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Previous: >>494260153

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Feixiao Trailer — "Nothing to Laugh At"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift
AA2G7664C2RX (NEW)

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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i wasnt expecting this
KILL YOURSELF analwormer
Where are our brown girls?
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My wife
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This is E0S0 Rappa. Firefly has been powercrept.
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can she implement weakness?
>Bubbles has 1M views now
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waaahh.... miss march....
Imagine skipping her twice btw
No, but she can break regardless of toughness type
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Reminder: No glasses, no hat.
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Reposting merch to add:

>Star Rail will be on Wonder festival presenting Blade, Robin and Sunday nendos
We got birbs to the nendo collection
It was a Famitsu article recently which was in japanese but in a nutshell.
>Robin's Ult will get some changes (more songs/mute button?)
>It will take a while for the Annihilation Gang to reappear
>They'll continue to use more characters as protagonists (Character POV?)
>Luocha's story will get updates
>More details on the next world will be revealed soon
On one hand, I have been wanting an Imaginary Erudition unit for a long time.

On the other hand. She looks like a fucking Natlan expy.

Screwllum.got done dirty.
Sis your mods?
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Bronya (and Seele) Rabu!
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next thing you know theres going to be a pride flag in the next update
ask for them in the survey
So when are we getting our trotter to follow us like the tapir thing?
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Don't care, still clearing everything with E0S0 Clara
how does that work, isnt that way better than weakness implant?
I don't need to mod them out, he's exactly as he should be.
Well almost, the chest window sucks.
>bikini just isnt on right
Where is the nipple?
She breaks faster than FF?
It's just like Acheron ult. It's not as good as implant because you still have to deal with the base element resistance.
cute heterosexual women
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Aventurine and Robin skippers, how do we cope?
That's E6S5
Stop lying bro
Should I use March 7 or Moze with my Feixiao?
And I will complain every month until they put it back on. Fuck the CCP.

>Robin and Sunday nendos
Based. This is way more relevant than that picture to me
Weakness implant doesn't reduce their resistance to that element unless you are silver wolf
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Right now
Why does only 1 of these have the sigger?
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Imagine skipping her twice. You don't deserve her.
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analwormer shills aren't sending their best today
I want TROTTERLORD to follow too
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My /hsrg/ would never spread misinformation online.
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>sig calcs when comparing to a 4 star
>Screwllum.got done dirty.
not only that
him not releasing altered the release schedule for the game
we have a patch with only one new 5*
and 2.X extends to 2.7
So she's useless then
Guilings... it's over...
Becuase Brickpaz is only good if you already have Aventurine.
Why do Topaz mains get so uppity when people say Feixiao doesn't need her?
eh...idk if that better than FF desu, achron good because she directly attack the hp
skip that brick and problem solved.
>brickle in the negatives
Because there's only one other sustain they're comparing to so it's obvious which is better between the two?
You need to be 18 or older to use this site
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2 lil sleepy niggas
Why do hunbrick7ths get so uppity when people point out they're wrong for saying march cuck is better than Topaz?
kill yourself tranny
It's time to accept Screwllum will never come out.
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*buys you food*
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>Ratio is extremely irrelevant to Penacony
>but because fujos are the only beasts will buy this garbage he was a must pick over literally anyone else
Hilarious yet well played
it's a meme you fuckin RETARD
So if there's one thing the event gave us, it was an idea of how a Topaz boss fight would work. Just was using Cocolia's model. Basically her fight would be her and Numby, where they summon mobs and use the Performance points as tokens to do certain attacks or moves.
because fei is more F2P friendly than E1S1 topaz
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Feels high on the top
Spending 70 rolls for a sub-dps that can be replaced by free 4* does that to you.
Not to mention the pig took most of her screentime so they're double cucked.
I goon to THAT
trannyturine flopped
kill yourself analwormer
you can't just stick troon on everything and turn them trans
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Holy fuck I need every single Aventurine and Ratio in this image I am about to pay so much money
zoom zoom zoom
>verification not required
Same reason M7fags can't shut their mouth about le powercreeping a 1.0 unit when she doesn't
Let's be real, she was going to eat 90% of that food by herself
I might give you the specs, but the hat stays off.
almost no one in this general believes that. she's just the easiest to replace. sigga and robin don't have similar alternatives.
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Good night /hsrg/, don't forget your schizophrenia meds
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>sigga mentioned >>494294891
March 7th's
So what about Lingsha vs Aventurine? Every other example has Gallgher who isn't a FAU support after all
They should add an age cap to games so 40+ yo groomers like you can't get into contact with young people
projection projection projection
>verification not required
I'm legit convinced Rappa was a leftover design from Natlan. I hope they are simply waiting on releasing him until we get a patch where we learn more about him and planet Screwllum. And I hope they are stupid enough to not release him simply because he's a robot. We never got a Lamia after all. Space is full of humans and halfbreeds with ears.
>lil sigga gets merch
playable potato shota stocks rising
Why didn't they just bring Jiaoqiu to Luocha?
That nigga could even heal robot.
wow why is topaz still such a bitch in this wardance event
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>needing to compare 5 stars with their sig to 4 stars to prove how much "better" they are
Not helping your point, fuakeks...
kill yourself homotroon
No one has said that itt though. Just that March is only a 10% downgrade yet doesn't cost jades.

>b-b-b-but muh vertical investment into Topag
Yeah no. You vertically invest into Robin and the Sigga first.
It's probably going to extend to 2.8 as well just like Genshin
E6 ruan mei or e6 robin? I feel like ruan meis is way stronger since it has infinite potential, robins e6 literally disappears after 8 hits.
Luochud is on another ship getting interrogated.
>poltroon is a real word
>Acheron gets two of these
Excuse me?
Always was
FuAnegroes are so spoiled for choice they're duking it out over who gets the axe, rvturn to Hypercarry tradition fuarking when?
>why is this bitch such a bitch
I wonder why
>tfw I didn't skip Aventurine, Topaz and Robin and have E2 of all three

Investing in victory means playing the long game....
My Clara doesn't do any dmg. How do you use her?
3d animation is hard asf i genuinely wonder how mihoyo can have animators for multiple games working on a 6 week schedule for shit that takes years to make in america. do they work them like slaves in china?
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Will you FUA metaniggers shut up already and stop policing which characters people roll for. I use M7 and Topaz together and clear everything so your debates are even more pointless to me
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>sunday leaks are accurate
>tingyun leaks aren't
>aglea, hag herta, servant mechanics are also accurate
>sunday and hag herta clothes relic set is releasing on 2.6 too
>but nothing about tingyun is actually verified
The most elusive foxian. The beast of resurrection works in mysterious ways
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>Want a robot
>Don't like the ugly Nathan expy
>Must be a homotroon
>No one said that I swear
Why are you rewriting history march keks?
>Rolling for Aventurine
You have HIV
You have AIDS
You have GRIDS
You have HPV
You have anal worms
You have a spade tattoo
>do they work them like slaves in china?
aventurine is used on acheron hypercarry thougheverbeit
Nobody is fighting over Jade though.
Hypercarry needs a better harmony than br*ckle
Surely you'll link the post itt that said that then?
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>996 work
but I don't have mpox thougheverbaitly?
You won't even need 8 hits her E6 is so strong.
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I increased my equilibrium level...
Should I just reroll now?
no one asked whale
she flippity flapitty flopped.
Just tough it out, you'll be fine.
search it yourself marchkek
Isn't he for summons or is he hypercarry on top of that? He'll be the last harmony for a while so they'll probably go big on bim
Never, there's zero reason to whale on this easy game.
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All FuA and DoTkeks are lochness monster tier whales. Never trust their opinion on anything.
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>retard didnt use a vpn
I spent 1500 and guess what? I got both e6s1 feixiao AND robin. (also welt but lets not talk about that)
Because they take years to make? Do you think Feixiao animations were done last month? She's been on hoyo's vault for 6+ months.
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Topaz is the kindest one of the Ten Stonehearts but just because she's the nicest one doesn't mean she's actually nice, she's just nice by Strategic Investment Department standards
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Just fire Troon Yuan already holy SHIT what an incompetent fuck
post clears whale
>do they work them like slaves in china?
Yeah and that's why we get patches that obviously recycle shit and have lots of black screen white text
How much % difference would an e2 aventurine make?
I spent $0 for E0S1 Feixiao
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aventurine puts his penis in topaz's vagina daily thougheverbeit
>fuacels get 1-2 new characters every patch for a year
>dotbros gets 2 characters in 1.5 year
it isnt fair...
Sunday is only for playing Celestial Jade on the Express.
I have spent 0 (ZERO) money on this game albeit. t. E0S1 Kafka, Aventurine, Robin Jade and Feixiao owner
>brings up how AE mediated for the debt for belobog
>brings up how belobog isnt being independent DESPITE just recently getting access to communications to outer worlds
>Lukq is literally fumbling about in xianzhou because he knows jackshit outside jarilo 6
>Topaz gets mads at him for asking AE with help because of it
>Topaz gets her ass handed to her
>"i was holding back bec i wasnt using my amber lord powers also this is just a casual match i didnt take it srs"
>Explains to Luka that his opinions of IPC employees being soulless isnt right
>"Were actually very similar ok ipc is helping people"
>Luka apologizes
>"lol dont take it seriously im just trash talking"
who the fuck writes topaz
Me in the left
Everythin always goes EXACTLY as Sleepy Juan planned, you simply lack the cultivated wisdom to understand
Clara rape
He is the Divine Foresight for a reason.
I wish HSR is more diverse.
I wonder if there's any HSR girl could compete with peak Mualani.
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Your opinion is always cringe, and mine is always based.
>troon wolf
Let's see her solo on auto thought
Nothing she said was offensive, grow up
There will be no Clara sex, Clara rape, or Clara handholding.
You can use Hanabi.
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why doesn't anyone want her lol
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my penis flopped bigly
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Tingyun E0 with Past and Future S5, Sparkle E1 with Bronya LC S1, Huohuo with S5 Shared Feeling and Clara with an awful build, usually takes 3~5 cycles for her to clear MoC 12, but 36 stars is 36 stars, just need to pay attention to when to use her ult
>tingyun leaks aren't
>had to use consumables to get EQ2
It's so over for the first few days, just give it time honestly and level your shit
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Why did they make her so boring we're back to talking about the Stonehearts again?
time for a bug
It's just research bwo
I hope dot gets a new core, kafka aint doin it no more.
There will be lots of Clara sex, Clara rape and Clara handholding.
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always was
She is chinese, we can't have her have flaws.
>>tingyun leaks aren't
explain yourself
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You really need to update your pic bro
The IPC is just that compelling. And we love the IPC.
There's so many males and rerun patch that majority of Genshin players could roll on Mualani without spending money.
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china generals aren't allowed to have any flaws or interesting qualities, gweilo
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Thoughts on Reisa-oneesan?
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Blade has plenty flaws
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Fire Nihility Tingyun will SAVE dots. Trust the plan
e6 robin so everyone in your team is a dps
Not being able to die is not a flaw and past life sins don't count
Blade got exiled from china because he couldn't keep up with the standards
they put two penakino characters and one stellator hunter to hardcarry her banner for a reason.
Blade killed billions as SH member
why did (you) post an image of Jiaoqiu transmaxxing?
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Cute autist
everyone got mualani with free pulls
...and then Moze?
Why is Moze name just Moze, is he not chinese or is it a ruan mei situation where the nips cant read the characters so they just kept the pronunciation?
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These are lottery items so not only are they expensive, they are limited and nips will kill you for them. You won't be getting these sisters. Kakavasha is a prize only too.
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My broken-neck morphing insect superbreak fire nihility dot that can crit while off-field deceased wife status?
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mmm... nyo
There's a reason they put Robin, Kafka and Black Swan there to carry her banner
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She's trying to tempt you to propagate with her! Don't fall for her Xianzhou tricks!
Anyone who can read can see that Topaz > March on literally every DPS chart
The question has always been: "is the DPS increase from Topaz over March worth the opp. cost vs investing in another character i.e. Robin or getting another highly anticipated character i.e. Tingyun 2, Sunday, etc?"
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I really hope she isn't break I'm so tired of skipping
DU V8 is right there saar
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go solo DU8 bro
I want to go down on Pela
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>These are lottery items so not only are they expensive, they are limited and nips will kill you for them. You won't be getting these sisters.

Wanna bet
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You have to actually be mentally retarded if you believe Aventurine is equivalent to Robin in boost to team damage. Actually shows how spreadsheet calculations are worthless.

Let me just calc against a Hoolay with 400 speed and 3 adds all triggering Aventurine follow-up 5 times per turn and pretend that's realistic. These niggas are fucking jokes.
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42 days of brappa is going to kill this game.
Please post your DU V8 clear using Feixiao. Surely it's sigga-less right? You wouldn't pull for a literal minority gambling-addicted faggot, right?
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Yunli tanked this btw.
those calcs are using sigs, apparently
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Firefly is both male and female
I mean you technically can, lot of those will end up in second market at a very overpriced number. Just be rich
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But did she counter? Fake and gay cutscene if she didn't btw.
simulanka shitposting killed her sales jungle fever sisters, dont worry, if someone tries to deny it, just post the dawei crying+dogeza clip on youtobe, almost a months an they dont know how to justify that video
star rail the collapse.
I'm starting to think the hatred against Sigga is homophobia in disguise. /hsrg/ hate sassy gay men that live their truth and are proud of themselves and it shows. Aventurine's homosexuality is a key part of his narrative and is one of the reasons that nips and chinks love him so much
My nigga Luochud has my back
Cant wait to level up and go for the endgame so I can get pissed from farming relics
>Ok, surely, this time!....FUCK!!!! IT'S ALL TRASH!!!
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Not even worth a (You)
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Its not
Go to the "FART" Sheet, Feixiao has Sig LC and everyone else is using cope cones.
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>b-but muh sword technique
my hero Yunli rushes in to fight Arbiter general level opponents bare handed and barefoot without hesitation.
At what level should you actually start hiting shit for 5* relics?
That took 5 minutes to cook... I better get a single (You) for my work!
no counter = fake and gay
concession accepted, troonli
>not even pioneer/FUA set or salsotto
Damn wtf, my sigga must be godly
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>no traces leveled
too much crit rate?
Don't care, still skipping R*bin because of her shitty song. Literally unplayable.
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It's kind of crazy the new mechanic of 100% adv forward in Fei boss and DU Equations is basically Robin ult with extra steps.
You just know they're gonna gimp her in future content just to sell new harmony.
As soon as you want to start clearing MoC and high difficulty SU/DU

People brap about stamina efficiency but missing out on MoC/PF/AS rewards is argubly worse since clearing those stages also give you material rewards besides Jades
If you go above 100 once she is leveled, yes.
unri ashikoki
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>gimp Robin
>just to sell Sunday
Ah so it's just like that time Robin got shot in the neck during one of her tours.
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>roofies your food
>rapes you
>makes you forget everything
>Fu has last action before 11th cycle
>Activate 2nd stack of Yunli Ult that lets her Cull without counter
>Fu auto
>Cull comes out but counts as the 11th cycle

Fuck you too DaWei
Does March 7th want energy regen? Her profile reads like she wants 2 ultimates ready before hitting the enhanced basic.
Think about stuff like pure fiction
You are literally retarded and not a single actual low cost clear would pick Aventurine over Robin, and yet your retarded spreadsheet claims that's the biggest team boost.
As late as possible, you can get through the main story (slowly) with 2x sustains on auto. With supports, you can always clear high level farming stages by finding a whale's unit and get babysat by them while you put 2 sustains on your team.
>yankek steals the spotlight
>could've had her and a cute female rival team up to inazuma kick the baddie
I literally don't get why they're still shilling Yanqing
The rotating endgame modes are meme content that any shitter can clear. Ruan Mei is better for Feixiao in the only difficult content that matters, DU V8
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NO! No Clara sex.
so how's feixiao? everyone on yt is shilling her but she seems just alright to me in term of power?
gameplay-wise she's kinda boring for me but asking about meta
He is the chink MC
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>pooh shiesty that's my dawg but pooh you know i'm really shiesty
You're not going to impress anyone with your FuA slop MoC or Pure Fiction clear with some broken ass cycle blessing making it easy enough for autobattle to clear in time
hook raping you
She's probably the best wind single-target FUA Hunt in the game right now.
It's not even close.
This is literally just Sakura from Naruto
mismatching planar set with godly substats or matching planar set with shitty substats?
No idea, I see FUA I roll.
>impressing people
>in an auto battle side game
me beating the fuck out of her because she can never physically overpower me
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>Rappa raps
>Sparkle doesn't
God I hate this game so much
So I'm meant to progress the campaign with two sustains and with the 4* relics from chests while trace farming with my stamina?
Sparkle sparks
>Hanabi doesn't
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Jiaoqiu is catching up to Yunli...
And Feixiao already outwarped them lol
She will drug you and use her metalic arm to drill your ass
You dont NEED two(2) sustains to do main story. Just play normally.
But having a backup handy doesnt hurt.
Yeah, you can level the purple Relics since you'll get 80% of the exp back when you fodder them. You'll also occasionally get Gold Relics from very rare chests.
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Why did they make such a wuxiaslop character but without the funny wuxiaslop personality? The only saving grace of that genre is that every character's personalities are hilariously shitty. You know the authors are trying to make their characters cool and serious but it cycles back to being comedic.
It's not a metal arm it's a Diggertron!
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the later he'll release the stronger he will be
Yeah but this one has tits
It's very clear HSR writing as a whole is incredibly forced and not organic.

It never feels like the writers wanting to do something, but rather being told to achieve a goal.
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if you could e6 one 5 star for free, who would you choose?

i will e6 hag herta (hagta)
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Boothill confirms Rappa is very strong, you'll regret skipping her.
For the final victor LC, if an attack is multi-hit, do the LC stacks proc more than once?
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HSR writing isn't good
HSR character writing is rarely ever good
HSR relationship writing is abysmal
I hate how every 5 star in this game is E2 or bust now. Feixiao is literally worse dps calcs than E0 ratio until E2, yes I am noticing....
hsr isn't good.
Robin so I could 0 cycle everything with Arlan
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she aint wuxia at all, thats pretty much only yanqing and danIL maybe
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Say if I farm new ERR set for Robin, isn't it kinda stupid to my Clara in 1 slot?
recca is dot preservation
forgot to mention i'm trans
Feixiao is Gojo coded, not Wuxiaslop
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Why is she looking at Yanqing like that?
sentient beings on this very planet use arlan?
Playable Dan Feng never...
Feixiao needs to be kept away from kids.
as opposed to who?
We know, jiaoqiu.
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>Check Moze's kit
>He actually uncucks my Ratio
>Only got E1 despite getting Fei
What the fuck. I need him E2 at minimum, right?
yunli sex
*jingliu's son
he's looking real breedable and submissive there
nah, its gonna happen sooner or later, the main trio will always stay relevant.
Yeah, either roll a few more of wait till they give you one for free someday
I can sort of forgive the relationship aspect always being so half assed.
Because they have to tiptoe around any friendship/romantic/whatever due to how insecure gacha losers are.

But the rest of the story being so mediocre has no excuse.
Tingyun will be the ultimate nihility in name only dot support. Energy regen, dot weakness and heal in one
anyone else grinding out the new su levels so you dont have to do it later?
why did luochud need to do all that shit just to shill his plan
can't he just request an audience with xianzhou authorities like a normal person
no im currently sexing silver sex
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In a better game, she'd be for (You) and fuckable. I hate mixed toliet slop bros
SW Ratio Moze sustain is actually insane. So much damage since SW is really good with multiple dps teams.
I got spooked by Topaz while rolling for Guinaifen dupes
>vtuber raps
because her rap makes people die of cringe?
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FUA in DU V8 feels like such an uphill battle compared to Superbreak, maybe it's different with Remembrance abuse or Sigga but that's cheating and gay. I've yet to see a boss that FF isn't happy to see, all those easily broken and chainable adds are lunch for her; Swarm, SAM, Argenti, it's all so fucking easy for her. If I encounter some bullshit like Argenti or the Meme on FUA my run is over. I don't do any fucking damage either even with all the Aftertaste procs, while my FF is puking out 10,000,000+ superbreak hits over and over. I'm over it, I'm just going to abuse Fuli instead of trying to be honest.
Dan Heng will replace the dead Aeon Long as the Aeon of Permeance

March 7th will replace Fuli for Remembrance

(You) will replace Nanook as an Aeon of entropy instead of outright Destruction
Yanqing is the equivalent of Theresa to Jingliu’s Kallen, a clone of her mixed with a random abundance creature hence the blonde hair

Yanqing canonically is a cis boy so Jingliu is MTF. Your wonderful wife has a dick and balls
I am skipping all chink unit
If this game is so good then why can't I use my favorite characters without them getting powercrept?
based time traveler
Can you get a private meeting with the President?
>nah, its gonna happen sooner or later, the main trio will always stay relevant.
ok but what about the stellaron hunters? they are all powercrept except firefly
The story being mediocre is byproduct of that tiptoeing. You can't have organic story with characters clearly having a line in how much they can express themselves to another character as to not ruin their marketability.
>grinding out the new su levels
You get 2k points just by doing the weekly gimmick runs.
That's 2 levels so you need 10 weeks, or 70 days.
Less than the time shown for the next DU update.
Becoming an aeon is basically dying, or touching the root.
They will just give them alts
Xianzhou generals grooming habits.
How? Feixiao is broken since she has insane synergy with combining Remembrance, Erudtion, Elation, and Hunt blessings/equations. Yunli has insane synergy with combining Abundance, Destruction, and Erudition, and Elation blessings/equations
Unless you completely lack social skills and couldn't detect any hint of backhanded compliments in what she said, I understand why you wouldn't get it.
>muh 1:1 realism
this isn't real life
and i said authorities, yukong or fu xuan could work then they can forward luochud's ideas to jing yawn
i need my rewards NOW
He could easily just walk right into Jing Yuan office alongside Jingliu, not like anyone could stop them
my dick will touch the root
she's literally a slut for propagation bro, progation followers are all sluts that wants to multiply
Impregnating Clara
How can we compete with Tayzzyronth...
reseaching bug ovipositors
alts or a "hidden group" we didnt know about for more members or maybe time altering bullshit
Feixiao and Unri are more versatile, don’t even try to use Firefly on +V6 if you don’t have the advance forward 3* hunt blessings
I'm already lvl 76 just from testing out all the ways I can cheese DU V8
I was gonna say what >>494298965 said - the overall writing takes a nosedive when the writers are restrained into writing dialogue that doesn't feel too personal or intimate between characters. It's the nature of mobages, but even by those standards, Hoyo is afraid of ever letting too loose.
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I sometimes wonder if the ones who rolled for E6 Seele during the first patch of the game actually loved her that much...
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>all sluts that wants to multiply
She's so stinky...
I mean kind of but not really?

Robin and Sunday had the excuse of being close without triggering (most) players and they still did a shitty job of that by sidelining Robin, overplaying the BIRDS story and even the YOU KILLED MY SISTER scene felt empty knowing nobody was gonna die for real (and then confirming they just went to Detroit)
My E6S5 Seele whale friend removed her for E2S1 DHIL
>spelled his name right
for a shitposter you are pretty good
i dont like jing yuan anymore
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whales typically dont roll e6 for "love" i mean i have e6 feixiao for example but i only love blade who is still e0
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And we still don’t know why he has a voice line about KING…
Vitchy sex
YanKING will be the new Tayzzyronth and make Bailu breedable
Did it occur to you maybe they just wanted X amount of voicelines and there werent that many characters back then?
Just gooned to another Fate Doujin
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But can she beat the SHIESTIEST?
Hoyoslop is just really stale and safe all around. We will never get anything like Mashu getting NTRbaited with a lion furry in FGO
if ur asking, u want it
Fate the slop series or Fate the iconic anime character before your time
dunno if i'm remembering correctly, but yanqing has a voiceline about him too and it says that yanqing fought him I think? and that he's preparing to fight him again?
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My girlfriend is so cute
>Stale and safe
>More dramas than FGO
They wish.
Are you coping with the fact you quit Genshin and regret ever playing it?
Hoyo doesn't go the ML direction either, even Firefly is extremely fucking tame which is why I don't blame people calling her bland
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Man, it was so much more fun to do this dumbass Yunli/FeiX duo than FF superbrick.
Fireflyskipping Tingyunbros I don't feel so good
Then why not Lady Fu, Welt, Blade (whom he has a team voiceline with) or Xueyi instead?
Is Feixiao's S1 even worth it? I just find an idea of cone that does nothing other than boosting ult damage boring.
Unlike Mash, Feixiao actually took the knot
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>"I like to eat fried rice"
>"I think the aurum valley is really nice"
>"the hotpot is a little too spice"
uh oh looks like rappa has some competition on the luofu bros.
Kys rape-obsessed freak
Because is omnipandering sloppa
No one wins in omnipandering sloppa.
Neither mihoyo because even the CEO bend the knee.
She's never coming back, bro. Feixiao will be back in 2.6. Yes, she'll rerun with Rappa.
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>Hoyoslop is just really stale and safe all around

I think the question you need to ask yoruself is.....why change up the formula if they keep making (literally) billions?
>Punished Tingyun is actually the Yae Expy
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So what did we learn?
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>no achievement or anything
thanks for nothing you fucking chink
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dotchads rule this game
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I don’t get how people 0-cycle this shit
IPC = flop.
Why is King even blonde? Is he not an actual chink?
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firefly love
I expected pinkfox and brickle to do worse tbqh
It's easily the best non break duo in DU thoughbeit
Say bye to your account
Feixiao and the lufou bombed
Penacony hardcarried again
Shaoji won.
Sparkle glucks. That's all that matters.
I self-insert as Dan Heng so from my point of view anyone who picked Caelus has anal worms
Was jade really that bad?
Everyone blew their load on Firefly + Ruan Mei and Jade is just a PF bot
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Topazbros how does this look? Can I stop farming this dogshit cavern?
What are you mad about canon?
They literally tell you that you get nothing for doing this
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All me.
For the 1 in 100000, is Bronya E4 a good Feixiao teammate over her premium team?
>dual sustain
Get your test levels checked
>get a message from moze
>he's fucking stalking me
Can i delete him from my account what the fuck?
>Muttxiao needed to be carried by Robin and DoThags to even compete with Firefly
Imagine if she reran on her own with Boothill as her banner mate KEK
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Bronya is already on par with E0S0 Topaz at E1S1. E4 is just going to be better.
Real men rolled Boothill
coomer mona...
i was going to make fun of you then saw you rolled dots, get more speed on that swan though
Its was impossible using 1 sustain against sam. Maybe wormturine can make it with some specific blessings but i dont have him.
I will roll Boot on his rerun, tho. The first run was too squished by Robin and FF.
He is cool but it's a shame he didn't really get popular.
He's already behind you and inside you. That's what you get for rolling for a male. No, rolling for Feixiao isn't an excuse.
Which is why HSR is at its best when it's not taking itself seriously
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Argenti is the sovl character in this game.
I want his cone because of how stacked it is. Having to cope with Swordplay is painful.
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Yanqingbros she's laughing.
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Oh shit. I think if you complete all the "Beat up Yanqing" achievements, you get a player icon. I don't really know if you have to get all the achievements or if you just need to complete the Fei Xiao one since I did both at the same time.
Won't that be really spicy SP wise?
Did they explain why Jiaoqiu's blindness can't be remedied? I recall Dan Shu's storyline about Xianzhou immortals unable to cure inherent blindess, but that suggests their world has the means to heal generic blindness.
I had to use Feixiao's basic few times. But you can use Gallagher instead of Aventurine who is less damage but better SP generation.
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>we still don't know
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Who here is legit rolling for Sakura?
Yeah it's from doing all the Wardance achievements. Welcome to the Yanqing Beater Club!
I happily use mine for quantum type fights but quantum is the least shilled element it's crazy how rare it is.
You need all of them. Naturally the Luochud one is the hardest. Also if you're running Robin and you're unlucky enough that the extra proc is what finishes Yanqing it doesn't count (happened to me when I was trying to last hit with Sushang and I had to do it again)
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She was clearly holding back in her fight with Yanqing. You have to consider that this Feixiao just got a powerup and is also unhinged, so wouldn't be holding back.
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E0S0 if I win the 50/50
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>force through Luka's event to get the jades needed to hit soft pity for Feixiao
>lose the 50/50 on e3 Bronya

Welp guess I'm stuck with my free Ratio then.
All the more reason why there's no point in attempting serious opposite-sex interactions, because it inevitably runs into that problem. They can write really personal stuff when it's the same sex because it's not about dating and cucking anymore, it's about the problems and characters themselves.
>Sunday joining the express
I didn't finish Penacony yet do you think they would actually have him join us on adventures...
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Thanks. I'm also part of the AchievementGODS club too.
Yeah, some of the last hit achievements was annoying. I think there was an event that had extra powers shooting at mobs and that ability can block you from getting the last hit.
He did though?
There probably is a way for him to get fix considering Foxians can regen an organ if they want to. The way they framed it sounded really melodramatic despite the fact that unless it's a birth defect, Abundancenigga like the Xianzhoukeks and Foxians can survive almost anything and heal after a while.
hoyoniggas will see a male and female interact and act like they just witnessed public sex
I assume that’s because every mono-quantum team is implied to have SW, so they just implant quantum weakness anyways
I suppose they could explain it away as a consequence of the bite plus tumbledust but really I think they should have leaned more on the whole moon rage aspect and the destructive effect it apparently has on Foxians. Paired with his research to cure it I believe there could have been a mumbo jumbo handwave of him using a failed attempt from trying to cure Feixiao to deliberately poison Hoolay and gamble with his life to avoid the worse of it.
The subscribe for more cone led me to brainstorm: a character whose damage increases when energy increases and loses energy when taking HP damage (can be shielded)
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im thinking she will be a success
Do people actually care about Sunday.
Dan shu's disability is one of the biggest plot holes in the game. Herta made herself younger and NO ONE can cure blindness? That's awful writing.
Foxians can't regenerate, bro. Hoolay literally pointed this shit out. What's next, you're gonna say Lingsha can get pregnant? At least learn how to read.
That just invites /u/ and fujofaggots to think they're being pandered to even when there's nothing there. You can't win with that approach.
Kinda indifferent. I liked his schizo melties
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another homo. skip
>poor man's Maruki
They already explained it in one of the books. The bodies revert back to the original state. So if you were born with a missing limb, even if you manage to grow back the arm through artificial means, the body will kill the arm so that it's back to the original stump.
I do... answer me.
The top updooted post in the subleddit yesterday at a whopping 10k updoots is once again yunli yanqing shipshit so yes, they do
Can't believe Sakura got implants. Also I've rolled for almost every Imaginary characters (Ratio being free and all), but I already have an erudition brick so I'll have to skip that one for now.
This but with any female/female and male/male interaction unironically on twitter

Hell, Jiaoqiu and Moze were shipped together just for standing together in the 2.4 PV
who cares what they think, they aren't the majority so people will just look at them weird anyway
I think it would be hilarious if he did join the express. Especially after some people spammed that a certain character would most definitely join.
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better than mine
She did "cure it". Their immortality is a curse, because their body forcibly rejects anything they weren't born with. Dan Shu gives herself eyes? Her body rejects it and makes her blind again shortly afterwards. Part of why she became a villain.
I don't really mind him but I swear to god if I have to hear about that fucking charmony dove one more time
To any Lorehead-anons, is Welt able to stop his aging? Also is he just cool not seeing his family? It seems weird that even though his motivation is to find a way back it's supposedly been years
? Dan Shu did cure her blindness, it was just temporary cuz her xianzhou longlife body rejected it in 10 days.
Yurishitters/homofujos and selfinserters are just two sides of the same coin
No one is rolling this nipgger when Sunday and SSJ Tingyun are around the corner
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After using DoT team for a year i have tasted some human rights and it feels very good. But without wind weakness it's simply doesnt work. What a shame. DoT is simply universal and braindead, just how i like it.
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>still wants to spar with us
Little Yanqing realize he’s a masochist
I think Welt is in his eighties and his wife looks like she's 12 so there's probably a way.
March is ピンク though not 桃色
pagday will flop just like every homo, you retarded troon
>Foxians can't regenerate
>there's literally a document about how Foxkeks can regenerate but not at the same rate as the Borisin
They can, retard. Just not at the speed Borisin can. There was even experiments conducted on Foxians to show they can regrow an entire liver.
I care about who's pegging him at the IPC.
wtf is this team
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Don't worry. The gracious Herta is on the case.
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SURELY with a Hunt character being shilled this hard, they’ll have actual ST-focused modes in the future, right?
Herta doesn't have the spess chink curse
ST is dead, roll Erudition (but not Herta)
Hunt will forever be stuck in FuA btw
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I don't think it's a maschist thing, it's more the fact that to improve at fighting, you have to keep fighting someone better than you so you can learn what you are doing wrong.
it's called "peak comfy" you wouldnt understand
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there's 3 rerun characters here that a lot of people like idk what you on
>when we're getting even more enemies on field soon
Yet another V8 run cucked by Meme. Why the fuck did those chink devs put that guy in there? If you're not using DoT or FF killing that guy is impossible, my 3* Equation damage procs don't even hurt the prisons he makes. Yea I think I'm done trying to clear V8 with anything other than FF, there's just too much bullshit. Even if you do good damage you'll probably get fucked over by some stupid mechanic with a boss that behaves in a way that renders your units useless.
If the multiple rows thing is real then huntbricks got rugpulled
>"SUNDAY IS A HOMO WORM HIV" spammed during his banner
>he ends up being a meta support for a future 5 star waifu dps
it'll happen again
FUA kind of fixes hunt's ST issues because their follow ups keep going into next mob making it easy to kill trash.
co-op/world raid, scored by damage in fixed number of cycles, single target boss
Double sustain is perfectly viable.
>giga shill a Huntbrick
>proceed to make multi row enemies right after
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Seriously when are they introducing guilds? Just make a content like world bosses from GBF and this game will boost twice in popularity, I guarantee it.
Xianzhou natives' bodies will eventually reject any modications and try to revert to their original state since they're "blessed" by the Abundance. The reason behind Fu Xuan's constant migraines is her body constantly trying to regenerate the hole in her skull where Nous put that third eye.
Where the FUCK is my Gallagher merch?
I will skip them if its true. it's pretty simple
I currently have Kafka, Ruan Mei, and Feixio as my most 'meta' units, is it better to roll for Robin or Black Swan with those? I have some other 5 stars but nothing great, just Blade, Seele, Ratio, Welt, Himeko so I figure i should build around either Kafka or Feixiao
Do you still take HRT daily?
Is Salsetto really better than Duran? I can't get any good Durans
Yeah it's crazy how much more unfair Meme is over any of the other Floor 2 bosses. Very glaring balancing issue there where its mechanics just choke out anything that isn't designed specifically for that boss.
where is your robin
I shan't join any hsrg guild. Not that I'm allowed with my day 1 Luochud, Daniel and Aventurine.
I personally don't really mind guild autism, but I doubt that the sentiment is too widespread.
maybe. its probably gonna be more like black swan joining us for a stop or two
It's absolutely fucking retarded and shouldn't be a random boss for someone trying to clear it fairly with a non-dot or gigashilled team. Insta-gibbing allies which already evaporates your damage output/frequency, exacerbated by the fact that you have to attack the health bars frequently...but without allies that can attack, PLUS it keeps getting stronger adding health bars, is just an unscalable wall without specific counterplay
not interested. im waiting for a sexy snek banner
I don't want guild wars in another game, the most autistic shit ever in gacha
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Will Hoolay be playable now that ZZZ’s wrangled the furfag audience into the Hoyoverse?
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well sadly there is no snek coming up
>just do something like GBF
No thanks, next you'll be asking hoyo to confirm Firefly and Kafka as infertile after 10 IRL years and make a Blade speedo skin or some shit
I think this is the result of the game having two skills honestly. Bosses are becoming more of a mechanics check and if your account doesn't have the roster to counter that mechanic you are kinda fucked.
Only 3% at similar stats or some shit
>Sleepy Sushang
Clara pee
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Firefly is already infertile as is thoughbeit
Err Duran better than Salsetto I mean.
That's a lie, but even without cons or sig, it doesn't make that much of a difference.
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>headcanon of her sleeping when she says she couldn't
What are they cooking with the yet-to-be-seen-in-the-flesh Elio?
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Only 50% of her toughness damage, and only for 3 attacks after her 160 cost ult.
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I want to pee on Clara to keep her warm.
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Tall ikemen who's extremely NOT for (you) and has a female love interest
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my nigga duke mentioned
stupid sexy reptile
I want Clara to pee straight into my mouth
But it's random so you can't even prepare even if you have every team comp lol
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Alright I'm going to play one gacha. Which mihoyo one should I install? Genshin, ZZZ, Wuwa, or this? They all look the same to me.
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>entering Feixiao's mind to confront her doubt and fear
>Shadow Feixiao
>"my enemy has always been myself "
They're really desperate for that Persona collab huh.
>He didn't believe me when I; a hoyodev said that Tingyun's debuffs would enable superbreak outside of break
Why in 2024 would you design a healer that needs to cast skill every turn when Luochud literally heals for free
unfortunately we are full, fuck off
Please anons I have to know, should I pull swan or robin?
Luochud sucks so...
Where is Black Swan right now? Is she just chilling on the Express?
whichever genre is more appealing, ig? what do you like
Comfyness scaling: HSR>>wuwa>ZZZ(fuck the manual SU equivalent shit every week)>Genshit
Looks scaling: any of the others>>>Genshit outdated models
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what is this from?
genshin or wuwa both are fun games with a mentally well playerbase unlike this one
pull robin or your feixaio is literally bricked
>mixed toilet weeb fantasy exploration
>anime urban fantasy action game with a side of furry
>fantasy china exploration
>4 niggas in a row sci fi adventure with a serving of chinawank
Nah don't do it. It's not worth the time.
Genshin is BOTW but with less gameplay, ZZZ is an inferior beat em all and HSR is 4 niggas in a row (but your characters have an expiration date)
Thundercunt comes from Feixiao talent.
just get both
thats a pretty fat multiplier
Unless I get absurdly lucky I don't think I have enough gems for that. And I fear what door i'd open by spending money on a gacha
she likes them fat
Guinafen should've been the tourney MC
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she didn't want to subject herself to xianzhou writing, so shes hiding in the walls rn who knows
she's a influen- er, journalist
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It's way easier with Firefly even without the hunt advance blessings, picrel. Just need to make sure you choose good defensive buffs, destruction and preservation work really well with grit and shields. Meanwhile I've been trying to clear with Yunli and it's just so much harder.
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You would help Yunli if she was stuck in the ground, right?
yes, I'd feed her my dick
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Would you accept her apologies for being a brick?
What r u even talkin abt
Don't ask
Don't hesitate
Just pull
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>Ruan Mei nooticed by Nous
shit taste or he's trying to start something
>but your characters have an expiration date)
Elaborate. Do you have to re-roll them every month?
Pulling out of Silver Wolf!
They can fucking regenerate their liver, you lorelet. You try removing your liver and see if it regrows. It is just that Foxians don't have regeneration as strong as the Borisins, who regularly regrow their entire skeleton.
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>spends thousands
>doesnt even read her kit
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IM GONNA SAY IT AAAA *Xianzhou profanity*
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im finally free
Exactly my experience. First tried V7&8 with the FF Superbreak team and never really faced any danger, even the boss (Swarm) not being weak to Fire did not matter. I was doing decent damage with my Yunli using the counter 3* Equation but then the Meme comes in and fucks me over. I have no doubt that with FF I would've beat the Meme's shit in with no trouble. I get that DU is meant to shill new units but I feel like it's such a drastic departure from the powerscaling we had in Swarm Disaster and G&G, everything other than FF just feels like absolute dogshit. At least I had fun on the way to losing in the previous SU iterations, this one just feels dreadful when you have to align a dozen different layers of RNG just to get something work-withable.
What's the point of doing this? Doing your weekly DU will eventually maxed it
You'll be back next week. And the week after that!
What's going on on this picture??
the making of an Aeon
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>admits that Foxkeks can regen an entire organ
>literally does nothing to disprove my point that they can regenerate
You really are a genuine, retard.
Should I get Robin for my E2S1 Acheron or will Bronya suffice?
oh boohoo, humans can regen from like 10% of their liver, you Foxians think you're so special??
she is such a degenerate
Your sporkle?
You should've got Hannah B.
ACKeron is overloaded on DMG% buffs, which is what Bronya & Robin primarily provide
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In a better game, I'd be able to marry and breed her and make her happy with atleast 5 kids. But alas...
>want to try the game out
>discover no one is for you
lol what a trash gacha

I came to the conclusion than E2 Bronya didn't make E0 Sparkle interesting
erm... your dan?
oh wait he's for bailu
My sigga aventurine
That's hoyo gacha in general, ML is near nonexistent
bro your headcanon?
stop shitposting here sigga
we don't like your kind
Not worth it, Robin is BiS with Acheron only if you're interested in 0 cycling moc and overall she's less comfy
e1 robin or e2 sparkle to use alongside robin for feixiao?
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Topaz is for you!
No, somehow retards have convinced themselves that a new character that comes out and is 1% better than what they have, means that their owned character is now absolutely worthless and can't clear any content anymore.
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Your discover skill is lacking
After the latest event have to admit that she's only worthy of being a cocksleeve. Brainwashed, retarded and manipulating bitch that do nothing but annoy people.
And this is by writter's design. Looks like they didnt liked that people has shown some sympathy to her after her original event, despite all that she did, so they decided to completely destroy her in our eyes.
Well, if you still want to pull for robin, go for it
there's no downside since she can be used on other teams
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Shame you're not a pedo.
KILL YOURSELVES with your shitposting Aventurine doesn't deserve ANYTHING let alone a cute wife with a big ass and children FUCK OFF!!!! MIHOYO OWES ME THIS MUCH
so, didnt manage to beat firefly even despite heavily stacking everything to do so?
How are we handling the EoS announcement, bwos?
We'll get Hook alter soon if the game timeline keep progressing
Topaz is Gaiathra's self insert.
Where is this massive Feixiao shilling everyone is talking about. I don't see it anywhere.
>people clapping as TB getting head from a loli
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Bro, your Mitsuki Nanoka, Kafka, Firefly, Silver Wolf, Serval, Hook, Bronya, Herta, Ruan Mei, Robin, Acheron, Hanya, Guinaifen, Sushang?
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She'll be the strongest character in the entire game.
Your 11 minutes of liveaction chinks sucking her off?
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kafka is right there anon
>try to auto the Feixiao's shadow weekly
>my Feixiao team takes fucking forever
>Firefly team just dies

This shit fucking sucks
Robin is complete suffering to use with Archeron. Youd have to be a complete clown to do it.
>Firefly team just dies
????? My ff clears way faster than feixiao
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Don't forget about new addition
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go to star rail youtube channel and count how many vids FX got shilling her
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>Jingliu to Yanqing
>Juan to Yanqing
>Huaiyan to Yunli
>Now this
Why's the Xianzhou filled with groomers bros
I don't know someone just starts dying in phase 2
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Im scared. What happens if I snitch?
Nobody can deny the shotacon dev
It goes Jingliu to Juan to YanKING with Jingliu showing off her grooming tendencies since Juan is too old now.
They die.
They die like cucks
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Dude straight up raped Yanqing and nobody could stop him. Yanqing liked it and didn't even press charges
wasnt there a actual hardcore shota dev among homoyo writters? i remember gig was joking about it for some time
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>mfw more and more people are starting to realize how absurdly good JQ is but also realize we're at least 6 months from a re-run
Kill yourself homotroon, your faggot fucking flopped
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I regret rolling for Brickle
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Liking kids is natural and should be encouraged.
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>pela sidegrade
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What limited 5* character did you roll and never use anymore?
For me it's
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Fight me
Seven, like Firefly. Anything else?
I don't. I actually enjoy having Sparkle on my team. Auto the game while I goon to Sparkle.
I like his character
He's good but ABSURDLY good? I dunno dude
bet you lanky and pasty wytboi
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I like how straight-forward his kit is.
Good try, but no.

Moze surprised me though. Against weakness he managed to do a 180k ult (including the follow up) without harmony in the team. Though he's very much not flexible, and the nerf to advance upon exiting his skill stage is actually brutal. It essentially means you only get to really fully target one enemy per wave unless you give him a lot more speed than you need for the battle/wave start.
crazy how e0s0 ack and him is better than e2s1 ack with sparkle
still not rolling bruv
dothags are just better looking
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>Pom Pom's been eating so much of that Penacony food, it's been more like GAStral Express around here...
That ass belongs to IX
now, what do you guys just love to say firefly was?
I can't get past those cheeks...
how high is the chance for the next DOT unit to be hags again?
post your roster
next dot is a fox
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Aventurine is the Cheld of /hsrg/
Actually this ass isn't canon, Acheron's butt is actually small and cute
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go away, Cheld.
Your Tingyun?
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all the way in indopagland?
Shilled, with a in game date. An outside of the game date for people who signed up. A patch fully dedicated to her. Another date. Her appearing in an event unrelated to everything when she's supposed to be gone for another date. A full PoV segment that lasted more than 5 seconds. Characters going out of their way to act kindly to her even in web events, and to ship her with the trailblazer.
I'm not denying the shilling, that's marketing. I'm confused that people act like Feixiao was everywhere and pushed extra hard in and out of the game.
And who's the Yaoyao of /hsrg/?
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she's for superbreak
More like TayRIZZyronth
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Elio is super mega ultra giga for (you) btw.
In your mind? Because that's not a thing outside of PF.
The mutt needed two other 5 stars to not flop

Has that been explained yet why they decided to do that?
Finally some stelle sexo
>718 pulls
Looks impressive, but if you lose every 50/50 you can only get E3S1 at least
meanwhile, FX had
>two characters whose singular meaning of existance is glazing her, something firefly did not have
>the same ammount of trailers, some where anime style
>1000 gems to get people to play her patch, something firefly did not have
>two whole patches dedicated entirely to her, something firefly did not have, story never revolved arround her
also dont bringup people being nice to firefly as if the story doesnt bend over backwards to suck off FX at every turn
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What do you mean finally, Stelle is pure sex.
Why do people say lingsha cant sp?

Let's go over the arguments.
>She has to use skill every turn
Complete retardation. She only has to use skill when the bunny is at 1 use left (and her next turn will not be before the bunny acts) to give it +3 more uses. (Cap is 5).

>She is a EAA character so 1 sp every 3 turns like fu xuan, ruan Mei, etc.
Another retard. First of all for RM technique means you get an instant free skill so it becomes AAE. Lingsha is different that from RM and Fu in that the turns she gets don't count down the bunny. So being faster will not force her to use skill at a much faster pace, the only countdown potential is when she uses ult, but those are best saved for when you need some emergency healing, or in the break team, a burst of damage right after the bunny went once.

So in practice her rotation ends up looking something like: AAAE at 161+. Wind set would let be insane for when shes used outside break but I know nobody here farms that set.
I hope they keep doing it so we'll at least get a faster rerun cycle
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so ruan mei's tingyun is a crit dot hypercarry who can heal, apply fire weakness, permanent superbreak and comes with a built in resurrection mechanic?
sounds promising
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snuggled by pillow last night pretending it was Feixiao
Will Sunday make Blade and Jingliu great again?
kek sure
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Star rail for this feel?
Forgot to say lingsha technique gives a free 3 action bunny when the battle begins, that is why it's AAAE at 161+.
Shut up LingchatGPT
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>le wind meme
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She mind broke you
>what did we learn
Same as always, that anons in these threads dont know shit and just use them as echo chambers
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Just got Kafka at 76 pulls after winning the 50/50 to Feixiao at 72 pity, I know i might not get Black Swan in time but hopefully I get enough jades to save for Rappa or SPTingyun if she goes well with DOTsisters
Skipping Jiaoqiu was a good decision for me not because he's a twinkfox but knowing my Acheron wont perform well lately I still fear the fact that we are nonstop shilling Fire units since 2.3
I hope so
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Anyone have tips for DU as I try and work my way into harder difficulties?
What domains to aim for, which ones to stay away from, etc. Other stuff I should always look for and try to get
That's why I mentioned it last. Nobody is using that and that's irrelevant to the point. 161+ speed is very doable with RM and kalpani. Outside break she can use double wind sets for cope builds to reach that.
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I just stopped rolling for old DPS / buffers for old DPS, it's a trap
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these are debuffs at Lv7, they go up to 35% and 15% at 10. They are unremovable debuffs that refresh on their own whenever the enemy takes ANY action, and every time it refreshes Acheron gains 1 point of Slashed Dreams. It can trigger 6 times and this trigger count resets each time JQ uses his ultimate which only cost 100 energy.

His debuff also register as a DoT, which Black Swan and Kafka can buff. All his damage scales of ATK which with his passive reaches 5-7k easy. Every time a new enemy enters the stage OR the boss/enemy changes phases, they are immediately inflicted with MAX stacks of Ashen Roast.
His buffs uses "Allies" instead of "team members" which means it will work with summons/servants that we know are coming.

>Increased DMG taken by 24%
>Increases DMG received by 35%
>Increased Ultimate DMG by 15%

He also has the fastest average clear times in CN
If FUA, get that Remembrance blessing that freeze enemies after X hit
If Firebland, get that Hunt blessing that advance forward after breaking
And try to get that blessing that share damage among team members unless you bring Fu Xuan.

Everything else is just nice too have.
Where's he absurdly good other than in Acheron team? I've never once saw a team where you would use him over Ruan Mei or Robin.
He's a gay blind furry. What's important is the appeal, and there is literally no appeal to be had with Chinkname#14.
When will new patch leaks drop usually? I'm in max pity rate on right now and waiting for tingyun kits to see whether she is dot support or not
do combat domains for more blessings
learn which blessings are good for who
learn which blessings are complete trash
realise that at higher difficulties it all comes down to RNG
2.7 beta will drop one day after 2.6 launches
This game has no lasting cultural staying power
No game has
I like doing Store (if money) > Rewards > Occurrences (big variance) >= Adventure (more consistent) > Encounter > Combat. For consistency if you don't actually need to get strong then you can just farm combat domains.
I used to play with this wiki open on the side https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Divergent_Universe/Occurrences to help me with the occurrence choices where I didn't know exactly what I was getting but you'll learn them all pretty quickly if you just do a few runs with this open.
My only advice is to actually lean into any good synergies/curios you have because there are plenty of ways to break the DU gamemode now.
oh wait
if it was a girl I would've rolled e2s1 to work with my DoThags and acheron
but no, so skip
Elio will be using the TB body that you didn't pick up so Caelus for Stelle and vice versa
bro your broodwar?
we need girls with hairy armpits
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Wait, you're telling me that the latest banner unit does well against the content they're designing them for?
What the fuck
That's called subordinates, yeah. Whereas we see more interactions from the SH than ever before entirely focused on Firefly.
Irrelevant, that's not more or less. Unless that's supposed to be a privilege for one character only?
Versus an entire TB path, a Ruan Mei rerun, Gallagher, a new mechanic, DU in its entirety, and the usual benefits along with a marketing campaing meant to use her to bring more people to the game. Which, fair's fair, it worked..
2.4 wasn't entirely around her since we spent a lot of time with Yunli and Yanqing as well as even Hanya or Xueyi, and with 2.5 over she's basically gone entirely. So she got 1 patch, shilling comparable with Aventurine. Who also got more out of game marketing I'm pretty sure.
I fully expect xianzhou characters to sing the praises of a general. It's not great but it's to be expected. Silver Wolf shilling Firefly and even Jade being used solely to glaze her is less to my taste yeah.
Our characters aren't even as popular as Gayshits so yea
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You can also use Solitary Healing LC on him in PF which will allow him to recast Ultimate every single round, which again will leave Acheron in perma ult mode. The only reason Acheron didn't lose t0 tier status is because of JQ

>Acheron has been at the top of our MoC tier list since her release but as of late has begun to show signs of losing her edge. At the same time Follow-Up and Break archetypes has continued to gain improvements via new Relics or characters - this led our team to begin strongly reconsidering her place at the top. This all changed with the release of Jiaoqiu - a character tailor made to synergize with Acheron who has now proven on his debut to greatly increase her performance while also performing very well himself. As a result of this Acheron has seen one of her best MoC showings yet while having an incredibly high play rate.
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don't go into challenge domains at high difficulty, spam occurrence and hope you get lucky, make sure you have the blessing that splits damage (and heals if brickbundance) before the last boss
>He also has the fastest average clear times in CN
To be fair, he's much less popular than RM/Robin so there'd be less casuals tanking his clear speed
NTA. But at e0s1 his best team is Archeron.
Other places he's absurdly good is in teams like:
yunli, Robin, huohuo, fox
Seele, sparkle, fox, sustain

Basically the ult damage characters that have 0 vulnerability. I would say Feixiao too but topaz while having less vulnerability than him can be argued still does better than him there.
good morning saaaar
unironically shilling a disabled furry topKEK
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At least Snowbreak changed the entire gacha industry, what did HSR accomplish?
Starting to think the hatred against Aventurine is homophobia in disguise. /hsrg/ hate sassy gay men that live their truth and are proud of themselves and it shows. Aventurine's homosexuality is a key part of his narrative and is one of the reasons that nips and chinks love him so much
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Did you enjoy this slop of a patch?
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>people are only realizing now topaz is a cunt
Shes allways been like this
Only superficially nice if you benefit her, backhanded at best if not
She was about to attack the AE for daring to give someone a second opinion on the whole "let's sell our planet and people to corporate slavery for a deal the ones who are trying to enslave us cut off centuries ago after basically abandoning us to die"
lol snoggers are so delusional
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Yes, better than most of Penacony
I'd be more interested if they had done more with him honestly. His writing is kinda odd to me, like they want to make him out to be a coward and conflicted but also slightly evil and also harmless.
Great buffs tho, I can't deny. And the ease of use is impressive, very fire and forget.
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I was planning to roll Acheron's LC on her rerun but now idk, she's getting worse and worse
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genshin has fallen off hard these days. they don't even get much art anymore
fuck no, unironically on the brink of quitting
Yes, and?
>Sparklefag saying a bunch of bullshit
Checks out
Did you even try her yet bro? She literally can't sustain in her tailor made content without spamming skill.
I rolled him because I wasn't planning on waiting ages for a SW rerun and I didn't have Tutorial anyway(2.6 supposedly fixes that but by then I already E0S1'd him so too late)
HSR is the only reason I still game regularly these days. There's literally nothing good to play between big single player releases
Lol nice feminist inside your shitty company. Also your shit is getting censored anyway.
Seems like a skill issue shitter. If she can't sustain in her own content imagine Gallaghers much shitter sustain capabilities idiot.
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>Ch*nese stats
Robin won where it matters.
How did Jade glaze FF? She was neutral at best, dismissive at worst.

She broke you.
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God no
I literally left the story on auto and alt tabbed
I don't hate these characters but I also don't really care about them either
It's an all consuming "meh"
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Feminists and censors make this now? Damn.
>His debuff also register as a DoT, which Black Swan and Kafka can buff.
Only 180% of atk, so don't know why you're trying to make it seem as if he does amazing damage. For comparison, E6 Gui's dot deals 280% when maxed, and nobody runs her for her damage anymore.
>Increased DMG taken by 24%
Which requires his cone, so kinda disingenuous making it seem part of his kit
I agree he is pretty good, but you just repeating his kit without comparing him to other options is just stupid. You can make any character look good if you do it like that. That is why people dislike foxshills, you just trying way too hard without giving actual numbers.
Please tell me that Superbreak Tingyun is a load of bullshit.
can they just let us slaughter the IPC
do it in a Stellaron Hunter POV or something
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no, I'm just waiting until sunday/ting and space greece
Just gonna ignore the elephant in the room are you?
Sorry Anon, but no one is rolling Lingsha no matter how much you kick and scream. It's okay though you can keep the two Jadebros company in the corner.
She every single path in the game according to leak trannies. That have shitted up the leaks and change it up every day
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There's no way they'd be stupid enough to shackle another highly anticipated character to that shitty boring playstyle
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>/hsrg/ says he's a gay man
>nips draw him fucking Stelle all the time
I don't get it...
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Whatever. Snowbreak just keeps getting better but I don't have high hopes for HSR's designs and content in the future. Even in Genshin they went full nintendies it's sad to see.
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i dont even have to ult at this point
Her being super break is pretty consistent among leaks tho, with the only other option being DoT
Are you supposed to spam his skill or only skill once every wave?
>t shitter
I don't expect poorpags to get anything. Shitters are unironically losing in story mode like you. I'm just making it clear you are fucking retarded. You sound like someone that would make one of those arguments I listed.
i hope so because hmc sucks and is what makes superbreak so weak
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I can't believe that game is going to EoS...
based Snowbreak CHAD
Is that a modded Kafka? Post her
>HSR's designs and content in the future
Just play porn game then? Why stuck with chink gacha censored game?
What's the elephant
With the next path coming up we will need another SB enabler
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Snowbreak doesn't stand a chance
Game is being actively censored by CCP now
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Man Feixiao is insanely broken. I've got dog shit not even fully upgraded relics on her and have her traces at like 8 and she's literally outperforming my Acheron. I can't wait until I can actually properly build her and my March to make the team run proper. Heck I haven't even built my Robin yet, she's still god trash relics on that aren't fully upgraded.
I don't think Jade glazed her at all but I agree that Firefly gets preferential treatment because she, Sigga and Acheron are the writer's onaholes
whose slow ass banner killed the game?
shame shes completely single target though
can someone make a non-herta thread?
>with the only other option being DoT
she might have some minor stuff for DoT, but who would she replace anyway? RM? or Fofo and go sustainless
Yunli Jiaoqiu Feixiao Lingsha and Rappa's
single-handedly making the best damage dealer in the game better and allow her to remain at the top. What number is there behind something like? There has been no new relics or any support/character kit of any kind to help Acheron or any other damage dealer that is not break or FuA.

1 character doing what new relic/planar sets + Robin, Harmony Trailblazer, Gallagher, Aventurine, Firefly and now Feixiao has done for FuA/Break.
Lyney if his sister got killed, but gameplay-wise is close to Kazuha.
Well you could compare him to other options. Your entire argument is just based on a single tierlist, and even then it is just a difference between T0 and T0.5. Saying JQ is doing what HTB does for break is just crazy, since the only reason break even exists as an archetype is HTB while my Acheron doesn't stop working if I remove JQ from the team. Again, that is the problem with you foxshills, you make stupid exaggerated claims without providing any real numbers.

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