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Remember to record your replays until the 15th

Upcoming tournaments(PLEASE JOIN):

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September 21st (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
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>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.

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Previous Thread: >>494156523
Dead game
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Second for Enchantress
nya won the 2v2
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I love granblue fantasy versus rising.
me on the right btw.
It would've been fun to watch
Still maining Nier!
>all these participants
>nobody willing to stream our sidegeimu
This is true btw, also hence why I managed to improve and constantly do easily. No hidden retarded faggot bullshit or faggot knowledge checks, this is why fighting game tards hate it, it's like trannies praising open world MMO PvPs, they can't have a massive unfair advantage over other players here so they hate it.

Everyone who disagrees with me is the king of faggots btw.
>there's a very specific thing you can point out as to why you lost.
yeah I tried to press a button and then I died for it
Remember all of the people who were filtered because they couldn't beat up someone simply downbacking because they need their canned 50/50 high low garbage.
but can nyou win the beyblade tournament
>It's super simple so there's no bullshit to blame.
I know people say this a lot when defending "simple" games. And maybe some people really do have more fun with "simple" games for that reason. But I'm the opposite. Simple games come down to straight RPS more often because there are fewer options that players can use to differentiate themselves.
When I get smacked by someone who's obviously better than me in +R/Xrd, I don't get mad at all. It's easy to point to specific things that made him better. He had better movement, better execution, deeper knowledge of specific interactions, and that's why he won. And that's it. I don't get mad at people who are better than me; in fact I respect their skill and knowledge of the game.
In a simpler game like Rising, it FEELS like I'm losing more often because of random RPS. Regardless of how true that is, I can't force myself to stop feeling that way, and it does make the game less fun. Why did he choose to mash there? Well, he just did. Why did he choose to hard bait my DP? Well, he just did. There's less "damn the way he used airdashing and RC momentum to weave in and out of those projectiles was so sick" and more "yep, he sure did guess right there on wakeup, damn what a great guess".
Now I'm not stupid enough to say that Rising is a "random" game. Obviously it has a hierarchy of skill like any other game and the better players consistently win more often over worse players. But I still get more frustrated at it than games that have objectively more "bullshit", for the reasons I described.
It's easy to think that you have amazing defense when throws don't fucking work
this post reads like you need key jangling to obfuscate the randomness in fighting games
>there's just something about how this game plays that is infuriating
I know what you mean. Am I crazy or his Rising much "heavier" than other modern FGs? Nothing feels snappy, like there's a built 3f-4f of input delay that you can't reduce no matter what.
>Simple games come down to straight RPS more often because there are fewer options that players can use to differentiate themselves.
Complex fighting games are the exact same you fucking buffoon.
Because maybe he noticed you're a tard who doesn't oki and tries jank shit instead? Why the fuck wouldn't he mash? If anything you should've fucked him over for it.
Reading comprehension, retard:
>”Now I'm not stupid enough to say that Rising is a "random" game.”
No fighting game is actually “random”. But some are more volatile than others. And simpler games tend to paradoxically be more volatile than “bullshit” games, because of the lack of options.
The Strive devs said their GOAL was to make Strive more volatile, because they didn’t like how easy it was for better players to 10-0 weaker players in Xrd. And they accomplished this by simplifying and restricting the mechanics.
Welp that's enough rising for this month, back to a hopefully permanent break
don't worry, i agree with you anon
it's also reflected in the playercount as it slowly bleeds week by week
something is making people quit
more people are watching beyblade than any non sf6 game.
>first thing i see is a tranny with painted nails
Shimmy them retard.
>Tranny on stage
How are these creatures everywhere?
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Zamn, my neutral is kinda fire...
I cant believe that bea is basically still unnerfd.
>why is this game frustr-
orchestrated infiltrations.
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the frame that makes me nut and blows up my eardrums
>15 seconds on the clock
both of them should have lost
>Sexo nigger getting a taste of his own meds
Nothing wrong here.
why did they make the game this bad, man
Is Usagi the only luci player at UFA?
They fell for the simple game = more players meme
SF2 is simple. karnovs is simple. kof98 is simple.
this is something entirely else.
Yeah, I was mainly referring to Versus. Rising is what happens when you just toss more mechanics into a simple game without increasing the skill floor.
>SF2 is simple
It's more complicated than Rising by a significant amount
>>>>>clayton lurks in these threads
oh hell nah
This general was always /fgg/-lite
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>"Man, the opening to Ladiva's theme sounds like that one journey song that goes 'some day love will find you'"
>Takes me a few seconds to realize that is probably completely intentional
I might be a little retarded.
Mash to tech is retarded but i hate the amount of throw invul frames on wake up even more
then why do you keep losing
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Why are we so dead?
bad game syndrome
its a horribly marketed game that purely exists to sell gacha item codes and serve as an ad for a dying mobile game
>No Ilsa
gbf is dying?
Yes, thankfully, 2023 was one of their worst years.
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Sensitive community that can't take losses well.
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>all fours
>dead game
ONE of their worst years?
In other words, they have already had worse years and they managed to survive.
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Damn, guess I gotta move onto Slime Fighter 6, bros...
dont worry gbf will shutdown and we will get an mmo granblue fantasy super relink with lots of support and it will be HUGELY popular worldwide
>Slime Fighter 6
I ain't touching Relink
/gbvs/ doesn't jack off SFV and UMvC3
I can't run Relink...
few days ago someone said only hours in sfv and t7 count for playing fighting games
>SFV and UMvC3
I don't visit /fgg/ but it sounds like they have superb taste.
>SFV and UMvC3
I don't visit /fgg/ but it sounds like they have dogshit taste.
Which is true, faggot.
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Guys, when this game dies, what fightan should I play next? Sell me on my next fightan funtime.
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First and last fighting game I'll ever play.
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Chun-Jitta in Rising when?
I don't want to go back to strive
Personally I would've liked to play UNI2 but it's even more dead in EU, so I guess I'll just quit fighting games until something new comes out.
Don't think I'll play anything else
Maybe xrd and cf a bit again but I don't really want to learn those games
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City of the Wolves looks promising.
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>City of the Wolves looks promising.
It sounds retarded until you realize they're a hell of a lot better than everything that has released since FighterZ. Dragon Ball FighterZ, Granblue Fantasy Versus, King of Fighters XV, Guilty Gear Strive, Melty Blood Type Lumina, Street Fighter VI, Granblue Rising, Under Night 2, Tekken 8, 2XK0 - all of them are GARBAGE. SFV on the other hand has been objectively a good fighting game since season 3, but a lot of players that were burned by paying full MSRP on season one held a very justifiable grudge against the game. I only gave the game a second chance after Championship Edition mainly for Seth tiddies, but was genuinely impressed by how much the game had improved over the years.
Why the fuck does it take 20~ seconds for the rematch button to appear? I thought that Cygames already fixed that shit.
today the server is slower than usual
enjoy the cuck symbol on the top left
all they had to do was add rollback and crossplay to vanilla
but they had to 66L the game and butcher the most perfect strike/throw/overhead system i have seen
still the only fighting game im playing though and i h(c)ope it will get better but it probably wont
at this point my only plea is that they nerf bc so that you get a punish on a evade

It's already taking forever to find a match and now I have people leaving because they think that I'm not going to rematch or some shit.
I really hate this game sometimes.
>at this point my only plea is that they nerf bc so that you get a punish on a evade
That's the next "do this or this game instantly dies" change they have to do
>all they had to do was add rollback and crossplay to vanilla
Yeah if they wanted a dead game
sorry but I would've never played the original iteration of the game, it looks extremely boring and niche

what this game failed mostly is balance and update schedules
people would've kept with it if, for example, we got all these changes together in april instead of that shitty mini-patch we got

and honestly, considering nier's powerlevel, april was already too late
>enjoy the cuck symbol on the top left

Isn't it a womb tattoo?
>at this point my only plea is that they [buff belial even more]
GBVSR is the only current game that really clicks with me, but this one seems promising.
if they just made vanilla with rollback the game would have gotten the same amount of players at the start at least, since people for the longest time just begged for the original to just get rollback and thats it. i doubt anybody bought rising because they saw dash normals or raging strike.
although we can't know how it would have performed player retention wise in comparison to what we got, but i dont see any reason why it would do worse than what we have right now.
>i doubt anybody bought rising because they saw dash normals or raging strike.
I tried this game because I saw a post on /v/ mentioning it was free when it released. I was bored and gave it a try and enjoyed it because it was simple to understand
Anybody up for some games? EU/EC
I got shat on during launch month for saying this, and I'll probably get shat on again, but I'm going to say it anyway:
Granblue should've been a reskinned Blazblue.
I'm in the lobby if you want to play
Open wide cause im about to shit in your mouth even harder.
go play blazblue if you want to play blazblue faggot
Lottery time.
mite b cool
I hope Lowain gets fucking nerfed
Stupid fucking character
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66L should be -2 on hit but be special cancellable.
I'm gyonna fyart in your myouth this tyime
sorry, a lowain player rated him as bottom 3 on twitter recently so he's not even good
I think it would be.
The funniest thing though, is that everyone on launch was like "Oh, so you want a dead game?".
Guess in the end, I got the last laugh after all.
Time to face the facts, this game is simply bad. No one here, me included, would be playing this game if it wasn't so fucking gorgeous.
samsho 2019 clears, but SNK wants it dead.
*fyart in your myouth*
I don't give a shit
HPA shouldn't recover a BP
His shit should disappear when he gets hit
dont leave me bros
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I'm EU, where will I go if GBV dies?
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tell me I'm the best and I won't leave
Proper anime fighters sell copies but don't have lasting populations outside of the dedicated fanbase. Strive only got popular by removing a ton of the anime bullshit. All the people saying XRD rollback would kill it were wrong. MBTL is the only recent anime game, it had a ton of players and dropped to nothing because people don't want to deal with crazy movement. You'll notice even the "crazy" games don't put that in - just look at DNF Duel and 2XKO. The HxH fighter might be able to live on IP power if 8ing don't cuck it up like they did DNF.
this one died because the netcode was atrocious at launch and wasn't fixed in time
you are the very best.
>it had a ton of players and dropped to nothing because people don't want to deal with crazy movement
that's some weird historical revisionism
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>get hit by random blue shit jumpscare moves because screen freeze fucks with my inputs
Cool feature, I'm glad that more fighting games are copying street fighter 6 and freezing the screen so your inputs get fucked so your opponent can get an ego boost about their totally sick NEUCH
that's not how that works, you just suck and are blaming things you don't understand
Sorry for the late reply, I was busy eating smegma butter.
I understand, it's obvious people will get upset when you drastically change game philosophy like that.
However, I will argue that it's kinda weird for a DB game to have low power level. Though I realize it's not a compelling argument; if we were to apply the same logic to Granblue, Mom should IK everyone.
To go on a bit of a tangent, I wish people would be more honest and admit they're fans of certain franchises, not the genre. In this case, people are fans of MVC, not FGC/Tagfighter fans. I really hate when people go ''Oh man I love fghting games!'' when they love MvC and SF, but anything beyond that gets criticzed to hell and back for the same things they praise in the aforementioned games.
I will watch some matches from when DBFZ was fresh and compare to how it is now
Literally has not happened to me in 200+ hours of playing.
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Fucked launch
Bland ass visuals
Bland characters
Bland stages
French Bread pitched an FGO fighter and got told to make another Melty, but simpler. All for another dog shit VN
>DNF Duel
No fucking support or any indication of such for months. Took 6 months for them to announce a season pass and two years to finish. The gameplay was also complete fucking garbage. Fullscreen specials, 20yr combos, dog shit comeback mechanic, shit metre mechanic, no fucking movement, no burst and absolutely abhorrent defensive options. It also doesn't help that the "characters" weren't actually characters, just class templates from DFO.
It's tagshit, why're you surprised?
I don't plan on picking up any other fighting games after this one, i'm a spic so my friends are planning to jump to city of the wolves when it comes around
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people put up with strive's horrible online.
the story is true of every single anime game. People don't say that outright, it's always some random other thing, but any game with good air movement drops to sub 200 players. That's the common factor. The only ones that don't are MVC and DBFZ which have insane IP strength behind them. This goes back 20+ years. SF and KoF and MK are the popular 2D games where GG and MB are ignored.
Uni beats out blazblue at any event, any online tournament, any offline tournament. Compared to BB, MB, older GG games, people flock to undernight, even though it's a 40 dollar balance/netcode patch to an old game with basically 0 new content. The social media drives to get people to play that game have exceeded basically all others. Why? Because they took out the air movement.
Strive's online was fine in game, it was just everything outside of that being bad.
Melty Blood's online wasn't functional at launch and you had to watch the intro so the match wasn't constatntly rollbacking. This wasn't even a PC only issue, this was on both platforms.

Did you even play Melty Blood on release?
>strive's horrible online.
The fuck are you smoking? I assume you're talking about the lobbies and not the actual matches, right?
peak player count is almost double undernight yet fell off like a rock. If the visuals and characters and stages were actually that bad(they aren't) nobody would have bought it in the first place.
developer trends still remove movement. "Tagshit" like mvc had crazy movement and that's the feel they are chasing, yet that factor is gone to appeal to more casual audiences.
>If the visuals and characters and stages were actually that bad(they aren't) nobody would have bought it in the first place.
MBTL came out while the fighting games were at a peak population, it's the same thing with DNF. It was riding off of the high that Strive created. That's not actually a good argument.
I like games where patient play is a viable option
I really can't comprehend this post on a fundamental level
When someone opens me in an anikuso fighter:
>wow, you got me to block a touch, then you made me guess your canned mixup, i guess wrong on a literal coinflip now I lost 50% of my health
Meanwhile in Granblue you actually have to work to open people up, literally the first month of this gen was Strivebabies getting absolutely filtered because they couldn't open people up and crying incessantly about how downbacking was OP.
>deeper knowledge of specific interactions
You say deeper knowledge of specific interactions, I say learning an obscure gimmick that is easy to execute but hard to be dealt with. I don't see how that's a good thing.
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Nyes, those are the best.
Looks fun
No, they accomplished it by having you die in 2 touches in Strive. That's why it has high damage and why they have never lowered the damage of the game.
That's why tournaments run the game at ft3 to try and lower how volatile the actual game is to make it feel less random.
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>It also doesn't help that the "characters" weren't actually characters, just class templates from DFO.
I kind of don't mind that, but it vastly depends on the game.
I did and it was nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. There were laggy shit players but most of my matches were fine. intro rollback issue is hardware related anyway, I get it with local people that I have otherwise great connections with and don't get it when playing cross country with people.

horribly optimized stages that fucked people's computers and forced tons of rollback, lobbies being dogshit and not connecting, rollbacks could remove the audio, dogshit matchmaking experience, connecting to server, massive load times before the match.
Strive online, as a whole experience, was awful. The loading times for a strive match were longer than having to watch the intro to a melty match and nobody gives a shit. That's the kind of shit I mean. People will stare at the bird for 7 seconds but can't watch a 4 second long intro in melty which loads the match in 3 seconds.
>peak player count is almost double undernight yet fell off like a rock. If the visuals and characters and stages were actually that bad(they aren't) nobody would have bought it in the first place.
That was also back when everyone was high on copium about it being the "Strive killer". Also got that covid bonus.
>developer trends still remove movement. "Tagshit" like mvc had crazy movement and that's the feel they are chasing, yet that factor is gone to appeal to more casual audiences.
Because everyone is chasing the mythical "casual audience" without doing anything to entice them. MvC was carried by it's name-brand and Capcom cocksuckers, every other tagshit game dies instantly for a reason.
>I did and it was nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.
>intro rollback issue is hardware related anyway
no it wasn't

you didn't play on release, shut the fuck up
there was massive hype leading up to the release in spite of all the visuals being what they are and people who talked about "no drip" got clowned on by a much bigger crowd. You can make the argument about them buying DNF and then finding the gameplay bad and quitting, but saying that people stopped playing melty because of the visuals when that part was being discussed weeks before the game came out doesn't make sense. If a game has such shit visuals why buy it? You KNOW it looks like that.
When grub dies I'm fucking off from this genre, picking up FGs is unironically one of the biggest regrets of my gaming career.
Imma become a single player casual or some shit
If fighting games suck what should I play?
>I like games where patient play is a viable option
Isn't this one of them? Actually people will try random shit like walking towards you for 5 hours to bait throws
>runs away constantly
>increases health and meter with his food shit
>shoots smash bros- tier shit on screen, some of the best projectiles in the game (instant paralyzing laser which is meterless btw) and they act as summons too
>his supers are both minigames that you can randomly lose, literally a test of your reactions during high tension matches
>the character himself is an obnoxious douchebag cocksucker
He was designed to be one of the most tilting characters on purpose. People that play him know exactly what they're doing by picking him.
Palworld utterly MINDBROKE this general.
It is genuinely terrible. Characters just end up saying general things to each, there's nothing personal about any of the fights. The only time I could see something like working is if you could customise/create characters and class templates for movesets.
I experienced none of that. Yet I clearly remember constant de-sync during Melty's launch, poor online quality, even against friends less than a mile away and a few crashes. Strive's online was a godsend in 2021.
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>Because everyone is chasing the mythical "casual audience"
literally my point, yes.

>you didn't play on release, shut the fuck up
you didn't play enough, clearly.
They mindbroke our fucking servers
>horribly optimized stages that fucked people's computers and forced tons of rollback
I never experienced this or even hear people complain about the in match rollback on release.

>There were laggy shit players but most of my matches were fine. intro rollback issue is hardware related anyway

Oh, you are from a fantasy land of imaginary scenarios.

>strive player wins evo
>every single "top level" rising player is a strive player or has never played a fighting game prior to gbvsr(Koujicoco,artorias)
Stealth kino.
Pick up Thief Gold and Thief 2 Metal Age on GoG. Play through them a couple of times and then dive into the world of fan missions.
Oh, then yeah, I agree with you there. I want a new airdasher so fucking badly man.
EVO was basically determined by who ran into the least Niers.
No one is surprised that the first big tournament of a new game is unbalanced and a mess.
>I will watch some matches from when DBFZ was fresh and compare to how it is now
Be warned, the game was kind of a mess on release. And Seasons 1 and 2 had their own issues. Personally, I think the game reached it's peak with Season 3 patch that added multiple different assists to choose from, that massively expanded team-building potential and saved several characters that were almost unplayable due to really bad/gimmicky assists.
>I never experienced this or even hear people complain about the in match rollback on release.
the forest stage and may's stage with the ships were awful back then and still are, to my knowledge.
I've played thousands of matches and I'm sure the intro bug is hardware related which is why they don't know how to fix it despite repeatedly saying they did in patch notes.
>or has never played a fighting game prior to gbvsr(Koujicoco,artorias)
Really? That's impressive.
>No one is surprised that the first big tournament of a new game is unbalanced and a mess.
Does that even fit our top 6?
I mean, when people talk about disaster tournament they say shit like 7 Leeroys at T7 top 8
Our top 6 had a nice character spread, the worst that happened were a few upsets or shit like that
People meme Aarondamac being a strive player but he joined every gbvs tournament from launch until evo lol niggas was grinding the game
if a simulation of EVO was ran over and over again, JPs would've clowned on the soive trannies
also, I clowned on Artorias in ranked a few days ago
To any weak willed faggot who might be letting the doomposting get to them;
We still have Vikala and Sandalphon to go, Sandalphon (ugh) is the most popular GBF character by far. Or at least he's supposed to be. rrat is also extremely popular, we'll see how they go. During S2 they'll probably announce shit too, that might breathe some much needed life onto us.
This game still has a while to go.
>if a simulation of EVO was ran over and over again, JPs would've clowned on the soive trannies
Holy cope. Gamera got fucked by NAGods.
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>horribly optimized stages that fucked people's computers and forced tons of rollback
Running strive require very little power, the problem stem from people playing a literal toasters you could smoke some meats on, I've lost the count of how many time I've seen the rollback goes to shit everytime a big fat counter hit happened on, say, Neo New York, one of the most "computer intensive" stage in Strive.

>lobbies being dogshit and not connecting
I did not experience this, I will however give you the benefit of the doubt because I've talked to a lot of people who did experience lobbies issues and constantly see TO remaking lobbies in weeklies.

>rollbacks could remove the audio
First time I've heard of this, unless you're referring to how sometime rollback would do something fucky at a supposed round ender but the loser came back to life because the game didn't account for the hit that would have closed the round, and the music would suddenly cut off, that did happens but it was very, very rare.

>dogshit matchmaking experience
I never used this so I cannot comment on this.

>connecting to server
True, the game would send a shitton of requests back and forth between the client and the main data center in JP, causing the initial connection to server on the main menu to take fucking aeons and was fixed by a bored neckbeard in his basement, though that did get fixed. Amusingly enough we have a similar issue in Rising, JP players takes nanosecond to connect on the main menu while us lowly gaijin have to stare at our monitors for a good minute.

>massive load times before the match
That's a player related issue, once again blame people playing on toasters, not the game, loading times were fine.
ok buddy lol.
jp has gotten cooked in every international tournament.
>Isn't this one of them?
More so than other fighting games right now yeah, but I would say it is more efficient to pick someone like Belial and just aggressively spam 66L rather than play the whiff punish game
Yeah, they'll breathe life into the game for 3 weeks before we drop back to <500 players. And that's assuming Cygames doesn't go full retard and release a character or patch couple of days before or after another game gets an update.
>That's a player related issue, once again blame people playing on toasters, not the game, loading times were fine.
show me how fast you load into a strive match and I'll show you how fast I load into a melty match.
yumes aren't gonna start playing for sandal
They're already here playing Bubs, Seox and Lance
>show me how fast you load into a strive match and I'll show you how fast I load into a melty match.
I'm not gonna reinstall the fucking game for that, so you'll have to take my words for it but it took about between 5 and 10 seconds on average iirc. I would on occasion meet a faggot running the game on a voodoo 3 with a 25 years old hard drive, which would take "Sky Should Be High" to the fucking chorus and that's when I knew I'd be playing an underwater match.
Since I can't provide evidence, I won't begrudge you for not believing me.
It seems to be the first FG for a lot of people. Or at least the first one they try to get good at, myself included.
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Here's your season 2 guest character, bro
I think versus is a good entry into the genre. Nothing too retarded to wrap your head around, basic mechanics a lot of FG shares, most of the character archetypes achieving their goals easily enough that you can understand how they works simply enough, all of that will serve you well should you ever decide to get into a more complex or deeper FG.
>v-tranny shit
Don't you fags have entire board dedicated to this garbage?
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Sorry, wrong pic
this would be 2 based
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Is Etna's mound still erupting?
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it's my first fighting game too but I'm nowhere KojiCoco's level, really impressive he got that good this fast
No doubt he's good, but if he can afford to travel to all these events, he can probably afford to have a coach get him up to speed. Watching the Sajam Slams really hammered home the value of having someone experienced give you 1-on-1 instruction.

Or maybe he's just talented, or he grinded like madman.
>Ferry can do divekick into instant DP so you can't punish her landing
And you niggers want her buffed. Fuck outta here.
Great job guys. Now we just need a few kekypows and a few kekaroos for our morph into /gbfg/ to be complete
you forgot to reply to the shitskin too bwo
Nah, we still need someone to whip up some BLACKED and futa aisloppa.
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This is the first time in over a thousand matches that I played against someone who relied on BC so much that it actually mattered and they died for it.
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>Of my my """buddies""" play like half the cast
>Can only beat me with 2B
>Insists that she's not top 5 and that she's balanced because she does "no damage"
>Still fumes externally every time i just pick Ladiva and grab him constantly because he has no idea how to play neutral and keeps running into me with his automash-combos
Starting to hate this nigga.
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2b players are BCcucks.
you can roll her dp
Really nigger.
THAT is what you are complaining about.
sounds like you're both shitters
Not my fault 2B is auto wins neutral.
>replay stalk my jp versusia GOAT
>see him doing a double ult tornado combo where both of them are links and the second one is somehow AFTER combo limit
lol lmao
im not snitching on this bug
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I haven't won a single grandmaster vs grandmaster battle, but I did win vs grandmasters as masters
I am a fraud
Thanks for sharing this info with us.
It would be a shame... if someone here DID snitch... nyehehehe...
can you catbox a clip onegai desu
oh man, luci downplayers are not going to like my next webm
how does she auto win neutral
Mom auto wins the neutral against my penis
>Whiffed grab
>whiffed grab
>whiffed grab SBA
tournaments are something so great
Respectable opinion, I dropped out of fightan after a while once I picked up DBFZ and thought it was soulless, and then MvCI was the one-two punch that totally took me out of modern fightan until a friend dragged me back in with Boober Tag.

I ended up really liking this game, and the IP in general because it seems like a really fun fantasy story, but CyGames seems to want to kill it, so that sucks. Moment this game dies, I'm probably dipping unless a new fightan IP comes and steals my heart, because everything else in the pipe right now, aside from maybe Garou, is pure unsoul.
Zero must be a coke snorter, the more I see him the more of a fucking crackhead he look like. Not even trying to talk shit about other people's look because, fuck I'm ugly, but jesus the man just look ill.
how did this match get to 20 seconds remaining with nobody doing anything
Why do people say "combo limit" in this game? Is it just what people call hitstun scaling in this game or is there actually a hard combo limit similar to KI?
There is a hard limit.
Why are you in the general for a game you never played.
Game is so dead that you can't tell a new player from an unplayer. That's just sad.
Yes, there's a hard limit and there's even a text pop-up saying "combo limit" once you hit the limit. It only starts counting once the opponent is airborne, so keeping the opponent grounded for as long as possible is the key for optimal combos. There is also increased pushback on every hit to prevent grounded infinites.
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specifically it's a juggle limit, it doesn't start until the character is launched. The game calls it combo limit. You can only do a specific number of attacks against an airborne opponent, regardless of the starter or how long the grounded chain was. Characters with restands break this because it takes them out of juggle state, so it's very much not hitstun scaling.
If I one and done you it's not because I wanna make you angry, it's because I have to go piss or take big fat fucking shit
>I picked up DBFZ and thought it was soulles
Damn, may I ask why? From the little I played DBFZ I thought it was ultra kino
> but CyGames seems to want to kill it, so that suck
It's not malice, they're just THAT incompetent.
Then tell me that so we can take a shit together.
grorious nihongo gameplay
guess they're the polar opposite of that ''i just need to play more patient'' meme
dishonest things in this game:
low-hitting specials
grounded fireballs
IOH setups
armored moves
66H that gives a combo without counterhit
2M that's plus on block
belial 66M for some reason
sweeps that can low profile
restand ultimate
move that can punish BC
move that can punish 66L
throw bait specials
did i miss anything
Ladiva fingers typed this post.
The new DBFZ patch made the game better. You niggers need to Git Gud and stop getting hit so much. It now follows the magic 3 touch rule like every other proper fighter.
strike throw is honest
gonna go masturbate to brown lolis in summer dresses
good night
b a s e d
come back here and post a link you fuckhead
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if the game was good or supported or well thought out or devs cared or popular we would get a new batch of items for the crane game every couple months
Ain't gonna lie bros the game look a lot more fun when watching those S+ players on Paragon than the usual shitlist of top 8ers.
>ah... surely Six was all out of BPs, that makes...
>look closer
What the fuck.
I know they reduced his overall health but fuck.
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Unfathomably based
I know this is a swimsuit but let's ignore that
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Finally got it bros.
rupiemaxxing bro...
Io is not brown...
was the same the other day with the team battles

and I guess the reason is character variety
tournaments are just top tiers and nothing else

hence why balancing your fucking game is important
Why is Djeeta so sex?
I paid with rupees…
i'm saving my rupees in hopes of Vikala being released with a skin, if it ends up being in the BP I'll save for Sandalphon
You were supposed to just hoard those until EoS
The reason they didn't give gran and djeeta the caped skin is that it's too different from their base model (since they are older in those skins Gran is also taller)
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nyou see
What the FUCK
She IS brown...
Not like, Zoi brown but still.
I came suddenly
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Desu... Kill all the pedos...
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It's free with creamapi
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>no other fighting game will ever have as much armpit kino as grub
Ah yes Paragon, where I get to watch two retards talking about random shit instead of sets between competitors. Love this weekly.
Y-Yeah! THAT is why I -choose- to stay forever in S+
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ggs sheep anon.
dont feel bad everybody gets scammed by it at least it doesn't lead to 60% anymore.
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thanks for playing, anon
see ya next time
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I can crush both of you with my top tier. Smear you like paste
>Lucilius is le bad
i aint afraid of no cat poster.
Luci should lose a sword level when hit by BC or RS
Literally no one said this.

No, fuck off.


this is what you call footsies grubbers?
Heh you should be scared Lucifag, 1.50 confirmed that any shithead can submit a nerf request.
No one has said it this thread
butthurt niertranny?
A5 percygawd
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mmmmmmm you could
put the b5 gran on paragon
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>gamera found a way to lose it
holy shit
>watch the rest of the round
>gamera puts rookies to 1 hp
>still loses
lmao all rookies did was sit and wait
butthurt lucifaggot?
Don't worry bro Six gets revenge on him for disrespecting footsies later.
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touched a nerve
no, touched the feedback button retard LMAO enjoy
i thought kat was supposed to be mid...
she is all mids and thats the problem..
Kat is easily top 5 now
she's getting the djeeta treatment and not allowing her H lunge to bounce on walls
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leave her alone ryazo.
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synn didnt deserve this
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No, this is.
too much gooning
Alright, let's hear why this is a bad thing and why granblue with its brave counter and delay 2L is better
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(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Do you really need to have someone explain why a game that favors using throws fucking 5 times in a row is bad?
It was only 5 because that's how much health he had left too.
Because SF6 is ugly!
No need to explain, S+5.
imma fwip
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This is a big part of the problem, yes.
Also you quoted the wrong post.
okay, japan lobby boat
It truly is nasty to look at, isn't it
that's like asking at an in-n-out why no one likes fries with burgers anymore
So why isn't our game popular when we are basically playing the same game as slimers?
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ill just pretend im a spectator and not the one you challenged
still waiting
coming to the lobby to watch the ft10
I hope so many people join the lobby to watch the FT10 that it's basically the spiderman pointing maymay
if you say you are a spectator, I'm just going to assume you are a dodger
>neither players are in the lyobby
cumming to the lobby with the FT10
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we are waiting
can i watch
I'm here, I'm just pretending to be a spectator until he appears, then I'll fight him
Oh shit I thought we were watching the stream
How will you know when he's there?
Because I know who it is
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i dun get it
>how does she auto wins neutral
>no, this is
i cant be the only one noticing the lack of coherence
did you mean to reply to someone else
hurry the fuck up its 4AM here I wanna see this ft10 and go to bed
>they are both in the lobby pretending to be "spectators"

He has abel HP which is two touch range for high damage characters. He's a honest hardworking kot now.
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I was assuming everyone else just understood what the message was supposed to be replying to instead... I'm just going along with it

I think only one of them is here
What in god's name was I made to watch
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Someone stream it I'm out for a game with my coworkers
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>made to
>skibidi armpits
seems Garaitz is ITT
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Is it some kind of VR porn game for women?
when will they kill these set play retard proof characters (grim zeta)? I thought they were nerfed this patch but they're even stronger for some reason. i might as well play uni at least i can bullshit them back.
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It makes about 20 times more than granblue and is the #2 grossing gacha, soon to be #1
man that was the definition of sheepslop
i still dont know what post you were replying to
please quote it
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Well I'll be fucked.
Im not that guy
I just assumed everyone else knew
I still dont
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Ferry is so fucking bad we had a mirror match of her in loser qf. Truly a terrible character.
Will people finally become woke to the coomer female question?
? anon the grocery stores have been stuffed full of smut for the last 40 years for women to buy
the literature / book section is just smut for ladies
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the ft10 is actually going down
the mass media likes to pretend that women don't like porn
my mom is going to kick your moms ass
>Damn, may I ask why? From the little I played DBFZ I thought it was ultra kino
Thought nearly the entire base cast was playing similar to one another, all my bigger favorites were DLC, no Mr. Satan, the arcade mode was using defense and offense bumps to artifically inflate the difficulty without fixing the retarded AI, and the story mode was a pretty poor OG Dragon Ball story that didn't go full Shin Budokai or even use the leverage of post-ToP to make more interesting interactions happen. I didn't even play online because I wasn't subscribed to PS+, but I'm sure I would've hated it. But I think the biggest thing that did it for me was the fact that I was a NEET making money solely through dog walking, spent the last $60 in my bank account on that piece of shit, and I felt so gypped and lied to that it was going to be Marvel 3-tier fun that it hurt me deep down in my soul. Immediately went out to get a job the next day, paid my way through school, turned my whole life around, now have an ME Bachelor's and a first-time homeowner because that game just wrecked me emotionally no other game had before, I hated it that much.
And now Daima's coming out and between that and Super Hero, I made the right decision to drop out of Dragon Ball on the high note of Super Broly.
Posting more Korwa.
one of the players is "no there for the ft10" but we all know thats a lie based on >>494421854
but im that guy
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who could it be...?
Lust provoking chibis
Don't go near(nier) that Nier. She's a delinquent.
It's not fair that the NA Ferry rep is a fat homosexual obese gay nigger furry negro.
It should have been /our/ Ferry..
I bet he's cute.
I'm fat and mexican
People really slept on Djeeta's 5U
every cab will break...
das gawdlike
not in the kizzington way, i have a bad thyroid because of the asthma
>join lobby to watch ft10
>it's 3 separate pairs playing each other
which one wins the argument?
it's ragger vs no there for the ft10
i don't know who is on what side though
that was such a cool chang combo
i didn't know thyroid caused mexican, sorry for you kizzington
no, i got the thyroid problem because of the asthma which was caused by my homo sexual activities. i'm pretty lucky to be honest, it's either asthma or hiv, and i got the asthma
>aused by my homo sexual activities. i'm pretty lucky to be honest, it's either asthma or hiv, and i got the asthma
Belial player...
we were just playing normally. The FT10 didn't happen
that means you lost
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ggs lyobby
if you are bored and open to it watch https://asianwiki.com/Love_Next_Door it's rly good
imma uuhhhhhhhh fwip
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I'm glad you're in a better place anon. I'm hoping things work out for me soon and let me leave NEETdom too.
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To this day I don't feel a shred of sympathy toward zatofags.
god i hate how gooks look so much. chinks and japs are ok, but looking at a gook makes me want to punch their face
Damn. Ferry is just so unviable and unplayable. That's why she's in grand finals right now.
Beppo, maul his balls.
Maybe Cygames was onto something with the one-sided domination thing
Also you guys should really watch Paragon, sets have been great.
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You're literally me
I've been saying Yuel got hit much harder. Ferry's compensation buffs were actually really good for her in contrast to Yuel. Hell, even Vane might still be worse than Ferry.
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Can you tell your friends to stop sending me scam mails? It's getting tiresome.
The only scam my friends deliver is playing Narmaya
that morbidly obese homosexual nigga is going to engorge himself on 50 smackaroos worth of kizzingers at this rate.
>actual fags in my general
Those are indians, bro
Brown skin but mexicans know how to use toilets
He's going to reward himself by going to a furry bugchasing orgy after
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Fair enough, lads.
>Ferry is bad
You truly cannot trust setplay degenerates, ever.
Give me your shit takes anon, did Saltz just sucked ass or have people simply slept on Ferry?
They weren't jumping for whatever reason
Saltz started jumping, he got to actually play the game
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Ferry issa bottom tier
some players in masters and grandmaster get the notion that they have to play "honest" to be good so they try to play ground based footsies sometimes acting like they got hands when in fact playing like a gorilla is what runs a train on ferry the most
The fat negro jobbed.
I don't know if I should be happy because he lost or sad because Ferry lost.
Either way, I'm gooning to Ferry.
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ggs sieg-anon(formerly nier-anon). surely fkhr will buff her in the upcoming patch.
Get adapted on. Better player, shoto supremacy, etc.
Sieg's feed and seed (formerly Nier's)
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no patch needed...i will pay for my sins
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Today, I will install
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desu why dont toes count?
Why don't you faggots play in the tournament?
I do when I don't have anything else to do on the weekend?
when did the TO get so mean
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i will now play granblue fantasy versus..........................................................rising
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jwong looks like hes having so much fun on mahvel 2
tournaments suck, im not stressing over trying to beat a minigame fraud character for my bracket life.
>you can contract asthma from buttstuff
wtf public education didn't tell me this
jwong looks like a pig
>get invited to do stuff with friends
>decline because some of my friends' friends don't like me
>friend doesn't understand and insists i go
>i leave them on read
what character do I play for this feel?
>stressing over a tournament where half the commentary is the TO saying "scammed"
its accurate commentary.
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I will join if it is a Kot tournament next time instead of Golshi
ft10 ? ? ?
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This is someone's Grand Bruiser.
anus status?
some of us have this thing called a job
Post the cag creampie one again
Yeah, lots of Narmaya players do but they're still in the tourney
FT10 me right now
Whoever cums first loses
Make the lobby I never cum.
it's a trick, he's saying he won't come
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I'm just not interested man, that's all there is to it.
I don't have anything to say but Iwanted to reply too
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FT10 me delinquent Nier. I need to correct you
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how did bubs scam his way down there
bubs bro.. stop pretending like bubs divekick isnt a scam
You can move uno and bubs up 2-3 rows.
I'm convinced he gets off to it like those doujin where the fat ugly bastard "BUHI" and shit, these YT thumbnails have to be on fucking purpose.
What's wrong with that? I'm fat too and self-inserting as the fat bastard gives me joy.
Remove the run button
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zoi is a fraud character
In what world is percival more scam than narmaya
narmaya cant light the floor on fire
command grab + dummy low from slide + flame carpet + 214U is lmao + his DP is better + fH
being strong =/= being a scammer
Belial, Siegfried and Lucilius are strong but aren't scammers
command grab = automatic giga scammer, so belial is correct
Narmaya ultimate crescent is 500 times more scam than whatever baby shit percy has
I really enjoy Granblue Fantasy Versus......................................................................................... Rising.
just hit her out of it
issa reactable
>level 5 faa
>not scam
faa downplayer..
yool stays, she literally cannot use her scam right now
As usual, the rules of the general apply.
Female character = downplay
Male character = upplay
air stall = automatic giga scammer, so siegfried is correct
zoi propaganda
unreactable ogerhead, plus on block stun dippy, flip is a reversal, she sucks but she still has scammer cheese
ok homonigger. just because you failed at being a successful hetero doesn't mean you have to be mad at other normal people
FT10. Homos run this general, retard.
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yes, what about it?
can't use in current patch, not plus and can't use in current patch, can't use in current patch. she stays
can i watch?
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Zoi cures racism.
sure, a watching cuck is fitting for a homo vs hetero battle
thank you can one of you please play metera
How do I zoom in in the open lobby?
move your chair closer to the screen dummy
l1 or l2 + stick on controller.
dunno for pc
>fujos and homos ruined gbf
>now fujos and homos are running rising
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>can't use in current patch
it was literally added this patch and you can very much use it
>not plus
yuel players have been saying this since the game launched and you've always been wrong, this move has worked like this since she was released in vanilla
>can't use
yes you can
>can't use
bro just press the fucking button

i know your character was nerfed but how are you so fucking stupid
All I'm seeing is a black screen on this webm?
nice vanilla video idiot
What characters do girls (female) play
bubs lancelot and siegfried apparently
>all long hair
Norwood bros...
Can you spot dodge that, my friend plays Yuel and I've been doing it and it's been working but I don't know if it's real
if it's early enough you'll get a punish but she recovers fast so if you are late she can punish you. all depends on the timing.
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Guess we know why the lobby is pregnant now..
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>gets out-ranged by half the cast
>gets blown up at close range
>gets out-zoned easily. Can't win fireball wars
>light dragon is stuffed by flavor of the month EX pillar
>heavy dragon gets stuffed by full screen moves because it takes an entire year to start up
>all dragon specials are easily dodged through for full combo
>oki that flatout loses to brave counter
>speaking of which, damage is so low that the opponent gets to use all three brave stocks against her
>one of the higher execution characters because negative edge is required for squeezing out what little corner damage you can get
>cutest character in the game
10/10 still main her
i like to pretend that the referee NPC has to deal with the bodily fluids and broken stuff after hours
bob the seat sweeper
i only jack off in the lobby cave
I only jack off
i too never cum
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What do you think the patch is supposed to entail? Just the next battle pass, or do you think there will be some minor balance tweaks? I know the big patch isn't until October but we could see something like Nier's emergency nerfs from January for Belial
nothing, it's just bug fixes
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I'll probably still play this game even when the player numbers fall into the double digits
If it becomes outright impossible to get games then I guess I'll play more SF6. I'm not a big SF6 fan but it's at least sometimes fun
there was a video I saw where someone came on a bombergirl cabinet in an arcade
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There are more than half a million DOOM levels uploaded to the idgames archive alone. Get to it
>no Mr. Satan
To be perfectly fair, this isn't a Budokai Tenkaichi kind of game that's willing to give every character flight regardless of canon or make up 90% of some background character's moveset so they can be in, DBFZ tries to stay close to canon. I genuinely don't know how Mr. Satan would work in that game. I used to get into arguments with a friend about whether Roshi was possible since he couldn't fly; I argued they could give him a new movement mechanic and that's ultimately what they did, but even if you went the Lowain route of this being a movie portrayal of Mr. Satan or some other non-canon interpretation, I don't know how you'd make his joke character status work. Maybe make him the Gold War Machine of the game where he no-sells all the attacks (hyper armor) but sends opponents flying with attacks that look weak and have bad frame data? I think it would be hard to find a balance though if they went that route
>"Fixed a bug where Ferry's f.M, 2.M, 5H, 2H, and 2U had a hitbox"
Watching this makes me glad brave counter is worth a damn in this game. If Rashid tried to drive reversal any of those meaties it would have been blocked, leaving him minus enough to lose his entire health bar from the ensuing punish
why are throw loops still a thing in sf
We're now in our third fucking game of Oki Fighter. Add grab invincibility on wake up and be done with this grab loop bullshit. Telling people to "Take the throw" is not the answer to addressing grab loops when oki is already strong enough without factoring in grabs.
that's a pig
>Uno Gigamax
Just learn the matchup anon
I'm not saying he's not strong but he has pretty average damage, only really converts off his f.H, CH 236H or ults, and his parries while pretty different from DP characters have their own exploits. I'm not even saying he's weak but Uno's a slow-and-steady character who wears you down rather than an exploder who crucifies you for pressing forward for one frame
gyame iys shyit
I'm going to kill myself
stream it
don't do it kizzington
think of all the mcdonalds you havent eaten yet
Why does Lancelot's projectile STAY ON HIT
Why does he get to meaty projectile after a brave counter and be safe against DPs
Why does he get a sideswitch from it
Why can he jail you into an air unblockable if you try to jump it midscreen
how many projectiles don't stay even if the opponent is hit. I'm pretty sure it's the norm
Homosexual privilege
Would you eat Ferry out even if she had just finished peeing
Ghosts don't pee
if you need help dealing with his projectile just ask.
you don't want to stay fullscreen screen against lance because he can throw it out for free, unless your character has a way to punish him for doing that like katalina or zooey.
but even if it's out, the correct answer is to just walk backwards because it doesn't go fullscreen, it goes about 3/4 of the screen.
if you jump at him, then he can easily 2H you, and challenging his approach on the ground is also a bad trade because his projectile is still on the screen and he can run behind it.
so if you let him get away with throwing his projectile, you just have to back up and forfeit the space because you just gave him screen control.
Okay but what about when he STEALS THE CORNER WITH IT
what do you mean steal the corner with it?
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In a heartbeat.
>the corner should be a safe space
i don't know bwo, i've been memed with 10k damage combos numerous times while in the corner
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who actually use the Guard button to block
like for oki?
just hold the block button
you are always suppose to do that against lance, that's lance matchup 101
I'm a newbie Vira, don't be mean
This game has terrible keyboard support and when I try to mash while pressing the block button it cancels everything out and I neither press anything or block, so I pretty much can't
Remember when Granblue favored neutral and everything wasn't plus on block?
go buy a controller
If somebody made me play a fighting game on a controller I would want to kill myself even more
isn't a leverless arcade stick just a fancy keyboard?
yeah I remember when everyone had plus on block lows and supplemented that with plus on block specials and plus on block advancing rush that was also strike invuln too!
Hmm, so bottom tier Ferry won a tourney before Luci did, huh.
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Better nerf her again for good measure
Removing her from the game would be preferred.
go buy a mechanical keyboard
ft10? i am far sadder and suicidal than you. yes this is competition.
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good mornying. awt has started.
a kat is currently bullying the irish.
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>Turn on stream
>Kat vs Sieg
It's over.
If they really couldn't make it happen, at the least, putting Mr. Satan in as an assist character in Majin Buu's moveset throwing exploding Game Boys and launching across the screen with a weak Dynamite Kick for frame traps would have been okay, but I'd argue canon be damned in a game where Yamcha was top-tier for a while in the face of Zamasu and Beerus, if they gave Satan a jetpack and made him a trap character with some weak but fast karate to go into trap bombs and such, it could have worked. Overall, I think it really shows a lack of creativity and confidence that they couldn't get one of the most unique Z Fighters working, much like they couldn't get 17 working, but at least they made him part of 18's moveset, but then turn around and make 17 his own character as DLC anyways. Just feels like a middle finger in hindsight.
damn these guys suck
Anyone up for some Gran Bruise?
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Are you really going to queue?
how the fuck did you fumble such an easy win against this siegfraud
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Zesty nigga hours
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You can be nice. They're european...
>troonsagi is a kojifag
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this man praying to his fumo to not have a 38% winrate.
My god these casters are insufferable.
I hate the nu-FGC so fucking much.
dualsense moment
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Putting Satan in Fat Buu's moveset would be a good way to include him. I don't like the jetpack thing only because (unless Super retrofitted it into canon) that was made up entirely by the Budokai games
I'm not saying to follow power level autism, but you need to capture the core of the character. Yamcha is still one of the best fighters on Earth, just with the fatal flaw of overconfidence leading to devastating losses. This eventually got flanderized into him being a jobber but he has a full moveset to turn into a character and was competitive with, if not Goku, then the other humans, up through and including the Saiyan Saga. Yamcha can also fly, throw ki blasts and beams etc., so there wasn't anything special that needed to be done for him unlike Roshi or Videl who have unique system mechanic changes.

With Mr. Satan his entire thing is not being able to do the things necessary to basic combat in DBZ's setting, so you'd need some heavy creative legwork to make him function while capturing his vibe. I'd say wait until DBFZ2 but given the recent balance patches that game got I think Bamco actively hate that game and want it to die so they can leave it behind, RIP
how do you drop that

there is currently a horse fighting arefu
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>Doesn't take the first game
>Gets Sieg'ed
what hors is that
Why is the gay nigga from SF6 commentating Granblue irl?
Unfortunately tamamo cross is a belial player.
oh shit hes on stream.
I can't recognize tamamo cross without her blue headband
belialfaggot getting destroyed loooooooool
yeah I had to prowl the pixiv to find out if it was tamamo or someone else without the accessories
Game is full of titcows and all the commentators are talking about is man cheeks.
That Belial costume was a mistake.
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are they joking about the footsies? i can't tell
there's no footsies happening
drop city
tamamo crossies its ogre
It is compared to Slime Fighter
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socky washed
No idea why socky is playing kat when his charlotta is much better
But they have drive rush?
Virum is gawdlike, watch your mouth
DPs shouldn’t chip
Chip shouldn't even be a thing in a game like Rising. It only exists as a mechanic to enable fireball zoners, and Rising hates zoners with a fiery passion.
das gawdlike
All specials and supers should chip in all fighting games. NO EXCEPTIONS.
>making them change the console because ps4 is dogshit
are they actually finding a spare ps5 from the tekken corner?
>rising got stuck with the cucks4
Chip gives players a reason not to play as passive as they otherwise would
Let's say you're playing a character who doesn't have a good throw bait, and your opponent just plays evasive, walking back or delay teching then eventually taking their turn. Maybe you'll throw them or get a perfectly timed counterhit after baiting the 2L, but you have very little to make the opponent be proactive. Chip damage gives you something, particularly late into a round where every bit of damage gets the opponent closer and closer to death.

And considering Rising has both a frame 1 spotdodge and prevents chip kills until the opponent is both at 1HP and a gap has appeared in your offense, it's possible to avoid most chip kill situations. If you spotdodge a DP that's a huge punish for you
>koji is a belial now
so that is a wish confirm.. i see..
Not surprising if you want to win
>Belial vs Siegfried
this is your strongest american? loooooooooooool
I wish this game wasnt so bad.
Can't you hide trophy notification?
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Id rather turn into a fightcade boomer than put up with that abomination.
rare install
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Now this is some primal unga
open up eurosissy
nierGAWDS stay winning
DPs shouldn't give you oki after akshually
just woke up
>belial vs siegfried
dont tell me it was all like this so far
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Ultimate Gran for season 2, called it
Don't worry, Katalina is there too.
mmmm i thyink nyormals should alsyo chip
Worse, Katalina vs the Ladiva casino
Shouldn't you be getting ready for school, Hyde?
socky only won because he cried to the TO for 2+ minutes stopping the ladiva battle fervor
Dark skinned vampire hands wrote this post
>Dark skinned vampire
just play the stinky fox then
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Troons THIS is your hero?
eu's best player.. pffffft
>10 seconds in level 3
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Charlotta anon, they will know our pain
This nigga Usagi has more facial hair than me.
>crowd chanting 2M into f.H
where is xewom
hasn't played yet apparently
yooooo is that belial for the 1000th time das crazy
thanks cygames for giving this fag nothing but buffs
His pool just started I think
Are Zeta and Vira hard to pick up?
Belial is still less gay than Nier.
>didnt want to shake the hand
lmao would be based if you played someone respectful, but you literally play belial bitch lol
da fuck
apparently the zeta optimals are difficulty.
Lucilius schizo is gonna have a fit
all in on aminekat
zeta is hard to play
vira is pretty simple
luci looking like the new braindead top tier
this senkh guy plays sieg and he was free crystals for me in ranked, if he's beating socky on kat that's kinda crazy how hard luci carries
>almost lost to a nobody ladiva in one of the most onesided matchups in the game
>loses to a fraudulent top tier picked
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To the guy that called me a schizo for saying that Zeta's 214L was bugged
I'm guessing that he's referring to Nagoriyuki
I never played strive I wondered what blackula had to do with this.
Oh thank god, new commentators.
That's a weird thing to refference considering that chip on normals is (or was) a Mortal Kombat staple.
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aminekat sisters we are fucked
>Seox does a triple attack on me
>"ok he's minus 4 now let me just-"
>he just does it again somehow
I don't know im just cheering for the underdog
all charlottas are underdogs doebeit
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I hope for xerom vs uno (bribrisan)
big gran on screen
isn't that the bum that robbed niggas in the jappa tournament recently?
I doubt it since he's european, unless I'm mixing it up with someone else
who did aminekat play xewom
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I think that I'm constantly getting matched with one guy who watches the tourney
Production SUCKS
was wrong
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just woke up
where are the charlottas??
>sheep vs soriz
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gone just like the horse posters...
Where is katGAWD to BUCK BREAK him when needed?
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I don't mean on /gbvsg/, I mean in the tourney
I know already you guys are sissy losers who can't handle a loss and will quit the game over it
>you guys
i might be a sissy loser who got fucked in a first to 10 but i am not a quitter
this sheep player is not very skilled
He's a commentator man
the other day I watched his stream and was complaining about the GM system
which is fair and all but not when you have 400 crystals, bro you didn't even try
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Eustace bros there is still hope
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yo this gran
LMAO katGAWD junior
dudeakoff got those man tits
dudeakoff broken
>has to bring out the seox for the granGODKING
luv U fireball
simple as
did i just block one jab?? bc time

this game is so ass
should've spot dodged lil buddy
*evades and gets nothing for it*
how do you like that??
Many grans, 0 djeetas. What a time!
Hello, i play both.
Zeta is extremely difficult, even outside of her combos shes can be very demanding.
oh shit he evaded it and he'll try to punish me
Hahahahaha dudeakoff is shit
implying im naive enough to try to punish a dodged bc when i know it is literally impossible in 99% situations
I'm on stream in a bit
Really? I expected Zeta to be difficult, but I figured Vira would be just as hard.
ok xerom
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>even outside of her combos shes can be very demanding.
yeah, you need a lot of stamina to have sex with her
>that color
not /our/ kat
cheering 4 u bud
who wants to play? eu/ec
haven't played in a week i'm just gonna mash
>skyll online
>skyll offline
>siegfraud extra fraud
das GAWDlike
Soriz is a sieg counterpick
I'll be in the lobby.
who’s WE, honkey
kat should be allowed to lightwall mid air
Your first mistake was thinking it was ever your turn in Rising.
all of us
we're a hivemind
das not gawdlike
i should be allowed to see 4chan posters address and send in an air strike
Kat represents everything I hate about Xrd Ky Kiske.
please god release me
Overtuned Shotos Versus - Rising
DP more bwo
Kat isn't as fucked up
t. Ky player
But she doesn’t have stun edge YRC
Oh, no. Not even close. But goddamn does she still give me nasty flashbacks.
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Hve there been any japs on stream
There are no Japs in the tournament
Japs don't really fly out anymore. Don't expect any at ECT later this month.
A friend told me to kill myself like the retarded tranny I am for playing Lowain.

Was he right? Why?
Nice try, Vira tranny.
You're both wrong, because trannies don't play Lowain. Only Memelords, homos, and real women play him.
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eustacebros... no....
meant >494466960
Guess again, nerd. I just mash buttons with Belial and people get hit eventually.
Foppi... Ha lavorato...
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such a beautiful whore
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imma fly around like a cum shot in the wind and hope you get hit eventually because no one uses the block button
im feeling bad for a bea player... this isn't right.
my hero
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I'm next
my opponent is ducking
why is the draw ticket system for lobby skins so ass? It doesn't seem to operate on a knockout basis, so once you're only left with a few undiscovered ones you get dupes like 99% of the time (and the refund for dupes is ass too).

Don't tell me this is how their gacha works as well, this is why the chinese gachas are eating their lunch.
waiting forever
Why no moms...
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shyut thy fyuck nyup
She's still banned from awt events
Europoors can’t afford her
>Zippy getting insulted by the commentators "he'll play Belial!"
>he plays Djeeta
He's... He's honest now...
I like default djeeta more than the alternate skin..
he mad
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zippy washed
ex-nierfags carried by her DP
I'll be next on stream
for what reason would anyone pick her?
she is mid, doesnt do anything uniquely op
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>xerom had to play against percy
>now sieg
>he might play against lance if jessekumiko makes it out
the homoknights haunt him
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Yeah, I main Charlotta, how could you tell?
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ganbatte zekrom
why does a safe (on block and on dodge) ultimate ball lead into a combo?
mnyou see
you can throw her if you are in the corner
issa lowish mid tier
>on block
not on corner
>on dodge
not on certain distances
because every character is as or even more retarded than that
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>Default Charlotta
this will be problem later on
>it's another "Nierfag gets bailed out by counter DP and triple brave counter" episode
She's going to start winning tournaments again a month from now
oh nyo...
uhmm charlottabwos??
Imma throw
>not on certain distances
you need to be so specific that it never matters
>because every character is as or even more retarded than that
which lariat type ultimate that gives a combo in the corner is safe on block and dodge in most situations?
damn no wonder yuros outsource their air defense to america
Is every single EU player watching the stream? I've been waiting in the queue for 25 minutes and haven't gotten a single match.
finna wake up jump and then downplay ITT
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>he stood
I am watching the stream
I'm every EU player
commentators coping seething sneeding
Make grabs 1 frame and cut the range in half
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>which lariat type ultimate that gives a combo in the corner is safe on block and dodge in most situations?
>you need to be so specific that it never matters
xerom got fucked for it multiple times on stream without counting SBAs on reaction
might as well make everyone a square and not give unique strengths to anyone I guess

your main btw? post profile + proof it's you
Explain to me why people call Vira trannybait. Wouldn't Six make more sense? Troons love dexfags.
thats our tgirl.
That or playing the tournament.
Wh*tes projecting their tranny obsession as always
they don't have my color
Yuri and troons go hand in hand
The meter grimnir gets is so fucking stupid
you can press a button, let it hit the armor and spot dodge cancel and always get a punish
you can just spot dodge regularly and get a punish always as well

>green text melty of something that was not sad
>no examples as well
>post profile + proof it's you
you first
she's a dyke so she's a magnet for 'roons
>no examples as well
you never watched xerom play? lol remove your rose tinted glasses dude
>green text melty of something that was not sad
it was implied. explain me why a rushdown character isn't allowed to have a good rushdown ability?
>>post profile + proof it's you
>you first
it's pretty obvious I main charlotta no, you dofus?
still not posting your main though???
put lowain abel vas and charlotta in a tier of their own above the rest and we have a deal
I play Metera.
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thanks for the laugh but you're not him
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Eustacebros... We couldn't make top24 again...
>you never watched xerom play?
Yea I did that why I made the ball post in the first place.
>it was implied.
>explain me why a rushdown character isn't allowed to have a good rushdown ability?
Explain to me why a rushdown character needs a mostly safe ultimate starter? Just because a rushdown character is a rushdown character they need to be safe and brainless in most situations?
>it's pretty obvious I main charlotta
yea so? thats not what i asked. post profile + proof it's you
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Nigga lost to a commentator
Virum is pretty good honestly jokes aside, probably one of the better percys in EU
>seeding NAbvlls against eachother in top 24 winners
why are frenchies like this
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beat me to it... eurocollusioncucks...
>Yea I did that why I made the ball post in the first place.
I mean multiple matches and not against the dude I also stomp in ranked lol have you watched his last tourney where he fought wavie for example? wavie was consistently dodging a lot of charlotta balls
>Explain to me why a rushdown character needs a mostly safe ultimate starter? Just because a rushdown character is a rushdown character they need to be safe and brainless in most situations?
....yes? did you just wake up from coma? rushdown = brainless. without counting that again, it's still counterable as proven by good players or xerom would win everything no?
>post profile + proof it's you
you're still not posting your main, what do you have to hide? besides there's not that many charlottas playing here in this general so you could do 1+1
there is like 8 active charlottas bwo..
>dodges the ENTIRE post
>still won't post it because he's a little scared cuckity cuck who can't even simply mention which character he mains because he knows he'll get fucked for it
keep seething about the little dwarf with the crown until the end of time bro LMAO no nerfs ever btw!
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sorry siegbro idk what happened, couldn't press anything so i restarted
and now it gives me this
Yeah I figured that it bugged out. Oh well, ggs.
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>dqed his ass cause he has to commentate
Damn Virum cucked him hard wtf
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come play
>I mean multiple matches
I have watched multiple matches of his yeah ?
> wavie was consistently dodging a lot of charlotta balls
Does that somehow change the fact that she is nearly safe and unpunishable on every ultimate ball? even if you dodge them?
>....yes? did you just wake up from coma? rushdown = brainless.
That is not the case at all.
>you're still not posting your main, what do you have to hide?
Hilarious, considering you are still not posting post profile + proof it's you. Surely if you act like such an arrogant tard, you wouldn't be coward enough to not play by even your own rules? C'mon, then.

You won't, because you can only talk shit like a tard behind the mask of anonymity and you know it.
i won evo. lower your tone when speaking to me.
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tick tock burgers
didn't you learn your lesson at revo. sit down and shut up takocel.
>Does that somehow change the fact that she is nearly safe and unpunishable on every ultimate ball? even if you dodge them?
if she does it from fullscreen, skill issue
if she does it from close range, skill issue again
if she does it from medium distance, 50% of the cast have moves like that
>That is not the case at all.
>You won't, because you can only talk shit like a tard behind the mask of anonymity and you know it.
speaking for yourself? I'm clearly showing my stance here, I main charlotta, you STILL haven't mentioned who you play for some reason... almost like... if you mentioned that character... your castle of dorito splattered uno cards would fall
>le anonousity
>talking shit
I'm just telling you the truth, talking shit where??? LOL
and yes this is an anonymous forum so I can 1) not only not post proof or anything (you should already know who I am anyway, there are not 8 charlottas posting here) and 2) make fun of you for not abiding by it unlike me, problems?

the truth is that doesn't matter how much you upplay charlotta, she's not considered by anyone good at the game top tier or anything, and that you still haven't mentioned your main. you could even lie but you won't even do that
game will remain bad as long as characters like beatrix are in it.
and who do you play?
Truth bomb
why is this nigga pretending charlotta isn't overly safe on everything even compared to other characters in this game
>card games will remain bad until aggro/control decks remain in it
can you just admit you don't like fighting games or you don't like putting effort and move on?
>white guy is the hype man
>black guy is calm and collected
Interesting reversal
thats just what yuropeans look like anon
safe but not plus
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My hero Hatsoon is HERE!
shiteater post
>best eu luci is a tranny
God damnit....
>luci wins neutral most of the time
>loses to le delta cock
nerf this bitch
>still loses to beatrix
LMAO cuckie cuck retard
balance bantu... do it again.
lol i HATED aggro as a kid now as an almost-ojisan I hate control because they're wasting my precious time
>You won't, because you can only talk shit like a tard behind the mask of anonymity and you know it.
Thanks for proving me right. You talk shit but can't back it up even by your own rules because you would have something to lose if your real profile would be tied down to your shitposting. Because this is not how you act in reality. I always knew you were a fraud charlottaschizo, but I don't hold it against you. I wouldn't post proof of my real profile myself either if I acted like such an crazy dumbass like you constantly in the threads.
the great irony here is that characters like beatrix are strictly designed for people who dont like fighters, just like most of the game.
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>gets overly angry over a beatrix comment
>same posting style
Mhmmm... I'm now actually interested in you posting proof you actually play Charlotta.
koningin beatrix W
like a book
luci gameplay:
mickeyshoes ass game
you still haven't posted your main though, unlike me??? retard I posted my stance and you didn't
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Why don't you fags arguing play a ft10 and then kiss afterwards you homos
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Post proof you play Charlotta. Don't ignore me.

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