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Previous: >>494353394
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You queue a game of dota in 2013
Your offlaner does this
How do you respond
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>no sticky
deadlock won
Quinnchads it's time
gg already tundra better get ready for your match with xtreme
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ward his jungle
what the fuck is an offlaner
based now I got a solo lane for myself to get lots of EXP in
solo laning used to be viable so I'm unbothered
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>this guy gets to fuck nattea
incelbros... is there still hope?
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post your dream casting team
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>flopson about to be taught how to play alche
>gg difint even need to last pick it

dis gonna be good
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Oh boy, game 3 please
I had forgotten that Drow was a hero.
>not completely bald
>Quinn only plays hero with insane mobility
Riki is an insane mobility hero, dotard
Yeah just be the best midlaner in the world with a a gigachad jawline
nice draft aui
alright faggots, how were the female hosts this year across all the language streams? anyone stand out? anyone an actual looker?
no game 3 goodnight dotards
Tobiwan and Grant
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Of course
Pure natty
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why not just buy auras yourself?
nigga got baki feet
fuck these chinkoids all look the same
>synd + sunsfan
>ramzes kunkka
its fucking owari da
GG won
>win probability starts at 55-45%
synderen is on the shitter
Tobi + a clone of Tobi
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lol Puck is a moth!
I love Synderen
gay ass nigga
Tobi and Puppey

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I don't know who does Nat's hair, but they know exactly what they're doing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hPzHXcIfxY looking ass nigga
alright, Nat or Ephey
Synd and Sunsfan is just a k1n0 idiot+straightman combo
Pure comedy
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Bodybuilding, the sport of turning yourself into an adult fetus.
head from Nat
Sex with Ephey
Moxxi and AnneeDroid <3
Saksa you shitter
I hate reddit tourists during TI
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i'm not really happy with it but i'm tired
see the animated jigsaw puzzle
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GG draft is ASS
cute but needs to undo another button
Why does Sunsfan sound so strange?
Synderen <3
it considers the draft and tends to favor heroes that have strong lategame
Yep I'm thinking BASED is on the menu
Not bad
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Hatefuck ephey

Passionate sex with NatTea
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>Gay men gladiators
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good enough you are serving /d2g/ well
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It's always better than nothing anon
is this a china winner TI or a based winner TI
marry nat for white babies and not disappoint parents
Would have been perfect if you meme'd out the bottom credits
Just throw the concoction you retard.
How many times has Drow been picked this tourmanent, and why does she look so good compared to 10 years ago?
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Based and bracedpilled
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I appreciate you creating something
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Drow is on Tundra though
its sadly quinn winner TI
jej, not bad
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why have i forgotten who this is
why are all these memories lost in time
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OK this game is over
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thanks means a lot
how's it possible that we had the brol meta for like 5 consecutive TIs
fighting over palestine and then makeup sex with ephey
How many of those does the game have?
icefrog stopped caring
what happened to him? had a kid and gave up on esports?
syndered sounds canned or is my audio fucked
>no sticky
ded gaem
your audio
His audio is shit
DotA was the worst ASSFAGGOT back in the Warcraft era and it didn't deserve to become as popular as it was.
Just so you guys know.
>Monkey and Sniper in the bg
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Fighting and players is more fun than farming
2k mmr btw
Uhh dunno the number. Dota 2 wiki has a list
Some of them were limited time and can't be purchased
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i was gonna add assassinate above someones head but seemed hard and gave up
>there's moonmeander in the bottom right
>close up of the kobold
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That kobold...he knows something..
Cry blizzdrone
>all 2-0s
>Pick 0 damage team
>Do 0 damage in teamfights
Who would have guessed
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Oh come on not another 2-0
>put all your farm on kunkka
>get nothing for it
>a blizzard lawyer typed this
fug thats right
thanks anon
that's LD and nahaz
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Putin say Tundra will win.
Apparently he's making video games now.
Offbrand Games
its ogre
>not putting topson on one of his autistic grandmaster tier heroes
yeah this is over
>teams all over europe are still falling for the ramzes honeypot
I don't even wanna watch this
This shit is unwatchable. Fuck gaymen and their dishonest dota
>the autistic hovel of bottomson
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the fact hes that far away is already great anon
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did we ever figure out if icefraud truly is bruno
>XG is the only team left with any soul
Deathball dota is so fucking boring
almost as bad as tundra when they won ti.
it just felt like every other team jsut forgot how to play dota.
atleast you still had secret around to root for, i hope somehow ame makes it work
yea gratz GG on winning TI
but they did?
gambling addict on suicide watch
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>Tundrafags right now
Drafts terrible
falcons will stop them
tundra would've won with shartour in the team
see you fags tomorrow, hope the games are better
this is exactly why I ban drow
>uh the enemy team only has 5 drow counters guys so I will lastpick drow no you can't have lastpick it's mine I will tick down all my gold to ensure lastpick drow even if the enemy picks any of the 70 heroes that counter me
This isn't even remotely interesting or entertaining anymore. What a bad day of DotA.
just call gg and lets hope for better games
jesus what a bloodbath
Nonstop deaths lmao
it's over lol
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>20min game
praying that AME wins ti
the happiest moment for them was seeing TS implode
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Absolutely depressing game, not fun to watch
>another 2-0
Yep, Dota is dead.
>btfo by a single Pole
>btfo by Americans
Yikes, Ivan, looks like your Dota 2 players are as competent as your army is LMAO
they can't even stop tundra
>18 minutes high ground
Pretty solid
>greed is now a fucking innate
how the fuck did this game get so powercreeped
>18k ahead by 20 minutes
Bros... I think dota officially got the bad ending
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meh no challenge
You can cope as much as you want but BattleShips was factually the superior AoS map and no Icefrog or Gaben van change that.
Who the fuck even's idea is this draft? This is fucking horrible.
can Quinn be stopped?
I reinstalled dota after getting the itch after a few years and watched todays dota and uninstalled
>Captcha: WAAA
So much butthurt ITT LMAO
Get fucked Russkies

GG has been picking and doing the exact same shit for 2 years but only TS has them figured out what gives
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gg has a russian carry
>they're tryna keep him at arms length but his arms are really long and gangly
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imagine still picking a shit hero like drowka in 2024
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The curse of marrying a dirty muslim.
ZERO damage kunkka
Tundra has 3 Russians, so they're the Russian team.
Yay I can go to bed early.
>Quinn will win TI before Sharteezy
Just think about that for a moment
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Why dont the other teams just pick the good heroes?
Somehow the "best" teams always have complete brainfarts of drafts in every tournament. They even have paid coaches and other members in their team that were meant to stop shit like this from happening, but it always happens. Its insane.
Keepin his machete sharp for Mason

Mason = rock throwing ogre
Quinn = agi maxxed swordsman
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Dota 2 is like a Blizzard game now, everyone has so much HP, healing and shields that nothing dies turning every fight into a massive slogfest. The only time someone dies is if one team is waay ahead which is why nearly all games are a stomp now.
that's not an achievement arteezy has won nothing since columbus
I hope you didn't mean to imply that Shartour will ever
it wasnt though?
oh boy what was that.
>liquid vs GG once again
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should have married a Christian girl
1 rax gg lmao
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>No drow victory
What so weird about it? He's one of the best midlaner for the last few years
and no spit
this is how i feel about quinn and GG
tundra seemed to die plenty last game idk unc
Quinn Ryihad.
Quinn TI.
Greatest north American player dota player ever.
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Today there could have been two if not three 2-1, this series was just shit
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erm what da sigma
where's her cock and balls?
>He's one of the best midlaner for the last few years
Arteezy was also one of the best carries for the last few years
Way to out yourself a newfag
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>Not even million views
>Dotashit 2 "esports" is so dead that the entire scene has been bought up by Saudi oil prince
>Only 2 million dollars prizepool
It is truly GRIM to watch the state of Dogturd 2 over the years. The game is barely able to stand on its own anymore, just a complete husk of Valve's failed abortion of a project.
first sneyking, now this...
>I said gg
>but it wasn't gg
>it was bg
I shaved my beard and now I look like a manchild
the memes were true
gamin are the tourny favorites no?
and yet here you are begging for (You)s
anal rape with that flat schizo
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you have a dedicated BBC posters in your general every single day so stfu nigger
any more games today or was this the last series?
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>only two days of TI left
sis shouldn't you be in your general posting bbc porn
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if he was so good why didn't he win?
because they were way ahead
Bad team synergy
White Americans are just too powerful
Yes but Tundra is also a top team, shit happens i guess
I miss chink manlet
Women don't have cock and balls you degenerate faggot
>White Americans are just too powerful
To play DotA
Quinn deserves it more than shartour tbdesu
arteezy was never good
he was the first player to lean how to autistically and efficiently farm and was known for it but since then everyone else has caught up
he was never really a good player, no one can name any crazy plays that arteezy did his entire thing was that he was always ahead of enemy carry and was winning games off of that
By introducing facet patch 4 months before fucking TI without any tournaments between
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What now chat?
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>Liquid vs GG upper bracket finals AND grand finals
Might honestly end up worse than TI11
>quin is going to win TI


>we will just get liquid vs gg finals where gg 3-0s liquid cause liquid are a bunch of weakminded redditors who can't overcome their 2nd place curse

why did Spirit need to lose to Nouns, there is absolutely 0 kino games left, it's just WEU DPC + Chinks. I'm unironically rooting for the Chinks
>spirit are out
literally who can stop quinn? amarr?
Women are also not purple and have magical archer frost powers
Dumb nigga
tundra hasnt won anything with this line up
>It's going to be another GG vs Liquid grand finals
>Liquid will likely get 2nd again
How many more times is this going to happen? I'm so fucking tired of this script.
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Liquid please, for once in your fucking life, beat GG. Winners- or Grand Finals, I dont care, just do it
Go cry about it in your paywalled subreddit, faggot
its a free TI for him unless AME can find a clutch gene somewhere
gg taking the trash out
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>he was the first player to lean how to autistically and efficiently farm and was known for it but since then everyone else has caught up
i thought that was burning?
Unironically based.
You don't know that
The only reason I played DotA instead of WoW during its peak is I couldn't afford the monthly fee. I'm only here today thanks to me not having money during my childhood.
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lmao what a fucking animal
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Redditson lose
USA won
>doubting china
ame is stomping whoever gets to the grand finals anyway
has the prize pool surpassed 2023's total yet?
how depressing. I feel like the competition in tournaments has declined but I don't know why. Maybe since the prize pool is so much smaller so players feel like they don't need to try as hard?
well yeah I guess burning was popular too but thats what RTZ was known for
so what I mean is that right now and for the last few years there has been absolutely nothing impressive about him
No, buy the compendium
>It's a free TI for quinn

Not so fast Quinnie boy

also if Falcon wins Sney and Skitter are 2 times TI champs lol
why does jenkins look like a serial killer
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thats very rude
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Washed up as fuck. They'd have to be 10 years younger and unmarried to be as good as they used to be.
Or maybe it's Blizzard's fault cause they started making shit games, I dunno.
This, but replace wow with lol and subscription fee with free heroes.
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Mason is a manlet.
Holy based
god mason looks so weird
he's got the head of a 45yo accountant and the body of a 29yo overweight female librarian
this looks like a very cursed lineup, imagine the ego infighting between mason and qojqva, not to mention demon
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We play baldur's gate 3 now. Also, it seems spirit is the only competent slav team, the rest of them are fucking trash at this point. Saudi tournament was a huge spoiler for this ti, finals are gg 3-0'ing against liquid or chinks. Their troon carry is trying to throw some games. but quinn and ace are in godmode in current meta. They legit can just 4v5 any team at this point
>Swedes win again
it's TI3 again bros
its been a week why isnt mason back yet
i unironically cant watch dota unless someone is typing N in chat
arteezy got famous off his mid skills so you're wrong
he switched to carry when this meme came about that mid is less important than carry and that's when he lost relevance
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Doctored image
Here's his real physique
what being based does to a mfer...
God I love Annette Schwarz so much, bros..
god nattea SHUT the FUCK UP
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They claim that rtz never won anything, but i'm pretty sure i remember EG wining a TI. What gives?
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Where is CK
What's the matter, mad that a guy who tells online losers they are losers are winning? Mad he was able to become the best? Mad he reaped rewards such as sex, admiration and grandiosity?
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I'm sure THIS TIME will be different right?
lmfao there's no way volvo is this incompetent
mothers are NOT allowed in this general
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These are the best players in their position in dota right now
What makes them so good?
goodbye dotardadas

see you tomorrow
>no sticky
told you retards
they're married now?
well i hope they are happy
I just woke up
where are the games?
they win their lanes everytime, I used to go on quinn's dotabuff and he would literally have pages on pages on pages of profesional games where he never loses a lane
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youtube mods keep protecting jenkins lol
Quinn threatened to blow up the stadium. Games suspended until tomorrow.
No aftershow cringe?
unrelated but does anyone remember stormstormer? That guy was probably the worst mid player I've ever seen in tier 1 pro dota no clue how he managed to spend 2 years on Entity
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Don't mind me
Yeah I will always remember how his name sounds cool but he plays like absolute dogshit noob 0 impact midder
>asian with blue eyes
holy shit, race mixing has gone too far
who are they
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Time for some more ranked doto with undoubtedly abandoners, last hitting support that think they are the carry and tilted carry players that go afk jungle
is this some epic meme to call every white dude asian or something?
The TI main event ended too early.
Back in the day the offlane was a solo lane called the suicide lane.
don't care + didn't ask
tasteless is unironically a bad caster
>no act IV
What the FUCK
are you blind or in denial
that is asiatic blood there
how many times is this pic going to get reposted in one day
There will be no bird samurai dotards...
has quinn been able to use his dota clout to have sex or is he still too ugly even with money and fame in a niche
What happened to trilanes and suicide lanes?
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>posting old pics of Soe
she looks like a ran through dyke nowadays, lmao
no sticky stinky dotards
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>"bought up by Saudi oil prince"
>saying this as if Riot isn't also licking Saudi cock with attempted NEOM sponsorships
Keep on huffing.
he is dating NatTea
she's a mother now (very bad in /d2g/)
>no sticky
>barely anyone watching
>thread are dead
>players dropping
Huh game really is dying?
Rightfully phased out of the game
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I think dota 2 overlaps severely with the international intelligence community and by extension the mob through the betting gray market but I don't want to prove it
Also this game is cool
only started watching dota2 again recently and trilane apparently died years ago from gold/xp changes
kinda want to go back playing this shitty game again because if i pick underlord/clock i don't have to deal with WD and skywrath niggers camping in front of my face while their carry gets to play lasthit simulator
>300 posts in an hour
ded thread
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I don't understand how I literally get griefers 80% of the time, but when I read about other's experiences they always talk about how they at worst get bad mouthed...
Those players are blessed and don't know how bad the low behavior score trenches are where half of the players would rather euthanize the game than trying to win.
I didn't choose the griefing life style, it chose me.
yes he has
that's why he's acting so chill now because he knows he's officially above people he used to flame.
This picture saddens me.
Memento mori.
subhumans being imprisoned with other subhumans?
I love to see posts like yours
Makes me always appreciate my games where everyone tries 90% of the time
He looks pretty serene to me
being a fat fuck at 60 is bad
He looks like the matrix guy lmao
>arteezy got famous off his mid skills so you're wrong
and the reason he has never played mid since is..?
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cya in about 12 hours dotards
Is he doing this shit ironically?
Schedule compiler here. I just noticed that there's even more new tournaments next season (+2 ESB events with 900k prize pools). Posting the updated list

I dived deep into research and it turned out that autumn 2024 - autumn 2025 pro season will be by far the most packed Dota ever saw.

There are going to be 5 ESL, 3 BLAST, 3 PGL, 3-4 FISSURE tournaments, 2 ESB, Riyadh Masters and TI 2025. That's 18-19 big tournaments. The ESL, PGL and FISSURE are going to have one million prize pool each, the ESB will be around 900k, while BLAST didn't announce theirs yet. This is far more than the previous record (the 2018-2019 season), which had 10 big tournaments. It's interesting that this is the first ever cycle of BLAST tournaments for Dota; they've only done one small event several years ago.







And what's even more interesting is that the autumn 2025 - autumn 2026 season looks to be exact same, since its first half has already been announced.
Now what
He's doing it for attention (it works) and because he's not bound by social restraints (based?)
he's been an attentionwhore for years, what do you think
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at least post on-topic sluts
>he doesnt know the matrix was written by a Black womxn
Stop posting this as if anyone gives a shit, we get more tournaments, great, don't need to see this every day let alone every thread
>what do you think
I don't know, that's why I'm asking, I don't fuckin' follow the Dota """celebrity""" scene dude
I don't post in every thread, people just started reposting it.
Post more of it, thanks
Yeah I called it. Tyfys.
It's mind-boggling how many tournaments there are now. ESB even says they're setting up an amateur league for aspiring pros.
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at what mmr exactly does pa fall off because it seems okay in divine, is it just not a pro hero? i understand its better in pubs am just surprised it works in high mmr pubs, and even the dpt is 49%, why do people say pa doesnt work in high mmr?
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IQ 180
clean your mirror dirty bitch
49% or 50% aint exactly hot
stops working at 10k
performance issues?
I've been watching pro Dota since the end of 2017 and PA does sometimes firmly appear in meta. The longest stretch with maximum pick rate I remember was when her triple dagger talent was at level 20 and not 25.
Marriage material
Don't be a metaslave. Play what you like.
During this patch cycle she would constantly spam daggers and get 2-7 support kills she didn't even target.

Sometimes she would crit on multiple daggers at the same time and decide to jump in since such damage changed the initiation equation.
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Bro, you play another ASSFAGOTS. You are not better than anyone here.
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He's there
everyone is there to witness the last TI of our lives
where did his jaw go
thumb for a head
That's unlikely even with 17 other tournaments. Since Gabe appeared and called TI "the greatest esports tournament" it's almost out of the question.
wtf? Why'd he do it?
So are they going to reveal a new champion or not?
Ringmaster hair...
Not 1, they're porting the entire deadlock roster starting with the gargoyle
I would even go as far as saying this might be a sign they'll do something for the prize pool next year.

Maybe Valve decided they've punished the pros and casters enough, if we go by the punishment rumors.
What's his name?
things are so bad that yames cant afford a shirt that fits anymore
what rumors are those
Curse of the br*tish, aging like milk
remember what you lost
If they will it will be on the last day, chances are it'll be Bird Samurai who should be the pink guy in Crownfall as his icon is in the game already which would link in with them releasing Act 4, probably a bit too hopeful that he'll release with it as well but who knows
Theory is the pros got uppity thinking they were making valve 10s of millions of dollars because people love esports so much. Valve taught them a lesson by taking cosmetics out of the battle pass, simultaneously killing pros' income and demonstrating that hats are all that matter to players.
what do you mean new champ? we just got one last month!
Rumors that both casters and the pros tried to blackmail Valve into increasing their share of TI money and that events of 2023 and 2024 are direct results of that.
The Pink guy hero icon is probably a joke by Valve. Check out Ringmaster's response between KOTL and Kunkka, it checks out with the name Kestrel.

where did everyone go lmao
TI is the most prestigious esport tournament and its not even close
hey at least he has hair
What's CS's equivalent for TI
he sucked Gabe's fat
I think you misunderstood me. I'm saying that since Gabe gave such high praise to TI it's very unlikely to be canceled and even has a decent chance of getting a bigger prize pool next year.
there isnt one
Their tournament ecosystem is very spread out. I occasionally watch their finals and the casters always judge a team's performance by consistent results without pointing out any singular tournament.
CS rakes in insane amounts of money and consistently has the highest amount of players on Steam
Why wouldn't they have a big tourney?
because valve never gave enough of a fuck and contracted the esports from the get go
no rich chinks or saudi money
Any of the dota artists come back for TI?
no lmao
drawtrannies out
/d2g/ gotta be the only general on the site to hate people who make oc
others would do anything to have as many as we do
>people that have been at some point in /d2g/
>an only fans faggot
>a relatively famous streamer
>a high iq nigger
>a rich peruvian
>a mother
ok so how in the fuck does /d2g/ have all this diversity? is it a valve psyop?
As someone who hasn't played in like 7 years, can someone tell me why they made shadow fiend so damn busted? He used to take skill, now R is just free win. The wins just feel hollow when level 1 Q just wins you any trade early.
see the second sentence you faggot
press r and you kill one hero, but youre still left playing sf and die to a stiff breeze with 40k networth
dota is a fun game
From the global fantasy top 100, am I wrong to think the only people still interested in dota2 e-sports are Mainland Chinese?
Chinese are just autistic about excel sheet games
Sure you only kill one person with the burst, but the fear being a thing make the rest not kill you. Also between blink dagger, invis blade, and bkb, it's not like you just can't win teamfights almost alone.
I am pretty sure the game is dead in there.
if you ever take a look into the arcade, it's all chinese custom games
If you just started playing, keep in mind that the last patch was one of the most Fiend heavy for quite a while. Both magical and physical, mid and carry were firmly in meta.

His current form is actually nerfed.
One specific narcissistic autist hating drawchads doesn't mean the general hates drawchads
Helena on bros
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She's doing the bored
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A Dotard literally won TI.
brown nipples lol
my dick dropped so fast seeing them, not even that ass can make up for it
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I can't, I literally can't
holy fuck he looks so justed
Remember virtuspro?
they're still here
The eternal choice
Be ugly or dont eat many delicious things...
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the new pros have no personality
skill is one thing but a player needs to be interesting as a person too for me to want to root for them
It's fucking weird that you saved this
>post something online
>act surprised someone saves it
Watch that digital footprint.
do you think he talked about PSG during the after party?
I saved it so 3 years from now I can stumble on this image and think "wow that was weird"
Im not surprised just shaming that anon
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>so you know 4chan yeah? there's a thread on it called dota 2 general
>and in there there's a guy called psg "pee es gee"
>he's totally insane something like 40 years old with a brain tumour
>yea get this all he does is shit up the thread and whine
>oh right and he's like 200 mmr
If old usenet and forums have taught me anything, over a long enough timeline one lolcow is enough to drag down a whole community.
The cure is incredibly easy, everyone just needs to stop replying to or talking about the poster in question
yeah today he dressed up like the guy from clockwork orange
can't stop thinking about doe pussy desu
same but buck pussy instead
>Mason is conveniently banned from twitch and unable to stream during the duration of TI
if he just wanted to take a vacation, then why didn't he just tell his viewers, rather than doing this whole charade of getting suspended from Twitch?
>sand king
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well, so far I'm mostly correct
>TI ends for the day
>d2g goes back to being dead
comfy hours
I'm going the fuck to sleep

Because intelligent people like gaben and the royals prefer dota over the shooty shooty pew pew games.
Reminds me of this TI
t. has never played cs
I am still disgusted over shit games, shit patch and budget production. I watch some other grand finals from previous years.
Remember to watch the dogshit finals of TI7 and 9
the nigga mason comin back or what
Lmao like you ever used Usenet
Sticky when
Not real TI, no sticky
he's banned from twitch and hasn't played Dota since then
I guess he just does it for money and not for fun
Wow, ya think
nobody plays dota for fun, this game has not been fun for 10 years now
I enjoyed the GG vs Tundra game 1
also the BB vs Falcons game 2 with the rapier Medusa and 30k gold swings, lmao
he's said many times he only plays for money
not really. They most likely bet all players on XG who scored the most today I assume
I bet all on GG players and I'm at 50k
when GG wins the grand finals, I will be in the top 1%, believe it.
who won ti?
so if Dota dies, then what do you think he will do? has he said anything about this, like a backup plan? has he talked about the subject of Dota dying at all before? I'd be interested to hear what he has to say about that
>no sigh of relief at the end
PSG here

Can anybody prove you made the "little dark age" retrospective video? I would like to pay you some cash as a tip. I really liked it. It made me tear up when I first saw it.

You know how they say-- in green I go!
Ancestor's Pride set on PL is great because it switches his posture.
What did mason do to get banned, stopped listening to rap for a day?
If you get steady 500 viewers on twitch you get about 400-500 U$D monthly from the platform, if you get any of the betting websites to bankroll you, you get a steady flow of income on a monthly basis.
I don't know why nobody in the dota pro scene that make lots of money doesn't have any interest on making their own tournaments.
>no hype
>no TI memes
>no favorites
>no holograms
>no stadium
this is it for us huh...
>What did mason do to get banned, stopped listening to rap for a day?
Idk exactly, I think he gave a speech after winning a game and he said something about peruvians and southeast asians
the realist niggas in the game
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he looks like my uncle and not in a good way
You know he ate her Swiss ass. I would too. she would be going, "MMM, YOHH"
swiss aren't german
why the hell are ame and xinq playing for xtreme gaming? what happened to lgd?
Talk same. I can't watch German porn for that reason. The women going OOH YOHH
fuck you those guttural grunts are fucking hot
i do wonder why they sound like that
german is germanic just like english so what's their problem
Yeah most languages moan the same, like Japanese women moan the same but with crying mixed in
That's what happens when you're an alkie
I wanna see XG vs Liquid in the finals, and either team i'll be happy for. But i'm rooting a bit more for XG, ame and Xinq letsgo
I'm pretty happy that I'm northern european
evens buy crimson immortals
odds buy stepson a ps5 pro
Oh no...
I miss early joindota
I miss Tobi
I miss James
I miss ayesee
I miss soul
i never cared for this era
Because you didn't experience it
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Take me back...
I dunno, why do japs sound like rodents when they fuck?
chinks lol
I dont miss lumi
I dont miss LD
I dont miss zyori
I liked LD. It never felt right without an LD Lumi Grand Finals.
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>recolor old immortals
>"that'll be $500 plus tax"
Do people really fall for this?
just go to TI bro
fucking russian servers are better than eu west wtf is going on dotards???
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I want memes fuck TI give funny
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Jenkins, I didn't ask to climb into the machine. I just happened to remind it of itself.
this was just the first day of ti, give it some time, will you?
yeah I bought the spectre immortal for $300, and it's $1000 now. jealous?
Give Techies a facet that makes all his spells affect towers.
really disappointed it was just 2-0s. i don't have a particular team i'm cheering for so i just wanted more matches
pinning down jinx and forcefully impregnating her on top of a toilet
Man, DotA teams are so soulless now. You used to see a American teams with all American flags, Chinese teams with all Chinese flags, Finnish teams with all Finnish flags (looking at you, captain + 4 anchors).
Now everyone only cares about winning TI so now American teams don't even look Aemrican anymore.
>tfw no more 4 friends + chrillee
so this is a gg patch ?
imagine quinao winning a ti before sharty
Not only that but the players are boring
>Liquid vs GG again

You know at this point I'm not even mad at Liquid. Sure it's fucking annoying they can't even put up a fight and manage to make every match they have vs GG a boring ass slog the equivalent of watching a teen pour salt on a snail, but there comes a point where it's just sad and pathetic. Like a puppy being kicked.
No now I'm just fucking mad at every other team being unable to beat Liquid despite them being such obvious shitters. No idea if Blitz slips poison into the enemy team's water before every match or what but these retards keep choking and giving us this retarded matchup.
eSports are as gay as real sports now
>European country football team
>Still lose to South Americans

We've got what? mutt teams full of autists from all over the world because countries just don't have enough autistic retards that can fixate on DOTA
I never understood what the point of this was. How the fuck do you get people to cheer for an American baseball team by importing a player from Japan?
>I never understood what the point of this was.
to win
>I never understood what the point of this was.
for the rich to get richer
Tobi and Lacost desu
Tusk is the most picked hero with 80% win rate
gongrads dusk :DDD
da most ebin garry :DDDD
me neither, maybe if you have a city based team the city population can cheer for them but usually they just steal taxpayer money

i think we're just not retarded enough to understand
tourist here, whats the issue with liquid vs gg?
arent both teams good?
also, wouldnt you say the falcons is underperforming, so a bit of their fault too?
local here, lurk moar.
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d2g is dying, there are barely any posts to lurk
Why is Tusk the Finnish hero
There are no walruses in Finland
Everyone thinks that Finnish people talk like Italian people
Snowball needs a cast time, like .25 or .5 seconds is fine, tag team pull distance should be the same as Snowball pull
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game so dead no one noticed marci is strong
fucking tourists GET OUT!
ei viddu mage
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da tuskarr :-DDDD
>russian guy gues mid
>doesn't go mid "communicates" in gibberish he isn't and takes 4
>starts to flame mid AND new offlane for losing
this has happened so fucking many times I can't anymore. what is wrong with them? you are free to que 5-4 without any tokens why the fuck you take mid if you aren't going to play it? just fucking do the region lock nobody is going to complain about it. euw only since server select btw.
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what was ephey's outfit for today?
i can't wait for true sight!
speech that got him banned
>le edgy redditor
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>ywn impregnate Mirana
>ywn touch a girl ever
sand king isn't op
tusk isn't op
>que ranked
>safe lane nice
>hard support is last to pick
>spends lane feeding and taking cs
>follows me around in jungle taking cs

i seriously don't get these people. is their time so valueless, their life so pointless that this brings them joy?
you're a herald psg
what do you expect?
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>ephey is going to hit the wall in a few years
why do you care? it's her problem
>can't play faceless void
>can't play razor
>can't play windrunner
>can't play qop
>can't play wraith king
Why the FUCK did Valve decide to bind Arcana ownership to accounts
perkele detected
>can't play
Yes you can. Nobody's stopping you.
make more money
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it is what it is
I found some good mangas!

They are, "Super Ball Girls"
"The Illusionary Island" and I'm reading everything by Hino
last but not least, "Manchuria Opium Squad," it's the best!

This is a post about dota 2 on dota 2 gen! Crystal Assassin!

Reminder that they stole Crystal Destroyer to make Ringmaster's Tame the Beasts. I did it again. It's so similar. I bet they played with Crystal Destroyer.

Add her. Add her. You know you want to. Add her.
when is grubby appearing at TI
caster cabal got in the way
just look at how jenkins harassed him out with his stupid unhinged behavior
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Crystal Assassin

>Melee INT Hero

>Q: Crystalsassinate
>Point Target, Channeled
Forms and fires a singular projectile in the form of an ice drill. Mana cost and damage scales rapidly. Fully channeled shot slows enemy movement speed by 10%+(an amount calculated using Crystal Assassin's current mana regeneration rate). Grows minor AoE with channel.

>W: Crystal Destroyer
>AoE Ground Target, Channeled
Rapidly consumes mana to strike multiple times in the target area with instant attacks. All attack and item modifiers apply. Does not strike wards.
>Aghanim's Sceptre
Also channels and fires sure-hit Crystalsassinates inside Crystal Destroyer.

>E: Crystal Turbo
Crystal Assassin trades some of her max HP for mana regeneration rate, movement speed, BAT reduction, and status resistance. Lasts 5/10/15/20s. 1s cooldown. Can be used repeatedly with cooldown decreasing at higher levels. The pulse of her aura when she activates Crystal Turbo reveals invisible units (not wards) around her for 1 second and does a very small amount of damage.

If you have her arcana, she does an energy drink drinking animation here.

>D: Crystal Slide
>Aghanim's Shard
>Point Vector Target
Crystal Assassin manipulates moisture in the air to create a huge slide that allied hero units can penguin slide on. If sliding from higher to lower ground, adds a stun and damage to units coming off the end of the slide.

>R: Crystal Tower
Erupts a towering crystal structure from the ground beneath Crystal Assassin after a short delay. The tower gives 1/2/2 levels of high ground advantage to units on top. Any unit may ride to the top of the structure if they are in the visibly marked AoE as the tower emerges from the ground. Crystal Assassin's team has flying vision of the area on top of the tower. Tower radius is about 1/3 Mars Arena. Destroys trees. Units can blink or used forced movement to reach the top of the tower and walk down.
fuck off with your AIslop
>one shitty troll is enough to persuade grubby to leave dota forever
he was never gonna make it
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Ranged - Intelligence
1.8 Armor
30+2.0 / 14+1.5 / 26+2.4

Innate: Does Quantum damage with attacks and some spells. Quantum damage always chooses between physical and magical damage, and does whichever one would apply more in that instance.

>Quantum Strike
Unit Target, 800
Cooldown: 55/45/40/40
Charges up 3/4/5/6 damaging balls in sequence on the enemy. Each ball takes 3 seconds to fully charge up. When the enemy attacks, casts a spell, or uses an item, the ball explodes for quantum damage.

Unit Target, 800/1000/1200/1600
Cooldown: 42/42/40/38
Target unit is forced to comprehend Quantum reality and becomes completely immobilized and unable to be acted on by any other unit for 3 seconds.

>Quantum Gate
Target Area, 900
Cooldown: 60
Surround enemy units with a Quantum Gate. If they attempt to walk through the Quantum Gate, they take Quantum damage and are translocated to a random position 1200/1400/1600/2000 units away. This translocation favors sending units under towers and/or toward enemy players that have higher net worth, but this is not guaranteed.

Unit Target, 650/950/1250
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Target enemy unit is set in motion on a circular path. They are able to issue commands and use items and spells, but cannot move freely. When they collide with enemy units, they apply knockback, Quantum damage and a ministun. Rotation gets faster for a 4/5/6 second duration, increasing Quantum damage from collisions. Enemy heroes killed by Supercollider collisions release a damaging burst of Quantum energy.

Looks like a dinosaur riding an Oglodi. He is Disruptor's brother.

>Slark, the Thirteenth! Why didn't lazy my brother send you back?
oh yeah, aghs is double Supercollider so you can make them bonk into each other, of course.
what's their problem with him
The only thing I don't understand is why he keeps posting it like it was the worst thing in the world. Jungle farming memes were legit if people knew what they were doing. It had huge chances to backfire but also if it worked it was great to have two offlaners get two solo lanes' worth of exp and farm. The only way I'd be pissed at the NP is if he fucking sucked at it somehow when all he had to do was right-click and not miss stack timings more than once.
psg why dont you fuck off to deadlock general already with your slop
nobody fucking cares.
qop should do more damage the more damage she takes desu
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Primal SPLIT
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holy shit I invented innates, puck's curving ball and dark seer's trail
"Multiversal hero" line re: innates
=-=-=-=-=-CHAD LINE=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Weaver Remake

>The Swarm
Mostly unchanged. By holding down the button when firing and dragging, Weaver can control the swarm's direction a bit. Bites structures.

Now has a very long active time. Does no damage. Applies a stacking debuff to units Weaver passes through which causes them to lose %Max HP/MP. Can be activated again to time lapse back 3 seconds at any time.
Aghanim's Shard: Does damage

>Geminate Attack
Removed. Aghanim's Sceptre. Weaker than current ver.

>Loom Salt
Passive. Weaver rends reality everywhere he goes, his presence unsuited for this plane. Leaving a bright particle trail on the ground, Weaver's Loom Salt does light damage and mana burn and applies a stacking debuff. When units touch the Loom Salt trail they consume/remove it from an AoE the size of their collision. Units that collect enough stacks receive the "Loomed" debuff, causing them to become ensnared every 3.2 seconds for 3/7/10/13 seconds.

Level 1. Weaver becomes untargetable for a moderate period of time. Long cooldown and high mana cost.
Level 2. Applies unremoveable ground vision in an AoE 2x the radius of Weaver's collision every 3 seconds for its duration.
Level 3. Applies a basic dispel every 3 seconds for its duration.

>Multiversal Hero
Weaver's main stat is selected at random at the start of the game. May not be Universal.

this was from like earlyish 2023
hmm thats not strong enough, his ultimate should apply a strong dispel twice or something at level 3
>all 2-0s yesterday again
simply ebic
im never gonna play deadlock btw its not appealing in any way so i wont be there, enjoy calling other people me for the next 10 years though, i know you'll do it

deadlock just sucks, it's not dota and it's not a shooter, history tells me that games splitting the line never make it, so we'll see. It's not going to outright fail like I thought but I don't think it succeeds either

l4d2 was the best game they ever made and normal people had stopped playing it after 4-5 years.
>the spectre crimson immortal is ~$1.5k with the lowest listing priced at ~$1.6k
what the fuck?
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techies needs a remote mines facet + sign makes them invisible for 180s, aghs allows multiple signs at the same time
>whale shit is whale shit
>im never gonna play deadlock btw its not appealing in any way
I feel this way as well after watching a few gameplay videos. Lanes and lane creeps seem unnecessary. I would've rather Valve added more players per game instead.
wtf he died rip
I feel like I have never had less fun playing a video game honestly, it just does not do it for me. the basic design elements do not go together, like you said. also it has immense autoaim so it's not really much of a shooter, and it feels like at high level 80% of the game will be spazzing spinning around in circles and shit
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why does he look like a fucking alien
forgot the main event started today
any good matches?
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templar assassin in bondage when?
he has larger than average eyes which is why he ended up on camera

I am perceptive.
too much make up
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Remember when Sir action slacks busted onto the scene with his video about his Southern girlfriend who had like 50 IQ. And then he never had a girlfriend again
oh wait ti is happening lol. this shit died without the good battlepasses. Back to deadlock i go
What does that have to do with anything lol

I still loled though
isnt he married?
>everyone is a eg fan
>eg keeps doing ehhhh
>rtz goes onto secret for a year
>suddenly everyone is a secret fan
>eg wins that year
>rtz goes back to eg
>suddenly eg fans exist again
>eg continues to lose until its killed
I don't know. Maybe he married the same super dumb girl
>what does a hero truly need?
I was always pro eg because of ppd so I rooted for EG/wherever notail was

The really good drafting and mind game/in-game call captains were the most important players ever, distinctly. ppd wasn't even very good at the game but it feels like every player in the game had to tighten up because of his general calls
oy vey
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He looks like an old oldfag
do you think he banged sheep
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PSG here I have that exact same hoodie. That's some old man shit I guess. Looks neutral, goes with anything
>get pudge and cm arcana from candyworks
>next 3 games are abysmal dogshit
fair trade
i miss this eg team
perfect balance of based yet annoying shitheads
miss seeing young fear before that slant-eye demon sucked the life outta him
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If ya not 21, dont hate on me son
So many things he could do on a Friday night but he chooses to have a meltie on a Tibetan pottery bazaar. Can't imagine how insufferable he must be in real life to not be able to get a date or have friends.
who here is having a meltdown
don't engage with him. one way to obliterate negativity is to simply never acknowledge it. I don't get where it comes from, but it's beyond the point of something i could care about now.
>go to sleep
>wake up
>thread is still up
ded game
it's a bot, you seem the same thing posted in every thread on every board
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What's the easiest way to play Invoker and actually win? I've seen so many shitty Invoker players on my team and I want to see if I can do any better.
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>still no sticky
LoLchads are laughing at us
I genuinely don't want it, as I don't feel that this event is The International, nor was the last one. The Battle Pass/ Compendium is what made it TI. lol.
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oh goddammit
When is Linken getting added as a hero? We've had Linken's Sphere for decades but the owner himself has yet to show himself.
Why is there no sticky this year, didn't Valve pay the mods?
Makes me want to racemix with an Arab.
how do you know? Also i dont see anything that would get him banned?? not rewatching it again wasnt that funny at all
It was not even edgy or bad, how did this get him banned?
i dunno if its in that speech but a dotard said the other day they reported him and it was for something he said like 3 months ago
Can't help you. He has a sub-50% winrate for a reason.
Kill yourself.
spam exort invoker rushing midas for 200 games until you like it
when is this shit on
is quinn calahan playing today
The compendium this year has more features than any other compendium retard
Hi dotards
dotards don't know what they want
we got crownfall
we got arcanas not locked behind high level battle passes
we got better candycaravan system
we got a bunch of mini games in crownfall
we got a compendium for esports

what more do you retards want
proper dota gameplay
and hoodwink footjobs
I want to feel the happiness I felt when I was young again
gay pro player shit, i want immortals, fuck off with this pictures of computer nerds bullshit
Its all bloat
I want good balance and the game running at stablet 200 fps.
The rest doesnt add or improve the game in any way.
Gee I love having a fighting game nobody gives two shits about.
i want a game mode not "dota but you get hats"
guys we can't program ringmaster with the abilities we intended but here are these mini games copied from other real games
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God gave me two kidneys for a reason
spend the 400 or whatever on an escort
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The great confluence, whatever happened there
it cost 800 dollars plus shipping
imagine getting it and it's broken inside the box
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Damn it's beautiful though. Women will never understand the effect their beauty has on men. We will waste money just to idolize them.
Why is Dota dying, how can Valve prevent this?
because they refuse to make the game approachable to new players and make it run properly.
They want do ta to die
yeah spend that on an escort instead. dont eat their ass, you can get hepatitis
Just hop on Deadlock
Hop on Deadlock!
What if Deadlock was Instead Attack of the Ancients and it was actually dota themed instead of whatever the fuck deadlock is.
it's sweet baby dei slop themed
Then I wouldn't play it
what does dota stand for
Dead game of the Ancients (boomers)
Just make an animated show to promote the game.
Haven't watched dota since MOSCOWMANILA won TI, what am I missing? How is the meta right now?
shouldn't you be able to print this with an SLA printer?
>Why is Dota dying
not sure, desu
>how can Valve prevent this?
i think more female heroes, personas, and arcanas would help
>Why is Dota dying
A decade's worth of gaying up the game and the developers generally not caring because it prints money regardless of what they do.

>how can Valve prevent this?
Get rid of centralized matchmaking/ranking and have everyone on player hosted lobbies like the bnet days.
TI stopped being TI when gaben stopped being there live
so excited for more epic "the internationl" games today!
i started playing in 2019, so im somewhat new i think
i started playing because i wanted to get into a competitive game that wasn't an FPS, and Valve has a good track record of making good games, so i simply installed Dota 2 and started playing it and really liked it and ive been playing it since 2019
i dont think im a normie though, im like an autist or something, so idk what would get normalfaggots into the game
>I don't think I'm a normie tho
Release a Loli hero
>role tokens are gone
>now forced to play roles I suck at for 20 games
Good game
>Around 870 usd (not including shipping fee from China)
Holy fuck, and I thought the figs in the buyf/a/g threads were expensive.
>How is the meta?

>Gleipnir on all heroes including pos 4.
2 Bracers on all heroes.
>Farm all the aura's before brawling, the team with more auras wins the first brawl and usually the game.
>0 Melee carries, they have to be ranged for Gleipnir.
>Luna, Lina or Miranda first pick.
>Meme picks get destroyed.
>Fucking Tinker support.
>Sniper mid is the strongest titanium folded 1000 times hero in existence.
>No comebacks.
>Roshan is therefore not even that important if you're ahead and entering high ground
>High mobility pos 2 heroes only
>Carries feel like glass cannons that get carried by their hard supports and offlane auras in fights
>Supports can pick Daedalus and Satanic to play hidden pos 1 past the 30 minute mark.

I might be forgetting some things but that's the general gist of it.

Fucking give me a break it's 7 in the morning here
Thanks senpai.
I'm fine with no rubberbanding but how early & wide is the gap usually after the first teamfight?
They abandoned it for a dead on arrival game called peckerlock or something. If it makes you feel better they also killed TF2 CS2 and all their singleplayer games in development because of it though
yeah idk why they made everything so ugly and stupid looking.
The game is pretty much over after one team winning the first fight.

It's interesting to see lower bracket teams like XG going for different things like Timezone void or whatever but they will get brutally murdered by the current meta of
>no comebacks
That one's wrong.

Pure Luna from the other day (not yesterday) was a good comeback.
Medusa was going to have a comeback yesterday until she fucked it up.
One game from over a dozen had a comeback because one hero, Luna, outscales everything, wow.
>One game from over a dozen
What's the /d2g/ approved comeback ratio?
One in two games, 50%
>they had a scaling carry, d-doesn't count!!
You're only proving yourself wrong even more you know. You can say comebacks are impossible or that comebacks can happen because (conditions). You can't have it both ways.
One team picked Razor which got vastly outscaled by a Luna late game. I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm just saying it's very rare.
you dont like the term normie?
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>The peruvian in your ranked matches
god i hate them so much it's insane
sticky today
trust the plan
>7 minutes in
>1 deny
>rank 20 something qop
>1 point into the AOE despite it being time to get neutral items
>Also woman
I hate them so fucking much
Gleipiner is the single most unfun item created in this game
have you heard of wraith pact
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>"No mister, you are NOT allowed to play my game casually!"
Why are dotards like this?
>Every series is 2-0
What a shitshow. Can't wait for another boring GG 3-0 Grand Finals. I wanted my boys No_one and Watson to win so bad but they just shat the bed like always
Dota's going to have 18 major tournaments next season and the playerbase is at the average level for about 6 years now despite people playing Dota and Deadlock at the same time.

And to put things into perspective:

A team that wins LoL world championship gets 450k. A team that wins LoL MSI (the second most prestigious tournament) gets 50k.


A team that wins a random Dota event like dream league season 22 gets 300k.
the myth of consensual gaming
>Dota 2: I consent!
>this bitch: I consent!

>nazi chud bigoted incel: I DON'T!!!
isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?
Is this a bot?
nobody is going to play deadlock lol
No, its just PSG, the retarded schizo fuck with a tumor that refuses to die or spam the deadlock general and has to scrape attention here.
I have this saved on my PC since I suspect there was a Riot spammer above. Putting the Dota and LoL pro scenes right next to each other is an effective technique in case someone tries to "dead game" over here.
>doubting Xtreme
It's Ame's year, /d2g/.
I thought Dream league was dead. I haven't watched anything since the dpc
Can't be PSG. PSG is one of the incessant doomposters spamming half of the "dead game" shit and those "left: dota 2 right: dumb opinion" off-topic webm posts all the time. It's probably just some autistic Anon who wants people to care about e-sports.
>a 2/10/6 pa is the first time in actual, literal years that i got hate coments on my profile
>it's just multiple comments telling me to stop playing dota

nature is healing
DPC was canceled and now there are going to be a deluge of third party tournaments instead.

During the pre cancelation DPC times the majors were 500k each and how most new tournaments are one million. Dream league is the most common of them.

Nah, I'm not trying to get anyone to watch anything. Just pointing out that Dota's tournament scene is now larger than that of CS and LoL combined.
>play game casually
nigger it's ranked now scram before I get an alt to euthanize while being your ally
>ignoring how League pros get salaries while most Dota pros don't
since when could you expand your avoid list for 10k shards?
It's just a game bro, you will never be at TI
Post exact salaries tier 3 2 and 1 LoL teams get.
>still no proof
holy king
If you're a part of an organisation you get a salary, what do you mean?
They seem to have a myth with two variations:

1 (most extreme form) Dota players don't get salaries

2 Only tier 1 Dota players get salaries

Never seen any of them post tier 1 2 and 3 LoL salary breakdowns
I'll spend this TI day learning how to draw by copying anime girls off my phone
peoples obsession with how much money nerds are making in each game is just fucking weird

shut up, nobody cares. nobody even cared that the prize pool is 10% of what it used to be lmao
The pro scene is synonymous with Dota by now and is one of the very few forms the game advertised itself due to Valve's unique nature. They aren't a gamedev company per se; it's just a sideshow for them and they are particularly averse to publicity stunts (direct opposite of Riot).

The pro scene being intact is one of the things that will enable Dota to last 20 more years.
League is fucking dead and they are really desperate, they have even more bots and ai chatbots and paid influencers than dota 2 will ever have.
farming tokens but it gave him mid when he cant play mid
This is a Korean website and Korea is the capital of LoL. It's not even legible due to translator issues, but it appears salary tier breakdown is not mentioned even there, just too and "average".
*Top and average
kek faker makes so much money he has to be excluded from the data to not skew it
i don't like this bracket format at all
It's the usual bo3 + bo5 finals double bracket, nothing special about it. It was used for all of TIs, but it sometimes had a bo1 at the beginning of the lower bracket.
Hey invoker with Wojak profile picture
for a while now, about a year. not 2 though

>dumbass spends $100 every year on battlepass to get arcanas
>valve stops sharing profits with pro players so dumbass cant lie about supporting the scene
>dumbass has an identity crisis
many such cases
act iv?
I just visited /lolg/ and they are laughing at us...
You need to go back lolbab
i think maybe
just maybe
some people got tired of play the same game for 15 years
That can't be true.
Wow has mindbroken mazerats in their 40s.
>League is still going strong despite being older than Dota
>WoW is twice as old and hit a new playerpeak
>nearly all decade old games are getting more popular
>meanwhile Dota is dying
My group keeps winning games for about 25-30 minutes and then immediately starts losing every fight after that and can never get back into the fight. We literally just had a game where we 5-man wiped at 25 minutes and were damaging base tower, but 2 minutes later the other team was in our forest and 5-manned us and we lost. It's a macro problem because games go differently but always we get turned around at the 30 minute mark. We had enough carry and disable and tank and everything.
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ruru gets api key stolen and china loses ti after ti without placing
the funniest shit in dota

chinks only compete when cheating (XG gonna win this one though)
oooooohhhh ooooohhhh dududu duudududu
Where is cyborgfat tho?
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Why are they playing Christmas music at TI in September?
It's circus musix
If you've ever visited the Deadlock general you'd discover that it's an embassy of Dota 2.
league isn't even a game it's an advert for a shitty netflix show and a phone game
Where's the sticky?
>get rid of matchmaking and ranking
this is quite literally the most retarded thing i've read all week
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6 feet vs 5'11
>League is still going strong

Riot doesn't have Riotcharts and uses partnered streamers.

>despite being older than Dota

Dota is 21 years old.
What did gabe say for commencement this year?
Only way to fix Dota is to totally redo the MMR system, reset the MMR and make a proper ranking system.
But that won't happen because Valve refuses to admit mistakes.
Does it have a quarryposting equivalent yet? I'm guessing it's something Ivy related
He said TI is the greatest esports tournament in the world.
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>been gone for almost ten years
>sheever apparently stopped brushing her teeth
>surrounded by women of barely legal age
It's ok to just give up this sham already.
people just post the literal tiny for now
what is the lore on this?
Abrams spam is probably the closest one to quarryposting, but actual quarryposting sometimes happens too.
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>6th thread
>Still no sticky
Hasn't that been the only thing he's been saying for years now?
they got lichposting with Kelvin, that's something too
No idea, I only watched one opening ceremony (the 2021) despite being a big TI enthusiast.
Current iteration of roshan's banner is lowkey the best thing they added to the game, and honestly a proper way to make pushign high ground bearable
In TI's 1, 2, and I think 3, He made some announcements about things. And it was nice to know he wasn't dead.
Aura items should be removed
what did they change it to? I thought it was still just a minor creepwave buff when it passed it
>Americans baffled when they see teeth that are not bleached and unnatural looking
It's mostly the same (ward-type unit, X hits to destroy) but now it makes creeps glyphed in it's area
Makes creeps permanently glyphed in a small radius around itself.
>non-americans thinking having butterteeth chainjaws is fine
Found the brit.
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There should be more aura items, like removing critical strike damage and several other types.
Carrytrannies need to suffer, I want them to chimp out in my games and pull their hairs out of their asses with their bare hands raging.
>enemy team is ahead
>impossible to kill anyone on their team because of the insane amount of HP, shields and healing
This game plays exactly like a Blizzard title now
moderately attractive women MUST be hired for every dota 2 event
>smartest league player figuring out dota
she still mogs the other women so hard
NTA, but whitening teeth is very rare over here as well.
>nooooooooooo you need to play mortred and one shot enemies
sandy claws is FAIR and BALANCED
whitening teeth is normal if you're making a living on camera in any capacity. And you will hear about it from broadcast staff. Most people get away with it by never showing their teeth. But you'll find a lot of video broadcasters will bleach their upper teeth since it allows them to smile on camera without it being hideous.

The brown thot has good teeth.
Is she a smoker?
>sand king most broken he's been in years
>first tourney gaben acknowledges in years
coincidence? or did icefrog make sure his fave hero got BOOFED hard
Why do dotards want this general to get a sticky when it's so slow? For what reason do you want a sticky?
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cause it makes a ton of people seethe that we get one
new blood trying to feel a fraction of what we enjoyed back when TI's were brand new and the community was raising the pot into millions.
Idk, stickies are the worst threads with only spam and no interaction
Americans don't have to whiten their teeth, their toothpaste has enough granules to sand down any discoloring at the cost of horrendous dental health which dentist shekelberg will gladly fix.
The prize pool would be around the same as in 2019 or 2021 (depending on content) if the battle pass actually existed.
It's actually the fluoridated water. Unironically.
it's /vg/ culture you nigger
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I don't even aknowledge that character exist, the only real Mortred is still the Maiev one.
Like half of America got dentures
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give it up for day two jiggers
You saying Valve isn't supporting TI's anymore?
>lvl 23 with satanic and only 2200 HP
I hate nu-dota, take me back
>ssssss sssss ssssss sssssss sssssss
ephey should be seen, not heard
I finally breached 9k behavior score. Just 1k more before I try ranked again
Simple: because we're better than you.
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Is any other regions than EU even trying anymore?
Ephey Blacked debut when?
Well they do provide the usual 1.6 million, so it's not correct to say they don't do anything. But there was no battle pass in either 2023 or 2024 and only half of the battle pass contributed to TI in 2022.
>just looked up pools
God damn. What happened between 22 and 23?
predictions for c9 v falcons?
0-2 easy
ruru stole an api key from valve and was able to use it to see scrims and practice matches
There's a rumor-based theory that casters and pros tried to force Valve into increasing their cut and Valve decided to show them who's in charge.
valve just literally stopped making the battlepass, they're allergic to money I guess
>they're allergic to money I guess
To even minimal work, more like
>day 2
>no sticky
she fucks white men, knows what's good for her and for Palastine. DEUS VULT
>not even 60k viewers
This is just sad
Stickytourists need to leave
This is a rumor I can get behind. I love hearing about people trying to strongarm Valve like they can't literally pull the rug at any moment and just leave with no recourse.
>rumor-based theory
Schizophrenic delusions of one guy running free PR for Valve

There's no pass because all artists are working on deadlock
anti sticky newfag need to kill themselves
Every woman needs a BLACKED debut
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I love her so much.
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>my based valve would never abandon their game
>also it's a good thing if they do
Why are you such a kike?
ephey is a virgin though
Why do christcucks worship roasties so hard?
huh? Valve's version of strife?
I've seen it mentioned multiple times on /r/dota2 as well + Quinn said something like "people should stop complaining about the company that gives them money, since Valve can't be influenced in any way"
Crownfall is this years battlepass, the battlepass is no longer linked to TI and thus Valve don't even give 25% of that money to the TI prizepool but they throw together some shit and call it a compendium purely to support the players while still only giving 25% and people have poured millions in it
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>make billions and billion selling games they dont make
>literally raking in billions from kids buying crates in CS:GO
>waste resources making a battlepass that will make a meager 100 million at best
>allergic to money
Brainlets, everyone.
why does my man look photoshopped
Cr1t always looks so serious
kek is that ixmike
they literally said in a blogpost they want to do it the Crownfall way and not link it to one tournament
did the entire community just forget about that
Please send falcons home I beg you
Dota sisters...?
well it sucks
>There's no pass
What do you dumb niggers think Crownfall is, Crownfall has more effort put into it than any of the battlepasses ever to come out
what are you snacking on, /dead2g/?
sorry chud, but shart9 is going home
We live?
Maybe if you don't play the game.
>TI finals
>XG vs GG
>dyrachyo all chats "b"

fuck this gay earth
>i think valve is based
Not even close. I just hate leeches and love to see them wither and whine.

>muh shoutcasters are valuable
>muh progamers are valuable
>we should use collective bargaining! we're not easily replaceab- ack!
Okay dotards but seriously what is our cope now? It is a main event.
>What do you dumb niggers think Crownfall is
A shitty visual novel nobody reads and reused cavern crawl code?
>Can access the battlepass for free
>Arcana not tied to spending hundreds of dollars
>Can get arcanas and immortal items for free from the candyworks
Yeah this is terrible....
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>focusing the camera on you while you are picking booger
I'm worried for Tundra. I wanted Topson to win but given how he got shat on last night by Gaimin, XG's standard Chinese farming dota is going to ruin him.
I've watched almost every TI and I have to say these games are really starting to have 0 entertainment value. They all play the same way there's nothing interesting happening. Facets didn't change shit.
it's not about valve, it's about self important faggots getting humbled
>we deserve a bigger cut! we're the draw!
>ok we'll remove the battle pass and see how big a draw you guys are on your own
>Lover viewers than LCK
why no pin
>I was a fan of something and now it's slowly dying
>I'm glad that it does
Being suicidal is in a leftist's nature
my retard ass thought you meant someone picked bristleback in-game, and not someone picking their nose
>Retards think that Valve refused to make money to "show that one pro that was whining"
Unlike the previous battlepass who reused the cavern crawl system without even changing it and giving the crystal maiden wheel spin event time and time again along with the same temporary cosmetics effects
sorry but we can't take the attention away from gacha ERP general #474562
ESL riotshill meltdown kek
Yeah I turn on the games once in a while and they all just feel same-y
There was nothing whatsoever stopping Crownfall from being a TI battle pass, but it wasn't. The pro theory does make sense.
the approach is a rightwing one. Valve were previously subsidising the pro scene (a leftwing approach) and now they're letting the market decide (a right approach)
>we deserve a bigger cut! we're the draw!
Proof this happened?
>i'm incapable of moving on
Touch grass. Or atleast diversify your interests. Valve consistently runs their own IPs into the ground given enough time. It's just expected at some point.
time is a weird thing

it feels like yesterday that we were watching TI3 on this very same general
>yeah it feels so good to support the scene, I just spent $200 on the battlepass to support my favorite pro players!
>valve releases a compendium that revolves exclusively around the tournament
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watching nudota is boring because of FORCED objectives every other minute
XG have already 2-0'd GG earlier in the tournament. However, I think they are gonna lose to other teams in the LB so ez TI win for GG.
Of course you love diversity lmao
>Yes daddy valve take my games away from me! I love it and I'm based!!!
read for once
They hired Sumichu to be in charge of esports a year prior
Do the math
Just like Artifact!
>a right approach
A right approach you be forcing the government giving free gibs to TI because they would "create jobs" and they wouldn't have to pay taxes or anything doing the event.
Meanwhile all the smaller events would have to pay insane amount of taxes and be stuck in bureaucracy making it impossible for them to survive and comepte.
Valve has exited e-sports if you didn't realise even though they announced it when they abandoned the DPC and said they were giving dota back to the tournament organisers to handle, this TI is entirely run by PGL with Valve being hands off Valve has also pulled out of being involved in CS2 majors as well
Wow we're really going into full cope mode to justify this flop of a TI
I haven't played since pangolin was released. In fact, this is the first game I've even watched in years. But from the picks so far, it looks like I haven't missed anything.
That's irrelevant. TI is way to important to experiment like that without incurring major resentment, so there was probably a different reason.

Valve has already shown that they care about what the community thinks after they started giving out arcanas after a poorly received TI of 2022.
shut the fuck about deadlock and muh zoomer battlepasses and tell me what you are snacking on, nigger
>Same heroes banned and picked
how come only Chinese Dota has soulful picks?
every time I see Hoodwink in that portrait I imagine her riding my cock
>hoodwink picked
I will now watch your game.
This TI has brought lots of oldfag players back, my ranked matches have been unusual to say the least.
A lot of them are testing stuff out instead of seeing info on dota2protracker before queueing up.
Its like they want to win, also Hoodwink, Rubick and Bane aren't common picks
I think the wards have ruined nu-dota. People are too good playing around vision and it's too easy to hide wards so everyone knows where people are. They should remove half the # of observer wards so there's less vision.
your moms pussy
i ate some boneless chicken wings awhile ago and ive just been farting the smelliest farts since then, really stinkin up my room
yes, and they will go home tonight
need a new puzzle
non hardcore porn pls
Valve can tank that resentment. Besides, this system favors the active players more
You are literally the only person in the world that thinks that, also they put in smokes for a reason
What are these C9 picks? Literally 0 damage.

GG go next
Because Chinese Dota has stagnated since they killed Wings
You can barely see innovation in Chinese Dota
>TI is too important
To who?

Do you retards realize how little financial relevance individual games have to Valve compared to the steam platform?
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ketchup chips are the best dota ti snack
smokes do nothing but prevent people from casting spells on people instantly, they still know they're there from the fact they're not visible on the other wards
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>mirana/kunkka/sk/omni/dk every single fucking game
i sleep
>nature's prophet
holy soul
literally getting hard for your own corpocuck fanfiction ICANT
lowered piece count because of monochrome bg
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Buff my fluffy wife
TI isn't important anymore because Valve has left e-sports Valve is allowing the free market to create the dota scene(CS too) and it's resulting in more tournaments see >>494378219 and https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3727347341067147995
>pros pick bane
>maxes out nightmare that doesn't do anything
>instead of enfeeble that's one of the best spells in the game right now
oops i meant rubick not two kunkkas
two kunkkas would be cooler though
has it occured to that there's like 40 different heroes that could have been picked where you would have made this exact same comment
Talking about unusual picks
terrorbros we are so back
I dunno what's common, but these picks minus hoodwink are literally circa 2018..
so cloud 9 lost then
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Let's go
falcons win by minute 10
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This was Valve exiting pro dota you fucking morons even when Valve announces what they're doing you have the drooling mongoloid known as the average dota player being completely unaware of what's happening
I fucking hate this faggot Slacks, but his suitgame has ascended.
>Carry diff
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Whats the next step of your masterplan?
falcons won the second c9 clicked on TB
I still wish HowieMandellAtHomeSlacks would get diagnosed with colon cancer.
why would you ever pick terrorblade?
Radiance. Believe it not. That is what pros think.
Where's that guy who complained about terrorblade and posted stupid buffs for years? I told you he still gets picked in pros cause he's good and he will NEVER be buffed hahahahaha
wow thanks for highlighting the entire thing, retard
cause he's still good
finally, its not TI without TB on main stage
Kitkat and a coffee
sex with hoodwink and ivy at the same time
no he's not, he's literally lost every game at ti
c9 chads eliminating falcons
Terrorblade is THE pro hero. They can pick him when he feels terrible in pubs because they can make moves around meta timing
>First TI with no Valve involvement
>Audio issues so bad you can't even watch the stream
Imagine how much worse it will get over time
>incurring major resentment,
thats why they waited until riyadh was a thing
No anon, it's fucking TERRORble
For the cast range.
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>leagueschizos caring about dota more than dotard themselves
Why is the audio so... tinny? Like, metallic
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Sheever is beautiful and i want to marry her. Ephey is stupid and annoying
Bros I can't believe Arteezy walked into Valve offices with a bomb strap and threatened to blow everyone up if they don't make TI prizepool 80 million. It's all his fault
Production done by PGL with no Valve oversight and PGL is known for audio issues welcome to the new TI experience
they should kill themselves!!!
Okay I'm making the thread just wait 300 seconds
do the Rubick webs also deal regen reduction??
denmark quality
this time it's different
rubik gets facets for stolen spells
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Why does the official site not have a stream up? I though the shit was delayed or something
what did he mean by this
i cant get arcanas from the shitty candy trash
Mobile Legends killed Dota 2

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