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#6228 - Angry edition

Previous: >>494291081

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Bin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC): https://challonge.com/dngAMC10
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
toon support doko
game still sucks btw
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Yup I am thinking the Japs are based.
>buy tin
>pull red gadget
>pull exodia leg
>pull parallel xsneed

Nice qcsr choices Konami
>everyone and their mothers are playing tears in rental deck event
What a great event
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The tins suck ass and have bullshit pack filler in them. I don't expect the prices to drop enough to justify getting, say, a Snake Eyes deck and don't see myself buying product because they're so bloated. Duplicate packs, exact order, cards and rarity, have been spotted on some youtube openings showing Konami doesn't give a rat's ass.
How did we go from RC1 to this? Did they just fire that guy or take him out back or something?
What event?
You see anon, RC1 was basically a 1:1 of an OCG product. Everything after that was the brain child of some greedy KoA employee. Hope that helps!
Must be a master duel event.
Master duel. You get to play decks from this year winning team
Ruri is so hot.
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You ever see something so fucking blatantly offensive it breaks your brain? Konami, what the fuck is this? They refused to ban Sanctifire to sell the tin reprint. Okay. fucking, just another day in konami HQ. But a QCR REPRINT OF IDO. WHO IS THIS FOR. This shit hasn't shown up in a topping ygoprodeck list in 6 months with only a total of 5 lists total ever playing it. This was used ONE TIME in the anime and I'm sure like 80% of the fanbase just learned it existed today. They refused to hit Sanctifire and then reprinted the second of its toxic targets in a high rarity slot that no one asked for.
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>bonfire shortprinted
>dragion shortprinted
>chaos angel shortprinted
>wanted shortprinted
>SP might as well not even be listed
came to me in a dream btw
I'll get all of these in a SD or two 15 years down the road. Imagine buying these tins.
came into me in a dream btw
>fucking triangle O made it into the tin
LMAO what even is this fucking product.
you’ll be dead in 5 years anyway
>FTK! Every other game!
>a mediocre mid-ranged deck where FTK only happens once in a while
what I dont understand is that theyve kept doing this embarrassing garbage after RC1 literally proved that you will get the most sales and quality reception by simply selling people in the west OCG product

The only two explanations are either internal sabotage or mental illness so severe that its unbelievable its allowed to be in charge in any capacity
Why do you like this artwork so much maze
I think they want to kill off the Megatins as a product
here buy this one
>pulls 3 kaiba tokens
thank you come again
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Kek another one to the wall of DOOM
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>no memento party and angwitch reprint
At least I'll learn from centurionsisters mistakes... not buying this tier 3 deck for 300$
I feel like they're trying to turn the megatins into a boomer product with all these "MEMBER KAAAANTOOOOOO?" cards.
Hell they kept posting anime clips and everything leading up to it.
Haven’t the tins been shit for like four years straight now?
/dng/ is trying to gaslighting me into believing this is a man.
When was the last time you bought konami product? it feels like the last time I willingly bought konami product to open cause I liked it was RC01. Everything else has been against my will since you have to buy product to compete in locals and events.
Blue-eyes SD will save this game.
Yeah, and this one is the most diarrhea flavored of them all, it might as well kill the line
I bought a box of BLTR.
>fabled grimbro
Like one mentally ill guy is trying to tell you that
Two boxes of RC01 pre-ordered. I pulled QCR Ash in the first and came out ahead on the second, and that was where I stopped.
I bought some boosters of the nostalgia 25th boomer sets
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>Grimro man is a feminine pale man dressed as a woman
>Grimro woman is a pale goth chick
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4 Boxes of INFO.
does buying goat singles on cardmarket count?
RC1. Before that? Clash of Rebellions boxes for Infernoids.
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>He actually thinks it's going to be imported when it's selling like crazy in OCG
You know well it's going to shoved into some lame side set that wouldn't sell otherwise.
Okay, the BTLR is fine since BOL are always decent on the reprints and I think this one, you could walk away with a full Spright Core?>>494374175
But fucking why?? The best card in the set Madolche Queen Tiarafraise wasn't even a high rarity let alone a QCR to try to pull
>But fucking why??
Because I wanted to? From just 4 boxes I got away with QCSR Engraver + 1 SCR Engraver.
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High heels = woman
>you could walk away with a full Spright Core
Nah, regrettably they shorted a lot of things in BLTR and Blue was one of them but my pulls were still alright, I got a decent amount of the newer duel terminal cards and pulled a QCSR gigantic
go kill yourself retarded autistic incel
Sounds like a massive gamble only offset by the fact that you pulled the best card in the set and if you had pulled literally anything else you would have minused.
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I hate Edison format. I'm sick of seeing these "New decks" pop up only for them to be 3 Ryko and some kind of meme-ass GY oriented wincon.
i genuinely came back to the game right as rarity collection 2 was about to release, so i bought an 18 packs box on release day (for 2400 mxn plus shipping). i did get a bunch of decent staples to be fair, and sold most duplicates so i didnt lose too much, but it felt discouraging seeing auctions on fb that barely made it past 1600. (also my one copy of secret rare appollousa got banned :c)
since then I have only bought from browsing the binders of the people at my locals.
>you would have minused.
"it" did, the shiny piece of toilet paper doesnt have any actual value and literally nobody has bought it from "it", in fact the retarded little goblin hasnt even tried to sell it off because its mentally ill and is merely justifying the gachashit behavior by how much "value" "it" totally pulled from the goybox, because its FUN to open le lootbox for the VALUABLE toilet paper
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would love to take a brick to the back of your worthless skull :3
I got a box of INFO cause there was so much shit i wanted from that set that it was easier to just buy a box
Terminal Revenge, I wanted the Infernoids
blue eyes sd back in the day. i only buy singles.
RC02 makes me sad cause it could have been good and is actually not the worst product to release this year. Not the worst product to spend money on, but yeah, sucks that one of the best cards in the set got banned and is now worthless. >>494375247
Yeah thats the other thing, even if you do pull the best cards in the set, you have to actually sell it or play it to get value for it. Idk what this whole "it" thing is, I'm not here often enough to get this meme.
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An INFO box a while ago. Maybe a few packs of INFO afterwards, probably the latter. I like to open packs with my friends as it's terribly boring doing so by myself. I let my friends have the lower rarity stuff for free and then we sort out something with the expensive stuff. I'm going to try and stop as fun as it is, I don't even want anything from the sets, ever really. Well, I do sometimes but I never really end up playing anything new. I sell cards I get too, likely at a loss, but it's something to do.
its funny how much it would mindbreak these easily manipulated ugly goblins if you could just alter reality and turn their epic "chase" card into a 20 cent one in the aftermarket, really see how much "fun" they had opening their lootbox afterwards and how much they actually LOVE that EPIC fagsmith engraver QCR they "pulled"
The majority of replies to this are why the game is dogshit. Consumerists are animals and should be shot dead.
Smells like broke
anyone here play flesh and blood? how do I get into it?
Gross, it’s trying to talk to me like it’s a human being.
>yes goyim you should totally buy four boxes of the latest products trademark symbol, you might PULL the chase card fagsmith engraver™ which I assure you is worth a BILLION shekels in the aftermarket as it is a certified META staple shilled by our hired shi...I mean your FAVORITE yugituber™ personalities
I see plapkanko got a decent number of reprints. Anyone be kind enough to post a list i can yoink?
>The worst parts of MTG and Yugioh combined
Yugioh will be saved once Konami finally does lore anime.
and right before buying rc02 i was wondering if i should buy rc01 instead, but looked it up and saw that baronne and savage were banned, so i knew i was gonna feel like shit if i pulled those from the box.
there was also the "we have more cards per pack" marketing wich made me justify buying 02 instead because i would get more cards out of it.
one of my qcr was fucking mst.
What do you want? Hard going second? Combo?
when does the pokemon game for mobile come out so I can abandon this shit show
>Chimping out this much
Ryko is just a really good card. It's going to be in lots of decks.
idk it looks interesting. it seems like the easiest tcg to migrate to from ygo.
Oh for fuck sakes.
They didn't reprint Epurrely Noir did they?
I was wondering why they were giving purrely even more reprinted but HAHA THEY LEFT ONE OUT FOR A FUTURE SHITTY SIDESET!
Has anyone seen it in the videos?
>there was also the "we have more cards per pack" marketing wich made me justify buying 02 instead because i would get more cards out of it.
This was so dumb
>Double the amount of cards per pack, but the price of a single RC02 pack is double the price of a single RC01 pack. So you're really buying 2 packs at a time without having the option of buying just 1
I want to hit people no big combos please
MTG Commander plays like a slow yugioh game with a single card extra deck.
It is, but I swear that the whole Edison craze was forced. Tenghu plants has more decks, Synchros, xyzs and an overall bigger cardpool with more interesting match ups. The fact that everyone over night decided to play a format where going first and T setting can win you the game is a fucking joke.
If you’re winning off a T set in Edison your opponent bricked while you have an insanely aggressive start and ZERO caution or you’re playing against garbage.
whenever I see someone like the fatherless tranny in this thread proudly declare how they buy TCG boxes I get a little bit more happy about how dogshit the products actually are, these mentally ill freaks deserve even less than what theyre currently get
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This is what I played on MD a while back.
Newfag to Yugioh
Made a Crusadia deck on Master Duel, planning to make Salamangreat and maybe Live Twin.
But I want a true meta deck at some point, which one and should I save resources?
Thunder King Rai Oh being a giant dickhead in Tengu format makes me way less excited to play it
Would you guys report an LGS if they were offering under the table cash prizing for their locals? I feel bad for other stores getting their playerbase stolen but at the same time it's wild how much more fun the tournaments are when actual money is on the line.
(I'm sure some salty fuck will report it anyways after losing some day.)
I wouldnt "report" dick shit to konami unless they were paying me to do so, but then again im not a retarded mindbroken NPC unlike 99% of the audience
No, fuck Konami.
Just pick up fiendsmith when it gets released, it's a bit of a catch-all.
I don't remember how far along MD into the card releases, did they have tenpai yet? That one might be worth picking up. You could gamble of snake-eyes fire soup like SE FK or SE R-ACE but I don't know if they'll hit them further, they've already gotten some hits. I think tearlaments is still playable as well.
>Oh look I milled Dandy
>Oh look I milled a Mali
>Oh look I milled a Machina Fortress
>Oh look I milled a HERO/Diva
>Oh look I milled a Vayu
If you know what you're doing and playing/building a meta deck its not rocket science to see why the T set going first is such a fucking pain.

This is reasonable but he's good in both formats.
I didn't even know this was against the rules. Nor does the idea of contacting a corporation ever cross my mind.
My old store used to do this. It's incredibly hard to get an LGS off OTS support without concrete proof. They started charging double for weekend tournaments and when I asked why they just mouthed the words "cash prizing." When I said that was against Konami policy they bullshitted a reason to have me banned.

I emailed Konami and all they said was basically "we need proof." When I asked if they wanted me to have someone film it, they gave me a year ban from OTS stores for "threats and harassment." That shop eventually went out of business because someone apparently lost a big tourney due to a bad judge call and went on a four month autistic crusade to slander them on every yugioh social media page until Konami finally cut their OTS support.

Never gamble, kids.
RaiOh is not good in edison, he has seen basically 0 even in modern day
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snitches get stitches
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NEW /dng/ tourney on the 29th of September 2024 at 9PM CEST.

>no tourney gimmicks
>bo3 swiss
>TCG banlist and PRE RELEASE cardpool
>send in lists via challonge DMs
>300 second turn timers and a 45 minute limit on rounds
>save replays just in case something goes wrong
Any questions???

>it wasn't included in new bread
you posted in like the final 20 posts of the old thread, you should have just waited for the new bread to get baked mang
dunno what to tell ya
you done goofed
>just get lucky and mill the right pieces
Wow. I cannot BELIEVE nobody figured out this bold strategy and broken the format wide open.
>When I said that was against Konami policy they bullshitted a reason to have me banned.
Good. Fucking snitch.
Thoughts? I'm trying to go second with this build.
>going 2nd runick
You're basically stuck waiting til turn 6 to close out the game in that scenario considering the lost battle phases.
My old locals used to do this. No one ever said anything and there have been 0 problems
I'll add it to the OP when I bake
>they gave me a year ban from OTS stores for "threats and harassment
Man. A friend of mine had to resort to recording a pair of assholes being shitty to some people during matches because the store owner wasn't doing nothing since they were big spenders. Konami banned them but the owner still let them participate, so my buddy records them again, sends a complaint to konami AGAIN, and they ban him because recording people in events is apparently against their policy. They just don't want to do their job.
You do not win off a set ryko alone. I dont think you played much of the format if you think thats true.
Bought RC02 just to spite a faggot here. That was a fun thread.
Otherwise I just buy singles and accessories from third-parties.
Yes, all the best decks are GY oriented with Ryko or Card trooper running them. Literally just "get lucky" the format.
Maybe I should learn Pokémon.
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>thinking konami wouldn't side with the piggies
Everyone give melffy pinny a round of applause.
Two megatin printings in a row! What a based seal.
Most people would just scoop the moment they're forced to negate the Evenly or DRNM and see Runick cards hit the field. And it's easy to side into a going first build for games 2 or 3 if they think you're committed to going second.
Your entire gameplan...is your opponent scooping.
Anon, I need you to take a few steps back from your desk, take some deep breaths and think about that
Why would you snitch though?
No, my win con is deckout and out resourcing the opponent. Nobody is going to keep playing against Runick with 1 card in hand and a dead board.
You must play with extraordinarily weak willed players then
What bothers me the most is that they play exactly the same. Goat decks often only differ by a few cards, but they play very different from one another.
Jewish heritage, probably.
>higher price for entry means less people can afford to play, alienating beginners and those who like to play casually
>cash prizing means chill local atmosphere becomes a pseudo YCS where everyone plays meta and rule sharks constantly
>having to keep their illegal games under wraps mean managers will be more exclusive about who gets to play
It was always against the creator's wishes for a reason
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consider a duel disk with extra monster zones
>>higher price for entry means less people can afford to play, alienating beginners and those who like to play casually
Oh no… you can’t farm free wins off shitters… Yeah, no wonder you snitched. You’re another nigger.
Vrains already did that
butthurt metatranny lmao
I'm genuinely curious how you find the idea of someone scooping to having their board broken so insane. If I'm not understanding something, tell me, because from what I've seen people aren't going to play the grind game with Runick if their field is wiped and they have easily interruptable recovery.
I've had people scoop at my locals in Edison when they figure out I main deck a playset of dd crows. It is a very graveyard heavy format.
They just did the lazy "VR duel disk because gallop designers couldn't figure out how to add the new zones" thing that Arc-V did
>more new people joining the game is LE BAD
Because you're made this assumption that "heh, their board was broken AND they conveniently have only 1 card in hand in a meta of 1-card full combos that consistently leave people with 4+ cards in hand and I will full combo and simply win heh gg, I am VERY intelligent"
What decks are you fucking facing bro, hero? tistina?
How is any of this different from a case tournament? You'd fighting for a few hundred in boxes and the atmosphere is the exact same.
I've even tied of purpose with a friend to split the case.
Jesus Christ I only asked for an explanation and you went full schizo off assuming my entite personality. I'm a fucking retard for even thinking you people would offer advice.
I'm just fucking asking bruva
What deck are you facing that ends on 1 card in hand after full combo, pure runick going first would have beaten that deck easier then your weird ass WW runick going second build.
What are you playign against in your fantasy land that DRNM, evenly and your opponent only having 1 card in hand is the norm?
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>no argument
>Box Tournament
>Make top 4
>waiting for the next round at my table
>TO comes over and hands me a bunch of packs
>"Oh, I assumed you guys agreed to split."
>Nobody asked me, bro
>"Oh, well they already left. At least you got packs. :)"
>pull utter dogshit, one of the guys posts his QCRs on the Discord
I'm literally seething over this. Out of the four my deck had the best matchups. Why would they assume I was gonna split? I came here to fucking PLAY.
You should have sat quietly like an autist.
>Local Scam Stores
just stick to edopro
hopefully edo devs don't prank us and actually add the new cards
>SHOULDN'T have sat quietly
Phone poster moment.
Who buys more sealed product, you or Sora?
I hate this shit so much.
>you guys splitting?
>nah, I want to play for it.
>We'll do a vote!
>okay, 3 to 1 for splitting!
And reporting them to Konami does jack shit.
You're supposed to challenge him to a duel for it.
Nobody likes difficult people. This is why you’re a social leper.
"just mill the out" just feels more fun than "just open the out"
>would you be a gargantuan faggot lapdog snitch for a company that has a history of treating you like shit?
Why in the everliving fuck would I do that?
To kill the game faster, every single YGO store in the world deserves to get ransacked and left in ruin.
I don't hate YGO, just the way Konami manages it. It's retarded and woman/brownoid behavior to cut off the nose just to spite the face.
Every yugioh store right now is turning into a Lorcana/One Piece store lil bro

No need to do anything
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mfw buying 10 tins and the best card you get is a quarter century left leg
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Posting my deck for Sunday one last time.

Nice, I hope I can make it. The 29th and all of October is kinda busy so I can't reliably host. But I probably can still play.
I ain't reading all that
Summarize in 10 words or less.
>emphasis on the scientific method
Whitetoid godless freaks are being replaced as we speak in the whole of Europe and the United States by browns who believe in God
Good riddance
>Black Art history Museum
>Subsidized by the taxpayer
>Civilization is evil
>Racist against whites
Oh joy
Vanquish Soul Pantera
Edo slaves it's been three days... my crystrons...
Probably Mieru, Pl4yer or Sorafag since it seems like they're the most stable of the bunch
White man bad because white stereotypes make them look good
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Full 400 card tin list
it's actually joever...
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>Dark Hole Dragon
still reading but
>QCR Opening of the spirit gates
Isn't that the card that got limited?
Being polite, having a career and thinking about the future is being white
>fucking COMBAT WHEEL made the cut
Jesus fucking christ.
>Over 100 Prismatic Secrets.
>On top of that, they reduced the number per Tin back to 3 when last year had 6
Good lord.
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>Combat Wheel
Yeah they ugh
Yeah they cut epurrely noir
Its fucking magnifca all over again.
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>This got an Ultra slot
>This got a reprint slot period
Vernusylph's "earth effects only" only stops the return to backrow effect of ARGs right. The ARGs activate as traps to summon themselves and do X all at the same time right?
not great not terrible
some neat rarity upgrades for my cube but that's it
I'm glad I can get hollow upgrades for the Rciela and Silvera sinful spoil cards nobody uses but did they really not repring any Tear card beyond Tear Kash and Perlegia?
I believe so. The first part of the effect is still a trap.
>Alt art Junk Warrior reprint
That was originally a lottery card in MZMI and now it's getting a mass release. So yeah, expect Dragon Master Magia and the alt arts for Raye and Roze to get mass print sometime later after retards forked 3 digit numbers for them.
>make a point to advertise that POTE was in the tins
>the POTE reprints are mostly fucking melffy and gem-knights (both reprinted in last tin)
alright is there any card that was not a common/super and was reprinted as a common
There's a gimmick puppet qcrs too and the banlist neutered the deck
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>that entire QCR list
good, fuck tears
>So yeah, expect Dragon Master Magia and the alt arts for Raye and Roze to get mass print sometime
Of course they get reprinted. Did you expected those to stay quarter century only for years you dumb mouth breather
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memento bros...............
meh, I hate qcrs and prismatic rare, so I only care about the ultras. there's very few I care about.
Investards do lmao.
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I am sorry mementokek, I understand your pain.
I like prismatics but fucking loathe qcrs
Both are shit.
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>Black-Winged Dragon
Big yikes for anyone who had a Starlight Rare Black-Winged Dragon already.
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>Chinese OCG swapped the Mizar cover for Kaiba
>TCG decided to not import the pack when the work is already done for them
Even the chinks accept DM shilling is a better move
why is kaiba such a chud? that duel disk can't even hold links
Why is Dinomorphia so much better than Manko?
These bitches having a midoff
Based Chinks leading Konami towards the right path.
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/dng/ master duel tourney when?
fuck gynomorphia
Plap plap plap plap
Manko is sissy hypno archetype.
Morphia is a real man's archetype.
Morphia and Manko both try to kill themselves, they're both tranny decks.
what are some decks for sexy confident divas

The FTK only happens if you don't get ash'd
Average Dinomorphia fan
Sex with scheiren
I wanna pin Kisikil down and have the roughest, angriest sex with her
>Mako replaced Shark for the Water pack
>now Kaiba replaces Mizael
Imagine being a Zexalfag. DM shilling constantly shits on them.
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>>Shilling dinomorphia here after getting gobsmacked by everyone's shit decks
Some of you idiots just don't know when to quit, do you?
Zexal got 2 LED covers while everything else (barring GX which got 0) only got 1, sister.
So they hit spirit gates and gimmick puppets close before the tin reprints but couldn't add grass to the tins? How fucking scummy is this? These assholes legit have the audicity to sell cards that got hit 2 weeks later in their big promo product. That's beyond scummy even.
Why is the timer so short? I can't read my opponents cards in the duel trial event without timing out.
Don't read during games, save the replays and read afterward.
>(barring GX which got 0)
No really, what were they thinking making everything be so uneven?
I have over 9999 gems. I'm a complete newbie. Which deck should I make in MD? I have played ygopro so difficulty shouldn't be a big factor.
Branded? Rogue
>Aegirine surrounded by big muscular faceless men while wearing an evening gown
You just know she only needs to unbutton one thing and her dress falls off and the circlejerking commences.
A nip ygo youtuber said that youtube considers ygo content "low quality", anyone know anything about that?
Sounds pretty self explanatory
really, anon? GX packs almost killed yugioh, let konami be
Dinomorphia? Tier 1
this is why you should play non-paper yugioh instead, bruva
skill issue
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But if he plays non paper then his diaper investment will go up in smoke bruv
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Are there any other new(ish) cards like this that I don't know about? You go second, the first turn player negates the FUCK out of your plays, go into TY-PHON with anything you have left on the field. That's pretty freakin' neat-o.
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Play Traptrix.
What hits to raizeol will the OCG make to promote snake-eyes?
Probably means low retention/pull on stuff like replay footage
MD youtube content from Westerners had a pretty big fizzle out because nobody wants to watch generic replays. Pretty much all of the DL people I watched tried to pivot to MD when it came out and either ended up going back to DL (which seems to unironically pull viewers better) or just leaving altogether
it's over...
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Its neato but also hard countered by a card in the same set.
I love that this chart is counting like 20 offscreen duels for Yuma but also ignoring Yuya's canonical 50% winrate
Tea/Anzu sweeps
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OCG Stories if it was good
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These ones actually sell though, collectors want things like this, the problem is boring things people have no attachment to like the Anotherverse cards
This certainly happened
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I already do.
who's the shinji in this version tho
So where's the screenshot of the manga panels with Phantasm Spiral beating everyone's ass?
Aleister bros… why does nobody care…
Reminder that Mana draws diapers
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The strongest siscon
>300+ USD on ebay
I want to seriously kill someone
sex with rugal desperately needed
>1 in 4 cases for any given secret rare
Holy shit.
Evangelion is trash and so is mana moon's coon squad.
That, and there are significantly more Anotherverse cards out in the wild than there are WCS prize cards.
How many tins in a case, 8?
The tin is such a ridiculously bad product that I don't even see Konami being able to make good money on it. It's hard to imagine even vendors being able to make their money on it.
Oh GOD no.
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Arc-V really had a lot of hilarious shits
Having the doctor be carded by Leo instead of getting the Mr. Heartland treatment by Yuya/Z-ARC has to be one of the most blueballed moments.
Was 2021 considered a “good” tin? Because if not, it’s looking like the entire first half of the 2020s just won’t have a good tin release at all.
It's a made-to-order luxury product
Of course it's expensive.
>Kitt doing the uooooh face
>Aluber living in society
I would kill for it
ARC-V confuses the fuck out of me for having Yuzu be brainwashed but NOT have her duel Yuya.
She literally trained to use Fusion, having her and Serena duel together brainwashed and loyal to the Fusion Dimension seems like a no-brainer from a character history perspective. You get to bump up the drama and you can lean on the idea of Yuya trying to hold back, but Yuto going berserk. It would be an interesting dynamic.
Instead she was just brainwashed to walk into a tube??????????? Serena, Ruri and Rin were all sent as basically assassins to fuck up everyone but Yuzu gets treated differently for some reason?
You’d kill for $300? Because I got a guy you can talk to.
why are adin and theo fighting?
>Theo and Adin already fighting without Fleur to take care of them, Nerval is seething on the background
Fleur would unironically kick them in the heads.
>Kitt's UOOOO
>Ferrijit's body
>Rugal's XD
>Aluber practicing his smile
>Aegirine is actually not alone
So there are survivors?
Because they needed to provoke Yuya like this
Should have used Buyee to get it for the original price. I don't even want to know what the punk jacket, purrely plush and rabby plush will cost once they're done.
Could he literally not do this whilst having her duel?
The Yokai Girl and Twin plushies are going for 90-100$ at the moment.
Yuya got cucked by Sora.
Doktor is not dumb
Shut up faggot
based, get his ass
Keep talking chad
When are they selling the Roze Fumo?
Now that the dust has finally settled - GX or ArcV - which is more gay?
GX ends with the protagonist being a tranny chaser, so...
Arc-V is fucking garbage but it's not really that gay. GX and 5Ds both are easily more gay. There's probably an argument for Vrains being more gay too.
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why is speedroid still not on edo
Get a room and have hatesex with each other but unironically.
Imagine how much the Dark Magician Girl one will end up costing.
GX had the MC fuse with a tranny after lusting for a gay man with gay rainbow jewel animals. Yuya fusing with 3 men is still not gay enough because he still lusts for Yuzu.
do not project your homosexuality on me shitskin
Edodevs not wasting time coding garbage, they’re waiting for some good cards to roll around.
They're waiting for the TCG ROTA cards
Speaking of which, when will they leak the free agents?
GX had the gayest MC
Arc V was the gayest series
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If I am playing a shit deck I should be allowed a 20 card extra deck
bro TCG ROTA won't start leaking for like 2 or more weeks they aren't going to wait that long
>Bystials in Spriggers
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/our/ hero
>Artist is a Crow fujo
Turbo Cringe
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diabellstar the black witch but good
In emergency they are Branded in high spirits target and more importantly there is a lot of lights and darks that go to the grave only to come out later in combo
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Strongest Traptrix player
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wrong pic
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A lot of alt arts are still locked to the new gold rarity two years later NIGGER
Here's some thoughts
>if you normal set a monster you immediately draw 1
>you can normal set an unlimited times per turn
Put it on a field spell, does this break any specific decks or does it just make flip monsters actually somewhat viable? Mimighoul being considered rogue aside.
It's shit unless it either generates advantage on its own or also full enables the Flip gameplan.
2 card combos have no place in the modern game, especially where the result of your combo is a bunch of set cards
That really isn't much of a markup. Base price was 200 and international shipping can be up to 50 bucks.
Thoughts: I prefer Romin.
It's the kind of card where it's worthless until it's fucking broken cancer one day because a deck that has no field spell in the first place can just use it to generate draw with a tribute outlet until they hit Exodia.
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There's got to be more Yugi support before the year's end so what's it gonna be? More of these cards or a random vague yugi card? When do we start seeing Premium Pack cards?
They really just need more consistency on this deck. It's plenty fucking strong when it gets to open.
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Personally I would pay for it. Only because I am that much of a Abyssfag
A monster with effect like this
>discard to set Shining Sarc from Deck
>banish from GY to set a S/T that mentions Shining Sarc from Deck to S/T Zone
>1 card generic monster negate engine
so is yugioh actually dying? event attendance was at all time highs I thought?
What does it even open on?
How so? The only play it has is making sure the turn ends with both silents up, Tricore out, Gandora in the hand ready to go along with moremarsh and the fortress trap set and maybe both silent spells in the graveyard for their grave effects to use
Recent attendance was ass, but you could argue it was a lull period just before a banlist
I could see people trying it out in a fusion deck like fluffal
I expect better now that we have a list.
I dunno, the game is in a very weak state. I think the other issue is people starting to wake up on the fact that there was card games outside of the big 3 (YGO/MtG/PKMN) and YGO is the one thats set up to lose the most to newer games.
>people starting to wake up on the fact that there was card games outside of the big 3 (YGO/MtG/PKMN) and YGO is the one thats set up to lose the most to newer games.
If Duel Masters ever came out in the west again, I would drop Yugioh for it in a heartbeat
you realize duel masters is just dumbed down mtg right?
It's better MTG, the conversion of the land system into a system where every card can be land is just so much better its unreal.
>diaperfags plays Traptrix, Punk, Hero and Fluffals
Another way to say "dumbed down" is "simplified" and simplifying a game is not always a bad thing.
i wont ever stop playing yugioh, it is what it is.
MTG's land system sucks so much ass. The sheer concept of losing because you opened too much of or too little of a resource that is designed to do literally nothing but be required is a bad system. It's the reason why every game drops it when copying MTG, its the reason MTG itself has to rely so much on lands that actually DO something, and its the reason people are drawn to Yugioh as well: there is no land at all.
Event attendance at the end of the day is a meme. It's just talking about the competitive scene, and that's not the ideal way of building the brand.
Competitive players put in more money to the game on average but having a smaller pool of people having to prop up the game is not viable long-term, especially if the whales are less likely to buy sealed product and instead get their stuff through the secondary market and also they have zero reason to need to buy reprint sets - even if the set has a chase card, they can get it more easily through a vendor.

If you have a regional with 100 people in it but only 3 stores in the area are running locals, that's way worse for long term health than if you have 10 stores each having a 10 person locals. The same number of people are attending events but having 10 stores getting regular traffic encourages more vendors to stock the game and support it, which in turn makes it more likely that people will get into the game.
The LGS could not care less about the size of big events if it isn't seeing that reflected in THEIR Yugioh events and most product is having to sell below MSRP just to clear out the shop. When local stores drop the game, more players drop playing physical.
Attendance was really good a couple months ago but it's been on sharp decline since. I don't ultimately have a problem with modern Yugioh even if I'm just talking about last year, the problem is that the recent period has been incredibly rough to get through with no sign that it'll get better. We have a foreseeable full year ahead of us of the game being rough and the dooming is about the future as much as it is about the present.
True and fair, but the other side of that coin is that Magic knows that lands suck, but considers them a necessary evil for the game. That willingness to establish fundamentals and stick to them has been one of Magic's strengths, too.
>necessary evil
Wow, if only there was a way to have mana costs without necessitating every deck be Kozmonarch's "have to draw both halves to do anything" like idk, every card being interchangeable as either a monster or a land, or lands be a resource you naturally gain 1 of every turn instead of garbage you just have to run a bunch of, or...
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The iconic anime card known as Alternate Art Invoked Mechaba .
>with no sign that it'll get better
This is the worst part about the recent slog of the past year. We get 3 months of foresight from the OCG so we know what decks are/aren't good and it leads to bad formats getting worse.
Like Konami outputs a shilled as fuck deck. We know about it for months beforehand, we experience it in sims like EDOPro and are already sick of it before it even arrives. It arrives and as expected we get fucked by it. Then we know whatever the next list is won't touch it, not because its balanced or the expected power level but because its new. We know the list after that will either be a pussy hit that barely hurts it (we are here right now) and the list post-reprints will be a slaughter list.
Meanwhile during all that time, support gets released and new decks or engines come out that are going to pummel our ass, and we know about for months before hand and experience it in sims and are already sick of it before it even arrives etc.
>Game is so dead motherfuckers would rather talk about a inferior product's ins and outs instead

AT this point the only thing that can save this game is retuning the ban list so that decks aren't so samy anymore with their end boards. The game has to go back to where people had to slug it out, rather than building a wall of negations and hoping they built it and have enough protection and recovery to not lose if the opponent manages to smash through it and end the game.

This game became a towers game!!
I used to fear this
Yeah, I'm already sick of Ryzeal and we haven't gotten it yet. I honestly didn't mind pure Snake Eyes which I'd already call generous by Yugioh player standards, but Fiendsmith Snake Eyes is over the top. Our brief period of peace from it is going to be eviscerated by Azamina which means neither Snake Eyes nor Azamina will be hit for months. Then we enter Ryzeal meta which is a given that'll probably be protected for a year since they'll need to keep it alive through its support waves too. And deck costs are going to be so fucking expensive throughout this whole period even if I can get good games against people also sick of it that want to play tier 2.

Yugioh has become prohibitive to play on a practical level and that's an absolutely ridiculous idea.
There is no single banlist that will bring the game back to manageable levels. The game hasn't been stable for the better part of a decade.
What Yugioh needs is an honest to god reboot akin to Vanguard. Wipe the whole fucking slate clean, whilst maintaining the old format for the sadists who want to FTK and negate the shit out of each other.
A clean slate would help the designers out so much. Having every card in the game have to be slotted into a game with 10,000+ cards all with their own synergies, counter-synergies, combos and power levels is just hectic.
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Going through my folder I found something that really aged well
Right, and more power to the various card games that come in to pick up on those ideas. I'm just offering the perspective that establishing fundamental design rules that one sticks to for better or worse, can enhance the identity and enjoyment of a game.
I might have time for one
>yubel as a chad
More like aged horrible
A lot of Japanese TCGs also implement a level system where you are hard locked out of using your stronger cards until the game has progressed to a certain amount but in something like Vanguard I've found that having the level system (as well as the Ride Deck) makes most of the games play out very similarly.
Ultimately Yugioh's problem isn't the lack of a "mana system" since the "your card advantage is your resource" works out fine in most scenarios. The main issue that caused Yugioh's explosion of speed is how easy searching got and also how much floating there is. Shaddoll was one of the first major decks in the game where it could build a full field of monsters and if you hit them with Raigeki they end up plussing off of it and it's no coincidence that Arc-V was one of the most unhinged eras of power creep.
>>Game is so dead motherfuckers would rather talk about a inferior product’s ins and outs instead
But we’re not talking about Yu-Gi-Oh?
Funnily enough the foresight we get and the horrible formats have made me completely stop giving a shit about anything beyond the casual level.
Like I didn't consciously decide to stop playing competitively but its been a constant loop of
>"this format looks like it sucks ass, I'll wait for it to get toned down"
>no changes to the format, and when they do happen its an even stronger engine/deck that fucks the game
>"this format looks like it sucks ass, I'll wait for it to get toned down"
I haven't played competitive Yugioh in years as a result of this shit
At this point I don't know if I prefer Romin or Yuamu. On one hand Romin had SEXO outfits. On the other, I love meganekko characters and Yuamu's expressions are pure SEXO.
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just 2 more
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Oops, wrong one.
Still two more for tags
The """"""""Divine-Beast"""""""" fan
>constantly bricks on his "god cards"
>gets loads of support, deck is never good
>gets the ability to tribute the opponent's monsters, still loses to floating
>gets the ability to draw 6, still bricks
>gets all of Ra's forms and support, still loses to going 2nd
>copes with Slifer being able to stop Link climbing (the opponent didn't open Impermance btw)

The SACRED-BEAST connoisseur
>still bricks, but actually has many ways to win that don't involve tunneling into a beatstick
>gets support, deck is fodder to Yubel, a meta reference to the anime
>wins in time due to LP gain
>OTKs over anything with Rafael
>gets cards to make the Sacred Beasts play like the anime, loses to Lightning Storm sacking
>accepts the punishment for the sins of Yubel, happy to have been of service
its because they have pstd of when lands did something other than give you mana, im fucking baffled they they printed a land that turns into a creature or draw a card
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Just one.
>gets all of Ra's forms and support, still loses to going 2nd
Ra deck always goes second
Only retards goes first when playing Ra
You either OTK or you lose
whos playing?
I'd still say a lack of a gating mechanic in Yugioh is definitely not helping matters. A limiting factor is one of the key ways other card games help add spice or balancing to the game.
That's not to say that a game like Yugioh couldn't work, but it would be insanely difficult to keep balanced and smooth, which Konami has always struggled with.
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Tonight, /dng/ has been reminded.
i wanna play tags with son
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Romin is too sexy. It’s distracting. How are children supposed to watch Rush?
how do tags even work?
You share the board, grave and life total, but you take turns playing your own deck and extra.
tenpai can still OTK i assume
The bane of Mimighoul…
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My wife Bazio.
>building a meta deck and going 0-4 at locals
Name a worse feeling. Everyone says you get better with time but I'm doing the same combos as these YCS toppers and still getting btfo.
Cards please
Anyone can memorize the combo lines. Are you making the correct decisions in response to your opponent’s plays?
Our heroes. Our fucking heroes.
If you don't understand how your deck functions and how your opponent's decks play you'll get nowhere. Study up boy.
Jurrac is just whoring their Meteor to Dino soup
nothing more
nothing less
>how do tags even work?
With a board like that, they don't work.
I've been out of the game for a long while, but I'd imagine that it still holds true that doing established meta/competitive play patterns will often backfire on you, because everyone knows the pattern and how to interact. If it does, then what you need is to learn what the counterplays are to your pattern and make decisions around those.
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>go look up my locals fb to see whats up for locals tomorrow
>people unironically shitting on the people that expected the tins to not be this dogshit
i wonder if theyre your average contrarian for interactions or theyre unironically retarded
People at locals are just retarded. I was mid-buy with a dude when his friend came over and started talking in his ear about how Bystial Lubellion’s price was going to go down because “a reprint got announced.” What he didn’t mention was that it was the QCR reprint, not the fucking tins, so I had to spend an extra 10 minutes convincing this dipshit that no, I was not going to knock $20 off the market price just because it was getting a vanity rarity reprint.
damn niggas at your locals are hella autistic
Such is life in the city.
Most autistic locals experience?
>round 1 get paired with a kid playing a 60 card Dark Magician Blue Eyes deck
>feel bad so I play Marincess against him, letting him play around before beating him
>round 2 get paired with obese retard playing Spright Twin Runick
>beat him after 3 gruelling games
>he's mad as fuck because "Droll is bullshit"
>before round 3 starts he found out I played a different deck against the kid and is demanding I get a game loss and everyone be repaired
>TO tells him to eat shit, it's a kid
>grown ass man storms out and says he won't play with that shit
>find out in the middle of round 3 that he left a 1 star review of the store on google and encouraged people to report it to Konami
>everybody lmaoing in the shop
>fat fuck waddles back into the store a few minutes after because he forgot his unopened OTS
>everybody shitting on him as the owner tells him he's banned
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/our/ wife
And then everyone clapped and you came and started farting?
Well, local stores stocking up physical cardboard model is simply unsustainable. MD is definitely the future or at least a more completed digital version of ygo
>little knight?
short printed
yeah, fuck you, you will never pull this

nice tin, konamikeks
2 more fags for tags
>MD is definitely the future or at least a more completed digital version of ygo
But it has the worst banlist. It doesn't help that the project head's wife left him for a Floo player.
>Well, local stores stocking up physical cardboard model is simply unsustainable.
For Yu-Gi-Oh (and MtG, but that’s a separate discussion), it sure is. Maybe because the game is trash?
>But it has the worst banlist
It doesn't though
>Floo player
Deck is still incredibly good
The first 80-90 episodes are good, I think the series climaxed at the chad playing the Flower Cardian deck. Then it was completely downhill from there.
shut up
what do you mean by this?
i genuinely dont get the point
MD'S banlist is miles better than OCG.
>Deck is still incredibly good
Define "incredibly good" the deck has about as much meta impact as Prediction Princess.

How stupid do you have to be to think Duality needed to be limited?
>autistic chinese guy playing Tearlament
>compeltely fucking mute, just drops cards on field and does hand gestures assuming I know what he's doing
>he activates Scream in grave, I ask what it does
>he just blankly stares at me and says "It's Scream."
>ffs gimme the card and let me read it
>fast forward to game 2
>he activates Scream and I read it to make sure I don't make any mistakes
>Judge tells him to cool it
>DQ'd, and he has the audacity to act like everyone but him is being ridiculous
You're right. It should be banned together with every other pot card.
Rarity Bonanza. Trust the plan.
>How stupid do you have to be to think Duality needed to be limited?
In a bo1 format stun decks are just naturally way better since there's no siding in tech for them, Duality is way too good of a card for them in that environment
Still two more for tags
>master duel has 80 cards in the limit list and 36 in the semi-limited list
what the fuck
Some kid's dad dropped off their kid to play in the tournament and hung around to supervise, which is fair considering he's a child surrounded by adults. The sheer look of shame on his face when he saw his son's opponent playing Madolche cards and saying words like "Princess Choco Lat Ala Mode" and playing little girls was uncomfortable to watch
Hostin tags
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>in master duel
you fucking donkey
that's what he said
>reading comprehension
He was in the right. How many times do you have to read the same card in one match before you know what it does? You’re a time-staller and he called you out, that’s why you got him banned.
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diabellstar but even better
>final round of a tournament
>short guy sits down across me
>pulls out centurions
>we get to the last game for match point
>suddenly get smell of piss and shit
>dude was using a diaper
inb4 I was merely pretending to be retarded
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You may not like it, but this is what a good list looks like.
I think he absolutely got what he deserved but it is not a good sign if you have to read a card like scream more than once
Shut the fuck, Allen. The least you can do is explain what your cards are doing instead of being a bitch and speed playing to confuse your opponents. Your sister still killed herself because of you, btw. It's your fault. You chose being an autistic card game enjoyer over helping your own family feel loved
It is not anybody’s job to read the cards for you. Learn to play the game.
>dumb nigger general will go to locals and ask to read Tearlaments Scream a thousand times in one match but then get mad when pro players pretend to read Pot of Prosperity to stall for time
Can I check your graveyard?
wasted my fucking time by making me open edo just to see it was tags, fuck you
Good job asshat. Your whining broke my concentration now I will have to read scream again. Give me the card.
I like how you guys just instantly assumed he was reading the card constantly instead of the LITERALLY TWO times he said he did.
He absolutely would’ve gone back to “read” it a third time if the match continued.
Special Summon for cost
Search a card for cost
I don't even know why I was excited. I've been waiting on the sp and thrust reprint for ages. They finally come out and they're just a few bucks cheaper than the last set of prints a year ago.
Fucking kill me.
NTA but any card with multiple effects no matter how simple they are should be read twice. You're not just remembering the card anyways, you're remembering its interactions and the interactions of all the other cards in a deck.
X Cost
0 Procedure
Based chink
>on field nukes
>quick effect monster steal
At least konami didn't just slap omninegates on their DT synchros again
>kirin reprint
guess reveals are over
>guy brings his gf(female) in and makes her play as a joke
>girl(male) immediately feels threatened by her presence and even drops before round 2 because he got paired with her
We all exchanged knowing glances at each other as "she" walked out the door
Saw this happen twice when I was deep into 40k and DnD. Fucking troons invading your space and acting like the sexiest shit ever, then folding immediately in the presence of a real woman.
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>400 (FOUR HUNDRED) cards total. Only about 100 are actually Commons. 300 of them are fouls and in total, you get 15 foils per Tin and 9 of those are Ultras
>Removed the Rare and Super rarity pools altogether to pad out the other ones to hell
>Despite that it, still omits several archetypes or one-off cards from the DBPs it reprints and barely reprints POTE cards despite advertising it
>The Common pool is 90% cards that were already Common to begin with
>Every good Secret card from the sets the Tins reprints are reprinted as Prismatic Secrets and some are short printed to hell like Little Knight, Chaos Angel, etc. It also bumps random Supers into Secrets to pad it out further
>Only 3 Prismatic Secrets per Tin, when last year gave you 6.
>9 Ultras per Tin, but all the actually good cards and the popular anime cards are Prismatic Secret and Quarter Century Secret Rares so many of them are worthless. The actual Ultra pool is full of Common and Super cards that got bumped
>All the expensive meta cards are located entirely in the Prismatic Secret pool. The pool itself being 100 (ONE HUNDRED) cards total and combined with the reduced amount of cards per Tins, makes it impossible to pull anything you want
>The Quarter Century cards takes the basic idea from last year but way, way, way worse. It's a pool of 50 anime cards instead of 14 and instead of feeling like a neat little bonus it's a slap in the face due to bumping cards that don't feel deserving of it, and then randomly tossing in cards like Ido as well padding it with Tokens (which do in fact take up one of your pulls per Tin), Yugi's Gadgets or the 4 other pieces of Exodia.
Can't wait for next year's Tins to be even worse.
>>The Common pool is 90% cards that were already Common to begin with
This is just an outright lie.
It's actually 97%.
well there goes my hope for the quarter century bonanza
i guess i'll die a diabellestarlet...
What if cards got extra effects based on rarity? Like a common Upstart Goblin works as is but a Secret Rare Upstart lets you draw 1 and burn your opponent instead.
I feel sorry for people who preordered cases of this shit. This year's tins are an actual fucking scam even by TCG standards.
The tokens are secrets, not QC
>what if the game was even more pay to win
tewart would like to know your address
>clearly autistic skinny asian guy asks if I wanna play with his custom deck (literally his own OC deck)
>sure why not
>it's a Touhou themed XYZ deck
>art is kinda sus but at least it's not some OP shit
>he XYZ summons using three of his Touhous
>all of his XYZ are just Touhous but gigantic, with emphasis on their feet
>mfw this fucking coomer retard tricked me into being subjected into his giantess foot fetish
Quarter century bonanza is every cards will have every possible rarity (except 25th with already printed cards).
Nostalgia pool is ehh.
Let's see how TCG fuck it up this time.
I have plenty of degenerate fetishes and cringeworthy hobbies but I cannot even fathom committing one half of this. Asking a stranger to play against your OC deck is insane, filling it with fetish stuff is even crazier.
is just want a diabellestar the black witch + wanted set that won't cost me a kidney (i'm a third world moneky)
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>>mfw this fucking coomer retard tricked me into being subjected into his giantess foot fetish
It's worse than you think. Giantess fetishes play off of power dynamics.
By tricking you into entering his magical realm, and trapping you long enough to suffer his degeneracy, he could get off on the power discrepancy it caused.
>catch local player cheating, 100% deliberately and unmistakably
>they’re still an awful player with a shit deck and easily beat them
Would you do anything about this? I like him being $5 more in the pot so I’m not telling the store shit. But should I even tip off other players if there’s a chance they tell the store?
I'm not sure if that's better
Guess I fucked up by hoping they wouldn't activate Armored Xyz and I could clear both Levirtue and Dinocrag, should have just wiped Levirtue off the field
At my locals we all know who cheats but like you said most of them are trash players who can't even get a win that way.
How deliberately we talking? Like literally sneaking cards into his hand Bandit Kieth style?
If you pre-ordered tins and you aren’t a shop that’s literally FORCED to, you’re fucking insane. Tins have been shit for like four years straight, how many more times does this need to happen?
>bro was probably getting hard over my disgust when his XYZ hit the field
Bros was I raped?
A LOT of these cards don't even deserve to be at 1, it just makes them incredibly lucksacky because you only need a single copy for full combk and the cards at 2 are just a bad joke. Either ban a card or put it at 3.
>Tins have been shit for like four years straight
2022 tins were decent despite having awful shit like DAMA and BLVO in its reprint range
Giantessfags are legitimately baffling to me
MP19, 20 and 21 is pretty good with first print and reprint rarity is different.
MP22 onward abandons that idea and everything ultra and under is 90% worthless.
/dng/ has taken the consistency hit meme way too far. It's true that a lot of them, maybe most of them, are fucking retarded, like Ash to 1, but something like Poplar to 1 legitimately reduces the power level of the deck because it creates an interaction point that lets you breakthrough the match up. Not to mention cards like Orange Light or Malicious where redundancy straight up makes the individual copies stronger.
Even the 2023 ones look good in comparation since you got 6 Secrets per Tin even if that also had junk padding it.
Honestly I really fucked up more for using Ecclisia instead of Cartesia, I forgot to read the cont spell and didn't realized it gave a negate
Cartesia at least could have made me fuse into Grand Guignol in their turn and from that I could have set up quite a few different plays
Will Shifter be banned before Maliss is released? I can't imagine a deck that plusses off its own Shifter.
>get paired at locals with a guy I've never seen before round 1
>he's about 40
>he's sets a bunch or cards and passes.
>I'm playing Tear,
>I'm expecting a bunch of blow out dm traps and God knows what.
>talking about how his deck has all these amazingcombos and just you wait
>play conservatively, attack over his set monster
>it's the vanilla 1900atk luster dragon
>pop a background
>it's polymerization
>"damn you got me"
>not "damn I bricked so you won", but as if I genuinely foiled his plans.
>he's sets more cans, I beat over more vanilla and win
>win game 1
>game 2 very similar I purposefully cut combos short to make him think it's closer than it really is.
>his deck really is just a bunch of random vanilla he's hoping to blind draw with poly to go into garbage fusion, a true season 1 dm deck.
>"reveals" all his combos he's just didn't get too
>refuses my suggestion of taking out vanillas that don't actually even have a poly target, not for any sentimental reasons, but because he genuinely thinks his deck is optimsed
>soldier on old autistic man
OCG Maliss doesn't even use Shifter though.
ritual beast already does that
Before the match he said “oh I forgot to side out from last round”, I give him time to do so. Everyone knows I play Labrynth. Game 1 he hits me with Cosmic Cyclone, weirder things have been mained by much better players so I don’t comment on it.
But then after I 2-0’d him he slipped up and shows me what he “sided in” and it’s all 3 cosmic. I even let him talk a bit to make sure it wasn’t some mistake and he’s like “yeah I always side them” so the whole un-siding thing was an act to slip his side in game 1
Like I said he’s too retarded to even remember he did that so I don’t feel threatened, too stupid to win even w/ the odds further stacked against me, but I’d feel a little bad if he did this to a less aware/skeptical player.
Shifter isn't actually very good in Maliss, it cuts off Cyberse routes and messes with the sequencing on Maliss routes because you can banish your own cards in-engine easily. They CAN play around it and they'd probably run it in a meta where other decks suffer harder from it, but so many decks including Ryzeal just don't give a fuck about Shifter right now that they can in fact side Shifter against Maliss to break their combos.
Ritual beast, ghoti, myutants all plus on their own shifter
>fucking retarded, like Ash to 1
Ash to 1 matters because that stops from being able to search itself for follow up
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based asian coomer
now that drytrons are back at full power, why can't they simply negate all the yubel snake eye plays?
Only Psiics plusses fast enough to be noticable, also, you actually want Fishes in the GY so you can do shit like revive Askaan and Snopios
There was this guy who would use these giant sour candies as tokens for Nibiru, and if you could out the token you gave him, you could eat the candy.

Thing was, these candies were bought from some online store that specialises in extremely fucked versions of candy. You'd eat the candy, and your mouth would be all kinds of fucked right after. Your teeth feel soft, your cheeks harden, stuff like that. It was all in good fun though and it became a sort of initiation ritual for newer players. Everyone would stop and watch as the new guy happily ate the candy and died inside.

One guy, for some fucking reason, legitimately believed he was dying from the candy. We tried to calm him down and tell him it was normal, but he truly believed he was dying. He ran out into the streets screaming for an ambulance and looked like a retard when the effects wore off before the ambulance arrived. We can't give food out in the store no more.
myutants plus off nothing
The issue with consistency hits is they don't fix the fundamental issue with modern yugioh: everything happening on turn 1 and 2. It just makes the game more sacky when everyone has high powered but inconsistent decks. Basically, consistency hits do nothing for the overall health of the game
Fucks old men for money
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>Hey man, you got trades?
>How much are you looking for these cards?
>"Oh, that's just my collection binder."
>are back at full power
They have no Beatrice, ergo no way to to dump Eva, so no massive negates
>no Scythe
>no Verte
>no Union Carrier
>no Linkuriboh
Myutants are great because they ask
>what if an engine didn't do anything and also bricked you to all hell
>drytrons are back at full power
Full power for them is Master Duel launch with the coin flip exploit
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>consistency hit turns 15 1-card starter to 13 1-card starter
>make more room for handtraps instead of substitutes
No wonder people are complaining.
>small monsters search and e-tele big level 8 boss
myutant crawled so snake-eyes can fly
>>no Verte
I genuinely believe you have to be some kind of soulless retard to enjoy playing decks with 5+ minute combos. The worst is when the end board still dies to Evenly.
They used Verte for Dragoon or DPE
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>Hey man, you got trades?
>You looking to move these?
>Ahh, those aren’t for trade.
You forgot the part where it's only one boss and not three bricks, that also grants you insane floating advantage, and also DOESN'T HAVE A LOCK ON WHAT SPECIAL SUMMONS IT WHY
Verte? S:P replaces Dragoon or DPE while offer zero bricks into deck.
This one nigger is like the cryptid of our state.
>shows up to locals 4 hours late and gets upset as if the tournament was only supposed to start when he got there
>when he does show up on time, has no idea what’s going on that day: it’ll be a sneak peak and he’s like I only have $5 wtf this isn’t fair/it’s new banlist or the worlds event last week and he has a completely illegal deck
>cheats shamelessly. Spectate his games and you’ll end up calling out a dozen blatant cheats (linking with facedowns, searching cards that aren’t searchable by w/e eff he used, just flat out lying about what his cards do) and he rages when you correct him
>only plays an awful branded shaddoll deck whose only wincon is winda + dragoon. If you have ANYTHING that outs this he spends the rest of the game saying how unfair that card is
>has some schizo relationship with his family where they’ll call him at locals and he’ll answer the phone saying he’s at church
He’s miserable to deal with but the upside is he will never win a game against anyone who calls out his cheats. Guaranteed win at the cost of your patience
What's your ideal combo length? Personally I think anything in the range of pure Orcust or Tribrigade is about right. Decks like Ryzeal that finish their play too quickly are bullshit in the other direction where there aren't enough points of interaction and they finish their board so efficiently that you get nothing for breaking them.
I just saw a guy on stream get a game loss for accidentally dropping an Ash out of his hand onto the board before the game started.
"Revealing information" wtf. Can't tell if his opponent sharked him or if that's a real rule.
It's called faustian expression.
I think Konami changed how they view the tins and their purpose.

Before it was a way to make meta staples wildly available for cheap, and print commons in higher rarities so you could bring out for favourite decks.

Now they view it as an introductory product for returning players, with nostalgia cards to hook them in, and then random modern cards from the last year for said player to get a little exposure to modern yugioh stuff, while keeping the good ones high rarity to milk meta chasers.
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My non trades always go to the back of the binder. Front of the binder is always available. Back is usually just cores of common for something i may build later but am not sure of yet but keeping a set of commons for it in case.
Linear decks, I absolutely agree. Non linear decks are a completely different thing.
>Guy brought his girlfriend and let her play in the tourney so she could learn
>had the unfortunate luck of being paired with the fat smelly middle eastern guy
>"You look like a black dark magician girl"
>entire store cringing
>"I don't date black so you know"
>half the tables are laughing their asses off or just hiding their heads in shame
>she loses, immediately drops and takes her boyfriend with her
>never see them again, every week the fat retard asks what happened to the "Black Dark Magician Girl"
Technically it's illegal and you can't just randomly reveal cards but only the biggest and most desperate sharks call it out.
>opponent draws nib as 6th card, laughs and reveals it saying how great it would’ve been
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Hours late response but sorry gang, the 3v3 not happening is on me because of an asshole badly timed power outage.
Hosting eu casual.
buy a second binder you moron
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I actually have 3. 2 small ones for cheap shit and one big one for bigger stuff or deck cores.
why'd you put shit you don't want to trade on your trade binder
5D's has the gayest MC, cast and a main group wanting to satisfy men
The trade value on those cards are too strong for you casual
>dng really thought spamming horse vomit would make the game better
look at you, you got your shitter banlist and the game still sucks. good job dng.
I’m picking up Pokemon soon.
I dunno. I need a larger sample size. We should spam more horse vomit.
I still think horse vomit is the way to go ,e just need to try a lil harder
I haven't played paper since 2019
It makes sense. Knowing they have the card changes how you play.
Since they're influencing the game with the card knowledge they gave you, it may as well be called cheating.
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im trying to update my beetroopers with ragnaraika and i need some help to trim the fat, like i dont need a second gokipole or twin bow, or a third buggy, hagakuremino can be replaced with skeletal soldie
wrong thread
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Most of them are usually deck cores I haven't committed to, but if someone in my local wants to build it, I'll just trade it off to them so while it's technically not for trade, i can be convinced to trade anything in my binders. If it's not in a deck box, i can be talked into it.
Hosting again.
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The tin contents were decided months in advance like always. You can tell like how we got QCR Pank and they chose not to unlimit it. Horse vomit will change the way we do business. Trust the puke
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>seeing that turn 1 spellcaster combo go from one meluseek normal summon to a full field of 4 interactions and thats just because the timer cut the combo short
GGs angler, neat deck. Chaos slop go brbrbrbrbrbrbr
and? half the thread isnt even talking about dueling network, its paper format which belongs on /tg/
Wrong. Thread.
He meant in the sense that nobody here actually plays the game
nobody here plays MD
and judging by the numbers, soon, nobody will be playing MD in general
He's not wrong though. For a general about playing a sim there's maybe a dozen posts about actually playing the sim.
I mean you can feel free to keep posting shitty decklists and asking stupid questions.
You're just never gonna get an answer to them because this isn't the thread for it
nta but sim means Edopro, including pre-released cards, using TCG banlist.
MD has its own card pool and own banlist though.
I transheart Ariseheart
Trans V
relax Yusei
MD makes more in a year than paper.
I like women (biological).
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Synchroman got his White Story set
why is he called synchroman? is he a faggot?
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he'd be called penduluman if that was the case
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Bystial Aluber?
Despia Aluber's alt art
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He started drawing with Synchro (pic-related)
And then fell in love with a Fusion theme (Branded)
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Oh, so it is. Nice. Better than Albaz’s alt-art, in my opinion.
so he started off as a fag and became straight?
Where is Xyzman then
I don’t care parasocial anon.
I care parasocial anon
Not sure what you mean but he certainly hasn't drawn Synchro since he became a Branded fanatic (aside from Aegirine)
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CHADgioh would never do this.
>mindbroken posting again
lol, trans-gi-oh
You niggas really stalk artist and post all their thoughts here?
GGs. Meluseek was a happy accident that single handedly made spellcasters reasonably capable as a pile deck. They're still way weaker then even rogue decks, but it's reasonably playable now. Before malwisp I was forced running spellbook magician of prophecy as the normal summon, which as you might imagine was terrible.
fusion is gay as fuck
I would help if I could because just the fact you're talking about a YUGIOH VIDEOGAME, already makes your post more at home in the VIDEOGAME GENERALS board than the 16473818277382290th post about a papertranny discussing cardboard.
Unfortunately I don't play neither insectslop nor raika. Sorry anon.
seething MDcuck
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>synchro is strai-
Who are you replying to?
Holy kino. This is one of the good ones.
>didn’t realize UDF was getting reprinted in the tins
>just bought a UDF
you bought a Ukrainian Defense Force?
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Visas Complete Set soon
Don't worry, his price isn't going to go down at all. None of these prices are.
The only thing i hope to see is Visas getting kissed, hugged, cuddled, hands held and dryhumped by his counterparts while Kitkallos watches and is completely and utterly heartbroken and never scores and has to live that alone to the point of missing getting whipped by Reinoheart.
i dont blame you, insect soup is more difficult than it has any right to be if i want to summon the big beetles
No. Ultimate Conductor Femmesaurus.
How is Dino soup looking right now?
Surely they can put up a better fight with not!Groundon and Jurrac Meteor turbo in their pile?
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament Singapore 2024 (Day1/第一日), currently in Round 5 of the day

I want to see the Kashtiras' daily lives if it gets made
>Ryzeal vs Snake-Eye
off to a good start
There's probably something there but no one wants to explore complicated soup decks during tier 0 metas even if they have potential. They'll probably pop up out of nowhere in 9 months when the meta is unstable and we'll realize in hindsight that they were good ages before then.
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If you rewind to an earlier round you can watch stuff like Malice vs Tenpai or Tenpai vs Yubel but it's the kind of decks you'd expect at what's basically their YCS equivalent.
>Ryzeal vs Snake Eyes
>Malice vs Tenpai
>Tenpai vs Yubel
>the average HEROfag
>Exodia no longer topping in OCG
it’s over…
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Bnuuy in danger
he’s getting corrected for stopping them from searching…
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>look up a deck profile
>Mfw only result is Darkarmedduelist
The man who saved Yugioh
Play. Maliss.
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>Icejade ran and gymir reprinted in the tin as secrets
>were just reprinted in BoL
Internal communication at KoA seems like a mess
>No early BEWD cards
It's like they don't want people to play the game
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Maybe if Apo get unbanned
The bone-chilling Aggregator ban after Ryzeal meta
Erm, it's also a Malpiss hit because of Terahertz thoughever
I've been playing with friends using a weaker Maxx c-like house rule
>digimon memory style meter
>every time you special summon, meter goes +1 to your opponent
>during your end phase, if the meter is positive to your side, you can draw cards, up until the meter goes back to zero
it creates some interesting dynamics, we're still testing it right now
It’s surreal to think he became so annoying after just one DBP
It happened LONG before that, back when Mathmech was still somewhat relevant.
same with me, the moment I started looking at stun as a viable path because I just couldn't stomach the uncontrolled powercreep is the day I embraced limited
why not just maxx c but you cannot negate your opponents cards and effects this turn
Are you ready for Ryzeal to get double reborn on an Xyz if it's sent to the GY?
They will simply do that Ryzeal like this so it won’t be a problem
>if this card is sent from the Extra Deck to the GY,
Erm, where's the synergy with Deadnader/Duodrive's attach effects and Hole's quick Xyz effect?
It'd have to be
>If this card is detached or sent from the Extra Deck to the GY:
That would be a thing if they intended for Ryzeal to be meta
But I doubt
The field spell not searching anything is a sure sign that they never wanted it to take off
>ryzeal wasn't supposed to be meta
Comical how naive you are
You know it’s the truth
If it’s intended to be meta, the field spell would be
>add 1 Ryzeal from Deck/GY
>Negate on resolution
>recycle up to 2 Ryzeal to draw 1 (instead of forcing you to use 2)
this rule makes it so the number of summons you do matters more, because it lets you control the aggressiveness of your opponent as well
maxx c only trades summons for draw, this rule let's you trade summons for summons as well
Are you one of those who believed they didn't expect tenpai to be meta? I remember people saying that here. Are you one of those who said tcg tenpai being low rarity was a miscalculation? Because i can guarantee you that it was one of the rare occasions of KoA showing goodwill.
>showing goodwill.
This company is not capable of that
I swear Ryzeal is like an endless goldmine for "but /dng/ said.." posts. you guys just love downplaying it for some reason. idk what it is about it that makes you all so insecure.
For fun I built protagonist decks with only 1 of their ace monster to see how quickly I could get to it.

Yugi's Shining Sarcophagus deck
1 turn, to have not only Dark Magician out but Silent Swordsman and Silent Magician

Yugi/Atem's Dark Magician deck
3 turns to get both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl

Judai's Elemental Hero deck
1 Turn to get Flame Wingman Inferno Rage
10 turns to put Yubel and E hero Neos on the field instead of the hand or graveyard

Yusei's Junk Warrior and Stardust Dragon
5 turns

Yuma's Number 39 Utopia
1 turn

Yuya's Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon using a Performapal deck
1 turn
Using a Pendulum Magician Deck
5 turns
Using a Odd Eyes Deck
1 turn

Yusaku's Decode Talker and Firewall Dragon using a Code Talker Deck
7 turns for Firewall Dragon
1 turn for Decode Talker

This is late but why come Yuma and Yuya never had a secondary ace? Gagaga Magician and Performapal Hip Hippo do not count, they are extenders at best and they didn't even try to make the Hippo good enough to keep using in the first place nor did Yuya ever win a duel because of that thing.
Nah, we play packbit for triple body removal. Aggretor is fucking suck lol
Him and that other faggot shit them out an unbelievable rate. They give no insights, and the decks are taken straight from the wiki. They make the same video over and over without any substantial changes. They drown out any real results that may exist. Worst of all is that jewtube rewards this kind of behaviour, instead of banning their accounts of low effort spam.
Question, how does Ryzeal, a deck full of level 4's, summons a rank 9?
They don’t
They use Ex Ryzeal to dump him, then attach him to Deadnader
it doesn't
ex ryzeal sends any xyz monster from the extra deck to summon itself from the hand and deadnader attaches any card in your gy to itself as a material when summoned
you run it for the gy effect
post spellcaster slop list
The survivors
The winners
they canonically died
Uni Lost
Ever since I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh my homoerotic diaper fantasies have increased in strength....
Annoying thing about playing meme combo decks is that on the rare occasion you get your combo going your opponent just scoops 20 seconds in.
Makes you ask what's the point of experimenting with different decks at all which is quickly followed by why are you playing the game at all.
Oh that is funny, and scary.
You can try MD
Players there only scoop if
>you play meta decks
>you play stun
It can also either chain-block Ex’s search (protecting it from Ash/negates) OR you can do it the other way around and stop the opponent from negating Aggregator’s negate.
We need the horse
If completing the combo wins you the game or puts you on such an advantageous position that you can't possibly lose, then why should the other player wait around for it? Ygo is a 2 player game, and the other player would like to play and win. Games have struggled with the concept of incentivising the loser for decades, and nobody has found a satisfactory solution yet.
Where is tit?
I'm gonna say something controversial
I think they should print more Action Magic spell cards no bulli
I mean by their very nature action spells are gonna be packfiller.
Asking for unplayable garbage to be a certain flavor of unplayable garbage is not very controversial
Meant for >>494456258
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Seventh Tachyon is so getting banned
We need to spam this on their twitter
Shark will be meta in TCG
You mean bone chillingly limited after 7 months of play at 3
Will Tewart finally give us a Rank 4 Fish ROTA
Does the new JurrACK support make the deck fun and kino or is it just more ingredients for the dinosoup decks?
You probably do have to play some number of the Dinosoup package, even as CaC as the new Level 4 is it's not enough, and you would like to do something with the pops
Why is he so strong?
He was playing pacifis
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>ZERO (0) HEROslop besides Wake Up and fucking SHINING FLARE WINGMAN of all cards
>the former of which already has a CR that looks better than the ugly as shit QCSRs anyway
I have literally zero reason to buy this trash. GOD I HATE KOA SO MUCH.
Here's an idea
-Something generic that enables unlimited Normal Summons
-Downside: All of your soft "once per turn" effects become hard "once per turn" effects
Agreed but they need to upgrade them, shit most of them wouldn't see play if they debuted back during arc v, let alone now
Yuya's fusions
Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Rune Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Brave Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Performapal Gatlingghoul
Performapal Odd Eyes Silver Claw
Odd Eyes Vortex Dragon
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
Supreme King Violet Dragon: Odd Eyes Venom Dragon
Supreme King God Dragon: Odd Eyes Arcray Dragon

Yuya's synchros
Enlightenment Paladin
Nirvana High Paladin
Supreme King White Dragon: Odd Eyes Wing Dragon
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Odd Eyes Meteorburst Dragon
Tilting Enttrainment
Odd Eyes Solblaze Dragon

Yuya's xyz
Hope Magician
StarTime Magician
Supreme King Black Dragon: Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon
Supreme King Black Dragon: Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overload
Supreme King King Black Dragon: Odd Eyes Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Supreme King Violent Dragon: Odd Eyes Raging Dragon
Odd Eyes Absolute Dragon
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

Can someone explain to me what the fuck was going on with the xyz cards? Why are there so many versions of the same monster?
actually worse than RC02, that's kind of impressive
Yuto got fused into Yuya really early on in Arc-V.
KoA hit its quota of good product releases with RC01 and decided they don’t need to try anymore. Shops HAVE to buy their shitty sealed products anyway to be allowed to buy the good ones.
RC1 was a ocg product everything after that is KoA
Yeah but look at his fusions he has 6 fusions that have no association with anyone but himself and 5 synchros right behind that that are also his but his xyz are all with other characters with the sole exceptions being Star Time Magician and Odd Eyes Absolute, even Hope Magician is hime and Yuma for some fucking reason
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>the only time KoA cam make a good product is when they're literally forced to copypaste the OCG
Nervall is so lucky
Oh and why the hell is solblaze a level 8 tuner monster?! What's the point of that when his highest level synchro is a level 10 and it can already be summoned by treating a pendulum summoned level 2 monster as a tuner in it's effect? I don't understand
I still feel like they should have done Phantom Knights x Utopia, Predaplants x Neos and Speedroids x Stardust instead of that random as hell Magician of Hope
just don't buy product
people will eventually start gathering outside stores and the proxy market will thrive
bro that's every single meta deck worth playing lmao
>just don’t buy product
doesn’t work because you have stupid faggot niggers in this very thread who brag about buying boxes of garbage
So you can make the shitty ass Synchro Zarc so you can make the shitty ass nu-extender Zarc so you can place any pend monster from YOUR DECK to your pend zone
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>the endboard that made /dng/ shit and piss their pants for 6 years straight
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So Ro_G also saw that Queen Aegirine huh
How insulting, they want to you to spend 2 cards to make solblaze recycle 1 to make syn zarc, then use syn zarc to make arcray who will put any pend from your deck to your zone

How fucking stupid and wasteful if they wanted you to turbo out arc raye why not just give you a level 4 main deck pendulum monster whose effect is treating any card that uses it as fusion,xyz or synchro material gets it's name changed to Supreme King Dragon Zarc? Can't even say that's broken or unfair because Arcraye is only a 4000 attack beater in a game where beaters are no longer a threat and haven't been for a long time, it's a beater with no protection whatsoever too.
isnt it impossible for horses to vomit
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34 players:

1st. Ryzeal
2nd. Evil Twin
Top4. Snake-Eye
Top4. Ryzeal
Top8. Ryzeal - https://i.imgur.com/AsjE7A1.png
Top8. Labrynth - https://i.imgur.com/Gx3RCTi.png
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teP1pE6S7tQ - Lyrilusc sex and they start moaning like this.
Why is it so hard to find a deck these days that is not full of tranime waifus? When did this game get so homosexual??
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Problem is Jurracs as a deck just don't function so you are forced to run the generic dino package with them, but at least the meteor gimmick is funny.
>Anon sees women
>Thinks about homosexuality
Just realized but they didn't import Camellia in the tins either.
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Bet you homos also have a anime pfp on twatter you fat ugly homos
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Here's a piece of advice, learn how to concede and stop before you put yourself in a worse situation. The last thing that needs to happen is that you end up being actually gay.
It actually does because a single mentally ill fatherless tranny cant singlehandedly fund the yugioh TCG and even they stop buying when everyone around them stops giving them attention/ validation for their mental illness
These Twin lists always feel like massive bricks to me. Just choose one extra engine, nigga.
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This is the worst end of year tins we have ever had.
Can't wait for this game to die. Can't wait to see the light snuffed from its eyes.
The worst part is, let's say you actually want to search a scale
What scale is even worth doing all this shit for? Zefraath for a single extra negate through a Nine Pillars search? Amorphage shit that requires extra work to do anything? Wakaushi?
How about you print an actually decent boss that makes you play anything else than Vortex Turbo? Or maybe some main monsters that do more than special themselves from the hand as link fodder? If I wanted to play "Summon your bandaid extra monster as quick as possible and pray it resolves" I'd play Synchrons
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I find it hilarious how we have a card that mass summons Supreme Kings, a card that mass summons "Pendulum/Fusion/Synchro/Xyz Dragons" and cards that summons any Odd Eyes ED monster and they all suffer from the identical problem of literally having only one good target
I wish they'd just do the fucking obvious thing and make a magician fusion named Performapal Odd Eyes Magician make a fusion pendulum if you must but the name is right fucking there!
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>all these kashtira reprints
The return of the king is inevitable for he will bring balance to the game
even konami knows arc-v ruined the franchise
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I'll forever be baffled that these little bitches did this because they were sacred of a little girl even worse is when Yuya finally has them all and does Yuya things with them Odd Eyes fucking pouts because of Yuya giving attention to the other 3 for that segment and Yuya has to reassure him like a guy having to reassure his girlfriend he's not cheating on her.

Duel links splitting the other 3 boys from him once again makes me curious if Yuya in that verse still uses the other dragons, Yugo and Yuto are running around on their own with their dragons again so I assume he doesn't have them anymore which probably makes Odd Eyes happy that only he gets to be ridden by Yuya once again instead of having to share him.

Arc-V is such a fucking train wreck God damn you Ono, I'll never forgive you for this or what you did to Symphongear
just shows how bad the banlist was
Then why do they keep making support for every Arc-V deck under the sun
because dng's headcanon doesn't represent konami's actual thoughts
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Alright, I’ll bite: what the fuck is the point of this?
stop taking the bait
I guess they really want their EMZ Duodrive to resolve
deadnamer in extra set 1 pass gg
Every time people talk about duel links it's arc-v releated because that shitty game fixed the ending by seperating the boys from the girls, then certain people got mad seeing that the girls are all violent bullies, Yuzu bullies Yuya and Sora, Rin is abusive as fuck towards Yugo yet goes yandere if any girl gives him any attention whatsoever, Serena has taken to likening herself as a sister to Yuzu and now bullies Reji as the older sister because for some reason her dumb mind has concluded that she was with Leo longer than Reji was thus she's the older sister and Reji just takes it, Ruri isn't outright violent but she is a manipulator and keeps sexually harassing Yuto in public because she finds his reactions cute even through those are reactions of fear as her brother threatens to beat the shit out of him daily nowand she just giggles and laughs at his misery.

These girls all need correction! Damn brats even through everybody is happier their around, I feel bad for Yuri nobody misses that fucker they don't even mention him by name
reputation rehabilitation
A pint of soul in an otherwise soulless deck.
>activate effect of a xyz in the EMZ
>opponent imperms it
>activate eagle booster
>now he either wastes another interruption on the same monster or it goes through taking 1 with it
Genex used this to make sure Link 1 goes through.
For when you want 3 bricks going 2nd or past turn 1.
>Sky Tranners
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I'll destroy everything! By paying half of my life I activate Gandora's effect! disappear with the thread! DESTRUCTION GIGA RAYS!!
Deadnamer is only weak to boardbreakers. Guess what Eagle Booster resolves?
Also, to remind Skysissies that Deadnamer plows their washed up whore
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I am literally sat here, gobsmacked that Konami had the gall to release the tins in the manner they did.
Every single good card is in the Prismatic slot. Every one. They're not commons, they're not ultras, they're not even QCSRs, they're all in that fucking huge prismatic secret slot, of which you only get 3 of per tin. To say that this is scummy is the understatement of the century. This is fucking criminal how far their greed has come.

I'm blown away. They've sunk to a low not even I thought they could ever reach and they still try to wrap it up like it's a good thing, like the slimy merchants they are.
>But look at how many sought after cards we put in this one set goy, isn't this what everyone wanted? Look, SP Little Knight, TTT, Wanted, Diabellestar, Bonfire, Trident Dragion, Typhon, Centurion, we have it all! How can you possibly say this is a scam?

Vile cunts.
The common slot is worthless. It serves no purpose in this set. Nothing that was high rarity is a common now, it's all just cards that were previously commons that are still worth nothing.
QCSR slot is just nostalgiabait. It's actually garbage too.
The only slot that matters in this entire product is the Prismatic slot, and you get 1 per pack lmao. I'm dead fucking serious too, no other slot matters at all. Every single other card you pull from your pack is filler and if your prismatic slot is garbage (which it still more than likely is going to be, believe it or not because its a pool of 100 cards) then you're shit out of luck.

Hooooooly fuck words cannot describe how bad this set is. This is the true gacha experience set.
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Shining Sarcophagus and Gaia really do just feel like bad TCG exclusive DM support. You could switch them out for Flame Swordsman and I bet no one would have notice anything off
misawabros we did it... they finally printed the FIRE dragon...
That's not the Fire Dragon depicted in the GX opening, they look completely different, racist.
still haven't seen a single person pulling SP btw
yeah it's bad, I'm more mad that some cards I'd want like the alt arts are only available in rarities I find ugly. I'll only get like 4-5 ultra upgrades that I like and the rest of the set means nothing to me. It's really bad yeah.
Once again, Xyz Encore shows that it is the best out to Deadnader
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Oh and I forgot the most important point I was trying to make.
Everything that was previously expensive is still going to be expensive to some degree. Yes, their prices will be slashed on account of them being reprinted, that's true, but all of the previously expensive cards that were printed in max rarity before are being printed in max rarity again.

This didn't used to fucking happen, it only happened with 1-2 VERY sought after cards (like Droplet had that happen for years), most of the time cards get bumped down in rarity.
This time however? Nothing got bumped down. They're all max rarity and they've been thrown into a fucking huge pull pool and you essentially only have a 3/100 chance to pull them per tin and like I said the rest of your tin is garbage, don't be fooled by thinking those thick packs are giving you anything good, they're not, it might as well give you 1 card, the prismatic secret, because that's LITERALLY all that matters. When you buy a tin you've paid for 3 prismatic secrets. Better hope one of those 3 cards is good and not filler.
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32 players:

1st. Maliss
2nd. Snake-Eye
Raye lives in you mind
what pack did plaguespreader release in? that was the last time I bought a pack
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sex with my wife cartesia
>captcha PAYP
Also, we were literally talking about a Striker spell being used in Ryzeal, are you retarded?
>This is the true gacha experience set.
It's times like this when I'm glad I don't play MD or paper.
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Leave Deadnamer to me.
Nigga just play Dimensional Barrier like a normal person
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>No Crypter
RENT FREE, might I add
>discussion pivots to a striker spell being used in a ryzeal decklist
>r-rent free
Are you retarded
I guess the idea of a singleton field banish and helping OTKs is kinda pointless especially with the 3 material requirement (or the trap) that they'd rather just keep the ED slot for more generic Cyberse shit in a tight ED.
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could /dng/ realistically win against the average dragon duelist competitor
Eagle Booster is an interesting tech in Ryzeal
And goddamn they dropped Shark engine so fast
Guess that Drake Shark garnet is not worth it huh
I'm sure at least 1 retard here is autistic enough to be able to win Worlds given enough resources(money so he doesn't need to worry about rent/food/etc, practice so he would keep nerves to a minimum)
has anyone noticed lidl had stopped posting....? is she alright??
It's really funny seeing people cry about Drake Shark being "ANOTHER HECKIN POPLAR" when it would literally be an infinitely better card if it was just Silent Angler without the hand summon lock and also archetypal.
they have hygiene rules at worlds
Drake shark's poplar eff is ocassionally good when jaws got a quick pop chained to and you need a body for abyss to follow up. But yeah I'd rather take a silent angler without lock. Ideally crystal but a 4 would be best
Kotton was there so it can't be that strict.
Isn't lidl the infernoid player?
How do I make White Woods good?
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25 players:

1st. Ryzeal
2nd. Maliss
Top4. Voiceless Voice
Top4. Thunder Dragon
I play them with toys and Kashtira cards as subengines and they're honestly pretty great already
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VV... sovl...
Happy Birthday, shitty rock
>The Token getting printed as monster
Okay, but when will Gorz's girl friend getting printed?
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The real problem card
I think this is the first time I see a Ryzeal deck using Droplet
What does the Spider XYZ do again?
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase.
I bought at pre-order prices from the tins because of all the doomposting you guys are doing.
Are you happy now? I bet you'll have a good laugh when everything I panic bought sells for half the price I bought them on release.
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i will actually lol
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>He fell for it
Dump it. Dump it all.
>and looked like a retard
To be fair on the guy, hes a retard for ingesting unknown food without verifying what they are. If I ate a random piece of candy, I wouldn't expect it to be sour, and even if I accepted that it was sour, having my "teeth feel soft" or my "cheeks harden" would be pretty fucking worrying for a candy to do. I probably would think I was allergic or some shit
Now we are talking
It baffles me that Konami has the money printer in the form of the Rarity Collection layout (i.e. cards appear in multiple rarities) and they just don't apply it to other shit?
>only tributes dinos
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I feel as though Rush is a step away from doing it. They already did the boarder breakers and they have slight alt arts between different rarities and more recent ones being bigger changes like going from being undead to just alive.
we need more aryan alts
They also have to print their dog.
It's Destruction Geas Rays.
it sucks that the mana bases are so expensive in eternal formats. Also fuck pauper and standard.

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