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At Least Try to be Less Gay Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494326337
tink tink
tink tink
My catgirl is going to find a transgirl to suck off in LB14 today
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I love femezen so much it's unreal
Moonie for my Midlander.
i only EB'd my EB for the items
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The one and only!
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How can you tell if a character was made by a grown ass man, a tranny or a biohole?
I can tell that there are differences but I hope some anon knows the secret to distinguishing them.
We dont need this shit every thread
A certain unpopular lalaboy has always been nice to me and I honestly like him for it.
Time for some more gay stuff
You can never be sure. A biofem friend I have has the most tranny-coded femra I have ever seen.
>How can you tell if a character was made by a grown ass man, a tranny or a biohole?
a man will make a hot character
a tranny will make some body dysphoric customize+ modbeast
a fujo will make a malezen
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking in! Nya~
it will be spammed regardless because of (you) farming.
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god i love that hair style
We hate malera.
We love male midlanders.
i love (You) ((platonically)) ellen joe femra.
cocks. homosexuals. transbians. futa. pussy. futa fucking girls. futa fucking guys. guys fucking guys. girls strapping futas. futas strapping guys. we like this. we love this. final fantasy ffxiv.
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femlala eb for this feel?
i also love (You) ((platonically)) anon
I spend too much time coming up with (stupid) job rework ideas and then getting sad.
Grown ass man = wears insanely slutty outfits in public, usually has their characters pussy or tits hanging out
Biohole = insanely slutty outfits + face sculpts + tattoos from Second Life
Tranny = coinflip for either
\smooch for this grape’s cheek
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my male midlander is exactly like this.
Good morning /xivg/
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What's the most "normal" sword available for VPR? Like just a perfectly standard longsword or such. I quite like my current glam for it but I want to make a knight-looking one too.
We LOVE this!
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here you go.
Imagine finding the grown ass man who created this abomination and shooting 10 million volts of electricity into his brain until dead?
Holy shit I love long tongues
We NEED horn piecings
my femra
Relationship goals. You doing dumb shit and me playing along because I like you.
Good afternoon to chaos c:
>koyanskaya still gone
FUCK chaoscucks
all my real niggas on alpha
your femra.

me too anon, but maid outfit aside im a very big fan of characters like that. excessive danger and all.
My eb never apologized to me and I still hold it against them
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Midlander eb for this feel?
My catgirl on the left
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pre DT 'kemi looks like THAT? Zamn!
Yeah there is that green femra that posts here sometime that is does really good tongue poses
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Hello ser,

Good morning. Thank you for your request on the current male race stocks, please see below for further information;
>Midlanders - fluctuating, but slightly ebbing low. Council is aware and may have a plan
>Highlanders - steady, but not rising. No activity as of late outside of HH co.
>Elezen - rising slowly
>Roegadyn - steady, but has the potential to rise
>Miqote - tanking, please sell if possible
>Miera - depending on subset, rava rising and veena venturing downwards
>Hrothgar - steady, no projected rise or fall
>Lalafell - gutter stock, thankfully we have zero investors as all of them are either in school (kindergarten) or in jail
>Au Ra - TANKING after last thread, this will need a miracle to fix. They were already on a downtick but this is titanic sinkage

If you need any further assistance, please let me know.

Fid Deelander
My eb apologized, but he followed it with an excuse so I don't forgive him
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I am getting plapped on worlo warcar tonight! ^-^
Knock mine up then
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Thanks for the stock update! Have this!
Statim Cladem from CC
humu humu, i havent seen them before... curious...
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Femlala eb like this???
post your glub...
It's a night and day difference, huh..
Voila https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/103325
Sex with futa bottoms
It should have been me
Do you like midlanders?
Shooting thick ropes into this glubs warm fertile womb
What's a piecing fucking idiot
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god i LOVE pierced up femra
Femlala EB like this?
What happened last thread?
I helped this femra and now I'll smooch this femra
someone pls host friday the 13th movies later
excessively primal need to breed and eb this cat
Oh shit that's a good idea.
Mine, but only if I can top in return
why are malera so awful
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can you solo eden savage raids rn
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i am
a shy femra
with zero social skills
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because this is the average femra
what about females?
once I figure out who you are at LB14
why does she look so smug? she's the one dressed like a stripper. has she no shame?
im a loser i dont go out in public
lol lmao ex fucking dee even
Anon WHAT did you mean by this? I can't find any item even close to that name...
how was your rendezvous at the zurvan wolves den last night? did you get used after being defeated like you confessed to wanting?
yoshi give me that hair pls thank you
why do people say f3 femra were ruined? i don't see that big of a difference and they're still fairly cute

much better than f1 or f2 or f4 for that matter
I press my thumb on this glubs glasses (i had toast and jelly for breakfast)
I can solo your mom
anon.. i need you to stop drinking fantas..
It's latin. You really are a big a dumbass as they say you are
They look older but i like that
One day I'll find the right combination and someone will care about me
I want to roleplay a hikikomori but if I do anything like queue for mahjong (my headcanon is it's over aethernet) or log out then the game places my character outside of his house.
i liked you the way you were 2 fantas ago...
Just be up front about what you want and push for vc. Or stop being a faggot and try irl, it’s full of fat ugly women yiu can easily convince to play ffxiv (till they cuck you with the fc leader lmao). Otherwise just assume it’s a dude and gauge how much you care.
god i wish i had a lalawife like that
maybe one day....
i'm just here to make sure she can't weasel out of this one
some yes
E2S, E9S I've done solo by myself, E11S technically yes but you need to find all the safespots by yourself at the end
E4S will be difficult because of gaol, maybe DRK next tier with salted earth?
so the answer is "Yes", just not any of the important fights
E8S I don't know
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How do we raise fmeezn stocks, anon?
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I can answer that.
We had a pleasant discussion, and nothing more.
that has nothing to do with femra though
to put on what, anon
YOU stop posting
What about now.
Hey that's me! Sorry for tanking the stocks, I could not get >>494343231 to do the needful
Perhaps, depends if you're hyper
Don't forget: Femlalas fetishize being lonely.
>that tummy
holy moly...
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you guys have been at it for years what the fuck
so does 90% of people here
(You) should queue for Satasha on Crystal!
my hiki moonies spirit has already been shattered many times
anon.... that was a male stock post
why are you pretending gyarus and gangmamber girls dont exist
you cant fucking avoid orange spray bitches in a nightclub in bongland
okay but this IS you, right? like you're admitting it now?
You keep posting more!
my moonie will never have a lalawife....
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Hello sers,

Please see below for the lead representative's statement on last thread's affairs
"Due to the inappropriate behavior of the Khagan, we will unfortunately not be doing any further business with them. Their decision to discuss their throbbing dripping woobers for transexual teats do not align with the MCI (Male Character Initiative) we uphold. This could change, but for the foreseeable future we will disassociate with asking for them to 'throw it back with the tail up' and 'steppe it up, serve that cunty walk.' Thank you for your understanding at this time."

At this time we do not report on female characters, as we are a female character run, led, and owned enterprise. Please seek outside resources for this information, thank you.


Fid Deelander
I unironically love flat femra
my moonie.......
More.... I need more...
You know what I meant!
They're pretty cute
I kill you
anon there's literally a screenshot..
if I had a steam deck I would use it to play mahjong from bed
That IS me, but I am someone entirely different. My apologies.
can I see your moonie?
you didn't even suck his dick baka my head
>log in
>my once soon to be EB have removed me from her mare and friendlist
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>>Hrothgar - steady, no projected rise or fall
Allow me to tank thier stocks
I want a hrothgar to knock my fiddie up so bad
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just post your lalaboys initials and we can do some romantic lovey-dovey stuff when I get off work in 4.5 hours, we can meet at the lamppost on balmung lala lane
Fuck, for a second I thought it's Love Live
>play class about scythes
>wants a sword
what creates this autism
how do we raise these stocks
I just woke up I'm sorry
Let me edate you
i remember thinking one of you was wryx for sure until i saw there was male dom or fem sub involved
Is the clothing modded?
Fuck off.
yeah one sec
stocks are a nebulous thing that cannot be influenced by posting alone
personally I will be replying to ones posted with "wife" though
Lalaboys with cute feet? Hello?
What do you think, genius?
My moonie does this
My moonie likes this happening to her
I want to punt meme lalas into the fucking sun.
can i see ur moonie
Your moonie is indecent
If your character’s gimmick relies on mods, then it’s not a real FFXIV character. Modding is non-canon and not real. Someday your mods will cease to work. Remember when you freaks didn’t post a single screenshot during Dawntrail because mods weren’t working?
Does Wryx or anyone here actually get erotic over pvp? I always assumed it was a larp bit
No thank you
femra own me sex
One of the best things i bought last year was a water cooler Ice cold purified water is the best. And the hot option works for tea and such as well.
does ur moonie have big moonies
Well now, who is fetishizing being lonely now?
Irish subs be like.
what's fat cat up to rn is he having a good morning
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>he doesn't own a Vita
Snapping off this femra's horns and drinking her femra nectar
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Okay that is actually pretty funny, I must admit that.

You're thinking of RPR anon. VPR has two swords.

Like the other party said, we had a pleasant discussion! And that's all that ever happened, schizo-kun.
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List of Things we like:
1. This.
2. Gooning.
3. AFKing and playing other games.
4. Plapping.
5. Sex, Rape even.
6. Jerking off in Ul'Dah.
7. Being comfy and eepy.
8. Cooming in the 'cord with our heckin' eepy ebins.
9. Val Moorabella.
10. Moonies.
11. Modding.
12. Mare.
13. Cumming to videogames.
14. Replying to Anchorposts
A reminder that you WILL like all of these, or you're a convicted sex offender.
Having standards isn't fetishizing.
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For me it was the opposite, I still kinda liked my character, he was still disproportionate because FFXIV vanilla is like that, but now I now get to run around as a lithe and athletic Komainu sworn to protect the people.

Dawntrail's absolutely abysmal story just drove me to find something else I could enjoy about the game and that was just turning my character from the bara lionman he was into a more canid and less steroid abusing defender of the people. That being said it came bit by bit as I learnt how to use each one.

Could I go back? Totally, although I'd miss having loss that weight, and having my clothing actually fit my head instead of floating several ilms away from my forehead.
good mornyan
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laid bare
I don't like any of these but i do love femlalas
Got to meet somewhere, but you are seeming kinda crazy right now
>tranny, futa, SEAmonkey, GAM
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I want to bully the nearest glub
You were cool before you started being openly transphobic.
is e1s soloable? trying it right now
Love this nigga
Speaking of, next pleasant discussion when? I recall you were trying to into raiding, right?
bit mean innit
Can we censor the left middle shitskin next time this gets posted?
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What did midnababy mean by this?
What happened to malera?
You were cool but we grew to love you more when you called out the trans community for being the hate group that they are
Why are lalapedos melting and making "we love this" posts
not sure
the baited orbs will kill you if you don't invuln
but phase 2 also has some shenanigans
maybe try kitchensinking one of these
bro you're tanking the femraen stocks, I'll be forced to end you for my own good next time I see you in CC
As expected of country gr-
Ah who the fuck am I kidding nobody remembers that shit anymore.
a discussion about instaloss. which you asked for. which you vehemently deny to be into. that anon in that archive was right. you really are just another run of the mill, awful sexpest. now i wonder what's in those lightcord logs
When was this?
Because we can be into the most degenerate shit, but although everyone disagrees on most things, everyone unanimously hates lalapedoes
uh oh melty
*gives u a pity (You)* nice armpit
Meena stocks are rising
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Add gyarus
>Does Wryx
yes, t. moonie with firsthand knowledge. it adds a little spice between queue syncs.
I do but I don't know how I can play FF14 on it
I am
A catboy
Without a pc till monday...
Why do you care at all bro
cute malera
You single handedly make Mrothstocks rise through the ceiling
mornin how are you today?
Ur moonie and my moonie always wake up at the same time
>Highlanders - steady, but not rising. No activity as of late outside of HH co.
im really happy the good ones arent as insane as nippleman
Hello >>494345432 ,

Please see my prior email >>494344542

Hello >>494344665 ,
In which stock are you requesting an increase? Please advise and we can discuss further.
can't you get new material?
>lost the argument
>"I'll just call him a sexpest! That means I auto-win!"
Probably because that faggot says gm 4 times a day.
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i am buying miqote stocks and you cannot stop me
Thanks but I'm only an honorary malera
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>Written "Ryne"
>Pronounced "Rii-n" not "Ri-ne"
>>Roegadyn - steady, but has the potential to rise
Broes we're so back!
calm down, simp. you already have her booked. no need to grand stand
Huh, can't say I understand it but more power to you
I am a catgirl with a penis (self inserting)
and I jerk off when I ERP and when I cum I imagine cumming inside whoever I am ERPing with
can we move the hangout spot in lb14 more towards the water rather than the tree?
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runtime error
Considering this is my first time saying that in 4 years, almost certainly, but eh.
Not everyone that types with proper grammar is the same person, retard.
I wanna be groomed by Sfia
My femlala is pretty popular actually
I'm always near the water, It's my nap space..
>have no ground to stand on
>"I'll call him a simp! That means I auto-win!"
I still don't see what happened with malera
He feeds off of my energy, so no, he's not having a good morning right now
Blood??? Sicko
>List of Things we like:
>1. This.
>argument is about adder-ra denying instaloss allegations
>archive shows them arranging a meetup for it
>the meetup actually happens
I do this but as a femra instead
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Need a maleroe eb to love and cherish
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I'm still stuck in M3S. I have a couple friends that have surpassed me in skill hundredfold so I might just ask them to carry me through the tier.

You wish. See you on the Red Sands.

I wonder what's in them too! I've asked them to be posted a few times, but unfortunately I've only been met with silence...
Do you like being topped by catgirls
I think its cute when ebins make minions part of their schtick
my femra as well but her breast size is fairly modest so it's not that satisfying for all involved
Can i ask a question about samurai?
What part of it are you having trouble with?
I would too if they were straight, but they never are. They're either gay, memers, or both
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ask away
Does anyone?
Do you like being topped by femra
I cannot wrap my head around white knighting trannies in a 4chan general. It makes my head spin when I try to make sense of it.
what is the question
please see
>I'm still stuck in M3S.
Do you have some trouble with a specific mech, or it's more in the sense of "I'm trying to clear on PF but PF keeps fucking up" ?
stuck at fusefield or fuse or foe? gl either way
different boards have different people, crazy concept right?
Shocking that not everybody thinks like you do, huh chuddie?
I am not opposed to it
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nta but you're a genuine schizo if you hopped to fucking MATERIA to spy on two anons meeting up
bad enough you do it in the first place but you went all the way to Materia just to schizo post two people?
you're the reason why people here never want to meetup in game
guess you wouldn't know anything about that though because you probably don't have friends
fix ur shit not for yourself but for the kitty..................................
Post tits first and you may
what's your question, soldier
Will i need xivalexander/noclippy if i play with 200 ms?
As long as you aren't the tranny from last thread, then sure.
Hello >>494346336 ,

Understood, I'd be happy to help. Please provide an attachment of your highlander, preferably shirtless, and we can see what we can do. Thank you for your consideration and support to the MCI
Anyone want to do roulettes?
Very much recommended.
Very trans-coded posts.
What I can't wrap my head around is why you care about white knighting trannies specifically when theres like 10 layers of gay bullshit involving trannies like chasers who freely post about chasing trannies.
yes, and that goes for any job, not just SAM
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beeg cone
worship the cone
You don't "NEED" it.
But would it make the game feels a lot better for you?
that's pretty high, i'd probably recommend it
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Asking this place for advice on telling someone's irl gender when looking at their character is the equivalent to asking what are the ideal conditions to run a thermonuclear powerplant to a high schooler.
>anon post proof
>posts proof
make up your mind already
The only schizo here is you.
At the very least they could have been in say range, considering we never did a /tell once.
I had a WHM talking to me that I should stop healing myself on PLD. If this nigga is not going anything when I'm 50% I'm not gonna wait for his lillies. Even if it's a dps and gcd loss in total.
Thanks, i live in a weird continente far away from the actual civilizations, so not matter what DC i pick my MS will always be high. I wasn't planning to use mods but oh well, that should be a good excuse. Thanks.
Mostly just the "sitting in PF" part, yeah. I get burnt out from PF really quickly (I taught myself to play Mahjong and got the first achievement from it just to stop myself from trying to prog for a bit) so I keep logging in, sitting in PF for 20 mins, raiding for 20 mins, and logging out. It doesn't really help that people leave in PF extremely quickly, sometimes from the first mistake. The last mech I've reached is Fusefield, but I haven't been in the instance for almost two weeks.
This is another point of retardation that is echoed in almost every discussion.
>you don't like x? you must be okay with y.
>if you care about x you don't care about y (for some reason???)
Explain to me how you make this leap in logic.
I do too.
yes and also just use noclippy, it's much easier
I'd join just for memes desu
Adder-ra's always been lewd, it's just a part of her gimmick to deny it.
I understand not wanting to mod but it's always morally correct to use noclippy/Alex. Good luck.
4chan trannies at least drop the bullshit about pretending they are real women, not just giant perverts.
What's instaloss?
If you can drag together a few other anons, we can all run it on Materia for reclears in a few days.
When you get a BRD on your team.
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>4chan trannies at least drop the bullshit about pretending they are real women
ohnononono who wants to tell him?
Magness my fiddie does not want to have sex with you leave me alone
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Party up on aether
pw 1337

Will just go down the list I think
at least i am a biotranny irl, these anons are just pretending
It's basically a female character saying they are unbeatable and then in the very next frame they are being raped. Because they lost. To cock.
coclippy is mandatory to do any decent weaving in this game, otherwise you drift like crazy
> The last mech I've reached is Fusefield, but I haven't been in the instance for almost two weeks.

Fusefield is 90% a healer mechanic, hope you don’t get shitty ones.
Monado Gaming
oops meant lorilee
>tfw I am the last CIS biopole on /xivg/.
Being a GAM without a mental illness sure is hard.
Lorilee my fiddie does not want to have sex with you leave me alone
That's me!
I'm a bit in the same situation.
>110+ in NA
>200+ in EU
>220+ in JP
>280+ in OCE
I miss Eastern NA servers so much...
what should my moonie eat for breakfast
(no weird answers)
CFW + Vita Moonlight
well, technically you don't need it if you live a few hundred km from the servers, but for anything past that, yeah.
Being too based as usual for normals
moon pie
my rava+
how about e4s? i think you can mit through it but the dps check is a little high
whats wrong with cats napping all the time...
Remus my femlala does not want to have sex with you leave me alone
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*smacks it* dance, monkey
gonna post any proof of that schizo or are you just gonna keep saying shit about people that have not done anything wrong
110 is fine
They really should move Dynamis servers to East Coast and make it so that EU can cross region travel to Dynamis.
Biscuits and gravy
mod your mind
I got curious at one point and tried out female and futa mods on different races and it confused the fuck out of me. I made a setup that works on a midlander, altered it a bit and it worked fine with a futa dick, used it on a npc and it worked fine without it but wouldn't make the dick appear. I used it on a roegadyn yet all options seem either fucked and there's weird clippy underwear or I can make it work but I can't use ivcs on it.
It's confusing me too much and I wish things were much simpler rather than this H.R Geiger and Lovecraft lovechild of a qlipothic monster.
xis your pronouns? men can instalose too hashtag notallmen
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>be me
>be tranny chasing malera
>constantly rizzing up twisted trans sisters ITT
>fellow khagans boogie to the same rhythm
>could not be more obvious of our bussy-basting ball-battering legacyboy-loving business
>Everyone refused to believe it and said I, a tranny chasing malera, was full of shit.
>fast forward to today
please don't deprive the healer of their only purpose :(
I think I need some proof on that one chief
>grown man/tranny
>coomer character/ japanese twitter catgirl or femra clone but shittier/cutesy pedo slutty female usually lala/doll like imvu face sculpted fatasses with huge tits retarded hip proportions and wasp waists
>biological female
>handsome male/cutesy nonpedo fully covered vanilla female/goblina facesculpted anorexic scene queens slathered with ugly tattoos
yw, ywnbaw
he locks you into a gaol in phase 2
he'll do it twice actually, on the first one he smashes the platform
you can't rape the willing
unlike ryne you consciously decided to go by "dragonfucker" and that's a million times more cringe than a weird pronunciation.
that's not breakfast
my moonie does not eat "people"
i had strawberry shortcake 4 times this week, i'm tired of biscuits and biscuit-adjacent foods
You wanna?
teriyaki spam, 2 fried eggs, rice
Thank you for your contribution to the further decline of the Auri stocks.
Stockholders, please sell ASAP
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attractive character 8/10 times. the other 2/10 are disgusting pedos or mod beasts
4/10 attractive characters, 5/10 disgusting mod beasts, 1/10 pedos
9/10 malezen, 1/10 limsa pastel pink aura/c@girl
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My catgirl looks like this
>Aether and Crystal stay on West Coast
>Primal and Dynamos moved to East Coast
Game is now 100% better for NA and EU players
Kill yourself fake
>anon ask for tits
>tranny follows the tradition of 4chan and deliver
>newfags lose their minds
FF14 btw, just so you know. Be careful with what you ask :3
is this still up
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veena have higher base mind though
I propose an alliance between Dynamis and Primal against the Crystal data center
A cheese omelet and bacon.
If you're on EU, sure.

Materia raiding is absolutely horrible but I'd maybe be down to try. During the cross-DC mixer in summer I joined a bunch of people trying to do Innocence with the Materia ping and it was a miserable experience.

Anon I... am the healer. In all fairness a ton of wipes I've had have been from people doing their fuses too early or not doing them at all.
I want to practice insta casting rez tho :(
I'd probably say some food.
Shit sorry, just queued...
You just killed highlander stocks bro
May I plap?
damn i looked it up and its possible as of this patch, you need to be like 715 ilvl and get lucky but i fed my loot into monk. oh well maybe next patch
oh ok um
excessive self intelligence
>9/10 malezen, 1/10 limsa pastel pink aura/c@girl
Massive massive cope on this
Lorilee my miqo'te wants you to have sex with them don't leave me alone
>Refused to believe it
I didn't refuse to believe it I just don't believe you know what you're asking for when you go tranny chasing. You're not going to find line-trap, the chances are you're going to get 320 lbs of unshaven XY chromosomes in a dress
This is the strangest ritual post I see in these threads. I have no idea if magness is actually a pos or not
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>that's not breakfast
anything is breakfast if you eat it in the morning
Bwo? Your NoClippy?
No seriously, it made my life helluva lot better when it came to not getting screwed over.
Isn't Dynamis basically Primal 2.0? I see so many ex-Hermanos on Dynamis.
biofem women play malezen unironically
queue down then
>If this nigga is not going anything when I'm 50% I'm not gonna wait for his lillies.
You are at 50% HP
You are fucking fine
Unless a savage tank buster is coming in the next 5 sec, literally nothing is going to kill you.

Holy shit fucking pussy ass tanks are the worst.
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hey im just here to remind you that the gameplay will never get better and yoship will never fix the game and thanks for the monthly sub money
btw no hats for rabbits
>If you're on EU, sure.
yes I grief european PFs
i don't have spam, but now i want fried rice so that's what it'll be
maybe i'll bacon
it's a british english game anon
ri-ne would sound incredibly out of place
hello haters of sapphira nyx
>scared when he's at 50%
this is what makes healing roulette heroes so fun
His only mistake was talking, I just leave if I get someone this retarded as a tank on anything.
Primal declines. You are traitors who left your home for easy housing. You are not welcome back.
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Only one of these three mierda was made by a biological male.
i see pierced femra, i save image, simple as
yeah like 1 or 2. Stop skewing your data for quick meme points and be professional for once in your life.
Uh… hope you don’t get two shitty healers
guys PLEASE dont make fun of my favorite thread/twitter celebrity Sapphira Nyx. it makes me so SAD when people call her out for spending HER hard earned $$$ on blacked NTR instaloss horse cock commissions.
please just imagine that you are a KEK whenever the artist cancels on you suddenly after closing commissions that way my thread eceleb QUEEN can at least get off of in to it as well
it is not even english, it is meant to be an irish name
Don't believe what the thread says wholesale. Form your own opinions.
who? WHO?
Hello >>494347606 ,
*Saves* Thank you for your contribution to the HGH stock market. Your image is greatly appreciated, albeit a bit dim and distant, and we have gone up... 1 whole point! That's quite a lot for the Highlanders, as there is maybe about 3 of you. Congratulations! Attached to this email is an Applebee's Grill + Bar giftcard, please see my email field for redemption.

okay fine....
7/10 malezen, 2/10 misc male races such as middie, 1/10 pastel pink femra/c@girl

that better?
why do people think macros are better than waymarks
omg thats horrible
DC travel killed Primal so hard.
You have never interacted with women on this game
i always wanna but i have been kidnapped for the next few hours
americans wouldnt be able to handle macros since they wouldnt read it and just assume it was hector and then bitch when someone does something non-hector
macros can be looked at whilst in combat. it's not fun having some retard confused with their position mid-pull and have to do the waymark dance all over again.
This but unironically.
who the fuck is watching the chat while playing
AIKA poster got you too?
>Put Macro in the chat
>People call their spot
>"K, we good? Let's go"

Meanwhile waymarks usually go
>Put waymarks down
>Some don't move or say nothing
>2 DPS are stacking on each others wanting the same spot
>None of them want to move
>"Light party"
>Someone left
>Back to PF
Twitch streamers.
Grow up
Lorilee my sunnie does want to have sex with you please come sexpest me
you just know this nigga shits his pants when an ASTGOD loads into the roulette
Ok time to move on to the next live service game then, oh wait all of them have this issue.
I'm femra, who has been playin SS14 and haven't logged in a few days.
Post lewd femlala catboxes, ideally ones I haven't seen yet.
during downtime before big mechanics, obviously. or if they're on the floor and have time to scroll up and double check their positioning.
this is a tranny
I heard SS14 also has a massive ERP problem like XIV
Your ass is now my breakfast
m*ids are so retarded it's insane
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Oh no, it's going to take 20s longer to do the duty because you healed yourself 10 times as risk prevention. I'd rather have a chill heal that keeps everyone topped off and have it take an extra two minutes instead of min/max dps healer. That's assuming it goes perfectly and the party trusts the healer to get to them before unavoidable damage, which probably isn't true, so you get dps loss anyway.
Put it in dirt
There’s no surefire way vanilla desu. People say pastel pinks, 2b leggings and grown man blush are tells for GAM but i’ve seen women play characters with all 3. Men usually shy away from bright pinks unless they’re ultimate raiders for some reason.
is femboy x futa based or cringe
my catboy is a machine that turns femra into pregra
dont post this
no if i was a tranny i wouldnt be playing malezen
ironically, the first SS14 server I joined had a logo which was the ARR one but restyled for SS14.
I'd cum in one if it was offered but i'm just a GAM.
thank you for your time
I wannya go back to bed
I am going to get Reapist to 100 today (probably tomorrow for real tho)
Imo it's cringe. Futa is only good if they're fucking a woman or getting fucked by a man.
Based only if the femboy doms the futa.
My femlala does this
man x futa is based
can u fix it so u still have ur moonie eyes i dont like this
Yeah it was fucking horrible trying to raid during Abyssos and Anabaseios, being forced to move to Aether to find any PF was cancerous.

Which is why I like the current restriction, since it force people to stay in Primal so Primal raid is alive and well.
nta but ss13 does, its is where I go for erp when im horny
i think 14 has a nsfw server but I can't be assed to try the game's shit I just like the monster girls people make
Most women play slutty catgirls, just like everyone else. A few play oddball races, and femra is heavily tranny-tilted
Gee I wonder which
How are they?
What do i need to do to join the femra council?
based if femboy is top
Most do.
mega cringe. it should be man x femboy
[17:23]You earn the achievement “A Line in the Storm I”!
[17:23]You earn the achievement “Between a Rock and a Hard Place I”!
[17:23]You earn the achievement “Front and Center I”!
[17:24]You received a player commendation!
[17:24]You received a player commendation!
[17:24]You received a player commendation!
its just that easy
There is way more biofems playing femra than catgirls, catgirls are like 9/10 grown men
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of course
70% of the player population is playing a catgirl
I am a biohole who does gay male erp with bunny boys
We exist
Get over it
Goobstation (forma de Goonstation) which is not ERP has rat people and I've just been saying "Cheesed to meet you" to people. The reaction is usually a threat of violence. It's great.
based on those from xivg, trannies actually play the most vanilla adjacent characters out of any group
and thats a good thing
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>last thread was gay/tranny bullshit (idk i didnt read allat)
>this thread is biohole chasing
good girl
WHM has instant casts like regen and benediction, they could also button combo swiftcast with any other heal. If you're at 50% for more than 5 seconds, then the WHM can fuck off.
>put macro in chat
>DPS call the same spot
>5 minutes of arguing cause they only learned that one spot
>fight starts
>healers confuse their spots and wipe the party
>someone leaves

meanwhile markers
>put markers down
>everyone picks their spot
>rinse and repeat for every mechanic, everyone has their spot in less than 30 seconds
>one pull the fight

you can nitpick like this with literally anything
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It's more like
40% pastel e girls
40% sculpted modded beasts
10% normal female characters
10% male character but its always temporary unless its a ftm tranny
Based stinky fujo
And femra are 95% grown men tucking their woober between their legs
based as long as there's no chastity cage so that the femboy's dribbling cock flops uselessly
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a-anon my ass has no nutritional value!
Yeah, I want a Biohole wife, 2-4 kids, a small/medium house and a car. But reality is rough.
when you get a spot, every mechanic goes to that spot
do not accept people who switch spots at any point in the fight
What's the best futa mod?
I was speaking from experience in NA and EU PF tho.
shut the fuck up
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Know your worth, khagans, and never sell yourself for anything less
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What does the inside of a biohole feels like?
>I successfully tanked malera stocks
EU doesn't even do macros anymore because of hector
/xivg/ is a futa friendly general
always has been
all you're ebins will go black
biofems dont modbeast they only make retarded sculpts only to sell them and melt when people pirate it
biofemra is tighter :>
I hate when NA and EU hours overlap. Yuros are the futalovers in this general.
Not me.
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What a silly question. What are you, a VIRGIN?
same but in like 5 years
>tfw the penis doesn't fit so she just rubs it on your tummy
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My male midlander is the Grima Wormtongue of /xivg/.
>Yuros are the futalovers
no I'm not I think they're awful and people who like them have shit taste desu
now post her as a moonie
I think my favorite aspect of this thread is how much you guys base your every waking hour around sex and are some of the most virgin people imaginable.
>biofems dont modbeast
they absolutely do, with hips three times wider than their shoulders and a ton of tats
I agree about macros being better (even with most of my raiding experience being marker spots) but nitpicking scenarios and anecdotal bias aren't good reasons why
>biofems dont modbeast
I had to persuade a foid im good friends with not to follow in her sisters footsteps (her character is disgusting)
Rubbing my penis on her butt til i cum all over it and running away
absolutely detestable, vile even
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looks like we have ignorant people here
here is a primer for how women modbeast
Sounds like schizoaffective disorder if he has a history of doing bullshit. AKA crazy bomb that randomly goes off for seemingly no reason then gets depressed about it.

Yep, that’s it, that’s the post. You like this. Go on, give it a (You). Rape!
Honestly based if the femboy is the one impregnating the futa.
Still weird.
If you really have a problem with me we can always talk things over. :)
Finally took the L huh
I really don't get how someone with this many skeleton in his closet kept trying to be a public figure for the community
What the fuck was he thinking?
First day on 4chan, friend?
What game is this?
kys moonietard
moonies are fucking ugly
>Put Macro in the chat
>People call their spot
>"K, we good? Let's go"
>M2 forgets that he chose M2
>chat is too far up for him to glance at it
>party wipes
macros don't save you from retardation
transbian cringe
it's literally not weird, it's the only natural pronunciation for the setting
>biofems dont modbeast
I don't go into my FC discord's NSFW channel because it's mostly modbeasted black ravas (no cocks). What was the purpose of adding black tattoos on your already black character?
He’s a tard who finally got attention from women but got caught as a cheater.
I wanna feel a biofemra...
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>these past two threads
>questing in ul'dah
>yell chat is full of people talking about being pissed on
what the fuck is wrong with balmung
i regret falling for the FOMO
can i see ur moonie
I don't agree with this... hroth stocks have been always rising since DT.
is there a way I can clone someone's character to have my way with them later?
mooners and sunners are about the same in terms of attractiveness
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Why are you like this anon?
>consensual loving sex!
doesn't have quite the same ring
I turn off shout and yell chat when I travel to the mung. Niggas think they're funny and quirky and I'm not trying to hear any of it
>jaden and une
wow what a shocker, no one saw this coming
incredibly based image
>mooners and sunners are about the same in terms of attractiveness
>she actually believes this
>doesn't have quite the same ring
Yes it does, it's called a flawless band.
you can use glamourer to steal their cdata but it won't have any mods they use so if you think they'll look like they do if/when they post nude pics here they won't unless they use base bibo or something

i want a f+ to rub my tummy
I had the chance to lose my virginity with my biofem ex eb
But I was too scared
Why do I have to keep refiltering your annoying ass posts?
Based on what?
Yeah, I'm gonna do the same. It's actually insane that these are grown ass niggas and yet they simply cannot function
I absolutely hated being on the bench and have all their shitty HRT and axewound discussion in my face, so much so I made a tab without yell or shout
based on how hot it is
>bro just craft and sell glams for gil
>they all sell 0,5-2 times a day (you will have to update the price once every 30 minutes)
bro plays on the sex tourist server and wonders why there's so many sex tourists
that would be why i said it, yeah
most of the things that sell for millions require you to spend weeks fighting other people trying to do the same
if that shit is being sold daily there's nothing to complain about
With the general automation of crafting because of puglin, trying to make gils was crafting is simply foolish.

Every market is flooded.

And SE has been killing off any fucking niche you could had by making extremely easier to get old stuff in another and much easier way.

The only reliable gil making is sadly Fight Clubbing.
just RMT gil bro
There isn't much of a difference if you think one is cute and the other isnt then you're plain lying
please stop posting lewd stuff next thread
thank you
i would ngl
I kinda want to, but I'm afraid of being banned for it, or losing my credit card, just being scammed in general.
Maps don't do it? You could go in with a Light Party of friends
Hopefully all those 3 happen to you
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Man I just want the fucking card.
Wait what happened last thread I just got here gimme the QRD
>he needs a mod to do what lalafell do naturally
nah you wont get banned, this mmo is a meme themepark. they don't fucking care. shit in this game doesn't even make sense.
It’s Final Fantasy XIV. What did you expect?
Holy shit fuck off with calling anyone who doesn't agree with grooming children transphobia
Next time you want to buy something and think "wow wtf why is this so expensive?" just sell it yourself. Congratulations you're now an amateur market analyst and have your own little niche.
Rob my femra does not want to have sex with you leave me alone
nta but one has sickly skintones and cokefiend eyes
there's a pretty big difference
I'm sorry, I wish I was smarter and made full stacks of gils when it was relevant in ARR and HW...
[17:36]You earn the achievement “Battle Bred I”!
[17:36]You earn the achievement “Hungry Like a Wolf I”!
[17:38]You earn the achievement “Mama Said Knock You Out I”!
[17:38]You earn the achievement “How Can I Help I”!
[17:42]Duty Completed in: 00:05:34.5655
[17:42]You gain 1,592,640 marauder experience points.
[17:42]You earn the achievement “Blood Born I”!
[17:42]You earn the achievement “Crystal Lining I”!
[17:42]You earn the achievement “Pack Mentality I”!
do crystalniggers really
I've rmt probably 200mil worth of gil and nothing has happened
>And SE has been killing off any fucking niche you could had by making extremely easier to get old stuff in another and much easier way.
Could you elaborate on this?
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Can I play SS14 without ever having played SS13 or will I immediately be picked out as a newfag? I've been meaning to get into one of the SS games or the other because I hear the RP scene is actually good there, which often tends to be the case in games with middling graphics since good writing is required to get the imagination going.

I think a big part of the reason that the roleplay in FFXIV is so bad now is because the gooner mods and graphics make people think that the visuals will do the work for them when any respectable RPer needs both.
Saelonu my femlala does not want to have sex with you leave me alone
Any site you'd recommend?
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why are people mad at him when ffxiv is full of people committing adultery? faggots
Rob doesn't take no for an answer babydarling.
when the fuck did goku learn super saiyan 14?
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>cokefiend eyes
That's what makes them better imo
Don't cry... I will post my male character
Kind of loose and wet desu if you get her warmed up
I joined new when it was added on steam, you'll have to learn some mechanics but it's easy enough. Atleast easier than raiding.
>he didn't do the universal survival saga raid tier
secondary spotted
when my femra takes her break she takes a nap
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yeah you can it has a bit of a learning curve but it's very rewarding once you actually learn it.
the RP can be very hit or miss depending on what server you join, personally i'd try mid-RP first and if you enjoy the RP aspect moreso than the game play stay mid RP.
low RP servers are murderfests and high-RP kinda sucks
that's impossible when 99% of the playerbase is eternally single
rin yamaneko debunked this
rin yamaneko plays a vanilla hrothgar
can u post ur moonie
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i am a very nervous femra aiiieee
rape femra this, getting raped by femras that
what about holding hands with femra, huh?
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My lalaboy is the Pelinal Whitestrake of /xivg/.
>high-RP kinda sucks
don't listen to that other anon PLEASE post your male character
that's really mean whoever did this should not have pets
I'm not a moonie im afraid, I just simply love them
you've rmt'd 200mil and i've botted 500mil this month for $0
gm chat
>for $0
You power bill?
it's not vanilla, it has a chester cheetah tail and the abomination that was their miqote should not be granted lenience
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if only
what did riddle of earth do before it was changed? it had like 3 charges but now its just a tank mit
ok anon i love you
>i've botted 500mil this month

are you a moonie?
Sorry but femra hands look very coarse.
Can't I just rape you instead like usual?
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We like plapping. We like sex, cum, and rape. We like cumflation, mpreg and lolis.

We do NOT, however, like a grown man who solicits consensual sex from multiple women. No thanks! That goes a little too far, pervert.
If you're a femra, yeah.
I'd Zoe her Loona, if you know what I mean.
a tail mod is pretty different to the average lb14 modbeast with c+ out the ass, make up mods, and clothes ripped straight out of second life
hugging this femra until her social anxiety goes away.
why is it always femra... why never fiddie or catgirl...
my personality's changed, it's time for a new DRG glam
you did not acknowledge their miqo'te
my femra doesnt know what sex is and never will
but she also rejects any and all affection because it's cringe
Suncats look like shit. Not sorry. None of them have ever typed a message worth reading either.
3 charges
consume a charge on hit (think Third Eye) for 20% mit
GCDs consumed charges for no gain
It used to have stacks where each use would reduce damage by 20%. Before that, it used to be 3 stacks where each reduced damage by 10% AND acted as a True North for 10 seconds.
This version was really really fucking good.
Now it's a 1 time button without the TN effect.
I posted that and I'm a fiddie. I know how you feel, hyuran men just don't like us no more
I like all miqos, just prefer moonies over sunnies
My femra? She orders food because she doesn't know how to cook
My femlala enjoys casual intimacy… it’s like casual sex except you do cute things together with no strings attached.
i like fiddies, but its sacrilegious to reveal who i am
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Dude this cat
same actually
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I like this.
I'm a meena that wishes futa was real.
My femlala? She makes food for her eb because she is aware of how to cook and her eb deserves the best despite her waddling get in the way
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>tfw my fight clubbing is gimped because I outfilled 2 subs to fetch cocobolo lumber
>tfw 1 week has elapsed and no fucking cocobolo lumber has dropped
I hate """prototyping""" so fucking much I only need ONE coco lumber ffs I want to get forger exterior walls without having to pay 3m+ gil for them.
im in my dom arc.
>queue trial roulette
>it's Thornmarch (Hard)
>day ruined
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You asked for it...
That's like 75% gay at least
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>didn't level all my dps before yawntrail decimated queues
fuck me I guess
I wish you'd just buy McDonalds instead of trying to cook.
You had 10 years.
post her
but of course there are gonna be exceptions to the rule, i'm talking about on average
Not even a hint?
this but lalafells
You wanna do roulettes anon..?
Ok how? this is just normal malera posting
>Wuk Lamat has not been on any new marketing materials for the last 2 months
oh I think they get the message loud and clear, but is 7.1 just going to be talk to wuk over and over too?
>be slutty himcess
>fall in love with other slutty himcesses
>they don't love me back
God gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns
unfortunately, it’s even harder for people to do without going crazy
TIL my malera wears red lipstick
No clue, I've only played MRP and its pretty chill, I do my job, chat with people, try not to die.
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Sure, speaking from my own experience though.
>HW 3.2
>Trying hard to make gils
>Get going a daily solo trasure map that could give me some Mariner Cotton Cloth to sell for a good bunch
>3.3 comes around SE adds PotD, Moonfire gear is added to the easy bronze reward
>It's worth nothing anymore

Another HW example
>Diadem get changed, it's the second edition with a lot of gathering and fishing points
>One fish in particular is needed for crafting raid food
>My FC had a airship which gave me access to diadem easily
>Get to sell lots of those fish for a lot of money
>New update come
>SE put the fish for tomestone instead
>Get flooded on the market and price plummet
Pic related was me fishing for it in Diadem back then

Last one is from ShB
>Sand needed to make raid pots is only from a specific fish in Tempest and is a bit tricky to get
>Not people people go for it
>Sand sell for a lot
>Make some nice money out of i
>EW comes around
>SE make it 10x easier to get sand for pots now
>Everyone farm them
>Sell for pretty much nothing compared to back then
brio really does mog the shit out of ktisis for posing just because it lets you more easily choose animations for regular characters and monsters while still keeping the vfx
electrocuting femra to death
do moonies like it when you give them scritches behind their ears?
Removing Dragon Sight, instead of literally any other DPS buff DRG has, might have been the worst case of them wanting to kill job individuality and flavor be damned since Kaiten.
this but with her feet
i get that, which is mostly why I stopped
it's a cruel world sis
hm, a hint... im not very well known and i usually stand alone
kaiten had no flavour althougheverbeit
autoduty man
Yep, it’s official: moonie stocks were overvalued and we’re due for a sell-off. Femras are undervalued and looking bullish. Expect “my femra x” posts to replace “my moonie x” posts in the coming days, followed by FOTM grifter ebins.
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for my male midlander? it's cuddling and falling asleep while watching a movie with a femra
>post her
brother why are you white knighting someone you don't know or haven't known for long at all
i would never in my life save a picture of that thing. i can search the archive for their name when arch.b4k comes back up, but it's down currently
levelling in this game is the fucking worst because it's hard to find competent players who still need to level the jobs they want to, and DF morons are genuine mouthbreathers that will make you want to tear your hair out
Wanna....say hi
That hardly means anythijg because she's barely even been on any 7.0 marketing material.
>without having to pay 3m+ gil for them.
Bro, just join the main subs discord and check their trading section
Cocobolo lumber sell for 20k/u
who cares? dt jobs are fun.
It's going to be "wrap the trans pride flag around wuk lamat and toss her into a volcano" patch
I didn't like how they removed the tether. I guess it was visual clutter and confusing to newbies but it looked so cool.
My moonie doesn't agree with this post
My femra only has enemies in her sights and hatred in her heart
Only thing ktisis has going for it is the free camera. Once brio adds freecam I see no reason to keep ktisis installed.

I guess ktisis is also good for saving other people's cdata.
I actually checked, the last time she showed up in any marketing was early august in
where she shows up for a brief 2 frames and then is cut off right after
The last mention and heavy feature was
which was july 26th
so despite new marketing almost daily from the ffxiv en account there has really been fuck all since july when the heavy criticism of the expansion started to solidify
We don't like maliddies here. Hit the bricks self inserter.
Okay... hi!
I wish femra were as cute as this ingame. I would've been basking on the rock already
DRG is genuinely SOVLESS now but you brought up kaiten so you're talking out your ass
>white knighting
i brought up a broader subject and you're zeroing in on a single person. calm ur hate boner the fuck down my nigga
Yes of course they do, just be careful because if you suprise them they might bite you
I don't remember making this post
Light EB...
sorry it sounds like fisher cope. god I hate how entitled fishers are because they main the most autistic DoH/DoL job in the entire game
my moonie calls herself The Flayed One (she doesnt know what that means she just thinks it sounds cool)
literally the only thing i use it for, the new testing version of ktisis is so shit it made me swear it off and use brio.
She was heavily featured in the leadup along with female hrothgar, even had a prime spot on the poster
but since then every time posters are posted they crop out everyone but the WoL Viper now

I assume it's because every time they post anything with her on the official accounts it's a full on war in the replies and they're sick of it
what is this gay comic book art style
Interesting! Thanks



My moonie thinks this is really cool too and is jelous she didnt think of it first (she also has no idea what it means)
I must be crazy, because I don't remember asking?
Good. My issue with her is not that I hate her that much, but it's all valuable screentime other characters don't have and I would rather have someone else say a couple lines.
it was clunky and required a clunky plugin or macro to trigger right, and yeah new players say the tether and immediately broke it thinking it was a mechanic
We're crashing this moonie market, with no survivors muahahahaha
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What is the name of this pose? I can't find it. Or is it locked to males or Lalafells?
You guys post the lamest most inane shit when you aren't busy coommaxing. Have any of you even tried being normal?
I'm buying the moonie dip.
DC and EB status?
we love this
Single handedly tanked femhroth stocks through the floor to the point of no return
im selling my moonie stocks out of an abundance of caution
asphodelos gear is so beautiful but im not going into pf for p4s again
I will also be buying the moonie dip, more moonies for less cost
Looks like samurai vpose or ready for battle pose
wanna meet up?
taht, and the fact only a handful of gear is scaled right to femhroths and they look stupid in half the gear in the game
can really only be battle pose or victory pose
>FSH is the BLM of DoH/DoL jobs
color me surprised
>Have any of you even tried being normal?
have you? its boring as fuck
Yes, normal malera posting
Hate them more
I'm pumping FEET stocks to manipulate the market.
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I won't call what I do main it, it was just nice that you could have niche you could get that could make you some money and FSH had a lot of them.
I'm too lazy to start ton the legendary fishing grift.

You're welcome man.
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my femra looks like this
Is there a wiki that shows what the monster names are in different languages? I'm looking for a random mob I'm curious about.
I mean sure to say hi at least, but who'st are you (race wise)? I wouldn't be able to meet up for a bit, but I can later today.
Yeah. I would assume is race or gender locked then
yeah and you're my wife
Who do you want?
Hrothgals are peak. One that you don't like doesn't count in the grand scheme of things
Transbian stock broker here to give you the scoop:
>Midlanders - A great value buy but be prepared for some volatility
>Highlanders - Low value bluechip, great dividends but not much chance for upward movement
>Elezen - Through the roof as always. Get some if you can, a pricey one, worth holding onto.
>Roegadyn - See Highlander. Some potential for gains here though.
>Fiera - Solid bluechip, good yields. Some potential for downside here.
>Hrothgar - Pennystock but supply might be drying up. Get some if you need it NOW.
>Lalafell - A niche market but very rewarding for those with the ability to buy-in.
>Sunny - Good buy as always. Safe and boring.
>Moony - Extremely volatile. Buy cautiously.
>Au Ra - Formerly top of the pack but starting to lose its luster. Sell if you can and invest elsewhere, potential to drop precipitously.
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speen lissum tumi, it's ma'am
male midlander, but I have an upcoming 11 hour shift...
that's just how most niche fags are, they have an ego because they think the shit they do is not done often for any reason other than no one wanting to do it. also makes me laugh because they seethe about ult raiders when they're the exact same in that regard
I love posting here on /agpvg/
I don't remember making this post
>>Sunny - Good buy as always. Safe and boring.
Good to hear
t. boring transbian sunnie
fairly creative headphones for femra
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Standing their ground
everyone always undervalues hrothgar until others see them happy and in a loving relationship then seethe
As a Samurai main.

Fuck you.
Need to plap this bun
Same! I'm loving domming the heck out of my adorable friend!
I wish they designed more gear similar to the lower level cowls which take up the chest/head slot.
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Is this that baker bnuuy?
Moonies! Moonie moonie moonie! MOONIES! MOONIES!

(You like this)
Kaiten was a spender you had to commit to enhance a cast. The current Tsubame-gaeshi is just a non committal free cast. Neither of those removals were anywhere close to say AST changes every expansion, but they're enough of a individuality loss that contributes with every Melee being allowed just one raidwide buff and one or two selfish self buffs/debuffs and a spender being just single target/aoe damage, so now they're relying on enshroud phases to give people flashy and loud VFX to keep them happy on their burst phase while they stealthily turn every job into ninja since shadowbringers.
No, retard
Seems like they don't want a Lyse repeat, which is inevitable anyways. If Yoshida is smart enough as a director he would've asked the writter to prepare multiple plots for 7.1~7.3 and work with the ones that would fit the better reception of the expansion since it was a "see what sticks" x.0 patch with less defined directions for the x.1. The way he talks like he knows some things would stick and others no makes me think he has some sense to have planned this. The extent of the quality of it that is dubious.
Pretty much my main complaint as well, on top of the plot threads not connecting very well besides we having to move foward because it's a video game.
We LOVE this!
What's the contrary to nichefag then?
FCfag, making million of money automatically by having dozen of them and then making gil making video showing off their gil capped retainers?
Can I see your moonie?
endwalker had so many iconic songs
dawntrail literally has zero
name one memorable track from dawntrail that is not zoraal ja farting trial track
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au ra headphones are real already
I don't because those cowls always make your character bald
Why are the moonies trying so hard? Are we being false-moonied?
I like honey b.'s song
what is au ra asmr like
do you just rub their horns
I wouldn't be home until 4 CT, would your have started already?
I can't name a single track from endwalker either
Queen Eternal (robot) was fun.
Did you forget the black gospel song that plays while we genocide an entire race?
I start in 48 minutes, bwo...
endless are not a race tho
75% of xivg would rather get raped by a man than consider any froth attractive
final boss track is really good
>EX1 kino
>M2S theme (unfortunately)
>sonic KINO M4S
>spanish kino regular battle theme
thats just off the top of my head
My gimmick? Saying my character is “(Ebin)-coded” despite not being said ebin.
we know what it was, it just had no flavour
market manipulation in action
>they don't want a Lyse repeat
they already have it right now, assuming they can still change the script, they can turn around how the patch cycle goes and cut out wuk's screen time to save the patches
but people ahve already solidified that they fucking hate wuk, this is Lyse 2.0, Zenos 2.0, etc.
People ahte her and will hate her for the next expansion, any attempt to bring her back or redeem her will get a huge pushback because people are sick of her

but if what people cope about is true, they already booked VAs long ago for 7.3 so they are locked in to haivng the Raids, Alliance raids, MSQ, etc all revolving around Wuk Lamat for the next year and it will continue being bad
Okay Wuk.
my gimmick? schizoposting (you)
im a sunslut btw
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Sea Wolves are all about that instant win.
i know a very sapphira coded femra who was told to stop using the choker
All of you talk about rape but I bet you won't dare to tell that to a biofem
I think the basic battle theme is the best one we've gotten
the roegadyn subrace?..
Why did they bet it all on Wuk
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Ktisis environment editor is great but nobody ever seems to mention it
Til She Swallows All!
At the end of the thread the Fat Cat appears looking for any discarded snaccs that may have been left behind
are you a woman
I have had multiple people stop saying "Rape!" or "plap" to me when they found out. It's true
Kate giving voice directions
>Just sound brown
It's the one thing I use ktisis for
You didn't like the main theme being remixed for the 50th time?
>it's all according to keikaku, the wuk hate was priced in
this is cope
the wuk hate caught SE off guard by how you can see their Marketing was all WUk centered for like a month and then they hard pivoted away from it in late July
He is just PR posting to try to save face since he's on the board now and looking out for the stock price.

Besides if insiders are correct, they ahve already shipped the 7.3 script and recorded the voice lines pre-VA strike in all languages so there's no changing scripts unless they actually spent like 4x the cost they needed to by recording lines for storylines that will never happen.
Dead Baby Dungeon and Orgasmics Dungeon theme, I also like the Urqopacha day theme
My gimmick? I uh... I...
The ARR normal field battle themes are the best (especially with each region getting their own little twist)
I'm turning your horns into arrows anyway.
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it's not a hate boner, it's an example that contradicts their presence of normalcy in xivg
found their miqo shortly before they c+'d to fatten it along with a bonus of their viera
Moving and editing lights is also busted, ktisis just has an interface closer to professional tools so people prefer brio's interface. Which is a valid reason to prefer a tool over the other
every posing program has time/day/weather settings
Probably by getting the femezen who fuck animals, the femezen who are futas, and the femezen who are autistic and/or trans to stop posting.
Does this femra like femra?
Biofems love rape.
It’s why they vote for millions of Varja’s people to migrate to the black shroud
Memorable Tracks
>Bee My Honey
>Seeking Purpose (Banned)
>A Trail Unending
>EX3 Song
Do you wanna plap?
That is not what the environment editor does
I could not hear it over the tranny screaming in my ear and the sound of my blood boiling when she jumped in to save me



close in the distance is literally the best final fantasy song ever made
they don't care anymore, players ate that shit up.
do you guys use those discord static finders or is it filled with 2 iq fags. This is the first expansion I'm willing to go into savage raiding for but starting from scratch this late seems horrible in pf
Are you the 3 day ban worth tits femra?
>horn rubbing
>scale tapping
>face touching
>passionate lovemaking with lots of kissing
yes bro because that happens for a full 8 minutes
that's still tame compared to what men from here make
Im going to sound like a troll but I cannot stand that song. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me
Blade's Exaltation is pretty good.
I would argue, that I could have been even better, like slowly adding more people to the choir with each sacrificed scion in the final zone.
i disagree, especially post fattening, but i play basically vanilla
if it takes you 8 minutes to finish phase 2 then man you have shit DPS
the phase 1 music is mid, it's just a techno alexandria theme
Yeah that would have been amazing, but even as it is it's still the best song
trash boomer music
from the top of my head: Give it All, A Risky Bet, all songs that use the Alexandria motif which Solution 9 also uses by the way, it's our first introduction to it, in Fulgur and Fire, and people seem to like the instrumental calmer version of Smile that I can't remember the name right now.
Are you in a cwls?
Yeah! I catboxd one the other day, I thought you saw it.
Post it again
Your fault for playing in English
I've literally only done this trial once kek
Maybe once EX drops
Finally somebody correct

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