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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

There are no screenshots to be taken. I don't play this game.
My malera? Sorting through the 40+ mods I downloaded the other day to see what I like
Please post lalaboy feet
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I love femezen so much it's unreal
I love Feriri Feri!
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I just want to be happy...
and have someone to dote on
>General is now unironically mostly about mods
This expansion really did blow ass
this is what (You) like :3
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flat moonies
Upon further consideration, sex with catgirls has been reinstated
where do the people with no thread cred sit in the beds so i don't offend someone by being too close to their wife or something
I would do ver nsfw things with mona's midlander.
Should I present myself as a meek feminist ally to lull bioholes into a false sense of security and then horribly gaslight and emotionally manipulate them into going crazy until they're dependent on me for validation? It seems like a fairly common and reliable mating strategy these days.
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Anastasiya Medvedeva my bottom heavy analwife
I love this ritual post
i like to jump around like a retard
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im sleepy
Kongmal Cuckbrap lost.
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I havent had social interaction with another person in like 6 years and its starting to flare up
I made a Snowbunny alt then joined the Blacked Eorzea discord and shell and now I want to make it my main
It is! it is. Also when you talk with cat words like incorporating nya into words.
Be normal
let's fucking GO bros, I love sex with catgirls.
Woah buddy that's my bottom heavy anal plapslave
Get a job you worthless losers
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I want to do this to a femboy.
that was the cutest team i've ever been obliterated by in CC
is that sfia
same as it ever was
>"dude i fucking hate these secondlife rejects"
>*idles all day with a 200mb mare upload*
My malera? Stroking my 2.3 inch khaganate banner while the malidster bull shoots gooner gruel in my tranny adjacent GAM wife.
You know that shit clap hard.
Go to bed.
It's not working.
this is what (I) like!
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they don't have cheese here sqqueeek squeeek
i press miracle of nature
i press limit break
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No, it's not dn. You'll never guess who it is because I don't exist
vexa post
Another week of me grinding out pointless things to avoid joining PF to get into raids. Being in a static with set raiding days would be much easier.
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we like this
i just woke up
i didn’t like any part of this post
Who the fuck is Vexa
i'm too tired for cc i guess
Day 10 of Macska damage control to gaslight Tzera into thinking it wasn't him
one footjob please...
If only fiddies were real...
One of his genders could clean up the room
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how many triangles
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>started mid-March
>took a break in August
>haven't finished the post-EW MSQ
Free me...
i chill in a corner

sometimes people come and talk and it's nice
just compress your shit
Kill yourself I'm serious
How does one join said discord?
Which ebin here has a QOS tattoo?
compressed im like 50mb
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my femlala on the right (she talks about normie nerd stuff)
Youre going to get fucking ZOOPED
how do i compress
my WoL acts like this
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Do not
Drink coffee then
my moonie on the left
My male midlander?
On the left.
Tozer Beau
THanks I threw up a little
my middie on the left hearing a femra vent to me on the right
I afk in the beds to not get sexpested, it surprising works
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go to the tex tab and convert everything to bc7
I'm having a callcenter job for the last year and it's the worst time ever.
you got that excited?
You'll never stop the smooching
For as long as those lips remain kissable it will be my duty to do so
You need to get an invite from someone else who has permission to make one, it's super closed off for some reason
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>bozja crush asked me to help with her DRN runs on saturday
King and Queen of /xivg/
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hi serious i'm dad

what's zooped mean?

you can convert all textures to BC7 compression in mare I think it makes all textures much more compress
is there a legit looking run on all 4s animation to make my rat girl run on all 4's
I just need to find the right femlala to give me a thighjob
King Kong and Queen Mode
Try to find something else then, surely there's a job out there you'll enjoy or atleast tolerate
this is me when my crush randomly asks if we can discord call and silently watch each other play games all day
I really like a webm I made earlier today and I was thinking about posting it for the third time. But three times in one day is too much, so I will not do it. Maybe in a few days I'll post it again.
Me and my character
Jaden Mode
Val Moorabella
Effy Kibou
Perrine Charlemend
Cameron Ingerland
Glue Sniffer
Heiko Harlocke
Miau Miau
Akemi Sanzo
Veron and Akemi
Claire Hearthbarrow is the sole ruler over her kingdom.
I'm a 30 y/o NEET, might as well be over for me
if i wanted to hang out in the beds who do i get the syncshell from... just wonderin
I like how he tries a new tactic every day, today was
>I'll samefag the idea that I am a scape goat
Was there a way for Square Enix to introduce Wuk Lamat 2 expansions earlier like they did Ardbert?
Me and my wife
Nobody we are all trash peasants in YoshiP's hot car
constipation is no joke
I made a Femra alt just to eRP with someone from this thread and we ended up watching Cowboy Bebop and having a generally good time
It's been a few months, I hope he's okay

Goodnight /xivg/!
It depends on your current aetherpool level. I recommend spamming 51-90 solo until you're at or close to 70/70 to convert 3 aetherpool grips for your Padjali weapon. You'll end with ~40/40 aetherpool gear, which is not too bad for when you decide to do PotD again. Kinna weapons are the ones that are a real pain in the ass...
same. im so fucked
ok this one was funny
I know a woman who had no employment until her late 30s and was a shut-in agoraphobic
Its not too late bro...
Yes chudcel. Her.
You don't e-date because you fear ending up with someone prison gay.
I don't e-date because the vast majority of people here are at least 1.5x my age.
We are not the same.
I hang out by one of the light posts.
I thought Ryne looked better with blonde hair and think the eye change would've sufficed.
I didn't actually end up hating the minecraft town in Shb all that much. Granted I still have a distaste for ShB so far.
I've wondered if there's a femboy mod for the Exarch.
Anon no. 494305709 and his character
my king is gone
my queen is gone
my goat is gone
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thanks chud
Why is it so hard for people to just add a visual to their guides
Makes this shit much more understandable
Me and you
>Wrote this before seeing a confess anchor
Oh well
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Magnets Lavinia
This, we are all property of Claire.
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Thanks for the calls.
I really like BRD unironically...
I'm sitting alone at the lb14 lunch table
ew why is this one wearing lipstick
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cool frogzard bro
mona slater
fibblit tandywine
mira nicotera
lizzy lostheart
I have a queen of hearts tattoo
I will beat Claire in a series of deathrolls for control over the /vg/ empire
not a fan of this roe's lipstick.
I would love it if Claire shat in my mouth
Despite constantly flirting in the thread I won't accept any propositions, it's ingame or not at all
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thanks for the calls anon
NTA, but I got my aetherpool levels to like 12/12 or something. I suppose there is no way around spamming the 1-50 over and over to get the chance of a silver chest for the upgrades. I'm scared I really have to spam 30+ levels just to get one upgrade.
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Thank you very much for the late calls, I appreciate the Astrologian practice
don't worry blink a few times and you'll get there
LP She'll never know since I didn't make it obvious
thanks for the calls !
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sfia did nothing wrong desu, if trans folk and women wanted to do world first raiding they can just make their own team
Tested positive for the coof, and slept through highlander day, it's over
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I'm not actually looking for anything out of this interaction I just think the reactions to calling this femra my anal only plapwife can be funny
Light blue haired dog moonie
cheering on this femlala from the sidelines for representing brynhildr
post her
he made the mistake of trying to virtue signal to women and cause all of this to happen in the first place. he is so fucking pussy starved
Okay, question, do you actually want to go up in this industry or not? I've been in it for over 10 years and have made my way up decently high. If you don't give a shit about it then that's fine, but if you want to move yourself higher I can point you in the right direction to actually get yourself promoted
literally me. im SO fucked
lusting after this femlala from the sidelines
I have a folder for cum tributes of my WoL
sfia is trans and even worse he's an aussie
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queue CC 10:30
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ty for the calls, fun games
>only lost once today
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will do bro, thank you
Careful, LB14
I see xehanort lurking around
>vexa post
If it was a me post I'd be calling them my librarian-coded ironing board.

I'm fucking terrible at ERP and wish I knew someone patient who could help me brush up my writing skills
My moonie was voted "most likely to be an anal slut" in the yearbook
the male middie reading this
A grown ass man is wasting his night talking about discord dating drama between people he has never personally interacted with
Why do women always tear other's sit down instead of just making their own shit?
I haven't done ERP but I have decent writing skills...
So when does a character go from "someone who uses mods" to a modbeast?
why is parsefag drama so boring
why are male lalas such weirdos
>im just so fucked up idk whats wrong with me :((

The truth is whenever losers get a little clout it goes to their heads and the shitbag within comes out. It's very apparent in people like streamers and youtubers
Wait, all this drama is about long distance fake relationships?
375 mb
Because they're not that different from men
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Attention LB14 goers,
remember to hydrate and report to your Sea Wolf health officer if you experience any nausea.
anywhere above 200mb usually
My giant addictive horsemeat wife
how privileged are these mfs to have therapy for non issues? lmao
any body mod
any clothing or hair mod that doesn't use vanilla assets
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is there any other really good flat mods for rats, Im hitting a wall really fast it seems.
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>on the list
who are you...
>every top streamer liked sfia and always retweeted his opinions on the game
>now every top streamers are saying he was always an asshole and they hated him from the start
Really makes you think
May I plap the health officer if I have a valid medical reason
I've already spoken with you if so
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Seriously how do people use dogshit mods like this? The fishnets are literally floating 3 inches away from your body...
Donny for king
Someone mind giving me a random server name?
I always hated Sfia. He has a resting neutral face that makes him look like he just shit his pants.
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Idk it's like clockwork
>Lala discord pfp
>Always busy symbol on
>Has a huge meltie of some type
oh. that's a picture of my lalaboy with someone's cock and load on him in my twitter inbox. great.
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onsnail bros...
>but muh ambient occlusion and futa mods!!!
come on, anon. these people have no standards.
>expecting a hyperfag futard to have good taste in anything
Shut your fucking nigger mouth

I'd never use it for a real picture but I like them from afar.
They are just distancing themselves. Nobody in that sphere are really friends, twitch users compete for views so if anything im sure they are just glad it's one less person to compete with
I want the least amount of responsibility, so moving into a higher position is not an option for me. Working from home is a good benefit, but if I really hate it I will just go back to warehouse work where I don't have to talk to customers all the time. Thanks for the offer though.
None of that.
Did he do this to actual women or (((women)))?
Same, but it's a golem and I've already been claimed by a bull. It's nice not having to worry or think about anything else besides serving BBC.
same bro, same...
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Thank you, anon.
HORSED victim
My chara always has busy symbol on weekdays on because I wfh and I can't socialize ingame during working hours. Nothing personal.
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>not at LB14
good naming scheme
Do QA then, you don't have to talk to customers, you only have to listen to calls/read chatlogs and make sure they're following procedure. As long as you're correct, you don't really have to give a shit what the agent says
Yeah, I like the funny rat.
Fuck that, I have a trust fund and extremely low living expenses.
My fiddie+ wife Mona on the left
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Playable hippo race when?
The same person making the am posts but I'm scared of people so don't worry about it
>male character tranny
Elk was right all along…
Despite being here for years and flirting in the thread many times, the amount of times I actually met up with and plapped an avatar-less anon from the threads could be numbered on one hand.
I've met about an equal number of anons on throwaway alts just to listen to them rant or be sad for a little while, as well.
>the cheating has been an issue I've worked on
he's acting like cheating is like his chair is creeky lmao
nobody was thinking about you anyways sweetheart : )
gee i wonder what team had a bunch of DRKs on their team hmmm
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erm... that one was on me, my bad
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Nothing wrong if a man wants to feel pretty
All maleroes are perfect the way they are
The one with the funny hat
I have one, though.I leave my chara camping the bell with autoretainer while I wageslave.
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There are groups of players in this thread who play male lalafell because they think the female lalafell who claims (she)'s (XXXX miles away, is shy, has no mic, is a ESL [plays on crystal primarily lol] ) is actually a chick and not a dude false flagging them for gibs. Then the dudes have major melties when they find out it's all been a setup.
>An actual attractive femra with non monstrous tits
This is the 2nd one that's done a good job of convincing me femra players can have good taste
may i pet
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males under 5'10 pelvis status?
Hard to believe these cute water dogs turn into the most efficient nigger dismantlers in the world.
The military always needs more people

Kill yourself parasite
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queue CC 1:30
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>non monstrous
my sunnie was voted most likely to plap an anal slut
I want to glub her glubs
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take the faggot glasses off of hasteloya
you all remember when Goldentot got called out for being a two timing pice of shit and a groomer?
actually most of you started in 5.3 so probably not, but this response reminds me of his non apology too
I'm 5'5, I'm just chilling
I will look into it. My current place is just not big enough to have me do ticket responses, which is usually just passing info to customer and much better than sitting in the hotline.
It's genuinely disturbing to me that people here are so unaccustomed to healthy attachment that someone not having a meltie about not hooking up isn't the expectation.
We can be crush friends...
Can I get EB'd but not have to play XIV?

Can we just AFK and play something else?
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Leave short kings alone.
goodnight /xivg/
remember to get 8 hours of sleep every night and to drink 2.5 liters of water every day!!
in perfect condition
sfia is based
I remember.

Almost every "apology" from a shitty person well known in their community ends up sounding like that honestly
i think my crush is height 85… is he HROTH’d…?
he's a tranny and had e-relationships with tranny vtubers
night bro
I used to have that
What if we crushed on each other instead?
Thinking this lala is kind of cool from the sidelines, but also in the matches.
gn my lobster wife
It's so interesting to listen to people who really love Dawntrail try to defend it
I waited in queue for 15 for this
Post your most unhinged XIV/xivg take
right NOW
im gonna butter you up before i eat you out
If you want something that will actually impress your higher ups (costs a little bit, but if you're convincing enough then your work might pay for it) is to get the COPC online contact center manager certification. They're kind of the gold standard in this shit.
>world first gamer
>having multiple biofems fighting over him after offering more females to join his harem
Yeah that's a W in my book.
Nice king, king
keep on keeping
>8 hours of sleep
good joke
>2.5 liters of water every day
my body can't handle that much water. When I drink too much water, I end up pissing it all out 30 minutes later

They're proportional to her body so they don't look freakish like>>494306257
I'm not that anon but I've been wanting to get horse'd by you for so long.
It's a real pain in the ass, but you can spam 1-10 until you're around 20/20 then do more floor sets as you feel more comfortable with it and 1-10 stops giving you upgrades. 40/40 is when 51-60 starts getting comfy with a DPS job, but you can just play something like WAR until you're at 50/50.
Queueing for 51-60 is also a choice, but people usually get annoyed if you take too long exploring floors for silver chests, so I prefer to do it solo instead.
I'm collecting posts that get a lot of (You)s so I can recreate the images attached, and make the same post down the road
A-anon, that's illegal...
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Me with your femra
even after sfia being outed as a sexpest groomer
women will still flock to him

that is the nature of them
some of you guys are cool.
>try bozja for leveling 80-90
>people split up fates so bad that you can only get 1 fate out of the 5 on the map
>half the time you can't even get gold cause no one says anything or invites you to a group
this is hell
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Makes thousands of trannies seethe en masse? Yep I’m thinking based.
meds. now.
yup because they don't ever actually mean it, oh well hopefully this means sfia fucks off like tate did too and tries to make a failed comback
man those little things are so fucking cute
Why is this guy posting about sfia on cooldown? Not even as a reply, just random rambling.
Interesting, there might be hope. Thanks for the help man.
I hope someone kyoani's CS3's offices after what they've done to the game.
>Nobody in that sphere are really friends
I realized this after the Dr disrespect stuff. One day they're all close friends the next they're saying they just played games together and are barely friends.
idk, i dont even know who sfia is or if it's even xiv related
it’s the same loser than wouldn’t shut up about baldman grooming whatever her name is
Any of
Face sculpt
Significant tattoo/scale mod

So I would argue blue dog Moonie isn't a Modbeast, but they're basically right on the fence, with tail/ear/outfit modded, but normal proportion and no unusual skin/face mods.
These guys are literally snakes with arms and legs wtf
>that guy at lb14 who places his entire self worth on how much people like his character
this game has always sucked but it's easy to ignore it when you have a good story and good music to accompany it
If you aren't already do Zadnor, the first map sucks for farming exp
I shit talk everyone, but I actually really like to get to know people.
is it me...
ok time to be a hero
queue CC 4:30
talking to... to cute cat boy rn...
Just say Zolzayaa lol
maybe if he had some impressive skills or money but he's a fucking FFXIV WFR raider, no one outside of the ffxiv raiding community would want him and not even they want him now
Depends on your reaction when you see a modded character.
>"is that a glam/hair I can get ingame?"
Not a modbeast.
>"what game is this?"
Certified modbeast.
______ with femroes
Actually while I have you here
do you know if fox is alright, I ask for reasons you'll probably notice immediately if you try to ask them in the same place you were laughing at the posts
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nice blank
You mean everyone there?
redolent rose is masked rose
Yeah I'm a massive fan of their Quality Assurance methodology. It basically focuses on the actually important shit to a customer and not random shit that management thinks is important. Good luck with it mate
People will sometimes schizo themselves for attention and for their friends to come to their defense, but forget that dogpiling is a thing and will ultimately just make the situation even worse. If it's even suspected that they're the ones namedropping themselves or other similar behavior, others will pick up on this and do the same in order to annoy anons and spur them into their own shitposting because they find the whole situation annoying. It's usually very depressed and insecure people who will schizo themselves for attention or validation that will never come.
My complaint with Alphinaud isn't how bratty he was, but instead how he served in a gameplay respect, which carried well into his "mature personality", so he never got better for me until he wasn't really in the story.
*motorboats you*
gm val
can you not call me out like that bro wtf
She's going to break our hearts by sleeping around, so let's fall in love with each other and spare ourselves the pain
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what could it possibly be
Yeah WAR seemed pretty solid. Last time I did a run as SMN that went well, because I wanted to use it as level method for <50, but the xp is ass. Still great info, I'm gonna do it like that.
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I am

A clingy fiddie

With nothing to cling
hello fartcat
do male middies like femezen
Small animals have to be dumb as fucking hell
their brains are so tiny
Even the "smart" avian species are pretty dumb
Half the mods broke and I am sad
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I clicked a random file in my folder goodnight
>have a high heel fetish
I think the nier raids are worse than the void ark and Crystal tower raids, unironically.
Is there an idle mod that is just the blowjob motion?
there's one on the council who loves them moreso than any other race yeah
shoulda let me queue with you
plus that femra that dresses in a red uniform, can't remember their name
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>my initials
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which council member has such a fondness
post paizuri
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where the heckin cheeze at
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I want a sphere grid system in Shade's Triangle.
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>queue up
>miss queue
>queue up
>queue up
>miss queue
i'm about to crash out
Reptiles are notoriously stupid
damn that sucks bro *gropes u*
they're so fricken cute
Glubbing this pyon till she wahoo
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make some small talk?
skrew u incel
I like that you guys are back in your old hangout spot because you've basically quarantined yourselves and I don't have to worry about running into any of you when I'm just trying to get my weekly shit done. I cannot stand the majority of you and your dumbass grown man relationship drama.
cute cat boy is boring actually
*peels back foreskin*
well? get to work
Which one?
>thinking positively of any streamer
do parasocialoids really
i like this
>it turns around
I am fucking dead holy shit
oh yeah that's the good stuff
This is the most popular sex game in the world
>culturally appropriating viera
They elites don't want you to know, but the lalas in limsa are free you can take them home I have 23 lalas.
u can queue for msq with me if u wan it 20 min
Is it that one that was idling in the chair mount in lb14? He was cute.
I don't think that's allowed. I need to check the Codex Malerates
It ain't easy being cheesy...
pick a place and i'll head over as soon as I'm done with this instance
One of them is a viera, they have the pass
alright, where are the fulalas at
hmmm, maybe
its me
My grandad has dementia and plays this and keeps asking me who took things out of the fc chest
Im actually in bed and im too eepy to get out…
alright, where are the dtf male
middies at
my malezen is like this
but he has a solo fc
is it the malera?
my femzen is an elezen
got a ring in there last night
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4 more days until I stop playing FFXIV for a week, my static understands why
What's LB14
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what the fuck. I'm going into random peoples houses looking for cheese and these naggers bought a large and didn't fully deco it.
Hypostatic Femraen Deficiency Disorder
was gonna post "is it me" but got sad instead man I hate dementia
The only mod my moonie uses is paw print pubes
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licks my finger and sticks it in ur ear when u arent looking
gn anon
ice blank
sex sex groping his pecs i love clive i will protect his smile but also sexo
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Pic unrelated I assume?
what the fuck sis, i need to meet you right now and confirm these SLANDEROUS allegations
Lavander Beds Ward 14
I love all of your grown ass man relationship drama
i see youve fully embraced the rat already
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I like Clive solely for the fact that he is in his 30s for a majority of the game as opposed to being like 16-20 like all other FF protags.
go back to spamming trannies, faggot.
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Not today, futa nigger-lover.
Here you go.
not the ones that fuck lalafells
you arent gonna come by and say hi?
>I'm going into random peoples houses looking for cheese
male midlanders wish they were a 1/4th as hot as Clive
im cheating on anon
traps you in the cube
yeah bro everyone loved forspoken
Is there a meetup? For what purpose?
Then you are not worthy of clinging.
Jumping on your couch
Hangout spot to afk
I want to pose two malera I know from here double teaming my femra but I'm too scared to ask for permission
>For what purpose?
/smooch thank you anon
i afk at my house most of the day
When I'm 30 I hope I have boobs as big as him
is this barry? holy shit
he is a GAM with a beard
he's as tranny as rob chidori
you god damn whore, time to make a call out tweet
god I love her so much
Jill moment
pic unrelated?
Hello, cultists.
>Clive Redfield
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yes but I couldn't find a running animation to match a rat or animal that didn't look retarded.
I might after I eat food, what should I order?
noncon them and post results
you first... what's your initials!
Hope you enjoy it bro, its a solid 8/10 game, combat is a little shallow but still fun and the story/characters are better than anything in xiv
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queue CC 9:00
Not even if I wanted someone to call me a dumb tranny slut on vc..?
i can hear it.
Honestly, I'd fuck Clive.
I think I’m going to collar someone soon
IM showing this to Yoshi P
You have submitted a lottery entry for plot 23, ward 15, The Lavender Beds.
if they're xaela just ask, they will say yes
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About to give up on my queue. Someone please give me something to do.
sex with your afk pixels
quite unfortunately for you, its time for me the leave the big computer and use the little computer
God I wish someone would let me do this to them
hey that's rape
>he's as tranny as rob chidori
??? He is a straight guy, wtf are you talking about
get well soon, fat
>Buy an apartment
>Use it exactly once to make my chocobro white
What now
Then get out of bed first.
Im right here
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kek what a pathetic little bitch he really is leading this series into irrelevancy single-handedly.
Not opening your tranny post
I collared an anon today. Though just by glamourer... I suppose I should craft them an actual collar to wear as an item, too.
Rob is trans
decorate it so you have somewhere cozy to hang out
this made me laugh
Put some furniture for you to lay in and I'll come make your face white.
what are you queued for
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Yes, they like that.
but that'll give me away!
We like this.
Okay fine im out of bed..
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>filename has same naming convention as the tranny image spammer
lmfao of course it's barry OF COURSE IT'S BARRY
every FUCKING time it's barry
that's the point!!!

i probably don't know you though honestly
That would have been funny but yeah it's sad
Then give a discord
I'm not religious, but Endwalker's story finally gave me an answer to why we would be put on this Earth to suffer. Both that story and the song Answers finally made it click for me, and gave me a greater resolve to live, even if miniscule.
Now post a meetup location.
i adore the people i've met here

don't join joker on balmung

atma should NOT kill herself

remus anima is masked rose
Samefag. Also meds.
embrace the Jerry https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/85683
Proof? He's not
Most people don't, some do in LB, but I don't really strike up conversations unless they've been looking at me for a bit
i have thoughts of raping seishun complex
this response is making me laugh but i really don't want to laugh because dementia is horrifying
based green bun, would kiss your feet.
Why did you reply to me with this
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Forspoken still sold more than xvi and trannywalker LOL
I don't feel comfortable posting his pussy
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Uhh wait who’s who here… I can’t do both of you.. uhhhgnhfn
I'm glad.
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meds. . . NOW!!!!!
I hate my EB and want to ghost them so bad
You've made a very important step and I hope you will find the next one in this lifetime.
QRD on Rob Chidori?
im so sorry i meant to reply to rat girl lmao
>This schizo is still making shit up about rob and bringing him up when no one else is talking about him
So no proof, as usual
Rent fucking free take your meds anon, jealousy is bad for you
who is your EB
can't you just do something they wouldn't approve of and get them to dump you or something
Can you read, because this doesn't say that
Hey . . .
My femra is hungry and has choice paralysis looking at uber eats, what should I pick?
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Dumb slut, trying to tempt multiple people at the same time
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Yippie! ^_^
I'm the one who went from not having any grammar to passive-aggressively using proper grammar. Which is to say, the first.
Meetup location.
i dunno what you’re ordering from sis
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>server error kicks me out of pvp
>your character was not properly logged out please wait :)
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It’s officially Friday so I’m posting my femra and passing out
nini xivg
yay wahoo
This post smells European.
you misunderstand
i was trying to say that he is a straight white cis male by comparing him to another straight white cis male (rob chidori)
I don't care enough. We don't even do anything together and they care about me way more than I care about them.
Chill guy who barely interacts with anyone but apparently pissed off a very autistic schizo who's always making shit up about him during EU/AU hours
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Balmung, House of the Fierce
Like, there's so many different options of places to order from, should I get pizza, japanese, burgers
A home-cooked meal.
Good night wife
This was the worst change to mare. Mostly because now I just have to look at people posting this all the time. I turned the warning off because I'm not poor.
Ghosting is american behavior so that makes zero sense
tranchal does that to everyone more liked than himself
Hi Rob how is your alcoholic eb doing?
Tomowwo is femlala friday and I still won't be confessed to and then I'm finally going to pull the trigger on the decision I've been mulling over with.
It's all a matter of time...
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hehe rape
he is literally me...
I really enjoyed the demo and I can deal with shallow combat if the bosses are as good as they are in the demo
hell yeah
this makes me feel better for getting a chat restriction in league of legends.
Fucking Lorilee in the ass until she empties her balls into the pool and then forcing her to drink up her mess
Not your thread enemy
pizza and burgers will likely fill you up more but japanese (if it’s not than sushi) will be tasty too…. I personally thing japanese if it’s more than sushi
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When i was shopping at Walmart i caught myself just scrolling through porn casually and i almost lost focus of where i was. I feel like today is the day where the walls between my public persona and my private reality begin to break down after years of standing firm. And i dont think people are ready for how much of a degenerate cornball i am
Ah, so it is femlala friday.
I am offering a free trial of my services as a Rental Ardbert, should any femlala have need of one.
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thank you I'll try it. Also killing this rat when I find cheeze
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I miss this fox
Ok but I'm going to bed now though...............
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>alcoholic eb
they broke up and she changed her name
why do you glow?
I go through my CC logs after a really bad losing streak to find the one game where we won and I was able to perform well to remind myself that I'm not complete dogshit and not bad at video games. Sometimes it works.
noo o_o
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>Not your thread enemy
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Why are you replying to yourself
its so blatant too, do you think anyone falls for this shit?
femwa fwiday
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Genuinely curious why anyone would have anything against him when he's harmless and boring dude just plays the game or afks with his fc
I quite literally did this 30 min ago right before I logged off.
Sometimes matches just don't go your way; keep your head up bro.
why did you save hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of trannies anon
Good night thread.
You were particularly weird today. Get some rest and feel better tomorrow, okay? I'll make your favorite soup for lunch tomorrow.
she's hot
Post pics of your tits in micro bikini
I need more pictures of this cat
cause he is obsessed with them
holy moly
please don't leave me
Because he's constantly brought up and it's fucking annoying. I don't care if he does it to himself or if it's someone else, my experience would be greatly improved if he fucked off
respond tp this post with an image of your character if you are free use
im making a list
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This is every damned lalafell i see on the side of the road trying to be sexy
QRD on Sechen?
I don't like the scale mod much, but still pretty good.
He's not even brought up that much. Like twice a day or something.
I'll be right in the next room, anon. It's okay. If you have a nightmare you can come knock on my door and sleep with me.
I'm trying to be cute not sexy thoughever... :(
just filter his name if it triggers you that much retard
i don't really know much of anyone though is the thing lmfao
cokey cola
hope that helps
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Anon you know that's not going to change anything. It's like how the posting about kong didn't even slow down when kong quit the thread for a while. People are in this very fucking thread talking about Claire. Once a name gets too big, it's here forever. Stupid niggers will NEVER stop talking about them, no matter what.
he is so hot it's criminal
The fun part is that when he fucked off for years he was still being namedropped when he was away, he only came back recently it's just a xivg thing to namedrop people constantly
see val effy kong heiko remus
He used to simp for every femra in the Sunning Rock but then he found an EB. This infuriated some of the Sunning Rock members who thought of him as a pet and a dopamine machine, causing them to turn on him and shitpost him as well as his EB.
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queue CC 3:00
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my moonie looks and acts like this

>her balls
Well I'm always down to meet new people, my initials are KM btw
I would help her
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>mad at someone you've never met
i am
a lalafell
that almost broke 2 mil damage for the first time in cc
Honestly it feels like when people leave they get name dropped even more
I shan't be doing that, good night instead.
Fat ass cow glubber
Just the way I like them
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i'll /pet you if i see you then
QRD on Nidhogg?
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>>mad at someone you've never met
idk but has a pvp melty over the smallest things
He's back on the new rock and I've seen him talking to them in lb14 sometimes so i dont think its someone from there
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>Keep missing CC queues
>Going to miss another because I have to take a huge shit
Gonna kms for real this time
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just wait until you get on volcanic heart or sands and have like a 20 minute game

Okay sounds good!
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holy moly I found cheeze pizza!! ok time to kill my self.
bros i barely have time to play anymore
When Rob Chidori kills himself the thread will improve
I don't have a picture of my character on hand at the moment so just pretend I posted my fiddie
fat glub, just how I like 'em
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Yesterday I let this run for the full 3 hours
I love this webm so much
There’s this weird aura of wholesome ignorance to it
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how do we get more games like this
Okay but when will you kill yourself so the lives of the people around you will improve?
i desire feet pics of this moonie
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I didn't ask
queuing on maps that aren't c9 or pala
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_2Z0uyqAx8 its not music but
This is the most blatant false flag shitpost I've ever seen and I do it to myself all the time. Be a little more subtle if you're going to be the most milquetoast bland person ever and try to self shitpost.
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Have 2 throwers on each team
He really likes open poals
Have actually good people in queue.
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I don't remember making this post
nice poonie, sister.
That's not me and you could just unpair them. Actually that means you can answer I'm wondering: Do they still appear on your mare list while blacklisted?
Hey guys does this game have like a sad/happy meter for your pet? I feel bad stabling him for so long and I hardly train him too
Also is he the same one you race with?
>Doesn't talk
>Doesn't post
>Ugliest male middie anyone from the council mogs him
>Ugly glams
>Boring with 0 personality
>No one seems to like him or even notice him when he's at LB14
>So pathetic he broke up with his ex-eb and she switched servers and changed names
Why do you even namedrop him, why is xivg even pretending to like him? He's disgusting, a loser, get better taste
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they see me rolling
they hatin
No and no.
QRD on Sapphira?
they die if you keep them stabled too long
[9:42]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
[9:42]Duty pop: Duty Roulette

stop cc dodging me
time to get checked for memory issues then because you did
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i am going to SMOOCH this doll
Mating press
my wife (male exclusive)...
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There's like 11 free use fiddies in xivg and like 300 on Balmung outside of xivg. Which one?
Stop playing your main like a nigger.
I do, how do you think I can afford comms?

This thread needs more people like you. Hope you have a good one, anon.
afaik he's harmless, but his character is just so bland and the name is so retarded that people find it fun to shitpost him
The goth one that's not tzera
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why are you pretending to be me
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C'mon, Yoshi-P, let me DC visit Mana. Aether PF after midnight is disappoint.
mira nicocado
>slowly levelling my character way too late for this game
>can't match up for Shiva
my adventure ends before I even leave ARR...
Oh well that’s fine then
I thought “train” would affect their race stats
But what if I’m gone for a month irl??
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nice ass, sister.
Fake Good LL
did you like my song
my femlala needs to shave her legs again... they took so long last time... :c
QRD on Ooki?
how does it take long to shave when your legs are like a foot long max..
im OTW to terrorize the cc queues
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I've heard of this one, but never seen her. Maybe we have different definitions of goth.
Lived rent free in a schizo's head every day for months after she stopped posting here.
Sis, your nair?
Don’t worry bro, the matchmaking system will force people into shiva for you, otherwise an anon can help
QRD on Remus?
footjobs and buttjobs as friends
Ask nicely.
bio fem that hates trannies
shes based
>val baiting gooners even when replying to the music anchor

why is he so desperate now
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Femlalas 4 weeks into no-shave
>She doesn't know I'm literally right behind her
afk at the beds with a drink and some runey..
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my femlala looks like this
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What if FFXIV's 8.0 was a Hildibrand expansion?

Would this save the game?
The lobotomy was supposed to fix my dementia....
i just said nice ass as a friend.
>everyone wants a QRD
naw, give me that long run down
I don’t care what it’s on
Just give me something I can really sink my teeth into
Kind of slutty emo/mall goth rather than metal goth
you won't
well you know... um, it just does okay?
I've never tried... I mean she hasn't...
so true...
>This thread needs more people like you.
Thanks anon, I think I just like helping people when it's something that I care about
Sexing this bun when I get home
Still wondering what exactly this expression is trying to convey.
it could be you.. there's absolutely nothing stopping you
it would kill it unironically
QRD on Val?
QRD on Effy Kibou?
yeah but only because idk who it is
pretty pretty please?
arthars looking to his buttbuddy xeno to copy his opinion on the sfia drama rn
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queue CC 7:30
few more for me
QRD on.... me?
I bet
This will be the first expansion where people will say Hildibrand was better than the MSQ.
I hope so, I even levelled healer to make the queues quicker and this is definitely the longest I've had to wait. Probably doesn't help that I'm australian so I'm sure the server pops are far smaller
I was going to send you the Primal huntcord Google doc but it wants me to sign in :/
People who like Hildibrand are only a dedicated and somewhat cultlike few. It'd be like having an expansion with nothing but Wuk Evu instead of Wuk Lamat. Granted it'd be better than what we had, but it'd just piss us off in a different way.
You seem alright
Did you get bored of TWW that fast?
XIV should have been a turn based combat MMO
A bit attention seeking, but over all fine. Is unapologetically lewd but doesn't rub it in your face unless you and they want it to happen.
QRD on cloud nine? (I hate the map)
QRD on Akemi?
>A bit
Got zooped by the femra
it's ok, the mindbreak you'll have when i'm ten inches inside you will help with some of your symptoms
QRD on each of the CC clique members that won't stop spamming the thread with their shit minigame?
Damn, this is the most beautiful catgirl I have ever seen.
>This will be the first expansion where people will say Hildibrand was better than the MSQ.
People already said Hildi was better than EW patches and with time they will concede it was better than the 6.0 MSQ as well.
QRD on LL?
All of them
At the same time, preferably. Thanks
i did not listen to it
QRD on this faggot?
QRD on me
>EU hours
>"qrd on NA ebin"
could be based
I have a plap crush that I only want to plap but not really get romantically involved with
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I am a malera
Who wants to tell G'raha Tia that I'm not interested, but still want to be his friend
>A bit
>over all fine
>Is unapologetically lewd
just a thread gimmick
>doesn't rub it in your face
spams it constantly
>unless you and they want it to happen
said multiple times he does not care about shitting up the thread and will continue to do it regardless of what people want
Zooped Val and Effy
I haven't played wow in 2 years
Mostly bandwagon hoppers who started spamming the mode after CCRC blew it up in the threads. Very few people you see in syncs played early seasons.
Anybody want to afk at the beds and play satisfactory with me
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qrd on why male mods suck
Makes you think huh
When it's NA hours this shit doesn't happen
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what? that's completely false
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incredibly ranged favored

all losers
Clout goblin
Show closer view of ass
Leaving cheese out in the open for this rat that's secretly laced with breast growth potion
QRD on Ryun?
where are the plappable lalas at
Suicide-baiting attention whore, likely a whale irl which is why she's some guy's side piece if the LARP is real. Alluded to plotting to kill his girlfriend. West coast NA.
I think some people in this thread over dramatize things
QRD on Glue Licker?
stop fucking dodging the cc queues im in, pussy
OH. Starts with L. I'm dumb.
Maybe. I already told a friend I could Friday and I'm not sure I'll want to do two if she calls me on it.

I'm really fucking excited for Expedition 33.
and post AVATAR
More than half of them are made by a barafag furry
I didn't want to say it, because I liked EW a lot and would put Hildi on par with it. The moment for the ending theme has returned.
Made by gay men instead of straight men with an appreciation for the male form (it's not gay to spend 6 hours modeling a cock)
please plap my femra
QRD on the femlala clique?
Leaving cheese out in the open for this rat that's secretly laced with penis growth potion
needs to lick my glue
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Saw an edit of this, and its been stuck in my head for the past week.
oh okay strong argument then i guess i'll ignore the fact that most of them have been spamming cc since season 1
hmmmm nyo. kill yourself nigger. :)
made for horny gay faggots or sissy gay faggots
there is no in between
except for like.... 3 mods total
QRD on the Chidori clan?
post her
QRD on Atma?
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this mare shit has a skill curve
lost status as rapebait due to lack of interest
I don't care what you do.
Thank you :)
come play cc and find out...
QRD on Yoshi P?
isn't one, she's back to being a kyomu
Also a suicidebaiting faggot but a grown ass man. Shitposts people he thinks are getting more attention than him and claims ownership over various gimmicks. Hope he actually kills himself one of these days.
His cat is ugly as fuck but his femra is top tier rapebait
QRD on <<yum>> AKA Pineapple Pizza???
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Now it's like that horse meme
we like this
Fake nice clique who will shit talk you behind your back.
Nobody ever QRDs me anymore...
QRD on Zoe Loona?
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queue CC 10:30
my name hasn't been mentioned on any of the QRD's, I assume this is a good thing
I am a fiddie

and the invasive rape fantasies are back again
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Atma is cool. I wish I could have made it to more of the pokemon movie meetups.
QRD on King Pin and his FC?
It is, keep your head down until 6pm EST when the schizo NEETs and EUfags go to sleep.
i like this movie
moo posting this femwa
love talking about pokemon with him, i gotta visit him more often to see how he's doing
Contains my threadcrush
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QRD on Uros Avasera?
Hey wait that's when I go to bed
god damnit i missed it
A very powerful clan with a lot of femra servants, heard the oyabun divorced his wife though
join joker on balmung
aw.. Well, if you find yourself in the mood lmk ^^
You'll have to beat me in match before that
post paizuri
One of the few catgirls with good glams
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QRD on (you)?
Post a catbox of her pale tits
>mfw i get focused so hard my game freezes for a solid 1+ seconds
she left him and became a member of the Kyomu clan
who's you're crush bro
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I will never find a goonslopp femra wife at this rate.
boring neet who sucks at video games
you have a nice highlander
both are better when it's from someone you love
I have depression and no money
I just suicidebait all day and threaten to kill myself anytime someone says something bad about me or says they don't want to do something
sunnie- sexpest who never puts out
I made this post
noooooooo i said please and everything
holy based
I'm not the nigger but I wanna plapo
I don't remember making both of th-
all three of these posts.
Hello other me
Want to play autism games together
when people ask to plap what does it actually mean? erp? gooning and using animations?
im a femlala with anger management issues
Calm, pragmatic, and horny.
you suck at making male characters
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You're gonna have to swallow, perhaps even gargle, the Mierda pill.
Femra Nation
I have no idea who this is, if it's the one who wants to sex me when they get off work, you'd have to just ask.
post initials
Fine. Christ.
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Generic Middie who draws poorly
Sometimes erp, sometimes animations, sometimes gpose
Need a femlala like this for my male midlander
I'm Remus
I haven't paid my taxes in years because I've been unemployable my whole life thanks to extreme mental illness that no one will give me medication for but inherited lots of money after my mom died. I was a retard and put it all into a savings account I can't access for a few years without first paying taxes on it and I'm waiting for the ability to close the accounts so I can call the tax man and say I'm sorry. I don't want to go to jail.
post middie
retarded fiddie
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serial erper that will cum in all your friends, especially loves sprouts and fresh blood who're yet unaware of thier MO of pumping and dumping
He should do the opposite of what gams want in a male from here.
Is that fucking RS3? Why are you playing that trash?
thank you anon
i also suck at video games
me too
:( im sorry...
but this is a cute drawing
I don't think it's an obvious one. She isn't interested in playing the game lately, so despite me playing a lot I almost never bump into her. I only got to briefly talk once in weeks.
That's an old pic but RS3 ironman is genuinely fun and I love sloppa games
nta but rs3 is kinda fun desu
I'm the bad guy
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I've drawn my own reaction images here and there. Just never had the drive to go beyond, much to the dismay of people who like em.
I just bought a nair equivalent product...
Cute fiddie
where are all the parse parties
i want to play the game but i never see parties in which i could play the game in
anon pls...
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i keep forgetting to post this every anniversary
one year i'll remember

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