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Friday the 13th edition.
Theme: https://youtu.be/xR8oke8rzp8?si=23Hzudc1jBiKeNiJ

Previous: >>494313491
>Current & Upcoming Content
[Fright Night] Veigar, Zeri (+Prestige), Pyke, Shaco and Nunu & Willump

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
hi rainbowritual
I wish
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I need a filipino goth gf
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explain how a 4chan pass would allow someone to spam after getting banned then?
Which lolgs are bipoc?
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beemo :3
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*teleports behind you*
You don't even know what that word means. You just want a bitch that wears black.
I like the regular skin over the prestige. prestige doesn't feel very fright night-ish
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*rapes her*
The most annoying ones.
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>wwalks awway
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How about we say the least favorite thing about our favorite champion (can be anything from gameplay/lore/design/etc)

For me I wish Briars Q prioritized enemy champs above anything else, sometimes when I try to Q someone during a gank I end up Qing a minion right next to them or my ally currently on them, skill issue I guess but it can be pretty embarrassing
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alright I'm done posting in this shithole entirely then man, the amount of bad faith bullshit here is incredible

a final FUCK YOU to firestorm you faggot for leaking unnecessary information

no more mantheon byebye guys
JFS > ____
target champs only retard
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I agree it's just the prestige splash is extremely beautiful
Did you reach silver though.
Name them!
does anyone here play shaco
how do i beat this slut as veigar if she can just phase through my cage like it's not even there
wait kingkong dont go
3 wins from it
how babymode can you possibly be that you're whining that a point and click stun is hard to aim
let me guess you're like diamond 4 since briar came out but you used to be... Gold 3?
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What do you have to say for yourself?
my brother in chist you shared the information
>Lost 9 games in a row now
I can't get out of loser's queue, I keep getting bad team mates. LOOK AT THIS SHIT! LOOK AT MY JUNGLER!
what did firestorm do lol
with you specifically and no one else and specifically asked you not to share it with anyone else
You're gonna leave without fulfilling your promise?
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fucking this, I feel like it always prioritizes creeps for some reason, I also wish her ult didn't get announce to the whole world, it should be like panth ult not sions.
what is this some chat bot
I've never been diamond
not firestorm but why would you share any info you don't want here with someone from here
bye you stupid retard nobody
I use to be emerald 1 and since briar came out I'm gold 2
then you must be really retarded
Why do we have so many iron players? LoL still get newfags?
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Oh hey I'll finally complete my Qiqi skin collection
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Of my favorite champs,
Not enough balls. Wish I could ult and then E more consistently because that's a fun thing to do. Not sure how you'd implement or encourage it.

I have another idea for another champ but I don't think it'd be healthy for the game so I won't list it.
firestorm executed another shitskin
gg no re
A few of them are new (or at least claim to be) but a lot of them have been playing for a long time and are just fucking retarded and will never, can never improve
the iron-gold players we have have played this game for literally 10 years and have never improved, literal brain issue players
Boodrum x Steel Mental
How come Doug was so into Patti Mayonnaise anyway? Was it because she was the only person in town whose name was a food pun and he wants to be a fat fuck?
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So why should I only play ranked during the week and not weekends? I'm actually going insane, I genuinely don't know how to carry games when I keep a retard or multiple retards in my games.
I truly hope when I derank to Iron 4 with 0 LP, Riot engage Matchmaking kicks in and I go on a complete massive winstreak and hit Silver. Highest rank I ever achieved was Bronze 2.
people want to make new accounts and new accounts start in iron the vast majority of the time, almost all the time unless they win all five promos
Gorilla x his fade
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i started playing fairly recently (level 40) and i feel awful about being so bad at the game ;-;

i'm playing top lane because my friends play other roles and i just keep getting steamrolled early on and never being able to catch up later in the game, i feel useless and i don't know if i'm just too stupid for the role :<

i'm bronze 3 right now, mostly playing nasus, and every attempt at playing another champ has gone terribly
Are you still Nepeta, bwo
I don't even have time or energy to play 25 games of ranked per series, I just stopped caring honestly. I don't really play ranked anymore and just play Arams/Normals when I can.
What percentage of win rates do I need to lose before forced engage match making kicks in and I get free wins? 40% WR? 30%?
Post your fade.
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What's for dinner lolg?
tazmir solos no diff
t. knower
Post your hairline
I ripped a piece of bread and had that with some fish, that's about it I think.
>namefags trying to stay relevant this hard
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I like seeing my teammates succeed and have fun
Stop posting on here, you'll get groomed.
A "free win" would imply you literally disconnected and your team won and you got the benefits, which doesn't happen.
Top 5 of what
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velkoz fears belveth
not to say velkoz can't be afraid of things; of course he can. he's the most fully realized voidling after all. but he's a giant laser flying spaghetti monster. he would whoop her ass- he's whooped far greater things. they only made him spooked by her so they could hype up her release, there's nothing more to it. he's just a hype tool rather than his own being and for that I call bull
I would sooner buy into velkoz being intimidated by fiddle or some shit than this. fiddle is a dark, mysterious, powerful, unfathomable entity beyond all understanding. which I could easily see intimidating someone who is all about trying to understand everything. fear of the unknown is an instinctual trait present in just about every organism
maybe get better! hope that helps
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I like seeing my teammates fail and have fun.
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why is the adc role so popular?
so glad i got dropped from the namefag circlejerk long ago
Anyone who genuinely doesn't believe Forced Engaged Matchmaking isn't real is 100% a Riot shill or Riot employee.
*kiss her knees to make the pain go away*
no stay and keep making funny youtube clips
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there is a matchmaking you retard that's the purpose of an online game

dont rely on matchmaking to climb, if you're good you climb that's as simple as that
Post your bottom 5
lol i dont think so
It's not. They're just loud nigger Jews.
(You)r attention sir
first you have to explain what this even is
How many ranks did you go til the game stopped giving you free wins?
It does. One time I was trying to deboost to iron so I banned my ADCs yasuo, (he picked ezreal) ran it down bot 6 times and then left the game. Went for a walk outside came back later to a 25 min victory where the ezreal hardcarried
Came back 20
You're clearly underage. This is a dangerous place for even weak-willed grown men.
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I said forced engaged matchmaking. It's designed so whenever you keep winning, you get worse and worse team mates while people who are bad all of a sudden keep getting better and better team mates. All of this culminates into a forced 50/50. Win enough games, game will purposely put your win rate down. Lose enough games, game will purposely put your win rate up.
iron 2
im an adult
You're lying, won't respond to you in particular any more.
That's even scarier.
she was gone too soon
No, you were.
you dont have to lose all your whimsy as an adult, plus my age still starts with '1' lol
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is aurora still freelo
why is NA a worse server than EUW ? cause it's obviously the case but i wonder what might be the cause
>you dont have to lose all your whimsy as an adult, plus my age still starts with '1' lol
Then my warning still applies.
NA is filled with americans
lolg told me NA is better than EUW albeit
less people playing the game, they prefer valorant and whatever
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Is this whitewashing?
Pretty hot regardless
oh my gawd
you look just like shakira
no no, you're catherine zeta
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America prefers fun!
i literally cant even tell what character this is
We wuz anime characters
nope, they nerf her for the 5th time in a row
actually my name's marina
Clearly Volibear.
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:D lolg does have taste
im going zeri otp once that skin drop
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>Otherwise perfect 80s pop song has to have a shitty guitar break
Champs for this feel?
you and the girlies pick an all-kda team and then get a pentakill mordechud
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>ambessa has a masked look
reminds me of how chudsante released with an empyrean skin that covered his ugly mug
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>Wake up
>Volibear is still reworked
this list was definitely made by whoever the fuck "dabs" is because literally noone knows what that is
>Dr. Doom in the MCU
and that's a good thing
Diaper Anon?
vgs are the worst thing to come out of this board. nothing but namefag drama even when the games aren't in session. cliquey circlejerk
literally who
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literally who?
based sister
literally who?
literally who?
The guy who filled a diaper with his boyfriend's cum.
I love Seraphine
Misremembered which champs were involved but it did happen
one of the briarfags
None of the namefag drama in the past two threads is because of VGs

some retards adding each other on EU and some losers simping for trannies and jfs
i mogged and cleared all namefags canonically, sorry
>nasus swain bot on my team
Will they go 20/0 or 0/20? Guess now while the game is still loading
As long as you don't insult anyone's fade, things will be chill.
What do you want to know about him
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this is me if you even care
fried chicken
Where's onions voli poster? Shit was hilarious. Monsterfags were in shambles.
Your undercut looks like shit.
Is it Swain support? What was the pick order? Who are they against?
If Swain picked that after Nasus they lost I think unless him and Nasus have some major autism going on.
>playing the game is bad
>sex with pictures is good

Kneecapped right before worlds because she's fundamentally toxic in design and counterpicking is already strong enough there

Maybe check back in next split
you're so real
Right here, Onions Voli poster!
murdered by vanguard
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I like nu-Volibear
she looks so bad, another dead champ that no one will play after the post release nerf patch.
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i think we ALL love Seraphine!
Destroy them.
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lmfao that might be me
>And then Anon was a ghost
If they're both comfortable on their picks I trust them.
I would 100% rather someone play a char they play a lot, no matter the role, than try to cope on garbage they barely touch.
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Nice picture, mind if I save it?
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what's mine is yours serasis!
are you trying to have sex with it ezreal
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spammer sounds so mad when he can't posts pictures
those are all the same guy?
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...what about him?
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Who you picking
I'll kiss you.
she's chill
Non of them interest me.
This picture of Yuumi is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Can I keep it?
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hmmmmm mmmmmmm no.
you can't have sex with it though
Imagine the smell...
You are only partially correct.
If you want the actual truth, the pattern you are referring to is just a byproduct of mmr
Matchmaking cannot put 10 players of equal rank and stats on the same team, as strange as it sounds, because the games would turn into true coinflipping, so most games are built on a slight curve. Some players are the low rolls and are expected to lose, and some players are the high rolls and are expected to win.
This might sound unfair for the high rolls, and it kind of is, but they benefit from the mmr system by gaining more lp per win and losing less lp per loss (they need a lower winrate to rank up until the system decides they are at the correct skill level, ie. Their winrate begins to plateau)

So as you win more and more, you will be put into harder and harder games (to an extent). This is because mmr actually fluctuates pretty fast. In the mind of a low elo player, a 20 game winstreak is possible through sheer luck, but the system would give you some unreasonably difficult games before you get there.
This is all to say that, sometimes you're expected to overperform and that's okay. If you're a gold player, sometimes you'll get a game that expects you to play like a plat to win. You might think that's unfair because your teammates in this instance are underperforming, but if you truly believe you are improving as a player then you should be starting to win some of these harder games

tldr winners queue and losers queue do exist, but your inability to climb is your own fault
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my duo daddy isn't online...
Kinda sad because his stream was kinda funny.
Funny how? Funny like a clown?
Not rly kys
bring back all the lolg streams
post screenie of the game??
wait, did you have a Nilah in it???
Meme builds, meme summoners, enemies actually falling for it, winning a losing game because the top or whatever was open and the enemies were unironically bronze and didn't look at the map so there were clutch levels of throws, seeing a yorick (finally) get his ass beat despite the wall and maiden siphoning his health bar, etc.
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Post your face doxx. No undercuts allowed.
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>install lol
>smash absolute shit out of it
>300 games during this split
And I'm still stuck at iron 4
Also he wasn't even using the wifi or the ethernet he was using hotspot for the streams so it was a bit ghetto and his saturation was a bit above average so the game looked a bit unusual.
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release act 3 you fuckass
You can't fuck the picture.
just fucked a picture of your mom
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Yone R has a really stupid fucking bug attached to it where the brief split-second stun before the damage is able to be buffered through so a person can be hit by it and not take damage
This is mostly common vs champs that buffer through abilities already like Ezreal or Tristana but it can technically happen with any dash if timed correctly
Outside of that my boy works as intended, any complaints about his weaknesses are skill issue
This image does not make my cock erect one bit
don't fuck the picture ezreal
how is that a bug tho? the r is in two parts, the bump then the aoe dmg
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Katarina is a loli now?
Back when they were framing it like it was a void event I thought that was some sort of teaser to Vel'Koz maybe having learned humanity, and not really joining Runeterra but not being on the Void's side either.
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I didnt make it
might be intended like how milio's soccar ball does the knockback first THEN the damage so if you flash fast enough you can avoid the dmg proc
Nice fade, retard.
he looks like he fucks pictures
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Only one?
Probably the E+Q auto aim not working consistently
I'm not even saying to bring back the old auto lock on, it's the fact that the auto-aim will still work sometimes if the enemy doesn't blink far enough away
The inconsistency is pretty annoying I don't even feel good when the auto-aim does work because it feels random.

Also adding a second people shouldn't be able to flash out of Qiyana R if it knocks you into a wall like come on they either need to flash the initial projectile or they should kick rocks
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Maybe less a bug and more a quirk of how his R is coded, but getting hit by an ability with CC and not taking any damage is weird no matter how you look at it, it's not like it's Taliyah W and I don't believe that was intended counterplay for how tight the timing is. It's a 1/100 game interaction but it will never not piss me off, especially if it's what decides a fight
if joke then where funny?
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Skarner rework flop so hard?
i'm not the spammer
>Vel'Koz is afraid of Shaco
Nigga had a nerdsplosion, kys
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yeah, sure
your father turned on parental lock 10 years ago when he left for cigarettes?
Inside your Happy Meal, you McNugget.
he tried to fuck the picture and failed
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Is there a Rose Lalonde in League of Legends? I'm new to the game.
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i'm the spammer.
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Nabeed drop feed so hard?
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>adc isn't popular
most played champs
What's your username and region please I added an iron 4 player from this thread years ago and spectating his games was the funniest shit ever
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fuse vex and illaoi and you've got it
any, but similar to another anon, my dick doesn't get hard when I see this picture
That's not a bug retard. The damage portion has a small delay so it's possible to avoid the damage if someone like Ez buffers their own escape. If there's anything you should be complaining about with his R its the weird ass small gap between him and the back of the R hitbox where someone doesn't get hit at all because for whatever reason it doesn't properly extend.
no, it's supposed to be someone 'undead', like viego
>fuse vex and illaoi and you've got it
Phreak, listen up.
adc has the smallest playable champion pool anon
you can't have sex with the picture if your dick doesn't get hard
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
A monkey got his undercut insulted so he vanished into thin air.
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>they were framing it like it was a void event
don't even get me started on how robbed voidchads were of an event
>I thought that was some sort of teaser to Vel'Koz maybe having learned humanity, and not really joining Runeterra but not being on the Void's side either
velkoz going rogue (but still remaining mostly true neutral) woulda been such an interesting idea. damnit lolg stop making me interested in things that'll never happen again

shaco is a tiny jackass toy come to life. fiddle is an ancient whatsit that to this day no one understands

it can and will happen again. be ready for it
that's a nice distraction, not gonna lie
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Wish granted.
>shaco is a tiny jackass toy come to life
Read the lore, chud.
That's Shaco.
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>tldr winners queue and losers queue do exist
Didn't need to read anything else, glad you understand game keeps giving me bad team mates and it expects me to 1v9. I am doing well, the game system keeps giving me terminal retards to feed. Just listen to tyler1 talk about it for instance.
belveth is the queen of the void, she would hard diff that lil nerd nig'koz
Back then, we used to call them "nerds." Now we call them "autists." Thanks, Judaism.
favorite lolg ships?
how many years has this guy >>494403876 been coping that he's not agp?
The splashes are always top tier, but in game it tends to look like horseshit
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Riot KNEW what they were doing when they made these skins.
Tanking your winrate to 30% is not going to magically slingshot you to silver, it's just gonna make your game quality hit complete garbage because everyone is going to be as bad as you are
ah I'm not landing these lists anymore
thats life I suppose
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Haha, you fell for it!
I won't get distracted! I won't!
this may sound amazing to you, but i don't want to masturbate literally every waking moment
Nigsplosion happened, you know the usual when mantheon comes by
Monkey x undercut
If I can't win, I can force the system to make me have such a low win rate it'll push me back to 50%. That's how the system works, ranked was never designed around skill based matchmaking.
womantheon had a meltie after being outed as pedo
I’m off from work in like 10 minutes poggies
Champs for this feel?
something about gaystorm and womantheon having gay sex
The kys champ
Mantheon is brazilian
Somebody faded away...
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no it's trollwashing
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Good Job, anon. Don't get distracted.
That's not how that works, anon. Just stop playing for today, you've gone mad from tilt.
What caste is she? She has to be a pissblood, right?
Does every champion have a different animation for crit auto attacks or just Tryndamere?
did they rewrite lore yet again
I know it is very hard to understand because you've Dunning Kruger'd yourself to believing you are equally as good as a Challenger player and that they are just luckier than you

But the unfairness in league's matchmaking is literally just restricted to who your high rolls are. If your high roll is your adc and the enemy's high roll is the jungler than their better player has the ability to impact the game more than yours does. If YOU are the high roll, god forbid, then you're expected to carry instead.
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all zaunites are lowbloods, i would think bronze-yellow with psionic electricity powers
seraphine is a upper caste and the equivalent to a troll libtard
No, it just says that he's a super mystery and all his origins are just rumors and everyone's scared of him.
I wish Vex was good at top lane.
It is how it works, the game is designed to keep you at 50% WR, if you lose so many games, it'll give you a winstreak so you can get your percentage back to 50%. There is no skill involved. It's decided entirely by this system. Just admit you're a Riot employee.
when I see a velkoz on the enemy team I immediately draft Bel'Veth. It's his mommy so I make sure to go out of my way and smack him around and yell at him for trying to be hot shit when he could be cuddly instead
>Le schizophrenia argument
new sissy is here
Fun fact, mantheon is still here!
Velkoz would bitch slap Belveth (multiple times since hes got so many limbs)
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>nig'koz: umm... ma'am... perhaps we should study some of the humans instead of consuming them...
>bel'veth: fuck you say vigga? shut yo mouth fo' i lavender slap the shit out your ass
>nig'koz: y-yes ma'am!

>incelkoz on void'chan: told that dumb bitch off today... heh... like women can run the void
Don't post her butt.
>Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem. Corrupted by dark magic and the loss of his beloved charge, the once-kind puppet finds pleasure only in the misery of the poor souls he torments.
he's a toy these days. that's partly why riot didn't wanna make gwen too similar to a toy as well
Did he shave his head or something so the crying would stop?
pyke delivery service !
Firestorm and Mantheon had sex???
Maqe can we duo I play a mean weakside
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Click the full bio, NIGGA.
Firestorm is white he doesn't have sex
Hopefully so man, he should also lay off those roids as well lest he goes into another fit of rage
there are less botlaners than any other lane you absolute retard
Yeah, but then Firestorm said he didn't like his haircut so Mantheon burnt down a black church.
After the Shadow Isles event, do you really want a Void event?
are you high enough elo?
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>New game mechanic added: All canonically gigantic Champions are now decently bigger than the regular sized Champions, splitting all Champions in 2 categories: Big Champs and Medium Champs
What do you guys think? How would this be balanced?
he has sex with pictures
incorrect. sleep with one eye open tonight

correct. sleep like a baby tonight
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Would turn the game into a party game.
Ok, I won't post butt.
>play asol
>it's now even easier to snipe him with skillshots while he's Qing in lane
>matchups vs control mages with ranged cc now becomes impossible

sounds terrible. There's not even a single bruiser on your list outside of Voli, none of these champions would benefit whatsoever.
it's currently balanced like a reverse-party game where the really boring NPC champs like garen are the strongest and offmeta always sucks
This sub is extremely rude to iron players and that's just depressing
My heart says thanks.
Wow irelia's face is actually really well modeled and believable, wish the rest of 3d lol stuff looked more like that and less like disgusting freaks of un-nature
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not that I'm complaining but when did lolg become so stuck at home?
irelia face is off model virtuamate bullshit. stfu retard
qrd on mantheon drama? and who the fuck is rainbowritual?
After I invited some friends to play. ;)
rainbowritual is mantheon alter ego
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Who cares?
>mantheon drama?
Incel got rejected
"Katsissy" number 3000 who doesn't even play kat
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The face in that 3d coomer render is 100000% better than the disgusting alien freak shown in the awaken cinematic.
Mantheon isn't an incel
firestorm was desperate for friends, so mantheon added him, after which firestorm told mantheon he didn't like his haircut? is that correct?
>qrd on mantheon drama?
Somebody insulted his fade.
>who the fuck is rainbowritual
Firestorm alt.
You x rope
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How good are you with your fingers? Can you dig past the second knuckle?
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>when you remember this is two ugly, hairy men typing like little girls
Does firestorm have hair or is he a beta male
Mantheon when his haircut is insulted.
>squishy asol anivia and velkoz can't dodge a single skillshot now
10% winrate incoming
mantheon... i still love you even if you are a shitskin...
You're one of them.
he is white though
and their tagalong that posts the same images in response every time, the puzzle would not be complete without him
I dont know a single lolg username or have ever seen a photo of one I just play the game and complain about adc mental on my BBC porn discussion board
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silence rando faggot
Yes, sweaty and crusty buttsex.
>Have lost 11 games in a row now
The more I lose, the faster game will give me free wins no matter how good or bad I perform. Give me more losses, soon I will be in Silver.
wowzah kanowza
Just build full tank Anivia and then the enemy team can never hit anyone else.
the canon couple got married and left. the current couple hardly post
Man "I'm not that brown" theon.
i thought we just established he was a zoomer shitskin with a bad haircut?
so why doesn't pc league look like this?
remember to not choke on their cum
Anon this is what we call "copium".
>bad haircut
it isn't a bad haircut? are you a bald millenial
Rando no more.
how many pings do you think sera gave him
im just trying to make sure your contribution is recognized and appreciated
Faker retirement in less than 12 hours!
Hello mantheon
i literally haven't seen the image, that's just what i understood was said in the exchange
they still hang out in vgs
I'm following what this guy said
Mantheon and his fade.
Hello, show your haircut
Tell your heart that it did a great job staying strong.
Okay, but you're ignoring the fact you've never been higher than like Bronze three. At most this will just set you back there instead of shooting you up to silver.
Somebody repost it.
? Kys
>AD JAX IN 2024
And you're disregarding the fact that this guy was already a plat 1 level player to begin with, and that he didn't actually end up any higher than his peak...?
Gwenjungle bwos...
what is kys spammer's endgame
show us your thigh highs you wear when you queue up as support
that's where you're wrong. I've bitchslapped Velkoz thousands of times in the rift with my huge flappers. He just doesnt get that he should just run from me if he's not going to hug me. He doesnt want to give mommy hugs so I beat him silly until he does. I still have this picture he drew for me. Last time I rapid poked him with my tentacles so fast so many times that he would just spout squidpiss at the sight of me out of all he little holes I made. He almost gave me that doe eye that said he's sorry but it wasnt enough. I will keep on abusing him because he is my spawn to abuse.
the same as its been for the past 4 years
Ew, cooties.
No problem. Soraka would heal, right?
To hit Bronze 3?
Yes she'd heal me by sucking my dick
>than like Bronze three
Bronze 2*
I was very close to Bronze 1
Why are there actually Riot shills in this thread?
vg NA is up!!

pw is vidya
>receding hairline
Low test
Post your fade.
errrrrrrrrm actually receding hairline can happen from high DHT
you scared white boi?
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that guy is white though
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I'm going to tp your house in minecraft for typing all this out
i'm 1% black finna catch this smoke cuz af
Mantheon is a handsome man is that why he makes the incels seethe
Ayo, you should get an undercut, fr, fr, no cap.
don't doxx yourself again steel
He really is though
aieeeee.... how did you know...
Firestorm feeling regret?
most quality thread we've had since the tic-tac-toe on phreak's forehead one
Because we're all just making fun of one guy?
Talk about mantheon
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I wish Vex was good
I wish Vex was popular
I wish Vex got skins
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hey been a while man. you grew up since this
buff ryze but not really because nobody will play him
>I wish Vex was good
She is.
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autism general
nothing better than queuing up and getting some braindead jungler while versing some faggot shit like darius counterpicking you
He has a fade and he's very defensive about it and being brown.
Op of this post here, and yes I DO suck any /lolg/ cocks offered like any good ezreal should
Then why?
You are balding and you can't have that haircut
I cut it myself and have my mom help the back where I can't reach it..
"Ayo, I finna have the cut everyone else has its called an undercut BUT NOT a fade im about to hit up some Polish baddies fr fr on God"
nigga its called a fade cuz the sides fade downwards, its not a fucking fade if the hair doesn't fade cuz then it's a no fade undercut
What are you talking about Mantheon is a white boi doe
l-league of legends?
Tell your friends to suck it and play something else (mid). Toplane is literally the worst lane for new players. The smallest mistake turns the game unplayable for you. Mid you just play safe and your jungler friend can just permagank you. You can also try ADC since your support friend can just carry you through laning phase and then in teamfights all you need to do is hit people. Generally your participation in the match is very scripted as an ADC, plus you can't really get counterpicked.
t. Newfag that also started due to friends. Got thrown on top for most of the same reasons, suffered. Then I played one million arams to get better mechanically and nowadays I play mid or ADC and I'm fairly on-par with them even though they've been playing for years.
Yeah i love league of legends
Mantheon? Mantheon, is that you?
who's axeking
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It’s fun but have tried Wild Rift yet?
It's me, Firestorm.
was that actually steel? he is a sissy playing sissy champs i thought
league of legends his league of legends champs are not league of legends as much as i league of legends thought
oh hey firestorm the best friend of mantheon, in that case I will reveal my identity as I truly am mantheon

what's up man?
>league of legends his league of legends champs are not league of legends as much as i league of legends thought
d0ta 2
The superior game
no that was not me lol. Someone just said it's me as a joke cuz I too have rock lee eyebrows
I play more monsters than sissy champs desu!
>what's up man?
Just thinking about your cute, small brown cock and your undercut that isn't a fade.
>playing baby mode league
I know you're bad but jesus
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remember dms are not private. they can and will be leaked here
Imagine the smell.
stop samefagging and namedropping yourself already you pathetic fucking faggot
how did you make this
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>He's sucking dick off camera
>2 messages
>more messages after
I bet this nigga got jlyrolled b4
I wish I could be nice but I always get angry and argue
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that's just how we type
Get rid of the undercut, trust me, bwo.
please don leak my dms i have been grooming so damn hard
stop grooming lolgs
fidds fear actively pushes people out of his abilities meaning you cant R people on the edge
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Instead of jerking off every day I will meditate instead until I reach emerald
host custom
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It does something’s good. I want the models in league.
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Is a shit game
Password: undercut not a fade
cia faggot
you actually get off on this don't you
Idc, i see steel hi steel
I'm the one asking the questions here.
ngl i instantly stopped reading after the first one
Who is your favorite league of legends?
Ive talked about this before. %champion size needs to be a stat in the game thats purchasable on items like Giants Belt and not a mechanic specifically on elixer of Iron/Heartsteel/champ passives only. this way tanks get to fulfill the fantasy of being BEEG MAN.

Riot should also do some basic underneath the hood work to make so that champion size increases the radius on abilities up to a cap . things like Nautilus Riptide, Malphite stomp/Unstoppable force, Cho'Gath knockup would be slowly become bigger to more match the threat level of the champion.

problem is I dont know if Riot has the coding chops or even cares to pull off something like that.
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>autism dump a strange woman
>why wont she reply?
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does lolg workout?
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Go to
and try to describe your favorite champ the best you can and share the result.

It comes out as MP4, you should know how to convert to webm by now.
Is it a fade or just an undercut?
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they used the exact same ref image here lol, was a cute asian girl
whichever u wanna call it
Does that mean its Syndra or Zed
Or both
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Nilahs R is the funniest shit ever, like it just makes ganks so much rewarding. Especially if you dash twice and flash the R, people just seethe so hard
I work out my undercut so that it might someday become a fade.
being too nice does more damage in the long run. once she grows up she'll actually understand.
I used to not because my old job was enough to keep me in relatively good shape, new job is not as demanding so I gotta compensate, probably do most of it at home though
Thanks, I hate it.
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edited this
Yes, calisthenics mainly on rings.
I love league of legends a lot.
Where's the fart cloud?
how do I convert to webm?
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oh shid dms EXPOSED arc?
naturally whiteshitecels will hate curly hair like mantheons cause women like it

i dont see the spade tattoo (k'sante mark)

that is a white genocide bunny (aurora)

she has sex with black men because white men are balding losers with mini dicks
told you. nothing is secret. that's why her discord is private
really need some hauk TUAH from Seraqueen bros
i love league of legends
Donkey Kong looks so much better with his fade.
this is /cutegen/!
hello /cutegen/!
>I'm finally on a list
eh I can dig it the rest of those dudes are inoffensive
vg vs vg na pw vidya
How can you when Anivia is still a champion?
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The ASU we'll never get.

Webm for Retards.
Or if you wanna be lazy,
maybe truce maybe we play together and you stop bullying me..........
>last panel
that would require lolg is self-aware
Bounce on my cock and spill your seed on my tummy babe <3
pretty pleasee?
what is this pose
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no i have too much social anxiety and don't know how to work out
but i stay cute so it doesn't matter
New champ?
I did reply after my game finished that day. I asked him more about it since I'm not too familiar with the topic. I autism dump itt all the time why would it bother me if someone truly enjoys a topic and wants to share?
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I'm not bullying anyone and the real Mantheon/Gorilla left forever and ever.
Give basic calisthenic movements a try, can be done at home or anywhere in fact. Always good to keep active. Stay cute!
I love league of legends.
mantheon left to become my personal cumdump
and what if I didn't.......... are we gonna play
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>She's working on a shoe
That's fucking hilarious. She's so tiny.
I'm not leading anyone on, I said many times I'm just a buddy you can play league with! any more is kind of a broken record
Play with me then, chud.
I wish I had a buddy to play league with
shoulda joined the vgs attempt that just happened then, nerd!
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>and what if I didn't.......... are we gonna play
Im not good enough to play vgs or with loligs
>left forever and ever
lolg speedrunning harassing every anon off the gen
Shave your head.
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This one didn't work too well. Didn't get her gun and the outfit is wrong.

How do you even describe Trist's clothes? I said soldiers outfit, but it made it more formal.
that attempt was lousy as hell how long was it up 3 minutes ?? lmao
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Time to chill and work on Quinn butt
Have this warmup mini
ALL this shit AND we don't even play together wow what an asshole you truly are I hate you so much
all this guy did was try to edate sissies and trannies and then when they turned him down melt down about it in the thread
good riddance
All you have to do is call their undercut a fad.
wth is this cancer?
Mantheon lowkey enjoying all this attention and teasing
>This just in, local lolg trans girl thinks she can get a boyfriend despite never leaving her room.
Stop LARPing. We all know the real one left forever and ever after his big goodbye post. If he didn't, that'd be even more pathetic. Good thing that's not true.
only some of it
hwei sisters...
I play in vgs and Im terrible
wtf why did mantheon delete me
i didnt do anything
we played league together recently
This + im too shy
i get flamed im so bad
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Second attempt got the gun at least, but got the other things it did right last time wrong this time.
Prompting is annoying.
Nice lie
We know, steel
sorry I'll stop ruining his legacy now
im not steel i deleted him because im too bad
everyone gets flamed
His undercut whispers to him in his sleep.
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none of that is true
Rather fuck one
The Thresh skin designers finally redeemed themselves with Janitor Thresh. I'm so tired of dark star crystal rose soul blossom anime shit.
recently being
>he really is leaving
what the fuck have you done lolg
Mantheon seething?
top 5 worst lolg players ever to touch the game
>steel sissy
>the one poppy tranny
>the euw tourist
vg vs vg ARAM is up because why the fuck not

password: vidya
readd me silly I'm trash too I don't care that you're bronze
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>no i have too much
here is your solution maybe
shut up
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new reaction image just drop
Zaunite is much better than everyone else on this list desu!!
>pictures you can hear
>the euw tourist
post the webm
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Oh shit, this one actually worked out.
>"A small blue skinned female goblin-like creature with short white hair and large goggles resting on her forehead, wearing a small padded combat outfit and holding a very large cannon like gun, aiming it from left to right."
Bless, I believe in pear supremacy
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>>the one poppy tranny
who's the peter griffin of league?
i am not him
i just like to bully cute trans girls
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this one?
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who the fuck is this? everyone else is a champ
>Enemy top picks Kennen
>I pick Karma so I can actually be allowed to play the game
>Mid KAISA of all things flames me in champ select
>"results, I better see them"
>15 minutes later bot and jungle are feeding their asses off and mid is 0/1/1 while I'm 5/2/1
love me some silvers
>POV: she just ripped the most rank fart and is waiting for you to catch a whiff of it
What does this mean I never watched that show
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was everyone crosseyed?
A brave, bold, zesty new nigger to drop.
me thinks pyke is from bulgaria with 600ms constant ping but not very sures
they aren't about being good or stomping they're about having fun with your threadfellows
no the jhin one
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>read a guide on Morde
>wanted to try him for the sole purpose of learning how to get better at him since he's one of my favorite champions visually and gameplay-wise
>couldn't stomach the idea of queuing Draft atm and just played ARAM all day
>i just like to bully cute trans girls
Nobody on NA is trans.
t. dawt playing ziggs jungle and going 2/13
Morde is cool thematically, but playing him is watching-paint-dry tier
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>I clear this whole list
thank god
people regularly go 19 deaths or troll picks. vgs are more about hanging out than it is about street cred lp
New champ?
Tell that to Lyra who sweats every game like it's her promos
this same mentality is the exact reason why you guys have 6 hour long drama posts in the thread after every single vg vs vg
>>the one poppy tranny
>>the euw tourist
Don't know who these are referring to.
>troll picks
but i see a lot of the same champs from some of the same people...
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Seraphine is 17
that one cute faggot who wants to play poppy toplane but also finds poppy's core design mind numbingly boring so she tries to build lethality and stuff instead
I mostly play Mundo and Shen, paint is my jam.
oh wow my favorite poster in the entire thread please post some clips of you killing a guy first timing singed while he takes 8 turret shots
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Tried to do a Poppy too.
Came out with a tail for some reason and looking like something out of the Dark Crystal.
Wrong reply, anon.
oh you're not that dense shen faggot my bad
Be careful, I got banned here without even making a post last time
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Cute LeBonkers
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>slow push
>back timer
>cheater recall
>lane swap
I get cleared by everyone on this list
when will he return
>break the rules
>be surprised when you get banned
who is poppy tranny
I still have him added. I know when...
some mornings I send a friend request to HG for like 20 minutes and imagine I'll tell her how much I want to cuddle her if she accepts but then I cancel it because 50% chance she screenshots it and I get made fun of
>posted twice
damn he really wants to mpreg serasissy
>tries to build lethality
bro that's literally every poppy player here
if you play her you realize her AD scalings are nuts
Send a friend request to me instead, retard.
How do you even play Poppy top? Seems like most people have decided she's a support.
steel is already a lobotomy victim have you see him play
I have seen his disgusting face
>AD scaling
Pick one.
counterpick a dash champ or just blind her, she does fine as tank
>180% ad scaling
>PLUS 16% max health damage
Imma have to go with both
oh but you guys threw a tantrum when I said poppy isn't a real champion she's widdwy an antichampion designed against divers
his face looks average he just needs to fix his hair up and he'd look fine
Lolg Is So Mean To Me
Ayo this nigga finna have a fade!
How busty do you think Quinn is? She looks like a flattie
t. another ugly
she also works okay against non divers because theyre big and tanky and slow and poppy has a back to base button and good stats on her q that let her damage tanks
sorry I forgot the buffed it to 18% last season
Does somebody need headpets again?
nta but yes
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huge tits in her pirate skin
You will never receive them incel
it's not 180% its 90% twice
Hi can i have one
Was about to kyspost again
Only cranky Anons get headpets. It's on an "as needed" basis.
What's that supposed to mean?
big enough to make darius blush
I'm cranky Because people are being mean to me
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why cant i do good as rengar this champion is too hard its not fair..
Lucian you mean?
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Is there a difference when you land your stun?
>50%+50%+90%+90%=dead enemy
Who's being mean to you?
Thank you!
poppy is like if sion with no bonus health walked into the enemy team without ulting and tried to e q someone
>Only cranky Anons get headpet
wtf this is bullshit discrimination
Nobody touched your head why did you thank him
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>He doesn't know I'm a ghost.
Flat, modest, or honkers? You pick lolig
Hey Big L how's it goin?
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you will never be a real tsundere
he one of the easiest
We need a yandere poster
It was me with Dark Mapache for a while.
Hi chenna
would come off pretentious as we're on the league of losers forum and widdwy no one here is capable of being so crazy psycho killer uwu
Poppy is a deceptively tanky shit that will oneshot your squishies and peel herself before you can retaliate
she plays like rengar with durability instead of healing
Nah Lethality Poppy is griefing desu
half the thread is psychotic it shouldn't be too hard to find
little timmy thinks sending death threats and screaming the n word at his underperforming teammates makes him psycho killer yandere uwu
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i just came to that unbridled autism dump ama or share more spaghetti explosions
did you have sex with that picture
i have a wedgie fetish
holding hands with RR in the botlane alcove...
I understood nothing about this post
This is a zaunites enthusiast general, anon.
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What champ fits the yandere archetype best?
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here I edit it so shes smiling when she says "huge thighs, and a soft tummy" instead of saying it with a disappointed look on her face.
Please don't be mad of me yordlebro I just want to use it as a reaction image.
AD Sylas.
present day viego
i like a lot of text in my screencaps you know... so yeah that one was almost a left cant meme with half the cringe so i almost was done right away and really had to force myself to hang around for a while. then I remembered I was still attached to Mundo and finished up fast

ya ruined it
Viego. Xerath was probably a yandere for Azir before the betrayal considering he was killing heirs to the throne to ensure Azirs place on it.
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old abyssal and evenshroud fucked
people never realized until they turned it into a sheen item for supports and then they also discovered HoB poppy support
I was so ahead of the curve and when it finally becomes popular it's already been indirectly nerfed into the ground
Why would I be mad? That's funny.
I don't think Vex would agree lol, but we sure do.
Heck yeah, thighs and tummy...
is it true that artists pick their pieces based on how well they can self insert?

asking for a friend
can someone plz coach me to understand vision control
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>vision control
fake worthless score made up by adchuds so they can blame their innocent supports
guess no vgs on a friday night
It's not the case for me at least. I like X, so I draw X
i accidentally ks so much as poppy support, I actually feel bad.
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not what I mean. I'm talking about how to play around vision as a jungler. How to dodge wards to do a sneaky gank, or how to clear the enemy wards on objectives without getting killed, etc
I want to try to climb as a jungler next split
mind posting thighs and tummy for proof on that?
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fuck yeah
slap a bitching control ward to whichever bush in botlane, buy a sweeper and just kill the wards

if you're getting killed while breaking wards you're just being a mispositioned retard nothing to do with wards
hi anon.. im still losing on rengar..
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>*dives into lolg*
I prefer it when I'm not doing a nefarious build
conventional items for poppy support are expensive
>if you're getting killed while breaking wards you're just being a mispositioned retard nothing to do with wards
Yeah great advice thanks for nothing do you feel intelligent having typed up this useless platitude
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wtf am I watching?
vg vs vg
Who's Quinn's worst matchup topside?
I don't play that CBT role, so I wouldn't know.
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honkers after being squeezing by chest bindings
its malphite, you gotta ban that guy
I Love Lissandra!
Shut up and fap
aw rip I'm playing with someone else rn, briar mid next time.
Ok ROCK SOLID COCK it is then.
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>Aegis of the Legion is still in the game files
there is hope yet
ezreal you cant have sex with a picture
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vg vs vg +6
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I'm afraid that's a one way Portal jump.
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I play Gwen to fulfill my agp fantasies. Simple as.
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that's not very positive...
I look like this.
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vg vs vg bets
team with bell3nd and chenna lose
Qiqianon on qiqi = free win
Is this ai?
partially yes its ai but trained to replicate a very specific art style of a very specific artist
i drew it
so are we not playing together?
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Oh my, oh my God, I knew this would happen
I was really hoping that he will come through
Oh my, oh my God, it's only you
Asking all the time about what I should do
No I can never let him go
I only think of you, twenty-four
I'm a lucky girl
I know, I know
Before I met you
Everything was pointless
My feeling is boundless
I know, I know, I'm going crazy right?
Yasuo: "omg my team fed so hard."
Love those creatures.
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not him I just like that song
also hes a loser
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I wish Gwen was a support
>no song
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You're getting stronger by the day!
did you send him feet pics for getting to gold yet?
azakana were you lolgs resident skater?
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blind duration: 2. 5 seconds
blind cooldown: 1. 5 second.

yeah. go ahead and focus me
what would you do if she was?
vibrator and chastity cage mid game
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teamcomp for this feel?
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Just had a game where everyone had 1k+ heartsteel stacks
Mundo had like 600 ad at the end with no infernal drakes or gathering storm
Neither side could budge and we had 3 people run around on their own instead of ending until we almost lost
The last 20 minutes of the game was random attempts at taking the enemies open nexus
Late night weekend normals I guess
does blind count for kicking in the CC immunity?
can't you do that anyway?
Yeah I did a bit of skating in my youth. why
team bellend wins
just keeping track of the anons who talk to me about certain things
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time to stop and return to the greatness of season 4
Meri pls
I think you were talking to someone else but I did skate my entire life till like age 21.
zoe knotted
By Nasus right? RIGHT?
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by wolf camp
In an era where live-action series dominate the entertainment landscape, many fail to confront the social privileges of normies embedded within their narratives, often sidelining the rich tapestry of voices that make up our diverse society. However with the overwhelming response to Arcane's trailer racking up millions of views it has illuminated a profound truth: we are not alone in our quest for inclusiveness, diversity, and equity for us fellow geeks and nerds who has been underrepresented. Seeing the success of Arcane validated who we are and also sparked a larger conversation about the importance of representation of our kind in media. This collective embrace signals a shift in audience expectations, proving that the call for authentic narratives is stronger than ever.

I swear to god vayne support does more damage than vayne adc
oh shit I wonder who that was then
Doesn't matter because those fans aren't going to play the game and when Riot realized they're not getting new paypigs from it they'll shit canned the show.
this game made me transition
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vg vs vg results

another up when I get back inside from taking this piss
>1/12 rengar

literally how
ty unfortunately that is not always true
>9k Rengar
im low bronze 2
hhe was depression inting but rengar is the worst champ in the game, followed by pyke. champs do legit 0 when behind
oh that makes more sense and isn't that bad then
Reveal your woman and pretty girl list
i was just trying to not int even more and feed more gold because that wouldve mad everyone else have less fun
thanks i try my best im just not a very good player..
and this grants me permission to cuddle with raka, correct??
Good try qiqianon. Quinn dropping very soon.
Fuck no. Get up, slut.
vg vs vg place your bets
/looks down at my taki dust fingerprints all over shirt
gimme a sec
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I saw that image too was p good
yipee yordlebro i can smell the cooking
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guess i missed the lobby
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That Olaf immediately changed from a cringe Olaf one trick name to a cringe Gnar one trick name lmfao
why are you like this
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THE quinn that's been in your /r/ list since before you left?
or did you finish that one already?
That Quinn.
into a feeder

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