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You're a grown ass man, behave like one.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494365776
I must have sex with men’s butts…
yup :3
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How come froths can wear THIS helmet, but none of the other FULL HEAD REPLACEMENT/COVERING helmets?
if it was up your ass you'd know
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Why does the Bridesmaid's Tights have a stain in the panties?
mating pressing this rat
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I have a grudge against all Lalafells now
why are you looking chud mind your business
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do u think she likes white boys
which female races are allowed to have sexual relations with male middies
she is just that excited for the wedding and consummation
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Dude this cat
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My fiddie acts like this
*rip's ass on you're post* Dayum
Ask her? Also where in ul’dah is this cat at?
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whats their initials, I unironically think I know who this is
I act exactly like this (meena btw)
Thoughts on people who use this hairstyle? Should I use it?
that was me yesterday
I want to kill both of these posters
my femra otr

no i ran away, also they're on the steps behind where zo erp afks

>the most basic of basics bitches
>in a fantasy game
into the trash it goes
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What does this even mean, you retarded gooner?
Can't you stop rubbing your micropenis for 3 miliseconds and provide a proper response?
Hello wife...
My middie otl, no one otr
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>can i see it at least
working on drk glam still so ignore the semi casual clothing
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I guess i am the new call guy

crystal casual cc @ 2 ET
how did you get this picture of my femra?
Yeah, my femra is, dare I say, like this.
i aint reading allat
come let my rava+ sleeve you ytboi
Very odd very specific but has anyone else been having this issue where videos in YouTube go mute for a half second every couple seconds, ONLY when playing FFXIV? It’s such a weird issue to only affect this one game and I have no clue what would cause it
raping moonies gets me feeling like this
ew why do you shave
Knew it...
penis, do not click
penis, DO CLICK
WOW i'm heading over
Not me and I listen to youtube all the time, did you buy that enhanced audio thing? I don't have that
>small and cut
darn shame
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Realistically speaking, how long would it take for me to get the Hydatos Katana if i do Eureka 4 hours everyday?
hey not bad, and assuming that you're trying to go for an eastern glam then you should check out the odenta kai, it's a stormblood tome weapon. basically an odachi
not worth the click
My hrothgar on the left and her lala on the right
What should I use instead?
I'd suck, but I'm a femra
4 days maybe
thinking about posting a picture of my moonies
Two or three weeks probably.
fuck off with your cringe raceplay fetishes, I'm not interested
can I do it with you
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still recruiting, we're 5/8 if anyone wants to do trials/normal raid/possibly alliance raid
password still 2222
Why do femra have the worst taste always
Niggas will be like "ew a circumcised dick is weird" but drool over a 3 foot horse cock
I see, thankfully i enjoy Eureka.

Yes, are you on Crystal?
Speak for yourself.
if you've never done eureka before, a few weeks. if youre already capped then a few days
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I miss it.
>noo you have to like my mutilated dick!!!!
>Yes, are you on Crystal?
No shit, retard
Mods are asleep. Post thighlanders!
Actually doing just a default edenmorn top tank glam, just not high enough level DRK yet still only level 72. But now that you mention it a eastern glam for drk might look cool
No I did not, all audio stuff is all normal. This didn’t used to happen either, it’s a recent issue. My only idea is recently I did an an nvidia update but like how the hell is that gonna cause this kind of problem
is this a catboy or girl
I don't need to see your dick unless you're tributing my character
Is there a /xivg/ syncshell?
Knotted woobers > All other woobers
It's ugly so definitely "male"
i dont remember posting this
normal sized/smaller penises are more fun to suck
Femroe x Femroe eb when...
do uncircumcised american men exist? haven’t met one
wake up babe, new cope just dropped

It's a c@ they/them
let's see your big guy
Nvidia has a driver for "HD audio through HDMI" :)
I'm not in this picture because I am neither a guy with a gf or a girl that acts though but is sweet in private, just a autistic guy
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I'm there (pic related) on balmung, feel free to approach and send a friend request, i'm going afk for a few minutes but i'm down for Eureka after that.

Initials: C.W.
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>Leveled everything to 100 but PIC before sub ran out.
>Now want to resub and try it out, but I need to take a break or wait till next possible update.
Plus you guys have been so fun to hang with.
Present character, big girl.
my moonie is going to eat a slice of cake
mutilated jew cock
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Sis.... download the hat mod already. You'll be glad you did.
same :3c
Mine is 5 inches and I self insert that my character has a 5 incher too
spit in my mouth?
So I just looked up Shaba M3S pastebin,


Wait, why RMMR? And why groups instead of roles?
New social tab for Tomestone.gg??? Damn this shit gonna be a discount twitter for gposers and shit huh
don't pretend you don't act like that when you get alone with a guy
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Did you like the picture of anon's peeny weenie
my fiddie is basically like this
I would see about joining either of these if I still wasn't at work /sigh
That was week 1 strat now people just do MMRR or TTHH
>Be Eurydice Binis
>Engage in multiple instances of horse cock erp with 3 well known stable masters
>Get taunted and mocked for my fetishes in this thread and on discord
>Eventually have a very public meltdown in thread
>Go radio silent
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest name changes
>Change my name to Lorgar Urizen
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest Phials of Fantasia
>Attempt to remain anonymous
>Forget that lodestone ID remains the same
>Get discovered and exposed in thread
>Read what is happening because I live in this thread 18 hours a day
>Private my lodestone, as I am being mocked in thread again
>Purchase yet another of Yoshi P's finest name chages
>Change my name to Horus Lupercal
>Start to insert myself into the thread again under my new identity that cost me €40 to create
>Don't notice that I changed my name to what is essentially Horse
>Continue to be mocked for my fetishes despite my near perfect disguise
>Another meltdown ensues and I leave several discord servers

Good luck Horse Lupercal you horse cock loving freak, you reap what you sow.
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Thanks and also I think I figured out my issue. I’ve been just alt+tabbing instead of actually minimizing Chrome and I guess it was making the PC shit itself. Low IQ problem but at least it’s solved…
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Week 1 strat that I'm seeing in the PF right now in week 7.
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>snap them at 45%
>doesnt kill

crystal casual cc @ 545 ET
who is the most normal ebin
Shooting ropes to femlalas!
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bigdickanon here
can confirm that having a larger than average penis isn't really all that advantageous
girls mostly complain it's too big. especially when they're like "let's try anal" but all they do is cry and complain asking me to slow down
I don't even get to cum
thanks anon, I try and at least make eyes / eyebrows look expressive but it's a pain in the ass making mouths work with all the new bones

according to my fancy tape measure mod it's slightly more than that
*raises paw*
May I join when I get off work in 2 hours
Yes people will still be doing week 1 strat because it is what they learned and they dont want to learn the new hector strats that everyone else is going to use.
what race do you play

I want this femzelen to step on me while looking at me with that disgusted face.
We should talk
But not here
Inside my car
It has air conditioning
the dedicated EU erp drama thread was six hours ago anon, you're late on schedule
based, we should be naming and shaming degens more often
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female midlander
i don't erp or mod btw
>according to my fancy tape measure mod it's slightly more than that
What about irl
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the eden pieces in general are mad good, still need to get the edengrace one for a drg glam. but yeah levelling it shouldn't be too bad since it has tank privilege, some of the skills get kinda samey but the capstone skills are all really cool

Cute! /xvig/ and 14 over all needs more thighlanders. Sad they're such an endangered species.
anon, as someone with an actual big dick, women complain and wince in pain when you hit their cervix, not from anal lmao
new tomestone who dis
>Plus you guys have been so fun to hang with.
I'm starting to like tanned and blonde face 1 sunnies
It's like instaloss in cute
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I am.
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i am a highlander currently crafting over 300 moqueca, I think ill craft gemsaps next
Shoot Birthday ropes to
I'm starting to like moonies
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I don't think 'ebin' and 'normal' belong in the same sentence
(Isn't that what a rapist would say)
(Well, nobody would ever rape a femlala)
Sure anon!
I think it's a fairly appreciable size but I don't want to talk about irl dicks in this thread or at all
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*slips girl fanta juice into your male character's raid food*

Hehe... eat up anon...
>2 more updates to the saga
he’s free falling into schizophrenia
the gear run of edenmorn -> neo ishgardian -> asphodelos may never be topped
and you are?
The conditioning is working
I hope she's not gonna chop shotas.
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It is Fiddie Friday and I a fiddie! :3
Do you a fiddie?
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>Sfia gets destroyed by the community for being a sex pest
>but the actual pedo gets to stay because they make fashion report list every week
don't get me wrong Sfia deserves it but it's hypocritical that Kaiyoko gets off scotfree
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Anything for attention.

No, that's Jaden. Molly Bloom is a pretty generic veena with big boobs but not Une Colle (the vantablack rava who CCs with the CC gang) big.
meow meow (sex with femra)

Thank you!


She cute should stay one!
stop using white revealing tshirts for your slutbags, whore.
put something decent on
the only cars we have don't have roofs so the air con is useless dumbass
Kaiyoko is cool, has helped me get my MGP every week.
What did Kaiyoko do?
>Being talked over/interrupted
This happens to literally anyone regardless of gender
bratty shota needs axe correction
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i avoid using that shitbag's cheat sheets out of principle now. that's all i can really do, though.
cute hag
moonies have been walking barefoot in the public tap
ive been one since i started playing and i havent planned on changing any time soon
>mfw I don't follow ebin drama and just CC
Feels good, man.
Guys Arthars is having a classic SEAmale ego meltie on twitter rn
commissioned diaper fetish art with his character and khloe
Literally my first thought lmao, woman moment
yeah the asphodelos stuff is genuinely the best in the game, i don't see myself swapping off it for tank at the bare minimum. have all the dow versions of the glam except maiming, which i still need to go get
Not unless I'm well fed
Thankfully I didn't see it
is that the rue tummy clipping

regardless, I always wondered how people manage Rue and outfits, do you have to pray someone ports them or is there a workaround?
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not an ebin but i am normal
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I dunno, that Uchi guy seems to have a solid head on his shoulders.
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just make your own all female raid group!
oh wait.
bro nothing's even showing wtf
wtf I'm a tranny now
What are you drinking
If lalas had big tits I'd absolutely empty my balls in the nearest one.
I saw this lalafell gposing at the bench last night.
My moonie has a receding hairline
NTA but pray lol, if you get non rue pants, then you just have half a stomach sticking out and vice versa
>wander through every city
>no hrothgals
>log out
I'm burning out finally
as a moonie im starting to dislike moonies because theres far too many of them in the thread and i think theyre just doing it to fit in but theyll never truly be moonies and despite this i will never fanta off no matter how high or low the stocks are
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fidlander fridaylander
Hey that's at least 50% cis female. Not too shabby.
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Consider a Femroe x Lalafella eb...
my moonie has extra hair that I stole from this moonie
On their asshair right
fiddies on a friday
Are these the official Femoid Jobs?
lalafell could never please a femroe
whorewife, i told you to put on something less revealing. i dont want the fucking hrothgays drooling over you again
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crystal cc at 10 ET
hello my wifelander
My wife!
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males under 5'10, report to the milking chamber immediately
I can't relate to this I'm neither of these, fuck you
Artist for the food tsuchinokos please god
I believe in them! they still got it, sometimes prog time is 5 years...
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Sqeueek squeeeek (where da cheeze at)
My yuri wife
Sure, been playing through the Dead Rising series before the remake comes out, each game gets worse than the last
As if you have to ask.
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Every brown girl likes white boys
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I have it downloaded, I just want them to be ON by default on vanilla... I don't like joining synchshells or pairing with randos
it's a psyop and market manipulation from sunnies or femlalas, i'm not sure which yet
But my lalaboy is 5'11"...
want me to hold you and do that to you?
hello wifelanderposterlander
this nigga is a tsundere
just use the K00L Hroth helmets that do show up, like this one
mismatching textures/colors are already a pain, can't imagine how that one feels
my condolences Ruebros
>is 6'0
phew dodged a bullet there
zesty malera
kys already
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wow, do you think his woober is level 99/99 too?
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>ERP'd with a fiddie last night
>log in to lb14
>get a random catbox link /tell'd to me
>Its the fiddie with my character and a preg belly
wtf is wrong with you creatures?
>under 5'10"
I'm never lucky enough
can you catbox full?
shoving this rat in my ass
why is there a serial lack of grey moonies in these threads? do you guys not like grey moonies?
Where do you find these erp crazy bitches?
can i see ur moonie
He's not black though
My darling wife hello
um... where do I download the lowlander mod?
post goopnoses
god damn i love thighlanders
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Ah, yeah, it's a shame. I like the behemoth helmet on warrior because inner release makes the eyes glow but they didn't make it a vanilla hat for whatever ''''''reason'''''''. 7.1 will give viera and hrothgars they're hats, surely....
they were called out too early, had it been now they would've never recovered
you shouldn’t have bred her then stupid
its true

Ngl that sounds kind of hawt
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May my catboy suck it
Call them by their name. Groonies.
If it's not white, it's not right.
I would fucking love this happening to me I HATE YOU
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of all the possibilities in the world you chose that ?
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I am a fiddie on Friday and every other day
Say that to my face not online see what happens bitch
only if hes straight
reporting for duty, ma'am

no thanks
People stop caring about meaningless internet drama after a few months, you will too after the next [insert drama that's super duper important] happens
Should've used a condom then you idiot! Now you get to live with the consequences of your carelessness.
middies fuck futas?
this nigga thinks he's sasuke uchiha
i don't like this term...
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it's funny that there's 0 EU posters who have any sort of transatlantic penetration at all, literally no one outside your discord even acknowledges you fags
>yfw there are more materia ebins than EU ones
i dont even think they exist
Why do so many guys play girls but put dicks on them?

You and me both. I want to platinum EB a thighlander so much. Give her all my gil and estates and just make her happy with my tall handsome malezen.
god damn I love Dead Rising and thighlanders
Hey thank you! I think they do look nice, and it's a little strange that they're as uncommon as they are. Hope you have a nice day!
porn addiction
which eventually leads to trannyism
because khloe wasn't in diapers, kaiyoko's catgirl was
and the benefit of more catgirl art outweighs the outrage anyways
It's one of the best hairstyles and underused. I love Doman girls so much it's unreal.
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Nice shirt <3
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Do you like fiddies
Don't give me that!
Claire, unironically
me neither but I'm getting paid to use it
I have one but I cannot post her
Because they don't self insert as the man typically ontop of not finding men attractive. So 2 girls and just give 1 of them (or both) a dick works out for their tastes
my melf acts like this
(he has been clean for several years, but the song of the needle haunts him)
>Did this to my EB and he didn't talk to me for a few days
Pregenjoyers are the most oppressed minority...
i just think it's hot
>because khloe wasn't in diapers, kaiyoko's catgirl was
that doesn't really change anything anon, it's still really fucked up they comissioned diaper fetish art with one of the few underaged characters in it
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What is a catboy if he doesn't have gocks on his mind
That looks really good!
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>bestie is away, so no savage
>seize pvp isn't going so well
>tired af
why bother xiv
why not
share it with the rest of the class
Tanking fiddie stocks anytime you post
I'm happy to see you back at slutting out the fiddie cock, your posts are high quality
shut up slut I know what you did with that femra
ill be okay..
that's fine
>but I'm getting paid to use it
hook me up sis
cough cough wheeze cough
you're not even an ebin, despite your attempts
No one knows, SE is lazy. Also, it's not the only helmet. There are a few others. Emphasis on "few".
That's so fucking hot, if someone did that for my character I'd hit them up immediately.
I love preg EB ME INSTEAD
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cough cough wheeze cough
Transbian fiddie stocks have never been higher, moid.
>all these replies with "weeks"
Anemos is a 4-hours effort.
Pagos is a 4-hours effort.
Pyros is a 4-hours effort.
Hydatos is a 4-hours effort.

Don't pretend Eureka is hard with all the guides floating on the net nowadays.
hmmmm yes
So lets say I have an alt on a different server, is there any way my main, who is an omnicrafter, decorate her apartment?
I love fiddies
Not this time sorry catboy anon...
uuu thank you!!! I've been in a posing mood but this one I'm especially happy with.
>bestie is away, so no savage
The open market of PF awaits

Youre the problem with the raiding community in this game. Every single fucking leech that only raids with people they know needs to be put into pf and permanently play with randoms.
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My femra had a lot of fun going to LB14 and seeing all the ebins like grape cat, rob chidori, superhero cat, that pink haired cat, moominzen, effy, samurai malera, doctor femra and so on.

Ebins I've yet to witness: bozjacat, LT, that poopnose moonie, map moonie, Akemi, black hair femra and my adders doppleganger
i play all kinds of characters, males included
futa is just hot and wieners are more fun
You're normal though. All you do is post tasteful lewds.
From the makers of "Y'shtola turns WoL into a shota for /ss/" comes, Misfire Bogaloo.
you can decorate it out of the game with makeplace, save the layout, load it with your alt after crafting the items and transferring them
Cute fiddie
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what should i get for dinner
i haven't eaten all day
That one moonie that makes funny posts, only makes shitposts and funny images, but never interacts with the thread in-game
You sound frustrated.
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Did someone say fiddie?
oh man ppl dont want to suffer in pf. shocker.
>have a partner who loves doing shit like this
>cursed with being a degenerate weirdo who gets almost nothing from benis in bagoo
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i'm not anymore. i just went out for dinner and had a couple glasses of cava, a few red wines and a tasting with a few different calvadoses. it was a bit much for just a couple hours but i'm feeling good now.
LT is not an ebin, just a creepy and spammy avatarfag
what happened in that non-xivg CC match that you said was hilarious
hiii ll happy femlala friday
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Reminder: Fiddies have the smallest pussies of the tall races by average depth and width, they also have a very high pain tolerance.
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I'm begging you to use normal proportions for once in your life.
I'm gonna be honest with you man I'm over 18 and also white so I don't really give a shit
They sound frustrated. I sound like offering sound advice.
and maliddies have the biggest assholes
and yet the same fuckers beg for more raid content and


Raidfaggots that jerk themselves off with their friends are the fucking PROBLEM killing FFXIV and MMOs in general.
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Aether help
Very cute!
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The way you make use of lightning and give just the right expressions is very skillful.
Your pictures always look so good <3
i typed lk my autocorrect hates me..
just us male middies are the biggest assholes doesn't mean we have the biggest assholes
Last time I got a nier raid it took a literal hour
I'm sorry, but I'll have to say no to that consideration
What's the diff?
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>Y'shtola turns WoL into a shota for /ss/
How can one cat be so based?
Cute smile
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>mfw i see femra doing femra things
Do you like sunnie's
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>nier raid
only if you're a cute femra
I wish they liked f+…
Yeah... 'Asleep'
ebins are somewhat popular and get a good amount of positive attention, LT fails at both
My ALC cat would do this to her partner
God I just want a pair of big tittys to be rubbed on my broe back
Thank you
I miss my lala
Seeing Akemi in game is like seeing a celebrity
should have bought her plan b and starbucks instead bro
I don't raid.

Winners don't do drugs, fellow melezen. Just the occasional bowl of fogweed to give us creativity when we write.
my moonie will be bis for 1 (one) job next week
"NOOOOO you need to have accurate proportions, a normal human body, scientifically measured bra sizes, an anatomical chart, and a 8 head body" Shut the fuuuuuuuck up lmfao. I'm literally a 4'9" tall dragon girl with horns and scales in a fantasy game, I can have a fat ass if I want to.

Yes :3
>they’re just idly standing
i meant to reply to >>494384316
Shame about the remake, looks good visually but the new voices sucks, plus weird censorship choices
my sunnie on the right
map moonie?
... do you like sunnie's with a lil bit bigger proportions than you
>not an ebin, just a creepy and spammy avatarfag
That's what an ebin is, some attention starved neet that spams the thread hourly with pics of their character
Thank you so much!! I do my best..... I've only done very minimal stuff with expressions, all those new posing bones on the face are scary
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My malera? He's
surest sign someone isn't worth talking to
Second surest sign someone isn't worth talking to.
looking like you just woke up from a cutie nap
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uh oh melty
Take a shower, then you don't need a mask, stinkie
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Why do you need 4 k textures and 8k eye textures on your character?
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Am I cute enough then?
why is this so hard??? >>494382387
this time it the right one.
what about the usage of biohole
>that poopnose moonie
there are like 15 of them
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I raid with pf but we play together to help each other out
i go in with a tank friend and i pf with 6/8 randos lmao
eu pf is cringe
I know what you are.
to combat anhedonia my moonie has been learning to use the mouse and keyboard with her feet
i don't believe you
May I simp
why does their feet look better then most feet?
who are these random no names flooding the thread now?
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Dark elf from morriwind skin colour, white stripes short hair...runs maps
they do this
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I would be happy to but I don't think I can get on Aether sadly :x
Are you trying to get a glam? I farmed the healing dress from there for over a month before I finally got it >.<
So cute! I love that mount ^.^
Pretty smile!
none of you have names
of course I do, size difference makes everything better
me calling somebody retarded isn't a melty, you goober
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Why does this eyepatch have a condom hanging from the side
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>tfw 5'11
Too tall to get my pelvis crushed
Too short to find girls to sleeve
Easy skullfucks
I messaged the wrong person...
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Careful, he'll put you in a femra pen.
tfw no brown girl eb
my name jeff lol
if you’re taller than me, you’re tall enough
krocodilian on twitter, forgot i was calling and afk'd (i am still sick)
Do you have an album?
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I need more of that rat girl
your mistake not mine >:3c
My cock needs to be between those mouths.
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>Sifa is the reason we lost auto markers
From wholesome fidster to blacked lesbian to futaslut...
Okay where do I find you
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You should shower and take out the trash…
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this is FALSE!! i am NOT happier in the pe-

ooh... ohhhhh... is that a big, warm rock... hmmm... i'll stay here for a little bit, maybe...
Gonna sex this Sphene
Its kinda crazy how I can just lie for years, treat everyone around me like total shit, and then face absolutely no consequences for it

Don't think I really deserve anything good ever
i will take out the trash, but i will not shower
no i need to replenish my stinkgrease
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not yet...
became miqo recently and i'm getting now back to gposing~
LB14 most of the time
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Should I finish leveling Samurai with CC or do Frontline """"""""""""""""""""""roulette"""""""""""""""""""""""""
I wanna do lewd pics with your cat
Spinning this SAM until she's dizzy and let her run off with that katana
>hiding behind golem
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i actually literally did just step out of the shower and am currently waiting for my hair to dry

trash pickup isn't until monday though
It's a male, Face 3 with Nose 3 because otherwise I feel like that face has FAR too much free real estate between the nose and lips.
find a non gooner loyal futa character challenge (impossible)
No smooches until you unstink…
My trash is starting to pile up.... Okay...
you are a brown girl enjoyer
its not blacked if its yuri
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First person to get weapon week one, Last person to get this mount, kinda cute how the tail hangs out and rests on the bike.
Many do, including this fiddie
but anal only
My futa is loyal to a fault
futa characters in general are hypersexual and thus it's inherently pretty gooner
Throughout heaven and earth, my femlala alone is the honored one...
Being a futa inherently makes you a gooner
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my futa is loyal but is a bit of a gooner
Put a shirt on, you look like a whore
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present your fiddie
I am a melezen...
...who is having kind of a bad day, honestly. If it's not too much trouble, could someone post something happy and positive? It's nothing serious, just the usual stuff. Time passing, people getting older, the usual.
>last person to get this mount
Wait, I thought week 8 was next week
Do you like mroes…
can we have a garuda anchor next thread ive been listening to some str8 fire
>troon flag
>transbian in bio
YAAAAAS SISTERS we need to take down the big bad streamer man!
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are you into + tho?

yeah i'm one~ a dommy one tho...

i'm a NUN have respect! YOU SINNER!
>anal only
See? Estinien wouldn't lie.
I ordered lunch today and got a nice surprise of a free mint :)
>are you into + tho?
As long as you are too...
>defending SEAmen
i dont care about twitter crap
i dont care about eceleb drama
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take this, anon
do you care about me
good job bro, I can't wait to get it
It's not yuri if it's futa.
what's your home point aetheryte anons?
mine is the doman enclave for easy bozja access
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Zero competition this week, our 8th is on holiday and won't get their mount until week 9.

Hence instead of 50:50 chance of getting it this week it was just 100%.
This one >>494380497
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Gos bless you anon, I live for cute shit like this
Anyone wanna hold my moonie's hand?
do you like femra
That makes her even more based
this guy said on twitter-
don't give a shit. pick up a foot ball. get a job and by the twelve i do NOT mean pictomancer
fuck you prangent lover
>anal only
Even better.
Are you a maloonster? I don't really like girls...
I'm a fiddie who likes f+ but I also like everyone so idk if thats special
My malezen acts exactly like this (he doesn't)
I can't help it...
it would be extremely lewd for my sunnie to engage in handholding with a moonie
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Did he look like this by any chance?
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When is NG+?
I'm very much into +
Can I get your mcdf
woah that was quick!!

Nope, I'm a moonie. Sorry.
Mine was Tuly but I never use it anymore, I just go back to my house.
Post your initials, coward. I'm gonna noogie you sooooo hard your ears point inward!

That's positively lovely!

I love hippos. Thank you.

Based beyond belief.

My smile and optimism are restored.
you'll be shocked when you find out who made these
What is the coolest leg glam for tanks?
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yes i love them

message me in game
PN my initials
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>have respect!
2B bottoms
2b tights
Leviah or Lucerne
If I'm in the middle of an expansion: Whatever main hub I expect to be visiting the most.
Otherwise I keep my home point as whatever my GC uses. New Gridiania on my alt, Ul'dah on my main.
I wish Kugane wasn't dead as hell though.
Oh shit it's that a...?
we’re going to boil you
DC? Race?
melf, malelezen, malf, mitochondria
you want to do DT again?
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Aren't you a lalafell really?
Not everyone is trying to escape reality by playing video games. I use it to interact and socialize with others, the reality I'm running from is mostly I don't have superpowers to save others (that and actually having superpowers in the real world would make me a massive liability) and I'm not a mammalian anthropomorph and in my mind will come off as intimidating to others and myself.

The only thing that depresses me is that I won't find anyone else like myself, otherwise everything else this person states is erroneous.
soon my beautiful nubian princess
I want to see Living Memory unfucked
Can I do this even if I'm a male character
untrue, there's the adder femra. so that's one
i can't name a single oce ebin
just turn on ng+ for shb or any expac and LM will go back to normal
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You can go into any point of ng+ to do that.
just do any ng+
Could you rape that femra behind you for me?
I will find you. I will pull your ears.
I had my home point on Tuli until I realized I can just get my free destination set on S9 and cut travel costs between Tural and all other zones.

My current home point is the main character city-state: Ul'dah.
Could you show more skin for me?
>Some gross suncat futa started using the same hair as me
Builded for nigger-coded aryan malera
Yeah... ears...
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dark days.
Shan't. Cannot be done. Also I'm not even the original guy though I did do it first so there's TWO pairs to pull
You leave my queen alone!
Did she ever post anything futa?
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did trial/normal raid/alliance raid so i'm going to be spamming trial and normal raid for a bit
pass is 2222 if anyone wants to join. please have a max level job for the most possible variety
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>arthars throwing more fuel on the fire
just transfer over and stay there
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The latter hasnt actually hurt anyone. Nobody gives a shit about artwork.
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how would one port something from one gender to the other? do you need to do stuff in blender or can it be done with path changing?
what does it mean when an ebin randomly posts an uncomfortably close picture of you
There is no skin here.
You can still play CC
transfer here and EB me
you can pick any other and then just world travel through the aetheryte
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Queue CC
No. Nobody likes mroe
>Every time it cuts to him "in the real world", he has a death grip on his smart phone.
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I post close up pictures of characters I find funny or cute but I don't mean much by it
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I tried this to get into Ultros and got cucked out. It doesn't work if you are from another DC.
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The way I'm sweating it's like I'm always taking a shower.
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but i want a house
actually im goated
you'll still have me on Diabolos
I wish.. I am so fucking tired rn but I don't want to waste the day and the puppy has finally fallen asleep so I want to make the most of the peace
The mask is for filtering out anonymous poster stink, not for myself
I think mroes are broes
Are raen or xaela better bros?
my moonie is like this but i would weird people out like u
my moonie is built for bhc and femboys
>decide to finally start modding again
>body mod updated, body edit mod updated, just gotta get my scars
>mod hasn't been updated in three years
It's SO over.
why wasnt i born a woman
their lives must be so fun and easy
Guh it worked for me a while ago, that stinks though
let's gooo
Malera being absolute khagans even to dorks? Yup, they're just the best.
they're always seeking attention, so there's your answer
how do i read this? what's the difference between green and blue?
what are you planning on doing anon?

used to be yes~

What's the best relic weapon set over?
It means they're a creepy weirdo.
Raen will sit down with tea and give you advice. Xaela are more like the older brother who will offer to beat up the person bothering you.
why do you want a house on behemoth if you're on balmung 24/7
who visits you on behemoth
based fuck stal
Taking a pic plapping your cat
So they're both good, just with differing approaches. Nice...
>no one to play WORMS with instead of sitting here fucking with crafters and gatherers
Ass to mouth
Teacher roleplay
Remote vibrator under kimono
Eternally teasing never doing it
Leather cuffs, chokers and red ropes
Let's see what those nursing handjobs are all about
Sloppy blowjob
Smearing makeup
Going on a date that lasts so long I forget about sex and just enjoy my life
Do you smoke?
What kind of sex do pretentious hipsters have? Tattoos?
Bryan Adams sex on a bear rug
Roleplay but with chains and also I chew tobacco the whole time
Liberating Bozja
Playfully drowning in the Bunsen
You mentor me (gone sexual)
We smoke a lot of weed, start sex but end up just cuddling
Riding my dick
Oh finally someone to clean my room
Drinking cocoa
hero mod webm
nice team name
best post itt
did you open and close the transfer window until balmung was lit up?
Creepy sexpest
>What kind of sex do pretentious hipsters have? Tattoos?
none, and none
>it worked for him
Maaaaan this game hates me.
speen please come back... I dont wana see the cat who got blackd...
I don't know how big you are but hopefully size difference'd and dominated
>short black hair, blue eyes and a scar over right eye
I made that exact character in FO4 last night, was going to see how it looked on my highlander. Thanks for the public service
Blue means max chance of spawning, chance of spawning won't get higher.
Green means chance of spawning / spawnable.
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>Going on a date that lasts so long I forget about sex and just enjoy my life
Dawww :3 I'll bring cookies! ^.^
I'd drag them to their house on behemoth for erp
Sexpesting every femlala I see!
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Do you know how to make custom maps based on images? I've seen anime maps. We need a xiv worms map.
SK post.
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Someone play this match for me while I go pee
cc @ 6 et
File deleted.
im in an irl friend's fc and id feel weird if i transferred
can you stop clocking me..
pretty much
patience and reaction speed and also autism are my friend
Dunesfolk…at another wedding
i see it
Shan't be posting my femlala.
This is my femra MCH's themesong when you face her in FL.
>dodged the sexpest mass replier
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does this mean next reset i can be done with this and get the coffer reward?
shota mieras…
I see... thank you
gonna be another one of those days where i smoke to cope and post here all day
Another wedding another femlala alt
great, thanks.
ma'am, you're showing illegal levels of areola
realistic lamitt.jpg
we could have had it all
we could have had nursing handjobs all around
but yoship said no.
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my wol is losing an arm :3
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I see something
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What the fuck I never knew that
GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's fine bwo, I'll be there to stitch it back on :3
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If Square added variants/specs to jobs (THEY WILL LITERALLY NEVER DO THIS), what are some variants you'd like to see?

Summoner and Scholar are the arcanist "variant" as far as i'm concerned, so they don't get any.

MCH's job variant would be Cannoneer/Corsair, which would be the TRUE selfish ranged DPS, it'd have a melee combo like RDM does if it was a corsair, but if they went with Cannoneer it'd have pets (mini-dots) that'd imply your crew were setting a cannon barrage on the enemy. MCH would get more tech shit thrown into it and more support stuff that isn't just damage reduction to compensate.

Ninja's variant would be thief, mudras are replaced by mixing stuff together and you'd attack enemies with gil, you get copycat which allows you to copy a party members skill (this would be an absolute fucking nightmare to balance, but cool.)

Samurai would get Shogun, a tank variant that uses an Ōdachi instead of a katana, it'd have an evasion gimmick.

Oracle would be a sage variant that turns it into a magic DPS, DoT focused similar to old SMN, with support stuff thrown in for good measure.
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>size difference makes everything better
Would say my time has come but I can't get on balmung and still don't erp
I remember when i actually added someone from those "EB megathread" stuff on the official forums. She (i legit think she was a biofoid) started asking questions about me, tame stuff like what i do, my timezone and whatever. Then she started getting deep in her questions and i started crying, she probably noticed and said "did i dig too deep, boy?". I just turned off my PC and deleted that discord, it was freaking spooky lmao.
now ME personally i would just do this
did you guys exercise today
stop looking..
yes please!

i'm not a big fan of that... only if you posed me as a mega dom tho...
I feel uncomfortable just reading that story.
this blasts from my femra in a 30 yalm radius when she loads into cc
there's others but I always forget they're from oce
welcome back to disneyland
Lucky Miera
what do you mean deep
Hear (the orgasmic purr of a catgirl)
Feel (the scaly labia of a femra)
Think (about the divinity of the legs of a fiera)
the faggot catboy
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what the fuck
azys lla wasnt that much of a whiplash alot of games have the "actually alien supertech" like every wild arms or ff1 and ff9
this is some shit, like late 90s educational cartoons that always represented shapes and numbers as floating in space or some Kingdom Hearts shit
bard that gets his ffxi raid buffs back unnerfed
call it minstrel MNS (queue black face glams)
>the faggot catboy
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i just finished my last work meeting so now i leave. its pull day
does uterusc@ even post anymore, I thought that blonde poopnose was her with a new look but apparently it's some NA faggot
Unironically how likely is it for me to get banned for RMT
A sword and shield job that splits off of Gladiator but doesn't focus on magic like Paladin does.
Yeah man, that shit made me scared, and to be honest i don't know why i was answering her questions, i guess i just trust people easily.

Stuff like: "Are you comfortable with what you are?", "Will you have any regrets when your time runs out?". I don't recall exactly but yeah, it was something like that.
i want to see SAM get a tank spec and DRK get a DPS spec
poopie rapies poopie rapies poopie rapies poopie rapies
do you guys fw my meena
>Specifically picked the least normal people
Good joke, Anonymous. I laughed.
what maid mod is this you SLUT
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why am i in caps
Frotting with a trans moonie or femra could change my life.
>Teacher roleplay
I'm a nobody how did I get hit with this
They already had a DPS spec. SE got rid of it.
He asked for normal ebins not normal people dumpass
yea i fw him heavy vro
I'm good man just a double cheeseburger for me thanks
Athena's hair
im literally one of those
https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/111382 here
Femlalas for me, please.
>They already had a DPS spec. SE got rid of it.
cunts, the lot of 'em
I've noticed a pattern that transphobia in ffxiv general on 4chan tends to correlate with antisocial behavior in general. I wonder why that is...
Time to switch to gyr abanian plait
>antisocial people hate freaks
Whoa crazy!
Hear the soft heartbeat of a femlala
Feel the squishy belly of a femlala
Think about the ease of carrying a femlala
Oh you're right, Anon. None of them even qualify as "people".
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Holy shit I haven't seen this cunt(affectionate) in months.
>yes please!
I'm not comfortable asking in game. If you post here I'll happily share what I create otherwise I understand if (You) don't feel comfortable posting your data here
heeeheeeee bweeehhhhh
90% of transphobic posts are made by irl trans people, true story.
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dont attach my goat georainbolt to this post
Which moonie? The one with whitish hair and the painted on whiskers?
You literally do not exist.
*dance partners you*
s-sorry anon... I know you don't like Femroes, but you have the most dps in this raid...
It's only until the end of the instance, just bear with it.......
my malezen has learned Heartbreak Shot
this femlala is almost done work... hanging out with friends as an early birthday thing tonight so i'm excited
I don't want Venat/Hydaelyn to be my mother, I want her to be my MOMMY.
tyty we can share the ports that way :D
I get self conscious when someone chooses me as their partner in CC haha lol
i kinda am scared of giving my data this openly... please /tell me in game i promise to keep this betwen us...
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why are f4s the most cringe?
Grown ass man
I'm in love with a grown ass man
good luck today was legs for me but i became jelly and couldnt do cardio
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IN LB14!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SICKING OF FUCKING HEARING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That isn't the insult you think it is.
Can someone fund me to level the last 4 crafters I need so I can begin crafting in LB14
I want you to come with me to my inn room after the instance, so I may properly punish you for your cheekiness choosing me as dance partner. Understood?
But if you step next door into LB15. it becomes quieter.
I enjoyed this post and I hope you all did too
what does smearing makeup mean, why did u use the map autist picture
You're already taken
That's based tho
cc @ 9:10
Before I judge, I need to know. Does he prey on little boys or little girls?
LB14 is the new Balmung bench, it seems.
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Thank you.
Have you considered?
No need, you're already a treat.
Behavioral correction....

Putting whipped cream all over you.
Ugh...do I wanna get into latex?
Because I need it bad.
There's no rationalle here. I just go with my heart.
I'll get you eventually.
Based based based.
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I was afk playing Disco Elysium all day so sorry if I missed anything you said to me. Cute femra
Touch grass
If you're buying gil, and don't go talking about it in game, basically 0% chance. If you're selling gil to people you don't already know/have never interacted with in game, reasonable chance.
Yeah but just attending a friend’s wedding
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Lancer gets a tank job at 30 and can equip shields in their off hand.
It's time to visit Balmung and make the schizo ebings seethe and start skinwalking each other
filling this nigress with my BWC seed
I can only assume your conclusion is that it's great
I have a similar FO4 character too but I can't remember which of the two came first
I'm feeling really lonely lately.
luckily for me, id never get skinwalked
>Have you considered?
no, and I don't plan to
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Yep that's going into the favorites. Where do I find your fiddie that acts like this?
This reads like a desperate Transbian post but if you’re a guy press your bigger dick against my small one
t. Trans moonie player
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Cool outfit. Link?
I'm feeling really horny lately. Any ladies out there want a taste of honeyed malera cock?
I see... getting my hopes up, then inviting me to a solo instance zone... It's a fitting punishment for one such as me........
Do you male characters
Based. How small?
You just made this 100x worse by dint of having a tail.

>Has ears
The clues accumulate!
My lalachad acts like this
Deadass might just so I can start bidding on houses and leveling my crafters for the future
Your presence will make others regret not having a femlala EB
(Inn room stands for my apartment that we're going to reflavor as a seedy hotel room)
SEX POLICE <勃起対策部>宇都宮沙希の日常
Late reply but nah, was helping someone new to it
Nigga you keep replying to me after I said you weren't normal. You are just proving my point. The cool and collected act is just a farce.
my sunnie can NOT move that fast :c
>this post is desperate if it's a transbian
>my post isn't desperate because I'm straight

Why are they like this transbiansisters. We didn't do anything to them...
Ty friends
Yeah bro, what's up?
you cant just plap all of us..
>notices the hateful people on this general are antisocial freaks.
Nice for you to come around.

>chance to get banned for RMT
There's always a chance. I had acquantices who did this and only one of them got punished for RMTing.

I just woke up and got unbanned after the jannie meltdowned over 1 accidental misreport.
My ears are covered and locked away, you shall not
I like your 'tude.
It's okay. I know you have to suffer dance partnering a maleroe. Let's make this work...
You didn't make a point.
transbians are nasty
If you're a new player and not poor as fuck, it's worth tossing like $10-20 for some gil to easily level all your crafters and have gil for a house. At that point you're pretty self sufficient and have no more big expenditures.

Ironically gil prices are way up at the moment though. Used to be like $0.25 per mil, now it's closer to $1.
Sigh... I suppose my femroe deserves punishment for focing someone to be her dance partner, thinking she deserves anyone...
Nta but why do you sound like you'd be a basedjak if real life was a meme?
>got final blow on Odin 4 days ago
>its at max cap
>can spawn any second
>im tired and want to to go take a nap but know the moment i lay down the fate will probably spawn

seething moid hands
>that maleroe portrait
holy based
handcrafted for Roe cock
femra to be pegged by my femra
Seriously? Are you fucking retarded? That anon is telling a self deprecating joke
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sounds like a you problem
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They will find one, i believe in them
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>move away from the crafting
>still hear the noises in my head
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Does anyone have any Black Clay laying around that they don't need
I need 17 more
paying like.. idk, 5k per item?
The Lavender Beds? Have you ever wondered why everyone prefers them as their hangout spot, rather than the Mist?
>MCH's job variant would be Cannoneer/Corsair
double down on the RNG bullshit
>Resassemble is now "Phantom Roll" and instead of auto DHCrit, it now rolls between 1 and 14 and Boosts your next GCD's damage by 10 through 14 respectivly.
>last hit of its 1-2-3 had 8 different effects, some are useless (aoe blind around the target) some are fucking broken (dot that essentially doubles the GCD's potency) and other MISC effects
>melee combo like RDM featuring a cool shortsword (weird how non of the physranged half to run into melee to get off an attack or 2 despite having free movement innit)
True and it would be super helpful, problem is I heard the most recent ban wave was way higher than normal so im on edge about it
I hear FFXIV sounds all the time, and they frequently wake me up when I'm falling asleep even if the game is closed.
Probably between 2-3 inches, I haven’t measured because it’s pointless to at this size. It’s just small and useless.
Catgirl sex
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What's the QRD for Sfia? Apparently he's getting a lot of shit for saying that.

No shit that top tier gaming people are usually no-bullshit men's locker room types. What did you expect?
thanks youre too
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I think their swimming platforms are much nicer and make for easier subgroup forming then the rather desolate looking mists beach.
EB me now
>Covered and locked away
>Says shan't
Yes...slowly the picture begins to come into focus. Enhance! Magnify! Soon, the truth will be known and you will FEAR the muscular, veiny, coomeresque hand of JUSTICE!
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I've never heard of anyone getting banned for buying, unless they started spouting off about it everywhere. Otoh I've known a few people over the years that tried to pick up selling gil to make ends meet and got banned, pretty much always within a month or two after they started selling to random people rather than just friends.
I think it's funny that being a piece of shit is so deeply ingrained in moid genetics, they can't even pretend to be a human being
realest posts I've seen today:
if you can't make posts like this... GET OUT!!!!
i am
a femra experiencing technical difficulties trying to log in
if you see me and /pet me i genuinely can't see any animations you're giving off rn
I want Berserker (Warrior's variant) which is basically the same thing but TWO axes and a dps job
Also Fencer, which is just RDM but without the lame magic
The females did not expect or think at all. They just see popular eboy = good for social status.
omg hi migu!!!!
what if I do more than just /pet you
Afkers aren't real players
They are.
Transbians are just straight men trying a particularly desperate tactic to whine their way into getting female attention. They are always the ugliest troons. They are always creepy sexpests. They are men, and will be identified as such. Sena Bryer ended any sympathy anyone had for your disgusting ilk.
Women were literally a mistake



neither are pvpers
>he doesnt know
if it goes anywhere nsfw i'm chopping the appendage off and consuming it :)
Deeply tragic... all those funny videos about Tural being a vacation place and there's no beach chairs...
Subs are so fucking cute. Why didn't I do this domming thing sooner?
HOLY BASED I like this drama now
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calm down man. sucking boydick doesn't make you hot shit
I'm into that.....OMW
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You'll kill yourself as soon as you notice your hairline is receding.
A good dom is the most precious thing out there. Finding a good one is like finding a rare diamond. You just want to make them happy and do everything you can to make them feel special and superior.
I came too late and didn't see...
Can you ask Ilcum if she likes fiera for me?
You look like a substitute teacher
jamie pull up the male suicide statistics
BASED chud
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Indeed. Gridania wins yet again, although I do have a soft spot for Shirogane's beaches.
Same.. God I love having them squirm underneath me as a -
It feels like a tourist trap.
Move niggers.
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A hot one?
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I accidentally wasted experience commending her.
I tried it once and I was so bad at it the sub ended up switching it up and dominating me instead...
isn't black clay like 50k each
i haven't price checked in a while, but it was around there, i thought
cocobolo/pelagic/basaltic were 100k each
Says here transbians have a much higher one per capita. You suck at math too, lmao.
>muscular, veiny, coomeresque hand
I do not like this visual...
No, make one with an on topic image or gtfo.
I always been a bit switch inclined and slowly got into it since most people are subs and it's fun. But doing it also raised my expectations on good doms, especially those that can outdo me~ finaru fantasyi foortin
know what?
>sfia asks why women won't RWF
>his 2 exec both post that he cheated on them with each other and gatekeeps women out of his RWF teams
>other women chime in with logs of sfia being a little weirdo trying to fuck and erp with them

>everyone starts dunking on him despite most of the other RWF streamers and players being just like him
what I find funny is sfia is this little ugly nerd who's like 32 and he's apparently dating 23 year old hot egirls constantly. Unreal lol
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You people are excellent.
Man how can I find those…
What the FUCK is a yalm?
I couldn't find you
wtf is juice? i want some apple drink

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