make sure your cargo doesn't get damaged or it'll turn you to red sludge
I mean Khong kills you or himself too (eventually)
IDs are now being created with chain battles in mind.
rollin :)
Now give Rodya a revive passive EGO.
funny meme
this looks funny
Anyone do a cost/benefit breakdown of the new packs? Gut feeling says not worth, but I'm doubting myself because I've never seen an anniversary pack in a gacha look so meh before. Am I overlooking something?
To the next anon that bakes please add the below to the OP. And please use this image.

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael
is this id gonna be a dps check where it kill you if you not killing the enemies
>Ishmael's EGO has the pendant EGO gift
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Rodion... is a gambler!
Devyat Rodion more like DATGYATT Rodion
what a disappointing id :o
Jeff Bezos was consulted in the making of this ID.
Oh fuck you're right, that sounds like such a shitty ability tho
who? what? Sorry, Rodion is a fat whore who eats constantly, not sure where you got this "gambler" thing from.
Its going to Sinclair
Close enough.
She's gambling with her cholesterol xd
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Dunno Yan, but it feels like he should really REALLY complete that bonus haha. I wonder if there's any nearby lonely, single brunettes in his area that he visited recently.
So she's definite Charge right?
i'm gonna eagerly watch this board for any retards doing this
anon Ish is getting it
Director said that the Bygone Days sinner also gets Zwei West
Behead them all.
J-corp Class III Dealer Rodya soon I'm sure... Hanafuda Rodya next walpurgis I swear it...
>>No bathroom or food breaks, always monitored, have to keep delivering for your quota, if you’re found mentally unfit (panic state) you are terminated
Anon that just normal Amazon
Thanks, Messenger
Rodya looks really good
How bad can it be
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>>Ish ego doesnt change Bygone Days like Yi Sang or Gregor
Her EGO was incorporated into the corrosion instead.
This does not apply since were are not in /v/. You are a terrible messenger.
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It was too good to be true anon
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I'm so fucking mad right now
You forgot about Heathcliff also being on screen at the start
They went from 6 Sinners to 5 with some of them being swapped
I have no idea what this means
It looked as if Rodya exploded after battle, how did this break the start of turn?
The difference is that you have a nicer uniform and get to vent your wagie rage by watching your box disembowel bandits
Green glowing aura, yeah most likely.
Honest opinion on LPs new vocalist?
So Don just gets jack shit before her Canto?
>start with 20 charge
>when she loses it all the box kills her
Ehh guess so
I mean she's going to assumedly get a broken villain ID from her canto, so be grateful
that mean she get actual good shit thank god who fucking play zwei in limbus
it's ok, this way she could get her seasonal bad end ID before the very end of the season
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Donbros... It's over.
Well shit. If all IDs are being designed around the sinner can die and that can fuck you over or reward you we're going to get some wacky shit.
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Yes. 16+ weeks untill her next 000. Donfags must suffer to put them in the right mood to truly experience the canto.
Your T Corp Don bro. Let other eat.
Oh you're right, didn't catch Heathcliff there. So the only one not appearing at all is Faust then? It's... Weird
Every person who drew Zwei Don must be distorting right now
She'll probably get an 000 near the start of it, and then whatever bullshit they build for her canto resolved/bad end ID. Because they've been getting more and more bullshit with every canto.
>Suicide ID
Shi bros... That should have been us...
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1 000 soon
Nothing for 9 months
Take it or leave it
i think they just do it for fun
i doubt anyone would be actually that upset
Future Shi IDs will be designed around killing your team if you fuck up. Hope you're happy.
Don will get the 00. Remember how big her N Corp ID is, so there's still a chance she gets a knight ID that's as big as the Warm-Hearted Woodsman.
Is it me or is the trailer weird? Like it's strangely edited or something idk, it feels wrong.
Heath got Oufi & Wild Hunt. Don'll get something early or mid Canto, and her bad end ID as it tails off.
Good. I've wanted wacky shit from day 1. I don't even care if something is good or not as long as it has a funny gimmick.

Don is one of the sinners most behind on content both for the season and in general anon. It all balances out in the end so I'm not too worried if she has a big break she'll get several things in a row like Ish and Outis, but it's not like most other sinners are starving for Don to get content or anything.
well, hope the death mechanic isn't extremely annoying
>2500 pack
82 blues and an instant ut4 thing for essentially 18 usd. This is close to 2 level 1-45 in exp. UT4 differs between 0/00/000 but going with 000 it's 250 thread + 150 shards. It costs 20 usd to get roughly the same exp directly from the store and 300 thread is also 20 usd. If you have the first time bonus you're essentially getting them both for 20 usd.
>4150 pack
3 deca tickets and an instant ut4 waw ego thing for essentially 25 usd. 3 deca tickets alone cost around 20 usd and uptying a waw to 4 is like 150 thread/150 shards or something.
>6750 pack
Essentially both packs combined but throw in an extra deca ticket and 100 thread. Costs essentially 40 usd.

Overall I'd say if you're not starving for upgrade resources then don't bother. However I'd probably buy the 6750 one if I did since it's technically the most value. This was all just a quick rundown so I could be wrong in some aspects. It's all paid lunacy so you have to estimate costs instead of outright pay.
Prescript complete,messenger
>>494315597 (me)
I'm about to recreate the Devyat Rodya gimmick in real life
Ok, so fuck working for Shi and Devyat. Eight are Marines (and probably ruin explorers in the North) so their lives are short and perilous. Tres has to deal with all the workshop equipment evaluation, which could be life threatening… Oufi and Cinq must give their life for the contract if they aren’t strong enough to enforce it/defend their client.
Zwei life can be dangerous if you are guarding the wrong guy
So what association are you interested in joining?
Paternfags on suicide watch
>most content starved sinners this season
>Don, Hong Lu, Sinclair
>most content starved sinners in general
>Don, Hong Lu, Sinclair
I hope you're all looking forward to your 000 Vampire-Hunter Captian Hong Lu and 000 Vampire Count Sinclair seasonal IDs.
Sinclair already has a Zwei ID.
It'll be Ish 000 and Don 00.
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Don is no longer allowed cool IDs except for her eventual story one for her Canto.
I think that the 'pattern' might have been thrown out for a slightly newer one after the live stream.
>It'll be Ish 000
>Don 00
Seven seems chill enough
She's gonna be a 00 because being a saber is a fake persona
Patternfags where the ones claiming it would be ish on basis of content drought. It was the "it's look cool" crowd that were calling it being knight don.
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So her death state seems to trigger when she has her aura going
The aura probably has conditionals attached to it, but it looks like it's both tied to landing attacks, and that weird swap she did
She also got an additional attack on her S3 even though she had the aura in both uses of it with the aura showing no visual changes
I'm assuming she builds the aura up by using her skills either in a specific order, or related to whatever new combat logic they added to the game
When she explodes at the end, she has her aura and appears to do her S1 before it triggers
Given how it also triggered before when Gregor got attacked, I'm thinking that when its conditions are met, she'll gain max rank of this aura automatically, and at that point she either has a time limit placed on her, or she has to do specific things in order to avoid the box exploding. I'm thinking the latter because the box says [Unauthorized behavior detected]

All in all, I'm quite excited for it
eh is just a month away anyway let shitmeal get another dogshit id
Ehhhh the oufi mention they can always just say lol no if the contract is too bothersome
I don't think I have seen a more boring looking non basic EGO than Bygonemael
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>Ishtent 2 updates in a row
>Saber Ish
Ishbros, we finally won
Thank you Director
>it's look cool
It'd look cool.
An unfortunate consewuence of rewording my post three times while tired as shit.
How do all these districts have their own unique designs without spilling into each other.
The Dieci seem chill, all you have to do is learn/read and use that knowledge to sometimes keyblade people to death.
Seven would be a decent second option if you can manage to get info non-violently.
Deci seems like best option overall, that said being detective was my dream job so im picking Seven
>Consewuences uwu
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We are getting Mashumael. The other ID will have the big sword.
Don, Hong and Sinclair all have 6 Egos which is pretty much the average.
They also have 9 IDs each which puts them also at the average.
With this new Ego and ID Ishmael moves up to 7 Egos/10 IDs and Rodion goes up to 10 IDs as well.
They probably do spill into eachother a bit but they're like 50km across and it's mentioned that the wing dictates it's district's culture so there probably isn't too much mixing.
Where are you guys getting Bygone Days Ish = no Zwei Don? What's the fucking through line here?
Sinclairsissies lost
Yeah lmao
Extremely boring in all ways
The abno is boring but Greg and Yi sang mog it hard anyways
Certified L for boatbillies
Her Canto is a month away yeah but her story ID is probably more like 3-7 months away bwo. It took Heath 5 months to get Wild Hunt and around 3 for Capt Ish.
Director said on the stream the Zwei 000 ID would go to the sinner who gets the Bygone Days EGO.
KJH on stream said who get Bygone day ego gona get Zwei West next banner.
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Dieci 100%
More shield combat would be based as fuck. She has her shield in LCB and the riot shield in LCCB, but we need some real bashing
Damn what a sad fate
If you look at the sum of content those three are at 13 total contents while the other sinners are at 14 to 15. They're decisively on the lower end. Same if you look on the lower and of any paticular type of content they're there too.
>both uses of it with the aura showing no visual changes
I think she gets sparks during first use S3. And she is already has sparks at the start of second S3 version.
>she fucking RAN
Finally! Everyone wants to talk about Rodya.
I think Tres, Seven, and Dieci have the potential to be comfy. On the other end of the spectrum, I think Liu might be nice. Combat won't come as a surprise, and you'll never fight alone. Straightforward and reassuring in a profession that is often neither
>It explodes Rodya on a screen where she's alone

What if the self-destruct is a condition that triggers when there's no teammate to swap to?
I fully expect Sinclair to get something at the start but I'll be very surprised if Don and Hong Lu get anything in the beginning.
So Zwei next week and that's it right? Surely we'll get Don's canto in 3-4 weeks...
Why does she eat
Maybe if you watched the fucking stream where he gave us all this information you would know why
>next week
No, in 3 weeks
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>No Don Knight ID
Hate. Pain. Suffering.
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just going off what another anon said about conditionals, the hypothesis is that an index character is offered a prescript, and receives a buff either on reading or on completing said prescript within a certain number of turns.
Conversely, if the prescript is not filled the character suffers some sort of retribution from the index.
From here we need to balance the difficulty of prescripts, the reward for completing them and the punishment for failing. Rodya appears to explore the space by gaining some sort of buff (which changes her behaviour somehow based on the associated bugs), then dying afterwards. Instant death is somewhat-very punishing, so we can answer the questions
1) Is instant death a manageable cost/ok to play around?
2) Are the present conditions for the initial buff or to avoid instant death easy to fulfil?
3)Is the buff itself reasonable or completely retarded?
tl;dr dying if you don't do the right thing is like failing prescripts and el director is shit at balancing new gimmicks
Devyat/Bygone Days next week dumbo. Probably Zwei 2 weeks after that.
Devyat sent me an empty box instead of my groceries again
Don yeah but I don't see why Hong is all that surprising he's got an identical amount of content to sinclair. Though then again they could just get mediocre battle pass EGO and that's their content for the next month or two.
Zwei Isang lesgoooooooooo
It's Devyat next week, then Zwei two weeks after, then next Canto after that, so probably 5 weeks from now.
Just going off what another anon said about conditionals, the hypothesis is that an index character is offered a prescript, and receives a buff either on reading or on completing said prescript within a certain number of turns.
Conversely, if the prescript is not filled the character suffers some sort of retribution from the index.

From here we need to balance the difficulty of prescripts, the reward for completing them and the punishment for failing. Rodya appears to explore the space by gaining some sort of buff (which changes her behaviour somehow based on the associated bugs), then dying afterwards. Instant death is somewhat-very punishing, so we can answer the questions :

1) Is instant death a manageable cost/ok to play around?
2) Are the present conditions for the initial buff or to avoid instant death easy to fulfil?
3)Is the buff itself reasonable or completely retarded?

tl;dr dying if you don't do the right thing is like failing prescripts and el director is shit at balancing new gimmicks
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DonKEKS status?
It's not so logic based really. I just think Hong Lu isn't very popular and so he won't get anything immediately. I expect Sinclair to get something because he hasn't gotten a seasonal ID since Molar.
Hana. Because I'm strong.
As a win rate player I think all future IDs should be designed around fucking you over if you just win rate.
For some fucking reason I thought it was Monday teaser. It's Friday. Fuck me.
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She has no sparks when the aura was active on her S2, but has the same sparks active for both versions of her S3
Though going through it again, the sparks are definitely more active on the second use of her S3
And when she explodes, the sparks are red, so there seems to be a "Warning" stage before she would die
When she swaps out, she looks to get the more active spark aura like in her second S3 usage clip
So maybe her gameplan is to maintain this aura at a high level but not go too overboard and cause it to explode on her
nta but ty. i have a hard time reading stuff when it's all squished together
Index ids only have 1 of each skill but s2 and s3 get power ups if gay shit happens or something.
interesting, thanks anon
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And to top this all off I doubt we're getting a Second Kindred ID for her Canto
That's a very cool idea. And I can agree absolutely with your theory.
>Seven Association is nice and chill and comfy
Enjoy 48 hour stakeouts in gangland cooped up in a rental car with a busted AC so you can track the rate of adoption of a specific style of tattoo augmentation among low level syndicates in District 23. And once you take the Warp Train home, you can kick back and relax with the mountains of reports you have to file on every little detail. The section's cafe has nice coffee at least
It's ok, surely she will get the Bloodfiend Hunter Knight of the Mirrors ID.
I can't wait for the "Force a sinner to get staggered" prescript
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Finally boatworks Sinclair will be core
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HE trivializes that prescript
>Don tasked with hunting down herself
>people here wanting to join Deici
You wouldn't last a day, you can't even read the skills in children's game let alone studying esoteric texts with deep insight.
Fuck put me in a rental car with busted AC with 7Outis for 48 hours
>tfw it can never happen
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There is always a way, for even the most sub Insight II plebs.
If the fastest sinner won a clash apply plus one coin power to the slowest unit. Index IDs will probably be tame stuff like that.
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Yes but that's fine by me because a self-loathing vampire hunter Don where the Don persona found out about her vampiric true nature and decided to dedicate her life to wiping out every bloodsucker sounds pretty cool anyway.
>Oufi right before the Season
>two EGOs
>a 00 ID
>a 000 ID
What is director's bias towards Heathcliff?
Ummm, bros?

>3 enemies before Rodya swaps Sinners
>4 enemies after Rodya swaps Sinners

It's time travel.
That would be miserable. She'd time your piss breaks to the second and bark you down for being too conspicuous with how forcefully you tugged the car door open, and she'd assign you investigative conduct homework right after on top of all the other paperwork you gotta do
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How much money will Vamp Don make when she finally gets into the game?
Hey buddy, I read through the ENTIRETY OF LES MISERABLES unabridged. I'm fucking Director material
Barefeet? A limbillion
>get package
>it's a Blubbering Toad
now I want to have sweaty, uncomfortable car sex with outis...
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dodging zwei we are so fucking back
Anything on the ruins that i could have missed or is it still just as mysterious as it was at ruina
This but unironically
If her bloodfiend id has her feet visible in her art she'll make a shit ton of money
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it would be worth it for the sweaty car sex.
I will convince her that going out to grab a drink is detrimental to the current task at hand so she should let me drink her breastmilk instead as it is quick and convenient, and we don't have to leave the car and risk getting our cover blown.
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>"I will kill every disgusting, villainous bloodfiend in this city, including thyself."
Honestly has potential for peak despair kino.
>2 EGOs
>a 00 ID
>two 000 IDs
What is director's bias towards Outis?
Sorry anon, I'm not like you.
Everyone will just shard her. The only banners that make more money are walpipi
But studying esoteric texts are already what I do all day. At least these ones might have some cool lore instead of being stuffed with so many acronyms that it looks like Ryoshu wrote it.
>It's over. The dream... has ended
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7 Outis sexo you say?
>Director copies Morbius plot for Don's Canto
>No one recognizes it as nobody watched the movie
>PMfans praise it as kino anyway
This fat cunt is eating AGAIN
You guys clearly aren't Seven material. Sweaty car sex and topless milking sessions would draw way too much attention to the car. The Director would obviously know the most efficient and covert course of action is to give you a rough stroking under the dashboard with one of her sweaty gloves wrapped around your cock like a cumrag to prevent any messes.
I don't think her running away is automatic, I think what's happening is that she gets a unique ramping buff the more she fights, and using a defense skill will let her run away at the end of a turn so she can come back later with LESS buff. Why? Because the energy around her in the suicide clip is red instead of white/green. I'm assuming the bag gets pissed off if she takes too long to finish so she has to run away to placate the bag with an off-screen delivery though its hard to say what the return conditions are since there are no chain battles in the BL intervallo and I at least assume they wouldn't use RR to showcase an ID (doesnt have the border anyway)

I don't think it's unique charge in this case since that would mean she's unusable in MD based on the above assumption, so she's probably a rupture ID at least.
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>blue-yellow Z

Can anyone explain this? The extra guy couldn't have been blasted across the room from a clash. And why do only some of the sinners swap out? I'm so fucking confused
>russia association
>brutally murders its own laborers
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>the first ID that can just literally kill herself
She's so special bros
also this would be a very roundabout way to make a rupture count ID balanced since there will just straight up be turns where she's not allowed to add to count and god knows they don't want rupture to have too much of it ever.
>unique charge
>if the charge gets too high she dies
>unless in a charge team and md
Would be pretty neat desu
...did she put gregor in her suitcase in the trailer? wtf happened there?
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the cursed of cain still hasn't been broken i see
Because rupture is just damage on hit, if it gains count in any reasonable way there will be no reason to run anything else. Nothing is even close to the damage potential of it other then maybe setting up the infinite bleed with red shoes.
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>are already
go back
Quite a few IDs can kill themselves but probably not as fast.
But Liu combat doctrine IS fighting alone. Specifically, they deal in total war, which means being outnumbered and outgunned
>what is K Hong Lu
Hidden breast pump to pump out all of her excess milk into a P-corp made container to retain the freshness of the sweet ambrosia.
And some hidden handjob on the side.
anon, shicliff can kill himself from hp drain on s3...
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Forgetting someone????
>studying esoteric texts are already what I do all day.
It's correct ESLkun.
>D.D.E.D.Rs you at 9 charge
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i was being ironic
Where do you get your confidence from?
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Actually that'd be Zwei Rodya
They need to keep the Seven Café stocked with creamer somehow, and real milk in the City pricy...
No it is not, what the fuck
Is "esoteric texts" what you do, or "studying", anon?
it's "is" you absolute mongoloid
the subject here is "studying esoteric texts" and not "esoteric texts"
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My girl is HUNGRY
ishbros...she's taking all our food!!!
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didn't they change it so it can't go below 1
bruh I'm an ESL and even I know that's wrong
Big fan of the puffed-out cheek in the new ID art
>American education
>underage tourist is an outisfag
Did they? I always manual charge in MD so I never tried to S3 when out of charge
I filled my prescript. My job is done.
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>a food for thought
By knowing how english works
If you think "are already" is correct you're an eslnigger
Why does this bitch eat so much?
omg her cheek, the devyat's rodya's cheek needs to be bitten by mine teeth
Imagine the blowjobs
Because she's a growing girl
I've been reading this shit for the past 9 hours anon my brain is fucking deepfried at this point.

It's really not anon, it's really not.
>6 sinners and 3 enemies
>Rodya zips away (Auto activated? Defensive ability?)
>Rodya returns with 5 total sinners, and they aren't even the same ones (but some are??)
>4 enemies instead of 3 now

What in the actual fuck is it doing? You get to bring out an extra sinner for a brief period or some shit? Why the team scramble?? (Also looks like maybe a row of characters is affected? Bottom row mostly goes unchanged)
I have to ask, is the chocolate bar a Korean brand, or is it completely made up? That logo feels a little too detailed for a fictional brand
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Baking new Bread with Updated OP.

Will share on page 5.
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>bunch of south americans and seanigs calling each other ESL
She's probably leaving and then coming back several(?) turns later/when the Chain continues (which is why some of the Sinners swap out + new wave/enemies respawn)
>Now Devyat
That's 4 Ids where's she's eating, almost half of them
It's just "Chocolate".
Wait, chocolate? In the city?
did you know? You can't download Limbus Company on play store without providing kikes your personal info such as ID if you live in europe or such.
so basically this swap mechanic will be useless in 99% of content (maybe 100) because game is super easy
just like aggro
just like backup sinners
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Literally just says Chocolate, or is a pun and the wrapper cuts off the front half.
Its SEAnigger hours now europoor
Pay attention
it's preexisting brand but slightly altered
i can't remember the name rn but will find and share it tomorrow if no one else has
the packaging is very similar
because it help her forgot that she a nobody
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Something in radiological analysis
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>Russian character
>Kills herself
food delivery wagies do be like that
maybe, but it allows you to play with 1 more sinner maybe so it's pretty cool
Why would there not be chocolate in the City? There's probably a Willy Wonka ass Wing making singularity candy
I want to kiss rodion out of nowhere. Why do i really like her now?
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Its Life's final gift after all
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She's just like me....
>uptie art is a downgrade again
>day 700 of special 3 day U-Corp operation
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W Don can kill herself with her S3 still
>not Z-Corp
At this point whyd they keep it secret if it was just going to be the most obvious answer? Just feels weird. Hopefully don 00 though
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Devy Rodya is extra cute
She’s fat and has an eating disorder
So Ish gets the Zwei huh... I hope her hair is braided
Are you also a six foot tall woman with big milkers
Very cute cuddly and pretty.
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there is always time to change that
i wound not be suprised if difficulty would rise in season 5, i think director said something about it but i dont remember what exactly
But you see those didn't get a SPECIAL suicide animation. She is SPECIAL
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Leaked photo of Rodion found
>part 1 canto VI released on March 28th
Is 6 month per canto normal...
No, 6'2 slim depressed russian male
>no pubes
This guy has zero hips
hey cutie ;)
you can literally the line of the fat getting sucked in for the photo
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It's the perfect occasion to give her a new cool haircut, and they seem to be experimenting more with them recently
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>Season 2
June 6 23 - Nov 16 23 so 5.5 months
>Season 3
Nov 16 23 - Mar 28 24 so 4.5 months
>Season 4
Mar 28 24 - Oct ?? 24 so 6.5 months if middle of Oct

This season has been exceptionally long and I don't expect that to change going forward.
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It will get worse.
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Isotope geochemistry. So similar kind of shit but completely different application.
I swear I had way more Yisangs saved than this but I seem to have misplaced them.
>2 or less cantos per year
This is horrible pacing btw
Worse than fucking FGO
Fuck, what caused season 4 to go so long? Faust rerecording? Crazy how we gave up recorded voice lines in the .5 events yet are still waiting longer than ever.
Still better than GBF lmao
KJH said working on both Mirror Dungeon and previous Walpurgis slowed them down and he also felt some of his writing was subpar?
Don't think Faust recording lines impacted the schedule very much if not at all.
sex with yang

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