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Previous: >>494186193

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ 30 JST.
▶LB4 main quests at AP 0.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶New upcoming event on October requires clearing LB4.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ 18 JST
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ 20 JST
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ 22 JST
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ 24
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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Why is Guda treating hakunoshit like senpai, when Guda achieved more and fought against much much more threatening shit and won.
Why is Nasu downplaying shit we did
Nigger like you will be spamming with much cuck when the truth is not.
(We)'re just humoring a stupid retard who proceeds to do nothing right after
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What did Dantes mean by this?
why does yu mei get treated the same way
because nasu is dumb
He wants to see his master being loliraped by tentacles. On a more serious note it's interesting how much he trusts Abby as a fellow guardian.
More control over the Dreamlands and least likely to pull a calamity and destroy the world if something happens to Guda like Oberon. But all 3 are kinda crazy.
>Abby is one "Guda has a bad day" away from opening a door to an eldritch entity and dooming us all
>Oberon is a literal device of world destruction, who wants to trap Guda into a dream-world and is always ready to swallow the planet if Guda wanted.
Now that Dantes is gone add also Douman.
Speaking of Oberon. I wonder if Oberon is the opposite of Douman (in the Beast relationship). Someone who is naturally inclined to be but purposefully rejected it because he forces himself to hate humanity/the world for the sake of those who can't be around.
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He's out.
>another TezDay artist is going to delete their acc
Hold me sisters
It's meta humor. Hakuno is Guda's senpai in TM since was Master before them.
Who and why? Most likely lost interest on Fate. Can't blame them after this blunder.
>Hakuno's bond with his/her servants is so strong that they are even engraved on his/her saint graph
It's over
It's really not that serious
Hakuno is Guda's slut now anyway
Doujins soon (while the Chaldean and Moon servants watch btw)
Because Extra came out before GO? That's about it
So, after OC3 we are getting Hakuno NP5 with all his coins?
Yeah maybe they lost interest. They've been on private and inactive since April but still it's sad to see that this just confirm that they're quitting instead of just taking a break
Hakuno is a gacha 5*(so i could skip it). Welfare is resurrected Lip. Im aready materializing this into out reality by using my unbreakable power of will
>he doesn't know
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News Doko?
No, the gacha SSR is alterego kazudrop (she isn't in the files yet). Sorry lipsister.
Hakuno's skills are obviously 2024 welfare tier.
Good but slightly undertuned rather than good and straightforward or "what the fuck am I reading" tier
His skills are like too good to be a welfare.
I mean, seriously, equipping your NP with this?
>SR (4 stars)
That's more or less just ignore invincibility since you rarely see enemies use anti-purge defense. Evade skills are more common.
After Olga there is a non 0 chance he's a NPC only character but who knows. The fact he reuses other servants animations does kinda hint at a cheap job but Olga had no NP while he does.
We humor paisen, she's easily manageable if you butter her up
Anti-purge on the enemy side is so fucking rare that I can't even remember when it was ever used.
In the player's hands this is just a shittier ignore invuln given that it can't hit through dodge.
>doesnt actually saves you from purge anymore
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Bro, there are only like 4 servants with anti-purge defense and they are rare as fuck, in most occasions this ability is just a worse version of Pierce Invincibility.
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Well, if he's welfare and it's gonna be like Habetrot after LB6, that means the fucker is gonna be relegated to FP Summoning only.
Oh boy.
did we finally hit 3m?
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Gacha SSR is an Arcueid rerun though
Not gonna lie it's kinda crazy that retards are still saying we're getting more servants when it was obvious since day 1 of summer it was only the two usual banners and the welfare.
Stretching the summer servants for suck a long period of time wasn't a good call
it's a combination of summer and OC3, so more servants to come, royar prayer
Remember when Hakuno used Giant Altera Flat chest as a slide? That was cute
for me? it's Enkidu
Plus new mats not being used for anyone yet
30m*, it's the kanji meaning 10 000.
i just excluded chinese bots
It begins
Gudako and Hakunon should have hot yuri seggs and create the ultimate cute slut daughter together
Hakunon is busy pegging BBDubai.
Now put Guda in a dress.
I hate women
Gudako is cuter and sluttier
Einhejar news doko? That's a collab I actually want
>Dubai's blushing
Damn. Playing cold when she's hot.
I'm more afraid of this skill in the hands of the next challenge quest bosses
Yeah we are missing the Arcueid and Kiara PUs for part 3 while we get the two free Hakuno.

Then next new servant is for the LB4 event in October.
Having to change from the invincible comp for a challenge quest after so long will feel weird
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Bro your Skadi?
I just use her to hear her VA I don't even know what she does
She has a partywide dodge on her NP.
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>making this face moments before
Kek she's such a fucking fraud.
Remember when they made her a lesbian for one joke and that didn't stick so they tried different jokes till the murder fuck couple?
Early FGO was weird for her she was also released in a very weird way
So who is Dubai. People before claiming "she doesn't care about Hakuno" got BTFO how she fucking caves when she asks her something even if she tries to be tsun. She literally blushes and looks helpless.
Knowing Nasu's love for dumb as fuck playwords, BB Dubai's "mystery" answer is on her name.
DUB - (AI)
But whatever is spelled in nip. That "Dub" what could it mean.
Ur smart
It's something I expect from Nasu's stupid patternfagging from past Summer events. Like the Artoria/Australia name smushing attempt.
Replying to myself:
ドバ (redacted イ) was in the trailer of Filler Call.
So this: ドバ moonlords, any guess?
Puns are truly the deepest form of lore
Is only our moon special enough to get cancer or can the moons of other planets get cancerous too? Imagine a Mooncancer from Phobos or Titan
do the other moons have the moon cell
I hate this character like you wouldn't believe
As far as we know only the Moon has a Mooncell so it can't produce other Mooncancers
I'd guess if the other moons in the solar systems had inhabitants, they would register as Foreigners.
This summer introduced so many mooncancers I think we can say we reached metastasis...
Heh get it?
>"Extra class bad so we gotta fuck over beloved avengers"
>Nasu: "Except Mooncancers those are my favorite!"
Vengeance is le bad.
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I wish he got more attention.
The total black form is so cute
My skin color is not a fetish you racist fuck
>BB is for Hakuno
>Dubai is for Hakunon
3rd ascension will be for....
>they really just released a timelock that did fuck all and said wait here for 2 more weeks
>and there are slurpers that will defend this
She will be /fgog/'s collective slut like Nero and Jalter
Both hakunos
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I have different opinions... Do you want to be my Servant?
Karl, Archie and Altera Larva being added would make me smile.
But it seems we might ger Kazura at most even Violet doesn't look like she has much chance of getting in
My rave dealt with slavery for far too long white demon
If we got the Ignore Anti-Purge servant, then we SHOULD have a "Erase Demerit effects of End of Dream" "Erase effects of "Demerit treated as buff" skill.
Oberon Alter Beasto eventually
Not happening unless we somehow get another character with the same np buffing skill
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For me it's Foggsu~
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I'm starting to save quartz for (You)
Guda actually lost?
So uh is Requiem ded?
I hope KP and Passionlip get SQs when their rerun rolls around
All KP needs is 30% charge.
Passionlip sadly only got 20% which is ridiculous.
>have now more Bond 10 Sabers than below
The coin storm pod qhest and the new 2 star one were wild for that hope we get some dedicated ones for other classes
What you mean by that
Probably just raikouschizo drivel again he's been trying all thread.
Post armpitslut servants like servants that you know keep showing their armpits because they want Guda to armpit fuck them
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Only skill that doesn't have a strengthening is her growth purge skill. NP strengthening would be most likely, 30% post NP isn't impossible but extremely unlikely.
>growth purge
Only way to make it usable is let you keep 1 stack of Huge Scale.
They've been going all out these past couple days.
>trying all thread
More like trying all year.
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Why is he showing me his sweaty armpits?
Vendredi Treize?
Real talk here. I don't mind Guda in the game they serve their purpose pretty well and depending on the writer they can even be quite good but that's inconsistent. The anime Guda though is pretty fucking awful they didn't give him enough of a personality to work in an anime where he isn't just your POV anymore and that coupled with the generic everyman design the male version has doesn't help much to get people interested in him, female version has a more eye catching design she is pretty cute but she is mostly a joke character outside of 2 manga
The manga adaptations have varying degrees of success
He wants you to put your dick in there
What the fuck was that ending? No, why the fuck did they have to timelock it three times when it's not even as long as Avalon le Fae? Is OC3 just an excuse for Nasu to write servantverse and extraverse?
Lasengle can't program shit, sorry.
uh oh dont be greedy
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I wonder if Guda will be stuck in Eresh's black hole for a bit
>kill her
>she gets my powers
They didn't finish the third BB ascension animations please understand 3 sets with 3 NPs is very demanding and Nasu really fucking wanted her to have that
Doesn’t help that he also has material from the story and the JP fanbase. I can’t blame the other anons for not lurking or posting here. I’m worried for uodenim, with the onslaught of fanart and posts, I wonder how is he taking it.
The next part has like 10 sections, I've no idea why they've split them unevenly
Are you enjoying the 3 months long glorified Summer event with 20 different timelocks?
It should have been 2 parts or just releasing the whole thing in one go
I was, Cuckuno ruined it.
Senpai isnt about accomplishment, it's about seniority
that's pretty rude to local jesus
Not really. While I really MHXX Xu Fu Dobrinya and City swimsuits I think the event focuses too much on Eresh who I don't care about and on BB who got more than enough screentime already so I feel like this really isn't for me. Added to that the fact that one of the swimsuits is just Ciel with one swimsuit instead of an actual summer alt and another one is a second BB I think this event went a bit too far in a bad direction that I fear is going to get worse as time goes by.
If the event lead into OC3 as a surprise I might have thought it was clever and be surprised for a while but revealing it right of the bat doesn't make it feel special it's weird. I also think most of the new servants being Mooncancer is kinda lame.
This feels very self indulgent on the part of Nasu because it relates to his darling Extra and the Sakurafaces and while I do like his writing I think dedicating the whole summer for that is too much. The Tsukihime characters being there is also a negative because that's not really the Tsuki collab people actually wanted it's just weird.
So yeah I'm kinda ambivalent
>Why is Guda treating hakunoshit like senpai
because he aknowledges he's better than him
how is Hashitno better master than guda
Kinda because he is the protagonist of the earlier game.
Guda also isn't the kinda of guy to brag about his accomplishments since he knows and is grateful for all the help he got to get there. Dick measuring who dealt with the bigger threat is a thing some insecure faggot would do and Guda isn't insecure like that
being a bottom bitch to a weaker man is not any better
Hakuno won the Moon Cell HGW with a single low tier Servant, beating Buddah or Gawain like that is no easy feat. Meanwhile Guda had every Servant available for all their biggest exploits.
No one is a bottom bitch to no one here, they are on friendly terms and collaborating normal people don't see all relationships as competition like that
>meme war
>while guda dealt with 6 beasts, at least 10 world ending threats, multiple grail wars
ye no, fuck off wanking extrashit in /tmg/
>uwu hakuno senpai ur summoning is so good!
fuck off speedreader
this Hakuno is 1000 years old and dealt with all Sefar shenanigans.
There is nothing wrong with praising someone when they do something cool Guda is a friendly guy he is always praising his servants and team when they do something good
Why are you like this?
>had access to summoning 6 servants at once for all of those plus whatever help he could find
Yeah ok
because nobody praises Guda and Everybody sucks off Hakushit
fuck off to /tmg/
Guda is always being praised and is adored by most of his servants what are you on about? Even his opponents like Daybit and Kirsch respected him
>nobody praises Guda
Come to think. When was the last time someone else praised Guda, directly or indirectly? With all this bullshit I legit can't remember.
/tmg/ love extrashit now?
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I'm sorry I can't get hyped for a welfare of a dogshit character instead of a summer alt.
What does he even bring? Cuckposting and new mechanics that make my characters poinltess? Fuck off, it's disgustingly so bad it ruins the entire thing.
>summer alt.
M-maybe we get two welfares?
On the top of my mind Koyan and Archetype Earth in this exact fucking chapter and I'm sure there are more
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they didn't do it you retarded baitfag, please provide the source, because I did read the chapter and there was nothing there
It was Guda who was glazing Arc not the other way around btw
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Consistent third world victim complex.
Never ending cuck delusions.
Seething at older characters.
It's BBspic time.
>wake up
>Reading over previous thread
>Hakunofags making a dozen disingenuous arguments to try to further his narratives
>"You can't reply to this thread anymore"
It really is Muramasa 2.0
Holy mental illness
So do we know who BB dubai is?
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It's Karl.
I'm seething at shit characters being forced into my comfy FGO
Hacuckno shouldn't be in this game, nor any other master
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>cuck cuck KEK KEK
you all sound like chickens
No fuck off faggot.
Nobody asked for this bullshit and this pathetic excuse of a "character" who's just a new vehicle for cuckposting.
We wait A FUCKING YEAR for a summer event with limited spots every year and we've wasted 2 on this "summer event" that did anything but deliver on it being "summer".
so any explanation to the weird pattern that shows up on the night sky?
Since you guys really want to keep dick measuring the MCs and can't help having this schizophrenic fight i gotta remind you guys that Guda is the only MC that dressed as a girl and passed.
Ordeal Call may have been a mistake (minus for OC2, because Jalter LOVE)
If you get mad at a fictional character because "nooo I'm getting cucked niggerman please help me" you're mentally ill
Poultry posters are the worst posters on /vg/.
Everything after part 1 of FGO ended has been nothing but a mistake
I want Gudako moral degeneration
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I be ok if I can get a welfare summer, not oc.
>Nobody asked for this bullshit and this pathetic excuse of a "character" who's just a new vehicle for cuckposting.
Schizophrenic niggers don't speak for the whole fan base. And anyone who have read the lore of the Extella games was expecting Hakuno(n) to appear sooner than later
>Hakuno has altera, nero, EM*YA, charlemagne and tamamo
So...does that mean Hakunon gets to summon GIL and the Sakura 5? They're surprisingly missing here....and Liz but lmao who cares about her
Gil is there too.
The Sakura five were never Hakuno's servants.
The lack of Liz is upsetting they could have easily put her in one of those nonsense animations where they attack themselves
>Schizophrenic niggers don't speak for the whole fan base
The whole fan base that's just now spamming around arguments about who "the servants belong to" and how "he's a better character than Guda" despite them being virtually identical and Cuckuno being a confirmed cuck ( since this is pre remake retcon )?
Fuck off.
This shit soiled and ruined this summer, and it's a goddamn shame because Ereshkigal and the other servants didn't deserve this living dogshit called Cuckuno to soil their main story relevance.
I'm pretty pissed about summer/servantverse shit being the anniversary servant and the entire summer event being wasted to be used as a prologue but even i can see that the maleschizo is using this as a excuse to have his bi-monthly meltdown
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Btw this is unrelated but did anyone else still using xitter ever notice how every time someone complains about males and hetero couples over there it turns out to be a tranny who wants everything to be "le wholesome yuri"?
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Play the game first bro.
Obviously the S5 won't be there.
Also expecting Lasagna do two completely different animation sets is naive.
You'll get the same animations from Zabis minions and at most maybe different voicelines.
I'm sorry for doomposting, but for me OC3 is probably the lowest point this game has ever been. It's a literal filler chapter inside a filler arc. It's just Nasu jerking off to his own AI-generated plotline to shill the worst parts of Fate (Extra and Servantverse).
>The whole fan base
is not /fgog/.
Take your meds.
Lmao yeah the sudden heel turn about Cuckuno is not noticeable at all from people who called them soulless self inserts but now all of a sudden they're the best thing ever because you can shitpost with them.
Fucking disingenous little piece of shit that you are.
9 years of this fucking game and you people will still pretend it's any different when all the discourse around this character is over who he fucks and "steals" from another character.
It's ok i also think they let Nasu go too wild too.
Are we even allowed to dislike or hate with actual reasons without being associated with a literal schizo or being accused for whathever shitty reason?
Because if I can't then well, what do you want me to do? Play the game when I pretty much did everything?
This is like the billionth time someone told you this but I'm going to say it again: a few schizo dens on the internet are not the entire fanbase you schizophrenic subhuman nigger
You'd think the air up there in Peru would be healthy.
Turns out being raised with less oxygen makes you retarded. Who'd knew?
Apparently disliking that our female summer servant welfare got replaced by a male welfare that nobody asked and that's just generating shitposting is considered controversial.
Fgo player name: Enough
Stop your shitposting. You don't even login to FGO like 1 day ago.
gonna be really awkward when you can pick or switch between Hakunos
Maybe stop being an FGO only?
I tried to warn you guys about mixed toilet games bros.
I hope you guys burn Cuckuno like you should have done with all male characters
Georgie stop deflecting.
I am, like I did with Sieg, I don't want that dogshit even setting foot in Chaldea.
Please stop, I'm crying
It's hilarious how the maleschizo calls everyone kizu when they both have the same thought process with the only difference being the character they self-inserted a bit too much, i bet they will be cuckposting together if we get a new Fate gacha with a different protagonist
Onii chan is defeated by us
Aoko and Alice were pretty impressed with Guda's summoning skills.
I'm almost sure Aoko said that his summoning style is pretty hard to pull off and was impressive, or something like that.
Alice is Alice so her giving praise over anything is already huge
People seem to forget that the Sakura 5 only existed because of Hakuno's existence. FGO tertiaries are the worst.
This type of cuckoldry shit was the logical conclusion after FGO fans just accept shit like Bryn during cucksummer and the Circe situation you let this shit go and take it like cucks and the writers will treat you like cucks by doing shit like that.
This would never have cut in games like Blue Archive or Nikke, hell even Arnights players wouldn't accept it.
The FGO fanbase is on a cucked level only rivaled by the Granblue and Mihomo fanbases and Cuckuno might push it beyond
So humanity died out in 2999
Archetype Earth, BB Dubai, and other important figures aren't quite sure why it happened or what haopened. Despite acting like she knew before, Arc says it's unlikely anyone actually knows the truth. So BB puts together a contest of things likely to have killed humanity in order to create an answer for an unsolvable problem even if the answer is manufactured after the fact.
No one cares but I wonder how it will work in 'canon' if you can only choose one of them
Is the hakuno (you) picked gonna be the only one you'll see in events or something?
Fuck off chinkoid subhuman, go back to the dildo factory
But Alice isn't for m-me!!!! Doesn't count!
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probably both showing up.
I play this game called real-life simulation; it is better and more realistic than the other gacha game. :)
Sieg was fine
Apoc event was about your bond with Sieg, the event wasn't about his deep and unimaginable love with Jeanne and Jeanne confesses to him as well and they kiss
In fact he never interacted with her once
And it turns out that was actually the right way to handle things since no one resents Sieg in FGO

The only writer to ever try to get us to hate Sieg was Sakurai, when she tried pairing Jeanne alter with Sieg in oniland and had them go on a date together
But like most sakurai bullshit, people just memory holed it and pretended it wasn't canon
I give Nasu and Lasengle the benefit of doubt.
They can just, at best, throw a second welfare which will be summer welfare, or pick your worst scenario, either no summer welfare, or a CE summer welfare instead.
Even if is a small chance, I just take that hope, but overall I really don't like OC3 ruining summer comfy and silly mood.
Why Nasu couldn't do something like
>OC3 happens first, then shit happens and Jeanne Archer Servantverse sacrifice herself so the OC3 can turn into an actual summer event
OC3 to Summer would have been preferable. He can keep his shit, but after that we go right directly to a deserved rest.
Isn't Alice kinda dumb?
No first world person cares about this nonsense, yours is a Thai mentality.
The rest of the civilized people play for fun and not because they want to marry chaste and pure pixels
Honestly surprised that she didn't try to pair off Sanzang with Taigong Wang, given that they're both her characters and their voice actors are married. In fact, none of her characters had a line with him, and vice versa.
Here is my theory
Yes, Guda will be "missing" for a while and we will play as Hakuno
As a person? yes
As a magus/witch? no. Her brand of magecraft is different, and similiar to Guda's since she uses a sort of summoning I suppose, and she tends to dismiss anything from the clocktower as useless, because she fucking hates them, but she is pretty smart and powerful. She was teaching Aoko during Mahoyo and seems to be the user of the First, at least have the potential for it.
>Your Summer Lip that you spent the ENTIRE EVENT with?
>Hahaha she gets mercilessly killed by your new dogshit welfare who's a girlboss/nazi cuck who are now going to get all the interactions with this cast of servants instead of with (You)
>Lip? We just gave her a swimsuit as a joke
There's no doubt.
Unless Cuckuno is just a playable NPC ( possible since he has a 1 turn skill CD ) there's no defending this from a player standpoint.
I know nobody in their right minds would wanna pick up and start playing FGO nine years in, although there quite an amount of people I recall that do, but imagine you go to the summer event which only requires you to clear the tutorial chapter. You clear the whole thing after days and days of farming and grinding your way through, you get the end of the event's story and you're like, "What the fuck was that?"
Then afterwards, you have to expend days, weeks and months to try to get to the point where you want to go just to see what happens next.
>skip servant selection
>drop into a fight
>only frontline servant is SR Nero
>master is Hakunon, but she's in the school uniform again
Emiya is (you)
Hakuno is (you)
Guda is (you)
How is such a easy thing to understand so hard for skizu and you to understand?, did you get hit by a truck as a kid?
Atalanta was the first catgirl but Dobrinya made people forget about her completely. I'm so sad she will never ger a swimsuit
>months to try to get to the point where you want to go just to see what happens next.
Shame OC3 ends in late October
Real power move from Nasu, taking the event which typically draws the most new players and using it to tell them to fuck off
They've been saying this Summer is OC locked for over a year. Unless you're mentally ill, you won't be typing this.
> hell even Arnights players wouldn't accept it.
There's no other gacha fanbase except maybe genshinfags that hate self insert ships as much as Arknights fanbase
More than half of its fanbase are fujos and yuritards
>T-They're (you) because... I have to cope! That's why!
No retard. In FGO "Kishinami Cuckuno" is not (Me).
That's the entire reason why you don't do this dogshit of bringing back MCs after you spent 9 years building different interactions with the FGO main character.
>Yes, Guda will be "missing" for a while and we will play as Hakuno
That's what I've saying. Ritsuka will be rendered out of commission, allowing Hakuno to take over as the protagonist for the rest of the chapter, because what this chapter really is is the conclusion of the Extra series before it gets rebooted in Extra Record.
gachikoi in absolute fucking shambles
I genuinely hope this chapter wraps up with every version of BB (including the Sakura Five) going [DATA LOST] because they left to get back together with a proper Senpai
Nikitich has the privilege of being Koyan's mother while evil cat has none. She will never stop being a flop.
No one remember Dobrynya either
Bro, you're mad because you're the cuck
FGO has zero dating or romance mechanics, any argument whatsoever about a character being for (you) was cope to begin with.
Hit the gym, creepy fuck. See a shrink.
People play waifu games for waifus, people play visual novels for waifus, this is a very basic concept that people understood twenty years ago.
You're basically saying Fate route would be no different or would be vastly improved if Saber kept talking to Shirou about her one true love Gwenivere, Last episode had Gwenivere in avalon together with saber and Shirou says to them "I'm glad you were finally reunited with your true love" as Gwen shippers go "omg she could never show a smile like that to Shirou, Shiroufags are cucked", and also she randomly sleeps with Gilgamesh during Fate route consensually, and when Shiroufags say this seems kinda fucked some guy chimes in "this game isn't FOR YOU you stupid waifu obsessed loser, no one is here to jack off to pixels, now stop complaining about it you stupid coomer faggot"

I'm saying people condemn FGO for things that they would obviously think would be fucked if it was a story they actually care about, they're only okay with it in FGO because they kinda hate FGO, they hate guda, so they always make disingenuous fake arguments to justify every bad thing that happens when in reality they want it because they already know it's bad. Obviously this game made it's money as a waifu game, based on a VN where you romance waifus and go down different girls routes. Most of the writers of the game originally understood this, this was always a waifu game, that's the only reason it made money. The reason Nasu made king Arthur a girl in the first place was because waifu money. This is something old otaku understand instinctively, while it's something new fake otaku don't understand at all. Older otaku understand why fanservice and waifu are good, new age otaku are always "ugh, fanservice shit, this game isn't for you self insert losers, this is a super serious game" retard behavior.
Reminder that HakuCHAD doesn't have an entire institution backing him up, including their own generation of mana, stabilization of Servants, numerous supporting staff and technologies and a personal Galahad-lite bodyguard to tank for you and pass on blessings. Hakuno legitimately did everything himself.
I know this, that's why I also wanna point that it's a pretty dick middle finger move for Nasu to pull this stunt and wool over new players' eyes. Also, the summer event itself is not OC-locked. What is the continuation of it, OC3, that requires clearing both OC Prologue AND the summer event's story.
For anyone who is actually a Fate fan yes it is
Women like you should unironically get raped till death
I wonder if he plans to make the CCC remake like TsukiRe was, personally i think it's pretty likely to happen because a bunch of stuff got cut from the original CCC (like Giant BB, Nightingale and Suzuka)
>assumes someone is a woman and instally thinks of rape
Pajeet detected
Humanity won’t exist long enough for him to remake CCC at the pace Tsuki:Re and Extra Record are going.
Mostly because Hakuno was built different. No matter how you look at it, Guda was a normal person that was throw into the shittiest situation and forced a role he didn't ask to nor wanted to, but was neccesary if he wanted to survive.
People underestimate how cruel is the situation for Guda.
I don't want a CCC remake because it's going to be completely sterilized. CCC has overt themes of sexuality and fetishes, both from a character-building aspect and as a platform for most of the comedy. You'd have to rewrite the entire thing.
You couldn't even do an FF7R-tier subversion of CCC either, because it's so deeply ingrained. It's not like Realta Nua where you can just have a fade-to-black on the sexual content and you don't lose out on any part of the story.
Raid from discord or bl, pick your poison.
Shit that happens in this OC would work better in a VN rather than a gacha if you ask me.
>People play waifu games for waifus, people play visual novels for waifus, this is a very basic concept that people understood twenty years ago.
And I'm pretty sure that's one of the many reasons why Japanese population birthrate is both in decline and heading to freefall soon.
Also, maybe, just maybe, people condemn FGO because of many other things, down to having one of the most notoriously bad gacha systems with very low drop rates and NO pity system until a few years ago, (and even then it solves barely anything, if at all) down to a majority of the written story being just bad. Not just recently with stalling the story further with Ordeal Call and stretching out Part 2 for over six years, but seriously, the MC dosing off randomly in the middle of the hallway and in orientation and that's how the MC survived? That's not even a trait that's recurring or portrayed since.
>Older otaku understand why fanservice and waifu are good, new age otaku are always "ugh, fanservice shit, this game isn't for you self insert losers, this is a super serious game" retard behavior.
Unironically this. Also not only new age otaku but also retards westoid and most feminist and LGBTQ.
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Patroclus was so lucky
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my wife
Cu yumes and Emiya x Cu fujoshi have been a sizeable part of this franchise for longer than you have existed
It was supposed to be OC locked then they backtracked and said only the prologue isn't. Someone realized that it's a shitty move to story lock summer so this is their half-assed measure.
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Never lose hope sister, there's multiple Dantes/Guda fanartist that either reactivated their accounts or started tweeting again from their abandoned accounts after OC2
>>huh duh Guda achieved more
Yeah, but Hakuno faced the BUDDHA and survived.
Granted, he did not win ( he simply beat Twice instead of trying to win an impossible fight against Buddha).
But still, that's an insane feat.
>unironically disregarding the waifu side for male
Really? But I suppose that's the kind of conclusion I expect from retards like you.
You know something? FGO is indeed a waifu game, because it is designed meticulously to gouge your wallets to get the girls that you want. That's how it makes their millions. No wonder, nearly every welfare lately this year is male, because they're forcing you to roll for your waifus. And if that wasn't bad enough, they then make these waifus as broken and OP as possible in their gameplay to make them even more desirable.
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>in Apoc almost all of Achilles internal monologues mention him
>0 references to him in FGO
Maybe it's better this way
Which were the most insane feats every MC got? For Hakuno is that, but for Guda is beating ORT, or surviving the Calamities AND the Abyssal Worm?
Also the rest, too.
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Please consider sex with the banana
>Verification not required.
I’d say Guda x BB is dead from a fan stand point since now they’re only ever going to pair her with the Hakus.
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I wish Achilles was my cousin too.
>People underestimate how cruel is the situation for Guda.
It's easy to forget that when you look at what he has encountered and vanquished
That's a lie. Post all the GudaxBB artists out there
>Guda x BB
was always a doujin meme and had no basis in the game itself
Hakuno fused with the Moon Cell, therefore turning into the strongest and smartest Fate protagonist
Shut up Hakunon
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Read CCC, you fucking retards
Anyone still remember this year duo servant name?
Hector fights for his country.
Achilles fights only for himself.
>post all GudaBB artists
There is literally none.
I guess.
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I warned you BB spic.
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Hibiki and Chika.
Anyone who is not an FGO only, latelet or has watched Carnival Phantasm should know them.
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Just look at what happened to Ranmaru and Hephaestion, how convoluted their characters are to implement them as women, and not mentioning the elephant on the room. Hell both Enkidu and Yamato Takeru went from
>androgynous but clearly men
On their source material, to
>femboys with le secret gender
For no reason
This is why you only wife FGO original characters like Abby or lostbelt specific servants

Granted you have some disappointments like serenity or circe, but at least fgo originals have far lesser chance of being cuckshit than the "imported" ones.
Lmao. Cuckuno never had any attention whatsoever. OC3 ends and he'll disappear like he did before in fan art.
Remember that he has like 2 doujinshi vs 150+ that GudaBB do. And people who actually like BB are gudabros not Cuckunofags who let EXTRA crash and burn so badly.
As I said above, the people pretending to be Cuckunofags are just fake fans. People who shitposted him a day before and just needs a way to vent out their frustration with FGO as a whole.
I have forgotten about their existence in Carnival phantasm.
Don't you have some stabbing to do on the senate?
You are aware that they can just make Abby go full for Lavi, right?
>>Emiya summoned by Hakuno who is summoned by Guda
>>Fate MC summoned by Fate MC who is summoned by another Fate MC
I won't stick my dick in onis.
Hakuno summons Nameless not Emiya.
Someone put him out of his misery this isn't going to end well.
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Ah yes, let's waifu Melusine.
Oh. Right.
Here is a different matter, anon. Those on X is a different thing. Even some of them are GudaSaba fans which is disappointing. I hope one day they suffer the same shit that I’m eating and see how they like it.
Was this really necessary?
>waifuing BB knowing full well she's from an older title
you don't rike star wars references?
You fear a pussy stronger than your dick, you coward. Surpass your limits and dominate the oni pussy!
The funny thing is that I don't even remember what MHXX Alter did in this event
It's the exact same.
You're just falling prey to raikouschizo feeding on your insecurities and people being mad the summer welfare was replaced by dogshit.
Stop being retarded, GudaBB is more canon than some walking dogshit who rejected her and is on the Extella route.
Kill yourself
Star Wars hasn't been good since the prequels ended.
The entire concept of "waifu" is so far gone that it's not even funny
It was a joke from Azumanga Daioh, in reference to the character's actual wife
As with most funny things, mentally-ill mongoloids eventually flooded the scene without paying attention to the context and sucked all the comedy out of it

Now here we are today, with morons shitting themselves in impotent rage because a jpeg of a fictional character in a phone game "cucked" them (she was on screen with a male character one time)
Is there even girl that is safe?
Mumei technically isn’t Redman, but I honestly think that TM has forgotten about that at this point.
She ate sweets in the first part, she ate sweets in OC3 again and then killed herself trying to get us to Eresh
Normally I, a powerlevelchad, would go full autism when a Beast shows their feat.
But I feel nothing about Eresh. Sure she has a cool sword, but that's it.
There is zero lore about her. Nasu jist pulled her off his ass.
There is no Mesopotamia here. Only Nasu and his OC shit.
Romancing BB is literally the canon true ending of another Fate title
People have accepted that Artoria would never be romanceable because of Shirou, but inexplicably they think BB is on the table despite her conceptual existence being rooted in feelings for the Extra protag
You guys are having fun.
Blame society and women for casting away literal failures for them instead of helping them, then getting mad at say failures for wanting to look for fun or comfort that was available for them and constantly ruining their fun or comfort.
The entire human history has seen this a lot of times, and unfortunately it didn't change anything.
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Before pic related people had cope as "it's loving your mother" or "she loves Guda now".
Now there is no hope.
And what about pic related?
Of course
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You guys...
Can't speak for others, but no.
Yeah as I said, it's just raikouschizo picking _female_servant_ for his cuckposting and then reverting back to Melusine.
Usual bottom feeder behavior of someone with no life to speak of.
He is back to his loop post. LMAO
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You’re a good fren, anon. This upcoming week and days are going to be laborious .
>Beast Eresh gets beat up by Edison's robot buddy
It sure was nice not having the ESL third world bait devourer around for a few days.
Malding and shitting your pants over nothing has got to get old one day
>Eresh is the most for (You) because Nasu taking away Tamamo, Nero, Altera, BB and the egos all at once

BBspic should move on to Kama. Unlike CHOCO, redrop made manga of GudaKama.
I see that the troglodyte is easily baited as usual lmao

Even gojocuck would've waited for at least 3-4 posts before he chimps around
You should move onto Kintoki, atleast he doesn't job pathetically like the cow in her every appearance.
Not the Raikouschizo. Just a burned out former Melufag who had enough.
>not him
Sure, Georgie. This excuse is getting old.
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Thanks brother.
You can have some of mine as well in return.
Proven multiple times that I'm not but sure. Guess I am not allowed to hate on what CHOCO did to me and turning my love into hatred.
midboss jobber who can't even handle the flying cat, this is what "beasts" are now
>Raikoufag is a jannies
>But to be a good a jannies, he needs to do his job.
>Raikoufag add some shitpost to fgog.
>Bait and shitpost.
>A couple hours later, most of the shitpost is deleted and also to cover up his dirty evidence.
>The next thread repeats again.
Screenshot this
> Open the thread
>Cuckposters can’t even realize that NAMELESS IS NOT EMIYA!!!!!!
Just kys desu
I don't know why he even bothers pretending he's some "melufag" who for some reason keeps coming here to do his exact same posts lmao
Serenity isn't a FGO original and she has sex with a corpse in her source material
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Here you go
Time to admit that FGO is a cuckge.
Always was
Go back to your goons, xitter-fag.
Seiba and Jannu are day 1
always was
Is it true that FGO still rapes both hoyo games in revenue despite Natlan launch?
You don't help failures. If you can't fix yourself, unplug the life support.
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I'm on my 4th CCC play through.
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You are no different than Hideyoshi. That damn monkey ruined his own life and clan because of his actions and you are literally following his way (under a different method)
Show me one time in the past 5 years where Guda actually has any of that.
Chaldea is an organization of incompetents getting hard carried by Guda.
Can you imagine if nasu goes monkey with the "forget what i said" shit
I was hoping the extra remake would add something to the replayability but reading the interview in TM Ace it doesn't sound like that's happening.
I'm not waiting for someone to 'fix' me like most of you gullible clowns. From overindulging in selfcompassion to end killing yourself because world is too harsh there is a thin line. Allowing failures is the reason we have freaks like faggots, trannies and other aberrations running free in the streets while demanding the rights they shouldn't have.
Sigh, this universe's bad habit is making up the content...
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Mogullaz please draw another Tamamo eating different kinds of food book! It's one of my favorites I ever got off comiket.
The replayability factor for me lies simply in foggsu being present. Record being an intensified experience of back then is a blessing for me desu.
Well then, kill yourself. Or cause the same shit that Hideyoshi did so others can do the job.
No. You won't convince me to breed disgusting onis. I won't fall for that propaganda.
>one sane oldfag against army of cucks the thread
No way he will go
>Actually, what I said about Nero Bride being for (you)? I take that back, make her for Hakuno(n) and update all her lines
Not only that shit wil be expensive, that would be SUICIDE. The mushroom is a retard but he is not THAT much of a retard.
I shit you not there was a shipperschizo hoping for the game to update BB’s voice lines to remove the “flirty” ones.
Nah. Life's good in this side. If failures like yourself and most of fgogposters (who are clearly miserable and you can't prove the opposite) are still alive, why should I?
You have no right to call anyone else a failure when you are literally coping. Do what you want, but don't blame anyone else or start crying when you realize how wrong you were after shit hit the fan for you.
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BB Dubai's 3rd ascension is actually Hakunon. Similar to Hakuno she will fight using BB and the Sakura five. You didn't hear it from me.
sounds like 5 yellow prisms
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You know, we could use Muryan from LB6 being namedropped in the event. That shit will at least revive something. We still need the yearly LB6 shilling.
Ak fans dont hate it tho?
We have the doctorlove tag on pixiv and a shitton of self inserts or people continuesly self shipping and doing comics about it like dankashu that receive no backlash
>You have no right
I have it. I can do it. And I will do it.
>Don't blame anyone else
I don't. Because is easier blaming invisible enemies for your problems (reason tin foil hats exist) than admitting your fuck ups.
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Bold of you if you think I'm gonna give you the attention you want.
Koyanskaya already teased it. Granted, it's not a full namedrop, but it should technically count, right?
That being said I am unsure they will actually do that outside of my room.
>randomized tierlist
You're not getting (you)s
They'll make an offhand mention at KD and Koyan getting along, most likely.
Anyway, so October is the LB4 lock event.
Other than Halloween, what do you expect?
Don't feed the troll
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>This is why you only wife FGO original characters like Abby or lostbelt specific servants
There is no excuse with the shit he's pulling with BB right now, even if she's not a fgo original. Nasu is really walking on a thin fucking rope right now with me if he doesn't fucking fix this shit in the third part. Even if he doesn't do anything and leaves everything as is now, this will forever leave a bad fucking tatse in my mouth regarding BB. You don't spend 9 years cementing the notion that BB has found her own love multiple times, only to pull this shit here now. If he doesn't off-set what he did one way or another, this will be it. This is not something I will overlook. We better get a Charlotte tier confession that she has chosen (you) in the third part, or it's done for me. This is too much.
>LB4 lock event
Why you keep on this? Shouldn't it be GG anyway?
The fuck are you talking about? It's just GudaGuda as usual.
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Fight on, foggsu friend.
it keeps happening because japcucks keep tolerating it and paying money
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A mentally ill sudaca in a shack in the Andes mountains is having panic attacks for weeks now because of these squirrels.
Damn, Georgie. Stealing other people's screenshots again?
How the fuck did I miss this.
Ok then, GG will be in November.
>If he doesn't off-set what he did one way or another,
You know what makes it even worse in this case? The fact that he's also coming to Chaldea. It's not like he disappears and you never see him again. No, he's coming with you. So, if Nasu doesn't off-set it with a good moment for (you) to cement her for (you), it'll leave that bad taste in your mouth and it'll never go away.
Yeah Nasu you're on thin ice, cucking me in a game with zero dating sim elements with a character whose spirit origin is based solely on falling in love with the protagonist of the game she's originally from

Festering, untreated mental illness on full display.
So in theory we should get Sita, either welfare, 4*, or worse case, a wardrobe for Rama (that would unironically make me mad).
Who else will be in there, though? A new Kama? Kama Maid wardrobe? That indian that appearead in SR collab that did nothing? An unrelated servant to appear in that story?
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Thanks bro!
I am not the BBspic. Do not compare me to that false flagging cuck.
who cares about pajeetslop. im always skipping indian content
Same thing with the Melucuck who went insane because he didn't read LB6, her bond CE and mats, took valentine and the myroom shit seriously, and then went insane when choco made a doujin about her eternal love
so this is what male hysteria looks like
onichan can you take your shitposter back
oh you are here, please stay here
>he's talking to himself
Maybe another pseudo indian servant?
>cucking me in a game with zero dating sim elements with a character
How about you take yourself and your nonsensical bullshit somewhere else schizo? What do dating sim elements have to do with the complaints here? Do you need dating sim elements to get a romance in a game? What kind of braindead retarded tourist are you? This is a take from a massive Mihomocuck, or someone who doesn't play gacha at all. The funniest thing is that you're not even correct here, since bond levels are literal dating sim elements as well.
>whose spirit origin is based solely on falling in love with the protagonist of the game she's originally from
See pic related, which is a plot point set up by Nasu himself you stupid cuck.
Pretty sure that there is at least a mexican that likes hakuno and shit on guda
>he thinks the event will have anything to do with lb4
Then what would you recommend?
It's going to be Gudaguda or something random with a fotm SSR and maybe a welfare if we're lucky
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Raikouschizo spamming pretending to be 3 different people is something that requires a doctor to come in and forcefully take him away from his smelly room jesus
Nice thread, people. Keep going.
I remember when the schizoid "Hanako was raped" guy from /ksg/ was a novelty
Now almost every legacy general has at least one
/vg/ was a mistake
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That Melu is cuckshit and I hope choco dies?
I know and regret it.
Gachatrash attracts more schizos and entitled shitheads than your average console games, so this is the expected outcome. Chinkflu in 2020 just accelerated the inevitable.
I think the most shocking thing is the fact that Georgie actually has friends that help him with the servant screenshots.
Or maybe I am not the autistic Raitabortion lover, but a burned out Melufag who isn't delusional any longer ans got disillusioned with this game?
Nah. Can't be.
All the enemies who exist in my head are the same person.
Nah he just steals them from discords or the like most likely.
even without any "friends", this game have so much ammo for cuckposters that they could win afgan war with it
should've let more pajeets play the game. They would've raped their way into making sure every servant is for (you)
We’re not alone bros
This makes no sense. Hakuno was a Master in 2030.
You answer the troll
Did anyone else chuckle when they did the Eresh POV of you coming closer to her?
Why the fuck did Takeuchi make Guda look like a serial killer?
Georgie what's the end goal of your BBspic persona?
It was to set suspense. They wanted you to think you would listen to Cuckuno and use the imperial decree to kill Eresh instead you got closer and used your normal CS to bring her back by believing in your bond.
You would never endanger Eresh like that.
If you're feeling cucked by just this, you have no place anywhere on the internet my friend.
Yeah but the way Guda looked in that cutscene is hilarious. It's the takeuchi art.
Play the game, read the story.
>Nasu makes Castoria to be guda's "saber" who has a super special bond with him, she never met Shirou, had no connection to shirou, she only had a connection with Guda, they had a long drawn out romance plot together spanning an entire VN route length story about what she will always only love Guda
>Shiroufags: we call her now, she belongs to Shirou, she looks like saber so she must belong to us
>Fanart with Guda slowly dries up as Shiroufags piss all over the place

>Nasu makes an entirely different version of BB who is not the one from CCC and only loves Guda, never met Hakuno, only had a connection with Guda, loves Guda
>Hakuno: were calling her now, she's ours, she looks like the other BB so we call her now and she had to be the same, all the lore up to now about what she's different doesn't count now
>Fanart with Guda slowly dries up as Hakunofags piss all over the place

The cycle is endless
>Nasu writes an entire chapter about how Eresh loves Shirou next
Time isn't linear, moron
Kama is your Sakuraface
The whole thing is a "What if" scenario, what is wrong with that? I don't understand why some of you act like drooling retards when these type of things come up.
>Has a line for muramasa
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>after her event
>after her valentines
>OC3 which is the most dangerous one because of hakuno, no draco whatsoever anywhere
If your fgo waifu is a clapface (a rin, dakura or seiba), you are for a world of pain and disappointment. You already know Nasu and its urges to put references inside references for the sake of it. Blame yourself at this point.
I agree. Fanart always have been 'everything allowed' zone. Bitching about it makes no sense to me
This board should be purged, users, janitors and moderators included.
>Choco's betrayal is what pissed me off
it's your fault
>he got his money so now he goes and make his yuri shit doujin
not canon, if you keep seething over it it's your fault
I think this Hakuno has defeated Velber 1 and 3
Edmond likes seeing Abby happy.
Also why is there so much art of Edmond and Oberon when they never interact?
Is it an otome thing?
so what if it's a official artist? it's still a fanart and his own business what fetish to draw
This guy has drawn characters that look just like Melusine for years, including ones in a wheelchair chained up and a bunch of weird stuff. He just draws weird stuff. Its fine.
this is why seniority-focused culture is retarded
OC3 is in 3017
Where she says she hates him
>Fanart with Guda slowly dries up as Shiroufags piss all over the place
But it isn't also why everything should be fanart?
References mean the same with eat shit, lmao cuckfag.
Now in english
Nigga she tried to ship Taigong with Daji and all the Chinese fans flamed the shit out of her on her Twitter.
He's not a janny, he tried to be a janny but got rejected and has been salty ever since about that fact.
Genshin maybe, Mualani is only good for her overworld movement skills and she's still outclassed by Furina everywhere else, everyone and their mother have Kazuha. The police character from ZZZ are flops, the only one that was popular was the first one. HSR is the outlier.
Mualani is good for being cute
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selling cute and funny only works until devs start injecting their self-inserts in the game just to cuckold the players
Makes me mad that she got passed on by that fucking dogwash Cuckuno for fuck sake it's THE SUMMER EVENT not the nazi fashionista episode
Never fails to make me kek.
In short, your opinion are invalid, cucks.
Cant believe they killed Lip TWICE in one chapter
Hell even KP Alter survived (so far)
dev self insert shouldnt even exist. that's some next level fucked up shit
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Being nicknamed 'Puta' is a fate worse than death
Bold of you to assume I was trying to cuckpost, but given the fact your kind's brain have a definite flowchart in their way of thinking, not gonna even bother in humour you any longer.
Try to not kill yourself.
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>plot of OC3 ch2 is Eresh ramming a plane sized sword into twin towers in Dubai that contain the lives of all living humans in cyber Dubai.
>Chapter released on 9/11
Those devs are basically your kind, but they can make their delusion a reality and "more official". Wonder how many of you won't do the same if having the power to do it.
>never met Hakuno
BB is the piece of Sakura that fell in love with Hakuno and had to be purged to the far side in order for her to survive an AI integrity check
BB's sole base concept is falling in love with Hakuno. It's literally the premise of CCC.
You're talking to a retard that never played or even read CCC. BB and the Sakura 5's very existence was because of Hakuno.
there's wouldnt be any reason to do so. im MC, he is me. Together with my player bros. injecting your own shit and hijack your own game is a madness
For the 19932935269th time.
She's not that BB.
That BB was killed.
You've never played FGO and it shows.
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Big City.
Isn't our BB someone completely different and never met hakuno ala nero bride?
What? Are you telling me I should play other fate games to understand my waifus? No shit! FGO is the main timeline, and I'm not saying this to justify my tertary status. This is fgog general, not a fate general.
You're arguing with georgie
Its wild how much unresolved shit is going to be in part 3
It's not clear, when she sees Hakuno she seems to be melancholic so it's likely that there is some underlying shared aspect beyond appearance or that all the BBs are connected
Why not another game directly?
Many aspects and mechanics of fgo are really old
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I meant part 3 of this OC anon.
You know what's hilarious? Nothing will get answered in part 3 and we will have to wait for part 4.
Never said anything about breeding, only sex
For one point: a possible sequel.
For other: lol don't think too much about it.
Last one is likely, but delusion is an option.
Ok, I hope part 3 is cool, so far the story hasn't convinced me much
Maybe they wrote Lovecraft out of the story
It IS clear.
There's literally two BBs in the first event she appears in.
FGO BB, copied and created to deal with Kiara.
CCC BB, extracted from Kiara and killed by Guda and FGO BB.
FGO BB never met anyone but Guda.
She knows Hakuno. Did you forget the interaction in this OC?
People really never read do they?
What's his Class?
>Valentine's is the end of his book but with (you) instead of the Kid
And do tell me, FGO BB was copied from whom? CCC BB who has met Hakuno.
God, you're daft.
Our BB doesn't, retard, a single interaction inbetween the two where it's vague as shit is not a good evidence, no matter how much you drag this
Still applies. Nothing of the pieces used in the board had convinced me enough to give a shit about it. Good for Nasu patting himself with shit only he gives a shit, I guess.
She’s a copy with memories of CCC. People still have to be reminded of such things which is fucking tiresome.
>It IS clear
Not so much after this event, maybe with the final part it will be clear
>FGO BB, copied
This could be the key point
If that's the case, why did she tried to call him Senpai? Because she called him Senpai before. Dumbass.
>a single interaction inbetween the two where it's vague as shit
Funny how this is the main argument for both interpretations as to whether or not BB remembers the feelings of the original one
Was "Romani" dialogue about the OC in the prologue edited to mention Mooncancer?
Play the CCC event retard, and don't reply to yourself immediately to reinforce yourself
They literally tell you it's not the same BB from CCC several times and she never met hakuno. There are two BB in CCC event; the original BB, and a newly created fresh BB who didnt have any bugs or imperfections, was an entirely new BB who never met Hakuno, created by the mooncell and sent to FGO world to help stop Kiara
Upon reaching seraphix she met up with the original BB and they worked together while secretly planning to backstab each other. At the end of the event original BB tells new BB that she'll become just like her one day when she falls for a human, it's her destiny

Every fucking argument is the most braindead argument "durrr I never played CCC event but I pretended to play the original CCC purely so I could cuckpost, grrr I just joined this fandom the other day to say it's heretical to pair BB with anyone but Hakuno despite Guda x BB being accepted for seven years now, grr BB is for Hakuno, always was. No I won't read CCC event, no I won't read grailftont, I don't read shitty FGO story"
I didn't notice but I don't think so
You're retarded. She herself A COPY has never met anyone but Guda.
You're the same kind of retard arguing that copies in a universe like this one are the same as their original.
Fucking retard, she even says in her profile that to her the events of CCC feel like they're so distant they happened eons ago. CCC BB instead comes fresh out of the CCC ending and dies.
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Go to sleep /frog/. Eternally.
Not them but I think the doubts concern what is happening in the event still ongoing
>Guda x BB being accepted for seven years now
Come on anon..it's a fgog meme with 4 fanarts
it’s all so tiresome
Please Oberon, put us out of our suffering like you did Faerie Britain
>..it's a fgog meme with 4 fanarts
You really are letting a spamming retard dictate that? LMAO
There's entire events in the game that are about GudaBB raikouschizo. Unlike saber raikou which is indeed your meme with 0 fanarts.
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abby stole his cat
Never met doesn't mean doesn't know, retard.

>she even says in her profile that to her the events of CCC feel like they're so distant they happened eons ago
So she does remember? You're trying too hard.
You fucking instigating bastard, yes she remembers because she’s a fucking 1:1 copy.
What are the odds on him doing a Misora?
Regardless of the ravings of the crazy Thai, this event seems to show that BB feels some melancholy for Hakuno.
Even in the CCC event she says that those events seem to have happened a long time ago
>put us out of our suffering like you did Faerie Britain
>implying faes got to be out of their suffering in the abyssal worm
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Are you done? She knows he existed because she has records imported into her as a copy. She never MET him and never had such feelings because she's not that BB.
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Need to shag this cat
FGO BB is a clone copy of CCC BB
in the CCC event you literally collect fragments of CCC BB to level up your NP for FGO BB
Imagine how far gone you'd have to be to enter a legitimate meltdown because you feel threatened by a fictional character
social shaming doesnt work around here
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It's crystal clear, try not skipping next time
Especially skipping fucking SERAPH of all things
I wonder what other social media out there exist where it's like 4chan minus the obvious bait and schizos. I would like to shit on anyone else (without being obnoxious) without the fear of having my acount banned.
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Exactly. So what's the problem now? FGOfags being threatened by your other self-insert?
>is a copy and has memories of him
>no feelings
Jesus christ.
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It's not even that, the seamonkey is screaming in his banana leaf favela because he sees his fanfic between an imaginary Japanese teenager and an AI being threatened
How do you people have the energy to keep shitposting 24/7? I'm exhausted just scrolling this thread
Selfinserts are retards. More at 11.
The ones who meltdown here are cuckfag, sorry. That's why you need to spam it in every thread like >>494368235. The Definition of mental illness

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It's called knowing japanese.
Having BB in FGO was a fucking terrible idea. BB's entire motivation was her love for Hakuno, without him she doesn't even have a reason to play the villain. Even the "she loves Guda now" cope doesn't work because she doesn't even give a fuck he's being used as black barrel ammunition.
The doubts concern the event still in progress, then also the past events are ambiguous with the history of memories of a distant past and the fragments of the original BB
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No matter how many times I replay CCC I will always come back to foggsu's casual outfit.
She's just peak.
No, she's a cool antagonist.
The rest actually requires a bit of mental gymnastics.
It really is the best.
This thread just needs to end.
It's all you talk about.
You're a fucking autistic sperg who doesn't even play FGO.
BB ENTIRE MOTIVATION for servantfes was locking up Guda in her private world because she didn't want you to experience part 2, including that shit.
Since then BB has been literally helping all the time and making sure Guda never met danger, even sending Jinako or Kama to help him in main story parts.
You've got no idea what the fuck you're even talking about. BB was ready to fucking die before the timelock just to save Guda despite Cuckuno presence.
Entire OC is not even canon. Devs openly admitting that this is a filler and nothing that happens here is canon
*releases 2 week timelocks in your path*
Don't worry Senpai, no matter what I'll always be there for (You)
Mental illness is there anything else? Suddenly these fags here out nowhere that explain where they belong, not here of course.
Alright georgie it's time for you to go to bed
Are the mods going to do something? The thread has descended into chaos because of raiders either from discord , x, or beast’s lair
I don't think you people understand, you all are arguing with the same schizo that has shitposted morgan and melusine endlessly, he just switched to BB for the time being
Says the /alter/ raider
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all of that is fucking nothing compared to CCC
she should halt the entire main story, instead all she does is waste time on dogshit summer events while her "love interest" is dying
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>Hide a schizo post
>/fgog/ is its normal self
Goes to show how must of the stupid drivel is pushed by one single guy.
Who is "Georgie"? The boogeyman under your bed?
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It's sad how her AR Tapestry's App never got updated and only works on ancient Android versions. I ripped her voicelines but's not the same without the app. Having a giant foggsu on your Wall and zooming into her ears face bobs etc was fun when it worked.
>all of that is fucking nothing compared to CCC
Compared to what? A dogshit game nobody played and that's only relevant because of the event FGO had?
Please cut the bullshit.
BB even did the same stunt again of locking Guda in a simulation again during a Grail Front further showing your dumbass argument that "she doesn't care" is dogass.
She's one of the servants who cares the most out of any in Chaldea since she actually does do shit to prevent Guda from dying actively even if she's not involved in the story.
She was never an antagonist, Nasu said in CCC she was the true heroine all along
In FGO she's someone who acts like an anti hero, pretending to be evil but is in fact entirely good
She literally spells out her character in imaginary scramble that she acts evil only to disguise her good actions, while saying Yunyun is the mirror opposite of her.
Yeah right, keep playing dumb, faggot
that's a lot of words to say "Guda died 2 times in a single story chapter and BB did absolutely nothing"
Nasu wanted to make it happen and is part of the narrative, even though we know about it, so it IS canon.
A strong reality wouldn't be shattered to piece by a single entity. Did thou check the priority? We bet yes, but not entirely.
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>he wouldn't breed Ibaraki's sexy strong oni pussy
Lost a little respect for you Banana poster
Narratives create reality
Doesn't matter what's true or false, the narrative is reality. There are girls I can say are 100% for you, but /fgog/ has made into cuck tier just through shitposting them daily. That's why you don't want you girl to go down that road, once the shitposters make up a narrative that becomes the new reality even if it's 100% false. Just look at the daily Morgan and Melusine shitposting.
If you say so. Raikouschizo, vin jewser, the peruvuan, kizu, ozzy and all those twitter/discord ecelebs are all alternatives personas of a single being with a lot of free time, lack of adult responsabilities and zero hobbies besides posting in this shithole. You aren't helping in your case.
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You guys need a break.
When's the next divegrass tournament so we can talk about something else?
>BB did absolutely nothing
Who do you think sent Protea you disingenous cunt?
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First I've ever heard of that. I only have the FoxTail tapestry. I also took your advice and bought Tamamo's Nendo and Figma. I'll update you once they are delivered. Did Chiwa Saito do the voice work for the app?
Depends on when the Autumn cup ends, so maybe mid to late November.
>vin jewser
Only the raikouschizo would care about this one to namedrop him at random
>not canon is actually canon!
>if some reatrds will repeat their narrative long enough, it will become canon!
im not sure who is more retarded here anymore, cuckspammers or their opposition
It doesn't matter what's true, what matters is the narrative. As a long time sakurafag I can tell you that the narrative ultimately takes precedence over the truth on 4chan. You only understand it if you've been here long enough, something can be entirely false, it can even be easily disproven, but if the shitposting narrative catches on, you'll never have an honest discussion again in your life about a topic. All that matters is the shitposts gets repeated enough by enough people. At a certain point it doesn't matter what's canon, the narrative becomes accepted as the new truth.
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It was an Alarm and camera app that worked when you got the official Tapestry from plus one.
The Tapestry came with a credit card looking card and when you input the code of it into the app you could fully unlock the Alternate Reality Tamamo reactions when you looked at specific parts of the Tapestry.
And the alarm function was also great. To awake to Tamamo's voice was the best.
App got buggy as fuck over time with Android moving forward until it didn't work at all.
Haha gotchu! Enjoy the pose-able foggsus!
Yeah. It's not like this general haven't namedropped all the discordbuddies in their boogey list ad nauseam. Remember the italian tamamoschizo?
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No one can ever convince me that takeuchi didn't just mirror this face
So in all honestly, when are we supposed to get the Foreigner OC? Before or after Ruler OC?
i burry an item underground and tell people about it. someone will belive me someone dont. no matter what they believe - an item will still be where i burried it
Being defeated in your own rules and domain. Truly a shame.
Yet forgotten reminder the blame is not for the outsider.
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Maybe guda is a clown
Eresh can get nice treatment from time to time
As far as I know she is the only one whose event was literally Singularity 7.2/Babylonia Part-2
Basically a sequel of a main chapter. That shit barely happens and not even LB6 or 7 got one.
>inb4 summer
Doesn't really count, or barely. Actually pretty sure it doesn't.
I swear I saw comments like this in the translated chapters.
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>Nice treatment
nta but killing sakurashit is good in my book. She should go 9 11 on the others as well.
The pandering with summer was pretty nice. Her second ascension being servantverse and an enemy, and Guda not wanting to kill her and instead reforging bonds was pretty nice. Only thing left is to see how the third ascension will go.
I don't get how people don't understand she's the only one confirmed NOT dead because her SG is holding on.
Puta is tough, she will survive.
Percival/MHXXA/Lip/Nikitich/Bart on the other hand...
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Obviously metahumor acknowledging that this shit is stupid and would never happen in a competently told story.
City is doing fine. Surprisingly, most of the summer fanart I have retweeted is hers. I didn't realize how much I like her till this event.

But yeah, outside of City art, OC3 is becoming a battlefield. And not just in this general. I have seen people fighting over which Master should claim Melt, when she (thankfully) doesn't even appear in this.
Eresh did 9/11
They specifically didn't have her appear so Hakunofags couldn't claim her
Nasu realized he didn't want that fight at least
>I have seen people fighting over which Master should claim Melt
Yeah what do you expect. Meltfags like Ozz or the like don't understand that Cuckunofags are literally foaming from their mouths from just being Muramasa fags 2.0 and wanting that same kind of autism appeal to them.
They want the "fixed Melt" since back when they had the problematic one in CCC nobody cared. It's just so hypocritical jesus it just makes me so mad I can't even write like I want to.
>Why is Nasu downplaying shit we did
Why are you taking personal offense to this, you aren't Guda. Why are all mentally ill people like this, constantly projecting so hard that they feel threated over anything at all happening in the narrative to the protagonist.
>when Guda achieved more and fought against much much more threatening shit and won
would get clapped by any nasu protag in CQC low diff
Wait until the Haku’s have a voice line for Melt or vice versa. You cocky melt fans will be in the sinking boat with all of us.
I dont think shes confirmed dead.
Technically not even percival is either though it would be retarded to not have him die.
I, personally, cannot wait to see the earing she will get from Tezca. All the fanarts with him looking at her internally seething or just about to pull the trigger on her are hilarious.
Love those two too much haha.
>I dont think shes confirmed dead.
Half her face was blown off
Eye patch will fix it.
I mean she probably is but they sort of rapid fire "killed off" so many people I expect half of them to be secretly alive for the clusterfuck part 3
Yeah, but he forgot that BB, Tamamo, and Nero fags combined are more numerous. FGO vs Extra fags is an issue now. Only Eresh and City fags are doing fine by their own.
she didnt used it anyway
Eresh flopped.
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>News that the Tower in Area F had been destroyed by the Beast spread throughout Moon Dubai within seconds.
>Some people cut off all outside information in fear, some sought a solution to the problem from BB Dubai, and some rushed to try to preserve as much information as they could for their "present selves."
>But in the end, the citizens' actions converged into one pattern.
>Stunned, they turned their gaze towards Area F, helpless to do anything.
>The people of Moon Dubai were unaware that this was an old-fashioned custom of "praying to the heavens."

>The Beast's sword is unleashed.
>In that moment, the AI "present" in Tower 12 and Tower 6 understand their fate.

>The citizens of Moon Dubai: Ah... Ah... Aaaahhh...

>They do not understand the meaning of death.
>They have never seen an actual example of death.
>And so they do not know that it is fear, sadness, or a cry for help.
>Like a mindless recording device, they simply watch their own final moments from afar,

Percival shows up

>The citizens of Moon Dubai are left breathless at the sudden event.
>The white light bursts out and disappears.
>Without comprehension, they witness a miracle performed by one knight.

Percival "dies"

>Immediately after the Star Sword Epitaph was fired, she begins flying with its flying unit at full power.
>The target is, of course, the Beast.
>It's hiding at the edge of Area E, so it's expected that she will be able to make contact with the enemy with no risk.
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>Nikitichi Ooo, oooooooooooooo!

>Nikitichi is letting out a roar.
>Is it what they call shouting for joy?
>I'm a little jealous.
>I couldn't shout like that even if I won the space treasure lottery.
>But I understand how she feels.
>Nikitichi's flying dragon broke through the air currents that would normally cause him to spiral down in a spiral.
>He cleared the impossible game that ignored balance in one go.
>And that's not all. Our Master, who is inside the wing, is also unharmed, which adds to the artistic points.
>Oh. Wait. He's not. Master looks like he's about to throw up.
>But he's holding on with all his might. He has incredible guts.
>I won't let myself lose either.

>XX Alter: Target acquired. Class Beast Enemy is 1200 yards away
>XX Alter: If the opponent is a Beast, I should be able to use all my strength, and ignore galactic law...!

>I'm a villain so I may break the rules, but that's that.
>I don't have the luxury of making excuses now.
>Quantum armor, damage rate 60 percent.
>The gate had stopped and I narrowly escaped death.
>If the Beast's output had not decreased, I would have died instantly.
>The left side of my head and left half of my body were destroyed.
>My main weapon, the Beam Scythe, and my secondary weapon, the drone, were both destroyed.
>Ouch. My Spirit Origin was destroyed in an instant, so I was lucky that I also suffered a ton of pain. Ouch.
>But I was in trouble.
>Without a weapon, I couldn't even fight.
>Distance 1000 remaining.
>Up ahead is the Beast's territory.
>A delay hell where one second becomes three hours.
>It is my role to offset that with my Noble Phantasm.
>Can I do it? I can. Because...

>XX Alter: Alter Reactor, seal and destroy. I am the ancient king who crowns the galaxy.
>XX Alter Dyad, Cross, Great Attract
>XX Alter The original flash leads to chaos, The Earth Nebula is divine will! Conflict Midia Keosu!

>Heh, did you see that?! I saved those twin sickles just for this...
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Tez is just such a fun character, his dynamics with the other characters are great for comedy

>Anki Ereshkigal!
>Keep going!

>Nikitich: I know! We can do it! ...SHIT! MHXXA has been defeated!

Nikitich is all bloodied and wounded here

>Nikitich But I'm fine... I can still... fight!
>Nikitich That's what us brave warriors are like! Master! I'll be with you until the end! Isn't that right, my beloved horse?!

>Dragon: Rawrrr ( berserker sound noise thing )

>Anki Ereshkigal (...They overcame the Star Sword Epitaph and arrived to me. And they did so while protecting the city of the new humans rather than themselves.)
>Anki Ereshkigal Very well. If you are prepared for this fight, I won't go easy on you.
>Ankhi Ereshkigal Although my form may have been naturalized into that of the goddess of the universe, I am the incarnation of the underworld, Anki Ereshkigal.
>Ankhi Ereshkigal I am the point of no return where all souls fall, and an inviolable realm where all memories are preserved.
>Anki Ereshkigal: To think that a mere human like (You) could lay a finger on me!
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>you aren't Guda
Nasu himself disagree with this, (you) are Guda aka the player
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Same. Looking forward to it.
Not even Toshimichi Mori was so much of a hack than Nasu.
Passionlip won
>Both versions of her were fully for you
>Even when Hakuno came back she only cared about you
>She died thinking she could be useful to you, and wished she could say your name, but thought it was too embarrassing
>All of the Sakura five are confirmed hard for you, and 0% for hakuno

It's only BBfags that lost
>FGO vs Extra fags is an issue now
Literally this.
This is all shitrou's fault.
No? Nasu is saying the choices exist in the game so the player character's values and the main character's values can align, it's a necessity of social games so the player won't feel too much of a disconnect from the main character.
You mean 5
player's values and main character's values*
Sounds like a (You) problem
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True enough.
The fact he's even wasting his time on edits just goes to show how low he has sunk nowadays.
Really really wish he doxxed himself already I'm so curious to see what kind of worm hides behind this mental illness.
Unironically >>494324294
All Oberon needs to be a Beast is going against his principle of not going to love the world that sacrifices a being for their happiness. He even has a Beast passive already. So an Alter would do the trick.
The grand irony here was that Hakuno was cuckposted to hell back in the extra zero days because Nero and Tamamo weren't pure.
Yeah, editkeks are pathetic.
Shirou: keked once
Hakuno: keked once
Guda: ???
Sieg: Can't cuck dragon dick
Iori: Gay
Stop insulting our Lord Kirschtaria.
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>Iori: Gay
You wish fag
Why do they keep baiting ankoshit?
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I like this kyatto (dog) (fox) (jackal) (rabbit) (cat)
>Guda: ???
Inevitably and forever stuck with Trashu.
No amount of "le secret" shit will change he have a cock. And probably bigger than Iori's.
>a necessity of social games
why are you talking about soshage when the whole interview is nasu talking about hakuno and guda being written as an extension to the player?
No. I hate this shit. I have decided I'm going to skip this slop from now on.
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dw she should still fuck you (probably)
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I'm on my first Casko playthrough of Extra, what stats do I focus on Foggsufan? Mostly mag to max it and some end?
Sorry but I won't like it. Don't like Tamamos either.
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Good choices.
Give the foggsu mana!
I remember back in the day I gave her Strength sometimes so that she'd hit stronger but that's useless. Just focus on Mana and survival.
Yes, "Kinoko festival" is Nasu being his cancerous self with shit nobody likes.
Good you're not like those delusional cucks ITT that pretend to be nice while posting their avatars if its only to convert people to play their dogshit game or otherwise start shitposting themselves
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>The grand irony here was that Hakuno was cuckposted to hell back
This Guda vs Hakuno mess rather than cuckposting feels like you are watching two parents getting divorced and fighting for their children's custody. Melt will probably end up getting torn in half by both sides.
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Got it.
It doesn't feel that bad with a woman because you even want to join them in a menage a trois.
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hakuno is an unironic cuck

and these screencaps really don't touch on how much further the scene goes. How Rin calls you to the classroom before doing it and kisses you once, before giving her virginity to your servant, saying she at least wanted to give her first kiss to you before giving away her body. How Guda watches in on the scene the entire time. Whether you loved your servant, or you loved Rin/Rani, you were cucked in either direction, Nasu made sure of it.
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You should level Strength up to C Rank before pumping Magic to EX. Tamamo starts out with a small MP pool, and there's no way to recover it in battle during the earlygame outside of Charm: Spirit Theft. Leveling Strength ensures your Breaks recover more MP while it is active. If you think Strength is a wasted investment, you are completely wrong. Stat scaling is completely unbalanced in Extra, so leveling Strength also increases your physical defense and magic attack (just not as much as Defense and Magic respectively). Just make sure you never, EVER level Agility or Luck. They are total dump stats on all three Servants. Pic related: Lv.98 Tamamo melting the SE.RA.PH in one hit.
People that say it doesn't count if its a woman can't imagine any reality of the situation, which is why they think its okay. They even brag to your face afterwards, also Tamamo talks about castrating you if you cheat, but the first chance she gets to fuck someone else she goes wild on them sucking Rin dry, while Rin says she didn't expect she was a carnivore, she didn't just do it as a "necessary medical thing", no the second they were allowed to do it they went all out while Hakuno watched from the doorway.
Rin tells you to fuck off if you try to enter the room
I don't think I care about this issue as much as you. It's just all fictional characters.
Why was this shit timelocked? It's boring as fuck.
The Hakuno in OC3 is 1000 years old and not Hakuno as we knew them. They've probably had lots adventures and saved a bunch of worlds during that time, I don't get why people are upset.
He has clearly fought off the Velbers by this point, right?
What do you like?
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Anon only posted a fragment instead of the whole thing, but also looking at the FGOxExtraxFF14 interview you're being misleading, the interview is like 15% about that and reading it I honestly feel like it strengthens my point, Nasu wants Hakuno and Guda to feel like extensions of the players, but also he thinks the characters are well defined so he has to be careful about monologues to avoid creating a disconnect from the players, so yeah, he wants players in Guda's/Hakuno's shoes, but I doubt he intends for it to be to the point of >>494309029's mental illness.
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>no cock
I'm out.
>accidentally types guda instead of hakuno because he subconsciously know they are both the same
>I don't get why people are upset.
Most are fighting over which EXTRA Servants should be for drooling Hakuno and which ones for Guda. That's it. Some side with certain Servants being eternally loyal to Hakuno, and others for some of them moving over with Guda.

The Extella cast being summonable by Hakuno and part of his moveset is enough to spark a conflict but the BB issue makes everything worse, and some are also fighting over the Sakura 5. Perhaps you have not seen them much here, but on Twitter, there are some Hakuno shippers here and there. Probably also on Reddit but don't drop there.

I don't think the Sakura 5 issue is that controversial since that one (so far) clearly leans more towards Guda's side but BB and the Extella cast are the ones causing the most division.
Probably because they're stupid shit secondaries that haven't even played Extra.
Which is why you SI as Hakuno duh
Who cares? Both are your self-inserts. Fucking hell. They're no different than shippers at this rate. Making conflict out of nothing.
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Why doesn't NAMELESS have his mullet?
Yeah this nip is right.
If I get to know FGO BB I shouldn't give a shit about some Cuckuno garbage from an irrelevant game nobody gives a shit for.
It's clear Remake shilling and it's disgusting in and of itself. I'm not going to play as a jackass who told me to kill Eresh like a cunt.
>Who cares?
Anon, sadly you have seen that there are deranged people who take the allegiance of a gacha jpeg character very seriously. They shouldn't but that's the kind of fandom Fate has now. And yes, at this point, it's becoming also a shipping issue.
Extella 2 will cut his hair back after he grows out of his middle after life crisis.
Because its easy shitposting
He isn't half xehanort
BB and the Sakura Five was created out of love for Hakuno. Cry more.
No, the fighting is girls being losing heroines in their own story, never being chosen, but FGO finally gave you the ability to choose them and make them happy. Seven years together through various developments, showing your relationship progress and grow, the game unambigiously says it was love in her grail front, with her saying the entire thing was a confession. Then her ex-crush shows up and five seconds into it she's eyeballing him, and saying that if given the option she would still pick him, all the development you've had together was untimately meaningless, and you were always a second place trophy at best while she still has feelings for the other guy. All the work you put in making a losing heroine into a winning heroine, and she would still choose the other guy any day. You were always just a stand in at best.

The old Circe paradox

Now watch as Nasu gives myroom lines to all the Extra servants, Alter Ego servants, BB, and everyone to Hakuno which creates further cuckposting. Meltfag is shitposting about it, but watch him be upset when it happens to him as well. The problem with saving a losing heroine, is you're always going to be second place to her. If she had another chance she'd still go back to her first crush. Whatever relationship you developed with her is ultimately something she would drop if she had another chance with him.
>I fell in love with Pyra from playing Super Smash she's my waifu forever
>wait what she's from a different game called Xenoblade and she has a husband and kid
>Bawww how dare this game make me feel bad
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
Sefar is shit compared to ORT. Eresh could solo Sefar according to fucking LB7 now.
>It's clear Remake shilling and it's disgusting in and of itself.
It does feel that this year is less of story and more about using FGO to shill other products at the cost of good content and creating unnecesary shitpost.
Do you realize how retarded that comparison is?
>Eresh could solo Sefar according to fucking LB7 now.
If a special underworld where she has abosolute authority, and can infinitely recreate gugulanna. Where she literally had 1000 Gugulanna's stocked up to all attack at once.
They don't give a damn about your shitposts
Literally no one on reddit has played Extra so they don't care. This place is the sole place on the Western side of the internet tearing itself apart about BB.
Read again, anon. I am referring that this year has been more about collabs than anything else. Which normally it wouldn't be that bad but FGO is not exactly in a good place for that.
Well said sis, sissies rule this general.
lmao he was the actual sch**o
Reddit is shipperfags, always was
4chan are self insertfags
(a lot of) Japan, China, and Korea are 20x bigger self insert fags than us however
They do not hold back their shitposting if a character gets cucked away, they make us look very civil.
Pyra wasn't created by Smash Bros and developed stories from it. FGO BB did. She's not CCC BB, I as a FGO player have no reason to go read or play a game about another BB.

Correct. It's very sad. Because nobody's going to buy those stupid side games anyway.
Wasn't there an unironic Pyra/Pneumafag who was doing a XC2 longplay and had to pause the game when the love confession scene happened? It was on YouTube and someone shared its link on one of the many 4chan threads I visit.
It's also a base Extra remake I believe. No CCC.
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That comparisons retarded even for fgog standards
As someone who has a fetish for evil women, henchgirls, femme fatales, and villainesses, I do feel more identified with Guda.
>Midlife crisis
I did read it
>It does feel that this year is less of story and more about using FGO to shill other products
I agree, they outright said it
>at the cost of good content
Arguable, it's literally the same shit as the last few years at the end
>and creating unnecesary shitpost.
Only mental ward candidates like the ones in these threads care about the shit you see in /fgog/ slash 4chan
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The only thing Guda accomplished is killing everyone standing in Marisbury's way assuring he reached his goal of replacing earth while Guda plays around in the bleached earth.

And (you) are going to do it AGAIN when you break the barrier that contains CHALDEAS, I would say you do it FOR FREE, but you actually gained lifelong trauma out of the entire ordeal.
You told me GudabB was more popular but all new fanart is BBHakuno.
>You told me
Yep, the BBspic speaks for all of us, amirite?
I've already played through the game with Nameless and Nero so I have plenty of money for mp and hp recovery items and all the mystic codes plus I can see a decent amount of enemy actions, but if battle gets kind of annoying I'll throw a rank or two worth of skill points on str.
You also told us you don't cuckpost raikouschizo but that's all you've turned your life into. Btw CuckunoBB has a grand total of 1 digit doujinshi, GudaBB is on 3 digits.
>FGO BB did
The better question is why did they ever give him a mullet, I think not even girls liked it and that's why we haven't seen it since then.
>guda BB doujinshi
>BB Hakuno doujinshi
>Guda BB fanart
>BB Hakuno fanart
>Anon: Damn, Hakuno is dominating hard here, ngl its over for gudafags. You should really just end it now just to be safe.
BB CHAD and Georgie rule this general.
Deal with it, /fgogg/ cucks
You can separate Artoria, the character, from Shirou, and the same goes for Sakura and Rin.
However, you cannot separate BB from Hakuno, since she exists only because of him.
There can be no version of her that doesn't know about Hakuno, it's as simple as that.
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>Melt having a crush on Hakuno during CCC and Foxtail
I want to fuck her.
>Her having romantic moments with Guda in FGO.
I still want to fuck her.
>Her maybe going back to Hakuno.
Definitely still wanna fuck her.
I didn't mind the mullet.
I just don't like how short his skirt is. It's longer on the normal outfit
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Read CCC event, its a different BB.
Moneybills-sama can you at least give me your daughter and adopted son back...
>"You cannot separate BB from Cuckuno"
>There's 3 different BBs in FGO
Next you'll tell me BB Dubai gives a shit about Cuckuno too because your mental schizophrenia told you so.
>Because nobody's going to buy those stupid side games anyway.
I mean I am still interested in Extra remake. But my enjoyment may lower after all this year.
>Arguable, it's literally the same shit as the last few years at the end
Yeah, a shame they just don't do events like Bakin, I personally enjoyed that.
>Only mental ward candidates like the ones in these threads care about the shit you see in /fgog/ slash 4chan
If it derail too much to the point it becomes like this, then it is unnecesary shitpost.
Moneybills... but my pay...
Why didn't Shiroufags and Wormfags get this assblasted at AI Sakura and the Sakura 5 and Hakuno? Were fans just smarter and less emotionally comprised back then, or did Sakura have such a bad rep that no one cared?
Are you having trouble understanding simple English?
It doesn't matter if it's a ''different'' BB, because all BBs share a single origin, and Hakuno is at its core.
BB is basically like Jeanne Alter. Their existences are tied to Hakuno and Guda respectively. Without them they wouldn't exist.
We all saw how it went with Samurai fillernant. Nobody buys those games. People just hype them up as a mean to shitpost FGO and then they never sell.
?? The Sieg welfare is an Alter Ego of Sieg made of his feelings yearning to be with (you). That's why he has no feelings for Jeanne. Sieg (true) remained in the Reverse Side waiting for her. A part of him was torn and so split out.

He's so for (you) even Kiyo wingmans him.
>"Fufu. Listen well. This sports gym oniisan is just a disguise to hide from the world.
>It's a story from a long time ago but I'm the man who saved the world a few times already!
>The Master of the Moon, Kishinami Hakuno! As your senpai, I'll show you how the job is done!"

why did this make Gudafags seethe so hard?
And all are the result of events that occured druing Fate/EXTRA CCC.
Your point?
Because it wasn't Sakura? Sakurafags already won with HF being the True End to FSN. Unlike Rinfags who screech like Rhinos everytime.
FGO BB was copied. Her origin is being a copy. She never met Cuckuno.
BB Dubai origin has nothing to do with him either. And you don't know it regardless.
A character sharing a name or face doesn't mean anything in terms of origins in this universe. You're selectively applying your random rules to pretend FGO BB is "yours" whenever she's not.
She's never been CCC BB. You killed that one by playing FGO. And Cuckuno didn't care. Nice "Love".
That was Nasu. He called Daji his "fated woman" in his blog. As usual Sakurai pays for Nasu's retarded shipping push. Taiggon in his my room is pure Sakurai and shows nothing but scorn for her, and likes (you).
It does matter because, despite having BB/GO's memories, BB doesn't know love at that moment.
She is very specifically not in love with Hakuno.
She has CCC BB memories. She still remembers Hakuno. You lost, Georgie.
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>Hey Guda, my faithful employee, old buddy old pal. And Mashu! My other employee of the month! Would you pretty please uh, very kindly if you could, uh, kill Galahad for me? It's just -- that barrier is a real eyesore. Of course nothing to do with CHALDEAS, just that it ruins the view y'know, can't see anything out of it. It would help Chaldea and the future of humanity so much if you could uh, just kill him for me? Thanks, you two were always my favorites!
FGO BB and BB Dubai were in EXTRA CCC?
No I don't think so.
You say that when saberfags are the one that got the worst treatment.
>She has CCC BB memories
Copied memories. Not hers. Not her experiences, nor her feelings.
Lancer Artoria also has Saber Artoria memories from the same life.
Does that mean they're the same if at one point their story diverged despite being copies? No.
They're different.

The argument of treating copies the same as the original goes against the core rule of this entire universe with servants to begin with.
He's a Terminal just like Merlin. What the hell are you talking about? While his true self is chilling on the Reverse Side he's puppeting a body at Chaldea.
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It's a different BB but she inherited memories from the original BB as mentioned in her profile, she feels them as being very distant from her so there's a disconnect, but they're there anyways, so she is a continuation of the original BB and also a different BB at the same time. It's kinda like Moon Dubai's citizens, they die but another continuation of them is produced if they do.
>Yeah, a shame they just don't do events like Bakin, I personally enjoyed that.
Some random events for new characters would be fine, I agree.
>If it derail too much to the point it becomes like this, then it is unnecesary shitpost.
Yeah but I meant that Nasu didn't ask himself the question of "What if by adding a past character, "players" start to cuckpost each other over which of the 2*n literally me png is loved by a servant or not on a mongolian basket weaving image forum used by Fooreinah"
>waifu games
Where is the waifugame?
Saberfags got to be the Face of Fate. They won the war.
Tez is a great example of how Nasu goes on to write a great and fun character when he is NOT attempting to shill them by any means necessary.
That was sarcasm
I really don't get wtf Percival did here. He stopped Eresh's attack?
Saberfags see Saber in everything and an endless array of clones, but no actual activity and they're stuck with just one low budget 18 year old anime and generations of new fans ignore her and her relationship with Shirou. She's basically wallpaper at this point.
Clones aren't the same character
Did you think Shiroufags were pissing and crying when Nero wasn't for Shirou?
>not her feelings
Read OC3 and that scene again. BB knows Hakuno. Her entire existence is because of him.
Lancer Artoria isn't Saber Artoria. What is this shit comparison?
>FGO BB was copied. Her origin is being a copy. She never met Cuckuno.
>copies can exist without originals
How retarded are you? Any copy's existence is necessarily secondary to the original, meaning the starting point of the original is inevitably included in the origin of every copy.
I mean, his shill worked on Castoria and Oberon, but I agree since Morgan was not really shilled yet it also worked.
900 npc women+3 potential female love interests in game (Crane, Da Vinci, Sheba)+multiple fujobait +his death didn't stop Romanisisters. The strongest soldiers of FGO waifubandary.
FGO BB is a copy of the original one.
She only exists, because of Kiara's interference and Hakuno's input.
That applies to any other AU BBs, as well.
They cried about Castoria and Lartoria.
Morgan was also shilled, anon, she's the only opponent Chaldea couldn't beat, Castoria spends a part of her death scene praising Morgan as a genius, even Oberon respects her.
Was she? She wasn't among the main ones and the shilling always goes for the main ones. Morgan was a tragic villain whose true value was everything that she did, the consequences of her actions, and that even if one can disagree with her methods, she was also a victim and tried to do her best to live, which was the opposite of the lively trio and co.
>LB6 shilling
Oberon april fool day?
Oberon AND Tonelico pandering in anni?
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just change waifu baka
That's standard mid-boss treatment. Remember how much Nasu glazed Nero Chaos?
>Oberon april fool day?
Doesn't count
>Oberon AND Tonelico pandering in anni?
Doesn't count
>Space Ishtar, Ibuki, Tezca and Summer Eresh
These 4 are the biggest shilled servants. I'd add Douman too.
>Summer Eresh
What shilling did she get?
She was just released.
>she's the only opponent Chaldea couldn't beat
Depending on your definition, no.
Kiara certainly killed guda, and you only lived due to time travel.
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so what does archetype actually mean
is it a blueprint for a planet or the civilization that it breeds
>at BB has found her own love multiple times, o
BB existence is because of Sakura's love for Hakuno. You're fucking STUPID man. She's MADE of those feelings.
Enjoy your trauma.

Best I can do is Da Vinci and a Sion that will betray you.
>BB who is not the one from CCC and only loves Guda,
It literally says she loves Hakuno in her mats, though? She's not a different person, she's STILL BB. She's still Sakura's romantic feelings for Hakuno. Just debugged and without the events of CCC, but her data is the same. Stop comparing her to Castoria, retard.
>new battle mechanic
>beast class
>3 different animations
>no reason to be in the story
The planet's soul takes the shape of the image it's civilization sees as the ideal of their beginning.
The soul has to exist in the first place for life to take root, but its form is retroactive
>She's not that BB.
She's the copy of the data of that BB, moron.
She only didn't do the CCC SHIT. It's the same as that BB BEFORE she abducted Hakuno and shit.

BB doesn't EXIST without Hakuno. He gave her a soul.
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fortunately thread will end soon
>no reason to be in the story
I like her, so that's clearly wrong.
She's there to please me.
It's weird we never took anyone outside their lostbelt.
Never smuggling anyone outside their dying world. At least not while they're alive.
Don't bother replying the guy saying "Cuckuno". It's Georgie hours.
it's over for GudaBB
BB never fell in love with Hakuno because of CCC. CCC happened BECAUSE BB was already Sakura Nurse feelings of love for Hakuno placed in her far side copy.

FGO BB still loves Hakuno. Read her mats. She never met him. As BB didn't until she kidnap him in CCC. But the LOVE they felt was not due to CCC events, it's because she's fucking basically an alter ego of Sakura's love for Hakuno.
Whatever happened to Ophelia, btw?
Yet the end of your personal hell is far away...
>it was melusine before
>now it's BB
you niggers never fail to impress
>cuckrage post
He says when he's trapped in here pleading for attention, the person that seems to be in a living hell because this place still exists seems to be someone else.
If you are against me you're HIM.
It was established from the first lostbelt that taking anyone outside of it would do nothing because once the Tree was gone, the world would delete them. The only exception was LB6 and Chaldea did try there and worked witb Barghest before she realized that was a mistake and all fairies needed to die.
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mod put draco next thread
leave all the cucktarded girls
If Castoria lived, we would have taked out of there. Honestly a shame.
Hell, I bet that in a VN-style story, even Morgan would have been a choice.
>next thread
Why, it's only the 5th page?
The routes were Castoria, Knock and Oberon.
Morgan was never in the menu.
Bitch Bitch
Hakunon will save the day since she's the one building affection points with Dubai.
>he doesn't know about the multiple routes and secret routes
Bet Fate was the only VN you played it. Have you touched Clannad or Steins;Gate?
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>LB6 VN style
Would honestly sell, but would Nasu actually work on it or will he go the FFVII way?
>Plot ghosts suddenly hijack the plot
No, thank you.
Morgan would never agree, you profoundly misunderstood her character in LB6. She wanted to ERASE PHH for the sake of her kingdom. If she wanted to live, she would have fucked off to Avalon whenever she wanted to.
>plot ghosts
What the fuck was Nomura thinking?
Even when you summon Morgan, she curses PHH. She's forced to witness this by the Counterforce according to AA.
BASED, that witch must suffer for PHH's sake. No wonder her NP is the inversion of Lord Camelot.
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Based Alaya
God, you are so annoying, georgie. That's the entire fucking point of a VN. To work on what is an impossible scenario to a possible one. If only you could use your brain to actually realize that shit instead of going with your fucking bullshit.
"Camelot" as a foundation of PHH, not just Memerthur reign, yes. It's in the mats. She shouldn't be summoned but yen speaks louder than common sense/logic.
Lots of Morganfags forget she wasn't a "victim" of the chapter like characters like Barghest, Melusine, Bob and Oberon were fucked up by the land. Morgan was backstabbed by the fae, but she was complicit in turning the lostbelt into what it was and was going to fight for it until her dying breath since it is her dream. Her motivation even in Chaldea was
Phh morgan is not lb morgan, retardbro. She would never be summoned unless she get a chance to get britain for herself. Is archimedes all over again. Which by the way, hakuno should have erased him permanently.
>she was complicit in turning the lostbelt into what it was and was going to fight for it until her dying breath since it is her dream
So basically the same as literally every other lostbelt king. Now you are gonna say that ivan wasn't a victim because his oprichniki caused a lot of pain and wanted to destroy chaldea too? Do you realize how retard you look?
Thanks :3
not just jobbers, but slut jobbers, the jobbiest jobbers
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THIS is the strongest Servant?? This Liquid Ocelot-alien-skeleton guy??
>"Camelot" as a foundation of PHH, not just Memerthur reign, yes
Is there a meaningful difference here?
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>but slut jobbers
I'm pretty sure our strongest servants are
Anything to update in the OP?
>she's the only opponent Chaldea couldn't beat
I've never really gotten this claim desu
>Your party of absolute shitters from Chaldea are absolutely outclassed by the area boss face to face
>You only survive/win through the help of significantly less shitty onsite help
That's like every arc in this game going back to at least late part 1?
Probably even earlier, you're so outclassed in America that you get offscreened and captured IIRC and you needed some real convenient plot bullshit for even basic-ass Herc before that
LB6 may be the rare one where it actually worked, considering that it was Oberon the one pulling all the strings and winning by a cruel chance of luck, something he himself admitted.
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That is literally SMT Fafnir
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>Nito gets a whole new alt
>Eresh and KP get playable costumes
>all three get repeat appearances in OC
>Dechi gets nothing
Surely she shows up in the Ruler chapter right?
Hopefully she appears at all
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This thread was one of the worst shows I've seen for quite some time.
Seeing a grown man play out the Eren "10 years at least" scene like that in here is tough.
Which post was when everything went to shit?
>Phh morgan is not lb morgan, retardbro.
Nasu literally put that they are fundamentally the same being and the only difference is that LB Morgan doesn't have some impulses yet. Read her mats.
LB Morgan was OVERWRITTEN by PHH Morgan. Her NP is cursing PHH, her fucking summon line is cursing PHH. She's not even in Chaldea willingly. AA put it, CF wants her to witness. She absolutely hates PHH even if she likes (you). She never learned to see anything good on it unlike Oberon.
The difference is that Morgan knew the land itself and its citizens wanted to die. Castoria, even Oberon, realized everything was in pain. like a patient asking for euthanasia. Morgan refused to see that because she prioritized her feelings and goal to claim Britain since she was brainwashed by PHH one on arrival. The only "unique" thing to Morgan in LB after that was her affection for Bob. That was her only pure unfucked will.
The citizens in LB1 were still human, they wanted to live, they fought to live. In Lb6, they were fighting to fucking die. When they did, Morgan returned to life to fuel her self-insert fantasy. I love Morgan but she was very selfish.

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