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Visual Novel General #6611

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>494307362
Post white women
Where is everyone
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stealth posting
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That's me finished Momoyo's shitty route. It wasn't as bad as I expected but it got carried hard by the Kawakami War. Basically the entire mid portion after the first confession was painful to read through and I just wasn't buying that Momoyo was as into the relationship idea as Yamato is, which is weird cause in the afterstory she's absolutely peak moe!! Girlfriend Momoyo was too cute!! Why did we need to wait until after the whole route to get this version of her!? Basically everything in Momoyo's route that didn't include Momoyo was peak, anytime she actually shows up it's paint drying till the after story. Mayucchi's was way better.
Anyway, for my next route I plan on skipping through Miyako's route quickly. Love the girl, but I've heard too much shit about her route to give it a proper read. After that I'll do Chris and then end on Wanko. Yay
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that's me finished momoyo's shitty woute. it wasn't as bad as i expwected but it got cawried hawd by the kawakami waw. basicawly the entiwe mid powtion aftew the fiwst confession was painfwuwl to wead thwough n' i just wasn't buying that momoyo was as into the wewlationship idea as yamato is, which is weiwd cause in the aftewstowy she's absowlutewly pweak moe!!!!!! giwlfwiend momoyo was too cute!!!!!!why did we need to wait untiwl aftew the whowl' woute to get this vewsion of hew!!!?
basicawly evewything in momoyo's woute that didn't incwude momoyo was pweak, anytime she actuawly shows up it's paint dwying tiwl the aftew stowy. mayucchi's was way bettew.
anyway, fow my next woute i pwan on skippwing thwough miyako's woute qwuickwy. wove the giwl, but i've heawd too much shit about hew woute to give it a pwopwew wead. aftew that i wiwl do chwis n' then end on wanko. yay
you thought the ending made no sense
Seiso-chan... maji seiso...
Literature girls are the best
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
Love my JOP's
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I know it's wrong to fuck a girl that's drunk but she is literally asking for it. My moral walls were built with salt and I can see the rain in the distance.
Shit route, even shitter girl
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but enough about anon's life
It's honestly such a waste to not have her be a bislut. I guess Minato couldn't handle the thought of hot yuri sex happening without Yamato.
This, but corrupted literature girls reading comics, ero doujins and shooter manifestos.
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Mew would never...
Now commission Asakawa Yuu to say that.
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Kino doujin
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I refuse to believe gimpsir has drawing skills this advanced, what the hell
kek, it reminds me of this
Eroge straight up puts me off finding a 3d girlfriend... Imagine needing to jump through so many hoops socially to keep them interested then having to dedicate your valuable game time instead to having sex every few days and trying to be creative with that too.
We need more VNs where the MC fucks a loli and a trap at the same time.
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Did Setsuna become an alcoholic in the absence of Haruki? I recall in Takahiro mentioning off-hand about her being a financial burden but it was never really elaborated on.
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VNs with alcoholic heroines?
it takes a lot of creativity to make something as weird as this
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>my second
I think he redrawed Bweh microphone pic, he have skills
man, you guys have been reducing my interest in reading Majikoi lately
Any heroines who want to be raped by MC and keep trying to tempt him into doing it?
wait till you realize this is the case with a huge chunk of highly praised oldge. Overrated trash because there was nothing else
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I got wasted today again. That can't be good for my health.
>flip phone
Holy soul, where did all go wrong brehs...
>old thread still at page 9
Newfags were a mistake.
I dunno... I still really like the early 2000's ge like the early key stuff and To Heart.
Because those are actually good.
And Majikoi isn't "old" either.
then you're either retarded or forgot how bad it actually was.
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She's so fucking cool bros...
Also is Flat Snark a reality marble or a bounded field? Seems a bit too insane to just a BF but I'm far from a type moon expert.
You guys can be so negative sometimes... If everything is trash then is there anything legitimately good in this whole medium? At least moebuta enjoy their trash for what is it and leave happy.
There is not a single good VN.
>is there anything legitimately good in this whole medium?
Silverio Vendetta
Side characters shouldn't be allowed to have such good VAs and designs
The only good VNs are untranslated I'm afraid
i can see her panties
Not everything's trash, the majority is, as is the case in every single medium, retard.
Warning this is a big spoiler which will ruin the VN for you.
Reality Marbles are just a type of Bounded Field and not intrinsically superior
You're the retard retard.
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I took the gamble and fortunately already read it
I don't read NTRge so it didn't ruin anything.
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Touch the cow. Do it now.
No. That's a child.
Sex with tina
Huh? Stop wasting my time. I'll call the Scientist to take care of you instead.
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>ate dinner already
>still came to help with a mountain of food
Local chad has to maneuver between two childhood friends and their cooking.
mahoyo remake really does have impressive presentation
what about the mahoyo from 2012? it's the same VN right?
If she's a cow then where are her udders?
Rokuhara will turn her in a battery
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How did the Rokuhara Scientist become Muramasa's most popular character here?
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>umineko beloved character
>have one of the funniest scene in the muramasa x umineko collab
It was bound to happen
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>the mahoyo from 2012
>it's the same VN right
the TL is so dry compared to voice delivery
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>but that's what I said
>shit cast of bland one-note characters
>one funny author self insert who doesn't overstay his welcome
He didn't have any competition.
I love bethly
>>shit cast of bland one-note characters
Fate'd that.
Flowers sisters... we won again
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I think it's about time that another VN gets adapted into a high production movie
No...I was saving my first kiss for Yoshino...
every line a masterpiece.
Makes me wonder how much say does a VA have for the delivery and slight edits of these
this is literally sexual assault
What does this have o do with Flowers...? I didn't read Flowers just for the yuri, this just looks like moe slop.
When Red Garden comes out there needs to be an Akiha sex scene every 5-10 mins
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>not even trying to draw a kiss
jesus fuck japan please
I forgive them, it's the common route, so they had to walk a line. Can't make it seem like either of them are too into it
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The artist doesn't know what kisses are
too many toes
did going viral with that comment help his game out?
the MC still ended up used goods and lost the significance of the first kiss on 5 routes. It's like the heroine giving a blowjob to someone just to gain some power and the VN tries to make you forget about it. no purityfag would touch any route other than masamune
>It's like the heroine giving a blowjob to someone just to gain some power and the VN tries to make you forget about it.
ge for this?
This is a man, I recognize this artist
Muv Luv
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men dont have boobs
Man don't have testicles
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Picked up, gotta support you're bros
I too
GiB money plox
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Fucking hell this is such a slog to get through, I enjoyed it for a while but now I just want it to end, I'm just not interested at all anymore since I had to go back and do all this shit, I understand now why people hate this vn
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You're already past the point of no return, the story only gets more retarded from that point on. I finished the main route but I refuse to read any of the NG+ or side stories.
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3 kino routes and then the quality drops off a cliff...
The theology parts of the third + fourth route weren't my favorite parts of the VN yeah
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needs a h-scene with the face still on
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Any beginner recs that aren't about high school romance?
Saya no Uta
its clearly a pussy, though? https://litter.catbox.moe/rbarqz.png
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Start with the GOAT, Planetarian.
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[WA2 Spoilers]: I skim-read through the VN, so I don't have the best grasp of the story/characters. But, how did Setsuna ever think she had a chance and why did she still stay with Haruki after what happened at the airport? The VN just glosses over the three years after this until CC.
saya no uta, hanachirasu, kikokugai, hirahira hihiru, kara no shoujo
she is mentally ill
im looking for serious answers please
Real women do it all the time.
usually because women start settling at an older age, Setsuna is still young enough to go a completely separate way
because forced drama. the writer is too retarded to write so things just happen, ok?
VNs where the heroine gets gaslit into becoming a reluctant cuckquean and sharing MC?
vndb says that in ouka sengoku nobunaga is bald but I cannot find proof is this true
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Doesn't look bald to me.
dude just go outside and see how many women are treated like shit by their boyfriends and still would literally kill for the guy. cheating is not that uncommon in Japan and she has an obsession with haruki. she might have just tried to cope by thinking that the three years would make him forget about Kazusa. women don't think like men so don't try to apply your logic to it
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it should have been me
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shirokami duo
I guess she's keeping him safe in this combi
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She thought if she just stuck around him long enough Haruki would forget about Touma and Setsuna would become number one in his heart. She didn't mind him loving Touma as long as she could eventually be number one. She never becomes number one and realizes she will never become number one
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wouldnt be my first choice
Kill yourself Karenschizo
What is the actual /vn/ required reading?
It is kind of a stupid idea. Yeah, obviously the writers had to add something this convoluted so that they could have sex with no relationship at all, but why would she even have such a seal? Especially if she's from Vatican, where there is no such thing as heterosexual sex.
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>She didn't mind him loving Touma as long as she could eventually be number one.
Ironically, she could've become number one if she was satisfied with being number two i.e. not blowing up at Haruki every time he thought of Kazusa
>She never becomes number one and realizes she will never become number one
when does this happen?
Is bullet butlers good
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>Post deleted.
Oy. I've seen Skyrim/Fallout mods posted on this board that were more sexually revealing that that image, what gives, Janny? Was it too much areola showing? What do you have against areola?
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aogiri penta has done games with women though before he went trap exclusive, but none of them are translated I don't think. Yome Juu is kino (it has a single trap heroine but the rest are girls)
It was so (I) could clap at the offscreen Sex With Others
>Janny deleted oppai but leaves lolis showing you their panties up.
I see the bias.
>when does this happen?
Towards the end in Coda iirc
oh right, i mean she pretty much threw in kazusa true
A reportfag probably snitched
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This site doesn't allow minors to post. So why are lolis allowed to be posted?
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massage your sister's
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i'm so excited, there's only one route i'll be playing
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I'd kill for a plotge without NTR.
I've been pretty happy since I started reading VNs again. Also I'm taller and my dick is longer and I'm randomly buff
we need pay to win VNs
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Sounds like you're becoming a buta my friend
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you will read the hag routes
you will love the hags
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oh yeah i forgot about this earlier, this shit hit steam yesterday for anyone who cares about JOPshit and oginabara art
>Inb4 not a vn
God, I hate reportfags. Fucking Randall ass loser IRL.
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that's in haruka not yosuga
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>the person MC thinks of as a hero
>also voiced by archer
Absolute unmei
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Which heroines would be able to win the intra-vaginal bucket brigade?
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Greenman drawn by piromizu
maid is yosuga
who the fuck cares about that AI artist, might aswell link /h/dg VN related images everytime they post some
Rance moege spinoff when
Kino. Except Suzume's tits look like shit
piromizu heroine being fucked by shota
We need this.
I will now read Amakano 3
very cool
This and crying after being proposed by shota
>moege spinoff from a moege
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I love Christmas Cakes so much because they're now younger than I am.
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this bitch...
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upscaler doko..
>another Friday night alone in the dark
ge for this feel?
just turn on the lights bro
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>white woman jumpscare
Ever since I found out Arcueid was Canadian, I've been repulsed by her.
Canadians run this place.
A fucking leaf? No way
At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.
>not Indian nor asian
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I'd rather a leaf than a 12 year old frog
I'm a party, but we born and die alone
same, I am a Hisui loyalist now
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At a*
>ehhh??!! onii-chan, you're going to FUCK this angel's FAT ASS every night in your bedroom which is right next to mine? and you're going to push your bed against the wall of my room and PLAP her as loud as you can knowing I'm listening? well what can I say except
Rance X is the best video game ever created.
This, but Kichikuou.
are you the same anon that was playing it yesterday?
This, but Sengoku, because it has my rancefu.
no i havent opened it in a year
Moege that aren't boring?
whichever one has a heroine that (You) like
>Rancid X
Ginharu, Tsukikana
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Anything by them.
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The Eushully artist drew one too.
Art too shit.
you're joking right? HoshiOri made me fall asleep several times even on best girl Rikka's route
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Amanatsu was mediocre, but all of the heroines had 10/10 delicious tummies so I was left with a fond impression anyway.
Heroines like Ada Wong?
plotge that are boring?
Unironically tone work's ge are among the moege that actually don't make me fall asleep since it's more on the realistic side instead of constant over the top comedy or supernatural shit. It's just life. And that what makes it so mcuh more interesting.
Tokyo Negro
AI Somnium 2
Yeah whatever, lol. Opinion disregarded
>y-yeah, you're just wrong bro
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so tired
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>fanTL dead
It's owari da...
Fuck really? Didn't he post a few weeks ago that he's done with college and wants to resume his work.
Wait, what? Source?
So this is what NTR feels like...
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>It's just life.
I guess that's a reasonable perspective. When it comes to "just life" ge, I typically need some drama or serious conflict to get invested otherwise it's a complete snoozer. HoshiOri was just way too deredere with no actual conflict, nice H-scenes though
I'm just assuming since I haven't heard anything about it in years
that's a kid
>Serious conflict

But then it's no pure moege.
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>read through Gensō Rōgoku no Kaleidoscope after seeing it in a video and hearing it's written by Ryukishi07
>how it started
girls savagely betraying each other and torturing each other to death, unironically good screaming
>how it ended:
it was actually god telling a dead boy he's a fool for wanting to reincarnate as a girl and condemning him to watch his harem slaughter each other in a looping dream world to break his feminist spirit, the girls were never actually doing that to each other
It was basically a condensed parody of his most popular works, now that I think about it.
Made for rokuhara scientist
females can't be tortured without gangrape
gangrape is not torture if they enjoy it
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Tell me about Tokyo Necro.
Basically your webm, but it's the male MC under the bed while Mitsumi gets banged by someone else.
so why is it that some seiyuu have censored bleeps when they say naughty parts? is it done for comedic effect or is it something to do with their public image?
it's tokyo and it's necro
erm, actually Mitsumin only has vaginal sekusu with the MC...
lot of drugs* or the lack of it
you wish kek
This is not from the vn, right?
it's from the gachaKINO
and okinawan men*
Enforced route order is superior when it comes to storytelling, prove me wrongs8x7xudsi
Kind of the latter, there are specific words that certain agencies don't want talents that are signed with them saying and the contract requires the game studio to bleep them out.
why would I prove you wrong when I agree with you
No routes at all*
You are wrong.
Humans need the illusion of choice.
VNs for this?
Just came back from a 1 month stay in the hospital. Any yuzuge news?
>tfw no under one roof hagmax ge
Mary won
just 4 more months, trust the plan
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she fucks dogs

Which one do you want your little sister to call you, /vn/?
>I skim-read through the VN

Anyway, because of sunk cost. She had already destroyed their friendship, and couldn't let it be all for nothing.
did you made the OP edit?
nii-san > aniki > nii-sama > onii-sama > onii-san
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can I watch?
there was one imouto who just used "onii" and i thought that was cute
Or in an afterstory, depending on the route.
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Just bought this because the main heroine looked like a fanart of rapi from nikke
>he buys VNs
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The who from what?
based used goods enthusiast
you're in good company here
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thats an akan
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pairs don't count
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A cat is fine too.
looks like pedo hours
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i.e. best hours
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>Not choosing Ani-ue
couldn't be me
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Brocon imoutos are the best!
we like to call it straight man hours too
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Sex with physically and emotionally mature women.
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>thread full of images of ugly bitches
please stop
The only ugly bitch in this thread is you
turn on your monitor and stop looking at your reflection
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This girl is really cute but looks kind of yuzuish. Please don't tell me she's a yuzu
egyptian cat hours?
I am ugly. After 32 years, I have finally accepted it.
not a VN girl
She's a tomato
Is AI capable of making more Yuzu girls
no Yuzugirls need a human touch
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No and no
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is the all-ages dohna dohna good?
Worst girl. Literally dragged the entire VN down.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
What chuunige should I read?
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The only good chuunige are where the character is chuuni but the story is not.
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Nothing impressive happened so far in story except the girls are cute
VN where the MC serves human meat to the heroine?
This was more worth reading than Fate and Dies Irae at least.
Is there anyone in the world that hasn't read it?
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Schoolgirl A...
I like Aniki
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger
S;G is kino
the fanbase is reddit
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I can see her buttcheek
Steins;Gate is not bad but still overrated a good bit.
VN where the MC betrays everybody?
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Hating popular things isn't a personality by the way.
kill yourself jopoid
live yourself gachaGOD
live yourself jopking
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11 year old witches...
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Why would someone make such a terrible edit to give the best traphag tits?
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only the purest
Raging Loop suffers from having three great routes then falling off a cliff when it actually has to give explanations about WHY everything happened. And also because the writers had no idea how to explain it other than to spend 70% of a route with the characters in a room reading books that dump exposition.
The side stories fill in some holes and explain what the characters do next, but a lot of them aren't great and one of them in particular explains way too much about the world and kills it.
Is purer even possible?
>amanatsu was mediocre except it had [thing only a kamige would have]
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Where did you find this screenshot?
Not a single person has actually managed to read tokyo babel without falling asleep.
I'm just ctrling through and taking screenshots.
I've been trying to think of a way to make a fairly oddparents joke with the fairy brides, something like
>this must be the work of...fairy jopparents!
but it's just not coming together, so have a cute Ria instead
I wanted a cute Mel though
I wanted a cute Onbert though
Another very good choice.
I'm trying to settle on 1-2 vns to read and finish before I touch any other vns but it's so fucking hard. There's a lot of shit I wanna read NOW
that's what happens when you let them run rampart. we even have unironic ones
Favorite VN tropes?

>Parting ending gets retconned in the true ending
Literally kinoface :o and standing ovation
The character in the chuunige spends several paragraphs explaining how they can't possibly win the fight because the bad guy is too strong but then goes HOWEVER
>aah, haaa, haaa, s-sorry I was so late picking up the phone mc-kun! haa, aaah
>uoooh, buhiii, s-sorry, I'm just exercising, that's why I'm panting so much, haa, aaaahh
>mnn, chupa, rerorero, y-you hear wet sounds? I-I don't have, aaah, rerooo, any idea what those could beeeHIIII!
>a-anyways I have to hang up now! Bye!
>boku no hero ending out of nowhere
The pure heroine is actually a huge slut that got close to you to try and assassinate you with STDs
I don't think this is a very common trope.
Senpai graduates ending CG
I'm an elf and I like being cummed in by human men!
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Even in a post-apocalyptic Purgatory, I can't escape the Japanese school uniforms and Japanese high schools
There's no hotter clothing.
Why escape it?
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That's not a chuunige then?
I just finished the Tears To Tiara anime since the game filtered me with crab hunting. How similar is it to the original vn? I know the anime was based off of the ps3 remake but the story was pretty simple all around so they probably didn't change that much with the remake. I guess I'll be starting the sequel sometime soon since it was actually translated and works on the ps3 emulator.
Dressing like that, she's just asking to get gangraped by a Scientist and his clones.
She had a lot of fanservice.
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by skim read i meant that once i finished reading the line, i would go ahead instead of wait for the character to finish speaking unless it was Kazusa or Youko speaking
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Heaven or Hell?
Do not lust for best bro (Adam)'s waifu.
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So far I don't think the fights in Tokyo Babel have been that interesting, but the fight with Camael turning into a fucking shootout was fun
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White Album 2
All chuunige are bad about this to one degree or another, but Tokyo Babel is probably the worst when it comes to throwing random meaningless gibberish at you and thinking that's the same as writing a good fight scene. Every fight scene is
It's probably the worst offender for just throwing random terminology at you, all the fights are just
>aha, Adam is blizzinging his glimminyflop, there's no way anyone can beat that, it lets him brigglesnag his doodlefang at 300% quarpulons
>...unless Setsuna inglesnarps his crabblefax...but no, nobody's ever been able to do that without gizorpulating...it's impossible
Adam has the apple eating snakewhore, I have every right to claim Lilith
More like it's the best chuunige.
I don't think you understand what a chuunige is, brother.
Chuunige in most cases is just a synonym for kusoge.
Objectively false.
NO. it is all cases.
>school setting
>student council
>cultural festival
I'm tired of these
I'm enjoying Finne's route a lot, but my one big disappointment so far is (actual major spoilers) her not being a crazy revenge-obsessed yandere and it was all the evil black goop controlling her. It makes her a much less interesting character.
visual novels... but for adults
stop reading moegay
Persona...but in COLLEGE.
Most trapge don't have a school setting, actually.
Enough high school settings. Where are the elementary school settings?
I need shota mc x loli vn
gusha no kyouben
it'll never be translated because it will NEVER get on steam and NN will shut down any fan-translators who think about it
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Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Tokyo Necro
Dies Irae
Hello Lady!

Just to name a few.
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jesus man this game is no joke on hard
I had to reload like 15 times to beat this mother fucker
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Making a sprite without a wink was out of budget?
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Am I the only one that can't imagine Shirou and Archer being the same person? They're just so diffrerent personality-wise. At least you could see traces of Anakin in Vader.
I thought he was Shirou's dad???
damn, she looks like a bobblehead even more than usual, also Miu best girl>>494437578
almost as good as heroines who only have sprites with them doing weird poses
Only enough money to draw one eye
ge where you hit da griddy
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>At least you could see traces of Anakin in Vader.
wait, are you telling me that Shirou and Redman are...?
>reading on a phone
Based, if only I didn't care about my experience...oh wait, i could use screencast anyway lol, guess im just lazy.
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yes atrifag, they're both fucking your mother
>hmm yes today I will read shinkansen
>open vn
>monologue about how cool strong men are
sorry I don't read homoerotic chuunige
>read all of them
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I love men
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do you wait for voice lines to finish being read before clicking?
I'm forcing myself to continue reading hamidashi so that's it I'm dropping it. No more jopping until new jop yuzu drops.
Depends on the scene.
At least read salt-senpai's route and the vtuber route
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I can cynicaly imagine that
Breakup after passion wears off
MC getting fed up with her, have affair, and divorce.
Dead bed after some point, but they stay together.
They live happily, but mc always away working to support her lifestyle.

I can see only Ange having a longterm happy married life.
What kind of monster wouldn't?
Imagination of a plotfag.
You seem lost, JOPsissy. Here, let me help you.
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Fun fact: In this scene he's actually standing on top of a WW2 fighter plane mid flight
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I've half read pink route and I'm half way through salt-senpai route and I just can't do this anymore. Past few days I've been reading out of what feels like obligation or sunk cost I am just not enjoying it at all.
I do that all the time.
Well, I liked it.
I guess you just need to move on to select oblige?
You've come to the right place, jopGOD
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I've been thinking
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dark urges threaten to overtake
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He's so cool...
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>vn has unnecessary sex scenes
really? it just ruins the mood
I understand if it's a romance vn but what's the point in the more plot oriented stories?
the point is it's a matter of form for a VN. Normies like you wouldn't get it
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Well I'm not saying I hated hamidashi it's okay it had a few funny moments. I've just had a hard time enjoying anything I've read this year so I think it's owari for me.
defenseless anuses must be plundered, no matter the situation
>sex scene
no such thing
For us straight men, when we see a cute girl, we want to fuck her. We have the desire to see her naked and hear her screaming. So when you put a cute girl into your game, you're obligated to give her a sex scene. If there's a cute girl without a sex scene, we call those games kusoge.
kill yourself
normalfags love sex scenes though?
it's them clamouring for more of it in media
live yourself
no normies are the ones who say sex in games is problematic
normalfags love watching censored sex scenes where they just show the 3dpd man's ass and the whore's hands
not comparable at all
>refuse to play all age ge
>when an hscene starts in an eroge (you) ctrl to skip past it to get back to the plot as quick as possible

/vn/ will never be satisfied.
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she's so cute it hurts
speak for yourself bro, I'm terrified of plot points being pillow talked so I read every last word
Yeah but I ctrl slowly to still enjoy the scene. I just can't be bothered to read all of it.
I self insert as the girls because I am one lol
Me too sis.
I read every word of h-scenes and I appreciate the art like "hmm, yes, her pussy looks like it'd smell nice" or "the way those tits droop makes it clear the artist has a firm grasp of anatomy, very erotic", but I haven't touched my dick to a h-scene in years.
fufufu no fu
>hmm, yes, her pussy looks like it'd smell nice
Describe to me the visual traits of a good-smelling pussy
If possible, reference images would be appreciated.
>"the way those tits droop makes it clear the artist has a firm grasp of anatomy,
I wish I could say this more often
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Hugging Primula's tiny body!
No, just ironically.
You were supposed to respond with "Really!". because that's the name of the sequel.
It's like, a vibe
I imagine Kurokawa's pussy smells pleasant, but I can't tell you exactly how, aside from being shaven
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I played through the entire Fate route and I’m halfway through the UBW route and I just now realized that you have to unmute Shirou’s voice in the settings menu if you want to hear his dub. I hope whoever made it like that gets infected with fucking aids, the ending of the Fate route would have been so much more emotional if he had a voice aaaaah I’m fucking pissed
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>tfw you will never make a woman ovulate just by saying that she's cute
why aren't you blogging it sis
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Is this better?
You can if you're not ugly
I'm not ugly but I'm only attracted to girls who've never ovulated
Why are you so fucking retarded?
I wouldn't enjoy Fate if I wasn't
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What difficulty, /vn/?
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Easy. The gameplay's just not very good, so minimize it as much as possible.
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hard or no balls
go back
How the fuck was I supposed to know?
stay here
>how anon thinks you defeat JOPs:
>Go back to >>>/jp/
>how you actually defeat JOPs
>the ps2 is older now than the NES was at the time the ps2 launched
is that rean!?!
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No...I'm fading away...
My zoomerbrain has become too strong and I can no longer focus on just one VN at a time
Heed my call...Valimar the Ashen Knight!
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That scene reminded me of underwater ray romano when they restarted the satellite
perspective btfo
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It's disabled by default? In the official TL? No fucking way, that would be beyond braindead.
Yes, I only found out because I saw a Steam review today talking about it.
I'd disable all voices except archer.
We told you specifically to not read the official TL
This fucker doesn't even know about the threesome in the woods or that Saber is really good at sucking cock.
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What the absolute fuck. Has any other voiced FSN release been like that? Never in a million years would I expect that to be the default. I'm starting to regret throwing money at these chucklefucks sight-unseen.
>buying VNs
newfriend mistake
i wouldn't have to buy them if the fuckers on skeb were willing to seed
There's probably at least two indonesians and a brazillian at minimum seeding the ultimate edition as of right now
Hahaha that is our hack nasu for ya
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One thing I really like about the Tears to Tiara games is that it takes real history and legends and puts a fantasy spin on everything. Ancient Rome is also a setting you never see too. Are there any other ge with real world history as its basis?
Please read Chusingura, it's so good.
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but isn't that a...
best girl? She sure is.
I'm the forgotten husband
>used goods
>literally a child
we hate all these things here
maybe in opposite /vn/
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Well, /vn/?
used oppai loli ge?
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Incest is wrong
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Kuranosuke my love...
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ehehe onii-chan~
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Love my sister's
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>0 results
It's over.
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bro turn spoilers on
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Seeing a man fall for Setsuna is like seeing a man get bit by a zombie.
Better to just put a bullet in his head while he's still sane than letting it consume him
Setsuna is the thinking man's choice for main heroine. Kazusa is the mass-appeal sloppa
well said
congratulations, you were successfully stockholm'd in CC and Coda
We need to execute all Kazusatards
the worst is when they think they have good taste
I don't hate Setsunafags, it's not right to hate on the mentally ill, only euthanasia is the acceptable option when dealing with such a hopeless case
Anon that's a child!
Then /vn/ would be empty.
Where are her pubes?
i ate them
that's the only acceptable behavior for an imouto
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>wassup cracka
Setsuna fans are all alike, they don't have any comprehension of the long term, they would cut their noses to spite their faces if it meant making even one more person think Setsuna isn't shit
Setsuna is absolutely right. Setsuna did nothing wrong.
This. She shot her shot, that's literally all you can expect from a koi suru otome
Setsuna had a CEO mindset, not her fault Kazusa finished second.
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>There's nothing but disgust written on her face
how does he know
what's so good about haruki
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Setsuna kept Haruki who clearly loved another woman much more through guilt trips and a combination of intentional/unintentional manipulation. Despite knowing she's not his most loved, and still wanting to be with him, she still loses her shit whenever he makes any notion of loving Kazusa. Truly a detestable knave
does it matter whether I do Setsuna true or Kazusa true last?
maybe haruki shouldn't have been such a little bitch and gotten over his old lay
>extremely hard worker: can work back to back 16 hour shifts
>fairly good looking
>has just enough problems to make women want to "fix him"
it's very easy to see how he's a chick magnet wherever he goes
IMO save the one you like for last, but Maruto [the writer] has stated numerous time that the intended route order [Kazusa normal -> Setsuna True -> Kazusa true]
Of course a Setsunatard would only see the physical exchange as the barrier to any relationship.
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I miss her...
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is there anything that doesn't rely heavily on just gender bending and fucking historical figures?
In VNs? not really
>Personality: Ara Ara
What's the point?
Rising Sun Marriage - massive spoilers for Finne's route:
kf series, the world its quite literally medieval europe europe, they just change the names, also things that happen in the game actually happened on a similar way irl
kill yourself off topic spammer
I still remember when the roman empire descended into civil war over titjobs.
live yourself on topic CHAD
Why else would you want to go back in the past?
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Yes, otomege.
In otomege, you travel back to the past and fuck historical figures, but they're NOT genderbent.
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why would you filter out kamige
and they played it totally straight
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Would /vn/ really?
yeah, do setsuna true first
nanman dogs are meant for corvee labor
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A cat is fine too
monobeno or maitetsu
ge where a cat really is fine too?
Do you like autism for rural Japan, or autism for trains?
Also can you read untranslated hick Japanese?
Do you like japanese folklore or trains?
RJ262701 is as close as it gets afaik. Fox(?) and bunny.
Any elves in the chat?
zoomers really just refer to any group of people as a 'chat', huh?
their brains are actually soup
Yes, lolis and paw gloves are two of my fondest fetishes.
I'm older than you, I promise
That's even worse.
>what's a meme?
Kids aren't funny, nothing new
if you're an oldfag then why do you constantly spam /vn/ with your offtopic reddit anime flavor of the month?
The only anime image I've ever posted here is fron Grisaia and Bocchi the Rock.
who is this four chan???
actually, i'm an elf so my brain is literally cum
you might've missed out on your own gen's lingo because you had no friends at school :)
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god did
it's very easy to pick up current trends though, just go on tiktok, being friendless is no excuse
I just think using zoomoid lingo is funny, it's just a prank bruh. I'm doing it for the lulz.
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>merely pretending
Chat, is this real?
chat, are we cooked?
I was born on the same date as a character in Clannad, 1986.
>born in the 1900s
dafuq you doing playing japanese cartoon books
It's way past your bedtime, unc.
zoomers OUT
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zoomers are in their mid 20s now...
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jops OUT
It's a part of my culture. What are you doing not playing Fortnite?
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wtf I was a zoomer all along? I thought I was a young millennial, but I'm actually an old zoomer!?
Any VNs about an immortal MC that takes place over a long period of time?
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Don't be too mean with the kids bros
Saya-sama please step on me
Have fun, I love you. Make sure you have a ride home, it's dangerous to walk out all alone.
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yo this general is slappin fr fr. no cap ima fire up a vinny and hollar at yall.
buddy, at your age, you should have a wife/kids or at least a long term gf, im still young enough to goof off, reading vinnies
yep gen z starts at 1995
best girl, but for the love of God, use an upscaler
I'm sure you'll bot the hell out of both /v/ and this place when you get all your submissions rejected again because nobody can interact with you without loathing you, totopo.
Not my pic. Also no need for upscalers cause I'll use 1080p screens forever
>coolest guy to ever live
>unironically did NOTHING wrong
>has the most interesting powerset out of the entire cast
>bites it in every route due to somebody pulling a new power out of their ass and/or stabbing him in the back
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I'm a hag who swore I'd never marry, I don't believe in it. So don't force your ideals on me. I had a salary and paid my share of taxes until I burned out. I can do what I want. I rent out rooms and get by just fine. Worry about your own life lol.
>niggas thinking being an oldfag is respectable
it's survivorship bias where all the normal and sane anons got filtered by real life, and what remains are the dregs of society
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I hope one day I can be as cool as him
Rising Sun Marriage
On the one hand, I'm a little disappointed pretty much everything is resolved by lame kiseki-style 'they were possessed and controlled by the real bad guy all along'.
On the other hand, awooga big fairy mommy tiddies step on me
is there an MTL out
Yes, but it takes a while to install. You have to download anki and then do a bunch of reps and the MTL program installs itself directly into your brain. Eventually, just by looking at a kanij your brain will automatically mtl it into english.
Holy hecking based
sounds kino
>just install nipponese AI chipbrain bro
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>when a VN personally attacks you
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i bet there's not even a mom route
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Correct. After I finish this VN and its after story I'm not sure what type of VN to go for next. Maybe a mom-son VN? I can not remember the last time I played a MILF VN, let alone a mom-son one.
His brain uses so much energy that he doesn't get fat
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more VNs need stick figures
we need mc x girlfriend x mc's mom ge tbdesu
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Wear Protection Guys
Protection is like anal: trash
stfu anal is peak love
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Just wipe it off
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>"this is it, today's the day I start the Kyonyuu Fantasy series!"
>see artstyle
>pick something else off my backlog again
Clannad REALLY wants me to feel bad for Nagisa, but this is just autistic behavior
But... what if you're an oyakodon-con.
I only played it for an hour before putting it on an indefinite hold, but it did feel like a good medieval fantasy game. I can't say if the nukige part turns the game into shit later or not
Clannad would be better if Kyou was the main heroine.
Kuudere hags?
>but this is just autistic behavior
First Key VN?
Also me. Perhaps I should find one of those next instead.
I've got https://vndb.org/v34839on my backlog as an Oyakodonge. Good CG and character design + one of the girls is voiced by the NotALoli cuckqueen from Nukitashi.
I only play oyakodonge with Only Virgin Heroines
>Heroine's Mother as a Heroine
I will play.
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Sorry, meant to say Tomoyo.
luv nai
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need more fat tailed heroines
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I'm afraid TSR was released 17 months ago.
I know /vn/ lauds it as an actually great series even as plotge and not nukige, but the combination of the artstyle and the choice of outfits keeps preventing me from starting it
I like nice armor in my medieval fantasy and not the ornate stripper armor the characters in KF wear
>Oyakodon means a character, typically the protagonist, has sex with a mom and her daughter.
>Heroine's mom is a heroine in the game about fucking a mom and her daughter.
Anon... get some sleep.
you've lost me on this one, anon.
Are you ゲイ?
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What's up with blue-eyed blondes from Europe being the best girls in VNs?
She's a bit yellow
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Close but no cigar
>Symphonic Rain
>Gekkou no Carnevale
>Fat Morgan
>Mary's ge
>Sona Nyl
I'm sick of modern Tokyo, which of these Western city settingge should I read first
Eustia was a bit too much of a dreary shithole for my liking
oh nononono
no, I only get erect from women in plate armor and not men
The skin colors are fucking disgusting in that game
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VNs with cute dead-inside whore heroines?
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What's wrong with Rai-Rai?
Symphonic Rain or Gekkou
>t. went to Italy during the 2000s and it was peak
she's too cute for this world
might fuck around and blast MEGACUM to shota nukige
I love Karen
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What do I go for next, Muv Luv alternative or Chaos;Head Noah?
Get a hodgepodge of both settings and go for Robotics;Notes
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Based. She should've gotten her own FD, too.
why post AI images of characters who already have plenty of good fan art
oops sorry, thought I was on discord tehe
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Because I felt like it.
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I don't know, are they?
AI art is way superior to fan art has been for a while and I don't want to pretend it isn't any longer.
is this the violent bitch?
gently love kyou
Maybe on planet retard
Maybe on planet Amakano2
why is there so much pissing in walkure
Jopgod how are you supposed to learn a language from anki? I use it a lot for medical school but its seems only good for review not for learning new stuff.
Also how do you double suppress in X? The game not healing you between bosses is horseshit.
It's great isn't it?
Why not
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No, it's Tomoya's wife.
it's why I didn't pick it up
>Jopgod how are you supposed to learn a language from anki?
It's to help with kanji. It's that or you write each one out 4000 times for 20 years like kids in japanese schools
this but unironically
robot wife
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Kotomi won the official japanese character poll of the 1999 Tsui no Sora release.
I don't really mind it, it's just a thing that every heroine does at least once.
Wish they went a bit harder with the sexual "quirks" like Noel squirting everywhere and Celia giving you a rimjob (kino).
women really shouldn't be licking buttholes
yeah, buttholes other than yours
If I really want to lick theirs then it stands to reason that they would want to lick mine.
Just read that I'm supposed to read the first Muv Luvs before alternitave so going for Chaos;Head Noah
You use anki to get a base vocabulary so you can start reading as soon as possible
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I literally just finished this game this morning what an absolute fucking shitshow lmao
I'm not a fan of the later parts of Higurashi especially how it ends but the last arc was a 10x worse version of that, just absolutely 0 perception of tone or climax
and even earlier during that part they just didn't break up this explanation with ANYTHING it was kind of incredible
That's a hermit crab.
Like >>494461973 said you use flashcards to build a foundation first and foremost.
The way (I have found) that works best to learn a language is to immerse, and to read/listen/write regularly in said language. Takes a long time but the knowledge you gain is pretty much cemented given you keep learning and maybe reviewing every once in a while.
It's true.
I don't believe it!
You just put https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1YtkuvmtpU in my head and now I'm sad.
who the FUCK is Kotomi
Sickness comes from the mind. Flat chests do, too.
Sachi ripoff from Clannad.
Flat chests: 2D
Boobs: 3D
I rest my case
licking flat chested girls like a lollipop
This tag needs more representation.
Who the FUCK is Sachi?
There is no Sachi in Clannad.
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there should only be one Satcher in your heart
I remember at some point the sheep thing said something that made me get a guess at what was coming after and I dropped it. So like others have said, get your 3 routes done then dump.
The extra stories and Revelation Mode are great, and the final loop after you've collected all of the keys is too.
do you need to read subahibi to play this? she looks like she's in need of a good dicking
She's not very smart but she makes up for it in kindness. Please don't stand her up again like that.
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Getting slightly worried about the results of my schizotest.
why do you have tsukihime ost on the background
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When is the next moege release?
ge where you get a heartfelt confession after spending a lot of time with the heroine and you reject them?
there's no way a pig taps a keyboard that gently
>moebutas are icucks
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Nekonyan promised dracu riot this year, surely they won't disappoint us.
>AI slop on my /vn/
> Dream in full color
Is this a joke?
>he doesn't dream in 4k full color ray-tracing enabled
1. Read some grammar rule book like Tae Kim or watch the Cure Dolly (RIP) Playlist
2. Get some basic japanese deck like Kaishi 1.5K, this will be ur base vocabulary (Go with 15-25 cards a day unless you're unemplymoyed, under no circumstances go over 60)
3. Once you are about a quarter of the way trough Kaishi, set up your mining setup (there are guides for this in the internet, starting with anime is easier but vinnies are fine)
4. Immerse immerse immerse, mine words you dont know below something like 10k frequency and keep bruteforcing yourself trough the language, it will be a pain for a month or so before it starts to give out and it gets way easier the longer you do it, go over 10k frequency words once you're comfortable
4. Congrats you're a JOP
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now I wont be able to unhear it

no, its mostly standalone
>activate windows
bro just torrent kmspico
i had to buy g cup bras because my d cup ones wouldn't fit anymore
any visual novels for this feel chat?
is that the filthy pervert heroine of grisaia? disgusting
you have to post your tits first
d to g? what happened to e and f
impressive manboobs
didn't bother replacing them till the underwires started stabbing me :(
what did he mean by that
yeah she literally sneaks into his room and starts masturbating on his bed LOL
My condolences, that is horrifying.
>no sister route
grisaia has always been a kusoge
Don't be evil.
I c, the future is now
Two times I gave this a real try, but I just lose interest right after the common route. Apparently the game takes a huge turn in how it's presented or the story or so. Something how they're all secret service agents or some elite mercenaries or something? Sounded very off and bizarre and in an off-putting way. Anything with no sister route sounds kuso though as you say.
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yeah this shit isn't free and i guess
only yuujis a "cleaner", everyone else is at the school because they all have horrible traumas but yuujis past is fucked up too
Can someone please share a funny clip of Asane from Nukitashi?
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Imagine missing this kino
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Do you like 00s moege, /vn/?
you can try losing weight
of course, i love leaf designs
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We like A cups here.
What's really retarded is how it wouldn't have worked. They spin way too fast to throw anything in.
Yep, the 2000s were cheap yet kino
is jack riddle a good yuzuge?
This, but AA. On adult women.
The original Majikoi is 2009 but I'm not sure if you have that in mind with that question.
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Mommy Setsuna has a point. She should just move in with me already
my bmi is still under 28 though?
piggy piggy piggy
Yep, things just get shredded instantly. Grisaia is full of retarded things like that.
I love 00's soul
tamaki is best girl
Buta-chama... You should do some exercise.
The thing is I plan to format and do a clean installation to do stuff with partitions so I tell myself there's no point to do it now since shit works, but this has been in the plans to happen "soon" for over a year.
2009 feels more like a 10s year than a 00s year when I look at the anime and VNs that came out then. Most art styles had already radically changed compared to just a couple years ago by then.
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At BMI 37 call me the Buta King.
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Cross Channel is what got me into VNs so yes, even though it's not so moe
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don't call yourself a buta if you can still see your weight on the scale. go back to reading muramasa plot cuckery
i mean its harder for femoids to lose weight so don't be unreasonable lol
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I've been avoiding replaying this route because of how it ends. When I first played, I was shocked and even pissed at Kazusa for leaving Haruki, but after playing through True several times and finally doing this again, I finally understand why she left him. Haruki pulled a Setsuna and completely turned delusional such as wanting to flee from rural town to rural town to avoid real life [Kazusa's concert , work, and Setsuna]. It hurts so much considering how many beautiful CG"s are in this route and especially the scene where Haruki takes off Kazusa's disguise wanting to kiss the real her. It's my headcanon that he dreamed up cheat route during the true route which made him even more intrepid in going about things the "right way" [fully separating from Setsuna and leaving his job with notice].
tldr: "I don't know you anymore! Haruki... you're breaking my heart! You're going down a path I can't follow!"
With how ignorant people are about health in general, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people believed this.
Just don't eat.
its biological anon
females innately have a higher body fat percentage because thats how it works
Just don't be fat.
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Serious advice, don't use anki. Use jpdb.io instead
It's the same thing but way more convenient, it has pre-built deck from elementary text books to actualy VNs so you can actually know if you're a level good enough to read your game of choice
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I was only playing around buta-chan don't be so upset, you are beautiful the way you are!
It's not free software
I'm using it for free though?

here https://djtguide.neocities.org/
I already know Japanese thoughever
same :3
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that's a lot of beer
a whole fuckin lot of beer
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Not because it's "harder to lose" lmao. Christ.
Is it NTR if the shark reproduces with parthenogenesis?
sooner die than diet
25% sooner
First a yurige without yuri and now an all-ages NTRge. This industry is fucking dead
I'm going to post a JOP thread once we hit page 10!
My dick. Please say there's at least a single h scene with her or at least some doujinshi/fanart
I'll try it when they let me export back to anki
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Don't do it kisama
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True, NTRge should 18+
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ill knock yer block off i swear on me mum
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That reminds me of the feminist correction 'ge in my 'log
>A man rides into Astrea on a pitch-black motorcycle, his name is Kamui. Kamui's battle to subjugate the women of Nightmare Raven and liberate the oppressed males begins now.
>all-ages NTRge
How does this even work? Is it just some thug or ojisan kissing the heroine but not having sex with her?
yuzukiss edition
Time to end Yuzusoft once and for all.
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Literally me
not a virgin gang rules this general
it's a small price to pay for more VN's, it's such a niche market that we're utterly trapped by the ntr fanatics who spend +$1000
>phone bill
Anki import failed
Sorry, we couldn't import your Anki database due to the following reason: your Anki database is too big. The maximum supported size of an uncompressed Anki database is currently 41943040MB.
You anki database is 41 terabyte?
Are people not charged for using the phone now?
idk the website hates me
You were warned.

Kill yourself
wrong person
Kill yourself Karenschizo
bwo your healers?
oh yeah and characters that gave barriers before you're about to get attacked with big attacks

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