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1 Map 2 Guns Edition

>MWIII Season 6 Blogpost

>BO6 Trello Board



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>493981318
BO6 is bad because people don't stand still and let me shoot them.
ill run through what i dont like about bo6 and why im sticking with mw3, no i dont have a personal fav dev, i actually like IW for their realism just hate their gameplay design choices like no ninja, i personally think SHG done great this year, treyarch is only good at zombies cold wars mp was a ice skating mess but here we go time to make you treyarch fannys seethe yes im reposting it lol

1. movement is gay i dont give a fuck about diving and i dont enjoy having to sprinting in all directions which pushes sprint to fire times even more
2. maps are shit
3. winners circle is as gay as that final vote thing on vanguard after game
4. weapons are dogshit with no balance even with only a few available in the beta which is very worrying
5. graphics are the same as cold war which as shit
6. gunsmith is worse than mw2 and mw3
7. connection is shit packet burst but this is an issue in all games at the moment
8. perk allows you to pretend to be a teammate fucking gay
9. spawns are dogshit
10. Stealing maps from SHG means their support in year is going to be shit vs MW3
11. nothing carries forward which is gay but it does for warzone which makes no sense so you pay to not be able to use anything? lol
12. death screen is extremely jarring alongside the bobble from the run animation, i feel a bit sick at times from it
13. capturing someone from behind is gay and made for streamers for reaction content
14. 1 good zombies map, liberty falls is called balls for a reason
15. no outbreak rumoured and only 4 round based maps lol
16. ttk feels inconsistent even will a quicker ttk than mw3 seen an anon say its the same its not
17. Omni movement just feels janky to me
18. none of this will be addressed by treyarch
19. perk lets you see through walls when you die
20. no bigger maps 10v10 if it exists will be terrible
21. 360 lying down looks like a dead person

cope and sneed
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IW8 >>>>> IW9
only ick is gung ho no longer letting you kill people mid sprint with akimbo kino guns
>words words words
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Her black boyfriend is so lucky to have her albeit
>black cell mara
Never ever
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Marshall's franchise
BO6 is bad because it appeals to ADHD sliding zoomers
MW19 was the best CoD since Black Ops 1. Every CoD that came after it was unecessary
For me, its the right-hand movement that solidifies it.
I hope they fix VOIP and allow cross-talk during POTG and Winner's Circle
Nice bait
I’m telling you guys the put on the lmg with a thermal and just camp in various places. The enemies will dive right into your arms. My performance and mental immediately improved. Babylon is especially fun.
Warzone bros we eating good next year
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Troy Marshall
he looks goofy as shit
So after the beta sucked, what now? Wait until COD2025?
in the campaign video he looked better, i thought it was Carl Weathers even
im waiting for mw3 to go on sale so i can buy it
You feel threatened by his W aura
>golden watch
>golden dogtags (lol)
>muslim beard
who is the protag of bo6?
>lays the Marshall-meat on an Adler-sissy's face
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>he looks goofy as shit
Verdansk, omnischmovement, better meta (JGOD approved)
token-sisters, our response?
my friend told me i shouldnt buy skins because they would be deleted from wz once bo6 came out
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man it feels good being out of the cod cycle because i actually like mw3 that much that im not rushing to buy the next one
Campers don't like bo6 beta because there was nowhere to hide. CoD has been campy as shit by design since MW19
no, i dont like bo6 because its appealing to the wrong part of the cod fanbase, the ones that started playing after the golden age
used the LMG on the last day to unlock hades crossbar throwback and all i did for those 40 levels was camp with thermal
and as expected lmg camping is just as op as it was in other soiarch cods, 3-5kd every game even vs smg robotniggers
Klem sisters our response??
Nameless character like Cold War
after bo6 its bo7 too isnt it? mw4 will only come out in 2026 or so i have heard
Reddit was devastated when the Stoner and that other fag gun got nerfed in Cold War. I remember there was one fag who never stopped bragging about his KD and always shitting up every convo by trying to use his KD as a reason why his opinion was better and then it turned out all he did was camp with Stoner.
LMG niggers are worse than any sniper or shotgun faggot
Its not confirmed but most likely true.
Tom Henderson is generally correct about his leaks and says that BO7 is next, yes. Although its going to be a collab between Sledge/Treyarch
I always felt Treyarch cods were lower quality than IW cods for some reason. They always looked uglier and more scuffed since bo1
Bell wasnt nameless
So it's another Create your Character MC?
nah youre just salty cause the dogshit skins dont carry over
why would he care about that when warzone carries over?
>collab between Sledge/Treyarch
Sledge is coming back in 2027
Actually the plot is about Black Ops getting fucked because they rescued Adler who knows too much about Bush's plans so they try to make due by going on a rogue mission in Iraq
yeah funnily enough i hope thats the case i can enjoy mw3 then pick up the part 2 with all the zombies maps in the 2nd game carried forward, mw3 has spoilt me its the benchmark in terms of the amount of content for a cod game nowadays ontop of that im going to be playing poe2 and im way more excited about that desu

its one of more than 20 reasons i have already posted
>thermal lmg camping
Blops 4 vibes
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>no gung-ho where you can hipfire your gun while sprinting
>when they just introduced omnimovement
how does treyarch keep shitting the bed? the opportunity was right there
he's a diehard shg shit eater
thats what i was thinking the whole time, only missing torque barricades and wire to amp the cancer
>no broken shit with omnimovement
thank fuck. Cold War was filled with cheap kills it's actually insane and yet it's still the only passable nu COD
Playing CoD in smooth shiny pantyhose is super comfy!
God BO4 was so fucking shit, anyone who likes that game should be perma banned
>broken LMGs
>no aim assist on snipers
>150 health and slowest TTK
Kino Ops 4
t. schwacked
I used to play hardcire and it was actually one of my favourite cods. The different specialists were actually good, crash with his points bonus getting snipers nests.
I only have fond memories of BO4 because my life was amazing at the time but if I'm being honest, the actual game is just a worse version of BO3
Only for male characters btw. Female characters get a ''twerk'' that doesn't even shake their asses
I got BO4 for free thanks to being the friend of Neymar's friend and even i wanted my money back, such a shit CoD. First CoD i played since Bo2 as well
>only for male characters btw
That's even better
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skibidi makarov
Of course tokens carry over too. Skins do in warzone so why shouldn't tokens? And player level in warzone will be tied to bo6. It would be pretty retarded to have two different level progressions.
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im actually not, i base each cod on how good it is, if SHG has made the best COD for MP they will get praised by me for it, i would of praised MW2 alongside IW if it had the MW3 changes to it that SHG done
Sorry you felt that way because it was the last real cod, before they started the soul destroying lobby disbanding bullshit
>getting this defensive when you are not even replied to directly
whatever you say pedro lol
>because it was the last real cod
The last real CoD was unironically Ghosts
well dont talk about me then if you dont want a response you treyarch cock sucker
>mw23 was such a bad offer even before launch that the marketing department had to nostalgia bait with mw2 maps and resurrect Eminem back from irrelevancy
no one asked tranny
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Does the Alucard bundle comes back during Halloween or it was a one time only thing?
>5 versions of shipment
What the fuck
I've never popped tokens, I just hoard them because I want to save it for a CoD I actually enjoy, I might actually start using them in BO6.
I cant wait for 24/7 Nuketown and Babylon playlist.
Game is dead next month, who cares?
they should just name the game "Call of Shipment" at this point
they should have made a ground war joke map that's just a bunch of shipments stitched together, or at the very least a "large" shipment
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I only play Warzone
She plays better than Klem
>Game is dead next month, who cares?
every other cod prior to mw3 since mw19 is not dead you fucking retard
Is that Faith Ordway
I only play Resurgence*
Go play them then
>they should have made a ground war joke map that's just a bunch of shipments stitched together, or at the very least a "large" shipment
They should do something like this for April fool's day. A bunch of nuketowns and/or a bunch of shipments.
miss kino19 days lads
The only ones i played were MW19, BOCW and BO6 beta but surely MW3 can't be worse than BOCW and BO6
why were last thread posts all deleted lol
I really don't understand the appeal of MW3 at all, I have a lot of time in it but it feels so slow and boring to me. Too many meme weapons and bad maps. MW19 and BO6 just click for me, CW is alright but was a bummer coming off of MW19.
whats your cord, sis
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does anyone remember that setting that gets rid of the fuzz from your graphics settings? i had to reset my graphics settings after a crash

im playing mw3 as we speak lol
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>Babytown 24/7
t-treyarch stole maps from us.....
yeah it's under manage files, hit uninstall
it will delete the fuzzy effect
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I have this theory (and wish) that Infinity Ward alongside developing their next title is also working on a separate client for Warzone (maybe including a new, better refined version of DMZ).

It's obvious that the retards at Activision didn't let them do this with Warzone 2 because of the marketing and sales potential of the annual releases being directly and completely integrated into Warzone. The first time they did it with Warzone 1 was out of necessity, because they didn't think that the game would become as popular as it did, and they didn't have the time to make separate content for this game mode. The second time was purely out of monetary reasons, as I mentioned earlier. However, this resulted in a significant decrease in the player base, particularly among returning players who quickly lost the overview and motivation to stick around due to the constant integrations and massive amounts of bloat content, and especially knowing that everything would change again within a year at the most.

A separate Warzone client with its own dedicated content, and maybe even specific handpicked content from annual releases that gets properly integrated into the game without having to download 100GB, would make things much more streamlined for everyone, whether they are new, current, or returning players. It would also solve major issues that have plagued both cycles of Warzone, such as shitty optimization, loss of (purchased) content, game longevity being limited to a small time frame (compared to other similar games on the market), and lack of consistent gameplay mechanics that don't drastically change from year to year. Not to mention, this will increase spending on microtransactions as players know they can come back years later and still have access to operators and blueprints they previously purchased.
This can only work if they migrate currently purchased bundles into this new Warzone
Warzone is 60 gb
Sledge was also working on Year 2 of BO6. They tried throwing a bitch fit over. I doubt MS or ATVI caved
They aren't.
Why did janny remove all posts from >>493981318
Is xhe okay?
It was called Warzone Mobile.
It flopped.
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>report from January
Yes Anon I know SHG wants their own game and got the 2027 slot.
But they also were expected to lead on Year 2 of BO6.
if there is a god they'll start handing out bans to some of you fucks
See you in 2027
This. Hope they start with you.
And you'll be seeing sludge in 2025
Hahah keep wishing buddy
will sledge cod be mw4? i hope not, mw should be iw only
no dog killstreak in blops6?
Upscaling stuff like FSR causes the fuzz iirc. Try either turning them off or changing the value from Performance/Balance to Quality.
>Adler who knows too much about Bush's plans
What are his plans?
God is not real thoughbeit
>migrate currently purchased bundles into this new Warzone
They would never do that. They didn't do that with WZ1 --> WZ2 either. If they really do move over to a separate WZ client, most people would not mind a fresh start anyway.
>Warzone is 60 gb
And it runs and looks like shit. Also, you are now forced to have texture streaming on all the time, without even having the option to download higher resolution textures locally.
>Warzone Mobile
Irrelevant rip-off slopware made to milk rich jeets, chinks and other 3rd world shitholers whose main gayming platform is mobile.
Fidelity FX CAS or whatever its called sharpens without upscaling.
And DLSS has a Sharpening slider that I crank to the max usually.
Oh my Fauci
>If they really do move over to a separate WZ client
But there's not even speculations about that happening, right? It's all wishful thinking?
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thanks desu, i had it set too high it was causing this weird fuzzy flicker on textures like the operator's arms i turned it down and its much better now
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try not to cry when it happens.
it'll just make it harder to pull the trigger on yourself
>most mentally stable sledgetranny
>It's all wishful thinking?
Literally the first words of my original reply:
>I have this theory (and wish)
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Ace hasn't made a vid on XDefiant in awhile...
I started playing CoD in 2007 (I'm 32) and imo this era is arguably the best so far, a second golden age at least.
If only female models looked actually like this instead of the abominations in the game
it's actually concerning how dead warzone is
this is your brain on company wars
>30 and still posts on 4chan
you are here forever
if call of duty ghosts didnt kill the series then black ops 6 will
nope it's just basic pattern recognition
aw, ww2, vanguard, mwiii, all trash
no more sludgehammer for me
Ghosts was good, we were just used to the absolute best.

Now i see
Based and 100% accurate. Niggas here really think MW3 is bad but conveniently forget that Blops 6 is literally the same except less and worse content
They took 4 years to make BO6
But it still feels like a rushed game

How is this possible
>worse content
Yeah like 5 shitment reskins
>dont enjoy having to sprinting in all directions which pushes sprint to fire times even more
kek this must be why i was getting melted every time cause i dont slide like a faggot. they increased the sprint to fire time if you just run around normally. holy fuck what were they thinking. in cod you strafe before you shoot and that minimizes sprint to fire time
Who said anything about a black boyfriend ranjit
>i dont slide like a faggot
go play Astro Bot grandpa
It's possible because they lied or perhaps they had some skeleton crew working on it for four years. Sure it has something to do with money, and some guy telling them to be more "efficient"...
Meanwhile BLOPS 6 launches DOA with maps that everyone hated from day 1 of the beta and no Puketown until S1
>everyone hated from day 1
Nah just you. Thank you for letting us know you got filtered
Urzikstan is the worst BR map of all time right? From any game. Even Caldera was better.
You're forgetting they were pulled away from development during that period to make transguard zombies and mwz because SHG are incompetent fools. Also working on league play since mw22.
really the only playable map was Derelict
DMZ was the best CoD side mode of all time, they got to let Infinity Ward cook.
I didnt really understood the point of DMZ
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Blood Bunny will be back!! (WZ Mobile exclusive)

Will you be buying?? I know I will!!
When will they re-release BP skins from older games like MW2? I really want NIghtwar Ghost
It was a social mode to make friends while shooting a billion AI and griefing other players. You could kill people and then revive them and make them join your squad. There were also sidequests to unlock skins and blueprints. You could join other people's squads and then leave them without them knowing and do funny stuff.
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beta... weekend.... 3.....
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The only game which offers battlepass content in bundles is cold war
nigger I agree. but youre so brain rotted you think anything mentioning SHG is cheerleading them.
touch grass
Who asked? Kill yourself.
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Do you guys really play like this?
They are going to do a new social mode with the Purgatory map in S6
>social mode
>chat moderation
Yeah no
Pretty much cod dayz
But there was nothing really to loot
These kind of games dont work with CoD
Lol yeah why am i seeing this message every game. When did this shit even start? And why? Game is rated M for mature
I dont think people really played dayz to loot lol. Unless stealing other peoples gear after trolling them is looting. looting sounds more like tarkov.
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Because of gaymers like her
>Do you guys really play like this?
No, its superfluous movement done specifically to garner reactions. The frenetic spazzing actually puts the player at a disadvantage and is done just to troll or come off as "look at me, I'm so skilled that I can just do shit that doesn't benefit me and still kill you". When he's actually shooting he doesn't do it.

Oh and it's only doable on a controller where they have legal aimbot anyways -- which is way more of an issue than some no-name faggot trying to show off.
>scroll down in Instagram
>they are reposting that same shitty video of the riot shield banter in MW2009
>"those were the days man"
I fucking hate CoD nostalgia
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CoD is a boomer game, lil zoomy.
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Not anymore gramps
>Makes a list of things that need to be fixed before full release
>Includes SBMM, packet burst, weapon XP, etc
>Gives blops an 8/10
Imagine shilling this hard just to get invited to CODnext
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>anyone who likes blops6 is a shill
we didn't deserve MW2019
Show me how
Rare case of the beta being better than the final game in CoD
do your own research faggot
Yes cause why would anyone that isnt a shill like that piece of shit
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Literally the opposite. MW19 beta was the only beta where it was worse than the final game. All the other betas were way better than the final game especially MWII and Cold War. Kill yourself seriously
It's okay, you missed out on the best MW19 era. The pre warzone bullshit, pre-Mara and other dogshit skins. Green Run, Azhir Cave, Hackney Yard
Holy soul https://youtu.be/lRwlJhZ0QNw
I agree
The beta was so bad everyone was playing gunfight instead of those utter sogshit maps and modes. Azhir cave holy fuck man kill yourself
MW19 was dogwater no cap
You were getting fucked by me I presume I was dominating Azhir Cave with my camping M4 class oh my take my back already
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>take my back already
Say no more
>New update: Male operators cannot take female operators as body shield
he didn't give it an 8/10 tho? Ace doesn't do numerical ratings, he lists strengths and flaws and then gives an overall opinion based on both, as all good critics should.
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MW19 wasn't as bad as its harshest critics say but it wasn't even close to as good as its fans say.
>t. 7+ days in MP (no WZ crap)
This is oddly hot
>birdman liked the beta
Blops6 doesn't need tac sprint with these map sizes. Remove it and give the knife tac sprint speeds since 3arch wants you to use that so badly
you can infinite tac sprint with the knife out
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lmfao Boom is just straight-up copying Ace at this point
>no you didnt have fun with the maps
ace is a fucking retard
Only in warzone iirc
Ace is a controller-bot with dog-shit movement. The only videos I bother watching are ones based off hard-data points anything subjective like this is an obvious skip.
>another hecking chud paid shill for treyarch
I've been saying this since Beta day 1 remove tac sprint CoD games in general need to become slower just like MW3/BO1
>kept tac sprint
>removed tac stance
Absolutely retarded decision making, 4 years of development
its an attachment now
It's a gimmick and you can still equip the attachment for it
Well shit I guess if they give you 8 attachments without cons they have to give you filler attachments still
>no cons!!
Midwit take
I don’t care what mouth breathing crayon eaters like you think.
cared enough to reply
We recognize you, lower case typing cocksucker
>it's a sledgefag meltdown episode
Project harder midwit
>everyone who types all-lowercase must be the same person, it can't possibly be a common typing style or anything like that
blud's got heself the paranoid schizophrenia
Struck a nerve I see. Get mire original pussy
mw23 flopping really took a toll on shg fanboys' mental wellbeing
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nah senpai, it really do just be that you just have schizophrenia, sorry you had to learn this way
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mb that only had half the screencap
Good to see I'm living rent free in your head. I even recognize some of the insults I've thrown your way which you are now projecting onto me. "Struck a nerve I see", indeed. Your game is still dogshit, btw.
Dead fucking game
>Rebirth views are COOKED
on skibidi ohio
>even cod streamers are calling the game dead
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>another hate channel
Oh wow how original
I did the alpha-test like 2 years ago and knew it was going to die. I still read /r/XDefiant once a day for a chuckle and the sub is a ghost-town where people just make fun of the few stragglers who are still tricking themselves into thinking its a good game.

In a just world this YouTuber would be mocked mercilessly until he shut his channel down for even attempting to act like "XDefiant is SMOKING COD" or that "Call of Duty GOOCH LICKERS are crying over XDefiant". None of that happened except in his mind. I hope Ubisoft was paying him to be that deluded.
>Today we’re going to prove with FACTS and LOGIC that the blops 6 maps are not complete dogshit like everyone is saying
is everyone in the room with us right now?
History repeating itself. Sledgehammer are inept retards.
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I think I'm gonna just play cold war until bo6 releases after I finish interstellar.
Only took them three seasons to discover the most obvious solution.
I think blops 6 was 100% the best call of duty I've played
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>muh playlists
These guys suck
Nah with how hard your riding my dick I wanna watch you blow
I just don't understand why they thought implementing map variants in Quick Play as "this map has 2x the normal chance to show up in the vote" was a good method when "if the normal map would appear in the vote, it has a 50% chance to be replaced with the variant" or etc is what immediately pops into my head as a way to include them in QP w/o bloating the selection pool.
2XP Tokens will not carry over
>2XP Tokens will not carry over
2XP Tokens will not carry over
>2XP Tokens will not carry over
2XP Tokens will not carry over
>2XP Tokens will not carry over

That'd make too much sense for Slophammer
This was obvious
Obsessing over xdefiant gotta be the saddest thing ever
Nigga gets shit on every year by half assed releases where they purposely hold back some features they'll add the next game and still defend them like they're his mother
Imagine thinking competition to COD at this point is bad and obsessing over shitting on a game in its very infancy and wanting it to absolutely fail
Mental illness and typical golemic behavior
God i love MW3
In fact I think blops 6 will go down in history as the greatest ever achievement in gaming, if not the entirety of media in the history of time
spitting facts
>market your game as COD Killer
>lead dev goes on social media and shits on COD
>COD players make fun of your dead game when it dies in 2 months
rope. now.
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Top kek
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>usable in warzone but not BO6
how the fuck does that work, isn't progression synced
In Warzone AFTER integration. So 1-2 months after launch and only usable in WZ (where the effect will be minimal)
see >>494389679
>WTF I’m actually going to have to play the game before Nuketown drops to unlock things?
You literally cannot make this shit up lmao I thought Treyshart fans liked blops 6?
American bros, is this a typical Jewish accent?
he sounds like a typical fatty
>yfw Babylon 24/7 at launch
>only usable in WZ (where the effect will be minimal)
Lol have you even played Plunder? The XP gains there shit on MP. Besides can't you activate tokens in Warzone then switch to MP? I'm pretty sure it was doable in WZ1
I havent even played Warzone let alone whatever nigger-tier off-shoot trash you're talking about, no.

Regardless integration won't happen for about 2 months
I will take babylon over shitment
Then you don't really know what you're talking about
Oh no no no no no no
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Some Ace dickriding for everyone.
>looks it up online
Kek, keep digging yourself a deeper hole, tourist. Been playing it all week
Precisely, just like the Titanic.
>soooooooooooo many tokens
>basically same amount as I have and I stopped playing months ago
youre obviously a free2poor brazilian, shut your mouth nigger
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plunder is the saddest shit i have ever fucking tried out in my life, its like the worst version you could ever make of mp for the "i cant afford cod crowd" there is always respawn and when you die you are transported into the sky a fucking mile away from where you died unless your squad is alive and even then its 100s of metres away and you can get killed before you even land because the spawns are typically the same. people typically go to one spot to do challenges and random shit or just run around and loot as much money as possible from chests the game mode makes zero fucking sense just buy a mp cod and play that shit instead for fuck sake
>Place all CoDs in a unified engine and singular launcher.
>Nothing is transferable and everything is locked to their specific games

What was the point of CoD HQ exactly?
>"i cant afford cod crowd"
I have a free2poor brazilian attempting to mock me because I don't know what playlist is active in the free2poor knock-off COD he plays

I'm guessing its Resurgence + Collecting Money. What a faggot!
t. shitment mouth breather
Ace admits if he’s not streaming or getting footage for a video he never plays the game.
It would be sad if it wasn’t so hilarious how cucked his life is by Activision.
enjoy running for 20 minutes trying to find another gun fight when you die being spawned 4 miles away from anyone else juan
Oh wait you cant even squad wipe? No wonder the free2poor is playing it. And we're almost in Season 6 so he cant act like hes just using it as a mode for leveling up. He's actively playing the free2poor monkey mode in Season 6 because multiplayer COD costs more brazilian-pesos than he makes in a whole year.
drive space bloat
a squad wipe from what i can remember in mw19 when i tried it out was spawning you miles away from anyone else in a new region
If you kept paying for skins after basically deleting everything everyone had in warzone 1 you're legitimately braindead. Also they're 2 different games and likely wont even have the same operators/guns how would skins transfer?
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>running for 20 minutes trying to find another gun figh
Literally never had that happen. Maybe try jumping into the action instead of running around the edge of the map like a little bitch.
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They did him dirty, bros...
Not sure what that pic is supposed to prove free2poor?
You're bragging about still playing the poverty mode the devs added to give pity on you favela-monkies who can't afford MP as a way to grind XP.
In Season 6.
You are a Brazilian.
I bought skins when carry over from mw2 to 3 was a thing. No carry over from mw3 to bo6 and I don't buy simple as.
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>he doesn't recognize the Farah skin you get from playing the MWII raids
Kek. Keep outing yourself as the tourist you really are.
Also, no. Playing warzone because mwiii mp is dogshit. I'd rather be playing the bo6 beta to be honest.
>warzone uses the gameplay mechanics SHG created
>MW3 is dogshit
lmfao you retard
we hate blops 6 and 3fail here
MII raids...
LMAO PvE shitter kill yourself now
I quit MWII after hitting Crimson in ranked in season 3. Sorry im not up to date on your PvE mode, Brazilian
Doesn’t explain calling cards, emblems, and charms.
He stays in Warzone because that’s where the bots are
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>SHG invented the slide cancel
Top kek.
And yes, most aspects specific to mwiii's MP are trash.

>one ad hominem fails so he latches onto another one

Post your MP stats
Do you touch grass?
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Kek SHG troons are like a cult. As soon as you attack their dogshit games they start coming after you like those fags who try and get people cancelled on social media.
Bros... I don't feel so good
>you are now aware that /codg/ is full of Plunder-Brazilians
bo6's gunsmith is basically pick10 if you think about it
But enough about you already
>Top kek.
>And yes, most aspects specific to mwiii's MP are trash.
MW2 removed it IW fucked everything up that was remotely good about MW19 and SHG made MW2 into a great game with MW3:

>no red dots on the map
changed back to when you shoot with no silencer you show on the map giving more emphasis on silencers again
>ADS speeds like you are carrying a fucking berserk guts greatsword whenever you add attachments
reverted, you can run in gun in MW3
>footsteps like a elaphent with no ninja perk meant everyone didnt move and was sound whoring alongside the terrible ADS and sprint to fire speeds
ninja added in MW3 you can now flank fuckers
>no fucking events and no fucking content per season in MW2
most content ever made in 1 COD in MW3 even with 1 fucking new map in season 6 the game and some carry forward maps not being counted has 20 plus more maps than any other game from mw19 onwards has the most events for cosmetic rewards and camos
>fucking retarded perk system that turns on halfway through the game in MW2
changed back to classic perk system in MW3

whats wrong with MW3s mp then retard? you are using the mechanics that SHG brought to what you are playing in warzone you can cope all you fucking want lmfao. i think thats why you are seething all the time at MW3 because SHG made IW look like a bunch of noob fucking retards in terms of FPS game development they got fucking nuked out of exisistance
>a bunch of schizobabble
Yikes I'm not reading all of that. Mwiii is still dogshit
fucking nuked
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>most mw22 maps are missing
>ground war, war mode completely ignored
>quickplay was littered with small maps slop up until now
>no mw22 weapons balance patch
>all mw23 guns, operators, skins are ugly as sin
>no specialist (feature from og mw3, already in warzone)
>no option to remain in the lobby despite adding it earlier
>create experimental playlist to test future updates (visibility - at launch) and never touch it again
Slophammer needs to stop making games.
Only played MWII ranked for 2~ months.
MWIII ranked for 3-4 months.

BO6 I intend to play pubs and ranked and might even dip a little into some free2poor WZ.

Fuck Trannyward and Transhammer
stop replying to yourself
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>BO6 I intend to play pubs and ranked and might even dip a little into some free2poor WZ.
Based. Gonna go for prestige and mastery camos first. Warzone is also shaping up to be good next year with Verdansk and the simplified backpack
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>no counter argument
>'stop replying to yourself'
I'm going to play zombies first. Reminder that there are exclusive calling cards for beating the easter eggs before they add baby mode.
Fuck off Transfinity Transward
oh yeah mastery camo for sure too. Got it in CW, didnt play Transguard and MWII and MWIII i couldnt be bothered to play pubs
COD WW2 was the last non-nigger COD with white characters and white operators.
t. >>>/wsg/5679177
>Vaguard beta comes out
>Red Star is too big REEEEEEEEE
>Black Cops 6 beta comes out
>The maps are too short REEEEEEEE
You just want to complain!
Size matters chud
treyarch are cooking with this game fr fr
Piss filter looks so bad why do people run it. Again I swear some fucking console-retard 5 years ago just said "DUDE RUN A PISS FILTER AND YOUR VISUALS WILL IMPROVE" and all the console lemmings followed along. Look how awful that looks I cant even concentrate on the stupid troll-movement because all I'm seeing is a Piss Filter and wondering why anyone would play like that.
Treyarch will fry the brain of thousnads of children
BO6 beta weekend 3 any minute now.... trust the plan
ayo sheesh gramps call of duty is not for the weak
>that aim assist
jesus christ
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Just don't be poor and get gaming glasses to improve your game, bro
gunnar glasses still exist? i thought they died when machinima died
Everyone knows you need a gaming chair to become a pro gamer, silly
Ugly and sick inducing lmao
TIL grinding xp counts as an “event” and “content”
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His CIA version is peak. Primis Richtofen was so fucking boring. Gay nazi Richtofen is also peak.
Let's say Primis was just more subtle and had a lower tone for some reason
reminder that you have Infinity Ward to thank for this garbage
>let's reboot the funny character without the funny
bravo jason blundell. let's just hope they don't mess up this current reboot
Girl from the train mission?
rent free
What's up with the Cold War revisionism lately? I swear everyone hated this game 3 years ago
Just because MWII and Vanguard were trash doesn't mean CW was a good game.
It's really just treyshit fanboys coping with selective memory
CW is the only passable nu cod and that's because it's running on CoD 4 engine but it has warzone stench all over it
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Lex sisters.....
>the internet is one person
Dumb fuck.
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I did it
Zombies was always bad and will always be bad
i get 0 dopamine winning a game in warzone. cant shit talk the players i just killed to win. dreading having to watch a minute or 2 long cutscene even though we won.
when i win in warzone 1 id cum my pants. even the sound when you win was better. i think the games suck because the new devs suck ass at the game they make in the first place.
I dropped Warzone after cope war, I tried it again during transguard but it wasn't the same.
Same with black ops 6. It feels like you just played with bots after every game. You can tell the devs are really bad at the game and got PTSD from being shit talked after bottomfragging every game.
caldera was genuinely fucking awful but by the last 2 seasons it was actually god tier. they added a bunch of shit and new POIs to the map and added cool shit like loadout gun chests. should have just launched like that.
I had such high hopes for blops 6. then I saw the pay pig skins and lost all hope
I miss mw19 beta days where it seemed cod was returning to form
I've trying to play Cod4 remastered but something just feels off about it I don't know what it is, maybe it's just because I'm used to newer games but still
It's literally the same game with updated graphics you're just shit
>xp tokens might not transfer
good. you troons will just have to grind like the rest of us. no abusing broken attachments launch day for you.
>pop token in warzone
>launch black ops 6
wow that will sure come in handy 2 months after launch when integration happens
Congrats Anon.
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More like LEWD ops!
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Thinking about installing MW19 after not playing it for years. I feel like playing some Ground War again. I miss running around Krovnik Farmland and Verdansk Port. Thanks for asking, reading and caring.
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Helen "Monica" Park - MI6 Honeypot/White House Staff
Washington DC
November 14, 1995
Objective: Infiltrate the White House to recover Saddam's tape
>Improper Physical Relationship: Perform fellatio on Clinton to distract him (qte scene)
>Mutual Relationship: Swipe the Saddam tape while distracting Clinton
>Slick Willy: Do not gag on Clinton during qte
>Insurance Policy: leave the White House wearing the blue dress
>I did not have...: leave the blue dress at the White House.
>Dark Ops Challenge: Depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is: Collect the Lolita Express flight logs (secret intel, unlocks flash forward co-op raid mission)
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Upgraded my PC for Blops 6. Launch day fun with /codg/
Mauer der Toten needs a remaster with the old points system what a waste
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They genuinely should have just said "Carry Forward for skins and boosts and everything", I know people say "slophammer skins fucking blow", but most people aren't going to use like 95% of those dogshit ai generated skins except for collabs and maybe the dinosaur/catface skins.
Cold War is the last pre-reboot era CoD. No gay engine where you zoom zoom like an adhd muttoid. Good ol clunky and stationary cod gameplay where aim prioritizes > over movement
das rite
Nigger what?
Stay there please
cope and seethe
And given how shit Flops 6 is. Diehard 3arch fans are going to stay loyal to CW.
IW 8.0 is cancer. nuff said
>BO6 has doors
IW won
I do enjoy this... would there be button prompts in the cigar scene?
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You’re going to miss this
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Why have thermal scopes been absolute dogshit since BOCW? Are you retarded piss babies really that filtered about them? Just equip cold blooded, retards.
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>nuketown domination
>stoner with thermal
>lay down two smokes on b
>trophy system
yep, it's gaming time
? how does you game look so HD and sharp
Lower case typing, low effort schizo gaslighting, false flagging, damage controlling 24/7 around. Gotta be a sad fucking shill because it's sad and pathetic. Poor thing even thinks he's subtle
DLSS apparently will bypass/disable TAA which makes shit feel blurrier by default. If you're on 4k you can do performance mode DLSS and it'll look basically as good as native even in motion. Not sure if AMD's FSR does the same.
turn off all the silly effects and upscaling
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>call of duty pumping out yearly slop as always
>delta force working on taking battlefield's place
>no word from ea or dice on battlefield yet
>medal of honor still dead
what are they planning?
if you turn off upscaling the game gets even blurrier. and dlss is blurry as fuck for me but im on 1440p not 4K. the only one that's kind of sharp is FXCAS but it looks like shit and really aliased
i miss when games were crisp to look at
cod has fallen so deep into the AAA photorealism hole
not even though. in 19 you could straight up turn off AA and it would look sharp as fuck
Guess 4K isnt a meme
What FPS do you get in 4K DLSS?
last of us mp, it was pretty fun
tlou2 was such a big succes that they didn't even have to add mp or dlc, it sold that well
Can you post your graphics settings? specificallly what you have off
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When you start to realize the CoD community just loves to cry but has no substance to their complaints.

There are no "bad" CoDs. But none of you are ready for that conversation.
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im on a 4080 super (I didn't want to wait a year on the 5000 series, fucking rip) and I get enough to stay at max 138 fps for my monitor at virtually all times, I got DLSS on at performance mode with no frame generation on (im not against for certain games but I don't need it in call of duty)
vanguard and mw22 were bad games
iw had a neat campaign but tried too hard being halo
also fuck, DLSS sharpness is on 100, that one is probably mega important kek. I know it looks a bit weird sometimes but I like how it looks. might lower it to like 75-80 though if this starts looking weird though
>I got DLSS on at performance mode with no frame generation on
other than that whats your settings at? max? im wondering what you have off
every single setting is at max settings, I even turned up the settings for shit like water which defaults to like medium/high when you select ultra and put that on max. I turned off film grain too.
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>turn off all effects
>lower all performance hitting settings
>lower RAM usage to 50%
>game now only requires 2-3 gig RAM to run
>still have to download +100 gig to play
clown game
>the game literally filters poorfags
alright thanks
>There are no "bad" CoDs
IW or any of the microtransaction CoDs
WW2 before they fixed it by overhauling the entire fucking game
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>black ops only has 1 bad game and it's a shitty battle royale that activision forced them into making
>modern warfare only has 1 good game and it's a shitty battle royale that activision forced them into making
black ops gods.. i kneel..
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It's time to upgrade
>go back to play mw2019
>everyone on both teams just sit in corners waiting for enemies to run in front of them
>encounter enemy running around with a shield
>we teabag at each other and go about our business
endless hc hardpoint it is then
Idk about the 3 first CODs but they had to start somewhere so shit take. MW3 isn't a bad cod at all, the standard set back then was just too high coming off BO1 and MW2 and they were in the midst of studio chaos. WW2 and BO4 aren't bad games by any means lol wtf. I agree with the rest.
no prob anon
i have a 4060 ti and could probably run it at full blast
but i'm not a grafix whore, gameplay and frames come first
>i have a 4060 ti
Why do you retards hate BO4 so much. No campaign was bad but we all learned it the hard way eventually when they outright insulted you with MW22/Vanguard/MW23. Best Nuketown ever made, the mp had flow and purpose, maps were beautiful and well designed, zombies was kino and the most original maps in the entire series. And FUCKING BLACKOUT.

I get it, it's too creative for you wannabe milsim retards
MW3 was fucking garbage. You kill someone and they throw a fucking C4 at you. Fuck off
And your'e' cpu?
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>MW3 was fucking garbage. You kill someone and they throw a fucking C4 at you
what the fuck does this even mean this is beyond levels or reach and cope negro
It means in MW3 when you kill someone they throw a fucking C4 at you, retard. Did you even play the game?
>It means in MW3 when you kill someone they throw a fucking C4 at you, retard. Did you even play the game?
oh really so everytime you kill someone they shit out a c4 from their ass cheeks that is directly aimed at you and it instantly blows up and nukes the map and ends the game wow sounds like you are the one who didnt play the game you are fucking talking about martyrdom a perk that has not been in cod for fucking years
No I'm talking about the perk that was only in MW3 where they throw a fucking C4 at you, retard
what the fuck are you even talking about you dumb fuck? you dont kill someone and a c4 magically appears and is thrown at you. you have to be trolling
Im talking about the perk that was only in MW3 where if you kill someone a c4 magically appears and blows you up. Keep fucking exposing yourself tourist
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fuck i got rick rolled
no you just got exposed as a faggot championing MW3 but never actually having played it, fucking weirdo faggot
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Not a single one of these guns was in black ops 6, the only cod game set in the 90s
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But you know where you can find them? MW3
Adler is not real, he is just like Reznov. The CIA got a hold of Steiner’s brainwashing technique and used it on their agents
Hum chud
Makarov is just soviet 1911
Mp5 is in game what do you mean?
Handcanon from CW :DDD will probably be a scorestreak
Shotgun is the same without the folding stock who cares
Uzi is in game its just Russian and called Jackal
Verify your sources next time
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>it shoot gun dat mean it da mp5
>it shoot bullet dat mean it da uzi
you will never be female freak
who said i wanted to be a woman lmfao did the anime images hurt your brain?
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beta/alpha footage
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>you will never be female freak
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>you can find them in the trash
Thanks for pointing this out I guess

why is this 2800
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Put a Sentry gun below you & attack from above. Yup yup
>Shoots teammates
Notice how he can't track his team mate at all since there's no aim assist
>old cod: limited sprint duration, double it with a perk
>nu-cod: unlimited sprint; limited tac sprint duration, double it with a perk
Wow great innovation retards. Remove this bloat already. If you want to move any faster, counter strike figured this out aeons ago. It's called using the knife.
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pretty sure you can get cosmetic drops from this
pretty sure I dont care
cheapast cheat to get for this tourney?
how much did you spend on this game.
its probably thousands
he gets them all for free. notice how he never has any cod points
he larped as a fed now a games journalist he is a schizo with a spending problem in the game, he buys all of them he has no cod points because he just spent it on bundles
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How do i do this
Set up the sensitivity to maximum
slide everywhere like a retard
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Do what? Hop n slide?
>how much did you spend on this game.
MW2&3 combined, probably 2 grand. 1,800 hours of play, so $2,000 : 1,800 = $1.11 per hour :^)
This engine has serious problems. 3 different devs on this shit engine and they all fucking suck with the same shit spawns, shit visibility, shit gunplay, shit performance problems
>No gay engine where you zoom zoom like an adhd muttoid
It was worse than MW19
If they remove sliding as a whole mechanic, CoD will get fixed.
>just change your perks and playstyle because one guy is a faggot
Uh no?
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Played MW3 for 920 hours, sliding isn't a problem. Slow TTK is, we want a time to kill like in CoD: Ghosts or BO2. Even the STG feels like a pea-shooter in MW3, because it takes 300ms to kill 1 guy. And over a second to kill a couple of guys.
>what are they planning?
They aren't. Delta Force will keep shoving up BF's ass while EA will do more DEI shit
>Notice how he can't track his team mate at all since there's no aim assist
Ghosts was good
>How do i do this
Why do cope-trollers think DS4Windows is a super secret hack? I keep seeing faggots say stuff like "Sure we lost AA at close range in BO6, but once I turn on DS4 I'll be unstoppable". Like what? Its just a fucking driver for windows and im guessing lets you adjust deadzones or some bullshit like that.
Reminds me of all the faggots experiencing Placebo-Effect over "overclocking" their controllers. That clearly does nothing. At best reduces input lag by an imperceptible amount like 1ms.

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No one played MW22, just re-release the BP skins...
>"overclocking" their controllers
I did. Seethe
its a nonsense placebo effect. dont bother looking into it
They are referring to polling rates. Basically how often your inputs get registered. It has the effect of reducing input lag. This matters more on a mouse than on controller.
its literally nothing
And thats coming from a guy using Razer 8k hyper-polling.
I bought it because im a Razer fanboy who loves throwing my money away.
At no point did I think "wow my polling rate went from 1,000 to 8,000. I bet I'll be 8 times better at COD now!!!" its literally just placebo. God i hate controller niggers so much

This. MWII got very close to an old-school feeling CoD. It's too bad streaming manchildren got the ick and ruined IW's mood which effectively resulted in trash post launch support.
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worst soiarch lobby theme t.bh
They are either seriously retarded or it's just a clickbait for whatever the reason is.
The overclocking thing has to be the most retarded thing I have ever seen. Analog sticks have input delay by default because it is a spring system connected to your fucking thumbs anyway etc. No amount of "overclocking" will change this.
more like the best
>Cope-trollers are retarded
But just go to anywhere they have discussions and they all rave about how DS4Windows and Overclocking is somehow improving their aim.

They can't cope with the fact they aren't even playing the game and therefore have to cope by fiddling with some buttons on dog-shift software to trick themselves into thinking they are l33t h4x0rz
At 1000hz polling rate you are getting an update with each millisecond. Beyond that you are just getting diminishing returns for a higher CPU usage.
bo2 > cw > bo4 > bo6 > bo3 > bo1
I basically agree. As mentioned I'm just a Razer fanboy who loves to waste my money. I don't think my CPU goes over 50% usage when playing anyways so I'm not concerned about CPU usage. If anything it's just draining battery 8x faster at 8k but the battery lasts a good 20-40 hours so I just plug it in after a gaming session.
Like the above video says its complete placebo. And not even the *REAL* placebo where "if you believe it, it becomes true" but more the colloquial use of placebo meaning it doesn't do fuck all.
Razer marketing and nothing more.

And the people overclocking their cope-trollers are retarded. But we knew that when they plugged a controller in to play a FPS game that they were brain-dead console-niggers.
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I miss slide to prone like you wouldn't believe
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>give recyclefare 3 MP yet another chance
>first game join mid progress (dead game indicator)
>pub stomp on the receiving end
Kek. Back to warzone until BO6 it is.
They nerfed it for week two and added a slightly noticeable delay

Also lol @ braindead monkey cope-troller niggers being able to do the whole move just by holding the button down. Literally 1 button for them.

Every release they are playing less and less of an actual game. I'm thankful as an MnK user at it's my ultimate cope (lol) because I actually do not consider cope-troller users as actually even playing the game and it gives me a convenient coping-mechanism for every death I have to just say "i died to a software abusing legal-cheater". If I didn't incorporate this coping-mechanism into my own play I wouldn't be able to play COD and would go insane and just move on to something different
Ehh, changing stance is bindable on keyboard too. I do not remember if it's like that by default.
I use 'alt' to slide/crouch/whatever.
>They nerfed it for week two and added a slightly noticeable delay
It's still an improvement over what we have currently. SHG got undeserved praise for recycling glitchy movement.
So you can run and then press (and hold) Alt and it will slide and then at the end of the slide put you in prone? All without removing your finger from Alt? Thats how it works on cope-troller.

I just slide with C and then press Ctrl with the side of my pinkie-finger
Yeah that's the way it goes. It's just a matter of changing the settings.
I always use 'alt' instead of the default c.

Anyway it doesn't matter that much because eventually you'll get used to it, whatever is more comfortable for you anyway.
My pinkie is permanently damaged from tendon trauma (accident) so I tend to avoid using it for any repetitive presses.
Hmm I will have to play around with that. I cant remember if you are able to cancel the slide early and go to prone quicker. That'd be the only downside I can think of off the top of my head.
Keeping the 2 buttons separate might allow a person to slide less of a distance before going prone.
Could be so, yeah.
>It's still an improvement over what we have currently.
Yep. But just pointing out week 1 of beta it felt even sexier. After 4 or 5 years of muscle-memory the default expectation was that someone sliding was going to pop up vertical and therefore it was necessary to keep your aim around chest-height when anticipating a slide-challenge. But all of a sudden getting slide-chall'd meant you had to be aiming at the fucker on the floor. Was insanely OP just due to the unexpectedness. By week 2 people were catching on and they added the slight delay before the prone animation.
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>Was insanely OP just due to the unexpectedness.
Also we already know copetrolloids hate dropshotting because their aimbot doesn't drag their crosshairs down as much.
This is the one move that I need to practice. Everyone on KBM claims its impossible (or very hard) but it didn't seem bad. Just a new input-combo that wasn't traditionally done and will require muscle-memory. Or god forbid changing up some keybinds. Also a lot of people have keybinds that to me personally make zero sense. But Shift + S isn't hard and then adding Shift + S + C isn't too much different.
It's not that hard if you set sprint to toggle. The only reason to set sprint to hold is if you want to run a hipfire build, because pressing AD won't cancel sprint anymore.
Hold-sprint didnt even work for Week 1. I had to use toggle but I've used hold-shift for 9000 years across 10,000 different games so it cant be helped. There wasnt much difference so I suppose I could switch to it but I like being able to continue momentum and pick and choose when to run with Hold-shift. Releasing W to stop felt insanely weird.
Muscle-memory again like I just typed in the last 10 posts. It's all a matter of repetition.

I kinda like how BO6 is mixing things up like that
Agreed. Removing tac sprint from MP and allowing us to toggle sprint on & off by pressing Shift would be so much better.
Is kill confirmed the most useless gamemode? Does capture the flag still exist? Whats the state of party gamemodes? Does the fact that Activision is relying on pure nostalgia at this point imply that cod is dead?
I kick myself over not getting Atom
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why does everyone use meta guns and shotguns on shipment? its the most annoying thing to deal with when you are using mw2 guns
>Is kill confirmed the most useless gamemode?
No that'd be Kill Order the newest mode-slop.

Both Kill Confirmed and Kill Order are attempts to "improve" TDM but end up making it worse. Kill Confirmed either works 2 ways:
>a TDM mode where its longer than average TDM match because no one bothers getting the tags either out of laziness or because they want the match to last longer
>some guy takes it way too serious and it ends super quick because he's got 40 tags and everyone else has 2 or 3

Kill Order is just TDM with extra camping.
>nerf mcw
>new stg44 is the new mcw
Wow, very original Slophammer gaymes!
That's just basic math though?
If you have 2 things and one is +2 better and you "balance" it by making it -3 then obviously the original 2nd place will now be 1st.
I don't understand your complaint.
The problem is brainlets who whine
My observation is the STG44 is yet another boring low recoil rifle like the MCW which they decided to nerf (no doubt to make the newer one sell more). There is nothing unique about the STG44. Therefore it serves no purpose in-game other than content bloat. That's what this game is, after all. A bloated mess.
And don't even get me started on the FJX Horu... I mean Superi 4- oh right, it's the Static-HV now!
>That's what this game is, after all. A bloated mess.
That's what I'm trying to say. I agree 100%. I just don't see why its problematic. There's going to be a natural best and worst otherwise everything would have to be equal which is just the opposite issue and still problematic.
It's just the developers scrambling to assuage the complains of the vocal minority. You can't convince a community to use a worse weapon for the sake of novelty.

I'm not suggesting its the optimal state of things but I don't see the point in contributing the cycle of Whack-a-Mole nerfs. You either join in and use the meta weapon or just take it as a personal challenge and call everyone who uses a meta weapon a faggot. Begging the devs to nerf the meta just creates a new meta-weapon.
>I just don't see why its problematic
There should be no more than one weapon filling out a niche in its category.
E.g. high RoF rifle, low RoF rifle, SMG hybrid, etc.
Two low recoil rifles with nothing unique about either is retarded design. Same goes for the broken SMGs they've been shitting out during the entire post-launch support period.
I don't disagree.
I guess I'm just commenting on the futility of even caring. Apologies if that's adding signal-noise and a useless comment.
I just think its better to not care as that's just the way it goes.
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Take me back...
>imagine being mad for a mode like plunder to exist
Go find help, bro
i dont like the hostage mechanic, its gimmick bloat
never got to use it or have it used on me because the game is too spastic and the map design doesn't allow stealth
point in case this webm, you only got to use it because of the horrible spawn system
I used it multiple times in Scud it's pretty easy to catch enemies off guard
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>throw it back
>better than Australia break-dancing olympian
It's the fastest way to grind XP, especially for battle passes. Those who disagree never played it or are bad at the game.
You are fucking Brazilian. Nobody believes you.
There he goes again lmao
Why does Black Ops 6 look worse than MWIII and much worse than MWII? It doesn't make any fucking sense
because youre a biased tranny transfinity transword trans-fanboy
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Where's that dude who talked about enjoying single-player games? I see you shorty...
based Astro Bab self-filtering
Every Call of Duty game should have 3 guns for each archetype, one fast shooter low damage, one slow shooter high damage, and one in the middle. Nothing unique or special about any of them (to prevent a meta) and make attachments entirely cosmetic.
Hadn't played much cod in years but I have gamepass so I played the 2nd week beta and kind of enjoyed it.
Decided to try MW3.
Played hardcore because I usually prefer it.
Played about 100 games over a few days.
My kd is 0.94 and my win loss is 0.98.
This is my the lowest kd since og mw and I was trying.
Is this game shit?
>release game mode for baby losers
>call it hardcore so that they feel better for playing it
Nu gamers are weak. They won't ever dare to compete in their own field
games are getting more complex and bloated while still being required to run on 3rd world nigger hardware like the ps4/xboxone
couple that with gayarch games always looking dated + having shit art direction and its chalked
MW3 is an unbalanced mess with an inconsistent pace and cheap kills by everything you can think off
Genuinely one of the worst CoDs of all time
I knew mentioning hardcore would set someone off. I literally just prefer low ttk. It doesn't have to be better or worse, plus I appreciate the clean hud
Visibility is always better than graphics. If it meant playing a PS2 games over MW19 lighting, so be it.
sure but you cant argue for visibility being the driving factor when forced TAA is an IW9 staple
Play what you like at the end of the day I really don't care and am just shit-posting but when I read people's reasons for playing "hardcore" it always comes down to some cope about not being able to keep up in the regular game.
A lot of whining about people jumping and sliding and so they need a 1-shot kill mode with 99% of weapons so that the big bad sliding boogey-man cant hurt them.
Literally 98 of those games I was 4th place or worse. Playing similar modes on bo4, which was the last cod I properly got into, I would regularly be second or first on the team win or loose.
I feel like the entire few days I played I was ballast on a team. I've never fought so hard to be so completely inconsequential to the outcome of a match.
I never buy battle passes or skins and I'm playing for free so I feel like I'm a second class player.
It's for all modern games simply because of deferred rendering and how much grain and aliasing is caused by modern rendering techniques whether it comes from speculars or shadows. Not giving the option to disable it basically a balancing issue between consoles and PC
Their matchmaking tries to force a W/L of 1, your KD is entirely on you
also forgot to mention texture streaming, that shit was added because WZ was struggling to run on last gen and it destroyed mw19's textures when it was added with caldera since you couldn't opt into high res texture pack anymore
its probably the main reason why IW9 games look like shit
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Adlerposting will return.
Funny how Cold War engine which supposed to be ancient, had better texture streaming gave the option to install HD textures for 100GB
Too bad faggot mil-sim tourists poisoned the well about CW because they were to busy jacking off to MW19 inspect animations while ignoring all the glaring engine and gameplay faults
upcoming /codg/ meltdown if they killed him in campaign
How are you going to make me loose a game if you're not affecting my kd? That doesn't make sense
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Here's your movement king, bro
Adler forced Hudson to kill Mason, watch
Thanks, Deshawn
Built for BWC!
He does look cute but come on now dude
Wow thanks. A lot changed between Season 5 and Season 5 reloaded so I definitely needed this movement guide!
it was ancient and looked like shit compared to mw19 and still does to this day but they could still have nice things like optional high res texture packs because they weren't directly tied to warzone
the sad thing is that instead of learning from the 2019-2021 era they went ahead and doubled down on having core COD and WZ on the same client so everyone gets fucked
calm down klem
You got people living rent free in your head lmao
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Everyone is on bnet
im growing my hair out to prove that im not bald like the guy said in here 2 weeks ago
Only cringe console-kids who moved up to PC use Battlenet. And they call it "Battle Dot Net". Real PC gamers were always on Steam.
yeah what do you expect when the game kicks you out if steam loses connection to its own server for a picoseconds
CoD on Steam is terrible. You got disconnect Tuesdays. No preloading for updates. The install size is ~10GB bigger, for some reason. Can't close the launcher while playing. I'm getting blops6 on bnet, it's over.
Doesn't matter. Gabe Newell is my god.
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Slophammer movement kino
The install sizes are 10 gig smaller retard
>1 hour of double XP on mp = 2 tokens
>1 hour of double XP on plunder = clear sector
Lmao MPlets are second class citizens
A Warzone-only install on bnet is 60gb. Meanwhile the same install on steam is 73gb. Checked this last week
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>launches a launcher to launch the game
>patches your old GTA games after 20 years to remove songs from the radio
>popup ad window when you exit a game
I rebought Cold War on Steam just because I love it so much and I only played it like 20 hours (1000's of hours during its original year).
Steam is just THAT good.

Deal with it CHUD.
I soijak'd when i uninstalled battlenet when COD moved to steam
>player uses resources provided to him by game
>maybe you should do the same
>Uh no?
lmfao ngmi
Every cod since mw2019 has looked the exact same to me. Idk how you guys can tell a difference.
thanks for the hot and new take mr. i cant afford 80/year
anything else?
>coping this hard about steam numbers
Bomb Demonware headquarters

in Warzone
It's funny just how easy this shit is to counter if you just pay attention to your goddamn surroundings. I'd like to see this from the perspective of the folks getting shot.
sentinel cope
its almost always a bot lobby
Yeah, IW WON and Trannyarch LOST
who let you cook lil bro
Most of these egregious examples are done by Literal Whos who have no live-stream presence. Not to suck off streamers, but I just mean it gets extremely obvious that they're 2-boxing when they only do edited videos like this.
For streamers they are 2-boxing if they put up any sort of "Be Right Back" screen when they queue up to hide that the are 2-boxing.

I actually had to unfollow Marksman the other day on Twitch when he was blatantly 2-boxing in full view and full on admitting to it because he "didn't want to level up the new gun in his normal lobbies because of SBMM".
And then they have the balls to talk about how hyped they are for *NEW PRODUCT*
Top kek. Even this fatty is 2-boxing?
I remember watching a video from him, sometime before codnext, in which he has a meltdown over SBMM and brags about how much better he is compared to his teammates.
I can't find it anymore. It featured some gameplay on Quarry. I think he deleted it. Means his precious stats are fake & gay after all.
>Top kek. Even this fatty is 2-boxing?
Zero attempt to hide it. Done right in full view with him straight up acknowledging it.

His excuse was it was too hard to level up the new gun in his normal lobbies.
>noooo you cant just break the EOMM system and enjoy your god given right of shitting on noobs you need to suffer like me
good boy
Marksman you need a diet not a bot lobby. Fat fuck
>buying the same game multiple times
good goy
I forgot how bad MW3 is, holy shit. I need BO6, playing MW3 is miserable. What happened to IW by the way? Seemed like they were doing some cool shit with MW19, but MW2 and 3 feel like Sledgetranny games.
BO6 is the best looking CoD since MW19. What are you talking about?
IW did MWII but the jobless streamers threw a temper tantrum so the post launch support went to the shitter. MWIII ended up a bloated mess with no cohesion because that's what SHG does best.
it's disengenous cause it's the other extreme where it's just a lobby full of bots instead of a random mix
>jobless streamers
you mean the player count crashed after everyone got sick of elephant footstep zero-movement gameplay that was literally designed for sentinels as announced by the developers themselves
MWII on launch was the worst call of duty ever made. Worse than Ghosts. Shut the fuck up.
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>blueprints permanently unlock weapons and attachments even if you prestige.
Bundle-Chads, We Won!
Currently, on the minibak on the 1 trick on every gun grind it is a very weak gun looking forward to the next 3 xp camos after i finish all the guns for one trick
Dead silence was in the game for you to earn instead of relying on crutch perks, shitter.

Found the "movement" idiot
Steam >>>> all
see >>494494338
Found the sentinel whos game died and then was forced to deal with Ninja for the next 3+ years

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dont care
Found the sentinel that plays call of duty with fucking sound on and cranked all the way up and not music blasting.
>Thinks MWII launch was bad
Tourist spotted.
CoD playerbase had been in sharp decline since Cold War.
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also how the fuck do i fix these graphics
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i buy bundles and even i find that fucking retarded whats the point of calling it classic prestige when nothing is locked when you prestige, bo6 sounds more shit the more i hear about it you could even accidentally perma unlock guns from the battlepass as well its not even classic because of this change
I don't think you know how to read a fucking chart. Yeah you just showed me that it was bad
I wish i could have played MW22
Not only i would get the BP skin i wanted but also it sounds like it was the closest thing to COD4-BO2 era of cods. I hate the tweaking 12yos sliding and jumping all over the place.
>inb4 le 9-5 head
i'm 23
COD is a boomer-shooter lil zoomie. Just admit you cant hang with millenial-movement Gods
Nah I used the shit out of dead silence. Now it doesn't feel as rewarding since you can just equip the crutch perk. But I understand. The devs have to dumb down the game mechanics for retarded kids, such as yourselves, in order to mislead you into thinking you're good at the game and hopefully get you to stick around.
>>inb4 le 9-5 head
>i'm 23
So you're out of college and unemployed? Get a job lil kid
Zoom zoom zoomie
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>mw2 beta was so shit i checked out of the franchise for the year
>no interest in mw3 because weapons/skins carry over
>bo6 caught my eye because they start FRESH
>beta already had LOLXD zombie skins
can we just fucking stick to hot sluts and macho men for skins for one fucking year PLEASE
HOLY FUCKING BASED, paychads just keep winning
MW2019 lost 17 million players
Cold War lost 31 million players
Vanguard lost 10 million players
MWII lost 19 million players

Cold War under Treyarch remains the worst performing nuCoD
>Vanguard lost 10 million players
There's no way thats remotely true rofl
mw22 was so much fun and it looked leagues better than mw23. It's fucking sad to see what MW has become this year
>Obvious trend downward since Q1 2021
sure dude, keep sucking that 3pronged dick
>it looked leagues better than mw23
I disagree on that one but still
I really wanted Nightwar Ghost
reminder: you have zero proof of this
Treyarch was yet again called in to fix someone else's mess with very little time left. All of this during a pandemic. They did good considering all this.
It's literally just a random image with no proof first of all and secondly if it was true it's probably including War-zoom #'s considering it suddenly spikes up 10 trillion when War-zoom releases.
>Vanguard only lost 10 million
No Vanguard lost the entire playerbase but faggots moved to Caldera probably
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>>it looked leagues better than mw23
>I disagree on that one but still
Charts using earnings data so it's as official and accurate as you can get.
It lost 10 million because Cold War burned over 30 million.
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>Not only i would get the BP skin i wanted but also it sounds like it was the closest thing to COD4-BO2 era of cods
it was no where near cod 4 holy fucking kek, it was fucking terrible its just a game made for campers thats literally it anyone defending mw2 is a fucking shitter at cod, you cant flank because of sound whoring, your cant run and gun because of sprint to fire and ads speeds being so slow and im not talking about adhd faggots i mean just typical run and gun gameplay you had to pre aim everything if someone was sitting watching a door or lane you are fucked that was the game, in cod 4 you could run and gun it was viable because sprint to fire and ADS speeds were non existent its so fucking obvious you never played cod 4
It "lost 10 million" because people were sick of Verdansk and the new Warzone dropped you fucking mongoloid nigger.
If you think Vanguard did better than Cold War you are fucking mentally stunted.
They collect earnings report data. You can read all of this in Activison's ERs which are all hosted on their investor page.
Yea which includes War-zoom. What dropped with Vanguard? Could it be Caldera? Hmmm.
>be IW
>release the best cod in 2019
>follow up with the worst cod in 2022
>refuse to elaborate and go radio silent
why did they do it bros
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Oh, my bad. I got confused and thought you were talking about MW19. Yeah MW3 is really low effort, it doesnt even has a inspect for empty guns

I didn't played, was just talking from what i've read in these threads
Read the fucking chart retard.
Vanguard's first quarter had 107 million and its last 97 million. Loss of 10 million.
Cold War peaked in Q1 with 150 million but closed with 119 million. Loss of 31 million.
they had 4 years to make bo6 and it still sucks
>I didn't played, was just talking from what i've read in these threads
You must've missed the thousands of posts calling it camper trash for "sentinels" then. The devs literally tried to side-step the issue of their game being camper-trash by coming up with the term "sentinel" as a synonym for camping and heavily implied they designed their whole game to reward the sentinel-playstyle.
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>I didn't played
Talking about MW22 here btw, i played CoD4 alot
Even on Wii
Yeah, i stopped coming to these threads during BOCW. Shouldn't have preordered that game at all, got baited thinking it would be MW19 but Cold War themed

The #s lost in Cold War are heavily attributed to the fact that War-zoom was on year 2 and people got sick and tired of playing the same dog-shit over and over.
Guess what happened for Vanguard to attract all those players to come back?
Call of Duty was already in decline before Caldera. The decline began with Cold War and did not stop until MWII.

You do not know how to read a chart.
Illiterate nigger says what
rent fucking free
No one is sucking off Sledgehammer except you schitzo.
Also not building a new Warzone map for warshitters when it is literally taking over Twitch is a Treyarch L.
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aesthetic was peak back then...
I'm not talking about DAU or MAU I'm talking about player retention for Cold War and VG (without taking into account Warzone). The numbers are clearly combining both MP and Warzone.
Cold War's drop in MAU can be explained by people leaving Warzone, not MP because Warzone was on year 2 of Verdansk.

When VG launched it brought Caldera which brought all the Warzone players back and kept them interested for the whole year.

You're just brain-dead if you think Cold War MP itself made 3.5x more players leave the game compared to Vanguard MP.

The numbers are meaningless for what you're trying to argue because they're intertwined with Warzone.
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>it was no where near cod 4... you had to pre aim everything LIKE IN COD 4
>you cant flank because of sound whoring EVEN THOUGH DEAD SILENCE
>sprint to fire and ads speeds being slow DESPITE STATS TUNING
Kek. Go neck yourself yourself, shitter. You just got filtered hard.

>in cod 4 you could run and gun
>it was viable because sprint to fire and ADS speeds were non existent
>its so fucking obvious you never played cod 4
I always had a feeling you tranime avatarfaggot were a tourist. I just didn't have confirmation until now. Holy shit.
>im not talking about verifiable and data source information
r*ddit spacing retard triggered this hard over a chart
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cosmetic shit if you want it, i think you get a slayer weapon decal today blueprint is another day make sure it your shit is connected if you want cosmetic drops

>I didn't played, was just talking from what i've read in these threads
yeah just trust me on this ive played cod since cod1 mw2022 is not cod4 in anyway at all, its mw19 but extremely slow in every way made for campers with very high visual recoil fucking over mkb players mw3 for all its hate fixed what i hated about it, the closest to old CODs was unironically cold war

>i played cod on wii
i played it on xbox360, did cod 4 have online with wii? must have been weird with the point and shoot controls
More like you just sucked at the beta
yea i filtered the game into my recycle bin after 2 months of dogshit sentinel gameplay. Correct. Made it about twice as long around 4 months in MWIII because Sledgetranny did enough emergency-surgery on that dog-turd of a game to make it somewhat playable before I ultimately got tired of the dog-shit MW2 throwback maps that played like trash in modern day
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We like and we'll get more
>VG is better than CW because of player retention #s from this chart
>But just ignore the fact that the player retention was based on # of Warzone players
Nigger brain confirmed.
you forgot the aetherium zombies bundle operator faggot
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>in cod 4 you could run and gun it was viable because sprint to fire and ADS speeds were non existent its so fucking obvious you never played cod 4
tourist sisters.... not like this
>did cod 4 have online with wii?
>must have been weird with the point and shoot controls
It was fun, but not the best
>ive played cod since cod1
No you didn't tourist. You fucked up big time, kek
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Also, do you think its worth to buy MW3?
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SBMM sisters...
>Imd rather make up excuses than accept CoD's been in decline since Cold War and it's Treyarchs fault.
this man gets no pussy
Season 6 (about to start) is a flop and the game will soon see at least a 50%+ drop in playerbase if not more when BO6 drops in Oct 25.
Did you play BO6 beta?
Most of the modern CODs are still playable if you stick to TDM but a lot of the modes will be graveyards outside of TDM and you'll find that the sweatiest of sweats will be the only ones left and they'll have full unlocked loadouts while you'll be starting at level 1.
Im obviously biased but Id suggest starting with the new game as you'll be on a more level playing field and able to enjoy the full release year instead of the off-year.

>Chart shows INSANE spike for release of Warzone which also coincides with COVID19.
>Since then there's been nothing but a slow and steady decline across games developed by Treyarch, IW and Sledgehammer
Respectfully you are a fucking mongoloid nigger and need to STFU
>Did you play BO6 beta?
Yes, but i really disliked it lol
Fair enough. MWIII will be playable for the next few years but as I mentioned you have to expect that at least half of players if not significantly more will be moving on. But by no means will MWIII be dead.
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depends on the kind of player you are, if you like fast gameplay similar to mw19 with ninja so you can run around the map without sound whoring, red dots on the minimap longer ttk, camo grinding (biggest camo grind in cod history) then i would say yes, problems i have is the mw2 guns are shit some diamonds in the rough and if you missed mw2 and mw3s events and battlepasses you wont have much cosmetics to work with if that matters but season 6 is around the corner, so its up to you, if you hate adhd movement then bo6 wont be for you either and if you had to choose mw3 is the lesser evil if you dislike movement im personally skipping bo6 myself
I'm counting Warzone you nigger.
You're just too nigger-brained to understand. Stop replying to me nigger.
>CoD's been in decline since Cold War
>Since then there's been nothing but a slow and steady decline across games developed by Treyarch, IW and Sledgehammer
Nigger why are you quoting me if we fucking agree?
>still no response from the tourist
I don't know how much clearer I can make this for your nigger pea-brain.

I'm not discussing total MAU for an individual game. I'm discussing player retention meaning the change from Launch to Launch between games. Either you or some other brain dead nigger is suggest Cold War MULTIPLAYER is bad because it lost 35+ million players compared to Vanguard MULTIPLAYER only losing 10 million players (PLAYER RETENTION).

I'm suggesting that the bulk of those players leaving during Launch to Launch for Cold War were Warzone players who were sick of playing Verdansk for the second year.

Vanguard came with a new map for Warzone which renewed interest for Warzone players and because of the new map the player retention was BETTER for Vanguard because the Warzone community's interest was held by Caldera for the entire year.

I'm comparing
>Year 2 Verdansk
>Year 1 Caldera

Warzone community was more appreciate and enjoyed the year 1 of Caldera more than they liked Year 2 of Verdansk.

It literally has nothing to do with VG or CW's multiplayer. At all.

Fucking dumb Brazilian monkey
(have to correct myself or else this Brazilian monkey will sperg about spelling and grammar rather than my logic)
>discussing player retention
>just ignore that CW has the single biggest quarter drop in player retention
>Launch to Launch
MW to CW - no change
CW to Vanguard - Loss of 21 million
Vanguard to MWII - Gain of 4 million
Cold War still loses more players over it's life cycle than any other CoD.
Take Treyarchs dick out of your mouth and maybe you wont mispeak so much
he gets nukes though which is better
>nerds ranting about player numbers
The game is either alive (I'm playing it) or dead (I'm not playing it). Case closed. Go back to playing with your toys or something.
I have a hard time believing modern cod has a higher player count than early-mid 2010s cod.
MP is dead, yeah
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cod is dead
chadfield 6 when
>DEIfield 6
Give me a Delta Force key already
I’d expect a bankruptcy notice before a new BF.
Sad too. Would rather play another BF3/4 than a CW clone.
there are more people in the world than there was in early-mid 2010s
A Battlefield set in the Cold War could be so fucking cool. But you just know nuDice would fuck it up
Your options are a 2019 asset stolen CoD mobile chink slop or a Swedish made broken mess
battlefield is going to be american now. those swedish cucks got fired
>excited for more Flopfield after V and 2042
Cod used to be the culture craze, the bees knees, but the mass rejection of infinite warfare coupled with the rise of battle royale and pc gaming amongst youth kicked it out of cultural relevancy. The vast majority cod conversation nowadays is nostalgia based. Personally imo the franchise peak was black ops 3 because that game had the thickest amount of content, and it’s been a downward slope since.
Black ops 4 was the last silver age cod. The bo6 beta with its non existent art direction and same old problems showed that people are already eager to exit the current age. Cod can’t die it’s true but it has long evolved from what made it particularly special in the first place. The industry unfortunately has shown that it’s unable to evolve in the right direction if this year is anything to go by. Hero shooters with egregious battle passes and microtransations. These are much more marketplaces than they are video games.
>battlefield is going to be american now
which studio is making it?
Oh cool I liked Hardline. Now they can step out of DICE Sweden's shadow and hopefully they get sent to support studio status.
Thought I had:
Are Field Upgrades just a loose Hero Shooter ability?

You can change them after each death, sure, but you could easily change the name from Field Upgrade to "Ultimate"
this warzone game looks like fucking piss. why is everything fucking yellow? even the fucking sky is yellow. holy shit it looks disgusting
How do I kill this Legion bossfight solo? I keep running out of time
Bimbo gas
back in verdansk the gas was fucking green, this is fucking piss yellow it's disgusting
no wonder warzone is fucking dead who wants to look at piss the entire game. and these guys are spectating at max settings lmao it looks like fucking shit. theyre also only getting 30k viewers
Did you skip Caldera and Rebirth?
of course
Still Black Ops 6 will be the best-selling game of the year as usual
Millions must preorder
that doesnt mean anything when fortnite, valorant, and cs are free games. being the best selling game of the year is like winning the retard olympics when you're not retarded
COD WW2 > Cold War
Fun fact, much of CW's unique campaign features are actually from WW2
>much of CW's unique campaign features are actually from WW2
Such as?
No because field upgrades are balanced and most people completely forget to use them (except Trophy Systems)
Stealth mission indications
Answering questions
KGB mission is almost a copy paste from the Paris mission where you play as Rousseau
Vietnam mission looks eerily similar to the forest battle
Wouldn't be surprised they reused assets as SHG was supposed to release CW right?
I see, you are retarded. Nevermind then
that entire walk around the building as a spy is a straight rip off of the nazi spy mission in WW2 lol
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They're not even comparable. The mission in CW was much more kino. And IIRC the one in WW2 was linear which is boring.
This mission was kino but overrall so fucking dumb
that main soviet building gets fucking levelled but no one cars afterwards lol
>They're not even comparable
Nigga did you even play both campaigns
The fucking building is the same with the same npcs and the same offices and the same general you must kill
They just swapped nazi uniforms for the soviet ones
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E-sportification of fucking battle royale is so dumb.
Battle royale is RNG-based as fuck. It ruined Fortnite and Pubg too
>its a sledgetranny falseflag episode
Your games will always be dogshit. Reminder mw23's campaign is just a copy-paste of mw22's campaign. The recycled ac130 mission was so painfully obvious.
all esports are cancer
There's like 210k on Twitch, dumbfuck. No one uses Jewtube to watch gayming
True. The only game that works as such is Counter-Strike and maybe LOL (never really got into that)
What did the russians do exactly during the Chernobyl disaster?
>3fail exposed for copying Sludge
>shill shill shill shill!!!!!!!
3niggers really are this fragile.
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nigger alert
The chernobyl disaster was quickly known worldwide and half of Europe was preparing to become inhabitable for a while
cod is cooked!
it gets worse once you realize how they tried to balance out the rng with weird points or whatever, like fortnite you got a ton of points for just making it to last circle or whatever so it was way more profitable to just turtle vs getting kills (which were like 1 point per kill lmao)
You didn't answer my question
cs esport is great to watch but it also ruined cs but i guess you can attribute that more to community servers dying and MM now the only way to really play where everyones just a wanna be esport nigger throwing set smokes every round
I was told Treyarch were less greedy
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finna spark up and grind some zombies camos
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oh no no no no 3k viewers
I still dont know what Warzone, BR, Resurgence, what any of that means but Vondel looks like a pretty cool map as someone who's a dutchboo. Might give it a try
CoD really can't be properly enjoyed without recreational drugs to be fair
>gold dog tags
Yeah, even your fellow niggas would loot that out of your body
not watching, blamecuck
Act Man just released a video where he said Omni-movement is an advantage to KBM over Controller and used footage of a controller player as his "proof".
Turns out “classic prestige” isn’t really a thing in FLOPS 6, gun blueprints are always unlocked no matter what
Damn. That really ruins the artificial treadmill player-retention grind.

Now when I spend dozens of hours to unlock an icon that no one gives a shit about it won't feel the same as the bullshit nostalgia from my memory.
Also it really ruins the artificial treadmill player-retention gimmick because the game will obviously FORCE me to use a blueprint.
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prestigetards on suicide watch
I came into COD with CW and was immediately confused why everyone was touting a bullshit player-retention gimmick being absent from the game as a negative.

Once again nostalgia tards contribute to the enshittification of everything.

NUMBER GO UP! BING BING WAHOOOOO!!!! Just like my childhood!
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>tourist zoomers nostalgiafagging over AW
It's so fucking over.
AW was great if it didnt have lootboxes ruining the entire game
yeah, i get why people are frustrated at how Seasonal Prestige restricts the level cap until every Season is out, but the removal of re-locking gear was without a doubt a huge improvement. BO6 could've always given us the 1000+ level cap at launch -without- also bringing back re-lock and it would've been the best of both worlds.
Metafags who can't resist putting Ghost/Ninja on all 10 of their loadouts deserve the rope for how their whining for re-lock has fucked over "I try to fit every grenade, Field Upgrade, and Perk into at least one of my loadouts" chads.
This is how you do bundles right. The rest of CoD is trying to figure out its identity between realism & non-immersive but this dude is playing Day of the Dead
Who's to blame for CoD losing its ground war immersion ?
To expand on my point:
Progression systems are fine and should exist, but being new to COD I had no nostalgia about prestige and couldn't understand why it's such an important thing to so many people.

Ultimately though I do find it a symptom of the problems of modern-gaming. People should play games because they enjoy them and find it fun. You shouldn't need a camo-grind or prestige-grind as a reason to continue playing. The game itself should just be fun to play and if you want to also do some progression bullshit on top of that that's perfectly okay. But to outright call a game bad or suggest it's a negative for not having a treadmill-player-retention gimmick is laughable.

If you don't like the game, don't play it. I can promise you that nobody will see your 10th Prestige Emblem and think....welll...anyhting really. Personally I'd just think like "oh this guy plays a lot" but it wouldn't be an indicator of skill or make me jealous of their prestige icon. If anything we should bully people and call them Dorito-lords for wasting their time.
The jews
>came into COD with CW
That's like saying the first film you watched was doctor strange 7 and its just as good as old films because nostalgia is wrong or something
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Yes and a dialog selection option too
>Metafags who can't resist putting Ghost/Ninja on all 10 of their loadouts deserve the rope for how their whining for re-lock has fucked over "I try to fit every grenade, Field Upgrade, and Perk into at least one of my loadouts" chads.
That's exactly what made Cold War the most toxic post 2019 cod
No itd be more like coming into a reboot of a famous film and having a bunch of retards insist that the movie is only good when you have a specific type of candy and soda when the candy and soda have nothing to do with the film.
>but when i was a kid and saw the original film the specific candy and soda was the best
>Token chat
I tried those tokens in mw19, they were a fucking joke, they run down in your lobby and the matchmaking was such ass you ended up wasting half the time in a fuck queue. Haven't bothered touching them since
CoD 4 was based as fuck and if you didn't reach 10th prestige you were basically gay
So does capture the flag still exist? Nobody answered my question
At least camos are challenge-based and if you wanted to be a big faggot you could claim take some amount of skill to achieve, but I fail to see how Prestige is anything but a measure of time-played. Some might prestige faster than others but ultimately its just an exp bar filling up that you reset to zero so you can get a gay icon.
I'm not even anti-prestige as artificial or not player-retention means my lobbies are going to have more players for a longer period compared to a game without the gimmick player-retention.
I'm more just commenting on the type of spastic who would call a COD entry outright bad for not having it.
Posting CW info as it made me laugh
>removed a week later

It was in CW for a week.
It was in MWII and MWIII as Limited Time Modes.

So the answer is no, no one gives a shit about it and it's a gimmick mode that they keep trying to revive only for it to be DOA.
Thing is, crutch players who could only play once they unlocked all the bits of the one cope class they could use were scared to go back to basics.
Prestige chads were prepared to take it back.
Also I 1000 gamer scored that whole thing, every challenge, every camo, every prestige and every achievement. Took me a whole 9 hours straight just to skydive to safety on veteran difficulty.
Unbelievably based game, prestiging was was just a measure of time spent playing, but it wasn't a grind because it was so much fucking fun and it was something to do to keep the fun going
>something to do
That's what bothers me (if anything). People should play the game because they enjoy it, but I can see how just going for a Win eventually gets boring and how external progression-challenges can incentivize a player, so I do understand.
For me personally when I get bored of pubs I switch to ranked so that I can play with teammates who actually want to win an OBJ mode against opponents who want to do the same.
I'm just reacting to the type of person who says stuff like
>XYZ COD doesn't have Prestige so I'm not going to play it.
That seems insane to me.
>but it wasn't a grind because it was so much fucking fun
Everything in cod 4 was new, when I played my first few online games I didn't even know you could ADS and I couldn't get a kill. Until some mate was watching and said to pull the other trigger and all of a sudden the whole game changed and I was instantly hooked.
Modern cod is fucking garbage, you can call it nostalgia if you like but simple fact is you missed out
>but simple fact is you missed out
I guess. I dont think you mean this in a hostile way but I was busy playing any number of FPS games on PC.
I started with Cold War because it was marketed as a sort of "anti-cod" because of score-streaks and because it switched up a lot of stuff opposite from MW19.

COD was just considered console-trash for Mountain Dew and Dorito retards for elitist PC gamers during my childhood so I had very strong negative associations with the franchise.

and to be honest it still kinda does as I'm anti-controller. I only play COD still because there's literally nothing else to play in the FPS genre that is playable, especially MKB only as I strongly dislike CS/Valorant/RS6 round-based tactical shooters which is about the only FPS-genre that caters to MKB.
>CoD 4
You're r*ddit tier PC snobbery cost you more than you'll ever know.
CW is like some half blind retard describing that one time he played cod when he was drunk, then making a game based off that, it's a shadow of a dump that cod took years ago, a photocopy of a drawing of a photocopy of a photocopy.
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What was everyone else on?
7900XT vs 7600XT
damn lol
also lol at all the broke console retards saying
>this is why PC sucks
Some retard intern obviously ordered/installed the wrong card
Broa I can’t play any more mwiii. I want black ops 6 so bad.
I will be treating prestiging in black ops 6 like cod4. I will be using no tokens.
Twitter scum don’t count as human. It’s full of black teenager ps5 fanboys.
Why the fuck are they not playing on console?
i saw about a dozen similar comments and most of them were from Daquans, yes
1. Consoles are gay
2. they are also running webcam software as well as (optional) personal streams and i imagine there is some other integration with their over production team to allow them to switch between the different competitors live gameplay through screen-share or a stream
>another warzone of controller aimbot faggots using 1x optics shooting people 100 m away and having 0 problems cause they dont actually need to see
fuck warzone 2. real niggas use the VLK with the cross reticle
nobody asked dude
I'm not looking forward to doing the warzone camo grind or the warzone completion calling card. I hate wz
>why not just not do them?
I have to, i'm a completionism kind of guy.
Consoles are straight up outdated concepts. And seeing as now they get these mid gen refreshes, they're even more pointless. Consoles purpose was to buy one device that could play that entire gen's games from start to finish of that generation's lifecycle.
>new dead ops arcade
Even worse is the mid gen refresh as you call it is entirely pointless as 99% of games are made to run on PS4 still. Zero point in getting a PS5 Pro to make what is ostensibly still PS4 games run faster (when the FPS is locked anyways). Just full scam.
Yugo is a fag
More boring useless slop
All these streaming cheating hacks getting exposed on LAN lol
I kind of want to buy a ps5 pro on launch to smash it.
>why? that's a waste of money
It would go beyond viral, see the pimp that smashed a ps3 on launch. It'd give me the money back.
No one cared about it. I sure as fuck didn't.
I'm gonna buy a series x to play older cods so it's still useful
It's not even mid gen, it's a late gen refresh. It's confirmed the next xbox, playstation and even nintendo are being worked on.
>Rent is due
boring vid.
>guy I just dont fucking like this years cod
bro you haven't liked cod in years and even the cods you say you like you shit on at the time. Nero is another one that does the same thing everty video
>guys i've been doing this for over a decade at this point
>I basically spent half my life playing cod and on youtube
>make joke about being old now
>shit on current cod
But they're right. cod hasnt been good since bo2
Delete pls. It's about BO3 being fucked up by activision because they know most people won't touch BO6's zombies
the only thing I wouldn't touch is dead ops arcade.Which fortunately to my understanding, they didn't bother with.
>BO3 exists
>IW exists
>2019 exists
nah u just a contrarian fag
Does he get his expressions from Trump's meetings?
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>I kind of want to buy a ps5 pro on launch to smash it.
why does afking in plunder work sometimes but not others?
I afked entirely from drop to end and got kicked
then the next day when I had 15 minutes left on a boost after some zombie afking and just dropped early and prone'd in a truck and it worked perfectly fine, AND the subsequent round where I was afk from drop to end it was fine too
sbmm afk
he's a trumpet and just adopts them naturally
I didn't play a single futuristic Cod except bo3 for zombies, which one has the best campaign?
Infinite Warfare's for sure
Someone bake new bread
>the absolute state of CuckDefiant shills
new bread

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