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>U44 Preview

>Crown Store Showcase, September 2024

>Elder Thread

>ESO Server Status

>Latest ESO Live

>Places to Buy/Recommended Addons/Assorted Links/Tweaks
- There are occasionally Free Play Events for prospective new players.

>UI Addons

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail: @taeralis, @zsj
[PC EU] mail: @Arachnomancer, @zsj
[PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj
[PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler
Or post your @username/platform/location here.

>Do I need to subscribe?
Optional, with largest benefits being access to all DLC (but NOT Gold Road), cash shop currency on sub start/renewal, and the Craft Bag (can save your characters a ton of space).

>Which faction should I choose?
Want to PVP in Cyrodiil with friends? Make sure you're in the same faction. Otherwise, doesn't matter.

>I started with a Chapter. How do I access the OG main quest?
Open your map (or visit a Wayshrine for free TPs) and go to either Daggerfall, Vulkhel Guard, or Davon's Watch. Walk around. "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" should start soon.

>Where should I begin normal questing?
Check out the OG beginner stuff, first: go to Port Hunding, Khenarthi's Roost, or Bleakrock.

>Pledge/Trial Calendar

>DLC Chronological order flowchart

>The More You Know
- Level Rewards give you tons of stuff along the way, including a free mount at level 10.
- You need to be at least CP300 to queue for vet DLC dungeons.
Thread feels so alive and was dearly missed.
isn't necromancy outlawed? I want to speak to your mages guild rep
OP here
If you have mentally ill/terminally online friends, please contact them
tranny companion has killed the general lel
It is time to go on /vm/ graveyard everyone.
so this is the power of trannyism
I still blame gold road
Only 2 tickets per day for this event?
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still not following your faggot ass, anon.
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buff Nightblade
buff dragonknight instead
yeah, total of 22 I think
don't worry
I have a license for necromancy
>can't even manage a post an hour
what a sad state
year long stories won
and you know what? good for them
are all the opal mask styles dropping or just the ones mentioned in the news post?
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How do I make my sanguine's goat eyes glow red
give him wine after midnight
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Where is my skyrim civ clone
so I heard there's a pvp update coming

pvp is gay
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You know what Tamriel needs more of?
sexual predators
another set of insta-leavers in my vet randoms. Is the 30k xp really worth the 15 minute matchmaking ban?
I don't think it could be anything else either with the speed at which they dodge their ~2000+ cp prospective teammates, but from where i'm sitting that reason doesn't really seem to make too much sense.
>AI is now automoderating the chat and banning for swear words
It's not looking good for any game anymore.
>slowly train the AI to think that "adds" means jews
>watch the population dwindle as people get banned for being anti-septic for saying kill the adds
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weirdly enough I didn't see this response in the dev tracker, but someone linked it in another thread complaining about this.
regardless, turning on a system and then leaving for the weekend is peak fuckery
but enough about the khajiit
Finally getting into this after years, I bought the game on launch but just never got pulled in enough to grind it,

Currently a level 44 Argonian Sorcerer, and I refuse to play a high elf because they're gross idc about minmaxing I want to be a cool reptile
I hope you're having fun anon
It's not the best game in the universe but it can feel good, especially if you don't care that much about tryharding
I have played ALOT of mmorpgs, I was a launch wow player, I played rs classic into 2 and quit at 3 (and made a new acc for osrs and got untrimmed rc cape) so I am reasonably prepared for the usual mmo things both in game and in community. The role-play feel and solo questing in this game are probably some of the best I've ever played. Some are a little jank here and there but ultimately I think this game does alot of things right that I have been looking for in an mmo for a long time.
I'm excited to get to the later CP and have my mount fully sped up [currently around 42% from cyrodil and 12 riding skill] and start grinding the cosmetics and housing items, I'm a sucker for house and dress-up. I want to be the sickest evil wizard on Mundus
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>sickest evil wizard on Mundus
A long way to go.
I wouldn't mind being sexually predated by a Khajiit, If you know what I mean
why is there a profanity filter if they ban for profanity
also how retarded does a dying MMO have to be to kill their ERP whale audience
private servers will save this game
dungeons with hyper specific mechanics suck

designing a game for people that exclusively only play that one game and nothing else is a mistake
lmao, RPers are being hit the most
Molag Bal, Prince of Domination and King of
[You have been permanently banned]
did they really increase the dungeon finder cooldown from leaving dungeons to 1 hour?
unless they changed it in the last couple days it's 15 minutes.
maybe it stacks if you're a serial dickhead too many times in a row
someone in on of my guilds was complaining about a whole hour of cooldown for leaving a dungeon
well the main thing that makes the game less pleasant is the fact that overland content is so fucking easy it hurts
just left a group and nothing happened
That's been a plus for me, actually, i shouldn't always have to be sitting up locked in gamer mode activated sometimes I just wanna chill in the most horrible position imaginable for posture and smoke copious amounts of skooma
Is there skooma ingame? I want to just rp walk around wearing rags on skooma.
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Archer time
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Go to a crack den and live out your fantasies in real life.
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Ass. Forgot to say as of right now people who solo queue can fight up against premades. But there's no way ZOS will let this go live at least I hope
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Is there some more convenient way to get back into a guild in a high-traffic area? I just wanna sell my things man.
if you're PCNA, i can invite you to mine. we're in Mournhold, 99% of the time. been in Alinor, once or twice.
they do require either 200k in sales or 30k deposited into the guild bank, each week. the deposit also gets you raffle tickets.
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I am! But I don't have the DLC or a ESO plus since I don't play it enough.
>30k deposited into the guild bank, each week
I can do that easily, sitting at 300k right now. Is it a high-traffic area? The guilds I'm currently in have traders at spots that get no players thus no sales.
Mournhold is both high-traffic and included in the base game. even if we spent another week in Alinor, you wouldn't need to be able to go there, yourself. drop your @username for me.
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the new Eyes of Sithis cosmetic makes vamp eyes straight-up glow. best if you can cover the sides of your face, as it kinda makes you look like you have a rash, in addition to the veins. i'm just dealing with it.
Bloodmoon Eyes do the same thing, but they put a lot more junk on your face.
Did the first major quest in Orsinum with my buddy, the siege one. It was quite good, which was a huge surprise after the "follow the green cloud of farts" bit.
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I'm going to be sick of dungeons very soon
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Colovia is a shithole
I was harassing people with my obscene sexual expression in Davon's Watch when a Nord called me a freak. I felt offended and reported him for hate speech while sticking my head in his ass and /spit.
You think 4 hours is a lot, don't you lmao
I got sick of them after the first one
for that trial it absolutely is
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people were frequently posting 7-8 hour runs here
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Home Tours are actually pretty neat. I mean sure I wish there were more to the update, but it's been fun checking out other people's houses
cool feature
I also check some houses there from time to time
shut the fuck up gina
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the deader scrolls online....
what we need is some good old fashioned mental illness to keep this shit going
>Elder Scrolls Online
boring, empty

i'll just go back and keep replaying Skyrim once every couple of years
this game doesn't have enough coombait to get ritualposters
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>actually having a good time playing eso
>maintenance begins
Im a neet that could bump this to keep it alive but every time I come seeking advice I get retarded ass replies so fuck you all smd go to vm.
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I can't believe these fucking faggot cocksuckers at Zenimax nerfed Vampires again.
Do you really think i'm swapping out Scarlet for McFucking Vampire Cloak again just to have some sort of damage mitigation at all? tanking is already tedious enough as is.
That's what you get for 5+ years of loyalty and paying ESO Plus ffs.

Fuck these gay wankers.

Just not going to pay these snowflakes any money anymore, that's fucking it.
>have 42k health and res
>get one-shot in DLC content
u wot m8?
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I pray to Sithis and Namira that everyone at Zenimax gets raped by a pack of feral Redguards
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You know what would fix it? that's right, an immersion breaking amount of genderqueer butch dykes among the dunmeri population
somebody needs to get fired
So, how does it work exactly now? If you are under 30% hp you get 50% mitigation or only get 50% mitigation at 1% hp?
there isn't even fucking Skooma
best you can do is place moon sugar and skooma pipes in your proprietary house
don't even bother, they nerfed it to death anyways

can i get an F for Vampires in the chat?
If I remember pve tanks never really needed it, they needed resource managment more as you could get tankier from other sources. And I'm a pvpfag so I'm glad its nerfed, but it still could prove useful, making it harder to use executes on you can be valuable.
they already nerfed Drain so that it no longer stuns back with Greymoor, now Undeath too?
How is Vampire going to be of any use in pvp now? sprinting at best, but you need to be constantly 3/4 to gain the invisibility bonus, which is a harsh penalty for a bit of stealth. with the damage mitigation of Undeath it was excusable at the very least

High Elves were behind the 11th of Hearthfire. They say it was a bunch of Khajit on gryphons flying into the Direnni Tower, but that's aldmeri propaganda.
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ULTIMO-41 if you're reading this: thanks for the red, it goes really well with the tunic
>How is Vampire going to be of any use in pvp now?
As I said, harder to execute you so its now good for nimble but squishy nightblades and sorcs or anyone really who's relying on speed and not pure tankiness. The stealth bonus of stage 1 and 2 can useful for any class if you manage to sneak on someone in pvp and try to pull a combo on someone as you get extra dmg for 6 seconds, not to mention you actually move faster so you can avoid certain fights or move to flank with stealth even if you are not a nightblade. Stage 4 is also popular with necros for some reason, not sure why though.
But most importantly it makes it harder to be a troll tank who's sole purpose is to waste others time, I hate troll tanks more than gankers so seeing them nerfed in anyway makes me glad.
Now if they could implement a change where stacking identical HoTs have diminishing returns and spamming Instant health/wards increases cost every time in same way roll dodge does I might consider actually coming back
what if i don't care for dps output and rather act as a decoy for my team to waste your time, what's the problem with that? if i play a tank, i want to feel like one and not adhere to some wow tier cookie-cutter build bullshit
Death to Zenimax
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imagine grinding out 810 CP just to see them be turned into a joke

I hate Zenimax so much it's unreal
there's a difference between a pvp tank, and a troll tank. PvP tank is proactive, actually fights and while not dealing as much damage isn't a pushover either, provides buffs and stuns and hinders attackers as well acting like a sentry against NBs. A troll tank is that one guy sitting on important resource or objective and holds block 24/7 and acting like a trial dummy or going around burning siege equipment with nobody being able to do anything about it, those people waste everybody's precious time for their own sick amusement and are one few reasons why people don't want to pvp.
fair enough, but that's not a good reason to take Undeath from me
guess Tanks are superfluous now, since you can just solo shit with mythics and arcanist abilities or whatever
absolute fucking cancer
pve tanks never needed undeath, if anything they avoided it because resource management is more important. You are always better off being able to block and heal more than having extra tankiness at low health but at increased cost of resources, not to mention that health recovery is really good outside of pvp as it also eases on resource. There are better sources for armor and dmg mitigations than undeath for pve tanks anyway.
5 years ago, you could jump right from pve into pvp as a vampire without adjusting any gear or champion points and tanking was actually fun
it was all downhill with Greymoor
>but you need an oakensoul ring!
I'm not going to waste my time on scrying, i'll keep wearing Highwarden, thank you very much
Grinding scrying is such a fucking chore holy fuck, and zenimax just had to be absolute faggots and limit epic treasures to one per zone, while legendary ones are only available through clues rng.
just be aware of thorny dicks
immediately noped out of that bullshit, but monster sets are fucking useless
I want to pull a KyoAni on their asses fr
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You gave your Dwemer artifact sword a name, right, Anon?
I just stock up on Bloody Maras tbdesuwa
I heard this game has something like GW2's WvW
is this true and is it good?
>complaining about genderqueer butch dykes being present in the game

Spotted the homosexual

>terrible AI slop image
opinion automatically discarded
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When do they finally fix the final boss in Castle Thorn?
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Shezzar's Bones!
Is it worth playing this game in 2024 on a new character if I haven't for like the past 3 or 4 years and have no friends?
iirc I think I got halfway through the Molag Bal story on one character and halfway through the Elsweyr story on another.
what is broken about it?
the light circle on the ground
yes, and from time to time it is.
but there is a good deal of fuckery going on with pvp balancing that will probably not be fixed any time soon
I remember I tried Cyrodiil PvP once (Bosmer, for the AD)
People were chatting so I said something like "Hi I'm new here what's the best thing I can do to help rn"
And this Altmer player replied with something like "no you're not", and shizo-ed out on the idea that I wasn't actually new to PvP and so since he believed I had lied about being new for some reason, he would refuse to give me any advice or help which he claimed he certainly would've done otherwise.
Anyway I still enjoyed playing PvP for a week or two after that but I always just ignored all other players on my faction after that.
My one and only negative encounter with another player in this game btw most people are good people but there's always a 1% of schizos.
Imagine a triangle with 3 corners that can describe PvPers or everybody really in this game, they are as follow: Social and wants to group, is competent and knows how to play, is nice and not a schizo.
Pick 2.
personally never seen an issue with it, but try turning combat cues on in the gameplay settings and cranking the friendly brightness on the custom color up. If I'm recalling the fight correctly it should give you a noticeable circle in that color for that mechanic in addition to the light.
damn I don't tick any of these...
the light circle in Castle Thorn you fucking mong
I'll take (wants to group) and (schizo)
I know the ability you're talking about faggotron, I'm saying that adjusting the visual settings will help you see the circle more you fucking retard.
kill yourself
what did they change with this latest patch/maintenance?
gonna use that for my next char
added more fomo mtx like every other update
i saw that coming from miles away
will this nonbinary companion be able to use the locked female cosmetics or show their nipples
they should put in riverwood and helgen
>Companions will no longer robotically mirror your every move! They will now respond to you crouching with a bit of a delay. (Note: This slight delay has no impact on you being detected or witnessed participating in questionable activities.)
why though
and Whiterun
How to use companion ultimate? I tried pressing my assign button and rarely it works.
I don't think you can control your companion's ultimate
Patch notes:
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Why are they continue to fuck around with tutorial? I mean it is better to have base game one for shit to make some fucking sense but still.
maybe they think it will somehow make people able to dps their way out of a cardboard box
for anybody with WoW knowledge, is there anything in this game that can do melee or caster dot builds? basically like an unholy death knight, affliction lock/shadow priest.
I have no WoW knowledge but you can play Dragonknight and put 5+ DoTs on a enemy and watch their HP go down as time passes
here's a set that goes well with that
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I just hit CP2000
congrats anon
they should honestly redo some of the base game zones. it's retarded and immersion breaking how some of the cities that are meant to be massively important and big are instead small as fuck and dead.
Honestly, I'd be down for high rock getting completely overhauled and the alliances getting tweaked. The druids are so boring holy shit and the ebonheart pact continues to make zero sense.
Every single PvPer has a micropenis in addition to a wasabi-sauce covered stick up their ass.
ebonheart pact are just the last kids left picking teams for kickball. It's pretty clear that they're facing the most aggressive actions from the other alliances and banded together out of mutual self defence.
Kinda getting tired of people saying this shit is unrealistic as these kinds of pacts were common in real history, or that it somehow doesn't fit with the lore.
The tribunal are quite literally demigods powerful enough to have never needed to forge an alliance with anyone else to begin with. also, morrowind doesn't border either of the other alliances so has even less reason to give a shit.

Just switch the nords and orcs around to easily fix things. heck mountain orcs already exist in morrowind and it makes way more sense for them to work for the tribunal than it does for them to work for the guys that are going to start genociding them the moment tiber is born.
they wanted there to be an unconventional beast race for each individual alliance

AD get furries, EP get scalies, that leaves the Covenant with the Orcs.
Which I get but it doesn't make narrative sense for ebonheart to exist.
>wulfharth helping elves
>all the other Argonians are totally fine, some enslaved ones just decided to help dunmer because a Hist said so
its dumb and stupid
>new sexo dress that has a split down the middle until button shows
ESO is saved
Post it
Post pics
Technical brainlet here, so how does that "your friend is in a different version of [zone]" works"? How does those different versions work if there is only 1 main server, PC EU for example? The game can't handle showing all the player characters at once so it creates something like shadow-servers to cope with thousands of players being online at the same time?
you need to press both analog sticks
Solitude and Markarth felt great in ESO
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For the pact!
Shield of the Imperial Champion has to be the sexiest shield in all of ESO
does /vg/ ever play NB Vamp healers? feels amazing with Earthgore
Orders wraith
Sea serphant's coil
Trial by fire

Can I get some kills in bg? I want to play bgs before it turns into mini cryo
You are quite the artist aren't you.
the tribunal are demigods weak and distracted enough that the empire beat their ass into submission.
The DC is landing ships and armies on their shores unopposed by any naval force, and the AD is murdering hatchlings. That'd light a fire under anyone's ass to find any allies they could.
bros, my heart is broken. My friends are upset that I wasn't online yesterday to do the pledges with them, so they ran it on normal with randoms who were very rude. so rude that they don't want to run dungeons anymore.
>Skill Style: Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior
looks like class skill styles are on the way
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Zenijews finally nerfed the vampirism passive, now when the fuck will they (if at all to be honest...) do something about healing problem? I'm using snake in the stars in bgs on live and this set alone accounts for majority of my damage. Without it I deal about 1 mil, but with it its like 3-5 mil in total... Fucking retarded.
now give us pies to replace cliff racers
let me guess, its an apex level reward on clown store crates, costing 1000+ gems and you can not buy it with crowns i.e. can't exchange gold for crowns either.
>10 already
gachatards are out of control again
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Is that high? Sorry, new player. I have not hit max level yet.
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wtf is wrong with this bitch
girlmaxxing while waiting for you to bring her a whiteclaw. did you check the basement?
Should I use my key fragments up now or wait until after the update?
what are we thinking about the battlepass?
on the one hand it's not a paid thing, and you can get crates/mounts for free.
on the other, I don't want to collect 15 boar asses on thursdays when mercury is in retrograde just for the voices to come back when I get 15 crown poisons and a repair kit from the crate I got.
The remans never took morrowind. The septims were the only ones who did and even then, could only do that by treaty.
empire beat them because dagoth ur had stolen the tools of kagrenac and had blocked access to the heart so they couldnt rejuice their powers

this wasnt the case when eso is set so anon is right, this is the tribunal at their peak
the septims beat them in open battle several times, including duping vivec into defending some shit miles away while they burned his towns. The tribunal saw the writing on the wall and thought it was better to sue for peace, at least until they could reconnect to their power.
Even without dagoth ur, barbas was knotting vivec by cutting him off from the juice, almalexia is getting punked by one of the daedra (I think boethiah, it's been a long time since I played that part), and sotha sil is busy with nocturnal fucking up his city. None of them are in a position to really do much of anything even if they're at full power.
The deadra are doing random shit all over the entire world in eso. By that logic there should be no alliances, and everyone should be under one banner.

The point however is that within the context of the setting the ebonheart pact makes zero geopolitical sense because morrowind borders no other alliance and vivec can single handedly destroy any invading navy like he did with the akavir one.

at least I think that was him. or was it almalexia?
yeah shit's going down everywhere at the time, but my point was that the tribunal are just as distracted as they were during morrowind.
I don't mean to say that the EP is a lasting alliance, and the npcs say a lot to that effect, but that it is a defensive pact of necessity that wasn't sought out but rather formed because there was no one else left to repel the already organized and actively invading forces.
Those invading forces are of no threat to morrowind and for the ebonheart pact to have ever been created they'd have to be.

That's what makes the pact an inherently bad idea.
maybe not vvardenfell, but they're landing ships on the shores of davons watch and bal foyen, coming from bleackrock which means that either the EP navy got creamed or was somewhere else. and vivec is either uninterested in the pact or too distracted to intervene.
My biggest problem honestly with the story and alliances in eso is that it's initially presented as if it is explicitly a race war to the death, and then there are all these caveats for all the other racially coded kingdoms to not be participating. It'd be better if they had explained or intimated that the alliances are made up of only a few fiefdoms each with more realistic stakes and committed to the idea of the world being made up of a patchwork of independent states from the start.
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Has any of you been banned yet by the new AI bot?
People in the forums and reddit are crying they are being banned by the new bot and there's quite a bit of outrage but nobody is really showing evidence so i don't know if it's true.
The game is deader than ever and finding a battleground/dungeon/trial group is near imposible.

Starting to ban people for saying "fuck" in private message without even being reported is hilarious.
like the system wow has?
just after we got our first microsoft mandated screen darkening tech?
what are the odds
> need to level tank
> the most useful and "enjoyable" battlegrounds are low level since there's no broken shit like full bow pvp build instashotting you
> also helps you level up with the massvie xp you get on win

>> Game is so dead can't find a single battleground low level match
it's been acknowledged but they haven't said anything further about it.
anecdotally, I've said the fuck word a few times since and called someone an asshole and no ban yet.
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I'm mostly worried because my boyfriend was playing Redguard today so i called him a nigga and i don't wanna be banned for saying the n word.
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Keep it clean next time bozo
what do you post on the forum though

Shhh i'm trying to get (you)s
Boyfriend lol
It's really only the human kingdoms and parts of black marsh that fall under that category. Hence why the easiest way to fix it is to make daggerfall the human faction.
you know you can turn that off, right?
SET EnergySustainabilityMeasuresEnabled "0"
alright there mr robot we aren't all pro hackers okay
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>Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\UserSettings.txt
just change the value of the parameter from '1' to '0'
just stop giving Zenimax your money
ZOS must bleed
Seems like a great way to kill the game

Why are corporations so evil bros? Why do they have to push shitty AI slop into everything and male our lives worse? (rhetorical questions)
Is it REALLY over this time or is it just a hiccup? BTW I was kinda stunned when I saw that the avarage daily online was like 3000 around 2016

I know these are Steam only stats but still, they show general trends
i want to go back
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>Several people ruining my Node routes.
Sometimes I wish this game had separate channels.
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Meet Ash-Shaula Anthotis, head of the ancient clan of vampire assassins and spies of the same name.
Since the Anthotis are redguards who venerate Herma Mora, she's naturally an Arcanist.

She's based off some obscure Daggerfall lore and ancient modding community forum posts, going with Bow and Sword + Dagger on the 2nd bar
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>WoW refugees
>Joke Names
>Monochrome Metallic Player Skins
>3600 CP
>Alik'r Victims
>Craglorn Mongoloids
>Kebab Salesman Personality Skins
>Crown Scams
>Drama Guilds
delete voice chat, force everyone to use the text chat only
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>yes, i named the black cat from the japanese collector's edition "N'wah-Man", how could you tell?
she looks like her daedric realm is San Francisco
Ebonheart haters are still seething to this day
you know how annoying it is to type on a controller?
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yes, and you get really good at it if you're terminally online and are doing it every day
buy a headset and stop being a shy looser
nothing breaks my immersion as much as some incel siffling and snorting into my ear, gtfo
>t. snorting sniffing incel
Skyrim has x2 the amount of players
Skyrim is like the most popular single player game of our lifetime, I'd say that amount would be a very good score for mediocore 10 year old MMO

But aside from that, I wonder how many people use the ZOS launcher and not Steam version, I'm one of them.
it's a damn fine amount, more than Zenimax deserves
Who buys skyrim on steam nowadays
the gog version is much better
people still haven't bought skyrim? (pirates aside)
barely anyone uses gog aside from specific games that are cheaper on GOG or came in GOG version with physical copy
Where are people getting the next chapter will be in Black Marsh?

i guess it's not so bad because Argonians have next to nothing but fuck such a boring race. Please tell me that at least they are adding a new class.
yeah they're really boring compared to High Isle (Gold, communist) and mini-Vvardenfell (greenish)
the sounds of domestic abuse enhance the riften experience

>Kebab Salesman Personality Skins
which one? Sounds interesting
the skyrim zone is the emergency rip cord they will pull if player numbers are truly dire, the redguard area can't be used because todd has refused to make his game in the 10 years they've reserved that area for him, so unless we're getting something off the beaten path it really only leaves black marsh.
>it really only leaves black marsh.

But the game truly is dying. I never even see group trials in the group finder anymore and i haven't been able to play tales of tribute in weeks despite being all day on queue.

I need to get AP for my tank to unlock the Horn and Caltrops abilities and i can't find a single battleground despite being in queue forever.

The game is super dead so they would need the Skyrim chapter badly.
are you playing on console?

it's deader that it's been in a long time, but it's far from completely dead

It's just that most players are playing it as a singleplayer game or do RP. People focused on veteran content and dungeons are the first to drop because they care about shit like balance or player numbers

No. PC NA. Today i tried leveling my new character to lvl 10 with quick Alak'r Dolmens. The desert zone was fucking empty to the point it woudl take an hour to finish each Dolmen and i couldn't just afk i had to help or they would take even more time to finish it.
they also have:
- The Redoran lands
- North of Telvanni Peninsula
- Tenmar Forest
- Nibenay
- Dres lands
- Solstheim
- The Rest of Black Marsh
Most roleplay communities are dead though and this AI shit banning people for ERP or joking with friends in private message is literally destroying the Roleplay community.
As for single player, the last DLC was fucking garbage so i really don't see what elder scrolls single player fan is staying in ESO after finishing Gold Road months ago. We're not even getting dungeon DLCs or zone dlcs anymore.
>leveling on dolmens

Dude it's not 2016 anymore

Bruh earlier this year i leveled characters through Dolmens and they were full of people. Pretending now everyone uses either black rose or bust is ridiculous.
>i really don't see what elder scrolls single player fan is staying in ESO after finishing Gold Road months ago

well it takes hundreds of hours to complete all the zone stories so I bet there are tons of people that are still doing the old ones
I have no problems getting into battlegrounds, ToT matches or trial groups.
maybe you're playing during the time the server is least populated (04:00 to 11:00 UTC)
and I snuggled with your mother last night, trust me
>I bet there are tons of people that are still doing the old ones

It doesn't take that long to finish previous chapters and zones and i don't see what kind of person would start playing on 2024, the year of Gold Road.
well the fact is that there are still thousands of players in the game, so they must do SOMETHING
>there are still thousands of players in the game

Because there's a literal event right now and no community has fully disappeared.
I'm not sure where this millions of single player fans are, but grinders and roleplayers still exist. Hell i literally only still play the game for the roleplaying.
Also people obsessed with housing are probably the only demographic not leaving any time soon.
Yeah that's me rp walking and talking to the NPCs. Don't pull a star wars galaxies on me ZOS
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Should we import WOW refugees?
yes so more people can find out about the lack of content or balance and leave too
If you are new there is shit ton of content
>lack of content
oh come on now there's a lot of things to shit on this game but not this
this but unironically. The more people shit on Rich and his evil greedy bullshit the better.
I ran into too many fake tank and fake healer.
no, wowfugees are the worst sort of player. will not learn mechanics, insist on speedrunning everything in the dumbest manner possible, will insist on you carrying them for gear.
They are the kind of player to complain about player count, or the lack of trial groups and then not form their own or join a guild or recruit at all.
And the whole time they'll tell you this this and that are all better in wow as if they're some enlightened critic bringing knowledge from the heavens to the dirty heathens.
kill wowfugees, behead wowfugees, roundhouse kick a wowfugee into the sun, defecate in wowfugee's food, report a wowfugee to the IRS
>kill wowfugees, behead wowfugees, roundhouse kick a wowfugee into the sun, defecate in wowfugee's food, report a wowfugee to the IRS
What roleplay justification can i have for my imperial slegionaire soldier tank to be an arcanist? I don't want ties to hermaeus mora or anything like that

I'm starting to wish i had gone Dragonknight
you drank some laced skooma and hallucinate all your dragonknight abilities as tentacles and laser beams
Why don't you want your character with hermaus flavored abilities to be associated with him?
need more khajiit content...

Because it's stupid for anyone to worship a deadric prince? Especially when tied to Necrom and knowledge when my character is an imperial city guard in Imperial legionaire armor?
if you don't worship Lorkhan, Namira and Peryite you're terminally retarded

Lorkhan is not even a daedra.
And why would i worship a femoid or a literal covid dragon?
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Captcha: DKCHVD
that's a lot of fog
>Lorkhan is not even a daedra.
He is daedroth! TAMRIEL AE DAEDROTH!
What's the best way to farm AP now that the game is completly dead so i can't find battlegrounds or anything?
I need my tanks and healers to have lvl 6 in alliance points
for the first time I see Ember being hot as fuck rather than an oblivious derpina
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>lack of content
>literally new content on every patch
how about... playing the game?
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You know, the khajiitfucker club is two blocks down.
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Fuck You.
dang guess you shouldn't have picked the class with powers explicitly granted by hermy then huh.
or you can role play as someone as debilitatingly retarded as yourself
> Every other class is about a simple school of magic everyone and thier mother has access to

Imagine if there was a rapist class all around Molag Bal, it would be ridiculous.Yet mora gets his own.
>Imagine if there was a rapist class all around Molag Bal
I would duel you all day long.
seriously though I don't see the problem
We are the vestige bigot
cosmetics and number changes are not new content
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I just reinstalled recently and only have expansions up to Greymoor, but I'm seriously contemplating coughing up the money for that expansion exclusively so I can be followed around by a cute Khajiit
>What roleplay justification
Kek imagine mentally cucking yourself out of a playstyle in a videogame because of muh lore muh roleplay
> Ha! i don't care about lore, so what if my Altmer dressed in pink is shooting tentacles and book beams and my mount is a clockwork city robot! HA!
what exactly is lorebreaking about that?
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>Housing Tour, Companions, Endless Archive, Scribing, Arcanist, new Battlegrounds, new zones, etc aren't considered content
>lack of content
How can they percieve that if they're new to the game? Not to mention that we get content sans in Q3 updates now.
>every update is just cosmetics and balance
are you retarded?
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If the game lets me do it I will do it. If you have a problem with that take it up with the game.
>my dressed in pink is shooting tentacles and book beams
I would call you unoptimized
>Housing Tour, Companions, Endless Archive, Scribing, new Battlegrounds aren't considered content
correct. neither does the card game everyone forgot about
>Housing Tour

Why would someone spend time of their lives just... going into random strangers houses to look at them?
>he doesn't do human plinko maps
>he doesn't play sliding maps
>he doesn't enjoy parkour maps
>he doesn't enjoy maze maps
You also have Group Finder now, you can search for all activities, including RP/ERP at "Others" section, although I heard they'll be expanding the Group Finder on the upcoming patch.
does anyone think the opal styles even look good?
some of the weapons, yeah.
the masks and shoulders are pretty bad though
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>but fuck such a boring race
If argonians are a boring race to you then you must hate all the Elder Scrolls races.
Opal Illambris Staff and Opal Chokethorn Greatsword are pretty dimes to wear
> Argonians can ask their Hist Tree to change their gender, which is typically followed by a celebratory ceremony.
There's also plenty of interesting stories they can tell.
-Akaviri showing back up to find the "Ordinated receptacle"
-Hist in the Black Marsh doing weird shit/going to Realm of the Hist
-Rogue Sword Singers in Hammerfell starting shit.
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FACT: Argonians are the most powerful race on Nirn
This post was fact checked by real Elder Scrolls fans: TRUE
cute, the farm tools think they are people
I think he's seething because human women tend to prefer Argonian men historically
the argonian account was comfy
> Find cucumber set
>> OMG it looks so awesomeeee
>>> Spend 500k ap on it

> Discover Falkreath set which is even better
>>> Spend 500k ap on it

> Now discover Sovngarde seth

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I can't for the life of me find a skill calculator on the intertubes that includes scribed skills

Can someone please post how much damage does their Wield Soul skill do compared to any other direct damage skill they have?
Just the skill name and numbers are enough.
alright, just tell me which scripts to attach to the grimoire
Lingering torment preferably.
Also breach but it doesn't matter much.
focus script?
Physical damage.
I missed that, whoops.
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Here it is
Some grimoires don't accept the physical damage script (Elemental Explosion and Ulfsild's Contingency) so they are not included
and some don't accept the breach script
Thanks m8
based knower
they all need to be shot, every single one of them
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Yep that's right. I like some of the lore and I don't like some of the lore so I'm gonna pick and choose and I wish the game had more slutty and anime outfits, you fucking faggot. I hope whenever you see my character (pic related) you get upset.
45 minutes to 10 aaaaaaa
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>Wanna play an Arcanist cultist with Mora outfit
>My boyfriend starts shouting at me about how cliche it is and how everyone else played it too because it was trnedy and yadda yadaa

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>hop on queue
>lost connection due to inactivity
damn, guess nobody wants to do the pledges any more
How's the roleplay scene in this game?
it exists, but not widespread.
currently the erp scene is being throttled by ai banning players who rolled redguard and whispered others to "fuck their fat nigger ass massa"
>wait in queue for dlc pledge a total of 40 mins
>queue pops
>tank quits because it isn't fg1
>healer quits because tank left
>other dps leaves because everyone else left
>back in queue
I love gaming so much bros, so glad I spent my youth dopamine farming this shit instead of doing literally anything else with my life.
There's still time to turn it around. Uninstall. Log off. Have sex.
Based. Roleplay trannies on the ropes
imagine being a daedric cult leader and not knowing which daedric realms belong to which princes
trannies will save ESO
is Tanlorin an actual trannerino or a female trying to be special snowflake?
>queue random vet
>oh it's not fungal grotto 1
>wait 15 minutes
>queue random vet
>oh it's not fungal grotto 1
>wait 15 minutes
>queue random vet
>oh it's not fungal grotto 1
>wait 15 minutes
>queue random vet
>oh it's not fungal grotto 1
>wait 15 minutes
hmmm, what am I doing wrong here?
He never said they were people, just that they were a race.
Tanlorin Galerion
new companion, Vanus Galerion's sibling
called "non-binary" by the devs
I fucking hate millennials in this game so fucking much its like all the funny gets sucked and replaced with SpongeBob and stale meme. Why are you here youre so old wheres your wife go home to your family.

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there are two clues
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blue hair & the 13 inch pulsating leaky gock
it’s clearly theyfab
Is she seriously a Galerion? I thought it was just general wokery, but that is deep in fanfic OC territory.
If I get another instant leaver on the random queue I'm going to get mossad to blow up your mouse
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I hate accidentally making friends. It makes my skin crawl. Just go away, I don't want you.
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>not living in the Daggerfall Outlook
I'm not the owner of that place
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duke of vvardenfell lmfao
bros I fricking love sitting in queues.
sometimes I even decline at the end of a 40 minute one just to experience the joy of waiting again.
>bro I'm gonna use the bathroom brb
>but we've been sitting in queue for 40 minutes
>it will be fine bro it won't pop
>Your Dungeon is Ready
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Do you guys think my Nord looks like a shaman?
I don't know what to wear or what shield to use. He's a tank.

I was considering the blood eagle one but it's too magey.
I don't even know what to say, it looks generic and forgettable.
Looks like a screenshot one of those husbandos posted by one of the gay guys in /tesg/.

I'm not looking to be unique and original i want to be a shaman.
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Well he's not my husbando, he's my cute gay bara bear bottom shaman with a chubby breton husband.
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I'm working on my BBC addict Bard now
How the hell did this game get to the point where I'm getting dps players who are getting near perfect rotations yet failing to even attempt to do mechanics?
Did you all spend 300 hours parsing on dummies before you tried running dungeons?
I don't think the British Broadcasting Corporation exists in Tamriel
they just follow builds they found online
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True but big redguard cocks do exist.
shitty thor
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> Made 2 new tanks
> 2 new healers too
>> GAme is dead so can't level their AP through battlegrounds, been in queue for an hour
>> I have to work a repair job at Cyrodiil that's boring as fuck

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Your ign is known in certain pve circle. I'm not even joking.
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Huh? Why? I don't even play the game anymore i haven't played in months
everybody knows farquaad.
he's annoying but at least he's keeping the general alive
if a general needs a faggot like him to keep it alive then maybe it does not deserve to stay up.
that's not up to you to decide
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pvp is gae
>pvp minigame
who gives a shit

I wanna see you tanking in trials without Caltrop, Vigor and War Horn and healing without Barrier.
Is there an addon that adds the slightly moist crickley sound of butt cheeks opening and closing as your character runs?
>Fang Lair is one of today's pledges
I don't like this dungeon
>Vanus Galerion is presented as one of the most legendary individuals to ever live and the greatest mage ever, literally founded most of the current ideas of magic
>even in Oblivion, a game that stripped down a lot of the lore, Galerion has statues in major cities
>You finally meet Galerion in ESO, but he's kind of a dick and the only thing he does of note is near the end of the main quest
I swear to god if they decide "Instead of giving him a redemption/growth arc, let's retcon it so that his trans otherkin sibling was the REAL genius hero" I will never forgive zos
west weald event the 26th
pet,memento, mount, arms pack, and a nesting rewards box (?), and extra days of an explorer's celebration xp/gold event starting immediately after on the fake community progress tracker
coffers for daily quests and basically anything you do in the zone except fishing

I like events but it feels like we're always getting long stretches of no events (except for dungeonspam monster style pages) and then half a month straight of events as they realize that there's no more time to put them off.
>as they realize that there's no more time to put them off.

They put event after event not because "there's no time" but because the game is fucking dead and want to bring back players AND keep the usual ones hostage grinding non stop
scalecaller is way more of a pain
scalecaller at least puts the pug filter at the start.
fang lair is a pain because you get to do 45 mob packs and 4 other bosses before you find out that your group mates have horse blinders on
crackers always be embellishing they history
You're thinking too hard. companion story is probably just gonna be about murdering some chud who used the wrong pronouns
The rewards aren't good either. We used to get zone dlc, now we get a camel. I just can't be bothered keeping up with this.
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my main's a tank and i wait like 120 seconds lol

I just have a build that is DPS/Tank 50/50 and it's obviously not working in veteran content but perfect for normal dungeons when you can't rely on anyone but yourself
Yes, i absolutely do overworld quests on my tank exclusively
No, i don't care that you want to rush through Fungal Grotto
I'm dictating the pace, it's not like your glass canon would make a difference anyways

Now get down on your knees and kiss my ass if you want me to carry your sorry ass through Dread Sail Reef
damage is terribly overrated and Damage Dealers are the most useless fucks in all of ESO
it's perfectly possible to solo Wayrest or Elden Hollow on vet if you absolutely have to, just takes a while to grind
>when you enter the trial as the only tank
Reminder that necromancy is based and redpilled
that's true
Necro Healer ftw
>Akatosh vs. Alduin
Enjoy the return to skyrim.
too bad the devs are blue pilled and cringe.
what do Dibellan traders sell
>here's some mirrormoor cosmetics so we can remind you of the worst thing we've ever done
i have seen a great many posts all over the internet and i would like to confirm, with my own personal authority, that this skinnerbox dogshit fan fiction game is NOT canon
my busty AR-15 armed anime waifu xXNeko-sanXx and her companion baby yoda however are totally fine and adhere to all canon.
why the fuck you guys even play this game anymore? Aren't there better games to play now?
Dominican looking bitch ass nigga
Lmao, argonians are among the few races in fantasy games that are not just generic elves or humans, how could they be boring?
Brainless entertainment to forget about daily struggles

also I just really really like TES
there are better choices no? and TES has been done to death too, you should move on.
Done to death? what the fuck does that mean, we got the last major TES game 13 years ago and it was set in the most generic ass viking setting ever
Better question is why are you here asking us about the reasons we play some video game, it's YOU who should move on, it just shows you have nothing better to do in life
Busty argonians
>Just mod skyrim
No, it's a pain in the ass and I want others to see my own argonian characters
Plus it's the only TES I find worth playing until TES VI comes out
I still have Morrowind to finish but I play ESO with my buddy
implying TES6 will be worth playing
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I'm asking because I quit ESO years ago, just as greymoor released I think. Got feedup with devs bullshit and neglect. Heard about supposed PvP update that has been requested for half a fucking decade now and thought to check out eso again but it looks like the update is worth barely anything, got myself up to date about eso on the forums and anyone who I had still had contact with on steam and still played eso and it seems the problems that were back then are still present or even worse now. Fuck all changed since then and now I'm asking anyone who still continues plays after these years, why, why haven't you quit, don't you respect yourself to let go of the game that will neglect you and just wants your money? The closest thing to a proper reason I heard so far is that some people are just new and don't really know better or just want to play eso like it was skyrim which is fair but if you played for years then why are you still playing today? I simply can not relate to anyone else's reasoning on why keep playing even though either nothing changed or got worse and what made the game fun was neglected or and irreparably damaged. The story and writing got worse; just looking at the new ''daedric god'' made me laugh, trading is all about bots and gold is practically worthless unless you have bots farming for you, Pugs don't even exist because nobody queues as nobody has time to wait 2+ hours, the new dungeon finder was dead on arrival and is only used for selling crowns, trials and premade groups on forums and even fucking discord and plebbit are cancelled half of the time because people just quit and there is nobody else to fulfill the roles and pvp was neglected to point where apparently some of my steam friends say that you can walk in IC naked no problem because even gankers fucking left. Now I'm looking at the state game is and people who still play I'm glad I quit, I got to play many other games instead and it was fucking worth it.
hey I just want to finish all the zones and then I'll fuck off, I just never had time to do it because I prefer having a job and social life most of the time

I don't really understand why would you play it after finishing all the zones, that's true
I stopped playing after the Morrowind expansion and I was thinking to download the game again.
- What is the current explorable map right now?
- How are dlc dungeons and raid finder now? I remember that finding a tank (I like playing healers online so that wasnt a problem for me) and finding people knowing dlc bosses was a nightmare
- I really loved collecting all the armor styles. How many of them are in the game now? I hope it's not a pain to collect them now.
-Any major change after that expansion?
>I don't really understand why would you play it after finishing all the zones
Because it didn't used to be this fucking bad. I thought greymoor was bad but today is something out of one of those nightmare copypastats you found on forums speaking about what will happen to ESO kind of bad. 2016-2018 was peak ESO. Still remember how fun PvP was in IC during that time, or how titles and unlockable cosmetics actually meant something, and now I hear everybody in their mother has godslayer and all cool cosmetics are not even just behind a paywall but also behind a random chance cause of crates, some people compared zos to gacha which takes some serious fucking greed to top that. And the balance wasn't perfect but it was fun, playing BGs in 2017 you found all kinds of new and fun ways to play and people with all their unique builds and sets, now there are more ways to play but everybody uses exact same abilities, sets and classes and rest are in some sort of purgatory where people don't even bother trying them and goes for pve too.
I'm glad I quit but also kind of sad for the people who didn't and got scammed by zos.
hey fellow old esofag, its shit, don't bother, trust me.
what causes doomtrannies who haven't played the game in years to haunt this general like the ghost of their dickless past?
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Doomposting when you could be Edgeposting.
they're miserable people looking for attention
>devs are blue pilled and cringe
that's an understatement
you're too much of a doomer
3 attempts at scalecaller today where I ask if they know mechs, and that I don't mind explaining, just to get either a yes or a shut up bitch.
only for every single person in all of those groups who isn't me to die to the first snow tremor.
why the fuck would you say you know if you don't know?
oh and insta leaving when it's your fault you died to a fully avoidable mechanic death is some pussy ass shit
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not my fault there is a shitty word filter for 'ꜱmh'
not my fault you're a newfag
I've been using this website since 2018
I'm not a newfag
People really still play this trash?
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it's not trash and yes, thousands of people play ESO every day
join us!
I played it for several months at release and hated it even as I was playing it. A couple years ago, I played for several months again and hated it the whole time again. Like the entire time I was doing shit, I was just imagining what a better game it could be if it had actual TES gameplay and less repetitive samey MMO shit. Don't get me wrong, it's nobody's fault but my own that I kept playing even though I wasn't having fun, but the game is definitely shit.
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>15k people
dark and darker has that kind of pull and its an extraction medieval ass rape game

15k people is more like rpg and you might see another person somewhere. nothing massive about that at all
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>used to do alot of extreme raceplay
i sure dodged a bullet.
i just have to finish decorating
maybe they will sell me a real nice house
>how could they be boring?

A race is not interested based on their appearence, a race is interested based on their lore, accomplishments, history, culture.

Argonians are literal retards who are either slaves or ooga boogas living in mud huts in a shitty ugly swamp and every new piece of lore is about how transexual they are.

There's nothing interesting about them, you're just a shallow possibly underage retard who thinks "if non human then KEWL"
mogs argonians
‘memba gold road hype
>"if non human then KEWL"
unironically yes.

Is it autistic if I worship tribunal irl
yes, normal people worship peryite
there are worse things
Nah a lot of people don't have the Steam version, I use ZOS-made launcher that doesn't use Steam
> Worshiping a tranny, a femoid and an autist

Why? Especially when they are probably the least interactable living gods.
I felt a calling
>they're boring because I don't know their lore
weird take
also, yes
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> Argonians can ask their Hist Tree to change their gender, which is typically followed by a celebratory ceremony.
The clockwork city is interesting. redoran is lame and gay. It really is that simple.

Also, their bullshit religion is way cooler than the two lesbos and lonely cat lady.
wait until you find out about irl fish and amphibians
argonians are neither fish or amphibian
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This one has nice atmosphere.
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Idea for Cyro/IC
>remove all pve sets from pvp
>everyone starts from scratch (except level/CP) at the start of the 30/7 day campaign
>choose basic role-specific sets at start
>AP is used to buy better gear
>at the end of the campaign, all gained AP is permanently banked with bonuses to the victors to be spent on unique rewards
>start from scratch again on new campaign
At the very least, make these the rules on a new server. Alliance locked would stay the same. Feel like this could help people step into pvp without feeling like they would be instantly stomped by veterans with no hope of catching up. Not entirely sure what the rewards would be, no doubt gaudy motifs, mounts and skins would be in there. But maybe something like "skip to tier 2 sets at the start of the next campaign" or other things sweats would get a stiffy for.
they are amphibians
I'm not angry.
reptilians retard
turtles also change sex so I'm still claiming victory plus you're judging based on scales and thats racist
>judging based on scales
no, I'm judging them based on their lore, the Hist trees made argonians out of alligators
the crown store deep lore says they're regular lizards
But they don't go on demanding other races to call them ma'am.
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even the mtx slop is falling off..bros…..
same thing from post >>495393871
just in video format
Calling on the shade of the revenant
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TESG fills it's thread to the brim, but degrades it with mere waifus. Prove you are better than it. Bump the thread.

> People in forums and reddit crying that AI is destroying them over silly private messages saying the world "fuck" and "cum"

> My boyfriend and i have been roleplaying the nastiest p*do fisting rape slavery food fetish enema play BDSM characters for weeks

Mmmmmm I'm starting to think all this AI thing is bollocks.
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looks way too much like a regular human

elf faces are supposed to be gaunt and bony, not fat and round like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Yeah it looks silly but I guess he could have gotten very fat
starting to see guild trader discourse popping up elsewhere again. really wish people would consider the benefits of the system as it is now before blindly trying to make zos change it to be more like the games they don't play anymore.
not saying the system is perfect or even good but It's always the dumbest person you've ever seen arguing against it for stupid reasons.
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How does my Paladin Nord look better? Mullet ponytail or Viking pact hairstyle?
what eating a hundred kwama eggs does to a mfer
Everyone already price checks either through addon or ttc/esohub, guild trading is actively shit and was so for a long time, zos needs to put work to realize its potential and they aren't willing to do anything but the bare minimum, at which point just slap global auction house and call it a day. Moguls will throw a bitch fit but at this point they are actively detrimental to game economy so fuck em.
both look zesty

Well he is zesty. He has a reachman boyfriend for whom he loves to bottom. He also wears a chastity cage, golden one.
people price check and hunt for rare items but I think for a lot of items they just check a couple traders at a time and compare.
and the amount of gold taken out of circulation from the bidding system is considerable.
I also think that a global system would make any issue with moguls and cartels worse, not better

Having to travel through Tamriel to get to a guild trader is fucking kino, the fact that people want to get lazy and not have to go far to go shopping even in a videogame is peak fat-merica.
what benefits
ZOS could do something like local marketplaces
mandated by the game, with unlimited space and free of charge to sell items
>everyone puts their items for sale in Vivec city and other locations get ignored/unused
brilliant idea anon
if DOlmen is not the best way to get XP then what is?
BRP requires other people.
frequently reoccurring gold sink curbing inflation is a big one.
the traders keep foot traffic in most cities that would otherwise be 100% dead. even if they're not there for anything else the perception of an active world no matter where you are is important.
most people aren't ttc'ing for everything and even when they are there is some allowance for finding a "good enough" deal rather than the absolute lowest price so you're still seeing volume move from small time traders at less than the perfect optimal price point. this inefficiency is costing the average consumer more, but it also means you don't have to be babysitting your goods just to get a sale
>the traders keep foot traffic in most cities that would otherwise be 100% dead. even if they're not there for anything else the perception of an active world no matter where you are is important.
gee, well maybe they could, you know....add fucking things to do in cities?
Any info or educated guesses when next eso+ trial will be? I really need access to few dlc zones and instances for mythics.
there are. dailies with motif and furnishing rewards, the larcenist achievements, housing system and more are all working towards this goal as well. obviously they could do more, but removing parts would not help.
I'm not saying it's perfect or the one thing holding it all up, but the design philosophy of the game on that point is clear.

Last one was like 2 months ago.
So in a year buddy. Unless playerbase is really dead by january/february.

If you want DLC zones or dungeons why not buy them with gold? They gave a shitload of free dlcs this year
Because i started 2 weeks ago and don't even have a 50 character let alone 4-6mil to get a dlc with eu exchange prices?
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You started 2 weeks ago and you already want dlc?
I want oakensoul because i fucking despise bar switching as a mechanic.
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Does my Imperial look like Andrew Tate?
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too chad-looking
Wrong race, choose redgaurd
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Does this miniskirt make me look like a slut?
stop being gay
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I swear you ask dps players to do one mech and these niggas want to act like sisyphus on top of it all it was a stupid bitch so you know she gets her land whale ass carried every dungeon by fat balding millennials.
every single tank I had today in moon hunter keep muzzle swept the party with the behemoth roar killing us all multiple times a run.
you gotta face the facts that most players are dogshit, you just see 2x-6x (dung/trial) as many dps players
> Came back to game
> Decide to level up new characters
> Do NRD
> "Oh nice there's a CP 1000 and CP2000 in my team :D"
>> Wayrest Sewers
>> The CP1000 and CP2000 are both dps while i'm fake healer and the tank is fake tank
>> Those two high cp dps deal LITERALLY ZERO DAMAGE and the dungeon lasts 1 hour

Can someone explain to me why dps players are the most braindead garbage players in this shit game?
Are they mentally ill?
What is their problem?
How do you get to CP2000 and manage to make a build that deals zero damage? Do you know what rotation is?? Do you just press M1 every 3 seconds and think that's enough DPS???
i was lvl 17 fake tank and i dealt more damage than both of them, they made me waste an hour of my life and 100% exp scroll gone.
farquaad is an unreliable narrator
Shit get worst in veteran mod with fake role.
Ive been running scriv hall and the amount of people that wont sit still for 5 seconds until the circles go away is insane its like people dont read mechs on purpose.
that shit is maddening, especially when you get lucky and the actual players caught in the trap stand still and someone else runs right through it
farquaad is shezarrine
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I made an old perverted necromancer healer but i don't know how to dress him :(
>I thought greymoor was bad
>widely considered one of the best zones they've released alongside vvvadenfell
Shit taste.
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This shit is single handedly destroying my mental health i am going to slice down my wrists and send the pictures to Zenimax with a "look what you made me do" note
slicing your wrists only shows people that you seek attention and have no self-preservation instincts
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Dress him like a gimp
my obsession with filling my collections is bankrupting me. between the houses and undaunted style pages I've spent around 40 mil in the last 3 months.
It will all be worth it when servers close 2026.
funny seeing bosmer go WE WUZ AYLEIDS N SHIEET
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I'm Hircine's prettiest soldier..
nah, this game will reach its 20th anniversary
Based on how many retards ive seen wipe the group in vet scriv hall at the circles part im never doing a trial. You can explain to these idiots the mech in the simplest way possible and they will still fuck. God I hate dps players
Someone declined the invite. You were placed at the front of the queue.
another day, another fake healer in my vet dlc pledge.
they don't though
the ayleids that lived in valenwood were a seperate group
People be like
> Why do people fake heal and fake tank
But then don't do anything to make sure Tanking doesn't cost 9999 million gold, 9999 skillpoints and torture in Battlegrounds. And the same g oes for healers only that instead of gold torture you have to put up with Undaunted.
wtf am I supposed to do about that

Find where Zenimax employees live?
in my head
sorry about that, anon
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How can you be ALMOST CP 3000 and make such a low level dungeon last an hour? The dude even took aggro and started to run in circles refusing to attack just running away FROM A LOW LEVEL DUNGEON BOSSS

Did they bought the account so they don't have shit and don't know anything?
How the fuck can you be a CP 3000 khajiit DPS and deal no damage, run away from low level bosses, not know mechanics, not know rotations.

And the worst part is i see this so so so so often.
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and in fucking fungal groto i can solo this dungeon at lvl 10
best take itt
CP stopped meanin anything when they removed the 810 cap
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yaaay another team of high cp retards doing nothing even going to kill the rat boss while MY LOW LEVEL ASS HAS TO DO EVERYTHING

>tryhard fag having a melty
just a game bro chill lol

Stopped meaning anything?
If you're CP 3000 youv'e been playing for fucking years bro, for like over 5 years. The fact that someone played for 5 years yet can't do even a little bit of damage as fucking DPS in a fucking low level dungeon is beyond embarrassing. I was dealing max DPS already at 500cp.

> Just a game bro why are you pissed off your EXP scrolls are expiring because of CP3000 losers who deal zero damage? Just carry them as a lvl 10 character bro

Sorry, not your slave. You can't do the bare minimum as a fucking loser who played this garbage for years? THEN KILL YOURSELF.
Why would you expect a khajiit freeloader to be any different
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seems to be an (you) issue
I've been doing this event as a tank and 9 out of 10 groups I get, my teamates seem to melt bosses in a question of seconds
Not my problem, form premade if you are that much a sperg. Random matchmaking will give you random retards as it suppose to,
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normal is always going to be a cesspool.
I just wish all of the fake tanks/fake healers/fake dps would keep the piss in the kiddie pool instead of spilling over into vet
beginning to feel like the prisoner with how much I've been stuck in dungeons recently. glad to see this event end soon
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Just bought all the dlcs for ps4 what am i in for
a big videogame with lots to do and a high skill ceiling that doesn't teach you how to play or expect you to know until it suddenly matters a lot.
on console it's the same but punctuated by mumble rap and domestic abuse on voice chat.
Team split in two, on normal, the low level is attack the boss.
A empty server since both consoles are bleeding players
I wish we had domestic abuse on PC
Did ZoS said they have a service for transferring from console to PC?
Am I hallucinating?
there is not.
they might make one if the game is still going when old consoles get eol'd, but maybe not.
they REALLY fucked up her facial model
more like power of pvp being shit
Same company that has scuffed ugly PC models has a scuffed ugly NPC model. What a surprise.
so far isn't implemented, but they said that they're considering on going crossplatform soon despite that will hurt console players pretty hard
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I genuinely don't get hwy battlegrounds is so hard for so many people

You're told the goal is to fucking grab the ball.
Why ignore it?
Why if i die in front of you with the ball you don't pick it and let it respawn?
Why go to renemy base to kill and play deathmatch IN CHAOS BALL?

Are people stupid?
Why do they have to make this shit so miserable??
We were winning. I tried so hard, i grabbed the ball every single time and ran to base, my team still refuse to help me, or protect me, or do anything. I even wrote in caht you win the game by taking the ball.
They still decided to never interact with the ball, never grab it, never kill who had the ball, never protect me when i had it.
it was on Bethesda's latest mod stream if I ain't mistaken
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nah, she just answered the call
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Another chaos ball troll team that just helpes the enemy win.


genuinely don't get what goes through these people mind. We get no points, we g et no exp, we get no ap. We get nothing because they decided to troll and just play deathmatch. Just fighitng the enemy that doesn't even have the ball. Amazing.

They can't do not even the bare minimum. Do they seriously enjoy losing? They spend 20 min in queue just to throw away the game?
wdym by crossplay, just saves or full on crosservers?
BG's in this game are fucking dogshit and deathmatching is the only fun part of them.
I do generally try to win and play the objective but I fully understand why people don't.
>but I fully understand why people don't.

Why do they queue if they want to lose?
They seriously spent 30 min in queue just to sabotage their teammates, die non stop and TRY to kill the enemy team in chaos ball?

Just go to Cyrodiil if you want braindead pvp.
I miss Mannimarco
wonder how he's doing
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he will be fine for the next 600 years or so, until the hero of kvatch decides to crush his skull with a hammer
>finally get a random vet that isn't spindleclutch or fungal grotto
>everyone inta-leaves
any thoughts on jshart's manifesto?
personally don't have many objections and most of these seem pretty easy to implement.
qrd it’s me bed-time
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event is going to end in 3 hours
don't forget to grab the last 2 tickets
wake me up when it's Witches Festival
>Hexos armor
you may be my heal slut, i will allow it
Total Mer Death
abavarlor abavarlor abavarlor
event is over
so it's skyrim next year judging by the newest datamine
most likely whiterun
because of some crates?
Winterhold makes more sense.
we just got scribing and the mages college can expand on that
>brp prisoner healer vague posts about us being slow when he dies standing in mechanics
>get the speedrun cheevo at the end of the dungeon
is Scriviners' Hall some hated dungeon or something? hard to get a group going for it.
I'm playing a mag sorc first time, been following alcast build but just now found out that he's trash, do i really need to use fuckin fighters guild and dual wield after training destro staff all game?

So far I'm planning to get maw of the infernal, Julian's, and mothers sorrow, but fuck man waiting for traits is so painful

Essentially I just got to CP 160 and I need to know what I should actually be doing besides spamming zone quests/dungeons/scrying in artaeum

I just want to FEEL like I'm doing damage, it just feels like I use abilities and the health kinda goes down whenever
In vet version, the first boss you'll have do the mech, guess what most dps won't do. Last boss is a 3 stages fight.
It's the only place to get Glass Eyes of Mora, which are an ingredient in Apocryphal furnishing recipes. In addition the vault key stuff means its been grinded out a lot. I know I'mburnt out over doing it.
by brp prisoner I meant our healer was 3600 champion point xp farmer with no particular skill in their role and a tendency to stand in stupid.
we were doing malatar and his deaths were the only thing stopping us from getting trifecta
I'm sorry, I was suppose to answer this post here>>495823326
> The new tranny companion flirts with you non stop

Kino. Xhe/Xhim/They also HATES when you read mage's guild books because the mage's guild is transphobic.
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Time to put on mage-y title just to show the world how transphobic I am.
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> My boyfriend and i queue for quick NRD
> I rush because i have exp scroll about to expire
> One retard wants to just pick flowers and grab ingreidents and shit and is telling us to slow down, that we're assholes, that he's not gonna help us and we'll finish the dungeon alone if we didn't wait for him, started to ask for votekick me for rushing
> Dude smelled like he just bought ESO+ so he was trying to get ingredients from every fucking barrel, he was CP2000
> My boyfriend and i vote kick the 3rd guy so it's unanoimous and we can both votekicck the retard and report him for calling us assholes

Ahhh it feels good to have a boyfriend <3
>more nordslop
> been following alcast build but just now found out that he's trash
alcast is not a good guide for dps, it's just that his website is easily readable and seo'd to the top of google.
If you need to follow a guide to get started, skinnycheeks is pretty decent.
>do i really need to use fuckin fighters guild and dual wield after training destro staff all game?
fighter's guild ult is pretty good and barbed trap is insanely good.
not sure where you're getting dual wield for a magsorc
>So far I'm planning to get maw of the infernal, Julian's, and mothers sorrow
those sets are ok when you're just starting out but you'll want to use them to acquire better sets from dungeons or trials
>I just want to FEEL like I'm doing damage, it just feels like I use abilities and the health kinda goes down whenever
consequence of the build being built around stacking an oppressive number of dots. If you can keep uptime on your abilities right it'll feel like bosses are just melting under you.
> I need to know what I should actually be doing besides spamming zone quests/dungeons/scrying in artaeum
what are your goals? If it's just to get to vet trials scrying is good (getting the green->blue->purple from each zone is faster than artaeum spam) for mythics, and you'll need to farm leads for them. zone quests/dungeons will get you skillpoints but you won't need an insane amount. you'll also want to get enough champion points to get your slottables + a few passives.
If that isn't your goal then really I would suggest taking your time playing through things until you find whatever interests you the most.
This kind of behavior does not represent all gay men.
>so it's skyrim next year judging by the newest datamine
>most likely whiterun

What datamine?
Also, kino, i hope new class is Dragonborn <3
average supportkek
Each Chapter has had a codename used on its various files prior to release in order to keep its true name a secret before it is officially announced. They are:
Volcano - Morrowind (VRD)
Glacier - Summerset (SUM)
Mesa - Elsweyr (ELS)
Scarp - Greymoor (SKR)
Badlands - Blackwood (BAD)
Dune - High Isle (SYS/HI)
Magma - Necrom (TLV/APC)
Peninsula - Gold Road (CHL/SKG)
Solstice - TBA

also worth noting that some of the datamine stuff seems to be altmer/argonian themed, which would line up to some other leakers/dataminers implying that it won't be skyrim but rather an Argonian chapter.
Okay that all helps a lot and i shall absorb this all, i suppose mainly what i want is efficiency, mainly to quickly earn CP while also working towards items that can get me started on the gear progression down the line, but it seems like i'm starting to grasp a little more than i realize.
Now that I KNOW im playing a DoT stacker, I will have more well placed expectations.

I think alot of my gripes come down to the usual early-midgame growing pains of an MMO, where i want my crafting to be able to sustain my own upgrades, gold isn't coming in as fast yet, and fucking TRAITS

Looks like I made the right decision leveling my sorc as my main/crafter first before going arcanist after all
Somehow, Ithelia returned.
TES6 plot right here
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why is pvp so full of weebs
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Argonian chapter makes the most sense.
-Last arc had Morrowind and Cyrodiil. So they're unlikely to repeat that for the next arc
-This leaves Hammerfell, Skyrim, and Black Marsh, as the possible locations
-Hammerfell and Black Marsh edge Skyrim out since we're already gotten a lot of Skyrim with Dark Heart of Skyrim storyline.
>Insert meme of no Hammerfell until Tes 6 comes out here
So Black Marsh wins out by narrowing it down.
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I'd guess future zones will be something like pic related.
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ESO still needs to
-Finish up the Meridia plotline.
-Possibly bring in Jyggylag, and Namira, since those are the only Daedric Princes that really haven't shown up for major faction/zone story arcs, or in themed dungeons.
-Deal with whatever the "ordinated receptacle" the Akaviri were searching for in Skyrim is.
-Other things they could do that ESO hasn't done yet are like evil Sword Singers, and something with the Hist. Could also bring in the Soul Cairn, and the Imperial Battlespire.
That's about it for what I can think of that ESO hasn't already done to death in these first 10 years.
>Possibly bring in Jyggylag
isn't jiggy still part of sheo at this point? I know he pops out for the grey march so I guess they would go that way. still I'd rather this one not be up next because I don't want to see more crystals for some time.
Namira's gotten a few things but it's been much more subtle than any of the other daedra, as far as I remember there are a few quests here and there, and maw of lorkhaj & a good deal of the skyrim/reach chapter stuff kind of counts. still I wouldn't mind seeing more.
>ordained receptacle
I heard a convincing argument once that it was the heart of lorkhan. that the initial invasion in skyrim was where it was expected to be found except that the heart had been flung into morrowind and the dark heart sank below.
>sword singers, hist, soulcairn, battlespire
all great ideas, couldn't agree more
>isn't jiggy still part of sheo at this point?
Yes, but the whole cycle of the Greymarch is kinda left in the air on how frequent it is. In Shivering Isles they say its at the end of every era, but there's book in Shivering Isles that indicate its happened MANY times, each 1,000ish years apart. They could handwave it as a Greymarch during the events of ESO.
> as far as I remember there are a few quests here and there, and maw of lorkhaj & a good deal of the skyrim/reach chapter stuff kind of counts.
Yeah, she had connections to the Dark Heart stuff, and dro-m'Athra in Elswyer/Black March, but its been much more subtle as you mentioned.
>I heard a convincing argument once that it was the heart of lorkhan.
Could be the Heart. I've seen speculation that it might've been the eye of Magnus also. Would be a good plot point of a northern Skyrim chapter covering Winterhold/The Pale since the Eye is up there.
the Reach quests pertaining to the Dark Heart have been expanding on her quite a bit
Being non-binary sort of makes sense for an Altmer, in a "We were meant to be non physical beings" kind of way. But I would expect such a character to be virulently racist.
where do you think we are
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Fuck, Marry, Kill?
> Women in the army

It's amazing to me people cry about the game being woke when they insert trannies in it but they never had an issue with 99% of the npcs in this game being le strong empowered feminist woman.
Does Ruins of Mazzatun count as evil Hist?
there is literally nothing interesting about the soul cairn it exists entirely to pad the dawnguard dlc
put them in black drake clanwrap
turns out they're binary
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1 hour in queue to get a fucking battleground match so i can get fucking AP for Barrier

and i get this bunch of fucking retards

PUrple had 40 points. JUst 40. Now they are in 1st place because my team decided to deathmatch orange in the middle of the map and throw away our lead

Truly amazing.
I'm out.
> it exists entirely to pad the dawnguard dlc
Except the soul Cairn predates Dawnguard, having been in Battlespire.

nobody played battlespire
name 100 people
at least 9 people played it at the same time, and there is one person playing it right now
forgot to mention, 118 reviews on steam
at least 118 people own Battlespire
I have battlespire on gog but never played it
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Solstice doesn't sound like something tied to Nords at all, much less Whiterun or Winterhold themed.

If Solstice is tied to any group it has to be either the Skaal or the Argonians, so next DLC would be Solstheim or Black Marsh stuff.
I cant event imagine what they would do for Solstheim in the second era
>No Raven Rock
>No Thirsk
>They've already done Hircine and Herma Mora in other storylines/zones in ESO
>Dragons were already done in Elsweyr
Like what would the hook be?
>>They've already done Hircine

>Malabar Tor's whole zone questline was about a servant of Hircine trying to fuck with the Bosmer by marrying the Green Lady and turning them all back to wild apeshit spirits.
>The March of Sacrifices dungeon in the Wolfhunter dungeon pack had us partake in Hircine's Great Hunt of the era. Bloodmoon and all included
> A base game quest from 2014 and a dungeon is enough Hircine content

are you stupid?
>Entire zone storyline
>one dungeon
>Literally Hircine's one and only unique thing
Are you stupid?
buff nightblade
There shit like antiquities, where you find leads by doing dungeons/world bosses etc and then dig up rare items that you can either sell for cash, or are housing decorations, or are unique mythic level items.

There is also the tales of tribute card game you can play with people/NPCs.
kill yourself farquaad
retcon it into being already settled by le heckin Telvanni mushroom towers and based Redditoran. then at the end of the quest those pesky hlaalu nuke it

everything nu-TES must retroactively wank the devs favourite great houses
>wank the devs favourite great houses
mentally unwell you are.

>reddit spacing
>hates women and waifus (yet wont shut the fuck up about his hairy boyfriend or whatever the fuck retard slop)
>possesses zero self-awareness of the fact that everyone else finds you disgusting
> Stalks a random stranger he made a parasocial relationship with in 4chan
> Gets mad when called obsessed and writers a rant about said anonymous poster

You genuinely need to touch grass.
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Argonian players are grosser than Khajiit players.
neither are gross
khajiit lick their own butts

To get the taste of khajiit cooking out of their mouths!

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
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Battlegrounds have completly destroyed my mental health.
you're an avatarposter and it's incredibly obvious when you post here, faggot
incorrect. in true homo fashion, you are placing yourself on an undeserved pedestal. you are universally despised and repulsive to everyone- a bipedal cockroach. It takes zero obsession or effort on anyone's part, your very nature brings about instant disgust and hatred.
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Too much text, gonna ignore, if you have no friends it's not my problem, touch grass.
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I'd just like to say thanks to the only good poster here. The WoW screenshots poster.
nobody here is posting WoW screenshots
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> Got my 4 tanks to AP lvl 6
> Got my 4 healers to AP lvl 6

I... I... I am... I am free...
This is... this is what black people must have felt like when slavery ended...
Suddenly i simpathize with nogs a lot more now. Though i won't start dating redguards.
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Don't tell me you're one of those retards that goes for objectives

For objectives?
are u fucking retarded.
> Frog poster
> Talks nonsense

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everyone here is gay
you don't speak for us, gay boy
I am a White Man.
You're a gay nigger from outer space.
eu ddosed again
west weald event just started.
Hopefully the next installments of The War Within add some new classes.
Molag Bal is a gigachad
I don't want to do west weald shit anymore it was awful the first time!!
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>Colovia event
>make it about Bosmer
based zos constantly shitting on humanfags
elven bros can't stop winning
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good for MagDKs?
any way to get tickets if I don't have gold road?
Anyone on PCEU with access to seeker synthesis attuned woodbench?
seems decent

you get tickets from completing gay road dailies, I don't think there is a way of getting them without the expansion
couldn't choose between it, Flame Blossom or Runecarver's Blaze to pair with Spellweave or Siroria but I've never seen this set brought up before
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groupfinder has 0 active groups for lucent citadel and 23 former groups bugged and stuck on the group finder
>moloch baal is a gigachad
are you jewish by any chance?
I see you mfer trying to catch my ass with the time stamp.
nice try

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